Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 18, 1861, Image 2

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T the People of Union County. I am a
can.lid.ite for the olFire of Sheriff of thiscoun
lv .iit.jee.t to the Ceeisi.m of the Republican
I n ton nomination on the 3.1 of Antrnst nut
K.-11T T'p. M) SI, 1t. W. K W- S.
Fellow Citizens of Ctiii-n ITounty. I am a
riiiiiolate tor the :'i ! Couiov C.-.:r,iiii"
ictier, subject to ilie v. . m e! 'he people
on tne lit of Ausiitst an I it' -1' cte.l ill pcr
f. ir.i the iluiies of ihc 'ilice tu the best ol my
a i.tv, au 1 w '.i liteli'v-
Ma. ... I'M. fJKORfiH sCIIOCIf.
V. in. r IVrniM m. witnoui ai-,
......,ii tn no V
I i:ic otii'T xor'nv per-
' - . ,1... nnl.'le JOHN'
it, to Li in tr .i-o..e -- r
i.f l.ei-t urjr, f. r the . luce of
County lomrafsiirtifT.
His well-estaniisnei
e-eneral character, is a
buMne-s habits, am.
nulticient -.uaramee lor tne tanniui fn.u.ui
' anr.e of the duties of the """ie-. I
June 3, l-fil. ?JyjHEJ-
V. iters of Union rouiity. I offer mvself a.
a can. Mat- for the Office of Asr-cia'e J.i..a."
at tl,e cimn; Klectirn in October-Mil jer, to
111" .lecisim ol a majority ut the votes polled
a; Hie republican conventions on :)1 An-;'!-!
neit. Should I be nominated an' elected. 1
ple.te mvself to tlischa'ce the duties of said .
ciii'-e to th- event l my abilities.
heir, T. May v!-,l-'.l JMI?:iir.U.
F 'II.. v Citizens! I am a candidate for the
nffice of Sheriff f Unmu county, (stttj-ct to .
the v,.ie at the election of 3d Austust) and if
ele.-ted will try to srve you acceptahlv.
Ma. EniT.ia: IVimit us thro' the columns
of our raper to rect.mmen 1 A. M. I. V fH b
ot Lewisbare as a suitable ramli !ate f. rM.e
nsT. Mr l.awshe is one of the workms men ol
the partv, and if he should be f.ied upon a
oor candidate he would undoubtedly be elec
ted and would make a faithful Offi-er.
(5,93 Mitt I Uvrrni.iri.
tVBv request of many friends THOM AS
CHI'hX'H, of Hartley iownsli;p, will be a
candidate for SHKUIKK of rni-.n county at
the coming Election, subject to the derision
of the Kcpualican I'nion nominations. May-N
EliMha Slrault. of l.ewisbnr?. will be
. ,n.l,,t:.le for Sllt:lilFF at thee. .111111 elec
tion, subject to tlie decision of the Republican
-Ummalinff I. OCC on. I ilV l ', l-"f
I ,ed hv the advice of many fnet.ds. I am
a candidate f. r the Oiiiee of SIIEKIKt' of the ,
county, subject to the ch .iee ol tne isonnna
una Election of the 3d of Aueust next.
6 I.. K. ALliHUiHT
White DeerTp. MarSS !l ?
To the Voters of 1'uion County.
The nndersi-jnel will Ve a candidate for
COl.'NTV" TKEASL'REK at the comiti'; Elec
tion, aubiect to the Republican I'ni n f
e.,ii. n. May SI 1'ETEK Hl'RSH
Auditor's Ilotlce,
mHE Auditor appoinied by Ihe Court of
Common Pieas of Knion county to audit, '
nettle and adjust the account of U. J.hm. ;
Ecn.A.sisnee of JOSEPH MFADUEX, and
to make distribution of Ihe balance in the
hanli of Ihe accountant, will meel the parties
interested, for the purposes ol his appointment,
on SaTi-nnit. June Si l. Is''.l. at 1 o'clock. P
M, at the Odice of Orwig &. Hayes, in the lio-
roun o. . t:. .
Sec ond In ilalnitra.
milE Stockholders of the I.ewisburj Dimes
I Savings Institution
a 1 1 1 have not paid j
tne second instalment ot hock, air n....ueu ,
that oavment is now overdue and should be
made lorthwith. H. P. i-HEI.I.r.R,
bewishura, May 22. 1WI Treas
Variety and ?ovc- Do;.ott
fPHE subscriber keens constantly for s;
I at the POST OFFICE (below the Kivit
House) a wt il sciected stock of
3,c i
Family Groceries Confi'ct;on:rr an. 1
j-ruits. t.iny au- ?v" - :
! .c f. sa
llOIlf, I I't llllllt'l j -je- r
Soup. Wall lpor AVi.
nnJ Oil Siia'ie?. Tttivciiii,' L'.tj:.-
llaiik..Sshfnl anil Hymn IJooks.A-o.
aprr: liitd .-:as.i.inoai rn hand
or to . rd. r, tr. in lb. ' n. St-x rk or Phila
."p!t.a sitf-l, as tne 'i't :tni,e,'i',mes. Herald,
I.e.l-jcr. e.-kly. Corner. P.dirr Cazrtie, Mer
cury.Vs averlv. Literary Companion, Harper's
and Leslie's Illustrated Wi'eklys.Oo.l.-y'a and
Harper's Masaines, Yat.kre iWitmns and
lic Nacs, Ac. Ac.
ALL IF Willi II A11E FMD I liKI!' mil fisn.
Lewisburr; iFO. W. FOR REST
The Volunteer's riannal, just
pulilisiie.t. r. .mains iun itisiriiriions
' for ihr RI'.CItliiT, in the schonls of
the s.ddier and S'lnad, with over One
Hundred Illustrations i f ihe ditferent
positions iu the Kami" and Manual
of Arms, and tiie Loadings and f.i
Arranjed according to rsCMTT'S Sys
tem o lafantrv Tactics, by Lieut C..I D.W.C.
BiT.of theXalional linard. l'.'mo.size
convenient for the Pocnel.
This is the latest, best, and cheapest Work
cn Tactic.
1 in epprnred uj OJfiriallij.
AGENT8 W AX TED in every Town, Vil
lage and iiamleu
CIjc Game lUork in (German,
Tran!aii?cl by an experienced Military Cilicer
and Saran. j
rRetail Trice, 2i cents per copy or
bound in Fir xible CIuih. 4 cents.
Mailed anywhere. FKCC of Postage, on
receipt of SS or 40 cents.
rOR IlKht IVEttlWHUtlC.
KING k BAinil. I'rin.rrv and Pu'nllNhfr.
liti? anstn iM. Pnil.iptMpliia
HAVK removed their ( li:iir ami fa- ;
blnrt Warr-room to the larger I
and ro tc commodious roiitns, late the resid
ence of Wm Fnck, on the
l'rner f Third mni Xarkrt Sl. LenNbiire,
where ihe? have ham' the LAR(jK-ST and
BUST ASSOKTMEN T of Worlc ever oirered
to ihe public in tho viriniiv,compriinc Dress
Bam' tmnty Wahtmli f lli l-tt-t rtylffi,
f"ifat, IJalmeat Cliwr. ru.rt ( hair, Urw-ki njr Cliir-,
ttirf.-rt'. rUt Rnrk. Tow.-l Kark. .l-ntiy l.ini anj (,'ot
m$ B-Jntk-ivli. Fnrr Lnn-i K ncT f.-il.W. At' uIm
eeMrml an .r tEnt-nt nl O.W.W'.V U'la-A'A" .l-rtva n
Wiiri tn a't it- iM-nrctiM. IMni pror;.lf-. ith Fiw-y 1 f.'t RtamJ A'l utolCH tUHl t'tton.
llkFEtV? PKV r1fM rt?Wr i TiKMM. Fw MW U( N York nt A M-
w ar radT at anv timf, within an hour ' nf.ti.i-. Ui
wait upon any and all who ma; favur ui with a tail.
Having none but (he be- workmen, we
WARkAST all Fumitort minufwrtiiml by ua,au j
61 J outnprtitioii cither in .ice or Ptjle, 4JtJ
M tnvjactory on A", lit Strfrt9
where Cabtnei and Hon.e Turnini? .Scroll and
aUf Fawinic done on ih"t notir- aru1 rF-maL le tfrnm.
A good assortment of M'.M RKR alwav on
lkanl ft'r NVwt TosU, Baimi-tf. and llau1 Hailing.
rReiAiaiKa of all kinds done as usual.
V I). Anv tr-nrlr nnl nn l,..,! M. I I
tu awm a uaibl. iuauc ,
1 hank'tnl for pat favors, we still expect a
onunoan nf the ram. I
, . f
m a x m vr. &. ...... . i
uy c. j. nTim.
BrEe? dx i
tUKrT. fi0e assortment ij
Uur&h (jOOtlman
lUKs-ja rui'Diccirrts.
