Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 19, 1861, Image 2

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V. I
rriiii;iryEle'tion,S;ii.Aiifr,: '
lrt'sltint Juduc. i
Pnuos r Ji itwi. !i is about lime the
people ol I'lituD county diould be;iii to lock
b kit lor vone suiublc person, pus. n; Miig ihe J
proper l-?;tl ii.!ilLiitn.n. fr the itn rt:nt
if!i.:eol Pre.ident Jude ; mir l'ttuct. V.w.
Iiu itupoitani qi..!iliiati"U arc, 1 -t, l;tin
Writ " bo.-kcd lip" HI the Ifltt ; Z HuSllK'ss
tad in imparui; and executing such linoul
Ciife. Ve kii' "f no in .in hi our di-irirt
picssin;r tltrv ipial iuY;t lions mi eoinpiriely
a G EO. T. Mll.I.EK. Emj., and we honestly
believe il would It (he interest nl I lie lax
pavr ol the !oii:itv to nominate and elect
rum as thir President J ut.if-' at our next elec
tion. VH THR M.
ANSOtlutc JililC.
Fellow Vtu-Mus of lni..n counu ! am a
randi.iat- for r--e!-rijoii to the ofliee of Asn-
r.mlm lii.t-i- .ll.i.-r-l U. Ih v-1 1 , , ... il,
1 niui, r,.i,veni..ii -t Vi ;i I If' n main,
nnd r.et-ted, I will ndeavir t erve with
imi-jrtii'uy and lilr!nv.
Tit the Voters n th- M .t Ati-ii-,T Centle-
TRII : The UPper fill f I 'llM C'MITltv (trtllll
t have on A"ociaTe J'i 1'f. We ihT!ire ;
pr-ipose and recntnmend KO'lJEKT ('.WlMlU (
iNq.. a wan uf inieriiv-wh ut.ull disfhare (
ln duties of vaid ilu e to the exieiit tf his j
abilities. Nnbject to Hie clo ire of primary
eiection. I VVKlt KM I '
M?sr. H littr - The iimi i approachnie 1
mheo we are to make rhice of a person to j
fill the other of Associate IhAs. I know ot ,
ritt one belter ijnlitted for thai position than
he Hon. JAMES MKSHAI I.. of h:tc
IVer. lie served n 111 that capacity one
term, to his credit and to the honor ot the
eionntv. would therefor. cheerfully recom
mend him to the conoid union ot th voter.
Jun-ll. A V tTKK of H KST lit tk AI.'K.
Voters if I'mon c.'iiiity- I "lb r invelt as
candidate f,.r the Oifo e of AssiM-iate Ju l-e
at the com in;; KUction in Oct -ber- subject t-i
the Heaision of a niaj-rnv of the votet p. tiled
at the Republican ctiiveniions on :t-l AntruM
next. Should I be nominated an 1 eiet ieil. I
pledge my!! to discbatce the duties ot iaid
otfice to ih fivnt of my abilities,
JAMh jsilll I.f?.
Please recommend JOHXSOX WAI.I.S of
Tfcwibur: as a treiitlemau lit hnd ctoupt lent
for the station ol Slate Seualur at the coining
election -subject to the choice uf the people
on the 3d of Aujj. WHITE IEEK
Messr r Iitors u hen tue tax-pavers loo
onoti ttie floor oJ the ?:a:e cnaie a:i-t neiioi.i i
rior Than half of them v-un;' men. lawyers
perhaps, who never knew, by hard t"iN, the
worth of money, it is no wonder they vote
away our money by millions. Without anv
Consultation with htm, I veulure to propose a
fnn for our n xt Senator, who, as Commis
sioner, A.etiiMytna.i and sv(.cintc .lud-, n
is well known can y A t extravairanc
rorriiMtom -Col. PHII.IP RCHI., the ,n
popular Karnier ot Hutlaloe rftley.n ho woul !
inke the IVoIe'i tuuiets all his oun.
J' 4, l"t M oOMV.
4St Illlly.
Ti the Voter of l ,i County. I am a j
eandidate for th" Assi-uib"v .ul.jrct to y, ur 1
choice at the Primary Election. :td An. I: i
nomihaled and elected. I w.ll endeavor to dis-!
charge my duty with vigilance and loleiov to j
all concerned. JEssE HEAVER j
riutto T., .t: 11, tsr.i j
For AssrmMv.KlCirP V.R I.IXCOIA Es.j. j
of II artier township ;s heartily recommended, t
Asa Magnate, and twx e elected -mnis-
Miner ol Ciuott eoiiniy. he has rnatittesltd a
erlmc inl:rtiy and business talents of the
frvt .-Her. With a Colle-iale c duration, he i
i a practical, wry-Hay. working fanner. In I
poliuc-.he. ha always sj,. wnh ht honoreii f
fciuma,t-irit-m enniiMT lMiirtMn a w-,- i
ttonshtp lav woni bri nun vara anv iusi
sw. Iei ii, j.iin m H AKMOXV
Mes!ir. Editors: Ihe time i, approaching
when we are to make choice ot a suitatde
person i" represent us m the A-.rmb'v. We
Vno of no one better quahfi d to guard the
true integrity and inttresio I nion coumv
th;n Mr.CHAKEES sliuRM.E V, Le
burg He faa iht rc-pjwite capaemts, aud
wooH a' llirrisbtirg, be a crejit and honor to
the tvtriL-t. We ehecrTu"y recommend him
to the votvr, as a prof er selecion of the Cn
ion convention of An? Mot uiiim
r! Kit bufliloe, Huml-, K-1,ul I- ift-uiy
MfM . Editors Xt having seen any one
proposed for Asetnb'y next October, 1 take
the libenr (without his knwled?) ((I rr,:om
wending Hon. PMEI. VVIPMER o Snyder
county. Judge Wnmer served one Term vciy
acceptably, and his re-iiominaiion would be
atlsflCtov to men of all partu s throughout
the entue Ihitnct. IVa-e present his name.
E. W. CH MRERS, of Eimestone Tp
t respcctlully rectiininend to the people of
this District. as one Member o( the Assembly
ai the next election subject to the decision
of the 3d Aug. East Errri.nB
Mr. Editor Permit ns through your paper
to recommend J ('(l M. Ml I Y Kit. of Kellv
Tp, fnnr anion; the Prnn'a Volunteers at ;
V'shinstnn as a rery suiiable can lidate tor j
K'pre.sentative. Mr. Mover is a se'.l-nia.ie ,
man. and has alwavs takeu an active pan in ;
trie Republican party. JUTfi orm
siioi nr.
Fellow Citizens ! At the request of man
cf mv It iend, I hereby otl, r myrll as a can
mda.e for the nrtice of MierttV- subject to the
decision of the U'-p'ildican convention. Should
1 be uoimna'r l ami elected, I pledge mv honor
te dischar- the d mes of said ollice with cr'
dit t mv-elf and the public in genera).
JC.wBrli.,M27, l"l I IU'S K. ANTKS. I
To the Electors of I'nion county Friends
nd fellow citizens : I oii'-r mrsf'f to your
consideration for the oftic.e ol Sneritl ol I moil
county-subjee. to the choice of the prelum-
J 1 . ..... it
narv tlectton. :l 1 Aitst. Should 1 t.e eiei te i. i
piedee invself to perform Ihe duties of the
t'ifice lo the best ot mv abilities.
