is Si .fi; , ;i V i! iv- &iii? '.4 1 Our S'ias at rrl Ilattcrasft. O. to have tr-l Hie ramparts! 4, i a en it M.r IVJnrolJ lUnuci t.o-it.n tjv.-r it (vn, Mif .nine! O, tn have h-ard III- r.irin?, That trr. -.ted ur V rie. Up to hi Mcii eyrie, Cutler tli.-. SnuUi-era i-kiei ! K-.t in tti lut of r.ntu!t, v Not in the ure-d f -.-nin, C' uifth the r-trry pennon, 1 nto if" own atain, Put p.-owi-e of pea- and pr doa Forth to Hi ti!B hobl. And ?umraotM repentant children l'ark to iu ahcltitriug Mde ! TRFIliENr JEFFERSON sustained Gen. ' .' . . ,...1. :. r Vilkib8jn in bit refusal to obey a writ of liateas corpus, t New Oilcans, duriug the , ' Uurr Ciiru i," (wliicli uidnotbtciinic open RUVi) lie acted a GQ. Jack- sou did at New Orleans iu 115, nd as 1'rca.LiuC'jlu djes no. Said TtiDS.JiBVr 6.)D, iu a latttr to J. 1!. Calvin, Ksii , uudcr dare of tcpt. '.0, 1M3 : "The q'KS'ion you pr'opose, whether nrfiiiiKimixs do snme'iun s o-cur which makes it a duty io diii.-.Ts of bili trust lo ns-uin.! au'bontios beyond tbo lw, is easy of solu'ion in priuc'l !, but tumetiui.s cm barra'm:; iu rrae'ice. A strict observ ance of the riitcu law is doubtless one of the hioh duties of a g""d citizen, but it is , not the t;.i-.. TUa laws of necessity, of self pres. ruati .n, of saving our cjuutry when iu dauber, are of higher obligation. T.. l,.. nnr ciuntrv bv a scrupulous id- . . :.. .... i. -..i.l.l I.- tn, I. wo the uerence in -ro.i." -- law itself. iib life, liberty, pr.rty, ; all those wbi ara erj -ying thetu wih us ; ; tbuj absutdly BacriliciDi; ue cod tu the means. . . -I rom mcsn " - F . . you uny see what I think on the question i.roposed. They do not go to the case ot cbarced wi'h petty dulies, where coaseo,uei.ees are trifle; aud time allowed j for a legal course, oor to autborii! them ; to Uk such cases out cf the written law. , In these the example of uvcrliapirs the is of greater evil than a strict adher- i .,. i., its imnerfect rrovisious. It is in- i on those only who accept of great r;A- .hmlv.iS on creat 0CC1- cumbent charges to eioas. when the safety of the nation or gome of its ery bi;;U iutercsts aro at, euke.-' i Frank, and Han.y. Tbc Democrats of "Oid Berks" do not "stab under tbc fifth rib" the Government, by denouncing its Admiuistration 1Q iia dcatb grapplc , with the meanest, foulest nbellioQ creation ' of this stork uf l..,i.d.-ajrcry large axsort , nnt of DRY GOODS 01 every desenp- cver saw since proud Lucilcr was caai our . urctiaser wili find it their advantage of heaven. Iu their late County Conven tion, they eatue fairly and sqiarely op to the duty of true pitriute without any whi- 1 nins about ' I'eace," or "Compromise," ; by adopting the following Resolutions, Unanimously : ; "AWfi ,1. That the Democratic Tarty ' of tbo County of Burkt, in Iele;ate Con vention assembled, reaffirms its ardent and ' (Unalterable a'tachruetit to the Union, and ' opposes any nllrmjit t tfjhirnlSuu of the ' .S'-'uVj as a uien.-ure fraught witb uinuali tied evil, and with ultimate rui tu ei-erj ' 2. Th.t the lVmncratie Party of Berks Ctoj mi.7 y.a' i"a ;i.'iil. up crniwiit of the United Staffs, in every col- , stituti inal cffirt to sustain the cause of the Uui jn an 1 to fiy;-ess the prismf !! bcllim. 3. That ii is eminently proper to prose-, cuto tbo existing war with vipor, in orth r l it if m-ry he t urner brvHjht to a tuccu fut t'-.nniiitttloH." The Democratic Convention of I'bilad. , and several other counties have been as uneqivocilly "straight" as thofo of cik-. : They did n it condemn, or seek to euibir-. russ, or pr. j i lice the people agninst, the . Officers, who are the Agents of the jov rnmiout, without whom il is dead nor did they proclaim tba' slavery should re ceive no dannje iu this Slaveholders' War. I j'he Unionists are pouring out their money , ; ' . .. , ana itieir o.oua lor liucr'j iuu a.., not fur JrTiri'ry and Anarcby. It lias nevr been p-!?:!;vely known how much Arnold received for bis treason. Nor will it, probally, ever be kuown how lmicb the liubel Government pays its "Tiaec" emissaiies at the North. But it . . .1 . . 11 i .lrt. u Known mat iirnou aii I v ihna whom be n rved. tn will these ' -,W.r,i.orsbe despised hv the llebels. j .alii'lj ViWaliie. No Alrnliullr rrriianilliin. Dr.nn,i)'xti:Li:itvri::) 1L11MAN' 1 ITT III IS, ! irii.i. t?Fi: Ti i.tY rt" k mpr i LIVKR Cort.AlNt. I VSI'Ki' Chruuic Ti.n-. Is l.ilitr. Iii.ra.f Pf tll- KMUrt., ; I aud a.l ari-inif fr"i;i a ilimiraml l.ircr or Mi.ujai-ti, ! t 1 r-mi aa C.o.lll.atii'il. Inwalil I'ilr.. FnlliesF Or Bin IJ I., itr lt.-i. A-K..IV of tl..- Nailra. t orn, lii-tii-t L.r Km d f uln. .. or W.-i-bt in ll.r f.i.ra- h. Siur Krurlati-.ii. M'iHiii or l nuirioiit ai inr . ii ot tl' llomah. f'ViilllUlPir ol Il.t" ii'aiT lurri-n Ji lft--ij!l Urva'.hittj. KitittiMiii at ti Ilfitrt, Clikiim or l a'f"t'um0 "i" t-tM in a lWt ptur. Ihtnur-" -. lioiin. 1 't WVlmlrrf.iTi th .-ijitl. r-r and Dull I l'aio id tlit H-J'l. lttif!i--y of Vr-iraliin. V-Howij?!' i T 4.1 thM k:n aud Kv"J. I'a in in tlta idf. lUi-h. Clii'at, - I j.?mr, a.-.. Mid i. u i infiiff r r n-at, latin, in me i l-;:;: XLVX'TZ I t- K. mi .ii.ti i tvr.i.. &r. i i-h.i'r...ri..i:me .aSiw litatmorf and uj Whi. to lie dw . f r ahi-ii ;t it itnuo t.J. I. j It is B-Offa aiil Mi.tridmitirV. Wontliatiatoo.l . tlUrtof a tw-lw yram tiwl Wt.r.- Hie Aw-rifrt . pit, and IU rfpntauoii and .. arr iiurtTali by auy I unnUr fiTai.t. 'i lif V-ntimony in itn av.r fi I-t U.r m M pnvutu at an 1 wli known VUtwinn net a .-arHfui prul r lli- At.t.ns-. publi-hd aiioii a,iiy hf titf r-.;Ti.t rn. and 1 l iiad tfralin of any of ; l.i.-ir atfiiK. c:tn not tu naMffy tin- uiont iept.iraii tbat : n..H L. trull v Ll..-enili; tin; -irral cvitrbntvit ha ! Ctfflaft.Ucd. j (from J. Xcwt n I.rown. P. ! . KJitT of the Enrychtpe- . diaof Kcli.iou5 Ktntwl-.ii J ; Alth-rae! not diio-t-l tn favor or rMummrRil Tati-nt t j!