ffllillfillo M ml mm vi slump 4JM BY 0. WORDEX AND J. R. CORNELIUS. A! 1.50 ptr Year, alnayx In Advance. riuLiMiMt MHi-Hkii- T'-Os'aV JliirilillU K J riiiaj AllrTllliitll. "j.!in i. M fi: 1 ' ' ' Treasurer .r-ci lei.t. lv i-mitte! wet-it. Itulit rt H. I-alJ l iM-rms the people t i : . nv 'f cm- i n s. me dollars. Vi l.lK r llolautl is a cauJ Ja:e fr tr,. t-ner.ria iy. jaini'K Marshall is rccomtnerio'ei as John oll 15 a-kel to be a caneniate t liarl. s I". H-" i 8n Independent ... .i... ,r .JotlU W Miuolitoli is candidate fcT A-m- a-' I a .lit? v.aliioa Hicjinan is a f.-r fix-r. (.Ml. MOlt-!a;i5. , ... ,,-a. .v. ree'd 1 1.' 1 r I.r, I.e.. V. Gents a-'1 Cn' candidate f the Win- -t i f allots .!ren. 1. 1). t.uWHu a. so r-i-r.J. i Cii.a.ia'.e f-T Jutlire HKior Sv ter Cv 15 recomtiten .vein- -rair IMai I a Jo t. , 1 a'-'tu .. ,, , rf.e !)-h our . .-. i-cherr rev .(..fl prae ii-'t : ces t..ar.;s ..i-.tr- . . n. - e UM-i Kale it-wards. '' W.iri 'u: .-iv. me a I'temp! ii !e l . jnera! fj-ii'ta-:.;ct liiai that ne 1 up i mi ii plic.iy in a l.e (r-n- J-ninisiraii n ,.jr V .' ii-i :h. r-. It fariher : l .iu'.mi I-- w'a- c -r,ii;v iti- a: r racv t.. c-e-.r up t.i.-e raca. .iiciM'.. t.- aere Hi el.' ria-. f. .: i:..ra:i-t - A; lir ae l.eve. a.. .he charje-.. .'.! in ..-a .:. r.re r.i.i:-ii.'fe i- t r a-:. :.-: i'- i.hii.'t .1 1st ; a Si c-t.i 'c tne . n .-.he it . i.re tiis r:v iitit;ue. ' -jli.c j Jtice rlama'lcn h a 1 1 lii-v aiuays ih. I.t.u.y, la ?.u- - .I -:- : Tri hi: trial un w e : Wi :.k : Act i ; i r-e , ::.e j'.' ii 'i- :,e ii l.ilx liood A'' t" cra'ii:::v.i acairi! s a-. ) , l.er e liberie 1 the lin I jini-r Klivrr f ihat par'r has ' r caarj'J. !"r a'ly. with a Ovfau'i v in.f; ukrn ly h.m. f..r the m b.-a'iiirn ras-i::? Lr.erpr"!. T!:e s f.tivr !r:' ! f l: srult is m-l liu; ine K r .-ay mi 1'ie r'irs : : iif.ir i t.:r j:n -f iii hi rice tea pa The 'ver .n- I'm ni w en;. remain i ..'r"t,nrh tan i iae la.'.ure ! t!e I.!ica:er jv - wi.-.-'.i n"'.ev 2 !v i'"-' r''. a: n li-r -'i-" iSaiik. Hin.v -irf. the i . Tr'eauriT r.Jr.M'U.au.ar. i i. K ; . nei.t n.' uereau.ii r.e lie ' 'ai ai . r-1.-'. r. e It, tat Ji-f-r. s--.. Mirurre i 111 1 P'H' . ran ii- 11 1 ' in . 1 1 - r lir e M la-, t ,.-.r u-i-.'a au u:."-ei (aiiica r." S'le is in ti n 10 rnui- i staii-oat iv -'U"i !- ;-:. -e at-1 fairr.e-s we i.aVi tx;iiinu'i v li' 'ru has cpy Mr. charge u.a-.e '.! him. tthutnr ; eur ryes 0 , a'i ptevi- i- -(.r.er," from that jurce. we mclioe : a--pt lhis rle-Vr.re a tru f. r -e k'l-v r -..-ii-'.n the contrary. Yet, if -no senviMe r.i nr. 3 -abt" his claim, an i if -the Mate .- r" and -Law" are all n h.s side-, surely i:JSt 11 at fault for n.-t w.piae rut that . a-.ce ii l'-'' 'J c" ! - iu . ' 1 ' - a..r tn r.lT v m. anl nir are: u .v. - -.-..kwl irn'ii.i him as a lieiaulter. V,r t-i r. n r ef the pr aid the trr.cfr. -Trea-ury r wia him peety success. .V'ir. neithb'.r. hy can'' "' hvt so1n' c:.ty l'.-T the ("...- and his aiviser.-, ok.iitii's' Ve-u aecw-e ws.wh.- ie-r- at.l retail, fairly an l c vert'y. of swiol ;.: -i.e State, huui.l.aliff our S liters, an-, e :..... a; ihe frau is tf oiher.- ct-trupt y. Tri-i '. ..- i are n it only untrue as far as we i-i. 1. : ihere is no evnience to convict 1 1 -.; .1. What monirous wickeJne-s to ;-jfi;y.t such sian lers up-m suspicions t r ef- a D.al.re: " uV suro in letiein na?.c ,i puMnthe public mini, while 1 !t. a netnia .ea is peiidme . hy n.t jive f ejflana'.un tr deltiice . nr : a:c-rt c jr olfer 10 submit the fail t'tiimuny realer .tti ut a .V C' rr.rr.eiit : 1 -f ihe Ar T.- reet.tss rerv.r.ai .1 n; .e .n ineir appropriate slouch. Fm- x Seminary The annual public I....:,. . ,.f .1 T. iil.riii.-.n in, t rilace in , . . ., .. . .,JrP i:::rlii:-: with the Programmes, anel were iv.ii i lv Urr-.Bi interested audiences, , .c,. , , , te ,. 1UIJ IU.-'.'... r . .. lie otatiea of l'rof. Porter, tt ttc iitcister College, was a well-written ar- . . ptlcit ef the power of man over tie inie- .r f.f man over the inie- ' creations. Tie Second Graduating Cla! of Yoong -: read Essays, .-Vtdactday mornitg, i..iows : 1 f ti kv .11 Nvir i:F evru. wi. f,.n. 0 S...H tti--.'-M "i. I'.. - H-r-ia. '. ;. i. .;. hIt . l .1 .1 -N'. l--r in. ... t Kti.,-iiAriit b. sMiMf ;r.D, ia the ev-iiing. the Y"oung Men engaged I'eciaaa-iiris, as fallows : -i m ; -i-r-tt m t.vs.i:al?Ett,Hiv:- r, -TK- K. t'l.i'.l-t.t". ': : '' 1 .r.-I.r-f. I N ... ;I1I". N. f.-r''" 't.ii. . V-.r ri - I -l.ii i.leii.i4i.li'i a rl.IO'- 1- I.'i- ii-roJ n . e 1. '.I " . C I II . i"i v;. -i.tv st" r-. ; .-..-.li. M.I. Ku'-l'ao. 