UNION" COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CIiri()NiCLE---ArRLI 5, I8G1. id : V: I ; I : i 15 it To Avoid a Cold. Change the atoek-1 logs as ofieo as the; becoins net from par-1 piratioo. Avoid eulJ draughts of ir up-j D aov Prt of the to iv, or nncnaal lea - ; perature from any came, such as evapora Iiod of moisture from wet elotbea oo a por tion of tie person. The cloihiog, wet all over, it leas productive of eolds th.o when partly wet. You mirfht jump naked into aoow bank and not take 3ild, but receive eriooi injury from immersing only a band er foot in the enow, while the rest of the body if kpl warm. Unequal temperature npoo different parts of the body, disturbs the eireulation of the blood and producs eold. The best precaution, however, is to keep the system vigorous by tenpir nee, a generous diet of digestible fuud, tod pleoty of sleep. Wanted bis Siunatgre. The Wash ington correspondent of lbs Portland AJ vtrtittr tells the following : 'The reception of the President, on Saturday, was very fully attended. He treats bis visitors with great affability, and bearstbeir business with apparent patience. Yesterday, one of his visitors, who was an applicant for a clerkship in one or tbe Ve- j vjartmenrs, after being referred to the j Secretary as the proper person to whom to i make bia application, very coolly request- j ed tbe President to ti-in his petition. Tbe President, it is sail, ren.arkcd "Why, I my friend, you would place me in the po- anion 01 lite iiihiiw ui uo .-.-, -, ..... .,,. k..f..,. i.im .;rl ... .,..1 .).. ,t . , .;. ao ic.ua ce-jf y in tat it... - -- The Syracuse Jnumnl has an article on the subject of the "tbAtur jnetlry," which is astooisbing many people hy its apparent cheapness. The New York Scientiii American, most excellent authority, says: 'Oreide of gold, of which so many articles are now made, is simply a very beautiful brass, without a single grain of gold in its eotnp isition." Probably the most expen sive looking piece of this jewelry does not cost for tbe metal, moulding, putting to gether and making up, fo'lg centt. So that the profits, e-ven to the retailer, are ' ..I. . , m ii -11 - t . ! over 100 per cent I True tjuU will alwa8 . bring its full value, lu p.te of "panics, "bard titof," or any other catchword to ensnare gulls. Southern Dispatches Tbe Wash iogtoo JSfatct thus bits iff tbe warlike dis patche which tbe Secession members have been ia the habit of tending South ibis winter : "It is said, that, after an exciting de bate in tbe Senate, .gull was under j . C? i f... lOOQ 10 nav IbaCU CUW.ru jj.iw.ic.j u. j a chew of tobacco, and that Seward repli-; u f '' ed that be baa ooue uut anon itcttr , : whereupon Wigfall lc!eSr3pbed to the j SoQiherD States that tbey must prepare r ,.a I,.n-jhlieana woul d not for war, as tne pjuiuans oum Ticld-' 1 . . - - A Tin JilKP We had a hcartV lauph A I I'J JOKE lie uau a unj uuj," the other day, at h'arin; a friend tell of; man woo was attempting to pni a yone , OD a piJT. tie nan ciiroercu mo lEruuiiri io a room having a glsicd window, when j tbe animal, belietine they were preparing ! to infringe upon its full frecdoa,, went ! . ' ( , , , . ! , Kith a single bound through tbe window "Drat it." s iid tbe old mm, lot king tf- ter Lim a moment, ''I've