Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 17, 1862, Image 1

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At $l.SO per Year, alttaji In Artianic
"THE U.NIO.V' eiUlIbitl in lsliMjIe Xo, 2.505.
"CHRONICLE," esiabliiteJ ia IS 13 Wb.e lo., 527.
Tuesday Morning .V Friday Af'.crnoiin. ;
a-No movement of the aruii 's has
occurred sutioell.'. failing' of the l.i:rn
sidc licet. There appears to be a
dead .au.c i" milnan mutters, i.L;ru
ii frau-.'Ut with sU'-iit'icancc. 'i he
destination of the Ilea is J -t a matter ,
fur conjecture.
ja&llo:i. imon Cameron, la-t
Mondav. roii.i;cd his iio-itio.-i a -ve-r-tarv
.f War, and was iioui.uatid as
Minister to Russia, in place ol Cas-ius
ISI. Clav, who i-ln" lo ntum home,
and fiuhl fur the Cuion. II 1:1. I', C.
Stanton, of rittsl ur.'. is Mr. Cam,:
ron's successor, and is a ma utui incut-.
lv fitted for the po.-t.
fa li j:n i.i.avi:.
th un nf at ii ni in lu'.I 21' rr;
Tro- maM. tni rv I hrt-a-t;
Itul ni - t. il- !-. I. II -J
KrTr heart It .4 '" t'"i'
Tl-f- . i -u It. l.-e-'nv -uln-s,
Irt '-tr.wi. u. ll.nl :h. -r .- . io-M,
lave Uvit haU'U- i it.
son, John I,L-ti !i r. tii
cni'ir of .p.:.... a. aj
tra;:oro- ii
si, tl- m - n c- u. -
Aod t:.- '..' (
- k . rxl Ttm-ihI nm'.
btl I "
B.it -nr, I r ... ; I ..
II.- : .-.J !
1 f- r
1:. ii
A' i
r. t stri.
foulest, lie was
liiiifr of the rel't.
1 at !ln' Li -in-
.11. Oil. Ul.d has f.'i !1
advaiieiiu 1:1 iif.ii.ii' cut s.j.ei-.
Ue has iJc'.lvcr. 'i a :iii-a'c to ti."
lehel Vi:,;iiiia L.-i.-lalure, wi..tii i
dcciiledly the vih-i .rodaelioa that,
to our "knowli'lj''. hai jet s.Tti th
liirlit. To tiiu jtlitis to win. 111 ii is
a ldressed, this tirade of jlan.i.T iii .v
have the ttuiulaiice of uiatiiy. if.r
the preati r tl.e lui-'-iun 1 rc-j ivt.ii.'
tiie oi i'l't of . .r lou-u. !..:, t 111 t!
war. tiie more
nf isi or'.i.ce. Kat 1 !m f r ii' (:: it
ciilr.ii.f f the e-'bCiiy, wi'b uitj l. r
nn'tvr- ,t ir.tt-r. , mm U !
Hum II
t ar t 1
r-a i
tlieni :) Imt. I t a tM.
tlte tni'r"a'e. a:i-i t- '
of an ; r. i..- ! -' - I
.- il.-u to . ..-i' ! ..
liy tie t:.r i
raseal alone u . : '" ;
the theory of . .., . .j.
1 avii-j Mii:k .-!. - 1 . .
fals-lmo'l. hi: CiQ Ltot ! :. :. J : 4
a higher '(ihere.
lie ' .r'.;i.-.'s to shi-v th i? Ir- -i-dent
Lincoln i:ia'.:":ra:oi t!i s r.
Ac. I 'i1 Mr. I.ii:.-..!n ! ;, ! K :
tu-ji.ter ? and ucie JvlT lai;' f.ir-- -the
defensive j.arty ? A-ain : "The
conduct ol I're.-uh'iit Lincoln has Lien
as oji. revive and tyrannical towani
the Confeder.-.te Stufs as i!.e aet of
the Kins of tlrtat IJritain, wliich
caused our Crst revolution, were to
wards the colonies." Wt mr.v n. 1
From tlis Lisa RtJev
Lai.: lartiin uiut ftbuut t n'ci'jck
I ... turn,, mm !.- . I
kM niitioa I t - f "ir '. 1
m. I n !. g ifitt l it- I '
-., 0. ii 1 '! : ' - I
t.ko p '.s.'f-in of tbtt r-.ir'-aJ thi'O b it
i:c; Ftrutodina, we bv KfjriJ. "Wh.t
' i- ti c r.t if us 10 i t ?" I'.-sit. ' Ob they
' are uf no trc ont, njhnw." Sj the fve-
nine pd iVsin'y enniijjh, but do
' r n lets ct, bt'U were'ircl. 1 was wa
ken. 1 hi: uiiroing by the cry of " M.d
over b.arJ I" ws jet durk, imJ I c uM
h?ir the wi'trs j p'.g agiin-t our stern,
then the hoarse, gilpirz, ga-fitij of the
Dwning man aa be swept rapi-ily by U4.
I Tb. re was a I'lht ra-h above, ani tbe
b'a !: little tot out a.tero I u then a
' bu'kv, aal'T TDiee. I reii emi tr the firs'
fti. I bcarj fueh a Toice it was tl.e
ti-,bt wr.rn we arrived opposite Amapilis,
iie.r wlr we w
e tinii noa' t
'...;" Tut.'p'Jtt fnm IVrrv-tilie wrirb
tr.';.." 'II.'i; ni.l riiy !.r:i." Tbe
!a"r ' f "- i'ir'y a!-y, ef c:a It as we
ia b'r I r-1-i !e r ja eur. I bave
n -1 hit lisl!r jn a:l t-V r-
T:. 1 b-k t rii 1 -l j, '-Ke. p the in J
up, i-e-.p iii up" Ttfa an-.tUf'T jut
ay bu.kv j 1st as tumult "i'te f t biuj.''
''IL art: biaj tp.'v ''i'ut 3 ur arm aruULu
a.? " Tben I knew be w.as.fe.
I'urirj the Bit-ruin;, w bicb w9 wet and
Jrtiry, 'Jn I'lirnaide wnt fljirg at ut
fr ru u'p r sb p is a li'tle ba. He bad
e Bitj n ei.!ry bat ajJ giru cat.
"u liij 11 utl j ac cLt-r J L.in, and
- t i I a j'k 1 .! b 1 c ire 1x01.; tl.e
Corrcj'onr.oc. of lb SUf a Ctmw( J
From the "Back-Tails."