' 3L. ""-
- s
For Cutting Hay, Straw, aud Cora-Stalkfc
"TKI.Clil'.Ai'HK' l'ODDLK-
1 ci;i
f .,,,( h the anove cm is a
. i i .. ir.it n.inniar
representation, i tit" i " ;
M ..chine now m use for ciitiit..' up I odder A-e
rl all
r -,- U. 11 i- nude oi uiren .
-,i F..r lianJi.ilis shouinj
.U-m.tanrs-am! for an lipecii.m
riheinselves, call al the Central
the M.H'hint
IoU1HH.!1l-T.K. WAllS. HUINER A Co.
Lrwbbur?. Nov. tin, 1 .
PTTHTnr. U A 1' 1 1 ( I A LLERY,
in tl-
I,te le.ll. r .
H- ( tt.
t,:r.- k
it :.t t ri
no l.i.
11.. t.
tl in nr.- . o I
ntt.:.l nr.-'
"UK I'o -i-n-t-r.
,l t h .t.
-an 1 :
r... , .Tie
im t-i-'tiire to
.. nl or .1- -n- d
tl..- o
1- :n rr-
,,-rv tl'.l.
, t Aml-i-.tM-
.irel -r t..'o-n ...i
III l.V 111- leM All.-!-.
t.ikn in -iny .-4lhr
n tl..- Min -Inn.-,.
- r'ljll. noil- I t et-
c,, . 1.1 -..-. -If .".'"I 1"
A, tl.i'is!Ier- i-1-tar.-e ".
-W lerf.-t I" el". '-;V .I;-;
Tru. tK n, in th, r.
Cum! or AT. ::l reb ftreet, flol.-i. ll
rotf.vr.N'.i;.'' .v.s".
Tr-m i' "
Mt tmiiiiy fl I
1..:-. l..r,vi-; . It. 1-
..in t.r pi
m.h !tif
ll. t.-
. 1 1
wit-, 1-ilT 1 !l
r. nt Art- 1 e. in v
x I I. -I .hi- ti I r-.
tun- mi.,' r. - "i
I n m It n T M
i. Int' M.r.
T(, .,i.i-n- l
.,-.titv Hi: I
..-ir l!ir:i! i!it '
l-tlll ll"t i I'
'.U. UI.. U ua .alM.Ae cl " !. i l r.-i.le Uu.
From Cot.
TlnTinz oe--i"
t..r , I' 'lit" I 1 r-en.
.1 ur.i front
:.. ii m:f.
Mr. lO.Tl n. a-.i. : I'.'-' i
,ti re It! Oii I is ."e''' ' ;
.1 i'l.i
1 1 1.
,-Tt:i.--s:Otf It .It-: .. I' :i
. -v . f lU IU:- I...1
. t, tin.t r.-.. ninn n.l ti nt t
, j to .-ncouritrf.' lite l'":u;U-.ti-
trrpHt i.!.-s-.or i.
cien n..'. n-.t .....t ." '"
its nrti-tie In..-" Oi o T,,tI'
t'-.-j-tr..!.!..-1 r,t "''I'0
nil art. s;::.s
i I'AIM.OR Si OM.,
; (iffici: .-tivi:
The hel assortment of Moves ever . llerr.l 1..
the r-iiens of l.ewisbtin. onion hicb i ib
! c-iei riit-l lloMtmeiual," the l.aii.lsomest ami
best -.,..k-it.7 t-'l.o e now Den re uir p.iun...
.-fV N.
; I am now ready t' repair
i:....si Wau-nes sut-n
Duplex and I.ever Eseaper.ieais in the yen
best manner, together with every othtr kind id
work in our line of b'lsiness. All work war-
ranlr(1 , 5ive sails,,c
, i nls,. the Aenrv for the sa e ri
i the celebrated al OiJ l.aill?S together
' with o, Shades. Works Ac .'.e
I ewisbs. Mar ''.! A E DiXOtiM.-i.Miii
, c. Trrsl i n
American LlfC lnUanCe I TCM 10.,
(Capi-at flock --.iio.ticti)
COMPAXY S r. ii!din?s,alnnt street, b
corn-r of F onrth -Vowi'. .'"
t v Lives lr.sir.-.: at ilie siai Mutual rates
! or Et Joint !'T'at rates about -it per cei l, less ;
or at Total Abstinence rates lite lowest in the j
.ri i a. V, IHI.bDIX, Presnlrul
Jnui (". Pins. t"r.
OHO. F. MILLER. Arnt. I.ewislmr;
LEWIsttlliC. Ti
ll, a. in:Tzr.i, rroj.-i.
mills Hotel is located in the c- i . the
I I i.iun.one s.inare tn.m the Ci.itr' II. use.
! persons aliendii'!; Court. or haviti' o.lier lui- I
I smess ill the town, will litid tins a pleasant i
and comfortable home. h.irses moderate.
I Lewisbtirj:, Pa., Sep', fi, ISoJ mil
i LAlllvlN cc CO.,
Mammoth Pnnnic r.APii (.at.i.f.p.y,
; S E. Comer Ei j-ith and Aich Sis. rhiidcliUia.
r on t...jlit'i .Strut.)
rri'R miny vcar.s expfnenr in all the
v.in.mc t-rr.tici.es oi :ne atu ine rrpr
rior; cot.i. .''ntiv mvnr tl
!ipntiin nf i!n ir !
frtni! an.i ihe pul!ic. ! t!.';r extensive eM-l.!i-!v'n'ni,a'liuh
pie-i?ii:s the npportuiiity lur
pr p;irins the bet Picttire., equal ai leat to
anv firt-c!a.s (iallery in the t'ni'fil Swiies.
Prrpirarmns are complete fur ex-'cutnir all
li iniir.T-l "It!-? knn t"thArt. 'flu-y lnv
. f i't Hrr;ti'L-'iii-i-t f-T -' it-if H:J' rr. ot v .. s. Ac. A -..
uieaktn li.. m Lit-ci-. if '!ir- t l.i-ntilv "' 1 Tti"
' kit I i'i tl,-- ri.ini'.rv. Attaclii-i to iiA t-.-Ui ii-l.m'-iat
' wi-tl.r-.-rt.l. rnir Art!-!-'.
I I'H-T- .K il b.-, it.cM-lir l'aililitis. flf low as
j,t i h f.ani" do - ' -
i ?-? 'l.. i. :i1 T:."t. Extrri rv ."U .-t.
' r 1 T :-r iff.. I.itv- ur- VU -l zr;-h r. I: w n-i 5 ., bit!
I I v.ittI '! " -'tn-' i-r.e. 1'uJiiLiif Atulirotji'fS t i'
1 wntf. ui. l HI'M nr.l-..
i A mrt rt-n-ivt- ji r-T'PV-tit f-f 'Jilt t rainfp, ml rt
inr a .furt mc I :'!:oi'-- irn I v J ilie late? I t It-s. J'ri-
c ( from ""- r-iitn .hi I uf-i
I Y.-j.i jatT-n'i- n I -t.
1 c:l'li- tnin-t- rr, -t t
"I lll-TI
m i-mall i.itturir-.uuillrcm V
B.Iiiftru ti-'iii- t-'it.-n in th Art S-ly
Lewisbur, Fa.
Mrdirinf1, f.'heinicils, I-ye Mull's
raint.. V.Trni-hcs, Windnw (Haivs
IVrfumerv, Turt W'inrs and !.iqitrs
ex Pi esslv ur Me dicmnl I ses.
Fancy Notion (tO".N.nnd all
ihe r?u)nr Patent Medicines of
ihe dav. I r Pariictiiar aitemitn paid
to piittinsr up !'r-crjptinn. Familv .Med-icini-s.&c.
Also Fine Oil and Fluid for sale
Shortest in Uislance & Quit kost inTirne
'oi t.:i"ftinir, st Uftrn-l'iirir. with tr
.irtb.-rn , Kaiit-M t.r Minl.nrv, IKV. Ki,,
Miii'.n, W tliun-j.'-rt, Jt irey in.n and i.rk iiitTt-n.
Trtim H"f lenvm N.-w York at VZ, non, ani
ritiind.-li't.in at .1: -0 I' M. i""iiii. rtitic with train on Nor
thern t eiitr) Hofcd f..r i-latior at aUive.
A .if 7Voii .'i.f l.-arefi nTTi-.h.iri; nt 8 A f,aTTi-t
at t'hild-:r It ia Rt 1 f M, and Vw York at J t M, in
lime to tj.ke l",t or carp f l r ikr'tou ir.
t'a -t f j -i irf laTr Hitrrisl urff. 1:15, pti a-Ttrn!
fif N rUi. ru U iilr-l train arrive t I'Liladelj-hia t
t.I j i' M, aoJ Sew York at , e. nm.
No rh.nirf .f mrt. or haff, t-.tween New York or
i nna:eini iin i iittrrt-ur;'
kur of wriK-rj. ana fnfi. rmfort, and B.-rom-
inMiMtioo. ihi-i rt.uti: .rw nu Uj-t.rior iuJurementi. to
tlir rT-in- r.i.r.
