Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 14, 1862, Image 1

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.Urn m AjM$)Mw
At $1.50 per Year, alnajn la .!ianrc.
I'lai.lMi; l s.mi-y.1.!:
Tuesday M urn ins
St Fri.!:
iv Afternoon.
trt .llonj. C. Taylor, of Kay ton, .,
in renewing U subscription to the
"Star iV Chronicle." says that lie lias
failed U receive hut inn: paper in
wven years. Considering that postal
as well other sublunary machinery is
subject to derangements, c thitik
this is nl -0 had.
Pci"I.ient. George Gorman, of the
Flving Artillery now ijitartcred in
Lewisluirg. de-ires us to acknovt ledge.
in liehn'.l" of his CointiatlV, tlie kind
l.lie if
ncss ami "vucro-itv of the
this place in furnishing socks ami
cloves to the members "f his conipa
iriy. lleiug much tieeilr.l, they wi re
p ratcfully received. This is another
evidence of the patriotism of our la
dies, and shows that tiieir hearts feel
atil their hamls work for the soldier,
from whatever ouart'T lie may eome ;
and that, while thev have been bouu-
lil'ul to their friends
have froim
from their mid.-t to sustain tlie llatr of
tiieir touutrv, thev do not f..r''et " the
Strangers within their irates.''
READY' Vnv one who has l.ccn
uatoiiin ' the Vast military machinery
which the fall of Fort .Sumpter set in
notion, requires no prophetic ken to
convince him that the time tor its per
fection and application is near. The
artnv of six handled thousand as Wave
nml haniv men as ever drew a s.wonl
. - , .
.1 j,. ,:,v. !i inii-ket is oiseiti ined
, " ,, , , , . ' ,. , v
to such a .le-iee that it can work to-
pother as harmoniously as the parts
rif n steam eie-iin'. The ileet of sev-
Cntv iron-cased ves-els at St. Louis
and Cairo is about beinjj completed,
cud is receiving its armament ol pon
derous trims and mot tars. T he IJuru
tides licet has already sailed lor its
reude7.vous at Oid i'oint Comfort.
The army from the Kansas border to
Fortress Monroe is constantly in ex
pectation of the word fiom the youit-.
tlencral-in-Chicf, which they are so
eairor to obey '" Forward !''
When weconsi.lcr that these tremen
dous legions of freemen, in addition
to having enlisted their brave hearts
ia the cause, are armed and equipped
with the best and most powerful wea
pons which the lno.-it ingenious and eu-
1T..1.t..,.n.t t..-iii. t. mi flu. .ifiit.o i-.'iii in-
vent we tiiav well shudder when tho j
. . 1 1 .. .'. . .. r. ........ ,,,,.
ICl'.rapil UllllOOUe. 3 i .U. Ul ll l..v. v."
nilit That this storm of sulphurous
rr Ltli i li IT, iron thunder, leaden hail
t.nd crimson Hood shall crash lliroiili
tho iron sates of Columbus, Howling
Crten Manassas, itc., and beard the
liou of trcison in his i den, we hau
uui tuiii .ww." iv
Mt -i . .1 . c ii.Iw
eauwhile the .voir.herners vainly
rmlertvor to conceal their tret.idatioti.
They clamor for more men ; censure Hell, carrying with them the riags of the keep our men in readiness fur ull emer
tiieir rulers for failing to fortify their old 1'euusyWania Fourth. The new flag gencies. We could hear Ihe cannonading
V'fcak points of defense ; boast of their .Cnt with our six companies. must iuite plainly here all the time, and the
strength and prowess nt one place, ; uieoiion we Clrry three flag, two of the' more we heard the more wo wautcd to be
uud at another place, at the same time, ; oM Voarlhi 0UC) new p.escoted at Harris-there. It must have been a grand spec-
cjiduaiiuc mtauuiuauiu,
Apeueral move along thc.bo.o
liUO Of t1-"- illlUlCnse buttled 'CM a
thousand miles id extent 11111
iitv occur ,
before this week, closes ; lKissibly be
fore this article shall have been pe-
T-H5..I 1..- Sinn. 1 .st.-llit real CI S.
rused by our more distant readers,
d ie anxiety on IxiUi sides ol tlie line,
no cau poi u u .
relative, a friend or a valued neigh-
Lor in this array ? 1 here is scarcely
one. Yet all on the North side are
willing to hazard a trial, having abi
ding faith iu oCiecrsaud men, and fccl
iLg strong in the justice of thc cause.
rCTre'soiiJocc of the StM- e Cbrrnirle.)
JJalti.mohj;, Jan. S, !StJ2.
A couple of days, in part, around this
city went to show that 6ecessionism has
enreed it in part, by its one week's carni- :
val in April, as it has Virginia, is., by
Its overpowering force. A ceneral stag- :
cation is apparant some of the best 1 about u00 feet long, and CO wide. It is lesIatL'" received lrotu Cincinnati, , tion in piving up Mason and Slidell,
stores, four or live together, are unused very finely C'ted up with berths. The la- I Kh lust., states that Humphrey Mar- a,. t,.,,, cveiI fm thcr tht.a Mr. Sew
cd sadness rrev.ils. Tho bluo.eoateJ J- t' t, ' t. i.:.. ..j i. ; shall s command, being ll.reatened by ' ,,,.,1. TIl0 points he made and tleci-
Cnion soldier, are con.mcuous. and I am i
..,, s,i,.j f., ' v 1
-.- . .. . j. .-
tarns uoteiiia." in irs diu.i auit ,
state except mat oae man was violently j
"jecicu 1 muni; irom it. uan auu mere
is not the former flood of travel. There (
is no opposition to Mr. Heonison, the i
Cuon candidate for State Senator, in place
tf lellolt, who has fLd to the tSccesh.