'Th. r-i!!.ini t't-r .Jn 'ini itwlf. Th. .r.tr r.i
d.i.tU ir"- n.-t .i.h : f .-t .ry .!i.,-r"!:t u; -i. tl. ri
r r -t 11. tt:. r l!ii-tra l . tut mr- !y w;.LiTo m.Vr
t'W r. TTrt-i9- lu tiie .i.e.?. mrot t lru.i t:-'. ti.e
IVitr.j ii.k N . . jpi.rtiti: niutiij.:... .u.' t ' 1.
ntiirr id tr.rj : ai.d 11 ll- rr in " njai.iut nr r
rti:. . f an uitivn. Hi) r crr..iii:y rxr-jvii !. a bnt-t.-
Drkl lr .ti . ritlbcr rvi:a 1. I'l... to D U ii.riirulA
M lib cmiaiL. uii 1-irii.vii. -:,J
t'A.MP litCKTAIL Cll V, Jail. 10,'C J.
Me.ssKS.Kus In jour issue of I'e
o: inter ol, 'b.re appeaiei to arlic.e iu
regard to ti. la e actua at 1'run -.-sviile,
w- n ten Lv a meiuLi r of il.t- o b 1'. (jiim n',
iu nbicb 1, as au eye wilutss, bi- have
la ui-.ke a few e rrecu .ts-
It wouij uppear, Irotu bis statement,
Lovaliv in KtciiMoND. We have
- been assured by quite a cumber of tbe re
l. j-ej L'ni in prisoncri of war, tbit tie
the nun o!mi titnnv iviiruE j Tims-TaLle LtwLsburx K.lwiiilJoa.
IV.:I h i' :t nil armnal me'lrff jn iL'A .-i,t ;; vii'iij
B i'. KLIN, in- h lo ai-i Jan. li-ei
Prr rh: A: Accu:. u r-e Levtiate i:55 A M
In d!!i..ii i.i the osi! pr?arti-B f r.- , T do 4: B F 4
bad undoubted etidcixc of the lujaltv of VSKe, ,r.ar. ! A .1 e.,itie leicnrar' x h, j. rpjJ is iaM
. , , . , , rr..iie:ei tu ie m.wa ul auta .le'eeKi.riU- i i ir- vi TW
agx-dnuuiberof td. ei'ii-us '.f Kickm-.Dd a mav rr'et' 'hn':vs lv tifn.. , .BJM.v. .w rt.
, ii i r . , ' ".-'t ... train pa-st- I.ea ui2 i;il A l
' :J fljg. "i that but r Ibe f.i hand the, ... the Liec-tve C -mi.,:..- , -.r totncaatwD to lOiM
of arrest tbey would openly .-w their ! '" -t ,s:"r 'hcl"'-ll; Pf-?" , .v.", U,rr, dn ll:0 P M
re now, 3.t sprin;!. as ,h(, C b siuul. j ail lU &illg. lD
e Outiututi..B, "''hip .1,. flr.. . .v .... ..... rlu,e0.t
i:ii!iieiliate!y cngag-d the Uuektils, tbe
it'.h and tbe G:h. Tbe llui-k'.t's being io
aivance, ivik the r p jui n in fr.ut i f ihc
t-neiiy ; tLt. G:u aii ourribt, and tbe
0 b :ii further to our riht. Af'er our
artillery had si.C'eid tbe en uiv's ba::..-rii-s,
tbe liticktrti's advanced at a cbar-:,
and ru stvir: tbe ci.erny iu frout, . peLei
Cr: upjn tl.tuj. 1 be G b then ciuie up
un our rgbt, and boib regiments cbar.J
au line.
My nlj ct io pivinij ibis errlaniti -n is
that tbe g.ory of tbe victory n.aj be tqual
ly divijtri between all ibe reimeo's et
jj..d, and Lot be mjucpvi i d by one.
A LtlKl'AH.
i a
If ilc i.:.w.K thttra ttat tettt-i
. . : ''' rp at 7 fiV-x. ; ij-iit-
, . a frt I rii'.iie s'art.
i t. c sl f.u s e nd ln-
. . . ; at i: a;r:-. -1. tl.etr.d lu-
I e r- 1 ly :bi-a r.'maittin,
ei.-j L.i i j i; r; l'liie.' W'ba'.
aj'.'s: i.-f a ainp is! How ft ad
a ib.y tr.'i-t 'he waters : Oat
y ia ..i .pite of ibe rain past
t..r ii.-)i-;.-,u.i; (ast tbe sulho Lnj:lih
si.ip lui ule m:b ber &l Araistrong guns:
the n.ad bad blood in our veins. One
c.-uld Dot tut feel it a menace; we have
a I a.
t:. y i
we r i
tliat wliile fin
arc riinninir a:
li traitors as L-teher
Iai L'i'.iii.i.unjr, the " op
most likely continue.
1'resident Lincoln has plundered the
public treasury, ati'l has delivered at
least forty thousand dollars to I'ier
pont to enable l.itn and his traitorous
associates in the ('oir.-nonweakh of
Virginia to nvcrthrow the JMate Gov
crDment. and to organize within the
Ftate a new Govcrnmeiit." Mr. Lin
coln's salarv. as Tresidcnt of the L.
S., for ten months, is a trifle over a tail r "Eay there, ii'a all right, keep
twenty thousand dollars ; twenty and quiet," and at once tbe eunfusion appeared
forty make sixty sixty thoueand dol- ,osub,ide Mr Carren'er returned report-
jars nv, inai ouiu t a nice
i.'av.,r c
a. ! i) ear. I n- . ' ' ' -
r.i.tf 4 t. w re i ... v .; . Ii - I -c i.
.'.(' It lit r-, ! . I . u.i r p:.:a
a- 4 ft. fa pe fa'." r- 1 I i.a it. '.,
T ' rtS st.OOlI. W j ot.rurr l, L i c
C u.d uo.y a--e o:lia li ack b ats darling
i-.aards the spot. Tue burse cries ol
drowning men, screams, o.tbs, curves,
prayers, all iofermingh 1, a black bailed
ffiiiii r lyirr t'x r", lift u ii. painful un
certainty of tiie i-xttu; .f the uisaaur
l'r joi tbe n i-e and c nfusut we iti -u'it
a tr-a-jap irt fi.led witb tro t wjs sinio;
One r-portir iiuaioed I n at be saw lb
black buiied aieaiwr .inking Indeei it
ail a time whea vol loig'ii imagine too
worst. "Oil, I aui drowning 1' "Help!"
ga-ped one. ' Let g ) uiy h g !" cried an
other. Via ou d bear ail ibese liiinga,
and ia tbe d.rioess we wera Kit to n.i up jtLe one rrpca.j lllc .3j0r.' 6llvi0
tbe pie'ure, eacu one lo Uls latcy. flooie mk.r.i mi mar..' taUa,
., , , --It, .trtnartu aiar -a. L ; 1.. ail I
ail ine U1U lull CJIiluaiuu a araia vu. u.u.
manly voiea cry out the bosky voice of
A fcirar.i;e fctory.
