u IfH 1 It 3 D "THE U.MllN," cstablb'acJ in Whuls Xo.. 2.49 L 13V 0. N. WOUDEN AND J. II. CORNELIUS. At S-I.0 per Irar, in Alliance. LEWISIWRG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 1SG1. M'lIT.OXICLE," fstaMislifJ in 113 Whole No.. 015. fflllBII. 11MI CTi P 151 Ml i'P PI n fa Bj 13 I K 1 I F4 PL ' 1-3 I : 1 Tsi's'ay :lmn k Friday Afifrcuisn.' AS WE EXPECTED. Ii or.r cnunlivV MriiirrV fur lifo f-aill.-t a luil'lint'OU:; I'fl.rli'.nii, it is desirable thai there s-l.otilil lc r.s few c:l:i-o.-- of ilLslrttctior. mn.i:i'r the lnynl a? possible.. Oil this account, ... Jlcjuilt ii'an frienils of the Xutio ,... i.'ininistrtttion. ihiriiitr the recent c,u.'.ji;;ij!i in this iati tn:.ile coiiijia r.ttivily little cfl'oit to arou-n rty t, itcweal, or to tnt outoti.. In r,.a:lv or quite every county whore lliov h id a clear majority, they either In ;.-'! a;I t ''? Ftil'i'ui tcrs of the War y.'.Wv to join them in makiii": i.f.v.iiii :,iiiiiif, or they openly ijnvc J . .:i 1 :is t, uociats "rood olliccs counties, in which the leiul"Iie.ni3 might have c.irriol every uiaii. These were tloiie in il.e bc.-t possible. Fpiri". with the hope t!i;it a temporary sacrifice of pailv ititerc.-t ami feelii'.L'.wouKi be in l!;,; cihl lic.-t for the country. Ji.nv were these advances niel ? I u a f'.-vr llpu'-'lieau enmities only, l.i:t one ticket was fornie.l, nnl ciecici - JVlawarc anil liiitilin;:!oii, for exam ple. In doubtful .iistiiets, they insis V J upon our "jiviiitr the best tioi.-cs tn men "nispeeti .1 of Scce.-.-ioni.-m. I'.ut where the IVnniiTats h.nl a clear majority, tlioy hooted an.l scorned all 'amalgamation with Klael; Ilfpu'ilie r.ns," anil trra-pel every oliice hii:!i or low. Tlicy put forth more clouts, to excite partv raire and aiiimo.-ily than last year, and issued most detesta ble filsehoo'ls and insinuations wher- j ever they thought the people ig;iirsrant euouirli to bear them. Thus our party conn-ally cimdiietc d the i-ainpuiirii on the l'eace plan con ciliation, and a "masterly inactivity," riving away our own position- of ho l;or and rofit. tar ojiponouls took the Warlan ''Keep what oti have, and ret what you can," and " 1'ivide and compier. ' What is tup. I.i: i i.t? While in no County do we see an aggre'.'ai.: l'Mii. gain over Foster's vote of last v.:ir, the Kepiildicans arc still more c.Mud Curtin's voti and tin;?, tin y have trained i'n to iu mtoiiiv'-. Where the "I'niou" ard in K'-pii'iili-caa counties was well v.ae ;.od. . -very lieniocrat elected Iy HepaMiean votes is claimed as a "Jlem. Victory !'' We wish every ra-y. irood natureo, tliou.'htless llepuldiean -who is so often persuaded to desert his party and his friends, l.y the plansiide f.iis of every oily tonued democrat - had lefore him a jiile of lemo. tiewsjiap crs. fdled with rampant Iloo.-ters, and the most extravagant. lar'e ty; and ilouhle-colutnned boasts and crlorifica- lions of "S;i!c:n'ii, 1 lb Victories." Tiicsc "vielorie.s"' were tvoii by our v.'.eu supinely letting them i:i;i kc ali i:.c cITorts. or else l.y iri in- t!.ct:i c :r votes direct ! Xo'.dy rewarded. Tlie battle is over. In tl.e li::iit of it. wc ak all true L'l.inn U-'jiaidientis vl.ctltcr it is either j.o'iitie or ju-t to ti. M. where r.ot!iiii'r is yielded to n-? Mhcthcr it is expedient to keep down f.'p l.d-, and exalt oi jeinents who ill jeer at our folly and slujediiy '.' So loner as we do esteem ourselves ri:;ht, and our jiarly safe, let ti? stand by eaeli other and tlie Adtuini-tration oi"ho.-c fidelity there is i;o dmibt. The idea of jmrcliasin patriotism, i- preposterous Tlie taore ofliees and ti'.oticv Arnold had, the more exacting and tlie wor.-c a traitor he became. Neither Holt, .lohnson nor any other vcv.v. Union 1'eiiioerat a.-ks or needs a civil oliiee to bind or attract them to the cause of their country, and of military honors they have their share. The next l.r.t;i.L.Tt p.e cm imt 1 i i;r:iti ly "5.i -iii-""l until the Army v . i . I. foiniied. l!ut it i.- tinW .-tt.ti d in be nearly Jo IIuum , " Ciiiuti" and o'i T.dals t; ' Tlie ' I iiioti" men im:i.l . r l'i or K" 'Hoy vi re nil eh eted in ib-puMteiin t-uiii-i' -'. :.:.d rofe.-.-eil to ;:;:n e with the II' -l'ii'-;ie.ii;- in -iist.-iiiiii- tlie ..ioiiii-; r.tl : 01 1 it- Vi'i-.r jKiIiey ti the l.i.-t. I'iir! of l'i. i.i were Id nitH iats timl .ai! Ib .ubli ' ti.niierlv, but will .luiibtli-xs I ' - 1 ' lei lilies :unl (ijiiiioiis .d tln-.s' uln. ''V.I ihvlil. ! Vi in. Ii. A: :.i.-; r. 11 u'. Kmi.. "F I.vcuitiiiiL'. '-I'M Member, and I !"ii. ,)i ii.'i lb id' ' '"t.liin, a new V.- inbt-r, j:re -u:'. -t. ! ;i -.li is id' the ll 'ii.-e mi ibc I ni oi :iri. le ; ubli.-an .J.-bn 'i : in. ..i" j;. . I was .roj...sed l y the i ;;hk 1..1?-, Ion '' n.s not to be . I, ,-ti d I Tiie oluutecra fr.mi ("leal Held county t i.siitc l- i I!. 1 .i.blicn ii. -J iJiuosJaltC tulti til tuC uVKJC. j -lilt, -'lit m uo.i!.