-'kdimorcans, generally the middling ;
isife, by far tbe best portion of them j
wjuld be very glad to see Rebellion crush-1
'd OUI COmrlctelv. this daV. and Cover
more, etccpt iu history.
......in tnatawnole l.sciincnt ct
oluntecrs, from York county, are
goardiog the UaUroad from the 1'enn'a ;
Stat. Line to Laltimore. What a cost.'
. cl produce and of cah is .
" nee .ortn yet pouring through Hal- '
...1.10 n.fnit,gtun! Haltimore is the
si" situated lor trade, but has lost it
. irospenty by the Dride bf its ru
ristoeratsand the infanity of its mobo-.d
vr.n. l. ris. i
t t r- ""netuiugio somo men
, L 6,00 BJC0 , hut ihe Inaugural
f their new Governor, IlradUd, promise.
belter day fjr tb. ' .
'"n,.v,;To1Jaa.9.-.Tor, note.
I '-i cent oisc lutit. T!.; .1
"a-iti Li. isj (.,., t, ,. ,. ... ., ,, ,
I ".'.a a,I v., v. T 7 " m 1 1 ,rol
1 nd Xj,
- -iu it, mo lan- ior
' coau'r" UlUrc uiliC'' f'n j
coaLtry. j f
Cvrreli.'li'nrij i.f Hit? Mar A rhr.'Ul'tf.J
From the Linn tunes.
STiAMMIlI' "Cossack, ntpisi
Auuapolis, Jan. 7, lSo"..
Ou Putid.y week I wrote to you sta
ting thai wo were then p rrparing for dc
lariiirc. Tilings remained iu ttulu ijwt
last week, and the next cuuJay was fpeni A. -M. 1 he gun boats puenca iu euarj. )1(lt oiees 1 ou fclia.l ue. j
iu the same way. 'i bis time our orders I and it lasted nearly all day ; our forces Whether he should he compelled to
were poi.ive. All Saarday night aLd were left to march past oue of their mask- ; po haek to iniprisoiitnent, or whether
StanJav yoa would have beard the sound I ti battcties of three ns-at least two he should tro l.ee, and dedieate hltti
J J . . . . , .. s.-t to the pause ol libertv or. a-i
of ibe hammer aud saw. It snowed n.gu-
lv on Saturday nieht, aud on Sunday it
.as pretiy colu. In tl.o tor. uoou ol Sunday
we wore out practiciug loading aud firing
uutil our caitiidges were exhausted. e
il,n ..iJ.-red to draw ball cartridges
1 sej that every man had 40 rounds, his services to the 47l'a New Vort, as they I ranee Uni inir J. iehaliaii s Aonuir..-;-,n
ahout 4 o'eljek came orders to si-a are without a Maj;r. We lost uo mher tration. Wlieti he returned, lie was
.... .... i. ..:
" U. - J " , " " - " O
mcut was paid eff, each mau receiving
two mouths wages, titi. l.ate iu the af -
t.-rnoon we drew tbrce days ratious, auu
the cooks were nearly all niht, Sunday,
j cotking tbem. It was a wild looking
... . ....
"ijbt-snow.ng and stcel.ng-cump ures
, hurniug, pots boiling, cooks with the
wi -rl look the Ere light gave them, men
in the best spirits, officers busy nearly all
night making up express packages for the
man to sor.J their money ; so that jou
eo our Sunday was crowded full.
. , . i..-i.i.
..ion-lay ue.riiii.'i sa. us ou wnsii..
Our camp ooked very bcautitul. It was
, l t .,
very beautiful before the snow, lut this
morning it looked lovely, aud we looked
over it with affectionate eyes. It was our
borne for six happy weeks. We bad made
friends even with the ground moles that
. burrowed under our tents. Tents were
struck diwn went our shrubbery. It was
: w .uderful what amount of rubbish had
collected in the short time we were there
at housekeeping. l..xes, barrels, tin cans,
indications of ihe kindness of our friends
all went in'o the bonfires. Tbe general
beat, the Hand played Dixie, and we mar -
ched, castiig a bok over tho desolated
camp ground as we passed. The scaven-
grrs were there white and black, picking
up the odd ends of things left. Nolhwilh-
standing we threw a good many things
wiy, furty rounds of cartridges, and your
l,;,!n ftm.tr uf rlii;.).lr ni. vnnr h !, .
t; '
made a heavy load : every msu looked Ibis reply was "you need not expect any
liku a wandering tin-shop or a Jew clothirg
stre. it vfas so cold that the head of the ,
Uai ilum lurit scr16J lhe middlo. :
n we got ,o he C(;Btra oaf ,
f ,Ilipanics tff t0 10 riKht, down to
. ... .... ...
me ci:y waari 10 eiuuai . on iub - -coui, .
... , . , '.
asailmg vessel, under commatid ot l.tXol. ,
lu t Gov. Curtiu.Vou may infer !
, ' !
uirnu m VJt .litu I, umu IU ...al-
) 1 ola u '& cousi'ier ie a uappiuess, j
that in lino of battle those flaes float di-
rectly over my own bead. Six companies ;
.era in i .rl.e.1 i.n l.narj Ilia 'r,..-i...t"
were embirted on board the "Cossack ,
without delay. We had not ono drunken
man in the regiment, and but one
man un-
accounted for.
Wo are now ready, except
embarking the horses of the staff. We ;
are ahead of any other regiment in the
i.i 1 .1. t .1 j . 1 .
brigade, though third in starting. Last
i i i i i i ii i i-, i i
week we had a brigade drill and did ad-;
,-.., . ... c ti '
mirably. As we came to the field, we
, ,. '
were cioseu in mass, ana wueeieu in mag-
uiC-eut style. Closed in mass, the whole !
regiment moves at once. Geu. Reco eoiu-
piimftitcd our regimentas having executed
ue unng fcitcr man any on me ueld.