pot ynur di neti eioDP. anylon seven hy niitf, ejeaitty." A "buiupiious" iravclcr, OTrrtaking D eld l'retbyterian tumistcr, whose nag was much fatigued, quizzed Ibe old gcntlemai Upon Lis "turn out." "A nice hoise, jours, dictor ! very valuable beast, ! "COMPANY'S B'jiWinss.W'alnut streel.S E that but vbat makes bim wg bis tail j corner of Foutth 'iiiui)iio. so doctor?" "WbT, as you have asked I iy Lives insured at ihe usual Mutual rates i I .il .ll .. n. fn, il,. ..!orl Joint Stock rat about '-'U per cent, less reason tbat your tongue wags so a sort of natural weakoesi.." Small boy oo tip-!oe to companions Sb b, stop your noise, all of you." Companion "Hello, Tommy, what's up now 1" Small boy "We've got a ne baby very weak ani tired walked all the way from heaven last niht wasn't go kickiu' up a row around bere." SaT. Trm V Pirk. Moor PraeUsata liaie Is-n Uith gatxl anj bad. But AtTaliam Linrulo wt'A turn out Ills orst a-irrr hail." F.it IHi-k tnT-im.i'nuw thst'n s fort, So bonsat man .ll l.mtt. Tor o. the ti.urth of Man b bi dii 3 urn Jam's Uurlianao 'iul." A Harp Hit. " Tbe times are bard, wife, and I 6ud it difficult to keep my I ! ir .. - ; 1 .. l.AAn Dose aoove waier. a uu ku c.di.j p jour nose above water, husband, if you didu'l so often keep it above brandy." A "Bi'I.l" Somewhere. A western ' paper says : "A cow was struck by light- tunc and iustantly killed, belonging 10 the ..." . . ' . . . . ... . i ... , 1. - u,l Vlllai'e poyt-ician, WUU U.I. iic.u.ub. : a beaatuui calf four dV8 eld." I ' t ,, '". .,. , ..,-! : ! 'Coercion" will have to be altered in tbo nert edilion of Webster's Dictionary ; so as to mesn tbat Democratic robbers and I al!.... s....s ... f.. ...iatMiI if thev K-izc auicac. uu. . .. j . jutilio rropcrty. Tbe secessionists should remember that ; ... . war ruus up the price ul rread, auu runs t down tbe pries of cotton. A man can fight in an old shirt but be must have a full stomach. Secession papers state tbat there will be Do cotton planted for two years. We presume tbe reason is tbat the planters are .fr.iJ tbe Una win e I i MiM Alice Yell eowhUed Mr. IT f;Urn?s, Medicines. Chemicals, Vye Stuff( CindtrD. fur jrounsirg to marry Lr mud not performing it. As he would nut make her Lav, sha uaoe bitn lell. It is the opinion of the doctor that the lawyer gets bis living by plunder, while tbe lawyer ttnuU the doctor get his b; pillage." Tbe Wssbingtoo Stir sajs tbat the cause of Secession most have aid, or it will perish. We are half disposed to throw it a ropt.Prentict. Reading make, a learned man, writing correct man, speaking a readv man, thinking a great man, and prjviog a good man. Pat thus pave bis testimony in riot ease: "Be j.b'ers, the first man I taw coming at me was two brickbats." 'What's in a dress?" asks popular writer. Sometimes a good deal, and some limes precious little. South Carolina finds it a good deal ea sier to raise llit devil thai, to raise tbe wind. SISTER HARY. 