"1" j Ml If mmm. 111 BY 0. WOKDEN AND J. K. CORNELIUS. THE I'XIO.V establish ia lSliWhultt No, 2,469. "niROMCLE," estaMishcJ in IS 13 Whole Xo, S90. LEWISDURG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1861. At $1.0 per Year, ultvayg in Advanre. THE WAR! l Z- - Our National Capital. tills IT'. The treachery of -1 in r.n le many a pair 1 s up turn pale : lor. trusi id tLvv. - who ti'ow (litre- we V."' 77.01. l v lo r li.".;e 0 wLon otpltetty Jlist il.'Vf li.ff 1. rOtt'.'ill 10 t-.ti-iiy lae tupitul. Harpers rtrry. s:A tiie t'.ospmt Nnvy Ytifl. itil.o ll.c I..;;, is of a wor?e fe il.ari l'.ritiiiii.t'...' I., i.t ts of thouesni- .u!.k v, "!;,;:i 1!,. tii 6t liiis vliOie-.-a!. ArnoluiiiiL'. T'iie 6r,c-akit. feout.. it-is have the L'aek ctio.'i remir. of ''. poffr they s.atlit to i'r.i-; :it the I it i v Arttiorv titoi st the'.Vuvy VarJ: I ;.tWu-:.i:.l'i..:i Ci ty ti.e West I t for wl.ieii tl.oy s-.ru'-k : Mift t!o pre-et.t. On s;v i u v. t'.orc tvi re- i.r ".fooi 't;..-A::o.t ica;.? ruariiiii onr NulioLul Cafilal and Kxecutive OlVu-er. Ti.o p!.jt to ke. ; otir tfi.-ip- out rf TVa-!.i:itfn. liy t:.-.-ri i it: I 1 1 : u. i-1 ;:- l.iuek vie Narlii a:. 1 litst.witii :.te altao.-t fimuliatoti "i.-.-t to .-l.ut li'irp'-r s r errv oti H'li !.e West i.:;i. was I'oto :nae 0:1 tii- evi-o veil vi-j Otl.'il. lilt a-.-l c.-,..i: a- f.ii-1 i'V ;!.o si of ii-:,. Vj..-t ll.ll t'0V-ils ali t!.-.i.-!oree.--to l..e 1 i-osi'iei. : aJvi-cJ ?:: '.heir war it ...1, the ma I lv:;.: 1 c : 1 lit v in a:.. I in Ilailitr. ic:.iWasiiitiir:ii ttiiIit have trtii tru tvi cavturcJ it. or cac.-fi !. V.of. '. ',: -( I i: out of ii.eir hand-. As r1'1 " r ios 1 j v , tiijp, poiis ei'i.er !v Usrerc-do-llrace. d-oivn, or from the i'-t .'.; eii.- still op a. thev 1 ;;ti.i loM wi;h iittie opf). fi'.ior.. aroi l.v tio tv.-. ciian-I- our ! -:iv ....1 .. .' i:,.W-. .:,:. ....... T, P. La- a!-o i ,:i Ke '...ir. rcljcis have t,.. C:e-;. i i ieti t'tiit'-i :' Vioe Pr.-iie:.t th..i:-h'. ;-:i. II iei.iiiu:..l. 1'avis f-l n is i-e nt Ri itMor.tze, ai.ri WHS iL'is pa rv. bt;t ?a:.i to r.:.; to romc Nur Uaiiroails. T, il. The traitors have h-jrapi.s arid Mails, s r.nj strange ati l 'i I..-...- o- n Laiiel; C-5S!.-.-..d'. .aa.ctorv rui:i rs are rotioiUJ 't-ro'JL'h them. N'othiu? is known v-'-h certainty of the extent of the exeats South, or of the p'.p;;lur 'eviir.j iti view of the unesfioeteJ and tsproeedoutod deaioastratious of ihe r.-ee States. Last Sunday families eoir.pofin? ;. i-erson j.a-sed through Lewirburz. '"-a near Harper's I'e-rry. having eadrivoa away on two hours' no- Thov were poaeeal.h' N-w lork'r?. suspccte.l oflovi:,- Liberty "U'i Law t'ove - - - ii - r T,.rir Ii,,.,-.- 1 1 C , , iavcrv t-- -is ta:;:i:y out of Kaltiuiore durilii - - ---.rt. . . .... v a i st --.r IV I --ro-'i. ar, t went to b;s lathers, in w-tnorrt:.ark. S,i;i,e of the jojople iCEtof those Slates may relru : Slay Lever will, but will be mo.-t --t'.aciole enetnit-s of sueh a State. yi teaeu their thiidrea after thtui to -site it. . s- 11 .mil .... ti -rM s. (iril I'll iworn '.lnn.l .1 -SllCar Wasliih-ton. paeJ U! tic -aer ; 'le ol tiie river tne :uu,c dav . j . '-'r narratives were reisiu"; to 'ar. -e Rebels hate already sent out differ- 1 feelers for "a compromise" tbe L'ni stattj ta tUspccj hi operations till t. J-lcritc' c,o mature more plans cf iT "1 tioletce 1 We hope the -ttietration wiii be fooled by no more J'o soegs, tut conquer submsssijn -t.ver a foe can be reached, an 1 pun .'"tasth oSVi.d,..! t t. ."nia: s.J . . y -u ci i.ora J.yons. proposed by taadtit. tight; . . .....M.s. . , . U:. wrAmong the LewisUrg Valuuteers .,-.. l . i , , , are several educated gentlemen, bandy with tbe pen, g aie of whom hsve conscn- ted to Jr.-.p us a word now and then to ' print fjr their many friends at home. A gd arrangeimnt that. all around but t , , wucn one or more niajsta'e the same fact, or give a ru-i.or that afterwards appears ULfjun Jed, they trill sea the propriety of . . , t t J our omntiLg Irotu their lavors Wiiatever may teem advisable or necessary. We gave la-t week a highly value! ketch from Lieut. Li.v.v, made, as he state?, '"with an oil lead pencil, and I can not see to read over what I have written by mooniigbf, so you will have work at d-'cvphering it." We give below, anoth er, fronj Mr. Muvr.it, in pencil also, and, a he says, '-written on the ground vu will please correct all errors, as I will be call ed into ranks in less than a minatc." Our readers wi'l of course cicu.