If II1WI8M PC1 All ralillllo 81 Mil U LL V Jk BY O. X. WUHDEX AND J. II. COKXELll'S. it 1.50 i'r Year, In Al:ince. THE UMOX," estaMhlieJ in Whtila No., 2,473. "CIIROXICLr," estaMMieJ in 1S13 Wbule No., S9i. LEWISIiURG, UXIOX CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 31, 18G1. PlI'liMI'll -HII-!IM iv Morning & rri!;i A Oernonn. T-i' fx,a.tl;'.iS" is a ran,!,, laic I'.-r S u r.if. ,ricu:ii:r:il :-l i-Vis m s- ih-,r Fair (iron.'!. J. Wni I':.' i :i- : f. , 1 it.- -Ml ill l.iT. nislia Mia;i s reci ni'iieU'let b r Hoi! if c li.ci..!. v wi.ln.:.' i' be ie-c!ceie;t .nr.:. - ' -cs as a cateli- .C1. V EllClior. fiT ..ivuis i n Moii-iay in M. JrsNO ?J. V !! i- r. c. niuirin! joiiu ti. :...-. ":i-.': cc mm. Huh and H:u J " tnUil:JlJ -llioaia 111 1,10 '" ; f ; ill' -slier, IV pi AMI ! !! 1- 'r"?os A"'" ef Ai;m t I j' -' l v' 1 ' J.IIilf Mli'!! atii-i''-'--' a a t'tit I r A -..r.i.i'- J J ju'in Matr. O. S., ' , l ' ("i.htv t' p.u.i.1'.' a: l':c!il s. Ctiarlcx 21. ' a -at.J.-!j:o I" t a-'x'. M.rin. Jir.l;- M:inlrtn is r.ri f..!- i r-: !. i In jrV l.'.'.r fr-m Washington, M.i uO, j m. J.Ki! , is mi 1; : j 1 r io xt v. week ur any are "uu tut.r ti J in the t i s- 1. J:u r. u fcrrii. c l!i rim ' i :::ine(iceriit tit I t .'es at h ur this wT f : ' Jim ' 7 - Ex a"1 r t'l.. l.iv. S s-rei ,.i !. mi. I r.-.-.-aiiij . n - i: . i :.f liven e ; ii 1 e. t. ':.-s I n-l;.i-i,n u-l'! A ' Vi'.MI Ni:V. -.-Ni.-!i ke has liell llia-ie, i-:. -at last issue, of n:ueU it"' 'rtat.ee. J; :!i si,i -s are (MUiei.trn in p. tur limcrn-n,-iit are j u.-hin into the iu'i rior ftom Vrajli-itoti, Alt! iroiiia, m.i Fortress Krjr.ie. At ihi latur j-iiot, they have l, f.-J up .J ino s Hirer, t j Nv j..rl Suva, un the K;hel hitteties. Kritu Whuclini, U'ni'J silaiers have ct.riJ Western Virgiuiu, and :one ra-t-mri I i ijraf'on, (where the IJalt. A; Ohio r il f rk.-) a lawo witch the Rebels Uft .iesertt'l. The surr'iuo'liiif; f llar fer's 1 jrtj on the West from Ohio ami 3 the S.if.U fnm Chaoaherst ur-:, ljoks ':a': !e. The Uchtls at the Ferry are tr.tiely f.rtifjii.g then.s.lvo?, and have f ; travel by blowing u iuimeuse cow ujvin the track at I'uiut of U-jcks. A ta;le at the Ferry, or e-uue point :?t of Washington, or Dear Norfolk, ficius iuiiuiueut. ut we may be sure 'I'.n. ieott will move surely if at all, auJ utt ail the livc-i be can. JCiiJtcccs of Southern dishcartcuness f i-n to increase, yet they rush on to ; lULani-J. The North in turuiog out! SiiJi-r-j much superior in drill aud equip- '. a-.ot?, and full of zeal and calm hope. j J.'HN 0. FkeM'jnt went U F.jrope on ; ir.p rtaut private business, b'tt was at last tcc-.-atit eettiiug up as fast as possible j la .Vitig t.r the ucaoa of replsiiishing our arami.tt in his leisure hours and offeM I lis services to lis country upon his return. I J ' Washington reports indicate that 1'resid 'Ut I.scjlu his appointed Col. Frvmont cue of the Mijir Jmimh. taJ'The new law wc understand makes tie County Judges and Commissioners a t'ari to provide for the needy families of alsnt Volunteer'. Hcing engaged in the j"itml welfare and di-fctiee, there is no i.isjn why their suppjrt should not be lorue ly the tody of the people generally, "leal of a few districts or individuals. The: Asjoj.ljK; Judges meet Fiiday, "th of Jane, when also the Comtuis.siuners could Bieet and attend to the duty cr.j .iued. "PjuA friend iu Tennessee sends us an ticking Appeal, signed by ail the relig i:us and other editors of Nashville, implo ' ng ami commanding all the mabs frim H to 00 years of age to arm drill put ii more corn. The whole indicates trcpi ii'icn and alarm of which wo in the cmi finuve'.y tranquil Free States Lave little conception. . liritP'Lewisturgcrs recently at Washing '"n state that our Company last Friday ' w-at into a Sao tamp arc all well, stout '-d broLi.sd driil handsomely have a: f'.cnty of good food, many paining rapidly 1 ''" -'h and complain only of their uni- 1 rm-, which are inferior to those cf any Stjte, (and, letter-writers say, pre- ' tit th.ir paining as prominent positions . tiiey desire and might attain.) I I rlt is always pleasant, in "leafy ' "oc, to take a trip to New Rerlin. The siclsy School Convention to bo held "-re on jlmthiy mjr', is designed to pro- , t'ie the welfare of all, but especially of joaog ; and the attendance of I'astors, - '--petinteiiJents and teachers especially is . rJ desirable. We see it stated that the ; 'Mi in New Rerlin lave arranged for ,a,u uii u X Ul IliVlliUllB Ul lUC X.UU- '-i'iciD, without expense. Let there be a j 'rg: attendance "do good, and get good." i and tTThe "Sum Gemns" will rendptvnus ' ! IV s' ur VI 1 - l "IC UUI Ul U1G IllUU'ttmiJl. w vvw. .... J :--.'n'w ;,;,""'" Z"y." 'AHwl'tlt- that quarter. Rradfotd, Tioga, !ce., are j "",u te j ttndins on their three years' una aUo. ' lot. Jl'.lfS ilinilihi OILHM Hiull u-coii'i: T. R. RltiiWX, loimcrly of 1 LiilaI ., I wiiles Lome to his daughter, from &(.; ...., 21.,f 'i., that Ike Secessionists in ! Mill.r entity, (about forty miles south of t!ic C i ital, Ji-frrsnti City,) Missouri, kail f rtml a:i arnu J kariil, wliitk they J cm at, -il .1 that tin; cjfi'ful l.'W com t.s fr. in 1', iitov Ivaiiia sli.ml.l j 'in, uti 1 lliu urray t!u ;n-i Ivi s in opt ii lus'il.ty a.iust the 1'. S. tl.jr. run;, lit atiJ tlio 'tar.s auJ the S'r jus they kj m l.mjf Ii.vi l. Tj their Lanor to it saiJ, itnt fine J mtyl '; (taunt w u!J t-in the houil. l!ut tiny arctil t ) h ave, aftrr limlin that thu State au thoritii s w 1 uM n it ruicit thrill. Mr. J 1. Urowp, i. 