-liriu to vdtI. throitcli diatrnt of thvir iujr-ul-ruli and iW(. 1 yrt know of n n1ri.nt rea-oti hr min m-ty not t-"it to th- Ua tit lit- Iwii- bltn If tt haTt riiTl tnTttnpiP ftrrraratitm. in tbc ; !) that tiftnay thu-irntri'jutt,- to tin brnctit of olbcra. ' 1 do thin thr nir It in ivcanl tt ' IltHltai.d n . f!rrmm HitVr." fireman-1 by Dr. i . H. JafkAtn, rf (lita f ri' t. Ix-r-au" 1 wan pit-jud-.ri-d a?aint th-n ftr y-r, : un 1 t th impiffi-.o tht llt-f w-rr fhi-tly an l-th--!ic ! init'.r 1 ut in ir-l.t-nl tmnt tritfii l kotwrt bocuiaker, j l . I -r Xh rmor it of thi" n-:udi by proper f t. i uni tor cnfjr-M!it to trv itit-ui. ftt-K auH-riui; from t of ill . Vr.Urr. at tl. tinrirtj of ttif prFfiit ; yt-ir. a , .y vTi trtit rt-lh latid i-).tori n if a doxrc f Unliiy ui-ri Tin.r t irl I tad vt f-.t I r )! months l--t rr. uoJ hut a mo-t .l-tird of n-r.-i-n nt. I tht-r for ihnk ii,d and mv f f-r dirr- im r Bi-to Uk-uor il.m. J. NhWToN KltuH N. I'KiUd'a, Junr N i t.U-J.m ) H4KK t l't'M'Nnl II L M M M.N. Ktf'.lwf , erice: ERICK!! i s i'l.l.lOR anlclr of hand-made Brick lo J f-Tsalr. I.nquirr at I Mar.Ki.'blj Mif.Ml.H. M'CI.L'KP.V COX i iLPAIIMNG r.roinii'lf attnueJ I U. a. 1U.1 ifctcut aL ia, al . . ...... K'UIlaV AYhai EvcnbojysaiJ coul.1 not lie done, has at last ttren AefftmpIiMied! VMRKOsE's Conl 0.1 o t lllliillPy ll.iii-i Lamp. The fulluwing are iouie nl i. a lvaniri"" s : -lt. I 'if pen;: with llic thinner, which i expensive Hit ! unirer?ont. Tii" liprht in mt once acceiblc for Hhtinmnd I iii. Hini .uri.. 11.1. iluriix l.'i oil tlian llic fliimnT lamTt. 4ih. Iiuruth mil .,ultfi.-of toll .ml -ri-.n .,ii,. .-t.i.1 J. u-ity ,t . .ml uf.rj. .Mh cu 1m. arriui tiruunJ with uWut iliu same fa- ciin, . a cn.(i... nf tli. Bnme. Thr i.m,. aiH, w buruJ s week iih..a . trin.itoi'i; n- wilt n.-t Mnr.k.i. Th-l,urn. rr:.n l.tM. l..d to nTlmp.Btlit frr- . ii" liarinir lsttiin niHtJ unlv i-li inire tlif t-urni rK- For sale by J. A. KRKAMER. ALSO, iusl received, a lot of French l're- semns Keiiles. :orn I'oppers, &c. Ac, at J. A. KUi; AM Eli'S Tin shop, corner Fourth and .Maiket streets. I.f wisburg, Aug.2,'6t K. II. Ll.NUt.t.. rllAS.C. HIMEJ. LINVILL & EmES, COMM ISSIOX MERCHANTS, A "ill UilM.FS.UK liKUtRH H flutter, Vxf, Lar,l, Tallow, Seeds, XUTS. FJ1UIT. 0. Hi. 1223 niiket street, FhiladelpMa. .. li. i;onsisnments repecnuny sonciiru. Protnpt remittances made. r.Kr'KKKXi'r: Win J llim". Xi-w Oxf.ird. AJxins Co,:!. Julio H.rut. N.-w A.Unia I'.s I'a. Jutni. t'urrati. M.raivtta Furnace, York Co.. 1'a. iir..r V . Ilim-K Sliii t-iii'liurir, 1'uiiili.Tland Co., I'a. AUn..l.ilin lli.y.r, rrorru-t.-r National Hotel, Kac tit., liilaJrli hia. Auj. Z, 'lilnn'i d luiii'lic ndont t'asitlitlalori. SHERIFF. To Ihe Electors of I'nioti coun ty : At the rrquest i f many friends. I olTi-r myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff. Should I be fortunate enough to be elected, I nle.iie myself to P norm the dunes of the ,..,,..,. fidelity r. n. cot. Attention, musicians! a . ,.f 2LV'- V Violins, ;uitars. &c, of all kinda-also Violin. Guitar, nn Briu(fe, ,Vl;, Acand the )(,5l Vl(ilQ Rosmca!1 at ,he Post office and ejamine. 'i W FORREST i. TAnt.zi:a wii-i. -trtxiaCZCR & Dill, Aiforiii')) at Law, LowiHliur-";, Union Co. I'a. Office in Smith Second St. formerly occupied by James B Hamlin fc-q. deceased ' '-ewisliurg. April 4, It I Nota ilcna! 11 E have just received from Philadelphia and .New York, a very large and well selected Mock of SUMMEE SCOBS, which we ntier at very reduced prices. e n;lVe paid particular attention in the selection to cive o a call as in prices we dety any d our ncishborins towns for competition. We have aUo replenished our Mock of f.roCO ric4,l!aidwarr,iecii!iiarc,&c. SALT, FISH, COAL, PLArfTEU, etc. alwavs kept on hand. CuVSTliY flKHilCE taken in bx- ch;ii2(, ,(,r , nsllal. .. B. Cash paid for all kinds ol Grain. J.() WALLS & CO. I.ewisburi. July 3, r,i. T. the under-imed.Execub'rs of the real stale of ntux Ht sTiNsriin, dec d. late of llanlev lownslnp. I nu n county, ny order of his last will and testament, will oiler al pu.ilic saie on Friday the 11th day of October neitt, the following described real estate, viz.: A FARM containing NO ArrrM more or less, bounded lv lauds of Jacob Moore, Jacob Hover and others, and Prima creek, on which are a sood ilol'SE and BARN, a Car-jA rmar House, an I other convenient Out-fair . ll,lii. also a Fl'LLIXG HOI'SE and Cardmr; Machine not in operation at present a. I kinds or thill ot a superior qa!.,v runiiinx Water on the Faim aCJialiont 10 or IS acres of il TIMBER u. UNI), ihe balance all cleared and in a good stair of cultivation. ALi ih One-Half of a I."t of Land situa ted on the LIMESTONE KI1X.E, containing M I''l'C lll' adjoining land ol Geo liuhl and fibers tJa'e io hrein at 1 o clock P M or said dav. on the premises, n-n conmuons o be made known. A s0d Title will be made lo the puichasers bv il.iOl'lK MKIXKI.l. (Eiw JOHN HUMlJtuN, tors Kelly Tp, July IJ Isifil Flour Sacks rpo Slillrrx atifl I'lour Icalcr. l The undrrsigned manufacture FLOUR SACKS 'all Si, on reasonable teims. Orders respectfully "l.c.L BEYBA & TIIOMPSO.V. I'ltlston, Luzernr county. 3m9(Hpd l'eun a (whI Uuuscana Store lUmn Market Street, fPHE snhv.iiber offers Tor sale several l!li!('K HOI'sns, and othT Bull t din"s. simate in the IJorousn ol i.ewisnnrs. Persons wishing lo purchase, will please n I Wi.lfp n hn will Five Citll m j....oi...... a tnem S'len ini.uiii.uuu . ' v , ci is July a, 1 N.iJ ... c?i. ti.a.i u." AI APPRENTICE WANTED N the TAXXINM TRADE. One that can come well recommended as to habits, mo f. l(,erable education, will be taken, and every advantage given to aid his instruc tion and advance his interest in the trade. 0ne from the country would be preferred, from H lo 17 years ofaae, hut none need apply unless well recoiumended as to qnalib- ' ' J. HLXL. V,,M " Jwiurg, Jn- . , CTfU'l-N &TOYFS STOVES .x , - , x- n ' . , C UU K.1 A W MUi Ia , . t r lit v!'ITi1"'T?;! 