-iii.tK lit ike ii:k: k." o o'clock. A Telegram j.nt r.-ceivcl ' neccssiriiy no a male at as the eunti l. j e pn .ii-ii i.n Hi'- la-t pa;-." tu way fr,)m Puii.t.of-It.ids i.ivps llm f,illnainr nent -ire at last nearlv cimnli'ti'd : the n I 'in-ill Yiiiitcn in h;,t li l . , c.iltr.l I i nit- iV:i'ila ( i, i ho in-.iy 1 i,i:, ud t- li.ir''.U!-.:!i. fur the In a. -fir !' t i iiii.'. r. imii-1 it. 1 I ll is; iVi in tin- el' llev. II. f j A I'Ml AU nil I, . !.;. 'We il.u.'t 1:1.1. 1-llt i '11 r I i: thus I., .in :.t -: :.'lt !.i ih. y i.v.i- y.iti. If j i. ii . ii .. v.. '11 j . ihi '.ii. iirol'i ! i . "H .:.'y mi.' We In;..- :.! our iVielld.. ti i relli ! llli ir olii : I ;o:.iiai; an-. units :u ih::t way." 'J'luil "rliniii i.f riii-uiilej" i.- i l l'ei t! A'a sj.i . iin.-ii ,.l' the '(ii.of.iors w"n ,"ucl1 P"'" fot ,l")ir 'l over- Tuii MPiis of the 1. in,,, racy," look at Pterin- i-ncr?y. (lid Che.-tiT. That i-i.iintv iniulit have I , ,. , . I;-.:,,! every tati.. v.il!i a II. puhheai. ' NlX iUOIllllS . but with an ill tiuieil :.i nei-ii-ity iio1i, re 8x months aeo, the ( '. r Mt ' inpiraey in the .''late n ei. rueat. ! they l""!i.ue.l of thu .''outh ru t-'l .Te A:it.icriey blos-M-veral n!" th- ir b, 't i.iiiee-. na I tiioerats sotncl out. into open U.;bei.ion. On tliL' Mip."-cd to be .e, al. and ri,-eleil tin 111 by ; I'Jth of April, ti e in.nirrr.'iit i'.ivii fo I'linr Til-in -and iii-ij..-il y nvcr the 4n.,,:ii- ' man-led thai (ire upon our fi ig and l.iiih lar I'ein ii-i-.itie Tii let." Ivor in. a llius ful garrison, in l'mt Sumter, which awoke i li . ii-1, the i::i n thus ih t'ealed tai. e t lie a n ition to its peril. It was a memora rlioiit nf triiinij.ii I'-.i -iire.it I eiii,.eral ic blu dv for Atnei i.'att-, and thosti who ei- mi- 111 ( he-ter ( 1. nut y . CLINTON County gave the following li -pubiiiMii 1'nioTi tu-ij uiiii-s overall the Ii uiocratie iioiuineei. : Senator J.d.ns in nv. r ll'air 1!I0 As.-ciubly Chatham over Jarret Arm.trori", over Smith Assn. JuJocs li.iiy over l'arfons i i l; .tr!i-ii r ovi i Worrick "0' 1'rotlieno'arv -ll imilton over Pnwn 1' IIer'. ,V lice. Ilo-sert over n,nK Treasurer lcrtctter over I'ice ('tiiini-:oio:r Stamui ever fieta Auditor Hanoi ovi r Walker 1'i.roiier AmiMronjr over (Iruin t'lean work well done, Clinton ! i:!J :;.'i i r.i. 21- C 1 1'.-. i-'l" p.t if II..- Mur A t'l.r.-l.kli- Tiom Karyland. t'.vni' i;.imis, Krrderiek, Md., (let. 10, 1 SOI . j 1 i nee I wrote Iut, I bad a severe .pell of bilious fever. The health of this Ueg- imeiil was very good until about three weeis aeo, ben say one fourth of the men b-.'g .n to fail. The physicians fay it was on aeeount of cimi-ino hatd limestone water for that which is soft and sulphur- oil. Wo were properly ctred for, aud the aristocrats. They played a great game See. Cameron telegraphed to l'ittd-j in n are p.aierally improving iu health. . and they have lost it. J cpirsr, 1 ndianopolis, and Chicago, to The old Uat racks, on lhe l air Ground, , Lit us reicw tho mouths which have forward S,(MH) men immediately. j built by l.en. Uraddotk before the Itevo- passed since th da; of Sumter, and eco j3c, s;f,w-ar( advised tllC Gov 1'itiou iry War, are used as the Hospital, what we have doue. Six months ago, we rmors of the loval States sinip'v af ! The buildings are in a gond state of prea- crvation; the walls arc of stone. aud stand as firm as ever, though they were built ,r.r .. r,l:, ,o ' - ' Frederick is ala'i au antieot eity. Its buildings arc mostly of brick, with streets cros,iDg each other at right angles. It O f C " l" ku . cf various profession!!, a JlcuiaD tathulie College, aDd several rrmiuarics of IcarD- ing. Its j pulation is estimated at eight thousand inhabitants. The traitors who have joined tho Kebel army from this State, arc now puffirmjj for want of food aud clothing, aud their families at home tiro in the time condi- lion ; but the true I 'uionists do not feel deposed to relieve tucui fruni their present state f.f poverty. i;veri!iiiifr is Ftable alonj the tiver lino i f Cen. links' column. t'apt.Stotie, , ,. , . i , , the l'rovost ?Ijr.-hal, is daily seizin;; and coiifiM'itin vast amounts of liijunr, and arrctiii many fellers. ten. Hanks him- scif is of tho teiiipcranca order of Tcuip- hr. j'lany reoimcntal orders have becu , . .. - ,,- , issued one is that if any t-oldier became intoxicated while out of camp, or if any : li,.,,.r u-a f.oind in bi-t nos.ies.sion. be - , , fhijuid never again nave a pass 10 leave Iheeamn. ,,,, r .... . ; 1 hrec companies nf our iscons.n rcg- ! mient, aud several .Massachusetts compau- ics, went to Harpers Ferry on the Slh ' inst, crossed the l'otomac iuto Virginia with four guns of the Rhode Inland bat- ! tery and, on the morning of the lOth, a , ..kirmUh took place between one of the 1 ' , r ; on ii nu,",i '"I'"1" ' " ' , . two of the latter were killed, one, said to be the Captain, mounted on a while horse, ' was shot by our orderly sergeant at the ,. , ... , , ., ,. , , . , I distance of ;iihj yards. J he federals had , J oue man slightly wounded, captured seven . bor.