'tt 1AN. ..rri'ie. s...un-V. E VLIWEILER, Mr;i- li .- rr.l N.M VF.NsrH.W,.hinrt'-r...ll-' - - : . i i r--r . riMi.lL''i'r'rl. 1 ';'-'-sli . ... y 11 .,VI-"H. S-ho.lliiil Ho, ..-ir-.-.,l.i.... f ..- i-r l it STt. " ? ' ,. l.-r , ., I. -.:.i..l.n Kil ll:irt..t-n. I- ; :--. i.:.tir -! r.r"'lii.iD L.I . .e-tj. Tie ten Session of the Institution , -jits cn Friday the 21 of August. Good! We learn that the Three Mil- ' "ir Loan of Pennsylvania was yes ;';iJ fr.aottlv taken at par.' Tbe Old r ' . , , , . 1 .i one 15 fcound, r a'notie, and solvent, II -"11 Tl , Ttie Miitcn Silver Comet Band, of ',.:"'0 r--rsins, are cngiged to furoish I f.r the l'ttu' Fourth P.egiment. i .r-y C unties are represented in Y...'- ia Union ConvcLtiofi bow ia Will they Learn? The disastrous result ot Ibe niotemtci ci uoveruincci forces ugaio't T.rcat 15ctbc! a town niid- waj between Vorklown and liatnpton is another impreirfive warning to CjBsiJera ti.n in loth the rl,i tiun and appointment of Military Officers. l!j all accounts, there wt'rc enough eoMiers, and they fought bravtlj cuoujjb, to Lave been euc-cts-ful. Hut tLeir (jencrals are compara tively ncvicts in the art of war tLeir for ces fnUt'd to agree upon signals between each other they encountered a ditch cr nii rass, and batteries, of which they Lad no knowledge they got cut of ammuni tica before the wcrk was done in short, a want of complete preparation on the part .f the managers seetns to Lave clanged a ' trobabie victory into a u.ftat. Happily, it was a maii f.rce at l not an itr.porlant poii-t, or it might Lave been a sad disaster. Ti-is, and the de-ath of Kiisxorth, tre t rribi lcson, ia letters of LlooJ, given iu g"ol time for our benefit. They show tie necessity of caution, of .rudence, and t f auipie preparaiion, in aivanco of every , uiovemcnt. j tTT! is community were last week as tounded with news that a brawling effite Lunter, named l!u;h l'ttriken, (who bis f r ten or a d zen years annoyed both par ties on the Wist l!ranch by intriguing for ubiic position; of various kind) bad been aipoitiud a Colonel in the regular army '. Vi e do not know the man, ani Lave nolL ii.C pe-rs.ii.al a;a:DEt Lim, but the general, if not uiiiveisLl otitii:n in this region seems to be that Le Las n;t tl yrl j'jj (j iah ''ill .it f.r tie eCce; and it it woo tiered Lew Le cu'.J have iaipostd and f rc-.d LiiLsuIf up n tie ij pointing power Naj oleou's plat of sdvaLcing meo in tie aiuny, step by step, as their merits upon trial proved them worthy and reliable, was the true and nios. politic way. We thou'. J h.ope cur G overLuicnt would follow that exaipl, and not elevate any man to any responsible pest, iu such a time, on account personal frieuJ.-bip, party bias, or boring pr'-pcnsiti'.s. These may be passports to fuv:rs in civil service, but they should be j d.scard.d when men are selected iu whose j Lands are the lives tf others ! ' TF..C .i:.e ef V.'in. 1!. Irviu's friends in I'nu.ri countv as.-uro us that thev think Mr. Kelly has a wrong impression of Mr. 1 Irviu's r 'rition on the .Secession question. ' Thy iay be voted for Lincoln, and their; l..ti,tt,r fr.-.m Lim trcatbeJ the true J'ni n sririt. We trust it may turn out that in the excitement aui confusion of. are pr. -pan-d to t-n.i-t "fr tl.-- 'i ar.' the time, Mr. Kelly has been mistaken j jWc are itif rm-.d that Mi M-s.J..l,n ani ask our readers to suspend judgment .M ,m - and 'Tho.ii.i- !! uetl.t-n ..f Ia in the case until Mr. Irfio can define lis wj.,uri; aro ,, rviiiL' iu the Army Trans own position. j jif.rtation Ivpurtnivi.t. Thu'.- t'e.rwiu and Gen. Lyon of Missouri talks of ma'iiog j.ju, t. oid-liutts were '-Waejoii IJoys" Home Guards as fast as possible, aadarm- -m pj J.. e. t(e-.n 'n V-rii.-K CaEH finfft ()afG "'6 ' ' ? Yalley will be taken care of, and all the f I'ennsylvaiians who desire it may return to their possessions'. SrlT-At the Cavalry training at Gideon liiehi's Hotel on Saturday last, after due discussion tf the landlord's delicacies, an American 1'lag was raised at Jeremiah Hitter's corner. A meeting was then calicd at liiehi's Hotel, when that old . veteran Democrat and Soldier of 1S12, ! ('apt. W:i Fi.r.siErt, was appointed Presi dent: Catt. Jacob Gundy and Wilson T. Linn, Yice l'residents ; and John M'Call, v-ecrctary. .ilr.j. Charles 11. ennner ao- dressed the meeting in glowing and palri- fc f , otic terms, ihe assemb.age was compos- t-d tf true Unionists. ; ' tsTAmong the rr.altilude cf appoint-' meats devolvirg upon President Lincoln, be gave that of Minister to Portugal to James J. Uarvey. I ne prcgrcssiug scru- . t:EJ cf tbc lc.cgr.ph uespatches seems to convict. Mr. II. of having sent news of a . 