1 v - 1 ' 1l f OFFICK STOVES. The bet aprtment of toves ever offered to i . r , .!..... .k- ! ' -..a........... ..v - , celcbraie.1 t;..r,tinemal," thr hamlsomesi and brsi Conk-ini! Stove now before the public. I IMlal. Oil Mini . I rl.irKit. WALLS, RTtttlXER t CO. f j pin: siar-spaosied iianner a i I nrw style of l.nijm Bailers decidedly ... , ... ifr .... . 1 j unique jum received aud f-r sale by 1 nus. u. uiiitit. . . . Land Warrant far Forty Acres IIOI! SM.K.Knquire at the Office or the j Star A Vhmairl.. Lrwibsure. j G FURMITURE WAREHOUSE, 7 I til on Market Ninsri I.rwi.sbur. wJLJ , A r"' iJ Clinirs, Tablrw, Rurraiis, MtintlN, Ac., on hand or made nrdrr l.v IU VII) (ilM BH. 11' tftR (lll( l.. -Ati escrllrnt K,l trt I.KVLK WA TCH L.r -r.i al a ti,a.r. n.u-i .-. Ii.iiuirrnt a A L. LtUK'.! A.-sii.ti, Ltw.aLurr I - UNION COUNTY STAR JOIIS & taLi;v, I SolcMauuf.iciurfiaof lliu Iuiiirorcd ! Gutta Pecrha CEIIEUT KOOFIKG ! "f T is the cheapest an J must durable Itoufiog J in n-.e. - , It is Fire anil Water Proof! ! It can be applied to new and ol.l Roofs of all kinds and to Shingle Kools aiihoul removing th hin.lp 1 ." , , , . . . fin : The e st is only ahnul one-lhird that ol 1 ir. , nd is twice as duraMe. ' Tjiiii-i ricli:i C'rnirnt. for preer- ving and repairing 1 hi ami oilier imnis of everv description, from us creat elasueiiy. . ,.j v, .u. rn!raclioll and exrall-i I sion of ineials, and will not ciack in cold ur run in warm weather. These materials have been ihorouchly tes-1 ted in New York and all pins ol tlie Southern j and Western -laies. and we can pive auunu aiu proof of all we claim in iheir favor. They are rea.lily applied by ordinary labo rers, al a trifltnz expense. NO HEAT IS KElil IRED. These materials are put up ready for ne, and for shipping to all pans of the country, with full primed Diiections for application. Full desenptive Circulars will he furnished on application bv mail or in person at our 1'iincipal r.flier, Mil Hroadwav. New York (Ol po.-itu St.Xii li. laJ ll. t. l ) JI)1IS A I lilisU.l. At: E NTS WAXTEH. fimSTS SCCIISIll IliMiUlliK'ltl. T tHn Stockholders of the I.ewisburg Pime Savings institution who have not paid the second instalment of slock, are notified that payment is now overdue and should be raide forthwith. II. P. sHEI.I.KK. I.ewisburi!, May SS, 1SIH Treas ATTENTION Th3 Volunteer's Manual, juft published, ci'iiiams full instruction l'.r tne KIOCKri'l', in the schools of the rSul.Iii-r and fSiiuad, uith over One Hundred I!lutratj"'it of the d liferent positions in the Karinn and Manual of Arm, and the Loadings and Fir inj. Arranged according u t,'ri"S Ss tfiu ot Infantrv Tactic-., ly l.ieut 'ol D.W.C iUxrtH.ot the National (iuard. 1-iuu. bize convenient fur the IVchft. This i the latest. bett and cheapest Work oo Tactic.-". ! .' tr apprnrrd nj Ojjicittlltj. AfiENTS WANJTU mevcry Town, Vil-! iage and Hamlet. j ilje Game tUork in icrmait, j j Translaied by an expeneuctd .Military Officer I and bavau. ITT Retail Price, 25 cents per copy or, J bound in Flexible Cloth, 40 cents. f Mailed anywhere, FRUU of Postage, on receipt of 25 or 40 cents. FOU SALK I.VKT'.VIIVHE. hU I II '-I Mil. !r!clr rnd IVKII-hrr-. bo .iiiioin M. l'hiltp'lphia Ad apri nt and r pafion of IRON puri flt tif oxy'-n arj.l rarlw ii l y rt iutt;Mtiu in linlit: n. fjtiir'ionf.l !.y Hit liijti.ct .M.-diral A mhot jti,. 1 ot ti in Euroif fcU(i iU j luiud Ul.f, ai.d pnv r.U-d iu tlM-ir 1 h xperinv of tTif)iiaii'l! tl.tiiv Trove? tl;at nopri j paration of Iron ran In- r -,. r-! uhit. Impuritiri rt . tlif M.sihI. d'rt-ion r.t ninl .iifrt;. ynlr aiid oll:iTw;e an kly LT-m; lioiit u.-s, indn iiU it.- liniMit) in alui ry COniVii'ahli- f-Hf. liiUo.ii"Ui-in all malndif"-in uliii-h it !ia t n trit-d it ha.- provcl ai"iuttly turaliri- iu rach of the folio ill t3lUtlall , 7.i It.l.t.lj. .Wrfttt Afcrtfimt, I';,,tt. iysprpmn, , Cm.-tift.;ti,ti, hi iril o t:,i'i,rrut rf, in, iy i. nl fnt.m; ff n, j 'ci-4.u;m f,i rivu't..'t. 'i l.ii'nm. Wxwtitti u ttt iriVl. :.Uir;?tt, l,tv,r fnm it-tint, fi.f tw ls.,U.i'trt, L'umiti.m, t,.!r -miff. ( f'c r.. f.e Fn; u In raefn of t.KtniL i'l-un 1 1 v, lfthir the rMtli of acuti di-'t-a-i, or ot ihf rontiiiui-il diuiinufitiii ol i. rvou . an.l muwuiar t-in-rT tn ui '-hr u-1 i..n, :ii,t!i. one tiul : of thin rvf.tori.tivt h:i pn ted mit. n-tu) to un t-xtt-nt ' which no dt-M-ri; tion norriit-ttat.-f.t,ttion would rfful r crf.lihle. lnvalitln mi Ioiik l-.J.ii,l,, n hp. .f havo tt romi fornolt n in tlnir u D'-il.lrorlii'Ttira. have dfiily rr nppt-art-din thtt l.u-y a. .rid a.- it jut r ti;rnd from prftratd trv--l iu ii (nut I.tii.l. i ni xvrv nit-nal mtai.i-i-i of thi.- kind art- ktt-r-l-'i of friualt nuf- ci'C'U! i-il.MU-(iou. i-riti.-al;;'j. r t t.nt .timi li- ralion of urrtoiii ai.'l J !-p It Jit.r n to it:r aud tp en-isf for which tlu- i-by i-inati hu t:: n.c . Iti NtltVolB AlFi.CTi.-Mt of rli kii-t'sji. t fr r-avnn frimilinr to nitMical mf-n. tti opt-rnliou (, ih.s pr' -a ra tion of iron niui-t iit-ct-i'i.arily I .iiutry, fMr. uiiiik- (he oiiJ oxi.h'a. it is vioroubty tonir. a it h ul t.-ii:-' fcitinr; and o-rlnatins: and !iitly. rtv'ulariy apfri nt. rren in tlw nittPtohrtinatt Cri-xaof co-riv aiUu.ot -i-r bt inic tiiisUic j-uraUatr, ur mf.u tniga difugit-trttLIe sen -at ion. It in thi tattfrrroprtr. anion r otW, whi h mVa ' It io rrmarkaMy e!t rtual ami pi-riuanfiit runcily f.T Vil.t. ui-m at.'.rhit nl-o apfcarn to t-xt-rt a tlisiu,.-i aiol , ifir artioii, .y di-jeic:.!.; tut- IwaJ t.-ndvney ttlii h forms thfm. In Dssri.i-i. ipnJti'rabIc a its ran-a. a ainlf box of M.-rtialin'atf 1'iM- hortfU u.t;,-.., (,,r n.Ort ha'.iiuai fas-f. iiirludtnir it. atti lnh-nt ' mUri n-r. In rli d ll.i.l.!ii.t. cit-n 1ot. a'U.tiin-J r v.