'Tw.is a stormy night in winter. When the winds blew cold and wet, I beard some strains til'utuaic 1 never can f.irtr.'t. I was sloopim; in my cabin, With my Mary fair and younfr Wheu a litiht shone in the window, And a baud of singers sung : ClKHtl'S. We're cumin;;, sister Mary, We're ciniiinir, by and by ; lie ready, sister Mary, The time is drawing uigh. I tried to call my Mary, liut my tongue would not obey; And when the song had emled, The band bad flown away. I woke her from her slumber, And told her everything ; But wc could not guess the meaning, Of the song I beard them sing: We're coming, sister Mary, ic. The next night too I board them, And the third night too they sung, As I sat beside the pillow If my Mary fair and young. I heard a rustling in the mom, Like the rustling of a w ing ; Ami beside my Mary's pillow Very soon 1 beard them sing : We're coming, sister Mary, &c. I tried to call mv Marv, lint my sorrow was complete ; , - . . . . I A If'ii I found li.r heart ..1 kimluets Hud f"r over ceased to beat. It now I'm very unhappy. From summer until spring, And oft in midnight slumber, Metliinks I bear them sing : We're comiiiir. sister M.irv. &e. R MEWELLS PIIOTOGKAlMl GALLERY, o. V21, Arch M. IMiilaflc-Iplil.i, tjtt of the larc-st atiil nrnst c-'Uiid-te. tsull-rie. in tbtr L intel MMtr-M. wbtTf it.- Ficlurw known t the t'faoU ;- (tli ic Mtt arr Ukt-o at yruf DO l.iter ItiMU mv iMid ft.r uii-Tm'ii . aturtun ?. TIIK IT".netor. TrHrticul i'li'ituzrufihtT, atts-nJ. iKiuaiii. owt-rv itiniB ati.l iUt) tm lirturetn Ira tiiei.aiiery uni... it site. i-ri--t Li-iiui rmilt lain and AuiUr.li pr.-.ol at frtrUH vh,.u:;riti,ux u. -uv r....rw iitinl In Mtiv f. iji.treJ r-if.ar tuiO-n u Unai. hit w, and p.tiult tl iu Oil ty th- Iwnl Aitt-lf. At tin Uiailrr i-i.-turt-f run Im tkk'D iu auy -aLlnr --itfCt iu clouty day. Mi ht-n tin -uo t-l.ilif. IVrMitiit Ti.-itiuc tint riiy rr r-Hi-t fully iiiit--J 1'i-t-amiuc our ij;ciuirii, wLuii fur j rire aiid (juainy d-l CCHIlWlHKfn. lufUUCtion gitrn in tbr rt of PhMrvrlhj. It. Nt.H KLL. Galukt op Art, T'24 Arrb Strvet, J'lulailelj hi. CuMMEMtATIOXS. From Hon Ltwia I. fAMKlillt, M.C,Ohin Mr family and triudn all t iirur iu ttif tiiniin that th iNfWrtO I'f tursr lit iurf !' like than any tlnnic ttirj rvT U. My llU-ll!tp ha b-ru rrlwat'dlj takvu I lay din-nnt Arti-l in arinu waya, lut 1 hav Offrr i yt had uu ajnten (jlVM-iuttfO iru-io uaiurr.ait iua ' turn-sun rxrt-s-ifU" tl ouuutrtiaiirc a thlM. from ll'-n K. J"t M 'HRi". lat Mimxtrr tn Italy. rBiMt(. finin . ttln, ofy-ur f-or- trait. rut.jMiD-j itt. th-iranrai.inty .tr .-.. . r a., .i uuh tuin-iWM! iikfufrrtt, ran uut tail u rutuiiit-tid them io thtf .tuutju and itrutiauf aii l ,i.r.cite tru ..t- Fto.c.jpw ii.iinr -'ioti f r i.nr..it. I .twmt on from Mr- "Tt !"'. " r ' l't.il.lrl-hi. a mini tinn,u,irnj,t,,K.,r,Ja,r..i..n.. ,,J l-'r,,',t pt-ure in ,-xt'rrr.Mnn !ltr hMti-Urri'.n givrD m. ii.t mly bv lh ncuntry i-l ilif llkurI., bjl il rti-tic Sni.h in ll rcl-. .J muiwM l.in I.. tll(. Hllri,B.ge f n,,, a,., d uicuurlb-lnuU iuirt. stjuiS J" ''- Walcli RriKilrtnKc j - iv:X'--'v (FVfrv I am new ready to repair aiches such as Chnmnmru-ri '"' Escapements-.,, the ver best manner, tosetlier with every mher kind l work jn ()U. Unr of b,Jsllie4S. Aa . ranteil tu give satisfaction. IV I have also the Asency for the sa'e of the celebrated Coal Oil Lumps together with il Shades. W icks. &c Ac Lewisb;.Mar'6U A E UtNORMAXDlE American Life Insurance & Trust Co., (Cani'al Stock Mi0,00(i) oral Total Abstinence rates ilie lowest in the worli!. A. WHILLDlS.rre.iitent J.ian C. Sm. Sec. 747 ;i:). F. MILLER. