Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 14, 1861, Image 2

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Fuc!.tii-i Fan, (near Lew- )
ihure.) June 5, ISfil. $
BKIXfJ preaent at the cuuin; of sreen Itye
of largest erowth. we cheerfully eipres
our entire satisfaction with ihe operation of
i A's S. MA KSII'S Patent Automatic RAKK.
anil ihmk the cutting an t raking of Rye u hirli
in to-dar done by thi machine a triumph in
Ihe art of labor-savme. Some stalks, measu
red, were from 7 feel to 7 feet II inch's high.
We caniltillr believe this machine to be of
the m,it perfect an,l practical kin J. and very
willmxly sire any ho may ih it the use
.f our eiperience in having een the most
difficult work dune in a war accepraM io the
iuot particular farmer. J'lH.N (JI'.MIV.
J.VO. A.lifMJV.
(an.l many other.)
To the Voters of I'nion county. n,l Aug. I
respectfully uljn)it my name for Trennurtr of
the c "intv. and if suc.eesslul will be thankful
lo you and faithful to the trust.
To the Voters of the 3d of August (!( nllc
men : The upper end of I'tiion county t !aim
to have one Associate Ju lee. We therefore
propose and rccomtncnJ hi.uil.iil i .i.M'iiiii
Ksq., a man of integrity. who would dischrrire '
the duties of said like to the ejtent i f his I
abilities. Subject to the choice of primary
election. t ITI'H J'.i !
ParsmrsT Jrnuii. It is about tune the
rieople of I'm. n ounty should begin t- look
ah oil for some stio lble person. possesMi, tbe
proper legal iiuahfuMtions, for the nni.. n.nii
n!!ice of President Julie i four District. X ,w,
two important q'iMineations are, 1st, B--H j call a:ol seule as soon as j.os:;b!e. We have
well " bke I up" m the law; 2 I, Iltiinrs ih biv to pay, an 1 to ri.-'t ilie. must mai;.
tact in imparting and executing such know!- collections. "H AMUnni.I.X III?').-.
edge. We know ol no man m our dtvtrict 1
possessing ib-se inalifieations so eompldelv j ) I I 11. !,TXN
as JEO. F. MIM.EK, K-ij., and we honestly ! i TTOJiS:T T f.?7 '
heliere it would be the interest of th tax
payers of the cunty lo nominate and elect
lion as theirl re-o:enuuue si ourneii nee-
Tin; I NION.
To Ihe Voters i f ."nim County As it is a
l.inj; lime since enr Tuwnhip his ha, any
imporiatit county cliicer, an l as uc ;h:tik we
have as cooH an ! iifservm tax-payers at any
other part, and a the important viVice vi
ronimibst'intT bfl- nes t rur quarter tin- i
year we recommend Mr.MICIIAEI. BKOWX
as a fcllnw Cit:z-n every u-ay lit atnl worth
if thai oiTice, and we ak yu to elect him
nominate.! on the M na. Kt Hn piun:.
I 1 . , ol
j j ipiji, est., tu tor luuu.j oi s iui
tue year
OtsTil..rtin Ilrr.thT
Kr. in.-r, sf "luro k Co.
J..i Hail I'...
V ..il. W t -1 A Co.
C C Ilnnifl
II nrph t li'H.JmiB
llrovn A Hrn.
f.iuii'i.. Hurh
J Il.t.TlCn.
Als. Amnion
IVkr II. il.s,wr
sr-iHiir I'Bi b
John H'.u.iton, Al.
V V. (.nM
i v r .rr. at
J It. U .:
t;..r,c. Ib.lKtria
Wm lily
1'hilii 10b. Jinan
l-.'U-r N.-iia
M'm T IC.i;iin.Tf
llrria A Uiluraa
:an Jt O. .pj-r
I tl.'UIV ti ltri,-r
N'mri K iiuiiiiraian
)'.,aiii ifintir
lo.rra iarn'.a
J I.. Iln.li
II I.. M M.ih-.n
I bxlusH N.L.t & Son
JltU ? '.It
A K. is-itoroituiiia
II . r.. .i. r
tlirljKnl i".-.i-.r
V. II r.insra
Kn .Siti:r-a
Ai.'kitn- so.ui.'liton
SitlT. U al i. IV,
J S lr,h 4 I ...
Uaftiinztnn Huo i,."ii
7 i
lo .
r 1.0 t
en J
7 i(. i
7 (-, t
lu ( :t
J i
d .
F A. Is.n -h. w. r
tin oaO"fn;in
1 iiotnK Art.uriilr.
C.irry A T.u.
C. M. Kin
F. S IlunlMr
M'Oroi'ht r.nnrk
K-lly T. .i..ip
Nir Coimui'ia
1- I -I Ir. n Wnrllll
Hull.wn, X to l
l:nlr A lliinuii'lr.-irli. r.iot.l'..
in. Votinir
lior a itMrt.r
ii ;. i(
J D S tint
llnr.T'lu k nid ila
J k J. V'Oin
ui-i i
Miind tp Hiwara
Yonn. k r.rlirr
J.'Try M'Murtrie
lli.-iu Si..: Im -jer
rt. v. ;io,r
H A IV w. Wlotmsr
Sl.rK ll!; noj
Jl.ltloO. ir
II -rtl. v Ton.liip
I'. Ii. tv-r-I I
.Snmo-I SI irt
Ix-ifAMojor t
J ilh s lu ndut u.b I.
F Iw irl a ?
I'tinrip" f'Mwlfj
t II Koiiah
Ii. Smn.f.M
- T wn-litn
-'..ii- L waiLip 1 1
V 'inn. id
itni . hoi-h
h"rrr A To.
1 '
PfTll LFRirS.
v-i :un"i.t
.tr.'.'.s 1..H.V.T.
Jit-w otnmt.ia
15 (10 !
II 0,1 '
III 1,1
It. ih k fro.
It. ii. Il-tvl
... liu Ilil.tKiny
Kalinin Kawn
Sam... Sj-sae
le.yd IitiUT
1-441- Kinc
In i
1 I
lu .
r ll.-'!n
K u. UltH'k
sioe. i.i.iirir M ii
m.t.; ,:! t :rr.FH
U. O. Il. ti-1. tt-. : : 'I, jl aJJmral 40 0'i
An AI'I i:AI. will be he,,l at the Cumtois.
r-iofters' ofllee, in I.eu-. -l r.rz on ssi'tir-1--. .lie
i I day of June, -. f bctw-een the h on- of
HI ami 2 o'clock, when an l where 1T1 t'l ise
who feel them -e!-.cs at:rievnl !y li.e ai-v
classification tosv atteml if they think proper.
J. Si 'If III. Y Lit, Mercntilt A;-i rui.-er.
I.l"'.are. May K.l- 1.
EVAS a 00P7
Provision Store,
oa Market street, between 'M and 4th, '
, p t tr if rtitr r I
4ta la',4S-iV
Call and ?atisfv Yovp.sela-es.
8TOCK i liir? anil w!l selected
rmbrarinc vrvthin? u-ual'v kfpt in a
firv.-e'ass UIMOCUY S JOiil- iiiclu liiig an
it viifrtmtnt (if
in. o
rvi Ai.itr.kT ?. cool'ICIt
Levis.'U!;, Marrii is. isi.i.
Tavern Stacd far Sale. i
I'HE ,ubscrihr off-rs at Private Sal' fha'
valuable HOI'sE. with Stable, she.l and
twj Lots of (iroun.l. siiuate in the Turnpike
(j the main sireel) in the U,,rouh ol llartle-1
t -m. I'nion Von now- occupied by I),v. Moyer.