I'atlf-r if 'I.e i.'Ij : ju'j-n (N.V )
fr.if, a c.tik ia tbe --erviiirv -t S'i'e'a
i tie-, c utri -. utea t,o f .ili -.a i, j...fr r?
ti 1 1 pip. r u:, i. r ibe heal of ' li itn irs :"
'A ineu.b'r rf CiDtrcs lr.m Oio re
lated Ij or: t -lay a singular ruixor tbjt
m inlJ t.i hi on'iie wbn pr.ife j tiknow.
aid I it uu hr tbe l eaj i f 'Kuai.-is.'
My ruJ.rs wi.I aSi rec-:leot thai it was
said s on.: u:iri'f. ng i h 1. 1 !-u- f. r s n.f:
traitjr iu the aicy, lieneral M'Cieilen
would have cut i-if and cp'ured sonic tee
thousand rebels at Munon's Hill. It was
.n army D.w will Lave a Davy that lit- faid tl.at signal lights were sent up giving
gtria bitterness against the liritish will the ei.eniy Gotije in tn.-o to re'reat le-
bresk eruptive. There was a glare in our fore M'Cleilao c.uld perform bis inau- u-
f 's d iut ibe bay. lly two vcr. This is said to Le tro, ar.d llaf the
.."el tk e Biad Cove Tuint and p-sed tcxt day M'l iellan invited the I'reaideat
tbe ruouth of tbe I'aturent river. Tlieu to meet bim in a priv.t. room. Waeotlie
sua we tost s'gnt ot snore. I ne auo sank
t-L'ni.. n's. 1 be f iiiowiDg paragraph from
the K chained hlxaiuiiier CLlirms tbeir
i'utruitt.t :
It ('.ii trur ? Oa new year's day we saw ,
q jite a numbrr of N'ortbern meo brick ly
p. rambil .tirg our 'ree f i:h pa-se. to
I' .r'ress M .nroe. Tbey were makiug a
nutu'.er of "ralis." Amog tbetn wo m f
t e. d I'r. Kii.g, tbe Ilbode Island 'ion,"
at the Ariiagt-io 11 mi, at larg, aol in
as high a glee as hi L'niOD B.eo he has
been conferring witb. There is a e iml-re
a-:e:t in many faces, and the belief pre
v i. is that, if the wer is net waged in '
earnest, we are diomed, and that irginia
nd all the U-r l.r States mu-t inevitably
1-e o-.copird ly the Feleral authorities,
liut we d:ff-. r ith the f.int b -r'c 1 in one
repeet or fpii iu. V tbii.k tbe artry
wi.i Iijt feabrni', u i:tcir m-'y ttit itt-
ta"Tbe fullowinir are tbe S'anding
tv.Qiuii'tees of tbe I'enns Ivania II ;usc i.t
Ii-.-.rs"nia'ive f r 'be pres-nt sesiLn :
ll'i .in'.' M-nut Messrs. Arn.air n g.
Stlll'h. H b- T.) li.at'.atn. Al b tt, Ills-,
i. i Ai x it d r. l'er-i,i: g, L'l.a'nau.,
t'la '. iiiiJ:-.Z r, GitfiL.e, iiv.Vel.
Io ..-i. f M r..-r.J a-.t II If r.
... '' l-i'j ( '.' .1- r M-. asr. --.rt.
Vi'.l.i .it.-, Stn'i:-, (t.'ai-atir.) hat,u--i.,
tr nr. Il.nk-. Vinc-..i.t, lituwu, (X.jfihuBi-1-n
i.) ai.i Di-nis.
J,i ll-iiry j L -r.;') Mssr Iling'iSm,
ImtU.'id, I'.rsbini. Cbatham, V. uhr,
Cu.'hrane, ilyon, lireenbank, and liix.
J',i,si;,nf 0"iti:iiie M.jsrs Ul:s,
tiraOalli, Gr;ict. ll-'s, ( riill,0,) Iatts.
1' IV'g. r a: J 1! I--.-1.
i-i.-. .in 7 .'-A- i''. Messrs. ?:rang,
Kaiue, Vinc-ne. MClIKxIi, yi'gley,
liiar.srrir i a'.d li--f be.
AjrU ui'uirnn'l M mtiir'tirei Messrs.
Cr.J", Caldw !!, Windle. ThjOisoa, liar
rjU. llatchman and Lebn.an.
j; !.!:. M-..-srs. Kihutt, PafSc'.l,
I. li.-, I'.vin-, Ij:i!.y, ('i.-eere.) H -i ei'i,
II. rly, I'C.eilao, Tmitclif-il, II jus-boMer,
1 I. K. Iip. ilowiand, lie- kins, (I'ni.a-tieir-bij.)
and Wioiley.
J'fjnk Me-ars. Crane, Rosa, (Lua?rne,)
Abnott, I racy, v .iriev, 1. boa-la, lir .wn.
Ad ir.ea.i 1 1 li.-i;u..'n S.-nof-s are -rr.'e i
' it. atietiil. Teaebers ab-er.: w: I pa-e !
rhnr ciru.r. so it.ai it n-av he .r.e-wu wrio
! want a pr. per i.-i'-:et is 'be ra-e.
D. Hal KtSCOllX. CS n I.X. leUl.
Xew Ijeriin, Dec. il. l-dt
rpii a:
.1 b"
In Ion Count) rl lroclmntlon
HEKKAS.ihe n. SAM'hS.V. Oi'
IJi-lrier if lTnvivaira. e nT'-"'- t-'I the
'ur.""i vt rm.ti. M l-n an.i Sriy'ffr. an-J
J V SiMnT" ar.il m W ALt K--i.. A
c:a:c J;i-f ; ir. ! 'ni' n c--:.nr, htr ui r
precpp:, kari:-: a:p ihr --"-.h .tv of li-c.
ant t" in rff :.. I r ihr h ' i ;r,? 'fan !
rpl.r.ns' Cniir.. r :;r: ri ti rrnTa'-'i I'.f n-. rr
ami V' T-n c r. a- i (.--n-ra! -iarlT ."s-u n j
at l.!:W!M!l'Kii. i" r ih- r-t-ntv if t'M'.
i'h 'h'ThiM M r.'av of rrf-ruir . M'.:1? the '
f !i i i ; 1'' an ! t ennt :ht? t. n? wcl;, '
, ; t -s Tiif-'-i r" t.Tr v ir;ven :r- r-
i r.T. J-! re- : 'hr :r ar.i? C -n-iS: in
a i I r '." r.iri'v f f rm. n.tn apTtr :n ihir
oxti pr -r p.-r- rs with !hir rrrrd., imj'Ji-
t: ni'ii-r ani fhr r,?nT'iTil'r?.r-rs
t.- .1.. !,,. wh rh of thir r5f ar ;n
r.if .r bha;f irprlam t.. t-r iLnf ; ar. '. aV V.'.r
r.fo'f' a'. 1 (''.hr fT"t pri.-eriiu..2 n th.: ,(
,-l :h- l.'i'.nTi r.w.il:n a5-i.:il i.y p' i"s n t r
p-r-.-nv, art r'.,:i:re-i tu lY-n an i !!;rp
a" t-ti'iii.sr- at.' n -i depart vi-.d-di! :tve z: U.c
fTr. J.ir'r are re.jn-.ed l" br puLCti:al in
tt"iT ri iauce ai iu aVpj;L:c'l t.me trices
r, td n.iiti'P.
(i.v-'-n r.i. iT riiv h?.i nnJ sea! ?.l .he !nr
:Vs itilit-e :n !. v. ;? ;he f :h ...:v t :
H -irtrv. A 1) ; ' - a-. 1 u. b'h y-ar . j
. . !..!fP f .. . 'u fi-m ( t .ui-r.-
I,. F. A I.HRI'iH T, Sh--3
a'l wh fi i: mar ci.r,cfrn: Wae ,
artrle f affr-mf nt. entra, in; ty
J3m',-i Mar-h, Marh. rfaarl-c
Var.n ani E -ha Straub, 'its parnrra. doirf
fi-ir)T.$ onr1r f,rrn r.arre f Vanli S:itt
& t-'j- drtie.l Mrtrrh J 1, 161, be aaii firta
wa d ssi.'v- ly mu:ual c r.ut iae tstid
ttraub b?if n: 'aTirr a rr.f ruber of ta i 6rm,
aii-r tr.? dj'e of ae'f-iiei, of vhicift ihm
pdajnc wi.i f:eaie uke notice.
EUsiiA STTtAl'B.
"ftl.ff-ir f V-k -5 ru C , Vl- J -f . Uaa.Ga.
THE r.sr-e Frarre rwriLTa
jl! il on Markfi Mrel, t-' wtrpo 4'b asdS'h,
"u:h su.:at.e i.r i fauuijea. For
.fjr'.er r--r;;co:ars. ir n;r f f
Jan. 17 J. B. M'l. A I dHMN, AfEt
THI OatrHi I H IT sj I SIU tutJTII
HE Ac-ior arr'n-' tr the Coon to
a';ii)i. s;:le ani a insr th acrouti of
hi..pMfhI a-ir.in:;ra;ur of iosrh K.?-f,
Ia:f rf KC'y T; I " r. i o a rurifr, dc'd. and to
! nmice diiribo!i.,B of the balarre in th baB"o
: of ihe accauQ aol to an 1 m of tbe creditor
ard hc;r nf a:J d reeo', cee: tho
part.f-s inTpre.!vtJ fir the purpose of bis p
pomtmeat at ihe effite of Orr.f A Haves. it
ice biTcuch v.i Iwitburz en SatTCkBAf, Feb
ruary d, iS"2. at to oVcclc. A. f. of -lai-Var.
s Vf ET. H- OUWIG, Audiicr.
! I.e irjsjDrg, J-n. i:t, IsSi
Heal Estate.
Orphans' Couit Sals.
t cnr.i: AUI V to an cr ier of the Orphan
.A L -i:r: . . I i::-.o ceui.:r. ;he ai.U
.1 rnr a: ru.-lic fraie as loilt.was
On Sofnrdor 1?h .Tnn ZfCI nn
List Of GrinJ J uIoTS, l'tlf. Tlr,l M . , 'he pr.in. es, in The tcrrcati i f S: fi.ttun.
.7,'.J.r j.t. H V- 01. i ...e ae. i.rru iie.ii. ueet pe-j ri.r ia ena
.. . IS VV Hater. Ji.tia Hr'. Jwie
Have'. J .hn I! --ich-r-n. J - IJ'een. Tt 1-
',,iir, h
' J
i i 1 a-Th. iu- t ba
A Jar, b K
7 fi'- v sa:r
K ' ti envoi.'
lift ur?" Jab Ii:r. Jaml Baker j
W'-.f ;'.aV-J II KVrkofr i
f.G-'vk'ir.. M rhael F.sher.Sr
. u- li rn rhnr V.'a ier
.rtrr. cec d:
,f i t' .T. ia:- is tt- HruQfa ; M.fC.ct
' i.e- . ( 4-i 1 V-ivr;r 1 rlar-taV il. t-B Lb a. t It tj W
r : rvvi. J r tt: --t ( y i-1 f J! Ln ttJ..f'.
tu uiiai j p.-r-m Bsorv-ir W. vtlt- tbr i in r i hub.
1. 1 ..ir;r 1 1 t k. B CawOaJ.i.ayla lU'ClttVSW 3ii'Jf , Btttl
;UtLL u.t-rctao.
S A .t-r:.'n Mt j-: ff jT-tii. J ;tDa?f fa mH tr
nu'h of Hiliut'iT. eat, rt tS -Lirrt4- Lot." aWaa.Br
i i i a tr ii..:'!. . & i- t ' het.y 'i i. t. in tLr ttst by
Wit . t 1H fui.oa th- tn b Ifirlct crfBarT. C ftfffvc.
rtt iklr-,r-cn'iiJBliai
IWi.M - k-f ) at :
ui vauii, lie muuj lUltC I"I!.'bS IU t l i 1 . i ao. -
accrd:r,2 to calender and mv watch 4.50 .1.. . . ... . i c... . ., l.-''''""'"'' v.ocor.n ,...r...., .sei-
o . " u . u .ia. .eu. i.i etuii, ueuerai
o eioc. tbe moon was uirecfly over us
farm! Perhaps the empty treasury
is what prevented the rebels from ta
king Washington ! If I'ierpont is a
traitor, pray what is Letcln-r? Ac
cordinir to this doctrine, all Unionists
ore traitors. This. model Governor
then jrocs to work and twists the
declaration of Indepfndencr to Fuit
Lis own fancy, applyinsr it to Mr. Lin
coln instead of George the Third, and
in a manner wliich is refreshingly
false, lie would have his stupid Leg
islature believe that Mr. Lincoln is
nn absolute, tyrannical monarch, in- over a boat containing 23 men and 19
Etead of w hat he is a quiet, eentle- were saved. The Colonel aod Oapt. Ken
manly leader of a misrlity. intelligent net and the reporters went over to the
people, who have risen and will never .Cbasenr," to which the rescued were
Btop until such traitors as John lVteh- ,akeri. 1Bd f,,anj theT h-looned to tbe 21st
1 rf
Mass. Some were very much exhausted,
ing tbat be bad rescued fuor men, three
clinging to the surf-boards and one to the
wheel, nearly exhausted. Some one ou
the steamer had givm tbe order to start it
up, jist as he arrived ; be called to them
to stop. A man in bis abirt-slceves on
tbe steamer asked hiiu, "Who the d-vil
are yoo ." " If I bat j you by the throat I'd
show yoo who I am." His ordering bim
to stop, saved the roan clinging to the
wheel and others from death. Tbe stea
mer, as far as he c -uil learn, bad run
M'ClcIlan, and a third rer id, wbo-e narte
the sky mottled, and along tbe west, long not gitcu. (jc0. MX'Jeilan aroso and
i.x sireaksex ended over the oranceelow. , t. I.i,,.ln ok.i l.a. . i. i....i
hee l betrayed, and tbe traitor was tra.d
t3 three persons, as no o'her pers 'tskjtw
That is as near s 1 remember it. Justaf- of the plan or tbe signal lights, and tboso
tcr aunset we passed the mouth of the To- three are Lefute you '.' He iben contiu
tomac. Ai tbe request of Mr. Uently, re- ued : 'It is utterly impossible that Gin.