K-w berlm. June Is. MK IIAKL KI.K' KNLU
To the Voters of I'mon coumv. I am a
candidate for the unVc of Ml I'Klr'F of tins
roumy. subject lo the selection ol the liepuli
lican I'mon meetins- If nominated and
electtd. I will do mv liest to dischai je the
inies of the ollice woh kindness, tmparuajilv
nd lidelitv. MAIILUX EKEYM.W
Miflllnhurp, June 11, 1M1
To Ihe Voters of I'mon county I re. pert
fjlfy off'T invself as a randidate for SlierilT -tuhject
lo the decision ol the Kepul licau Con
vention ol Ihe 3J of August licit.
D. D. Gt'I.DIN
Messrs. ITditors : As I see the name of one
cf voiir citizens, Klisha S'raub. publised as
candidate foi the otl'u-e of Sherirt. subject
to the Kepubiican nomination ; and ai I leel
satisfied that it will give satisfaction to a Rood
manv voters of Kasi Uullaloe, I would there-l-re
recorumeud him.
M.r tf. a V iTH! OF FAST l:FFFUr.
Fellow t'iliens! I am a candidate for ihe
ctfi-e ol" Sherd! of l ui oi county, (subject to
it vote at the election of :td Aueust') and if
elected will try to serve von acceptably.
Ht S. ! 1 AurtllHAI.il Tito MAs".
Ma. I'm rita : Permit us llito' the columns
of vojr paper to teoinineii 1 A. M. I. A W'sll K
u T.ewisburs as a smtatile candolaie for She
rift". Mr l.awshe is one id 'tie working men of
the panv. and if he should be lived upon as
cir candidate he w.ntki und. iiier.liy Le elec
ted and wiu'ii make a lailhlul Otiirer.
I if Bv reqiest of manv friends, THOMAS
i 1!' K('!!, of llr-.'ev i, wnsrop, will be a
candidate f- r SHKIilFF of Fiiioii coue.tv at
ine coining loection. Silbji-el In the d'-etsion
v,:' the Kcfoitdieau I'nion noiu.nalii'iis. Mav .u
I'llstlll Silrilllll. .1 I.ewi-i.'irr. will be
vi.4.dte br sii KIIIKF .it he coming elec. i
"i. . abji ! to Hie decision id the Rr publican j
nT..Qd'.inj LiiURu. May IS, lsvl. a
the Voters of I'mon Couiilv : Encoura
ged by ihe advice of mam 1, lends, I am
a candidate for the Office id SIIIIKIKE ol the
rtiiintv. subject tn the choice ol the .Nomina
ting El'.-llloli nf the :U f Aun' ncjl.
i.. r. Ai.uiiitiirr
White Deer Tp, May 'i'i. ltl I p i
'I'.- the People of I'mon County. I am a '
caii-ti-l ile lorlhe office ol" Sheriff of tin-' conn- :
lv, subject la the decision of the Ili-publican ,
I'mon nominations no the ild of August nevt. j
Kelly I p, May 21, IS',1. 1. W. KVllVMN.
Fell.nr Citizens I offer myself as a rnioii ;
candidate for the ollice of sheriff, subject in 1
the Cuinn Coiintv Convention. Ill am nonl-
mated ami r leeteil I will discharge the dunes I
..I the ollice faithfully am! with the best ol" my I
anility. Vuurs truly, tr. J- UOHI.A.N'D.
May';!., 101.
I Fellow Citizens I lake this method to olT.T
mvM-h a a ramlhlaic t-r ihr oir.ee ol Sheriff. ;
at the next election Mil.jecl to tho decision
! of ih kP ll 1(30 I 'oil Veil lioll. 1 1 I .11 II fl . till- 1
! mated ami elccte.i. 1
ite.le tn'tf to luilil
the dntie of the oi!ire Jaiihtnl'v and to tin be -t
of mv ability. WKMH.KK K(LAM.
IijtVi!ie ip, June H,
4 itililiiisitiiK r.
Fcll.tw Citizens of I u i u ('otinty. I am a
cau.iid.ite for the ouicrr oi Coui.ty 'oiinni
io:ier. subject to the selection of the p- oj-le
on tfie :id of AukuM and if elected will per
form the duties of (he Oil'ice to the bct ol my
abilnv, an I with Jidelitv.
May i.ri, IHM. iniOKE r'lHK'H.
Messrs. Eilitors Permit me, unhm dji-
paraecincnt to any of the o'her worthv per-
miis nanod,to brine before lh- ptiblic. .llMI.N
M:s:;1 of l.eihur;. Ir the i tl,c: ol
founty I'oinnitssiniipr. His uell-fst;ibii-)h',d
business habits, and general cbaiact-r. is a
Millie nut cuarantee for the tailhtul pcrluiin-!
ance .tf the d'lties of the r,lice.
June :t, IHill. MAXV FIIIEXDS. '
To the Voters tf I'nion C'otititv it is a '
Ion" time mio c our Tottn.-.h:p has ha I ativ .
important county officer, and as we think we
haw as U"ml and deerviiis lax payers as any (
oih'T part, and as the nuporiant olVicr ol
ommisM--ner belnnes t. our tpiaru-r ihi- -year.werceonimenl
as a lellow cit zen every way fit and u. ithv
of that ofhre. and we a-k ! t elect ium it
nominated tn the :U Aug. East lo tial"k. '
Messrs E'litors Permit us to recommend
JEssK M. WALTER ol Dry Valley as a mar j
nitncnily qualified for 1'outiU Commissioner. ;
Mr.W. is a man of strict inte-jriiy.an excellent
business man. aud ol the right "stripe For
the noble vote eiven by I'nion towiish.p last
om. in u ic v n...... . ...
person ot her wotihy suti, J. M. alter.
Voters and Fe!b w Citizens of Cnton Conn-
iy: I otf-T myself as a candidate lor County
a Cotuint.sioner, tor re-election, (subject to the j
Kepubiican Cimvention.) If you nominate j
it and elect me, I shall tiy to attend to the oilicc J
r j with credit to myself and Joiisiiiioni.
i. ! K-liv XV. M .v 21. v.i. ,i.Mi t'l;o-. j
J'n;isut tr. j
J the Voters of I'nion county. ? d Ant;. - I '.
rn t fi.t ! f v ii Ion it iii v ii rime lor 7 miwirt rot
. ....,., a...i .f sncxesslul will be thanklul
Ut you and Uilhiui to the mi-t. :
r i- !
10 tllC OiCY? Oi I 1)1011 I Ollllty. j
The undersigned will be a candidate for
CtM X I V TREAsCRER at the cniin Elec-
tmn, u! ieel l the Republican I'm n Con-
vcntiuti. May U PETER IK Rsli
Iiiil'p(klltlrtlt a2II)Ul:il'M.
i iHERlKF- To the Electors vf I'nion rotin-
ty . Al tiC rf(j.-.S of many friends. I otb r
UiS .t as a candidate for ihe othce f shi nil.
si,.i;H I be loriuuate enough in be beted. I
pide inysflf to perform tlo duueaof ihe oihce
w,t, prmn pt lies-, atiii naemy
li-! uiz, Juuf 2-, lsiil ( . p. I OX. I
To the Independent Voters ol I'mon conn- j
ty ; At the olicilatiuii of a number of mv j
tnends. irrespective of panv. I oiler mvseh 1
as an'tY "irrn Cumttdtitr for the ollice oi '
Mieriil of I'nicn county; promising, n elect- j
i d. to discharge the dunes of the odiee iaiih
tullv. and to the best of my ability.
Lwihurir. June tl. tst l. CIIAHI.Ks K. IIE?S. I
Practical Proofs !
lnr V.i.ti.v, ISi'it Vh.)
June 2.r. j
MHSSKS. Ja's R. Marsh A Co. 1 tried vttr
nnliin-tl .'uiimj: "V Muring Muehiiit I"- i
dav in my grass, ami am willtn- to cue the
use of my experience and opinions nt ihe
same to any one. I think it as rood a Mowing-
Machine as I have seen, and do not think .
by your Srlf.Ilaktni; Mlaehintnl it is made j
any the less perfect in (jra. than those ma le
nu purpose for mowing. The idea ol the wheel
runniii!; off the mow n arass is a very import-
ant one, and I wouldn't like to u one with f
ihe wheel runnin;: on ihe liav. I'- will n;l i
choke, it doesn't get out of order, and I cive j
you the foilowma nam's ol some of my neili- j
bors wild will elieerlully allow me to inform j
ion tliev can lor these and other coin! innwit,"
merils rcci'iiiuiend your Machine as a superior :
one. (sipned) SAMI'IJ. MOY EIJ.
j--- e iut uud,rM:ned fully endorse the
i:yi;ic, j.
J. VAN liOKIlihT.
DAVID l!i:iTLi:iA
Kii.it Tr, Hi it.ii.oF. Valli.t, )
I nion Co. r.i.Juiie SI, l-'il.
K the undersigned havins tried or seen
tried the Hall Ohio Mom r, and also the
keve. cheerlullv testMy ihat the mhmd
Aui'im ihc liuiprr A M unr made by J A .1 is.
MAKS1I .V i. has to-day, on the farm of,
Jacob Stolizfin, done betiei work, cut wider. !
and a liuie closer .,. a.. . " b"
..r. ri iKii't' i' lor Mowin".
i .L . .1 ... .1 ,l n ..
"I" .
-II lils. I I N M I I.SFIS,
t HI!sT. KIMJ,
J COIl S I Ol.TZ. I .
Uraiii Tr, l.iinMis-e. Cn.. Pa., '
June r:, ll. l !
ft'., the undersigned, havin to-lav wit
nessed on the (arm ol I hompson how- :
rr ihe trial of the lluekeve Mowing Machine, ;
the Yankee Kirbv Mower, and the Wlnienark.
in cnnipetition woh the Antnmntir lirajnr A,
lolirr. mailt lit .Aw. .V Mirsi .. cheerful.
ly testify, that the llunsey with J. M. Marsh's j
Patent sell rake attached, worked lully as well
and done in every respect as good mowing a
any uiacUme in Ihe held. j
(;.' Poll'l Ell,
til'O. ELSE. I
J I'lniliKMII'CU,
I lil.MI liEED,
(and many others.)
Fui-!tii Finn, (near Lew- )
lsbursAJune ft, ISM. S
1)riN"'i present at the cuitins ot sreen live !
) d largest zrowih, we cheerfully express
our entire satisfaction wilh the tip'Tatioii ot
J 'S S. MAIisll'.s Patent .lulnmulir li.ihl'..
an.! think ihe cuiiins and rakinsol live which
is to-dav done by this machine a triumph in
ihe art ol labor-savins. Some stalks, measit- ;
red, were from " l-et lo 7 feet 1 1 inches high, j
We can.lidlv believe this machine to be of i
the most perfect and practical kind, and very
willingly Cive any h. matt wish it the u-c ,
ol our experience in having seen the most
.bliic;ilt work done iii a way aerep'ahle to the !
nio.l rarlicul ar larilllT. JOHN Ol Mil.
JMI .V lilhUV,
(and u,any u'.htr; )
Fair Trial!
Kun Tp, June 25, IUM
I ha.l in use on my lariu yesierdav an Im
proved Hussev inaiiufaeiuieti 1,-,- J s. Marsh ,V
tio, and a lll-CKEYE Reaper iii.inulaciured
by .sier, W'alh, Siriii'r 4 C'. Alter living
both R-apers aliernalt ly. I am convinced that
the lluckeie runs Hie lightest. cuts the easiest,
is the handiest machine to take about a farm
and appeal s lo be the strongest, most durable
machine and less liabiliiy lo gel out of order.
J i oil rlol.T7.l-I S.
I was tint present when the i-,-ee mowed
and did not say ilia1 the llnssey with Marsh's
uuurovcuieiil made beiier woik than Hurkeye.
riiiiisTi.vx in l.in i
We the undersigned witnessed the trial
above relerrrd lo, (iicing die same as pub
lished bv Jas. s. Marsh A t'o.1 and certily
that in our opinion the above is a fair repre
sentation of tire real meaiis of the r-specttve
machines. :'. sw viir.i.KM.t::,
Th's is lo certifv ihat I tried the Pall ami
the llus.ev wilh all Marsh's Improvements,
vol 'be lluekeve on mv farm to dav. and like
the 111 t.'KEYE Ihe best in grass. Il cms wi-1
der than the Hail in grass. j
Jul, 1. is... SIMKilN STOI.T71TS. I
I.N pursuance of an order li oiu the Oi pbaus'
t'oiirt of I no'ii rounly at May Term lM,
in the matter of the Estate id l.iwis Pii.mi r.
deceased there will b" exposed to Public
Sale.at the Iluilalo House kepi by D Dliuldui
in Ihe borough of l.cwishiirg'ou
Siitunhiy, July 'J:l, IM'.I, I
the following described Real Estate, viz that
e-A certain llol'sE AND I.OT situate in
Lxi l.ewisbuig. Fnloii t'o., !a., on the west t
si le of Sr-cond sliet'l in said borough 'south
of Market.) adjoining lots ,1" John Miller on
the south, Mrs. Il-nti'-t on the north. Second
street on the east, and Apple 'l iee alley on
the west, containing lortv b et in front none ;
or less, whereon is erected an excellent Two
Storey Frame DW El. 1.1 NO Hoi sli.wuh the ;
usual appui reliances, A e. !
Al.o at the same lime an-! place THREE :
eei-ta:n I.OTS ot Oround simaie in the horo'
aforesaid on llie west sole ol Second street,
north ol Markel, adjoining lot ol Oeor-e H.d
stein on the south, lla. i alley on Ihe west.
Mis. Verse on the n-ulh, and Second strict on
ihe north. i
O ic Lot is without improvements.
Oil the two other I. "Is are feTj-n--.
erected an OFFICE, a DK Y "''- j
Hoi'sE. and a Mfillll rin-rti
llillg oli!l with the latest irw.-:
improved Machinery and an Engine e-jtial to
any in this section id" counlry. all in complete
running older, and with a good tun ol irade.
Conditions to be made known on the day
of sale at I o'clock. P M
JOHN A. MER I Z, A lm.de. lio. noli ,
i ; nr. .'tt if 17. lv''l
OF lool S
IKY Ml inSBtMtl.l V IIKOS. '-
OXVINi; to the seiirral d-pressi.fi ot the 1
linn s, hc h;ive Concluded to cloe otn
our business, for the present.
We oiler our enii-e sii-li of merchandie, ,
either ulubsale tr ril;ul,at
Fei.I.IN'i; f'I'K AT Cost !
f-U.I.IX'; IH'K AT Cht!
.kli.im; I'l I' AT Cost !
Ski.i.in"; ui k a r I'usi !
T" lite r.ADIEs wr oiler a huge assi.riiii'-tit
of lltl:SS 4.00IS. Silks. Shauls, Mus.
Iins, Oiughams. I.--- o---i -
raiasols. Flannels, Hosiery. I. loye.s, Ac.
Former s.l 'arpenter.s.lllaeUsinilhs, I 'an 1.1,0'
Makers, shoemakers. Sad. Hi 1 s, ,v.e , will I'm. I
a large variety ofl.ood, a-!a tee 'otlo ir warn-.
Ilill'lllH it If, I.I ll it'S,
lt .uoIk, (iiiriisnair,
Iron, SsiH. S.f. Sr.
