Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 07, 1861, Image 2

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i t
Recently, two individuals in Dubnque
ooa of whom ia an Editorial Scribe, and
the other a man of Types went bome at
the Editorial hour of 2, A. M. Ye Scribe j
and je Types are living together in aj
bouse up town, "batching it" during the
temporary absence of je Scribe' good
louking help mate.
Scribo and Types entered the room, di-
Tested themselves of their outer garniture,
and yawning ferociously and drearily pro-j "TELFfiU PHIO FODDER-
cceded bedwards. Types drew down the (XTTEK," l which the above cut is a
clothes, jumped in, and Scribe followed r,prrcntation.'is the best and most popular
suit and deposited himself also beneath Machme now in use for euu.u.: ur ' t'"dll"f
... ' f all kinds. It is nude of three sizes, ana i
tie enowy sheets. Types shut b.s eyes, l "nmieal. for handbills sbow.n
rusbed his feet down in tho bed, suddenly u,eir advantages and for an inspection ol
. . . . ... . i i u,.kini iheunelves.call at the Central
withdrew tnem witn a yen oi uurrur, uu
bounded out of bed, striking on the floor ;
ten feet distant :
"There's something in the bed !"
Scribe with an agility almost oqnal to
that of Types, quit saying his prayers on
bearing this alarming announcement, and
bolted out of bed as tbougn ueipea by a
ten-inch shell. Almost at the same in
stant, there was a series of tremendous
menuxct board to proceed from the Led
. "Mad Cat !" roared Types, as he broke
for the kitchen and put the door between
bitn and danger.
"Oh, Lord I" yelled Scribe, as he shot
into the parlor and closed the door and
held it
Here was a pretty Ex. Tho lamp and
matohes in the bed room, no other to be
bad, and in that room a terrible cat ! yow
ling and spitting as viciously as though
he went by steam.
Scribe opened bis door balf an inch :
"Types I"
"Hullo 1"
"Go in and light the lamp !"
"See you banged fust !''.
About a miuute later, Types opened
hit door a balf an inch :
"Scribe !"
"Hullo !"
"Go in and light the lamp."
''See you hanged fust."
A minute later both doors opened :
"Scribe 5"
"Types !"
"Hullo 1"
"Lees both go in and light the lamp."
"I'll do it."
"So will .
"One took a clothes-basket, the other a
bat-box, to fend off the enemy, and, aim- j
..i i .1...:. .1
. .J i j . .t. i i
advanced. Making detour, tbej reached
tha lamp and lighted it. In the bed, eat
the enemy a monstrous big Thomas Cat,
with a tail ewclled to the (ize of a com-
inon hat, and whose cjes emitted sparks
. ,' , - J, . ..
of pale green Cre. Ihcss cbservations
were mado in a distant corner, undercover
r . i.,rlr nf InthM-hket and hat- i
How came that cat there ? Scribe own
ed no cat, the door and windows were all
locked, nobody visited the hoe was it,
vat that fierce animile a Spook come to
torment them before their time? Either
... .iu-
It waa a ghostly cat, or a cat laboring un- j
der delirium tremens, fur never befjre so
howled and tpit and arched its back as did '.
r j
that cat :
"Less get her out," said Scribe.
"Agreed," eaid Types.
'Well, yon go ahead."
"No. too co ahead."
"Come on, then," said Scribe, getting j
behind Types. j
"All right, come on," said Tyres, as he i
poshed around and got behind Scribe. i
"Let's advance in line cf battle," said
Scribe, who is a mi'.itary maD.
"I'll do her," said Types, who belongs I
t J the Executive Greens.
"All right," said Scribe, "I'm a general
officer I mount this chair to overlook the
field of battle, to give directions and be !
oat of dancer, lou will arm yourseu :
-.t. -1 : t:. f
Vim poaer, auuucc iu .iuc u.
and dislodge tbe enetn, ! Attention, Hat-!
tallion! Forward'. Double quick! march:"
"Seo VOU furdef first"' faid TvDeS. '
"I'll superintend tbe battle and you do
the chargin !" j
"Can't do it, I'm a korncl, and you're ;
only a private. It is my responsible duty
to command, your glorious duty to fight."
Finally a compromise was agreed on :
Scribes took a big over-coat, Types the
poker, and, opening all the doors to give
the enemy opportunity for retreat, they
advanced firmly in line, and said "Scat '."
Tbe enemy returned a clarion "Meow"
of defiance.
"Charge I" said Scribe, in tones of
Tha heavy poker came down like a
weaver's beam on the caput of the enemy,
and Ihe next instant Scribe bad enveloped
bim ia tbe overcoat. Types took that
part of the overcoat that seemed to con
tain tbe bead, Scribe seized that portion
long which wu prolonged the tail, nd j
bora the kicking, equalling, itrugglingfoe j
to tbe back door. "Now," aaid Scribe,
"one, two, three fire !" and the next in-
tlant Tbomu went flving, like bissing
rocket, over two back garden, and landed I
in tbe alley beyond.
That night, there come to the virtaoos
llecperi tweet dreami, and they ilcpt as
"Skaa tka titan who alak Is rat
. A preacher, whose text led bim to
peak of the prophet Jonah, remarked in
.dentally, "I am of the opinion that Jo
nah waa a man neither smokiog nor chew
ing, from the faet that the tub retained
--e - - -
kim lo long in bis stomach. If
bad. swallowed Ihe bouse we are
r- J piog in, be would, no doubt, bat
. I kimmlfto rffufA."
the fish
worship- i
bare jtvktd
- -v.aB. I
- a 1
... . j Corn-Stnlki.
ihe Machines themselves, call at
I.eu-islmrs, Nov. 20. IK60.
o. Vi.. Anil St. IMillntlelpli.a,
j "ZZtZJn"
i.............i...- ... nn t:ik-n at t-n.-aa nr. i.inbr
... n.......).!.. rarirat un..
THE l-rorrietor. rrcti-l rlint.iera.h-r. atlr-nt",
.r-oi..llv,v-rvli-it ll. n.. .Wre U
lrV llir lillcTV nnln.il it tiV . Tll Mti-UrlK.il.
....... .. ..... A...l,r..t. !.f.-utnr J.-.-.'lua
f,,,n.i.. i.li..u.;rr lird U. any fiirr4 'if,"' Ukum
a,; hi- -, anl 1'ainlial in '"I " Arust.
... .:.M.-r. .i.tur.i. rati l-a Ink-n in any .fatlitT
. , rf, in rt"..n.!j day "" "" un
...i..... .... nl. nr.- reIHTtl IllU IllVlt'-J t. fl
uiiue ..ur uatilU'U, Uin Vl'j
ajCluIiuuctioni gifn in tie rt nf phntrriiy.
Caixhi 01 Art, 7J4 Arrh Slicrt, FlulJll bi
CUMMUM) A ro.v.t
Crm Ifnn l.twm II. l"4trui.Ll. M. C-.rilifo
VT f.uiilv Mid (ri. n.l. all c.n-ur I" the Inmn that
tlir i.. w, iii I'l-tur.' U mi.rp liv Ilk' lliii ny '""f
I l.v .'li.l. r. iit Arti-l in rl..u war, tut 1 bf t
I lit I.a.1 our liirh Tr-iiI(i trurto ulurr,iill llio
tUIert l' eXlTr-I..Ub Ul f..UlllrllIIM- M) u.u..
(roni llr.n. K J-l Morris, ifc- MiuUU-r to Italy.
Tlir .-x-im-11" liiiifli. tx'ioily n-l fcoltne- of y.ur r"r-tnii-,
c.nj'.in.'J itu ll.ir Juralulity of oolor au-1 luith-fuli..-.
likmn.Hie.ran not laill roiuiuriia tli-ni to
th - attrutiun uJ troui;r of all alio n.rate trur
art. .,
From CoI.-I amiw Pa.i.