-e any mis takes of fact or inelegaocies of expression mauc by men snatching a moment, now and then, to write with a pencil, anyhow and anywhere and our correspondents must ticjse us if we sometimes fail to 'ferhtay" their trick9. Orderly Sergeant Ciiamherlis, ia a note, states their union with the M jLtg in- ery companies, was by mutual request, aoj that curs is benefitted by ;he superi.r di.-cipline of the other companies, which have been l.nger drilled. C. rr..icji-np cf tti Slur a CbroolrV From the ' Lewisbunr Icfantry." .ii:e alter 1 o c;i.c; alter hastilv taiiiug some w tn Valours s.rved up at the Uuehler Houfe, we were marched 10 the Camp. The excite- meiii in and outsi,!- the inclosure was intense ar.d inanitetr i a disposition to at resi at once tne spLnt t,f treason and rebellion iu.w stalk iuc through IhecL Dntry. There was an utter ovrrtiow of volunteers from all parts of the !sa:e, so rr.urh so. that it was a'most impossi b 'o. pr -vote room lor the.r acci min dation. sr. i !.'oi voiui.iers lruai Dl.m were Judged ia the Mate ( ap tot. aiuro;.iv no riiin. we etTeeted a permanent or7ai:.2i'i ot our Con.ratiy, ar. 1 m tlie at ternu'.n t .-1 the catb to support the Ct nstau tion and the Laws. U-re we wre sworn ir.to tne I t. vice, the sop er.or ( tfieer v(.en. immon-; in jjt.1 the nuinberot men 01 our company, to w hich Capt. t'hiniberl.u replied, :i." I'an'i swear you in'sa d the (;ner a!. 'reduce your nuu.tr to ;T." 1 'hen came he tryn.i in 'in'tit. 'J'i.e faptaiu i;ave the ..:r'y io ar,v i re, who ri-tie.1 tbai be hat vo. un'.eerr t. to s-p out tt 'tie rank-, an 1 v tiini nioi.-. l ur .1 toe loiu.t-er '? ppei cut, t ut toe r. inii S' r rn l e: Leo'. re.loee l u ttial retired, it I'ecdiio th- do y .d' the (.'aptum lo s..,.ct i ihfrs. A le ol those thu ca..ed out, sat d-.wu and wop' tecau-e thev were .'-pr'. el . f th pr.v.Je rf enrai;iii m the rvic ot' ih'-ir o.'Uinry. Yr-. m this vou mav mir tn si- r i and i-rniii.a'i' n 1 t in tVm far;V tj slan t up at al. hoards m drietice of trie I niou, and in s.u;Tori .1 lue tla ul iheir C tin Si'urlir fvenir.E, three regiments rfthe Ve.ttra.nei vo.uiiteer. wre de-patchf d. o I " iic ui.n iiown. a- Ho v carr.e 1 seaied . r :ers. s.i,: th-n. it is r-'p..rte 1 ti.i.t ih-y sta. It, ne i a . r, ll.e ra:. '. a 1 line t eiween Ualli m re arid th I'trinsylvar.ia I.r.e. Y.-tt-r :av. a.ier:..,. n. a: 1 o'co c, we to:k up t.ur u.arcii. Ue were ai .c b i.otice the crea.e-t n.a:.i:'tat..o;s I entnus.aim a:.d nu'eiiifni al n our way. in tne city of L.ii.f ao r lue freets were so diisely cr w 1 e I itijt it u a a m - i.iij'ossiLie t.,r tne cars to pa-sthr oli. atid the i.oi.e 1 eheenni; ro t-W::n-'a:. t it w as la;. ) whic i. to o. d the air, isai'iiost m 1. sen: it.. e. Its ls.. accenis. as we passt i oui of ihe ci;y. fell up jn ( ur ears l.tr toe rr.:i..c of tne Mires wn.ch to-s t:.e i.i at t'ie It of i. rh'tall. v reach-d I'o lair phi at out isj o'clock, where we re tn i o' ! . . - r 1 t h.s n.: rn .r.T. v are t -iii-e-t w. ii the M nli: r.iery coii.ty llrjitiit-nts, (at:d 1 mar h"re -& iht M rr;sit.ji !i al: ne, ol tt.at c uiity. sent five comr ar. :es. .nci; c -'n-sis'm o.e haii lrr 1 n.er. add the c m.iy is ij..w iniit'i op a seeoti i rf.m-:,'.) We rraori1-! Ui tnoc- n coy. IM , at a. 9 i "c -c.ti. whie u e were most aereeatw d.s asp. roe t. it be -s in a slave -ate. ar, 1 tiie report hav.! z previously reach-d us that they would resist, ur a Ivance. U hen the citizens heard ihe s.oifi i oi tin- whis'. e. ;n.y concen tratel aroui.1 ;r.e l'epot and along the street, ty the iliojsin I, cvi-ry man at. i wtonan hav ir: ,n th" .r han i a treat for the company. Tuey had provided kt us an overflow c! pro v.si.ns pies t every descr.ption, cakes, trea l. ci'lfre. apples, orances. and everythinir els. mat was eatable ; ar.d as we nassd on. t-f iKc i,.wu, .1. ... tvas ni.ejwith ihe prayer from every lip. M!. J hies. you. an! i, i at tend you Asa still sreater and holier ex press,, ,;, t f their joy at sceine ihe treeman of ihe.N-Tih raliyin? to the suppt.rt of the Con stitution an 1 the Laws, the tears the fp,,n tsneous outt.ursis o; hearts loo full fir utter ance fnied the eyes ot the p-od people as they saw us pasains t,n- Le. aware u oii never sfc.i s.i IriT as ihe nresntCi.nMitutionhas an existenceTwe have received that guaran- tv :r,,in its most prumineui citizens, i ne .allC Ilila t'llvrT'I tl IIUL'IB VI IU . .. .1 i - . .. ; tate has oiTered its quota of troops to the d . r appropriated !ar;e sums cf money to irs-unil. :itl 'llitc vmtrii) ua.L ;ui-vnr suppon me lamnies oi .nose ...u luvi- e,l tneir services to the t.overnmeni. We reached the point where we are now situated. and where (unless otherwise or iered the r,:Sh.. -t about li o'clock. We have la.'en ,in quarters directiv acros ihe river from Harve-le-Orace. It is said we leave this place to-u.orrow m. rninr for Annar. We will nu ii.'iii ims... c ... 