porter for tbe I'biladtljbia Inquirer, I Scott should tetray his country; as f r
furnished a complete list of our Company, myself, I claim to be a true man ; and be,'
with their places of residence. Tbe otject p liutingto the third 'c.n answer f.:r Lite
is to be able to furm-b statistics with ease self.' The aococd was mute, and did not
and correctness. The other Captaius fur- f rctend todeny tbe charge. Hcwasbi0hio
niabed them also. I went up to bis state- command, and as the st ry goes, it was
room, and while there, Capt. Uennet came th-ughi Lest to silently and V-jictly w:ib-
draw him from any pariitipaii .n in tbe
war fur tbe present, rather than to confess
io treason in high places.
cr are swept from the earth. That
Mr. Lincoln wiehis a power which is
to the door, " Come out, gcutieiueo, I wish
to show yon something beautifui." He
took us to the stem. Tbe moon (.till dar
kened, the waters like daik green glass
the wake of the ship, as straight as an ar
row, boiling, wbite with foam, extendi' g
out until st. ped by tbe gay bow of tbe
I'rag.OD; ind.-td it was beautiful. Tbe
Captain returned with u, and gave a suc
cint history of his life master of a ship
io the Persian gulf at IS years of age
three times around the world "2 years at
sea keeper of tbe Minot Ledge light,
house away Ly acciJeDt at I'oston when
iu.n. I, nnts, I batbam ana U-jber.
!'-v, ii ir. Messrs. Scbroek, (J "Vi!l.
Tw.t -l.ell, I'.. x, Kennedy, Labar and I uX
17ee ait'l JmrAor-ili: Messrs. Wake
fi -Id, Uonley, (Lireeue.) Ilenois, Warner,
A'mconf, I'e'ers and Hu'chuian.
. '',o.,ii rirkii Messrs Happer.Tut
tou, liatcs, Labar, M'C.y, Hall and Ds
Ijne. tVi.'ms M"sr. Tracy. TA'orley, Gas
kill, Cowan, tjreenbank, Gamble, M'Cui
l icb, Hcebe and M'Clellan.
A'.-i.i, Riilj-t ii ('mn's Messrs
Li:hteuw illner, H-.pkir.s, ( I'hiladelpbia.)
ilus-; II, He-, M'Minus, l'ettrs, Uamsty,
Ub .ads and .'oltciier.
(' ' rprfit!i,ni Messrs. Hanks'. Cowan.
SbroeK. Widley. KaiDe, Srri;h, (I'hila iel
phia.) Il -nry, M'Manus, Kesa, (M S.n.)
lii'tir, M'Clellan, Kennedy, l'.ex, Uusby
and Q liIey.
l.ilivtiu Messrs. Williams, Smith,
Travorv Jiiiers, iVlru.try ier.u, . :.
;,.M.f. J hn irao. 'r
l.'vi-'-i'.J ilas. i F Shatr. J.-. M
Evans. B-n; Civ, J li'."'.ii A a.'-, lie ts"
H.'liin. Martin llr.il ach, J-oho liroan, C
it K.:r. s isiti'l Vfirp-w
y:r.'.t,--ainl Har mao. C T Emery
j H'ri.n 1 : Weizel
i -r.-.v c ii Hnnier, Jac E iker. j' T Jij-:er
. d I'rie rs. I'a.up Ue:,f.r
IT-- i: ir.. Ze..ers, 1'iauk TaQs:.
J hn Frir rs. T. tar1 !rti"h. lie.. V ajier.
IiaviJ K-eeki.rr. Cunstua lui .e. Zacnaoab
, L:man. I-..I.C Z-'l.- rs, Israe: V. chr
i A'ja linf.J-1i .hn Vtrfnng. Juo s;ri'becl.er
' Dav. t Ke. o. W I. Hirri
( ii n.i Ph.l.p Vtuas. Chas Caw.ey, Sim.
Mover. Jane H-inin-.t!. Charles UlJt
i A'.i'v Jas I'r..i
! Cr-' ti '.er
il'.r.l-fh hn Fx. Uv Haack.tm Ytur
li Trtl-t-n J.hn Ve-cer
is aB4;-si"rf;iffi,iT iria- vi'b tbsBTfbrtci
,. Aa Ln. ! V ... . - r. . i- tell- lit
t r rr ar.d tl'uav; !b IbI4
i- rruh. r- t-B j-U ! :fc dutUi jj n mki-y fiiB?pBa.
n !'..i r. -t Ly t T- f i 1 aui V :in W ktaH4 bjd
J Ln i'' l t.et. tu llaa . tj'fc t'T 1' t rf Kvl. J i ABf-B B.
(an; in -si ! - :-t-: J. V. .:. va'.aUC.i-J llati
I cm i't-. Be rn r Lr-. w ;ii tb Btiyari-aTaBrgjr- nv;; Ibbi
1 a . ,r.i..ii:'' t. n, -.t,. ! ejj u, tlttttMU bj BV
MtU-tvcl aLIcct it. to IW-i U .-i.
On .Tt:iHaT. 2-th Jan., 1S62. tt
;he H -if I n lan. V. e.ieti.aut. ia nrTB,t!a,
r cvy-.xj, me lui.owiLg uact ol lua at
- ii,-r m-1 nr f 1t cf .nnd r:ti:at la ratB
My e. r. IV
.BiaaB Bd-
:.iig lT.i. vt llL.f Mr". I'ni-l E--jr. IrUeBt
hut O. Mortr!,, Iti.lVta- .fj tent. Bt-!)r
- U.r pf urt Dan . Hm Mix. beiiz TIM b IB
Las if.