Hniinir orra-i. u for a rtrait. I i rnrorrd onr from
Mr ItnK-rl Nrwrll. ot the citv of I'liiladrlphia. a minia-
turr ill llll lOiorr. lMrr . T'' MVT'
aioi tk tr.a! flnu-urr iu .i.r.".i.e the atl-lartH.n
,rn me. not nly tv the arrurwy ol the likene... hut
it. arli-tir tiiii-h in ail r. .perls and re.-ommrnJ h.ui to
thr i.trouiir of tlne Ji'. J to curourae the leauti-
ful art. Imfi " '"-
The be-t assonmenl of fu.ves ever cfiered t
the citizens of l.ea istursr. am. me which is the
celebrated "Continental," the handsomest and
best I'.iokinz Siove now before lhe public.
Watcli lt iali iiip,c
I am now ready to repair
the lines! at. hes ucn as i.nrononiei. i
Duplex and I.ever Escapements in lhe ver,
hest manner, tosether with every other kind ol
work in our line of business. All work war-
rant.il I., rive satisfaction.
- : . . r r
Iv'l have also the Asencv lor tne sure ui
,k e.i. Kmie,l '..:! nil IiiiiDK t. jzcther
with till Shades, irk. Ac c
j , pw.1t,; Mar oO A K D.MiRMANDIC
! "
American Life Insurance & Irust lo.,
(Capi'al Stock rno,iioO)
pOVPAN Y's B.jil.Mnis.WalnutMreet.S E
,i corner of Fourth -V'Aio.
j j- iivcs insUre.l at the usual .Mutual rates
j 0r at Joint stock rates about so per cent, less
or at Total Abstinence rat, s tne ,... .u -
vrorl !. A. M11L.I.U1A. ' resiucui
Jomm C. Stws, Sec.
747 ;.:!. F. MILLER. it!;rn.Lewi&burg
K. . llLi:t.ia, rrop-r.
rrHIS Hotel is locate.l in the center of the
T".";;1,,. from lhe i:..n Hmise.
.ersons attendini IViiri.or havins other bu.
siness in the town, will find this a pleasant
an , C(llnf),r.ai,!e home. Charaes moderate.
Lewisbtirs. Pa.. Sept
, fi. lH.'i'.t mS
wiuata r. i-.ai. ""
Mammoth riioTocitAiMi (Iai.i.euy,
S E. Corner Eighth and Arch Sta - Fhiladelrhia.
(t.i:ruiia "i t 'ji-'k i(r.'l )
VFTF.R nnny years' eiperienre in all the
vartou branches ot the Art. the Propri
etors confidently invite the attention of their
friends and the "public to their extensive esta
blishment, which pteents the opportunity for
procttrinz the best Pictures, equal at least to
any fir.-t-class (iallery in the Limed States.
Preparations are complete lor execulin" all
tlia imi r. T. .I rtvl.. Kn..l. t . Ilia Art. Tl.rv bar.- a
r.M arran-.-nriiIf..rr'..yii.ir l).,:u. rr.-tvl .-. a ' .
mkii.!th-in l.if- if Jr,.r, l-tl.rouly.n.;..f til.
a, I in Una rr.untrv. Atth.-d to tin. rttabllsUment
arr tt.r.-r r:nz Arti-t.
I'liw .tuii!, inrliiaintr Paiottng, w a t-
tl.t i:h fiamr -
.n.l t. Krtrrf,M,,'llrtf.
- Ar. .... i h..to;r.iii na i
l.nr.t.n- at f:.m- .ric. burable Amtirotf r at iu
nt;a-;il p,r,,..
j Xri
' ;-'.'l'n ,"l::"iB,- imm n.oto.
rra'..li in ml. tran-lrr.-.l tr..m Mnall J.icturts.alijfrpm
llf-. fri.rafrr.ni rl . I" :
t.Iii.tru ti- n. jriv.-n in tliArt
Lewisburg. Fa.
IJruis, Medicines, Chrmimls, Vye Mulls,
Oils, Faints, Varnishes, Winilnw tilass,
l'erfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors
expressly for Medicinal I'ses,
Fancy Notion (ioods.and all
the rerular Patent Medicines cf
the dav. Particular attention paid
to puiiius up Prescriptions, Family Med
icines. &c. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for tale
IIXECITED in the best style known in
the art, at
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
C32 Arch Slrctt, JCust nf Sixth,
AmbrOtypCS, DagUCrrCOtAfCS, &C,
ForCases.Medallions.Pins.liings.&c. stinyl
fflHE Co-partnership heretofore existing
I between the subscribers in the ClothMR
Business al Lewisburi is dissolved by mutual
consent on this Ulh March, 18BI. The busi
ness rill be continued by i. K. Zimmerman
nn Market street, alter 1st of April. The Ac
! counts will beat the rttore for settlement nnttl
j the 10th Ap'l, when all unsealed will be placed
in ihe hands ol S. H. Orwis. bsq.. ior coitec
March 21, '61.
Land Warrant for Forty Acres
T"OR SALE Enquire at the Office of the
X Chrnmrlr. Lewisbucg.
' AKi'liTS fine awortment by
ij uarsD&uooafflaa
;ki:.it i.iii'KovtJitXT
4 VsV
QURfiEOX and Methani
k) cal UentlNt. takes ihi
method of informins the citizens of Lewis
bur' and vicinity that he has located perma
nently, and is prepared lo furnish all who
need dental substitutes for mastication with
Improved Hlneral Plate,
(base and teeth the same.) which is fast su
perseding the u-e of tiold and Silver I'laie.
The Mineral Teeth are undoubtedly superior,
and in many respects more desirable than any
other now olfrred to the puh.ie by the Iienlal profraaiou.
Tltev are the higlieal allainmeut of the art.
Teeth mounted on Coral and AuiberBase
at rr.tuee.1 prire.. Thesa haa hava barB tented tv tlu
ari.-ntitir.aud highly racotuu.rn.lrd n.rcloanUnear,uuUty
anl tHauty.
Teeth also Mounted on Cold and Platina. in
the latent approved .tyle. AUo on a Metalir I'lnte, ua.1
ll... .. s'il.'..r I'l.i. r.ri, r Alter i ..o- aaal. a. it I...
..ro.ej iu nJ.T case, ii.jutiuua to tho liraitll of lha
Special attention will also be paid to N'atii-:
ral Teeth, rorrerlinir all irrritularitie.. treatim; irrita'-le i
ami exiord nrrrra. filluiit .lera.e.1 t.-eth iu the most
nr. liiinan mutie i -r- ""K rt rt
lim'!i If of ini mni.-l tnir'nr, rsrt'inny uni-iinit inp
fit)i-!iii f nnntf.F)iry tiii. nn-l will h.- alnTti. vth
iiMtitution un l h---ltli "f tt. t((i nt. tb-n l v of
f Tinjr Ihf rptt(it inrouniini,itt t-'Mi'-d Hn-tit-sirou
of iri--rviir flmir TtM-ih uhu mi-'ht, through tfur uli-iif.
fwrmit tli-ir-nt.r an-l r mttur- tl' cy. IVrMjnit r- '
i)irinir tlif frvicvf.f lh-nti.-t. will -riit't- thftr in- ,
trKt railing no Ir. B , u h lr i-rt-rtW ftmiliir ;
witli all tlie iTaii'h.-!. ufhi.- .r..f.-..i-n. tatiii wuh ih- -x-Ifrifno'
t nrtwnty yt-nrp.' I'dtn-tiitit ami )...'? t
rtM-iiif, is dftr-ruitiifJ U rr n txrt.tD to make i
rry ni-fTMitun entirely .sati-furli.ry. I
I'sT Itomns (leaNetl for a term of years) on I
Markt-t S'juarf, d.r'tlv ner Harris Puni:m"ii'fi'rmer-
ly rallwelll IriiC Mere, ftpfn .-.it tlf 4'l ri'lii' 1.- aixl j
T-lei:r:i'h iWre5 eiitmn- iM-twiafD l-r. Wilw.n'n anil I
tbe Drtiif St.ir. All oMT.itiotia warrMnt-tl fj'iavl t any j
In thin c-nintrr r elr- wh.-r-. Tdf natural r-.-itntr if
tlieiliinin r-UTrJ. I LtAMi CALL A. NO EXAMINE
Sl'Krl MKNS.
Lewinhurtc, Not. C1, TCO.