--tSTAiiV. coi.tirrriftl. -ttini-iaMn. and ai p in ntlr nirlic ntint, the e.litf hare tt-i-u fijually dt-ci.iiv and at tou i.ihinit'. In the lorat paint, lonn of fVh and rlfhiliin- ; tiiiir cnuub. anl r inittf nt h'-ctn-, wht'-h ctnf rally itnli cate ICIP..T Con-i mitix. thi- n-nmly has affayt-il tti alarm of fii. n-!- and phyi-i!tiiti, in n-vrt Trry gratify jnif and mtiTtsf tiim tti-tancots. In S not itr i Ti i.iUci iom. thij m.-dii-afrrl Iron baa had far n:ort than 1 In pood fi!-t l thf niO'triulniti.Iv bnlanrcd prrp-ir;i- ns ot iutliiif, withi.ut any of their , wll known liwbiiit:. Thf atti-ntion ol f.-ma!i rnn not t.p fon ronfidfrttr in Tititt to IIih rwiy and rttUrativt, in thiiasi.pec,ir- i ly alrf-tinz tin m. In RnrrSHll.-K, bnth chronic an I inflnrnmatrT fn tb latter. ImwrTtT. tnr-n d-cid.-dly it l:as l c, n inTari My well r-porti-d. both n. all--ititin-- p:,in and ri'iur- , in- th .wrllini! and -ii:n'-a of ilicj. int airt m-i-c'ri. In In7Kmitt:t FpTlK-it nin-t no.---fri!v .f-ai;r-rt ' rcmt-tly and rnfr;rf t P- rf-sTcrlivf. il .ror--! in thi nw rttl. mt-iiti of th West, ajjl piub-iLIy I ; on d bi;rh renown and nrfti!m No rt-m'ttT ha." t t 1 ot-n dterr-.Tcrt'd in tb wb' l bi tory of nti''n,. hich vx-rt such ironipt. lit-p. and fully restorative etTi-ct. tifl nrpotife, i-ori.i..-t.- ilijr-a- tion. rapid aiiiiition of -r-nsrth it h un unufitfit -If' pomlion for active and chctrtul exen-irt, iiumt Jiatr f. llow it ne. I'tit np in nat flat metal bcTn crntnioinr r.npilln. i prW frf) tnti pt-r t"X ; ftr -ilcby tlriitri-fn nnl -lealerf. , W ill be acni fro to ary 'ldrf-- n n cipt of the price- AU letUrt, orders, etc.. stioiiiM I e udlrered to i 11. U. LOCKt t Co . lit-neral Atrenta. ' ly Sil X) Cn-Ku tt., S. Y. , SM in Lnrithnrrj by i Baker A 1 W Srhaffir Harris 4 Dun ran 1 r. Braver i J.S. Harsh. CSIturklry. r.r.Shurklt. s. 9nnsi A n a (Sl'iYIW'ins TO titPDEf, MABn CO.) JN1311YI LKWISUUIia FOUNDlt i?tn ORKS I AGRICULTURAL WORKS tin t ivuinipiii, a . ItTK hTe constantly on hand and for wile. H lbH.tAI.K olt K ftFTAII- I r-in-r. JU'ttrrr ami dorrr Hnrvrvtmz t.'rain ami firau Sfil9't; litmi owrf Hurtp. I'limrr f'trn Sh'lm ; ihir.Tno aH fiHrATae Twi. .Vvep avH J:o!l owrir; Cu.vr Lm,l t . 'trr. Tnr.thr, I'livt .v.-at IUIt Ir-i V. V . , , , ; . ,, ..... .... .- ... !'"lrZl IT?..Tr-.r"rrniS ,n4 di.p,tri, WoT ' Mannfatmrt,. tBrariablr w.-vrranird as rrcemmended. UMrr. r-K. ilullj .pctrd tly attrn.lrd lo. Junr 1. ISiai Tavarn Stand for Sale. . .. . ,, . , .. . rpHE subscriber r iT-rs at I'nvaie sale that I .,.. ,.... ..... SK . ,n, - , . . , . two I. ois t.f Oround. situate on ihe Tnrnpilte (in the main street) in the Uoroush of ll.irlle- ton. I'mon Oo., now t,ccupied bv Dav. .Moyer. Terms eay. Inquire of or aifnress 1 I . K-l. I Hanleton. March s. lil mil i Sinai and Zion, OR a Pilzr.iuaze llirmiah ihe Wilderness to thr Land of Premise." Kv IIksh-i l!ai--i att. lair Pastor of the German Reformed Church. Lewivburs. This work comprises M:l pars of plain print on white paper, wilh I C illu-ira.n-ptice .85. I.,AJ A ;, i i.i'n i., i ui'ifiicis, i-ni rvtu wi bAAILL CCHUACK, Azcll lribtti-K. i & LEWISBUfiG CIIIiqNICLE--OCT. 1, 1801. I IXDSEY'S Improved .Li iv iiidvu m:uciii:k,43 For till. nr.'-.i!v. raili.-nl itril . ffrtoal ntre i.f A l.l.llear aruiutr iu I.U1I hll k' uH IUK liLovlll fplIIS ban wrcunlit llie mo.1 iniraculoiicore in J. .i.crutc iwti tit 8.T. Tula raneirrio f.rrmationj. I'iiitiiim us .liseafen, :r-iilMi, lliila, S. rr l-v.a. FenM llvail, l.ti..iiii::i!i.- diiacre, t'..llV. II. 4, Sjlt Kheuin, (iurAl .lrt'ility, 1 f H-. ti'. I mill).- on 11. fn li d. Mill.!-. Tti LlflT, T.-II.T arte. tl..n, liyir.-..i, JntmJice, y.erriirial .lieitiM-a, i'oti.i'Uiiit, Ill Mnnmrll, IVnial.-1 'Liiit-laiiil J and all .liwaeea Laving tnt-ir origin in au inii'uri: Ute ot llir tilcnl. Thf ntiOTi" m fortrnit of Dati l MTn-ary. of NnpW'.n tt;- lxt Jav of maJr aflliluT it ) ri.irr Jii-tH-t tiurlfv It- trfHtftl lor th rure , Vwa R I'? I hr pin pioiiiti of Itt-illorJ nunty. nnil by Ir. flii ct llif Col If. t'iprinttati, t"r ft period of mmW -ilit iiK iitli". bolilltntiliiiii wltit h hit hp. '..-, f,,,T ft th.rli-n tf hit hj( ihtrL vtre rntirrly tat h herTrd dihe iftriw .' lie- liiti I Ii TU Uliltll ll-lr'. '" Itl-iol .ii-i-IhT." wa" i-u,"'d tn try it. rniir bot- ius.Un :i(.n t.ut ttiic tiiviihiHMf m dkine Mvti-d lnt I if'. Hit- Mil -.irt'riii;.rf 't' 1 1-if r"mrkttlr rf niy Lt wiu in h ( ' t I- lin t of ny of tl.f .z-m. Ur nmi rt-lt-r to a c.t of .Viru-y lllvakUf .f KMi-rton, Arti.r-troaif o., I'a .nirt-J of rciri'L.all-r being uoul'le to ft out of It-., for ttiriv year. loth ci. of a laU in Aii-ou:IVCIrflHM O., who vx alio i.tiiir-t.-l with S-rotuIa in its wort f.trni. To tin r;iM- ot 1i. t.rr Mi i-.-l. r-l'lins i't t'arpil.towtl. Caml riaCo.. I'a , who wa.-eo ba.lly ail.utfd with anc-r that it eat tits entire tm-e off, aud hid ciUcM wor.--, if pott-it'Ii', than M'l'r ar. The articular, ot ilne eie every one of which w.1.1 rurt d 1 y ihe u-e of tl HtooJ S-art her la iy ali-o tie fcuiid in a tmui.r to U- had -fanv . t the V-enC-. li. M. LK'.:ti. I'mitrlrtor. tt.I-abnratorv fur the ilhiimUi tun aiol al:. n-r ihe IVim a l;ailrt.d'l'ctut. ll..!ri.lay-l.i--. I'm. hohl by t . S-haltie. .. wii.ur: MTn-iirht k Hhii. k, isuffaloe X otom: Kudv k Mimiiit lreich. KnrmerTille ; rummm..' k Witui-r, llartletoii; l. II Kicll, iti:.n uiC : I.. S. eftaiiiiu, Winlit-id; sbiudle i Wuu.eiler, fi Uuarove; J-l . ' R. IJEWEU'S PIIOTOGUAPII GALLERY, ; . '2 t9 AkIi St. r:aS!atl !lil;i, One of the Inrserit and most complete i.nlhrif in tt , I iile.l -Uti fi. Ii-re the lte.-t ricture kuoMn to tho Ih to.iJti'hic art are t kt u nt price no I li 4ii lire p;ll f-.r nii.-erat.Ie caticattireii. TIIK Proprietor, a I'rattifal l'lntorr:i(.lier, attrn)i, t4T!oiiailv, every fitting an 1 ailo m picture to j leave the (iallerv utiler.4 it siltea rl'fct Kutl.-fiftioil. j I.taliierreotvf jt and Auibrotpf-.d atceiitor deevawd frieiida. photographed to any n;nired i-if . or tk-n -a ; fanviir-.i. hte me, uml p tinted in oil by th- best Artiftc. , At thi liallery prlurn ran I lak.-n iu any weatht-r ; at. pa-ifert in clou-iy dya a when the fuii hinf. I'erron-i vt.-itini the city are res,ii-clfitlly invit-d to ex- j amine our rHriuit UH, wbKh lor prbtj aud quality dety j comi-etUion. i n.Inetructton eiren in the ai tof I'liotoiraj liy. k. Ntu k i-i.. ; GalleuI OF AlT, 724 Arch street, J'bilaUelpiiia. roM.vt:y Ta tioxa From Hon I., wis U-CAwrnr-tu X n.,(thio tauily and fiientU all roiicur in the npinton tlmt the (Newell) I'iftutv ia more h'f lie tliau any thin ' they Vver W. My like tir!! ban b. eU repeat, ill takeu hv dill-rent Artii-ta m arn us w.iyn, but I have n--r yt had one which pn--entno trueto naturcall the tea turf x a up 'XprcgMi us ol countt-i.anre na this. From ll"'n. K J-v M krh, lute )liitifter to Italy. The ex. piiMte finirli, beauty and Matin- of your pnr- traits cotijoined with lli-dr durability ot color and Nit h-lulnet-N a likfiief.M, ran not fail to coiiiito-nd tbfin to the a u uliua at.d patrunut: of ail who appmiate true i art. From Co!...Tw j Havinz oeia-ion t-r a p'rtr;iit. I procured one from Mr. liidfTl Newell, ol tlte city of I'hiUI.-l phm. a nun a tun in Oil Ptilora. o f'rttf . pnc t-i nr. vr-tl l i and U'rvJ treat pli-it!me in .-xi the n.tii-!.r-Hon UiVen me. not Olllv l the r - iiitrv of tl.e llk ne-. but Us arli.-in tinii-h in M r. .-( 'i ri-ci.uiuten.i b in io the patmtot,'- f tboM' di.-p '' d to etiCi ura- e the Uil.ti ri Mujti Jwr.n I'AUr. LA UK IX t CO., I Mammoth riMiTO;i:.iMi CSam.f.rv, S E. Comer Eih'h and Arch St. Philadelphia, i (...fran c on .',(,-.. ,Vir j VFl'EU many yean exprrtenrc in all the various branches ol the Art. the Tropci eii rs confidently invtic the attention of their I frien-N and the public lo iheir extensive esra- j biishmnt, whirh preenls the opportunity (tr procuring the bes lectures r hma at leat to any f.rt-r!as lial'erv in the 1'ui-ed State. Preparations are cnmpl -te for executing all - the imi roved Ktvl km-wn t the Art. The have a pnt nt arrangement ftr eopyuoj; rreotve.4, ir .tr , UiHrsii) theia Lif-si'-, it de-ired the only one f the kiiol in Huh rountry. Atl..cbed to thir tablihaieiat are tbre eob'tm Arti-t. 1'aoT- t.u.vius, irehotioti fainting, ttf low as $2 Ort do with ti.tin' d. - '-J do i II '. Jit ;5i t. Ktracopicnr.u.i. or - per dnz. l.iT'-f:' I'to f-rph as bw as .and Ivtjrvtypf nt mm. price. Durable Aiubrotypes at i(i cent' and up :nl. A ino-t i ti n-.vt. nForMn"tit f ilt Fram'. eml'c Jn; a -elect an t -h-v-e ranetv of the Ute-t ctylc. 1'ri-i-i s from t'.! c nts ;itil it ward-. -pi i;tl n't'-IMi- p l-tnwc: iij-on I.ifeiTx.d 1'bfifrt nr;ij.iin in O.I. trn-t' n. -i Ir -in email picturt P, ai d trom lift-. I'ri- f in j t "i f.'t'. t.Iti.Jtri -ti rif itiven in the Art rSly niOTOSFiAFHY, .v all ns m:axcm:s 15 VKtTTK in the best & trie known in the art, at C. G. Crane's Gallery, .12 Jnh Strrtt, ;.iif of Sixth, rhUutlcIpTii:.. LIFE SIZE IX OIL AND PASTIL, NTKKiiOiSCOPIC rUKTRAITS, A mhrnti this.- ll'itTiiiTri'iit i.pc Srf Fr'iT.,Pin,lfinr:'!,Ac. mifiyl (KiiOaiisif ac rilsstinpr. T T AVI.(J purchased the richi to use Ron- ; 1 I process for Printing wilh Dry ; Color, for Union Co. 1'a., we are prepared to 1 execute orders for j CARDS, Show-EIIls, fee. j in Hi-it, Grrrn. .''(.r. Jlri im. Silrrr, Itinmiinil,nr tJti culors, in ffoi il siyic, rsat the Office or the siiar & Clirnnicle," Lru-islurs. ! Jrrr, ts.-il Wi.T.I EX i r.iliNEirS. j PKILAD. & REAEIKG RAIL-ROAD. rtr V- -rr.i g-. vi . a . --- Shortest in Distance & Quickest in Time IiETUT.K.N THE TWO CITIKS OF j NtW YUtiK. AMJ HAnnloDunu, tia Rco.llmj, Ath-Htown n.l Lution. foHarr,,. Iffft t,wPfi New Ti Tnrh at A A M ; I'hilndelplna at H A M. ArriTea at It'lna at N A M. Arrivea at llairicburir mt : liift. noon connect inr. at Ilarrishnnr. with tram on Nm tliern Tentral liaiiroad for unbury, IV HlShl IUi, Milton, WiHianii-port, Jeroey shore and Lo a llaten. j V((li Tria irnrr9 yvw York at li, noon, and 1 ..... .. . . i r 11 bnleiptiia at f m, ennerttntr wnn traiu on .or- jijru central KPal lorftations an auove. J 1 "J Iv " n"ri,i,ur- at .1 M. arrlr,. ( ! lk.toll.l.l. at 1 r M. and X-. V..rk mt 5S r M, in j I '" k " rr for B.t n tt. ( Far Frprtt. lift tra.ra llarrinliurr. 1:1.1. r-n arrirat j of Norltirrn Cmlral train arri.ra at I'biladrll hua at U:tj r i, mi x.,.rnin. rh. of rar or ba-itasr, Utwrrn N,w Vork or r..iia.iril.i,i...t n.rri.huri. a-,ir ,', r aJ .trd. rrnCrt. an.l anm-1 mudatioo. thi. riut ircanta auirrior ilidtirroarnU to thr traarliitr pol-lir. .'fllr. in l'..rt. font r.f roortlandt rtrrrt. Ifuladtl- far. brlarrn Nrw vrk anil llarri.l.urr, FIVE IKIU ' - Al - .". Iurla:ket,lrri,l.t,, Western Lots, for sale cheap. JOT 6, bl'lc I42.i-U lot sr.l,fl 1 4 lot S. hrif 40. ..) lot 13, bl'k 91, S 'tl in DAKO I'A CITY, (a County seal and Land j Uliice suri .seorasKit aeriiioiy. i. AI...S !.. in the town of SPEXCER.the ' ,, r i,,.,cr ior (;iav cnuntv. on Ihe line of lhe jul,uclue Railroad, al rach. j iim: ti I .eTPKnnrf. ja2.i.6x aWrufcrlaaaua atibaiuc' Hi""- 3. 'v'i A SUPERLATIVE JTCmC, DIURETIC, To in.-I Mi.rii- ol Si Jtiscj and Pruii)4i.i:i Ar.lkrrw.ri. a. l),UJai.,i,.,(ir ...J aud l'ri.l lnuillira tl'.J. Vr l',M.nnir llrilttftil. ' 11'.., i'ure MuJeira. .V.'T. anil Vnrl Hint. H'..Vjf Pure Jutmueu ana V. mix hum. Pure Srotch unit 1hfi Whi'kry IA, IX 1IOTTKKS, lb'? leave to call the attention of the citizens ol tne V. S. to the above Wist and Li-V'tnin, imported by I ii-iLi'iio Wmit of .Sew Vorl(,whi se name is faoniiar in every part of thti country lor the purity of his celebrated Suiniinn S.hnph. Mr.Wolle, in hi Idler to me, sprakm? ol me purity of his Wines and Kiijuor.-., say s : I will iibike niy reputat.i.n t a mao, my Ktanlinj: as a niirch:iiit of over Ibirt years " rm dno-e iu the i il f New olk. that all lie Hr-i.-Iv -it. I Win- wllieh 1 t.-ille are pur-- a- import. J. aod -d the bct quality, and ran Lt relf'l Upon ly eecv purcbai" r. Every bottie has the J'roprieti rs name on the wax and a lae-smiile ol his signature on the certificate. The pu'.dic are respectfully invited to call and examine lor thatioeive-. For :a!e at K.til by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. UEO.H.ASHTOX, X.:f Market St.,Phil. Sole Aseiit fur Phiiadclphia. Read the following from the X. V. Courier f.tOBMOl S Ul SITiiWa foil oL -M'W lOKW o"" ' are happy to inf..:ui our Mlow "itU-ur. thai there is one place iii our rity wh.-rn tiie pliyr..-i:in. apothecary, bud ct.uutry nierctiant. can jio and purchae pure W men Miid : l. iui.r. is purw an imi orte-l. aiol ot the tn-ft ipiality. , We do not intend to ive an eLil'rntu defrnpf ton of thirt men haute exU-Ui-ltr bilriuecs. allbouuh it will well repay any t.riiitiT or eitieu to umi I'i-oh-iio tVoLrx's extern!.-wart-beit-.., N-e 1 I'l ar-l -1. Bei-r."t.. and i t;,l'.'lid Jl. larkf:ti-td .t. llir.-lo.-kof I band reai'v for d.n no-nt eouid e.,t li.-e been ie.-?. tiian iiU.'Miti en---: the Ut;tud V. MHiie to o o eau f- V Hitiiir' H "t l.;il ti l.5; an I lo.f.iat ca.-ea of ,M;nb ira. tn rry Port Wine, t(h an I Iri-b Whi-kv, Jiuiait-a and ?l CnU Cum, foiii- v.-rv oi niidt-.ual to any in thi.-t.-uii trr. 11 bad ai.-nthnr hime eelnn biie.l wUb llran.iv W ine. Ac., in c.i-k-. under Ci.-tni lloue ( lottlin. Sir. U . il. Miles t.t'S ht.apps l-t .' ainouu ted ti IS'M"i itojten. ati'l we h-j e in lf-s than to eare he n.i-y b-j e.juaiiy nuocte.-fui with ln lirun lira and Wines business merits (lie patroneof every lover of bis ape-i-s. Private Iminil. f w I o w i-b j tire W ;oee an.l I. up in-rs tor ni;ili'-al uf, id.oiil I fund th. ir 'rt'-r lir --t in Mr. Hollr, until every An-itl ary m tie Un i make up t!i ir nitiids to discard th- poi-on-.tin tuff from ih-ir ?l.elT.c, und replace it witb Wuifea pure Wmeaaud Li'iu-iit- We understand Mr. Vo!f f r the accomr-iMittion rf small dfiil'Ts iu the country, puts up f-rt.-d .-at-ei. t.f W men and I.i-jimrs. fut-h a man. itU'l no h :i nietebanl, Fboul l te- susfaiiif il ai'Hin-t bis Mi of tliou-iiul" of p poll -nts in the Coiled ."tale-, w h - II n ihini but tnii t:llilis( ruinou- a!it.e to blMi n In iltll ait t bap) iui-SM. K7om,;j Sold by J. UAKr.K A Vi, Lew;hurs ' tr SI.? (l FOR THE PEF.r.'.ANEMT t:...l feii tt-ii - l' air aio.- t r-i't- - r-v V" : ":?x ; vS'v'N , kl.'.ll Hi I' s"C' the .1 pert- nl. li.II 1 tl.e !, i lu n-" n ci aero li i, r- tn-t-t to r. b- l.t t in an v p c :;cX rKfvV w v v v rs . , i I iv KuJ II l'v. rv -:il 1. ..f A !.,. . I.ii-r i-l 11... llir i. .tl.f'. l-i f t: it- ! ur in . Itr.. r.ii'.' .f I'.i-'all.i all if-- i-.-n-ilii Iv "-o;t t;i.n- at..-v li-tiis; It. Acit i n lit!-. It no.m-i.. mil "triMiiTTh.-' mtT'-!i r.-b.c' i! to i-itern il nor -, tu! et;. brace, unl t n-irr f- ..! 11 !..: i-n. lt .ir. nil i- ui:'. ii-ih rival as a t-npnivimr lr' ri-- or i:'iii.-:ie'tc !.,:c to eery part of the 1 11.'.! b-d a:ol pr..!M.te l- -i. It j rtei nu leiii'tl.y truil to fniinr-f any rn.-O li e j ltt.'f i t r ii I y O'e ,fr-ate.t rctu-.h" of it t'.iy. a it . 1h ii.-:i.-'.il 'I'lnl e- are fully api-.tniit in ei-i.t and :or:y alter t r t 1 . let t!:f itiv.t'it. hcn. no Vmrer d-l-iy. bt.t tlnie tle trill. !:ld the r-; It Will Mlft-ly bJ A. ot t lie in-i-t t:- A'-.o! prettte-t nu pains or mj. it i. . ii! ci. ir.ic r. ilti.-i tl m nr-pare witli ti e ati'l the l-l io.iT.-i :.iN. i. ur- " irt-.J to n-ii.e it wliaf known i. t.1. tv .f tin-lure. It Sy e.t;er -.'t-f nil a.--. ami it t tlie known i mar tm P.k'-n Sy e.'t;e at nil v..-. w :t ii t ' n.-ne t lie I...- p-.wtrt nl n ' iKpt.T'i : e:.-r wh.cli .i th f.'.in ii 1 1 u ai tl.e live" i.f n. t iv in our in i :-' l. Mm nil hTj it, and regard it at a hoti-elit.Ii If. ttearur. Ivteriptire pa rap1., lex jive a to all who apply tw my Wjj un. : $2 PER BOTTLE i; jrvi I n uAi .11 HmS&'A 'J SJjJlA Swf Ry Pi ' .'N8 21 ' ! i V,v.3i-i IQfWViSSXX C(.GITADST.. The above is fur sale at 85 rts. aid $ per brjrr bottle, bv J Eater A Co. Sole Airenu Science still on tho Advance ! ! "ft a WW : CUEGEOaN acd Jlechani- i O cal llcnllial, Ollice ovrrCri-rT? '. ' the Drii Store ojip.ine the Mar A; Chronicle ', and Trlrraph cilices. I.EWI-tBL'Kti. Pa. I Ur.IIL'i'I.A.N is now constructing thf Nr n- -. sectional Itlocli work, baked on Pla'ina base, which for clranlinrss. beauty an t srrn;th ; I has no rqnal also teeih mounted on lh tar- l"U Hars in use and bavin; had a lonr and rornsive praclicr, and brin- perfrnlv sion. ne irris saie in warranting rnure sans- facitmi in all his op.rati.ins. uhicb shall be I carefully and skilfully performed. j Please call and examine specimens. The j superior qualities of the .Non--ecti..nal work I I will be evident to all who will rive it an im- I P"ial eiammalion. Or. Unrlan is Ihe onlv P"sna who constructs this excellent work in i mi, "c.''on nl c,,n,7- --" 1 1 e;iii.i trill nt im. Lewistmre. Ssdi. 2. IS61 1 fC 0 -L?Tti s2 LM ' M-K.N Al -..l-Ef.ll-, tin lb, ly?i- h Yl! J li 0 ''r""'r-w' 11 i-. .e-.-i...r do 'i t-K lZ-K , 7 r, 3 ".---" , .-il v.r..r.wi-...:r,- .1 Ijiickeyc KeaptT & Mower, Manufacture) by sum, WALLS, SHtllXFaaCO..; Central Foundry, Lewisburc, Pa. 11 1 R Uiickeye KVdj er A Mirrrwas ir.tro- dureii lit lft 7, and so prrl'ftlty was n lantt'it Uie wuiu dt-.-iaiHtl ihat at the (ireaif.-t Prartiial F;e li 'J'nal rver hel.J i n cnutitry, in J(y of tbir yar, at y rai:uf, it iriuti:ptiant!y rarritJ dl the (Iran i Iul'l MoJul and Dijiluina! At th - Itidiana State 'I'rial, h!t at I. apt rtr, in H."Kf nearly as mariy tna hiiirs were r-iit-senint an't as ihi-rnjhiy as at cujf, air! the Buckeye v;as again tho Victor! An, 51) alM) a, he ir!v .,i fle.j lrj)ls ail, exhit iMons in '.')'