'Wt-ivr, was ii,f iimtl tliathi.s life was in ilant-.T. ftnin r.rrm il risas.in,, aui.s ri'tMiiaiiili'i;: men. Ve of t!..- r -main Irr i f iiis 1. tt. r : A: a 'i'' i. f in- i':in. hi-'ii Kt i I at crnoon. 11 on !. a int u f i . h i iM a lemlfil ai i !"av' nrh ur ii pio v i i..;.s :o ur w .ir it. iii's at . rs.i!iri;!!'Miry. i liieali u as l..vt 1 inn on .! l!: i-t I must rim I" seri;l lv o! A-- -I . v el., I il I V M.. I lie lii.Ii 1 I : 1 1 v , I '-: --.lis ll:t'l I!l.-.,le Ihv ll I nice in mtirs. ii ,.es 1-eliee. a rji vi I. an '.I pill l'i us. Sstit. . II lie- I',' i ' i v e '. en ii, . I i e;n in' i ii lie li.n'r. a 1. .'i-'ant 1:1 v i i'il; l i h. n lot I 1 e I : e , ' , , u h . I e , a '. ! '. 1,-1 ! 1 lilo M il It. ii. :i is soit-p arraioje i ai,.! f.,1 Krai:. II air io r- !,' l of mv tro-ii :s. !l :.i.ii 1 aii.l sul p-eit ,1 ;l,e Irani i.i . 'I l! HI Inn ' to I, ll.l : ;t in-y ma; ! ,111 I 1 ,: :. h" " n '.-.'.l'i !' V . 'i'i' W 1'.' , ' -ii iitu) M-i.riii i uipaiiy abaii.lo sslOI' Oil! v fh. Is n- 1 c.oiiii.eiici-,) wril;;;?. report savs Ii -: . II.:m;i v ai. l ii;.' fi iverimr have roine i, aa io, i-Tst.tn l,i! !. r ,-i per. tie iu e:V rts to prevent such arts as iliesp. I hi, pp. hewever. 'loll it 'iiav not Pe r "i tinneil. ;o it j. t,,t lively 'i ,v. J.i. !.sr,r. H-iil keep tauli Willi him. when we e, nsi.!,-r m- la 'I that these acts are ail p e rp " 1 1 a'-1 t v his rn.is-ariev. I i-n'i iier-'u-ith a list of the families nrh ;!,e;r i'.riner resi l.'nee' : iii.im Tai.i.sin, J.yeoiiung coiintv, Ia. Mrs. Mirimav Uuuw.v, ' .T..H s; naitwx, Mr. P.iisi.ss, " ' Mr. IliTTtxevn, " " lti.J.si l.ii.iir, " " Kmwiiii W. M...HIK, Union connty, la. ('limns liiTia.s, ' ' J.MIN III N IHE, u " " .vljsscs Itiitisr, Anyiit II. I.I T 7. . " " " V.III.HM A. Kll.l.T, " " Therp are a t'oo.l m.inv oilirrs I lon't tliii.k of just now will spii.i their names aain. Mo-t nt" these families, when they reach h"re, will he u ithoiit a il.'ilar. ami w'at is io t'ee. 'ii.e of th.-tu lioitonli- tiiiows. p ma e r uiimon M .ci; . f what little we had to meet expensps th.s far. We were all trup I'nion mpn.nn'l that was our r nly crimp. Not otip of us aiiMoteil a n.ce!ni2, or t,i"k anv part in pi lit'cs. I,, .pin" by that coursp file let alonp. We will he inactive no longer, as many i.l us propose puttintr on I'nrle Sam's hvcrv. A-rcctiona'.cly, J. 1. Baow-r. bf ,j,9 Levtisburg Infantry KnJs us ,i,e fullowiDg original Song, r(f.Ucst8 us to copy, "for there a lj'-,,t't' S put :" l I'l.Hi ABtK tOIATItl. (unip isiii hj i-al s. tl-irljj, 1 ill ilia'l P. V. ji-i-'. .1 c V;:'".;'; i" .'';,' ",y " "' T!l'," r "' ' ",""y H,. l 'i. 1,;,.. n ,: ,'1 I I' .r. - 11 :tr-ir-r.i.. ..MrnijM.inytx.T!, I-.,r ,,-ir -ser, I n.-li-. I i. .-t.irfi alel r?'ri; SI. ii le w r li.iil llis- ij:i-t. I'.'t'tt. r-li.iH ,. , I :iwiv. uiy b".I t, ':.l.l tz- .V iiSllillP't''Il, I.., a, I ., k . 1. Ill II. 1. 1.11. o it lit-, r 1,1 - Il.lz ,1. All i n. !-;'. -t !i 1 rave ini-n Ml, In .1 1 1! . y j.iit ilc.t Iriot. Tl.i it.- ir -:.,-i .-.l ri-'lit.. Hip st:irinl Stripes rL mi l 111.-1. 1 tn.ii tie: Ju.-U ".,w if.s t !. Iliv ! VP. W .--r- 1:1 1' - .am.. .: 1 i ii 'l.t. p,,r 1!..- (', ii-t.-.iili,.ii mi 1 II.,- Laws He , .- ' ti I., r.- 1" t'-t.t. W.- leu.-1, ii cur ucmiUiti tc nii-p, my beji, l',,r :, ' :,!;.. we l.n',w i- j,it. Tlrtl'- iiiir l.mliil 1 ut.is.iti.-srHrs 1111J stripes .Vt,.! Lvv t!..-ui u.-w wi- iniisu VCe rev, r - ,.l.e that Tree aai tiualL .!.- on 10: 'I I, . Ir'. I I W- t.av l.ita-rty, I I.,.' 1.1 V.. 1 Iru- 1 HI .-ur I in At pUkr, HIT bcyl, It in Hi. L we lull. I' ,r i!,.- K, v-t',Ti" si:.'.- will ne'er lit lata T "!.) Ill,- C'.uiitri'li r!l. KtKi- Cdi l. Wecau not afford to live in a constant whirl of excitement. The nerves wear out. To a certain extent, this matter is under personal control. The war is too long, and to be attended by too many startling evcnls lo make it safe to surren der ourselves to excitement every moment. iJo not trust anything to street rumors Romnniber that ail men lave their foes, aud the very be.-t may err unintentionally. Muter not int. heated discussions. Have fai,. ; je government, and do not get impatient at seeming dday-j. We have a I, overniricnt atd a military chief who understand themselves. Sleep all you can. Keep good natured, sober, earnest, lU(j cac. ' j-jj-'Capt. A. T. Lee, 8th Infantry" Arthur T. Lee, of Northumberland, as we supposc-was among tne U. o.umcers in Texas who the Secessionists compelled to j ni!l-e a solemn promise not to fight them, which our men took, under restraint,rather than rcmaiu in the power cf semi-savages. Xhe question has arisen (at Washington) whether a parole under the circumstances j9 binding. fcTNearly two thousand well-armed drilled soldiers from LImira pissed j Lewisbur" Wednesday evening. There I to t c .t,..,i in pnmo from Hjre of the "same Sort." Wc have not sen anv etT. rt on iIip part Lincoln's fneiuls in deny that, North, the "f 'mneratic party respond m- j "-v "' ,ne ra" " r ; '' I''"' u eiy m.u.v ci 1. 