The Dimes Saving Institution of Le
wisburg TS ready to receive any amount on Peposile
1 from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per
cent, per annum Interest will he paid on all
sprciai deposites of Two Do liars and upwards
if deposited two monihs and longer. OlFice
in beaver's brtrk Mock. North Third St.
II. P. SliKl.I.EIr, Treasurer
Lewi.hurs;, Oct. Ill, ll-fio
m iHorc iHcnt.
c. will be upplin to Ihe htinpry pplrby
Ihe Mihscriber, at his shen on Sorib Fifth
Mrrct, where he carries on the Butcherim:
business, and will supply all kimls of Meat
in its season. On Wednesday and Saturday
mnrniti".. he will be found at Market in front
of M'Fa-ldin's Hardware Moref? al low rates
for fash exclusively. Calves wanted Beeves
and Sheep purchased as usual. Try the New
Lewisburg, A u jr. Iti, IN.v.iy
T IXDSEY'S Iniim.ved
Li r? itroot .srmriicRo
A STA MtA lift Mr.hlCISE
For th !).'. rurlit-n I nr.l . (Tlii:,! run- i f MA. Ym
n.-iii fr iu l.Ml-l t.I J V Ol liiK HL'jIM
'piltS mfHH'inc lis wrought tliu mit miraculous cure
Fr- iui Crtni'rnn formation.
(uttii us li.sej.i, Krsi;i-laj, llt.ils,
l'ilti.lt-a no thr fix-, fif 'v i'.xi-. f r.iliVIloiaJ,
Olil. r-liil'txirn I Krrn, I.hi-niiiMtir iiurUr.
Tfti-r al!.-. li.iui, Ctiivrrit'stt,
Irep-it. JituaJice. fiAl Illi. um.
MtT'-until li-4-a.fft ;-ih r il l.ility,
l.iv, r C- BifUiut, ft- f f AwM-.it-,
1 t-uitil.-0'Uilaint- rnl nl I .li.-atct Liug tLvir origin
in au impure uUu jut 111.- I'-aI.
' Thr altofr iot trait vf MTrcary. of Xapira
Twp.whn.f.n th-- ."lt lav .f AuiU-t .ls:,s, tna-lr afli.l:it it
tM-f.-r- .lufitii-r iorlry tli.it hr m- trrti-l tor thr nirr ,
Cwtti: hy thri'n i-lo hirmnf t r'lfnnl c. tint v. and hy Vr,
Nrwton of thr IJi-U-ct i- t'ollf.-r. i!n-,Tiii:tti, f t i' riM
of nrarly vi ht nicDtl.. nM iili-iaii'lipc whi'-h '.if
Huts, aii'i a j'-rFftt Vf tfvk wrt wtmtjf r.if.(i
amit .' Ilr Iir.I civ- u ujt all hil-, wli"n he hvarj nf th
'liltff.-d S:tn-hrr,"ati-i wn in lu'-'-'l to try it. I'mir b"t
tlrn rur.-l him. anl laltlnuiiih fadly litiurrfl thi-rr
ri" (Ut ftk n hut thi itivalimlilr tndirinv irivt-d hifi lih.
The full itiirtH-uInrf of t hit ri-marhahlr mw niaj In swn
in n Circular to U- had of any f t thr A tttn.
WV alM. r lT ti. a r;iw r.f Nan y ItU.ikm v. of Flh'rten,
Arm-tmne -. I' .eurrd of Mk.'riLAatU-r btriug unhl ;
to CI out of Iil f.'T Hirer .-ar.
Tnlhtf ra- ot a Iwlv in Ani-nTillr. rirarfi.'M Co nho
wan alo ftl!i't'-. witli J-crotula in Hn wornt f.rm. i
T" tlir r;(f f tJ.or.tr M. i- l. I'-fi hn;' in (,rro!lt''Wn, I
Cnmhria ?o.. Pa., hu a" ha lly atHi'-trd with fanrrr t
that it rat hi niirr r. off, uu J his c.Fi- waa worse, if
jofcthlf. than I i ri-:ir i.
flie l articular.- of th.fi rar rr. ry rTte of which wan
rur- 'l hy the uce f th UlfHKl N-nr. jir" may Jilno b
fuued iu ft L'ircuLir to U had - f nv . f thr Ap-nl'.
It. M. LKMll. r.iirirlor.
t.I.hftmtorv f-ir thr nimi;' tur- au-1 salr. near thr
r. nn'a Hailroa-l" l.'int, M"llilHhur'. I'a. hy C.
Y. Prhaflh-. I.rwin'.ura: l V i-'ht llurk. HufTahr X
Koads; Kii.lv A lltmmrlnirh. KnrmrrFili.-: uuiuiiujs
k Witroor. IlnrtUfn; H. Ii.!:.-..!. M.rtlinl.-irjr ; I., fi.
ttftinm, Witfltfld; M-indle i Wagenller, St-i i negro Ti-;
I.. . i.ri:wi:k, I'roprlctor.
"HIS new Hotel is situatf.t opposite the
Court H.iuse.in the most fashionable and
beaulilul part l tne town, ana lor sivie ami ,
convenient can not be surpassed in Central !
Pennsylvania. i
Those visitine the University, or af.endin? '
Court, will find it the most convenient and :
central puMto house charges will be the
most reasonable and neither tune or expense
will be spared to bestow every comfort upon
those who may call. Lewisburg. May 3,1 Hio
niititTiov of Fr.rit.nr.
l.t nasi 4S crnta er 1U0 .f.uaO..
.1 du 4.1 do do
do 3.1 do dn
4lh do Ti do do
frparial -'J do do
V lirat, Rra and Corn, 13 centf per baaheL
Pbilad. Depot with
I rctd, Ward if Frmf, 811 Market St.
Thankful for the liberal patronage given us
we hope by strict attrntion to business lo
merit a continuance ol the same.
For further information apply to
ly79S C K M'GI.NLY, April, Lewisbnrg
Attorney at Law,
Lew MMirg, Pa.
OFFICE at his residence, corner of Mar
ket and Fourth streets. S26
RARE flUSCE.-An excellent Sil
ver LEVEK WATCH for sale at a
bargain must go- Inquire of
A. E. DENORMANDIE, Lewisburs
William VanGezer,
I TTftBXF.Y at Law.
j il laewJtbiwg. t nion Co Pa.ST
& LEnSBUKG0im0iNlCLE---3iAY 7, ISOl.
IN THE OLD MIOP! The subscribers
repeetlitlly announce to the citizens cf
l.ewilurg and vicinity that they have formed
a i'arluerbiiin in tltc
Tailoring Business,
at the well-known stand of James Criswellno
.Market street, where they are prepared lo
VL T AMt MAkE 1 1 to order in the very
best style. Meo's and Boys ClothlUfV f
ecery descripiion on short notice. We alf
a jhare oi the public patronage.
Lewisburg, April 4, l-r''-
M'hcrnix Riticrn.
rrirE!iii:han(l onvicilcclcl-rity whirh
' li.aarlal.le rltieary in all the .l,.. M- l.:i h they prof.
. ". h" rrn Irr. d the u.ual .rartire of ...mil
nl unnrr.-4n.trv. Itit unw.Tttiv f Ihfin. 'Ilit-r r
known t.y thnr fruito: tliir el work" b-i-iify lr tuviu,
IX A I.I, CASKS tjF A-thm. Afl'TE sd ('HRnxm Itnrc
Mttl-M, Attn lKVuf TIIK Itl UDtR MWim, Hll t )
Fta.l.-. (M Lt LK tMPHT.t. Ill Ihi- -'Utll fclnl Wt-i-l, ,
wt-tf t !. Jiax'- i n Tkil. Ih-T will lr 1umi inrwlu-
h. l'lMtit-r-, fi.rtii''rH,ainlotlirTi, wtmonri- uk tliow
Mfd.ni.r-r., will i..-rlt-rwiir.l U- Uhf.Mttl,.-m.
IHpiph,. No r.-.ii with tli tli-tn-a-itijc J""
ulioulti J-l u-mir lh m- miJtrinn ifiiuilostk y. Kki r-
Tl '! t-F THE MU, KKllftL. KTltl.H. I-IVKK AND
A . i k. Fitr thii noiMirifi of thf W-t. rn rountry. t !
tiiflirinfHill l..uil t. FtMt, cM-t Jy, ami wrUin n-uit'-ilv.