HSn io Aftw )" ri, font of TourtlanJt btrett. Iftiladtl'
yhuL, Brnad anJ fllwjiin triftti.
-kr beiwera Nw V.rk atad lUrri' onr. FIVE
it 7 w l. 1 i.tr
Juno 25. lVy ll.rribunc
T HOWARD and HOPE Express
TfXVIlYES VuWjto ami from any
rt- "f S tnit.d -uVorriiafJai. t'ffireat
I'U.N A UAaUilo' iruS SWwiaiaLr
r X.t
li'ir? an! vicinity thai he h?s locate;, perma
nent 'v. ami is prepared li furnish all who
, tiecil tlrntal subiiiutr?s fr niasiicatiuii u iih
j Im7TC7ed Plineral Plate,
, (h.iwc .ii. l h'fth the same) which is faM su
pfrsrJi!! Uif tie jf i!M an J silver 11 die.
t The Mineral 'IVt-ih are n n .f n r.teJ y siiperinr,
( ai:il in tunny rr-jH'cS tm-r "trsiral le lhanany
, oh.-r n. ' i I'u!. ir l.y tin- Itftital prnf-d!ioD.
ill- ', ir.- tin- t-uli. t :i'Uilmi- lit "I u crt.
' Tctii nnunti' l on Coral ari l Ami cr rinf
nt r'il ti'-' il i-rircs. Tlir- !(. Imvf ln. n t--it,t lrth
ivi. iiT-.tn-.nltU tig.il ri-cumiui a.lfj furclrmalinerS.uUlitjr
au.l lt-uiy.
'I eelh also Mounted on fJold and Piatina, in
tl,ei....,n,,r,.. - tyv. A., .. Met fi,te.
c.,.1. wit ii .i,,,M- I....... ..i.M, l-e.r ,,..,i..r
'L 'eira.i.:h."',.
l't'cih al-io Mminted on fiu!J ami rlatina, in
Special attention will also be paid to -Natu-
mt T.-etl.. .'-rr.-t.ij ..11 irr. ;-..iari:.r,. tr. jOu.-' irrit:l te
...t r:-, I II TV.-J. IilJi..
.th in t!
.i ;:in. l.i'
It.tl iiteT. I l.u tT.1
!.l ,t.- .. uiUL-li l. III .-.
lr. rir!a'is mo.'.
1. .-.lilt
of ..peritins: fi
I at ail
. !!,' tl.e
.- i .i.-nt
. .. I. H-
l.tl.r i;,
.- -I .-.v.
ill ir ...
I- .,! .,
)...n.! 1' .-ir.-
t. ---: !.V r- .
will, nil th. l.i
. ri.-n. " . f ...
I-rneti -e. i-
i-v e,...r ti-.n
': r liooti
- . I .. II -::
... I'- II .
. - . 1 1
ti . .r in
r..oitti..r ll tl!.- H-
i.t .
r'.. 'ti ti- uinlio
L (ie.
' I it.r a imn of yar n
tyt-r Vn T.A UiM-aii- fri;i-T-ri
m i -iT. tl-" l !'T 'Ti1' i !
,-j n.:.r
lv r
T. I.
iiT'o. fii'r-
It. to .
hi i
tTi - Iin.-r t. r.. A. I it-iH-ii w.irr-.ti. I
in tin r- iinlrv 'T f ;-r'-i r -. 1 1n n.T'iril
tl.-;. t -il.Ti-d. ri.t.A-li CALL AM
The Elites Scvlrp Institution of Lc-
rea.lv to receive any am.'.rnt on i.eposne
from Ten t.'ents and upwards. I ..ur jo r
cent, per anii'im hiteiesi , . i ie pa ..I on nil
sree.i .lep.oites ,.f Two Dollars an.! i:p'.vnn!
ii' .'ep .sited ttt'i. tut rubs and li'tir.er Oliice
in Weaver's '..nek l.!.-rk. .N.t.'i Third St.
I!. I'. s;i; i.l.i:i.', Treasurer
J.cwisburjr. Oct. Id, lvntl
ttlorc fllcat.
ft nri't.' o,-TT,.v it'll
v.t will : e .supplied to tl.e ltu:.t:ry pet. '.lei. v
the - ui serd rr. at bis s lit -p t n M.irih Filih
street, where lie c.irries t n the It;i:eli! rir.t!
business, and will supply ail kinds of Meat
in i!-; seas. n. Ort W r-itie .-'.tv an I S::::i.!;iv
m. mini's, be '.till le I. t.n-: at MarU:-'. in fr.nt
ol M'F.l blin's ll.tr.:-..eie:' I.'. ' .11 li IJ'
f. . r 1 'nsh exeios'l e'y. I 'alee.- u-.tnr.- 1 li 'i'vt'.
and ISiie. p purrhase-1 as
l.ewisbiir','. Ails'. It. I
u-i.al. Tt v the .
: o'.:Mr,i:Ri.iX(;.
INTSrVS Improved
I. 53!. .;: m:ir i:r.n,.rr
A xTA.lMil M!'fi li:
For the Ef...lv.i-...l"-.t a. .1 .Mi.! - .!:.! l-a."'
ar.-iiiB Ir.ia I.MI'l I. ! I V ul 1IIK II" . I't
TIIT? r.-li' ir.- l-a
in .i"., raU' rii-t t
rutniii "it" -IiJ. -ier',
l iinjilt -in t) ti" ,
0'.l. -t.il !'' rn I l(srs
T-ltiT Hl'.'-.-tii i.-.
It..r.. , -in. J iMili
Mrr- u:;:il .M .-,
I. in i (' m; i.Kur,
I.j'W ..nt-.
K'-ti'; i: : ;. t -t
ti.t tl.e nt -,t tuira.-ul. u. cure?
s-;,'.: .'(
r- live. Frn'-I lie
I'-tlTlljttir Ji-nrlTn,
of u.hiIv i'-i t i't.,iitti
i;io...t ..,rclo r."!ii..l w !
tl.M i ur. it l.lm. mi'l :.t!i'.
n , tin. -!i n hut tl.i- !: ;i1
t -I t.. trv it. V-vt b. t-i-:ui;
-li-!i2i;r .l ' lli r.-in-
ijiciiu- f.t v it l.w lit,
ti e.n.t.!t- ;:-. ti::,) U f it
Th.t full -Tt'.-.i'i.r.- f t tin
in u t ... oWr t- U- I, rut . f -V
tv.s.,, r-.vr t' M t "i
A . i.t,-.
. i;:.-;.ki . .... f ::: l.r.m.
iti-tr.iti ( i'u . i-
ri i VHitrr t iiiLt utmMf
1 t : i
nt ;t I-. v
i. i ri. ir.' l.!riSiho
:i iii '.t,.r-: ! rm.
1. r.-iil t. in l' :ri'"!'!-'Wn.
! ' i'y V; '1 .;!. ';tiii'"r
attj lii-t-.iH- H'Tm1, if
,t:i- ! 1
rnm. i.i i't... I'm . t. v..
tlmt i' r:il riiT:rr t
I il . tl.:.U M ' t. :.f-'.
1' v I Hr'i.n'.tr- (! !l nte. .'T- rr ri of i hit-ti wit
run ! l j tli'- ' I tii" "l!" t .-.'-ir. il' r " vvy i.lssi be
!..uuJ in a tir. u!.ir to W If i -t m- ' t A'-n'..
i:. l, 1'iiN. r.oo! iftrr.
flT I.al ri! t v f r til.- T.in hu.;' ti:ri ju. I .-hIi-. !m-:h tl.1
.-nn'-i :r.i!ro:i i'l-.-tot. l- ihu-.V-l nr.-. I:.- 0.
i". S -l ht'l". I..-H i-i.oi MVr.i. lit linn -k. I 'it!;ii. f X
. ;. !s; Uti.l. A liinm. i I.. l'i':. r-tili- : i wn:: .n
W.tni r. H:irt!, toii; I II 1 tlhiilnir-.': 1- S-
in'iin, Vtii.l.t'.il; M,niilf .1 Wa. fU.-.lT c,.,Jiiit;roTi-;
LEWisHvna, f Ao.v nt., m.
i,. ij. i:r.::'.yj;::, SMoprictor.
ri'HI.S new liuti 1 is siiutne l t t pt.siie the
1 Court 11. .use, in the moil t'.ishioitaMe and
iieauiiliil p.trt ol the town, aiol lor sttle an.1
cotiveiiieiiee can not be surpassed tu Cennal
'i'hosr vi -i 1 1 11 r the University, or atlemlin;
Court, vtill fool it the most convenient and
centrtil put lie house eliarnes will lie tiie
ini.st reasoi alile ami tie tt Iter tune or expense
will he spate.! !-i l"'si.nv every con. tort upon
those who may call. l.ev. i.sbur;, May S.lsiiu
riio am riioM ri:ii.Aut:i.pniA.
JL ltiiiinmi ov liiKit.iiT.
l-tnaa 4". ecnt, j ,-r lty ,ejnil5.
