IE Viil Jii i 1 I A 1 1 is i it t '7- A Song for the Time. Ai mrely as the leaves are eomin? not under ilie breath of tprinp;,o nrely will lhat nobler spirit of patriotism, which it now stir ring the Xorth, create music and son"? for us. In the meanwhile, until the poets begin to aing in articulate notes the unwritten music, to which the popular heart is beating time, 1 the following paraphrase of a few Manias of Atrows'i -Scottish Cavalier." which may be aung to the familiar tune of -The Old Ensign Gentleman," may do a little service by way of ! relief. i Co-ne. listen to another song 1l,a hal mikf I'tiiir heart heat h:th. I Brin-j the crimson to your forehead. And the lustre to your eye, A time of the days of old, if the years that have Ions eone by, And of the yeomen stout ami bold, As ere wore sword on thi(?h. Of the brave old Yankee yeomen Of the day of Seventy-sn ! Tor when the news w a3 spread abroad. The uruigle had becun. Far over all our Northern hills. They staried up as one; And from many a farm and workshop. Ere the selling of the sun, Tlvv waterd with their scarlet blood The field of l.exinetnn. The American yeomen Of the days of Seventy-six ! Thev were the first to bend the knee When the standard waved abroad. They were the first to face the fou (lit liuuker's bloody sod ; And ever in the van of tight The fc.remost still they trod, t" ntil on many a well-fought field They save their souls to Hod. I. lite true old Christian yeomen The men of Seventy-six! And now their sons all rise again. With hearts as brave and true The tjood old times are gone, and yet, Thank iod! we have these new; The tree our sires had planted Seemed withering where it grew. But now 'lis bursting into bloom '"ealh heaven's own Ight and dew. The glorious Tree of Liberty, The seed of Seventy-six! WhcTwill Help the Drill? fW nf the most sickening cf he dis gusting dcYclopcments of tlis era of trea- e- D ... ,, , . :.l..l..,ra.nlinn eon, email ana grc, io "- of the officers of both branches of the I rs ..,.i the Arm and Naty. . They resign their commissiotis with the dainty curl of gorged leeches, .anj oi uiimi imii i fce- I them have fattened on the nation's bounty , . j i t. K i from the days OI aao.e.ceu.c, " i cVr.Ved the d Government gave them education, ana n-, bev rllktnB Slv. I1(,tt. tetore ihe public, lempted to make them gentlemen, until riHitti himhi b a1( s fIinlSET1 4 r(y bow, when they throw up their contniia-! WauU Krpalrlc slons with the wounded dignity of detected ; -VrT , 6hop-lif.ers. These buttoned b.rnades ; gJrJl lave seen only fair-weather service . ,)uplrI ) ,,vtr Escapements in the ver, thanks to Davis aud Klovd, and Toucey, ' best manner, togethrr with every other kind ot , ., .. , ... ' work in our tine of business- All work war- nd their tribe-wh.le .Northern aold.ers .; v,Silllsfacn. nd sailors have borne the burden on the ty have also the Asency for th- sale of frontier, and on torrid .e... Xow, when .h. "-- 'P they might recompense the Government. , ,wi1.s,var-6(i a K litNOMANPlE for its life-long bounty, they eueak away j - - - T . from their posts, ud take up arms , American Lift? Innrante & Trust ( 0., - , t (Capi-al stock .r.n,,iiin) gainst It. ,.,.t, I -NOMPWVS Buildinas.Walnot street,S E Unfortunately, they arc of two much (J0'., F(lr,h,.Al,(,,,,A,a. cervice to the enemies of the country., j-y ,n.r5 jMired at ihe usual : Vluinal rates Thev have knowledge of drill, and dis-: or at Joint stork rates about SO per cent, less , . , . 6 ,.,',,. 'or at Total Ab.tinence rates the lowest in the cipliue, which tbey are not slow to turn to , wnr , A H IIILLOIN, I'resident ccount. The armies that are rpringing j.,u-. C. Sii. Sec. p in the loyal States, .re in need of ex- j 747cii:. F. M.LLKR. AUjun perienced difciplinarians, for the reason FJjygrrjJ HH?15 that the faithful officers remain in the nlVi&K. 'jfr regular army. . It has become important f .' prop.r that the services of such men should be , m jB the ffr of ,e tccured, and we urge it as a matter of the tnwn.otie square from the Court House. Wheat dntv that all retired officers of ! Persons attemlii.? Court, or havins other bu tigUcst duty, that a t . nesS in the town, will find this a pleasant the army, who are true to the LOton, ,,, Cl,mfr,al,e home. Charses moderate. ehould offer themselves to assist in the vast i i.ewisburz. Pa-, ept. i-vj m:i drill that to-day makes the loyal lone of walua ,.,. uissr h. titiSTi cur continent to quake. IViifoJ Uiuirer. LAKK1X fc SWARTZ, Wn aVleii ' The astonished backmen i Mammoth FiKiTor.RAiMi Cau.f.ry, iowihiog... y he KepubHcan, are j 'ZZZ singular chaps, fo the, .re . FrER many xperience in all .he Thev walk to the htte House, tbey walk , .,. i,nrhes of the Art. the Fropri- ts the Capitol, they waik to the navy ,u . . t,o. -.It jard, they walk to Georgetown, they walk . the Avenue U day, and then walk to . ' ball and walk home, and take another 1 pail, auu wi uuiu , walk after they get there to straighten their leg, before going to bed. Such ' chaps .re good for shoemaker,, but . poor : ... a y-t ? .1 : , ... f. ih. hsckmcn. One of tbese rrai-1 bw - fie chickens, the, say, can walk down an, ! htck in Washington. Statn it Lnion. The ScccjiMlon Cockade. Orangrr and blark : of dpotUm K'ryh,"i the hua ijritF atiJ hi foilowern Tbe Austrvm ctlors chowm. Tboaa trmnt hadon the &nth Api'ropriatfly fit, And trait a new iirnifiranc Moat wunJcrlullj til. Tlf bta'tc, the negro eaffily With ail that ftM-anine rateh Tlic orauc ii th K!d that wrung From th poor Uiiiog wrctck. Xt vs Cf-Dfrralulata th bora L'p"a lhe rhoirr hVa niaJa lmix-wibi to tiQtl a mura loifiraut ctxka ie ! Beautifcl Tuougiit. Poug'as Jer rold at one time said : "A garden is a very beautiful book, written by tbe finger cf God. Ever; flower and leaf is a letter, i Yon bave only to learn tbcm and be is a poor dunce wbo can not, if he will to Jearn tbem, and join tbcm, and then go j en reading