Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 31, 1861, Image 2

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from tha Nt Cavatvr (') Times.
11 w c-enin:ron tliecanip-protinj, ana tne
fading xuiiliL'ht t'lcaius
Over hill-toji", into valleys, and adown the
AVeary drill at last is enJeJ, ami the sol -
uuts p:iiui:r 111
1. K ...n.i.. ,.f .!, fif..r. .,.,1 in-
- j ......, ... . ......
t'Tii'il violin.
Noble nous of patriot father, loving free
dom most of all,
Dreading more the tyrant's sceptre than
the rifle's deadly ball ;
Each within his honitdy quarters, on his
hard, unpillowed Led,
Take the uninviting supper, hy do lovin
mother spread.
Not for them the winter fire where the
fam'ly jrroup is found,
Pleaaant converse, pea la of laughter, merry
jKtinp circling round ;
Where the mother plies her knitting, and
the sisters read pr sew,
And the father paints iu language, u mir
acles of long ajrn."
Not for them ! yet through their changes,
Memory keeps her taper bright,
Lighting up the streams of day-time, aud
the visions of the night ;
Hearts that know no hellish terror, thro'
their tender pulses send
Throbs of strung magnetic feeling to the
parent or the friend.
One is writing to his mother, and his tho't-
ful rye grows dim,
With the memory of her kindness, and
her loving care of him ;
Patient of his youthful follies, quick to
lead and slow to blame,
Bisiug with his rising honor, sinking if he
sink to shame.
Well she knows her pillowed slumbers aro
not as they were of old ;
Well he knows the grief and terror that
hef pen hath never told ;
And he sees the dark brown tresses grow-
inir whiter day by day,
Since her country's tocsin Sounded, and
she gave her all away.
Aud another reads the message that a
lather's hand hath sent,
Strong in courage, wi.-o iu council.glowing
with a high int.-iit :
"All his prayers go forth to bless him
be has been bis pride and joy.
And the hopes of pnst ami present crowd
around the darling boy."
With a quivering lip he folds it, but his
keen and steady rye,
Speaks the strong, unshaken courage that
fhall conquer or shall die ;
Gentle words a wife has written, there the I
husband reads to-night,
And his manly tears are hidden in the j
fadine winter light. j
Then be folds his daughter's billet in a
warm and close embrace,
Iler's, v.ho hold the prisoned sunbeams
of eight summers in her face ;
Ah 1 he cares not for the blunders through
each blurred and crooked line,
All the glances of her blue eyes and her
baby graces shine.
Needs must tremble they who called lam
from such pleasures to the strife,
He will keep bis vow of vengeance at the
peril of his life ;
Where the sunbeams linger longest, heed
ing not the frosty air,
With his pale young forehead shaded, sits
another reading there.
One who loved like liiiu the poets, shared
this in the davs gone by,
And each line looks kindly at him thro'
that sister's speaking eye :
'' Sit she iu the dear old Study, reading
what I read to-night,
Tracing out the rythmic numbers, in the
flashing crimson light ;
Or, perchance the lamps are lighted, and
she pens the gentle line
That gives olden warmth and comfort to
this stranger life of mine."
There young man holds a locket, gating
on a face so dear,
That the past becomes the present, and
the far away the near ;
Over streams, and hills and valleys ho is
standing by her side,
And her dark brown ryes are liquid with
the gush of love aud pride,
Sweeter than the sounds of summer is the
language that she speaks ;
Fairer than June's fairest blossoms arc the
roses on her cheeks,
And he feels to-day more worthy of her
plighted heart aud hand.
Then when peace and smiling plenty
blessed his sorrowing Fatherland.
Breaking on the evening's bustle calls the
jirum to muster roll,
And the soldier's sterner duties shade tho
fancies of his soul.
Turning to their straw and blankets, quiet
slumbers close them rouud ;
Nothing but the sentry's pacing breaks
the silence of the ground.
And tho stars look kindly on them from
the blue pthereal sea.
Leading ou the Hosts of Freedom through
the gates of victory. .Meieose.
Good News New Goods!
jvjrir .0015
y.lK rAl.l AD WlSTKSt
FOR f tt.l. JIXT) nlTF.Kt
arkmf.R. rrr.ruK rr,
KKKHfR, jrr LrtK d CO
KSEWt K, irri.i h-e ro
KHKilbl:, JtlLlKE CO
tlf C. J. ST All U
ETXDERY on 3d ptroot, a few doors
FIRST ia the Market!
Ktw Cijods at the Old Stakd
or Shrllbb in Sraaavaa.
riHC subvenoers have jual received, and
1 are now opening a large aod well .elec
ted stock ol
embracing all 'he varieties usually found ia
Stores, which they will sell
ttsTCheaptr 7io Anylwlg rite.
Call and see for -specimen, of fionds and par
ticularly of prices. BROWN A. BKO.
Lavifbarf, No. 4. leCI.
v... n a k...i.ti:Frs un rni,.
tbe owatr at this OSc, Lewitbarj
, -ar-v
EAI.ER in bins. Dye sniffs. Paints,
Oils, frnices, ('bPinirals, While Lead,
Window Class, Pine Oil, fluid, Alcohol,
; CoalOlM ailtiilil,T:inu-r'ftOII,
1 j,a, j,- v;i TmpeHtiM, Fruit,
I r. r-4i tr.i - p;.... c..-
! ""ui,iUliiivU.uiBa.J!Suuu ,
Ac Alsy, ihe I est llramty. NVine, Whiskey,
Gin, Ac, for medical purposes,
(formerly Pr. Punlv's Drue Store.) Call in!
i-.wub.rg. Us; 21, list.
Sevca and Three-Tenths Per Cent.
Treasury .otr
Now ready for delivery at the Office of
JAY COOKE & CO. Banker?,
No. 114, South Third St, Philadelphia.
"TIURSUAXT lo instructions from the Hee-
retaiy of the Treasury, the Subscription
r . k . I V"'-''
- --- " "1 " ""'"i mi imc I ate
of seven and Ihree-lemhs per cel. per annum
will remain open at my rflice, No. 114. S 3d i
81, until lunher notice, from 8, A M, until 5, J
M, and on Mondays till 5, P M
These Notes will be of the denomination of
iK&O. llitOn. AAOO. l OOO an lis nr.O r.
all dated lUth August. 18RI. payable' in gold, j km"ra'S2 ' tt",b" for "f uga
in three years, or convertible into a tw enty j i. Harm. k oil Otii the ehtmny laip.
years' six per cent, loan at ihe option of the ! 4,h- " tti-.tiff. int cr.i .ml .u.ntl of onil
I,, .j p,.k ...... v u . an.1 -mrbnn oil., fnioi m foully ol :ls noil upwmril.
Holder, tach treasury Note has interest; ;., ,., nirl r,una itb .tout th rame f
conpons attached, which can be cut oft and , riiiiv u ran4ir.
collected in gold at the Mint every 6 months i "lh I'usth rtin.r In bnrninc Improrw the qa.tity
, r , . . , ' . J ' , of the flm-. Th Umo mav b turnml a week without
at the rate of I cent per day on each ijnfl. j ,rim,n( .j , ,'.moi.
Payments of subscriptions may be made in I rti.- rurnrK en b a:ti-hi-l to anTUmp,o that per
Gold or Checks or Notes of an v or Ihe I'hila-1 " ' l"l"ua only rji.n ''-
delph.a Banks. Parties at a distance can ! Fnr J' A. KRhAM tR.
remit by their friends, throush the mail, by I AI.Kt). just rrreived, a lot of trench I re
express, or through Banks, and Ihe Treasurv j s'rvins Kenles. Corn P.ippers, Ac. Ac , at
Notes will be immediately delivrre I, or sent J- A- KREAVER'S Tin Shop, corner Fourth
to subscribers as they mat direct. i "J Market streets. I.ewisburg, Attg.2,'61
i ani's remiuing innsi aM tne interest irom , i.is, neari) as many machines were repre-
the lth August, the date of all the notes, t,. i jp? Attention, FlnsiCianS ! j jented and as thoroughly tested as at Syra
the day the remillance reaches Philadelphia. I -l.VjV A larse assortment of , ease, and the
ai me rate ol l per cent per dav ou each S-iU.
