wrTTlTIT w"l STAR is liiUllil 1 1 ii BY O. X. WOUDEN AND J. R. COliXKLIUS. - At per Year. ;-.v:.yi In Autar.cr. jiWe setit (or seuJ titrcwi-h; an -frfi Chrvnid'-, containing l!it- President's 3ii'soe our rslr' Iia "r") '!av,j ' '" full as early as poi-si't.Ie. We Live n: Lad litue to read it, I at ls fir as we bav teo it allud.d to it meets t'uj peLrr..l approval rf It is un'nis'ikeiit'j t!ie President's ovii, in matUr and form, at d it t cool, impartial, fritrrtial and patriotic transcript of tbe impulses, rf a jr ;i. r i:-. noble, loyal Leart, ssgijious, well iuf jiui'.U ind E.m. TLe Ilsrrislu-;; train was r-:riew',it delayed, iVtomsdiv rtetiing, w.ru th--"ew Herim and M uiiot t.i s I t! wi:h the Oattav. iasi luai! only 1 tli watted i short time, tbe people on th rjjtri could have, had t t,e M.s.-se tLa' n:ght cr the n.xt rtv.ri.it Bn.s t Diraa Vov ' The I. a 1e f -t ,V Mani ate prrraniie l' ' ' I 11 '"l Y-.'oinicer tt.m that b.ai. a t h, ft t i t a pair ut fenCus, and vlotfii.. -iii. (a'!:'- or cacti Soldier, and id lhe l'iulitii in ami eh tie: on;: a, to te an at he ! in i';f at ir- It s. J I w.irti as iu!liattJ tv il.e Vu-ieer l.i.jt.: Asaofiation rf Pruvidnce. ttf similar gift ui'gl.1 be Bad fru Union count J to all ia her Cmij-.tii'S cr sent to the Captain and l,i irinan's i f eseb, to te ly them distributed am n t':.ose ID nt needy. To JiU'le the w irk tipirg those m ire persirally intrro i i. w.'uld te the moat pleasant and t !7 live wir For instance, le! tbise n ir. Pt !. Whit Dtr MiiU, pet up a "New Vt'i Jioi'' f r Capt. Ttf' C in pjrij at at i tear Buf'.. X U 'ads, f r Capt. Jitii.- Cbataberlin'a M tH nt ur,;. fjr Capt ilan aenplni Hartl-t o, f.r ( Hp. Chun'a New B-rim, f r Ca;'.U -uii ir.. 1ai vg, Vii-5rU ar d vuiurr f r Cap! Ti Cbamberliti'i, Cup. Limi's at 1 I.ieut. Ke!l)'a C. tnrarita. Slmui J ant i f tLef e C"Oipfiiet LoeTrr, Le gr,t to a jr;ii'r c ijii!', tb 'tt! rir!!.i tasjf Lc czcLau- u fr utiiira in re bu t ' bi . The Rt:raticn. Tbe Siara and Strip- s now wave in Tcn of the aeccJed tta'es, let wit : In N r:h Cro!ioa, over Fort Ila'.t.ras; in t-'; u'!i Cardial, it 1'eaufort ; in lieorgia, at F.-rt Tjbee ; in Florida, at Kev W'rsi and F 1 1 I'icieui ; io Mississippi, at Si,ip Is!.iud; iu Kaatcra Tenucfe, and in the northern and wtitero aec'ions of Virgiuia. Tbe Unioo Flog a'sa wares, we suppose, in aatne parts tf Tra ; t.d Luntiiia are liddctl awav. ut wjr-l.'p'd r-t'j. ia erert Secesiou State. The stupid Hit are only kept up tv t-tiJ f jrce, whicu cao nut alwajs prerail. txf The Demoeratio Return Judpe? rf Luierne ennoty, by a hare mj ry in a strict party vote, r'jcted and refused In count the whole Army Vote a returned to them by the Demnern'te IWnnmtarv, (alltginp iuforniaii'ieii, t ut r'jiiv tii -iin a few OSEirep, which the Co'ir , ,t , wi.l make all right at lat.) Such i nud. rn Peaioeracy tryinp ti rxcite psrtv atnfe by boasting that the Volunteer wr in general Democrats, and then rti-frarcbia-jng tbem uf their Totes because thi y prove to be mostly Republicans. Thjie faUe Judges "catch it eweetly" on all eidts, and tbe day will come when their own children will be a-bacned cf them ! aWjAMES E. M'liltine, 4tb Sergeant in Capt. James Cbamberlin'a Co. ,02 J Keg , died in tbe Columbian II "pi'al, U"asbii.g ton, laat Monday. Ilia remains were car tied to Lewisborg, Wednesday evening, accompanied by Serg. IJ. F. Miicbm?r, f.r burial to-day. We believe Mr. M'iJnde CLiisted frum Uuffaloe Twp. Age, 1:3. lT5Tbe "Evangelicil A'siciatinn," at a recent meeting in I5a!:imire, resolved to ettabliab a M union io I:idia, ai.d des gna ted for that end, Me.rs Franeis C II nan rf tbe New Berlin Semiuary, and F. W. Ileidner. aWuWe learn by the A "jut that before tbe "Wails Guards" left Leaisburg, 11 n John Wills presented Lieutenants Kcliy and Beile witb a good swerd, sash, and belt, each bandsonie gifts, well bestow id forjudge Woods bolds t- Erst Cjurt t Middleburg, eomoiencirg Monday cext. Tkare will be a crowd there. They tay tie new Hotel Kjau's is " one great place to atop it." ttVA letter from Charles Tillman in tbe Wmport Gai:tte, dated Itria, Nov. 15th, says they were tbeo rather q'tiet oo Peooeylvaoiaos had been hung there, 11 was here reported. BJerry Church bas been re-visi'irg Lock Haven, and til lo iks hearty. Tl at town proves to be larger than t'h'inhiiUt, his paper city midway between Lcwieturg and its Railway depot. IJA good Farm iu J..niestone towr, abip, Kuffiloe Valley, is cCt-red for nlo a to-day's paper at 35 per acre iu e-sy payments. Last Summer, Huston I'oorman, of Cen tre county, was beaten to death by two men, named Lipton and Hays. All were drunk, returning from a camp meeting The two men were tried last week before Judge Linn, being defended by Messrs. Hale and M'Allister, wben L;poo was etiieed of Diat'aoV'er, idJ Hays wm .r,-ird. Eouth-Western Fenn'a. We ll':t t L ;t f !loni ittiiis from ibo t nrr.'