-cs, atid took possession of a stort- , bouse. coittainitiL' a larire amount of wheat. which they have since moved on this sido 1 , . r v a If. vl tho river uy tueaus 01 ucais. c arc .... . , ,. , : still in possession cf tho berry, and our jiickets are thrown out as far as ltolivar. ' A niuvetneut cl lite i.ranu .vrmy oi tnc ' IVt. .mac is dill expected. I do not knoflr I lhe i.uuib. r of uieu in that army, but if the whole force were placed iu a siugie lue , . ,.- it would lake an Inspector General, going .. , i r..i, ,! at the rate of Iwo miles an hour, fourteen days of eioht hours each, to fs the sol- lit rs in o'clock, 1". M. After bearing heavy cannouading in tbe directi o of Harpers nuy bavo been, the American people may j t0 j y jsuiebley, of liio I'eoplo's Advo Kerrv, a Jispatoli was received, that (he nay proudly that tlicy bavo been guilty of . rat. Tho licpublicanai carry all tbe ciieiny was rciulorccil last ingin, muu mis l i.i mornm" sevetc cncuuuier .out, puce, O ir f nee was about T0,whilo that of the 1 ,,,etv wan 1SW strong. The K. 1. Hat- t. ry did terrible execution, scattering tbe ; U bils in every direction. Our infantry lock a o- pe.iuder at the bayouetV p 'iut. C. i'- I'Ii.iiXMitaiL.1. j D t ,i,.t;i. r ,i, i,.,,!.. . 1'oiNT-or-KocKs, Oet. 10, ?.u. Coli Kl'iii it We bml a banl l;irmis!i to liny at tbc I'.-rrv; o-ir force, buii.jj b.at -i. ii .1 t it.... Ii 1 .1- . . 1 fjini-airu iii-ucp., c:iiiu.ri.u imu . , ' , . , '. ., iJ-ri'illniliT. anil si'Vi-r-il l-t t-j.ini-rc I hi WiC'uiii bojs fuiij;lit with unf.inrhmjj vai.ir, LutT am siriy to say that four tiiLiu w.r;' killed. (siiiutJ) John W. flEAnv, Coiuuul COIIillLludlll?. I-v-Ool. (7rary inn.Ie.itly concealed the 1 f.i 't of bis beitij; wounded in the. aeti in i above narrated, in which our furors have perieueed its anxious hours will hand down 1 1 their children a atory which has no par- alh-1 iu hitory. . , , , . . A short ha.f year has passed, since then, Tho 12ih of April found the nation utter- ly and pitiable disarmed ; and our crafty coctuici) armed at all poin's. Thecouspir L'.'iS ator bad diliiseotly used their great opnor- ! tunities. TheMrorti aeivants of tho na- tiou, had robbed its arsenals of three bun- ' dred thousand muskets, its treasury of Six Millions llullars ; had dispersed our Navy, and the most faithful am inji its (litters, on the most distant frontier hues ; and had placed the iol important military posts in the bauds of triturs like Twists. They bad deliberate!; destroyed our credit, i i .... i ... t .... i i : ui'roa.l lill'i at noun-, alio mi.iiiz tu iioi . , , , , , , ? , way tied the people baud and foot, these audicious autocrats proceeded to revengo themselves fur their lirst political defeat.) They believed themselves secure; they i had prepared their masked batteries ; tbey beheld already twenty -nine millions of peo-: pie meekl; sabinittiiig to three hundred i aul Lrt; tbousaud pampered, labor-batiD ' bad not seven hundred Soldiers within reneh of a di f.useless Capital. To-day, we have probably tw;i hundred thousand nr,l . ' llio lino nf tin. Potomac and another huuJred ihou.-anl ia the west. Six mohtns ago, we had not arms to put 1 1 mtot be bauds of Pcvcnty Eve thousand Hon, every supply l0 abundance for four times the number. Sis niuntha agn, wo could neither feed nor mnvc an army of live thousand men ; to-day, every depirt- ment of our vast military orginizatioa is completed, and wc can make war across tl.e coutinent. Six months ngo, wc had . not a dcz'U fhips of war at band ; to-day,! wo number our navy by the hundred, aud j arc guarding a coast line of more than two .thousand wiles. Six months ago, tho Oovcrnuicnt could scarcely borrow a few 1 ' huadn-l thousands, at twelve per tent ; to- , , -,, r . , .. ' day, twelve i.nllioDS of peopio lend It fifty niiilioiu cf dollars at par. Six inontha ! sp ,, the ij lcsLion was whethtr the people wjuid tatinort the Government : to-day tho only o iontion is whotucr tho (j jvtromeut ; i ; w::l support the people. "lilt ' It is no slight work to have been done In ci? tiior.tliit. An nri.iv nf three bun. i ... . . 1 i dred thousand men is recruiter, organiz-ju, drilled: co.fiiiinsarv. surnlv. transrorta- . ,, -, i , . j ,,i tion aud hospital stores arc prepared and collcetcd iu tuo vast quantities rnpnrcii ; all departments aro systeniatiz-d ; and a people, till now curiously ignorant of war, look with just prido upou labors, which the most warlike natiou of iviropo uever achieved in tho Rime short time. . . . . , , , , 1 lu iuub ii. i-.u-i... , been many days of deep discouragement almost of despair; days like that of Hull : Kuu when our wnmen wept bitter tears . , ii- i .1 i of shame at the disgrace of their sons ami . - c brother.