Terms easy. In.iuire of or address j
A'lm'ref J'-iis hilt. Ki,ji.c'st
Hanleton, March Sti, Itstil mil j
ftlat k OaU Hark lVantl.
ri-sHL subscriber, wishir.; to purchase a
I large quantity 01 a acn inn iari, woui,i ;
a-k the attention of persons bavins ihe article ;
lo this notice. Thcv will find a reliable mar- i
ket from t m Si.'i per cord, in the sprint;, ;
irom me isi 01 April until is. 01 juiy. ai nu
annrry. ai L.ewisDurg. iaii i,n neiiverv.
Jan. 2."s.;i K J lirt.l.. seT.
Western Lois, fjr sale cheap.
I OT , bl'k US. SSL lot fj.bl'k2i.i.xn
I t l"t .
, hl'it- 4'l. .lll, lot IS. bl'k 91. n.M)
in DAKOTA CITV, (a (Jonntyseat and Land
V.Ttce sue) Nebraska Territory.
Also :i l.itl in the town of SPKNCER.the
eat of j istice fur Clay county, on the line of
Ihe Dubuque Rn'r.-ad. at in each.
JlJlIX II. I. INN, l.cwisl tir?,
Jajf 2, ltnia. A.-nl k,r t'ki5.l. il. Xua-a
Vv'IXG to the general depression of the
limest ire have concluded to close out
our business for the present.
We ot!-T our entire stork of merchandize,
either wholesale or retail, at
Sei.ux; nT at Copt !
ki.m:... ore at Cost!
Sei.wxc okf at Cost!
SEi.i.ixrs off at Cost!
T'i Ihe I . A T I f S .vc ofTer a larne assortment
of imiX tmiHil, dUs, shawls. Mils-l:n-,
tii!!l:am-, Laces, Ribbon, Trimmings,
1'arasols, 1'lmnels, Hosiery, (ilorrs, Sec.
I'ariner-i.:..-irpr-nters,niarl;smiths, t'arria?"
T3. ''s, ishretia!'ers, ta Idlers. Ac, will find
Bolide variety it ii . ai.a "t-'o their Iran's.
B?ni iV.i nrr, f;rofr rlri.
fiv CooiJi, 1k tnsiisr,
lion, s.ilt, &c. &.r.
()' IS Til" TIMK for even body to sup
ply themselves at prices lunch below all Com
petition. cheap: cheap: cheap;
m fine an-, all, ?.ui se our (inc.. nnd
l'i ices. V.'e n il! c-ni.:iii -1 lake a.t ki n.T of J
'ti l.Y an.l MARKKTIXC tn exchange fur !
i-uKd. l-ew.sourg, .May in.
cprnm iijitit
I AH persons indebted to us are rrq'testel t
I I.i: s!; .'it;,
, mnM,mrr or Dcril- f r th-
t rr.r T-
n lr?tn".T
i . ' I hi
o;- i . . i ..oi-.u.
(:it)i-. mi l tK- (
i.l.r ft tin- ! t
li-J.-'-ri-nt tif jir""t
rr--.r.i. I ID vithi.r
r.it' J. a inl Kj.-.t tn ti
I jmv ( ! r r
I" Pai l ti. g.
r iti-;ri;nn"it to !
M.ty 7. 1-U
jonn ii. iealb,
I rarnjlhlltsr More,
I.EV, DL;'i, I'A.
The subscriber ha removed into the new
fi'trd and commodious Morerooni of Thomas
1 K'lr.wber He has just received a larSean,l
Weil seieetf 1 stot'k ot
CI. :h, Caiineres. liiks, hirt, liraworf, Ac.
! a!o CI T AM) MAKE TO OKI-LR in the
hest vfvV 4r!'! m-st reaonal'Ie tcrm. Bcicp
a pracuciil .Tailor, an t fmployin? th b.t
w.rl,!ifii. I can cm;i. '.(:. tly invite l:h VJ
and Jtir Cuyotmrsti.t u fnrzcl iw igu
The Red Door !
Mav 2, lSfil J Jf IICAI.E
'PIIAT valuable ISrU'Il Tr(! prrprty
1 Mtuale im lliii.jloe town -in p. a Ijoin iris
Ian H at' Jaculi I)trr ami William I'am.Ti.n,
with evervmin? complei for the ni.in'ii irture
el Mnck.Ac. Al, HULhlSu Lo is, Terms
or AtV,
.t. 17. 1'
I. L'A.-ahi.oN Ja. Lem.-burrf
r I 'II K un ! ric:iei ha imp rt'M Ircm IT.im.
I hurz. in iermanv, ihe iiO!Ji;N I'A.-
; .U;ior rni:As.TK(VlA. Ta'cbcinff ,
i lie haml-oiii;! fowls known to exit, also (
' ihe inot prolnlr layers rxtant, in r;r..cq(icnrr
of which they ate popularly known as the 1
evf riatmy l,ter." Thy keep fat on ahont
one thir l rl the fre.l uf the ;r l;nar? fowl, j
I'he ei'irs are o( a preuliarly sweet flavor. J
'I 'le ecs of thee it. wis can he ha. I nl ihe !
un if r-irifl at 1ns rLsiiltnce, t-r ran He .r-1
,lerH at litis ,.l!r. A. . KLIXti. j
M f.lifihur?. Mav !, IHfi J :m
I - iVutral Foundry anJ Machine Simp
Mid r, Wall. Shrlncr A To,
.1 .f.iiinq vi.r'ic in Vr.iught ami Cast Iron
ati l II: Iciif1 tn i-T'T.
(Jt'unlrv pr.!iic t.ilin in FTr'tanrr.
tor. . : 'fiv'. .v V.nrki t t--. .rnrMinr. Ta.
Hoots an:
The su' er:oi r in
;.i t n ceivei!
r to to" Pet
.i!.a! ins .-store ;netct o
Sti. Ollirc) a full sitppl-
.?tOf;l of eveiy ?tj. !e , ,m i.';v -in:,. I le lo
th-' s.-a-on. 'I'he t, ek 1: I-:-'1!! -. If ct..l wiiil
I in ciil. r cire. an 1 -.v;il 1 e nil', r.it ,! at
-t.:; iifiiiim p.... :.s n.it iumiv i isb.
His oi l f..enis an, I customers anj the pnMic
generally are mviiej lo caii an.l tsamine his
stork !;' yi-'ce I". i tVm-elvcs. !V MAX
I -f At Ti l.l.'ui at. i liLl'AICI.Xfi as hereto
f"ie will he at'.'ioli'J to uiih prouiptiicss and
at reasonable ra'.es.
jtiiix nnit.nTn, At.
l.ei.l iiti. O-t IS.
4l:!'".l?'ratot'i Sollcr.
0T"! V. is Iit'rt!ivrivcii.t!ial I.rl!er
(" A.it.iiiittrr.'u n upon the !tn!c nf
j vhip,l "iiio'i r.'Ufi.y,.!ce.M.h.TVP tern srnnic.! tn
. th- un ier-ijiie.l by the lii. i ! t i I I nton ri'in
tvm liuc'urin dt";iv.; infrrlnre.all pr'-or.s m-
. r..inosli..l I.. ifiJi.1
imme.'.iate payment. pr I those haviur any jnt
claims are also re.jti -t in f.resrm mi-ia its
raily authenticate.1 r settlement, to
Kelly Tp, .Mav 5, 1SC.I
joins .v c rosm:t,
ileManuiiictiirpr.-iof l!ic Imiirovdl
! Gutta recrha cEncriT roofikq:
T is the cheapest and mosl durable Roofing
in use.
It is r ire ana ater i rooi :
ij caIl i,e applied it. new anil oM Roofs of a'l
j:ln s an j tl) sjjjiyig Um.k without rcmuving
the shinules. I
The ci st is only shout one-third that of! ir.
and is Iwice as durable.
l.itK.i ITifSiiA T;irnl, Ot prescr-
viii and repairing 1 in and other Metal Kurds
of every description, from its err-at elasticity.
is not injured by the rontra.-tion ntid expan-
sion of metals, and will nut crack in cold or j
run in warm weather.