1 inieuor i 'cm;. crane pa ' per-, we I'm.! slurs l.!.e tiie foliuwine;, winch adorns an -!rn ,.( last u ti u ; -'iMir Nunii- rv h-tno'riit s.ivs, -Oat of ev-rnty-iu-o iio-n in tins towr- wii.i mjm,1 a pt u Uun t. r no comproimc, u is sui-1 dial lu; on t have "niip to t-atl.f. ho arr ihe limn ni-n tln.e ti . Pt li!hn aio! lijln lor ;hf l.'im.ii, or ihoe that io h'-iil;' r!'" 1 il" S'.iultlliv h.iifrrut i-, tilt" IH'W paper, e.litfj ty the l'orm.'r IMitor of the Ai-jur, alii iv cent'ra!!y r''cai'!''il as 1h or: in H' linti:on vri.lnncut f-.ilv j, , r l(,nali i lali i e 'anly. Pur, in llo s.ni.- t.-u a, an lun eta' r papers of t " i r vn years s:ai.ii,i :tttri,- in. e -i:,!m li I l y II. II. Ma-s r. lie avs resj eutih Ill uiio "nave e.otie to lattle' 1 ! i. i;iorr:'!v r.ie alv.av- pair ! ;l t!i:'t .: r- i, i i :n -i..- a u aril !' lif p..ri o! i'i;r o; ;ii !.. ;,is. J 'I IIV oj ll,e S,,!mh v till 11. is o? :iv : true. ! p;'u::,s i.,r:-e n,a if lee I iir.li. ue liioli-isi.u,,!-are i;epi,!. i '-t'is. I 'It ail I fo.t Wi'ii! I lliere'ar- e. our ll; ui -erais utrc deiieiLijl in Kiel eor..L-e. ' 1 1 r. lll.lt 'i 1.3111 pall l t '1'he f-.r; I'r, c ilolurtei Vv J.'hl: V savs-- oii will fin ! ,nilor.' V Imi rs, ml irne loeil ot al I' ll! s'n,i,itrv e, Tiipaav, the Cap 'I J.e h. Vs. v. he i, I iv, ill 1 ti.,t ask th is a ! III. lis- i. Ull"- ;her h" a K-r'i'oieiMi t.r a P- in. . Ti.ev v.-ie sai sf - !.. i;n,,iv Hint he w.. hi- e. iniliv. l'i." 1'irst anil Se-ol.'l Lie ei.is a;e i;epul,:,t aus, at. 1 at least t I i, I tils i I il.r- :. n-e ,,,11,1 s-Mi,,,l rlVei s 1 I, r i. ii, co ii. "j'ne rani; an l li:e I lir . t-l ii,,. e aip.ti v is c nip. se.i i. men ;r, m a t.es. When ilo-v it In, me, ta.-v ill- par- :ir .t I ' ly p ir'V teel.l..". l.-aVI'.e It t l.:ill U.lil ,1 !e.v I'lsiess p"l:l:i l,;,s. h", V, IV llli.. 1 1 1 1 i.a-e'y, are 'lisp,, 1 t . i.e. p v,,irili;. :t uj, , or ler t,l lii.'il.e p. I.licai e;.j..Ml . Vt . f I!." niuch ti r the n.tiai in n l'i i! ra'v 'vcp or two' ol '.he S iiiloiiy I. til; aay a:e In puL l.cans. I.ic.i. ly wholesale! AsiiiTiirn. The same Arns lias a stite lueiil from the Iaiztii- ' .ii .a. tlia' 'In ihe rerjini'-nt iroin I,n.'rne. c.'inmnn i l.V oI. Kiniey. Ihei-e are la; .".7 Hep a bl lean s in the rai.l.s, out 1 1 nearly 1"'" no n.' Il-it the V iih--s-r,ai re V.n-nsavs ' 1'he liulh of hisv-ry r-'ijuires us in say that a V"ilt, man receive, 1 a 1' t"'r Iroin C.i tr,p Mil'er. l is; we-'n, which s.-vs lliat th" Arlill. r isis 1,,1'li a vote, to test the chai e ot lie- 1'niwit, Willi !l IP-tilt''.' I;, u'-ii m.s.r.'J -Ii, m. rr-.t. '.". ' "7 I:, I', iv.r'j. Ilii'ir.-h for a te-t if that lou Iras, in on' i t'onipany onl o! ti'it. T-.vo ('omparips, of that Ke.'imefit uf 1 so, are it t fr-en l.eeni-'. '(The t iiiei'a lir.vle aaiii-.t Hralloril county I is piually uncallcl tor. Ai-,,1 if men invent I ami propagate such u h. 'e-pl.oli untruths, who ' can telteve atiy of :h ir as.s-. rii. as ') "SII.I.V lie iiist.,t,i , il I hint. Ti; I lit r i.l II HI II l l.'.i l-- .1 - l .,1 ..I I, Hold (.11, Mr. .Ir'iyi,u've 1 ell speal.;lie wiihoiit ihe ilociituetits. ;. .rue M.lier, t I'xeter Tp. I.tiiv iiip ", is the eeirleuian who Coiitiil.ulc.l th? p"lalee attive menti, in ,I anil hp is as liioroiuh eon:'-' a K 'l'iitilican a- is to he tuiiii l 111 this pal t 1 1 I. im'.i. lie was an ol,l-lll.p Wilis, ain! hal-'s the very na-ue of lle ninrracy as iii'trprei. ,1 In- .iit-li iyini' sheets as the Argils. l'ilt.'mt tiuz'ttt. Onr readers- most excuse ns if we fail to fellou up am! expose ,',ot wicl,e,' f.il.'ncat.r ns of this nature, which a perfectly reckless press invents for. wh. n yen prove in- a-ser-tion to be utilrtip, they will at once stun out and manufacture vw.'Jit. S'ail'.ce it lo say, lliat, both in Olficers aiul Privates. 111 every Slate, the Republicans bear their fa!! shate of toil an I ilan'pr. It seems impossii.!,. that " -' ' "" '"" ilissensions ainiinr those noble men, erigai;ed with one heart, in a patriotic cause. Let them stop these ai.aulu cr hear the LranJ of hjp. cricv! I 1 rr-i.The I'itt.-burg ).---tiih states that "Charies M. Neal, agent," a l'hilad. law- yer employed by Gov. Curtiu to purchase supplies, remarked that "Me .V' itc means ( iii ul lilirra'if. Accordingly he bought uniforms of Frowenf.'J el Rro. for j lO. lhey allege that uo other louse could tnen meet the demand while other uea!