NOW IS THE TIME lor evervl.i.dy t" sup
ply llieniselvcs al pi 11 is lail' h below al! com
petition. CHEAP: CHEAP! CHEAP!
(Vine one and all and see our o.ds an.!
Prices. We w ill roiitinii'-1 tjUe all kinds ot
r.'i.l.V an! M I 'A .'77A'.' m e-rbaic lor
tii.t'ils. I.ewisburg, May !, Itl
All persons indebted I" ns ate requested to
call and se'tle ,s ooii as possible. We have
debts to pay, and to meet ilietn must make
collections. ' t'H AMHKI;l,l. IW!s.
(-it HlH'itU'irs I'ui nisliiii More,
nJI JlarfnA SV. t Just afnne tfo: Uau:t
M;wisi;Lii;, pa.
The subscriber has removeil inlo the new
fried and commodious SfTrom o l'h mas
Ii ber,w In ie he ha j ; t received a iare and
well selected slock of
Cloths, Casiiueres. Silks, Sinn-, Drawers, Ac.
I also CI T AN D M AKE To ORDER in llie
best style and most rea. enable 11 mis. Il.'ing
a practical Tad'T, and einj'loymg the best
woiknien, I can cnnfidenilv inviie Voih ',
and S ir fu--tmurrs d 1 n't forget llie Siu
The lied Door !
May 2, isfil J II IIEAI.E
ri'Hi: undiisigncd ha. nnporinl I II.1111-
Inn a. in (i.riiianv. iheOOl.DEN SI'A.N
t.l.l'.ll'.r PHEASAN T FOU L. These being
liie liaiid.-otnest lowls known to exist, also
ihe most pr.1 ilic layeis extant, in sequence
of which lhey are popularly known as the
'everlasting layer." They keep fat on about
one-lhird of the Iced id the ordinary fowl.
The eggs are of a peculiarly sweel flavor.
The eggs of these fowls can be had of the
undersigned at his residence, or ran be or
dered at this ollice. A. S. KLIMi.
Jliiilinburg. May I, 1111 am.
IVulral Foundry and Jlacliiiie 5.1ii
Mlfer. Balls. Mirinrr a t.
ri-ipi.iM.iii iilacturers of lliillork's Iron
iliM.t Mower and Reaper, larling'
'f. Ar-'etts Emlless Chain Horse Power
vv , von s 1 ,- eerao 1 r 1 -nier 111
l.icln - Iron Plows." itherow sfii siih
pening Plow, and Michigan Double Plow.
Also, Siuves and Casungs ol every descrip
ion. ,
All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
oil hand for sale.
Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron
and Brass done in order.
Country produce taken in exchange.
l.ir r.r Siith A Market ... IcHlshurg. Pa.
Sugars ! Susjars !
l IIIII.S. of the best Hrnwn !
157-3 VI and nne Sugars .
I .'igrlU-) Wholesale and Retail,
iaCaaS-at reduced prices. IV CAE!.
AND SEE prices and quality of Sugar. .17
CUlLVa Itl.nCK, lower Market St.
I.ewisbttrg, June 21
4 tiokm:v at i,o,
H'.r- fem m Isslfiner At lleids t -r lu- stt t 11.1.1
os .,,1,1 1 Al.lfolisl V-ulii"rn.. o a.lniiio-n r
o,'l... -ii'l tal." I','i'-lll"ii IO..I Itl Ui :t- I- I i."l m
, 'Il . r '-I .! ' M,l.s. .i.'l .il. 1" l.lo- It.. .. till, w ;
) 1 m, r.t or rr-et ol inr Is.l or oth.r it,- tr.jni, ..1 luU
mvl in wtlj.1 vi tAl d tuui. ,VJ. v i, itl.1 I
it 1 - . ' o 1 .1
.v. il' .-oo'.v.'
AMI' o'oois-
. .. '";'
Ai. II VtKHisr
riK ?ritin An sr.vvrni
tnu o'7.7w; .1 ri si vvim
oi,- M.-.V; i w si ii..'r
tVti M KISH I f si MMMtt
r.xt.i AM .sf .'
-.! . J AC .sf .'
.1;.;. .i.v; n
t.lil M .s '
hKf.VKK. iiriiPE t r.t
M, h 111 1:. v n . .1 1
A li ILli, ATI LI l.i: .1 "I
A 1.7. ...-, Ml LI UK J i n
Iwi.t.nre. Ar-ril 2. IS'd.
OLD F.stnlilislii'd I riiLC Sinn1.
nin.r mii 0:1. li.hisi:i i:n. i'
The undersigned re-pecllnliv III
till Iheir lilends and Ihe ptil-lic
kfryj generally Ihat tin y have pun ha -e l
the Drug and Chemical Mole l.ii. iv
on ne. 1 by F.S.C AI.DU El. I. .am! have , n hand
a tai ge assortment i an. I consianity leceivu.g
llfsll supplies) ol c:lictu!!y seleclc.l
iLljLl!io,, ji,ji,jjvlH-i
Cheninals. Oils. I'a"il-A aiinsb.-s. Dye S,ul'.,
Window (il.iss, :t iislo s. Ci nil's, m rv.
F.ltirv Allllbs. Sp.ces, IV 1 1 inner y , A c. the
r:tl-lll "tlftlM illt'S i f III'' day- -Fine,
Coal and Fluid I. amps. Lamp Olobe. Fii-h
Pine Oil. Coal Oil and Hurtling Fluid n'w.ns
on hand I I Ull ItA.N 1A) .t,'l o;.s
lor Medicinal purposes. Also llie best Ha
1 anna and Principe si 'OA liS.wnh a coii.plete
assorin.eiii ol s.N I FF and Chew mg and Snio
t,ini tiiiiah-o.
In li"rt. iii arli-l.-- n-imlli k- :'l an . -Is! ' I' ' t l
, f It,.- t.oi.1 1. lo U- (.una .1 -'ir M..r, .in.! -.li. i- I L i
Ki!- at liir 1 ri"-".
I li-V .1.1-1 f. UllV n-k uttentl' 11 ' t I II V.-ll l V .s
t-Iti-ir ,l.,t.li..t to. wl.'-r-- II.. .V - I--sun i. I .'l.
l-'ir,-. !i".h .id r--li arli. l. h .! r. J....I...M. . ...-lT.-..t
.CI1..1.S r:,ti-tull ,'"in(...iii.,... '""I I "' "1 "l'
,l...ii, i, .1011 n n w:i;is.
I, i,l.,ir.-. S.ft g'-. 1S"I M. I'. I'l M .
1 ' II.I.IAM MtMilii: respee.tnl r
f IV aiillotllMes lo a!l Mbo ijly
want liik or t;Ul ihat lii-Jj
Milk aou has resiiiiietl n-aunu.ii r. nioi -.
on wcek-ti.iv iii'Tiniis and .v.nin da t x ninvs.
vh'ii li' will be filad lo Itiihisii lloiiiuiib
Milk or Ciearu n n!ai I v. or in Mia juanti
lies f.-r speeia! occa ioii-- when tie ne.!.
Thai. kin! tor lorun r patioiiae, he hopes to
be Mistaiie t in the nintei iaK m-j am. 'lo r s(
mui. I IIO-s. J. 'i'K, A-.:i nt.
l.ewisbui, Man h 1, 1M.I.
Latest Telegraphic Wews to-day
IS itoihin. The exciiemciii is ,i bi-li ih;ii
the wires can't can v the new- ihn.l.
ihe luave l.ewisbtiiu tents ran lih: '-',' in
particular tho--e uh bought ilo-n eb ilmi
cheap at the t.'tri-ftr 7oo' t'ht'iwz MH.
II let my ftvl. ! l.r:tL- l-nt nil .to I s-.-t i v..n;
Hi-, ill. I mit to. Ill .11 ! 11 f.-tO " i It li V -. I
t H !inv Iti.t').
Hi O-l. hit.- dll.l Kill- . jl-l .1. I - 1l.il
ll.llll itU . ( .. I T . !.- .. . ,nL'.H ,!
. .-a l .i - :. ..i, I is I .. it. In. i
Hi- S'-.r.- -I
l'..i'l- ...i'l V
tr out .. ii
il nt.. a. .. ai ii.. :.i-t (.ri. -. i-
tint.- t un .-iirm. T.t M l-l: r i o;o i; 1....
iM tn w tr li jii.I K" 'i l' if '
in - ii . i;. iiwvi i:m,
liiru-. A i I JJ. I- l
rUIT ITil'T DUTl l '
e GOODS i!
Il Panic I'l j. es, ;it
I'KAS. M. mncj
hviinr ii:i:i: m,s.
Untun Cotinfy, T i
Tlic Yiv coiil i lines !
FIMIH iiibscriber will e Mies, Tools
A c
f cheaper iban wete
cli- M I in l.t A r.-
bitr. This stau ineni mt ) -b n i ; r to
hoax anv one at all tl is o-hi to rbe b.n l
iiiiio nii'l Uiiiil d! iiioio v. Ilavinc lam in a
l;irt:e slock, the money mul come out ol ilo'iu
at some prices.
lis kliH.ti 4 itlt-klU tel'U
llO liititlTh
iti Walkins Mir.., ynU ut UatLvr
ilo Cii'sAiii
iln K iii itn
J i
1 .'-I
1 ...
I i
l.s-lb-et K.j. P.- ti
li, ,..il.-r. I.e. . -..n7re.-.
,! I1..U. r-. s, r lu', I arliiin I'l 1
.1.. Sl'i pets. hid M 1".
p..v- K, J 1 ...i
sli K'. ' J I "
I i.il.to-ii. VTi-..'.. .te. '.., ;.,
IT.' I..' ). I '.. 1 1 lu. II....I. ni. I.-to ,,r t.T at to rl t.i'i..'. ct
tie- ry tw-.t niHl'Ti;.!. l.-r j.. .-1- h in I..O..I.
Woikol all kind- wi'lbegot up at .lion
tiolice, and w iri.iiii. d n. giv -.it! ;.o-io ii. Ii
lllis i:. not low en oi'-h a pere'-nl.ige niil b-d'-dncled.
Doiiol mistake tl.t pl.ice the NEW
S I'l i HE Rl II IM. on Malki .-s.ii.,ie,n. ,,i U.il.. I
A- Wolte's, l.etilsburg.
liy order ol llie pariiesconrerned :
April g:l, isfil
N(TicE-i.vnt!.'n.en ! i
1ITIZM.NS ol r.civi-dur; and vicinity re
resnectlu'ly informed thai the subcuber
has boij'hi out the interest ol I.. IliNr.s in
the business ol finrtn ami Jfur t 'i.".-'.aiid
continue- t In- name t I in "I'l . tati-t ' :t-' .i" tit . : s, "I. m
Aiilliiolis .!ii k. It.tw.-.n (' IV ii in toil .1 1 1. . it : lil n"- -l.,Tf
l'tli' t mt' litii ii t- .isn-s- In- I. .'I..-- I" Ct"
fntisf iriiun n I u Im nmy t.to-r Ium v ith tb- 11 ,ilo-ii-:!
it all tinii-f vr'l Miii-t:i
To nit lio tnrrv Ihtc ti!I lln-ir Vir-N irr"w long
T" L'i t U-Mlit shit--. U' I .1- f ait., r HIT ;- Uf.
.tilMt e:tll on I'lLl IS ill lil- r;illi, I-li" tri": ii.i v.-oi n-"n,
T-.rls i-I.-iiii. r;i,.or slurp ;iikI f-i..iis k. .n.
A.ril l' l A. W. Ml. I IN. t nf I
PICTURES-A house can not be a-d
tit be well luruishrd without some well
selected Pic lures. This waul can innv bv
supplied at t'.iUn.EU'S
FAMILY J K()(' 1 K Y
Provision SI ore,
on Market street, between :fi anJ 1th.. ,
Call asd fc-.cnsKV Yofksei.ves,
sl"R STOI'K is large and well select.-d-
l embracing evervihing ally kept in a
first-class OliOCEIiY g'l'oiSE -tiicluditig an :
assortment of !
( 1 1 ' F. KXS VA RR, II A 1? 0 -AV A II I-.
CKUAi: ainf w ji.i.ou -u ai;i
TU. ti. tVAX.-l Vt.llKUT S. t'Ov
l...wii'.u,i, Vlar. li is. I...
'piIAT valuable lll'lfk liiril property
I siiuate t-i llui.-aloe township, adjoining
lauds of J. it-ib Derr and William Caiii'ion,
M nil ovcrvdiMig complete lor the m.iuiifa'-itiie
,.l ltrakeVc. Ms., lil .'At; .Ills. Terms
Easy. Apply to
or I,m Il' i'.
.l.'ll I' Vl '; I K. I .!'.! io.
j 1. ' AMUiuN J. Um.'.ui.
. 1 I . i I k tl
Illipoi i.iim, ki
Hursh & Goodman, l. u hlmiy.
soi in" and sui er lio. iis. The p.iiio ui.n
alleiilloll ol Ihf Ladies is called U ihell slock
ol Hi ilh.inls
Dress Silks Punts
lelaines shawls
Fig l'r. Merinos Collars
Dneals Sleivcs
liinghams Inseriings
Foulards Edgings
Chintes Cloves.Ac
ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassuneres
Jeans, Tweeds, Vesluigs, Muslins, Drill
ings, Tickings, Mannels, Hoots aud
v Shoes, Hals ami Caps., j
logeile r with a complete assoitmeiit of
(inucrifs, llai'lvviiif,
Ijiu cnsw are, Ac.
all of uhich will be disposed "I on as lavora-
Lie li mis n. ihe same ailieles can be plircll-
a-e.l anywhere. ,ir tis a rail .' i
1 1 n j: l.NSl U AM 1
I'.o. t.,1. ncrlv 'lline If.ilU- ns ..I Llol!..is
riMIF. old l.vcoiuii 'g Com, iy Miinial Ius.ur-
I aio-t I olii I'.lt.y, at Munev, so well known
tol lis pel in , (to-nl e-lal-li-tiuielil aiol pi' inpi
p.iViioi'l oi all loss,--, continues lo itistiie
pr- per-y salely on the most r. asonabte term-,
ti.-l insured, in ihe best and sult-sl colnl'any.
blloie Jo II blllll out. j
IT. il'i t JA'IKS It WHIN.
Tl.:oiirer I' s V VI. I. Is. 1
!.,.-re,r .Ill-Ill V li.lWM.tM.
SOLOMON lil IT'l'.K, regular acting Agent
lor I lilon counly. I.ewisl nig, Aprl 1.1, I'l' l
.HHiShoiiiirr I'ii!iiidis isi;i.
r . s.. t
asl tavor.
i U4 would si-,i.- thai h
le-. 41 IK cived Spin.g A
pi i ng A siimiii'-r ;
l a li on-, and is pp pa-cd io ;
13 CI T, M AKE.an l liEI'Alli
II I I ii 1 g.ii no iii - as usual, lieu ill
' '21 endeavor, as heretofore, h.
iL' i... ,.,,.ii..