S.i! to rirrr-rre at ore r'c'oek ia tho
afterooon of each day. whea itrrtus cf aaltvlil
tt iuaue (.i.. irn t y
v ;-r Han Brirar.Fr Kuterbaier !
ilurg Je.hia tijitrUus, V m 15i arJ't.
1 tratorav
' tit a?
?al a-.d
tl v v . r. - , t ( Chester.) and Armstr n
I be .New lork Timrt, of yesterday rub- -,. . , ... ., ,
lisbes a lei'er fronj a person cf ali g
hiathauthnriiy. defending Geu M'Cleilau's
plans of the caaipaigo. The correspon
dent says :
'I can understand your own impatience
and that of the public; but tbo greatest
fault-finders, and most timid aod faint-
y -ri .il easrs
Klanehard, H iip-r, Heaver, K ii..!t, ilam
cy, Hoover, .'u.f, Josephs, Lehn.au, Tut
t.m snd Hall.
C mpiTe VVa Messrs. M -re, Lichten
wal oer, K riy , Kowiani and liusby.
J.Vfi'i Syni Messrs. Miannno. Hon
kins, Wa.bmgton,)?m:ib, (Philadelphia.)
almost irresisuible, none dnv ; but ai f,al were ffiis'ing' We leurDf d !be
tllia power he holds bv reason" of his nfx morning, tbat all were recovered,
olose alliance with his people.-vho love and that the ais.ing bad not been in the bji ,1, books, charts, the collection of 22
liim, and because he is fearlesslv ser- boat at all, and came on b;ird in the mnr- , , M.,,i-lt,ltl
Scott. Winl t. Cr4oe aol a-Ivtra.
hearred patriot, will be all aglow with a j- , JnVrrx;, Mf-u-rn. H.-kin-i. (Wa-h-miraiion,
auJ aJmit, witb uiinecj Phan.e ington.) Alfitnder, S?!ler!. .Iu re. Itmg
nn (Via r.ari ,,f iU i.; I aa .. .t iw. ' htTtv. .Mvts. Tae. Crai-j. lism.n. M'Ma-
it toppled .oto the .e. e.rrying w.ih it w, tf , , ,b & . kin, Kreeland, Donnelly (i'h.ladelphi.,)
has been imp lative, and that the appar
t MO lOl M "a.
'TAT EM r..T. p-irsnant ;. I.a
:rerite ra.u t a.l r r
ers..nat. art ot;r: ai. 1 m.i.i'- 'exeeri
a-a ro-- vtlti.n aeh r.'.er.-a:p a:.C t' t 'irti,
in the corny .! I iron, subject t i i-jt;- n.
hv 'h lairs of this l-4-ir.in n wealth, wb'-h-r
f -r ji-at. I' un'v. T.-wu-h'P ut 11,-r. ii?i pnr
pusea, made an-1 returned by the rep-rt:re
A.i. o toe atrrea..i letari.h-ps ho-rjUL-hs
tu the Cciuaitssioners at iae;r ci;;.-e
in l.ew.tvir.
3 as
T X purtnanre rf a ;b;rj p.Jur.tis cr-ier of tho
X "rphar , C'rrurt (f ln.v,a L'cun'.y, tta
unr'er-ired, A imiriitriTi r r.f KtaVii.Miv
aiaf-tiBt-B. (.v:ceard1 H'e .f ButTaioe icwi-s::-n
in J r n:.'y. cpi!,e at Pablio
a. ar tbe Kn-el i f Jaccb Jjeckarti, in tt
bvrv.t:?ii l : V. :II.nbariT. on
Safai day, 23.ii Jan. Is6ll,
'.Le fi:i,w:;- ;?ec ribed Pea, rT'ate. lo wit
aTra-t nt firs-t -rate L..VfcSTO."E LANDa
uaie in Liinesuue h-wnkh p. I ni-n cccoty,
a. .ui i i.e un .e vri oi M i;.arturgf on aon:li
i..Je vt the T.;rrp e. a-uurff Iad of ia
muel Stioetna'sfr. Charies UoTer, Gecrgo
Kicciiner, farija:iim .h.-. mber?", WtJliaaa
F. r-:-r ar.d c. he 1-5, t-uLta aV.u tiH ACKft.4
and 37 p'-rrbe. u i'h the purtenancear
axai vne-haif of h:rh 1? cleared and irR
a g-K -1 iaie ol cu.uvki.oD.aod the ba.anceZiCr
; tii nm.-ere 1.
j tate h ccirmence at one o'clocfc.af.erncam
i of :a.J day. wQeA icriiiS wi'l be made krrowa
I Dec. Id, IS3M Ada'r A
; r a - 1 r
aod ijrtnt.
City Ptntfnyrr R iifron(i$ Mtrn Wi!- r K H "
Thig die purpose for wlich lie was oiog. One em imigine lfc feeling- of of Xxix 0ut to the 8ea a-aiu at,d eDt 'Qac,ifit of Cit'D U tttfn d-y, Uaprcr, livt., Graham, MVoy,
elected much to the chairrin of such 'ft,,;, eomrade.. after thiiikintr of them
rrucuiani villains as Joiin etcher.
i ... - ' . . 1 l . " "'c nr swent out toward tbe ocean by the , . . ,, .....
fiiizeus ot tbe ."-ontliern L'onledcraev ," '.. .. ,, : mi, .u. u u.pii u.. .
., . , . ,. , . e, .. but a eompuisory part tf bis grand p'an Caldwell, Wtidmr, K tier, Hrown, Brown, d 2
Captain of one of the best vessels of the , . . , . . x a ... ' S : r
nt Iha r. . i . n ami . . ...n.... , ,w .. I . , . . I 1 1 . . r r... . 1 I hnm..nn anI VI un.,
X - a. a a x x .
. m as x -J :
lOi: KKNT.
IKOf lat i Apr.l aei'.ibat new'j-f-
' biuii LKH'K H"! MO t o the Keriii
K-a1 in the soa:ri Ward, nv rccuri.J L
Pre I Hr id. Inquire oi Ma3.Vl.CT
Lewisborr. lire. !. !?t
of the eampaigo, and a precursor of vatcr (Mercer.) Thompson and Warner.
and more comprehensive result in conse-
inu! vi iu--.uiiiiii.-ru irfOiueoeraev , , ... , , .,!,. i.v ' r nuence
and th0sC of the North has ceased tb , d"k ,"ft c""eo'; " 'h ,m Tt however before be left, that h. had ,
Clist." As re-rarels the common and UP "r ,oe " carried troop, io ill parte of the world.
honest portions of the citizens, this . eunligbt of the m ,rnmg, in fu.l Tigor ot fcut ta bii Delr fieen M we bcbeJ Mt
Mi' ami rfli'iienia Mesr. I.yon, ' - o .
