Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 26, 1861, Image 4

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To Liberty's e nraptured siphl.
When first Columbia's region shone, J
She hailed it from her starry height.
And, smilinz, claimed it as her own.
"Fair land," the goddess cried, "be free !
Soil of my choice! to fame arise !"
She sp.ilte. and heaven's hi?h minstrelsy
Swelled the loud chorus through Ihe skies :
"All hail, for ever ereal and fiee,
Columbia land pi liberty" !
Colnmbia's senilis heard the strain.
And proudly raised his drooping crest ;
His sons impatient filled the plain.
While panted hitrh each patriot's breast :
Their fetters they indignant spurned.
They waved thrir falchions in the air.
And where the goddess' altar burned,
, From kneeling warriors rose the prayer
-Tn die he ours, if ihou an free,
Columbia land of liberty !"
War blew the clarion loud and long;
Oppression led his legions on ;
To battle rushed the pa'riot thronz.
And s.Min Ihe glorious day was won
Each hleedinj Ireeman smiled in death,
Flyini he saw his cnuniry's foes.
And, wafted by his latest breaih.
To heaven the cheerful pxan rose
Content I die. for thou art free!
Columbia land of liberty !"
And shall we ever dim the (ires
That dime on Freedom's hundred shrines ?
Shall clory's children shame their sires !
Shall cowards spring from heroes' lotus !
No. bv the blood our fathers -tied,
O, Freedom ! in thy holy cause.
When streaming from the martyred dead,
It sealed and sanctified thv laws
We swear to keep thee great and free!
Cblutnbia land of liberty !
As Irishman in Court During
cession of the Circuit Court of Lynchburg,
Va., ao Irishman was indicted for stab-
birjg another on the Canal, and the only
witness was Dennis O'Uricn, who was re- i
quired to enter into bonds for bis appear-:
nee at the next court. The reeogoizaoce
read in the nsual form: !
'YOU acknowledge J OUr.-elf indt'Lted to j
the Commonwealth of Virginia in lie
CUm Of 5500. 1
T , ,. , - .
Ilen n is "I don t owe her a cint, sir.
. . , i r 1
As soon as the Clerk recovered trom his ,
amusement at the answer, he explained '
the meaniog of the form, and then read it
O'er again.
Denuis "I tell ye I don't owe her a
cint. It's more money nor I ever saw, nor
my father before me."
At this stage of the matter a brother of
Dennis interfered and said, "Vc must jest
ray it, Dennis ; it's ouc of the forms of the
Dennis "But I won't. I'm a daccnt,
hooest man, what pays me debts, and 111
spake the truth, and the drvil may drink
all my whiskey for a month if I say I owe
anybody a cint. Now cheat mc if you can."
Capital Joke. A military comranj j
fn full uniform wa?cal!eJ out a short time .
since, tj tho SLerifl of Vorccsttr county, j
Maryland, to capture a pungy wbich was ',
taking ojstcrs against the law. Tbc Com-
pany, in a battcau, procceJtd to the con- ;
flict. The captain of the pungy went be- i
low and gut out a 6tovc-pipe, aiountiog it l
cannon style over the bulwarks, auJ :
itandiog at one cod with a lig lump of
charcoal lighted and -parkling. The mo- , Ji. C. S.Scc.
ncnt was critical, with every advantage J
en the aide of tho Captain of the pungy, I niyirnc UftgjQC
who straightened up, and at arms length "I SS,7 7VT" . JM.
prepared to apply the match. Simultanc- j R ( lirT'zi:i., Prop'r.
onsly as he thrust the chunk of fire into J fpJI!s Hl),e is iocated in the center of the
the end of the stove-pipe, the military g tUn, one square from the Court House,
jumped overboard, and such a "sloping
about" and diving was never witnessed in all() comfnrtable home. Charges moderate.
the waters of Worcester ! It is needless j lwisbiire. Pa- sept. . mj
to add, that, while the military were un- wimi, UU:tix. mar a.
der water, the eaptain of the pungy hois- j LARK IX & SWARTZ,
ted sail, and bid farewell to the waters of , jrAMMOT!I I' ilOTOC P. AP H Oai.I.KUY,
Maryland. Since this marvelous adven- j S E. Corner Eishlh and Arch Sw -rhUadelphia.
tare, the military company aforesaid, for ("- X,"'L
behaving so gallantly, has been called the FTEU many years' experience in all the
8 ' . ! various branches of the Art. the Propn-
'Stovcptpe IuviDCibes. . j el(irs cnf;dently invite the allention of their
' ' V ' friends and the public, to their extensive esta-
KoEnlXO AS ElUToa.-Uiie of oor rn- bil,nmenli Khlch presents the opportunity for
ral brethren was lately robbed while trav- procuring the best Pictures, equal at least to
eliog. It will be seen, by the ...lowing i 7
indi?nnt epistle, the thief immediately ti.- imirrTni atjtw krwn mthaArt. Th.
, ,.. , . ,. ,, f ' i.at- nl arraiicrm-utf"rr..init !lai!i"mi.H-a. c .r.,
sent to the editor how much be (tbe tuietj ; 'mmkia3C .m lu.- ai-, it dir. j-tii only ! ti.
... ; Mint in tlna ctiuntry. Attached to tbia t--ULhLlU(!Ut
made by tbe operation : srethrn-miriiie Anift.
. it .. Pa-T'.jRArliS, ib-luilitajr Tainting, aa low aa 2 00
' ou miserable cuss, bero s your pock-, r" d wiln fr,ie d ,
et-bouk. I don't keep no sich. Tor a I do .i:.,nt,.n,ii - f''"'t
' , . r . i ort-.rd"t. I-ifi -Iii.ljr.ili a.. I w a $ s ar.l
man dreSSPd as Well OS you to go ruuna r..rytwp- at am liric. Durable Anibroly al iu
with a wallet with nothit.g in it but a lot : n.Vnd p..rj. ns(irinint of Gm Fr,mp, rmtir,r.
of newspaper scraps, a pair of wooden i, aift and r-hi.i.- ari.-tr of th. latest tsi. i'n
combs, two new." paper stamp., and a pass '. PmZS r iw
from a railroad director, is a Contemptible ! crn.. iu Oil. tran-t rml trom amall picture, and lrom
, ,- ail ' lif- l'ri'1-l' from ili to .l'lli.
imposition on tbe public. As 1 bear you , 8,-lnslru .,,., git.-,) m th Art wiy
are an editor, I return your trash. 1 nev-
cr robs only gentlemen."
Tbe editor got out of it by saying that
lis money was in the "other pocket 1" j
The Eimira Gazette, (Dt-m.) charges j
Ihe low price of oats in that town, twen- ,
ty-fire cents a bushel, to Mr. Lincoln's :
Administration. I be editor ol tne liuna
lo Exprta thinks the argument shows the
editor to belong to a class of creation
which be should suppose would be tbe last
to complain of the low price of oats. Do
job 'ear, Mr. Gazette T
A "Reader" inquires of the editor of
tbe Cbeoango Ttlryratk who was the au
thor of "llejected Addresses." The edi
tor replies : "Tbe author of 'K' jccted Ad
dresses,' if our memory serves us, was a
mighty good-looking girl about eighteen
jears old in tbe western part of this State."
Soahp. The Oregon Electors were
Dot able to agree on any individual who
thould bear their ballot to the National
Capiul. Tbe milcsge, &c, mounted to ri.rtases.Me.lllion.Pins.Rinfis.&c. R66yl
$15,000, 80 they all came on to Wishing- j nr tiwrni?
too. d one of thfir number acted as j DISSOLUTION.
Meanenger and divided the profit with ilia , HP HE Co-partnership heretofore existing
fellowa I between the subscribers in the Clothing
. I Business at Lewisbur is dissolved by mutual
Suggested that as tbe southern Con- consent on this Mth March. I?6I. The busi
federary have abolished Yankee Doodle as ' ncss wiM be conlinucd b? s; JL Zinimnf
ft National air, they had better adont the ' on Market street, alter 1st of April. 1 be Ac
ttTnr,ns M.u auopi i ue be at lbe Htore for settlement until
'Kogae rch a. m ttbsutute. lhe l0th Ap'l, when all unsealed will be placed
The Washington Star gaja that the
cause ol ceeewion must have aid, or it will
pariah. We are half disposed to throw
in a mp$. Prentice.
Floorwhing the Lottery busiocus io
the SmsHbJ Stat... Wei!, Hilda cf a
JVaiLtr .cl. togcibcr.''