1 .,c - r.M. t,,r,elnr S.-i.itJ. Tiirn.lna. - " his native State for which he will doubt- Irsa K inetantlr r.-s.:!.... find bmnfJil tfl . - - ' A a .... : ; an account if possible. (How different ; from iouchanans course, w no kept just ; such traitors ia bis Cabinet and other la- , t .1. .... IT ' ces of power to the last!) Harvey pro- fesscd to be a true Unionist but, O the j duplicity of "the Chivalry 1" S-yThe semi-Secessionists, North, are now harpiDg dolefully, opon two strings, j 1st. The refusal of the Administration ; to Jet off that neb LnJpe-curncr, J Ohn Merriman,cn a habeas corpu. 2d. They dislike to have the teiei-raphie dispatches overbaulel, by which the Northern traitors are being delec.cd...I,t the guilty howl- honest men do not oj?et lo either mco - ure to preserve the Government and the Union 1 Jfce-In the Congressional Flection in Maryland, yesterday, the Union men bad uo f 'rmidahle cr position in three Jietrits. ; ' In ll.ltimore. Henrv May is reported at i -Oil mi.j. over Wmter Pavis-both rep-1 re-euttd as Union men, but May rrtferred bv the Secessionists. Preston, Secession- i Y lue .recessiou.sio. i ihiuu, ocetss i i-t, rrporled elected in tbeotherlialun district ji'Miflmbnr)!," ia the ltn, sir ,y Gc p- )liiIfirj jvq ( ftfr p, dtimore dent Judge of this District. Weobserve r.n mr.vetnrnt made in M.2iD couaty 00 - .LEWISDURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, FROM THE "SLIFER GUARDS.". m.Ou Tuesday last, while assisting u Eiireeu frin tanraf Lrttw.j , raise a barn near Uoch's Tavern, Chestnut JfNE l'J. Yt-t.-rday w:w a ,-ala d.iy in i;;.!go) a tiaibiT fell, instantly crushing to ramp. Ittu-iuo a h v. ly .lay. an extensive. tstty (jQ0 uf y.j ) Uvmmei., of ' iair-jro-nnd. a niMii-trou- I i - u!.l l:i-!inniv.I . ... . , , ,. , - . .i i Monroalp. His aae was about 4') years liatUi i..u ai d f.niip iiiei ;iii- t...- tln r, aui -"" & ' the atti-udaiit t!rriii.' t viht- i.l' stu h ue a si..!l .J.Hllili d.lllld rail 1'iTIil M.lilii i.l. J of the- appearance- ni' Cain. Curliii. Many strangers arc c.ii-i..i.'.!y vi;tiii,a htru to M'C th- ll'.Xchit i.f tin- t itnp. .iii-rifl' Creis-ermv.- an 1 1 "!. M'l'.ill wrre onrdiisllv w.1-..in.".lw;th t!i-ir r.-rrnit-. C..1. Siller's ri-p. iitel visit.- cviinv ..rdial but Hi.; .eitial mtv.Tr.-t in our i J.iiv. On aturd.iy.the-I'd Mi.l.i.aii 1;oj;iik..!i: uud. r t'.il. liieh.ii'i- ri, fuilv cin-iH'. d. 1 it' lie 1 tlu-ir t.-nts aiiocier n. and i vt it ,1 lutie fl'-al :i'lniir:;T : u 'f b-jill llie.r lueli mi J tl. ir liinti 'rial-. W. ,a-l.:.-!. ; win. !l V.': t1.- M' Y : r. . re o'i o.l. live her.- iptm.-l li st n r.. i ,t...n 1 ' r.n ( .. n. r.l... Iire-e v. mirj i'ott from a liUUM- it.-l. i,n 1 v.'as M ,l:-'l in . f tl: I I- ! vie.-- w itii li. ir i h..ii-e. 1 nj"-.'. .1 tl. t ri- t.:e .!;!; l-eli. V,- i Vileje. l ilt alii S .JfNE 11. Tl t -. I 1 . r at "ir I s-i'.i-are 1.. in rrv a f.-,v al.ii-.-l it . 1. 1.1- !1. -. an 1 u i cud-. I'll! lih-.i lv tl..' i.r.,!.:i'.;!;t .1 - -llie "1 "lir V"tl!l-li.ll-T. r !..r 1 WITT l. r s"li: l'i.?-i!l: Blld ' 1.1.11! and I '-ni'in tin :i :i en. .my v. .re... mv ol f.r in-::1' are ! ,i-vi:i:.ki-- ..nt the r-.H, w we ..-i up ! ." ii. (' ti'-u. .V. :i ; !n..!l l'.-"::l a I.. ImIi'Hi i- .h.iiiitii. i .'lit i f i-umi'. in f the r.-.it.-r part ff tl.f tr.p'. ''limit;. .ii. ii" mi. -nipt. 1 t 'Me. l v plr.ti-.-it. in! the rie-r.i-h a.t wa.- pre, -. lit. !. " hi-.-..'..ilaiv !. ---ii t'i li.-.' i.h"l.- l'i.f. . a n. in i:i :' t Mi - 'i.-.r ti- V r,t.:!v !.!:.- ! v a I.!-:- ! in :!.- h-.:..l- . i',t".. 1 -. ( ,.- ti nun. ,.(' l.i- 1 1 tie .. ' I -1 :r ! ei II . f tl lii.le till! ...enr 1 I,. 1' id- s kind and xaniin--.tl.tti. :.ly -11. e'lOi.-c nt t! ' - T.i 1 ii,u-t e!"-e. S. tid us ni".-'- lin n V,.l:ie-'i:iv. wc are in!' rn.e 1. 1 ati'.ns and -uee!ina"i' ti-" 1 f ir ! tt. than aft.-nviir 1 ft th- i. urn' . r e Tlu-v. li"e-.T. i.r-i:iiiz -1 lv the e-.itttitit-.-i '1 :li. ws : -.j.in Til S f it vVIll.S 1.1 V. J... I-i. i. ' .:. 1. 1 -' ' ' . .1 1 ! A N W-'ltr li Li. o!;n;-e ilM.I K-i I sell Al I- LE. It ii c.V 1 that the li-inr 1- will he lie tit tlll'ier l'"l. J. IllVIN .!'.j.ir :iat r. A. : ... pr.rt . f 3 1'. jin t.ltt'l.;. a s'.ti tehu .- Ite'l in tl W.rii.:..:n-t M.-xt-... The iwn-c 'Uinil- :cd i:h ,r will Joe h"-eii vh.-u the Con. pony - line- I.t. ill Li- V ..lie is at h nie. r. ".-ruit.n.-. am --'lad to . .1 . 11. ' ! ;i ...'