Apply to or address
Jay Cooke, Si ocateTiow Aoest,
Tare of Jay t'ooke eV t'o. Bankers,
9l3in3 No. Ill, i. :id m. Philadelphia
mm Art? manufactirinff and have
(f','i'iTis:ai.(lv oo hand a lari:? jnan-
ffil7ttlt,ir,";l y 4 "''t J an' '
aVwwt.-nuulrei I.aih at ihe f -liott-m- prices 1
Pa 11 i.uh heat. nt in a new Myle, (rem ',
to$lperM i
I.SII!i:atuM feet Ions. 51 to $I.SJ pr M.
.i.,, - . a.- . i i
ShlUKH'.at.. ion. per ihouian.1.
Palmes ami I.aih moJe to.,rJcr,any length
parties may (fe.-itrr
I.ewl ur an -iwniit'. Pe
(LATE KACI.r. u nv.i.,)
Third St., above Race, Ftlladelrhl
KK.Vs. .S5 per .lav
KIIIIAD.s A; WA1I.OR, Proprietor!!.
TIIlltMANV MH-tt'-l fonnrrlrnriUNatknalllcUl
CliAKLK alU)K. lorm-il. 1,1 S hu laiil Cu.,1' KTTy
lCE...r;...CE !
rPHK ondernrnfd are putting np an ICE
1 HOI MI larce enouth to supply all our
people wi'h Ire iltinn; ihe mhtde year. Ice
wul he ilelivrred in ten n, daily, at a cheaper
rate ihan private Ice Houses ran be filled.
ft? Call on eiilirr t' us on North 4th Jt. or
at the Ice Houe below the R-ver l!rute.
Uwil.arir.X..T.C(.. lfto r'KA K. AN'.IADT
fXmmrm m (LIT It L. ritVER AXD CO.)
Leffl.sburt Planing Mill,
keep c.n,-ianilv on hand and
nidnuJai iure to order I looi III?. SfdllK
UooiN,S;ivh. Shultoi s. lllludtt,
.HotlHlincM ot ail paio rns,
and alt oihTdt-icrijuions of Wood Work used
in Uuildm.
Orders respectfully solicied and promptly
filled. All work warranted to ive aiislact:on
CtfAn extensive lot of Lumbfr of al'
descriptions on hand for ale.
Facturtj mi Knrtk Second ntretttLevt9burz, Pa
April 12, tV)9.
at Howry's Sky-Ligh Gallery,
"A VARKET ttrret, LewisburR Havinc !
X'X. jns.t received a large a.vsi.nmrnt of
plain and fancy I'ases, I am ptepar. it to take j
Pictures at reduced prires, fur the ilididav. I
All within, any kind of Pictures can sAve !
money By getting them soon.
ai n. 1 ..i i
w. d .ciuies taaeu in ciouay weamer-
1 I
mg A n t m a n O n t '
WUUa W 1 Ii K P !
w mm mm m aaa mm www m mm
AT inE
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LAUGE snpply of Bni.ks.Siationcry,
Jl Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confrctiitn
eries, Teas, fcpices. Fruit, Snis, ltaktes.
Pictures, and a variety of RICK JN ACKS for
sale cheap br
763J H W CROTZEB. I.ewisburg
Josiali Baker & Co.,
HAVE made arransemcnls with E.
E. Locke &. Co. to furnish 95 per cent.
by the Itbl. and Hair BM. as ci.eap as it can
be bought in rki!adelpha.
They have also just received a general as
sortment ol
MISS, S'll'injEAiS.
rain I-i and OflN.l.lasN and I'ullj,
Tine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines,
liquors Jobacco, Snufliliiks, Soda
Ash, Wheel Urease. &e. &c.
All th" above artirlr otrereJ VEKY
CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before tuyiog
elsewhere. Our Motto is
''tamnll I'rontH & Quick Salrft."
Lewisbnnr. May in, 18n.
C O A I- O . I- O 4 1
riHK snbcrtter keeps r..nnani!y on hand
a larpe anrirrenl nf the vrry best Sha
mokiu and Wiikes-barre COAL, for lime and
stove purp'se,mhirh he will sell at the very
lowest prices ftrCah nrUounlry Produce.
Also. HhcAnmitM1 Cital, i'iater and Halt.
Wish it diMincily underwood, that 1 will not
be undersold by any man Having good
wrih-scale,, full weieht will be given.
Coal Yard near Ven!ensauTs hotel.
Lewisbnrw, May
IOrXD A KOTB for One Hanclrrrl
Uollats. pnyab'le at tbe Bank of Danville,
which the owner can have by proving proper
ty and paying rnarges. Inquire at
"i)r ATT'vJ ,or Juslice anl
I IjIjAIN JVO Conslablc, for aale
f pouted to order, at the Chronicle O'Sce
E (( SIDES Slaughter Upper LEATHER,
JUU soli and pliable, to be delivered at
he rate ol 50 sides per week.
1 rf( "'"J iaiiehter 80I.E LE A
1 JJJ THE", (steer hides) weiehinc 16
to 20 lbs. a slit. JAMES SCOTT.
employment during Ihe winter, lo work
on army shoes. Wages 50 cents tor bottoms,
and 60 cents lor bottoms and lining. Board
ing at private houses, t- per week, and al ho
tels, jSi.50. JAMES SCOTT.
I.ewisburg, Oct. 18. I6t.
Altornrjs at Law,
Lcwisbnrg, Union Co. Pa,
mt ;c tc j . c i
lVBH-l,.;;S '
Lewn,bur;. April 4. IHfil
" '
hat LVef) bOd' Said COUld nnlDe flOnC,
- ... . a i! I I
haunt list lupn WrnnmlisliPil!
AMIUIOsC-s Coal Oil No t blmney
Hand Lamp. The following are some
ol" its advantages :
lt. nilts-l'i", with the rhimnry, whlrh uezpennve
' anitromli
a rj. Violins. Cuit.irs. e... of all
4g.- al.- Violin, (initar, I
and Banjo Mrinis, Brir.ces, Pecs, Ac. and the
best Violin Eusin call at the Pi .t Oirire and
eiatnine. ! V FOKKEST
r -a TMti (-PCrDY il'T.t or
Cfviht, CiJirx, f 6tvn&, fntr'p, !( :r Rr-mrhirif,
fiifHwm' f, i'lf'H".- nf ll-nrrU,firititf fr-tn G'f,
Ifu-'tnt ' -i h ij' n, uti-l J-r 'If rtlt' f awi ,1 ' ait
p. y.rn If, cur' l.if"Hii in u tran.rJ iU'j't of Vtt lii it' r
UK P.t!Mn! r.-r IUI in .!. r! a V.-ffaUM. prndve. :
n i itiins it b-iiin irt.frti' f ti. ti-tn.
itrt tN.- tfu it- r;i t- - m''" tW'tiiii. i.rf.liiri;
nlnl,in,ii.n.oa..n H.l.i.tJ It t hf niirt..r itit.lH.1 ,
I n..t th . i.. f. . ,'- f.i:-..; .i.i.h win ,.t .t .
i mriv i-tmi, .uriutuii to us Ucuiiiij muJ lUtt-uivinic '
f,:Trf:"V.T,m'P,T-'l- '
I tiri.- of iiw aii-di.-ai rid. i.itt non --luir-iJ more fro I- i
' n-m- in hi tTftmnt if iti - ti....i-i. ii.d tim ru-
Imf.-d I'l-n.-ihti IT H'-of!an., th- i.riint.r of thf Hnl- 1
-Ami. -Curtl-al. il lift d to the l-rodorf i-n. f :
rr-iaH-i' ih-t wituid -tmd unrtTa!.-d. iii.w we ii be- h '
mi.c--..ii. fli Aroi-rl.iiri ti.i'l- rn l. to indie, and !