For Cuttin? liny, Straw, and Corn-Stalk
L CL'TTER," of which the above cut is a
representation, is the best and most popular
Machine now in use for cutting up Fodder Ac
of all kinds. It is made of three sizes, and is
very economical. For handbills showing
their advantages and for an inspection ol
ihe Machines themselves, call at the Central
Foundrv of
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, IKBtl.
o. .-i-l, Arcli St. I'lilladelphla,
Ha. of the lar--st and mnrt romplrt tiallerie in the
l nitl Mat., whw bwt Wrtutw known to the
sMloMgrn-liir art i talon at .ri.-. no lnlir
tlian ari- paid I T niwral.k r.rleatiin-a.
THE I'mnrirtor, lTa.-ri.al Miotneraplifr. tt-nIJ,
1 ironallv.cTn itli iJ " prture lo
i katr tlie UaiUrT uo'lea. it iTM r!-t stl-fa.llin.
IMKurrm n au.l Aml.r.itlr.of al.nti.r ds-asid
frirn.ls. .li..tnirarbnl to nv r..,.nrHl ti.-, r tk.-n .n
lit, .n.l paintfd in ml lv th U-rt Arti.ta.
' Al llii" lHlWrv pirtiin-.. ran l talon in any wrallur
' -a. ,.,-rM in . i..u :y day as f "n !"D.
mminr oi.r spenuiuuB, UJi for price and ijualilj t fj
M Ejunrirtionp gin in tlie art of Ptintoerapliy.
K. N Kb r.ljl-a
O iLixsi or Art, Til An-h street, l-biladitiliia.
p,m linn l.rwia I. 'Mrnrit. M. C Ohio
a.- -....:. .ml fri.-njs all rulirur lu tti .inion that
.. ...... iit.itL.. ihi
i. nirn in m.vn li'e-likf man any inina
I ., l liLrn lias l-n rT-atwll lasn
i ;,i.rent Arti-ta in tnc. t. tut i
.USM '.".i " U JlW
'&ZX?JZ t
tho attrntn,u and natron; ol all alio appelate true
'"' From o. j.tre p.
Mr. Koh-rt.-ll.olUicityof PliilaJ. Iphia. a""nia-
ttif in Oil t'oloi. vmtrrtlir prrwO v""T. r.rf '-y him.
, uk Er,, ,.1,;,, -ir uir ii-ini..n
tfitrn nn ii't mil l't tl.f arrurarv -f tlir ltk.-n-'i'f . t'it
Jt ,rIi.; ,, in n r.-fp.ts and iwommen.i inm t
r 7 "'Tu.'.lTiw"'
The bet assortment f Stoves ever offered ta
ihe ci'.izorts of l.cwisburs. ami ns which is the
celebraled Cuniinenial, the handsomest anu
besi ('i.iikinr; Smve now before the public.
Uatch KcpalrinfT.&c
l am now ready to repair
tne iiiit-st aiches skch as i nronomrii ri
Uuplei and Lever Escapements in Ihe ver.
best manner, together w iih every olher kind of
work in our line of business. All work war
ranted to give satisfaction.
have also the Agency for the sale of
the celebrated Coal OH Lamp together
w ith Oil S-ha.ics. Wicks. Ac Ac
Lewisbg.Mar'fW A E DtXOBMAXDlE
American Life Insurance & Trust Co.,
(Capi-al Slock $500,000)
COMPAN Y'S Euildings.Walnm street.S E
corner of Fourth I'liilatltlfhia.
ILives insured at the usual Mutual rates
or at Joint Slock rates about 20 per cent, less
or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in the
worli a. WHILLJJl.X, President
Lewisburg, Fa.
"Wholesale Dealer is
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Uye Stuffs,
Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window filass.
Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors
expressly for Medicinal I'ses,
Fancy Notion Ooods,and all
the regular Patent Medicines of
the clav.'l'y Particular attention paid
to putting up Prescriptions, Family Med
icines, Ac. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for sale
IXECL'TED in the best style known in
j the art, at
C. 6. Crane's Gallery,
532 Arch Street, Last of SUA,
Ambnitypes, Daguerreotypes,
in the bands ot o. it- "rwt?, r.sq., mr coiiec
March 22. 'CI. JOHN ZEI.LER.
Land Warrant for Forty Acres
rOR SALE. Enquire at the Office of th
J" Star 4 ChmmrU. I.rwishur
CAUl'IiTS a ae assortment by
Jiurshi Goodman
i Jl
111 Till
CJUBGEON and Jlethani-
I) cal nentidt. takes this
method of informing the citizens of Lewis
bur" and vicinity thai he has located perma
nently, and is prepared to furnish all who
need dental substitutes for mastication with
Improved mineral Plate,
(base and teeih the same,) which is fast sa
perseding the ue of ISold and Silver Plate.
The Mineral Teeth are undoubtedly superior,
and in many respects more desirable than any
other now olf-n-d to th. puoile by tli lntal profcMtun.
InfT an tlie loir hi-Kt a'Uinmi'Ul ol th art.
Teelh mounted on Coral and Amber Bases
at HHlurrd prirr. Tli liawit hat Wn t9td by III
arintinc.and highly racouiaieodcd furclcanlineMtulllity
and beauty.
Teeih also Mounted on Gold and Plalina. in
tb latent appr-d atvl. AIo on a Mrtsili Plat. und
only by lir. B. in tbis "locality, whirh la tar aiiprrior to
Silyr. at Silrer I'iat pri-n. lr inouil. a it hai
proyfl in many case injurious to the nealtb of tue
Special attention wilt also be paid to Natu
ral T.th. cirrrrlinp all irrtunlariti. treating irritable
and eMited nerTM, fl I titije davwl teelh in the moat
ykillful manner, tlui preTyin tlioeri:an which mn
tribule ao much to tliu comlort and appearance of the
Dr. Bnrlan's mode of operalins will at all
timen ! of the milde-t rharafter. rarefiilly nToidine the
infliction of nnnece!arv pain, and will he adapted t the
a;c.eMi1i!iitmn and health of the patient, therel.v of
fennj the icreHtcit eneimraiement to Mich aa aredcairnua
of preaeryiit I heir Teeih who miibt. through tear alone,
permit theirentire and premature decay. per-on rr
fl'lirinc the aeriieea of a lenti-t. will promote their In-t.-ret
hr ealhnienn lir H , a he la perfectly familiar
with all the hran'-hep of hi pr.-fe-i'n. and with the ex
perience of near twenty yearn' rolmtant and eatenHtre,
pracli'-e. ia deternotieil to apare no exertion to make ey
ery operatpm eiilirelv oatitJiclory.
ITrUooms (leaded for a term of years) on
Market Square, directly oyer llarria k runcanafrmer
lr rabiaciral llruie Store, opposite tile rbronicle and
felecraph Hfncca enlrau.-e le-tween lr. W ileoo'a and
Ihe linn: St .ro. All operations warranted e-jual to auy
in tin country or elfuwhcre. The natural contour of
tl.ei.nm. n-.torcd. I'l-liAsE CALL AMI t-VA.Ml.E
Li wibur, Xot. Q1", 1SC0.
The Dimes Saving Institution of Le
wisbarg TS rpaily receive any ainnunl on Deposile
1 from Ten Cents ami upwards. Four per
cent, per annum Interest will he paid on all
special depoMtes of Two Dollars and upwards
if deposited two months and longer. Otftce
in Heaver's brirk block. North Third St.
H. T. SH UM.b Treasurer
Lewisburir, Oct. 10, 10
mm ittorc iWcai
Ac, wilt be supplied lo the hungry reoplebv
the subscriber, at his shop on .Nona Fifth
street, where he carries on the Hiitchering
business, and will supply all kinds of Meat
in ils season, tin Wednesday anil Saturday
mornings, he will be found al Market in front
ot M'Fa tdins Hardware SioretV al low rates
for Cash exclusively. Calves wanted Ueeves
and Cheep purchased as usual. Try the New
Lewisburg, Aug. IU. It59y
LIXDSEY'S Improved
rruMMin M:inin:R,
For the anitT.radiral and . flirt ual rtin- f.f A l.t.dise asca
arisiu frum I-Vll t III I V of l;Luol.
'PMIP m.di'-ini.haawroncljt tbe mot miraculous cures
in rt--rate caaes vl
Scrofula Caooerou formatiolla.
Cutaneous di"eacia, yfi;elaa, thiila,
l'iniles on tlie fare, core Kvea, FraldlleiMl,
Oid. stubborn l lcers, llheiimalio disorder
Teller aRi'dious. Copllvenesa,
liy.nep-ia. Jaundice, S4lt Klieum.
Mercurial diaaea, lieneral d, bilifr,
l.iver C-mlaiDt, Loas of Anetit,
l.ow Spirit", Kul Mlouiafb,
Female Complaints and all diseases baviiig thiirorijfin
in as uuoure state'ol tiie blood.
"Tlie nbnre r-ortrHit of DM MTn-ary. of Xnpi
Tw.,vhn.nn th- HUt ilnv if Aunuftsls.',', miila.fi-'Ur it
lM-f.irr Juttirr GorlfT that hf tntH for the our
(.'anchi by ilim i.hj pifinn-'of lt-dtonl rmoty, and by lr.
Newton f the Krlc-'tir t'n)l-p, "intinnti. fr ft i-cri'-J
ff in-jirW -iilit muili. ootitli!tnlii.K wliirh A ,
un, unrf a ttrtf'lt ti't trft thfrb urr rnttrttt tntn
atf"v ! II tiii'l ciTeii ii ji all fif , titi br lifKrii ot the
I .M Swr'-ln-r,'iind lt.tluc.1 to try it. Fmr bet
tlrteurtl Kim. f-i :4ltI.oiiirh mttlT -liiinurf1 . th-r
n qu'!t.rti out tln invattiaMt tu'-tlis-itie cutl hi liff.
Tin- full .iirtiru!nri .'f this r-mtl.l-l r may LeM'vu
fn a Cirrulnr to ! Iial of any of rh- Afnt.
W al rt-frr to a cnu- ol Nanrv Hl?ak .?. of Klilf-rton,
Arm trone Co.. 1 . ruri-J of rrnurtLA alter beiu utiatlt
t. fi't out of hr-1 f..r iliw yt-ar".
Tutlif rasf.f Iwfy in AnM.tml! rtearflflJ Co who
ra al-o 1tlirttl with S-rolula in it wnri-t torin.
Tn thf mnf of ..irf M--ifl. rt-nl'mr in rr.l!towo,
Tam-'ria Cn.. I'm., who o tuatlly alJlirtfil with Cannr
that it ft hi ntiri- n oil, and his caf wa worrt if
pop.jl.lf. than Si"('r-.rv't.
The l arli'-ular of t!Ft rnee rTcrvooe nf which wa
I rtir- 'l by thf uf of tli" -'Hloo-t Sf an hf r may alo be
fouud iu a Lmular to be ha l -t oi in1 .tL't-nt.
It. M. U.VilN. Pr.rlrtr.
.t.at'ratnrv fr th maniitai turv and aair.nfar thf
I'.-nn'a Kail road Ifot. Ihillidayshiir. I'.-u IVII hy 0.
V. Pchattl". Is-wi-iMtirz: M I n-uht k llaurk, r.ulUhtf X
Koad: l.udv Hitm;i-InM. h. f'.irmfrTiHi : Cumpiinc
k Witin.-r. Hartlftnn; I II la-in ll. Mittiinhiinf ; I.. S.
Star.ni, V iLlield ; fcbtDiile JL WageiiNller. tfeliDgroTr;
y'-j -
L. O. nUXM EIt, rroprlctor.
mills new Hotel is situated opposite the
i 1 Court House, in the most fai-hiunabl and
lieautilul part ol tlie town, ana tor style ana
convenience can not be surpassed in Central
Those viitins the University, or attending
Court, will find it the most convenient and
central puLlic house charges will be the
most reasonable and neither lime orexpense
will be spared to bestow every comfort upon
those who may call. Lewisburg, May 3.1HG0
i;iiii(tio or hikimit.
1st Class 4.1 cents per 1U0 pouDitl.
Sd lu 4'l ilo do
.14 di) ?S do do
4th (11 27 do do
F'rial 1'J do do
W heat, r.y and Corn, 1 cents per bnsh.L
Pliilad. Depot with
Freed, Ward i, Freed, 811 Market St.
Thankful for the liberal patronage given us
we hope by strict allention to business lo
merit a continuance of the same.
For farther information apply lo
ly795 C K M'CINLY, Agent, Lewisburg
Attorney at Law,
Lcwitiburg, Pa.
FFICE at his residence, corner of Mar
ket and Fourth streets. 826
RARE C II.4XCE. An excellent Sil
ver LEVER WATCH for sale at a
bargain mnM eo. Inquire of
William VanGezer,
il .larewntmrff, I nion Co., ra.vi
Patent mica Lamp Chimney.
rPHlS preat invention commends itelf to
1 every one using COAL OIL LAMPS. It
gives more light, requires less cleaninjt, and ;
will not break by the heat or cold, failing, or I
any ordinary usage. For sale by Storekeepers
generally th roushout fhelLS.and theCana la. !
Wholesale by the Manufacturers and Patentees
umtvixi: A- III Ml'MHEV.
No. 321, North Second St. Philadelphia
N.B. A large and superior slock of Coal
Oil Lampii always on hand at prices dely
ins compeiition. Also the Portland Coal Oil
at Manufacturers' prices. 4SSI
ri'Rirv THE BLOOD !
rhanix Bitters.
TITE Mirli antl envied celebrity whirr,
thw-ne piv-fniiofBt MM.r.nf. h- mcuitiv l for th-ir
in-ari.t-lr ffttrw-y to nil the Jiiw-iip whirl, thv-y '""'
tt. r,tr. Iim rt-nilfn-d thi umUrI irirtir t.t tuffiliC not
only unntMs.np.i.r. but unw.Tlhv of th- m. 1 hy rf
known hy Hit-ir fruitu: th-ir iml work tr.'tify f r Uwin.
nl thr-y thrive m.t hy the fHb ot the crul'U.
IN ALLl'A.-Mut A-tha. Arl'TE AM' CMMiMr UnFr-
T4TIsM, A'rM'TIl!!tiir IH. Ml .bUI.U AND KlIC.lt. Bllll' l !.
KKVEkS. AND LlTLKCOMfLAINT. Ill I hf !H-Uttl llt Wt-Ht.
hre tliw-m liMinM'ii tTu.H, lhty wiil h fr.unJ iothIu
hl. Ftantrrrs Km m-rf . i nth-rn, whoonrt-un tbc
Miltcinpfi. will im-tit ttrwr.i t without th. m.
Irnrsi. No r5n with thi" di-trr-cinn Ji.(aw
rimtihi Jelay ainK th--f mitlWnw imoiwlifatrty. Khi P
lliH ur Till! f HtBlfH!, FLATtltX t. KVI.B t
Atii-e. rortliinsmuritw-of lha HKtru roiiutry. th-.e
nifilirttiwil Ififouna a it, p-.W. at.il t't-rUin rfin'
dv. 4MtnrmJir.nr- !. ttii-ityt-t- in ul jct t- return
ot theUi-fi-ajw a mrr hy tli ttirdiciura ia i;riMainrut.
Mektp..l bfor.AHM. Ni-ver fail to rin-liri.t' intiri'lr
all thf vtlvti of Mf miry intitiitr-ly coouer thttn the niott
powerful prepitnttirn of Jirsiinlla.
Night iwkatm. NMTurt Iiikiutt, NmmuB ropuivn
op ah eiki'. nuiAMC Atrt..iu3, rAUitattua ax ihe
lit ART, fllMKMi llit-'UC
I'ilis Tli- original pmpriptorof tbev mwli--in' wn
riimt ff 1'ih R i.f .yt-an'ntanitinic hy the . f the
..He Mr! trinrff itlone. H tmn ot ml kind- are ltrlu..liv
rXMll. tt hv thrw M..Jiriu--. I'lirentf will d well to js-l-nuiiixtcr
them wl.t-i.eiLr their rii.-U'Lte u su-i-ticteJ.
UelM will t-ererUin.
Purify tu- 1'lo.nl. and thu n nio?- al' .iee fn ra the
TtfDi. A -iolftriHl will plnre the 1.1 P'K I'l l.l anJ
I'lhKMX IUT1KKS heynd the remch of couijlltiou iu
the efitiiniition ft every pat it-tit.
l'rei're-l hy UK. WILLIAM H Mi iKFAT,
U roadway, turner W..rth St Nw Vrk,
lyTSS and sold hy all lru'it.
Shorlcst in Distance & Quickest in Time
mrnvKBN the two citiks of
via Heiufinyj Attrntotpn t)ul fJtifton.