These materials have been ihorouchly tes-I
, ted in .New A oik and all parts of the Sou hern
I an 1 Wes'ern states, and we can cive abund- I
am proof of all ue claim in their favor.
Tney are readily applied by ordinary labo-
rers, at a inrlins expense,
xo C AT IS liljl 1K1;D.
These materials are put up ready for rj-e,
and lor shipping to all parts of ih- country
"! It-ii. ii-c'ttrer of Bullock's Irn I M" " ,,r' ' ' " '" 1 " ' . , ' "' '""c',r'"'' ' wl" 1 rfliin sn!-enler. hav .nst receive,! an.l " lj"V- t-l.'tnin ol the latest stylos. .Vsoi l? V P 'f 'i f t f
' 1 ''(' "Uliorksiro Pa.t..e.iVef ri..M sr-nTi. in to. m.t. so make to or ler, on short notice. Tin (int. , I ,r . ' , ' , 1 , an" an,! C W.v einl i a.. ,.' , , it li i JJ
' ,; ' 'r anJ Hearer. Barlme frm ; i:i ." .r tntr'risr,r.,i;i.. .,,.1 I lrr,sP0,lIjn ,. , f . , 1 are new oreairg a latge ami we wee- . , ' ,,' 1:11 '" ""' r"' !l,, ...
I; . "'! - ile Power i !"".n..T-n!.. r.a... ... .-. th. i.....t ,r.-.. n : i g J mj l,ne ; Ml.rk , , cn.ntrv In l.ici. Ihareeyeiyihtn: trrt.sarv Pal 111 an.l i i.lr.ss and I'ultr.
.;,i'A KI'f' AND SUMMFR COOPS, ! very small aiivanee ,7 ' ""'l CCF.L VARiSKSS,
i ,.e,,ie !:... a,:.' Mtchi-an I)..nh!e PI... '- '..r,. A,rii isr.,. ' I ct ibur' 0"t "0 ,,-'' nil,r.iei,. nil the vari-iies usually fout.J in ! r1, I'llllll' ii IPM AX. As't. i KTil.IIKS An I'Kl! IL'.M KU Y
Also.Siovts at.i Ca-:i.'''s, f every descrin ' : I ."' "' M.-re. ttbich they u ill sell Ii, All kin.N l I onntrv Pro-'oce taken in ' rntirrttrtftttrrv rillnvrniaii
, I Fnrvi n vs. .-...... mrM:u:Z, en,, ,.v. .uvi...t9 , i '.a..:H,ni,,,!, i,,,,1.:i . CCrtFcCT'ONErtY. FAKCY SOAPS,
:u; .Ml '.Ms ,.f Agricultural Lnp-ement ker. , . ITl ! w...r' ririB. ' ITII.U: 1', l,( K.LU FLUO,
i" u on iiatiti i.r -.iif. t - s . ,., a. i . . ' t"-o a , '
with lull printed Directions lor application, j X.;'..
Full le tenptive ('irtu!ars will be furnished ; FMti.-fii.--titi to nil bu miy f-w r him with tiit-ir itron
nn application by mail or in person at our t t:iat-spxccpt un.t.
Principal olfice, 5HI Droadwav. .New York
ll.wiw M.Miln.las 11. 1. 1 ) JUil.Va k tUIIslbk. j
.-'OI'IKA N'fiTB for One Hundred
i. ii i- ,k n.ni. r lis n.. o i. . 1
...... a. s. .. j..ic ..... ......s.. o.,.,...,
which the owner can hav by proving proper-
ty and paving charges.
J.. i,
Inquire at
iuia or; ice.
Good News New Goods!
xkw nonnm
xr.,r coons i
job srntxn axd ivunr.jtt
roit wkixo axi solvent
jun srjti.n axd .w..;ffr
ion sj'sixn asd xrxxr.M
call axd ami
call axp itrr.i
i all axd .irr.t
jKr.vr.H. .vrtrim t rv
KKtmm. n t.i nr. t to
hRKMM. wrr.r kk d ro
Kit tuna, viLCHt db
L.lfl.nr-. Arrll 27, 1SPI.
I iiiportaiit, via Phila !
Harsh b Qaudman, LtwMvrg,
nAVK received and ipeaed a MMrrE ;
assortment cf all the latest :le of,
fs;rjnr and Summer tioos. The particular t
auention of the Ladies is called to tlieir ituci
of Brilliants
Drc-.s Milks I'ricf
DeUines isbawli
Fig.Fr. Merinos C'ollTrs
Diieiils SVees
lifpghsmi In.ertiin
Fon'itr.'f U'iir.gs
f'h;nt;:-s i"lovcs.A-e
AT.O Cloths, rian an ! Tr te f 'as.n.erej
J-ins, Tw e.Is, V.'tngs, W'il:r, rr.II
ing, Tiekinps. Flannels, Boots and
IT? ."hoes, H.its and ' aps.jij
logeth.r with a complete assortment of
Groepric?, Ilar'lwarp,
Ccrlarwnro, ilnvcwmw, Ac.
a'! of which will be dispose-! of r n as fpra
fle terms as tbe tame articles can be purch
ased anywhere. tiirr w.s a rn!l !
Last and Best jVcws!
soim n as.i.h & co.
n'AVB ja't recrivl (in allition to their
Iftrrte stock) a frti snrp!? of .syri
AMI SI MVl.H. (iCOfiS, an 1 reg lea;e res.
p"c:fu'!y to ii.form ihe I. a !:es and ro nrlemen
I i ou r. and t.otiniv, that liiev can suit them
... anr.hit.2 in their l.ne.cf trade, k-,, ,,ual-
ny aiaJ price.
For fho ?af!i;?.
ii. li ii ri!i uti.I Fitn-T ) F. M K. F-fr'?i M
r.nf P ' !n. . ( !.m re. I!t. '. v.r r.it
-t Vf.'.vr V.-n" . r.xlr-rrnl ? rr'. r
f k i'; .r. I'rtn r ft . m l "i cn, .r t t-t 'fri-
n:i r,.rhc--o . .1 fpM-tl Print, -ii Tjir.t- f-r rn Tift
It." n ni-f -r !rvti n .f t,n-ii. n ' ;i .1 r.r ;.rt.
i ur i.f; ktt'.i-. ft. it nr. n-1 V Jnt kf imp,
kin.N Ff.)(.r:.ii. m p, ftt.ii It.ai-.ttK (li-f.J? ol icrj do
Tor Jso firnllorrcn,
ti.,. W't nf .!"' ! ip. tpv nt in t' n. f-Dt-nflnaT th
un .t ti.!. !! at :.- nf i 1 .tlti. t -rnicn VrfinaS
"( rc.'artlii: . r.c .1 (1. r.f"' fufniMrj; Covlt h.riri
! !;). tun.;-,-made Clvthitu. Hat. nnj Cr for "B
.ii.. i rt vp.
A!vo all fcin rf onorT.fUT.i, V RP
rr.ATCR, Ac.
FISH in A. f or.J j h!.!s.
i'f).I. A r.TZ ri.Ttitity rf tnve Ccf1 1
whli h f iHH rt .--liT. r tn pnr r1' r,r wn ' " li'Tt r' J
Kt pp I w f jut t!i" fn- ihip:; f i-- rl t in I .
I r- cur. l '!"; 'i- re ! ill t wi. twi.Vr'Ut kliiu'pnr '
i.i:n"!,urUi r3 Coil, l'lut) Vi c-i tkt-n iu cxi-Lar;'' fur ,
ti ni. J
Cash raid f, r all lin.ls of (iKAI.X j
Estats cf Ch-ir!o3 r.-cJ).:i!, dee'd.
DMIM-Tn ATOR'n XOTlrn. Letters
ff A'.lrriinisti.itiwi, on the .'ato of rha's
llre.sf eh, t'xer ,. .. !ate f : IVi.T.iV.c Tp,r.fl7
in been cranteil to the 'ihsrril t r the ri..