.,(-.. I.- .a.rt l)..l mi t r..nflor.a v h. . 1
of twin-lit' rn iit! r)n1i htiptwnii v, or daee elicited
) mwny wiiim',nrlji'i-'ii'' from 'l rVm-ew nf Mriciy, u the
J r-m'-K- 6 nf tl - flr.d, rir.-d hj tr. V. M. Jckon 4
, Ct... of ri-iln l.-l; Mi.
! Tlie Cordial i-d-inr-.l f t arla i f .lim-n more gn
eral and oirr fatal Uio any ntlo-r t w hx-h the ptj
m ir.i' connirj are iiijci-in-"i jrnii'in liora a
'ntljrht oo Id " That em. neat authority. Dr. Bell, :
t will n't en? that Mn are to our inbuilt ant what
the- I'iaffue and Yellow FfTer are to those of other rottn
trie ; but I en aer rotitdntlv that th- uber In dL
eaaenf creator txiraj.lleitj aod mortality than thee latter
Read wl.at tha emloeat Ola Manufacturer. JOII.f M.
UITALL, aayaor the II A U" A MIC (MKIHAU.
1B C M. Jtron-lt-prH-t 4 Friend: HarlaR fnr a
Ionic tlaae hea aniaaintt-d with the virtoea tt thy BAU
5AMIC)hntAL in Onsha, TaM. Inflammation of tha
Lung. c, tha- freely bear t"tioony lo iUefllcaev.
Kor eevrral year I hato never K-i withont tt in any
faaitlr. It ia alo ciTr rue pl-aaure to aula that I have
u-d it with eotire 'tim-.t ia the treatment of Bowel
ComplamU. Thv rrieud Lrulr. JIIN M. U It IT ALL,
filth Mo. 17, .Hi. Kmc L above 4tb. Pbilad'a.
aa-ThH ni'-dirtnea are dr aale t. all reapaetable
PruiCk't'ta and deal-ra in j-Ju-imi. in the United lUti-e,
'aniia, British I'rovinr. . and Went Indie, at 75 rents
e-r U tli'-. B--ure and f t th nulnr, with thf eicna
lure if O. M. Jacka-.n on the- wrapper of eaeh brittle: all
otta t. are f-fiiinta-tf-'it. I'rinrial ifllre and Muutacto
ry. 41 Arch street, I'hiladt-lpbia, Ta.
Jern.salem and the Sacred Places
The above work iscomroended to the favor
able notice of clereymen, and those having
charge of Sunday-Schools, Bible-classes, and
public institutions.
It is about nine feet Ion' and six feet wide,
colored and varnished, and mounted on can
vas with rollers.
It ha bwa cifitrart- J froai the .,.( authentic and
r liahle fiiurr4a. and i ) tt.utt 1 an in.aluahle aid to
lli'.fe euxaji in le-luni. -n the lli.iy Unl, or ia Im-
rartinr L.trwitu.. i acLul ci
riuir lu-irucuon u acbuvi claasea on Ut lulj- ct to
inr-u 11 r ir.
in inn-nr lt.-a. It .a takm a -birt a eye" i.r l.al.
lM'n' view, the heheder U-tnr. in itnifrinatin. placed at
iniderabla elet.iUon, o a lo take a c-m .relie naive
vwwnr mrrn; vl Ua aiiaie euuntry for autne dis-
tanrr arunti.
The It- ar mrnpr vltb an Oat tin Kef, In
which th diltWrnat iMali(m an Dumrw-rrd. and a Io
trrilit-a Maonal cnQUtDiii? all th iufrmatoa n-tra-aary
tomatir? r.ue to uietba View to advantage to Leacb-
iug or tcctur.Df,.
This IS a Vfekly Kfligiuus i'aper, pub-
lished at the Verv tow nnte f One Dnltar a '
umicu m iuc very ww price Ol une 1oliar A .
Jear I
It is designed for Parents, Teachers, and all '
who are encased or interested in rhe reliei- !
oas training: ot the youos. Il is also au ex
cel'ent Family Papir.
A portion of the Su Jay-School limn ia oocoplr'd with
Karraiiv--i and oll.er matter j artit ularlv itiU-rp'iDr to
y uu p- r.n-. will And in It'mu. h that they j
will l:kc to rr-H.I t- their rla---(. :ntrtin matter pre- !
f-are-l to tf r hitnlr. and am h aa they can not lindelaw
a In Tt: l-'nr the utor reaeotin, nti-mheo of tlihle rlaNN, 1
at..l thf ol.l.-r n'h'.!r- f O-ri.i!y. a ill tn- greatly beuctlt- ;
ed y th- p-rual i f ti pap r.
1 l.f .Vw-,J ,y .v-.W rii had every wet-It a report rf
thr t hoi.-.-at Biatt-T. elrp'W from th Vmn iTtver-meet t
hi' h are w ii.tcrei-ttiifr U all - Uv of riiriMlHUa. '
I. M.l-.-all.,UK.M,,.fwt,t.f-(tl rt-.lil--. .Rf.Hi..., ,
tn fiuii'l -jf-.VtAuuf Time contain all th nnt reont
.-un lav. li. "l near. It rrtf all (he imirtant Coo
Vrntiona of Hun!av wIkh.I t.rL-ra. it itianiM.. tt,. !
j -ji-Ntiona whirh ov-H lnterrt and perpli'x teitchera and
parent. rr-rHniE th- varti.ua m-tliodof rHfiiiou train- '
liii- for the yui.tr. th tm-Kn of cainim tlie atti-ntioa
aud the afTvrtmna r.f ehll lren. and especially of aecnrlns 1
thMri-otivrr-ion and l-r;nni? tlirm to Chriat. The-uti- : v(t.t to thi rvaiy and rtitorutive, in UiecaMepecuklar
jwt of Mi."lon hliin furc-fi. and of Sunday aclnxd ly afTi-rUn- them.
tuWIonary work for thi- interior, i thoronithly ranva-a- n Run n itipm. both chronic and inflatnmatorv in
ed. Indpe-l, there ia hitr lly tplc of prnr-licaJ impair- , the lattr-r. however, more dcid-dlv ft has Itw-n Invari-Unc-
to any who nr.- intr-r.fl in the aubj-ct or th :i- uuy wu rp'rU-d. both aa alkffatimr pin anJ reduc
ona education, whi'-h irnot hre brought under consider- ina th- welline- and MilTnraa of the joint" an.) niu-ie.
at ion lrrm tk to wrk. n IitekviTTT Ftvnw it mnt neeeaaarilv be airrat
Th- con-lut-tor of tUte papr endvor to remember, j ivm-dv and enerire:irrftorntiv. and if pron-t-a in the
that the creat enil of all i liri-lisn iT.-rl ia to hrini men nPW M-ttlcmentu of the Went, will probably be one ol
Vi'ri-i. i nrw rTui.'-r"rtJinaiy. u poi uiHn-v-ry nun- 1
b. r ot the papt-rmethin winch ahail have lor ita direct
object the cbDvercton or "U.a.
sPFnt nrrfR.
The Proprietora of th- .Viwr;y .V'.oT TVatef hvtnr atv
ijuirt tl th- esrluie riirt of al nf tli apVndid wrk
mention's anovo. the M vp or A nr.i J ram nrw off.-r it
an a nt ecial j'ti mlum to thoee aupwrintendt-nta, tt-ar-htra,
or other, who will Mtlt in gctimg new mbaenbert to
th patrer.
W f i.nr thia anperb premium to anyone who will send
tta tbe names uf 1 new nHi-Tir-ere and $12 in caab.
fa..Tn every ceae. b.-f -n tit-rinnini toranvaa-.heimra
to write to uk anil obtain the nec-aaary doenmenta and
ititrucij.in. Thee a ill b-lp vu ri-atly in pt-oeerutiux
the a-rk. and will ae you man. WMtakef.. Kne.Oae a
Cent in tnmra t pV poa-taje A'l-lret-a
I'aiH-ninTina or Tt .i inT-t nnor Twm.