Our steamer, the "Cossack." was lormurlv
the "Eastern Oueen." an (leean Steamer, i
i, oi..b. ,L. offi.. It i. m beau- I
V, .. , I . i . ,7.1. ;
...ui ..jui ou ui;o lu-uigui U.UUU-..., .a.
d.rk .arc. d.oc.ng g.iiy mo L.rbor rmt
ot black hulled steamers and ships the
6ignai jiguia aioit tue urigut iignt ot the j
light-hou60 above its white shaft, thc :
shores picturentue the town opposite
the light house the Biitish ship Iuiolite,
61 Armstrong guns I cau't paiut orpic-1
turo lhe scene. '
To-morrow we Bail I may le able to
tell you where, tome weeks hence. Con-.
ieetnroa urn iisj.l.ns Ua .re .11 iii.-.L-iiwr
ahat we consider thread guesses. We
rendezvous at U.d foiut Lomiort. where
the naval part of the expedition is now ;
lying. The idea that we stop short of ,
some far southern nort seems to me ah- !
surd. Our own Company sent home over
... , . , .. I refusing them any cotton except tnro junction can be made with Gen. Hucll s
,. '"ca 10 S"1D'! j Confederate ports. In the next arti- command, the entire army will pro
ne on Monday, but ( c0 0I1 TC Frospcct," he thinks that Cced to New Orleans.
glOOO. I should have
scene in Annapolis
I.ei..ra d.iimii.n. TIim nonr ahnnki-e.
- rj .ere utter:, demented. M.inev fl lat.
arouud loosely 15 or 20 regiments
paid two mouihs wage. Hut I have not
time tu write more. J. M. L.
From Fort Royal, S. C.
Fort SnwAnn, S C, Jan. 2, ISC;
We have just had another battle here,
. 1 1. .- -1 i' . .. r . I.. ... . i.... , in , I . .
. ..... . t
,ua " n" Dceu 1a"c l0TJ
ns. ii juesuay ucn. cnerman . ,,r.
"f '" acw u" hosts ap to IJeau- J
Vklu's Hiiade. Gen 4
.1. ... i.: .....t
cevcoswaa ,cr .... ...
bad charge of iJeautort. me ot.jeei o.
, tbe expedition was to preveut, if possible,
the f.rtifyiug of the Ferry seven niilus I
above IScaufort oo the main land, and to '
capture aud destroy what was already
erected there. So yesterday (1st) tbe
troop marched towards the Firry at an 1
eariy hour and commenced light ing at
rei.iiens passed, the loom ueg. i euu
Hound Heads and the T'J.h New York
and as the Stti Jlicnigao was pa-.siug iuej
opened upon them, wounding six aud kill-
mg oue, and weuuding severely tue .uaj.
' of the Sih Maiu. who bad volunteered
. t -t r. .e. ...v.i.. :
a fla of truco asking time to bury tbeir
, duaJ, the general told them he would
grant it providing tney would give up a
rrisonir of our tbey had taken. They
gave him up and tbey were then allowed
11 7 .
to carry oa u.e.r oeau ana .ouuueu
( took two of their men prisoners, andki.lcd
, over 140, besides wounding a great nuui-
j ber. The principal credit is due the fleet
; they drove them from this battery iuto
I tho woods, our men then crossed and cap-
I tured uue t f the three guns, (the other
,i, ,!.., ,,,; , ,.fr i.i,
u,j o.-... . ,u .-..,....a
, . . . , s ,,.
taem w Ueu luey retrcaiea.; i, e aiso i.urn-
.i.n.i..: i.,.n .,r.l,.nr.
ed all their woiks and houses and then re-
turned to Ileaufort, having accomplished
, what we wished to uo. The Ibbels bad
; cavalry and infantry in great numbers ana
all night wero being reinforced from
Charleston and Savannah ; our men could
hear the locomotives whistle and cars run
ning on tbe lluilroad all night.
Jan. 2. This morning our men were
taking it easy at Beaufort and watching
the guuboats shelling tbe woods all day,
j which has done great execution. Gen.
! Viclc's Brigade all returned to Hilton
i Head this, evening and the above is a cor -
! r.ct account from an eye-witness. One of
1 the Uebel prisoners is mortally wounded, !
i having been struck with a piece of shell ,
which cut b.s abdomen open and exposed
I bis stomach aud intestines.
" bcn CJ
! asked him how manv men thev had tbere.
information from mo as regards our Eum -
here." He admitted, however, that their
loss was great and that the amo shell
,Ll, struck bim kulcd J2 mcn Lj Lis siJu
It was a very active and destructive en -
. ... 1 .1 . j. ... ,t..
tJueiui-u., uuu uuu . uirciiu, iw
b, , ., ,
worK we Knew they were erecting
reeling aua 10
tacle to sco those sheila flying iu the air
, . . ,
trn last 1 uesuay l was on anottier scout-(
inir expedition and was ncarh ud to lieau-;
fort. V, e are having excellent times and
r..,f ltnl.. A.t 1 V V.,.'a 1
but little ta do. On .New lear's day I
was invited by Com. Dupont to dine with
hnu abroad tho man-of-war W abash, but
did not get there because our boat was ,
away. If I don't soon get gomo letters ,
and papers from home I will stop writing.
i . - 1 , .