MUHMXO Frpr'ts fIVf l- arra N. w York at fl A M
1'hiladf lhia at h A M. Arnwn at linrri-hnrn at
1U:4. ii. u cviitirt liiii. at Harnl irjj. with trmu ou
Norih'-rn I Vntrnl liailroal U r ut.hury. It 1 IM'.MUi.
Milt-.o, Willi iuit)rt, Jt-riry hrf and Ia k Uatt D.
M-i'l Trmn l'$t 1w N-w York at .it-.n. and
rhildt! litit nt .i:.;u I' l, coniifrtini; with truiu uD Sot
UiTU Ccutrul Ktnul for stations an ahovt.
Mul Tr.nn fritt h-wr Hrri.-lur- at 8 A M. arrive
at l'hiIaM tna at 1 P M, and N-w Y.rk at u.Ju I' M, iu
tioif to tukf boat or mr? f--r Icton Ac.
hmt t'.spw M..f lfa". Ilnrrif-hurp, 1:15. rn arrirnl
of Nnrthfrn (Vntral train arrivra at l'biladell'hi at
t;li I' M, fiD-i New Vork at W, ut uing.
No rhanirii of rnr or bairai, brtwven Now York or j
riiiladt-1 tiw. and H:irriburtr. i
f -r tx-auty of ari-uery. ai.d spffd. funfTt. and afni- j
tmd.H ion. th; r-ute rtBfiit mi'rir iuJuceui-ut to
ttic tra-linif f ut-ln. i
iti.v io A'it V rl fwt of Coartlandt rtrcrt. '.'..'iWef
phui, ItroaJ and falluwhill etni t. J
i'arf twlwffn New York and Harriliure. FIVT P'M..
I.AIi.S. tot lickt-bt, trtlfclit,or tiths-r inform .(.oy.
auply to J.J. tt. i'tU
Junf , I'SOy llarrhd'tirir J
Commissioner of IUincis. ;
WIMIAM H. BIstSF.rX. Governor of II-1
linois, has appointed Jotit Ti. I..,
a (!ommisi.ioner of the State of Illinois, fi-r
the county of Union, to administer oaihs, to i
take depositions and proof of deeds.morfffaees, i
A.., to bf uctd and rfnmlil in the i'a'f of Illinois j
liTns tmvitm wiitl land "r r'l wtaif of any kind f-T j
pale may tind i-ur.-h:i ri ly Ii htiiip a ilerii ti.-ii (-f the .
aanif at Diy ofrlr, ai 1 hae njn-in-d llonkn fur tin pur-
rhatM and al of real rtital. No cbari'i in thf ft-rtitof ,
sal" not t tup oiadf. JoIlN U. LINN.
l,-w it.hu rtf. I'a., March S3, tn.
Thi rmiy in tjffTrl mi mf'tri'inj a iran of ct"1t
cin- fesr tli Ur nnril'T tlist ! annnnllv' in o'lf
of t.iat frit m-.-ur?. rmui!i'tiiii, u winch unfert-i
BMfly, tw many pr-sli-i'fin' nu tluit. Yuulli anJ
jfa are avliLe ubjtct tu its r .jj9.
ran ntme r.. or mor of hi fqnintnr-i who i mb
joct U r -ni f-Tiii of lunj; or tLrmO cinn!:iPit. wbu-h.
if mt nttei..U-l lo in tu-anon. inr it.i Kir cn-tifii- thf .i.f
I frrer to a fireiimturv trravp. To Midi, hcl,. i- at haml if
I 'new will riot lliiui lTfi fl ii at"i nop". nr
' buijrrr .if brighter . aiaj h awknii'l witliut f-at
t.f chillllH iil-nj.r.!litnirtit. lT. O. I'llKlf! HhoWN ..
; Ai '1an litLHAM ,in j-i.t wlif-t in Wiiiol (or it. and
may tM n-lif J upon by thf irk as b ing th nrn-t -ui-.'i-a.
ful in cum;; lun awl throat iU-M-lrrn. f any o miy
I known at thf i-rt-tit .Iit. Thf ni.inv ithafi.- aiMiinfC
hy C.n-Jtiipli.ti jns?:tiM lhe apprt-h.-ii-n-u nf tin hi
havw rM.u to ffar il approai.li, vitlit-r Irom coustitu
licnal or hrftilarT tiniiucy.
Wn i It lit ilitconTiT of Ihi rpm"ly !in'"t nit b-li''T"
that xplc thould tw cooaUuliy dotting tbrniieiiM will
thr ar roanr eaea whrr Iie. t-o Jane all w-it
to remain unrlufckt-d in th vt-ni ; anI a nl-iit rouuli.
I recariifd at frt a piimply an anninnr. fp-M-i oi.ty
I with lh Iifrf th 'atifnt. An impure oTutp of the tlo'irt,
tnrotizli drbilitation of th Innr-, fill fha nyntpm wi'Ji
mor hid huuior-. and pulsation baronies ftfhl.' or arftn--atd
to a n-Tfrith int-nity thf heart, liver, and a:d
ncyj, aop.irat'-ly performinif function of vilal n-ffiit
to our II h- miT. are iiupvdfd in thir rrjular artion
Ui dif-tiva urtran falttrr in tli"ir tai-h. and rMuee to
pfrf.'tm lb ptoc-a of teparatiDkr tin nulritMnifl rlnncnta
front food, and tli whole mental Ikmii: ih w-11 nih rrady
t" aiiik nn-ifr tti buroen of hit. Tlie .;.ti'iit iliirl-d,
account Inn cam a oonivlic:i.iu of uiMtdctn. and u'u n
rffiiHex to rejrt to uie-iicatmn, from hia thorough dia
belief iu any propcl of cure. Tu iucu
of th. Acn BAtiAil. a thorouirhlr worth? theronl!
den re of all. I-very Pmpt--m of l onMiniption i-t -nrely
and permanently t-radieate. hy it u. U ftl ar
n'.n other but wtremrtheninir and ren.rat;nr to the en
tire nniem. Bronchiti. A-1 lima, "on-h-. old-. a:it
,fncrl Iiehilitv are e-ifertnalW euiM hv it- ue. Nitri.l
Sweati. Low of Ylh. and WitMtinf away of tne 5!nIe,
Ih of Appetite. Sirene.. f th Throat. C'net. and
Lnnrr. I.iver Complaint. IVpitation of th Ileavt, Pdn-e-iltv
of Hre.ithinz all fie affection di-appear in an
i'lcrMihlv liort time after using Ir. O. .'helps trrown'i
Acn- ian Hal-am.
It nourinhe-i and atrenethenii tn patfot who in ic
much reduce J to partake 'f ordinary fed. It rieaU all
htternal aore. tiiherrlei. and intlmtmation. It htrtoclh
en. brace, and reTilahr-s the brain, an t it without A
riral as a tonic, aupplyinK electricity or mntrnrlic force
to erery part uf the enfeebled and prostrate b.y. It
nee-i no lengthy trial to ci.nvinee any lhat tb At anx
IUi.aM ia trulr the rreatest remedy of the day. an ita
benedcUl quail..' are fully appareut in eight and fully
buuia after trinl.
lt the inralid. tben. no loneer JelaT. but
mike the tr'al, a?)d the rult wiU autely be A"
of the moot rraiifvinx character.
TI Aranax Hai.ah in prepar.4 with the 4
rreate! care. au) the bet material. No VW
paina or eieuae are ipare-l to make it what
it in tbe bet known remedy f tbe a-e. It
may le taken by either x. of all ape. and
at all aeaio.n. with perfect safety; aud it ia
Done the es powerful in C'tn'iuerinfr tlioe dis
e.ea which aap tbe foun.ltim and destroy
theliveaof aomany in our mi'lnt. Y.trry faimlr
h..u! l bat it, and renl it aa a Loiuebuld
Icriptire pamphlets jivf a to all who aprT
to otjr aj;eDta.
The above is for sale at 25 cts. and $ per
j largt bottie, fcjr 3 Baker & 6?,8o.e Agents i
c5--. a Hr.uiT .
iai..mi:k, kosk & t o.,
. I iiyjam (lath i. riLwia un i n.)
Lewisbnrs Planins 51 ill,
5wfti?itSleep constantly vn haml and
iiiatiiilariure lu orilrr l loorilie. MtllllC,
Iur,Sa.li. MiulU-i'N, ICIindN,
i'lullltliliUM vl all patterns. i
ami all inherlt'!criiiiuns of Wood Work used
in lluildin'.