Ollit-rintnln iiti- l -avtlifriit in Mit j--lti riurn
rl lli.I(-it' rirre )v ttii'i-v uteiliciiiwfc u ptriuaufUt.
7h 1IILM, tlC !fT!?fltl., AMD LECI KKU.
MtltiTKtt li.-tM'-i. NeTi-r fnili to ri-lirti ntirfly
all th HUrtf of Mt-rvurT intinit. ly iuovr ttntuthe luost
IxMrrltil (n-(Krati.n ot .aMrinnrilla.
XniiiT we.t. X,'ti)ts lfri.it itt, NritTora r.-MPitiNT'"
rr ML KIM'S Or.r,a.MC Alli.CIl"N3, 1'ALPlTAlluS Of TUB
Ut.KT, I'aiktlr . Ciiulic.
I'll is. The original pr(.f.riitirof tht-w inHlirin wan
rnrf-l ol I'il. n of Iki yfntV ttatvtin? ty the tic -1 ih--
Lifr MeiliriiK-n alone. H ohms ot ail kni'- r- efffi-tiialiy
fXt't-l .-! hy (lifiM MMlii-inir. I'aretitf trill tl -M ir ul
iiiiriitfr tiiem wlM-nevir their ejti.'ttnte u iu--et-tel.
ttilH-f wiil Irercrtniii.
Purify til- MoM. anl thus r-mtr ml' diefi-- frm th
i-V-Ir-m. A -iiiL'lc trisit will llare tin- I.II- K I'll.l.S t.ii'1
l'lhi:M Itl ITKI;.- )ynI ttif reach vf ccnijctitit-n iii
tli- '"(imntiou ot every ftnti' tit.
4-rret-Mrrl t-y IH:. WU.I.IAM B. M'KFT,
ii-j Bn-aJwav, rjro r tt'Tth fit Nt-w V.rk(
lyT.tS atiJ MM I y all Iru-'itJ.
Shortest in Distance & Quitket in Time
fiti lietiini, AlfrHtotrn on ! .'j..m.
ATdRMNO Eryrt't 1IV.( I. af Nrw Turk at A V
4 J'l.lla.lrli-lna at h A M. ArriT. at Itarri-l.tir;: at
l-:4f, nrfpn runtnTtini. t llml'urCa with tmiii un
Ni-rtltt-rn 4 Vntrnl Kiirnn.l f. r Mmt urv, Lr H IM.I Ula,
Milli-n, W illitiu-frt, Jtmj ?hurv mud It llv-u.
.Vn it T.hm '-tt IfMTtn New York at IU, ti.K.n, an-l
Iiiili.4llhiM nt V M, ci'tiUfCtiKK with irnin on Nor-th-ru
CVtilml Hitmd tot lJttioD! a U..
Mtit Trmn Eut h aTcf llsrrt-htirir at " A M, nrrir
Ht l'litln'l-l hi mi I V 1. ni.tt N w York ml f M, in
tuot' tt tnk Ijiuit or cur fur lltou Ac.
Fittt Ejvres tu ft h'Tn Harriturir. 1 :15 r-n rril
N.-rtli.-rn tVntrat train arri.ra at I'Lilailrll hia at I
It ' l, aul .Nrw York at tl, evruiu. J
No i-lmiij of rsr.-t or tuwrsiik;., tttwtt-n New York or
rhil-i-l-lii nnl ll;trril uri:.
K.,r b-mjiy t.f witrry. ti.l nff.l, mmfort, anil t(s-m-nioilntifii,
th,4 Toiitt- rv-arut buivrir iutlucfUents tu
thr trf-hi,i: pit' lie.
oth i in .V ie IWk.tnot f Pourtlandt strret 'Aiai
.i.., Krcml anil Calluwhill t-lrt-t-ln.
Kir.- belwi-rn Nrw York at.tl llnrrinhonr, FIVR TX)r
Hl.S. lor TitkfU. t-nihtfur othrr inf -Tiuitnou.
ai .ly tn J. J.TLaHK.
Junr 2S, lRly lUrripLurg
Commissioner of Illinois.
ril.LIAM II. EIsSEI.I..'iiivernornf I!-
nois, has appointed Juh B. J.im,
a I'liiritnissinner of the Stale of Illinois, for
the county nf l.'nion, lo atlininisler oaths, to
take.lepositi. nsati.l proof of tlee!s,mrt;a!;es,
a.-., t.. V o.l n. I Twriai in thr jitatp i t iiiinoia.
r. r-mi rin.1.11; vim Inri.. T rra. r-ia.r 1 any am i 1
tr i,.T ti... i.rrba-rrt i.v iravins a -irri, tV n oi thr
Miu' nt my omrr, a- 1 have or--n. a iinoKf. r.r iin pur-rlin-t'
nti'l alr ot r-al rhtate. Ao cbr.-p in th r-i. tcf
Ml- tft Utni: mn.lr. Jt'U.N Ii. LINN.
L-i-1.ur'. l a.. !arrh T"V.
Tfia rmrr-y ia nfT.-r t a affrr.'inc a himm of fr.!y
etirr fur thr Urpr numl.rr-th.it .ir atinu:illy in iur land
of t'Ht frit t.r-.iirtr. r..ii-ii.iii'ti'U. to which. unf..rli
natrlv. " maoT prf.if-itnr rai-C9 tktnt. VouLh aud
arr alike nu.ct tu lis ra.agwd.
can namr one rr tnorf of hi acqnaintanrf who i fnb-j.-ot
To i.'nie f-.rm or lunc or tl.r.-.tt e-ni-ljntit. whirtt.
il n .t attrn It. i t-i in nrn-oti, inrM-nhly r..ti-int tlr r-tif
frr.-r lo a l.rrimt 'irr jraf. l.t siifli. l.ri. I at h.H.i if
It.rr w:ll h it a. all t!.rmrlr .f It. and liw.r tin t.ir
l.m'fa.r r.f hri-'litrr .lav B1V tu- awakened
i:t f.ai
..f r!ulli..7 dN;il.Iv.i!i1.tl.llt. I'r. I. l-HKie-t UK-
Ai-ti d.M-. jti-t wliat in clairm-l for it.
nnr be rel.nl nt-iin he tho nik m U'tue the nioi fr.-
fui'iii cjr.ui lone and throut di-'i.,er. t f an r-i:.e iy
known at tlie .r. -rnt day. Ttir nuuy p-ia-
.-unit t
t.w ..n-nui.ti"ii ju-tifi.'- tlir ai.prWn
of tiiu-r who
h.ie r.-acou to h-ar lit n j.pr..acli.
iilhi-r ItuUi cciistitu
tifiial or l.rr.'.ilary U-tniniry. t
Ui.i t!ir .h-fM'.-rer -f Ihi rer.nsly not b.-.i. t
tl-t tM-opIr Lou.ld be CwUiUutiv do.-.u ti.riu.lvea Witt
thor ar- matir r.i uliTi rtis.-a! i t.wi lnr i!""-l
to rfitiatn uii'-rirrkw.t in th ay-tin : an-t a liht roitph,
r(tT:ir l-l at hrt an nmjly an annoianr. c n-.-a - nit
aith t!.ltl" ( ihf iti.-iit. An ni.jitir-- t-tt 'f th hh-td,
tt,r...-!i .ti-hilila'i-o of th Iimi-.-, H.U tl ".-tr-tn wj'.l.
nt r'n l huui .r. au-1 pnl-atii.n U-rom'-i fn-1.1" or t-!'t
atfl to 4 iferth inti-nsity tl-o h'-art. liver, an-l k. d
nrv. wjiarat-lv porfoiminir fnnrti-.n 'f ii'l n. '-it,
t.."oor wll tieiuiT ar imii-lfl in thir r-ifiiUr aciion
the tlv-!!!! orjant fatter in tUr taV anl rf us to
prr..rm Hi pr-.of r-ojiarat mi t tu- nutritions in'-nta
from food, au-t th.-wh.-h' inntal i -H it'irh r.-.W
t aink uo-lrr tliehnro .'f lifr. Hit- ati.-nt m a:ln.t-ft.
arH.unts Inn r:ie a r.m-i.lifJti- n ot Ji-or.h-rt. an-! oft'-n
rff-i--" to r-ort tw un-lifaiii-o. ft. .in hi tiiurouU i.a
behff in any ir.rci vf cure. lo biku
Ilia Anna ll.!.". a lli..f..iilily ar. rtliy ttiaronfl
A. nrn .r all. Ktr avm.t..m of ,.m...n " ur'lr
aa larmanantl. fra.lirala.l ! t " ' r
. '.i... ..... I.. l.nin.ran.l r.-n.-Tstini: t tl.a
tir- y.n
lii, -al lk.kilita.an. . IT.Tt.i:i..v earM f u ii- .... v
1... ..f ltr.ti.an.1 Wu-tliiiawarof tti Ma.H.-.
