: . KEMAUKAHl.r OPERATION. Oo Wed nesday, a remarkable surgical operation as performed by Dr. W. L. Allee, o( Philadelphia, in ibe profeoce of nearly twenty other physicians, fr the removal! .wws. RsVavy'sia,.2l.t.-rSni.F: LEA of an encysted ovarian tumor from Mrs. J UUV Tlli:i:, (Meer hole. wi-ishms lfi Snyder, of Montourssille. The aolid pari i to lbs. a .nie. JAM ES SCOTT. of the tumor, when taken out, weighed ten j joi UNEYMAN SHOEMAKERS can have pounds, and a semi fluid eul stance wn : ) employment during the winter, to work removed with it which half filled a Urge j "" TrT' t' vZi , ' and I.u cents for bottom, and futing. l.oard- wub tub. The tumor and other substance inj at private houses, per week, and at bo- tocetber would probably have weighed I i'. - r'"- JAMES SCOTT. . . . , ,. , ., I I.ewistiurc Or.t. 1R, !8fil. pounds. Mrs. Snyder lived uutil ; .. Tuesday morning. Dr. Allee before com-j vrv. . El nrvhotlv S3 it! rnillil not bfi dime. meneing gave it as nts opinion msi me j patient could not recover from such an operation, but as death was inevitable , without it, she and her friends expressed a ' willingness to assume ihi ri.k and a desire' to have iiiin proceed Wmtjutrt Gazette. I 7 ; ! e9Tbe Richmond Enquirer says ths i Rebel 0iigress has resolved to remove ' their National Capital from Richmond to ' Nashville, and Congress will toon assem ble there. This information is startling to the South more than to the N'orth. The Capital was removed from Montgomery on account of their danger from Ft. 1'ickens, and to seduce Virginia into Seccssionisni. This retreat betrays fears of danger from Manassas, aud by violating bcr hope of a permanent Capital will alienate many Vir ginians. It is to be hoped Hrownlow and bin men will "head off" the Rebels if they attempt to go through East Tennessee make them go around thro' (jeorgia. Hai.timorb, Nov. 22, l!01. Inter-cours.- Ln at length reopened with Kst ern Virginia. Several boats have already arrived at this port from Accomac and Northampton counties, with cargoes of grain, oysters, and other provisions. The loyal Virgiuians arc greatly pleased with the renewed commercial intercourse aud the protection of Government. The Union fouling is now almoi-t universal throughout these counties, and those who ' were hitherto inclined to favor the Rebels Lave now, espoused the I'oion cause. 7th NOV. 1837, Klij.h 1'. I.ovejoy was ; , ; snot down in cold blood by a pro-slavery j mob in Alton, Illinois, for publishing a j paper opposed to Slavery, 7th Nov. 1860, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, was fouud to have been eleeted IVneotonf nf tin TTnitftfl Rtulaa Ka 1 amti-alavcry voters thereof. 7th NOT. 1861, the Stars and Stripes were raised again in South Carolina and about the same time, Mason and Slidell were captured. Toombs propossd to "call the roll of liis slaves under the shadow of Hunker Hill." If Captain Wilkes, or some other equally energetic effioer, oan nianago to catch Toombs and send him to keep eom- .ill, Mn .n.l Sli.l.ll V.,,1 U'.rr..t. , . . , ( u not 00 far removed from Uunker Hill but ' hu ali.ii may fulHl bis own prophecy "cal-1 i liog his roll" 16 much as he plaaei, with a vtrj slim chinctt for toy answer ! The Boston cftrrespoodent of the XI V. Tribune remarks that tb "whuU town of Newport actually brie tics, at lb if moment, with koittiog needles." The gooj dames nod fair daughters of Masachudctta have freely given their sous and brothers to the good cause, and are now devoting a portion of their means and labor to the work of cloibing them. Worthy ioberitors of the glory of Bunker Hill ! Wisconsin Election. Tbo recent election in Wisconsin resulted in a Ur pub lican triumph. We are proud to know that iu do State, which gave its full elec toral vote to Lincoln and Hamlin, b&s a Democratic State Ticket been successful. p4VCT. The greatest fault-findcra with Mr. Libcolu'e Administration, are patent Democrats, atd Abolitionists ! These two cUsefb of disturbers always managed to make extremes meet, since "Polk and the Tarifi of '42" was their hobby. Slavery has commenced a War upon the American Union. A distinguished citizen says: "As God lives and reigns, either this Nation will abolish Slavery, or Slavery will abolish it." It is now reported that Gen. Samuel Houston is alive and recovering from his late severe illiiew. J An Excellent IMaloe Valley Farm, at "1TTE the undtr5iiiecl,Eeculirs of Ih.rral rsuie of iLtiAt HiKTistTon, dee'd. late of Harilrv township, I'nion county, by r Irr .f his last will and testament, will ofiar at public sale on Monday, the 2d day of December ret, the following described real estate, vis.: A FAKM containing SO irrrw more or ls, hounded by lands of Jacob Moore, Jacob Kover and other, and I'enns creak, on which are a rood IUH'SE and BARN, a Car-(A nape llone. and other rnnenipnl Out. bmlding. lso a Fl'M.IXH HOl'.sE am! t'jr.l.ni! Machine not io (.pration at prfjfo .il LiniiK nf FKlii Of a superior ; .....l., r..nnin Water on the Faim rffkuhonl III or 12 seres of it TIMBER -XTI.AND. ihe balance all cleared and in a guod stale of cultivation. ALSO the One-Half of a Lot of Land sitna IH on ihe I.IMESTOXE KIDtJE, eontamini Ml I'errlieil aJjuimng land of Uco Rulil aii l others. ale to bejrtn at 1 o'clock P M of said dar, ni the premises, when conditions of sale will be made known. A good Title will be mads lo the purchasers hr GK..R0K ME1XK1.L. Ilwt JOHN IIL.NTI.VJTON, tun Kelly Tp.No. I, ISC I tVPersons vishinf; to purchase, can call m either tieeuior, previous lo the sale A $35 Iron City College Scholarship 1"OR sale at the Star 4 Chronicle Offi;e, Lewtit.nr. Land Warrant for Forty Acres 1-VHt SAI.K. r.nouire al ihe OlHcc of the Star -V "Wnc:, Lesr.itarj. WANTED! RfM I ",ES slauihlrr Ipper I.E ATIIER, JV ofi ami nliablr, in be delivered at the rale of :u sides per week has at last born Accomplished ! VMBKosK's c.m I Oil o t hlninv Hatxl Lamp. The fulU-wini; are some tl u ailvanlvizv-s : 1t. li-iwinM-f. watt the chiinnoy, whirl. itspt.'Brive t)t Utll'ri'tte. 1 Th- lik'ltt i at odc wrr-rcil'lp for lightioi anl kn- lhnc purpii.. .. I. ,;uro lest, oil than th liimnvv lamp. 4th. liurnt the ilill.