14b, tk-ntl; f ourth atreet, 1'biladelphla.
J.S.Marak. E-Saorblry, fXAkorklty. r.Bcavcr
J. S. rvlAFiSM & CO,
(etjcrfjreoaa to gkppk, itui a co.)
Ici iNbnrg:, Pa.
ll ba, eooauntla oa hand and far nl.,
Sflrrt : Htmd Hmrae fhwtr 0m SMUrw : Ma, TV.
ad Ftmr Hr Trmd. Svji .ml Att Pt-wrt: CUr t
W-r,. run, rf.-a, n.m. Sm. IWIU, nm '
yr.mii far AuaV.htuM. In. t. -. a,.., n .
tr. Ar..an4 h,.ij ouri.a. r.a l timm to M au. '
"W mr.aT ,:rltaa vth tbr alniatPomrtaM.
anl di.Htrb Work or Manafaclam Im.arial.l.
i Warranted a. rwi.mmH. im... . .... 1 1
,iciui aajam,ii aiuca.a u.
Juaa,ltU i
Sole Manufacturers of the Improved
IT is the cheapest aud most durable Roofing
in use.
It is Fire and Water Proof!
It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all
kinds and tu shingle Kuofs without removing
the shingles.
The cost isnnly about one-third that of Tic
and is twice as durable.
Gulf a I'crclm CMnt, fr preser
ving and repairing Tin and other Metal Koofs
of every description, from iu great elasticity.
is not injured by the contraction and expan
sion of metals, and will not crack in cold or
run in warm weather.
These materials have been thoroughly tes
ted in New York and all parts of Ihe Soul hern
and Western States, and we can give abund
ant proof of all we claim in their favor.
They are readily applied by ordinary labo-
i rers. ai a inning eipense.
h.ese lmtl P P for use,
j and for shipping to all parts of the country.
Kull descriptive Circulars will be furnished
on application by mail or in person at our
Principal office, 510 Broadwar, New York
(OpptMiiu SUMrho!J llotrl.) J0II.S a ( KOSLKT.
i Buckeye Reaper & Mower,
Manufactured by
Central Foundry, Lewlsburg, Pa.
11HE Buckeye Reaper & Mower was intro
duced in lfS7, and so perfectly was It
adapted to the work designed that at the
tireatest Practical Field Trial ever held in
this country, in July of the same year, at Sy
racuse, it triumphantly carried off the
Grand Gold Medal and Diploma!
At the Indiana Slate Trial, held ai l.innne in
Buckeya was again the Victor!
AnI m alsu at nearly all the field trials and
exhibitions in 1 MnH, 69 and 'fill, when it was
a comprtiiur. At a number or exhibitions it
received the First I'reanutn as a Mower, First
lremiu:n as a Reaper and FtrM Fremium as
a Combined Marhme. These numerous
awaidn prove cnnrluMvely (he correcmes ol
(he HfrtMi'D at iSyracuve.
Trie combined oppoMtion nf ihe manufac
turers of Mowing and Kcapins Machine and
their f fl.rt- to cruh and to bnnj iiito di-sre-
1 tiilt lri- II iirlco nn car..u.l ... ...
. ,..... n.,..J ' ,J "i',ru ,u l""tc
'mil ; and ine rears nicy enter-
tamed of it fi nal ncces a nil triuimh were
. e . ' . I
" real worm ana mentor the:
The Machine ha now na jed thron-h ,., '
harvests, and ilurine the Ut three over .Vine
Thousand have been built and soid and the
farmT may indie nf us ren:uatiin bv ih nu.
m-rMH i, . .. . .
-"- vy tnui in n it cs iinin JH
held trials and at S;ate and CVunly Ejthibi-
I inn a. 9 urfil a frotn ihaniim.vot.. ,i i .
" ...... ...i u .an. i n u utllliJIIUS,
'"e manulacturers have never yet been
able to supply.
Slifer, Walls, Shriner & Co,
Mantifariurers of HuMork's Talent Mower
and Reaper. Hnckeye Reaper V Mow er. Dar
hns's Patent Hore Power, WilUon's Patent
Fodder Cutter. Rirh's Patent lnn Plow, and
Michigan Double Plow; aUo.Bioves aud Cas
tings of all kinds.
Central Fount (rt ami Mwhine Shpt Cor
ner Sixth and Mwket ttrteU, Lctcit
lurg. Union Co. Va.
Vow. 9. 1 WW.
An aprl-nt and Ptrttnarhlr prrpatattfa of IT. ON pur)
tWU of oicn and rarbca by rnmbaation in hvdno.
MDctioni-tl .j Die higbrat MU.cal Autbnrltira. both in
Europe uti th L nlud Slated, aod prvacribvd la ibvir
The rxperiencaorthouvandf daily proret that nt pre
paration "f Imo ran bertnparea with It. Irflpuntirn ot
thf blnftd. df-pretr.oa of ltal rarv, pale and otberwiaa
trkly rfoipli-atotu, indtcaU it Drcaaaitj in alMuatWcrj
ronivivabrv raae.
Innoxioun in all malasliea la wttirh it baa been tried
It baa prnved abaoiutely curative to each of the lul low
lr.g oioiplainu, via:
it ItrMitj, Xrrrtmi Afc'ii, Fmaeiatwm. Dytjpria,
OmtHpaium, -urrrp.ij y tilery, Incifumi fim$umftumy
SrmfuwHM ra.rrwniai, flt KKwm. Mumnf,wttfmt
H'ftifW, fi.laroru, Ltrtr Ctrmoiuinl, Chrtmtc JtmturJkrt,
Ji'i-ttWKttum. IhtmmtiUmt na th J4l-, Ue.
In ea-eanf Ok.krl Imnutt. whetlwr the reeult of
arut diNeae. or nt the rontinned duuiDution ofnervoua
and muru!arnerjry troca efa route roniplainta, on trial
ofthia rvetoralive baa proved arrraaful to an extent
whirl. Dodfrw-rir ttoa nor written attestation woald rend
er rredibl. Invahtla ao lnutt biJ-ridleD aa to have ba-rf-nif
fnrjrnlb-n in ttwir own Deichborhorxlu. have aod
dfiily re appeared. a tha buny world an if juat returni-d
frftin protrar-tr-d travel In a distant lan.l. ISmevery
ripnal lOUneea of th. kind are alttrti of faial vat
fervra, emaeiated vlrtima of appan-nt marawmua, aan
fruineoiia exhaustion critical cbaiicea. and tbatcomplr
catinn of atrvonn and dyapeptie ave-riion to air and eX
ercife for whtrh the phyairian baa nn name.
in r.Kvura Arridlo or all kiida.arid for reaaona
tn nmliral men. the operation of thi pivpara-
tlin neoennarily be salutary. for. unlike the
oWllM( it iH .iproo.iy tonic without l.rinexcitin(c
nd ovt-rbratinr: and ft-ntly. reirularjy aperle-nt. even
Jnthemnatobftinate naeeor rf.ttfvf.nt without ever
8iUk iBtwung a diaaKraeabla
en Fat ton.
It ia thla latter proparty. raonr other, whl- h inakea
tt ao reiuirkahly eftv-rtual and p-rmanent a r-tnedy for
J'4'$. op-11 which it atao ap-ari to exert a divtinrt and
apiTifi.- action, by departing the local Untie Dry which
formx them.
In l est, innnmerable a Ita ean-ea. a finrle box
ot thee fhaljbt-Bte Pilla haa oftn aultlced for the mod
baitnal raM.inctudinx the attendant (tirttrtnrtl.
In unrbeekM I'lAtaMiJL,. even when advanced to Pva
iit.rt. contirmrd, emaciatiuir, and appan-ntly malix
nmt, the eflvctn have bw-D finally dcc.five and a.-ton-ihmx.