Lew I lung, pli ll.l
IJoots& Shoes !Rl
11 1! ii m b-ritoied wi-do's, to inform the in
b li'ii.in' - t Li'Wisbtii'.' attd vieiiiiiv li, i
iii - i iito-l nvl looi in lr.
l b inKhi! l.-r ihe encotiia-jeno nl he ha re
ecu !. If re peeCnllv' s,,irit- a continuance
. ill- il f ;;!.of:.:'-. He onlv deems l lo-c- --.0
v. with u: l.oal ii'. to invite ih" pul-be 1-.
rail an-! Xiiin me his stueU ; h is on n mak o
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters aud Children's
(. i..r piMi-hasHi' e'- W b' l e. as be is Milt- h"
. .in In - ot h in.ii.e a - bV as sittnC o lh '-e
'..;ist'-is r.in -.i ! :b- tr eif' m.ie.
IT -Hi- "torli coini-ii es vrv varteiv
,'! .(..,. t I. .-. !....(. I
min i"' il -o-l tin
...... r- 1U.- U ..-w T-'-io ;
lu I'l.
p. . i ti s-1-sii. Jttii 'i u;i:.
Post Ollice Uiisiness.
M MKll Ti: seMb niMilol Posi I Mbce ae-i
oimis ui'h the uu i-'i sii'itel iv dired. ,
il w. i lifiv.Ki;. p.
V(ill I", lsi.l
I N. B.
a nare tnfinrp rur a ria iu a.
Small Capital.
r 1 1 1 IT ei.liie sto, k "t Ooods. renslsunc ol
Hook-. S ai om ry. .1. v. Irv, Pn line
I'l.i".. .. :no! a o.'iieial yati-ty "I Noii.-ii-. i.
oil. red l.-r sale.
A p()l"'.'i! hoi urn I I"- made soon. Ooods
11 - A -.-olil .It t'lllieid pr s. , ' H on l,e
, j... .i. II U'. t m t'.i-.h.
I. ... I ... V! Ill 1". 1- t
FH.ST in Hie Market!
; Nnv i h ts at Tin: Ot.p tani
IM !IH.I.I.R s II i-milOIH.
MlM siib-cnbefs, have pit rtreive,!, and
are now opening a bnge and well y.'l't;-
led stori, .
etltbl ai-in-.' all 'he varieties. Usually louild in
'- tor.'-, w hich ilu y will si II
t--l flillH r lllitil Altlhn,h
Call ai. ! see f.-r specimens ,.f o Is am! par
ticular! v ot pines. IHiOW.N i. Hlil).
I.. i ! ..r-. Acril s. l-.l.
1 I . I I- I S a large an. I choice vari-
I J i-H', liotn :'.! cts. iipit-r.ls. lor sale bv
April IO. '"U IlliOW N .Ni liliO.
'"'IflV-.--1 f &
,i n
Cs -sj'-1 '" c' i. f;tnaiarinriT i
;f;'p'i iianiM, r.ri.l-
M;tnatartiirer of
-'Sfc'. ,! ciiiiiiniiii iiml tin'
n-.-. irttlil llnl.sl. (ill I l:s...i. no .-li.. liuiiin.li'
li. .I.r in
Ti'.lhl .'liiv i'ii's'1' 'llilijis iiii? Hl'ij) ..ilflN'--5,
Ill I I tl t i;il:'.s. l',lhl.Ts. MUI.II KI LLS.
r;i!iivS;iiil!i'rv, Harness IIarilMire,&e.
Tin' .ai-riiier. i.avi,,,. r;;,-ri.-,i .
1 .I-,... r.r . .-r.il fiirMiii. I irame.1 r riitn'i.-n
1. i lit .kti.rf as . .1 M ini. .. Jo', a- any .--l.,l li-l i.l in
till- l-.lou "N't II I '.' " ' '"'IV Vr'.iiltiiral s. ...
-a..r'1-.l '.'. '. '.Vst..,,.t,,.-le, ..!,-
vo. tn 1 y s 1 1 1 j . m . u;. r.r.'r hi' jniiltilf l"T t;i-.r !
ih. tut i. ii- ,.vi..i.- ..'i .-1. r .-i. i-mi ;.-k tin it .-.-nti-
i ,11 .;.n- i.;..-.it t.i- M IV TM. i
1 1 ill . r ii ! I'V iim- i of tt.f rv I-'"!. tiinn-il n
tit- i M .ii.i. I uli l.i't Or cirf. I -tii.liv tli" t"-!
U oi klh II ..t.T - . tnv ov II I.U.-lll-t-t - lili'l M lit t "lllitl III
nn.i,. . ,,t :,;.t,i!:,'-l.-li,.,i. M -t.i,i1.( V..r' nrr
nil. !. ai' t il t'"' r- po s.-n'- -I ! re-tnrm l .-r
. . I. .in.-. ! i .ill oi I mi', sr-1 il I it" n-t to i
it. 1 1 !i .1 .. ui u.i-ut v I ill ui'l iii-iu .--k ti.r jeur ;
,.,o.,,:.,. '
Ki:i'AII.IN(. ii'oiti.tly ntD-ii'loil to.!
tn.i IIK VO i . , r VSII er lil.AlU I'AV in ru..st kind-
iii. Aj.nl I. ls .t.
Sit t V KI.Y.
IXIIE sub-enber having removed his
to the s. i;. corner ol Fourth and Market sis.,
pale Miss Kodeiibaugli ssland)will keepcoil- j
j stantlv on hand a good assortment of
.i'. ,i:,I,s","!S ,,00,,
ihlin' i 'in Hums,
Hags and all kinds nf Counlry Produce
taken in exchange for lioods.
Doing business exclusively on the liE AD V .
P A V sVS I'EM. we are enabled lo sell on llie
. '
lowest terms. 11. I.. M MA HON.
,-l.ur. A,.ril 4, Is-. I.
William Jones,
TTi)RM:Y at Law. CoIIi'ilions
j i promptly ait' nded to. OHice'o M.irkel
street, opt o.ue the Pieshvicrian chinch.
...ui LKHxtn lii;.I'A.
il. ;i:isii HIT, 'A.N 1 1ST,
b.ss reniovcd tn South :t.l street. four
i! .ur' loin tiie Town Clock, LEW.
:A $35 Iron City College Scholarship
tK a!" ,il the t-tar V t 'hrvttuit UlUe,
Acoit t; iii.own. h..u.g ass,, r,
I ted in leedirigihe biiory ol l.rw 'lj
isbuiE and vinniiy. I.r lieaily llnci yiaij
Betf. Pork, Veal, &c,
w, retnni Ills
rate 1 1 1 1 rha i.l. - to In . ii'line
rous ru . loii. er-. b
lh.-irN;.i!i. loir-- ;.i d all
-nds lo eoi.iinue lb'- l.u- i
III llo- M at Mill kel House,
and Liaker V Co.'s lling
nuiiices ibal be mi
ness as liereli
between Scluill.
Si. re-., M.tisct
nu. I Saturdays,
il.lic pair, .nave re.
CASH is llie
.e,-lliil!v soiiriic'l. aiol sai' -i. O IO 'II llisilliri
March 1.1, bl. 1. s s I l.li.NEi:, Ag't.
attoi:ni:v aj' law,
l.'iriJ.iifl, I tifitl I -i , 11
l . kfici: , M ,,' , s.; . ,;,,. ., .,s west .1
f ,i. i.v:,,u - i:.!fc. ah proi. :,.i,ai
business . nti n.-'.i I to
tended lo.
his . promptly ar-
Tll I 'Z, f j
il.iilf ,lii' mi am
JJafP Slfl'l'l. ;l!".,C '.' - l'liildi'"!'!li;l
V' '
; .e ..