Orders respeelfully solieteil anJ promptly
filled. All work w arranted to cive satisfaction
IVAn ejtensive lot of ..lllllbtr of al'
descriptions on hand fur sale.
Fiirlnrt on Xnrllt Second street ,LewULurg,Pa
April ss, isra.
Tlie imdf rsincd have as
sociated themselves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ins on the I.uinberin?, I'lanmz,
andCarpeiili rins Lusmess in all Iheirtranous
branches, al the
tcuuobnrg Olcnm planing lUillo,
where ihey intend to keep a s1 ck of 1'ine,
Hemlock, Walnut, I herry, 1'oplar, sh, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumiier, Flooring tshrl
vinff, Siding. Minnies, I.aih. Joists, Sindditif,
Fencing, Pickets, Doit and Window Frames,
Doors, rihnitfrs, IfiiioK, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Suiting, Scroll Saw
ing, dec, none at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice
and workinatishin.
H iu am iii:i:isii.ca
Lwl-l,uri( Planii f -Mill, Aj ril 1, !(.
Hear IlarlU-lull, li'un Cu., Va.
THE subscriber, lliankful
fv'4""V j f..r nasi n:itrnna"P- would inform
his Irienos and the public in gene
ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds ;t 1 ooH'Il .4tls, such as
Cloths, Cassin.eres.Twreus.at'inett, Jeans,
Klankeis and Flannels; alio. Carpet and
Siockm Yarns. His ii; at- Inn cry beins of ihe
.est kind in ue, ami having employed lhe
best of workmen, he feels sale in sayinp
that his work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment in ihe country- A good sup
ply of the above oo!s kept constantly on ..and
for .sale or to exchange for vout. at prices
that can not fail to please. Wool, will be
Carded in th? best mrnnf rand on the shortest
notice. Terms f,.r rarding, ra-h i n the de
livery -f the rolls. M ARK IIAI.Fl'ENNV.
Wiufleid Mills, Marc h .JO, 1H57.
FlIIH siibrribers havefursale j-j ia
I (m lots m suit purchaser.1
a larse Mock i f LTS--:.SJ
VI XI-: ISUAKDS-rnnt Stnfl sawfnlaal
riank. &e. AUn 5.;IO VIM: KAILS.
25 inclt Snue! Shineies Miperiur quality.
AImi sfl'jiin1 "i'mil t-r fur liuiM.ns :
Which are t.flrreil low iV r ea:-h. at i tir Mills
un sintuh Uranrh v( liie While llcer Cfk in
Hsnlev t.w nli:p or ili'Iivere-I en the finish
Vallrv -arniws r1 ail at lhe end of Rn.nl.
t i A l).ii(ima Inr a superior sample if
Planks, ami a rrt'tnium U r Tails anil s.h,nL'
les.were awarde-l pt 1 1 r last I'nirn ('".As.
Fair. J H. M'I'.M.I. SDNS.
Iv773 Fi.re-t ll.il V . I.'ninn --i, I'a
AurltdD and t'eRintlssIoa Unix In IcuKhcrp.
132213 Lf?al Auctioneer!
F.A.IIOUfllOMCT having been appointed
sole Auctioneer tor I.ewisbi.rg, is prepared io
attend to all calls in his line iu town and
Commission Sa.es.
In April next. I intend to c pen on MarI.e
street a Room for the receptit n, and (he sale
at slated times, of ail kinds of ti.'tMs at Auc
tion. Any nne wishing to dipoe of any arti
cle can deposit it with me and 1 will sell it ar
the best advantage 1 can and charge a per
ceniasre for the same
it. Di riituni; or
ComponnJ Extract nf Julians J!cj,ia,
I" unf reeedenti-d fi-r the rur. of .''Tf-fula and all ehrrr.ir
ilieas-; rlima-er if lhe 1,1 V. r. Killiev" kid liladlet;
Jaundice, I'l'p-y. lir-itu-liitt", ("hronie I v.zh. Threat ml,
fittirn; of J;it-d. Iii'-i-i-nt niiiuti -n. ,Nenr:.li!i.
Chnntu- and .Lslrimatorr liht U!i:ati-m. " -tiri- fl.-.l-;t.
lel( lrad;trli'. Iype-ia. Vwittf. NfTTi-ia ..ileetinli.-.
I'hronie S roltth-iix St-re l-'.t-s ic.f F li '', i i.r riiri.mi
duinr Knlnnri-nt'-n!. W hit" w e)lt-; I ani oh-t'iinte
I lecr?t, .MTtnn;il I li-t-r -.nd Vruptii-r. N' dwrlini'j
nf tlie Ittmew. Ludn. r.t i if I'livr-ol t,i.- I- si-e, ,. . ..mi
Up. Mnltcnant -:ttiinr I'lc.-ra f tl.e M. uth, T- n rue,
Thioat and 'oft l ainte, Ti tt r. l:rl-r Itt li. and .ti; P:
y?.jii T'T :::?, tid all di.i-M- ari-in' ir m an 1m
M'R8 . 1 ' F THf. I.Lo--r, win trir Ii-ri' iil.irr. fi;mr.il.
or ccuiraei.nl. The teat p.i ttlarity w tiirl. thi - in vrltm
Itle remedy lit at:aiitf-i owii. let il iijtrin-i.-
not to tl-e i-tl .rr df it-proj r;. t r. It it- u-o-d l-y all
ela.-'! : and pin -i -I.it I) r"i:(:. tit t!-e con ntr v. letting
witn.-sed its wiimlt ilul A I.TK ' IV K A MM I II U 1 K
efft io tb- various ' l.rt. uicili.-eSK3( d" uut Lt.iUtc to
recoiuiuenii it e
nu un r r. rrtTr.t.r vmnxt.
Offieeanl It. pnt, 11 J (:::-. tlt.-t. .U'LLTIII.t.lllif r
t)r. iati nay W cL-n-uiu-d i a:i di-t-nx-a.
The r.:ioii!; Ii-ttt-r fn-iii a highly rt .-p-ftt J member
of thv tfueiety of Frieu.K all'-rds ftrooi i-Til- n-e i-f ll.e
pr-at ,up-'rioriry if tlie Vli'l rativs over Sai b .r..liiu-A
and SKhir-AKKLA MiAiiXKa, at well as tiiu .axiuluo.Lt-r
JItdicines in general ur f r Toi'ula-
ElSTic( K.i'in-t.-r t'-j.. l"a , l-'nio. 1. lM.
Ps. ffn. A. Dh- lien a- d rrieii.i: 1 re.ei.-d a
letter from the a few das tu-t' iu . iiicii ihe h d
Hie lo ffive the u i.trrret -luti Ulelit ul tiaiiier f en. troin
hif tirt attack. He vra-- Ltkeu in ihe Ull td 1 -. hn
lu hot lulb year, with neve re pain in l.is hip aiid ihi-h,
and a Ciutiued to hi.- l"d !r live m -tilh. In tlie
roure of that tune, an u!-er t rue d on Lia tlii.li, w iiich
dix-linrttl a jrreat deal ol oh !' water; tt.e knee ul l.i
oth-r U-ij then c.n:imeii;-' d ;eli:ii.. and was Tery pain
ful; At." :.' - Wfre twicf th'ir natural Stz'.; ittrr-'
ttrrr Jur tf-itt t.riti.r i ;tt iunr Un .- atfi h-irifd a
yrsiit udfi'i.'v ' L'ttcf viator. !$. lnj it fuu J o-it
(V kn'e to thf auk tt, '',..'. J could t- it ij prrtwuij Ut.tr nt
anklf u 'i n t'tr MJtt'j ct rtifttrnt Kintld yuiU out :r thf
knre. lie tln it ti.ok pains in bU ariin, ai'd h-td ulrer
ou both, w hseh were fery paiutul and ore. aud jirrf-J
nnr wrt Jiffantiy di Ann if j'rum thf u'c-j; i
vt timtrit up, uii e-'uUi w4 t". itr-n'yitUHfd, or admit t
the Utitt m-UH. lie was attt-ndtd hy a phyeinan fur a
con.-id'-rahle li-nth of t:me without muth bene tit. He
then totjat JiTe b'tt.eit tf TuWNaENir. i vi:aArKlUA, w ith
out any eiltxt. We nt-it applifj to a p!tMetn of K-m-carter
who prpseribed a 'Kui lenl of different nie-tji tne
without any imprvm. nt. I cot a rei eij t f.,r making
Sarfapnrilla. procure 1 the'iDgn illent- fn m an Apothi-ea-r
iu LAiit-Hter, and ni..-ii- a L'.tll 'n, w!,irb be took, l
niden a irreat uanttty of tea made of iarsapanlla rot
and a-safrm miied; also I'ri kly Ash aud Iturdxek ,
Ten; but all did little got d until lie tm.k thy niedieine,
whirh we heard of tr. ui the het(ir.r U wa d"iu to the '
mii of a Dei-;lihor, Ilt-nry Uroiurt. In a very rhurt tinie,
an improvetueiit was perr-. tilde. and continued until hi
am cured, which nan with the twelfth bottle. It !iaa
entirely rhaned lnui lth in health and spirits, for
whirh I P-el v-ry frateful inJed and am wiliiLtf to do '
alll ean i eon i14 ten t with truth i for the advanet-uirut of
thy Dfci't BATIVE and the ood ol tbe iitfennic.