1 l ..h , ...n . oi- P,wi,h lhc s:renc:h of three regiments. The rert. - rt nas reacLea us mai r arc iu a attack- ci.co our wav to Annapohs, bv a lorce ot x.. "if ,. i, -'.,., ii m..t the . b,' d - an d witl ou reserve. Our cTm rant, lioi'b ' IreS as vet in m'htary drili, will do its whole dutr. Every heart t eats for action. It has adopted the motto, from the insuiis ,t has rece.ved.and will rally , w ith true hearts around ihe stars and stripes. that eluhca ens.cn of our liberues. . h.ch 1 ...i.r.,...t .r.anv haitlfand tnanva Lree'ze ' - - - j. M. M. , breeze. ..'-' rr i , -. . t .- . ... i ..... .. . . ine ciate a.'iDauc .issiuuj . ai.i.ic- fcurg finds a new field of philanthropy in ceioaiog meat uia cuuec. usj sm.s. - ...r3,;,.ll,..i i ',,..1,1, ill i . I - 1'i...sil... Marvlanl. t . . Maryland d eS;ot. as she is hound to do on. ,cj Att ,h,.y wnnu ..Kfii ; ,h. t,i, enlisted m StyiT e -oatj, are u Icob. : ."tf Z. M.niav. April ti-'," J 1S- The Message of Gov. n.cks of der the Federal compact, secure a perfectly Washington fcj jhe jsf of May " This is pany of eth.f coonties. I f"",' Z 2 ui., JwS f -T-i K f UryUi was non committal, and the f'n not the first of the bitter retakes they ' The Reading. Ailentowa and Patt.!,.. ; .':,:T.T."-.r'"l .'17j,.!'L7" IXLUZ. I-' r a,"d 'f1"'"""' Lg.slature, instead of rushing nto cces- r:; wiU nJ oat by experience. eompaaie-fr.:. old Fenn-vlvania-were i ,., ..n. rzll oT-ei mT- ut Wn' "t0p.t00,'f. ff to Vltnhr an annv comenttoL , . . ' . ! the firs, to respond .0 the President's call, i .T.-tS' " - t " m ."tin. to t'hem .hrou-h vour rape" a few 1 he L 013D'!el"12 ,D tfc.e l:"uta task, secure that obj-ct-and ,f need be, con. I There w a tcrmas disturbsnce in Tar- MeUsstt, caxe ceit-thea.Vew Vork. ' -P"' '" HTR i UNDIO rv.1 r i,,;;, relative I.. , or march since we left home. d estera parts of the States is b.com- vert Baltimore into a heap of smouUeriur kersburg, V.., 0c Thursdiy:during which , , , , . rHi Ue arr.vcd at Harnsiurs. last Kridav a lng s'rotger, as the Government and i'eo- ruins, and consume her rowdies in tneir a large number of person were tally in- L l- " ,.,,,,,, ""en' Bna sr.1' i MARRIED, Virginia Foiled Again ! , , . , l Gov. Ldcher issued orders to the mm- tary of the State for tie capture of the Custom House at Wheeling-but the 6 Miyor and people of the city headed them off an J have taken charge of it. Western , .". ,, , . irgima is not prepired for Revolution. Thus hare the treacherous and sneaking plots of Virginia upon Norfolk, Harper's r r ...... ; ferry, Deeiing, ana ashington, neen measurably defeated. Put irgiatis have committed several robberies of voxels and other I'. S. property, and insulted and driven off many good citizens, even before the rulers have declared the State com milled to the cau-e of violence and blood- 11 i. ,. r i , sued, t- juth Carolina Las shown more x t mmlipess, by going squire ou', instead of n-t'rneutifi.F t..l d.-.-.-irln Virginia. Las d-jLC. Martlaxd SErE.s.-ios. The interests and feeliD" cf Maryland were plainly for ,i-e r- uion, asd so expressed by the Gov- ernor and other exponents of opinion un til the Secession mob broke opon Balti more and trampled down all law and order. It was then that C. YclSott, one member of the Senate, called the Legislature to gether to which Gov. Hicks (some say under compulsion) yielded, and called it at prejiric!i lLj njt at the Capital. At a special election in Baltimore to fill va caDcies in the Legislature, only one thirl of a full vote was polled no Unionist da ring t-i tnlrp nirt An aif of P b - 1 iu a body thus and then called ! ceccisioo, p.e extnot: metr aeterminaiiun "LINCOLN I'l'LE IS IlALTIVORE. We publish from the Ila'tiinore S'Ot an ac count of the ternble collision in liaitimcre between the Ltrcd mercenaries and the citizens. It is enough to mik: the blood : of an American b:il with indignation. 1'taeeable, un ffjnding, worthy citizens shot down by the drunken, rondyih sol-' diers imported ty Abraham Lincoln, a catne which will a few years hence cause the cheek tf every American possessing any cf the attributes of humanity to blush j with honest hamc. And, as cneof those i Xorthcrn ruG-ios stated, when compelled j ti tue f r mercy nuny of ti.cm iccre ' f'jirrj to IJO." The above, from the Wheeling Union, a a specimen of the Sece-sion press. Is it possible that the editir of this delccta tablc sheet believes a word of this article to be true ? t3The Fourth Pennsylvania negimCLt is c .mp'sed as follows : N. rr.s f -v K.iie.. f'apt. R It. K. Tylr ; Kevst..i,e 1: iis. ('apt. (itot. An.er; W avr.e Artillerists, ('apt. Wm R tilierv, Capt. A m. Sch.u a ; .Nao.o al Ar Madi n tiaards t" r'. 