-; days when cf.icicnt treason looked triumjiliantly down upon helpless loyalty. The nennlc have been impatient, aud pome- times ill-judging. They bavo rashly con-' . . . ii - t rr- l ' ueraaeU, and rashly praiscu. iutj navo . ... . . ; demanded impossibilities, aud rej need over ( trivialities. Uecauso hour! seemed days, we luve loukca to seo a year a worK uouc j a rnontb ; and, as fault-liuding needs c7cn lc,sg jud.'iuent than indiscriminate j . . . ....... praise, wo need not wonder that trivml losses have been magnified iuto disastrous ; , , , i -i i ir . ,. i , ,. i . i defeats, while half-successes liave made Lerocs whoso fame will scarce outlivo the i Uut, whatever errors of judgment there no uuiis ol icuiper; iney uavo uoi turueu t . . . .1 1 ..... .1:.. I lueir hick upon n.e piougn, nua me u.s-1 graceful failure of the white feather party , provcs how few are the coward, and trait- i urs among us I. Hiking back, and surveying tho field ; ,.f to day, we Cud reason only f. r pride j and eueouioieojcut. Oir pr. paiatuui - - " J l :.,., .! ..l,;nr r ,...i , aruiien works f mciotblj ; wo have aeliK-vtal . f.w niontlis what I'.D.'lanil did not ....., ; JouUc the time : we bare the ... . i . i i .1 i ro'bt men in the rijrlit tilace : ond the na c 011 lion furls coiili ient that those ta whom its f moat important interest, and the liv s ..f ... . . 1 i! 1 i'g soldiers are cntiubtid, arc capable. ' 1 : e :.i f t 1 Iiitlilul ana enerpotic. ! To the events of the next six months, ' we may therefore lock forward with daily bri.'htcnin" hones: and ere the anniversary of 1 ho fall of Sumter, no have a ri.'bt to . . rt . expect to sec that II . araiD wav.tif; over ; the fiTtrcis and the bay of Charleston, . !.;,.! .I,..r,. ..rr.r.l ii r,rl. bumilialion. I .V. )'. Ki-'-uunJ lust. Virsinii. r.i'anrepard's main force nppenrs to have fallen back towards Mannsses. j The enemy eeins inereasini;ly tie- ! live aoout Harpers 1 crry, ami erect- in"- I'i'iv mill niniovin" leitteii.' i.n ,.'lom.,(. below" WiV..hin";lon. 'I'hi: eiieiuv airain attacked I larpers i r, ri v, liuriiiiisT Hei r WVMfi Hour -i, . i , , , mill, but were atrain .Ii ivcn back by our trims on the Mankind side. A .coriria Colonel, near Fairfax, was c;iuoii and bruulit in by wjine eaaliy. Missouri. Maj. Writrht. in an action near Le banon, surprised a Kebel foree.killin :!ll ami takinu; as many prisoners. The Wig Iliver I'.rid'C near l'oiitoso has been burned by a party of the cii- cmv under .lelf. Thompson. The Ifebela met with a repn.se at lMot knob The Teleirratill Lino 13 Completed wt-Ft to Salt Lake City. ,. . . . . . i r.ntrhain oun lirst teletrraphed, t5.it j. ?C(,cJc(, , i p.Mir, for ,,;, yet !) Fremont's and 1'ricCS forces Ore pripposeil to I to ftpproachinp; each Oth- er aloncr. the Osarjc rcjrion and a great battle may be expected. Kentucky, f!cn.?hennan aFkinej reinforcem't?. a precautionary measure to see to j tlieir homo defeiices, ftgainst possible' privateer Of other assaults. Foiear- IllCll. all tllC Nortll )liaV be Safe. I i . . . . . . ....... It is boasted in the South that hx - Senators Mason and Slidell have bro-' C UrO- 'l l 1 l.,..1.n.l I., Kr" , .',. !. Vi V . . ,.l.n,n nc ii'il A fl'Olll I lOrllllltnn t.l .;Illrl.inj anj France, as Ambassadors i . wilh l0W(r tQ ofrL.r to on(J or ljot,, of ' (Ikhc nations TIIK I'uotectoijatk of' tlieir Santbonia. f true, tliis is a precious confession of weakness. Copt. Murray, of the IT. S. steamer ; Louisiana. captured a uo.en belioouers the hrst of this month. Latest IJ6W3... By Telegraph. 'mi ,t (, t. 21 The I'ntniiiac is ino-t effect ually el,..-cd against us. The I '. S. ..uob.i.it Simie, which went bm n the river 'a.-hiii.'l.ui on l inhiy niirht, with a t?ym:"u'r ,m .''''. ''n'l f'r l-'i.rtrws M mroe, was eldered b return, rei.ortin- . i,,,,.,,;!,!,. t the b.itteriei uliieh ,u. ri.;M s j,.,, ,,.,R.,I. H,.r euiiiiii.'iiidcr repnited that several new batteries have ! be, u creeled on the ovinia bunks of the '' ", " ""t .i.ioi-i.i. lle-.ihite was tiiwin' the schomier I iiirfax . , ,, - . , , ., ii-it i-..li,-l liatteries lit t leeenii-iii er,..-t 1 . j,.,, ,r,,'kl, ,i, .hoMiic diirtcd as 1 tt... v..l...t ...i.t .,n. I........ n,..t ..... . ,1 L'l . 1 . "I . I I , , iurn.1 in r. .-ne was ne;iny manen nun 1-V b-r the t .oveminei.t. Jt was rep. tried that the ibe!s had a chain ticliis.s the river ' , ,, . , . . I,..;,,., ,,r i;..,t Ii-iii -l.t ..i ,-,t u,jM. ,K. l-Vui'-.x .stopped and the ca-; ble bndi M'Ciiiloeh has Conned a junction wiih '.'n'.'''' . V-" ' l'"' i ,'"-.', 1 , r ,. V,. ',. - I 's- I is iiniii-r in ii. viiian, j,.,,, uisi,-i-.si-i a I'linv tu ri ik-is ai i, inn i 'r.