and reading, and you will find I yourself carried away from tbe earth to tbe , ,.H D VJ m .""ii'UI vwjij juh tic guiu through. You do not know what beauti-. ful thoughts for they are nothing short grow out of the ground, and seem to talk to a man ; and Ibeo there are some flow- ers they alwavs seem to be like ever du- tiful children tend them ever so little, ..j . v - a . - 1 n ; 1. chow, as we maj their bright and sappy wees to yoo. ' Attend to Farms. Our people should at once give more attention than ever to 1 farming. Let tbcm raise grain, vegetables and provisions of all kinds. War is upon and we know not when it may end. Manj of our most active citizens will be drawn away from the peaceful pursuits of , iuuur.iijr. jus amount ot producers is in ,ne DSUU5 ul " wi rwi?. " ior conec therefore diminUhed, whilst the demand lio"' k vi Jkifv ?mpIAN' for Provi,ioDS will be rather inerJ i Jlj miR IVc therefore advise our farmers to plough and sow and reap and mow and do it with their might, 'ifaej will thereby be effect cally trvicg boil themselves and their count rj. ;i rai'Zwn FoPKE-cnint. r -- AT... For Cuttint Bar, Straw, aud Curn-Stalki 'PlIE 'TKU-GR.U'IIIC FODDER- J. ri'TTKU," of which the above cut is a representation, is the b st and most popular Machine now in for cutting up Fodder Ac of all kinds. It is made of three sizes, aud is very economical. For handbills showing their advantages and I.t an inspection ul the Machines themselves, call at the Central Fouiulrv of tsl.lFER. WALLS. SHRIXER Al'o. I.ewishurg. Nov. Sli. lf.iH. R. NEWELL'S niOTOT. I! AIM I ! ALLERT, Xo. 114, Art la SI. hlladrl.hla, Our of til- lrjt-t nu t tun-' Mm.lrti- .i.llrrlr- io the l .-tl-. In'r t..- "-t l-u-tuiw kuama lo tho l'Lot-vTHi .In,- rt err tk.-.i t fri'-" no tl.MI .rr a.4 f.r enr-turr-TI1K pr.irirl.T. l'rrti,l I'lK-Wmi-liT. atten-W, i- ,.rr.oil,.rvrrT r.Mi..ii-".l ' t'l'l'" " Irnr, thr ...l.rrv ui.'lrr. It (im l-rr.t rtl-f. 0"0. u,u.rr.: t,,-.i..l Ai,.l.!'f"t-nt"rJ'-l frirn n. t.-in. lird t" r..(..lreJ u, r ,..- Iif .,.-. ....1 1.-.MII.-1 in oil I., the l.r arti't" At thi '.ulirrv I i' lurY oti !- tk.-D in nny .e.llMT n.Tf-1't HI .-I..U ty J-"" ' '" Ivr-on- the ..- r--rtl.ill i.ivit. luiii.r .orf,iiiiriu.,Unli for tKm .nil ...iljr Ji "s'sl'ln''tion. H-en lu X'Z?i'bT' ciiusr o a. rrh "1' ri"''Mi'l'i- IV M "A'A T10XS. Frnm l.ti Il.CrH.U .C..OWn Mr lmily u t IrL-nJ,. all o.iicur lu II. ..union tlit the '.N-wlli I'l'tur.- "" IH-I'' ,h," llirv -Trr lv liK-nw ' I1""1 rr-t"lly tnki-n b aiH r. nt Arti; in n.,u. .), l-ut I "- "" ;t i.a.i oiii wl.irh T.wt tru-M ..turr,!l tlif lf iurcs iii MMM vntinre tlii- From ll .n. K. J' t M .kis. It 1inir t.. Itty. The fx.nii-itr e.n-li. b-auly nu t Mrtln.- nf y..ur nr tril. co.i;iu-J i:h their Jurml ility t e"l-r .nj t.ilh U1U,. hk, ii---f. . n not Uilto r.,iuui. mi llimi m the mtteuUun ua ..truiiae of .11 oho n.mle irue F''iot. Haiini -r-ion lor u.nrif. I irofnre.1 on Trom Mr. liol rt Ne.ell, "I ti. city of l'l,il. . It l.i ture in Oil I'.'lorn, Mf f.r- lot tk It plnvurn iu o Cfe,liI the tl-l. lion ,t. II uie t onlv hv the uvnraev "I the liken--", l ot it. .rtiMic fini-h in nil rei . Is mi4 re. omnien l loni t" Hie rOUKl' OI uirj.. - e..,'.. kMmi'. JMet"UI. .. ... gfOVES, STOVES. STOVES, - - " l'AULOK STOVE?, Ul- I- R'K .T J- IT1 Th(, j,fSt ,,.nrtrnoni t.r Mves ever i.tlered t .. .,.e.. ,,f i.ruMstiur!'. iinnne which is ihe , ,rs confldentlv invite ihe attention of their friends and the public lo their extensive esta- 'mrnt whch rrPsFnls lhe opportunity for procring the best Pictures, equal at least to any first-class iallery in the J mted States, l-reparations are complete for execuunt; all lh, in,, ,,,.,.,! ,ie. t to the Art. They i,.te . Z' " I ...1.1.. innl...!inrf' I'aiintititr. m iW is f 00 vmt., ''''" " do wirn ij ani"- - - V'T. Uorytvp.. at fnu- rice. DunUe Ambrotyi-t- at m ; rvi.ti aifl u'f ! A moM a"Ttmnt r f il Frarn'1". (11111''- liit a f-eU't-t an fh.ii.-e an-tv tf the laltt styles. ri- et-p from t'-l rent auJ ii.ari. graphs in (Hi. tran-f-rn-il fr-m small pictures, and from llfr. rnffrom fl5 to lnd. eIn-tru -tii-cs f,iwa iu the Aft rMy C.W.SCIIAFFLE Lcwlsburg, Fa. VTnoT.EP.i.E Dealer in Urtiss, M(iicinps, fhemirils, Iye Staffs Oils, Paints, Varnihps, Window (ilass, Perfumery, Pure Wines anil Liquors expressly for Medicinal l"sesf Fancy Notion GooN,ant all the regular Patent Medicines of Ihedav. Particular attention paid to putting up Prescriptions. Family Med icines, Ac. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for sale PHOTOGRAPHY, IS ALL ITS IIHAXCHES, "lXECL'TED in the best style known in j m .tic .... C. G. Crane's Gallery, 530 .ircj, s,r(.rtl :aft of Sixth, Philadelphia, p.?TTT LIFE Slh I.N OIL A.L I AsllL, tTEKi20SC0riG PORTRAITS, Ambrotypes, DasucrreolApcs ForCases.MeJallions.PinsIJLnpsAc. 86Gy 1 DISSOLUTION. rWE Co-partnership heretofore existing 1 between the subscribers in lhe Clothing Business at Lewisburg is dissolved by mutual consent on this Uth March. lHiii. The busi ness will be continued by X. R. Zimmerman, on Market street, after 1st of April. The Ac counts will be at the Store for settlement until lhe 10th Ap'l, when all unsettled will be placed Land Warrant for Forty Acres I7IOR SALE Enquire at the OtEce of lhe ' .Mot V Chrrmiel'. Lewisbticir. CAUi'EI-ja fine assortment by Harsh i Goodman UNION COUNTY STAR GREAT lMI'ROVIIJICXT I TUB 1 DENTAL lMIOFESSIONJ QURCKOX and Metliani-: C2t ! O cal IteiltUt, takes UiiiXEXlT method f in.ormiiiK the ctdens nf Lewis burp an.l viciuity that he ha hcaiel perma nently and is prepared to furnish all who Deed dental substitutes luf iQaticaLiuii wnu Improved BUoeral Plato, (base and teeth the same.) which is fast su perseding the use of Suld and Silver Plate. The Mineral Teeth are undoubtedly .superior. and io maiiv respects more desiratle than any ntlir n to tli- i.u.'iir ty tli lvuial frof.teiuu. . l'hv art tlif hiirh'itt tt'Ulitt.ivUt of I hi- urt. , Teeth mounted on Coral and Amber liases ' at tviluo-J iTicpj. Th lwn h tw tst-i l-y tt' iH it iititir, autl li-uhlj rciiuuiD Jul for clitniiutNa, utility auJ beauty. I Teeth aNo Mounted on Gold and Platina, in Uih Utfct ).irTfd -tylf. Al.