'tstown. Cart. J. l.ti Ilro: l.-e : Lewis1, ur? Ir.Mntrv.t'apt J.W.Chainterln. ; Meiia Tnion Il:.it'-s, t'apt. iiunn ; and Hacle tiuar ls, Centre cotinte. ("apt. A us;.n It. Sny.W. '1'he INorns City li lies a:i 1 .Natur.at Artillery each have twu L'ompaTur. thus making up the ten Companies necessary to form tiie Knment. C..i; n-l. J. Y Hartranft: Lieut. C.!. i!el E Iwari s.-ha.I : Ma'.r Hi win Scha-I: lartermas-er. Win. II. Verges ; burgeon. Dr. J. K. li'inlap. tof A large meeting of Lidies convened in Lewisburg, accor ding to the call, last Fri day ahandsome sum of motcy was raised among tne oentu men, in turns irom i)'J and less and measares were taken to cut , andmakesjlJierEarmcnts. Upon learn- in, however, that Government now fur- nished the supplie w rk wis p"'poLcd. contemplated, the If our second Com- par.y is ca 1 f r, the Lidies may Lave a chance to give proofs of their gocd wiil ia articles of utility unprovided f.r. taT Printers, bein;; familiar with "shoot ing sticks" from their apprenticeship up, have always been found most patriotic and among the foremost to dash into war. We have already noticed SIX, among the Volunteers thronrh Harrishnej, -i.. have worked fer lis in the Star if- Chronicle ofSce-and there are THREE more whoare willing to go if their nearest family friends would consent. i aaWa saw two trivate letters last u t .t,. o..,i, . f,;. ; 1 p.in. i clean) cost manv a soldier his life in Mex.co. insulted by a mob while cn the cars pass week from the South, to friends in Lewis- ( . Aea rf per5plratlon brch,,;v . J. homeward. burg.full of desires for Peace, bydoyou rr nieh, air 0flen causes fever and death. , "L , , , f v- let your rulers make War, as they bave for five months past, upon the U. S. prop- -wTij' Artr titir. ne ami rrnrrn m Pfl t 7 1 tttdOWD the rebellion among you, and help punish 'J 1 ' C ri,iaiier3. and the war is ended ot i course. r. a .... v.. W lh ia e.aii-n mat uj. euiuu u accepted the services of 10,000 Volunteers, and declined the offers of 20.000 more, t.;i .sm ,.r th inilnr und remote . nu.iv ... . - counties cave not yet been fceara irom. Pennsylvania alone could raise the 75,000 f, l.w th- President. 1 .. , e. ir.. i. a ..v.. 1 " " . ' , , PP ave Lit npon our plan of issuing a paper semi-weekly, to supply tbe . J dImind for news-each, p ob.bly, ' (.sourcase certainly) without know! ; ing the intentions cf the olher. j . ' . . , ! Thousands of the most honest and ,t;,;.,l r.rr,.-ner.t. of Mr : - " - - - - - - t""" - V" Tivrnrv atn it ihathe is rravinff n him5eit a moderate and asscrect man, wno . . ... . . , , tat is ricbt as orar as le can i rTSee cw Adici tikcuicuU. ' I ' The policy of the i'lesidei.tiallnauiural, in ,ime, 1o ,Iad on the defeos.ve. was well enough, in lrttm the first b: .. le suuck ty r'b -'h - "j"? trtends of the Oovernme nt to a view of ineir uar pwiuon.aml ii umim; them. But, as all d-velopements. are progressive, when re- hellion has siiownits han't, an inactive defen- slve plcv, ls no, the true doctrine of the Government. By the compact between the covering and the governed, the former are sacredlv bonnd to crush the rebellion. 1 tui. ' 5jn,s upon ttiouj.nds are ready and eager t the cont!ict. I.tt CJuverament en1 an army. invulnerable to ri-5istance, on Richmond. aid another along the base of the Mississippi. Lrt rnr Xavv blockade, and. if ncess?.rr. b'ox to atoms the Southern ports, and plant the sisrs and stripes on the dome of the rebeis' capitol. 4C(j purJa a I.atiCster and theater ono - Monteornery. Our brave citizens, now ,n the ,ie ,eD0(ivUltIlil w.jU; l te attacked field. wiii become weaned by inactivity, await- ir.z ao a tar.K. If there are ro t enoiigi in the - - service, let our I're-ident call mere und the re ;uisitiun will be promptly answered. ; I am not prepared to say bnt the p !icv of Pennsylvania, durme the tiltine of the Uit Leijisiature, has been i verruif d for eo- d. but it is unquestionable in my mind thai ihey di l not do what a Napoleon in liUc cirruin. tances w. u! I have done. Instead of fen ime Commissioners to ashmeton to gel d.wn rn their marrow-bones to -at dirt, we shon' j have immediately put oar tate on a war to..: ir.e, n t on raPer alone.but in filiir.2 arsenals with arns and rriumtinn s of war. and caus i:.; spr? houses to groan wuh the triht rf proviso ns .'or man and beast. Sneh a policy w u d have had infinitely more etT'rt in con quering a peace, than ail the eris rf '-par. raee. wh"n there was no reace," t