In ihe local palna.lnaaorfleh and afrentrth. drbilita
tinir i-onirh. and ri-mittent h-( tic, which cn-rallv inJt
it(Wi i-wTi..-. .hi. rmmniy haiaiBTeJ the
alarm of frt-ml and phyairtana, in several very gratify
ins an. I intt-tvntinz tn-tnnow.
In S-It'nui Ti naaajt toaiw. thla nedlrated froa haa
bifl far more than the good effect of the inoetrautioutly
halanei-d preparattona of iodine, without any of their
wen known irafintiir,
Th- attention nt femaleaean not be ton eonflJ-ntlr in-
hi -h rnown anu O-M-IUineaa.
o rvnv-dv ha ever ben iMacovered ia the whole his
tory of mnlictne. whieh eXrtf auch prompt, hapt y. and
fuiiy retirtlv efftta. Uood appetite, (ompltJ' iHl-S-tion.rapi
I a-ieition of tr-nifth. with an unnntial -Ir
position for active and cheerful exerrie, immediatV '
f.llrw ita ue.
fnt Dp In neat flat metal hoea containing- ftnplllv
prit-e Ih eenta per box : for aale by driuci-t n-l lealera.
Will be arnt fre to any addreaa mi r-rv,pt of the price.
AU letter, Order!-, etr.. ahoiiM he adlreMd to
B. B. UK KE a Co . 'i--o. ml AgeMa,
lj84l o Catua tit, N. Y.
Sold in Tvlburj
Rakri Jt Co i W ftrballle Harris Jt Dan on
uraou for ever !
WE are all cheeret! to see our I'nion boys
wilh snch gno1 courage take hold i-f
the rope to draw it tight am and the neck ot
Jeff Davis and other potatoe rooter. We
also expect the larpe Bailie at Washington to
talk soon. There is quite an excitement In
Lewisborr. Soldiers are gome away, and
merchants are felling Kt Goods. Latest, i
N. R. Zimmerman has returned from New
York and Philadelphia, and has carefully se
lected the latest and best styles Oyer loals
and best Pants, Hats, Shirts, Handuerchiefs,
Block-ins, Cannetts. Cassimeres, Cloihs of
all deacriplioas. M'Clellan stjles Cas'imere
and Hals, and five and six hands making
Clothmx to order. Cloth and sold at Philad.
wholesale prices. Call before yon bay yoa
Mill nal ln. an.lhln. hnt a. v. fift. n.r rnf.
1 hanks lor all layers.
Bepk 18, IBfil. P.. K. iM.Ut.KIaAI,
LLNDSEY'S Improved i
nrurooo sctm m:R,.oi
Wot the tymmlf. radical antl rftVrtaal nrm -f A 1.1. JIhum
axiaia trua. IMfUKlTV Of TUa HUjutH
pi!!ff axMilriM aaa vrraagal Ua aMat ifacukjBcore
Srnru la Caaiwroa fnraiation,
Cutanroa difiM, KfTnipolas Hoil,
fimlrti a the lace, h-rr Kynt, 9ml6 Head,
Old. tnbbrn L'lerro. JtbrmMtii disorder,
Trlte-r HeTltoD. CiiitlVi'lirM,
I'P-r"i, JaUaxlk, Clt Khram.
tslttrruHiil JiwasM, fifiml d-iii!itT,
Liver Complalati ! of Aprwlitr,
lW SplriU, Foul l)tORiar-hT
FematVOiilaintiandall'lteV'aJteciiiu thrUoria j
ib an lBipura iair 01 uic stir!.
Th n-) i B prtrtmit of David MTrearv. of V-fW
1 w.,wn.nn in oit ! 01 .tuut ,iv,h. mJ- Mttitla H
iWf. .r JiiF'tW (rlT Hint he wni tr-lwl lor li rurr
C,jto. tit thrw ph pit-ine d IVt-'ltunl rurity.and ly Dr.
Nfwtt-n nf tri Kcla-rt i- rlj.jr. t'lnriiinNtl.'tcr a period
ff nrrl ii:hl month. nrtith-rt?nt!itir abirh ftp,
note, (in. a jfirf,m ff hit I'J't htti urr mtr.li$ rntem '
- y . it- m i turn up an none.wneil Ilf IlClini Ol "to
"Iti'-o-t Starrhrr." and ttflu'i-t to rr it. Fur bol-
t!P rufxl Mm, mid fulthinih mdlv li.riiart-d ' ttir-r (
'i ii- e 1 1 hi tun iniiiiiianir nimn inr muu dir nn.
Tin- fun nrfiruUr-. f iMnrpnu'iiMrniw- m a
Ami.trr.t-? en. p.-,.. rtlrrtl.f-ll-.rlL4lUrtMioauo.la
w. nii ttii.t.-t ni, i.-..oi! in it...r.t form.
'f' th- rn-r i.l 0. ..ri- M. i- 1. r.-.iirj in rarmltu-wn.
r.nhi.i'.. . f... b., ...... u.iir nit-i.-t.-j .iiiii-.i.j.-r
ll.st it -:t h- -titir rt-.-i. olf ud liia cj"e was lurw , if
p....o-. tbi, w ...-. ..
enr-ti,,.. -i-.i,' in... i .,r. i,, -- ,..!, u, !
" in tinui.r in t,.i t.i.i f nv . r thr i
K. . LI tl tl . rmurlelnr. i
V.i n I-; I'.it.lv a ll;iiitt.- r.-; -!. K .ni.-r-v.il.-: Ciim mini:
M, 11 t... . II.., tt. ,. .. . I. II ... n M ill . 1 i I
, Unlia-lJ; .-mil l!e 4 orrlit-r, Uooruf ;
r. k2v:ell's
piiotoc; ii a I'll ( ; a ll ery,
Jo. "S i I, tri ll M. IMill.i.Ioli.liia,
Od- . f Mi
I i e-d -i
:iDii mr-l rein
i-r It..- t.Pl i
rt r- tk. n r
iWllrTirx in tht
k:)uti ti. tbti
no iilatrinr
i-i i
THK iv-ri r. a l'r- ii -..l I'n -...:.i!-l.. r. ati.nd-,
jt-r-im.iin , ,-,1-ry ,n, 1 m ' - n i i- lute t
IfllTr- Dlf HlleTV U'll' .1 feii )wrf.-rt fn llt A-1 WU.
Usfin rrr t(f. rii.d iu!o i a?-. nt.ir dt-i-eaaed
fri-n !?. vr,il-'-Ti'i-ln-1 in miv ri (n.red hiie. t-r laarn fn ,
tnv;.', hfe - to. at -1 piitit.-.! in i 1 t.v ih-- t--t Arli-ta.
At thi ti:ill tv -i-tun-t -:n l- tak n in any watbrr i
ai" iM-rlcrt id H.'H'!y iin) wln-u tin- etin fl.iiifi. .
IVr.on vi-iiins the ii'y ar-- r-.;- i-;fu'ty tr..itd to ex- I
ainui- our r'p.c.uifni', wi:icli fc.r irif and u,uaiit detjr
CC'OI "titltiR.
fatittftrucUons given in thf art f PV --jri hj.
II. N i'. U r.:.l-.
CvLUJtx op Art, "2i Arfli S!rftt KLU:eI,-liia.
JVm Hon Lw:i 1'. ''.oinii 1 1. M. O , Ot.'n
My lnnii.v ..'id ttr. u.i a.li r v.-ur in th- ui.- n that
tie .-viv;i. 'I till.- 1H lil'.ir i.l.'iikr: tl.Ti ity tlillH
thi wer My .iketie-f ban twr-n n-i-aO- liy t iliiu
l-y fli if r nt Arti-i in urnu -, tut 1 bme nrvef
yrt lil nt win- h pnct-niartO tru-t.t nature-, aii the lea
tut. ntip -;r c-L n nt ruuiite-iiiLii -c as I!. is.
from tl n K J -t H m, late- Miiit-r tMtaW.