-n nt rr.I ol .'n.i..t.e of fJ an-l ":tri"'fi t'il-. (fun a i. n-otf nt :; nrni ururnnl Mil Car. ! narn-'l siouaii with about lite rxaiu- fa r.Mv p a i-ai'-llf. t't la -T f - f time io Vumiiii irnj.roTen the quality f the H:tm Tit- l-imi ttnv lr hurueti a wmk wi(h'ut triMimttt- mimI will i.. 'I r'". fli- I iit wr- twu 1- alta.li.-J !fi anv Turn. o that -t-RoO- having luini. oJ vuy r(iaut tin- intrn-r F..rale by J. A. KKEAMER. AI.SO. jit rrceivfd, a lot of French l're- serving Kent ( irn rappers, Ac. c., at J. A. KKCAMKK'S Tin Shop, corner Fourth and .Urkel btrcets. I.i wisburg. AtiR.'.Gl Attention, musicians! A laree assortment of j'..:. t - r 11 K.iiCJ--V' kinds also Vi.dm. CJniiar. and Bdjii StrinijH, Bri-ipes, Pees. Ac. and the bet Violin Rosin call at ihe I'osi Otlice and eiatnine. I. VV FOKKEsT WM. VIIOZF.1 A- U. HILL V r-ixvEZKR & mix, Attoriit'js at I.;nv, Lcwislitir, l'n ion Co. Pa. Office in Smith Sec. I Si. formerly occupied tiy .lames R Hnuilin Ksq. deceased I.ewisl'iirs, April 4, IS'il jo(a IJena! XT'E have just received from Philadelphia and .New York, a very lar;e and well selected stm-k of SUMMER 800DS, which we oiler at very reduced prices. V e have paid particular a:tenlion in ilie selection ot this stock ol fiord- a verv larqe assort ment ol DRY GOODS every desenp- '"chasers w.l. l.nd H ttie.r t kivc u a call as in price we il.'lyiitivi.i ,,llr r,2,liorins towns lor eomnrtnion. vt e have al-o replenished our stock of t;roe ri-N, HardMurr,(iicciiNware,ac. SALT, FISH, COAL, I'LASTKK, A-c. always kept on hand. &-COfTRY I'UntiVCE taken in Ex- chanre for i Is as usual. B. Cash paid for all kind of (.r:)lll. J.VO WALLS 4 CO. Lewisburp. July 3, I K1I I DR. HOOFLANU'8 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, Fok THE tPEFDY CtHI PP jwMr) cure i'iilunts i atiranud tttryzt oj Ihn iiUrr Itmlf. - 1 TDK lUltatilir Cnntial it rDtip ly VvgatjiMr itrrxlur-ti'n.r-nit'HiinL' tliv hrlin pn.n'rtt' !i f ill- lUl-um. with tbv inTinot-Jttioit iiuiilt-f t 0rlial, i niuritur "-ml,T.,.li..n .nil .l,.t.a I.) tire run-. i,,t.l..lr,l. Ull tlt. . re arc lut fi-tv vmm- of (li-kx- tshii h Mill not. at ! i varly fvriuJ, nuraunib to its livaliu auj itmn j iiroiv-rlivM. t '' tn-.tm.-m f PimnMiT . ; vm.i.-d tin- irri-atvr ii Tlinti ! tlm atlviitiou of tli 5rlti- l i tltH' 111 til- U(vlll'-i tTI'l. Oltl tiOIIV ll (lllte,l UO'IV rim- j ! u.-iKt- in Iii- in-n-tm-nt of tli-cv .t(!f:i-vs. than thf rlt- , I ratrl I'rux'iiD It l.-ofiau.l, t)iMtritator tl tht- Hal- ; ' igtiiiir C-.r.Iial. II ii lif af v(.tv. t. lliv nrtilurli-.n 1 ri-iiiv.l'pF ttiat v'kiM aland unrnalvj. It w wvll h- ha" im rvv.. ii. Ihv Am-Ti-aii wl ur al.l t" ju-lsiv; and j v w.itivvly a-! t. that no nrv pantli- np trul lisvt- vwr t l-.-n ptar.-uWlorv thvui. liavrMiil.!rit:.J tJiv-.THirituf tint ot i-vns-fli" on MtT rinc liumanily. or liavt rliriivii r.. - manv oiuimviMliiti. ii f from all riasv of w.-ty. at th.- : r uifliff of Uf-tl.uiil, jtr.,Mami bj lit. C M. Jwksun A i C . ol hllK'Mi'bta. ; Tlir r..r.lial Ip ! rnvl f..r a rla-" nf .ll--avp irwrp en : fT-l ami nutrv fatal titan anyottoT to a Inch tliv pv.j.lr of th; tN'untry ar ul-jv;t tli-" h-rininir froui a I " plight C"M " That vumtvnt aulti"rii. In bVII. nay: ' "I will not pay that Conln irrtiM.ur iuhnlntanlp h:it thv I'laifilv nn Vvlli.w t-vTvr arr to llioav 4 ftth'T on- ' :am-f rvatvr complit iiy and niurtaillj than tlnsn ltt-r 1 !' IUa-1 ht thf vtnito tit ilap M inufa- tun-r. JOHN M H 111 TA1-U aanof the liAU-A.MIC OfltlflAL. Pit T. M. J Kow Kvnjft-tfl Frit-tnl : UaTine f-r a I : li.ne ttmv lmn ariuain'wl with thv virttivn if thy liA Ir j ' f-AMIC t''KI)l M. in t'onclo". ' 'Is lnflamiiilH'ti of tli t 1 l.uiip. 1 Uihp fn-vly tv-ar tstiuitiuy lu itpvth'-ary. I 1 Forvvtral yrara I viar nvwr h'n without It in my fauiilv. II tf ali iiiv-i mv (.J. piirf t l.tlv th tr I haw J uf1 it with nltrv -urw-- in Ui rvinmTit of II- Wt-1 i CvMtlatiitit. Thv frivruJ trulv, jnM HHITA1.U j Fifth Mo. 17, K'l. Kvi ht. il.r 4th. I'hil l. Aar-Th'-M m-iii' inva arv f.r palv hy a'l r';rt.Jv j PrUL-'Ei-lp and dvlvrc in tn. di. invf. in Ihv L'ii;! lat-p, I Tana.!, Itritih l'n. itiv-. ami U"j-i It.d.ii. at Ti ruU wr li.it I . hV-urt an I cvt thv ffvitninv. nh '!- vii:na- turv . f T. M Jn. K..n on Ihv ar..p. r ot (, Ivl T.-; t.tl , . rl.t-r :irv riiiiiiTt-rf' tt. Ir nniial ntH.-v? aud Mnutacto ; ry, 41- Ar-h tr-.-t, Philadvlphia. Ia- Flour Sacks ! rpo .11 1 II or and I'lonr lra!cr. 'i'he undersigned ni ami far. lore FLO V It SACKS "a'l .S'.Vj, oa reasonable terms. Orders respectfully soliciie.l. RICHAUT, KEYKA & THOMPSON", 1'itutoa, Luzerne county, SmOnipd Penn'a STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. cookixc; stoves. " rAULOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES. The bet assortment uf Sloven ever oAeifd tfi ihe ciiizens f Lewisburs. amen? which is thf celebrated "Cnnfinprnal," the han.lscunes! and bei Cookin? Hiovr mw before the public. 1E.NTIUL KOtXCRV. pUi-Ki:, WALLS, SUKINKRACO. The EOVARD and HOFE Express Companies I7XTKESSES Iaily to and from any iwirti-n of tli I'nilM Stats nr Ciifltft. Ofllre at If (j SCAN 4 llAHKIrV litor, stcihur) TaxcN. Taew, Tar. j.miM h i.ni l In- -m-M C'-itrt. af tli T"urt li -i- fifwl. ud but t' w hTf fi.iliii.-sl tlis-ir prtmit. tli nv- ti.-. 1 h'.p. ufflM-nl lo th-m Ut yity in.m di.tlr. Th Tn-surer h tfiTn -lur notir. II..I thr. n- arrrnt d. n.n.1. .iuu.i il. r..nnt. Lot f.r w Uwi.l. iri i. c..n.:rnM H"T t: l.'ii but hlll .Hn tlf .i l I.. It- The l-mili" f ,nunt.iT mu't W .i. .v. - tt month, and wim. OI inrin .,vry w.