-.-L. . apim-iier -'i, killing a cunsriterable ihiiiiIh r, aud l.ikiie; 1:1 w.c;"U loads id' V'.",-. ,..,, i .lohn Itoss, clnil ol tlie ( inrnkees', lias . ; ,. . .. .. wriiten :i I. tier uliicinllv ainioiiiieiii' his ;,,.,; ,);it - ,s j,,.,,,,!,. t j,,H r, l l.. LexinCtOD.. re-taken ! A .If snatch fr..m .1. Hers.... City slates that ...i the hill. I lll-t . I ' I ! I t l ISSiMII'l III"'. IlIUltT . . . ., , ,1 . . i . rt into sin iiri.-en .ti". 1.1 ncis :u Lcxni'toii, yuan r,..1..1!,t,lr,.,l t. the Ueb. Is i. -nj., I,,-!,;,,,! . si k and woiin.hil and s,,M. munitions ot war. I he I ui.ui vie- tmytit I. inn 'reel, is cunliiiu.-.I. Col. T. T. Worth, of the Lebauon Con re r, who was icn..ereo mo appoinimeoi vi i . . . - . .r 11 l'Jiast' r in lhe L. t. Army, by tho j t-ccrclary uf War, has declined tbe position ; .. ' meyts i Tlt.s l'A.,r.l.i at,. I fi... S.il.li.-rd nl '.,rrv . Lo;ll ni,:.iritT or Treasurer """'j .ai-cj.. ,c.-sr,.. ..bs. IPL 1 .. ... . J:tT j nc . leasury m paying 10 .oo uii.erei.i i State 4U per cent, of the money paid for : ruusyh8U Jr.. ; SOOvi.OOO. Seventy colored persons last week cm i,;rattd from lo wi-oown to (laytt. - jc- itc Anv tdui lisdurudi, i 1'he neitincr in which the lravis of ninny trcs and snme nlhrr TCgttatinn Lis been coloring an. I ilvinr 'hi vasnn, prpTcs tint frost is m.t iLn'only nrtist of tbosa be.mi- , , , . J . , fulthmp. ill cmrsenf nature mlt )!( el -ni-trt trtilt .! trliwK !n ntlinr u ,!.. ...,r.!..l t...,'tifl -,k nf fr,t. I .... - - I Tf llio l,,n,-i!r. nUnt. ,r t,n'I...l tin I.n. , If the tomato plants are pulled up be- f"rc ,,,c f,roet e'"u " avS P a ' vviitilatf .1 cellar, with tho tomatoes on . ,, , . .'. . , . tin m, the truil ill continue ni.eniui; until - 1 ;, ,,. ki,.i , (,, 1 ,irj nor (ori W3r. n 7- -r: . . ; 'I To Trespassers. "X'O'i'lrK is lierel'V civi-n I'V ilie iinitersin- t (.in,.ns , ,.,,,,,. aili ,.3,, j,,.,, ,,. iow:eln;.-, i-iat all p-r- i.ns lre-passirs upmi i 'l-ir lan.ls hiiniii.t; f.r fame, or in seanh .. k l.erriei an.l ,-tlier lnne , i :!l .e trcainl uli ' the full extern of the law. If tinters arc parn curly rf.tn'le.l 10 lake wariiin? l.y this ii-itire an. I a!l oilier u iio may tie ihspusnl in ire.pas np.-n our preiin.es (leore Miller r.enj'n L-tlir Sani'i Dankel Kich'd llickel .lohn 1 1 ullVr.l Isaa,; Walker Oei. is. i; Andrew Wolfo Cyrus Iloff.i Han'l Miller Ceonre (leldiart .lohn S. Hchraek Th.lI.L'oriKdiua j I F.state nf Pr-tpr Wlann. j 4 lMIXIsTi:T.irS .TI'K.-Wherc J. a. I.cm-rs of Administration on the l' '" 1V"'r KlaPr-'-"" I)ccr '' i ti I men coiintv, i!ecearil. have been cran- , ,p ,i,.r!,1L.1.,i) a!1 ri.rsons knowii.!; ; ihemsclvcs nidehtel'to sai.l estate are reques- Id l malce iiumcliaie payment ; and tln-r havmtr rlaiins acainl it will present ttii-in properly auilietiticair,l for setiiement to J.Mtr.ll Kf.AIT, ) Admuiis K. II, KI.Al'I', irators. j Lock Haven, (let. I, lsr.l Administrator's Notice. VOTIVE is Li-rt'lty given, Unit Loiters it of Aliioii-trntion on the Kstatr ol U II.I.IWl Will I'lXli. late of Lewisbnri: bo eneh, t'nion (to , dee'd, have been itranteil n, tlie iinderMened, by the :ri.ier of I nii n countv. in one lorin ol law; llieretore ail per. "ns kn-wins ihem-elves in.lebte.t to said- tale are r-'inestfil to make inniiptliate p;iv inctii, ;iiil ihu.'-c having jut claims acainst l Iio same art aKo requested to present the in jr'jri ly authrntiraTtM fr srttleinenl. ill ;if V. SHELLEK, Altu'r Lewishur, Oct. 1, IHi;i University at Lcwisburg. FALL SESSION. riMIE several Mrhools open on the mnmins; I of I iicasuiv, Sept. tit.l, and continue until the Holidays. Tuition. In C--i.Lrfir witli all iuolint.l flirgi'. . - $ll 95 Tnr.Ar.i rnv ilo S.4i to 7 4.", F.HIL I-laTirLTt llo 1 ,t- tO 111 Vi tx' Tor lurihcr information, injury may be raa.lc of any of the Teacheri, or of J. K. LOOM IS, President. r, ,Tr. 1 1 1 T. uXIOX, Arch Street, above Third, Philad'a. t TTOX S. XEWCOMLK, 1'rop'r. ' m ; I HIS Hotel is central, convenient to Fa- scnier ( 'ars to all parts of the citv, and n.irti-ular a !ante.l tn lhe comdiit and r . ' t. . i wf , rr rw m'ri i ' l? ITm M..I nC ,31". !CM. IS 1, 1.1 Tlic 1'all SrsNioia OK THE iiiyjajjun. Mmm S.-pt. ltll, to CMiitimie to ihe lllitav. The W ixti.u iSrsshi!! will cnmuieitce Jau- uarv -- AH the Classical, Mathematical anJ KngliU I!rniichs are taught. Yr I.aihe1 an) (inruKEX ,1r-;irnni n qnality"1 themelvr ftr Teachinr, will linJ it t Th'"ir a-!v;tnta7- tit filter this tuMUUUMi. Tip? liiiilf is a Test Unek. Ti rno.X per session incluiling cuntinrnt r periM;. ' TIMVAUY -ri:.'rii;rT.Urifinrf.I'rintT,Aritlim-tV. i;.-e'..