I have not received anything of a later
, ... J
date than Dec. G. Wo expect a steamer :
j i, .
in every day and have been expecting one '
. .... . b
since the middle ol December and none
yet. Horrible without news ! Hoc C. j
"ft 0 & fMfa T?AW7CS '
kjs w w n up bjs v w ae ,
i1' i i"' ' ' '"'S':
aim y-.siicu to k.iov .i imii-s couiu
r,ot ,o arranged WltllOttt llgllltng.
col. nnrUeld said, "ligiit or tsur- .
render ! .Marshall then made a
ri'ciTcn iu 111 cuiiii.i.iihi, ,wm Bum uu-y
.....si ciiuei uiso.iuu 01 su.icuue..
1 hey disbanded m great haste. It
is supposed that our cavalry captured
all their guns. ,
Recent numbers of thrt New Or- 1
leans "True Helta," contains three :
different editorial attacks on the Jell", j
Davis Government. The editor does j
not believe that tho peculiar logic of
Kavis will convince France or Eng-
land ol the me nciencv ot the Inderal
blockade, or bring either of those
powers to his assistance, but argues
tllat Kl""Pfaa nations arc not to be ;
gained to the rebel cause by foolishly
praying and fasting are not equal to
thc duty of coping with J.nheld rules
and rilled caution, for that Providence
often takes the side-of the heaviest
nrtillcrv ; that federal " formidable
ii.,.,. .'t f . :.i . ..ti.t
iiecia liuiu rati eo u iriin'iu i.aiiiu
., . , . ,, ., . .. . ' . ,- ;
no oiiutiijui liiCMiuill, tuab i euiaiiut
" ' ...
na, Lrudswick, tiavannah and other
places on the southern coast, are iu
great danger of sharing the fate of
. - - -.
cape llatteras, lort l.oyal and Mitu
IsUi.l : and that, in short, " the pro
- i ' ..r -in n. et .nt Soul hern
I'topia within any reasonable jicriod j ha
of time is cxcccdinijly tjlyyuiy. The 1 C
tl.tr.) m iti-l.-liimiiiiep the rebel ad-
17" . "
u.. .... .
Ull l injustice 1" i.iu:...j...ii.i"
, T.,t. ,v. Ti.,. On the or.
A lRUT.iltAN.LlAl..- n tue .
caston of the reeeptu.u of Mr I a lk-
H"r. in Klehmotnl. a tew (la S .-nice,
. . - . i -I.
he niatle a s'.ieeeli ill uien lie -saia :
" Hut he was not a free man vet. It
devolved upon tlie ( onieilerate o-
trmiieiit to say whether he should or
" . . ., ,,.1"J.. r
treason. lie Iia.l pic.I-e.l liisliielo
j of (iC j;uu., . w;ls UMV
j 1(J g(;(.j. llu opportuaitv fur its
Mr. Faulkner was Minister
iirresteu. i or. raui'-i , reun im a
t;iLre to offer in exchange for Mr. K'y,
then a prisoner in the hands, of the
Rebels,) but lie denied beimr a traitor
in word, deed, or sympathy. The
above extract exhibits tlie
tiger a
claws of this poli.-hed traitor.
;ki,1;l XAXTII'PEs. If von want
: (o m;lkc al) ah, fl.,wt a Lr()(lJ
. Iiau f). t10 ,,,.,,1,.,-ial : aJ if you want
to make a real devil, just pick out a
bad one. especially if a secessionist,
The other day, a line cake wa-- sent
to Mrs. t .reenliow, a
l'el.el la
fined in Wa.-hinu'ton.
I. eld. ill
. . . . .
stuck a t.eiiktule into it
, . .
places, and sti ikinj-a I at ,
il'.-taiK e.
J,)el0ij j, a!1,i f,,,,,,) Treasurv t.otes,
flV(.j and tens-.to a nitiiiderablJaiiioiit:
also, a letter, statue' that arrange
ments had been made to effect her
escape an.
and naniin
, 1.. tl. I"1.
.1... u.i ,.11-4 .ivj.i vi v.v
in i... r. ' .,..1
. .in... .in. .ui... i
. . 1 i- ... 1 1. -
tlie diseoverv obtained from her cake,
her anjjer was tincotitrulable. Tlie
Lieutenant bouprht her a nice new
cake and sent it to her, but the threw
j :t (J0U n stairs !
j Baltimore widow, Mr?, llaxlev.
j was brought in to share the prison of
! Mrs. tlreeuhow and Mrs. I'ooie. She
I was three days from Kichnion 1 with a
valuable cartro. M10 had anion''
lnauv little docunients of value about
....il ,.r 1,... ,.i,.i.. .,,,.1 ,....... ii.;
' iu ,lcr ,iair 't,uc o(. thc
! Diners was a commission in thc rebel
. ......... r. .t. n r I! . li;,,w.r... st!,n
: mj 1.. jwuna uai.iiiiwivuii. i.iiv
j refused to Bleep under a blanket
: marked " L'. S." ! After heinj con-
; lined, she sent to an oliicer lor a Oil-
ferent one. She soon received notice
. to sleep under it, or go without.
! Some anxiety has been expressed
ei-r :i new mis 1:111 s ia I Hive l.el:. 1 en
- - 1 -
1 M.-,nn n.,,1 SI , e on thr b- tr.iv to
. : .. . " . . .'
Halifax, from whieii the reclamation
of no human power will redeem them.
The .ruiiboat Ilinaldo, on which thev
took passa-e, has been nine days at
sea. and it is said she was bound to
Halifax. Either this common under-
standing was a mistake, or the vessel
'i.,. ,i.'.i ...i.:..t. ; .
i "- j.yni- iv. i.iu, vim 1 in..vv iiin 1. 1.-1
7 ...v..i...uni .. hmh.. .uuu
u". 1 :"u;15'- 1 ue oruer.-, now eier,
,,, '...,. , ' - , '' ' r
. ' . . "
, ,1Kp.1,V,.ri) l,t th-.t tl-ov -lm' I
j,c at IHlif.ts unless 'tliev in-
sistnl tiiion lieincr taken directly to
England There is an old proverb'
which forbids the fear that cither of
these Southern emissaries will be
drniviio.l nr.il it uiiul, boblrs l.n
urottut-"i auu 11 ouui, oesincs, do
(inite in accordance with Ma-on"s
' c ! 4atL.or'.J'1"'-1- na ' !J -on 3
character to insist upon lioldmg on
,, -, 1 ,t , ,i: ?,;
as long as possible to tho distinction
0r j,,.;,,,, n a British man-of-war.
yor both these reasons our anxiety is
not overwhelming. X. Y. Tkiulxe.