Thy MDrere friend, LVUIA MoORE.
Thee may do a? thee nt-en lit with this in welcoue.
Thia large rla of di:ee, ineludinjt rieeratioiiF. Tn
flauiatioiis. Hrom hial Irritations, Ac.it nioi.t.-ueeei.-fol-ly
treated by the ue of Dr. llmis' Iiepuratir-: and Dr.
Ltarir Throat Application. Head the following caie td"
spcedj' cure after inc eontineed ulferic :
Kt Town, t liei.ter t'o., July 2. IS,")9
Pit. Drrs Dear ,-ir: About tie years aao, I wan at
tacked with a di.ea-e of the thr-.nt. which came en prad
Ually, but at times wh-o 1 would tike crld the piu and
iufferintr would le very (listre.iu, neeompnnid with
lo!of TOiee to ufh ao extent that I ct-ul I not hpefc
altove a hic,er. The disease continued ettiti woree
ntwilhut'in.iinz 1 wa.i un It-r mediral treatment 1 1 lour
d'flen-nt phy-irian. lfermin alartneil at my rendi
tion, I cucluded to po to I'hiladelpbia and consult you,
wl.ieh too rvrolleet I did iu the winter of lsjl, when
you reeommeniied me to take your iH-purative; and by
the use if ft'ur bottlen of It, in eonnertion with your
throat application. I wan entirely cured, and have re
mained well. It i nnw more than a year ai&cc the cure
wa effected, lie-pet tfullv. vour friend,
1 A IHi AUKTT A F. TtlPTfOp.
Dms ATrn-Sntori Lotn uimtmest and TuhoT
Aph.ic.tij hou!d a--rompany the Itepurattve in caaaf
f Serofuloua I leer and ticera, r. of the Throat.
IV Call on the Agents, J. BAKER V CO. of
Lewi-bure. and procure Circulars containing a laxg
maa of evidence iu favor of the medicine.
J. BAKER k CO., Ajcta for Lnion eoantr. fUly
James F. Linn. X Merrill Linn.
J Afforneis at Law,
671 t'nion County, Penn'a.
J. VFRRILL U CowMtsj-ioHEi for th State nf t'ti,
wnb power to take Uey osticn'.aTknowkdic Dcc(U,-tc
! Buckeye iicapcr & Mower, 1
Central Fotndry, Lew isburg. Pa. j
TI WE Buckeve Reaper & Mov -rwas intro-
duced in K7. and so perfe. wa it ,
; adapted M the work desianrd lhat ! 'he
Creaiel Fractiral Field Trial eer he.' -this
country, in July of ih- same year, at
racuse, it inuuiphanlly carried (It tne
Grand Gold Modal and Iidcma!
At the Indiana Slate Trial, held at I.aprrte, in
lHi-H, nearly a many machines were repre
sented ai.d as thurcughly letted as at .Syra
cuse, and the
Buckeye was again the Victor!
And so aluo a! rtear!v all the field trials ar.d
exhibiiinns in l5Ht 6'j and '60, hen it was
a competitor. At a number of exhibition" it
receiv d the Fir-t i'reuiium a; a Mu cr. First
Freitimt!) a a Kaper and Fir-t Freinium as
a Crintir.H Marhsne. These r.itmcrous
awaids prve conclusively ihe correctness oi
ihedfCisi- n at Syracuse.
The combined opp -iiion t( the manufac
turers of Mowing an 1 Reaping Machines and
their elii-ris tu ciuh and to bring intu disre
pute ihe liuekeve, only served to pro.e i;s
MI'KRIoKMV; an 1 ihe Nars iliy enier
tatne l of it final urcfs and triumph M-re
rvidei.ee". of the real wor;h and merit of ihe
The Machine ha now pa ;ed ihroU2h fur
harve-is, and during lh" l.tst iliree over Nine
Thousand have been built and sold and :he
farmer may j'l L'e of it.i repu'atmfi I y the nu
mertiU" awird- ma le by cittnnnlee b.iiii at
field trials and at S ale and County Kxhibi
liuns, as well as fr.-in the uui.irrnu. demand,
which the manufacturers have cever yet been
able to supply.
Slifer, Walls, Sbricer & Co.,
Manufacturers of iJuibtck's Paifr.t Mower
and Reaper, IJurkev Reaper V M-iwer, lfnr
ling's F.iiM.t llo si' i'nwer, Walloon's Patent
Fodder Cuner, Rich's Parent Iron Plow, and
Mich.gan D nibV; PJow ; itl.-o.SiuVes and Cas
tings of all kinds.
Crutrul Fuuhthif ami Midline Shup, Cur
mr JSUfh !' M'trkft $fre-tt LttcU-
hurj) I n ion 4 y., 1 'a.
Not. 9. 1.
(furc(ir t"J.L.Y ii if )
YVa(cIiniaKcr and Jcllrr,
L(vi.t.'l two sl".ir- .f f I .Ti r-H-iitJj oeuj irii br
Mr V. ! r- l.l.tt l.-tl i.ii, I i.
CISOC kM, Watches. Ac. repaired on shor
notice and warranted to pive satislartu'ti
tV An excellent assi.nment of Watches
Clock and Jewelry t : bar. J f'h'tip fr i'ash
(fIIT FRAMKfs ot all sis made to order
Lewisburg, April -1, lSS
An jipri. nt nr. I pf-mai .i- fr- pirrt1. n f I l.o puri
ti' l i-x ii an-J .-n:t"i if n.ijhu-ft.m in L.tlr-iT-n.
f.ti.ctif.u,a i.v tl... l.i.,,-t .i.-ii.j.l Au'l.i.n: Uth m
Kur auJ ibt- L uiu i Mtt t, at 1 j ri-Ji r-U-il id ll.t-ir -Tfi
IKe f xj-erj.-nrp of tlionBil ilnity Tmx that mfri 1
pi rat i. u I I r ' w ran I r. tiijiT' 1 wild it. Jn unlio !
: til- ti. oj. is-j n i hf iTaal rr.rr-SX. pT.Ir nt.-t tl,-w ,
M' kiy ci-lii' tr .1 .in-, 11...H -tc ..p liffM.-ili lli aim fl wTtrj
i-PIlr-. lvs(-, r::--.
linn i-.U!- iu nil ipulndit' in wLi.-L it h Ix-rn tri- J ,
it h;i. vr.-.-.l al .-.! itu ly curnU.: iu eaili of f. U- w I
iu; c nif'l-iint.o. . :
'-. ,t'j, .-t-vt ,1 ".,-;;, ns. F.muri it;-n. iry.-j-l.
(,nn'tfr,itur., f . irifl.'-r 1 V frT, V r '. Ir.i.i I. ir ',..,,, ,,. H,
-.-it i.,
-i.jt, ',(.,.. lA,,r ..-''. t,.-. fr,n.tc ll:t i',.
A'-, uit itt M. tu! r cr. I'nrjH.-i on ! ,r Fw-. .(
In r.-f vf (i.Mi w I'to.i P. 1 . w I i tiier ti i.--uit f l
aeute ili--af, or t (he eonitTtiie.l liiniinition ot iivrt''i'.
ami mii'euiar t-n.-r, Iri ni . hri ii;e tui iuiutu, on- triitl
i-f ttia r.-i;oratiie l.tsi ( n ted cutnlnl tn an eti nt
wl..rh ou ds-tt ri; ti. b nor w ntt- I: ;UT.tnl:., wouid rei'd
1 er L-redthie. 1 iivtli'1 - h tie ll ri-l lm a to have 1- i
c- cu- f.r-"tt. ii in tt :r i "ti :. -rh- .., l.;r ml- ,
denly re-a) ;-relin the r.ay wor' l a it jot ret':rnl ;
ti' in pii.traettd trv. 1 in a di-tant land, n murt
aiirnal iO-bn r- of tt.i- k.n I are attted of f.-iiiaie M.f :
ferern. emaeinted vu-tiui- f apparent Diara-md, nan- ,
'inne. us i-xhau-t.r n. i-nti'-a- chan and tl ..t n,; ii- -ration
o uer.oii- aia-l upept'c aver-n.n tb aii a&d ei
ereisn for ahieh the j h v-i- isii ban no uan.