Bi?eror I'm. in r.io.n'tr ii due form of lave
ail per.ons irn(rtt',l to said est.ite are hTrb,
an ppr-nn. ti-i, 1. 1 siiiii rM.iir nrf ii'tcpt i
nuttfi;'.. tn tnakf nnmeii ;."!: rarment, an-1 all
h3vin-t.tr ji,M claims gainst the s.me mnv ,
present litem tlolv a.ithentirate.1 f..r sef!em.tll ,
to SAM "I. H.OKWKi. AJmr
!.ewisbrc. Mav M, m
Latest Telegraphic Ws7F8 to-fiay
notliin?. 'I'he excitPtrifnt i sa h:eh ihat '
the w i rf can't carrv the npw--. U c ilnr.k '
ihe hravf rewtf-ttri! fieni enn fi'hi 'n
particii! ir trisc w ho bmiffht ifinr rl. thinr 5.1
It U ii 't mv tri t.i r-a. ! nf ''! nl P. pf.r fmif
dit. e-.l aai. frr.fM 1 1 I,. Til t a-i,.nf ( nnnM. rl t
I ?t.- fr
'(ii.-".- -rtj
' ftthiufl .'"' tn r1. mhM- ar.-t t I
m- 1..-T- ... a.i
imm goods
17ITE CErn. SiilS, ll
Unina Com'.j, Pa.
ft-.- a...r.".in' ef
s fj' t'. ,,?( e e a.tanr'y . i Lai. 1.
J enr-r. r. til.a te fttasw..
The War continues!
T jMin siiiVrriber sei! Hhnp-, Rnofc, AC-!
1 r!,f nr"- aw- . !
T-uir- Tin staterttent i nl tf (Vr .e vt t I
hoax any ne at all it i ovtrc trie hard
limes ar.ti want nf money. Hiv ti Uiti in a j
lare :i.r the money niuat cumc outof them j
at sorr.e prtes
M.-nn n- ' J rn'f-kln Eor.to
do V .'Mir PTis, ffttfnt k:L?r
d. r:trk:n .
.f Kip (!o
Ls.'i'r. Kir Vft
d Olf-Mn n-t-i
.1.. f,hit ra. he N r-.rfiT".i
A i.ti- r-, i rm, gucU article
do Hij r. Kii
Bf.it-. Ki,ia
Mm", h p
t: ii to s f.,i
2 r i .; fill
1 ll
1 (.11
1 iS
1 r.
1 i-i
' ' :
J j
1 .'.
1 HI
2 no
1 ri
1 ti
ll 2.
tlie very h-t fniitot:!. f.r ' 6", re-h In l.tirJ.
Wvrk of a!l kin.!s will be gr-i np at short
niiire, ami wirranted to cive satifacimn. If
this innt Inw encuh a perrentape m ill be
iji-fltirtpd. hun' t mistake the place the 1 CV
ST"Ri; RMOM, on Market square, near Baker
6l W'vMv's, Lewivburp,
Ey urder ot ihe parties rnnrerneii :
April 2.T, IV. I
OTKT flcntlcmpn !
"IITIZHNS of Lcwi-bnrc, and vicinity fire
I KJ respctfully informed ihai the snhsenber
j has boueht out .he interest of E. I.. Hints in
the business of Sttirtiig and Ht,r Cutting, and
I rfxitinu.. t!,.. ri.tii. at tli t. l .tanj ta"ni.nl of widow
a .r
J-nr..int l.xTf. p-.iwl nk itariN-r rT-r ci
T'iwc!) r'.eitD, raiti-ro piirp nJ wifFa-ri" kern.
Aj rit S isci A. VT. t'lLLIN, Prof. Vuh.
ICTURES. A house can not be said
a furnished wilholll some well
selected Pictures. This want can now I t ;
assw j - -----
supplied al
rl.'oTrt... I
LD Kstalilislicd Urus Store.
The undersigned respectfully in
form their friends and the public
nernllv ihni ihev have nurehised
H, a the lrne ami ('heiniral Store lately
owned tiy K.8.CALUW J!LL,anil hrveon hand
a larse assortment (ann constantly receiving
tresh supplies) of carefully selected
ISJiUSS, iBlS3?J23,
fhr mica. s. Oils, Fainis.Varm&hes, Dye StttlTs
Window ilasR, Brushes, Cnmbs, Stationery,
Fancy Artirles, tspices, Perfumery. Ac. the
I'afrnl Medlclnrn of the .lay Pmr,
Toal ari'l Fluid Lamps, Lamp Cflobes Frfj-h
Fine Oil, Coal Oil and Hnrnine Fluid alwav
on hand-'f HE YLES AM UQl'OKS
fur Wed;cinaUfiurpo-s. Al.o the best I!a
vanna and FnnnpeSKfSAKS.wtih a emplpte
nsnrtment nf XM.'FFand the win? and Smo-
Btnj Toti A' Tli.
Jr. nhnrt. it ) urtlclrp iin"H k"pt nt un rptuM'-hmcnt
nf thf liini l ftand at our fttr and o"red f--t
it fir i Tt
Thry wt nM -fiVj aft-ntfon of V1YiiriAS9
t" th' ir 'tnMI!.m( rit.'wh-rc the ran hp fiirrl'"! .l
fnr, frp"h anl rrlM rf:': P on rpiPr-nM term".
iT.-'pcrfi ttons tarf fully enctpoundfj. nrf vvt - i.h
Lewi-harr.i-Tt .al'--0 P. ftlMAV
GREAT Work on th HOKSE.
1 !io lloipie find hh OlMOsnr
Bv R'ini itT.'KNMNt, V ? , !r- f -pnr M 1'pthol. ,it j
n1 t mtiTu irtircry in th VvCi-rioarj Ot-l'
rhi'p. !t h'a. l
Will Till liU of th-rtfiiirin. history and 'H.ln'tiT tfft i
..f rh" ri'ii- lirct dp of p.tirofx'fin. Ai-.itlc,
Afrirn n-l .AtiiTt-an or-p. h thf ft y- ,
icpl ff mHttcii an.' f-i-rtilrftrltt" nf lh a"'- !
nal. an-l h w to -pr-tn hi a;p l y Ihp j
rum'" r Mini 'cinljtii iM.f t.( IVrlh tlliit?Ji
lr.il'l with oumercus f ijtanatory tnn-ra-
Will Tr!l Tot f hrr.tina. hn nklr. pfMletr. f"o !!rnr. :
lirf-mi'i . phiM-irpr. art'l f lioTt'TI mmpi.'-
Kii!T f.i riif isoi-p-. witn m ip-i m'H "i
...(.. .1.... .....I. a. K. a tn tvasst
Mnn'. He ainc rrarlnx. Phvititf. Ptiimhiirm. ; selves io r i eanini; wu: nriu n u iifir a ivau
rnh t-'tior. rp-tip-ffifPp.Br.i fthft !r'p i-ij ta:;p) to attend d'HTt-i the tiitnuer Term.
I.!.h h,t-P..tJP.t-a1:u uumrroua r!a- T,;p j.., js a Tcrt , k.
ratiTT l.r-'sT inira- !
TTII1 T.-I1 Ton "f iu mo-... .mrtfm sn.i tri-aTnn'f , TI.ri'H)N per se inn of i:i weeks,incl tiding
lr.nl. Ilirr.t Irnir". elrrli. I ro-iin nl eTiense
I ,. k. n ..4. rhr..nlr e-,i.ah. r.r.'ou n.t ! PRrMR1 -'tier, l,-. rit.nf. Ifc r.r, nH.m-tle.
wUrlliic. laiPns. wri moiuh anil ut. T.J. ' ,;r,a ','" rv-1 ", ' .