Ir... .f Al-tw-titr. S.ivna.. of .. Tliri.at. I nr-.t. an t
I .in l.ivr I ..mh.nt. falajiati iu r.f t ia llr-art. 1'iHi
c'uitr ,'.f llrall.ina all li.-- alta-th.ii. oi-at'l'ar in an
i-.rralil.lv .l.ort tun. alter Ming I'r. if. I'liUf. law. .
A.'a.-itu Bal-arn. ......
It n lurisli. anrl atranr--t.n. tha ration! wt.o t"
mo'li r. il.ir.1 to fartakr- "f r.'ii.inrip food. It ka! all
mt.Tml n.rr, Inbrrrlaa an.t iiittmmtinn. Il .traoilu
an. brae, anrl rav.tal.rai. tti t.rain. an.t I. a-.th-ut a
rival aa a t.-nic. a.i..t. in rtaetrlritr or matui tic t.irra
to . vara pan ... I'r.' ,":J1 .. .ci,,
aa.l.nolr..lf.l... .r,.lt.. r,.n.1., .
bnati. ial qualiliaa are lallj a iut in ilit anj fort
buura attar trial.
t h. in-r-tli.1 thn. no 1onzT delnr. "t
mkr the trial, and 1h rull will surely bo
of th m.wt gratify in; ehararter.
Th At'AnaX Dl- if -rejyr.a wnn
rreatrt rare, and tii- l-'-l material. No
tmius or f ijn-ns. arn afarM t mal.M it what
il is tli h-.t known remedy of th ni. It
mar ! tal.eo br either "f all fi.
at all aonn. with jierfert safety; ami it ia
none the W powei ful iu e-nqnenug th.-e dia
!. wliirh to-p the foiin lati. n aud t.trnr
tlieliw.'f aomanv inour tnidnt. Every faintly
i.houl 1 har it, ud rgri it M ft liuuniboia
Dewriptlvf pamphlet giren to U who tppty
to my agent.
IatlY f'i
n ..At J lla. i
ea. nun U.r.in
ww Z a. a tjr-m
Thf nboTe is for sale at 25 rts. and $ per
ferg trmrie, by 3 Baker & Zoloft Ajentt
I I'.ttJiiK.iioss&to.,
I ! .-JZ. . . T), .
F Lt'UI.SU'jr? 1 laiUPg 31111,
E.i'i-Js3:ieep cnnMantly on hand and
u.anulaciur tu i.ultr I'loorine. Siclin, .
UUOI'N.Nllkll, MaUlllTN. llliUl,
Moiii'Mli;: it all paitrn, j
and al niher dcscrijiiions of Woud Wurk ucd
iu Uiiililmq.
Orders respectfully sclicte.l and promptly
filled. All wurk warranted to ive niiurt:i.n
rV'An eitensive ..t .f l.uillbl td al!
description i-n li:ind I. r r-ale.
Faclury nrt A'.irii Sccitnd trttl,L.twUburg,Va
April its, IS.VJ.
AWCZT 1 'if ntl' rsifined Imve as-
pwf-.-:v ori.Ttrd themselves into r.ipart
ii7V.mnersriip fir t'.ie purpose ol 'carrv-"aaiL-jB,,,,
!ie ), . mil, crin, I'lan iri',
iid Carpenl. Tiii? bubiuoi-. mall their various
branches, at the
la'cttiisbnrg Ctrttm pinning lllil!3,
where thetr intend l' keep a stock ol" Tine,
lleiulork, W aimit, Cherry, I'. plar, As"li, Ma
ple, and all kinds of I.tnnlrr, Kl, .oritur Miel
vin?, SSt.liiiir, Miinu'rs, !.?.th. Joists, Stnddiii'.',
Fencing, Tickets, I...-r and Window Frames,
lVfirs, pihiitt.rs, lllin.ls, tsash. Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. i'latuntr. Siittin;:, Scroll ?iav
in:, Ac done at sh. rt notice and all work
warranted to yive satisfaction, Loth in j rice
and workmanship.
J. 1. ltrFFi:Mni!FER,
MMtiiN )i;i:iHA ti, i
HliiVM l'Klli-sllAI'il j
Lrwi-MirK rianint' -Mill. Airil 1, 1-. j
Hear IE il 1 1 U'i oil, Liiin Cu., I'a.
Tlii: stil.MTiiier. thankful !
i.T M.t n.lrin.jt'c tuiiiil.I inli.rm !
: i-'-'.t'Ai.-T I i - '
his lrier.il an;! w jml'Iic in
msStMsmm T.A th.it hp ri.ntititifs T m :i ii n .t r.
hire all kinds ul unU ii o(N, buvli as
'!nihs, Cassimere-. Tw.t'uaUinrits, Jeans,
IllanUets arnl KianiiiMs; aln. Carpet aud
Sinckinj; Yarns. ll;x n.a -hinery heinj (l ihe
hest kitul in use, and having einpi-yej (he
best nf workmen, he feels sale in j-avins
lhat his ucrk shall not be surpassed by
any e&tahli-.hinmi in llie cuntry. A cot d sup
ply of the above kept consiamlv i n hand
fur sale i.r to rj.chai.ee fr wo.d, at rm-es
that c:in not tail lo please. Wool, will be
Carded in the best uianiipr and rn lhe sh- rlest
notice. Terms f..r rardinr, rah on ihe de
livery of ihe mils. MA UK HALFPENNY.
Winiield Mills, March :iO, IHf.7.
I1HK subt-cribrrs liavef. r sale "".mr.
(in luts tu uit nurcliasiTM."''-! !"
K . . I .1
a lane stork .f k-3.Wi'j
ri.i: BOAKIIS-Vaur Siitfl
I'lank. Ac. ,Vm. 5.)iO I'IM. AM..S.
-0 inch Sawr-.l Shmiilrs Mipern-r qtiality.
Also !Stiare Tunber l.r DniKlino:
Which are otic re I low fr cash, at t.ur Mills
,.n s..i.iU ltr....w ..r ii. vt l .iA l.....r r.o.i- :n
.. . . . ' , . ' ,
ll.irlW'y township (T .111 V.Tt'.I i n the I.rtih
altrv .arrna-s rt.a l at tlie en. I ol ottr K'.a.l.
t V'A l;pbima l..r a Mipri.-r sample of
Plank, and a 1'reii.iuin for K.u!s ami Shin-jr-les.were
awar lr.l n at the lat I nion C1..A1;.
Fair. JDUX M'I'Ar.L & SONS.
lyTT.1 Knret lliil I' O, I nion Co, I'a
union and t eBimllia Uui.se In Lmlburfj.
g-WcHf Lesal Aueiitini-er!
I'.l.Donrlioni'r having been app. it.tei
sole Auttit.nterlor l.t-u 1sl.11.r2, i prepare.! to
attenit to all calls in his line iu towu ainl
Commission Sales,
n April next, I intend to open on
. . . . .
s'reet a Room l-r lh rrcepTu n. and lhe sa!e
at siaten umrs. tuaii kiihis oi tu utis at ac
tion. Any one wishing to t!ivpvei f any arti
ele ran deposit i. wuh me and 1 u ill .sell it at
the best advantage I ran and charge a per
c enlace for ihe same
nit !. d: i-i i: ithi:, or 1
Compound Ktrai-ltf Julians Kfula, i
In uni-rretih-nlt tt for the r:irr of .-Tf fiili an-l nil r-Sir. n;c
.ii-i-H.-.--; di. r. - of th- l.-.T.r. hi.lt.r?-' 2t. H.'l-r; '.