The ex-)in-'l flnicli, t--ut ami N.riut a uf yt ur pot
trait, roiiji-ind with thir Jurat. ility of r-lor and fait h
fuiOi as hkeoee - au D"t hill t roujiminl tlfiu to
the attention and ujlrLbu of ail who a, rriat :rue
From Col. .Ttwrx Pc.
Havfni oerw("n ft-r a i..rtrit. 1 procured on from
Mr. Kobert Newell, f the nty ot I'l.ilad -li.hia. a min-a-tare
in OUColors, nudnik aie prMi titrT'Tnl
and take irreat plena u re in er-fFDi the -!.ri-tiu-ten
Kiven me. not only by tha aflewrary off th like-ne-c. hut
its artistic tnieh In all rasaecta. and reeomoirn-i hun t
th patronagv of those disfoawa to eawoaraa-e the hfaitti
ful art. K3m6 Jams I'tua.
I 4 SITEUIOK article or haoil-male Brick
! J for ale. Enquire at
! Mar.2061 KREMER. M CI.LRE A CO S.
Mammoth Photograph Gam.erv,
S E. Corntr Ei.bth ani Arch St. Philadelphia.
(Aatrancc on Eyhlk SlrttL)
VFTER many years' experience in all the
various branches of the Art, the Propri
etor confidently inrite the ailention of their
friends and the public to iheir extensive esta
blishment, which presents the opportunity for
proenrin- the best Pictures, equal at least to
any first-class (iallery m the Coned H'aies.
Preparations are complete for e xecutin? all
the improvrd atvle-s known ttheArt. Th-v have a
patriit arraLi-mnt furcopyiniE Uapnf rreotj pi-a. Ac. Ac,
niahirik' lti--m l.it at, if de-r J the on:v '-ne .f the
kind in tlna cunlry. Attached to thu crUblbbmettt
are three cvtli-rnu Artlta.
raoToeau-MS. inrlmlinr ralntinp, aa low at 00
do wtih fram d '
do 1 l'ho. atTHeta. Extra rwtpifH .Mi rta.
or f.1 per doa. I.ifi-aiie fb- totraph a; l-w a $ i. ami
Ivorvtype at anrae price. LurUe Amtrotjpea at i
cenLii and up ard.
A imt extensive ajt-ortmnt of OUt Framee, embrar
Ing a nctt-ft and rhotre varieiy of the iateet at j lea. I'rt
cea from fi eetita and npwarda.
Kcprrial attention N-towr-d npn T.ite-aixetl rhoto
ra ba in Oil. tran-f. rn-d from mall picturre.andfrom
life. Pri'-e from 15 tn f lim.
fWj.luatraHion given tn the Art &My
William Jones,
ATTORMY at Law.-rollections
promptly attf mini to. Olfce'o Market
opfoaite the 1'resbvtfrian chinch.
I.KUIxHChC. I'.t.
Ithe'TrTa? " 'h' S'J'e kD0Wn 1
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 -lrr Strrrt, E,tt of Sixth,
Aniltrotypt's, Da.?erreoIjpes, &c,
Fnr t'avrs.Me,!a!lii,ns.Pin.,l'inss,&r. SfiRyl
(.aromatic li iii.ii.?.
AVIN(i pure hasrj the rinht to use Roh-
ifh j rrcrfs- iir rrintine; wnh lry
i'olurs, for laiion Co. Pa., we are prepared lo
execute enters jnr
CARDS, Show-Bills, &c.
tit aT'if. fi'rrrn. T!!u, ;r-rara, SHvr, Ih,rm"mlt nr finld
Colurs, in jupi! stvle, t iat the Office of the
"tar &. Chronicle," Lewibburs.
Jre, WuniiKN a cuknkius.
Science still on tho Advance !
CJUTifiEON and Mrcliaai-
l) cal l-nlNt. Ul.ce over
the Prnc Mori i poMit- the Nar t'hronicle
ami TelesraphVcices. I.E WIsULlit;, I'a.
lir.r.l itl.A.N is nnwciinsirariins; tlie Nnn
seofional lilnr Ii work, baked on 1'l.nina bae,
which for cleanliness, bcaoly n-l strensih
k.G nn p.ntrtl ,'.s,t tpeih nioiinlp.l nn thi. var.
J - - .
inn. 1tc in nse ami hnvinn h.t , Innw '
and enensiye praciice. and bein; perfeclly
familiar wilh every drparimrnt of bis proles
sion, he feels sale in warranting entire saiis-
faction in all bis operations, which abalt be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call aud examine specimens. The
superior qualities of the Xon-sectional work :
will be evident lo all who will give it an ira-1
partial examination- Dr. Barlaa is the only
person who coastrneta this excellent work in
this section of country. I
t"?Tliarres rhall correspond with the I
1 Lioies. tea-uburg, Sept. 2, 18C1 '
Diseased Eleedimi Gcms,
m A'lr.si.sju Soke Mocth,
And the best tpeciGe now in use for any
diseased condition of the mouth. It is
particularly beneficial to persona wearing
eo.plctely dcKtroying every taint of the
noutb, abiorbiog aod removiog all iuipu
nties, lu-urin
a sweet Bne.vn,
to all who make use of it. Yuuttj
Lady or l'uumj O'tHluman who ia atliic
ted with a
Had ttrenth
boold delay applying this remedy, (or it
ia a certain cure, and is approved and r c
omuinoiii' J by every Ljsii'UD uiiJcrwbjse
notice it has been brought.
ia an utiuuee tor which theru ia nu excuse
-sJi S
j cat! be procured.
1 1
Many persoca carry with them a ba-I
1 lrea,b. .a often
j to the di.ul of those with whom they
outct, wi'hout being: coutcicus
of the fact. To relievo vouraeif from aii
. .. ,.
i fcaw rt' jardtng thi.',
. n- , r j r Tl
j le Vr.nm. H. Ilunrt Jittth II
. WeaoiinfM c-f tha mouth u of gr.at
iioEort inco to the eeneral health, which is
,-, r . j i . ( ,
OlteB allliCteO, D'I DOt UUlrtl H Otly H:t-
ooijr impaired, tbroab wan f proper
attention tO ttjlS fuf i'Jltt.
It lr. HVi. n. hi;;:in :oiTU H.
rr.'parrtl at r. Uhta I'tti':.! Office,
Nu. 77. Fourth Sr., Ur.u.klyi:, K.p.
I'rJcr, :J7 1-sT Iiu1ll.
A liberal disc ount ma le to lea.r.
AJlrA Jiiirj,;f ( ' fy Ttihuue HullJ-
A". 'fui V. A"tr Y rfc.
PolJalwr, by Caswell, .Mail.t Co., Fifili
Avenue Iljf'l; J. A. I. 0'iddiLion. 71")
ljroadway ; I). S. Hirccs, -0- Uroadwa; ;
and by ail Iru!iat.
TLis I'owJ. r possesses tha
fKurtKriLr- til' tHAIiniAI.,
aod ia free from ail Acids or Aikaii tla'
caD in tbe lta-41 injure the Tcctli.
Its action bving entircir mechanical
pnli!iin wllh iut wc.ruii; the enaniol.
Dr. W'm. L. Kurd s Tuotli I'owJer
j U recnuinieoilu J by all Kiuiuent I) -oti.-ts
Prepared at Pr. Hurd'a Dental Office,
So. 77 Fourth Si. lirookljn, K D.
I'rit-r, 25 cts per lx.
A liberal (iisconDt maJe 10 D.-alers.
A llrm PrinrijHtl OJijc, Trlluw ItailJ
So. 1 lyirm-e .S'f. .V. 10 V,rk.
Sold also by Caell, Mack .V Co., Kif'h
AveDUC Hotel; J. .V I. Coddinpton, 715
Broadway; I) S liaroea, 2U- liroadwaj;
aod bj all Druggists.
IT O S . 1 0 -u
produced by exposed ocrves.