-. a .h.lalrlr nM.nr lht th. 1 lr nj..rilT l.v ..i.l pr..n..lly. 1 " .v. rv .l'ii,.iu. nl nxt n.l hoi th-jr mil U f rt- parvd. A wurd U the winr,Ae. Ac. A.KENXKDT CoL 170l'XI A NOTE for One Hundred ll.illars. payalile at the Bank of Kanville, which the ownr can haveby proving proper ly and raving charges. Inquire al Jan. i. ltl. THIS OFFICE. " Sinai and Zion, OR a Pilzrimase through the Wilderness to the Land of Promise." By Hijih BacsK.K. laie i'aslorof ihe German Reformed Church, Lewisburft. This work comprises Ht3 pee of plain print on white paper, with 6 illusiraiions price, 1.25. Lindsay A Blukision. Philad.. Pnhli!.hers, and sold by UASISI. tCHUAt'K, Asent, Lewisbnrif Stamia'i PATENT LEVER JACK I S made and for sale by ti. V. BARK DOLL l.rwi-lnre, Mav SS t0) 1T.0 UNION COUNTY STAR JUIIS &. t ItOSI.CY, Sole Manufacturers of the I in pro ve Gutta Pecrha CEI3ENT ROOFING ! IT is the cheapest aud moat durable Rooting in u-.e. Il is Fire and Water Proof! It can he applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds and to Shingle Hoots wilhoul removing the shingles. The cost is only about one-lliird thai of Tie and is twice as durable. CiiMa I'rrvlm C'emrnl, for preser ving and repairing Tin and other Metal lioofs of every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured ky the contraction aud expan sion of metals, and will not crack 111 cold or run in warm weather. These materials have oeen thoroughly tes ted in iNew Voik and all parts of the f uu hrrn and Western States, and we can cive abund ant proof of all we claim in ihetr favor. They are readily applied by ordinary labo rers, at a irnlinj; expanse. NO HBAT IS RKOJ'IKF.n. The-e materials are put up ready for nc, and lor shlppitiff to all parts of the country, wuh full printed Directions for application. Full descriptive Circulars will be furnished on application bv mail or in person at our I'rinripal office. Sill Ilroadivav. New York (Oj m. Ni. !...;.-1 JOHNS MM.F.1. AfJKVI'S VANTFI. Bin"i5 AT'l'KNTlON ! The Volunteer's Manual, j?t publo-hed. contains lull instructions f..r Ihe lint RI IT, in the schools of tlo SmIJkt and Squad, with over One Hundred Illustrations of the different poslij(ns in the Facniits and Manual of Anns, and the Loadings and Fir ins. Arransed according to SCi I'I'T'S -s'w lin of Intantrv Tactics, by Lieut t'ol ll.W.t. IE vrfcft, of the National tiuard. l'mo. size- convenient for Ihe Pocnet. This is the latest, best, aud cheapest Work on Taclics. I- npprnrfii fj OJHriallij. AtSENTS WANTED 111 every Town, Vil lage and llamli t. ffljc Game tUcrk in (Pctinait," Translated by an experienced .Military Oll'.cer and Savau. I"tKeiail Price, i" cents per copy or, bound in Flexible Cloth. 40 cents. Muled anywhere, FKUE of Poiiage, on ' receipt ol " or 40 cents. FUR SAt.R I.V LITWItl BE. KIM. 4 lilllill. I'rlnlrrs and I'utillshirs. noi s.insoui M. I'h:l.ipfi'ii An a-wrifnt al t"tiia tiir r iat iti.n t IIMN (uri fi-'! "f i ir-n mtil -rl"ti t-y (-uiiitifln'n in liiir...'-ii. cHu-tiouJ by th-- ht-h. 'I ,V.-.li,- Amhuriti- s, both in r.ur.-(f muj in Ltitu-a Mate, auJ irtwriU;J m lb'ir Tliwipris-n'anfthmian(li4)tUr iiwm that tinpr faration i if Iron can In- nniHn-J HL it. linfHihtivoi tin- r.lin). ilfirMtn uf tital -DnrT. nl an1 i.t(iri ?irky cttn.rxit'Q, inJtcate-iUi nceit in almt.PtTctj comif ablr for. Iiini)&iiui in all tnnladicfi in whirh It had to trn-d It h- pn.vtnt ahHolub-ly curaliTe in each of tlie fitltuw iDt rooiiiUiiitf. Tlx : In '-bility, .rrut A' fitm, Kmoruitum, Vyt jttiay '.l"Kf i.. I ifirr AfxJ tytufrry. Ittiif-u nt 4 't,ntn tn4l"H, .SrriJuJHH Tn'i' i'-i-U', "' iiifMtH, MwhV til Ult"", H'lrJ. 1 ViwimM, I.f'T VHsJ'".n(, I'hriHK IlrimklS, Hi; um 'fi..M. tirVrwifiVflf yri, yi;.j nn Hit . In r-.-iM (.Ir.fCi i liHlUtj, -Ih'(I.st IK rfMiit nf arutf liFf-, or .t thf riniiuu-l tliiuinutir.n f ns-rtoim ami muM uiat iMit-ry Ir- tu i-liriii- ni.laintii. on- triitl f tlttH n-ftirHliT iih. i nvi-. hj ci ful i,t an t-xtt-nt wliirh n It-wrii'lmn nor written atls-atNtion vnuM rfiitj--r irrfdible. Iuvaill w lmiic tx-U-inlilrn an to havf Im o.int forji itt-n tu llfir oau ts il.btirhnoilfi. Imv s-ul-il'-nlj' rit'arlin tli l-us-y world ax il juit r ttirinl tt"Ui .ri.tr' -t-t trMTfl in a ditani Im. h..n rry ii.'ual iu tun df tlii!1 kin J rv att i-n J of f nia!- Mif- f-rrs. f inariittfJ viitioi of aart-ut miira-mu, nan tnnn.uis cituiution, rrittr-al rhun.-is, n.l imt r.-mj ii- 1 nttion of n-rTrtif ami (lyftfi ln- avrri n to air anl tl ! tn iw fr lu h thf ilitnt iaD tian un nsair. ( In Nii:;ir.t AFf' Tii.3 of all kin. In, aii'i f-r p n'-rtn ' familiar to nif tii'al Dion, ttit (mtiiiu if H,i j.ri'i'ri- . tion ..fir- ii niu.-I iH-rt Sf aril lw falutari.for, uuiikt; tli; ' oij osi'lf. it i vi-jonmsty toni wnhr.ut h-ii.i; f .tntiiist ' ami i.v. rli-atimr; an.t p-ntly. rffttlarly n-ri-ut. f-n : in th mtt -l-tinat fatu-n nf ron-mt-rifp. airliout --r . t-ftnir a Hiti-tric I'Urgati'", yr lutiictiL a duarucaUe . i-naTion. f It ip tlii;. lattfrprofwrtv. amonf otlW. whlrh m tV it o rt iiKtrknr.lv t-H.-rtuii anil i-rmaiiiit a rtuitslv tor I'U t. uit.n alikh it l-o ipKn to fk--rt di.-uiM-i an-l Pli'rinr action, by aerntug tht lotai tfUJi niy ajikb I ti.rm tlifin. , In Uv-pKi'!-!, innumf-rabli' a ltt rancK, a nin-;Is ; ot ttie Clial) ht-titr I'll In lm olti-n niiDn-fd for Uie niuet i ha' 'it Qui -.tt f . ttfirl ti Ji nir thf fltifTotf nt ' n,tfvtt. In Ufirltt-rk- d itl.ttnai. even htii alnrrf to fr Ft tt n-nrtrnn-'l. t uwialiut;. and ar.:ir'ntly mali-i-nniit. ibe etlfcit. have bfen equally Jtuiivf autt aliu ii'tiitir;. In tti loral ain. na of (Ifph and 'rpnjr'h. drliilita tinir ctm-jh. nl r-roittfnt hcrtic, l,i'- L'fiifrallv in!i- Mlr Im ll-IIM I -M VMI--S. till- rfDlf.lv hust IlllTfl tlir alaru ol Iriftui- aiitl .i)i'iMnh, in nf fi-ral Vfry gratily intTRini mlf r-!ttinf umtaiu-f. In .-k.iii u.: Ti kkci U'fi-, thin tn tlir-ntM f rn li lia.l tar mor llntn tiif jt'fnJ ffffrl o lltf tnu-t rn I ion:y l.iilnnrt-.l or.-i afiiti.-n ol itliuef without any ot their r II known It. t.atit 1 hf ttntt.ni ft' fi'maV not hf too ronfiilfntlr in Titfl ti tins' rrmrdy and reMt-rattct, iu thf caf cjjwuliar ly a:Trtinir tltfni. In li!i.i M.ti.l'nth rhrnnit an I IriflmmatrrT in th lattfr. Lnwi'TtT. mors ffift'-Hv it m hf-ii inrari al.ly p-f"! til, horli -.in al!-?ia;in; .:iin atxl mlur niir t hf -f i!:n' vA -ttt!n"M' of ihe joint- aul muwic- In l7r.t;M:"niT r'rVFH.s it imifit nfi'trviriiy W utrt-at r.-in-ilv and -nTt'fti'-rt-toratiTf, ami itc i rojrf in ths nw ftt1nifntf of ih ttt, will prolmbly be one ol bih rnown and uut-luln-w. No r-ni'"ty haj s-tct ln l in(Tr-d in th whole hi-t'-ry of m'li'lnf . l i' h cXfrt-1 snrh t.rompt. happy, and fully rf-toraltTf fflt. shh pfti!-. fi-mp(. t- lito tion. rapu a'-'iii.