.nil t.Vlh. .tlk.tti.rdineuesvf ! ? '.'i.; . V '" ' " ,u1, ' i J
thi pi-mil anil rrt'lrao.it rrs.. I I..t " - Ai't. yo
Will I.'ll Inn t!;- an..-., .tmi t mi. ar .l 'rratmrnt r.I .; a.lditlonal charges ; al-o, no ilednetions
!.-p. h- n .Mirfi" a. I.ln.-rty ur'np. .t..r,r-
ihc fci liipii- an-' mp Wfr. in( amPti.-n tin l
.iTi.-r di. ..f ttf st'-rndfli. buw'I, liTir.
ar l iirntur i.ra;irp.
Will Toll Ten "I He- u vnr-tnfniiiil tffitmpn .f '
l..r.i-. Mi.t i in.l lniPrPTin
in-. !. !'r.A n Jin.
dt-r. ir. i.rni'o ar..t itrnti I, tp -k.-l ,o. f
nt m. cln-. iprt .. -ti. s:piS. tp. nai
-!ir .II-.-PP p..f ilif.-i-M.-p ani h.a-l.
TT III Tell Toil ff ti'i- rd'i -'iT-r r"t trHtr.if nt
- .f fl-ttil,r"ll 'Wl. L-Iaiitl.T. fr-9, ":trWt 1
I f n r. mafik'', iirft if. k.-I rli. nru- ;
tim. rrnmp. ithIN. tltr(i".d f tlm eye ar:1
li'-ai (. ,ti-. A'-., an.) tn tf mi!iatf ia-l rn- j
tt n. Mil iinc. tr. .(.t:iiii, rnw-lnic. tlilJ'K- ;
J.'-rnla arrr,''!i 'U. tiin'IBo ana tllii. r i-ur- !
ci'-fil i t-. : . -IK.
fflll Tcl ltlf.f !ta-ct' m.'thr-t cf tarn in hfp: !
In m t.'. arrrnt'-li, I:nlt'-p nr Mnl,- n ri'.l j
i"w tn ., ut.;. ri p hcr" t- p'rtfiji' mari.i- '
ar1 -ijt t I li..w tout, m .t... r a R t ;
I rik J im I, luirn- ts.. n!-n tin f rm ip I I.tw j
ft warrant. tic a lull- Jcinirthf r-u't ( '
? ti-Rii ffl' n -(,r' can ful ntu.fv of t lip
Ii -Ul-. pi-u:mrili-. mint . an weaknesstd ,'
I I ili-i it 1-1 c ci:ii un-fnl nniimil. !
TVc t nfc r, t.itn- ! !.. . nr prt-f r'itt.-I f!!ntrntcd i
t.y t. m!j I.i.i , rijrMiintr. 1: j mt .1 In cVar an ! or-'"'M"-'""!
i'l I-r rr..l to anv a ltr.--rt. i,..rn(r.-r-iM.
- n r cjj.t ,.f nj, j.rio , tIf Lou'nJ, Jl.or iiiLluih. '
SlfJfll) A Vr KXi rnn In,"," nt,rprWnr
,A ' J ir.-r.-T.ral..r.-.infif.i!,a:th-
rfc,a9 our inJufcmriit to a!l tu. h art; f ry
I r efr r-rl. .f tlip Itr-r-k. rr f r trm.F to a-rnt,
aitli -tliir iuit riiii.fl n. f r iT to..r n r.t,y-
X.t K. pnirrH. I,.'ii,r.,r.
I -
CM Test-Cilice Staal
lTinrT,.n..i,.rn... e, ,.
A llF' ?W f BPftks.StJltlonfrT, '
J - 'frlumcry. Jewelry, T. ys, CoRi.Ttio.i-,
r.as ces. frail. Auts. It.isUtes, I
I'l. tnrrs, an.l a variety of SICK -AtKs for j
sale ( heap f
r. .! II v
CROTZER, I.cwislur
"Inrlcstry mnst TbriTs!"
I r . . o . .
, - "ouch io iii,u;n:,in s o rrr.ers.hop on
Market sireet near Fourth, whrre I -,:) have
at a,, .ii... , diuu assortment ol
sin niirr, roir wipe
. - a , m I, r V iv 1. , J .
O l I O II O t f
1!!: sulscril er keeps constantly on han !
a laice as-ortnirnt of ihe very be-l Mia-
m. kin ami . nkei-Marre C'lA lor limeanj
stove pti'poses.ivhieh he will sell al
Ihe very
I 'in It
,(,, ,
i win not j
lowest prices lor Cash or Country Proi!
Also, tllrrkynith' ( nal, Vlattr an
AA ish it ilistinctly uniierstooi!, ttat
te nr.rlersoM ly any man Havir- gooj
vet;h-sra!rk, full ueight will he given.
Cial Var.l near Wei-iensatirs hotel.
;r:i(.n holsteix.
l.ewislmrir, Afay
A V by the Bale f..r n!e by
iii'.n. iiiir.srnx.
iroc Snlf.
jj "', " Are nianufactiirinj and have
,f,lci.iisian:ly on hand a larce qtian
(r7tt4u,f "( ' " I'ai.nis and : and 4
iSir--riw-tslV'ei I.ath at the following prices:
I'alinai headed in a new style, from i
I.atli 3 ami t to-, Mtlitk. ,
Talmps and I.ath made to order, any Icn:l
parties may desire '
I.,..! urz St. an .Sawmilt. Prr. ISfo
Williain Jones,
i! TT0I5NEY at Law.-roIIrctIn.s
m-niV promptly attended to. Oflic.-,, Markcl
sireet, opfoaite me i rcsiivtenan ehi..rrt
Sim Li: tt ism un. va.
Univcrijilyat Lcwisbur,
HE several hnols open rn the mornins ;
of Tiiriinr, April S.-ith, and continue
fourteen weeks.
Tn II Ion, tn
fSiLT.r.: wilh all imiUtntal r..arg.-a - - !0 a.
Tiif. A.-ir.rMv ds l.A:. to 7 t'
t'tMO.K lsS'HI.'TB llo T.I- l, Kl 4',
lt? Tor lur'her information, inquiry may be
made of any of lh- Teachers, or of
J. R. l.OOMIs, President.
Ihii removed to South ltd street, four
doi' "rom the Town Clock. LEW.
ism R(i,
1 X the TANNINti TRADE. One lhat ran
come well recommended as to hahits. mo
rals, nnd a tolerable education, will be talien,
and every advantase given to aid his instruc
tion and advance his interest in the trade.
One from the country would be preferred,
from 11 to 17 years of aie, hut none need
apply unless well recommended as to qualifi
cations. E. J. HI 1. 1..
Iwi.onnr. Jan. i
ri'lli: SJar-t-pansIr.l Banner-A
I new stvle of l.nion Badses decidedly
unique just received and for sale by
Tn.-ia ..n'r-T.
A UU. V. s 1.1L.XV.
Capital, nearly Three Milliom of Dollar!
rPlli: old I.ycomtng County Mutual Insur
ance L'otiiiaiiv. at Muncy, so well Known
for its perinaiient 'e-lablislimeiit and prompt
pavmenl pf all losses, continues in insure
ptoperty safely on the most reasonable terms.
(Jet injured, in the best and safest company,'
before you burn out.
1're U-nt JAMK. RANKIN.
Tri-s-ur-r r S I.I IS.
tiiir. lrv JOSlll A IlilWMA V.
SOI.OMOX KITTI'.K, resular arlina Agent
for I tiion coutiiy. l.ewislnrg, Aprl I a, l-l'il :
Spring amlSnninicr Fasliinns lSlil.j
The Kent WorU. and l,a(tl Mjle
thanklul for past
wniiM state th;U he has re-
rei'e!.(lir Spring A Sinnm
!t Fa-htons, airl i-Tprrpare-l
J,ia 'i;r, MAKK.an.t i:kta
tV Summer
I In
carmpn!s as usual. He will
miVavor, as hTetofore, ir.
exer.tti? his wrk sausiacto
rily m all. J.fvi-bt:r, Apri HBl
"A ' II.I enmnrnce nti .'lTon1;iy , 2!9(h
April .WM, to rontinue i:i wrrks.