-o nn Mwtlir VUi. u-i ; bj l)r. K in lM.1 lHftlily. whi- h In fr t.uirt"r to Ml-r. H ?-llfr rimv pru-fn. .-ii-r iaiu j roJ ia uKtiy ca injuiiuus to tio Itua.tb vt the H.ecia! attention will also be paid to .Natu ral Trflti, rorrvfune nil trr. nuUriti. tr. tiur irritfti-lv t I fX(t-il M-r'. fllli" t-J l--tli in tl"- momt Pkiilftil manner, tlm irM-rv in tli.nworirfcm hi-li -fn- ...... I, a,, tn- stnJ atl,l-l.rUi'0 uf th Ir. Hurlan's mode of operating will at all tm W vtthr miM.v.t chiirartrr. rrrf..lly tvi'lim tl. hiflirtion of onnr )i-ry i in. n.l will .l't"i t th ..t n-tniition nl h-nlthof th tint. tbrn-t-v t-f-r-rtnn th tfffnttntriiurmirnint tnui h nfr ilmtroiw ol irsn.riiiK !ti-trTtti mitfht. thruOtin fr i'ni, i rroit tlifirfiitirr n,l pMnlur difny. I Vr rat ; q.iiniiirth.-i'fMiofof. Pntit. will i-r-wt.- thfir in ! t'-rfit- h rwlhn n lr H., hf i fttfrtlv ftuiilmr t mith all ih.' tran-hff'fhi! (tr-.f.M'-n, and with tlif i-riftitfi'f nnrtwfnty yrrf i-oufiatit mi -ilueii j Ta-i,-f. i Jftft-minwi ti. i t Du nvrilutt to iurnkv p j rv o-r iti"U etitirrly hatifn-try. ; I"? Kooms (leased for a term of years) on Mark, t Suar. iliri- tly fr llarnv KuU'-mi Himrinfr ty ! 'aid well') hrutt Sl.-r, .pH-itv tl hn.n t.- and 1Uvri'li itic- tMitmnc' lftwafB l-r. H liwHiS and th hrujf St. -re. All ..(r.Tlioua( varrbiyd iial t.' any in tin cuutrv r U-Iiitc. Tlf natural i-ciit-'ur f r.-.t.r. J. ll.tA.-K CALL A.NK kAAillSk L- itur. Not. 2, 1 SCO. The Dimes Saving: Institution of Le wisburj TM reaily to rereive anv amount on Peposite I from Tfn Ont and upwards. Four per rent, per annum Inter! will be paid on all xprrittl i!epoites of Two Dollars and upward? if deposited two months and longer. flice in Beaver's bnrk bli'rk, orth Thirl St. H. P. SHKLLEtf, Treasurer Lewisburp, Oct. 10, InCu illoxt Altai. BEEF, Ml'TTON, VEAL, j d.c, will tc supplied io the hunprv proplhy the Mibrnl'rr, at his shup i.n .orlh Fifth street, where he carries on the Butchering tuisiiiess, and will Mipplr all kimls nf Meat in its aMn. tin Wednesday and Saturday ! m. .mines, he u-ill he t'iutid ai Market in tronl id M t'a ldin's Hardware Sliire"V at low rates fort'asheiclUMVely. 1'aU-es warned Beeves and Sheep purchased as usual. Try the iew Butcher. MRISTOPHER nCMBERI.ING. i.ewisburg, Aue. IS. Il5!iy T IXDSET'S Improved Li CTESLOOD K4RrrinRM0 A STAMUMi Mi:iK For thr pf-t-ir.ra't.-Ni and f(Tf.-tnl cur rf h 1.1, liake ariMU rr in 1U1LKI1V 'fc Ikik. tlLinjb,: rPTITS m'M' !rf Yn wrownlit lh m"tit mi? a utou!eurt in fp.rftte rani'i of Pfrfuia ratirnuffiriuation. rutanfi n di"f Krt m; -las H -i, r:mil-fi nn th-tfi, S-r- Britld'lleal, Old. ttnt N rn l'lrrt( IfhftimHttr Ji nor lets, T.-ttr attfi tj-'iif. r..tiT-nf!.s I pfj.-irt. JminJice, ilt Klif uih. Mnurial dis l.ifr t iiii.Uiut, I-". 'f .j-t:tK, Sj.tntu, K"ul f't -iris-.i, kVniali-4'cinfIaiiit' and)) liotaiH'sLaTiUg LbuirorLjia io au iuii'urv'nl the Ii'rn I. "The aWf i-'a portrait of Ti I MTrrurr. of Napl Tup.who.on thf :ilft -lav of A usu-t. ma-!f afll-lat it tu f-re .lii-Tn-f (iorli'V thai he trte. for the r nre t, r?iCLR hy three phvmKianK of lU rlffinl rounty. rnl It? Tr. N-wlrn of the Krlertir t'ft'lece, Cincinnati, for a P'Ti"d (.f narlv iirlit nunth. nota illi-tun Mnc hi"h hi hp, in, ar,.1 it firti-m ' hts left ifi"l vtp rjitiT'ly '' wiv.' lie Kal pt?' ii tip all hof-o. when he h-ani f the 'HlofMl Se.irthT." afi.l wa in'ltm-1 lotry it. fnur bt-th-s cured hire, ami ;althotish faili? ili-f tfiired - there roqti.!ion tmt tl:i inTalunl-le m-lir-ine s?ed his life. Tlie full pertirulnre of thin r-ma''haMe rae may lie seen in a Circular to w hail of an? of the Amenta. We al-o r fr-r to a rn"- of Nunc? Hleakn--T.of KMertnn. Armtronc Co.. Pa . r 11 red 1 f r-cur.uLA after being una tile tn e. t out of ln-i f. r three ynr. To the rae ofale-ly in Anoi? jll. r.earfl--ld Co who ?ra a'o jiffiirte! ith r"-ofula in it wr.rt f rm. T" the cae rf (i.-orire 1. -t.-l. n-i.ttrit In Carrolltown, Panihria Co.. Pa., whi. aan po haiHy a ft! ic ted with Cancer thai it eat his entire noer rff, and his cast wu wurse, if poH-le. than M'Cn-arv's. The 1 arTiru!ar of the -ae en r? one r.f whirh was eure.l hy the u-e f thf "H.ood ear-her" msy aluo be found lu a Circular to t-e hfl -f nv - f tie AeM.t: h. . I I Prrprlftor. .I.aTrnriitorT fir the manufi- tun- nl nl-. n'sr the p.-nn"a Hailr-m-l" H. p.t. ltolli'Iav-l nr.- Pa. M hy W. ?ehaffle. I.ewi-I.urit: M'Crei.'lit A Han -ll. P.nfTaloe X Roa !: Hndv A Htmni. 1r-i h. rarmer-TiHe ; Cutnminrf & 11 ittnr. Hart let n: O II Ki-s. II, M)Winhnr: I.. !i. Mb P.m. WtiiCtU; rhiu-Jlt: &. W age ufelU-r, tffhnroTe; LEWISBVUf!, CMO.X CO., PA. E.. I. Iinr.wr.ll. Proprietor. ri'IUS new Hotel is siiuainl opposite Ihe 1 t'onrt H 'use.imhe m.'M l.ihmna! le ami bfautiliil part i f the l.iun, and lor style anil convepieni-e can not be surpassed in Central rennsyivania. Those vi;itini; the tTniversity, or auendinc Court, uill tiiul it the most convenient and central put Ix house rharies will be the most reasonable ami neither lime or expense will be, spared to bestow every comfort upon those who may call. I.ewisburg, May 3,1SOO PEIPHER'S LINE T O AM FROM PHILADELPHIA. m:iutiov of miftiiT. lt Claa -" rente pft IuO (cuoj. .1 du 4t do do Itl do IV.l do do 4:ti dr -7 do do hjiffial -2 do do V Ufiit, Kye and Corn, U cents per tuehcL rhilad. Depot wuh 'VeeaV, Ward V Freed SI I Market St. Thankful for the liberal paimnage given us we hope by strict attention to business lo merit a continuance of the tame. THO'S PEIPHER For further information apply o ly7i5 C K M'tJI.X LY, AgntU Lewisburg WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, E.cnll;nr$r, Pa. o FFICE at his residence, corner of Mar ket and Fourth streets. HSR RAItE CIICE.An eiceMent Sil ver LEVEK WATCH fur sale at a bargain must ei. Inquire of A E. UENORMANIJIE, Lewisbnrsr William VanGezer, A TTORNEY at Law, il Lenltborg, I uiou Co., Pa.Mi & LEWJSBUHG CIII10X1CLE APitlL 20, 18(1. NEW FIRM IN THE OLD fHOP! The subseribers ' respeelliilly announce to lhe citizens of . . . .. .1 -. .1 '..e.1.u.l l.ewistiure auu virtuity mat tui ''' a i'artuerihip in the Talloiinu Business, at the well-known stand of James Trowel! on Market street, where iliev are piepared ! VL T AM) MAKE I I' to order in lhe very best Mile. Men's and Boys' 4 iotltlU f every decripiion on short notice. ask a share of the puolic patronage JAMES (UNWELL, J. F. SCIIAFFEK. Lewisbiirj, April 4, l-'ii FI H11' THE BLOOD ! MOFFAT'S Vegetable LIFE PILLS AMI P ha nix Bitters. fTIIEliijiriand cnviflcdt:1irity which ; I tli- i r.