Hon. Charles Sumner, in a speech
(l,.ivt.rc,I , the Senate on the '.Mil in-
! stant, on the Trent affair, fullv stts-
tnineil tlie netinn of the A dministra.
dod are three : First, that the seizure ,
f the men without taking the s
'If for
wa3 vraaV x becaum . navv
ilfls nr riitt to sultilute Itint-iolf
a iudicial tribunal second t'nt the
ship, even if taken, would no t have
,,(,en jR.M Ial,k, on acCOIltlt Ol tlie
rt.i,ei emissaries, inasmuch as neutral
ships arc free to carry all persons not
apparently in the military or naval
service of tiie enemy ; aud, third, that
dispatches are not contraband of war.
A special despatch from Cairo to
tlc st. jOI,is rnu. iVmnaMtsavs that
Illltt Irnnm nrn now nil th.-ir iv-n-
i,L.c from' different t.oints. and as
OJ o...,. ...... .. ... I,.., r,.
nwu n.T in. . ill iv ia luitoiiii nuui
OO.OOO to To.lMul strong will march
f10m there to l'adtieah under Gen.
Grant. The destination of this force
;3 said to be Nashville, whence, if a
One thing that has been learned
during the progress of Gen. Dix's
expedition is, that the rebels are badly
in want of ammunition, hi lieu of
cannon balls, chunks of bar iron were
, . , . . .
put m bags forcanister. At on
tery, a mixed collection was lotinu,
- i it .
fi.rt - iii.Tiiil i.lIOfti
including cobble-stones, iron candle
sticks, broken bits of machinery, and
a general museum, of varieties, sewed
up in canvas. '
Over two thousand stand of arms
ave been distributed bv Governor
Curtiu among tho bordu' couutici of
The. Governor has
!, i.l I ,!,.., ,l,n ,h.
- . - ,.,.....,.
- " - - .
Delaware, Mankind and ir-il.ia,
. e , tUew-tUat trl.cn Toluntet-r
arc 01.,,U)i,tJ arUiS tt iU tc
1 . ,. . , '
Irot!lI 1 1 i V tarhl-hea.
' -
1 Missouri. A letter from Fort Fcott,
Kiufw), puth.hed in the A i. Il.r.,
conuiai ,me interesting stateaieuta re-
(.pectins the nfgroe. liberated by Gen. ;
Line's Urijrade on its recent march in:
Mi.-souri. The negroes, prelonded to be '
about 2,0f'0 iu number, were fugitive '
frjm their masters, or their masters fu-i-
lives irom them, aad were protccji ij
the rvirisas troops without (jaestioniDg -it-ahuut
the politicil status of their owners, ,
when they came iuto camp. The able
. . i - . . i
meu were t.ut to work immediately unvin?
teams, caking, groumiug the horses, and
doing all the extra work of the brigade,
and serving the i!h:ers. A part of the
negroes which could not be employed iu
the camp, was sent to Kansas and hired
out as farm baaus. The fugitives are said
j,, .j generally shrewd aud industrious,
' and tlie farmers of Kansas avail theru-
selves gladly of this supply of laborers. In
a;erj) ono cau larJi. imie , muru
shifikss, iudjleut being than a Missouri
L1ro Jjul the moment which chants
Slavery to Freedom, effects an instanta
neous and complete revolution in hi, cha
raetcr, and the slave, who woiked c.ro
1. s.-ly and as little as he could, rises, when
a tree o..u, npia! to the emcrgeucy.
Lane's Exi-emtiox. The President
has authorized Gen. James II. Lane to
gather about him an army of uO.OoO men, I
1 telle
au'i miaari-u in it usiu ui operauoa wua
.. . . ... .. . .
all tue sr-cai possible. J im I.ane s armv
-.. ,., i .... : i .i . ... !
iv ; ; I .w .r,l, i..,;,i..i ;i, t!, .1, ..
e- 1
makes heros love of freedom. His expe- ;
ditioa will be a western enterprize con- i
ducted on wistern priuciphs. Economy,
bravery and celerity are the implements.
Lane's force will be chit fly mounted. He
expects to start with 15,000 cavalry, 10,-
00O iuf.ntry, 1,000 Syii.2 artiilery, 1,200
fu.ilecrs, 4,t)t'll loyal Indians, and about
1 ..ri.w......i lo : 1.- .1 .
ft,vvv vuu.auuua, uui, iu uiuw, on iu
start ; but the latter force is expected to
increase as he proceeds South. He can em -
r.lov S.000 to 10.000 able-hndinl rin. 1
i j i - i -
bauds to great advantage, to lighten the
toil of tho soldiers. Ccn. Lane claims that
BiI3 the help of S.000 or 10,000 robust
loval blacks, as mon cf all work, he can
: Joul,e thc cfficI-,nej ,nJ 9trit:0 pawer u(
bis troops, aud prevent more than the
half of ail the sickness and death that i
wading the ranks of the other divisions of
tho army, where pro slaverj generals sub
ject their soldisrs to all kinds of drudgery
and bard.-Uip, rather than nurt tb "diviee j
institution ' of the Secesh. He does nst
intend to depend on Waihintrtun for bread. I
or Secretary Chase for money. lie proposes
to make the traitors furnish tbe rations
and bear the expenses of the march. The
field of operations assigned to Lane by the
l'residcnt, is Kansas, Southwestern Mis-;
: i .1 .. j .1 . r ,- n- -.
furi, Arkansas, and the Indian Territory,
uJ iKh farther south as ha choos.s
to go- Chivw Tribune.