J a tind o-. brry. Im-n-hiti-, t lit'-ini t ii, t, '( iir- :it nil. ;
."l-tltm; i. I.J.i 1. Iti iii. :.r C. n-naii t;' !!. -i:r, i
Chi on it- .iD'l Iii.irnjti ry l.t.- unri !-!. Cc-1 iv Hi! iir-,
r-'. k Ih-inhi'-t". lvs( .--..I. .N. ; v.-n-i .1 M h n
Chmiiir rrotul.u. riT'- k. r nd l.yi n lm t:h lun- :
dular Fnlre-ci.-ntr. U Int.- ."w-iiiti.t .1 Bil oh-ttnate
1 Iretri, M. rrurial I. It r?- antl ! rti; -i. .o. V Irs.?-ri;:nL
of the r.r n. i. I.udu. Katin I It: - (" ti. - t arr. V .m l .
I. Malignant l.atinj I I.-, ra t thf Jh uih, T n.-ur. '
Throat and .-; fl I'aia:., Te'l-r. Tail-r - Is.h. and .ui lh- .
Bt: F ti;b Mit. "ti J a'l ill ,,-n-.-.- ari-i: t.. m :.n iM
pfl.e CT Tl T'.i. Hi "1. v ii.-) . r i.. r:-.ta -r. . if ;n;r. I, .
orrontrm't' d. 1 h- er. ;it .t u I :t t it . :ii--.i : 1; i- it v:i I t.a
tde rt-nit-tlj has at:ai:i'' i i-n t" it- itiir n-i no-riT
not to thr -i .rlt ..f j: - .r- ; t i t r It :-u-.-l l-v
rla--..-; aril phvi i.mttr ni. :it ii m.i i . Ir. v n.-
witn-rd i'M w.md-rtul AL ! I.I; VI l C !-i Ml . K "
elte" is in th- Tari'-us chiouit.' tliet-ast", dv Uit Li..itatc .
rert-oimi-nd it - a
vi:,iM,:s hvt r.nunt vrPiyr..
OfRe and Iv-j.o. lZ U:t- .-tr- t. I'ci: ll i:iAfwhtT
lr. l.tti! may ht cnsul;. J tin all -ii-- .ix-r.
Th follow iti); l. ttt-r fr.-m a hi-h!y rt-j
t-d ni'-m! i t
nf tin- tfofiety ol KrictiJs a!f --r-If tn vi!-t..-: t I IV
prt-at itti-riiri:y (f the I! 1 1 tutivi: to r tfus'TM'tii
act t:bi'A.:iI.l MUTUhL-, a t-ll aa tin- Var.jUulht
McUiciufa iu o'- titTa! u- f r rrii ltil.
cuci: or c.w, ym i. t:vit:p.
K-.TM.-IM KT.t ht-t.-rt '.. I'.l . l-'Rl :.,':!. 1
T.P.. Wu. A bv! . fii-tit: 1 rt- . i .1 a
fttr trum thci a t. w i.v mhi-.- in h-.-h t)o- u i-!i- -l
in t" ITf llot a I'urrer ! -t.tti !i! i t ti;ii-.rT - i-. I it ::
j hi t.rt Mtt:ir.a. lit! wa taken :ti tin t.iil i.i I - m I., ii
I in h 1.-th ). .ir, witli si-t. r.- j miii in In, l.ij, an I ih:!i,
1 anl vii rt.titiii.-d to hi.- ! 1 t -r tiv.- ni' Lth-i. In inf '
n-ur-if "f tli.it t in.-. n lil -t-r fi-na. 1 on h:- tin.h. l.i. h :
, .lHt-hHr'i-.l a sr- :tt .l.-il . I ! ly vat.-r: thr ku.-r .1 ,
. ottn-r Iftf tbtu foinnii-n'i-il - wiling. :nj a v-iv ..am- '
! ful; Am a i.-y.-f n-r- f:rv f, n.,t-tr.,l ;-r- I
wtr t'lttr hn-.r t,rt 7,-mr fit. uii'i iU.- .'inn, 'i a '
' 4jrc tt'i-int,ty fw rn-r r. JJ,. !, , :i ,.,;,
' t'i" l.n-t tu t o u ', f. 'i I r, ;! ;. ..,. f. T ,rJ
Ufdlr H-'i' lt t'tt I '.dy C- l r;i) !;t tl Ui 'i -t ;5:j " 'i I ,.'(.
1 litre. Il-th n t'"k iiti.- in l.t- arms.'ar. i h t I ult t i.
! on both, wliirh t re vry a;ntiil ai .J - rr, :iu 1 fi--re.- i j
i tiw i' ." "I 'y dt-imr-i--i Jii-i-t uoni 'ii j j
. inn linii' ii off. ctJ i m' ttr : r".', -r aim ( J
V;t ttt nvilun. if t a attrii'lt-t hy a l:y;.-;:ili lira
! Ct'ii-i'hTtUr h-ti'th of t;ao ith"ii't mu h t..-:i. !). '
tht-n took Iivt- bottles of IvWli. 3 t r itli- j
: out any rll. rt. Wr Pt-t f..pijr.l to a ptn -h'citi of hm- I
i ea.-t.-r bo pihrl a -L al -l.-iil of jiif. rt'Ut Wtiicine
I without anj ini(ir.'V.-iii-rt. L' ta r.-nt f.r i:i!iin i
iirsai'antia. iiryt-iiril th'-'injrrt il-nts fr' "inn A oth, va
ry in Lunca-tur, ai! nut h-a alli u. v. .:. -h he t k, !- I
Mdf an-at iti;tulity of trn m:-.'l- oi i-:ir.-a anl! root
and Sa-.afras mivl: aNo iTi'kly A-h ani i;.ir.Ik
TV a: tut all tlM lif.ii-troo.1 unt.l lie t'-ok thy ritJi.ir, ;
which we h.-ar:l of irom tltc LrntU it was lit-in; t tlie j
son of i D'-itfhtanr. Il.-nry Itnt-iiir.. In a ,-ry rl.'.rt tiiio-,
an iinpror.-nit'nt 'rr'-i-.titjif,aii l ntion.-l urtil he
waii currti, which wan with the twrltth l-utlle. It had '.
entirely chant t-U him l-.ith iu health an. I ) irit-, for :
wliirh I f'el iry tfratt-fnl tmlef.i aiid urn willii.tf to do j
all I can iroii'i-tt nt with truilv f.-r the Hvan; euit-ut cf
thy I'tl'L K ATI V K and the .rood ol the .ull-rin;.
Ihy sin vrelrien i, I.VU1A .Mtt-'UE.
Th.-e may du a. thet- st-t-s tit with this iu ek-LiiiK.
Thit larsr- rlam rf diea-.4. inriudin I'lwratinn. In
flaniation. Brottrhtal Irriiti---n.-. Ar .n- mont .H-fllI-ly
treated hy ihi of Dr. I'avis" l.-puratif r and I'r.
1'aviit' Throat Apiilication. Kt-ad thf tollowiug case vf
a r,t curt altar ..n r.mtin.i. J autl.-rinir:
. L ,st Tv.v. l l.trr Co.. Ju
Ptt. Pins IVnr ."ir: Ah.:it live year. l-.. 1 af
t-irked with a tlt9ea--eof the ttirn.it. which nme on erad
ally, but at times wli. n 1 would t;tke r Id the !;iin and
FulTrrintr would Im very distr'CMnir. arroninai.it d with
of voire to nu. h an extent that 1 c uld not n.-ak
r-iovr whixper. The dirane continued ftcitinir wt.re,
nt'twithntandinu I wa? u&d-r medi'-al treaLuieut vi four
dMh-rent fhy-irinnn. l!.et rnins alarmed at my condi
tion, I cneluth-d to iro to ri.il'le' j lua and consult you.
wnii'D you reroilert I did in the wiutt-r of l1..!, wh'-lt
you re.-t.rn mantled me to take your ieuratiTe ; and t.y
the um of four Imttlen of it in rr-nnertinu with your '
throat appliration, I wnn entirely cured, and hare re
mained well. It is dow more thin a year .ucr the cure
waa effected. Kepectfullr. tout friend.