- iie.rniii ;ie.r:iiii'. w.lu a- unmv h tillilvV Ua i as .ir. . - t 11 ..r .1- r-:... r.,.l. .dlisUT ri'Jil ui i.ic 1 uit'u uuoiuo. Carvaitt CHAKI.ES Ii Kol t-H First l-ieuteaaat l.avi KfLi isecooJ Lieutenant Wioiia Haamtio t.H(iaaT. C. S Sa-in.f,.rd 3 Eiwin Lehkichcr INichi'ias banon 4 Charles Mnler C S Bowman 3 John Emmit Thomas Kobison 4 Ueo.-ge Everett miii-iiv. Nich.Dormier. Mich. ivrPer. Arnold James James Aurkev J.,hn II Arnt i'i S '!"inon Uer.iler David Ii "Hersr x Jaet.-b E Mcwrv ) Henrv I! V wr'v ' David C M m rv S William I'vwal l Ilefjamir. P Parks Dav.il Parker Henrv IVruline J hn O R!,pp Franh'lni h'e.f ssamuel Ko 'sers Samuel inter Henrv fhrawekr Davi i Miall 11 I. Steele Charles spencrr Surnuel H -easho!t Mathanicl Schstarti J. hn . Sny.ler J. hn Jatnp'sel Joel Shatler T F Menck John Hmith Cvru- ali'!av Peter Srhulthach Will. am feilm S.ir.. n Tr.iop K. !i Wiilmre Emanuel Wcnick J hn Vr.rejr Samuel Zimmerman Jacnb A Zechinau Keuhen iorf WiU am Bi bb James H Bowman Thomas B. ran William F Charles II i' Calvert Stephen Chuhb M.chael Car.twc'.l J) ''."nI)U"lt i.aic l'erk-r 11 a v.o- .- K iwm W Fimrle ,.atr.ek F SamueMJ (iuniirum A .'.a in 'tnttMeDer Crreis.irec M ichael iry rer NeVPn JtllltellUS Thomas HammonJs s.amuel Io n 11 Snh H 'racf l.loyd ll.. T nr (j.:rtr.n Mack"V Jihn M'Cormicic L Mornmgv.ar John F Zartman .hrr. The Captain, the Mnwry. and srrne rt! of the GuarJs are from New Berlin ani its vicinity in Cnicn conntv. The Lieutenants 1 and probab'y a TnajTry of iSe oaaris arc f1T m Hnyj.r county Col. Eplrr harirs been ln. j.fIlcan War. anJ Esq. HarJ.ntt saw .ervlce in the Enslish army. 1 he reraainer of the GuarCs is made fmm ihe overplus of a - J:::rl :. be commin,el ,,v capt.Kickets rf E;opn)sbur.. a w-t Pcmt graiaaie. Lt. ! Harding is Adjutant of the Regiment, Tbe j ! Tribune state that the -New Eeilmers ha ; furnished Ihe lni.,n county NTs win runner ' , . ' , a. eil pv theirs, e,rfnisJMl.iopoDMj-erco.o.,uU a ell hi theirs. 1 . teWamcs Caracron.of NorthambcrlanrJ , Co., Pa , has been offered and accepted the station ot Colonel, 01 me iga.aue. ..v6 . r X- " 1. CI. . S.r.t.hih meoi, 01 .sew aui. - "7 force, throughout. Col. Cameron brother of Gen. Cameron, Secretary t v ar. " ' ... . Ctn.Next week is the llis!ncl loun ai . 1 Will.amsport. And Monday.to eancs- dav, ... ,1 .U.lni. rierci.es 01 tOe IUC U..'.. - "0 tCorr-.;-)n I.-n sj cf St.r t Chronlr'? Milil.l.Mifhn, JjLe 13, Your readers doubtless re-aieuibi-r that on the 4'h ult. a large Auieiican flig was su'pe'nJed between toe sjires of two of our churches. It b e mies iy painful du tv to iLfonu them thst it is iu din? it of b-ing cut down at least, th.ro are a t-V chuich members who are bitterly opp . 1 tj having it thire. lam iof jruiei tl.at a Sag b;-n wavi from odo of the thatch es in Mi.iheiiu, Centre Co, was thus ta ken d .wn, and that the minister. Ucv. F. 1!. Kidd.es, refus..s o p.e-i':h iu that church, till the fiigi replaced serves them rivfct. I h re cur miiiis'ers wiil f.iilow hisexaaiple'. Let no ruthless hands le laid on the ye,ri -us banner that now waves aliujst every lt-:e. A toit of tar and feathers, or a ill'.' cn r .il, would be loi great an hon:r f.r Liu who darts to tear d .wn uur bea'iiiiul eLsiu. Woifu's new thre-t-store-y luilJinjis fast approaching coiupl.-tiou. Tutf uper & :! is iuteti J:d f r a Tjwn Ha.l :jius tilts wlieh - very tuucti need. Mjj C H. S't.riner is putting up a Sae buildinj iu K't) "1- stown. No prepafatnos have ye! ten ir.le f.r ce-'ebratiii" toe 4 b. 1'' rhaps som.thit'g wiil be done utt ."rat-rliy. (.lir thatiks are di; t r'in. L'rcjln for appo.ntiu us such a g -jl 1'. .'I. Mr. !rt ..' s is v-ry att.-n'.ivj aui ul.ij.r.. aua all ate bijshfy plea-el. Kt.vta. r.- - r L- I" .. f ii.. a. 1. 1. t r- ,u -t : I . II, - ..-TCll ..i u;. : It.r ll.e r:J !-T it.- rnl.:- Trip to tlia Sis-Tree Grove. The l.-tg-Tree Crove ef Ca.ifjrnia con tains about a hunlred of tb'3-j far-famed tiion-tt-r trees whi.-h have orrivtl a, a g cd degree of maturity, besides great numbers of others of the same species, of all tire, from the smallest sapling upwards. Thire are also other kinds tf trees inter-f among them. The whole area occupied ly the grove, ia about fiy a-:re. The laid . is claimed by the owners cf lie Hotel, an J 1 great care is tow takeu to preserve the I trees from the lavages of fire, wluh here tofore has damaged mioy of them, ahi from the attaeks of YandaU, who, if p r raittej to do so, would soon destroy the 1 most important of them by cutting ihcni and carrying off speciii-eLS of batk and wood. Sa'iiying cut from the hotel to tee the wonders cf the place, the visitor naturii- ly