- ers claim they could and would lave sup- plied as good uuiforms ft-r vO ol) or $ i0. , their friends, ihe people. This one transaction is the key-note to i the whole trouble. This V,UrnVi'j is j U.There are not in the Sta'e twn men not simply downright extravagance it is j cf mure "altPd character for strict iuteg theft of the people's money. It is TIIK ! '''U't I'"'1"' independence, and keen sa CUUSla that has pervaded all Depart- j Z'S ia business afi lirs, than JArmi Fnv mentsof our Government, and grows do ' C Auditor General; and Vi.s.1. I1a l.i.tt. r rear hv vor. Just such Vlr-raKlu ' "' Oue is a Dcinoe' at : he other a stains all onr Stale Works-, and bequeathed ' Urpuhltcan. If a scrutiny can to iln.r to us most cf cur State Rett. Within ugb -""l impartial, these mcu wiil make ten years, our Legislature have IHtkV'j , And now, in advance, we offer the increased their own pay from $3 to 7 per ' -iy to copy their Report, and submit it day, aud doubled the expenses for subor- j 10 r readers, without commcut, if it will dinate officers, Governor, ke. The last , I tlio same. We do not kuow what it: Legislature, as a literal eoti,jHmeiit, gave away Light or Ten Million Dollars to Two Railway Companies. With all these cx-, atuplcs before them (to say nothing of the . endless catalogue of exposed Locofoco ; swinu.c.-, contract!., ami ueia;cations 01 me last twenty years) tucse Agents couiu say, i :cie (SVeie ntcans In thai JihrraVy, by bestowiDg upon their friends three or four i dollars more for each uniform than they wcre wor!h ;not on!y abusjng the sol .- therelT. but robbinc the State Trca- sury. This last is alt of apiece with the other; impositions to which the people submit so . tamely, and against wuicli this paper lias v;.;,.j,,)I1ja .,r trial, and siispe.i.-i.ui of constantly contended. It is lime it were p.jHjice as well as judgment and exeeu stopped not simply in one, but in all its , untii lis a;it :3 truy ,,roVf . putrid ramificatious and if tho present j ,ilur SUs.pit-iot or assertion is evidence. just indignation among honrst men tends j nproot the whole liberal, reckless and ertrarsfant nvstrm. moralists, patriots. 1 i and taxpayers will have occasion to re- jjice together. I11L ri.MMtM KK.IMKMS. I-XKt r rtvr. 'HMnr.n. " Ilarri-biire, M ry J1, loiil.J Reiij'lmiH ll:ijirim,t. '.y., l'tt.ii'il!r : lii.ii ni; 1 leariiP'i lioin tien. I!i !,!'e, A'l j'l'aiil I'eni-ml.an I my Ai l.l.'i I. i!..l,eii-, ihat I lif ' iil.tu-u ol th" re::iisv:v,inia ti.oi.s . in W'ashir.:!..!! Cnv v.s ilis-racelai . the 1 S;ate. a lol,. i ital is mere iinp;,r!,,iit,ihat 'l.e mi a ; wre actually suiii r.n-.-.l. ;h ii..m wan, . I j ro : per cl, thmir, aicl a si use ,.t st,,,.e, t ,.i j.j course, u-eless to say to Veil h. vv 111, , i ilie t I am at such a c,'i:,Iili,.n i ! lli;i ai.,1 h,.-.v ile lermiiie,! ih it li.e s,m.r shall le al once rem i t-'tieil mi lar as ii is iii in v poacr. I reiju-stel y, u, la t c.e.'nii-. to jrocip.lat mice t,, Washi'i'Oo-i Cilv, aiei lake chaise i f Ihls in., Iter. 'i,ii will ti" knl l i io.li: Il I,, ex a nine Ju'lv l II l ihe chai'ie'er ol Ihe el. :h:i e o ' every 'i'-sei ip:,.,ii h ell lias l.- el. I; . a;.-hi i! In on ii eiiii.-i.t-. How tin le. A -c-'i ;a;ii the eeaeo 1,1-ies i.l i verv k'li l. il'-tert o? maren.il, llle-u ,.; y c,,.,t ale! I . II I : y Ili.i It U ! 11'' I II I P. aii ! a l once t e !.- i a j h !o n.e u hat is n a; . :tc 10 make the men i .,i,,, rt.,f !e m ai:v ai.,i ev. r '. .11, l.'.-l f ' place ihe lci"li,"l Is ,i n a I '";. 11 .'. si, i..r as c, ii.leil, i.ea ti,, an I th- ain.v I e '.' n 1 ': ' 1 1 lis v : 1 1 p' 1 1 ; : t, M 1 1 h a : y l'i m- s. . I' e i,! It e I Inle 1 ;.! s. A :. a" i t V ll! 1 e seel tt ,-!i Ihe ,-!,, ii;:,'.' all I i-lla r e :;; ':.' i.'s, a I: 1 1 1 I til V (li s 1 1 -' it: i' I' 'i: a I , i ir. Vl;ei ill.'', Il i'l'V. i r W 1. '-.'. I ! ic- I- L'lll.- i,'- lie. If . until mi si e ihat it tin iis i i l! is ic-. ha -lies : a In .. ii. I- .1 V c. ' t.t. I c 1,1". 1, l.',:v 1 ' ! i ve 1 I., all il p.e i:ia'i.-is (m 1 I eei a'' 1 ui i v an 1 v. i '. ;,n J , a 'i i.. x. v ill i: inv i x rii. i.s h.i I I . en 'i pi ll; ..i ..'ill- r.., I e M:-! ;n ih;s I . h-u tor liie c :..l ii i ai.,1 p.n ; i, lie cit. 'iis c, w m ihesr ie:-'iii: ,l, ;,, t the pies.-: hi'to r I 1 Ihe Male. .. t i i i;i i.v 'IT S.ii';Ilci. n Il'i ,'!;,.:. in 11,.- S, a t i -. Ao 1 1 -ui'l !l P i : : I ui t..' ! ill 1 c :, . i ;s r.n 1 lisped le 1 li : Ti e t i. ir 'ii'.'.'.. li 1- a u .u i. it, -h n'.l I . li',' .nit 1 I il.p w ar i;a- In ; ie , nie.s... , I,. I'locmo la:p supplies 11, neat h i-ie.ai, : '1. S'a'e has I . 1 t, ehcte I bv ...me 1 I l o e c:.. -. r.pu'.'Cs conn;,, t. is, ih, ii-li nr.;;. y i" iae , v.",, r p rt, ! 1 u c -ria:n iio.iro iv. The c 1 1 111 e c.liltlil'I.-l IS. lo-v.-ever. l!;r,i'. ale, bv liie tact ihat Ihe Volunteers i.e.-.- si;l'ere I, I ir, eeh ihe 1 a ! !.., il aa i 11,, , ra' le I . 1 ii t . S pp le 1 In III", 11. p trust th;.t the n,.,ce ol lap a1p rrea-urer ai.-l AteVi r l' i.'ia! 111.1 V have ihe crb-et ot C: nip.e-i 'v I.e. 1, 1 11 3 Hint a! us, s. The Amlttor (ietieri'l. in a cortiniu- icatton to .1 ii.ernnii: p iper. 1 as istaeterilv itispi.-i-.l ,. , ne i, ilie r-' l.l. ss chari-es ina lp against ihi. s i.,ii- (i,, vet 1,111,1,1. Several 1 1 the cor ra ct" 1 . Ion e al so c.,i re.-'cf S'-vrral fas.-ho"ils sr'all '.it c 'l-cen. 1 ii e lliein selves, f; ,v. Cuniii is iisoiti Ins !.-! 11, !,.,i. VOIS to 111''. C a! !s( s Col I eel, ,j , H li 1 ' ll" I . ' 11 II - fT well card f. r. We hope tha' ih. -e parlies reallv euiliv i.f il-ira i .ur' the s-a'e. it wroi'Uin iiip voluii'c, rs. 11 ,:; t p ma to su:V"r f. r n. Hut ih. ic has be. n a treat al of cx;iL"eiati.-n ntol inv.