1.1 .1" 41 . .1-, tl.J
I 1 .1 1 .t tin tin
4, !i tin t7 do do
flvl ii .lo .!n
,1 ii-at, ttye ati.t Opru, 1J cents ncr tusltcl.
n,i!a.l. Drpt.t with
Treed, Ward l Trrnl, 811 Market St.
Than kfn I for the lil.eral patronage piven us
we hope by strict attention to bustne.s lo
meril a continuance of the vanie.
For farther infr.rma'ion applv to
I yl'JTi V K M'lil.N L V, Am'nt. Lewisbnrg
Attorney at Law,
I.riv)iirir, Pe,
FFICE at his resilience, corner
ket anil Fourth streets. HSfi
T aUE C M4C C. An excellent 81!
Ji, ver LKVKK WATCH for sale at a
bargain must e. Inquire of
A K. IjE.NORMAMHE. Kewisbnrff
William VanGezer,
iTORNEI at Law,
LeM luburs, l uiun Co., Fa,.r,i
?r;M-.ii ;:.r:,! A p ItLr'o dWHij:.. commion sales. 'n-tt t- ,;;!;;:1;..,;,::;:,!;i::..t
.oi V-' i i,' ! r' 'V iX, - l.'l, s-- J !'C 1 In April next, I intend to ito-n on Marke j " 1 ',';'" '"-i tu..,:.. iu .. . i . i ... - ; ............... ..
'" ' ; I K-J A 'TV'!? i S ! street a R.m.ri for the r.'ropti. n. an 1 the sale I '"",', V.".t',.. .t r- .,'.. ... -. ! 1 '.niio.fo.i:, ai'i.a,
--Z?0S. I V ,? 'f-'iO-'- -& I at stated times of all kinds ol (......Is al A tie- ....,.......,..; . , ; .:.... .u. I ...ate. '
Z I fl. ' ' t-' 'i t' ?' 2? I Any one wi-h, t,-t,..l.spsc,.f any arti-J ;,:,;-::;,',;". ;."....''.. "i ;. .... r - : . t I.
jfc. I "t- ss. I t t. i- yZ". v I cle can deposit it with me and I will soil it ai I -..',.., .- . ,,t-:.,. , . ' , - e . .r is- .rf
!". .. i'l ff.'rn, ...ia nr'-',i'T.-.T till ihe best advantage 1 cau auil charue a per in . i ... s,.-i i .. n.o.r u -,..,,.t t - it. -i.-i.-t ..r t. -!. k.i
v. .-o 3 FCa THE PEaMAMtM ter..ase f,.r ,he same ' : " ; " - '' - ; .r ; ' 1 :i : ' ; '. 'v. v?: ' v.!r: :
j - I i v ! i ,s--, r I mivrnnitTH at. I iou'i..r .-, ti. in l.r-fc- f. n. I-- I 1 ,!' - '" - a .
iv frj -s 1 - - r l",Nnnowi:R ::.:!:::v,:t.;;;.:;t.:r-;"..-
ft, u-:;v cv KvsV,wita,v.va.T) titn'i nATisi:. .. r.r,".t.';:::,",.!,:,;,r ,'!,'. ?r 'rrr,::,x i-;;. :;;',;:;.;;i:;.;.""'"-lJ j-
1V:.:'''JX u;V(,."v Jeiompounil Kxtractr Juslans Ke?in, t'XZZ"" :.'S?i::r;,:;: j ' - ' - - .
rr"y.. pa ' ---w Mas.M 'i?r. .i-l.-ii I" -1 f'-r t,.e rnri- ..I .SiT.-fula an-l all -I.r.iiic i siitnal iii-tan.-.- .1" tl.i- kil'-t :.r att-t.-.! ,.f r. ma'.- -it ' T 1 . . '. ' 1 .-'i - t r.f. t,u- it,
yv :"V; at-v " " X - " ' " .li-nts.--. : li.. a-t-a ..I tlie l.i v. r. hell ' . in-. I It.ji.i.lit; I. rrr.. r.i.:n-.a. tl ll. t u; tt :.I l-ar. M i..ara-l:,.i.. -an- T" I ' "' '' ' 1 ' I ' ".'.'- It'-......: .". f-
! laV f a J' f'i-V'V.J'j Ttta r.tre'v ia ..e r-t a, ail- r.'.tn- a m.-ana -r al, J.. m Ilr. i - v. I.t .. -t.it:-. I i, ; ..,!- a - .t.-li.l lit ,t a,. t suints.u. -xle.n-ll'-n. . r::.-.. r:,,ii,.-. .. ,, ,, h- " 1 ' " " " : -. ... t - . ;t . .... . .... .-.a
A-. :; . tt-' i J V ' . ll e.ir.- .r t,.- I....-- I, .,,l--t ti...'. ! a.. ...no:., ie. in r l-.t.i I Mj ii;,;- ..f i.t- . i. Ii.,-i: i. -it t'.-n -iiin ti'-n, S.-nri.t -in, ; .-..II ,.t ti.i vol.-ai.,1 .! t ' I o. lit. t-.. I: to air elj n ' '.?'.. '' '-' "r' ' t ' . ..' t,..a
f-Jw?-'l ss,' S'jA . Hi I i ;Vi-'- "' If. " ".o.v l'l-i ea-'"'- "U.l j fiek H-...1 irhe. to ( . .:.. 1: ..-.. N. i v. ... :. ,-ti. 1 1 ..,, ,, .Mn.u. s.s , 1 ..,1 kin.i.. .' f.r r.T-e. i ..-t'.rl e- p.t.. :--'
Jf, V.:.... 5.1-'a. f' It. ; V - ;' ' '. llirui.!.- S.-r, tt.li-.i- ftire K..--a:..l Krli.:.. lll,r...iieli. I r.n.iii.r to me.li.al no u. ll - r ... it. . 1 '..., .- ,., .r ;..,,..,.'. .( y n i.
-S .t.;.t.; - " '-A ' rsl - :-:..'S V -S- ' ' - . - ..... n.-n ,. ir.-n mu.i n.-,-,--,.r.it i s.tM.ia: v. 7..r. i.t. i r 1 1.,- 1 , . ,,. .
S VsiWSj- a5-. tl 't , . . Tl.r.x.t au.l .-..ft I alalr. T.-tt,r. I.i.rlar s ll.-ll. an.lall In- Lnif a Jaatlic .ur.'i'.:tre, or lull. ;;r. a J -ir. at .. '" " .'. ."-.'-''.
V t a' ' i IS . ' bit.. ..1 iti,.r... li' i,u.iiit,-.'. l 1 nib ; :,..tsi,.. T.." SMS. .ii-l all -lisi-..- . aii-n.c lii.u. ,,n lv,. ! ...'ti '' '.I..- ' -. ' ' . I I I i" . r-.-.-a-
1 ..li. 4 -2" . ti . r.V.-- j.-.t : i ,r,t, l....-r l...-...tc.,i; !.....!. ut.-i. : r ti: i:l n, a!:,-:!...- lo-r.-.l.t . ,...jir...l. I It tl.i. latt. r r-"T -rtr. ..n.t el!...w. .1; 1, m .v.. I ';'"' V '"' ' " ' ,T' l1''1'1' '
'V'el s.-- I terer ,.. a , Ten. itiov .lave 1 el. !,..-.-at l.i.iM if r, .,.,.v ,.,. taH,.-l . . , i. I. its intr.n-ie ,.-: ,.- , iV , . a !.,. I. it a!....,,....,. ....,,. . ., , i : 'I : , . I., - I" VI. .e-.-.a. I 'T-
N. t..n ill!,.. 1 tto 1 ...t. 1 i..i..:,ti. (. r a ...ri .1 T '.1L. .', ' ' ,, .t !t..ii, I .,. ti ,i.-l, "".lutut-L,! :l a , ha' itu:.l -a.iii.-lu I . l..e:.t . t ... ,.,,. j V- -.'(, ....rut .... ,- Tt. .T li ! ,!::-! m
niituitlisti ti.tins al nl. l.u I.f. I- "':,:';.. ,, . J T-V. .,.. I m.r 1 o,.iibii.itoii.i h.,-h. It. ,11 , 1., , I Ol 1 . . , 1. ,- 1 . 1, ...i, t,, . .. , ,,, ,, 1:,,.... V IS. I.t, 1 pi. I I'l II
, 11 ..-. a ,, .j,;,,. ,..!.., i- -- -. o:i.-e an.i t.-i t. ti- i.a.-str.. t. r'iii..i.eLriii.t,wlier ir.st-.t.i t: ui-.l. . i..;.- iat.n-. :,i, 1 . ,, ,t. nt , 1 . , . . .
To the t'illees of N
Aerrv anil rrniisjUuiil
Al-.lll .'.Ot. !.. I'Ml-t
On-er sua ITifule luiili
Wotr'n I'urt 'i"ic llramli.
Wijff's I'urt M.iiliira, Merry, anil Frl Wint.
Kit'lfn I'urt Jamaica ami St. frnix Hum.