-.min-nl M-ll-ln. b" .iUlr.-.l t rth'ir il.turlni iv ifficKrv H til h:'-h th Pr f"" ; ' to rur, hft r.-ii-irr. .1 thr uuil ( fiipti. "I l-nffln u..t I only uiiu-Hrv. l.ut uii..rll.y of th. oi. 'lh-v r kmmn by tl.i-ir fruits: tl.rtr.l .rll tr-tifv f.rtheiu, mntl IVy thnvr u..t t.y tin- faithol in. rrMutum. IN ALI.I A.-KSut 'ATli. a'lt HH'lnir Rnr ' mii-m. A.. Ti..rt..F th. Ki.M.lm oi' Ku..n. Hill i- t-i rKiKII. LlV.. ..l.L.MT.. Ill tl.-- utl..lJ W-t, : wrr IIm- .i.-. Ihry will tw 'un. iu.tu al.'i I'l.nt.rN pnriurr..ii.l.lhrii. h..oi.. w-tti- ; Mni rmrh will n.vrr kru.rwrJ. I with..iil th. w. lirnrkPlA. No .rMB wuh IhH dMr.Mi. lif.'' liiioul.1 .1-li.v u.iotc tb. m.-.ii"ii-.'y. r tip- ii..s;..r th. Miv .iiV.lriH!. IHtms.1. r . tw l , A..H. ..rtl.iih.-..ur.ol thf W..rn .nun:ry. th. . tu ll. ni -ill lt i:., l Bumly. i..l.viU.u r. ui- ' di. iHh.riur.lirinl.i.vrtl.i' ; of thr li,.... . nr. I.y thi-. mt.l,ciUM. la ruiauiit. ; TK. THfcM. IIK .UFI.K, AM" liiC'tll.D. Mm. i mi. In-r. i. r to .r..lirlr.'ntirrly ' all tl th,.-!. ,,f r rrur nitiuitrlv o..ui;r tli" W'"1 ! IHiwrrtul -rr.rRli. n ot Sr-nirill. .V.IHT kT. NlUM -l'IlilUtY. MllTI C PHI- OF LL IIM.H. Ill ...MC A.F1I, l'ALfn..llO o 1 US j riLi Thr orijiiml pr. prlrtor of thrw nirrj ot fil. of ai jr.r.' t.i ihr u..-. t th.-i Lllr M-.lir;i.r. l..lir M OKU, of Hll kll.C- rr . Itr, l.l.llW rlrllr.t liir M. Ji. ili. ". I'rrul lll -rlllo .ot 1 miiii.trr ri.rtu h. nrf.r tbrir rxi.-t. lor ! pu-j w;lra. I hrlirf Will lrrrtHlll. I Tim I.IIK Pll.l. AMI PIITM IlITTKR? ! rilTifv til-- I.U-.HI. Ml.ll Il.lf. r. l'r .1" .lt-,r.-r TP III th. .V-rltl. A -.O.-l. Iri.l .III rl" tl.r l.lfF. I'll.l - .1.1 ; l'llr.M IIHTKK lvo th. rrach ol ci.lilorll'.ioa IU . thr .-.tiui.lioii ot rvt ry ..n.-nt. j i -l' l.y I'K. WII.I.MM H MoFKAT, j llf.....M.rn.-r W -nl. ?t Nr. i-.rli. ljT.-fl " an.l J I J li Prni-t-. : PHILAD. & BEADIKG RAIL ROAD Shortest in DiMance & titiii Kest in Time BETWKBN THE TV.'O DTIfS (.F NEW YORK AND HARRISBUR6,! via It:tviutjt A!U nt-jim tni i'ton. MoHMN) Krpvt tf t t-av-fi Xt-w Trk at 1 A M I'liila..-l-(iia at !. Arm-t ll irrt-urj at rn im ffi 1 in t, at llarri-Iiirtr. trln -n NTtlj. rn t Viitml hi.iM. t r Mtnt-ur, UWM.l hti, Milli o, Willimji-i ort. J- r--y ?hi.rr an l l."ik llm. u. Mini 3' . I.. Vfrk at trmTt. ami . riitUtlr.l.iN at i' 1, -'iini rlitx i(h Uuiu tn .Nor tlisrn t' 'iitral iui t f..r ftatu-u-f a- atmr. j JUnl Tnntt ; t Irav- llHrn-Lnrs nt 4 M. arri j at I'hihi'l. li'l.ia at 1 P M. ami hh Writ at u.u t tu tiiu- l' t:ik- loiit '-r fnr- f'r Iti.-tnii JLr. f.t f fsf.i i f r-af.i lliirri-l-)ir?. l iS. rn arrival i.f Vr.f..T.i t ' titral trmn an i.Ht at l'liiiaijvi.uia at I' M. an I N-a Vrk at utu. No "f rrf or tntra, Ik-Ivvvcd N York Or , l'lolN'lt-ih.N Httti ll.trn.-t-urit ( ,.tr auty t m- un, anj 1. rriuf'.rt, ami -(, m- ' uiofJatmn. tin- ruuU? nselll aUj-eti'-r iiiduct-uinu to tit" tiavi litac iriti.i'. Ofi f in A-t- i'-rt. foot f pAUTtlanJt ctrvt-L IVitfx&l ptitit, liroa-1 Hua t.'allt. wtiiil Mr -(. i r.r-- tl.-ri an-l HrriAurz. TWT. I'L- ( L tot iK'krts, iicilitjor r inf' rmntion, ; an y J.J.t I.U'K. j Jul.- T-f,Dy lUrn-t uri Comxnhsicrer cf Dlincia. "1TTH.LIAM H. BIKI.L. 'i -vf rn- r of I! If lniois, has appin'eii Jimi K. lat., a Coininissioner of ilie Slat of lihiH-is, f r tlie C'ltiniy tf I'ninn. M aiimiriiter oaih. to iakpdp"sitioti!. and proof nf df e-KjiifT'cas. j . to um- Htul r-r(lMl in th- !a' -1 Hhn -i-- Is-r-odf fa i Ti i' 1 tinrl- or r irK'r i t nnv km l f r , ti!r uihv Ln-i i nn liaM-r !'' l-n:rtir a ! rt tinn of ITi-atsvu'- at my ftti-.v. m- I l.att orml I;., k-i.-r tii- j ur-ri.a-o l! naif uf rai -tale. -Nu ihiir.f ni ft)f --ii'-f nalr- Dot b-iuu uia1-. Jul)."' ti. LINN. Iwi-t.iiri:. I'a.. Murrti 2", 1fcrrt. (( rCS THE PERMANENT) Tnr rm'v i nfTfr-'! h nft-irrt nc riann r'1 fir fnr t ! ii'imliT ; tiT 1.f nnnit iv tri i.'ir i r. i.f tt-at I'll r-MiTrf.- '..n-iiit.iO.n, t wtnoti nr..r.j n!-U , Ritttr p:- ;i fi-itti.; r..wi Voali af aie ai:e nutvc: lU iatntti. run nam on t Tnir nf m aennrjiTttunf jf-. i wi. me f-Ttn ot hinn T ' I it nt atfn 1 ti in "ii. m lrer t" a i.r-Ti f.tiir gm 1" nt "nil U-'it, ,i:r.i. i:at!i ." n-Kn -"f urti ).!( i" : Ii' '- if H. an 1 Imi r if Ihf-v aill h it '! 1rM.:uwh hi tur!- "f K: iv'ir 1v m-.v U- ! wahu'l witf.'-it .f iitll'iut iti".n-"iitir.nt " Pr. o iKF.r Hk'--A .is- ltiva d- j.-t wlii! i- rlai.-. tif it. t.m mv l rll 'M-n l tl.r -ipw a- ht-iu 'if m-.t wrtr. ttil iti tin 111 Inn; fl ti.m.t 1t-..f.t-r-.. I n ii:i- 'V kn-'wti at tt' j.'t- rtt Tht n.ati li.i-r- a tu-C Uy 1 ni"umpt i.'ti j'i-Iih- Uf .r-'in-i, ii "f tlu.-i win tiav 1 a-u (1. !rr it. ai'i'D a. tl, 11' lulu rutinlitu ti'Mml or )n l.iarv tt t. .rn. v. Wiiil. tin- .1i"C' -r'r o! tt.i rmly itis not t! .'? tlat irf.'( lf niiould tr c.tu.-lbtitl iu.-inrf liuai!i.-i'.ir'a ail iiii-a tl.prp nr mnr -n-pw -wh-n li.-.-p 1- a!' tn rp-ii.iiti (un!t'-ki. i in in "t-i'i .( ; f. ...I.. at tltt t W ly a-r- 'ir a h iii tin Ii' " ill i-atipnt. An iti tur (.1 !h hi- tnri.tirli .'.h l.Iai.n -f trf l.n.i:. i' t' - -v-tfi .!, iB'Tl'fl huni-.r. itiia pul-at.n iM--r ir,. w tf l.if r.r arr-l a:.