i a band of desperadoes l.ke throwing pearls tef.re swme. 1 h'-pe the present siltir.e of the I.';i'atnre will learn wisdom frim past ejpenence. Let no more Fort feumpters be acted over asain no more fear of edendins tra.ter by d on? dulv. !.! lo.t the s:mn!e saietv of the Fed- ira! Capita! be the all-enrossir.g subject. Let the would-be lion be bearded in his den. If she is the metropolis, have been ftT years ruled by rowdies : Let the F.iecutive anil peo ple of Maryland know. that, if either from incompetency or nnwillinsness, thev are up able tn controle a Baltimore mob, there is a higher power"' ihaieoji and wiU do it. J. F. L. I Com sponJ-o'e r-t the fur A Chn niel. Miri LMBcno, April 27, ipl. The war! the war ! of coarseis all wt hear cf, now prayeJ abouLrre ached al-ca:,.rtar:i-ei about, ari l ta'kt-t about, tn the familr cir cle, ihe shopj, ihe st. res. ani erer) where! M mm n-i tS!'1tr in th .rfi1 Ik (tp; rrecy am-ju :t dit.-r.otlT : ThT hm !-.tr h4, Ani whirr on t,fttnr in th pr ! Ao4 1 Unit pw., ! sr:f-r th Lrr' wt1t; ai'.rt h- tlint h-r. rak- r-arol e-j- n. Hith riQkie4 brow, wi'.h o!, with ro.lioc In sober earnest, we man to sar the excite ment here is intense. .Never tefnre wss nur c.'mmnrnty si news haurry. New Vcr'tf ar. 1 I'hila'l- Ia.he are in H'n.ar.i rettir-e to le ai essential 10 !he c-tnirV-rt of . i.ie a Ireak an ! supT-. The to?!ar & Chn n.cle"' is rea l ai.'l riihd wuh avii.ly. Last Thursday ven:ne, we ha! a cc-i T'nin Prayer Meeiinc ail cur Mir.;!fr in areniatiCe, and a fuil hnue. Ot the same merit we had a spirited Tnion Meet;n? and exr-!!-iit adre ses fruia Messrs. Ihli, Br.cher, Varj(i 2t:r, Mi.Ier, Uarr;cr,an 1 Hsser. Jndj S.in'ni'n rre-ided. Cap. Ku'jsh wuh Mar tial .M j'-ic; an 1 the ew Ijeraii V .tunieers addd lo the interest fl the rfieetirc The Hadon Urothers delighted a'.I pr. sent with the patn tic strains of r.-pki-ri-hm Lr.ur.i. T.'-n rht those gentleman are civ.g a rr t.cert m the M. 1. Church. Jti Izine fr. m number pas-in on th-ir way, I preiU.T.e they v.i.1 hare a full hta-e. A company bf ladies hare nrcnir-d here ' and are Urenusiy dubbed -Th Flying Ar-ti'lerv- Their l"ject is to became familiar with fire arms. I ha J the pleasure cf seeing three (,f the ccmpanv h;t the mr'r; to-dav. Your rr.'specms T-r a Sen.;-Veek!y is a: hand. Success to the enterprise. , Advice for Volunteers. An t:0'A 6..v. ...w-.. 6 vu.-s.r, JUi Ptri:D:9. fjr ,h9 beDtfit cf ,ho6e '10 rf or rcec 13 occome, foiuters: 1. Ketnemver that in a campaign mcremcn die from s.cl-ness than by the bul.et. 2. Line your blanket with etc thickness rf brown 'trilune. This adds but f. ur euaces ia we.ehu and douMes the warmth. 3. Buy a small India rubber blanket ( -r.iy isl.r.o) to lav on the crouud or to throw over ; our ihouMers when on euard duiv during rainstorm. Most cfih- Eastern ir.ops are provided with these, straw to he oa is lo: always to be had. 4. The best military hat in use is the licht colored soft felt: the crown being sufficiently hirh to allow space for air over th- brain, You ran fasten it np as a continental in fair weather, or turn it uuwa wnen 11 is wti or x'"f "'."'. . ,- -... throat and lune;s. i rt owen.".,1 1 climates. W ash your body each day. if pis- ?Me. Aroid stron? coffee an t oily meat ,h ... fr. use of these (together with neglect in keeping the skin When thus expo Hrt nni fi,ri?.lthe b.anifeL ; gr-Rr.EONsi' Dandaoies. At a meeting l..li t ;nVa VavV oitr in rirfirrr w .a-no. Mn..aaavvv-w. w.--j--(--r means to aid the sick and wounded of the - o f.a .r a n, :.t.r!. : v ....I, ai ,r ,ya f..ilniri recomuieuacu l.uj..,. v. .uw -''-1 , . i descriptions: 7T0 be mate of seven-cent unb eachedmos- lin - - inches w,de and h yaris tonr, incnes " j i. . i ... i. long: s incnes wiuc alio u luusj v. . in. u . .... ... . wide and i yu lone, i o k ronea very ..gni. and pinned; and laneoeu wi n a gummea , ace, describing the cnaracier ..a irng.n o. . rin .ii,c. ..untiu.,, ..... - - - be H inches wide. Facaces to be formed of "ve bandages, one of each Und-also rack- gT LoVIs, April 2G.-Tweuty-one thou- cnanau u.s voiun.eereu ,or ,oe c men, - ; ge$ tauny of the s inch bandage .- (sod nd of with .munition, were uncle .s said to be warmiog np for the . s . . ,t. i cent from tbe V. S. Arsenal in this city cause. .A t''il a" nigbt, to Alton, whence they are to be i Got. Jackson, cf Mo., als say. be .j XSSSiS,.... W, - 1' " " fcv land or ca, tbey don't care which. 1 "P . . t S J. n , a...",! Ti,.c thev would rather ant dat eo 1 Tbe stories about "dissensions 10 the . Got. Uurton, of Delaware, Has ..eu JWrZJ: " d not h( Cabinet"-"Mr. Seward objects lo - for tbe organixation volunteer copa-, "bgbting , it is easier work, ana Dot Da.l --'- a .u. J.f ,h Stata. Whati dangerous. They beliete their statis- . ... . ., . . iim ftnna lu.i uuia I I ca bib luat iu .. f 11 I 1 . 