"J' ' ,v
. u, lil ITTI.ES.-I beg leave to call the
atiention of the citizens of the I'. s. to ,
lb above V.. and l.,r., imported by i
H.'f' I are .Vc.i7i una lru.li wiim.ii
r run iilfi of .New Vork.whose name is
familiar in every part of this country lor the
purity of his celebrated iSmnnuM (s.HNArps.
Mr.U'oli'e, in hi letter to me. speaUins of the
purity of his Wines and Liquors, says :
I .Lite inr r-l-utnti.-n r.' i nan, me stan.linr a
a ,,,.-r.-l..o.l . I "V. r thirty 'l-i" e ;'
Nr. I..IS. t ...I jII the t.r.i.-ly i.n.l Uiu.- "I.i. h I I'll.'
re l-i.p H- ll. J mi l.-.t. ai. l ..III.- I -eat .,u.illty, and tall tie
rt-.i. J ui-'ii lo t-v.-r i-ai.hii.Ji-r.''
iheiy bottle has tl.e Proprietor's name on
tin- wax and a lae-siunle of his signature on
ihe certificate. The public are respectfully
invited to call and examine b.r thamselve-.
For sale at Ki.taii. by all Apothecaries and
;r-eers m IMnta-b-lpliTa.
liUO-H.ASHTOX, X-..s:l2 Market St.,rhila.
Sole Atjent for l'liila.lelplua.
-n.-a l the f..!l,.-.vin-; front the X. V. Cttrirr .)
' . km I - H. -is--" r..e ..sr.i V.H.S VliolOT-tl'
. .. I,,,- ,., t HI OUT M.--. Hf -l.- t'.l Ihele I- ene
, ,,-,'.. .'...r . .IV het. 'he I.I.V... ..U1. .-tl."r.
.ti VI.. r.-t.ai.t.ran i " ' 1 'Urel.s - ure W me. i.n 1
I . .. t'.. , are il.l..rte.. at. I . f the I..-.1 ,l!lt;
U.' .l-.io-. ii.teti.l M tin an elihT.te .l..r.,.t .1
It.i-nier. ii o t -
l;.''l"'n I M
.- .1-11.- . h ii."'." o ".--
in, ll l.-i,.l I l-i- ..irL'
. . Is, -.'lun-l Il. nv. r.-t. .:.-!
1 St. Hi- ,t" i "1 s In ! :-s..ii
I r.-.. lv I ' .Ii ri
..t I...
,,.,.,1-. H. Hlf 1". ;o. in'-
i mi-1 I... V". r-,-.-- (.1 Mi-l. ira. sh.-.-r
I-. tt Him., .-.--Oil ami lii-ll tt'.isl.v.Jntinl.i. ai.l .-t
I r It hum. n il .' v.-rv .11 ali'l' -Iiial t.. any in t..i-.'.:. n
,-v li, hi.l alo.lho-e hire-c-a.irs tilh.l with Bran.!,
U n... i-... in ea-k. tiii-ler t'u- m-l..u" key. r. ...ly l
l...tll:i.. Mr. '..ll-'.--r.s.hl. a). ps la't year am. .mi
t -.1 I" ts.l ....tl .lo.:. ti. at. I ci te-ie in .-sthaii two y. i.r,
' ,.. n.sy t i.iaaily tu.-ciiarul UU bia llranJi. a ainl
t oi.-. , , .
Ill- t.tl-ine merit? tlienatronarem ev.-r, .......
t - I. .". 1'r.vati- fniniii.
who wi-h 1-iire W lie-a ati.t 1..
u..r? t-r ni'-.tt.-a: u-. si "io s ie. "r
w.. ir.. ...oil ..v..rv At.-.th.-earv Hi ill'- Ian I make U
I', 'it- in. n 1' '- .i.-e..r-l Hi- ...i- -.i" rtatl rn-m He ir
,1. iv. -. ai.1 lepla.-e it with Welles nuru Wmi-5 ana
1 ui. r? I
V,.- ioi.I-r,tar.. Vr. Vfotr., f -r the a-eomnin.lati.in r'
.ail ili nhrs i.i the eou.itrv. l-ut., nt ii-., rt..l .-as. et ,
i .ti.-- au.l t I j.. -r'. I'u I. e- mi.
s'i-.iiI 1 If ?..t;.iii. ,1 a?,:ii-t hi- !
iv tit it. tin- I I ... I l
. an I mi- ti a ni. ri n-.nt.
II - t.f th..i-o..l- : !--.i
ll n. It.inir hut in.i-
T r". t i
. h.nn.in h-att'i an I tial i in. , M.
Id by J. RAKRR V CO, I.ewisburg
TX THE OLD Midi'! The subscribers
) r.spictlii.ly ai ni.ur.rr to the cilirens ol
Lewis!. nri and vi inity that they have formed
a Partiieisli p in the
Tailoring Easiness,
at the well-known s'and .1 James Cri'weil. n
Market street, where they are pr-'t ared to
('IT AM l.'.IAZ. ' to order in the very
best style. Men's and Roys' IItlnc' I
every tie. i rtption on short notice. We asa
a share ot the public pa'r. n.ipe
J M I's Ci;iWF.LL.
Lewisbnrtr, April 1, ls-'.'J
.;-. i ritm-.l'.-ati. O f.f .
irt tu uu-li.'ati'io. fr.-m )m thuro'-tL 1m
m.-rtl Cite. TofU4.li.
o" ihc rr; tv IUi.iam n- tu
.l-Tir t.f nil Kvrv ..ii; '0:1'
,. i...r1'iii.'l'lv -I'll-:!'--!
i7 W.TViy 1
I'.TV't. ti
r...:r-'i-, I r
t Lv P. v
t-iiiv of tt.i-
ttr. i
of 1 !,
Ii. At -1 Wa-M
.r-ni f t
. ttv.
of t'.e It
n-i .n-T i
I'.rt-ill-.iue T '"
nfirt time altur U
IT. O. rhehi Iho
.ri. iifi an.l j-triT.tTtlirni tlie rtnt wlm ton
ri'irS rt lurt-l to f-ftrt i'f nt or.'.inMry i !. It I ' ill- nti
i:i;.Tii'l or-ai tn!nrr!iH it!.lnni'iati"n. I' "t r.iii,-: li-
hr8r. -ml rv ittliit-i tt.- lr:tu. ami it willful a
ih il a- a t.mitr. .!. ,lvinir i-l'-'M i i'-ity r nia.'nfti loir
cm i v -art of tlif eiiffi-lilfl tol l.ro'tiiit. h- "'.-. It
ii-'itS 1. n :I'.v ri:il I.. i.i!iiin-f ny tl.:it t!.- -- -cii.
ItiiAM i trulv ti:o cr.M.f-t ri-mMv of l!i dav, a" its
l.'fti .-' '1 if.I.::f!t are fulijr ajiiareut in eiUt iiud fori
tiuurs aftt-r trial.
I .i't tW inrali'l. tltrtn. no l"rjor d. lav. lt
Bilk tti tri.it. ati'l l!i ri;tl will surely be
ut the rtiot fjra'ifyip chirarttT.
T!i .VM"iAN 1.11--.H n lui f.irt"! with tTi
fT'-.ttf-l P-irf. an'l the t"-t innt-Tiiiti. Nr
j litis t,r ---.-i:-e an boari' l t i ir,:tkw it nli.it
i Ute b--L l.r iwii r-m ".y "f li.- ;?. It
n.av be tak. n by cit-it-r w x. o!' all ;- nri-1
fat till ffn-i.ii. iih jM.rr.'d ..ifr't-r ; .nil it .-.
none tin' I,.. pitfrful m c.-n-intTiuiT lt.i- -li-rn.is
ahi'U a;i tr.e lnim ..Tttimi .nol ii"!ii-7
. , tin- tiv-... inaitv inotir mi.'i-t. Ka.-ry f.tmilv
.h.i il t bTw it, nutl rtgiird it a.. ;
Iwnfrii.iir' pttnfliltfi ffivrn to all whoaijlr
tu tuy atuu.
e..,,.- ..BV1"'
lihiaft P!fcs"!''i
- -.mi .,-ti. -it- - -vjr -
The above is for sale at 2." cts. and 5 per
large bottle, by J Baker A Co,$o)e Agents
FFICE in hit. new Brick lJlerk, Martet
street, somh snle, betueen 4th autl G'h
r-t:.-i.. -s. ', " ' ; at.etiil to all cails m hi hue iu towu aLd u,,. i.j. ..r,...; . .. .x , :. , ... r v. .-.'.. . v y. t ... i- ..