-.l to a t'M.Piw)i ni.nit t!.f li-rt. I-vr. an-i h i nyii r-pjrntnlv t-rfii minrf ftiiirtini. of ti'h n.T it to'iMir all kirn-, arr imo.ltl in thir r-tf :lrr ?.r'ii? ti.p fl tf-ttT t Tgnn faltfr in tl. ir ta-k. r r'iw to pfrff. 111 tti- .rr- nf .jnrn:n5 1 1 n 1 :n" ui. nt fr..ui I"h1. nii'I tliP ali.-ir l:n; i" !l ni!' r i 't t- nink unlrr Id1 Itur.lm ot liif :.ti nt tt..r; rl, aT..;in! In- -p a C"if l-aU"Q of i i.s -r, ant i 'u rluH to rf-t.rt tu ina.1 rmi. o. trrnii hi thuruuu brlo t in any .U)Fi.-cl .! eutf. To tucli nf tin A'-A't Hi-. '.n.-r.-n-T'iIv r' .1nr ..f alt. Y.v-rv .f .mwnniM oirelr fj Jtr ami iwriniin'-nlif ara!i.'-l Nt r "- 1 n.Hlf UTIlT I.UT -tTri-lliTITIr'.IITIS- -1 1 rT'.fitimr t!if rrt BrnnrliitU. Aw:.!ii.i. , t ril l-, an 4,en.rl Iliilitv. a: -fli-tnal!v rsircl t.y i! 11- t SwniTw. Ii-w of Howli, an.l WatiT:c asr..f tl V-1-'-:4-4. !.(.w of A.p-;te S.rtw .f t-.e 'i'lirot. i ;-n. I.iifirw. I.i'ar r..milnmV ralf-'atim if tit Ht-nrt. l-.rfl c;iirof nr-aTl.ii.-lt li- !Tr.'ti.n .li-m ;-r in an i'irr.'iir!v !nrt Umv afl'T m:ug lr. O. l'l.r;ts ir-ju'i Acarisn RxUrim. It n.mriwltfw ant tr,Tclinw tl:a pntit Tit wl.o i too miirl. r--lur.l to (.artnie i.f i.r.-inary Ul. It lial-. ll ititcrnr-l Mirrw. tiiT. lw an 1 nt!.im-i.a-ii.n. It a-trwirTli-l.raf1. arM n vitniir Hi It'i-n, i a rival w a toni. sut'i Uii C I t M1:in".i'r tt-ri-f t.. fwrv j"rt i.f tl -.-ill .r.,strativ b- iv. Il n-U n' liM.iJ.iy tUl to ri.nvin. arv timt t.i- A a-i IVn.-Aa i tn.U- th urt-ntit rfitily nf tl.t !:'. a i b.'ii--!ici:i. qiil.iii-s are fully aj'iartui m i-nX Ami iuttj Luur after tri.!. I-rt th- mr.ili-I. thn. ni l"n;r d'-i'.r. oX i m:ili tli tr;a!, n. tin- n-.iiiwill cart'.jr to j of tlic ni--t r.-itit'vn-j rhnra-tT. Si lit" Ai-AiiAN- l..u.'M i rt.;jr."t with the ?l ffTfn t 1 rari. Bill tit l'"t ULllTiaN. lnr or xpru-w are ar-.l tn rniik it wliat H ifctb t-t Lm.wn rfUifly of the c. It mar Vx tak-u tv iti.(r rr, nf alt nj.-'-. ai-l ?-j at all, w'i!h -n'.-.-t afry ; au! it it M n.i;it tt.i- p--wfTftii :ti r..U'iii inf l!'-f 'lit- -n-f. aUi.S Mn th" f.i'in !.tinti aril dir. tl.t? liTif o nuiir inrtiir mi-i- t . try frirmlv 2i ilt. mil bara it, au.i n-rtl it a a 1m ii-v -juM 3? trraMir. jt ivwrrtr-tivf pamfliU-U giTen to all aLoanly tu toy ai-utn. The above is for sale at 25 cis. and $ per large botL'e, by i Baker & CO.eoK Agents r PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE U' lyJijU' C( GRAND ST..! IlL.'!l!:B,ROS.S & o., j.--rr (uti l. ntt asu I-ewi.sbnr? Waning 31.!!, tfatMi' i - "'T coiiiaritly on hand and iiiiiLiilacnire to order luoi in?. Mllillg, Ciooi-s. Sli. SbulU I'M, lllliitls, Moultliusn ol all patterns and all oilii rJi scriptions of Wood Work U'ed in lltiildiiiT. llrders respectfully solirled an 1 promptly filled. All work war ran ted to civesni!"ari.:oii r"An esienvive lot of I.UIll!iir of al! ilfcriptipns lian" r !,a1'' '. Xnrth SuuiiJ trcel,Lewihuri ,'a April its. IH-.'J. CO-l,AUTNEi;.SllIl ' The iinili'isinpJ have as- jT"'TJoc:atrd llieiuvrives into copart feVtTTiiership for the purpose of carry- Bl-i"salliK on tire I.UIIltllTlliS, I'lalllll?, ainiC'arpentcriiii; businti ma.l ihtirvaiiuUi bratichrs, at ilie tcuiicburj Ctcam Planing fllills, where thrv inieiul to Urfp a t li of I'ine, Hemlock, VValimt, Therrv, I'npUr, h, Ma ple, ami all km. Is ol LmuiI-it, Flouring Mn-l-viii, S:,lins. shii.ifN'S, l.?ih.Joiis isnt.M.n, Penriii. rxkets, II r ami Win.low I'ratnes, o.r, liini'!, Saii, MouMinas, Brarkvi, Ac. i'lanm , :jli::ui.. Scroll Saw ing, r.., ,loi,e at ilmrl nmir.c aiil all virk warratitet to give suiiAiactiuii, boili in rice aud wuikuai..iip. J. 1. IfirFFK.M'FITKK, MAIiTIN lKi:iK:iJt HIUWI DHI lMI.Vi a UwNMirtC 1'lai.ii.i Mill-, Ajril 1, lv-". WINFIELD FACTORY ! iNeue llal'lU-loil, l iiii n '., l'a. ftrrta Til E Milistrilier, thankful -Xj''f f"r pa-"1 ra,r""a"''' W"uM inform jri "TJ his and the public in cene-ta-10"" ral, irtt he continue- to manufac ture all kinds of W wol II ;oi(N, surh ns (Moths, t'a tint res.'l'wi-eu.-, JSiiiniott-. Jean , ltiaukets and FlaniiPis; aL-o, 1'arpel and Stockin? arns. II. s machinery beins of the best kind in ti-e, ami liavin? employed lhe best (.f workmen, he leels sale in .-ayin? lhat bis work s-hall not be surpas-ed by any establi-hineni in :he counirv. A rood-up-p!y of the above cood- kept ci.n-tant'y on hand for sale or lo ext hanire f..r wool, at priee that can not fail in plea-e. Won), will be Carded in the beit mannerand on (he shortest nonce. Terms f.-r cardn.ff, ra- h on liie de-liy-ry of the r.lls. MAKK IIAI.KI'UA.NY. infill 1 Mills, March ldf7. 1X.MIIK1S! LUMHKIt!! '1 'Hi: mlirrril.prs liavt-fi.r sale , i i .,. u (in li-i.s to .suit pi:rclid:i-rs J ir"r Inrk of X-"-- SJ1 I-1 i: Ho A KIS Panrt Siiiti iSai'-'.'i.' riai.U-. &r. .i .VCMKI I'li. I: ll.s. mch S;twp.l sii:iiulf. Mipt ncr ijuality. AUo S-iiarf Ti.r.lcr l'ir lliiii.ini-.:-. : Whirh art i iit rt-.l lt-w fi-r ra.-h. aw.ur Mills on Snu:li Mrinch cf llir- Ih:p L'cer Cri-.-k in H.trticv'p it (tfhvere i rn the Hrnh VaMfv iarriws r al at ilie end i.f K.-a-i. IV A Diploma t"r a snperi. r sample t.f Plait !$. am! a I'rriniuni l'..r Kails an.l Sliiu; les.were award?.! us at llir iat I'mmi ('.... g. Ka.r. JOHN M'CAI.I. A; MiNS. Iy77:l Fi.rcst Hill I' O, I nii n r-o, Ta AurHim ara (.nlm!-loN Iluu..c in U-wh-burs. rtujtjj Loir;il Auctioneer! K. A.Btii4-ii4Mt rr liavms I-een r.p7oint-:d tile Au tiuiierT t"T Lfti'iI' t. rs, i prt'-an( to alien 1 tu all calls in h:- line iu luwu auJ country. Commission Sales. In April Tif rt. I if:!er;i fn open rn Marke irert a Kmm l..r th" rrreptirn, nnj ihe sate hi -tatrt tinit v ot a;! km N I ii'inU ai Aur-In-a. Ar.v one wthiri? Iu i!ip(-e "f any ;u:i rie can '-pi'i' k wuh me ami I wiil m-II it ai lhe l-est a'!vAn'aLe I can and charge a per centace f r the bauie Feb.3, K.J F A DONKHOW EU n.itiv nrri skatiih, or L'onii-ounJ Extractor Julians Keuia, i 1- unrrf'-e-t-nt-t f'.r tii rrf ' ..w.; iio-a-r 1 tin !.! T"tnH anj nil rhr.-nir1 lM-li.t I. ...i.l. 1; Ii:. i Vin.-ti.Th:--! atl. !i.iili)-tl( It, ,. ur;.!;'K, lllM:l. Ci.l.T. N.-rv. .a- Ar- ri-.tif. I I n-i. ' 'Mi-iiii itihti-.iiu.-.l-i ar.-l 'hM-:'..- I Ja-Hi lifv. Iri v). Iir- n.-hiti. rh. J;t'.'iln; tit Hl"l. In lit '"! ! Chr( i.n-an 1 l.ifmMat' -y Ilh-uin : k ll- H t-'rh-. -ia. I ! I hmnif i r.itul' 11- o. I" - :iu t , it jlar KnUr:. nr n'. V. hi:. . I. . I ! rf. M- rein I I h r- p.l 1 11 .1 Ot tt.- I.ll'ltl-. t-Nttr h I I. rr l.i(, lrl;tmtit K:ittn 1 I it r Thr. al n I M-fl l'.af. 1 -t. r. Hi .1.-. if'.riil:n!i . 1 it- r-i-e. N. und tt'.- ! u:fi. 'l. nji..-. t l;. lu -t, i all !!- : Hrt r Tr a . a'! tr. in Iv- , ri 1 a !-t.t JiL'"'!l. Ht-lhrr ll' ri-tit.ii y. m- 'uir. il, ahici, tin-, 11 , it :n:r:i;-i- in-: i's p. I' 1- u-.-.l I v i.ii' 'I. '1 h irr : -.f II.: t.! r- nit- r h" m t tu tt-.f - f , rla--,; at, t ,.h I jnTn---t it ai itraiii rt- 1 r it- rr- .ri- l. . - I- inns 1 1 ri f i.ti v.' h I-. . 'ii.' 1 . . 1. -n.r in Al.Tl.K 1 1 V s IM 1 IM I I K w-ff. . t- in thr r.irH.iitt 1 Uruii.i ii:fi.i rtc mun iil it rt a i v 11 1 u;:r i";n r. n.i "i ft t. Off-p an'l 1. j,.-. :;tr-.-. t. ' Dr. I'avi- may I.f f-rwiin d .-n ail .! do Iltrl LiMUIl In IE CF SCROFULA. Thf foll.winif It tt. r from a l.LIJy r..-;.-:..l u:rmt.-r of xtn.' & fifty of Friuiil.i, iil'.-r.l- .-tr'n,r 11. i-n. .! the i irrat SU--Tklity i f tlif Iu t R1HE over 11 .sap U:I1 LA an I n-ir! ill .Mixtlhi--. nt-il a- tLf w;-Ui-t.tbvr ; Misiiducs iu i uiTaI u.f I r 'rr lula. i er i; k mf i.ainkk r. .miviKt:. rt-T,;-7!.iRfA ..-ter('.i.. 1' ii!...r.T, T.r.1. I TR. Wx. A. lri Iri.ii.i: 1 r in .1 j Ifttfr fr"in th''' a ff "t n f .-ni" in i.i.h tlm- m-tn il , nn ti iriv ih.f a f..rr t -tat. u..-n; ul i.:u.if t i .irr t'n-ui , I.l" tir.-l attmk. Uf Uli'-n m lln tail i.l I-i' . b n , in li.- 1 .ih -nr. a 1! h "' r, j.-itn in ,n li 1; ;u. 1 it.uli. ! atnl an" 1 "nhn.-l to ln l-"t tr f,v ni. ml,-, in m 1 fi ur-e tii:il ttuif. in ui t r f- rtic I mi I..- tl.i.h. . li -Ji-f liarx -I a irr.-iil ft i -.r; tf.f kmf . 1 l.i- ntt.e i.iiiitiiin. 1 .-ai-iliti. mi.i ftil: ' t-:i k rr f'-ur prf't fatit.t y ;' t.ic. Mtii.-r. Hi; i,j wit ii I ,r i v.- f.'i- ((' ir. v it t C-'l 'l I- .' -..' , an-'.!' fli'ti t'.e I'luiiy C"T'ihimw if -jui.-nt th kiot. thru t-" k i.tiis iu In- arm. anJ ti i-t ul r! ' ftn tntli. wi,ii h th v-ry aititul ntnl i-rr, -in t 'i- f".-. (w-iir. trrrt Jr.-fi, nt.'y i..-. fi'ir-fi jnm lhe uictff, ht . : ir.ljf ttrjitu u'. mm. I t'rtfu'V jfd.' !;(. , ..r t t'f U-i -t 77i'.':' .i. He an-ntt-ni!t-.l by ft j liysir.nn tur a li-nu'tli of tinn a itm.ut luucl U ui'li:. lie tli -ft tclt I;t.- It(li.w i.f i'.vrii'3 r u,.- M-:.iLt wit li mit any i-S.-i-t. Ui-iit-xt ii.,;ir-.l to a i-hv-ici ut of l.m- rafter who, ri'fiTilM'J a sj, ttt ileal ot U.!r. r nt'ii:r ; witliout any iui;.r'.riiivtit. I (Z'-t a r. . i-ij t f .r iii-iSii: j .-'..r'.ararilia. tncurei! tbr'inn'.il.-uts tr ui an Ai..'tlHri I ry in Lan.-vlcr, ati-l uiaj- a p;ill..i. a la. li ht t.k, tn , nd" a ijrfiit -iiLintity ( tta mmli i-f .-ar-Mi.:irilU r.-t-t Mini '. Ira ni.xiil; al-u I'l-i.-Ktr Ab an.l iriinl-x-lc i Tm; but all Uil intlf !-! until I j." t'x.k. tl.r Iii"'l:.u.e. I whirh wi- li.-arlor froui lli hfiK-fit it wuh l iiij l.. tli , win of a fi. iv:i.ii.r. Il u;y I.r.. hi. In a v rv .-I.-jj t time, an inirov in-nt wn r n. (.:illi-, mnj prntiiiut 1 until l. , wax cur.'il. wturh wn. with th twelfth l.'-ttl. . It tiaa rh.iiij.ej htm in hciltli an I r-j-tnt-. for which I !" l ti-rv rat-ttil in.t"(-l an t ;:iu willii.-j to ij all t -an .r..n-:-!'i:t with truth i for tl-c b.t-iih eui ut vf thy l)Li'L'i: ATI V K an.l lhe ixnloi tin- -ull.-nmr. j Thy i"inrr fn.-iH. I.Yl'l A MiORE. j Thee may Jo a thw free.- fit with this in wtrkonie. i TI2ROAT OffMMSF. ' Thii lar fla of 'li-a'. in.-IuJinc tin ration, Tn ltai:iatton, Urt.n-'hial lrnt:ili .n. wft -m-c.-ful ly tn -iti l l.y tt.- iw of lr. t. jiiir.itii. aiiJ lr. iKtxl-' Aj ; .i.:itinn. litiij tin- toiloa H.g i-aft tf ( FjiwJy cure alter Imi r..utinu. J ni.ii. rir. : K--i T.j. t htr Co.. July 2. 1 S . C i Pit. Tatis P"ar .r: A hunt ti-e years at--.. 1 a at- tnehfij with .i ihtteaM . f tlte ahKh riune on cru-i-! UHliy, hut at tiniea wh-n 1 woulj tke ci l.lthe piin nn 1 ri.ili. rini: woiil.l I.f titv tli.'lrm.-iinc. aeeouii J wi:h i of roice io .-u. h an extent that 1 c V-; & t F;-.ak. ( a.He a whi.iper. The Jieaw eoiitinitej teitinj r.c, , n..twitl..t;in.iini I na." tmJ. r mcJiml treatiii. ut il'loui . ihy-i-inn. lieii alurnn J nt mv eonJi ; lion. I cunclu.h-,1 to iro to riu!ajeltna an.l ron-ult mu, ' whi. h y-iu re.-ollet I d.J iu th winter rf l-.-l.wli-n you m-nrjin-i-n leil ni tn t;.ke yonr IVpuralir ; vhJ hy the u of fmir l.i. Clef of it. in eon tit tj in ith your thra nr'iMi.-aii..n. I w.ia entirely rurvd, ami haver maioe.1 aril. It in n. w more than a year tUiCe the cure I JU) etlechrii. Keloftful!v. rour fri'Tnl. I 31 AIM KKTTA F. ISISIIiir. ! 9 .-Pe. Titis ATti-Prnri'Lofa oitmext anj TucotT APi'LH'Ti"X MioiiM ntiy the Irepurativti in -.- vf L K-crs an 1 I le. re. .. of th Thrnt. IVCall on die Asetits. J.IiAKLH & CO. of I.wi.-liire. nn-l iroriire Circulnrtt containing a Jarj tnan of i t; Ir'n.' in furor of the rue.lii-ine. J. It AKI.K i CO.. Au't f r Lnion county. fS41y James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LIXN, J Attorufss at Law. LEWIsUL'Kti, " 5i 1 Lnion County, Penn'a. J. MERRILL 1IW r...,si..siE tor the ?tt. nf Uwx, Ub to tkLe Ul o.-itlcu-.ikiiowkiiit DctJic. Uuekeyc Jlcapcr & Mower, MantifdCiurc'l ry SLIFES. WALLS. SHHIKFR&C3., Central Tcttdry Lewislurg, Pa. riHIE Utickeye Crj-eriV .Mnuvrwas'- '. tlucc.l in Ih-'i, atnl so p-Tticlly it ii.ljptnl ! lhe M.'tk ilei-.m-d lhat at tlie (ireait jt I'rarliral Kit'S-l 'i'rial ever ht !l iu j tins ct;uritr iu July ! tli? .ill!e r-ar, at Sy racuse, it tiiuiiij.hantly rarrtt'! oil Uie - CruiiU (tohl M-jiIul and IijIoma! . At the Indiana Slate Trial, h-! i m I r.