In Nmv.n Ann Uoo ot il kin.ln. an I fr iva.ccna
f-niili:tr to ui'thcHl men. Ilifi.r-r.iiiii ti.in prrpara
tn ii of iron nm-t ne-t -;.riiy 1 e m lutary . fi r, nniike xi e
old osidi . iri- Tiorouw'y l-ii;c. tl ul h. ii c e.tt -itnm
and ot, rh- atirc; atid i.tiv. rrjrularly a; -fit t.t. eei. .
in the nio.-t oUt-iin-ite i n - i ot cs.-rit. n,-. ni,..ut mr
teiU)f a g a? trie purcatie, iuan tio,; a difagiteal .e
S li-!ie.
It in thi laTterprcrerlv. awnir rtht-r. wtirh mire
ft ao rew:irfcnl v factual and p. mai-H-nr a r.niedr t- r
J1M. u ' n inch it ar p ar to t-xert a dj-tint-t ?!
epi-eiti.. actu-n, by dierMiifthe lial trcdenty ahkh
fulHH Ihein. j
Iii I'.i'H"I. innt?irierable a if rnf. a !n; N-i
Ol Ihr-e l. hol l :.te I'lll.- l.nn i fl. n juithe. d fi r tlie Du ct .
ha' itl'rtl ea.-e-. ilic'ti-lir.ir the j.tt.-nd-t:t r. n. tjt.
In uiu heek' d Ti i i ii-i . even hen adxarre I to It- '
FXl FT. confirmed. liia. :.i!in... nn.l a;'arntiy n.a.'ir- f
Dtiit. the L-UtClf l.ie b i u .u:tliy decisive and acton- ,
i.vhn.r. j
In the local pain", ton cf flrih Ffrencfh. iTehilrtn
tinj roit'.'h, at'd r nitttfiit he.-tic. l.ie)j trn-nlly i r: -1 i- '
cafe lcirti:T ( -ri.'?. thi- r niedy li4- ai laved the
alarm i f friti. U hu 1 i '. -iaU!e, iu several Tery ratiU- ;
izj and 'ti;.T- .-t.r..' :::-tt hi
Inciioniii Ti i rn . tl:t rredl'-afed ir ' '
had far uioie lh;n I lie ! d e'V t of tit- ui-tt cai. 1 - : . j
I .iIhiti d prepaen :,r off ol h-liue, without any . ! ;;.-ir
weil known In bi iti-J.
The atientiori -t t- mnle1; can not be foocrxfi b-ntl? in
vited to tl is tr-tfhj atidrrsl- rtitw, in tIlea.'e.ec:ia
IT aifee,(i2 ti:ed.
In RnnMi-.l oth chronic an 1 inrainmatrrv in I
the latter, however, mere decl. I! it ha- l-e. n iiivari I
al-!y well report.d. tn-th i ai:eviatin? p.iin and re lur- I
irir the weliin ae.f stiflnev" of ihe j- int-aud uiu.-els.
In 1 Tt iMiTl tM Fi.vlks it inu-t bei'i 'sari ly li- a crtut i
remed and enere'ic r-- rat it e. ami its p rnjrref.s in tie
new settlement of the V.Vt, will probably te one ol
hich renown and uefiilne..
No r.-m 'ly I as ever !, n discovered in the whole hi
tory of me,licine, whieh t X-rt-nuch prompt, b it-py. and
fully re-torative efl. i ts. Ho- d at petite, c inp'.ete dice
ticn. rai id a juiition of 'tn-ri j'h, with an unununl df
position fiT active aud chet-ilul erercice, immejiate
follow it. Use. j
In t o; in neat fist tnetrtl bore eontainiric "-n pillfc
priee Jo cent per box ; for ale bv druvr.'i'ts and dealer. '.
ill U" eiit tree to any ad Ires on reenpt ' f the price.
Ail let tt-re, order, etc.. nhould be ad lre-! to
W. It. LiXh L A . i.-neral Agents, I
ljSll 'Jj C ClJ.lt ST., N. Y. i
Sohl in Lcicitlunj ly
T.dkcr X i I W Scha7!f ParrS & Dm ran
r1IIE subscriber con-
1. tinues to carry n lhe
Uvory HiiilneM a
the OKI iStanii on fouil.
ThirJ street, near Market, an.i respecifull
solicits the patronage ot in t'nenilN and tht
public penerallv. CHAK1.ES F.HKSS.
Lewisbnr?, May 22, 1hM
H Y n E U 0 L 0 G Y !
ACl"RUrs anJ entertainn lillle Bonk,
(all ahnui Matrimony, Money, and oth
er mailers,) for the amUM-meni of every body.
(and the young tolks, alo,) on Ions winter
evenings, rainy days etc. Price. U0 cents, j
Wholesale, 15 Cents, ent by mail for seven
3 cent stamps. For sale at the -Vr fr 4'hrrm-1
ickn oUice. WOKDKN aV CORNKLll-'S. I
I'ublifilier, Iw i si u re Fa.
u W-'ll jump into tht Wr. n, anil all take riil..'
VLA ROE, handsome S!Sp- !
ami vprvconil..ri.v.?gjp i
filled up lur lhe rspecial arci'iiiin.Hlaiinn of i
Pic-Xic and oiher similar exrur-irns. Terms
mniler.ne. Annlvln Ins M IIOI't;n. I
Lewisburg, June 3, 1?59.
Horseman's Friend, or
Pocket Companion.
Filiy-Two Valuable Receipts for lhe Farmer
and Horse Dealer for sale (125 crs) by
C J 8TAHI., Bookbioder. Lewisburg
THE fineM coai m.n:e on nrrtre nonrs
notice b illHX H. MILLER, N. 3d St. .
the oldcsi aui best Tailci ia Lf wuturg J
VfiV. j ii ,f , jj y , M f f , d, ,1.1
p. , .-,1 a-ii-V a
' tV-. an..-..,.' .
d:eie. A c.T I i;n wU
Hm. U ir ii lt'n ! funet.'HM
rM-t tif- !i tl:n! - l-e an -I the
i!ih-k -" -jiaiti--i.
Mini- n. Ho- . j i .i
Uke ,-. i ! e I,..-t
liatilt.d . ti ! 1 '. V. -.-in. n
f-hii b ii. U !. i-
tl :
.r tlie d -I I -Un;-' !- ..
puiitllii- !T-.-f i-i '- f1-- i. (-.!
ti ll, Ml. l .1-1 it,;- - I Me ..- ;.
K-lv. tlif at- r .).. i... I it.o:T . . !.,. . , . ' -
I.V fi..ue .... S'.-n. ; .I'V'"1
I'lll'. ill I.-.-'- t . ,utJ..-y U..u '.vi. u .Ur.'u?
tli di i ! i- ' '
J-l it.-IU f. . - Vr.: -i
4. It A
-' 'f ' Vm 'M
:i - -iuiiifr
' :" ' -U ijn-..
'- . Il-I all f t
li. t- J. a'..- trtrJi
Ii.i Anr V .-ir I .:' i. r-pr-tt
in , . i: i;. -. "l;. .
i.f 111- er .'i- - ny.u ;
l:.--ir.l'.l- l-r JI-' j,
o-i-lt itPli t -d " : -
iii li r l.4ir. A r - i ii ....
u l u.-I i.. .. . ... i .
a m d.-.:.ijiL
A TAmlly ShHlr.
Tnr 1'ilN ur T ft. - -r s -vr T:..;r erVl
iii.:d. ..t - . i f - '
tlt-:t;ii.-nt '.-I di-f.
Ilcadurhr.Sir u Ue ilnriif.ro til Ktnaiach.
It t l-r i ' f.1 I-,-, !. i. .
TmtPr-. Arm: I'-.-.r. .t a
1 Ii . r.ir if. v .1 I i i. ;
tw.t : ' "- t
t-l f MO Itl -
Vl I
. I .
I.tt 1
l.P . r. r, e;-:n.,i-.,,.' .-.'trnrr' f
lb- r i -..: ir 1 I. t i
.f y .ur .n. It -! :i tu an-.- U.c. f M'tnaco.
wuuu :li- -ri . n
vu. un.-vt ivc:- t. tr. rFi.r
Blllona Iiorler t.lt tr t nmplalatt.
y.-rm I'r. f.es.J...-. li'l .v-. r v ,
N. t -i.lv nr- itr I.': :
T-.i.- ii ;: a; -n.-i.t ' l I !.- i . 1 : . ' ''?")
tli" Lr -r-.- rv T.n.k- I u j i v :;;
ti--. !i..-'d i.t- r ::- tin; i r ti. - - : i
j i,:, - tit . u- r- ';. I I t-.j
$ J- i' C t.iat ' L i" :t i- . . 'l a I ..: i. r ul t. tj.
tljf iim uiututiiic l1 i in-1 . ; e t .
T rur-e'T t :i' t -- . )
T. a.Ii.i.k' -H. !' ' .- i-.i-. ,
!tp T bnrm n- '. t I'. i- i- ;. . . .. n ,1
ITH'liiefl. 1 H.c - il 1311 1.. I I. .t.i i -I: I:....! U
tt.y are Mi-- l- t i-oJli-f ' ; l:.-.t 't.-
UHUJ aitl.U.U IU'" il.el" i ,.. K.
1. O-UM-
r lh-v
; ii.tt "ii.n
1 !;
li. 1 l- - . . m : -
i -.:i.il- tu-it ::! .-. .- .t
ual. i .i -. l. l !. . vt 1.
' j .j-.. .. i- -.f ti 7i.4
Djtcntrry, Dirihfw, Itefai. lVorm.
. ( . J. . ' - --j
T -:r Fii! l.-.i- l -l a !--!' 'i; ! : i--s. ni I
li-.M r;;ri in --t--tii r,f . ; ii.-- ! .- - i--.: 1
e r ! i.i-l. i . ;i n ..r .v " r; -; 1 u
tl..-Tli ;n ex--:.- i;t ii-mi-tl. 'i-u i-"'! - ;.'-(- kr
t.t: t d -f : '; ' i ..--- - . - - -t-c
jM-pln, Impurity of lit Hlooil.
r i t:r. j. r. u.r.,'i. Is: r ff ;. i.
I'r- Avtr: I h.f u- I t- nr l'. i-.:. Utr : ..
in -..-(:,--. " 'i'. .. . i'.- - f -1 n nt
Ji.lv ll.e 1! -I. I..-, are lit- V, i-'l
r I .if
r r i.:: n. tth J Imii ciiim""' - i
i.r.i-. :. ; n t
J. v. HiMLa.
lV,e.-nr, Wr-miiniT ( , V Y . t. :i.
T'r. ?!. I .i n in r..-t..-i: - ' :
li -. t. . I t.i ''i '- -.1-i.t ii-' ..'Jia Ulw
-..-VUi al.'i J'-.H J i . '" -'' " ''' 'L
J -UN u. M1.A' V.W "i T-
( f.)i.tlpnfln.( nwtivi-nf4. pr-.
lCI.emi.utK.lit. 4.iilt. .. Uiali.'. iil-ir
j , I'ariil rtr.
y.m i'r J. i 1. M-tfl. "iraj.V
To tv-ii b r-j.,t-. I ' ,d ..f y.xir t'ills f -r r!
N t' ... II ; i. it f .:r Ii ..i- ri.i. v I.;.- n : : -1
; rT.. .ttl.-li. - 1 b .v.-. t'.i- J -ii--.l!d j-0 V. ft,. V v..
li.j it !' r ll.- I- :i- :" tl.-. i.i'iitit.i t. - . r ' m
tbitt n nr.'. nit. w In ti. alMi .i-mi bvl n-.-,, : .-ir, i
If ,., -.-1,; I f !.-:- H-.it .ue .t- I 'e
l.reii 5. t"- liilinte It. tl- Lver, but JT -UT H.-V.ILJ
w ti mi-A -:nif tl.e i'.. .j"n.
Fn-. v j. r. -t r. "v-;.rf V-v . :-..
I fii-l ..ti t-t iw.ln." u..- .-It ;.r I1 '.I ' at
J.' ; . r I - in-. U - It ; r ! . - . : uc I-
.. n w, i'v . i ..t..-:- 1---1. : ..
,-tI- H:M t- -i.-r t- - 1 . - ll--
ar- f tinii li i !- I.i tb; n v iiv-- I iciaiLai
U , i.ll.r. t no I 1,1 !-'
r.u:f r Il r '.t :' V ry-t '."i
r- t -r- II i -r r r ,1 t 1"-
II t-r 1 1. ?:i : I -!. I . . i '
t -r.r -k:.l la- I -n.i.t i . if 1 - i t ' :- 't r -i--
V ti. a i.f l i-i u.-. : ...-ni.d :. :.t -i -i r-
ex t ':,.-i:...t ' tn J. :.- r- I't .
iia 111'" Uw- 'l ill Hi. 1 Mill 11V V ct.UJi ')
Sfv-.Tr l'iHM'.rt. r.t'. n V. i .'-. 1
Tr'. A T, -n : 1 ii 1 Tn iii:ip -1 v c. -!
l -iy(ii4
; P.--. T;,i
. , -:r l'-N..-f
f.r...r. VI N. i:M ?l.llLL
.i-M.st ff tb- Til! fn rr.irf.-t iv.nt.ni- M-rur-.
wir.. i.. it!:l. Ii a t -!-mI ! . U in - i- Ll J
tl.iti.'T T- iii ii jiiil l-e V.. fr--in tl lir i rn: f "e
ii'l.-ti-. tf. Ji-,',--:Iiiy f :i -v.- ii. Mii-.iiin-.iK ;" 'l-1'
C ii' itli n xamrwty t-r u,ii; rut sult;un- fijt.-ee.
Prie, E5 cents per Box, or 5 Box'forS
Prepared by Dr. J C. AYLS &t, CO., Lowe'-L SiB
Cr Polil bv V. W iSch;ifi art! by ITarr?
Pimenn. Lewi-bur.-: ( V Knh. Nt-w Berlin; M r&
Un-.n-i ller. .iiht't.; .1 tiii. and P II
htV:.l i.ri; ; t'vrr. v X lir". V w Ci-iunibia anJ J-''
et r Lere tr' w
f-l Kranfh In-uranrri.mpaoj.t
i.m h ha. i.. l a. I
n0.. CU. HAKVKV. Vrc,d,nt,
J. W. t'HAI'M X. S,m:rx
i his comrany, on eotence uj-cn ti t ."
jear of iheir tusiBess, submit lhe ft llriC
Matemeiit uf llieir aaeli auJ busicfas w if
Numfcriif rnliri.s in ff.rf. .Tannsrv I. l-fft-Aui.tunt
tit I'n i-rlT iuj'urii do
Am i ol l'n niium Ni.tt-1- in f rre ilo
Xcmbfl tit Potii if. iu d fast yirar
Am. unl IT' lH-rt, in'oml
Ani'lint of l-rimiuln . l-s rrceift-l
AtErunti f Lossrs mtnirt ll
:..-;i "
This t'lmpany cnntinies to intirr svsrt
ilerriplun oi property, such as tu
C.iilt merrl.an-iize, A c , araint U
a?e of Fire, and lor any lime Jimr.e; el I"
petual. SAMI. If. OR WIG, A0t--I.ewisbnrg.
Oct. 20. l.r.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ftgfy
jrf The subscriber has on band p'-'c'1'
-iirolleclion uf boih Fruit and ('man"'
TK'EEf. Ac. Ac embracing the very
varieties of Apples. Pears, Teaches. F "1
Cherries. Apricots, Xeciariiies,i;rape.l-
berries, Kapbernes, Currants, tftra-"1 '
Lar.e Horse Chestnut, European Vf-
A?h, American Mountain Ash, Supar VP
for street pianlinp, Ever bloomina fa
a splendid roliecuon of Buibtu and i
Flowering Plants. ,(
nrXurserv (irounds on the farm cf J
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpiie, withm
mile of Lewisburs. All orders ill ("
strict atleniion. I i Tom inrnrii.l-n '
Lewisburw, Joly 7, lSaH.
OFFICE in his new Brick Block.
slreet.south side, betaeen 4th auu
, . v at... ii l"".
tu MAirs. i.rwispuiE. . .
By . J. STilll-
IlINPKRV on "il strrct. a ucc:
)jii.i:t clitaj.cl,
... i " ' ''
j .;-nji.