-iti-m of xtrt-nth. with an unaftini iiJ p t.'tion IV r active and chferful Ur tciev, itiicn diatV pttlow it nf. Cut up in nt flat mi'lal noTKontaininir rrfptHi. pr.-" .M ctii (-r hnx : tor bv .Irtuj.-i-tH aiil If alfr. WiHlif iont frff to any iiddrffn on r-rript of the iri. Ail ielteri, onJfn. f t.. "hoiM h- mil1rrrM to U. It. LOKt 4 Co . (fnTal Airnt. ljSU CciAK St., N. T. S'thl in Lcictxhurtj hy Hafcrr si fo 1 B Sfhafllt Harris 1 Hup run J.S. Marvh. K.Shorklt). f.t '.Sborklrj. r.Bra.t-r S. MARSH 5t CO, (I.CrBRS TO )KPIKK, ah a CO.) I.rAVISBUHO FOUNDRY as n AGRICULTURAL WORKS rewlftlmi-jsr, Pa AVE have eoontantly on hand ami tor -at, WH-H.KSAI.K OK nRTATTa, liVdiw. ,W"trer ami I tarrr itrtvif r; f.nnn ami irrn &..l,rt: 7...lu..'l '.ri. t'-H-.r IU-n ,- vh'.iipi (tn-l t'"ur Ib'Tir Trnil. Str.rp uhit h'JI fi.wrt : . .'-r.r Ihtll.rt. ht f HlUri, Thr.il.rri, l'lic. .v-r.. l, Inm Ft'tt$ f.ir :. '. "tu. Jim' t.tifts.h'.titiniit. Mill trnrthit, Ar. Ac.. anl Ix-M ..tirM.lv. r-aily Nt all uiu. Vi !.' all K1M r F'.r-tl.ST l(i with II... I. tn... t n. ri. rtt.eM and .li.j.atrh Wcrk or Kanafarmres invanabty warranted as recommended. order, rr.i-.-tlullj ,..lie.tr.l aoil'rom.l) atL. ndrd lo. June 1. l. y UNION FOR EVER! TTTE are all rheoreu tosee ouH'ninn boy V wuh such gno.l courane take huld of the rope to draw it lishl around Ihe necks of JelT Uivis and oihr-r pnialoe rooters. We also expect the lar-e Bailie at Washin'tnn to 1 . ' . . talk soon. There i quite an eiciteinent in I.ewisliur;. foldiers are soinz away, and merclmnis are getiin? New Goods. Latest, .. It. Zimmerman has returned from New Vcrk anil Philadelphia, and has carelully se lected the latest and bet styles Over Coals and best Pants, Hats, Shirts', Handkerchief Stockins", Casinetts, Cassimeres, Cloths or all descriptions. M'Clellan styles Cassimere and Hats, and five and six hands makins Clothiu: to order. Cloth anil sold at Philad. wholesale prices. Call before yon buy yon will not lose anything, but save fifty per cent. Thanks for all favors. Kept. 18. IBM. X. R. ZIMMEHMAV H FURTJITURE WAREHOUSE, tj-' od Market Square, I.cwisburg. A rood supply of C li.-iir. Tables, RurraiiN, Mantis, ,Vc..on hand or made lo.ri.rhy l-v UAVIJJ til.YIKK. Wi' lrMrf.-i-r-sa.--.l.Ssi triflA I & "lEWISBUKG CI1R0N1CLE-N0V. 2!,iS01. LINDSKY'S Improved A STAMAKJ MKMtUSH For th Mwir.rft.iail und cifrvtiml eur i( A l.f.-ll.-H wva ari-tui lr m l.MI'tlilTY 1UK bLOVhl I vying mwlirin.- ha irroniht BlOiit mir-CuloOMUrrs in ilrntfTTitt- rftff.s tit t'Tofulia r:inr.T'u- foruiatk-n", KrMi ''Ihi, KniU, tior-- KTr. P1'. ll.-atl, ilifnui:ttir limiriUri-, I'twil.t'lirs-b, Silt Uhroni. licut-nil ii tility, !,.. .tf ApMl1tft riitMii-.U' di-f n"-", pfmitfnn t!iv fn-f, tt .1. ftttl.tH rti I turn, Tfttvr ultcrliwue, lvi-ifpia. JjiunJice, Mt-rcurlnl li-fj-I.iwr (li'inDUint- liw t.irU, Kul t"i fVnimli-('..iiiL'!'intNfiiif nil Ji-waLf li-t Ibtliorigio In an impute ftale of tin t-lco-l. Tin- iiKift- i- a -irlr:ii( i f Vnvll MTrr nrr. of Nm'- T-',ii".ou tin :iUt tti-v of A it -;u!-t, I inmlt-wtlnlJi. if Li t tv .Iti-i"!- tit.rlfv lL:il Lr it trvtt 1 lor ill.- i-tirv . Ctt'i K lv tlir. v 1 !i '-i.-uni- ol I.. -(lor. I c- tMity. tii l-v Ur. N-wt'.n f-f thf (;' r.nii-jr. rinriftiiitlt. t'-r n -ii'il ol tuarlv -i.-Ll month-. nf.-ilh--tHtt-tin ho h hit h. tl" r, 4ir,'t (I Kiifit.w nf htn l-ft ih.rk rr riittr-ty ' rfv; ' H- h;ol z-n uf nil U) . tn-ti be In rtr-l tLc IIli.'-il St-nn-li-T," jnoi - in-iii--j'l loir il. Kmr btit llctt -iir-H him. r'l 'HhfiiL-h miIIv 'li-tt-tir--I tl-r- i no qn- -lion loit thii iriTiittiitt.lf nt'--ln'iii M.tvt ! hin 111.-. Ihi- tn! I Mri it-iilu r ft tlii-- rvniMt knhU- um) Lc.- - u in w iri tilar t- h;'l or nny ot t Ac-(tl. M !-.. r- T'-r t" rtr ol mii Itl. akn. -t .of Kl I'-rl' ti, Arnisfrornr Co.. I' .nr-l of SfRnri H wft'T brlfij utml.ltj tn out of t-v-'l I'T t lr-- v- tir-. T..tlt- M..s I-.-, iij An-..nii!!f.rt.jirft.-l'l(,o.,iih ' m- :t!-o Jttttii t, il u it!". .- n:uU in it- -rl f' rm. T j !(. i:w of lii-oruf M- I- I. r-i'l:iir in rrr..l!town, ) C;uiil.tiii Co.. I'., who o hall, i.tllfN-d with rair-t-r Il.nt it v.it hif --tiiir- ii'-s olT, anJ hif vam- was ft., il H-il.l.-. limit M i n urtV fit- 1 ;irtifiUrcnl th.s..- rn-,- oTt-ry mif nf tliirli wns ctirt it hv Ibf Ui-v "f th-"l!!'o .-vnri-li'-r" may al.-u lm ti'Uii'l iii 11 Ctn ulur to If h "1 "t t"" i;. v. IMM. rmprlpinp. to.l.-il'oriilnrv fr tli- iiifi ill-' nitf n.-nr th I', huh Knilr..-.! I. ft. II.-:ii-Ja -t tir-jT- l'n. ).( .y f. W. r. I.atlt.-. l.- wi-Imrj; M ' i-'ht A Ihnn k. Itulfal. X KftoU: Kii.iv ft Himin.-ln i. li. t-iiriii'-r-viUf ; ruitniiin." A Uitui-r. HrtUI"n: I. II . Ki-m-II, M.!1IioI iitz ; I. Mmmii, ttiulit-M; rbiiiil Jt WauM'tlt-r, .-t-liiirn; R. NEWELL'S r 1 1 r )Tor; l ; a r 1 1 t : a llk r y, (. til. An il St, I'liiliKli l!ii:i Olf ft 111' li.o.-l lafL-'t Rnil mi't mpipl.-lf Hrriv in tlir -tiitn. Ip'Tv tl.v -r-t fl. tnrt .-rat In'-iirt art-t:ik--ti nt -rh in iirv pil l-.T nn-tTHi.lv rm uiirifl.T. ft rr.u-li.-al I'liot"- ft. t III no l.il rir -.itnrv. .lo r. H' fi'!?. ii i-ii't urt lo Tiik i' A. t-.-r-otti)v, vvrv fitlinu an.l lit.-ti!lerv unli Ks it tfivfi pt-rlfi-t njtti.-f;o ti--n. 2 u-rrfot si nn.l Anilrt pf.ol at'M-nt or .if. -a-' u i tri.-it.i. -.litit:rH-ih-il to anv riirfl or Ink. n .n j -Tivn. hit Me, and paintt-d in til !-y thf ("-"t Arli-tf At ti.in itallfry pj.-turfi ran l-f lak. n in any .-tlo r pfrtf'-t in . li-u ly tlaya af whfn thr un -lmft. IVr.-oii! v initinii the nty arf rffrttiiM invit.-d to- amiiif our cim-jiH, hPii lor trice ana ijuimj uf iy i-o!iiptit inn. b lufCructions piven In the art of I'liotoraphy. m It NKWI l.l.. GUJJi OF Akt, V'l Arrb Jtrwt, I'hiiad. 1,-Ua. fOMMKMi.t TOXS. Trftn linn Lwi l. CyrutLL, M. C.,Ohfo My familv and liHnl all nmrur in tl- opinion tliat thf (NfWflil rictnn i niort lit-like than any thin; t,..v f ver naw. My liknift.it ha b--en r ,f ah -ill v tah-'n by tiilffrenl Artit in vnrioua waya. hut I h;tve Uf t-r y.-t had one which frewailano trttvin nators-.ali the ha lure anp ex.rclou ot counU-nancf aa thin. Vnm Hon. K. J f Mobi. late Minister to Italy. Th es.jiiMl flnih, It-ant? and nftnsf of your por traim, conjoined with their durability ot t-oloraud failh tut lie an likenejtuep, can not tail to conime ml thfin to th attention and ratronai'- of all who appreciate true From Tot. .Imfj" I'ioe. Having w-.ion for a r rtrif. I procured on fr-.m Mr. ltol. rt NeweU.nl the nty of riiilMiht. a minia ture in i hi Color. unlrtl ' irwvi.iiarJirr.''