(lr'.t-i.loid 1 1ti-torv. Ai M i:ii Ktil.l.ll not influ-.laN.ToJ C .i lam.i ai.k.s : ' Tiniion pavaM nnnif'liatrlv npim thcc!oe if the m sjmii. IV" A ffxinrtiiti Kt it rt N'f for tun'i' to f.'i'r jaiiin1 AitTAt'F. ,iher ilfluctiuiis except lir prntraeteil siek- nrss. ' Srni ! . J. UAN1HM.PII. 10, IWlft i TIMES II!IG IITENIXG ! ! NEW STORE IN A NEW PLACE! t H OtOlll. Ill n Hill I A . jJEW HAr;D AT THE YARD-STICK. , T- T . . a " ' " 1 Jf.V fQfJUJJ 5,TGF -W:I - ' ,.nMs,s 'irkct ',r,'",' (nea.lr opni'si't.' the old Haves Kian.t.) dl I.e happy to aiien.l it. the wane. ..I all ins I, ii-mls who may he pleased lolavor him with tlieir custom. lie ha now on hand a we.elcted storU ol cverviliini u-liich mav classed under the ! Sim r:.l lu a I ol Irv ..! H. j I.euisl.ui ', S'-pt. U', t'l l.cwislmi-s. Sent, li', 'm It. K. Ht'RSII. "PVK. ' ."l OIt.1II K. (a cra litatc i.f .lelti rsoll Co ii-ssional service lo the people of r.ewishnri: -! v-"iity. W tl.r.ce en North l .-- anv time when not professionally cn;a:eil. Families ot Volunteers (such as may-he in ', nee. I) attended sratintous'y. Sept. 2V, lKi'.l Atlminisrator's Koticc. 1 S. letters r-f administration en tin- l'.-tate of CATHAKlNi: M AIM.. Wnlon-.late ol Kellv 1 p.' men coun'v.ilec ,1. . . .....,.,. ,,, ,ne. sl,sCr,i.,.r in due frm oS a. nnre is hereby jiv.-nto a!! p. r- sons knowing themselves to !e nub hted in . i- i,,n...t,,.. n-.v,o, i,.- and those havin-J-biims aam-t the saim, . mil present tui-iii uuiv r.ii:ii nnr.i s,. , Hill present tlniu only nnuo nnea"o or sn. mem. 11A.MI.I. M Alll.. i Kelly. Prpl IS, lot. Adimni -traior . - - ..... - FIVE COLLARS KWARD! S there are .-icked hovs er men hn are , iiiMinni ihe properir. and especially . ,lrA in: lhe H-innou s ano huiters heon;inc ... .he r.ihltc S. hool liml '-';:''::n Min in lhe orlh liars reward will r iven to anv person lii.nt--liii. MiHtci.-nt evidence t" convict lor said .'uVnre. as w are de.etm ne.1 to prosecute, lo lhe futih--t extent or trie ,, nv all p.r"n- coi!'- el seen conauct. nv or,ier c tp " .ri l. JOiNi-i, -ecy. .tmllfor'N AiIJp. ; T.N Ihr Orphan-' 'nrt .1 fnii.n rrunty. ti ', I it"" "'"'' -' '"."'O ( J-fth It. , 1; :;.' A.l.n.ni:rai..r V.,.rr, .IrrM,; I tic mi trr' All !:i.r np.-n Uie rci p- ,;,., t,r , , a..,-,,i ar,..int. . . . i . .i. . . . . . uZu',,.., L '.i,,,.,'. ... "i.,l",'n,.',i In,'. t .h.- : ItiilV.n. i- H.-ii e in I..-iv,.l.:iiL'. i.n rr. 'nv th ' ' ' ,lav " -''. ' 'VI.K-K A M. ai,. ,.. ,hey .,e pr.-t-r. . . U'I. Hroni) niii. r .... 1 m. .11.11 r ... Auditor's Kotlce. I" OrptiroiN- t'lont -f l"iii..n f. nnl- l.-:;ee i.t i-no- late i.l nil ii.-r l-.w-ieh'T. .)'-e.l. ; Tin' All l;t,r apji.oiil.l t-v till Coin to m?ke 'I i tr il'iit ion of liic t.atTjre in Oi.r hali-N of I-a.ic 1,'anck I, anit Samtii'l K. It.-inck. Ktir iilori of ai 1 I'en- li-iit. in!l ii'epi ihe parlies itilereste.l at In- O iiee in Leuistoir? 1111 fi.-r-. mi. 1 the ;eh d.iy ol XovcmS-r. .l l'O.at . in . .'cluck. A M. JOHN Ii. I.I.VN. ! Oct. lct I Auditor ; Artditor's Notice. IX the matter of tlic Aeeount of R V.P. I. in coin, I'-ip A-tminisiraior ..f U'imu. Nf- ii, late .f Hartley 'I'p, dec I. The Auditor ; appointed by the .'i.nrt to a adit and iiiakc itiiril.iiM-.ii of i?ie l..ilaiic in ihc lian-lsot the ; aecoiiittaiit, will meet the parlies i,i,errsir. for the pnrposei.f In ; appoint!, i.'t,t. ,n l'mii.T. the l.'nli .. Xoveii.l.i-r. A II lHiil.at I o'clock, i 1', -M.t at his oliiee m l.-wi. nrr. II.1.IAM Jii.m:s. An.litor i Auditor's Notice. T X the matter i f the Account of Tho Hayes, K-.).. r.iecuter of Mirhhit oi s... lair of l.rwist'iirr. ,!.'cM. Th Auditor app.niitr.t by the Conrti.f Itionmon I'leasof t'nion conn- ,v ,, rf nrt tli,tnliiuion of the balance in lhe hands ot the aeci'imtaiit. will meci ihe par lies inn-re-ie.l ,r the purpose ol his appoint ment on Satnr.tar the IHih day of Xnvemlier, A I). IHM, at III o'clock. A M.'al his OJice in lite borough ot" I.ewivbiir?. WILLIAM JOns, An.liinr t.utlrfl) tiitetalilr. .o Aaohnlir rn-pantilvn. tr.nMi i. im sci:i.i:i::: iti:i (u:i:man imttkus, ' Vrcjwrtd ly lr. M. Jtnfcui. t'u.T i'uiud'a, rrr:TCLLv i r"K i.fvrn r.Mi'i.AiNT. iysckih. jurn:K. Liver or Mi-uui li, ut lit iic ni. n. ijiij u tf nriru. ,tUf ,1. Il-ri I"", tun. Ii-'ii-t J ultit x i,r Wt-i.'Li 10 Hi- K h. 'lr Krui islMni-. .-iiikiiik "r Hntt-rm at thm f tt- r. maicd. r-wifiimin it tu- fl-l. HurrtM mti ' l.:irult llrfa.:titt. Kinttf nnr at tUf 11-trt. t ! m,; .-r . fjtb"Ti,iine'. iiii.ti.n- h-n in l)irit ltniur- ' ol Vi-niD. I'ot ot VV-1- Wl.tr- thf Mjlit. I".t n-I Uuil I'alu in Ih- ll-n-l. I.-fi'-inf T of iVr-pirntif n. fcll'n- n '. t tlio M.ia mi K)t-, ('urn in it. IU- k,v.iil, ' l.imltfl, Ac., Jmlilm Hn-lif of le-nt. Ituruiuf in tLm 'l-nlt. ('Mntfint lintiininr of Kill, and irrmt li-rrn- n of St.irit-t.aiil til p-!ttly ijfrfi-ut itLLoH k t- , vkk, mi iocs n.fcit. r. Tli rrmi-irtur in enlliriff t- Atti'nt io of t) fiVIii j tothw nvt.arntiin. Uraff o all a f -finitf f tin uluiot ! n-tih Ifinv m ILn virtu-- anl Miitntl-li U Ib ! f-r vhn'ta tt i f- Tim -ri i- I. ' It n no nv nnl untrifil nrlir?r, Vit nn tht h9 sforti tl.! U-t ot a tlVM yt-Mn' tri tl U-M-r tin; Am riran f-a-Kiitl itn r"jut.Hinn ki- fal- nr utirivuU-1 j mnw nmilj.r rftarali"ii tat. Tli- If tinj..iy In it f..ur fiT-u by th nvtft prtiiti.