..O..I I
r w i. .. . J l
Tel ins. M.'J
'. , ; '.,.s.
r il iv.
., '!! ..n II. us...
i. -. . o. I, 1111..0 - l
.! I - '.
u. . .
II.. ....r t .l ; f i
jii-lr- I' i Hi-n.-. N
tiitr !( -iitn'ti i- t i
r, . ,1.. hl.-l ul,.
- o I l.t- 'I'-.
i. im ! r M. o ii:oi!
. II..- t:ifi ;oi " H,
i 1. 1 W r. t I
A s,,,v, .,nr all..!.:.- .1 11 I il'. i
i.;l-o... ... k.n ..... ...i im.i
Ill M. l
I il S I .
Fashionable Boot ami Shoe Maker,
,S..o,', ',. ,, ,sV . ..,,,,,
KEEPS cot, -li.iiih oi, i,, i,
lines id- I. a.l ! . r,
! .ill I iiilltnil.ie.
I'"' -1
Ileum an evp. I ' .--llo. :. . I. ,,.! .1 1. -
tons lo m--i il a ton. .
f I-
he will IV .11 I .,1.1 .ill u. Ik '.-.hill lll.IV
inroii-.-h his loii,.!. .
Pai tic a I a l ail. lilo-li w I I ; . . M i . I.
. ik.
.1 . i- -
III. Pi ice. ale as Ion ,, r,
'! a'e. Ill ih. I M' i, ov. il-' . '
conli.b'iil thai h- cn, ..,1 .! i ,
l.eu isbnig, ug. .:l. I-'... i
I anv , ine'
a I. tn li i.il.
'i ii.
luk .slki:i;s. k.;k.u i-:i:s.
M'ill I'k sn !ilillltii I in - .
.-in ,. it v,;..i .v.. '. , . '..
N M Sl.eCI.,1 H'l. It.-I o:'..l, lo M
and "llier S. ciel; seals. fims l
ni sSiij'jfijjij u z'jojm
Jn.-t o.oiii i iii'n.-iti' tin- i,-ie
lI'MI-o. ill tin- It'll, l; liilflv
lli-rti jilci I'V A . it!o.'p.
VYA. ami .muiil. !. a.ssnriuii'iit l
I N G, -
I -.
io-.s. ( "oats, an.!
lern ; and I'ani.io
a lai 4c i ai o '
Is ol e, , i y Mi l,
. and c -i.. to mio. A;-,..
I l.der Clo'ii'i,;.. -n. h , .
A ' o '. .1 lo.e .1 ... I ' .e,(l
1 (lie bit. si -ii !os. Ai....
I'i.iI t . any oil, i, ,1 m i,i-
prnuers. Smits,
n . fs .ii,. i r tf.s
eotiutiy. In l.or. I o, . . o. .i i :.;i.o t
I n ihe shape .. Clolbir g. n '", h I , tl. r al a
vciy smalt a-l.-aio ' l. i e.-i-b.
PHILIP i.imiDM N. Ag'i.
r? .Ml km !, ol CilU'll Po !lo e t ikei. ii.
exchange !! Ooods. j I. en i-!.iirg. I n-i. '.'"-.)
T NI'Slll I' s ICE II' il si:.
ii s uili W ai. r ... I eu isbi
Me are making nii-n-n. ; i -pat asn ii.
snpi'lv wnh PURE ICE -' I mr loii
customers and as manv ii'-u oni s i;1.i ,
us w i ill their p:rron.ige.
tV Ice will ! ' t'i.oiijh. nt ti.,- ;
entire Snio io ; ,o. ;i ' ..
as l.iiv p. ,. o a- . a.i I e .nl. r.-. l y ,.;i. , .
TIKIS. . 1(11 It
HAS ,.,, iy,. I a splen.'.d a m.-ni ,
ol III.- veiv l "-l. '-'I' -.p.-st a-id no -:
lasiiioiial le ,l t li in iii,.- n,aii,n. H,.'
st. cl, coni-inc:.
Ill-rust lits.
t ll-.'l-.-.
i..t KllUS, I
1 llig Itlllgsi,
111 :t It-is.
Mo o l.tiOonsi. !
w :;rlI:llr;,lhr';rl,.a,';::,1,:,e
. ,, . ' - ,,lt!
"' s "... , . - . n n a . so I n ; lie - new ones
give IlllliaCall be lore III ,,k III lliei I ,,n r.
. Call at ll.e ; ,., ,. W ,.eh '
- inn 1 i , ,i n, !
Market Mreet. east ,. .vot,.. 11 -JI.'.h j
si.t .s ii:ik.
Kt ,s .
VpllflUr 9l.ll R orlri no h a . 1lf-. I
Yellow and Rockingham Ware,
lT'(tis- in i niii - j-
vti ?. i .
While Iron Mn;ii',(,;iss tV ii!Keibv,in
A.j. IOl .. I."s, .Vr, .., ,SV.
' - ' o y aioi . i i y l" i-i i ., aie mule.) I.,
stop and examii ur o Is
J.S. vjarsh. t.Mu.rlil,). 1 .1 .stieil, l,j. r.ioaur'
t3. S, OiAoSrl u CO, !
IJ.'AV 1 S I il 1 1 Jt i I'l l'N I UY
irtoirilt tiidai lAinDvc 1
rvsit.srw.. witni. OVIVM1
l.r islmi', I'it.
-TK hare rmtUMtilly on lim..t io.. ,, r ste,
VI ih'l.K.- VI K .'li FETAII,
A'"', r. .lestrs-r .
( .'..'. ... r, . I
.11..' lour H-rr I
lli.ll- r. '...i ill.
rV..ei -. ..-. .. ,-... ,...,. . ., ,- ,.
' ,"'1'1 ''l '
MIM..H.MSI.H t.l '11
,. d,.....,,r, w,.
t. il..
r Maouia. tnrc.s inv.ii.it.iy '
warrant. A a r, i oillinetnle.l -
'l.t. r r. -i . null
evil. it
.D-lrronipili alt.-ii.tvJ L. Juue 1. l-'U I
sa.-i l n. itawin.
All'HF.ti H111H
onwir, & ir.wi'.s,
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICE , n South Second near Market St
lApril 1,'f.l . , isl.in i:, I'il.
I .
I.ANKS. W'arr tntee Deeds. f,e ises, Et-
illions, W aiianis, SuSp.i u,is, Sinn-i
mouses'. Cnslal-tcs' li-O'ir"-. Consi.t'oe
Sal. s. Teachers' Con'iaol-, S. h".d Oi ler-,
Mantle is,
it V
r "is li t his, r.(, rv.
M.h t'.i;" t etiiiicif-
t Iti r v : l.;iml VVaiNn.
iof vd,e ai the stJ ) ' .fu'uue t.'tiicv.
N;: s: --sjt
- e.-;s.inignlf.,r.. -
Jfoc Salt.
rTT--"-- Arc n.anulj. ;..ime )4V4
f,i.m.,.-, nsiantly on hand a l .ie, Bj,.
fiT!" v' 4 "" ,'i",n ''
-Vl' ei l.a;h al ihe f.,p..w,.. pflrr.
I'.llillM htadi'l in 4 urn -'!-, tr-tn
to lo - r M
l.alli i an I I I b n v f I i.. p, y
Pdlin's aiol laih in at if. to t.rde r, di
parlies may de-ne
llolyiV -I-iOl il I. ?.- .S, 'ej
""''.'.f's- ,
limit !rili!riiin id' Prices!
in Btiots. Shofts am! (.liters,
lor sinli llnlv. unlit 11,,- , t s( 0j
Jinn im l.