.,v'""t. and take (Treat pl. aj.ur in xpreM'tint the stati-ta- Jt.oi ;ven 111. nt on Iv Hv the accuiary of the likene-s. t-nt ilartiilic titiNh in all rftfpcrts. and rect.tnuie n.l htm to the pntrona;;.' ot t hoe dipuai'd to eOi'oUrafce the U-iititi-lul art. S7:im JaJiu Vm.. LA IJKIX k CO., Mammoth riioTOfiUAPii Oatj-ery. S-E. Corner Eighth and Arch St. Philadelphia. Ktttrunrt on Kjht ,Z,ttt.) F1'KR inanv yparV expprience in all the various- branches ol ihe An, ihe I'tvpri- '. eli rs confi lenily invue ih atiemi. n of iheir frintls anil the pnhlic to ihir extensive eta . Mi&hinent, whirh pr nts the opptirinnity Ur i pmcimti" ihe tet Pictures, equal ai leaM to anv firt-cla.s Gil!ery in ihe l iuietl Malts ! Preparations are complete fur exrutin7 all I th improir.d iyle kn- an 1- th Art. They hitve a pat. nt arrantrt rnf nt fr i-opt ttti l-.itierr-ot . pen, Ac , i niHkiiit: ih'-ui Lif-fix. , if defiri-d ti.f only on i-f the 1 kind in thin country. Attached to Uiie csUl-liflhuitut i are tl.r-e eolorimr Artit. ' ruoTOuRAfua. in-:iMiiir l ain tinpr, a low as $2 00 I I do with l atii" d- - -i Uo Jl rho.nlT'.clfi. r!.tracoiie.'Ht.-ti. I or J. pT d--. l.if-I'urti.tfi-itph a f w a. and . lTorip- at anv- jru'. Iuraole Annitys at iu tent- nod up aril-. ; A moft extfn-ixe a-t rtmcnt of (lilt Frame, cmlira1 : in! a o '. .-t rh"i' e iat o ! V ot the latent tl) leu. J'li ; ce from ? cut. and urard. K'j.ecial alteution l.vOiHed upon I.ift-iml I'lmtn 1 jrnj Ii tti nil. tran t- rr- d fi- iu Muali I'lulurtf.ftndfruiii I lit.-. Vri-- t't' in to ItMi. f-lnniriiMn n Kivrn in lb Art SMy PHOTOGRAPHY, 7.v ail its m: a cn :.', 7XnciTKD in llie besi snle known in the art, ai C. C. Crane's Gallery, 532 Arch Strtrt, Fist o Sixth, llillalrlili!a. LIFE SIZE IT OIL AND TASTIL, .NTKIIKnSCOnc POIiTRAITS, Amlirolyjips, DasRcrronltpt's, &e., Frr t'aes,Mpflilli..ii,Pinsfl.'inr-;,A-c. nf.fiyl C'lii-ouiallr I'lii'tliifT. TT A VINT! purrhaseil Ihe njht to ue Roh 1 J sf.k's prucess f..r I'milins vh "ry ;..or.. for 1'ninn Co. Pa., we are prrpared lo execute or.lers for CARDS, Ehow-Bllls, &c. in Red.Gr.tn. llltf, llrntrv. Sxlrtr. Oi'imimit.or f!.JtI colors, in sued stvle, fl'at the Office of the Star & Chronicle," Lewivhnr.. Ji-ci, ISIS W.iKUKX CoKNKIfS. PEILAD. & READING R AIL-ROAD . . , o i i rr OlHUlt."! Ill lPiailtl Ul U" at .i 111 1 iilit llETVF.r.N THE TWO CITIKS OP NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG, via litiftiit'jy A'ltntown ami Euton. MtliXINl Erprfrt HVrf 1ei New York t fi A M J'Mlmlelphii at h A M. Arriv-n nt IhirritLun t 1'.':4-t, noon rotineetitvff. nt Hnrrt-lnirir, witli trwin on North"rn (ntr:tl l.aiiroa-l for mjoLutt. LI- 1 IIl U4i, Utllon. U illiamiort, Jer.-ey shore aud Lo k lluvt-o. Mail TVtn'n Wrjt lenveit New York nt Vi. iHi.n, an4 rTalntle.i.tiia at 1 M, cr-unectiui; with tram on Nor Uiern Central Iloa.1 for nUlion an atiovi. M"il Traim Ett leave, llarrisburcr at A A M, nrrWed at ri.iiaii.ii-Uia t " fu,. ' r"1""'" timM t. take buat or ear t.r lton Ac Put Krmtst fjiA laTa Hnrriiehurtr. on rrir.il . of Northern Cent ml train arrheK at i'Uiladel.Lia at ; C; 1 5 P M, anJ New York at 9. vtenin. No eimn-re nf r or bacajfe. th tweo New York or j rtiilatei ).iii airl llm.-tiuri. ) t'jr ln-auty i.l sceuery. ami 'peed, eomfort, ami arcoin- the traTelmir poMic. j I offir- in .-t i.r.iooi 01 touniaDtit iireet, nttiaifir has no equal also teeth mounted on ihe var bmI ...a C...hjll 'trK ious Bases m ue-and having ha., a Inn it ; Kani betweeo New York and Harriphnnr. FTTK DOI,- I.AKt. 'ur Tkketft, freight, or oth-r inform ition, ai ly to J. J. CI.Vl'K, June 2.T0y llrri-ounr I) ARE llC F An ejcellent Sil V ver LEV EK WATCH for sale at a bargain must fro. Inquire of A E. )EORMANl)IE, Lewisburg BRICK! CRICK!! AStTERIOR article of hanJ-ma lc Brick (i.r sale, l'nqtiire nt Mar.SO.'til KRi:MEK,M,t'Ll:REiCO'. , ' ASUPERtATIVl TONIC, DIURETIC,' IHVi&ORM ilC CORDIAL To Ihe I lllrns or r Jfrse and HruasjIiaaU , A".tl.K.-H.i- a. l.ruii-u,ir...'. i aua l'ril t-uuli Wn'Jr'n Vurt Cunnc lirnmli. Wulf, 'j I'urr .l.i.A ira, HUrrrg, and I' irt W iiit. j U'..'. '.t Vurr Juimtictl anil SI. Vrmx y.'um. W'n'ljt'n I'urt Sci'lrh and lrih II hiki y l.l. IN HOT'J'I.K.". Ibex leave to call the acenllun of the Clllus of ihe ',. to the above Wish and Lmeuas, imp. rted by l in.i.rH.1 Wurr. ol New York, whose name is familiar in every part of lliis country lor the purity of hia celebrate! intiuan Somrrs Mr.W'olie, in bis l. ii. r to me, speakin; of ihe ptirily of his W ines and I.Huors. savs : ! m ill iiult uiy r- j..o!i .i. .-- j. u:u, uiv slu-tin K ni.-r.-ti.iitl . f -r ll-ir: v v.- .1 r.... n- r 11. 11. " o, t sll J.isi-lv ;..l V.... l.is;. I l-.!l- nrr .ur.- a- ni.( ..ri't. . .r 1 1 .- l-.-ri iu1.li;y,iiu4 1 ' r r. i.'l ui-'.i. l-l 'rv 'Uir!.:.f r.'' Kvery bottle has the Proprietor's name on the wax and a facsimile ol his signature 011 the certificate. The public are respecilul.y invited 10 call an I examine lor iham-eives. For sale at II.tail bv all Apoilu-cains and trroceis hi Pbi'a.lelj.iiia. UEOH.ASII I ON,X...m:sj Market St.. Plula. Sob' Aunt ,,r Philadelphia. "Read the following from ihe N. . C. L Ks .Hl I - 10 -l.-s r..K vi .N.w Y"l:K Mlf." 1 r.- I.pi.i.v t-, n-.nii .ur t-i... . il..-n- It; .1 It (IHIf r.nr i iiy h' Tf l!i- (.ti n. Hi otlift-iiry. M. 1 nunfry tin ri l.wtil. t :4U ttrrlui-- urt- V its-- nn l i. t t Hit- U'M ','oilitv. !.... r.ii- .IvM-r.j.tK.ii I M. ih. -tiit it i: :; . t:-it I i... i. pin. MoLrt'' imii'l l:. i.ivrM..iili l l.r'io. re. il! J liri' Jl- it. U r ! II. t itiirti.l t- tlii- inT' 1; nt - r. u r'i'HV ny trrtii'-ror il'.llr t. M.f u I fTvltMTf Wiirii'..I-' . N" I uli'l IT, )'.' Hi. l Jl. M il t ' ri 1.1 .-I Hi- .-t ... K. liaii-l r4')y t.r -lnoiin-tit -..tiM '( Ii oe .rll.OOtl (--. itll K'(tt)IV. !" Illf lO . l-.-i t.. l-..o; mil lf.-.oo . ! Mni.-i - ti. ui .1 l..rt Wiiif. ."-..ltli mil Iri-b U lu-1 v. .l-ui;.i- i,l ' l'n ix f: tun. h.ihv v. rv oltl ivl ,ti:ii ! -ai. in ti t -1 - i i tt. It- lr. l i-..thr..