MAKifAlt):Trt P. msnop.
Smt. TKffC ATTI-Pnori L'llS oixtmkst and Tubot
Afi'Ll.MTl'tii ulrnuld acrnniany the I'furattTe in cavi
Of .'rr.f:i?oa8 I'lrrrn and L'lrera. (Vr.. e-f the Throat.
rV Call or ihe Asi-nts, J.UAKCK & CO. of
I-ewiahnrir. and from re t'irralar rontaiuing a larg
BajM of eridenn in IHror of the medicine.
J. BAKER 4 CO.. At.i for I ni. D county. fi41y
James F. Linn.
J. Herrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. 1IXX,
J Atlorncyn at Law.
674 Union County, Pmn'a.
J. UFRR1LL llX romsatom for tha statr ef Irwa.
iib power to tak. DrfoFitlonaknairUdga Uaada At
lluckcyc toper & Mower,
Manufacture ) by
Central Foundry, Lewisburg.Pa.
riHK Uiirkeye Reaper Jk M"W-rwas ir.trn-
j iliicett in ir., atjii m perlr-riiy was it
i ad.apte.l t'i the wolk ilesisnrd iai al lh
1 (Ireatest I'ractieai Field Trial rver he! I in
. this c:unt,y, in July of in satne yar, al y ,
', rat Uif, it ii juijijdiarii'y rairt d ( Ii ti.e !
Iraii'l Hold MeJul and J'if.ioma!
At I ne Indiana Siule Trial, h!il at Lap. ri, in
ls.'pi, nearly as many niarhn.es were rpre-'
senud and as ih.-it u-lily te.sud a- at ra !
cu-e, and the
Euckeya wa3 agaia the Victor! j
Anl sj alMj at i.earlv all th field trials and
exhibitions in I.'., VjJ and ';n, wh n u wa
a coinpetiinr. At a number of r-sn.Nitii-ns- ,t
rerem d the l iri ('ren inm a a M.iuer, Kr--l
rreiinuii) u- a l--7. i-r and Fir t rieiuiiin as
a Ct ml.iiif 1 Marh.r.e. T..e.e tnnner- u
awaids prove conel-iMvely ihe coi rt c:i.e.s ol
thf deciM- n ai rat :e.
The oumbiifc. op;...-::ii n t.f th ri.annfae. J
Hirers of Mtc.vni" arV K'-apm Marlnnes arid
their eth.ris ticmi. a 1 lo brtn into disre-
puie .ht It 'ir.t- e, oiiiyrrv l t.. r.iv i:s
VtAll Hit 1 i ; a-; ! lhe :.-ar tl,
tamed of ii lina! m'.c-s at. I lr.u:h h m re
evult-iices of tin. real ut-r.li an i h.i:.l i i the
Tbe M:ieh:rie ha n w p; ,ir fhr nh ft-ur
harvests, and durn ihe J.ii i!ir-e over .Nine
Tin U'-an.d h.u oith ! t and t ,d ?.t:d :he
f.triiitT niav y: .jr of n-j tra':i-:i I v the riu-rr.er-
us au'.tid". iha bv riiiriiTiii"'''s butii at
lit-11 trials and at N:al arid Cmumv Kxhibi-i
lt n. a- wet! a- In 'in ".he tuimTtis b inand--,
Iwluch th'- ii;.iiu;aclurers I.ave never ) el been
able to supply. j
j Slifer, Walls, 5hrir.er & Co ,
Mannfa'-turers f Um 'i cU's f'aer:t M wr '
1 ami K-apT. Hnr.U;p l.'-nrf r A M u f r, lar
1 hn's Pare nt llor-e i'..M-r, U ills n's Patent
! F-d Vr Ciri-r. Uirh's ra:-nl Iron i'i. w. and
.Mirh.yan t ul ' VU,w ; aUi,;ove and Cas
' tniizs ol all kind-.. i
Viutritl '
fTt'ti .
Mull,,,- Sh;p,
I .'A oil' Mn i
litrj, I liiill
I t,..ut I., (r.'a-
N..T. 9. 1.'
(,iur.-. f.;r V J mi. 1 I
taU2imak r am! Ji udUr,
Locatid two .ir- rt :). -f : M:)(.iiuii.JI ;
Sir. Y. .l.r-l.tW I.-l l i I .
ClSOf'kM, Vate!ie. Vr., rr; n:f- rn shor
ii :ire and uarrt.te ! t.. -jivr safisfpni, n
IXr An eserUent a-- rtn.ei.r of a:rh-s
Clorks and Jewelry ( ri han.i ('., J'.,r1'vk
(ill.'l MfAMts oi a!l m - wade lo order
Leu'isburs. April I.'s
f ,vv if
e trv f.
.n rtyri-nt sr-( fiu Tnr lie rr-p'-,',. r
1 A 1 ii 1,1 i-it
lO.l i-V Hie
:n.l liit lu.it
I M- .i. i.l Atj'i.
,- j r'fe tl.at rn jt-
; h .t It! j nr:l .n
, -ti .1 .. ..-i i
r-.t; in a.ry- Ii-.-m
if K. n tr:- d ;
ii ff In n -.,ii . . .
!. d. ; n .1
' l!!) ! M. lif. It 11- -
u- iii a.l m:il.ir
in wl.i-! it !.
l ;Le t. i: ;
.. It no ,1
, i r. .id- i
. . I .
fii I- j
n- t-r
: t.I-
-iT.-in t)t
-1. d ti...-;
.( d ! : i: - t :
! a.r kL'l i
J.,- I. tl -is
.:: 1.- I
It. 1 kir
e . i-r. t.,
In Ni-.v,
f ttu;n:.r ...
tu n t.t i r. -ii
an.) t-t. rh-:
in thr in, t
(Jliuk. t!.r
t i .r;tii;':i j
i rrt-nr. m,
w :t!u-nt to-r
, a a..iiit-idtr
j i.rn.u-. .r iu..
It i- thi" latt-r prof
it n runarVal 1 v rt'. r! i
'o' u . n Li- i it a'.
s; .-i -i' a ti- n, I T
t-. tli:- Il.r u.
In -, t r-(. irr:ni
''"!)': ri,. r-. wl Ih irl
i and j m-in. r.: r. n, iv f
y w l.i. h
In umti.''!; 1 Li.!
; . i-..i.t:ini. 1.
I :it. thr iL:. l!?
iii.-J ll
-h nn . .
! In Hi- 1
I tit z 'oi: .
i r. t:i; t-1.: 1.-
;tT I .( T ti.
I-.-) -it
W.-l 1 'aljfl
Thf a:r. un.
vir. 1 t- ;"m
IV r.".-. !;i- r ti
In K --ii m;
t le r nf; j..
t -, in 1 Lt-1 .4.-1 .- ...
hrnri- nn-I it!r;-.r
m-.t' rr :n
ti m. an-
trr Ut
:r It wi
i .1... 0 . v it l,j..
rt. I. 1
iriL th.
: 1 -
III iNTI.! Jt'T.I.M Kll.
:; it: Ti t ih-..,mt,;v
r;,:iv. . :n:tl il.- i r..j
Mill ' ably
I- aitrre.it
r.- in tl..-
If lUf (.1
r- nn i.v ati-t L.Tj.-ii.- r.
V w -ttt!. II'.- I: t - 'f III"
hi.-h renown and u.-ti;'
No r- ni--.lv r t
t rv t : i:l-!i.".e, :,
fo.lv r.-t -r:.re . ih-t.
lion.T;ii . ! :t'-.i;i:-it'. n .
i...t:on f. r active aud
n ..i.ViT.-r-.l in the whole hi-r-r:
-;n-h ; r :i:; t. v. :.nJ
.1 .-ti ; .-nt.-. ,-. Rij.i.-:,
-:r. n .'h. ;th n on nnal ii"
L'lui ilui isril!c, ituucdiat'
ii -I
Put up in r-t f it Wet:- h-Mr-wrr
p- j.-r .. Cfllf- T : f r eile bv 'irtll
W iii If nt tr e to anv : .f ir- - . n f r
Ail ktt.-r, ordtT-. t-t.- . oi-M .. K; t;
li. L'VKK i i'o ."ir
ljSU -ui
Uii! j rii-e.
i ll .-M.