-Tit an w- il-knit I'liv-irtviajt . and iii tivt Itiat- in all -Krt if tit ruuirj i iuimfti-r, ; ait'l a rart-litl iM-rn:tl t tlf Alnnn-ie, j.til'!t-h' l aiuiu ally l j tlie i.rt.Tt't"r. an I to tw li l t-raf-.i of nn of , rhfir MfiitM. rail m.t u:( -nti-Iy th- nt.nt itrfrttl-ii I tl it iiu ! Cttaiiifl. , rroto J. NwIoti Krwrt. P l.r..it r rf tk li "f Kc'i'in Know Iff..- ! Enjfli.r I A!tiV-n ti n"l li-r'-'wt t" f-tt -r or r .uiime j PtkV-rt M.-li nit- in r-nral. i;.run:h li-tru-t of tti-ir Injr. -nt and ftlf-ctn. 1 Ttt know t f no nn ii'nt r--. n ibr mnii aty n-t t -lify to tkV l-ne.f hf ikfiifv, i,, nil t" rfmiTfJ from hit imi'i" M-f- srsti n. in ih . li--:-' tl:Mf m-r Ihu-.N.ntrit.otf tf.th-hfn.rt ..f ..th. i '.. .-m,-. m .' - n.'..8'.M . I ..nii.n ll.ll.h p n,.,r..l k. li. . II I I......... itT. l-'u-w I iTf.iu.ltr.-l ajainM th--nt for art un.. r III im;Tt--li'ii tht th -r. .-tirt:v an a! l .lio tniiturt. J mu io...(,t. .1 t.-uiy :ri.-i l i:.U-r't .hw ntak.x. t f-r tlif mti'ivil ot tlit vrj,l''T profi.T l-"t an-1 f.-r -iiroiira--i.'intDt to trv thrru, a 'in'mjtT-rltir rViin ntinn.-.1 il.-t.ihi. Tluf thri- v- Iff of lh- HittTti. at thf N jinuttr; of tl, r r-tit y it, ;.s f.-M-Wt,! t. ft i'lnit r.-li. f. ami rfi-.ra'lt n l. a ilr TTf- of Iw-tily Mii.l ni.-ntnl Ti-.or l ir-h i.t f-n f- r -i in-iit'.- In ! r--. in, 1 1.1 nlmo-t -t-..-ir , ,1 ..f rtj.--. nm.r. 1 t!i. r-I r- l.4nli liod an.l nv fi :.-..l f- r -Iir... i.u m ta tli. u. rf itfiit. J. .KW'lu :i;uHN. i l'hi Im'Ta, J iiTti-'J k, !"', fau tlt. Jvr j l IIAIIKIS I HtM'ANan t IT. t.. M'M Ml S. A.t.l- WPL F. CRASGLER, j iiiNtti- ih;,-1 ihitr!, it.rki-t m.U m'ltuis.l'a. Havin op-ne1 a shp in I. (itM'oiniin's Clothing Sh-re, is ...l t.. M I-.... I. in his line. Jfavin? wcrkeit in pp'p;ip' t to rfpair V airhf. (Mode or Jmvliy. an tn fn Kncravin. tinsr. liil.lin or Oiilvaniin in the bel stylr ol the art. AH work warrAntr.1 to rnttre vattstiicuon. anl ilone at tho vtrv lowrM c&h t . i i i. . I rep.ur'I in me nrt manner. : yu J s"c 7"r-- ! j urjion FOR EVER! W TK arc all checn'tl to cr oar I'nion bv it with mrh pned coiirasc lake held ..f ,h' rone to draw it t,du around .he nc, -U ..( Jell Davis ant other potaiee ter. e alo expect thr larse B.ittlr at Wa-h'ni'ton to talk ?o"n. There .put? an exciiemei.t in LpwiltnrT. Soldiers ar r'm aa. an 1 tnrchnni are c:'iin Ntu- (ooU. LatrM, N. K. imiiicrinan his iv:nrn'! from New Viirk an-1 riutate!phia. an.l h;i'- rarrl'tilly ?e- lecie.l the latest ami I.e. I ..ivies Over Coats and Lest Tants, lLni. hlrts', ll.in lkerrliiiis. ' siocktnt:c, Casiiieiis. Cassiiui re. Cloili. ol all descripiioni. M'CleHan sit.-s ass,ii,-re and H.its, and live and mi hands ntami: Cloihim to order. Cloth and sol.i at I'hihi.l. wnoievaie pr,ces. i.au iiciori v-"i env -vmi will not lose anvihiii-, but save lii'ly per Ct nl. ' 'I'hanks for ail favors. Js. pl. H. lsi.I. N. U. ZIMMCKMAN. ; Stoves! Stoves! TOK ale at the "Wu-.'ri .. Wir U,.rv." ' .No. ... 1 mi.. i iiii.M'i:i.i'HiA. (oppoMte Cnri.si's Chiir.-h) ihe 1110..1 .-.elel.rai.il tins CoiiSiiitiiiiS ! i" N. II-u- I IIIU MOt I'M ol ihedav I.'.:ilHill. VICTOR COMPLETII and all .olier Cooking and Mealing Si-u-e. -all of which are tin ir.mte-I to sive iii.il salislaelioil. IVtase ::ive me a call :;,ii:ii:i " W M. '. F.M A.Imiiilsli alwrs .Vnllt r. j 01 II I'. IS IlCft h 011. lll.ll I.flll't ij. v .1 A.l.n.ni .t.i.h-o upon i ,,, .imini.irjii.'n upon . it.- r..ijr.- ,-i .VMf'l'I. III'MMLI.. 1st- of I'nmn i.mn ship.rninn .-. iiiiti . lec'il.hiivc hrcn i.in..'H" Iheun-iei-.i-.Tiicd l.y lie' lV iier 'l t niel eeiin- n- m -l u.- ,11 I taw; lheiel.re.lll p I -n- i ti - C.eMe.l to saol esiau- are ,,-,,,- o i.. m-kc imme.iuir pm in.'iit.an.t in...enavip; am ju-. 'claims aie .i, rr-iue i.-ii to pi-- .m nuui u- H;M l III MMl.l. I Idiom rntn.Orl. I. 1','t ISA C III MH.I . lull,!' FOK SAI.K! uettp t- i- "-'i -si "C- Heal Estate. ADMIX ISTKATOR'S S A LE. I) V vir-nc nf .in ir.Ur if t'tr Orph jus" l,urr ) !' I'liinn r.'i'rnv. Tli f-e ull Ml I'lli'l-: t O-'L-tv on .MONDAY the ltfti -lT l (TP,!,'r. At I iV:h I( in ftftirtOU f t sai I tv. at t li J;u!Uilte Home in the Bo rtinh i.f LrnTsl'tirir, I "nnn ''o Pa., the lol- A finm I."t or pirrr if Uruun-I containing One K..tirT i f nn rrr m-re or lrs whefera i, t-Tfrt- .1 a T i Sinrv Kr-imr Dwell? ir,r with appurtenance a-'j lining J;in-Is uf Ir. ? L ISrck anl mher. A!-t. r-n'1 fhr I.'