A1! the ('! isica!, Mathematical and I.ii2)ih
Pr.i:ichcs i f a iiipr('Hih Academic course are
rnuph .Tn.l Vr:nh. are fitted either t'vt Tea-
chin?, f( r f.o!!f2,
Jor Cti1-ine.
Voro I.im t de.-iri vt iinahfvin? them-
ln:1!t? 1 T.l fll( ., J 3. C J V UHt'Il llieci.-se r the Se-
' sjun.
I Anr;i !- I
f -Pr'i lXf
J. KA.MHII.l'll.
I 4 I J I
SHils.noots & Shoes .JO
i ? fl uii'ierMirne-i wi-nes to inh-nn Ihe in-
3 hi.man t- ot ' Lpu- i Ojii r" and vinniiv th
he IjTrfrtioicd nci tloor in
Tnan.!ii; :r tiie eneouratrement he has re
civeil, he re-pectlu;:,- solicits a continuance
of th-ir pslroit.icc. lie only ileeiiis it m-ces.
sarv, with. m: linaitm?. to invite ine ptiliiie to
call an! exdiiune Ins stock (ins own make) of
Boot3, S.383, Gi!ters and Ciildren's
Sfcocs, -
trfore pitrehasin e'sewhere, as he is snre he
can sell his o n iniki' as low as some ol lhise
b.-astcrs can soil liieircny make.
.V II. His stork comprises every variety
nf u tipi!y k' l t in a n tn.l t..ri. it i. . ,n.ij. rivl :
unn r.-.arr I-. iiuii iTH'.. 'In" nrlii-!.'.. l ull :ot I ..ini
iiif ; .r ji'iiii-. I,... In hr. llriu r - llln-k. l.-wi.t ari? :
Terms CASH. JOIl.N Syl IKEk. .
ArrillJ. l i t.
Post Office DiaSiness.
MMHDIAT!; sriiit-mrnt of Iit Oilice ac
counts ui'h hf tin.Jorsfnp'l i-; (pirpt!.
L'r.i.-l,uri;, Ai ril 1. 1m i.
A Hare Chance for a Han with a
Snail Capital.
ppi,,; erifir, s,rk .,f rnsj,lin f
I Books, at:nnerr. Jewel'v I'lcture
Kram.'s. aula geiieial variety cl .Notions ,
, ,!,rr, (, r .He '
A pplirit ;-.:n in n -r he mill
now .elliri at reilnrel rr:r."
ii'iilersi-'ii-il. II W.
' soon. (Joo.ls I
. Can on the j
!! io.-. jril In, I- I. '
Fii.ST iaUic Alarket! ;
Xi:W Conns AT T11K Or.D StAXD
oi Jsiicli.i.ii isii tllllTrl
-a larean I choice vari
upvrai.ls. ',,r vale hv
r.i;ovx a i!ko.
j triv, lrir;i :;i ci
April lt.
, T-?K f! P HIUCI V
)." :"-nty u' wnUCLI,
rf-- V K t " ! ? '"'"''-'"-' !
-.- .-s,?.(,.1fc,.,.vta, J .
tB,.v..s V;: .4 ..-' .i..,.... , I
, lini.iili.rliip. air
li 'i Harntvss, UriJ-:
i- . ....
"V::sLS-J-- f if?, a.l.ll.s.
1a;--- ' romiiion an.! (lie
ntw patent lil!lkl tll.!. I!s.arranI, Jlo Lurtnobor-e ,
!H aler In I
l.':i;) :iov riiiji 'liolji.s ;iJ Miii Vqfli;?,
i;i 1 1 ti.i iwi;:. nttKbTs, sh.k.ii iiuls.
Fancy SmHIcry, Ilarnr.vs HarJware,&c.
'IMir, F:ili?prilipp, Iiavinre canici on
I t.u.ifi.'-s f.r T.-riil v, nr.. un 1 ,-ainc-i a rtiutain
f, r Ida, iii j a- j -, , . Harm -rt A . a. any stj.l.li.lnn.-nr m
ti.i r- -.-n,!!- ai;.l 1 ni.,n .',,,ntv Artciilturnl S-w-i.-fy !
hat in; au.ir I. I 111 hit. 1'HI Mil .Ir.a (. r arlu-tes..! hi.
orkinan-tiio woo:.. i i r.-. In- tfratitu.i,. f.-r taTor. , r
th.- trr lint; i-t ii.r !ilrt a,U r.-ts-ir.-.i, ,-iDd 3k Ihtir i'nti- ,
nu, .1 J rtr.-Ii: v at hi- M.VV SI AMi.
TIi lrf-atli,T u, ,I t v ni,. i- of t!,. a..ry !..(. tannp.1 in '.
tl..- ..i V.U.V, atnl wilt last , r ).-sr.. i'l-iulnv th.- la-.l i
Wor'auon ov. r..- my nan tu.-iii.-s- an-i am f -urj in J
WVirrh' IF.?1 . ."oa'1 no-.irs. l. tl.asl- an.l Work ara
.s. iai,j..i.'- -a-i1'lV,,.'r' "'n'"1 ni'y 1 n-tiirmsl or
Ki:rAn.ING promjifly attonJoil to.
t.riti:tfr.,ri-Asii. i: ..... . ... .
of rm..r I',. I,,-. """" '"u''
,.-wis;,ur. A-.ril 1, IS
rjlJIC subscriber having removed his
,f' lr"" s- V.. corner of Fourth and Market sis.
' i.ne .in,. Kodenbati-h s slam!) will keep con-
"inly on hand a good assortment of
IIo.lcrj (j01CJI r!slns, Hoop
Sliirf at of nil U-,n,l.-
uUenRm?a4cha,i0'!? "'.Cowr, Produce I
3 icr i.uoiis.
iiotnjj nusiness eA,
PAY .sVSTKM. we '-r-Alllt -
-uabied to sell on the ,
lowest terms.
U .M .MAHd.V
bewi-tiur April 4. ln,'-l.
iili-.3lL-.Al sL'Jijjr,
Dn. A. IJ. I IWI.V wonld in.
public senerallv lhat he has loeT , "
the )'tii.-foe Crust ,'7iV where he will aiti i
promptly to all calls in his profession 1
Bull'aloe X Roads, March 2", 1881 pd3m
V SUPERIOR article of hand-made Brick
for sale. Knquire at
A. H. DILL Attorney at Law.
OFFICE on fotith Second street, formerly
recupied by .1. II. Hamlin, dee'd.
I Lewtsbuig, Juuc 1, leCU
A-OU i. BKOWN, having assis-O rr ,
ted in feeding ihe hungry of Lew ;:Ci. I
lsburg and viriony. lor nearly three yean
paM, with the best of
Beef, Pork, Veal, &c.t
would return hi tratrlul ihankvtn his nnmf
nuis cuNtomers fur lhir paln iia"- ard an
nounce that h intends to c.niiu th bai
ness a. hTemlor in the Meat Mark I Hnue,
bft'e-n Nchall!"'s and Maker it o.a liug
t-torrs. Market Jare.
Mtmo i'rV Wednesday and Saturdays.
C A S II is the svtfn. luh!ic pair"nae rf
prtlii!ty sidictletl, and s;il i -C.t-1 i n niMir d.
March 15, 1. S. MTBNEK, Ag'l.
Is wiLnrti. Litwn !'.. Jt.
FFIf 'n on Market St., three doors west of
Ihe Leuistitir IJank. All prides.ionai
business entrusted lo his care, promptly at
tended to. April 12, 1 Mil I.