- I.trjf .,-i:..r I'.itf.i Uli Urn. iv W mo. a. .. in r-.-l. - tin-., r i ii m II.'Um k- y. r-;i lv I i lttiii--' Mr U' tf.-- : - i I.' !iiiji j.tiv-t vt r ttu.iii( f J to I f Ii Hi I.- r-jually ui .rrwfi itu hi hti-i - im-rif-: fl. !--' I.-.-. I'nt l- I tn.i l.i lr r- I T 111- 'It l( U-f, -lu lll'l ! lr. Wo!!., until vi. -rv A- H.t I)i ir oiiii l t 'li-i -r i tli- i lif !-, mud rt'l'luct; it Willi I.HJU' miff.-!; :ol Mr tf. mitll il. r- no- atol l i'i rh. .id.) 1- mi-' .int nti U' 11"' trtto ii. nun" Tm rentfly o. 'i'T- r-1 eur for Hi iar-je ti nm o! tl..a fell n:itrlv. many prfh-p t!.ere re m.inr r o to l mail It:. -:o-. l ret; ii' i at ti ; ;i .-. I 1" ii-l. att-l lo a it- o t e l.t.T. KL.t k 4 elv ti.nur -U heintf are itnj j JJif liL-fliv- or-.it! ti.'-- rerf.rin the t n.tf- of -ft- u tt.eir r ."ilir rtiets .. :i t:.-k. rflij rt-'o-e tfi T ll.rt tiulriTi'.U! 1 tiieiiM j ti-.tn ! 1. t.ti-1 th- vi.. le ii. ! - -n- i- " .'' t : : to i!ift uu.iar tha liir-1t-u .a Ii'e. 1 U .( :.-ut n tH ivid, acr.m..ti. bit rsef a O'toi-to-.tt.' n t .h.'-t-i. r. and ffii : r.-iue to ret-ort t ii,.liciiii..ii. fr- tn i;.a thor.-ugli Jis lhef itt any i;orj-.-cl I ctc. mj' u ii i" .iir.Ir .-...1... a.l Uetifnl Iiehilitv. n .er. I - ot M. tw i f .irr"'"" f .- .r-l I' it.... Wlt- ..( .r !lu..i.-, IW ,.. ii.-. it i' a ...ir in -in 1'hwj.. liut. 1 V.. l'..r. C'llTv f rlr:iV. ti tit ti.-e i,T.-fto.' i'lcre-Hl lv -! ort tiiu ilUr u.iiiJS It. It n"ur:!..' antl crent:tl:tTi tli fntiftif who i t- T-o.-sJi rt-It,e.-.i to .-trae f ..rinnrv U-. V f.f.'il. !1 meril ..reii l.it. riU au 1 iiit!..mn-ali..ii. !l -Ir-M.i-'h et.. l.tare. aiol t .-. I i n- ' - ' rn.il - a ti.ie - ti U.iH .hrt.-.r 'T ..r n a.t !.: -t.. every o.trr of th- -iiV.'...) aiot i-ro-na-.- t !v it no i-o.-t'.v Ti ll I.. r..,wiee nv.y tl.-it th- H!4 i" tr..V the !i'.t i'-iti.! -f It.- - r l-nel'i :il i'i.ii;-ie are tuiljr aa'tai.'bt io riicht uJ i'-H tiuurk iiTffr tr ;vl I.-t t'.e iiiv.-i.lil. "'..mi no l-ojer di i.iT. o-it mike the Tral..ni.l li.e i..-..i: a II ii,tly fat ot t ;ie iii-.-t tfi. i i i ii il..ir o !. r The Ai'A.'ltN lUl.-m I orr'ure'l itll th -rrente-t i-. Bit-! tit- 1- -l iii-ttfrjiN . V" j.itmi or r..-n-e are tyn I to mnke it a-Vtt i 'r .: ii ii-e. It it us t lie tiiir he t kif.An r. ik-ii hv ait her . i.f all .ur--, nn l r-'Ti -ii-i vz Hi. -e .li. i nil i n-.n th- Iet (..w-rful i e...i tsu.li --. the I. If.- !ive of su t.'.ttiT in o phoitl.l it, asl rt-Afl it a" a L tr-anure. Ie-crlitire -.3ts.pl.K-t9 ;ii.'n to all alio a'iIy tu uy njfuis. The above is for sale al 2.1 cis. ai.rf $ per lame hoii!e. by J Baker A- Co. Sole Aients Science still on tlio Advance ! QUTvfiEnx and Mochani- T O cal llrnliMl, Oll'ice the Irus Sinre opposite ihe larA Chronicle ami Teie-raph rllices, I. EH ISBL Ktt, I'a. aJr.IJLKr-AA is nnw cunsiructinfj the Son- srctiunal Uiork uurli, baited un Tlauna base. which fur cleanliness, beamy ami Mrensih . and extensive practice, and being perfectly laminar wim every department ol his protes sinn, he feels safe in warranting entire aans faction in all hi., operations, which shall be carefully and skilfully performed. j Please call and examine specimens. The superior qualities o' the Non-sectional work will be evident lo all who will sire il an nn partial examination. Dr. Uurlan is the only person who constructs this excellent work in thi section of country. . I E Charges shall correspi iiit with ihe Lcvi.-L'ir", lsiil y he'. ..n:.,-.---f et.TT lov.-r of );i t-t. or.- U in. - :.i. 1 I-; , . n i it., ir nl.-r- .i:r. ' I ai v to Ihe ix n 1 n k- op -:.ii. .it- rt ti I tf.iu llo ir Vi,ife lJti l.io.-aijd .If. . f r th- f-f in tf.e . in-'rv. j .tV- tip :i rt. 1 r.i-.- "t nor-.. !( ? a itiao. an-l Ii it no i- I. ant, Aill. 1 n.'-.m-t Iu- t- II- ..I li.. :i-.i. J- ! - p I i.ii.-i ?iff. wt.o -.11 n- 'Inn; t-.it iTiit- 114 n :kt- r . I. in an lie.. Ill hii 1 t. i ill.--. omul S'U by i. HAhKK V I'll, I.tu ixl.ur- F3.1 THE PERMANENT) is at. r.'in;' a ihm of r tiit lif aiiotia.lv in our l;ittl ii r y. ii-.iii.pi i-tt. in moivii, un:irtu pr"h-Hi.in.' ci.-m-s eist. VoulU aud j ff are at.ki nai' Ci ! us mn name on- r mir of )u acunin; n.t-e n'm i" '".b j.-.: to .tn- f. nn . : l-it- - ..r :.. .... t. wh.- h. J ; if ntl iTt.-ti '. "t to in fj..!i, iiit-vi:.) ; rn-..;ii thf -it Ififl t. a i-rftitn'-lte 1 -i ', t "t I. .11. '. it i tl.ev il '"it tl.. iu-lif ft H. n 1 - ti..- tir . t.;t..-.-r ..f !.rii.-!,;.-r -.io 1 - 'i ' !.-a; ..f ct,.li;;1Z .li-.i!.;...in'io-nl " t't I to ; - li - ArtlAi liutn 'l.- ; i-t '.jt 1- ri..-l tr it. tiJ miv 'if relied 'ip-n h. t'.f ' J '-" " ii'-t I tit 111 cut ;ti- I I'.; m, : : 1 f -n v 1 11 'y k.i..ii itt ti.e it 'l!it- !:, j".;t;mT I by i ..ii-..;ii"i-- ' J .' e- i'r- u ; .--.-:- :. tl.-j-f - , h'itv- r-:t.-u t" t.-T: i! :ii;..,ivl.. n:...r li.'U. c -.i-i.iii i tl.-i-.il ..t :.:-'..ltv - t UL.I.- t:,e .:i-r...-.-.T : t!., r.-r.i.-!, .!.' n-.t t--:;. th.it J - -I i aowU i..- t,.euiil.f3 l.l wciictio-a ,lno.. ..I .11. I'.v.tv ..ni ! f ' ..... no. ! . .:. ... u. 1 ... r, .i I V. PP.ICi: $2 TER COTTLE $ S PREPARE ?A : "STAR ft CHllONirLE" I'ALEN DA U slffpf iMlM Jan.- I J I ' . Jill). I I s It I.- .' ' - I t 1 1 ..II I.. 'f L't'j..' li la lb. i; .Ui i J l . J J.. U, -t ... . i j I " I j ,( .. ' w , ! I'. 1 1 12 I N I;'. ' 1: I- l-.. j. :i jj . '14 -A ! -'-t 1 11 tj 1 14 1 'T .-IT 1 I' -c -i . 4 ,( 1 1 j , j. ! I I -1 1, 1 4 lo ! I I.- I 1 1M-;IK I'., T. ! ; : : 1 1 - 7 !-' t1 j ! 1 t 1 7,', 1 : ' ' 1 11. ij 1.; I u 1.. i: i.'i -o 1'. U IT . .'1 -! t 1 -I , 1 1 z I 1 I" u :. !'it i .1:. - j- .'. -J4 .- ! ; j; .i :;l I' I : 1. : ! . - I I Junr 1 Vrcr. 4 ". ' ' IT 1- Duekeye i'capcr !c Mower. M:riut.icitii e.i lv SLIFER, VALLS, SHHLMFR &, CO., Central Foundry. Ltwisburg, Pa. 1HK ltiit:kc;e l;ar V .Mnur w;i i r: t r - dure tu l'ij, at: ! n p'-r.'irity w;i- ir il.iptei o tli; w.iiK ti' -i"i.r,l 1 hi 1 at !he tii - ,t Prartiral Kif.l 'Ji.ai i-i r ' : ;i Ihi- n.u:i!rv. iti .l.jiv iI ill- samr v.tr. .1; rarut. it ti itiuij h.iuily arnfd 1 il thr Onui'l (lol-l M. Ial and I i;.! r,m:i ! A" tlu- In-liiif.a S::ite Trial. !; !at !.:t;- f jr. 1 ''. ijfaily a-- uiai.v ti.ai'liji." wti'- f j f r - -M-hi'ilamt as th.irLUihly ic icti as ai : ,1 c.M", ami ih Buckeye was again the Victor! An I yo al" at i!Mri a!i th ft M tna! ar;.! ex'iiStiii'iit 111 1.''S, '.": anI when i; u.n a rt'tnpt lii.T. At a numr r i-xr.iii:'., i itTfi vt! i'.t? Vni I'; fin; av a M. -a , rt PitMiniitn a a K-;i -r ati.I Fu 1 Jj cm . i ui a a I'.'ur aieil M 11 itiut. i ;;t s,. huu.er.'fis a'.ui. prt'Ve fi!n mimi rly ihe ciTrecu.t- ti liw it-r isp ii a: , 1 ,ic 11 -t-. The C(.in:"rif-.: 1 pj.o- 1 : 1 -ti i.f th- matiiitar inr'Ts i'f ..iu-in at. 1 Ke.ipiiiL M.h l.:ne- a-.