It ia particularly adapted to all eaaeg of
children afflicted with
rarcntBcan relieve them'elres from that
distressing wearioess caused by
and their children from great ButTcriDg, tj
keeping a bottlo of
Dr. b?m. U. fjai-ya Cootljacljc Drops
ia tha house.
Prepared t Pr. Hurd's Dental Office,
77 Konr,h St" J KL-
Price, only 12 cU per bottle.
A liberal di.-couut made to Dealers. ,
AtUrrss Prinrinl ftjficr, Trt'lunt Huthl
inyt, Xo. 1 tSpruce St. Xctc York.
SoM alfo by Cwetl. Mack k Co., I iffh
Avetiue Hotel; J. it I. CotMimctoD, 71 j
Uroudway; D. S. l!truci, 20- UroaJa;
aud all I)rugit9.
Dr. vm. it. in air-
or Toothache produced by colds. j
aoc.nl iituralatiY
is immediately cured by their ajpl . i' i
They ac( like a charm, aod are pi n't oily
: liartu,es9 iq tacir nature; d dj; pjauoe
! a blUter, sod leave do ooplcasaot rciult-.
ElWe E. Hard's ncaralsia Plasters
I never fuil tj giva 0atidfat;lioa U ail who
test tbeir virtue.
Prepared at Dr. Ilurd's Dental Oiucc,
No. 77 Fourth St. IirooLI-ro. E I).
Price, only .? tin each.
A liberal discount maJu to Dealers.
A'hfresM PrittrijHtf Ojjice 7 noune Iitiiltl
intit. Xo. 1 Spruce SV. Xtw Yjrk.
Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., fifth ; ,
Avenue Hotel: J. & I. Coddmeton, .15
Lroadway: V. &. isarncs. 202 KroadwaT;
and bT all DlO 'KiatS. 920T
I J tJta vpMtljr rata ol th Hcewrox cuaaplalata t
tk-rofula a mcI Mrrnfalotta A OVrtfna.ark
aa lUimitt, ( litra, hnrri, KlNutUa.
liiHfUT ltailrfl, JJIotraiva,
lUiMv aud all U.km liUaaac.
O.KLAjiA. lad., Mk Juas iSSal
J- P. Ateb 1 Co. r.rutm t I IWi is aiy daiy a aa
kouvskdicv .14 ritr upNatiiia ba da a Be.
II 11.4 ini.tt.Mti a -f -tuk -mm iuletif. 1 ki mUwmj
ftia ii ia ar-a witi t-t ymi. f--mt'Mr bmtmt
-wi an ii in , Htr haitttn ami arm:
-' ld lwfrrsMt i
at 41m MdHvk 9mm
n 1 -nr m nit oik
U tiUI'l tlawM rif-tf
biiia. lull w
Ul. tite ,li".i tt
f-i. twln.-d aw fMittMl auxl i.thwa
I- i tl H i nutl. llllk'lUM and aMarvl
.i'l..-.it i,, h n-li.-r frtM Mir talas. la
' -r-r 'r-- I rka
"I" ' Ur ,I yiHI kawl tiMt
"IMII.Ia,! f - r t krv fw.- -
! 1-. iu tlto (
- ,..1,
. r ... .i.:.w. in .iu.il a.,-..., a u-w-p.-r.i ow
ui-mrh. "I, I t, t .1 n.-C ti.ffr. I.t(lwav. Nr. ..,-( WilTa?
.in --. i, , . ... I-. 1.11, iiu-Wr lliijib. h.. a air
, "' ",! 1; ;",t - ' rUr. ,WJ by rtty
It't-!M(. ..,f t,.e. ... -f Z'.Iir I1..U1 i,y .m. Vo
cuu a. il WirvBiiMi 1 l.ri aUl ( mui K..illtf wrt-n I M
J' ii. th .: , -l i y i, ... i. ,.UUU o( Ua aaa
autl iciUAiu tevi-i lat-iuliy. V'Min,
nt. 4n(hnnTa Plrr. ,f r Krvlplaa.
j IVM.rhi.,1 (".Ulluruw. ?M-.a Ttaad!
liiaKUUfia, h.ire Uropy.
It.. ?:....-rt f. I'rr-l-l., ,it frrm fim. T. lAIt
i-!r. I ;. t. t!i:i! i.e- li.-w -ut-.i ..t.-rta rat nf
i'i " i. a in -It tlu -.i; .t-i i-i i-iiiiiiitw tauallj, rf tha
; -t .Ti-r.n ii.' w I'.tc.in ;. tnl tai. aydavny mm
.V'' t:-$'"''.' I-.r.- d. f4 it..- hnt; M,a
! Li '-.iirTt tiie t-.-n.nn n tmfmt Lt it om-fanitl.
t llrou hoi rlr. .uitrc or welled IVecik
7. lul ti S' in f l-i-I. T. -m. anlw: -Ttanw ba
t! f 1 1 . it r -"iii - i n ill.i i iiirxl ai! fr'a a 1 afnr hxa-
.it. -ti. '. : ti liic lack. TliH'U I Lad euakn-d ftua.
! Inrnrrlirm or IV h If . Ovarian Tmry
lUrlue I Itcivliuu, Knulf Utacaaaa
J II :
tit -f V k fit-, writ; I
p: v villi tin- r.-.,ii"t if t-ar ap-ot aa
i i-ir .-ji -i-m iii i a in t xcIlTt
i.nii.-i ns i.iiiUini f..r aliwH. w
i i :t i.tilv in Vnt-'iV inffm
it- i. I hi- ntxl aiaiT iaH-r-
'.v it nu I nu" .lrra lite ta
' . ( .fi- a f lit- tttmt Mt. Tbr ateaja.
. .it.-. f. Jwtl.lllL :llt.n m kttiiatt.
-- :-n;..- . tat-aii -iu."
i. ..f i.iif . Aia wiiil". " A J.
" n n.r i f Mi- rVmniv- in my aaaiilf.
: '.- ! in. ii- i- oi! 1 i-ni.t.f. ha
t f ,..( ,tf .our iV'ifnNtnf IW-
i I-i it. iii i-tUii!if I ut mttm
r'. ' -il lit- u " iM-i ! tiial iaf Jutir
r - ;r i..'. rt- ruiiini. atwi IS
Mr iftjaniy wibi i
f 1 1, --
fcj iii and Mrrtliilal Dtarna.
Njw 'MfiN -J -Hi AiiK'nt. l-SflL
Tb. -T P. vw: st. I f1.--tt,:ii-t-..ti,.lv itli M rs
'.' M- ..- - t. I..--I i--i. it fi. v ii niiKtr ihevanli
1 ii t. . ! i ii vni.r Hi-ar.n ill.
I ' i : 'i :i. in nil plain nioat of tha eom
! t , i. i - irs ...,r-K.nle.l. and bave iaad its)
r -!. i. -i ; t i nu- -T T.nrti? mtd ilmr
" 'I', r-. - f i. Iii! v .fiilii it alee
mi.-.- s-'. .i .. -iiu, !.,.' hi aanl Uta
, i i. - iij.ti.lt. ,i,r - tjMrilUa, at-nJiljr taAeaj,
i I 'it. i i ' - - r .m nil k rJ l.jt amr-
1 ..: .t . P- : , ii .. , l.i, , j,r,. u!.-w-rllMW 1mA
.-! !. a - .... j ... 1 . . , j air t ,;. a. ti,.t 1
t - r. ii . ., -.-. -!. til- ! ;:tit, nntl kill hint. Btjl It
! i ' in. t .in . .- t - t j. ar nr-.4uarill. th)
-ta i.- . ... t..- w u,it ii ,t t,nr nbMC
i i-t: a' - 'i i.. i.i- A "Uinn win bad ls)
1 1 " - I 1 y iv-iii wan M.rtrtitaC
..Hi- ;i),r ll,fcJI
w t'!.-- i... i :i. 1 i. i i imp .lay nl.f huiTwtd e
1 .-..1 '--ii.-. . i. vu
1 - ' i -( -i in a t. w-, k. I
in ,tv aw. UiaC
' n, . i,UM.,, U-l'-t Wat CIMtS
;i. 1 i.