5 I --rT f. r.-. . .....rw en,:,' l..,i,.- i.i tn-,.:.. :.: I. v T T-r . - ! - ' ' I ' ! . - -
I ... f-..r ... a,;: ..aVli, tn,r t veu-IUU i "'' " ,u '-v f-e-n-tl-l.-a -a ...1 .1,,.,,-. .. ,,,,.,.,!., et!-ct.-Lale k,..-.Uai.y a.-:,,,, ..!,.,. le .1 ,,,,,, ,; ,, ." aa'-..., ti ,." I. in Xilli.l l.s a.
ri.n.a r.-,..-,y H... , M,.-ve GSZAT CUH3 CP SCROFULA. '" i'.fi-VIr..n...7.. ':-, .e. ,;r..th. ..eleUta- IX, I J'J'JT,,. Z
tli:ti I.. 1 1 bIhjuW be con.-Uullv 4uiU lUuiMilma Ti: lollowin? hlt T firm l.ir'!iijr r, Sim Ct.-J m.-DlN X "! 1 '' ' . .iV'ti'' 'V i"' "":,l'-v ,"; ' :.' i-.n--' 1 .-.i' .!. ...- t:i.trrr.
. i;1,-.,K;u-i (.ftl.t: S-ly .f I n.Til. uC-H- ftun; .-ti l- iice of tl.e , mUtvx f.f,riw,.s l ,.S.v..-iiltl... h,.m v.iiil , r crat
1 tt, i nti ui. --'."t-:-....; in Ji.f f. -:i-ui ; mi'l sl'.'iii ffii.'ri.
T-rir -1 t I r-t h.tr.j.iy :m J.iii'dinir-. !-' uU
im.u t! 1 lit r nl -it. An ho-it- - tut-. f tl..- '.J. '
tlifn.'i. .If'nlit t'l.-ll of lli" 1 i:i'.-f. hiU ti"- ry.-l-:il i'.Ii '
i:i : ! 'J .i .1-, ;if. . ;"i'-:it;on ' nn i f'-' or ,1 1-T
att-i l.i ii f -v-r:.'.i iii't-i-:t l,.-.tit. I .-r. nn I k d
.., .r,'.-'. ,.rt.,,i,., fan- f .'..! r .1. '
i 1,. ..or -!' ti-i:i7. uri- ro("-:il iii ti:' ir r .- il r rtctt-tii
' t.. '. j";.i (icltii- f;ilUT in ti.' ir t.i-k. ;:i i t'-.i:-. tc
, w rf""n "i.f jir ol -i r;t : itu- t.-i'n''. u- ! sn-'i'.ta
li i.tu 1..0.I. i ie I tl.' iiii'ti'.il l"tii4 i- w. cli ti iL'it r.:i tj
-...S.-ri. .' "i
i.il.3ie:k, ko.vs &. .,
(till l. I1LHIR AKD co.l
lewihlmrs Planins Mill,
eep constantly on hand and
ii.aniilar.turr to order I liol illtr. Siding,
JIlouldinsH ol all patterns
and all oih'-r descriptions of Wood Work used
in Hull. ho?.
Orders respectfully solicte.l and promptly
filled. Ail work warranted to ivesa:isliict:i n
I?' An extensive lot of I. limber of all
descriptions on hand f..r sale.
Inrliirit mi AWA Stcond trtet,Uwitburg,l'a
April S3, lK-'.'J.
C0-l'AIlT2s EKSll 1 P.
The nndcrsisncd have as-
j.i .
' Ij.T .TJ'OCialeil tliemseUes into copart
nership for ihe purpose of carry-
-2sair, ,. ,he l.unil.erin:. I'lamntr,
and (-arrenterM.j busiuess in aU their various
' .;
branches, al "le .
fcwtolmrtj Gtcam Plflllllig HllU.
where thev intend to keep a stock of I
Hemlock, "Walnut, Cherry, lVplar, Ash, Ma-
pie, and all kinds of Lumber, Kloormz !sicl
vintr, ldin'r, Shimles, I.mh. Joists, tstiiddin?, ;
i-'eiiciii?, I'ltkets, Door and Window frames,
Doors, Mtnturs, Ulinds, Sash, M.mi! linns,
lirackels, &e. I'lanum, Slittins, Scroll Saw-!
in", .vr. done at sh. rt m tire and all work
wanai.te.l to pive salislaction, both iu rice
and wotkinausliip.
J. 1. IilEFKrXDr.liFEIt,
hi;:m iii;i:i.-n.i n
tewUh-trff Ptsnit: MilN. Ajril 1. Is.o.
jVcir II;ir(l (on, l"'."i f'., I'"- I
tT?p Till: suiiscri'ier, thankful i
f?-; -;"sr for past patronaire, would inform I
tfV-) his mends and ihe public in r'ne
c ,, .ciiai aa, raf ne continnes to matiiilac- ,
tore all kinds of It null II oo!h, stu b as
I'loihs, ('assiai.-re.Twt-f..s,s,tLi,netis, Jeans, ,
ISlaukcis and flannels; also. Carpet and
Stoekin Yams. His niacLiuery bein? of the ;
bCst kind in use, ami having einpn.ye.J the1
best of workmen, he feels .sale in savins
that Hs work shall not be surpassed I y
any rft'.abli-hntrnt in the country. A soo! sup- j
ply of th a'... ve c ..Is kept c-.tistanlly oh hin.l (
for sale or to exchar.ee lor wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. V.'OOI, will be
Carded in the best m.'tnnerand on the shortest
p.-tiee. Terms for rardinr, cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HAI.ri'L.XXY.
infield M.i'.s, March 3d, 18.'i7.
TSlIE subscribers have fur sale r
1 JJ (m I. 's to suit purchasers
I a larre stork of
'i &J
TIM: ;o.l. .s" Panel Piufl t3in.s.J.-;-. i
Plar.k. Ac. Also t.OCO J'Ab KAILS.
meh Stiwe-! shtiojles s'lo.'rior ittiality.
I Al-o s uare Ttmi-er f ir R'.tii.ltnss ;
Winch are i tiered low for rttsh. atotir Mills
ii fotiili Brarch of lite W hue Deer l.'ie.-k in
Hartley township . -delivered on the Frusli
Ya'l'v Xarr.." s n al at the end of our R..ad.
tV"A Dipioma tor a superior sample of
Planks, and a Prerritnn f. r Rl Is and S:ii''
ies.uere awarded ns at :he l.tsi I niotiCo.Ai.
Fair. JOilX M t ALL is; f(i.s,
lyTi.l Forest Hill P O, I'nion Co, Pa
Atirtlnn ar.J I iimeiiss.uu lltiast- ia Lii.;st,r.
QegF&'&gii Lo-al Auctioaet-r !
t". l.Jlont llOAU T bavin:; been appointed
sole Auctit.ni erl..r l.rwisbi.rs, i pre
T::t lollowin? I.-tt. r firm l.ir-!iljr niH-ctrJ m r
j df tlit; iv't-itty of I'ruTftl-, ur-Ttl- flu n,; i-vi I. lice of tl.e
irnut ii iTioriry of tL-e Ittrt r.n ever .1 mi
au'l Ar.siP'.i.ii.n Mtxu rt-, :is .!! a.-. iLi Turiuuj-olL. r
Meilkmet. in f. tu ral usi' f .r Scrofula.
VI I'.K Of I. MNKC I'. MOrtKE.
F-tm-p'I itv.s i.t-tt r t. .... !'a . Jo-j,.,.
Tr.. A. Im. I'.'-t-i-i-. n .1 Kri.n.i: I r--i 1 a
li-tt.T trom tl,i. a few d..v.-. Min-- 111 wiii. h t l.ci wituM
11 1 1 t" liiv t li.-i ;i .-irr-'t't -t..ti ni't ot t..iinrr m -n- frSto
l.i.- rirt-t jiiliu-k. lit w ta.ui 111 (itflnljo! I -.ji , n 1
in In.- I....1 - r, i th -.-T-rr '.iiu in !.im I.i; hii1 Ihu'l),
Hli.l wits r.'ii!ii.-l II (11.4 If 1 I -r l.Vrt T h. In the ,
r..ur. of th;t tinif. :m ul- .-r I.tiik-.J nti !n- llii.Ii. t.i- h
Ui-cliar-t . -Nil ot t.l.-. iv !.'. r: llif kitrfo! hi.i
otli. r I- t lo 11 omin. nr. tl .-ihtiv', aritt F- ry i -uc-lui;
in It-) 'V h'-t ii" tnf t'.-tr uuttrui .'; t'.n
wrr ,..tl- ..,'., I --t ll" tr n.. :r,.r a,,. ,fj... ...,. ,1 :
.re; ' int. I (". '. r. s- r--.; w.ijt k'M-'l'mw
( .(,.-...'. i' 'io 'i ,y.-.-u ..7 i.W i.,.. . ....
te.-- ..
l;tt'. lit thm tot-k -titi.t in hi-iiriiis. ai. J l.mt ul.fi..