'IMIE snl.s,.,,!,. ,. ),.
I'- ill lo-lloi a very
:u.-ing ii a- much . p. -s.. 4I ,.,
I ll.e y.-ai. and III Iheielore, in view ol il,-
en-ling h.,i.l luio s and scarcnvol mi n.v,
. Il.'i i ' l y gie.it nobi, . .. i- !., ail it ho won' I
'" I'1''11 e l to I ivor him wnh a call N
AS If Is A UEI.I. KNOvV.N FACT, th.,1
los esiabii. j,,,,, , ,,e Cheape-I and most
reli.il.le , i.e I,., r -io, U ,,, .ei, i-l.iMg. K
NEED o V ...vv,. N) M11;. p
l lil l l. I NDKIi.-so lit), thai in u.'.f
loom- gi-.ii.i iioIiiciiojos than evr lit
. lll tlt'tllM I I Mill IO l ' M r
trill. Iitim la i - loiiutr lost i .
li s till all I ilsli suit s. a- to- is .vi.,.
, mui. d io inn i l! hi-, si, i. a' ."II Hi. I I: l.t.
S... Co r.L bl al. I :-. .VI bo ii ii,' Kargaiat
. ill .1 a si , K . i, I i ..... , o .I. -. , j I,, r,
,1 II .1-. m, el I is lor noli. u. m.n
.11"! ell I nil cm.
l-o. a ni.e b l ' I I i links, ( arpt't
ItitiiS. A ai v.-. i ! M pu e-.
DON T Fll. 'In C.M.I. ., ( WINE
Ills sI'OI'K bel. ,.- ! ur, h.l nig elsevtb.ie.a.
y. il vul ti:,.! il g,,.,t io i. ur inie,
i'l. lie, lull door to .1. In. Vt'a'ls , Co '- ....,e
. Vv T. liEI'l MEVI U.
j l-i..rt:. vt.r. h 4. Is. i.
.1 v tk i: m.i i ii i n...
Third St., above Rare, Fhiladelrhia
ritL'KVs. St -' o r day
' I KIHMDs ,v SMI.OI,-. froprieiois.
I It 'ill-.l W V I. II .Vl.s i.. I, ,., ,!, .,. ii,,,.,
' II V II l.l.s 1 1 l.f IK. t..ri.-rii .., s. ,, . ,!. .s;;
' ICE Hi: ICE!
fl'HK nn.b rsii:u,d ate ptiinns up an If 'K
1 IIOl l taiL'e nioiih lo supply a MOr
people m ii lee ,itiitii ihr u h- le var. Ire
nl be ! bvere.l m i. n. dailv. at a cheaper
. late than private lee Houses can be rillrd.
ii. 'all on enber ot us ,. North lih si. or
' .ii the Ice House below the R.ver Kndge.
, it v ukii.:ssvi i,
. l-i.l ,, Not .-. I-mi Hi AS K AM.sTlliT
New ArrangementsNew Goods!
iDSi:!'!! I.. JI AUN liavin-taken llie
.1 well Unov.n M' YSl.k II I'J'.sv,.:- (,,
I. tilted It. and tilled III .111 elt.'llsive V arietv e(
lhitt C'ny.st iii utii ltlm l'li !liiirft e.
A(-' a large and splen-M stock ol I I i7'H.s
CA.-IMEl;i:s. Ac. ih'ih he wol .t. utili,
- i .e sirl continue- the Tan. in v u..
ness. ile is prepal.-d lo evecnle all woiU
ei, u-te. ,,, his t'aie.io the satisiactiou i-f ihe
, n-toii'er.
j N. II. Cutting ami Repairing .j dear nj
i ' r. .I.,- it ,-1 mg. ' prtl lo, l'.".
al .M hmo's Slvj-I.i.uli (iallery.
MMiKET -ir.et. I.eii isbntg --Harinj
jn -t ie, , it ..,( a laige a -i r'nii iil i t
p' on and (.no y Cris, s. I d, pirt.aied lo UK"
I'"'! a; I. ,' ,,, e. t i ices. I. r lio- Hol'.li-,-
A!l M-i-hing an-, knot . Petiite can sai,
in io i i.y o, ,;,. ti,, ltl
N. I Pillules lasen in cloudy weeihrr.
i a i ihi:
j Old Post -Office Stand.
I LARUK s!i',v of I!iMiks,Statione.Y
lY Pel 1 0 n i 1 1 . .1, well v. Ti'Vs. I.'olili ctl'I!
T.as. Soic-s. I'iiiii. Nins. Ha.-kles.
Pn tor.-., .no! a lamly ,. .NICK SACKS Itr
sab' lit il by
II W ClioTZEK, l.ewisbtitg
" Industry must Thrive.'"
' j 'I ami SH 1-: IT I Kii.N KstaMisliment.
I U. -n... ted io II n-hion's former Shop on
Market si,, ei ..; Foiinli. where I will have
al ail tunes a lull a--ei!M1. ot
I ill ;ii,-. Mui,. I'lpo,
co. I. Mi'M J.viof.,i,.,,. i;
a s., make to on'cr. on short nolice. Tin l.in-
i -. S;'."i"iig er any kind ol woik m u.v line
ol I. ii .me-.-.
C v MeiidiiigandJol-longgeiierllvpren'roy
ai'en I d i... .los." A. kliE A.MEK
l.eiv i-f uig. Oct sn, is.'.j
ll'lilM H TIS- till: -.lMt..'ts":,'.I f
VI oe , mi l.,, ii.- l-r.-er.oe.. K.IH.- -.,r. Csr-, f
...;-' ..'..,.,.. , .r . ! I..I,. . I.a.o.-. i ui . .1 ..r S..1..1
s.. I r- ,i. li Kah mj I'miik. Ac. t .tlf. .11' - t
.1".- A M.I. VVII R
Josiali Jiakcr & Co.,
HAVI-; marie arransreweni-i willi F..
E. I.ockc .V Co. to iiiini-h "i cent.
A I . ' 1 1 4 1 .
l v llo- lil.t. an I Halt Bid. a. cheap as it can
l e boiibl in I'liil.i.lelj h.a.
I hey have also just rereivd a general ai-
soltinelil of
MU S3 a BilimHAIS,
'anils nnd iis.,.i,ssi iiu.l I'nll),
nui'siiKs am. 1'i:i;fi mki;v.
ci ri.i:i;y, iu u.xim; n.i u
Vine Oil, all pmmlar Patent Medifinps,
Liniiors.Tiifincco, Snn B'.Iiiks. Sotla
Ash, Wheel l.rease, JLc. Jve.
- Ml ihe above articles hVrc! I
CHEAP EOi; Csll. Call belore bin:'
elsewhere. Our M. -no is
" Small l-a-ofilM X. (ult k al -''
l.ew-isburg. May I.l, I !.".
'Otl. (Oil IOII-
rplli: subs, iib. r keeps consiantlv n liar. I
1 a laige as-oriiiiem of the verv !"'-' sna
liioUni aiol W ilk.s ;,rre COl.. I. r l.nieai'd
si. -ye purpose-, w Inch he will sell al -he very
lowest puces I'm Ca-h or Country Produce-Al-o,
Uluik-milli.s IW, ., c (,-n.i 'S'"'
' ish it distmeliv ,in !er-to, .l. 'ha' I ':! ' j
be undersold lv anv man Have
wigh-scaies. lull weight wol be g:v"i.
Coal ar.l near ;!. usaul'- h '" !.
i;r.oi;oi: lloI.sTElN.
l ewi-biirg. May
A bv 'in. talt I t a;- ! ,
ol-j OtO. HOIblL.M.