-niion a-none tiial class ol btisvb'i.bes thai .,v .cnn'al aii.l scns.it. ons i'litlud. H-u.-tin. z h nist. Iii nii T nr. of M .at -nierv cuintv. has 1'pi n apt'oiii'i ! bv to.v. rui'tt,. t,i act iii con J'll:r'i,!i ill'h IJciij i : 1 1 1 li Il.i y W..I..I. to p.iru. i: int.. lt:c bi.ls f. r stij.pli ii;;.-. an,l the supplies tie II ll-l.e 1-rrn ,. , i s t; r it t", ?:e V I i 1 1 1, 1 C e S ol' I'eniis. Ivaiiia. Til' pi,!,!n-. v.-,. ih;:,i,-. can relv wi'h coiiti.lenep on lie e.-rit'ctnpn appom- le.l Iii con, bid ill's itires-j jiiil, We nu-l ihat ilie ju !;inent aee) Hip apprehension (,f thp public wi.I L'P slspei,;e,, until all ths circiinstaiices havp teen itivesi atei!. an I the tacls in he case fully Ian! belcre thp peo ple Hiirri'luri; r-tj !i, Uo li inst. 'F.KTTr.a Fate than Nf.vkr," is a proverb to the ttu fit of which the (J on r nor is entitled as well as other men. It has seemed strange that lie so long sub mitted to the charges male against his Adinini.-tration, lut wo suppose be was t o busy iu more prcs-ing duties to ad dress hiniself lo thnu eeriouslv. N fi ttat ne conlessf s lie In? tecu mi; P '-in up on by some cf bis subordinates, it is no t0 au ,c''0UI,'i ' ) clear lis own skirts in the matter. The best cf men may suffer fr m agent?, in such an emergency as our Slntc has encountered, innocently, but they are justly c n.-urahle if they continue in power thine who do the wrong lc de- scribe;. The mcucy wasted should be re funded if possible, or the corrupt cfiici.ils ar, 1 speculating extortionists exposed. No'Lin" ess mil make it all ri iiht betwe n the Administration, and the teldiers and he, hut wo will run the risk, it you ; will. y,c w msT) TUKS .IlTniK I No f. I0.llVt Illall) .,,!, ;lkl. , il:iv(1 ,lis J,,,,. - ..lianu t. r blasto.l by a lm.'-.-.n.l-c , st,,r.. s .d'ninniy im r irre.-jeiu- i 1.1 ,.i,.e,..u.-x...i. in-,.-. ,i,.,. I'.ipo.--, . scssiutis. J .ie gol i. ii rule sh.uild emnpe l : e very nne to met'! out to others ju.-t the eliaiity they would claim lor lli. nise lvi s. I Yet, in the ni'itter uf llcgime,..:,! supplies, I men usually fair-minded have jumped at ciiiliisiiois nirainst tho Govenmr ..I' this. s;t:,tts tv;,h,,ut lrj.il cvMncr. He has tho r; ,lt wIl;cIl winlI,i i,,, accriI,.,J to n street laS-It is stated that tho supply of new uniforms for the 4tb and 5lh Reirieneuts. will keep those unfurnished at Camp Sott, is - iJB.0 time lcnger. Takes a New Tack ! The .l.-.i is i - in . ! 1 1 1 v Knisti .1 iii its wieke.l ntli-tiii.t : I In diviie the North by t .1 ! 1 1 ; ti ir ..'ilv . j 1','inls. Fvery seii-ihli', ii,to!li'i nt man. KMiWS that the Wiile-Awakis have Mir, 'l. l't the -Mif!:i t i xeln-tvi ly to t!io IVui- o -rni y." The A rails' w ill'nl, iini ruvoked bl.iii'ii-r, r i i ils ii;,ii ils 'll: In ilii a liapp;. 1" lu .'l.' -'lii' iiiina. w hat shall ii do ? Ah 1 t! , itL'lit ari-es a iliv, r-inti can !- ;i.--iiin:nr airtiious in Ii:ia- aiii-t tin- ,s' ..i-:i!..t,,rs,tii make party t;-.!i ii; cai !l:.l in ;oi:oi-ai, an n.i ahiui'i-itios to en 1 by cxeiiiii-per- i- ite a local ili v ;--iuii. l'.irt of its Ian is I" iti-et! of ' clltiivill','- at and sin., e -i t ii;.li"iis and h'.rriiih' di: and that we h i l 'hcape V s'n : I "i and .-iliti-iv o i ,: il i-:.ifii!y t!.n it-" I'-.r its j thi'CliiinNli l.K I r i ii t:j the l I'lpllO 11..-" lll.oll lil.lt pure : hots and in i-Ie I.i'ls v.a! .1, :ear;- OV, r tl.O or in ' a '.'l'i,-! t V"'iii:vt 1 til il .-,' I I 'll 'I n : -in-y :...T!,;s,-l,-,"ji-. ii!. i- as '.;i;',:iiv iitirrii'. 1;" V.-id-Aw-i'-.--.. Wc I l'i wll.!. s th .1 c Ni.r r. ..I' lot! il. id t li i in our ;:s-t - Mir ' o 1 !' I' ll v; i M. lia- 17' .1. -I '.i - Vol'lil- i.iti: it tn ..- i;:'I ii-iiii d the AruMs l',,r our j.oiiiii-iil lii.-ii'ls r il- ii'i'iia-o'l ii; .I in V.'c I , !i o; M.r I- ii, e have Sin s.iijit I.. . i hri lit. iu to ic i-:. I. ii.-'cjiiiiyl'V r' id :! I:" aid ri,e.iiir.i"' e"i:.'i- 1 li:..t W- sl.'.ll' 1 I..-. :.t !.... .MiT ni le I in pr.i- i Mrti.'. '.ii i il ls I v c it:- ; I if t , '.'I. lie ,1 .1 !, Til.' .ll 1 1. J' .ii ii. iiihcrd. "li v.i;lli' s:lril.'-o. the l o 's. of xvhieh any can lid fi-iV iiiiii-olr ly eiiisi'i'' Al.l. 1 1 1 i ! i -r the prc-cut lnonih. I. r chiinji' lias culm' n'ci" the d.-rsiil'th,' Arj'is. In (he 11th ur p:i;.. r Allot icaii-i-ri'i it.-1 . !n v iii'iiinti-'l their li.vi.rito "iii.Li'ir," and on the l-'nh tin y ciowi d cxtatical'v ' .',r I :n MHfi-ATK' i;ci'is Tills F. i.t.," and call I'.r 'S. iiat.ii ial and K-;.ri- uta- tivo li"lll!!;i!i.'!is siiy a!u;t the I'l l: ill II 1. e; ol' Aunii-t." lint liiidiii-r tiii:i& si-ri i.l' lb iii'.'ci'.u'V si. ii.ii -l: allii d tn S. .sii.it as to l.e l.'.jel, --. they M'U propose to t.il.e .I'll .oil of II: p.i! licali local vafiall'-es an I it -a'-' mi uo nt alter the ii'iiniiiati'iii-. ;;iid chit lint Ar.as' . -nil, lidat.s I'.r the T-. 1 1 1 : . i 1 1 ". ! . i utility ollic,-, iir.-prctivi- .'I' I'i'f'v.-' Aii'i l oiriij.ti.oi is to be th' ir b..! 'v l.ni-.r. ii,.:,a l of -Ni.-i ar:" Mi l Mi'.nLly r. ii.iti.ls ...'