MJDiM, 'Mm,
(Kale YthifC Man)
Race Street, above 3.1 rhilatli'lphia.
Term-, M.-"c or day.
jfy To tin M fUtrrrif T tit thi kin.wn IT1P.
y ti il -irf td piy. Hint ha rfn'.vnf-l, iuiit. V.-.I
Aaattiiit n.n ;v fitrni-h I Un- sm--.Hnil ttmt we rt-fj't-tt-tuliv
' li- il m l onlitiUMix nf tl :r i Ntr-'ii-t".
Slrni:'T. ttHVrl-r- .i-iUr- r n.r iii'y nit
th li'i-pii.iJity f f tit- , nt i f ii" to ..in' an l mini
ju-l htr th-ii.ci-p .f it- Irntpjc J4frl (iitiTpI.
Our loa-ittiun i- f-iitnit, mti cidf. iiivut for i.-rch4iit)i
anil tuifn-r. nu n t'iirrpl'y.
V. ilt ,i!wrvs t-rilt avor to !iiilv tli trant- pr I c.m
fortP f uqr rut)-. ar,.) wirh tl.r ..ifi1.-i- Mr l( .
A. Sifix. our f,.I.I- hi. I utr. t.tt.- i .i rk. ! -!l
prjrl to k ! a g.J H lrl, n-i'l t- iriiP
pp-l':irti..n. IIKMtV il.t.VA.N,
I'HIMli., Vh , IS. J y '( J.ilIN KK.
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Ilaker.
S ...7. ... r . .
.s'.i' rij'll or., irt,t,tinj
EEl'.-S constantly on han-I. an l mannfar.
lures to on!, r, all .lesenpiions ,.(
It.-,.,.. ....r,. si. I ,
.. , .... . J(. .... .i't u; :i,f I . aim anx-
"'" " " " u'r V"'- r- piiir.'tiaie,
he will warrant all Work which may pass
through bis han.li. P
1'articular attention trill be siven lo I.a lies
His Trices are as low as thr se of any otlie.
dealer in the vicinity. He s.l.r.is a ia:r i rial,
Cotifiileiit that he enn satist'y . y:ry person.
J.ewisbur;, Aun. :tl, iNt.u.y
J. vtalseh & EONS,
die SLNKEiis, i:m;i:avei:.s
Seal Pre! UaiitiTarliircrN,
:o, .s.u'.'i Thhd St., Vh;i-.d, rj.hu,
X. H. Special attention given t.i Masonic
and other ...eieiy seals. diuis.J
, " 'J
Just On?ncil.o;i;'o.s!tf tin- Itivicrc
in li. o
l.oi.-i. lutf.'y
icci i v
A. Si:.- r.
In.L and iiiiii.!,'i
a.tirin:pr.t (
I N IjjSi.eli as ovrc. ats.Dir-s i;,.a;. Busi
ness Coats, ami Coals of every stvle an.' pat
lern ; ar. l ranialoor.s ami e-t's m anil. Also,
a lare variety i f I'niler I'loihitis. such as
llrawers, Nhirt-, .r. Also.a line assortment
on S null Water St., I.eiris'.nr'
We are nnkint; extensive preparations t,.
supply with PURE ICE 'a l r former
customers an,t as inatiy new ones as may favor
us Wl11' tl,oir Palr""'1s''-
r"? Ice will be .lelnerel
enure r-ii'inner, so as lo .vr,
as loiy prices as can l e at! .rj
I Ihrriichotit the !
.iecoinnii"l.ite all.
le.l by any others
TIIOS. .!.!!:!.
HAS just received a sp,-n, assortment
of ihe very be-i, eheipest and must
lasmuuable Jv cll j in the market. Hjs
tock couinnses
Brrsmt l'iiii,
liar Ririss.
I'iii-i.'r Rlnsr.ti,
Mt'fif l.ullonsi,
... ... . ,, Milli.A.-..l-.,
which wn. be sold extremely low lor CasH
He respecuully asks the patronace oi all
his old customers ; and also invites new ones
to give him a call before makins iheir pur
chases. Call at Ihe si;n of the Ui; Watch,
Market street, east uf Mecond. Ilcc.
SALT & .TIC ill,
wvt ro-Tl rri.s fp
Voiiow and RutkirSham Ware,
imp ,RTi:r.s .si. rcurr... !i
n lute iron Mono, (.'lass & Qufensware, !
Mj. loO and la"-, Xortli VurtA SV '
rilll.ADEI.PHIA. i
rrCity and Coun'rv Dealers are invited to I
stop and examine onr (iooils t--.:.:iin
J.s. Marsh. t.Mirkl.). (.(.shorklrj. P.Brater '
Vie.', i
flt'lTl!..II-. Ti a a . ... . a
LFaWlS J Ulli I i o UN In Y
I.c NIjhi s, a.
r. nTe conKlanli; r u tian.l an, I !. r .nla.
l.l -
tl.K hi; ntTAM.
M..tr and 1mvT li.,r
Itiinil ;.... !..,, ......
' .r.... .s,r..n ,,,-- l,.r,r ,r,r
llll-ri,l;,-l,tt,r,,r.r.,;.tr,.JI.,v,..sir,. It,n, , -i:.mJ.,r
H;i:i,.. ,,.. ..,. ,,,... ,', ,,,;,', 7
lT-k."." invariably
warranted as rccoa.mrnd.il.-.
Milicitra an,.j romi'Ii) att-Dd,u to.
"i"" r.-.K-. ttullj
Jun. 1, Is, u
un L n. ORvrio.
iLrnrn nu.
Attorneys at Law.
ICE cn Smith Semnil noir c.
Jl pci.lionsntce Dee.ls. Leases, Kx
mnnses. Cunstalfn. -sSubpirnas. Soir-
' Sales, Tearhers R'Murns 'itnahie
: Mamtrsts, N.-is of vV's SrluM-l frfrr.-:,
IB umty Iami Warrants, !CJ !rmv Orders,
&C-, fur sale at the &tur $ rCprticatri,.
r t
J Kei'tiinor-kt
Grcjit eduction of I'rieesI
in Soots, Shoes and Gaiters,
fur a!i Only, until tlm I ir, of
JlllJC ll't.
TI'IIK suhseril.er. having on li.ir,,l a Trr
1 h.avry stork ,f V,ik, is iie-n.,:1,
i.iie.ing it as inueh as pi.ss;!,! si J
of ihe year, an t w ill therefore, m ,w ,,f b
eiistji,? haul tio:es and scarci:y ,,j niB,r
oiler verv simi n..!'ieenients !.. a. I ., Wt,n ,!
he plea e.l io Nvni him wrh a ra'i i.
AW TI Is! t ll L'lf l-s....
ii i-. i.i.i n.sitw.s f ( -p
Ins estaolisliii.ei.t is tflf. I.l.fjt..f an,j
r'!.ir-ie one lor e..o.i sr,.ek in I.
.-.r.r.u l 1 AMI tt s
1IK.-1 it
f rliii; J 1. 1 1 MiKC-si i, mi.
tl'st in order
I 1 "IVe LTe.'itrr In
men-s ti Jfl Mrr
will tllv(l limn
IO tu -
4-it. Iiiiei his fmiiii r I,,., ... .
l i s un :iil ;
. f.t Sw
mifie.t 10 run i II nr
K sat .(!. f:i.ll:ES.
all mini wai.t iirtr;ain,
r- . r, fVrrv I1.-. r r ......
Sn, eoine ri;
out of a
:t-rs for men, wtuiea
aio! rliiliiren.
Ai.o, a lire I.
lt;isr. A.-., .v v
.rTrnnla.i, (urjxt
l T l 1. 'If, CAI.I. AM r.XAMIME
lll.-s .- 1 OCK I.. i..ie ..ii.-.as,2 riehere,a,
'''I wi I fn I n ;r,.,, v , vnr ,,.,,
I lace, to-ii door to J hr. Wa'.'a V ' sire.
tt. 1'. KEIT.MEVER.
I..,. !,,.. , ,.. ,
(t.ATK 1.1 1 I. t .IKt.J
Th:r2 St., above Rice, Philadelphia
ri'Lii.Ms. Ai....-, r...-,,e.
lillO Alls
.- MI l;l
I - Xal, ns' Il'l.l.
Tl MIU'.MN V ;. ,
t il U.I.r.s -in.
1 I3(
i"itiz ur
ih tn supr
n u c
:v a.i our
Ol M: .:,r;
pie wi h I. e .:n
In le yar. Ice
i.:v. lit a ehajpf
's can I Ii in.
wi I It it-livtrr-f i
ra than pr va e I
t'- f -.,:i .... -I ...
' " A rh 4-h :
. at lot Ice Hi 'j.t' :!
M. or
B lh
I! HI I..,-r a
sh AN. ..-HOT
Ktw Arrarti:.ct3-.-rv'tw Cccds!
TUSEPil I..J(AVl'.iain.M.ikenih
rf well know n .s'l'A ..- Il.u .s' o,;;, h
urn nlO'W u .s 1 , .S O, na,
t rciote.i it, ami in.'tii m ia eirfti'ive variety el
II,, 4;... ,, -,, ,
""' "''"" t..r..e.,frfy.
:VU '7""" M"cn .'. i stock of ri.DTHA
I A.-s MI.I.IA Ac. ua h he will me.l.
orrf-r.as he st.ll catinw, Ihe Tailorim Bust,
ness. prepare,! i eiecnie ail wor
ntriisteil io his. care, u. the satisfaction of the
.N. B. Cartlns an.) Repai.-rn? rfone t
or l-r. Lewi.t urs. ril III. 18.17
at .Mnwrj'
Skj-Lih Gallery,
r.e'iturs. Havir-r
lar arrmrnt rf
! am j-rpparetl u tab?
1'iH: ii m t !;,. -- .v-. s.
P..-ttirrs at rc.ji.ee 1 rr:
i' r the Ht-hrfavi.
All wish.li; ai y ImJ Pirtnrea ran ....
money liy imiii2 them soi.n.
C I'iciiires laiien tn elomly weather.
Josiali Daker & Co.,
HAVE ni;i'!c arran-cmt nts with E.
E. Locke .v Co. to furnish !5 percent.
by the DM. an l Halt E'.l. as cheap as it can
. k..wuio in I'hiU.lelph.a.
"I hey have also ja-t receive I a general as-
Sorllllelil t f
rine Oil, all popular Patent 3IeIicines,
wiliNir.s.iiiiiiiccf.. nunTInks,.SoiJa
-.-h, Vi'heel Crease, Jtc. &c.
-A'l ihe a1' ve articles etrerei VERT
HEAP run CAMI. Call before buyior
ert here. Dor AI, t;o is
Small liolili Ja. quick Sales'
I.eivisbiirL'. Mav :i. lHotf.
11 MI.I.1AM MOOKi: resptcift:!.-
j iv a hiii Hin ts to all who'
want link or Irani that hi-
Jl"- "a-imi lias resumed us annua, ,..,..,-
on werk-d.iy ni-.rnir.s an J Saturday evenines'
when he will be r ad tu furnish them with
Milk nr Cream regularly, or in ejtra quant,.
iit-s lor spocia: ocea-iuns when
I hanl.tul li r l.-rmer pair, tiace.
. he hoi es 10
I e sustained in the
'ler'ali:n! arn,ih.-r s.a.
IIIi.S. J. HA IE, genL
, March 1. I -.hi.
'I'm: iYii'.e'sS ronk-r.M.t
I Alt. ITs llUANrllKs. pv
Carefully Ki-.i-ta l,-f ilia. S. J. II
lllrllsllnllf to rhoo-a all kir l. if M-... Poa.trr
il ,;,iu, h ail II... .am u. al.l m...'l
apir i-l n. .1. . r .( ,.. . ,j j,
I. .s I ai. l I, ,.;. ,,,. ,,,,
-i.il.'.--. pi. Mi(-t.. .. un -.tl,...o,..
II Tells lOU -..I tl.- S..ri I f,. t ; r J nif.fr. (,f
ilr.sinv'. s- I:b:.Ri i.n- .Iii'- r. I.ju,,S
I , u;ir io,.! i..n,r , : a , k.a-1... .ila
II. .h.i.r. lit l'r.-sii,i;s. 1Lj jtup
to 's hi i r, i,,.. ti.
II Tells e In-.. ... ,-i, r:,.n bj j,r.-, Tv. ri.h of
all k.i K an 1 1,- w i .-a-rl. n it ah., taia
, ,1; al... ah tl . .ar .,.1. .tx, . pr.
n,,,i . t r, . .o,c. with 11; .l.flrrnt Jrwa.
ii,L-.. .aur. sani KanTii,-.. apj tj,riau l
t ni-.
r filly r-n: kircj?. i.f mrdt;
n-. ;m . tbt t-np-i, rrvb
I tti.- rcii-hrS and M-,nTirf
i.l .:.
It Tctl! v.U -ii- tltf vari.-ut- rot ini rr-Tut n'd'f
r.-.kin,r t.-k.-!;.I !. . tftrry .(. -trrirtlJ.-D.ai-
i, m t.. r rr ..r-n: .and lurtd
Ot ! k.i..i-, jujttta aifitt., Dtl. Lrof, dBfiV
Tt" til. -Vila
TclM lutt ii !.. irion tin I melt rfrrr.Ii-Jwiof
t.i..y a
try. iiMtn.n. rm-ki-. fHifrs
111-", t IJ. ry, .rpMTf ,.,!.., .nr!
pwtf t hf ultfrrT .(t'-rri.ri.,n
II Tells on tti u ;,i.i m.-tarrpnTi m4
tt.- l--r m.UicI t-t irt urine r. IW, ch-"
laf an l t. a. im1 hew n. Diaf -Tru,. eCl
i. -r rt'.'! a'i intof arinu-kind.
II Tills loa Ik w t, s. c nit an-1 ri.HT-nt a t.iM. fcr
t- nri. !l kTu-l f f.-h. ft. h nr f wl. !
tn tiorr. ht.w t m- im iify th whi-i. art --f
f.v-kin. . t Itrniii ihf rh..i,-w: lnarlr cf
the rnl.le wit hm .' n b. tly'i. ra h.
TY Noolt . .tta,tt.A i!s t.t, il ur.wnr.-i of 1'JOO rw
friyi, IUf wt.i. h rr tin- r tilt t f urtnil tifiwBf
! iiitj K-t-i, fn-ly Hn i , r--ini. tstt ui-Jr Ihfrrw
-ttf rint-"!..!,. r ..f tl,.. writer. It it j.rinr. ,1 in
-i.ji.- an.! ot-n tM": i" Ulu-trutl with ; (.r.-pnt
t-rji.inir. anst w:il w f. rkr.l,. f un Tri.'iir-. n-allf
tVuti.l an.j ..ftrtt; mi.1,od Trfi ii tul il. or ID rleth.f-t
A Vrlcan Iv Kia.! by ntrrriinff
r.. M?,. r. itt i-I:it tr.e.rw.i- (rk.
i'iir in.nir. m. nrs m ji.I -tu-.i irf t-rr liba-ral.
..r-.in; r;.i..ftf th l. k. or f r trrmi to iP1"
jiti other inft.rnmtii n. r tr tr. t 'r
.M1IN K I't.TI : :. nv.-.w.
' n1-1 -V". f !7. ,-. n .sy ;,,lf,t.:l h,a. 1
A $35 Iron City College Scholarship
T i; -.afe at the -Var V I'hrvnicU t 'iter.
Lc wiiuur.