first examines the enormous slump of the tree, near the bouse, which was cut down by sacrilegious binds a few years since. This was tbe one first seen by Dowd, the hunter, the original diseorertr cf the grove. Tbe stump is now enclosed within canvass walls, the top having been smoothed off like a floor, for dancing pur poses, and is surrounded by a row of scats 11... .u- ait 'i ... ... .....t .n- fifty persons, all cf whom, wi:h the per formers, occupied the stump at the sanse tiuiel Oa one 4th of July, aUo, thirty two persons (four setts) danced a cotillion upoo it at once, without inconvecitnee. I stepped off the distance across it, and found it to be ten good paces, although the ton is about six feet above tbe grenn 1, : (be ls bccn ukeD cff; Tb Stump IS souna 10 ice core, ae itij-autu 00 little ing"nnity, ss well as persevering labor, to fell tbis mon'roti denitn cf the forest. It could not bo done with axis ' It was accomplished by boring a scries of j boles ccniplcle-ly around it, from ctrcum- fertnee to centre, with augers of upwards I of fifteen fect in length, male for tbe par i pose. But when tho trunk had thu? been j severed, so plumb was ths tree that it ' would not fall. After Iryirg in rain ra- j rious expedients to tipple it uvcr, at length a largo tree of another species, i standing near, w9 felled against it, but ! still it stood A fcccl rc-rt of this 1 kind finally suct-ceicd, and the coble monarch of the woods yielded, ond, bow- ! ing bis bead, fell prostrate, with a cra-b ; ; that reverberated like a thoa-snd thunders j ' amonethe raoantaios, and shock the solid i ground like aa tsrthrt-iake the bug j I trunk breaking in several places like a . ! pipestem. Five men were tngigel, for j ' twenty Eve days, in felling tbis tree. A 1 pntion ne iruna - - , stump, ttnd Ihe top cf ,!, . it lies bor.i -a- j ui.j, reacoes bciucchv.j us u-JU--. : It is a?ccnded by a fignt ol strr, tw eutj- six in number, and nearly perpendicular. , . ... !.. ,.anrJ.;rc beside ,"i:ttit. dis'ancc, a double bowline .lie, has been constructed on another for-1 t;,a of ths trunk, which has been cut j j.j,n fllt (or the purpose. - j Leaving the immediate aciglborbood j 0f ,be hotel, tlie Tiiitor is conducted next j ,th h gr0T0 bj , r3th - , .on.lrneted to take ... . him near all tbe rcn.arlr.aji9 members 01 lhs groap TL;S is ",l.e grand tour." The (recj tjTe rcotivcd mJre or icH fjncl. fai n.f., wbicU are postel opon mem, . . ... .- ... It. cither inscriaea on un piaies or mimic tablets. Their height and circumference , ... ?.-. t have notsiae-e f.r t.r- J ...t...t... ..f ...I. Ir,. ,n,I sill ncuiar uesei iru. v,. v.v- . V t 1. m TdsaKSl ar .oi t rtlPtlE . . ' " I ue .i.aers vuiu .ao-o.ev. -.fc-, ' kUtl 0 ftct io circumfertoce, tapeiin very JUNE U, 18C1. gradually. It has an opening iu Ibe j trunk 40 fer-t Ligh and 17 feet wide.; c .. . ... ' "The Three Oraces, ' bvttutilul specimen V all grow from the same root, very straight end T-erf.ct, ::00 feet high, and having no limb within 'Ji.'U lett ot me grcuna. , "The Old llae-helor" is s forlorn olj.t, . C) fee', iu circumference, and 300 feet iu I height, with a very rough batk and ,:for biilirg eppearauce." ''The Hcrmitt'' stands alone, Zl) feet bigb. rem.tkally . straiglt and symmetrical, snd 75 feet in circumference. 'Tle-reuW is a tu st s'rikiog object. It is three hitwlrc.l awl .'''! J"1 '3 ue'l!,-'ti aQi "" hun'lrrl un ! stu'.t iu ciijumferenc, or more than thirty fico f-.e-t thr.ugh 1 It is the largest perfect standing tree iu the grove. Ii has been carefully estimated that it would make tnc'. n hundieJ ana ht(u'-f.c th,u- 'nit' feet of lumber, cr enough to lead a largj ship. It leans so that the top is about 10 f-.et tut of the petpeudicular, aod h:nc:, it shouid have been ca'.ied l'b L.aaiog Tower." What an enor mous height cast be supported ly the butt, ii lie tree ttands 1 It teems to le P' rfectly soua 1 and vlg;-r.. 1 hers arc ''Ibe llusi.at.-l and Wife," stktiiiig near t g.ther, and aft-eticualely inclined in wards each other ''The O.d Maid," still and prioi, with a cap l.ke mass of foliago near the t-p ''tien Scoll" ' Gea. Jack sen" 'The.Ilaipiid State" "Yermoit,'' A..-, i;., all very reiaatkalle. "The Family Group" ensisted tf the Father, M other, an 1 f.vcuty-f our CLii Ires: but ti.-- l'a'.L.r was blown down inaL,y years ao. The fa.irn trunk j-. II'-1 feet iu clr.uiLf-.ren?", aid lie who'.-.- tree mart have lo.U t'.itr f.u i.lu i ji'ty - ' X 1'i.ero are .'Jj..i feet of tie length r.!i.-.L.-io, and at tt; p in, where the loiy is brek-U it is 4.1 leet in circumfere-LC.