Mr-.,-i., i ; v c c i r u
i , ' . B '
t'0 UDW c""lats "-e forces in the .tale
service, returned from North Missouri af-
ter a very tuccesslul camrain among tbe
, . . , 3 ,, ' "
bridge-burners. Many have been killed
,, , , , ,
in the field, and he has eiptured more than
on ii ... , ,- ..
including some 01 tue Icauiog spirits j
among them. They are all safely under .
guard, aud will have summary trials bofore
a military commissioner. Tbey claim to
I.ave acted under direct orders from Gen.
I'.-ice, and expected to I: treated as pri-
t oners of war. and liberated nnon narnle !
and wero greatly surprised lo find theml j
civs regarded as ontlaws from the human
race, to receive the punishment of death
Gen. Schofield found thc bridge-burner, j
singly or in little fO'iads, oTien secreted 1
; l,.,u.r. o, in il, !.... ... I I
. .
it is a tacr, mat IB Deaily every case tbe j
information that hd to their discovery, !
was obtained from tho negroes. j
I:iaUn.7Thf fntnas. of S. W . H"-.
Itt..L, l-'att-r i f ihe .hnv,:an Church, wnl :
i.. - n ... .. .i. . r.
and evemne of Thurs lav, lhe li'.th inst. A 1
eneral invi'ation is extended lo ail to attend.
MAIilUKI). "
Tt Kr!W tAwn.li'i.. 9!h loT , K.-r. It.-nrr Wlffuml.
In.'..i.;::u ii:Mi.i.n;j.,uot.rn ivn.
I.-I ..!l. i'l'hiik. .r..l hin'1'.rf r.-.'.nl t.. th. gnti
r.Ki.lr f. r vn. nf il,. tin.M i-nk-s t'.iil h.liy to u-lni.
mR.iir.rl. iu.l tint i. -a. tr.4 r.u.U..tAOl AM. Om
.i Hi. :u-t nit . bT tl. H". c-o. wrT.n. j.iiin a. I
;i.iK..f e.,,.u.,ti.,,..l,rl,..,i.i M,.. KKiim A A. ;
r iii - tu n-im: t
1 1 -iiki-I'.V sZ''ZVJ!ow2uu X ! c... ri ' " j
In N..rl!i.i.r...l .., .... -M !..', V. U I . '
r. nt hi s sihtt akt iu Mi. utu'ixi A txch. '
.-ti. rf,a.MfcM
Of Pint.Oi.rli. on tl.e fh iprt.. ANNT, a.alit.r of
J. It. .ifi.l !irTll. I.. l:ii. ..1 I.. ...liui-i;
1.1. Hi., lltli iu.t . in l.wilur. Ml,. CATUAK1.NK
' W.ll.l Lit. Ajcii .tnlllt S..,-!.
lurrtrttii H'.y
Sll-2 Eggs t V,
oil Tallow S
... f.O Lard 8
118 Ham 12
l,.r.O Shnu .tSidc.S X 0
Dried Apples. $1,5 I'htverseed S:i,75
Fiiin liutti-r 1" I'olatii? !0
Fresh I hitter... 1 1 Couutry Soap 4 &
H.gS Vd
"THE UNION," establish., ia 1SU Wtale Ao,e.0JO.
"CHRONICLE," estiblMiel ia 1813 Whole Nd, W7.
I, th Onrii.Vs Cut t .. I Mo cnisrv:
fl'IIB AmLtor apnemied tr 4
C.tirl lo
, I a .dit. set lc at. 1 a r-i" 'h' arcte.M . r
, I'mlip siatll l.i:i.llfalur.'l J.wpn hi-..?.
,.f Kelty T,.. i:..io-i county, dreU a.i-1 to
make d...r.b....uo ul ih, toe i, !,. hand
... ;Ue .ce..u,u. ,;. ...I . .he
ai.d h'.rj ot -a; ! dece ien', r:il mre. ibe
! ...........
parur ioirit..u . r me ....( ur
' P"':" !'? "' IUv'?: 'a i
ruary lB,,., al m vi..r!.A. M. if ! .lay.
j ' s.Wil til. h. OKWIC, AuJ.ur.' i
h - j
tor kaI.E LOW. cr eirhnre f..r e..'"t
V H..n.e. ty KKKUtiR, M'tLt KE & 0. ,
EST URANCH Insurance ri.mpanr,
of Lot k IJavtu, I'a.
!ni.:rrs Prnpeny in b'-th Town and Coutt-
'.V er as reaaiiiiLue irrins as ar.y Diuer
V... '
fae larce increa.e of Frvmium X.des makes
it a reliaMe r...iipai.y 10 iuure in.
Aiaunl.r rrrmluui i!i-. iea larurrr.sM).00O.0O
J.VV'.CuArxa!., ec. -ti I.'.Uaii; lv. 1'res
LAi;iSO. i'Kd.ss, Aleut,
Dec IB. toil iwi-liir
J. AfT3ToYi:i:,
Altomi't at Ioivt.
CONsl I.TATIOXS had m the Knglh aud
li-nnan lai uaces.
uiiiee at ihe I. a oilice of IVo. Jones, Esq.