-t ih-.'ir fflnrtv tc crush ami tu ! mm uh !.-- jiu:- 'he Piicki'vt, t.n!y''ivt i p. pruve :' .1 PI'IM' il J' V ; at:! the r-.tr ihrv n.Ir tani'Mt i.f us Jiiial meet1', am! triumph u.-re evi.i-iit es ff the real ut.f:h atiti iht'til vl the inai'h;tic. The M.irhinp hai new pa "sr.! thrtrjh r ur hnricsi-.. an.l ! u r : nrr th )tt ihr-e citr .Niri Th.'Uan l have tu o Lui.l ainl -,,;.; ;,r;ij ;i,t tanner may j'pfc cf iix repnrati.'n by tr nti uieit.iiN au'ir-N ma-i bv cn mil: b h at lit-il inaNatui at at- ati'i " . 1 j n t y Kihit i hi in. a Wfil a tr.-in the nuiiiTtm. tlcnat;-!-, uhich ih- Rinnuiacturers have never yet Lt-eu able tc .supply. Slifer, Walls, Shriner k Co., Matnitarlurers tf Uulh-rk's Patent Mnwer ami KV;tpiT. Iturke;e Keaprr V Mtiwer. l'ar Itnc'.H Patent H'Te Puwer, WiiKnn's Pa-cnt Ft..! fer ('inter. Rtrh's Patent In n Phw, an 1 Miih.tu l.'tilne Pii,w; aNo,S'.uve ami Cas tnis of all kin li. I Central louniln o? Mv hZne Shfp t'or ncr JSi'-' fh tuul Mirk't .tr,?.r I.-tvU-t'Urji I'm'un Co. i JU. Not. ft. is.',. Union County OSicial Record. .ti -(.'.. .'!o' W S;: :r . V ! iiit.ur t do U'ltl.-, l;..ur il , .'im-l.trtrmi Ate;p,iT J,. ti-. ', M,ry-Mi;;tl K-l -ff, (,0 .-- .;. -10 i. .r. Mii,:..;l, .to j , 'a .lv.,-v-J - t Hi . tn. f :. r:in ,1.. Ti'-JMri-r J..11S .. M-L i'.i.7- (' MMS'inr. bwr 1! K ..; 1 . 1: -.: if:. ': .1 .'. ... i ".! r I I : iitli.i.hurif b li.' 1 V i -MI. V 1t;r.- ,1 O'mm-itivn'Tr f ; i,-- !.! h .i .:!. r i-hur-.- .!o di Vi' 'sW !.;r.tt tr::t, .V-rr iiiV .I- i .! F-r... -ii iTK, .vrr-v. r t:-.:n:. ,-:n- !' r- -t UiU i.'.r-ittr Yxfit STKittt, l.-i-l.iir-.1,, .,- r-Mu: ii. 0 U itt, H :,n!-f. n Jo l'tM. Ml Fl "H. I.e a :,hur do liLM-Miu,!',, Mt" . hltiiiiKur-; . ..,! rc'.-.J, ,-. lit i,..-a lo P.. rI,o J.. am ii: i jlri A LAHiifc AMI BEAl TIFfL I !H I.TC It A L TH Tl UK Jertbiilcm ni the Satrol Tliccs i Mi;i:llMUM. TIIK iU I ITI. ! A3 TIILV Ai'i hAlil.i) . ANfU.M ilMi:.-;. The above work i c.'tnniemfe.! to :Ur Uvr- ! aljle notice -f rlercvnien, a:s 1 ih.e having rliar?e ot SiintUy-M-iu.i,s, Bibie-clasei., iA 1 public inMnu'ifii. : I: i- aUml nine feel l.-n an.! ix tet wi !' ; cotureil and vanusheil, aiul inuuuteil on can ; va5 with rollers. ! 11 1 " ! -tru.-t-1 from the tn.t -rifl -nt un l r li..hl- .-. .nr. . -i. . n I ai I I.,. tu, . an :ii nlni ;.- :,i t, tli-e etik'uje.1 iti l-.-rurin 011 1 fc- lli.)v l..iti.. t r :u nil j..irtin iii-trii n,,ii iw i1ko1 ci.--9 t u il,e .-: ;.. ::irh it r- t rs. It mint :iv- an i-X r-t i ft- c:'y :i- i! -it ir. 1 Iti ai.-i tit unit. I: in i iM-h bt a -h,r'l - -i . ' ..r '; 1.- u"' the 1.. ! r I ..:t,-. ii . ,L i, ,u, . t i ,. a . ..li-i l.-rl..re ele u: n. h- i., i.e H ,- im r. (t i- f the r-ity au-i of ibe wLol- louotrv I T m tiic Um.-.- a- . iii.l. To- ien N a-.- nii .tu;. - with n outline K-v, iu , lit.'ltte l.lt-i-t.t lo.Mh:;. r. titim' -i-.l. an.l a lie M riflH- Mi.miiil r iita.iiii..,' ;i. l tin- U.f rui.tll .n iter, d tarv t.. eu!.e . lie to U.-e the V ir to ituUt- IU trartip iu,; or u-ciuiit.n I This is a Vcekiy Kciii-niu- t'ap-r, fob-lisht-d at the very tow price nf Oae Di-llar a year. h ts tle-ine ! for Rirent. Tearhprs an ! ai! who are enacd ur iutereled in rhe re!:ci oas framing ol the young. Il is a!o an ex cellent Kamilv PapT. i...rtl..ii ..f th.. Sirn i.i.t.Srhr . ..rr.ipi.t witli UI like n re. t I l" It., ir t : a?.s-.-(. mfeMMm tlllt'T ore pare., to th.-ir h.ni.K no. I. N!i tUy .-an u..t lir.lel, hTe. k-'t ihe M..UJ.- reB-..!!-, uj' Ulller BtMe rt;i-( an.l th- oM. r -rl,. Ur n.-r:iii? m. b.- i;rea;, U-bitit-eii t.y (he . ru-4l ol tin-, o.ip, r." The ,.j s;.,t ., eterr w-k arejort of the .inn. l in .tier. Mlri'r.-I Iroiu the X.-n ITa.er lllfi't- iiitf. hi Ii are n. lItte1-eli.lr i vili ss-t of . 'hri-ri.ni.-i. litMti H Ura-e ftlll'tiltit. I Ut-tier.il Tf il lo.l- . f, , lit .., Hie ,yti.:y . ;, it-. . . t) t IS 1 II - H 1 1 Wot Ffivllt a-un.Uv s,-h.'l new. It r.--.orl-.11 1 iLe in.; - rtnt '-n-rt-u.li- us ol Min.Uy wh ml fm hern. It 01-ru the luihoiii hi h mt interest nt-. perph tef lon u I l-iin-iitsi. M-j.eetiin; the variouM uirtio.a-otr.-.ii.-tis. tr.un iiiL' f r the oun. Hi- m. ;n .. jinin. tl.tt tt,-nt: -n an.l the ii:tect,tiiin ..: . hil ir. u. ami e(-. itillv of curiiot their eon.-rioo n.l l.rto.-iii them to Thrift 'IIi-jI.. j..-t of Mi nion .-rh.ioU tr ,.;ti..., nn.l nf i,n -lv ho-.l U.i-Moi.ary work U-r ll.e ihterior. t. I fioroihly :ia.--- e-l. I...lee. there i.harjiy atopic..! pnn-Uelal impor- tance to ttny wil l are intrvle.1 in the nut i. i-t r--iiii- oua e4r.uo. whh-h ie nut brr, bruuht u0er ir- ati-.n from wei-k to .-ett. The rim.lu'-ttr-t or thin piyver en!eiior t rememtw-r. th at ihe -r. at en l of li t'hri-iinn .tort 1 to hriuc wn U. Christ. They im. eorjiiti'l v, to put intneverv nntii- tr t.f the ptitif r eonietliui.: m hu-hshaii hate lor lU direct object the COQTernon of ..ul. P't I IL OKFr'R. The PropH.-tflr! ol the .Vitt..( &,r T,t h-.Tin.-ae- tiutrea ttie ni luniT! nht of tale of the ni-n.li 1 w-rk tuelilioiit.l kh..e, the Meol A JO il M J I It I j., I, H offvr it a.- a npKiaI preiuiutu to tbot tsufwriDten.ientn, t- a-hr. or other, who will assUt tu geU.Ujj new uhx-riteri to th" pa(.er. W e ir,.r thi iupt'rh premium tr anr ntie who will eaJ us the uameo of I- n.-w ol.-riheni jiJ tn ca&. I I . to .,.1, to u. .OJ obtain lh".. .s..:r, J ...J in.tr..rti..n.. TI,- w.ll hrl,,r,uai: .D.rr.n.tluc lb. .ork. ...1 .,11 ,u D,, ..uk.J tcio i .U in .tamp, t.. po... "JT 1-BA.nii, ...aw ..r thk Si M.tr .Jrn virTivra. 