.iv than .,i,e ol that . ' ,. rr i a in,. I. ni war cry. . , . Uy hr l.mj. in la ii ' or. I on uariicl. lurcarnieii . T1K A i UR 'SI LX. The notice of the irotuotion of our late feii iw-einz 'n, llou. Joseph Casey, re- minds me of the fact that it seems but short tune since bo established himself iu I nun ciuu'y. He was theu a young loan, without lame or fortune, liut his industry, integrity, talents, legal attain ments, and public spirit, soon won him a scat iu Congress, where he served with dl-liiictum. And Ii" he allain.-a iu he'i ii position at the hands of i'rc.-ideut Lincoln. ! itu years ., Judge asey was pro- , f' seil Ir ihe highest legal station in this I '"strict. C'tilessvdly ot sap. rior mind and attiiiiiueuts to lis competitor, aa be was, still and many of us blush to own ii by a comhinati u of personal aud po- Iitie.il j.alou.siis, piques, and bigotry, he was kit in a nun n:y nf the votes. It is now generally admitted Ihat we madu a gr. it mistake iu njeetiug bim a mis take, which costs the district thousands ol dollars yearly in the hindrances and do-' In f busiuess, which is often rendered worthless or worse than worthless bv lapse f time. Rut, although the dis'net was the scr, not so with him. hnteiitig . with renewed energy and elasticity upon the rraciice of bis rrolession, iu a lari.er r. I , i .. ."tit ir. rr I be beul ill i n m.i! til the '., ;,.. i ?,:. ii.T. n ,, ; .,i ibe S.p reme' Cur', iVj. he soon gained a lucrative bu.-iucss, and is now eille.l to cm .f ilie highest stall, ,Us in Washington. While his kiiidmss and allaliili'v, eve'n undtr the ke n rebuffs he r eeivi J, have gained to him Ihe warm fii nd-.'.ioof former most stienuous op; o- U'll's. j My d-sign in reviving tho memory of' Ihi sc l ie-is, is ti if to eieaie one uiipiea.-ai l t!i"'i -hi or f, i iing, lut einipiy to remind, n. y leiiovv einz ns ef all iiup irlant choice aain I , fire us. Iu vie.v ul tho Ks'ii we 1 have I, ecu I t ii irly leu years pondering, : it tel. o 'Vi s ns lo banish from our minds; all petty and triG ig considerations in sc- j lee tn " utir m xt I'rcsiil. nt Ju-I'.'p. lie is, ; to H e very many who nave some sort i ou.-iii'.ss ae i i.'u.i, in m couse.pieuee . than Governor or Fresident. Feisonal ( , p., , i pr icreee". saiea ioeai iju.? is ui itu. u"ui, i slioult! an tic laid asiuo. J hat man sii"Uni be hit upon whose legal qualifications,! moral habits and turn for tu ine-s, best : qualify Li in to do justice to ail, firmly, kindly and timely. Iu casting about f' r ' . ,. , ini:1 ru cai, uel - miin ,.t U3 consult our reason and I cf better principles, and not our hatreds or our mere personal bias. I hare no one to propose, ,.,yselfm, only wish being to j eDU:r Wl,ru 01 ,r,e'J'7 u"ou .e. mi, 1 V" 1 "' ' '.7 ";. ' I has been proposed for consideration. AllISTUiES. CoMMi'MCATEP. Wc advise the cdit tors !' the to '-borrow" that brick-bat cur-ravine; uf their lOO-eyed antagonist it milv can save their reputation for impar tiality and a live lor tho tine arts. Upon which being received, here is your cu.-h from Dtiunerals. 1 1? A Flat; Raisins at the Sirawbridje S.H. is appointed lor 5, 1 Al, of Saturday nn , and an Oration may be expected. The public are i u inriird. ' Prayer !or the Country. When ti e treaeht reus itiitiiies (,f the Jews at :-'hu-hau e irs'ind f r their ill st rue! ion, Fsthcr,!he J nrtss( ieen of A Las- uer is, coti.maiidjd a ? ileum fast to le ol- jcrved, and jnjer to be i ffsred iu viw of th3 impeti'l'iig danger. Il wan tot till ! thii npp al tr llo 1 bad been mile, that t;ie (l cu rc irtc l ( any o'ber tin atis of r - al - , vation. I!a, lair:g pr'.v liled with ( juJ, she i rerai!. d w::h man. Her people were ! mved, and their eucmies destroyed. A solemn rcsp nsit Fty now rests ra the people. 0 il of old declared that, iu ansj(T to the prayers of Ilia people, lie wouldgive peace tithe l.ud. Manyarethe instances iu h h national deiivi ranee lias been ace ndsd to the faithful interces sion i.fprayiug sou's, liven in thcrewva! cf pitri .'ie fe, !in whic'i we are now wit-LC9.-ifi. ail tlr-ugh the North, we thick ; see then i.stvtr to prayer. For many in mils, the i-irnt'st cry ha been going up ti 11 1 that he wi uld bring deliverance to this p op'.e. This fact, taken iu Conuectiuu with the luiracul ius change which h jast b-.-ti wituc-sod iu the tcnif er and sp;eeh of thi'ti-mdi am inj us, fa changs which brines s. h r xtrerue.i as I r. Nshetuiali lain-and Wen 1 -il l'i i!li ? the Act Fir. ll r ili and ihe A'i.s.' .'l '. '.'ic ' c,t i th" open supp irt uf the li jverament in its tuort to vindieite iis authority aeiinst Soith.-rn traitors) is t i us clear cvidene." that s ime thing m ire than the pow r of man is eu gig' 1 iu this w tk. J.'-t the f .-pie f ti ll continue ti rray that GoJ will move on the hearts ( f nun iu arms atr-tiLst the ii ivcrtiiiiciit, ti.l tiny sha'.i sil.u.itto iis righteous cliinis. C'trUtiau L'nt. Vii:i;im The fmr I'jnhitidle cum ties g iv. tj SI votes fr the Union i'A ni ly a' .i:i-: i 317 I uioti tn-.j. li ghteen other N.W. C 'Utities gave llj-l.'iii maj. f r l' e Fi.i. n. Ilarjiei's Ferry gate 4 ('"ft maj. for S. c;ssn.u a rvgu!..r U rdir lluf liiu balio'-l. x btuiiiug. in the I'nion eounliis. the vote is h inct and uncon strained. Ji;it where rcbeliion reigr.s, the soiaiTs v itcl by ihuii-arids, an 1 Fid n men darid n t freely Vote. Th? noted I . S. Si ualur, M ison, ip. nly published; over his own signature, that tii.'