.t nr pir of (mnn4con t?'nnn in-r"nrth if i Arre mop or a 'j 'inin? lati-N l .iiml Stannrrt and others. A'l i f vhirh I.inil i situated in th h b' r.'ifh i Leu iturff. ConJuions to be made kituwu on lav f II. P.iltlLr.rR.Alminfvrator Ot. Ihi.i. f n. Vhiti. dec'i KXIXTTOIIS SALE. . A TM. ti expose. I to lr on in premises on Kriiiav the ih day of XV dcii, a'l ihai cerain If IT of IJroun. r" apparti'naner, situate on Soatb, r'ronl sircet. I.eu-il.ur. Pa.. late the INtate of Mvni Sniri-.B, ili-ceainf m accori!anc with lh Will ol aid TeMa'or. fair in eouinacuco at in o'cloeli, A M. when ami where Terms uf ?.ttc will be ma'le known hr juhx iiorr.HTON, rternfrif Mat. thltltr, dcc'J LewikLnrj. Met. 15, Itil S ale . .Elizabeth A. Wallace's Estate. 1 lr filrnX at TnhlieSat on Htc- pt the 2it rfflv of .Nofemlx-r next, ft the premi-.aH that Honseaml Lot ttl.aav n;Tp in .nh Front rt., l,pwiSnr mJ. late tlf r.Mt nf i.l ileccas)'!. The iinrruv nift'' a WmMiVn lr-l!tne HookiaDil r'ram SiaMe, with a ar;-'.v 'f Kr-nf Trees. JO.NVWOWE, Executor Iwbnrc, On. 4, I--61 FOR RENT. 4 Good IIoikc on.Xnrth Foonh s'reet, contamm; seven room pos- M.-,si..n eiven lmmeiliatelr. Inquire of L-wi-.lnire.Sep.ifT. ADAM BEAVER FOR. SALE. . MM1E Srore-R n-m lately occupied I'T) 1 A. M. Lawahe. Inquire of MA J. M.L1X.. Lewlthnrr. Mav 17. ISfil. T0W riiOPERTY FOR SALE rpilAT property on S-iuih Fifth St, beia a 1 tr ansie of land euibraein; atumt HALF A I.n r.i.n which are a trcc.-.l a mall llousr. uikI Malilc. Tbe .ameiUA mil i.e oiierej at I'ul.lic sal oa the premise en Tticitsn.T Ihe l!il inU, at i v.'e!ocP M, when Terms will be made known hr IAMKS KKLLY. A--nt f-r r. '.w.lri lloiun and oihers I.rwii.biirz. (let. '-. 1-r.l Tavern Stand for Sale. 'I 'ili'I sul'rriNr tF-r' at Trivaf Sa! that valuable HOOK, vith StahK h i1 and two l.iit of rt'Un!, iniai in the 1 amptko (in ih m.nn te;) in the HiTourh f Hartle-t.-n. i nitn C-i., tu occupif I hy Dav. Moyrr. 'iVnu ta-y. Iminire of or J're ti EN li Y WHITMER. .Vltn'r-f J Hl Hut, Ki,fee'i Hjrt!t:on, March mif Western Lots, for sale cheap. I OT fi. M lc M2.0-lot I--Mfcefi.!jc40 I j i. i z.u'k ii. .;i4 ii i lM'ir yi,it tn D AKuI A i IT V. 1 1 rutin iv wpat nnil OtitCf Mtr A.'l-r;ivfa iiTtilorv. ANoTl l.otM in tlie town of Sril.N'CER.th r;jt ot" jtivdcf lor ;i.iy CiMintv. nn the line uf thtf iMit'Uue K nlroit. at :( each. JOHN It. LINN. Irfwishurp, Jti!j 2, Ai.-l t r KfnTils 31 Tiac?l m SALE CR RENT, 'THAT v.ilnal'V ltilck lard property 1 itn.iie in Diuirfloc loivtisl.ip, aitjoiuinic hn.is ol J.-icob li.rr an.l Wiiham 1'ameroii. with even thini: c.onpli'ie Tor tlie nianulactura ..I llriek..vc. .t.'... LLILl'lM: J.O'i.V. Tcrma K. Appiy lo JOHN P. MI SSKR. ritt..nrw. orM. '!. . l..l.lll.l..i.t JlU.w) ...i ir im1 Vendue ! e oI f. at the residence nf the nh- ter. on South From street, in th borough el I.etribnr, en Saturdiy, Oct. 26, j lSf.1, Personal Property, cnnsiMing of I lltis-lii:.l I'urnllure. viz. s,.f, I'irr T.ttilei., Mirrors. I'aintinsi;. Ingrain and three-plv t'arpcK, Venittan Blm.N. Itiiran. He.lti'iiN, 'I'al'Ii'.. Chair. Ntand, 'lock, I.atnpi. I -anil!c!.il'ra, !..ive.. I'.ipper Keftlr. i,..cih.r wuh I'llAMIIKK and KITt'lIEIt l l li.MTI KB. Ac. Ac. Si.le to coiiinience at IH o'elock A M, when It-riiis wi.l he made known. THOMAS HAVES. N. It. An opportunity will be alTnr4r4 on the d.iv prereilin; the saie. in anv who mar s desire, el insp.cting articles intended fur ato. NEW NATIONAL L0AH. s.CVon atl.l Tlircc-TciltllS lcr Cent TrciiHiiry .olrn Now ready for delivery at ihe OfBce ct JAY ;f KI-: .V Ct. Bonkers No. 1 1 1, .v. nth Third I hiladelphia. 1)1 K-1'AN T Ii. insirticlions from Ihe S retaiv of the Treasnrv. the Sutiscripnon Ito. k to ihe XKW N ATION A I. LO AN of Treasury Nolrs, beari.t; intereI at the rate, ol seven ami three lenths p.-r cel. per annum, m ill teinain .ipen ai mv oilice. No. III. S 3d i.. nnul lurihcr noim-. irom A M, until 5, M. and on Mon.la.s nil -S. I M These Notes will t e of ih'TTenemination rf :,, r:.-.nn. si.ci.'o and poo, and are a'l ilaie.l I nli Ai.;.i-i. ls.ll, payable in rold. in Ihrcc veat.-. or cutiveriil-le into a iwentv vear.' .i per 'ii- loan at ilie option of lhe h,.;.tir. i:.ii h Tic-tirv Note has interest .-oitpon- aitache.i. h hich ran he ru. elf .nil roltet led in ci ld at the Mint every moniht A, ilie r ate ft I . cut per -lav en each tji.Si. r.tvnienis el s uh .rripiietis may he rqa-le in (..li! or Checks or Notes of any ol ihe fhila (le'pliia Fanks. I'aru.s at a distance can r.-.tiit hv ih'-ir It ten-is, throu-h the mail, r.y ep..' , er ihionch Fanks. anil lhe Treasury Note; will le imoie.tiaielv deliwered, or enr to s.,h.rril-er as ihey m..v direct. Fames rcioiuin; fltit-i a-td the interest from the poh AitE'isl. th naic of ail ihe notes, to ihi- d.iv tiie ri-mmance i.aehes Philadelphia, at the rate of 1 per eer.t per day on each J$o0. Appiv to or a id. ess J;r l onkf, Sre!rrr.i A.r. Co- e( Jy ' V,rj ?o. Ha.-.ers. 3.o.c:; ' Xo. It. Sd tt. PSilaUelphi I i