. ami uhen it was a C' tnpeutor. At a number id exhibition it reeeivtd ihe Fir-t Premium a a M r, Firt PieioiUia a- a K-.iper and Firt I'leuicim as a Vm: ttu-.l M jrhitif. These u iimerotis awaidt prove conclusively the corrt cmes of the ('ei;isi..n al hyracu-e. Tne C(iinli:fi d opjttisifrn of ih nianii('.!C turers of Mnwin; ai;d i! ;ip;o at.d iheir eltorts to rrtiih aiol Iti hrji. iiitu i!isie pulr the Iturlvve, (.n)y Mrvrd ti prove i:s tsr.PEKlORH'V"; and the ars they erter tained of its final succe-s arid tiiuniph uere evtilriK es of tlie real wor.h aud u.era of ihe machine. The Machine has now pa ,d throtieh fi.ur harvests, and durin?; the ,.. three over Xine Thousand have been built and sold and :he farmer may j'tdue if ii. repuiahon by the nu-mertni-i awatd- nude by coiniint:e hoih at field trials and at .Siate ami Coumy Exhibi tions as well a" from the rmmemtix drn.aiuK, which the manufacturer have never yet been able lo upp!y. Slifer, VaI!s, Eliricer & Co , Mannlacfurers i f HuMock's Paient M.wrr and Reaper, Hirkee Keaper ! .ver. I ;t r lins's Patent liorse Puwer, W ilNon's Pait-r.t Foil fer (nter, Kirh's Patent Iron Plow, and Mich.zari 1) uh!e Piow ; alof Stoves and Cas tnijs ot ail kinds. CrntniJ Ftiuuthtf ntnf Muhlne STi-n, f"-r-' t'ttry o. 9. 1Sm. L utaH f y Union Ccunty Ofacial Eecord. l',i-I'..t Ji 'l-rS.M -i. UlL-.V .wi-r..wu .T-i'll Ats-ittt J h-i ii- T . Mi; -Uul.uT do do John H ali s, L..-l mj ,(., S!,rrit'- J"i!. Cnj.s-..Bi.vr, do j , l',t't'U'i-iry .""tXtit II.-fJM, .hi j,, V' if If'C tit. K..K MtHfittL, Jo j1( Pirict M'wy-J V. i' i hi h. N.-w V-r'.in d i T,amrtr I! .:hT II Ln: wifiiri; do i.'ontmn-i'-iten Jx - Ph-..--, ,,, l';:!.ll Knif. ft u t! -i t:- nI- to d fi-: li m- k i i V rt;.( I . I ;Himiitt.;r f ; s - Ani Kl w K . Mil . i d f ..f.A.'-.l it ixw. AC BK.VT Ji:?i i.:.'if. A law.! iso utat rill -l launtraii u rn rt lit Jerusalem an i!e S.-creil I'l.ites mi;i:ii:iiim, lul 1ITV- THI-V Al'ir.AHI.1) is ANilK.Sr ll.MK.-. Thr abnvr wiTk ictiinnirn.!r-i nnlielv.-r. aliV imtice nf rlrrsrmru, ami ih,. h..i.n cliirje n Mun.lay-1-h..ul-, liible-ciassc m. I pufilic instilulinns. li l- il'Jlllli I,l,e ,.C, I,,,,; ,.) , s;j fi- , cluri.I ai.. variiisht.1, ami inr iicuiiit li uiiii rui.rrs. It li-i. l-..n i-....trnrt.. I fr"i rV- un-.-. at..l m.! u f. ; )- 1 1 : i, r in. tin wi i. li i: i. ( i. ii- It I., ii... i, i-l th- Hy ana i,I ihu .i.u:i. 1. r t- i in ii.ri-f. K - iir. ii-.. I. i .t iv is a.'1-i.mi.i, ' Il Ii.- il-ll.-r -.t ... i 'iii- ll:.n iai i.;; . :.iy I.. . ,.,1,. to U: ii:o l'l iivtui ini;. il... 1 ira u aiiviiiiti. 1 il . U- T.'it: si !;u M iicn is a V t-. iv I.V: i ..i. Thi lishrJ at ll.e vtry tn rr,cc vi Oik- Jj.'lil, a Il is i!?s;;ne. fur I'arrnu.Trarhrr. an.l all flmarr rnsaard ,.r ,lt,re.It.j ... ...,,,. ou i ra i n i n u uj r.e cc.'ent Faim.'v Vniu It is also A p.-rtj. tlo 'T wit!i tit-.- p. at Mo v arti. u ;iri tin I in it : -I- tl.t v r: yoow pir-oitsi. i. n, h t n - n. an I the ed 1 v il 1 h- the h.. it---, w). i--r.o l t.V -t in iti-r. .. i, ,- -.1 ir- ... iiit..r-t1i,- i,. ' I ir. mil ui.t -t . ,.. !is :, ,., I:-. .1 th- .v.. "1 1 lui-ri .1 .-.-.i: till tin- in : ri. I Hi. iniportitr.t f.-n-b-r. It .iiricti-.-a th 'J P r-.U-i t-:..;..rJ tt o, -ofre.r, .t,trit-r. L-a-nm- t!i- :.t:.-m, . 1 e-p..1(.,!v ,.f a. ruTi, r -m l . :,r.-t. The-,:'., at: I of .-nndav ,-rh-. d i- tbornnuhlv (iu ros. .1.. 1 i.-i I in-- f r an ! tin !!.. ir i- :n.i. Hi- i lir.u. J"-l of Wi-jiion . d n)4 f.r r., '-ioua.t w.,r(h(rt;. lnu,rj, m ii .- i, ifi-j... j. a tf.oic of or -.-.1 i any ah lui- .Ii. . : " V " . ""'J' rt of rell-ri. : n In in t0 n,. -nut urr. bruubt ULjir ivn.i,l,r. ii.e coa jij, tur- , . Chris: : r-'-lB-,y. I.i r-..t ,t r.-ivWm. TV r-ra-tlnn wl.i.-ii.haU lir il, J,r.. l-r..f tl,. nl'jri t th. ruurrr.-inn nf . 1 ' Pr-Pn.-tir. ,1 u, .., ., .v ...; f, ' ..-n.aiTr ri'-.r.t i.; f th- :.l..1li i --..rfr u.rilll.ill, ., nt..,.,.. ,iM. u, a. a pr. miiitn n ti, y A..-tr JfHs.ilMofT-rit til W e thi ' .UTirrh prrmium In .n..n . ... .... Ui the Unrui-, 'ru Br.ui...-ni.,..i , I AITI.IV. " " "Vrto.x :: -7 in-lriii t:,,,,,. Ti.,.. . , , " ,' '"""'. ai.. " ' ' m. i..-t:.t' t ,,'!.," "" - l,.r,:. a..., ,R, ?,i,t.Sll fl,T x-n-sJ,:;;.',;;'':;:;::;.;;-- 'STAK & I'll R OX Ii L E" I'A L DA . rr ,a Jul). .Mill l" u i.-, I. -'' :i ' ' '.' 1- 11 1- 14 I:. I., i: ,. ,.. Krbr. 3i.. '! II 1- l i It l:. ii It. I It. SI .-J ft kW ,' ,'.'7: i i" ii t-1- tti..'.. IT I- !: .I .-. .. .... aiVYlYiT .J.!,!:i!,U:. ' ! v 1" ti l - i a Mar. Mill.. la II n 1 In I -' -.i la it i:.!i.. r HJJ.. .1 I Sin r. " l! 2 t' Sl 'I 1 1 ' i fi tr. js, J:i ' i h !- H i: Iti -Jn'-.".." 1 a! 4! 51 li.'il't;'! llT'ls'lu -j jnor .iti ::i i Drrc t al a! 7 ! 4i 71 s li -! i" ii i-- r: u if. ; 17 is;i..i!-.'.ii-.i;... j -t i. a.ic, , 'I., ii rj i '-ii 1-". II.'17'IS 1-1 .'I...'! . MM 1 M M' I'ot feet ook anil other s,lslC!JC nl in-.t art r..l n l, . .1 . i . l . . . la rss, .-u' -.-, , .. AYER'S OATHARTIO AVC -l l. an4 ii. t ii if , 'rV ,1 ' 1 ",r -.' -t. I ".ttlCC "awww II. .ar r-MlLlVAuHtp f'-y .1... ur ..n-n na-(.irmir t. ?-.Illr. nt -f .e..i., i.l :i, . ..f It.- eil- I.J r..-M iriu t-l-.. l.i.- . i pt;.,. Bi j rl- ttfa ut fb .li -i l . h- ti- ;'"'.! u. i:-ri.i.a b t Ihe Ibil'U III-. v.- uu L.U .u .it.i"l ii ! 1 1 : i Tl. :-rn. I.. re tl... birntejivt ol it - I-. iv lot.. , i .,iu ac ini v. pti; it. IU -t.tii fr-rUl 'I It' Ft. vn?' A- II - .- -I i u I ...i, ulrf.-U bt.ud tlt4 a'H ' ' " '' :. arvi . l d......... A c .4.1 teeajt .d liiu i i. pro I -1 1 1 .1-1 -'mills. !..!.. Aei".- Pi. i ltl-l It- 'Hf Uta I It tli l.l..:iUt u I .1. ;..: ut ir t . 1 lie an. . -.m,!.r..U;r.e-. . 'i .us f tba .1 -H l -If, riifr.1 I l.l :- - -a ttlB :. Far-iii.t K-juX -f tba priu ,o tl illl m. l U '-''".I- r-v t ita ..-i'i f all tint la i iv i,:ii- iuibiH- t ih il I,! pr.v-l pr'- r Iti in Ii- lo - -..I.-S lll-.l C Ul In j..-i n Un -a. ii w 1 ,: I it i ill IU, MtlU alJ ttlt:4 ai.