' ii l-otlu wliit'It wt-ri- rry 1 ntnlul re. n.i .-. -.w, ,
i-n. i-. ,- .-. f.-.tif 'v (Ii.-uurr'i Jioih tf:' itU'-n: .i ;"
t' js drawn Uf, at I nd t. ttr , ,!,t,-,i, , r im,t )
t!,r !. i.f m:t,... II,. rtrtfU-(,.l by a )' IlV llIU II ftT ft
roii-i i. r.ibi lfn'th of tun. itlj .iit mu h'tw-nt-ii:. .
tli- n took tire bodes i f 1' wn;m. mii:ill., a i:h- I
out any I! .-ft. W . nt-xt .-tjij :i-tH- h -ii i ,n of fi:,n.
c:i-ter h i-rfiit-ej a '.-r.-at .,f iiitf. rent me.li. inw '
without r.u iiuitc in. M. i t-..t it r-'-i-ij t t .r iii:tk.ti,r
istr-nf.-irili.-t. rix urt-1 tht-'iiiif.,icnt tn in an Ai-othrf:.- ,
rv iti Laii.-:.-t.-r. an t iim j.- a irntb n, win- h, be t-H-k, b.-j.1.f.-'
a (rfat .(.liintiiy ;f ten ...... h- ol .-ur-aai iiriil., r.-ot
ati'l Mi---:ttrjci uiixt 'l : aim Tri- klv A-Ubu I lnrTl.K-k
Ti-a: but all did lull.- ,.l until h.'- t.N-k tl.v iii.-,1i. n.e. '
abi. h we h.-;ir I if fn in tint beii.-tit it n- Uoiti' t.i the '
wn of a c izlibfir, ll.-tiiy liro-iin. ln a v.-rv rhort time,
an iui roTeuit-nt , prt-i (,,.(, 1,., and einitiiiU' d until he
wa-eunil. whit'h was with the twelfth bottl,.. It .
entirt-lv i hiii.il bint both in hciiih and .int, lr :
wliM-h I f-el ..-i v t.at-fuint!i e l and am witfti.o; d,,
all 1 fe.ii ( i -i-t.-nt with truth; tor the n-ltai.. em-nt v(
iujf tniiiii, ami tne -:04ja OI ll.e iil'i-riii'f.
Thy j-tncfre fri. n l, LYU1 M hiltE.
Thee may du uj thte et-vf tit with thi.t iu welcome.
THROAT aOisz:A.sr.
Thi. Isre ! nf.i--en-i". :n !n linL- rieentiMi. Tn.
; flaniation-. Knui- l.inl irri'nti. u.i. most -mc 'H-fuI-
; lv In M'.-.l by th.- u-e . Dr. IU.- U"t.urutiT,-;.nJ lir.
, i'n. iiirtiai .i) I'l.nti' r. l.ea.l !!m- t.-llt,'
r-'.ee.ly i un- aJler 1'it.ir eoniiinit ,i -nil. rir.- :
ii3 cu. cf
I Tuwv, itf li-r to., Jvly l!, 1V'.)
Pr. DT7tT,.;,r.-ir: Alm! five Teain ai:., 1 wa at
tn.tifl i"i a .Uw.( the thnat. wbhh came ,n lt.I.
UhMv. but nt times wh-n t wul. t:.ke cold the pm nr. 1
i fiiil.-riti would ! Tery di-tr.-tMnt:. ncn.mpaiii. ,1 with
I lo"- Of Toiee tt. -Ut-h au extent tlctt 1 cul l tint i-rh
i atn.ve a ahi-irwr. The di. tu-e n ntioued rcttni w.r-,
notwithtitan.liii-- I waft un l.-r roeIi nl trt jttm. nt ( it...ir
; d'lT- ri'nt hy-ieinn!. Bee..min-r aUrnied ut my .ou.li-
ti-.n. 1 e-ntchi.ttii to C tn l'liiJ.,)l-I.hia an-J eon.ilt
whirh you rwllfi-t 1 .,;. i,i the winter of Ivl.whfn
you rei onini. n.h j ni" to take your Ik purative: and by
then of four iK-tih-iiof it. itifoniie.-tioa tth your
thr-tat api lii atitn, I wa entirelr ctin-.l. ami b me re
mained KfU. It i now more thai, a year tuce the cure
aaclb-cti-d. K-rtvtfullr. vonr fru-mt.
r Parts' ATi-?.-in,n lols ihmjiwt and Tukot
ri.n tti'M -:ii.inu at-t-.titti-tnr the llrpiirative in ca.-(
r.Mii;ou- Licem an j tle.-r.i, JLe.. nt the Thror.t.
on the AsiMits. J.IIAKKU X CO. of
; ma.. ,,,.1,
and procure rireulara eontaiuinc a L.r
nee in t.ivnr r.f ii.- ...
J. HAKKK A C., An-for I'ni.m county.
J ames P. Lian. J. Herrill Linn,
F. & J. M. LLW,
AfloriirvM a
ir-,.-. 4,,orncJ!' at tatr.
5' I Union County, Penn'a.
J. JIKSIUIL 11 W reatatlaai.wilt for th" Staff rf Ioa.
Ruckc c Reaper & Mower,
Manuf.iciitre ! I J
Central Fcicdry, Lowisburf.Pa.
riHK Itnckeye Keaprr k Mi.werwas ie.tr...
J ilui e.l in lf ru', and so pe,in i'y was it
adapted I" ihe w..rk ilrsi-.-ne'l that at the
lircatest J'r.icti. al Field Trial ever h-ld in
th.s coiinlrv, in July of she san e year, al Sy
racuse, it ti iuui iiauily carried i ll tl.e
Crainl do'nl J!ui!:il ami Ii.!;nia!
At the Indiana Slate Trial, lo-ld ai l.api rie, in
lei-'iet, nearly as many m.-.rh.i.es were n pre
sented and as lliorc uglily tested as at ) ra
cujf, and the
Euckeye va3 aaia tho Victor!
And so also at nearly all the f,..U trial- ai..:
exhibitions in I H.jX, '.'.: and ''.. lo n n ua
a coinretHor. At a nuuil er ol t xml.:!.. -i. i'
receiv. 1 ihe I .rl 1'ieii.iiii i t-.s a -i... . r. I irsi
1'remiuin as a Keaier and t'ir-t I'lemiont as
, .Mat i....e. "I l.ese t.ni.er. us
is ,,, c,tl,,,iely ihc ecu.,,.,!
the decisi. n al Svrarus
'I'he ci.tiilorieit opposition of ih tr.anqfae.
Hirers t.f Mowinsand Keajiinj Miieh.iies ai. l
their ell. -ris to t ru-h and to l.rn. n.t.. .l.ste.
pute the Hucla ye, c nly serve, 1 t.. pri'.e
SLI'KKIORII'V"; and the Lars ih.y enter
tamed cf its final Mircrss and tritimpli wit" ,
evn enees oi itie reai worn an J u.ei.ioi .io-
( Inn(.hnie.
Tne Machine has n; w pa .e l il.r. .t:sli four
harvests, an-l during il.r last ihree over Stu
Thou sand have been I '.it and sold aid the
faino r mar j'i.t.-e of n reputation by the nu
merous awattls ma le by ronuint'ees b..th at
I'.eld trials and at : a'e and County Kxli.Li
ii..ns, as well as frotn the tuimeri-.is .iemat.il .
which the ti.aiiuiai'.turi.rs ha-.e tievtr tt been
able tn supp'y.
Slifor, Walls, Ehrirer & Co,
Mar.iif.il turers tf Rul.tk's I'l:-. t t M.-wer
and Reaper. IJueke- e Reaper i . r. I'.o
ltn"'s P.it. nt Horse Power. W tils.-n's Pto. t t
Fo.l.'er Cu ttr, R.i n's Patent li.o. I'o -f. ;i: 1
Mit -In in D..tib'e P:i w lst,,S:..tt- ; .. . ( as
ttns ol a'l kinds.
Criitraf ' ir."'' nn.T M-uli'ttt .V. p. '" r
tar i'.''t mill .'.'..' .-!i"f.-, L-ku-1'itrjy
L luuti L'i.t J'it.
X' r. tl. l'e.i.
(sun-..--- rto-' l-.V'tn l
fVatf I'.mafcir untl Jiv.iRtr,
Locat.-J two .1 . r-. .--' f '? -'. ' i ": . uj.. a i;
)lt. V..1. r-l.t.H l.-ht ..i.. I .
o;'.'.. repa.it ! i n sr.- t
m.lice aiii! v a: r;tn
nte.l to e;-.e a::s!nr:;. a.
An exce'it :-.t a-- rttnent . : ' at. .. s
Clocks and .l.-w-lry :i r ri -! ( 'luny. f.r :-h
OU.T f li.iMLrs , i ;! s-t.s ma,!'.- ij order
I.ewisb'irc. ipr:l '', !'"
L-?'.t--l- 'i j
alatri of tri,
m' .in 1 i r t - r
In i i.-ti i 1
hud iar inort-biiltie.-tl
Hill.' ut aii
--I Iht-
:i:i- i. Jiiii
The at
Tiled io 1
ot o in- nn ec1 T, ( v rr.r 1. r;v ir---y
andrttU rai.it, in tLrcu.-t-.-j ecu.iar-
Iv atrt ' tir.- th'-m.