1.. t-l.urj, Jan. 4, l-'ji.
i.-rii-c. Tk. ...... ... '..,: ...-H.T-
ff Ihe Lewisbor 1. library As-'eiii:i. n
u.:: he held at ih- (ffice . C V.'i.i. J ,ne, E j.,
i i 'i'udjy evening. Januruv 11. at sevet
o'cl.-ck. A toil aet ;ii!a-.ee . t memt '-rs is re-
ijaesud. Jn. 1
.... ... a
J.'()J SVLE' ! ile ni, and ih. .e ov inj said estaie are ia,tt
' ! ted to unlike inim'iiate pavcien., to
NEW TOP 1.1 t.t-i:V. la.eit style. MlfHAEi. f'KIICK, ? Elee
chcap lor ( a-h or up..n n.ne. Apply 10 . J Coa i'KnCK t ulura
Jdll.N U. U.A, Lewi.bure 3
If. H:tllUKT,ii.MM,
has removed to s-ciit. ad sire:.:, ur
' u.'.'rai.uui tue 1 uwu iuii, i.. -
1 tsnt lit, P
W. . . . , TIT r. 1 t
nra idna wew ut-uaa:
TOhrll L. llAtt.N liaVia? taken the
rooms un.ler .he l eletrraph ai.d Chn nirle
i l!ice5.reliued ihem.aud tiled in an enensive
! variety id
11 tf., (".', Cent. .men'a Clothing, off.
! A!-., a larce and splendid stuck of Cl.oTIls
, ne "."""lie is "prepared t.. 'derate all w"rk
entrusted I
hii care, to the saustaction ol the ;
; cu .lomer.
, " k L . ir .
' I
Hooks and Accounts of
' have been placed in my hands l..r c.oieciii.j
wj r.. i.itiii
ol' which all interested will please nkt I
nonce. JUII.N li. i.Lx
Lewisburg. Nov. S3, list
7 FaripfT
i " I
"i'a i-
R lh. Ill having opened
li.V ' ' I
in OKI-SWELL'S XEW lil'M.MMi. -Market
strr-.-l, ( iatly opposile the old Hayes Mano,
will be hapnv lo aue.i I to lhe nanis el a. I hs
ft tends vrh may be leased lo lavor hiai a ith
nieir enstora.
t 11.' has now rn band ;
'11-selected stock
of tVerv;h,n: l.rh may ciaed under the
gem-rat head id I)r .oil.
l.w.sbur;. s pt. Hi. bl 11. F. ITI'RSH.
Variety the Spice of Lift..'
Head l)ressesXets P.-ad Collai s Fancy
Sonirthinir Xcw !
' !
( 'KOI L.K 1 , r l.UL Is &. r 1.L.IJ c 1 Utt u ;
rn Lower Market street. I.ew.sbors. two j
joors above the old Hayes stand, where I will
sell everyth
C ticap ai tlte t'licapcKt!
'T OVTEKs by lhe can.lresh every day-
Ml KLT 1'OT t l Ul.X, and o.her egeiab.es
in their season.
r,ri:Ainl pail1 fl,r aII kinds rrodnre.
tt'' ryTail see satisfy vourselve- .1 .; :
Oct. I s. SCI W. M. ELLIS j
IVola llo.iii!
V V "E have jut received from Philadelphia
and .New Yorlt, a very lare aud well
selected stock of
VY!?.T7. GC0D3.
wh:ch we offer at very reduced prices. We
h. r,ar,..Jr, .!,,. ihe selection
have paid particular auetitiou in the selection 10
Ctf tl.lS SliW fi laood. a VCTV iiLtZC a.-O.' Tl- i
mem of piR V rtntinS of ever, d-crip- I
,,on. P-rcnasers ...I n..d it their advantage ;
t.. 8,v. u, a call-as iu pnees y dety any .. ,
..or nee-nnormit u,...s i.,r c.u, -. ; - ,
rim, llardware.InitcuKtiare,eiC.
always kept on hand.
IV nil VIVil' riiOPCCE taken in Li
ehans tor (ioods as usual. j
X. B. Cash paid fr all kind, of tiiia.
J.(( WALLS to. :
I.ewisburc. Xov. 3, lso.l '
j iu va JJaiket Square, Lewiebnrg. :
. r. d sn'.plv 4 luir, 'l ublr.
' linrrauts, Slainis. ha. r
i.o,ld.rty o l.AViill..MLn I
3J UlltJcijrX
"uiiijr, , w . s.
! W a a ,. ll,:t-f
.a"- lUlI', V IU M. a
, . H.fiouJmail. LtUn.
: 7 I A received and opened a ChOiC
II as,,r..n. ,,t all .he U.. .r.e.
Vl..V." .U..
now m- 1 prnco r a.i.ausai m
. the LaJ.e is called 13 h. .tuck ul
Dres Hi'ke rr.Mi
Delaines Shawl
i'jp Fr.VIerinoi Collaxi
LueaU tieret
Umrham Insertfaga
i'ouiarda iilfiao
t hiuiea U.ovea,
ALSO (!nths. Plain and Fancy Caaaimma
Jans. I'wfeds, Vtn?s, Muslins, Ilnil
iiig,Tici.ii.g$, Kii.beis, Hals. i.'ap,
tugriL'.r wua a ciu.ple.e assruiM&t tf
Gioceries, Hardware,
CeJarware, ueenoware,
all of wh ch Will be rfi-ro&t-d of on as IaTf
t!e .erni.. as the &ane articles ran b pmrwk
ased anywhere. 6'ir u a call '
J Ail ku.ds of CKA1. bou-hl for Cask. M
Ill fit II I ft iU ot OATS .tattd Sj
.l 1111LS LA1.1, sLl tvi ,lw Uf
-LU i n GoonA
11... 3AlKo 11. ALL a SALT la !. l-r
J j a uooMim
T . S ".K5 AstlTiN (.rial by
ly '' J B OOOCHA
-. el'.LS 11 UK LI. tL, ic. 1 a ul a r ml kr
r ... j a o..i.