( rf, in : Inid, nearly as umuv iiia hitis were rejifi-- seiiltd and as th.if. uh.y te.iLed a-, at tia- cu:e, at.d the Buckeye was aain lhe Victor! A 11 J mi a!s( a nrV i!I the field iriaU and exhibitions in L."-, nnd 'Oo, uh'-n it ua a competitor. At a uu:ii! er ot exhiLiin 1.- it received lhe Fir--t 1'reii.tuiu as a Mower, I'lri ; I'reiiiium as a K'-uper add Ficl I'lt-mium as 'a INiiiiLined Muritiiie. i i.ese liiirtiert 11s 1 awaid rrnclit'-ively lhe corrtctnes ol the 4'eci-i n al S;r.irt;se. The comhiii-" i jipttition of ihr rnannfar turers (t M-w inland lie., pint' .V.u!uri-v ai. 1 their eiinrN lo rru-h aiid tu i-nn im;, dr pnte ihe l(ucnye, only scrve-l t j rove i: .sL i'L'iiIfKi I V; ar.d lhe i' they ei.'rr tainetl id it final success and ti.iinph u. re evuiences iho real worn anu irenl ol ihe i machine. I The Machine has n'-w pi pr fhn ai-h f.'tir : hnrvfli. and durn1 the Jasi three over ,N;iie ! Tlio:is,iid hav he-'n l:u i an so, d arid ihe I fanner inav 1 1 r -pnrat .n hy tne nu l rnero'i" awirN 111 ad' hy cnniniit'efs hoih : lieid liials and at av and Cotiniy Jxhihi ti 'ti", a- wei! a tr- 111 tlie r, nn; ro.- ;! maiid, ' v hich the inanu.actiir-T- h,ive never et It-en : able Io -sunpiv. ' Slifer, Walls, Shtlner t Co , ! Maintlact jr'Ts if Hii'i..e.k Talent M.-trer and !! apt-r, Ilucw', li-'.iper V M. u er. Iar- ' lire's i'.i!ftit ll.ire I' mer, Wiltsi-n' Tatci.t r.-dder ffiuer, Kich Vn thl Iron Plow, and Mtrh..111 I. 11 ! : I I'.ow ; alo, Slu ve and l-'aa-una ol alt kind. tur SV.A (Hi' Mni't Lttcu- j t',irJt I Mvn Co., la. j Nor. P, I -). f TIIOnAS G. GEIER, i ILociittU tai. ilti-r- i R'-t 1 1 ! 'rir i r r rf lj t-rui i 1 t-j 1 Sir. V-.-!. r I KWI? Ill l;... ) . , i"1IOCli, V atriie-, Ac, repaired on shr. , j to tice and warianiel to (ve .aroia-";; 11 I"?' An e.rer-h'ent a,-oriiherit of Welches ; Clock and Jewelry ' - hand i'hvp J r ( ak ! liiLT K!i.MI. ot a!t sif made tu order z. Apr.! 1-iW . l An iperi-nt nn-I .t n:a-hi" rcti.ti' n t I!:t puri fi.J of o;. .-.-it an.l i:iri. n t.r .-.iiii n-t .n in i. n. ! mnrtioii.i hv tl..-i.t.i,. -t M..!h-.l Aut I ..-ri'i. -. 1 .,t h in Kuiej-e -iLU tlf I ni:. J MuU ?, i. ti Uil IU ti- .1 lr:i'tt.e. 'I i.i ex; i-ri-tii f T Ti :;iti N ! ' v r -; e !..i T " vr I irufi u t.i Jr. i ,i, i . in :. r- -i .:(. : t. i; r.r - ot the , 1,,.,!. ,,.;;....:. i, . j .f,:...., .-v.t u..-.t i. !.: ,w ... , Sl' k, V . i r .. j. . ,( iu .-.lell- Ij.-t e-- , 1 ..- i- u- n: nil r'l-i'i' I:- ir wj.i , ir ..f..-n rrt--l it I - j (-'., i -, ! . i-urhtivc in .o li tLe i ;.t .;- . ,- -.-. r-T i r -. V j . j:,,;, f. i . . In c t t . .! " I': :: . t i .. r. -tut . t a. ui. - .li-. a-... i.r ot n-,:lii. u- ! ..n.i;. nr.. i,..; i;iro ..n HO'i Hi- u ! ;ir I . . li M . t . O. : Hi!-. " til 1 ff th;. r .-:..rt!.v- A -Tx. st.rr t. u ,-.t.t , l.i' ti ir. u- ri f n ti. -r v t-. a- n n' - -f it :i n m ul'I rt : i- r t r l;.;e. In. 1- n- l-.-.i-i i u - f -. f(no fwr.-it-n in llo ir an n-i- i l-r.'.: i l.n m-.-I ilenly re ...-;ir.-. in tie I it -y w ' ' -1 II" i' ,tu-t r.'turi.ij fniii .rirrn t J tr.iv-1 in a Ji-;:'ii( i.r. i. S.,,rv m-ub! iti-tan es t f ii.:- k:tnt w rtt. -r- ! . : i r:,; ;, ,.,. I. r.r-1, iic'i :al..J x. I H- j hrii.t I: ar-i--. - v'tntit- ex),.,?; -Son. er;T '-!t: rf.-w -r. 1 t!. t . r i ij t aii.-n . 1 ii-!. :ItJ I. - J I. t:c ;it . r-i. o :n n.i a(ili t en i- f.,r :. i!o- j 1... ::.n ii..- m i.-h.,... In N .' KV' i .- A n "i. i.t nil k: i ;. ai-. f r r-"n f.ii):Ii .r t-. ii.. ..i.-il m. n, tl ; i r it: n . : th,- j ti.m of t-i r, niu-t i:.i'. -:inly ! e .i I ;;;; 1, . (-.r. ui. t .e i .! iM.j. , i i;.r' uiy ti ruf. ti: l -tru- ic an 1 . rh i:in.: un i u.-nt y. n .- i :;ir.y :.i : i,', . t in th in. t .-I -; ;n:tTi r -. - i f c!..:n. ti. w ;:!.' i;t . . r h.itii a t,.,r ti.v a J: ;-reeat.:t Sei-;i:i- n. It i- thi- laM-r rT rtv. ttnn . -!;. r. w i- h m-.T-.s it po r.'iii'n k;it- v .-tt .u:il are! J T !::;!; M a r- n I v l -r .' Uf n whi it :'.- -a i- -v t" r! .t:-i.i ' r." I to ti. u, !y J.-; . ! U,e h . il i. l J- in y v i h I. thetn. In Iiv-iiv-:. fi-it--"it;-.---, n .-?. h.-x r-f th,.-e Chalt--.te l',:: 1 . - . fr.n -o!1 - ( - r tl l.. .-t ; h:v' cas1. . in-" i i: r tt1 ; :;. .,,. u; . K. . i Ifl unci.' i W.J I ! ! ' t .v.-1, vie i ,.t :. ..- i . I'T. ; l MM . en!.!'; 1-1-J, ri.n 1 - 1 1 . -. "t. 1 r. ; . -. , i ,' r n ;i u n it.t. the ein tl? n iy ;.t..l ;i-t. U- i-l.mir. In the v tiP-.l- - - f -h a i l sT-n;r-. ti!!? i-t:l:.- ii.-h. :m r. r:'. I.T I M. t!.r I; n r . i r y n!i r.ite 1. irtf vi ;.. thi- re!ii.-.) i i- ); i ! th a!:irni of fri. i: 1- nn 1 t l.t n..u-, ium. rai v. ii Tnl:ty it - nt:. inter -tit.. tri-' I In M n - '1 1 h ' ' -t-. ti.i- n- ?I: nr.1 ir. n Y: !ia-l more thsn ll. i .-!: . t th- nn -t -hi.i -!y I'jilstiiee.t I'rej ar-tTi.'i.w ot it ...He, with- ut any ot iht ;r ! wll knew n i... ('i i The fttt. nti.'n ' ! tn-ih-e ean not ret" fr.f; !,.rtTv n Tit. -I tn tli- nifty ,in-i rrt: ratut, in t!ifa.r-t' atfei tmj tl.- in. In ll 'is i ' ii-"'. l-'tfi rl'-onic n I irfiamitnt'T- in tl - Utter. I." l:t- ti- . ! ! 1 it 1 - I n in i-i- a iy mi.; r- i Tt J. ! I h :i j..;. .i it j r.ti. r. li; in t;.. -we.iiti.-- ni r -ti .io . i tt .-j - ot- nn : r!i-e-e I u 1 m i.i '-i it "i 1 v I V v , ; i; : 'i-t i,. ri. it- irrrat T' rm Jv nr ! i:e!-. i. r-- r' tv.-. nrnl - t -..r -- in ti e n- w -i lt'.- iii.-t.t-.t th- W. -t. wiii fiotHbiy l rne ol lli-h relt.-wn T;J u-efiilii-i. .V. r. ut ) l.:t- t- r t n li-. - T'-r. .( in the wh le hi t rv of tn- lr.-;i.. t i h 1 1- -ui-ti t r. in; t. hyt V. nnd f.iily ri'T-torative . fT. r:--. i.e. J !ir ; ef;ie. e. rnnh t.- ili.'e--tn ii. r.ii-1 I a- j ii i-i i.-n "I -tr- n-r: h. a :! h an unu?uni Ji j-D-ili n li--r active ana thei rlui, imtn Jut I' lli' it u-t". Put nr. in nest fht nief jT hAx) er nf :iin?Mr TO pitl j-ri. e ;.o ivnti- I'.T hot ; f r .!e by .lrtiv'--i-:f tnJ U alert-. W til (j m-nt fr.e to nnv i .Mr. -w n r-.-. :f t i t the jticc. All lett. re,OrJer. et- ,1 en!. I e mMt.--i.1 lo b. li. LX KL it Co . i-.