-e fppcd to Siees-.i.in siio'ild fjrejJ voting, or leave the ''rate! Under thise f a.-ts, Sc.. ssion lias "earricJ'' in Virginia j i-t as iis li.-s.t- cousin Leeouiptno "ciuirii ' kni.i4. , , Wediirs lay, the O. , Frcst.J !t ti.-.rj O-neral Aenibl v, on iu itna of UeV. J r. Spring, el N. Y, adoptid by a rote of 1 Kas to lei nays a scri.s , f resolu- '''" sl '"'S f'i'" -J"- " "'e ' S. 'orcrnim lit, ati 1 uirliriUi! thedutv f (he As,cn,(,;T , gfr, nl.en. . neoura-;' and sn-taiii tlie Federal airl.erries. Of (tie ! in-e; itive, none amwed Scecs-iotiism, but opp-scJ tm ri so.u'ols as linxpeau tit, uu- necessary aiol temiirg touiVi.ie me cuurcn and stiii further en l inger the Fuiou : lhey asked and obtained le ave to protest. Gon ll'ilb r of M i-s. was a Freckinri Ige man last fall, an 1 when in ioyal M iryianJ returned s hiio ruuiuay slavis. lie is now in rebelling Virginia, aud uses slaves as be would any other thing or pirson he cul l turn to the a, Haul i of the tiovi riiiiii iit. ! has renounced every : Secessionist wli nhlieati ,.n to and e'niiu uud. r our lams lately had Ihe impudence to demand some ''seceding" :.'.rvauts" uu. lor the Fugitive slave Liw!...but was poiitcly inf riiu'd if b would lake the. oath of allegiance to the U.S.. thev would think about it. ('apt. James Tag.'art, Jr., started for llanisbur, wi'h the Northumberland Vo lunteers, last M unlay. O'lur Companies continue to come iu from all qujrtets. rltt-T. 1 lie .Huney l.nminary lias a ree 'nimeula!in i l m I . Lawjon h-q of .Milton as i rc-i :eiir .mi ige i i tue -or;u u, Moniour aud I.icomi A F Kni-ell is appointed I'ost Master at Danville, Fa The Slave Fen at Alexandria is broken up of curse. One poor victim was found ' .. ... in rs wails, which are now oeeupieJ l'y a Michigan lb "imenf. c r5 George M Dallas, late Minister to St. , James, reaelie 1 Halifax, !U:h inst., leav ing Cli'iiles F. Adams ill his place, t ol ! n and brtads'iiiTs are deeiining. The .loioi'oi biiiies tljfJOUjt'Oe) iu specie for .ic .v I n The G.v.rn-nent troop, have burned ' down some utJiuishcd woi is on ?tip Is- lar.d, near New Orleans, 10 JTcVtnt their use by the enemy. ; ..... t ci e A ih.tr., I. r Gt.irm in .1 -rsrw Shore. .-. . u.."s.w . . .s - -----1 , .-undaj n:, mornirg. ht, and a lad frjst Thur-uay On the motion f Wm. R.Williams. D P, the Aii.eiicin i.Ji'tist Missmnar? I mou ! ,,,,!. adopted resoiu'ions in favor i uf sti.taii.in the .Natisbai x. overutueut. 1 v. ..,,, J I II ii : Iii. M.iv rcaai r t'ouias is not expected to live through the night, i ' .... .. , M irti d law is proc.ai-iiel in Aicxaudiia, : and thousands of people there anl iu the , . l-t i - i Marti il .aw is proc.ai.iiei m Aicxaueliia, , d thousauus of people there anl iu the neighborhood prole-s great satisfaction in the change ! masters. The occupation I Alexandria and Arling'on Heights preveuts the Rebels from using their rail- t ways in Ihat quarter, and preserves the ; Capital from danger of cannon on that aide. ! Ueui. emm,T in,i 80,ue cf tls men " 10k en y uiueu needed rest. Roth paities were fortify at l'ensacola, but no attack from shore was deemed probable. Three prizes taken from the rebels, were reported in one day one having on hoard SlOO.tlUe) in Tobacco. The Lycoming Insurance Company has j laid an Assessment of d r-r ceut. Spain "accepts" the re-anni-xatinn of St. Domiug i, and guarantees the prohibition nfHiaverv therein. jIav:t oblJC'-S to tUf c'" " j - - i ' uanaier. Ii..- i-.ie t ut- Kiutiarlb, j Was tut twenty-three jurs of )e. Oi - ' the S.h fif July !t be fame to I'biTadet- phia iu citiioianij of the Chicaji Z lUjves, !, the fame f the fplenlid drill anl , discipline nf (lie eompiuy taring preeedei ; them, their arrival caused much eensation. ; They spent Beverl days there, d'jrinj i which feriod tkey were received in ths Hail of Ind' pcDdi nee, and drilltd in tha 'reseocjof Ursa crow li of rrectatora al 1 Fairmount ar.d Point lirecze I'ark, tn l ' Aculi my of .Music. Ha wag alio wiih tie suite of Mr. I.inedn, when bs pissed 'hruugli lo Washinetun, io th ; moitt b of February list. The youthful , Colonel was a dishing, girxl-Iookin" fel : low, and was the iJ.J fcf hjs eomnjaBJ. il.i uutime.'y death has caused intense , feeling ail over the country; but parlicu- 1 irly in New York, and the Northwest where ha was b.st known. ' ' ' ' - r7The rei'iilar m 'ii'.hlv meetin? nf lh s tv I r M-ral ai.el K-ici, us 0(uir wii! .' lie ,i in li, H.ipn.t l i,.:rch, Lewisbarp, on S'lii lav. Jane 2 at SJ oV.'ocl;. f .M. lieport by .Mr.J, ... Siiiiih auiijcct, Iiolivcfaal EflurU J i. W.II l.tll. U-r Sm. '. IT'Vh- Annual A litrs- -t.ef,.r- ;he Excel sior an ! Ne( r-irain Literary Soeieiie, of Iii'ii S-iiunarv. n ill b-delii-frc.I on Tuesday eie. me. Mil, June ,., l, LVv.T.LM'u.Tka, ol I'rai.kiin A .Marshall l'.i!!pe ,n which . ecasu ii, rural and In-iruiaenial .Music will t- ri'. -a by I r M.i:. s-rs aid the HuJx a Ilrothers. The piesence of all is solicited. .. ,. .. ,, . " ' sTtl. K. X- mm.or Nr. U-r ,o. Miy L Mi. jx. yL Nli , s.,., oie bin a physician knows how much a r" i . uit.r,:! i- is needed by i,e people. On a 1 -i lc- ul us, in a 1 comiouDin. s every hero th.