14s, Sxitl. K...irlh lrt, l-iit..trlihia. N. B. Pp.inm.a c.r th. .nmpmm. .! r.,. .n.l a r..t of the Mao ot Aoclvut JpriL,ai.m. nil Is; ar.Q at K.s I I'wrhet ItooKn an ,1 rther o c -i-rf of that kind on lian.l or i,...i.1-ri v !f-- (V A Lewislurg Uuvkbui'ier, L U: STAIIL'.-i i i 1 -A. Visit's Sarsaparilla FOR PURimKG THE: BLOOD. A n.l 1-r Hi -;- . ly rit,.t .. v f-.; w in- t..i...:,,l, 1 rfl I ii li l rritfiln t list.! It m a. t.nrrii! vr r. r-rvtislinta i ""I visa w. mini nr., U1 mil .Sis, .i l)ritsri, ' i ..I.. .:i. J .h. !... J C. AT It A I'-. .r..!-; ; 1 it ...,,v ,,, 'P u - t J. -r .-u-.j.t.-L. I... .. I r IUH inlo e'. 1 4' it... 1- 11, i rl.u. 1 1 I II! .1 1 11.4 M I I I . !.-,;,,. , ,( Ill I t.trtl oil Mi tlju.1. IhI wnu-, samtwtiins, n I ow -t I i ! io- aX ii-- ,r -tii.i. h. 1 .. 7 l-y t - ti;t it I in iiuit.y m.d tn i,. mi. ( ., I .1. 1 II I. 1 I ti..ir I 1.. :, tli- ..t-.i.i-i I" t'i in "f n4i .ti"i-iti ' .-.ti " " l',, '- -11-1 El. I ... t- r i k.,.-v. i, 11 lrt...i- m...t 1. t. 1 ., . . - in- .llw f !J..I; .1 ( . . I -. l l.i. .1 11,. : J ,. .. ." m -Mb at. I n- -. i:. ' 1. i I- . ,, t , t (1 . lt, ' :,tfi .... 11 1. I in nrfK r tj... . -,. :,,. i, ,lX, r I I. f ,,! Ill- .... n-.i . ",!'.', v'" , " . :i I ii- rl...' I J t -. it ! ... .. T , f , j 11 - ' 11 ,l ' :- ' v i. i i.u. .... .-r ; . .11.1 B Ttl.l.KV. St. nllimv4 Vlr. or I slti.f, T.-ll.r .nlt I: ... .11.,. ,.j,l ISraaai V u: ' ' : . v i-.o. ' ' 1 ' . . .. . .',.'.!. n'J. I -- . "..n.'.'" !.'. I" ' ' '.J..-..,!.....!.. lit Ititt r lr. .tilr- r Sllrl rrk. - :. 1..- 1 in-, t.r ... r. . d 1 i..ki4 ou.i" o 1 Ii m l-i ni (in l.n t or Wliilr-i.Ovariaii Tnninr, ( t use I J t iitiiiill, rViimlr t rta-.e. 1-. .t i: - i l, . -,. . -f N w V--.lt i im iir- ; I I.. - I ;!,..!. ..'ivi'li ,. ! -I V-ik j-.-. r,t in - I i. i :'l l ti. i..i to .. .1. h . Ili-i.: ... ti nt ut ku.'tte- t . t f.-i., t-T-J - . h i ii i-v: t..i ..I . .. r m.l.-. an I it Lt-M avcLj '- Sy jitiili Mti.l .leteiirial lae 't . J-'l, .Of. 1' f. -t . lT'" : ,r I ri,. . ,.,!, l wiris tl.f re. .- .-t Ilif .11... Ls) f the r.n - t -nii l ;t .-I j: ;-l.'lltl.- Ith ff4 ii..!. an.) tl.-i --rsj-i I w dalstts. - 1 ,,..1 I U iu kit. Ism.. I.u A .-o.o. a i. t. tli it v. I. t:; w. n. It ! in n 1 1 . in , ; o ti c, 1- . 1 I-. M- - .. I-I.-I-.. ivi-r I umplaltit . I-. V: J r. Am: ... I u.:i f;.l i . :.. ;. ... --. f- i n i i-.i. ' 1 j (,.-(. ii-.- h t . f:. ie ..-... -. . . . ;4 i. 4 I k I - i:h 9 J.il- I.. -. Ilt -ttl 'i it- i f -U ilt .i -M 'i- tt-a- . 1 i ,i i .1 :i - ii!.. h k-i. in.-. I . M h. - J. ts.LA. : - I !.a -. f.,.r. !. U fli Ir.-rv ihln f.-n .t an in .a . t... .j.n,...t :f Ir .--a.a.i..l H.U.. kl:r . . ! Ii,. '.-.-: -ft.-.t IHI t I - rl , Ft '. rri..l am r TiiKtort, F-'if-reeit it. I h :nlin;i.(iii iiml Kt.uliMliuw nf ti e !;.... ;-r. ti.ii t ,. . - 1,t. t-.- re-..rt-l fi' n al-er .... .. f !i, : .1- .. i.. I,, t ,.ot. i.-.ili-l tr. m ; - ii,- ..t i.i' .o- , 1 nt .-ur -( - - h-i.- will ie-t j.lm.t : v .-. i L.iit-l jMJii.-ai U . t;.i, -i .t - . ' :. ..! 1 I I!l 1.1. Iij .;m-jii. Ifetirt m-t a-e. Fita. Fpilrjs. M. Uii lo.li . ..itruUiii - I i- ' wr .- ;...i-ol li-ai ltie .l : I r I., i.i .Ii ti. : i .. , -1. . Ayer's Ghcny Pectoral, I 'i: 1 1 r I. vrio i iti. or- . " - lit - . I ii fl ae r t. HttnnrM I . Ib. ssll Il It I . I us 1 1 is lit II- iiiiltti. ami f,tr Ilir Its lit ( uf n ii itilM r I'm llruU 111 tl n its t il Slsti;a of ilir Hi. i-. . i. :-;i!l Vi.- an t-' .nrpf ftrT th-. I-..- r', . .,.1 .it. I ll.f .- --l-.-SOit-. tl.J Il ' It- tt si" I .. ll:1 ! It t ii.": - . t tl - i'-h. . it i. i. o .. i. :h-.a V.I . f II- .fl.vl .i n n i i i i!-t . l.r.l .ti.. I lull. . i th.-. .i - i..r-, ati't t no .. .- n.e i t, t I .; 1 i- : ' u til tl.r tr i' . ;i i-hn h linn I, i, . 1 ,o.,l.klli t. 'vP J r AYI-'.rt K CO I.owell.alaai. 1 " W Srh.-ii!V ar.;i bv Harris A. I'oiHMn. l.-il'or: I' 1' Uot.-h, Ni-a le-rlin: Shiitilr! .t W. I.- : r. .-:.;.-. r-e. J l i.h.-i i.. 1- Il K,- ., :i:Ihihti U ir ) Jt l'r - V-w l lutut-la atlil Jait.ra rvny lo re J -T:rt " HYI1EN0L0GY! 4 ('! KJi't s ami eni- nailing lilile li X -A. . V"' e lii.il," - a in Maiiinn n.', M. n v. arid tt r ihe a in u-trii fiit vl r-frvN"!., (aiul ihe yniii!; f.-.k, alsu.) on vus win vr i v n 1 1 1 jj . ramy 'lay. Prirr. "it t-fi.:s W ht!e;i!, U't Ont. t-nt by mail Ii-r evt i rnc ;ani s. K.-r ai- at the" .Wr .V ' L-liu:. UOKlit.N V n'K.M l.ll S, Pl.li-er. U-aitu:ic. PIC- We'll jump into tUe Wa NIC. '.n, .iij .11 tnk a ni.' I.AK(C. han.Nome sgteja. an.l --rv ri.ii?Mr':i- i an.l -crv ri'iiilnr':!-iV I'll- IV tl.O h:isl.,-.ni&2 fine. I up lor Hie riecial ar.i.uimi..iaMi'ii ( IV-Nic ati.I ..ihi-r .in;!ar t-irur-ti-n. Trrn.a Lewi June 3. 1S.'). Horseman's Friend, or I'ui ki l Companion. F.iiy-Twii VaiuiMe Kereipts for the Farmer anJ H 're laVr tor a!e ('Z ci hv I.' J si'AHL. Hot kbiricr. Lewibiir5 ATTEMTICW ! F1H E fines! Ci-aiN ma !e on twelve horw n.-nce bv JuHX U- M.U.KK. .. 3d lop .Me.i nn l Se-.t Tiilnr in l,rwi.hnrj if 1 . Mi ' 1 , V 'h-'nri r i, 'i2 (N0 t?tflj t N' " f S 1 ' ' " " ' AX ' TFA7:.vr .t MIL V JOt VA tl Issued r rtda)v.l Lrt Kb-iifc. I cuBl. fr . . TKtt S ?1 50 per yar. to m pri is it vi an l 1 at the K-une r:t!e t.-r a I0114. r orKliorter pri- d Ihu. rln will pHT f-r f ur nionthn. 76 rl hr i un nli-. I J"1- f.r ei.-ht uiontht. .. lur in teen m.-nthn. 1 h i t'T i J ' 'r 'ur rfytr one year. Iiu tnr ten f ?"r- x' - ' A cW- n.rDb. y m.t reeeife.1 In t.hl, p-tmte t itn4i. or hank not' al thfit Ta.tM hre. linl htiati' of 1 roiUr rCrlTeu in V?- When the liiu.- expirenfor whirl, a pm-er r- nuilfap (nnlt-!t we have a rntttnif arrounti it i TOi I'M' An wtri-ixi xi- haioJoni"ly publi-? !. at r'f -;Uavr- one w.-ek. 4i rt -j.-h atter in ;"n. .1 ' f- r ' tn' n:l.. - 'I V r Tear. Illf a "iure -t-. '' ' tlol, 3 Jot. Two viiiarea l.."x. 4..hi. int. Mrr- t.n'. -Kr- '"""."" ' f !"""' 7"T ' ", !' . 'J ' ' u "' Z TL i it-J. a-moraHiln.. lllrl.or.l.dl.w t.h-.r. n.. """ I ComHrnmranoj,. .i,ml ... I. tk. -'j;' and arromra Il It Ih. wn.r- r.al n.man-l a-I'l.. Tli. M .1X KTIT TIM IHI. A I'll i. loc.t.1 in It.. rl th. .-a.tr if I I.l.. wt i-'h irft.-n lurlic-i i rucl it. a.l:.iir ..I 1 1... PI...I...I 0.t.n.cf.. .1'., lb. i.i... an- anil. I.- mt.ri'-r1r' km lol JCB FKINTINI. .l.i.l. if !-.' '- " O !n.w .l.-. il-h .."I rtc T a -vnnl't. I. I " m- J I ..rol. il ir 33