-d li r. Al Mti;;i:iixiB. r l'lib, au.i lit ) !. nm I ' Fbyale. .1,1, A' (hissmt. Fr- r.i th . -.. rre II,. If. Y 'tir I'di -r tiv.:i. ui; :..ld. b-l t-ry . i.iii-h. nbi !i n l. .itlii- l.l of i,. i.f piui-a. Tbair e"t".!Tfc-it i.iitnriif -t c-a. llt- mnt 1:1 i . it ' til d rn Itieir ti .11 i.l, th. nt mvlu-ililw to u.1 iu lua -uily IlvaUnc Tie, SI. I If ! he. Fon I S torn at h fr. d n-yl. U ..t.e. TiT r.f-1. A vrit : I , r voti H-hut eotnrfalT-.ri i- t!i4tt P. vty nil lU u ip . I pl o t L-re:it l-t-it-tuv o.o.v roiit'l iti v-tir I'oi-. .iIlK J u llat in hi.t.iy. -o. P;. "ir t. 15S. -it re;!v cured ..f Il.iTt- l.T .1 d t tW.Jt lioui a J ul at.-uuw.b, I'a. J .r. Tn. f -ur P.!:-. It iu l. I ' i v . l-iii iih .tt le-pet-f. Fn. TT. PRKhLK. l '. ;" 7m rf. Illilottsi f)l.orilt-r - ; ,.( ,. r, t. t om-v i in !''- -I p .i- .hi ;i n -.1 i til I Ii-, ti.- I.i..r nr. lu .i k -i o ti-e pt-lu I- ..' fl " "- r' ' I.J.H. e t;,.ii i... b..f .. ; oi tlij UiJ vaUh .vln.i- ul li.- pi I !':.ri W. Pe : 7 birr tw- u i ... pr;, tn.-.v.; -i U.i v rue t!,.- !. -t .ft ! b.t.n .i Ik ii ii tie- in-r I X.lvrr I'ouiilMlut4. '. .t Xk Iii fry. in n'.it ri.lpr. .) fi. tb. ir pur utl t-rTfCtsU'XHt I 11.- y )...i in mv ptiw i II... i no of k it it cat) I i hi m-l'..n. I in erely i a puri Hie which i Wof : U J.ol Ui" pe..plc. sr or nit I-vTi-!i'a, u i. t.. ;m tt-b, I--. ; ; .'...e J -... ...1 -lid ll.eptf ... .i. i ! imd . AiiU'.l b'--itaie fr -t . ft i in- w.- . io !. I b. ir .--;u-ie- itt-r l- pti k .ti I i-li-l. t (- i .t in.i...1 I- -(.-. ly t..r i.r.oi-.-rw-iiU ; . ii. I In- .- tn-l I -in f- iu.4 a iae ut t s. ii. il. ti.-l 11 .i.-I I I-. !t' i rir-.l t i . .o.-. AI. MI.I.', M. l. Dlari litrN, Iti lax, uruia. Ut-.L . ly tuh ry V "tr P.'t- h .y I... I a ..t in tli V r i an t t -I- I i I ..1- .i:. . I . .IU' hi. lit I I the M Iti.fittrilv of III. RIoaiI. . .:; .i (.. i ..... c. ly it ... in, ' i. r. .;. I. ti Iv ll.r: 1 I. rll r ltlii... I .li. t.-.n al. l oiiv lei. niiii- it : ii . m U in."-. J- V- ill ML.-. j u. t;. MK.v ii.r jr. p. tivfiifm, 'npreinn, t ti, rilauI-IM, UaO i'.-. .1;-. ' .i. .7. fn,i.'a. t 1 t ur PMU t.-r IU- .-lire i.f ,11 ti ;! I '.H uim lU--, Ii. -li-.o'.l j in fcie hi I l .). i 'i'.. wit., -nil- r tr i n -t 4, i mo nti r. i t. t .O.- V. t. I U-Tr. ..... u i r, 1 1.: j . ur I't.ts ...lea ti.4t IC tlr I. ml. -. a . 111 1 .. ly -m i n, I i. -i.i i . j r i T. ... 'I 11 !, ! 1 r-- Il ....... r . t ii.. t:: i-t::- :lv-ti at t?. : ' I ',. . if w- !. ..r.-l -.!-., v-ry I 99 i uts. 71.. V i.- ii..t.- I rta-mtihtad .'. -?.' . nun. 111. s. i ' .if. l.d f r fin- rr-i. I i t. -.t ! ; it n (j- ti .ut I br ti ."il .-n e to Pl 'i.. br-.f .f pL -l.-i.lll. til -f v.Mir . 1 tri-il our r perM-(eina Well. t. r ,t rr p..(i. .'! :irir - Iv . . .til.lul liisv'i-- r... s r-c. t5.V I. xonr Pil,t. of in'l it: i.-Tr-tl ma ; . t SLIL'KLL. c inr-in t-frn'T', n k;!.iil hot U. i -1. a v re fi in tli- .Ir.-Ti!"nl i-'li-e- v i: tn -:iTi;i. it ii-... TIiaa 1 -stibt.r.-tn.r wliMt-vcr. v nt nit ti n-.-r. :.i v it Pri -a, 25 cents rer Eoi, or 5 Eoses for SI. Prepare 1 ry Dr. J. C. ATEH 4, CO . LowcU. Kaia. 1 hv r W Si-h:.:!!e an.) bv Harris Ik. in. I - ll..i:-Ii. N. w ivrlin: shindrl 1 :-r. J 1. Iial anil . N' w t'.iumt:.- t II Hi- ii'. u ; i.i rr.- 1 I:r nfc.rr j- anil dralrrfl HTHEHOLOGT! Vri'IIIiiI's am! rnli riainnc; linle Bui lt, (iii alu'iit .Vi.itriiminy. Miin y, anil oib t r inaiirrs.) i'(.r ihe sinu-rmrni of r7rrybi Jy, (ami ihe yi'iin- fulks, also.) on U-uz ttitiir'r rrrnifrjs, r.iinv ilays, rtc. Prirr. crtiis. W liolta;e, I j Ont. frnl by mail for srvra .1 t-em s'.utij s. r. r s-i'r at the ".Vr.H'r, . ick" oirite. OIUIKX A COKM:LM S. l'ubii.lirr-, l.rait ur. i'a. Wr-.l jump info IU WagoB, and .11 Uk a rUt A I.AUliK, hands and vrt v cont.-i l'l- f If. Ml liavl, ififim - ntir.i up i,,r lhe rsprnal ai-coniin.-ilan. n c: Pic-.Nif and "thr similar excursions. Terms uinlcta'c. Aj p.v to J."-!. M. lil)lt'L. Lrwisl.ur Jut.e ., 1S5'J. Hurseman's Friend, or l'o Uet Companion. KiMv-l'wo Va!ti.-hle I.Vcripfs f, r ihe Faroift and llire l'aVr f r a.f ct) by : J s TAH L, Pnvkhir..!er. I.ewisburj ATTEWTIC1V I TIIIE fin-. cnais rra 'e ro twelve brnr' I nidicr bv JilHN li. .MIIJ.KK. .V 3.1 M. tiie tM.t an. ! 'I ,ii!nr in l.iwihtir? Mif'Oi) t,firi A: Il.mMirti diici a v .'xti:rf:xr r r.t vn y war rriii.isa! rouiitj. Prai'a. T.-:i; VS 2: p r rear. t- rt r,in 11 t if. r and t tb- -ritii- r-iTr 1 ,r li.ii.'i-r .r.-h..rter p-ri d. ltni.--' ft will p,r frfur m. n.l.i. T.'u l.r. r -: m ' I tl'' for ei - tit m.itiii,,.. - t r -ifern moot I 4. il- lP yarn. lor I'-itr .. f ,.n- y-r. flu f..r trn c- 1 me e.r. Af. p'.v..-.' o. A et-. I'a-imi-Tifi bv Biail J""' reeenrel in I-l, f.r-tsKe t impa. or ha nit rob-n at :bctr value litre. Uml I ir..i of I'ro.iuce rrceiveti to p- W h"i tlie tiito- - xplre- fi.t .irb paj er if tnailei), (unL- w l r a r-inmi'LT aet-oinTt it i- r Tt I- AnvrKTi-r:: tiR.u.iifi. iv pUr )i-h- I. at M rt pet w.-ure one we. ft-. J.". ea.-h after inn.-i tion. 'i"l fr ei ai.tith. .'1 tb.!. per year. II .If n nq u , re ct-. I.' ct.. 2 dol. .".ib l. Tw.. -.-ii - re t ;.o. 4 no.N til. .Merrhar.t'. n.-t ov--r one . ur:h of a et,uinn. In dol. p-r y ar. i'th use". A.-. a mux h- nri-e.l U-n. A f.tnae i U'-iiMU'-r niai'e-f type, or lt ot 'nett Nrj-r. A.trii--menf ofa a rrorahiii'ir. ten-Jea?v ift a.lmtttrd. Commnnicatii ni ileir,-l on fopio of ver--ral infet an t a"moan.( h- the wrtr-r real nBre and whlre-a. The M ti.NKTtV Ti' I.Eiil: I'll i- t .ri.i.. tn li e I'fflra nf thr ahir ,r. t itr,.K, v wt j..n w.ft,-u in-rrl iu-i-'itant in at!rancf ..f PbiUd Vait. I'onneetl ii. fl. I tfb ri-ample water lata f' r mot klnda nf JOB PEIK" INii. -b ,1. will re . a -uieitaiih aew!ne." m-1 l-pnt. b an. on r won b'e tr-rma. tial a Iwerti,. m. u'm t. be i-Mhi e r wh- kaw.btl IcJ Woi-lt w'len.fc :i-red. jt'!hil'ifnr'-''''f" Vf t I ' - - -ii.viii..i,)vjl. Jl.ltli