-n. ml Aeptw. lybll - i t lir St., X. Y. SV7 I i L?icilunj hif Pa!ifr & lo V sdianir IlarrU A Dun ran rrjIE substrilicr con- 1 linnes to carrv on tlif "?55??!"rt I.lveiy Kiilne4 -ESi lhe OKI Siaml un yi.iitl.SSaMina " .Ti Thir.l slreel, near Market, an.t respeclfullj si'licii the patri'iiage ii his mentis ami tu public reneraliv. I'HAKl.ES F. HKSS. Lewisburc, .May 2i, 1T(. IIYnEUOLOGY! VCl'IiliH.'s an.I rnii'r;ainn! htiie Book, ' (all about Matrimony, Men, y, an.l otii- : er inatttTs.) Ior liie auiuenu-M .f e-.-erv b..tlv, ' (and the yotinr; f.'iks, a.M'.) on h.tiz w-iiuer evenings, rainv ti.iys, ere. Price, -il cents. Wholesale, U" I'enis. er.t t'y mail lor seven t :i cent stamps. Yor sale ai th.'-N'.rV (''"-tin. icc" 1VOKDCX & COK.MXll . ! I'ul-:i-li. -r-.. I.. i.-I ur-. I'. fcPIC-NIC.-u " IV11 jump Into tli. tVatT'in, .ml .11 take a ri le.M , VI.AI'(iE, hanJ-ome m 1 ami verv comrria lie H KiOV has been fitted np lor the especial accommodation of I'lC-XicanilothrrMinilarexcurions. Terms j moderate. Apply to JOf. M. HOl'SEL. I Lewisburff, June 3, lsi'j. I f Horseman's Friend, or rtfy l'uckct I'ompaiifoii. ir i t'Hiy-Two Valuable Keceipts f. r lhe Farmer aud Horse l'ealr r salt (lit cisi by I.J I AMI,, BooKOllwier. l.eisuuis ATTEMTIOW ! THE finest cc ats male on tu-elve honrs' 1 notice by JHIIX MII.LEK. X- 3d M. the cldi-il and best Tailor in Ltwislurij J 1 ?- y tfv Jen .v ; f-X A.YJ01t'S ' Sarsaparilla TOR PTJIUrYIXG THE 3L00D. .u V r li.e up'--:!jr rm (,f tU t-.umilK. (lltt1 S rnftilu a n r mallow StTr m '1' umiu , t It . ftfji t ..' ! tmplr. ftUHtul-. lit., 1. Ulumf Hud Mil kiu l4a.,. HKI T III. . , 1 J. r. A I ' '.,:, ; I 1,,,' (it.- l ? i .n.l 11J 11. t, tl , 'J ". ii ,.i .t ...... .... U..V-, 1. - ,;. . ; ' "-vh I 1 ..; 1 . I-H ! in. I tt, .1 Mi... . ! .ul 1.1 l 1 1 1 .1- I t, i M- . f,(I I - ! I. , 111 J 1 . .".m I i.-.l it 1 ., , r On t 1 I j .1 Hi. a l 1. 1 ..i..- AU ... !. 1: Ti!.nr t. oll.nnT' Tlie. !(,,.. nr . ' ltil-,Oll:i, rr In.,1'' I... '-It V. . ,V. ff , v r , ., I ..... O.- - I... r., , . i'.v. . w. , i. I,.. ( 1 . . .. . . ' I.. . .r f.- ... . , F.H,,r ifnnif ho !r. t.oitie or Sm,, t-rk 11 .-. . I i". -; - ,. .... , , ..'.'n'-T.';: ..... ,. . .. 1,. ; j, i..4.i su::T..lta 1 -1 1 .m: . ' L-urori trrr.. nr IV l.Jlra. Ornrmn Tnar 1 Icriltr I I, ..iluiu. i-'riwAli- kUMr, W.J is ' -- v Vtfc I, rv wti'..'; ' It 1 In l " 1 IT if. 1. ' . i- . f . . . ' 'lb- t. r. j". 1 I - tr-i .'.h .. , 1 -.. i.i i. 1... 1 . i-n.'V, 1 ti..i, . .i, i- " ' I -if 1- .. I..- I n., 1-1 t - 1 1 : . .- . .1 ; I.- feliiiiii an.l rl4 r iti iil T)Urar. .t r. (rr- : c;.-. 1 -. n , ( ,, ; ...... t ' I i 1 in fi.. v in ii -i- . !.-i.t . I f hi. ... ..: 1.. -ur " '1 - I- t: rit tin- j 1- !i 11 i ',. - i'ii , -t. ,-i . r-o, ;...,.. ... i,, .:. . ' - ,.i ' t:i..v i:.tji irMi.a V.iiii 111 - "ii I- ' I L.rt. t... n.:.v ;' :i: -. V. U M D. niirmmit i-m, (i)lll, I.iver C aiiiplaiat 1,.. ,--: . t, l . . i, i ... V,.. :l- J.. . K P-r .1 '. Al r : .-ir. I h.n- !- -n - l-i l i l iw f-.: o- ( 1 ; n i - :.. .-.'.. ). :-..- : -.-.'il ' t ; i it.. iivj -i: I .., n. -j '- ' fh (.-!..-'.!. - t : l-i I.,,. I Ul.f 1. I t: ,. .r t.L IT. I iVt. . ii : ti i!. .t I ti-ii f i I- TI- r in. in L- - r I i( i;;.iM,rJ. 1 iL.i . it i a ikI 'IIi.'. u. ... iii-'. J.rl.AV .!.; ; Y. I., t. i-f I. :-. wt-r.-: -1 ! I i r: ; ! t. r - i.ilh i f.t irr. w 1 .1 I I . I . 1 -: t.. (..:.' . -.i. J - I.i i ii ii i . . i.e.. "ii ?t firn f nurrr Tinnor. I-:lrcwint. I I( riHim:.(iiiit. aud Kiluliatiaa af Hie titbit . A :: .' t -v ,.r ",.- !,.t. l..-.n T"-.-f- ! t - ..- - - : .'i -. it ,.- . i:;; ;..:H- !i.i- tr-i, i : 13 . 1 ' i -I"" . t :'! in r. i- t-i aa '. 1'.-- ;.!. '-I- ti I . .i.l w i ili l- r th- i Oyapt fii. I.cnrl IU-r. Fit-. Fpllcp . Meln ii Iioly .;iii I.ttr r-n.-nk ':- i.r-w .f l!.' e xir. .i . - It , ... ! int.- I !: .:ii I- i r tl li ... in. i.' .. n Aycr's Clicrr Pectcral rort tmi: i: rii' i ui f ( rijln, tt.K. littTnenrn. llar'rirS ( ron . lli.MH lull., luttpiettt t n kU.M;.l.oii. lir tl.. Kluf ui t ii u ni i r ! t 't lu pliiieil l-;t Ut lilt- Ii-a-r. v,:i.- .1 t -t: r r. I.-.. I1. v kn j " I .a- i u".:. - . "i.i tl, ' t . Prir.vl i.y Tr.J C. AYEK &. CO.. Lowell. F tl' S..1.1 by C V schaffie ami by Han fitrrsin. I.rwi-i urj: C I Kon-h. New Berltr. : .-I '! V ;.-(.. I.r. ltoi:r' ve ; J l ? I. art and I UK.- !;Tlii', : trrey & l'-ro. N. w Coluu;t:aeLi it.'1 -vtri whi-r y-TJireow (iILT INKUKKI)! ttrl Branrk l.nrat.rr;ii.nipMr I..X K lUi.N. I A J KOX. C. li. HAKVE V. i'rrt!"t. J. W. I'HAi'M AX, rtrrff. i ii i s enmrany, on enlirin; upi'ii year vf thnr busiHfss. sut n-u the tv-'-';:r siaiement of their assets and buMoess a t public. Nnint-rxf Tnlirirn ir. f. rr. JirnirT 1, lsf. F - Aii.omtt of 1'r. i rrt. tu.urrtl Jl j: i'5.i... . Aui t ol rrimium olrnn I- rrt Ip Niimtrr rf Pli.-ir. iu. J :.t 5r Ani..UTt' t I'p. -Tt in.,. rt-J ' I Amount f iTrninm N. Ir rrceitid I AlU, Ulltof Lcri.,- .U.-tDIDrJ i This Company continue' V inare v.'J ; description of property, surh a' M ' c.od-, mrrrtandize, Ac, a.ain-t !.-er " . ape of Kire, and ior any time i.c tJ " , PelUaU SAM'I. H 0KWIG,A; j I.ewisbtir", Oct. 2H, 1 ! i Fruit and Ornamental Trees. anJ tii-Hvc.'ii'ci i'iiif. gSt The subscriber has , n kan-l a l'- Sr, llec.ic.n of both Fruit a: TREES, Ac. Ac etnbracii : t VJ, varieties ol Apples. 1'ears. I'f ai -ae. . - l.'hcrries. Apnc.ts. Xt-ciamies.'."!"''"- berries, Kaspbeiries, I'urrau'.s, I.artre Horse ehe-tntit. European Ash, American Monntatn Ash, M'J" f 0. lor street planting. Ever bloomins a n splendid eolleciion ul' Bulbous ac Flowentir; 1'lants. . jlt lT Xttrsery on the farm , , F. I.inn Esq. on the Turnpike, mile of l.ewisbur?. Ail orders strict attetilion. tVTfTFK '"r"n" ,''. v I.ewisbnre. July 7, I85S. DR. I. BRUGGER, . iioiiii.ui-maaiat, -. --- . 0' FFII E in his new Ltruk BU. , . h .street. si. uth side, between 1 h a-- (up stairs.) I.cwisburs, May, lf" - " id -r. j.'t.uii- ... niiri niNPKRVon s-tmt.ait