1 .. ...!'. r. ft.. 1 1 i . 1 I ne lisOlug husiucpp, iu pujiKiiiuu uo j U. .n.n'na.'l ihin inlh fcl.aodiest HU.UUST. . .-r.- . wr - uun imawr,,, r. , t- Their Braggldacli. neiore tne rre-iaentut r.-ecriem, uootri JUUILU6 UCC'SICJi 1L1JI II lilt: 1 f UplC Ibw'JC iheir own cbuicc of TresiJ- nt. Le wjuM "nest cross the I'utomac with bis mx iizr;-,j atrnd ".ervant." ouly aud returned minus his servants" ihcy having "t ceded.") J -. .1, i I . t i m in 4'i 'i i Jeff. Divis, c .ming North f jr his Inaa guration, tl.riatvDeJ that ''the enemies of the Cotton States should smeil Southern powder and f-.el Southern stucl." (The "stral" is very visible. ) Within one week, the enemy bave raised the alarm that Chambeburi:, llano?. r. by Southern Hotspur'. This may Lave alarmed some of the ignorant and timid, but there is no dang-T. Tne revolution ists will Cti it ''ail they can do to stay at borne." Waiktr, Secrfary of War of tbo traitor Confederacy, made a speech at Mentgom- ery on receipt cf the news of the attack on Fort Sumter, in which be said. ".No man could tell whero the war this diy com - menced weiidcnd, but he won! d prophecy that the flig of the Confederate States would at over the dome of the old Cap- ttol at athiogton before the 1st of May Let them try Southern chiva.y and test the ei'nt of Southern resources, and it might Cjat tteMUaliy OTer laLeu.l Hall itee.f." Oa the 21'h An?. 1SH. the Friti-b ravaged the casts of Viririnia and Miry- land, scatt-ring its mihtia under ''t. Winder Lk.; chaff, and burning our Na- tional t.apital and the 1 re-tdent s lipase. The enemies cf our countrv ;n li'jl boas- i.ir.xl llioM.ii.fr.flht.lan in.l t'.il .Taolr. ton't'eir.ji"of the number. It appears that eortais ecei ani.ts atten-CteJ to aeize come arms that were stationed in the Jail, when the act was forcibly resisted by th Ltiion men. A rchitotis ciriaregation in Marshall county, irj-inia West, near Cameron, as we were informed yosteriay, after the dismieal tf the service on Sunday, was called together toeonrider military affairs, and the nu mbers enrolled themselveii intn a geueral I'nion c?ngrf-ction, and sent a representative to heeling on Monday to consult and co-operate with eimiiar crga niiations. The G overnors of N'oTth Tar-lisa, T.n nessee and Mi.seuri also refused to c mp!y with the 1'resi'bnt'a rcojia-sition, and he will probably make op his iambr by the surplus eff-.red frrn other j-taos which are loyal. The Secessionists in Mis -nri hive agiin r bbed the arsenal at Liberty, at.d committed other cu'raes upn the public, IJorder Ruffian faehitn. North Carolina has "captured" ibe worthless and unarmed I. S. forts in ber borders ajain. The Governor of 1'elaware i- a Secessionist, has the arms, and says noth ing ; Senator liayard b gine out of rally are f r roach ; but the p" pie p. nera the Union, and will rai.e troeps to aus tain it. New York, April 17. The Hrvst of this ete-mnz says it has r liable infor mation that .V. were killid and 1-10 Wound ed in Fort M jultrie. (Doubtful.) Senator I' oiglas has assured the Presi dent that be wi.i tai.d by bim iu bis c .in stitutional iS .rts to si-tain the G ttrn- n.etit, and rotect the Federal Capitol X tviwll.. r.o.r s,v. th.t ih Vi-.1. nia Convention broke up in a re w, and that noSicession Urdinaoce was hynHy passed. (Bat what care the trailers f.r law? Men who rpenly violate their il-j rpenl' Uible ea.hs, care outhicg for Constitutions ) The enlistment cf Kiilr?sd engineer3 ar.d emplovees is very properly dl-aii .wed. TLcy are all needed tj transport troops and munitions rf war, and none bit the best men should be employed in a service where inexperienced bands wouiJ be very likely to make dilays and accidents iuvol- liE(, rcat disasters. . ,, , hundred s.aves bave ''seceded from Marjlacd, a ready, since the Plug Czlie-s there iiegiu their war upon LlcIv nm. v"' r T1" Cincinnati Cazidc says that the reception of our Iroops in tlatTeTs'l .ough with hi suite, i,Brt,hn. Va.. I". S. Senator An- Al I.TnCLDUrg, a., l. . drew Johnson, of Tennessee, was gr..s.-ly ' going down rapidly, in consequence of her present rosttion toward the Union. L.st au- uu .s s. e present position iw -teJtt', opt irfimm b3Hd?i It'll ! i per centum, -- c a and were worth only of. .1, Manv cf the crorerty holders in rni.a- have resolved to reduce the rents delrbia . . . ",. ,n,t have notified e-rs, ana nave n-tiaej ui Le required during to lamiue.