-r- a;p miilt.tu-Ier that sutler from com. p'ui.ts ihat in.'liiiq hat an o.'trratin cures. II i e- a i re.u iiiacv : ;he;n have been made ir ! p ita'.r a! with ihe assurar.ee .i beir.jj ' I e: i .'. (i n they tail to accomplish tha care, ta.-v promise berau-e trier have nut tha Hiiriiii.c viriues ilipy claim. In this state cf tiie c.i -p. Iii-.J. C. A ver .V Co .i.f Lowell, hava suppli.-l u- ,ih a cunponn J Extract ef Sar sr.pari'la. which ..,es prove" to be the Ions de sue. I reme ly. lis peculiar difference from k'ii !re. prepara'tons in market is thai it r the I'ls-ases for which it is recommended, while they r,.,t. We are assured of mis faci by mere than one of cur inie!!i?ent phya-ici.in- in ihts neu-nborhooj and have lha luriher evi.ler.ee el ur ewn experience of its truth. Tennessee farmer. Nashville, Tenn. Till I.T MXIIVKI.L .is. .n i ,.i .TTt-mt l.iel. srr ii. r;ll t. (..-rl rui. a by t.t ju.l.y pop ',' -. 1'r. piu-. 1 l,j m.tt. ii. . . u-ari.j :i,,, hreu.-lutis. Ath. 'io, .10 :. i" i,t-fis. ru..i.., L;r LIhik. I n 1 l!. II-,.rt. n , tm ain fttb-s-r. ..'ur :-...i -lal rr-nlt-. aOXe grat ::i 1 .r i. itu i.. Thi. ioTic rmtinc llytle-A . lis n 'i-w.arr ppeu.iar r.'-. In :li-es-v. - f Ii.fsli la surr-.i.,,!. "I w.r,a:n la u un l.r Hi h-fr of . l' '. ; n-... i.y .Trut lifu.,r. Ut- '.i :. t: r i,"i "M- . - t.-in. aai.i t, rpislily ii.4 I II Xlt.l or;,,:., its . i;,. - .rr rllP.P Ih. I m Tt, I,, . i,.-s .t tim ul, ,f. 1 .r-rjy. U p.,,,!,,. , i, , a.i l a, ii .1., i; i:uil. s is.,,. tf tbernlirw i:w.i... tlu !.:!; rPiei l. .-ris.;d in ll.m .0 r-u n Ih I ....ri.ln n pt thu r-u.ik.lp nme-ir ,v I I tin. I in I I r.i ,,i. ;:. li ,,, S, ,a ., I.-,.,- ii .i.- .oi. ii.a Am,-:.i ?'" : ": ' - l'"r '"r-- '! ' ' J BAKHR en, . ,.:..? ,e At-- t,t.. I.i tr.'h.i who i.l.jrct (UP- e .- l- I:..-.. m..mii trim 1 1 thp IHism. , ua.H I ,', r"' '' i ' li-es. ;.ri. ,-r,'.., -,rh wi.I F I, su ILat n.l m .J limn lie tiriurtunitj of , f l.i.-h .,0 li,., II ATI LI'A lle KM A X . t ,, Auei." I "... .11 H -' r. I ,1,-t . JnllN I.KII.I I.I.UXKUIl .-Miri.l..th..f l.im-.i"t. rnifn I'o ll'' -i .V v i'.'s. V " ''' '"" ' A" tL "KMtV nj , , , . Ir,nl L,rt Jon .. - '- . J- II tirfpe SAM ' SAM. f lei'.- . n.-. l.ye .nun- n.uut.. Ktnl Mi5 bA- ' r .N'.rtl.tnn'.rUn.l I. in x me. afSEMOaOHISB In s 1 .1 V. s S lie T,S1.tlnt,.Mii MART IT. M 1 RSir, ixcmS I T" 1 ''"' t''li:'t lUl t'niUir,jMu ' in ,.-n. At. I.th in.t.. Mr.. rittl.T SWEEXT. .1 Iki-I. i r,rlv .. J-r-xt..wn. ftk. Vol "P ,lio" 'iv;!ry are nonfied , i 1 '" meet at fin.,.N Hiihl'h Hotel, in T" '--f . ...,-. t ,-. s" "i i ;i ii i.dc, on siii r.u.ta theRili ' I June, IsUI, al 10 uclork- A M. .M: y -7 JOH. JIAYES.OS l.vw iIur Crmclrr lallon. r'Hi: Annual Llecti. n i l (lincers lu manags I tl.e c, i:eeriis nf the above (' nninanv fw ,n- mr, will take place at the OiHce of the -'" .. .-e i . .mnrr, r.-ij., in ine Ho- ronen n i.-ni-i ui-i'ii Mnxoit ihe 3d day i-f June npx'. le'twppn the hiira r.f r.. four cel. ci; in ihe afternm-n. THOMAS IIAVEs.Spi-. I-ewi-bnr;. liny IT. Is' I To ihe V,. t rs i f the :M cf Aueust Cents - Tt . ie. . -. t . . ... ' " e-i' rn ar.n x.ei:irai porrions i't Lnmn .unlv claim to h ive one Ae.ciaic Jadse for . local c ns leraiious which an.e above all i ilors. We iheref..re prepi.se Maj JOHN V. SIMii.'H. I, r rp-eieciion, conti teni that it wotil,; be Lcih pulie-y and jusiire to him and 1" his Mm Fminns. I V.frs ,.f Inan county. I infer mvsrlf as ' a can lo'ate f.-r the Dliiee of Associai'e Ju.lc "',' 'm:i.; Klectun ,n October-subject r, (for'Sl.in (it .1 m-M. r-fl r-f tUm m - .11. a, ,htf lpnbUran conventions on 3d W next. h.iu!. I he n ..minated and elected, I F '. mv-elf to d -charsp ihe duties uf saij aicp in hip riipnt ot mv abl ltie. .. . .. " ""''ite tv.- i i j jami.s snrri.r?. Fell, w Ciiens! I am a candidate for thu ot. i '-e ul Sneritf of In ion cenniy, (sitjct to lie v.,t nl tti atdli.n nC Ol '. . . i ;,., i..i ,.'! in- ..... -J akhiiiiai.ii tii.,ha-i. .. ,, .... ... "u ' i' Xh,' T"l"e' of mv triei.es. I herebv etler invsplf as a ran. ''i hue for ihe Oili.-e ot siipritf subject to lhn decision of the P.eruhlican cnvennoa . Shoeihl in e , s i i'n ii me i.ep u oi icin i. . ii v en iio.i. i be m.mj,,,,,,! an.l elecied. I pleilse m to dschar-e the duties of sail f!ice w i he ni.ininaieil and e.Vcied. I pleilse rr.v honor to d.schare the duties of sail rffice with cre- 'lit to myself and the public in -eneral J- :" ' c" - AXTES. Messrs E liinrs- Fermit u tm recommenit JEssK M. WALTER uf Urjr Valley as a man '""":"" I"-1"'' I,"r ,'.-'B"t t'rn,iss,oner. l' in- ni b e role fiiven hv l.inon township last tail, let us eive her the Commissioner in the person of her worthy sod, J. M. Waller. Jlas. MXW VilTEIt. Iicu3i.olurii JlTricUtte. Corrttlrtl Wtekly Wheat 5120 to l-'o Eggs S 8 Rve .50 Tallow 10 (jorn uew m 4j -UH..... li Oats 2i Ham i Flaxseed 2,1- Shoo A.-'ide...? & 9 Dried Apples. 1,50 Clerverseed wi,00 Kirkio liuttcr I" l'o'atne fresh Butter... 1-1 Cuatry Stup 4 i 5 . ... H ..ii.i. il.i.- I lie t:, II. I.- I. -. r ; it - ,. . I t .i r-iii'.l '. i. .. I i I