Iioilieu, Householder, Wak.Ceid M'Mack- "1 i x
. . .1 -.r 1". Iiess, i on, ii-i'.ver, i-'i-mr, u pas. is- c c c
'1 our sugiresuon. to attack Manassas, vbdkU ' . I.hll.delpbia,) Kline Ind Wetdl
assertion is as lalse as laetcder. iiut Hie. ' 0f men ,be p.no'., 5i,t. The reporter
throueh the Ion? continued, systemat- ' Wednesday was indeed a bright and to!J m(j he bad L4rJ Gen BurosiJe fiJ
ie and wilful misrepresentations of all beautiful day. There eould be bo Boer , u. our f imeot WM , credi, , ,ho j-,.
hepeople of the North by the blatant BCeoe, than we had from the deck of oar fc..T lu n
honest and noble-hearted Somherner, T"w'' "! "w ""a" "' DtI " "id ,Le aP'iiu'rf
nrc Jed to believe that we of the """"-- t' "
North nrP , ..otinn of HpoV.mna nnrl Tbe wmd blowing briskly, waters upark-
.v.n at fh. ri.t nf .I..fau. J
-v..., u two l .uu'i if
mat we bad better be fceaieo iliao rot to, Pnntinj Messrs. Cowan, Xeiman. Scl
p.ieces, is not like your usual goed sense, lers. Tate and Hnry.
Any military man would tell jou tbat to fM'c Jlui.','j Messrs. DaiE.ld,
hurl our forces agvinst those strong en- r,',uSher,7 J fretiatd.
trenchiueo'a would be sheer niidness. ' Co! H,.r.n. nf Mi-.
...., .t '.".a.H-- 1 1 .. . t. f ... .
Sj I went to bed, expecting to wake up ". I C "fc ' ' M' 01 ,M ri'Di" ' ,rorf " 11
at Old Point Comfort- lint we f,.n..t the IUelr 0WU ,r,P- To re i,ke f "x iu ,I. "I ' 'J bfe aw a set of
J. SJ 1J
- w3
. tc r 1
- ; gllf. (Farm yparafelj.)
- ? 1 "lAI. CABLE pri-pertv in Limesione icwa
a ' ship (i'.;rrr.erly liiitia'.u ) I'nton Co. Pas.
- - abont 6 miles west trom -Near BeTim aad 4
2.5: inn froa. MifHinhore. It renls ai af.00 CaS.
f S. The FARM i 140 4rrr. all in ri-J
liva'li'n an I-.!aiii! prnloems ICO haahels of
Wheat a two-slorer llwell.rc Home. ft-aaV
(nenrlr new) a S.TO.NE EAKN,oTershiii
Tiro I'rchar.'.s a jqp-r or
.".iP SAW-MILL, and a Circuiar aw.
1T:!'J:I-''.. ni driven by ihe lar;e Water
' ."ii. -Power if Pe.ltlS Cre'at. Wlibaaa
?. :;u it res ri 1'ine aou Heuilic.Z
e -
Tilths, ruled bv monsters comnared Wvg in tbe fcunlight, little boats playing , . ; Mackerel sky and mares' "b n"e ho"' wnoro th? "' urn as badly se.red as yours were on that
- . - J . . . l . . - rw. . e . 1 - - c , SOOn ti. fitre.il nnf anit .Inn !'i-' I
rill fail upon them like a thunderbolt.
occasion next nun . ' -i
' i .
'Ry particular req.iest, Ihe Semi, n v.-
villi whom Nero. Cali-ula. Calaban. to and fro. due picturesq-ie saorc tne . - We waked on
ani such like ancient di.'uitaries.were fine old low'n, een to perhaps greater ad- , i .v. r. , v - -nt,i n wnl fail upon tl
tuiaits. Moreover, if we can not live ' vantage from here than elsewhere it ' tee 50 paces, dripping wet, dripping-such ! The P"l,!'e wil1 no' ,hco eclBP,',i of Lii P,ched bv Ky. Ur. ,,. e. the I8:h
sor.ean.ilr, it is not likely that we scene I shall oot sood forget. About , BorBiBg at IiekeBt loe. to dweirbe. i ""'t(' 1 y- u it wid be s. iember, will be repeated ty him, next Moa-
1.-.' VWIM nei-rrirvor ; OtlO 3 Vnet in theaftern jon.the brii Dragon I ,,-aV. ,j, .,, l,if M . icariui as to nave wai.mg.ua niium:ng da, evenmr. 19 h
rmt Illl.Bm M-11J.9 .n.U-il . . ... . . .. s n... v.. .........
rule the wl.,.l r Ji.;..i, be seoot were towed up ana nucoe
Party shall it.'l.' io .1.,. to ours. We were hourly ia expectation
Once more. Lefhcr tells us. with 1 f ?"illg'
lighted cur pipes and went on d.ck. Soon
we saw the masts of vessels looming
Knowing what 1 do, a,.d I bave thus but
Somewhat after dark, I waa fc xUe f tbca lhe Tei y, j "-JiuteH a. a. tbe grand plan of the
preat folemnitr, that " Virginia will st.uding on deck, a little boat came aroand tn(J the Rip.rapSj 1Dd Fortrcse Monroe. ' " P 'b 1 . T" . " U,e T!Mi ,r,s
under no circumstances, retain .it.v- .or .tern. "Coss.ck" out Lieut. Mor- . . n. lh. m.D 0f ... ,he sai. dmed ,ni ' "ever again
. . t ' . r riti !( rlTiln l.Jt,l -. lka inwl Vt,.
niJUro;c day eveumg. 19 h iut . in the Pri-bvTena:i
Up irom everj C1 -ir hero L u?eL .Id. charch, c. rnmencir.' at half pat six o'clock.
X i w
: n Zi x
"COL llartranlt I Uja wivari ,b, r;
, Then we bad our ord-
look out for threo rockets, Eogiueer then
proprisitio,, from any quarter which ris ynice, "Aye Aye
nave iur its ol.i-ct a restoration cn board?" Sir
vr reconstruction of ihe late C mon
oa any term- :M conditions whatev
er." We toln !.,.. . r .t.t ...
... --v lea.e; .ii nils wullllv r. c k.1 1.
1'T latiinitin.rii, ,t,, . eetuniteam. One gun, first brigaje w
little f.-llnw j Washington by the s,,r' ,," Cun' e'snd : thr"' ,he ,h,rd
rameof M Ch!ian,wi,o, accompanied Morris looks i gay in bia gig ai he does
by a few friends. may tall upou him ' on bis bay. And now tbe evening is -pent
aird offer term? of" restoration'' wliii-h il, nfli ..r iliseassinff our destiua-
Liav nut I...;, i., . 6 .