-oi nntee them that no rent wiii Le : tii dip nhcpn"-. M., Vmr.rvrr Whilst cvcrv rood i..un. ... .ml ctiiaen ucsirea iu urn . j t-. -. - t . 6trlps wave over an unuiviaea c nion, lei u ,r an(1 preserve peace end good or- mo . ... ,i.iz,n ,nJ l,r.l.W ! an interest. I property Holeier Las an intereat. trenie measures 6ia,a,-u, v, , .:....',. n.n.r : j ITmnlcnT'll.! A . . 1 1 it tnr "7 Five ear-. ii.uQHutu.. - - Im.la of f,l MtlVeS IlllltiJ tO-dlV llOOl tne --O . . ' wuUlh. - . . . , . J "H.IB Glakoi,," lo provide against j'"""- - ,"7,-"-, tcin; frmcd ia Ibiiade'f bta and other; es and t.wns. '.. Messrs J. IT. Gn'er, S. tV. Triee. Anders; K,!!y and J. s. r;;,., .iTVc" Ulman, K.-q , adire3i a m-eting in Jer - bfJ Shore, avowing their wiiiingoets to take the field for the honor and defence cf their cuuntry if need be. At the Race Street I.ntV ran cbnrcb rf rLiUdeipbii, Re. .Mr. S.-bs, r,?rri 0Df hundred and fifty ladies are patriotically at work making elothirg for the so!d:. r They aro locatel in the Ketnre rjotn, and are n.t cuLCbed to the laiies of the Chur.-h. Mr. KroLn, cf Sunbury, eipt'ivd a i!mon at that p!,ee that wtghed llf pound, and Mr. lJjyd caught aLo'.herj weic'oing 9 roan Is. j A borribie calamity cernrred at t':e oil well of Little Mtrick, on the Huchanan Fiat", near I'rankiin, 1'a., ra Wednesday. A vein of oil was tapped, and a spoaf ; thrown up 00 feet ia height. A crowd collected to ate if, when the oil took rc, ni SI explosion ook place, killing four perim instantly, wuos bodies were con - sumed in iheCimes. Thirteen were dead at four clock P. M , cn Tharsdav. and lay, and ten were rot expected to live twenty -fear hours. 1 birty lour p-rs'-na in all are; to haie been burnt, and as there 1 Known were many stranger? prtsentj it wu eup- j posed more Lave perished. I P pe A olunt:cr meet ia PIin(rnTe i a, i son. and cther. evelI soldiers were ""F"' Harru-burg-we .uppose, hT9 bs "-"P'"1- , Gee. Harvey, of L-tien:? eDtrnty, it said, has ra-s-.d a whole conpiny of bis former students ia Wyoming Seminary, Kingston. The Ladies find other citizens) of Fan knry bave won much praise from the Sol diers by their aiaerity and bounty in furnishinff refreshments to several of the cmpa-iicd pb-s n.' throcsh that br:uh frota the North and the West Grao-h James Kird Ilardinr; ( nephew rf the James Itird who' f snght and bled at Erie,") is captain of the Wv outing County OuUi pioy, f rmed at Tankbannock. J ihn H. I'rieo is Second I.ieufeasnt in the Kife cimpsny fr.'m Wiliiamsporl. In 1'hila lelphia, en Thnrday, Bish-p Vi'oi d raised the American flig over the d:me of the new ("a-htilic Cathedral in L jin Souire the height being 230 feet. George 1'ifer enlisted i:h the BcIIe fnte Fcncibles. Of the Norri.tpwn Compitiie, one nan wa shot dead by some miTndertandinp or mistake, ani another committed suicide, while in th camp at rcrtyvillj, (ojpjsite Iivre do (iraee j leor M. PePui i, a-nong the Wood- d., Volnamsporr. : ward Guard,, 3es the. two ('omraoios sent from V,"i;,iitnspsrt, ao Irish and a German company is being crcaaiztd also the "f'aek-r Liht Guards'' and stme sharp shooting '-Lycoming Rangers," from the L'yalscck. The American Eigle is said to have : d-ne duty over Tamp Cor'in, and aNo al onc -a Vji a la - - crancti a tc0 cf that tirl bating beer. earii.g j over tbo soldiers cn parade, cheering them with the omen. j A m;ctirg ia Northumberland to raise ' a volunteer company was alJr. ssed by Uev Mr. Iiek-on ar.dDavil ragirt,Es. Shsmskin sent d.iwn to ITarri.-burg, on Monday las!, a company numbering one hundred and t:a men, cDrnmandei bv Captain ?trttie. A meetirg w held by the citizens for the purpose tf raising fanis fjr the o-npany, and aiding tiose who leave families, f r snpp.erf. j HAr.Rl.-Bi-R.;, April 1! The Gover nor's message lo the Legislature will ree ommend the passage of a Stay Law. The declaratory portion of the mesjsg; : will say that Pennsylvania will op-n a . '.leading from the North to Washing- ton, it D"'-t. . ,..(, .J ttr,if 1 Au ppr.-.pria low . millions of dollars, pei.l. fi; less than three reeornmecded. - will le A reri ibition frm the Goccral Govern ment was received ti dv, throngh tbe hands cf Gen. Patterson, fr twintyone more regiments twenty infantry and one cava.ry maKing a to:al t jT i ennst.vania ...... . - t - . ,tf, -ft , I ' r f t7h" r i ' bave been already filed, at the Adjutant- .f...--.- .- --- General's eef, save for four regiments, I I'Liladelrhia. I 6-g a chanoc I.r i tiuaa.if ma. i Last I riday, the M;nate-Mcn cf Baiti- more acia rawed the Mars ani Str.pes 1 oter their heal quarters, ana it was "re- i . r.ro.,1 ' that the anthoritie, had inress In r --- -- - ,, ' "-,'"6" -- ---"t' 10 pass inrougu iaitim,re. A favorite nephew of Li-l resiuent Ha- .-..- - . it means rxaclr. can t say. - lien, ilarnev. L . --i ,rI - - - - - j . - .. . IDe eceSslOntS al Uii.m s..j, --- , . 1 aUMltwaisl ima-v.. I t&Otr ntjcl piptr ttiS U Uucd prol. a)j FB,AV ArtERSoci.i. Tm.: .i.ifKIt KIFLE6" of Ua- ion county act Iiu-t ereniaj in tho j Armory at LcwiaWff-tendcred their i r- 1 BCrvict's tc Oovernor.by Telegraph, uaJcr tie new requisition and SeUo tcJ the fullowinsr OHicer3 : r.j(n jnnx r m -m m tiru .- olMMBEaLIS'. Sz-kJ Lt K Kn II V few l-ru.-'.j &rwJ- ril'iIAS ....iKWI'i. .vsU)KI.NA, Ij. 1RKUK. ' J.liVl-UIUIAW t K.sKK. i r. vr.-o' W ll.l MM .1. ilTil jaX. s.rt' tj. --j ;.K 1. .1PKHLICIL .V- m-l ..rH M. f". 1'fe.HK. J--...I t'-.-TJl ik .K Ooe.boV. t :rt. 6w.il JOHN V.ilLll A fetr stout Volunteers caa tavc a cLaneie in this Company. UtiJOi'sDurs IHacfeet. Cjrrtdcii i Wheat 5110 to 115 Egw f 0 Kye i) Tallow 19 Corn tew 45 Lard 10 , 'lats liim li i Flaxseed 1,12 Shoulder and ' Dried Apples. 1,50 Side 9 4 9 Firkin Butter 10 Cloverseed $1,00 , tresh butter... 1JJ I'otatoes SO T.:Z?;l? iii"c 1 l.S-4 b. f . ID &- ill I t.is do s a-, l.i i ii a.s do 12 A lil i.: niMivlMj .r it ! aui. i V -a da UNION nARELE WORKS, T KITTER'S OI.I ST AMD. Market 6t between 4th and 5ih, LM lbHrs;. 1 Constantiv on han! a r-r.eral assortment of sanrsiu.or(W fer.!ll .rl sAk tll I IMIU K t N.w k.riln. H. K... Mr l-liu. tth M.Jt'V.g KLU' k.vaa mt Ccwa ooant. mal LLtZ. XILLKH Bnja At h-r m. Win. -?i"v hi A-jI Tp. Vtb but., to hT .V4 7. Mr. " i T rvit-t of lb Wta Jobs MMkaV In H-.T Tp. Jt'b lrt.. a.-4 ?amn, CilAiU.M DKKI-H.U H.v.o ff Wrtitj Vrm In V rVr .n. l.-U iat, DiMiL FUT, ftf M UNION CAVALRY! ' Von are hereby notiflei to meet tot Parole a! the House cf L. I). GuldiO in lh bors .gh of Lewnhart. on the first Musdar (Ml,) of May. IC1. at 10. A. M. By order of the Captain : JOHN HATE 8. O. t. Sherlff'i Sale. B7 " ' an' a Pi-w r f l"otfo r itit mo4 tr b Jircv . ' wj"i foM:. c-r coury mt th f mint ) n f It. D o!otnu ;n lh r-ftmivh ff L-v.-birg on Fr-ll -aT th M h V 4V t.t. t on od- a. M, f -ti!t,c on.-ii i ulL.id nJ lit tf gtx. uiL U, wf A LWELLLM, HOUSE and STORE -f l.T 9-t; hr1r;T frrfitof ihirtyALn lVt w-1 -l-jh - f f rty tWt. ir . ritual npn m i-ruuB LlUf.i cf tr- int tthin th horio.-h (,t iLarK tu i coiuity "t oq Bf-rsft 4. 'iKlwri-d 1b xht l-sb fim of tail tmti.h .:b tbt. No. u tf at U r. ukb th t-'.i th-r f. fr.ilitiT on Mrht uTt iaaaud boraicli 1, ;t.,::f I- V . r-a th- k.t. Cfc-rrj .iy oa th N r'.ta. avu-i U.r W-H l.fcit af U o. 34 on li.m VtTC. acl ym-t artixit ,n th IV uth tje prty J.Ca U. iJ.VW N. J' HS OKOf?t,ti.l . sb-rlff. fhtHfT LaTX4burj. April, iy, 1-1. (JP0(1 "eVS XeV GOOds! yer yi .?; J i. 4' U-jO ...' r n srnryc jyv yr-vvrB rfK fimiyi; A.r Fntxtgr t on fi i:;.G i.vo utMMtRt t-jji SilXV AM) Si MJiLZI (ALL ..AS HE! CALL i.VO SI.E! CALL AMt tEEl CALL AMI m.e: kuehek. trcimw hRKHEK, .VrLlRE C-J . .. i at..-, jnnMK m t-:Vart. April T, IS. 1. ImportanMia Phila.! Harsh k Goodman. Uk 'uIutj, KAVE received ar.d i per.ed a CHOICE assortment of all the latent atyles cf J-pr..u and Summer loc Is. The particular attention of the Lad.es is culled tu liieirsiocai of itrilttarits Dress Silks J'r.nts Iela.ri.s awla Y le.Fr.Mericoa t'oi.ara Loral. giefves (Jlnchams Icserlinra F. ulard Edgings Chmtzei ..ovrs,Aa ALSO Cloths. Plain and Fancy Ca.jimerea Jeans, Twee Is , Vesnngs, Mn.lim, llrill inrs, Tick.r.gs, Flannels, Eoou and I'pt'hoes, Hats and faps.j together with a complete assortment of Groeerie?, "'!a-a "cisfem-- te-aiu.are, ,1 rf which w.U be disposed of oa as ravora-V.'-" rl,Fs can be ruret- . 3 the a, 1 a.-.y-n... t.wa tt a tall.' Tr,- nifl Rpt VVJ MtUl mm n,3t JOIl WALLS &. CO. TT AVE Jast "'rel (i0 add.tion to ihaia- j j mrge .mcki a tresn cFr y or t"-- AMJ M'.W.ME Cilil- an 1 trg !eav - pectfully to inf. rm .he Ladies and Gentlemen "t Town and Coun-v.that they can suit them h u , mlt. tV.e,c.uai- DtIC, ity and price. ror the Ladlrs, nrh P'.'s :! rnrr 'ill U.trk Si ta. noh V rBf 1. ir A ' .Inis l',a.4.b.f r. r :.,. f .ai.'. V L r M iiur. tl.ai- rml iru ei. -waa r'Vi- I'r.cl". Ir, la C. s 10 1. t,tA. hd tl y.twt , .-0,c .Li H&C l.h ISf .t. -i Tr1 T D Tb a a f L. It-. l a.. dVaen .. .!- '" hm- m.uai,mi t. li,..-r.. ad Wciu (sla. U u4 iHakcic f-xsl ct irj G,cnleB, ,!,T"" .T"g . n-., t.., ..c.t ...i a. is...r i :I ". WAKF. fEENs- WAKE, SALT. AaS, pj xrEK 4(. rlH , f j a tbla. COAL A large cuanlitv of Stove rota. ;- .,.,y.;.f . ... a.,,..". rr .... ,.u,i. f .......... xiifi. . - - - - - - . Aie4, r.-i. .I,af rt ,,ii...a inku aro lrarha4 r-. tCas'n paid fit all kinds cf bU..n i j I !