-p imler.ce nf I!: v (I o.M.Spratl iu tie i'Lii-i '. Christian 'brt,tie!e : "Ti! fv;i!n-.;ern rtni' n rf onr S'af id't ' j rn a. : tti - pri'tiir i iri" Si u'tl ern r-ia'es in rjivi'i' ill- Miiislmm aii.J iha-.u-t -i 1 .ri i. Si run a : 1 i Isi'.f1. l.ar-r i;;.ai li-;e- h tve I "ii pr.. I'if.r I in (Ji--! tnii l'ae;:e r. t: I ::.' i rn ii.i. r .ii i I':. 'it II IN all i r ; r in. i' v r:- .i! ' it p. a-.'l ni'i .ti . i io h i! : ri'in e ire lavuMti! V" u(:lt ihe L ' f t S .H'li'Tu in ir.,et. tii ea' preprin ni are 1 . iii.i V '.i 'c iri" i nrirli !jr;;rr c: p n' : , -.ir.u :i, .e ih- rt .p ', r i lie jir-'-i-ni e.i..n !;i r t i - fi'.s itii- 1. rj. i:-mtrt. '1 iii it a m .v "i in i-;.: t!.r-e i n. 'I lie M fic-S if ne N V" .1 r ii . n i'i ' h .it'-, ih- ("rt i t . f ;i- '!:h":i pitmi n. r-e' ii r irnh iS- in-i-hu: e !' ! i : Ii. :i i.rr iii..i C . pinelaim :u' a i!l ti n i 1 .ft wea.tll rl our happy C -ii'M rwi':li. J ! i ii n t:i. ivhi r rrt'''j s 'aM J.i'r fr"i ;'.r i vrr -1' v M I., w ir i t. turn in .t i lie !. I';- . : -' . I Tl.,1 TV. :i' 't Mw-n i ll ii;. 1. 1 tv Si, ''.;:) i a Vmv , in Y e"f t..u'.'V "I t-.- V' 'ii i e 1o r!meni is uu.ltr ttie intiut !.. n ol Mui B J. :, I r.V L-i 1 1.- K-W V.r g't la l.'e.i'ure l.ve 1" f r- i: s-vera! A i' !:n.ti' ii t!ie t' ir.s'itui in, ail tie v J t ) tike ptw-r from the r"p Toov j;reit!y rotriet li.e riht cf iutfia'e, a'ld i in-v pr ipos. that tb body of tbe v r s'.all eh et Of L-iiJ t'trr ohv that b dy t-i e!eet or appoint a'i Executive and liciai rr. Tl.es amendments would thriw tbe whole powir of the State into t:.e hati.'a df tho ir'a'oeratie few, and i ti e rutursl result rf Siavrry scutiuiants, u:i j. r trie fjise cf l'leti."eracy." t36"l'r. I l.KWlo r-crnimeods that the tf'ks fail chairs and other seats be one or tw inches iowrr than their fronts, and t'.it aii In I iwer than the avenge gioer a iv is. lie ar'i-s, truly, that that w'lc of si'lin ij ni ore e iy, aid b : t i r for the spiriv The priut'ipii fii."i-, in mi'ing, e i-U' fr :n b-nd ii'. tittig, or sliding frii'l, i'.l lit.s niiiit. t!ie ligiuients av. i in i". 'os i:i th sin 'l rf tha back. .' sure yi'ir f it i li enough not t-j nnke t!;e les weary. Ora-.e, c mifort, aud health wiii' j he all prom jtc.1 by tb:so two reforms iu cjr ses-. II.; ;:r. :. i.r Li I.!, lit .n AT Kl'.'i! vNIi. H r.-.l l'ir ihr. M,ntrt ll iVillt'U ly t't ... -aO ...", u!vt hut fjp nt t itrli r-irmi f.'if H.uiiiuu .v.'.r'i to same i T'.'ir'i. The t attic t f Munas-as, rr Bui! Run, as it is s.mewLat ointediy stj'.id by the N r l.ii t.tr-. was a sad vict try to the peo ple f Rijiiin iud. in pr. portion thare W'.ia n.aoy more citrz- r.s i f Kicbm r. J ; r ot on t lie battl- fie i than of any otU-r ii;y t.f iho Si uib; and the Ijss jf th-? Southern aroiv was very nioch greater tbaii was Mi;-;-.jt J ut lie Nirtii. I have beard Beaurtard declare his belief that three or four Southerners feli to every Northern a iHiiT. I!o this as it may, Richtnotd, af tt r the batt'e, was veurd in m urning It se. m-J as if tl.;r; a- se.iciy a faioiiy t!.a I a 1 nor I st a friet.il or relative ; many had l '-t their bead and every male nieui ! .-r of tiie.r once loving domestic circle. M.tn-i-s:,s was a hardly gamed victrry, ih "j'i its moral eCeets were great; but it was a vietory that spread mourning an I d.so.'atioo over the land, for hundreds nf the most beloved and cherished amcng-t the youth tf the South full oa that fatal day. Consistent. The Infidel of tbe Sel ingrove Timet pays that tt-e Reverend Reimensnyder, of Milton, delivered "an cxrv'lmt address" at a recent "ox roast" in Northumberland county. AH right, rf cocrse, is he magnified tbe "expenses rf the Lincoln War," and ranted furiously about the Republican party. But a e'er pynnti dure not say one word in favor of maintaining nur Union, or in denunciation of this wicked rebellion, or, if be does, the mm who lustily applaud such remarks of this notorious rSe-hunter, Rev. Reimen Fnyder, of Virginia, are ever ready to put ; their names io the Tory newspapers as "Abolition fanatics," ks. The identical chaps, who stood io the open air for one hour, in cold and rain, and listened, with ears and months open, to the "excellent a Jdrtas" at a balf-way S cession stulSog, ransacked the vocabulary of billingsgate to : End vile epithets to apply to the venerable Rev. Jeremiab Shindel, a native l'eonsyl vanian, when it was announced, previous t ) the late election, that he would address tha c.'izji;s of 1 1.8 same region upon the iii.pit.nce nf sustaining the Government and assisting it to crush treason and rebel lion. try consistent, these Breckinridge reserves, very ! . The Cleveland IlmatlmUr, a well known Union Ienn. rrgan, says there is ssareeif a county in Ohio exempt from a formrdabie orgn iitioo cf ibe "Knights of the G old'-n Circle.'' It further cxprcs- , si s tbe Conviction that if St. Louis had faiicn into the bands of the Rebels, tbe North would have been deluged in blood by these Kuigbts. Tbe came condition of i facts exists io all tbe Free States. j In Kentucky and Missouri, Degas Leg- ! islatures have been convened in corners of j the States covered cy tbe Rebel Flag; ; and have gone "through tbe fashion" of seceding from the Union, io defiance of the knowo and undoubted will and wish of the people of each of those S ates. A Russian lioe-of-battle abip foundered c? the mist of Jspao, wiifa 39 perron? rt baiid .V. re.sfce. .' LEWISBURG, ll.irrf!in'l-Df nf lbs atnr a riii-i'til-!.) From t'aa 'L'.na Rii-es." 1 tlia '-Una RieS." CAM1- Ul KNSI.iE, ) Annapolis, -Mil . uec. i.j Fince writing to you, we had the pi as- ure of welcoming bore Capt Titus' Com- pany, in whieb ara tbe last 1,'niuo conn'y recruits, and tie boys ate already denies- ticatel. It niado us fte iiiol, as we w. re a'raid tliht some acci ler.t would prevent them from joining us. 0 Jr U'.e will Le ail o le ti iw. Of the Union County Corrpnnies, I will recapitulate, as it itmy be if interest to inaoy. Cpt Tbnmas t "Lanii eriin's Com is in the :Vh K g. I'tsnra llisrves, (dd Simmrni ) Cap'. II 'U-h's i in the tj.h Reg (Col Rekctta) Capt n af.er.plu. l' pt litus (stub whim are Lieut. 'a Kel'y and R.-ale and ("apt Lion, ore iu the ols1, ft'd 31 irritif.'s ) Opt. James riiaiubi rim's is io tbe 521 (t'-d. l.idge ) C.pt. Chii'cb is in ths ;,H (0 il. Rro.ika') is ai t'ip' Ta'e's Company whuh i in i ly r-ctuited io tL; oitb pirt of our c lUi.t l, It Las rained much during th week, Interfering eousiderably wi b our drill. It aiadu the camp very muddy, and parade ground ut.St fur diiliiug. Thursdiy cime tj us wi b a w -leomc it wis the Thanksgiving J of Maryland il.-o, and wjs ob-ir.e l io Aunapo'is. We had but the crdiunry Com any lLspictiuia (as on Sunday) and in ad i i i a Regimen tal iuep-cinn by cur own fS trs, a sermon Ly our Chaplain, aud a s roll. Ou ThursJay nigtit, Col. Coulter's ('he lliti I'cno'a) R g. arrived by steamt.i.at nd were o oartered iu theColi. oe but d- . . , .t r 11 ITl. i UCT UlU ULltJ UliU lifJWIIC'i J i . . . ......... 1. l. sr. ...,. ,1.. 1;..l.r .., r 1 -i o-rerbjiro, ma ino -D.T roi.eu our ioe ihird storey window after tuey got tcre, and died next day. 1 riday, there Iciog no dri I, we went out to see ibis ctty ri dui umvu mnauit- it to see tl is ctty rf but oMOJ mhioit- ants. It is lbdiiej ao ancient :acr tne m iss covered roofs, the Strang" way it is laid out, attest lLat it is cot of the present j Cnri!rrC5S mct 0 Monday a q"0 , day. It received its name, in 170S, from rum j each House aud prepared for Q lecn Anne, who presented a bell to the Lupiupss. Episcopal Church, which wis burned, and The Message T-a3 delivered oa Lieces of the Le!!. compose 1 of cold, silver Tue.-Jay. and bns. arc hero --reserved as relics. Tbe ci'y is situated on the SuU'h Irineb of the Severn river, oa a peninsula fjroicd by Aeton aud Covey croiks H I miles sourh of Uiltiicre, and 4i ra-t rf Vi'ashicgtoa. We wsnt to visit the Capitol, which is rn elevated grnua J, and 00 feet high to ti.e spire. The view from the dome is remap- kal iv beau-iful the rolling country, tbe Ches'aptake bay, bounding the vision by th. l-:,,t..rn SLorc. the windinir Severn, , ,. , I .creeks, .11 go to make up a scene ,f ely beauty. 1 he town, . you look over the it, rruaiiids you of a fantastically ifftd-r-ut garden, the bouses built along tbe walks ; many of them were 'manorial' residences, Lut tbe 'mud fills' have built ail around ,i 1 ,: :.., r 1 1, ; n them. The room in the Capitol la which t'Ci'll jirop'i-eU.ur I.ol.i-C gnenoi lUClf Washingtoo rtsiuel Lis cjuia.is.sioa ss Cjmn-aotler io-cbicf cf the Aracricaa f. r- ces, is ooir nsd fr the Senate Chamber, and tboj, have been working eight aud daj rG-ting it fur the special po?sicn cf the Lgiblaiure convened f 'f TuesJay next. All Americans are laminar who toe pic- ture of tbe Kesignatioo, of which there is .... s - - . I .1 i.. Portraits of Carroll. Chase. Pace and Stone, adorn tbe walls. There is also in toe Senate committee-room a portrait of the eld.r I'itt, Lord Chatham, painted by .,. i. . , f . Charles Wilson I'eale (i oitive of Annsp- nlisi while in EniiUnd, ind presented to oils i stunt: iu ii.ifi.ii., i s th State of Maryland, io 1794. In the Hail is in old rusty caonon, a " r gular long Tom," which was taken out of the river, and it is supposed was brought over by the first settlers. I mentioned, before, that we were en camped behind St. Johns College. It is tnesame place wcere is. - I . L. - A .nit hrenrh troops were encampeu Uu.,ug Revolutionary War, and by tbe lormer in tbe War of 1612. There are stone head , . -,, j ,j .od faot-marks on oar dnll-grouad, aod slight Mliocks.whioh are the fot meoien. tocscf tbe solders buried here unnamed, but not unhnnorcd. Terhups in fu'ure jcar?, those unborn now will encamp Lt-re, aad will lioger ttbout those faint billows muu win niie over there by that secluded cemetery, an-l point to them as tbe rlce wljflrc rtsl many of .hose who died here during the War of the Great Rebellion ! for every i day weaee fquads wiih pick and fpidepasa l. ... rtu-..t I,. . t..r.d vlavitiL. a sol- " r emn a.rge, iu imuui.u.c, - diers ; they enter tbe ruggea g.cn.we ue.r ill a volley ot musketry ana toai is tuu i.m. denly; lion. h. ii ansae, a bled oo io hot haste, and every one was i.:. ...i.if,.. . .nxiousiy nervous au.ui u , Urig. Gen. Foster wai to inspect us. . " " 1 V tauted it finely, and received a complim- .nt hut it waa as trvitli at school examination. Sunday, wo have but Com-j piny inspection, a aeraioo and dress par- ', ide, added to which the article, of war ar. read by each company-commander Io his , ,. JML r S mere are isn union uoan:y romnwrr. i :9 , doxea other IR .r;az.3 s: ,.. ., S ! Yesterday, we turned out for dr:U sua- 8,JrjJe0, on Monday week. She seemed Clerk. .io condnci the concerns ot said mm- aroJ lo Kin()s ot wrk , h,s line. Bring i Ail prrpertie. up..n which ihe taxes ran not , came an order to prepare tor inspec wei Us01I np to noon, ind at four ." "ViLUAM C WEROX, President. ' a'"", T'" k:; Newspapers, ; '"""l?'? auu ut.isu.ia - w u. - . .. - ... ,H L.tri.turs- Lire. f. leoi i". UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 0, 18G1. 4Ci-rtaiuly t Uti ui'it buineious, aud I amour themmt toteretir.?..f Armv Cor- rtspotidenee is tint rf the ''n of Moutn.se, Jjuq. Co., Ii. Vr. U a.. Unt- 0(. CCjp,uy is it Fort R"yal, compri- T.ry m!,i,y tames knoun to us in f,,r,i r s. Amrog other Officer in ter- xce from ,i,at region, are Messrs. Warner ,j I'tcktus, frmirly S'.uJeiita at Lcwit- burg. George Up.iyke, RepuMiean, las aUi ut T'.'J J1A for Mayor cf N' York , , , . .. over Oumhrr, 1 an. many, and I,4t.tJ over Woo l, M lilt. The Iera-ocrary dividtd very hkLc's .no.ly to let the best man io ... . . - 1 tJun'her and Wool both sympithix-d with ibo Svuth last String, 'i he elcctioa cf t.l; dike is a giuJ thin j for the City, and the Na'ijQ " - - i'"Mordy right of this week, the np tram f: .0 H.r.i,bUrg wa delayed .boat 6 J , three hours. It ran nver a cow near lindg- t r, which threw the forward cura from , , . , , , 111 ihe tmi-,br.-.ktPg s-me rf tL-m tn.d LaJ.y ILjjribg the etigioier an ! a hrim.o. eJ"ShenJ Aibrtght has en'ered in'o the h lar iiiig aeetion rf the Court llnnae Mr. Crosegrove removing to North I ir.-t St. Je.se M. Waller has euter.d upon duty aa Comuiissioocr, iu p.ace CI Jaa,es I'loa. ,.." , , tear-Tbe Kebe s are working and arm- ing free and bond Negroes to tnke the lives of the U. S- soldiers. Why should oot i the L'uion men turn upon theui their own Wiapobs? tevThe Williamsport and Mnnry pn- pt is notice with high commeiidition tbe ..... a. . ww m m . .. ,f II. IV.- .r Af latianirn ..-.-. . J C " g.u.- . fc .. .. . j. ; .s-Vi'e hive u t received the Mu'fer i Rool of Cant. Tate's "Lawson Guards." cr cp, ctuu', ..u00k Guard," or Lieut. . Ken- "Willi Goards." Jey tarlettcr from W.F.B. in our next. In the TTnu-ip, traitor Keid of .M Fntiri. and Harnotf of Kv., who in lh s,,ooial Fof;ion rotc-J and talked till i e recess on i lev aarru were mi'" trtl from the body. In tltc Penal", traitor Fircckinridtro was al?o t-x- Ikd nobody roiinp; for him, lu:t. R.n ni .l mid Satilstnii v of Io.!.. lVni t o of MJ.. Hrij;iit of InJ.. Julir.son un l I 'oik of Mo.. I'owr!! of Ky..'.ii'! Hice of M:-. Brerk. IVmoerats) were a'"'-'- .... o.a snNTTKS niav devoloi) into full-irrovvn y C'alflll.nia S(.natorf. X)Mmi,h (lf ()p K(.nnP(lv of Md., and jarlj.;e ,,f Yn.. oted Vca. lnrr- iu.u.Ik r of propositions as to ronti'aUin.J slaves, slave prisoners iu the I'is'.i h:T. tuloiiit.itioii. aVc.. iiavo int rotJiH'l if :i Latest Hews No Teloraph now3 of impoi Vn T..miili notxq ftf iinnni-tnnrA 5 wc go to prOfS this morning. n - -r r - , t . at 1 .t, Tl v.tii. ui ag-; )3 tue name ai 'n- sacola h.- reaed, and acknowledges i no i i i - Kiiii;u,u wouiiacti, ana ,lan ''""J"'-'-" 1 nr.n.e(;- J,, , . V0 mt,ii:ii u;ntii t in i i it tii it n, hui i.tiutsn Le s-jniewliat injured our vessels. r nun .Missouri, there is nolluno; cw , t fkirmimlies and COniliCtiiuf r i. i t i i rr.p0rts of llebel advauccs and rava- ciiiz in the south west. b"'-, s"s. . Our forces at Tort Koval and 1 yocc arc strengthenino; their positions, In the skinnisliinq-s alon?- the Po- totnae, Pr. Alexander, of Milroy, Mifilin Co., and a private from Clin- ton Co., received wounds which after- 1 I C . I Wiirtls. proved fatal. Tl.n lt,.,..,. l.ln, l-o,Tn hoc lior-nmo : 1T.......I i.. .. I -I . in i.v...!.. . " ........ ....j ..v.vi.i. incut-ciiiai. viil- st.ir.niici u. uiiiii ii) v.r-.e.. ..iv..o .. ..,.....s i., u., .... i.n m?i., uuti eun-i.- pass uu auu "'Ij'1' '";" m-iiL'aiion. Dei'.lst, Paisoti urovviilow acsra;Ii'd Mi)Tis:ow ToiHl0c Tip Ulionijtt nnm. 3 ))(JU The Mfiii.his pnr? (.uj it ...i.e firf;t Jnion Vjctorv'! A large nuuber of Ucbels were slain. Charlrfl R. Coburn, School Supfrin-cn- ( f Ut)kdUi cotjnIyj wLiIe atteEj:ng the Convention at Harnsfcurt; last week. iia,j packet picked of $-01). t Frrandsville, Iat Monday evenin-r. Lec. 2d, J -ho iMadden. while carrying s.iiio things from the wharf to tbe steam- hoar, slirmed and fell, his head Strikinir a o U(j r.iui vi inn witi utcn out of tbo deld Capt. Tate's company, now near Washing-; ton. She leaves five children. , wilh.-TJ., ' OJU.O JUUIIli H.IU IU .. ..-u . - - !...!... SK.V-.. .!. firH . ! 'ZZ Z 'yiiVwil ... U.rl.H .l,i,h 1 : instantly killed Johu II. Doili o-g averiira Kccuhlican Mai. io Wis-' eousin ia 8,000, on a vote 60,000 less thin last year. LouU P. ilar.e, is the new Governor. The Williamsport Bullctto rotiees Re-! vival Meetings ef both Ibe Methodist; toarcoei pi io pii...i;r. rimo.s ujuu ha. an apple trs.Vhxh tea;. T wop. ef- i Mrs.W.W.Burrows,of Dewirt, died very i rrestd-ni. six .Managers, a I reasurer. ana i " , -hnr . , bv IKC. TEK to enable os to do so. Sines last "pay day, tne eoiner- in , vP n-jfroeui . a .a-.... ; "v! eot h 10 'h,lr f,""' J i . Su(.h ietjoo tl,is ip,ak. volumes f-r ' Col. Ktiip' K' tfiment 4t;b I .b.L. th ton ir and n bkneas of heart of out Cillant voliint-ers. .w t-n.Mr Cook's Esay before tbe Society ' , . . ot , 1. jury waspoarpcuca ujuusaj uva- it C. I'M. tlftv l r:n rTiiii'n, the baerer.t rcm rt Si. I'aui's ( hurrh erected bv the Er- a ir-i'ral Aor.iatinn, at l.rwis'.nrar, will be r. (TV I !' 'he ervir rf A !tr ll' V "'H. ro Sl.hin ,.sh t,-r. s,-r.r. c. ni'ii-nre at 10 r rt irk. A. M. Taeruhlic re-,.f ntu'K-,n,e.t .0 aner.1. S. W ..ir, Mir.iier in .har: se, fM! rxnOYXEXT? ais3: j AfiENT .S WANTED. ! r17 frorn 10 per month : an I all exp-ne. 10 ae.tir . rents, or fee a t' mni-i n. 1'jriru .its tn.i fr A 'tr-i.. ' ' "'V'" "Z" f"uVU'' R"MES- tirnrta! A ro(. M ilan, Ohl". tli '-V . r: si '. ;rs Uittk erniain no liiii'ti' l it bad arhiMtef. Turr are eanrele a m,j.c,, pr.r1..0 ,r J tf n.v.p-.- 1 .rH. 11 i!i MMtnifh. Ileaj the tintni in anthr etiti'tin. Timo-Tidle Lfwi.Ojurs K.Il. Station. VOX I y 'J MfJiTH. K.-tuirV A Accoai 11 pases I.ewisbK T.'.o A M Tram tto 4: IS I' M .,ni Laprest .VOI7.Vfi do 11:18 P M SOCTH. Mail irntn p!srs Leiaishorg 9 4S A M yrri,Ux AcC0luI0tHlaai,0 do 6 ni P M -01 Exnievt do llitso P M -. aw.!..' V" Tf aai ulal as v Urnl? WiaVwlivij iVivtlt Crrtr,r1 Ur-Vy 111 s. 1 .f !. . ... cr. Rye. ''Tallow 10 ... bU Lard 10 Corn - tw UiilS ... 30 Ham 12 ' iced 1,55 Shou.iSide.-.S Si 9 IApploS.Ul0 Cloverseed JJl,2.o; n Butter 10 Potatoes 45 ! j , jjj Firkin Fresh Rutter... 14 Country S.wp 4 Si 6 MA I'UIF.D, At tt-.. Tntti-r.T. r.n.f. 1 'th nit . Ttfr R K rii n.t KM stk.iiik'-kik ot r.a-t b oTaTd ! Ti-t.r,jfVi..a(.oi. ih. -.. .otw r-'nd. . u..t th. Titinf i ..It i. ....o Hi tosi.r wiirt ..uti bislitr -ti ut i l.r-n f .l-ti !... pnatint n.notr.B w MDnif ti. tu"ir w. il-liua "-tti. i.a isiuti'ocif nt. : j V.rr. J-KKMUn RKITKNB it'll .nl Ml-, s 4 KA It J st ' i.i.i i. -a I Utiff.iof. r .r ta.ir e "-I rvn-m- ii.-f""s. -f tru.t it.- f.ni.1. ,.r rail air nrromp.n. t.i.at to ana thru thf IllU. rnS of ..p. ' a, .r ,-,-h-, k.i i..,-a 1. uwtom. 3d Li K.rt' II l int. n. II SKKt 1 1 s V ooBI.C olSankarj u i M .n .-t- iSNA c titi.tu of lyi.!.arr. lit itiinnit a. m: . t-n ttii-.iit iti.v. ... ..... r n H R- li.it tf' Kl". 2.it'i iitt.nArf PKI MRKKOXS; ti::' i u .i.... .p Pt r t sr si m-'n. "oth tt . Jon vr snsvroN of in.' tti-t n.-it .til K i 11 OtL 'Mi . f Vite.tittrr. ...J An-Ta-h.M ift.. I.1!1V!? MILLtR mi.I .. MAI.1A lio'-l tf.. lit!. f 1. ..!. 1,'. Rt Hf J 1'Shin.l-i. llMth alt, IIK.llV A11N Kit mn 1 Mi e .sh-.i tMr .!:; -:i.inv i.ii.t. tl. ar h.i.ic DirD, Tn Mor4tf!t. lyr.Co, U ioL, JACB VIRLINE vTZ'KK.-n or k&tvch at-., r;-rHS ' u'l TX, "SZtl In ("nt'-n Tp. Tfl.j Ca.. 7i:h nit Io bd Zlt jrr, ..in bit iiih joar, KUNrUI.s.ii.. mnli.lit. ..f Lewu.ton. n vear.jou.s uniit mi: iHT.orr.ar' rT.a.i trr.r.t. uf tli. Ut. Vr. Jasii ai Tlttnt ) '- His li.,r flnatira N't Te Hie pat lirtit. t'v t-A it. i f ti 'li-d with Ltr riuii . f fwfctu nibt. Ati l I wl tin my trn. tt.f t.llinr o. bl4 mf Lt, irienj: and light aa Uirouirti. Ati.l I t.l tin my t.r:i tti. t(linc J.w T m ri''!: t-- Tt. bnt th wtT U &rr. 1 i.t nU 'i.r taho tia trii tl.f lark patti i near; TIi'-o rftTijcr artiund ma. kinl heaartsi and tro. S Vnrniinr Unniior. Th oiorr.injr of -arUi 'I l.in on a ionvlT. dt"lr h-artb; h'ut I M.iah Imht a h-awejoW h R,j,icf ibD, drar friend'I u ye hht tsa through. i MTh nirTit i far :nt. th- In at band, I N'ovr ntlt iMtintl tn thf tinnin-hrtM baoU 1 P. II .tl m nna In. fsiM tisiUB. j;-,,;, T.,.,. TMi!he.hf.1,rf-Th-rt.dfl.-htoft- . Bn. . i...inf s..mr -i,-ti b.r u,roci.i ....",s.rv, . ANNA M.S. M-At a Mrrtlnr r the Members of the Bar efl Bloa ruiutr. aid.ititfOcofJaie f Lmn,iri,on . . Wrrt.i. lb' 4-ata r' WILLI All tAMfcKOS, Jan, lasj, a m. m- ,.r r ,h. f l,.i..nf..nty-na.'i...JAiK.s r ; 1 INV rit..r..nd a . h id.u. .,.p...nt ! starj b-n tatoil.iuj luaciutlonaat.iti uaaar niou.i lontfd : ll '. . . Pmvi.t.nm. !.. Wftt St t I.1BII. . fMn our ui I.t ..tl. .if nr Srjh.r in.tctt of tti. a.r, ( Wai tr.ifii..s. Jr., thuarfinio.ti.tf a-nf th. SAl.mow.r- .. ....... .1 1 , . , ,,w,h .n.i th.t nnl tn- !.: in ...rtf oot .aiiit (ro tu..b.n VhsT;-'. -T.'u;P m ... . . -!'"",-"'-'','-i"t . l. ur h. .i.ntT I.U..T buliu.a.rnat to ell our .uu.-I.rii.r h,n.. ' - '''' " "-eosBtaetl In onr yn.nr hrMtifr. Lars (4in.r 'D. .ir . 111S4 . ..iit. una (.uti'inapij n..iii., ........ i ...... ..-.M.I t.l.ttt. nf n.. orJio.rT etiar't.r. - vtimttm . , ; ,.Vr. th.cS ...r. ,r.,m . ,., ,,,h DO no limprlii ".rt"-il w.th ...In th- l:al brolsioo. hU mem-rj -ill -r b eberubeJ tv u- 4 n,4t v (!-rir T!rratVii- with tha widow, with her tw.i.irnhin "In drvn. ttw h rd mrrnia and otbtrr & That a a tt.kf-oof MspsK l to th Bia-mr of car j d-f --d l rob-r. w will wftir a badtjej of mournine on J ur I- ft an., mt th p-ri". of th'ttT and atUOd biai lun.nl It-ui h! UI-Mil-nootoro-.rrr.w , That ! of Ui Krolutnn U forWardrd to ; Hi (.art-ntw an i wiiow ui in- nr-w tin m- t . .1i-iirnd. fSiifiit.! b th 0Tl,t.T ,n.Hl 1 - tlv a small RKFsi-r' T ls r In I.ewishurs. reren I j C .Id sneritnen lienlleman s Dtit-AM- VIS Tne finder will be liberally rewarded by Irav.ng it at this Ottce. tlec.4t8 . BFiIDGFa ELECTION. VOTICE is hereby Riven to the Stockho.rl- . VJOTICE is hereby pirea to the StockhoM- il ders rf the Lew.snur Brioze urrnpany , n ...ec ,ou , he held at the Other of the President rn Monday Ihe 6th day of Jan- j t uiry. for the purpose n electing rue Ei i Estate of John Wilson, lte of Brady. . nvitMsTHi niR'S NOTICE Letters . V " " f, . T rf A Iministra'irn on the estate oi Jonn Wilson, deceased, late of Brady Twp.. h.v- i .i- ...K...l... K th. R. lnir been erantvu iu mc .u..s.s. j aMrrons indebted to sa.d estate are hereby: . i . . .1 .. . .. it ii tnrm ot taw notified to make immediate payment, and ail ' a 8 ,. m'CORMUSK. Adm'r. F.LIZXB C. WILSOX, Admx Bra-iv Tp. Xov. SSlSl . . 4 t .l.c fnB.U W W1- V ftjl.S ' 'THE UNION'," estiMisleJ in 1-1 1 U'SuIe No.. S.Si-O. CHRONICLE," estiMMfd in 1 ' Mr N". i'21. 1 Ettau of Jtmt nRIali. furiaerlj af Ia ' ot L.n.l-rtuac .-. i ETTEks Te-unieuiaT ' n the E-tit- . j J hn Har' nai. it" ( ra-tur? t,,arn trao-e t to ihr .,,Vr.,tnr i. all p-r...es .r,iS '! tnereto are req-iet- t aaaae imm;i pavo.en, ,tlu.t hl,,f c a.m. rr -,..- r 1 aain.t in sa-ee wili picjel li.e.n !t.reil.e- 1 . 'It...r, u " ' HENRY II. K! TITZ, Mrm Tr. a 1 Jut.H B;JlUK Jr. I., r,. .V,ri;,l-t.l ;Cii-ii r PIANO l )Ii SAI.l'.. re-- , A fiee Ho-'Vi ouil riiiMO ai'l be "1 tciv ivw. J - J 3 At p vm A. HVTE-S. L. , o.u-f. i 'Variety tbe Spice cf Life' ' NEW STOCK cf j Heal Iress 's E-al C.tar t anfj la.iLiit rr, Ae. joi rerait 1 at B. V. I BllKLEt IKtLTt htORT. 7"r P (Farm s?ptntc!y.) ta hi. 1 u Al l Alil.E pn-pertv m I.imetone ion- N .vetuu-r. AD !:. ani lie ;b jr-ir r the ab.p I. nut r v Botla ..e ) loioa Co. I'l.. In -iepfBdei.ee of the Coiled Utile of ABieri abrui b o'uie. e-i tri m New Ber'tn and 4 cav Oci Mr 1 , I'n-r m tntreaUh ! ..,: ir.,n, M.3.tJ.. It rents at $Wala 1 :HOsn ,:QVE. Sheriff The I'AK fcl i 1 1W .U ras. a . in o.i eu - 7rrc;'rry-cj KfiTirP tivanu an Ii-iand or duott 100 buil.eN t RLG1S1LK o XaUlltC.. Vi,..u a i.. si. .rev lwri..n( llni'f.f- a. I t)rc;i.if i a M.i-r:ur ...UP. S W-Vill.L. and 1 Circular s,. ill driven by the lat" Waitr -I ii.ri in ru:ii vj . n. .niifr ', aN in :ttit trrcs of Pme ami Hemi. cli.. HMUt.lt LA.NU. The Creek is naviab in freNli-ts to r:i rom 1. umber Ut ihe K v.r and t'anal. Tbe Saw-ti!l is capable ol ma ifinff Two Tlwuttmd UdUr u-'rth of I.umb'r V'urv- Toe Farm. taw-Miil and T.mber . BU I'M ltl A Uana- ol ikii. tint: i rn ,jt. prnpcrtv the cooiiuao MaaLuut K.tie i tvf,tarJ from ifaovilli. Farm. 5enjratt:l. at SI 5 per 8Cr. fr ,'Bl4).s lhe 0,.ncr lires ,7 m . ,rnm ,H , ,.,,! , anend 10 it rrorerlv. For further mf.irmaurn.applv to Jean r'Tsas, (Tanner) Agent, near the rrrper-v. n HrH BELLAS Adminlstrator's Natice, iVOTUEis . t.f A l a' r0TU'E is herebv given, that Letters -traii.ni on the Esiate rf v ,l. M V H I I IX'S. la'e of Lewis' nrr b r"?h' ' " " Co . dec d, have been granted to the nndersrs ned. br the liegisier of tniro ,.,.., o.,, f,, nf ivi mere! ore a 1 per- sins knowine themselves indebted to sa.c . . , estate are lfqneslfa to l.t iinrTena-.r pa- mrr.t. a-.d those havir.? int elnims aaransi ,h, m, .nested to present tnei.i M. c .... 1'rs.per.y autiieot.cated for settlement. , ; III till I'. n bLLLh., Aim r I I.ewisbui I, Oct. I S. 1 I ADMINISTRATOR'S PALE. l)i virtue of an order rl tne nrpnani a-ri'i i J) of I own cnuntv. wilt It t ra Sa r Oa'et V on M I.VH A Y the 1 G h day ' : leeentr. I.til. at 1 r.VI .cic in ihe a i-rti'.ni. nl said dav. at the tf-ifialoe Hous" is ihe E rouen rf l.ejrisbore. Corco t."o Pa-, lilt loi I .ir.ng described Keal Estate, viz.: A certain I.-d rr piece of fin.und crrtiin n; One Fourih cre mire or les, wnere'.n is erected a Two tstorey Piame Pwell-- in Hoose. wuh the appo'tenance tLili atjoinine lands of lr. S L Beck aiH other.. Also one oher Lot or p ere t f tinniDfl r.n- .... i. . ... i... """"- ; a t: -mina lands rf ?am. Mannert and others. j A'l rf which land is situvrd in the san! ; r.oI-Ti-rl 0f rfu-.-'iurj. Conditions to be made known ra dav rf sa e. i it ...if-rT.'r. - . . n . r . r. ta, A imin isira.or Oct. t, ISGt. of Ww. Wainm, dee'd i Estate of 11 Eyler. V' DVIMSTRATORS NOTICE Whereas. Lners nf Adininistranon on the e-tate : ot Eli Bvler, late of East UolUlne township. i deceased, have been .ranted to the subscriber bv the Register of l.'nion county in tine torn of law, therefore all persons indebted to said esiate are requested to make immediate pav ment, and those harms just claims azainst the same may present them oJly authenticated fur settlement, to CONRAD SHECKLEX, AJ.t'r F.rest Hill.Dci 1. Soinctliins: New! j ( BftfriiV V ! (t , , vj on Lower .vt: doors ahove the o, FLOUR St FEED STORE .Market street, I.ewtsbura.two U liayea' ManJ, where 1 w.i. sell everything as ttlCUp ilS tbe C llfapfst ! ... TrL.j , . a ,,.w J.- It ll i I r. hts bv in ran. tresn everv rtav s i'K7' I'OT.iTULS, and oiher Vegetables " their season. 15 0AS" 1"" for i! k",, loslur. r-ff-raT-r.ll.ee s a'lsfv yourselves 1 1 j 1 sa.lslj yourseivrs j 0c, ,Si ,s6, W. M. KI.I.IS KOTIC rpHE Books and Account, of I lr. T. S. CII II I T , , , , ..a..ir .i... ' Me orrn purru in hit n.nu n' inure, mu.i of Which all Jllterestrd will f-lke : nolire, JOHN B. L1N I I.eWISDnr:. JV. aA lol - ' TT T a I vLllIOalllOlCIa ' aaa ava.. a Thi Hi. us, on West Market mWS7 tr,.t i rintr rr.ned 'or the ac- IT::1,1- ' . now orenea .or tne ac ijjljsjaonmmothtti'n of Travelers and of i,1iT ll.iar.lft-s. rn reasonable terms. Jurors and Wituesse?, good Board ! nnd j,, ,inj, ftt 75 ccnt3 a dav during Court Week. ...,..' .he puhr. , LEVI CROMLEY. Uwifhart. Nov. to. 16, DIVIDEND. rPIIE DIVESt AVI.tf INSTITCTION OF I . i.,.,.,..., I . . .J j. i.r. uih m. na. in., uay ure.arro . Dividend of FOL K PER LL.M on .he . t f ra(i;ul RtnI. ni.i.1 iniav.hl. in t.n ti.lt S ... . -r.. r j--.-- irom naie. ft H. P. SHE! LE.t. I l.ewisberg. Nor. 7, 1P61 Treasurer A Rara Oppo.'tuaity T3 Tt a'i:?iV."l"K";!''' K.Kims ra the first fl-nr rt that lsr;e anti eo n I uu tnui.iu, ..iu modioiis house nf John I) Mus-er errr.er rf i ;h ani Maiket Bis I.ewisbttrg. For par'i- i ' UJ " v tVV ? 7fsni rccj2;-. r-zetu. si rim ia.... I. tin.i..h9. . will be ina I I tiloTt mnH l iMiill'rM wiMntsaaa m a r r.t K v . ti.e lt..n .U M . w i. . frr. : u J- ' ' " " D.tr.ct V-....... i-- .. e. .. ; -J H th. jws,iiJI .i .iutv,A. cia e J 1 r.-c .-teir - !ar tif SJ l-u r 1 at 1, .a.Ms; tf la 1 . an t I ' 'Of ) r iru. .. Cuo.i.Cui:t C. a-rt -a 1 -.' r a ; I .-r 1. 1 . r .. ! il if -r -. at LEW I-B!"Ktj. 1. r th c -ui.'y of I MO.N". 01. Ill' l'n r 1 M .n 3 v ot lle.-.r ti 'r-.J'einf lie 1 ti 1 ' -. l1l.a. 1 'o 1 1 r.l t.i.t 01 1" w a. N ' i liiere; rr ftrr.o eir.p ! t.ie I"' r. drr. Jo-in e. ut 'ti" i'eafe atij I.Vn.iaiOc si a . '. ; r me c uotv ' i l-a ,n.'o apnar in r mi pr p-r pr---:iS :S ihe:r rfoTt. ingui- ar i o Sr ren-rmranees '.r.i .rt a o.-h oi tir-ir rinees and i t;,. ,r : i :, . i-"tr'a"i t" -e iJ. ne ; and a'l W-t-ttr -v ! .'.. t pt-r'O.- p.-cu'.ir.r in leha f , t ii- 1. -r. t. r ' o ara i, a n v f r. n , r.er.n. am r-n 1 r"l n te tt i-B and thern a . ;.t,'. 1 u ! 1 . -0 ilt-; art wiir.nni 'eave at their Til. Jur 'r are rr ,-e.i'iI to h pot coal ia l-i-. r 31 toce a: :ue appciuied uaie ifreea b e :r n .1.1 e. S.vrn urder rr)T band ind sal ' tbe Sher iH'a 1'if.oe io lwiborjf the Ittb dav ' "nTTF is L0'P!'Y "Ix given to all cor.- owrme named prnre . . nave setiif-i me-r accounts in me Kea-isirr sj i hce a' l.e"A iburi. I ni-in rr.unty, aud thit lit ..i.i c-'ci o'lts a.;I be presented lor ei-nfir-inali. n and alli a-atiee ai the Orphan Court to be he.d a. LU'.V'isi'.L r.ii, lor lhe enun'y oi on the tmrtt Kr.iiay rf IiEirKMBEK n-xi. beini t.e ;iO'h d ty t.f said mrnih. via: 1 The len-ont of J"hn Keber, dee'd, wh was Coard ai of uoeiaA Vtaentulrer, a mi r.i-r, as presfhied by his Adiainistratrrs. S 1 ne account rf Daniel l.odwit'. dc'd, who vi Adnsimstraior of Culkmrtnt Lmtwg. 1-c J. as preheated by bis Executor, Kubcrt , 3 Th-(Sn.l account of Corje Lone, Ad- ' minL-rator ol ihira Au,Ute ct the boruu.n . of M-in.uborg, dec J. T.frc':-'. tf tUo. 04. me of Burl, ' f T"Te final aeeouot r.' Jesse M.W Adiainia- f Burlaioe towo- WilraranJ Pav d (in si. Administrators r-f Kriauct Hoi- fT. la'e of Union irwoship, recX C 'lb.' account oi Joseph Kleckner, AJ- e-in -tri or of Jonas Stimm'l, late ef JVe lift! n. dee'd. , Tae aceooDt of Jacob Hifer, Uuardisa if fjo ir'-ie .(cA4 a tniaor child of Adaua Stahl. fe'd. S The s eount r f Jalia Ann Ros, ArimiB iiitr:r.x oi Ji.iri P. Jim, late of Lewiaburg. !-cd. r.EltKCr; VKr.KI!.!.. Rerister Recister's tiiilc. Lewbuig. Ni . IS. 161 N'.itire in Divorce to riur.es E. Sn:eed. T .M"N Onn'r. s?: Th- r.immnn wealth rf I P-nTT-v'ra'i a T- Cnnr'M K. Smeed. ':, ill J l:- t; . . . : a i -;1-t 't I V, livi. , rfr -t .-ii ( i u .let J.ft ot --or t. 'urt r-1 cmanh. i : i- f ,v umtcl Li- rr Tro-Mi,;. f-'T th- r--as. i-. r..b n-t : :'.u. tl,l avi--: -. x .! K ism Litf - I I- f r . :'r "i " r - -t . '. l: t -T!r---Aj li: wii o'. hr tt K r-! ' K Tlv -ft iiami.tt ) i; ; i i . is" K. -rt -'. ra- mw -lm. lhtt r t: s.' ,a'. whi!-T-r. yt-u tw nj a , ix .ti jri:r v (if '--- ii : '' ."r- tir Jo :.' ml L-k-u i m'. a (VuT f r.- nrnn i'! tt to ha h)-1 U r th rt utilt ui I i' ii. "O M - !! I'.tia Axy of hmr T n x uri-w- t; e fl 'i (h' ;'( Vtr K. Tt.r..,j an i ti' Vw ( ui" it n.n a h - h a -it h. tj.s. ti t LM.f(i-l t1 'I - V-v V. l"T-.ai. ur i. u:rrs-ath1) t the !- cf tti.- .'CQ-ratl A-se-mblj) la ti ai:-I : A" l -- ' '- ti X. V I tret ll..n vtn.l'-f J. Prvwint.-f .-arftftil Cv.-aIt, Ska. L ..aL-:;1 ibV ." l3V..I'a.-r A 1) I. I. .-AM! tL K' il 'H. Pr th'T. j mv i n x.-ovE. sar.ir. Nuiit e to the lieU of Jtiua Ki'lor,lecJ. 'J Ii E Cornmonw?ui;h of Fnr.sylvania T) T'ati-I hVr; Tar-a- H . wh if TnrrVv tn Wil tro "on : Mtil.j. wb-i ia rtiftrr.t-d tt 1'a.aid W l -i;nm, m'-.-i l-A-ista I ih aUttl ;W I i-h.ht re :lrf -hi- l-.o ot S'iMB."hta tnar rif'l In J.'i.O t .dii. fcla'l ti."l ! s-f- rs- trt -nij iV.r-eT. it-r fhi-ip--: ll"-t aaw-l Lf' viTa a: d Aiie- a-a uiii. r. r.i. l ui- I- i ir :unr i .n. J' t.O litr. -thm t- .ra tiiru i.t iai-bi:r.- . ;La: . t'. r amd fcrii r.. r wm ro'Jutv. rr-:t l n : 51..: mu-l n-r i.i(.n i. -atir- in- in ih rfc -t i'h... ao t J. t.n I ib Who ll"" IO lla .tataT f 1C1ID; ta-IT tib't ir'. 11" re-ftnUtlle- '1 .It'HS llr.itKK. it ut bf b-TuUajta ut MllV'tit'Tr 1 tlf ratUtitJ". iii-Cffts-s.il jrs-srt.Uar. 1- tr- 'T; '.fi t -irt f trtt e-'m-' alr-o.il. tti- KJ k-tftte cf Iht? skivl J.'bB Ke-lfTt "ft p: raie-a M tol.tv, 11 . int A ps-T''n tar-t r titrs' rf Und ioat? n Iltr--! t'nr ""-!!:''"'-'' "T l:nn n-lj-toir !t.l ' WrT Millar. Jotin rw.a. Ibili l''1. Ami. iW-nlVr, l-i-i.r:r Sf- ml tr.r8. H-'ivi-l-r. ti'i utbvra). ' fontMt'ti.' .nrrff ii r-or lv r-.wt!ti h-a.t iiirt-Uavni-aa, at i. : ; r ti: - -am ; ; j. r - rt. tJj.aiuB' iht- aviire-ariata : nutii ..f st:t.::x ibn-w LoU rt Irft-lTon vr hi. r--v i cru nsj t. fti- an .Ui- . mfifaf in th U..-ft.eh of Mimburg -,f..t-ull. tWiil'I- 1 H B"ttL Mil '(Ty tf ! I l ' 'J-nrv;'' I-rh on th-tifh . t T a.trv-t. MVl Wil t;.- ".r-tl ! f J till ftttRi-J. v9nn- UitJvii- a twtv ! n t- - r Iv-;., wub th . parUuocav 1 it tn-i t r uin . t 'JV ' . A i-ert 'it. I-1 'r ji;--f'f ffri-ond situatv In "ftid Mt ' (ujh M.li'.iiii uri. CHiitrl ti.e "L :! tier l-ftt." Nuitr d.-lon the o-Tti. by l-t i-l Ilnr '.t. on the rant i-f Isit f J fr'sil-T."'"' Th." wotjvft h Inf, i.f Vi. K Kls-lTrr, an i on tl.- wr-t 1-t hn! . t Kif-rtrbmUi.cwtta.iait.g I 1 ay-w ain 1 j'' ;-v-r'-brirt -rr-t Itw.aitii iLvarpuitaFbdbca at &sl t r I It woi --t $-- 4 A f-rU-tj l-i.t.r j;- fiiund itoatahlfWeI rxT'iuh. hs-.tiTj !-! n tl n- rth hy n ) ntvp- Ovl,) tiiT-tt .y J"'-. lii ' iwm HaLvoansl ' .Ift t 1-1 MV. ,.n hf w'.utb i- t of Rvt. J .r.par h. i Ru t -n th- t r. Is.t i f J. W. S tv.nUming 1A4 ,..(..... in r- r Iri?, w;.L iaf at-urtiiir-'i, aXabdtV r, r:h-r trvt " nf ?intl a-frjaf In rntr tri.r.lin in tlif eX'UlltV Ol !1 A T. VrttKirr I an la. mH- i umn hti.i. 1.1 llefir i -k. 1'a.niVl K-ht-r. tftnel k, ,, o,, Mir l-.'l.n.T'in'rT 4'. rr-. Bortof w-tli tr -if, urt-'.irf' ( an i f-r tne tun cf $9 jrr r-. t:nMiDt.nir to RD- .r. f iu f urt. . is tl- Mum - f lb ftftrd ln,niiiti.av. ,,tl(t -..nn.u. th-rri.i i.tt-n.-l.T tl. ftprrwh. nir ,.vrv . t. u hr. r. rtrt b- a4 .pr-ar at ti.e n-i: in-Ti .leans' iVart t- h hitl 71.. f.r -b wuut, f 1 i -n. on V-SP Y th iii it i invmvt itu . i rtkli i.i Itnl l-t.r. .t tS. A.i.i.ti u ...J lii-''-t rnulnro-a's n , tbi.n u ,ho. r,UM mhJ ,,,, M .hu,., i,,i.i. BV Tint t m rt W i:n. a-, ti.ttil ml the .1 tif a.,4 is'ori at Uwla- i.. ,n.u.ilj.,ntiir Alt t'sl. sawi ti. orii.cvrt. f.. ,Wf., ;n!ti'';-fL'',r'g- VnTir!.' ' s a a v . TAX Collectors bear in mind , hat th. L year is draw.n? io a cirse.ana it is ve y desirable lhat ill demands may be promptly met. We h"re that every leasmahte em rt r bv toe a..ouectnr inu isa-rav- nronemes Uv oi ler of the Cotrnis.irn.fsr KOSEKT H. LAIKO. Tress. N C. ro!lor most apply for their Exo- oeratirns aa ,.. TO TAI-FAYEaS. rpHE Commissi ner of 1 nun eoomy ravw I levied a !-PUt!AL 1 A. rt a t mm ota - . ..... . rt ...m u. . l to pav ihe Interest en tne T i m v..-. v Loan, also rf 1 mill on $! '"r the s'lPtifrt rf lann'ies rf ror Crow .n-ioif r- i, cieti -.'I r.o he levied rev TK Boa-V, ar ro to tn nanos m ur v .- .. is n i pf.l i.-e Tav-i'a- 'rs w:U be rerr pr. .r ia tnai-irg- pav-rept f-r this r'r" ne pa.-pi se. T ot-.r of m- r;-fi,,i rs,t. : v ... ; ;; . Kivrirr. A-.i 1 r