-. It is Lc-Kew, oiii might furnish r.om ajja reLlly to quart.-r a regiment. Yisil.rs ii.ke their egress through a ho!e in tho . id; (except ladies with hoops) and as they ou.-.rge th.y furnish a iuiicrous il lUsiiati.u ef the way (e?ple s.melinies 'er.t-p out el a knot-l j.e," er ico.de freiu . a false j -.i..-d iis.t the prostrate trunk is ert.hi.died iu the earth, aui tbero is a never fai.ing pj.l ef water staid. og io it at one pjiot, i-.l by a living spring Tbe Mother ia the group is a suteiy dame, ' l'J t.et iu circumtere-nce nl 3-7 felt ia h-.ight. The Children are ail of age, bc y ond 'paistien, and iirge coough ti epeiu f.r thij-soive-s. The m.st melancb-ly oljeet io tfcc grjve is the de-ad Iruik of a huge tree, still btanding, from which the baik was stnrped, a lew years ago, tj speculators, to be carried to the Atlantic States ana Kurope, for exhibition ; but it was lo- sing venture, as nobody would believe it to be fron a single tree. The whole was prosounctJ a "humbug," or "Yaike-e trick," and a large portico of the heavy expense incurred woo a deaJ loss. Sta- giogs were erected around the trunk, which still stand, and the bark was re- niovid in sections to the height of 120 feet. The bark was nearly two fect thick in places Its circumference being I'D feet, and 327 feet in height, this was the mother of ihe forest, but, alas! she is J-J- I will only speak of cne more, "The Horseback Ride." This is tbe falien trunk of ao old Ires, which is hollow, but with a perfectly sound shell. Through this, I rode on horseback, a distance of 75 fect, without difficulty, and saw others do the same. The hor"-! was of ordinarv height, belonging to a visitor. This gives perhaps the mest impressive idra of the vast site of these enormous Datural won- dors. C. ?. ii. Ltwisufnej, Ta , May, 101. i:a Tr. ft.t. t cnr. n-ajt. THIS SiljjD viiiJiL ST ?nl?. . C. r,CLEE. nltl lawn. r-f .xtTtn "ti. 1. 1 1 Th- nun'. It'b' t -l-fS. it I r-.V c ' lawn, i.f n'i in nvt ir.". tr t-.i f n I, In T.in T-- tt t.ii IS.. f.'.-..;nc tli-"lit In r.rli et. i- i.r; k i. Ir.e-. frUet-t I! ail a.ti:, cie n- t I 'm blim.1 T. .ir". t,:ri- tt-":r tntlin .in;, A-..I a- I " 7 ...rt '- .Mi 11.- T trinr Hirrn c' 'e it,- it.i. nut. mj mini; Ar. I a. tti- . Use- r in tt: -ir I .: t-, 1! :r's h- w f.-t t'l.T ?r- iic .-.ratf t!' i-,..iii i.f Tai aero! Y a ts's ir." ts t'i- tItt". .it-. Wh.i ...! "it I .1 i tbe To. inn ti !. V. i., r .u.-!.1t tt' w. iti ;x',ing win I. I 1. -t :h- riil mi wn.r. r ar. 1 !... r Irok -.'; n IS.-- r. -i-i V r .ire I tr,T.. : . t in .iiln 1 -use-: Tt.- Ti--- 1. r., ijr.l.;l:.v--c-I. V i. .. e; tt 1 -'rli'i to eliin -iai( T lit 1. I lir" in ffn.r.'t-1-r -.:i, (.f r' - :n T3.'. rr.t 1-1 .-. 1 1. 1. -tu .trite, but .'.ii ti. teah M-te-TO r.f an A-mlsLttrC-l , A '1 1 t ; .n.- ini - f I' te, Y,-a at 1 t'-.i If ni.trt kinl. i.l. t I ..w tti .7 a tri.'l.t A- liie-.ir. i t-t a 1.' -.stodIt llaht I ..is I can ..-. t r I'ta tt a:t .T.1.J ... Thomas was elected to Cocrrcss in M:s-i. hu .,t.-, as the successor of im.-.i.,. 1'rmi.i. I:im. without orposi - iiai..- . . .. ti m-.Mrtin F. Cny r.cd. t Corpre from Kansas, without opposition fa! l0 d from ..That U the right ki. j ,.f ' J-nioa"-- elect known and undoubted frienl-rf Government to a.I , . i . . t acts cf hi nnr and trust. "-iif.r I'baiat.x t the new l ompany at llarr.-bor; fmm Cjfs'er, ilia BUte eiostj of the Sec'y of tl Coa'ih. "TIIC LNI J.N'," esUMMttl h 1 SI I Whole Xo., -2,173. TIIUONirLE," eta'jli Attack, anl EtpuUe. Bai.ti v..ee. J s ll.-Tta s-e.mer t.-. 1 I ' :.i I .11. f . rt hei amv 1 with - iv,., j,,., rItttS5 ' .,,..,.;, J.i.e l j ' . , . , ,d tlat tLe Kebeis were Friuing an tutrenclmt wita s'rotig latteries at w.m t'.L! miles N jrn of Hi- p too, on tut York'-wo ro:J, d i it necessary to iiiiodi-; them, at l jccsr-lieglj ui -vetiit-n's were made, last uijrbr, (torn i'vnre.-s JLo r:e anl N wp :rt "iews. Ab.utmiinight.C .1. Dirjea'eZjuiTes, aol Col- Totaetd Albany r.gixeot, crossed tie river at HaT.pt m, by meacs of a'.x latge litteaui, maLned by tie Na- val liriaJe, and took up tic l'.ae cf march, ibe f.rmcr tw milei in vlvatee el tie Ktt-.r. At the same time, C !. lieoe d.x's fj.ro. as r; gicett, ai.1 a detae-lment of the Yirm ni atl M.ssielus-. Its r-. j:i-m.r-is at '.wp:rt N:ws. mov..d to f rtu a ianctioa with lie regiments fuai I rt- r-.rs Mot-re at Litt.e L.the., at-at ha.l way be-lweea HaiopUu tr.1 Great ld.tlcl. The ZjJiV.s t assea Little 1 ttl ao out u.er,tar- 4 oV.vefc. A. M. L.neilx's r r'ntl L.xt, and loek a position at ihe ic teisectin of r.aels. Nat UfcJ-.rt4td;tg the sign', lbs Geranu r-jgin.- r.!, in the ia:l.tie ;-f mortli.g.rt duponTotetJ a c.Iuxd, n-.reliog in e-l.o crier, anl ltd by Lieut liutier, with two p.eCei. of artll lery. U;h' r acf-.-utts say that 'i'eWDscn'3 regiioin: Crei ffrst. At all events, the lir.' c: the Allaoy regiment ai h-rmless, while, tilt ef the Guicians was fa'ul, kul it g oie man and fata.iy woand.ig 10 oilers. The Albany rjln;:r.t driv:o laoit, tie Ge'rmans eliseovered, fr m a::-.utrtments i'.it in tie to.-l, that ilv sajp-el eLtmy as a f.-ivid. Tuey hah ia tu-s m nt'.u.e, tied nioo r.utds with sma.l irms and a C.ld picje. TLo Z -oaves, beiiiog the fire. badurncd, and.-ed ulsj upn the AIUlj t..!..;, Co! A'.'e'i's ail Col- Can's tegluitnt inved it.iu the rear of t,t Feecj .!;.. th Fertress to uppor: the main l-aJy. Hon. George M Keim died oc Tuesday, The n-ist-k: at Little lietle. Laving Ucn t Us home in I.e.... g asertainej, the latid.t gs -ere burned, rf'a "b"3 nc,Pt,B a.oeriuiu.o, mi e t J ei, sir t from tie L . S. t ava.rv at Cham aid a M j.r and two t r ,u..teLt beCeSsi.L- l;tsb , KLle shA d u iUlt tir. il. tinted Livery aid Whit.rj. were ma.e t;14i ttvU. pri,0Lc.-s. The tr::p tleoai.-aceeJopt.il Gov. Cortin has :.?-c:J two data ar Great Beihel ia the f .low. rg otlo:: XiU-' rants. Arn-str tg. cf I Lilt!., to te bung aves, Col. H.nei.x. I.i.-at. Col. Washburn, O'h Aug , mi Weaver, if d'erry c unty, r. l. Allen aid C I. C-:r. At that P-O-t cur reg'.mciu f rmc-d, aid su.-ccssively cndeav.red to t ..ia a U:i cashed battery cf the .tceioi.lu. li- vS.it wis futile three sn.a.1 piee-iis of ar.illety not being able to c:pj with tbe beivy r a.d cscnon of wf :cord.ig U a.n..' at-counts, tL; ja tiiILbtr. Tlie Kb.i battery ttery was mkeJ that no n.ea could Ljj Eccc lu, tU filjbe, tf guE, cn!j Tbere were p,jl4b;j tJt USj lUan iLOO tehind the battery of the rebels, : A C0DCCtiSl:ci iff .rt might have : Kzasii a pjs;t;j0, bat Uiig Gen. Fierce, vlj CJUimlt. j. j tt3 txpiditio, e:tmed tC) L3 ijSt b.s rresenoj of mind.- The T(gmcut 0ne hour expose J to a galiicg 6rv?. An ord:r to retreat wi at ja.t girn, but at thai moment Lieut. Gre- blej frum j,billj ( ff tbe p-. s. Army, in commrjli 0f the artillery, was struck ly a ' cinnon ball and instantly killed. He bad 6p kclJ bis g.Jn 1Lj was ctldeavoriag to .'i,i. k;, .,mmini Cart. Wilson, of ,he TrJJ rtgjaicnfj took possession of the t W.h wr,ernister M' Arthur, br ,uc6t j, cff ,j,e fi lJi wj:b the c .rpse t f ; their"btioscd Lieutenant. They brought ,e. .t. L'..,..,ei. ,,,',, Ti)e ejr.rnn.CBl fjrc,s t;, 10 killed, 4- woan4c(ii , 5 misiDg. The Rebel is EOt a09Bi bat must have been 1 j considerable, alihcugh tbty were well f ro ; tected. They probably bad 2000 to 2500 ! men in arms, but the Zoaav-s and Grc I ble's battery were vory dcs'ra?tive io ' their asssu'.ts ur m tho R bel ranks. j I Atnorg the kilhd is l.ieat. Whiting, I ar.tb-r of the 7th New Y nk Regiment ' article ia the Jane No. of the Atlantic M.nthly. 5xJ-JU'ijJ I'OU is was tailed in the presence of aa iratnetse ccccoare. prcce sior.s cf all .r-icrs cf pe-pl-?, and every deuionstrati-a cf rc-pect. In dtfereuce to the regiots views of Its wife, the rV.hV.ifi Jfist-T- c-aiactci the s:rTi:eS. In his list c:-r.ei..c h" s. l''!i't't-:l! i ily d icliiei to c.n'-rra to tie ir. and, ; ex-reme unction nrcel upon him by the i Ri.-b-p, snd staled thst when Le elesirod : tie attendance of oy mitois-cr r.f religion, j Le would die i: known. As h: strength ' was failing, his rife s-ked htm : j "Your'bov?. R-.bbv anl ."Trie, aid, i jour ra ther and sisitr ..araL Lave juu ' any message for them . J The dyicg man v plied : " T.". ilv m to J r'i - Wi nn 1 iupj-ort thi Constitution ' ttiC Lm'fJ .M."S. Just before Using his cotsetona .. , be whispered, '-Ileath I D.alh 1 dealh 1' ! ,. . ...,..,. ,t ..r ..(,,;.! Le ill OOUJC uuc .euiaiaiw, a doe. Dot lie ccmfortable," he said, ' i au. , , l ery eomfortalle." Those were he .at ! intelligible words of Stephen A. 1'oulas. 1 .. vt-. ,e,i Janes IC. I .-.essTs. rant 's i. iv - ts, -. k r...;.i.J to I". S. Ov-vtro- .o b'ln.irfi h r-. , purchas-d meni wi.o iw. ii'.."... - - : by them to O.tial I eacs . . .un , '"iji,,1 h.t,.,.tIS ' u.-s ol Goviii.-:. he l in ll3-Whn!e No., S?G. Latent Ke.va. riiAntP.-tiLKU, June 13. Wallace, :h Li r.-iiieueot of Ii.'ii--. oiuntrii, K.'t Cuo.lerl.iiJ c. the ll.b . for ; Uimuev. where be sa'-riscd, aid. after ; .b-.rp .ht, completely rooted five bun- . r fc ..J.'wouLrfi.. one, ani io.-n trr.r.i . rnr.tnrin acina t,t;icg a lir.-'. ciasi camp irpvja provt- ; sj.,os nie:;ca. (.., ra., -e. Ou our hide, one was sanit y w jULOe J. i r.e reg iment returned U Cuoibrrland L mm dav. K.ctiey is the e un'y seat of Hamp shire c lUt.ty, Virginia, abut twenty mile due s u'.h ef CuU.b'-r'.and. Co'ta has recently reached New York Ir- m 1 l.ri'ia. la a tn? pace, in rie'riua, ,-uc p-I;ited states ttiil fc-s the alltgianco tf tie perp'.e. Fcg'.aLd forbids f'ifatecrs to take their spoi.s into its Laroors. Ma.s9chn; tis has already accepted 20,. 000 goo I soldiers f.r the war. The Military Ileli f Hoard of Soyder ctiL'v ineet for business on Siaturdiy, 1-J.i ilt Whul a oa;p;:mnt tj rr:dom is tLet ,iit jQ rrts-nt War hardly any t:d? tries to c-cape booth, while tt-M of eou-at. a- ai uyus o (je. u. .u . Tie Fnioti'ts lave made eevrral cap- tures of S.r-?-sbo igs and routed small b i.es ia Miss uri, Kentucky. Western Yirnia, and Maryland. The Kebels are) sh.wini, by their sts, their de-sperata coLaiii.n iu loose States. Tie Il.i'roil rresidents, at their Coo-v-ntion iu Hurrlsburif. aareed to a redue tin of thirty j"ri. ut. ui.d r their usual fare f.r traLspoiUli.Q for GoVtrnaietC f.r War f urpses. There aro now twenty tight Companies) in ( atop at lli-tcrj. Th) R bels Lave reTr-a.cel frirn tho P.ict ef Rocks Bearer to Harper's Ferry, whieh is cow invested on tie We-i.Xortia and ti?t, by larj'. ar.l ir.crea-ir.z Federal f irees. Tae lletie.s u.stroy tvtry bridg tlry leave, sod lave ereat.v cxa-perated many Maryland rs to! Yirginians by their bat:h at. 1 wasteful c ur;e. The first V.'iso nsiareg'.men'.has pusei tit. ugh Harr'.sleitg lir. Hinry Llcthenthaler, now of Lock Haven, issproititediiurgeoninthe Army, t-.a s.pt O. Ii. Erotvr.ing is arp .inted. by lb Governor ef I...oo'.s, I'. .S. J-e-uator ia p. ice of Ja-lg-' 1' 'Ojt.as 10 serve notil i e I... toeels to t.eo'. fvr the va- c.ncy. II ;n. John Y.. Kllllager Las prcsentt J a'sword to the Cap-aia utd each of the. Lieutennts of Ihe Lebanon Guards. Iloirlc'i IS. Wright has agiio put him self upon the- Democrats of the l.cxcrao I'i-'riet as a candidate f.r Congress. MAUllini). It. t.r e II i r, . m r. r .- f : l. t: s t., tIE?.T L. ,t ui-'t ti -. . I i-i. o. i-i - s i Hi. liLua l. uiuil.i.ioJ- ..iill -iio i. r 1.:- u-e I., i..t 1. V (it. I ir i u -1 . 1. k. '" 1 MILLER an V-l v TI1 l.liNi. ll.tti... I- i.. ' 1 .-I it.e.i - Tp. I.. ! J .. Ar.-;- .'.li in.'. V. M. ::TvlUL M - i: v.. Omii.lil.r .tJ.i,ris.iL.,i.l..iL..liiifTp. ti K. I U 'I.- .. t". li..'. J..il 1 eOeL .f La" I" .... i.f t. J Mi-. VUVe Mil l.f - if M.,re!.rx. I , -; - w -1 i :e.-. i.-l. r,-t . It Hr V II tKi-.K.e, lilkk l.-i;tl.r ef I J..r..'.t...im-;ert. i.. il. v I ', I . !. :. li't r-t . ii! - I Ml LLP. ul filllt-n lt l.u.o.: r- rt' h ;.r t- : M'-tt aSur.5. ..;B;i,r.:.-.M.-LV:eL..rt.r-''-iwi. J" "'f;,;. r iV.i".s. ' '""'" ' iTw V-VTi'lT." ."ri.EECCA wis. cf Col. " y v ; i . w.h ..r. in i tv. p i mai.v d.a;ht.r cf luxi a4 ..-r 'i. , I it:.. e. tl. lilh iL.l, - tbe w;a if rter Messrs. E liters N t havinst seen any ens pr- potei f . r Assemble r.ext flt'i-ter. 1 ra' lie lihertv (with---nt h; kn'-w-er) of recom ri'nin t H n. I' l.Mt". W II VL'R ! NryJer c nntv. J j l;e W tmer serve ! cne Term very arcptaHv. an 1 hi, r-r.rrtma!ien would be sat:vta-i rv to men rf all parties throughout f.e er-tire D.s'.r.ct. I'lease present his name. I M" 10K LVXB. Mr. Ch-i-r. ele B'itfal e D.str.ct. so far aw my kr."i' 'ate tfi hearttlv participate n tir;:- Vr. JI'H.N MILL lobe acandidata f.r l' irtv limm.-vienrr, neji lai.. Heps he u II te a canJ.-ate. fct.KFAl.OE Tj ihe Vcters tf I'r.ion cemv. I am & n':li-e f, r the Otf.ce cf f-HERIFF of th: ,, ..rI tl tb. selertton t f ihe Rernib. .e,n I'noo meetirgv. ii nominated anl eiee'e 1. I will n mv rest to elischarce the eoie- cf the elf.ie with kinilne.v. ;T.partia!itjr eni "e'-v. MII!.ON EREV VAN ?t fe'a1 a-e. m It. tt' I To the V.terv f t ninn rrnrty I re-pert-fi' v r.iTer niTt.'f a a far. ii 'ne t. r t-h'nh" .. ;el to th. de?i.T n i t the Ker ui'lican Cue ver.i.on if the 3d of Aeja-r n'f. li l: Gi l. PIN -S5 iiraWJttrs UTriiutt. trr-c''ii V.'-r.t-.'y ; VTbfat 512 to 12". Eis- s s .. It) .. ID .. 12 . et 9 l.f'0 ... 75 : j? ..; C-.rn new (-., i.'J 1U1I"W ...4'J I.-.rd 22 Ham J.12 Sh-.u o.Si.. PLx-eou firi- 1 App'.f ' l.'O Clover.-oed F-r l'f"- iter l'J f Ruttrr... 1-J C 'entry Soap 4 i 0 . Tjae-TiMt' I.CUsluri K.R.Siaiion. iiuie a... .ytil'.V; yl:TII. Frrie-, & Accoiu'n pav-et l.e..t-S A J v..h. -.... d.. lli3iP.M 'o - ' vr.lW "Ot TH. ;hi Eipre.-j pa-ses Lewi-t-jrg 9.:- 9 V. ! i.S M 4 ao P M - - o.. V t W heii.cg. , the iUl j-Ct. I D.ckineoo Seminary.