In 1'aiii.i v vit-M. Loth rlirnnic and it nm-4t'-Tr Jn
tl laltt r. h.iw'fTt-r. nu n' -b t- -I . i( I a- t u invar!-a-
ly well rt jmti .i. b .th a ail. Tiatii.T ;tin r, !n ,
inc thf Mcelhn- ati'l -t.::rv i i, rj. ,m. u. i iu,..M ;r.
In Imi:i::jitu:t I'Lvrp-. :i n. n-t 't. r. ) , :, -r. at 1
r. ni.-.lv ni.-l ei:ir-:e:' r, r.. t t-. ;n.,j : T. IU !
n- w -ettlt nientu f th X.-i, Wili I .abiy te one et
hi :h rt'iiowu mid u-rlu'.'it -s.
No r. nifiiy ba-' ev. r I n li-i-r vt ! in th- m h Ie
tnry i.f nifili.-iii . w bit h i x-rt- m h r run; r. b i v. at.tl
fully r. -t-TaliM- . Hi . t. , ; j.. t ..m ,.!, .,."
ttoii. r:i i 1 ai . ii n ! -i . i, - I;, t h itn uim-na1
r -.ti - n l r uc'.ive aud chceriul i xerci.-e, immedijitr'
1-I1..W it u---.
I'u t ii. in nent fT t mc!i! l-ot n ntiinirT "r-t.Is
pri-1- -'ti cMit- ji.-r 1m i.t : i-.r .1.- by ,1m z.i-i n.i !.-:!-r.
U iM be - i.t tr. . to any Ir- . n n -. !; I . f the Lr.ee.
All lett. r.-,oril-. . . t . -i mil ( f Rd irt'.'-.,. to
U. ati. iai.ii.Kh a. t.v . i.,-'n-rai :-rt.
V.Altr A Io f Vi )b.:Ir l(.trris A llrnraji
fVllE suWriber con
L linues to carry t-n th
the lil Main! on .HI
Third Mrert, near Markt, a tut respectful! ,
sr lie its Ihe pam-nacf t hi-. triemK atiI ih I
public :einT.ii:v. ciiAifi.usf tin:
Lewisbur?, May 22. I k:.ii
II Y tl E U 0 L 0 G 7 !
VC!KIi)t s and rrterraii litile
(all abmit Matrminiiv, M.n. y, and ci
er mtterf.,) (vt Ihe amuM-mrM tt f very b '
(and ihe yutin bilks, a'M) mi b-n? w.n:
rveniti-i, raitu (J.iy, rnc. t cr::
Vholp..i!f, 15 Cntv. Sent 1 v ::i;t:I i.t --t ;
11 cent stamps. F. rsaa!:
iiVt' oliice. UOUDLX.V
1'..! :'
:.e :nr 'linnt-
( -ohm: i.i i s.
Nt-, : -1 ur i. l'..
a PIC-
"We'll jjop into t!l Wa
NIC. - (M
n, atid a.l take a ri le.'
Vl.AKlin, han.lsome frTTT 7.
and verv cotnt'i -rta-4,-C-"''?'-r'i?
ble W 4.o hsi...... itj
fiite.t up lor Ihe espe,-lai aei'..nii.nT:latM.n ol
Pie-.Nic au.l other similar exeiir-ions. Terms
moderate. Appiy 1,. Jos. M. Hot'SlIL.
Lewisb'.ir. Jtit.e :l, ls:,;i.
jr Horscaan'3 Friend, or
Finv-To Valuable heeeipts for the Parmer
anil Horse lear ur sale fISI rt bv
C J M'AHI., lii.okbin ler."Lea.isirT
THE finest coats ma on ttrelre heurs'
notice bv JolIX ii. .'.lii.I.K::. .. 3 I st.
the oldest anJ. btt Tailor tu Lei. isbur
fcTi!S.'A-vajV-'Vil.-.: i -
! .'t .-..,1 :,r.j ., : .(, I y :.!'ti -t i. I ; ii' ' . 1 ( , (.m . ( . . . , , ,. , , . . . t
mho- -t i.y ti.- 1. . i.. -t i, ,;: Auli.- 'i--. I :1 n- i 't '". , 'J" -; . , .I a,-1
I Lilr. ;-.. :itIj tl." U.I. 1 J-:.!' , ;.J f.-'r. 1 111 ti.'.l , ( ' t 'i ' ... . . . -I i ;i . 1 h-
! 1 V,",1"''- . ,. . , -. , . 1 ' '- 1" '' ' i: i .s
pared to ' '"i- i t: un i-.... ..' r"' ... , . i. - - ' J- :in-.
1 i lUrafi 'it i
AY Elf S
Jii-V- ' 'i'-' I ,i,l-
J ! eni, l A.- . .,, ,(
'I'-'II tttr yirlnf y
I i- ,
' 'I It - r .til irf.i-
4. J
-: t.i
: - Rnd
u tin- fc,
'n: :t'-ii
' "..it
t ill fi ta
- mnt
v 1 ,u-i-
Iv tl...
H r,.I I Ol -
, .. ,
.,..! . . . - ' . .-
,'- ' '
; . r" "i"."-',. t .. M!' V.Vili
.-r ti,
...K par
y. m -In
ti, t 1,
i .ufhtie
.. a i
i t.4
1-1 M .It'
I'll j air.
' a-
i.ll.l- ID U lit l!. .
si. l-ll'iti!:,, lie.F'nt, I lntnarla.
1 witnj
a. th.
I t ::i ai.M.ach.
Illlloui Dtsm t!. rs l.i, tr l oniplaiut,.
,t. i... fi
1 . .i - i
1 . y
' .. II .ft WMI-
i ' 1
r : .. I.
.;". i
i -. .Lw to,
I . .. o-,...-
-1 1 1 ,
.. I . I
I- IU vt li.
I,... e J.-iiM
I:-,ri ln m. ICrln,. Worm,.
. a- ti-a. ana f
r. .-..ta 1 l.a
hi Oa-T mak-.
.Oti.rt.iit lt li.a I
ii-ifr of the Blootl.
., . f .1 f '.i.ic .. n,a
PrLe, eu a per P'-i, or 5 Boxes fcr$I
Trqinr. t y Dr. J. C ATER 5: CO , Lowell, Xaas.
I - by C W 8'h.T,!Te ar.il by Harris A
I'ui.raii. l-:-l nrt; ' h I.f'ii-h. ew l.-rhn: (htndrl a
tt i. f... r. - :i,-.r e ; J ! i..t ar-1 li II Kiwi,
Mil! torr-y l-n. New ColuBitiae aad Uralct
ft t h Tl jv.'r.i w
Wrt Brai.rh tu,ursrre'(,.iiiaitj.Y
l "t ix im I.N, i a. j
OX. C.C. HA R V K V. i're.,.,..
J. V. CH APM S, .SVrr..'er.
i his companv. on eiiterinz upon the fina
year ot tle ir business, stibn.it the U Iii wirj
statement of thetr assets and busineas to tht
Ni.nit-erf f rolj-ir, in f. rre Janaarv 1. l-i'.l. 5".2"
i::.,iiM ..I iT,,j . r' v iii,-iirril ,t,
Alu'l t.t I'I Diiuu Ll.s 10 f, ri-e do
i H
NnniVT rf Peij, :. iifii, d j a.t yur
Atn unt !' I'n j . r'v ir-i ii .l
.lui-uiit . f fr, r.i..i;i Niift recriT-J
Au. ui.t nt 1. -,-. .-ij-tj.il. d
This Ci'ijipr.nv riti!ir.i;ft r
'.- iiT-urr rvtr?
h a, tinlrifii!?!,
K s. ir daoa
i.:iu,.il r per-
i!rsrrif ;im o( property.
l'.'oi!-, tiiercltarnl Ac., n.-ti
nr '. Kire, ainl it r any tm.f
s..n. it. Ouvk;
I.eu ibur2, Oct. -.(,
A ALL lis ll Mil ;..,
7Xi:ci TK! in the best style anown ia
the ait, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 Anh Stmt, .off if SUlhj
M -UlEliM OI'Ii; PollTKAlTf .
Aiu'irnlyjH's, Dauerreiitjiu's,
F. r Cases.Me.lHllions,Pins,I'in!;s..Vc. jl
1'. JI. liKAYIli:.
nKM.IlI. in Hruis. Dve MntN. r"
Oils. f.;i e. s. Chemieals. White Lew.
W in.b.w (. :,ss, ( ,,e (i,, K!u,,t Alci hil.
l'oaliii. ai l:unUil,Tannrr'"
.V-oi'ii fmit (li, T urprntinr, '',
Confectioneries Tobacco.Cig3rs Snoff
Ac. Alan, the rest bran.lv. Wine, bi..'T
llin, A c.. f..r meilieal purposes.
(f. ritietly Mr. Pnr.lv's Drui stere ) L'all :b.
Leai-I.Ur;:, ,t 'JI.
Land Varraiit far Fort7 Acres
.''UK SAI.K. Eioiiire at the OiSce ui tae
L i . v""r -:" v :"'
t- . ' -' '
1 l
SUr Jt C&rjMiu, Lnviabur.