I LI tl Liu. PLASTCK fcr ul. k
i a Boomtaii,
Executors' Notice
"V""vn E is hereby riven, that Letteratoa-
....... ...7. . .... .!.- m.i wm dbtt Kaoncai
.1 III Mil I lttK H, laic of Lima
siune um r.-thip, Icn o cuunty, fcavs bee
cran'.ed to the undersigned, t y the Itegi.iet ut
i .1. . . e 1 .... .
, hann; claims .-""ainst said estate. ill irksj
I y VOi; WANT god Coflee, Tea, 6aa
oe .!c!ae. ?
j t rr.t ve t ccoftrn
HO VOL" WAN T pure, unadulterated 8pt
res, or an excellent article of geauia Cidav
Vinegar! c t trj.rs CQOrMMTl
VO VOI. W AM' prime late canghl Na.
fnd .0.Sfai Mackerel. Herring or Bhadt
'""ey can be had al preaily reduced prieas
1 lhis eaoo. iu barrels, hall barrels, and fa
.1, nanus, ir py ie aiuie pounc al
jrrj.vj CQOPMBm
DO VOti W A. T Extra FamilT Tloat
1 fro
oud feed ! ct u, aij.vj 4 counn
1)0 VOL." WANT to select your groceries
m the larvest and choicest stuck ia Ltria
burg ! c 1. 1 rj.Y5 CCurM M
no vol? u'lvr t. .i.l iUntun r 1.
Luilery 1 o, to
10 VOL' WANT 6ae Coma, Class, or Ka
I IK) VOL" W AM 'I'ubs. llucUeu, BreoaM.
e . . , ... 11..'.,.. ... . ,1 1. 1
wmjur-, 1. iifcr.., 1-i i'iuci iiuiuceepuifz aai.
i.cies ! 1 hev can le had in ereat varietT aa
f civ." coopurto
PO VOL IV.v.f rood Coal Oiijsr Baraiao
Flu.l! ia,w rj s a .vOJ'Kjr&
WE A liK M)W OI't.l.Nl, our Fall fc-usc,
selected with -treat rare. cotisiktiDg of Oroee
r:es, equal in quality to thc&e keft ia firaf
class eitv stores. Our stock of Hardware.
Cnma Ware, Wot dtu Ware. Brbs.be, aua,
e:c, is a!sJ very complete. Please call aa4
examine. Erj.Yj at OUVitU.
I. ewi-bare, October 13, lni.
1 Tne bel assortment of stoves ever olTered fea
1 the citizens of i.ewisbur j. amooK which is thai
ce.eorated "l'ontineIllal,', the handle meat aiuf
I Us' Slue. "w b"'ur,: thcpuhltc.
sUltK, .ALLS, t Ul a O.
Ju.-t oiicned. opposite the Riviera
House, in the Room lately
occupied i.y a. r:ngcr.
o : FULL ami cnmi'lidp assortEPnt t
N G,snea as Overcoats. Dress Coaia, Baaa
ats, and t oats ot every style and pass
tern; and Pant. doers and Vest, toauit Alao,
. a larire variety of L'nd'r Clothing, lueh a
: Orau-ers, Mhtrt-, iVc. Aiso.a fine asaortiaeat
I 4, lt'vs' CN'thtr. i.f thc latent stytea. Alan
1 u TV s- i iv .. .... ..,r. 1 .k...
country. In farr.IhaieeverytbingDeeeasaiy
i n the shape of Ciiithioz, .hich 1 (.tier at fi
very smalt advance tor cash.
rS"All kinds of Country Produce taken i
eichanze tVr Uoods. I.eu-isburg. Oct. XX.
The HOWARD and HOPE Xzpnoi
"pxrHESSES Daily to and frotnattf
1 j ,.,ri ri .i.. fmH s!.wmiM.n. ufliset
blMAN a naa.ua' bran sn. u.tr.
l.KMIslII Kii has this day declared
Divi lend rf FOLK PF.K CE.NT. on the aast
i ( Capital ftock paid ia pavaMe in lea daye
from date. II. P. SHEI.LES,
Lewisljerg, Nov. 7. lfl. Treaanra
Estate Of John V. llSOn, late Of BliiJ.
. of A lmii.i-traiion on the estate of Jeae
W i s-.n, decea.e.i. late i t" Brady T.a. hav.
nit; been granted to the subscriber by the Mm
gi.-Ler ot I nton couniv in due torm of law
aii person indebted to said estate are aerevv
n. t lied to make immediate payment, and aQ
haviiij anv i-tst claims sarnst the same asaf?
preheat tkeiu dole authenerated fr sarlei
lo ri. T. MTOKMICK, Ada'r.
Li.lZ MI C. W ILO.N. Adrn'a
Tirade To. v
; rt(lor trri;rlh,
Umibmt Bo,.kbuder.Cll:f.TAIIL'
iMr.M.3;s. MUftM A. CO.
5.07 CtioiuTil M. J hikidcfyfa.
Wt-U IiPLM "irU 't tll Tl-tae-'t v,l. Tie.ttD tw4
Tu k - t -. J e . rrf-rvstl aixi ptirvtt.l nt tltw fa.tBm
i r-i...-. A TT l'l I t-vllat--t.l -f PiSl. C-Xtft0tf
,l,,(imab -iJ. lttt iu li.r.avna trj vtrMy f
t n:U ii-J. ;i-u-!l ecttO. nj lf im t lugm
nil i K t-In..-n Bite Ui fVu.tr June -0. Ik
A $35 Iron City Col.i.6Sci.Marshl
) ISSl I1 1 ".. -- eo!leni i.
er I.I.IEU VV A ll H K-r sale al a
A L liii.NoKMAXLiIK. I.ewi.baij