V. L.lt:I ME It. M. JK
T.tvrr C omplalait
. i .. u. f:l. Jul. ij.
- IClirtininti
: - ' '- 1 it' ia 1.1 JI tlea
v; "1 i; .1 '. t :: j,-1 v.. -ii -ai jrartMa. One
' 1. - 'i 1 - h. t,J f-'t-'l i.i ffneral
r-t, I 1 : !- T tL: B S H-re I Wa
!' kvl. i.I. i. .. .a- u.e. J.IKtAii.
V ' - ' .- I - -. vii!.; T I.ava Ke-a
' ' 1 - :-" iMver, .-h
' 1 . I - - i r 1 -Vt-ry thmic
i- - 1 ' -u . - n i..n lul
- - ; r...... . -t r il,-.ii.'--....J(re,e.f..
' ' .-1 1-' ;i- !. . v., t - ;.MlTiw4
. , . n't- h.- -aiJ In- kri-v v.,
- 1 - ti-MW17. fit tl,. !,"'.
- -. t! , .. T.,.,.rV. n,, I.Jrwl
' r r,-. I I -I ..U:r aain. Th
' " " ' ' 1 !-t f- tli V-l .h."
ilimi.f mn rr i'lttintr. K i. 1m rT-raeat,
M, Li .1 Mini i'.k.lOi44iuta ut
..r -.1.. I. it, l,- n r.-n. rt- t aa wtWr
tv. Mit . tn . ,. t.rw wu ft adaatf
:n Um ;- t. nii-l m i ir A. ri--a
a- nt l-t. m nituad Alt (ieared fc
A !tw tn-. a .i
fiiini.ti i.,it-
li i
iJ I r IL.
Ujraprp.U. Heart TUeae. Pita. Rpllrej.
ay, .'Ulani hul. Aturalia
Many rm.ark.iM. eirv ti..-e ntTnii-iu have Weta
male by thv al:n .In.- . .rt.! ih, itaMiMe. Jt atiaae
lat-a tlw t iui tunrti, n- n,u r.-ii . Mid thaw
overrumea di-rrrra hi. h a hiM Ik- anpptewl l.eAnl tea
r-arQ. ;itj, h a reinwdv lint. !..hk Irrn r otrw l t the ae
rltif of th i..l.'aia -aaiai thwa tbta wua
do Ive tlm !'. tlidt in- . . . iw i ai Ju.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
foil THE avPIlt CTRW OF
COMairla, 'oll. Influeiiaa, IloaraaaeHka
CrouT. Itrtiua hit., Int lpient t'oav
hihI ieu. aw! fr Che- Kelicf
ol 4 4.iiHuiititl r Pa tie lata
In ai! h u el Matt
ol I le licae.
Ttila la a remc! niiivniuitr kn' wn ntrpaea inw
orhi-r f-r th- -ni . f tim at .m l iiii z i"n- laiui. itiat it
t u- ! tf-ie ! pui i i tti- i-Ti.l-1 re of n it rie. lt
unni ill. 1 ii-1 (.-t (U4ik l.i. unl riHdn. and it truly
w.iri l-rful i-urj i.f ; 'jinn nai v di-v. !.. Ittade it
nti tl.r-'it.1 t fi e hi.Iim I nattna ut the earlb.
r.-w .
liiiii.m. urriiB fttBiibc. ann rn: tti.at
.- p - Tirf! i ijn-mi- f itrtTt-
iu M. ir mi.Ut of it vh t-ry fT tbw
... ,i.l, i. ,J ii, tlir -at and lubca.
... f,,! firaviT- ..f Ths-v dreeVrs mad
Hi-- rf'ts,-!' t ilt r-B.wlv. we naiJ not
-in ii.- m tit a it tin ie-w all the vir
h li'.- n :
tm livinir ti---ul
lie hi. 1 i i'..-
all km w it .
aa thev kn- w, t
in m- re t!,.ui t
t,.-- :i.t it litl ri
1-wn ma nic tit- ruraa wlm b bav
wu tx tr--ti-'T ii.n tlv- ci,tiriil,-utv ol mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK Sl CO, Lowell, Haa.
IV Add by C V 8chatl1e and bv Harris Ac
Ouneari. I-w-l unr; C I Kuti-h. N. tfrin: fhiadel
nlls-r. .vlit rnr: J li Mmtt and J II Kiieil,
MitTiirtt arj ; Coirwy A tiro. ,r Coiuoiljia and dealers
vvt-r) wtw-re y-T-Jifow
VCI KU'l s and entrrrainn?; Ii t ties Book,
(a!! 'm ut Matrimony, Money, and oth
er unt'.rr.-.) it r the rmu'Cinent of every body,
(at 'l the yi iini; f.'Il.", a) on long winter
cvn t-j. r.i.hv i!ay, etc. Price, 20 cents
Vh lt --!r, 15 Cent. Srntbymail for seven,
3 cfiit i.uiii r s.T'e at ihe" aSVar 4 Chnm
icir t :!ue. MOUDKX A COKNKLUS,
l'iif. i-here, Lewintorg, Ft
j "Vr ll jump Into the Wa-in, and all take t rW.
I.AIvt.K, hand-Time fp
I'!:' t IC-OA li.i.sl'cei:fii
fiitl 'if I r th r-p'C.a. a.ciMiitiu'datnn of
Tic-Nic and ,ih--r M:;n,ar (xrur-K'ns. Terms
nu-.'fi.v - Apo.v to Jos. M. llOt'SEU
Lr isiiiir'. J.ir.t ;l,
Hoiseinan's Friend, or
I'm k-l f oinpiinloi
-i wo Vali:nl J.trnpi. i' r tV" Farmet
; aud 11
lt c- by
J Si' AUI.
rillin finevt c ,-i's n.a !tr en I welre hoprf
n.-iii-t- bv J H N K. MILI.KR, .. 3d SU
ihe nMrst an I tfvt Tailor in l.rwi!bortc
- , u
i)&t) ti'i; Suck J-ifti&iitg tclcl$
ax ryiTi' v :f r fa vrr r jars r At
Usuti Frills j-, ai Unihunr.lDUa rvsa.j fraa'aW
?1 f p..r v-
nf- f r ai-r
f - I ur -i. r
- -irt rm vjr'
at tli- .-an i
ri,..;j ,-f. '.t Boatha, I Sal.
I r n "tu. 3 rl..L for !
. , rr yrar. ' for Ua coaiaa (M
In inci.ta by aiail ipatd)
-f.,rn; , i r bai.k an b-a at taMf
l- '! i :i -ijitcr r, rilcu IB fmj.
--ii i l i.-h a rapt-T i.- BaJUsS.
, .-..art, it if c lul T tit.
n,lv I 'll i h-J, at ta -t fmt
a . h r n.st-r.ioa, ikl. tbratx
r. H. If a -.ju-r 2" rta. IS rli, 2
w- 1 .' . i.. ... Mwrraaata, aa.
't.!i;n. 10 :!. f-r ymr. Mht
r-1 I'i'oii. A oquarw u litiotaosf
l"-,I i
. -t I "r ! : i - i . r. . tt. rti-- ie-nM m b
4i -i-.- l'-.--l . r.ir-l.nnf lfn.ii-r-v tadatlttrtl.
Ci'.i ;nu, 'i .i:. . m W - t ' r t i it-- -I k-B-a! int-rvatt
at tl at ' tl"- wr'1 r - nt n, e-waod aaawlrwa.
T ' M V" M rh TKI.I-i.': I H i ia ttiatHflca
rf titf STar H-t 'r-.n-U,y . w.M-b w-rtl-a M-rtiaipaT
io st(tv-n-f nt lti I'hitail Mm .
raa-ttt -r,Tt Tb- i-tl- - aav V matartala la mrmX
ml- f JOB rSINTIN 7, ab.h wtli IwO-eulal mOm
siw -i-i. w f m'-1, mw.
ate I