-. ...-ill iv ILlUSCIl.
and cheered.
" in', 11 hi .nt " , , , , i i j i j '".as ol the giant conatnetor are new tt,
tr. "I alt Bin. oot. riJmrnfj the cheers and our Land played . . , ,
l-. . i.r;.i,i ; , .... ii- . . tentng aronnd the rebe lion, and the c
ders. Keep a bright tbe Star iracgled Uacner. We anchored . . ' ,
We. the
:he prorii
the a-i e.,i.
irv ett-
On tl lll'n in.t..hT K.a R . F.n. SVMIF.I. STAN- f 'h m"
NltlT. of L....l-tir. ani alias SlsAS. eivllalinS, i or, r-i toe
I K., V...II. J I n '
in ine l"S in-t . i.r tli. "an.. I'tMU. V. t ? ICK.
of K..I K'iii .v.ai.1 Ml.. takllUKKtU KIL'llaKU.
H..t I'.uS.I
i.n 1', i I i..t . V. Kr. C. It f. i.trb. n tit. I M
W . lire IW N aui :iiM a A Tat Srflll'lt, bua.01 boat liaH.
loe t'.an.fcir..
stoue, have two houses of stone, about an ,
acre in extent. It reminded me of lhe top ,
of Mount Washington. I fpent some;
lug month willsjo it crushed out complete,
ly and forever. Again I say, look out fjr j
iirajuuura iiXarUct.
Corrtcliii V.ttkly
Wheat 5-115 Kg?....
K'.c o'J Tallow .
60 Laid....
Gen. Fremont was oa the lU;!i it.st
. .. ... . M' J . L. - LnfiieH t'lf. t 'il'l "rirfCiti i 1 F,ir,.-I..a.
time iu loeiiiug ii oewau poiu. uu iuo ; - -...-WW...- yusu
various tiointe of interest around us. The tlDi! Conitnittee on the conduct of the 0ats
' . ',. nn,l ir-ivia lii li.ctimfi.ie n. ...1. . r . -, ,
tlaxscca I,.)" csuon.viue
lh-ied At't-ics S 1,2a t'lovorse-.d
satisfactorv explanation of his course Firkiu Uutter I') Pi.tat. ts
Fresh liutter... It Country Soap 4 i.6
jyL i '"'ie sleighing is Cne,Iiereaboah3 , 8' V
iS Ham
..... ... - i :i.irf . War nno it:ivi Ins ti'litnoiiv nt miin:i -i .j
lion. Lieut. B.air nas.comic piausmie f e;eared off so as to offer us very gooa . .riu...
. . i . -t.- ..s ;n l.n.l .. Unr... ; . . ... i.... t .. 'eii-ui. li is mm io ue a inn aim I'ried Affit
-"' atnuci colt, mrcntnr of Colts 0 im "i.'" rt- Tlew. ABJ l0 enaetn our voj.ge iu. i.r.
ti . t iK(1 'Jt " 'ford. Conn., oa IcUcol. Bay, i loricta, pusa ou .uu tni wben T0U rf(.clie tnl, JOu win oe is iu t, w to Deparlim'at.
I'll! lilt I in.l ..." . . . . a a .1 -t lT- ..,..1T?)l 1.-
- ... atucu, ui atuie aiUcK Ou JalaUassa aba me ranraaa., jieui.vui. utu . in the darK as to cur oeBtitauoa aa
uaia- ia the Seoul w.Jl lauJ &; CeJar Kfji and t we wIm; .m.
5 15
. 8
. 12
9 &. l
.. 6U
va .f r-antJ. ia accor iiare u a
n Ca'nia ue,l m ;he 1 ! h fccii.-n 1 1
.r J A i Aci w pr vi le lur lite r r-n--
i f vinn'n'. p..Ta.eut
r. t cf S'l!,' ..." A- ap-
:T-h day . f Ja'r. p'it..h me
H!:(;hbv .ivn i'i r.ui; r:cn. Tnr r
Thurs t.-ir.'..- f F'-Ht rarv n-i:. the ('m-
m xi .r.r. wi'l mft1! at th-ir f !f'ie in l-ew-isur.
!.r 'he e'irp "e el aetenoininz lie h
er any f fh va usih n rf the A!p. i
h.ive l.ecn ma e iVArf a jiil rav. acoruini (.
ih nicariir a.-.ii in;--:.. n i in- Iii--jr - r
lo whic'.i ..:i.e. .he.- icce.r a:..i (- ut"-r
th wru'r. r-.mntinira:i"ii i.f ary isaS
inhi-tiant of the cr-infy. rc'afr tt av rr p
ertv which -'ir h tansr! lnrta.". int i be
lieve t' hae been retture. t,-o w. Inlorma
11.11 r f-'PT'tnl'v c!xiieil.
Utven at!'1-Tinirn.Tit!s.a' . nrOrreat ! ,
isburg. the 4x " f Jnnarr,
1AVI H. KKI.l.V. i
J. M WAf.TiOK. !
Attest: A- Ka5iT, Cier'2.
Ti:.; lit.fi L..M. The Creek is navah'a
(rtt:-i tv ra"; ilowa I.jmter to the R.rer
ar-'l ('ana!. The P.iw-V;!l i capable of ai
kir.17 7av Tlu uanrt 1.!m. of viw
y-aritf. The farm. t-aw-VtM aua Tibr
iaar-1 ali a 'j -in. A UUul. o( IKON t-EiJ cn
rhe pri ern e rcraniii'.ns Mcclcur E.Jj
f'!diti trt'jn 11ativ:!e.
Fri,. -.--para'e'v. z'. '- pr ?rr.
t Tne prt-r.-.-f s t e 4 ) ! err lew (It
five pavr-fi.) as lhe uwcer I ves 17 Q.il
iVt in. ait.1 is tuj asfv! to at'en.l te il proper'.f.
K.-r fnr'.her a:f tmaii.'n. apr'y t. Jons Hi,
;Tanucr) Airea:, near the pr( rr;r.
Sjabjry, Pa Oct. S4, lf514
"ill! S- r Eotn la'elv ar.-npiai by
J A. M. I.awshe. Uane of
1 th
or ysr .'ro:o ih ii of .a. rtril nxi.
the f.r.i Blilt'K II it.sE on er-a.
n.ilt M- .-U.n Ot .Vl.li..', aCaT t i CLip.seraV.
rv liev.Mi Le.bbach. F .r par-K-o'ara ir,,.ir
cf fir:rK,;3 MERRILL.
I.ewi'-barr. Pee. 1. isoi
!A $35 lieu City Culleg" Schatiriliip
i T illi sale at lhe Star Ckmtu-h 04:.
i Leciaturj.