JU i ll H ST., N. V.
S'jl! ill I.riritlurr Uj
l!.i!.rr A I n r H Srli..n;r llarrK A Ditnran
HE sabstrilirr con
tinues tu rarrv en th.1
I.iiri-y ltt:lnt ss .-.
the ol.t f-iaml m niii:l.
Thinl street, near Market, an.t repecii'u!lj i
sulirits the patronage nl his t'rien.ls an.l tbt
public peneraliv. CIIAKI.ES F.HtS.
Lcu-isbur';, .May 22, lt.'itl
VCI'KIUI s anil entertainnr; little Boi.k,
(all about Matnm. ny. Mim v. anl th
tr matters,) for lhe ?mu?e ment of every KmIv,
(and the yount toiks, a'so.) on lotu winter
evenings, rainy ilr.ys, etc. Trice. "0 cent.
Wholesale, 1 3 Cents, lent by mail for eren
3 cent stamps. For sale at the S'ar ,V l Umn
icU" otHce. VOKL)i:.N A COK.NKI.U S,
l'ul!ijh. r. L...i-t.nr, 1-a.
U-P C - N I C.-w.
"Well jump into the M".ig - n. and all take a rid."
1 and verv cutnloria.
Lie )) lll) hasbeen
htteit up lor the especial aecomniodatit n of
Pic-Xic and other similar rxcurnns. Terms
moilerate. .Apply to JOf. M. HOlbEL.
Lewisburg, June 3, 1S59.
fL Horseman's Friend, or
Filiy-Tuo Valuable Ktceipis for the Fanner
and Horse Dealer-
for sale (lit. cts) by
liookbipder. Lewisburj;
Till, finest coais made on twelve hours'
notice by JOHN II. MILLEri. N". 3d t-t.
ihe ultlcst and best Tailor in Lewisburg
; Ii .r.i U.t- ; i i :u W r -. it .
. . 1 " '' ' lali I
f.1 dppjl vvi KOa m litem -
V. O-'-Zik' h ?J--Si-i17;j "..un t,o. . .,,,., ..1 .....
t - ,-.i:.frt' "r-t 1 i is ,!-... .. ..
a;T ! J -a... t . I - :..'! - I. I
An t f r tl.a .aljr rnra ,4 tU .!!...- r . '
S'r.il Srrofuloas tr. ,:. ',"W",;
r. I .m,ur. I I' rr,, sur
a-.il. ,ir, I'a.lult.. I'll... I.
Uiataia, aad all bkln
".IU! . Il... J
J. r. Aim a r... r;.!,,, : i
.- I .IU...... ., ,,.
'",'' -" -l..,l.,..
hi v tl;..i, a,.. mUl. .
i ...-tis .i i,,-.., ,,.
Itt '..I I... I...;.l .,., ......1'
sUl.t..l ......
... I ti a 'I iiiiii
oi. ...i I.. n- n it.,.1 1 ,u .
... .. a . At I. ,. ...
-I- I M- Ii ; , ..
..., ..i... I. r 1 ,. ,, ,
M..- ... lil.,-1. ...
. .'. ...! ..- .1 ; , ....
:'- la
I 1-:
.11 .1
.1 l
st tin
. .to
. .. I.
. ti. .: i i.
I" t uun ol Hi.
.-'V 1 M
"t. initiniiy-a r ire. lEosr or y
f..i.r Mini -..It IIIii UUI,
1: ui tu, i,m - i.
. i- . 1
i, - ,
ilr.n. hoi !
. I ......... M. .. .
'ilrr ..r S...
""I fk.
' aril.
LrilrnrrSn or'-.'l.li,
lira. fl. ...
I leu... I 1. rr,.!,.,,,. I, ,i.r..
. J It S ..... .. ' '.. . V. ... , ..
rr... !,.!. i . '"-.-I
. I I..,.- .. ' '"t
rr.irli.! Disrate.
re I.
r-. .1 r. rr- : - .. I rl.
: v. 1. i;ivi" v r.
Llvrr 4uni.lamt.
i r al
: f
. 1 .
St h irrns.f j:i rr Tumora. Knit re mtnt.
1 h i-raliou, lurit aud KloiiUoa of
tlie Hum.
A -! it v .r i. i f -n. Itc I .-n r-; rt-1 ' u
! tl. - ; !,.. i.- . i:i. :. i:.f- n.i i 1 '' 4t
' - ii f t' is -y. t.nt ...it a' t- hrre will !' ' ' t
-;.i. 1:1 .-t a: :. ' ' j mir . ' 'i
v :-.! .,. i.i- - l . ied air l vr-: a
: I.--U ...:-! . M;.i.,.r l'..:l.t.
1 pnin. tienrt llewe. Kpllrp
ay, Irlnnt lil . .ruiali.l.-i
: v t.-i
' y t'.
. :l..-r at-- ti !.- t-an
. I t:.
Tl .19
CIiGrry Fcctoral,
1 V
Tun i:.'i: vr.r.
i ('oucrh. 'oli. I ii rt ti r 1 1 1 N . 1 1 .in re Hf'S
, 1 r ii. Itri Ii il I
an it. y I m. n nl lor llir Iir I ir f
J of 4 iii i; ii iI i r lnli Hi
iu m 4l Muis
of tli- ai
. 1 :i t--. 1
. a. I -. A
. r
ired ly Tr. J 0 AYER V CO . towell. Xi
hv C W aSrhr.Te ar.? by Harris A
r. l.--vl-t nr.-. i.' I' Koii-h. N--w lrlm: thin t
. Ilt-r. elu. -n tr ; J ! liat and I II K:
i i.r: . I . rr j - lro. N.-w Columbia. and tit -
i tore JTJlrow
WrM Kranrh lnun.rrc;i ..rnpiicj.1
I . a. K II A V L.V I A. )
OX. C. . HAKVEV. l'rr.nlmt.
J. V. I HAl'.M A.N. t-mtcf.
lliis romranv, on enterin" uim n trr c.:a
vear ol tht-ir buii.es, submit the til.a.rs
Matrinenl of their assets and bu:nrss u a'
Nt.nit..Tf f rnliri-a in fi-rra .tannar; 1, l-t' K"
Ami unt ..f l'r.'irlT inarr.l do ;- l-.s-.-' J"
An. t ol I'r.cituu. Silt, in free tia ...il.i
N.init . r nf Poliri. t.,u. J pnat TvnT
Ann unt i.f I'r. r-rtr inurf,l
A:t..unt rf rr.ml.im Nr.tr rarrirt J
Aiuoknt . t Lt.i.-ra anr-laim J
This t'otnpany continues to ir
description of rrorertv. surh Z'
5' f 3
s-.-t. . 7
VU d'MSa
looiis, merchandize, Ac, aca:r.t
ae of Fire, and 1. r any nine ;:m:;t
I.ewisbtirg. Oct. 2.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees.
5i)3 f li-tr.rii'g ii'
T-k The subscriber has on han.! a -1
.J collection of b
th Fruit ar-l omm"
TKF.E:. Ac. Ac. embracit :
"berries. Apricots, Nectarines. t.rap-."
berries, Raspberries, Currants,
l.arrc Horse Chestnut. European
A.l. tmrrinn Mi.iinla.n lrl 211 rlf
j tor street p'antinz. Ever bloounni , ,0
a spienui.l collection m buiiuus
Flowennr; Plants. f .f
rS'Nurserv Grnnn.-s on the farm ' f
F. I.inn Ksq.'on the TurnpiLe, wuh" l;rt
mile of l.ewisburtr. All orlrrs ' '",,!
strict attention. CaTTerw. innm ! " '
WILSON 1 '1y
I.ewisbure. July 7, 18J.f).
FI'ICE in his new Brick U! ; '
street, south side, between I "
(up Mair.) J-ewisburg, May. ism
bj (. j sTlllU
-J !TrT7V nn r'.il street, a It
) umi. vl Market, if .4Kft. i"
f I',- .Ii-' . I.i-.M I, t- .. I A
a ,
" If: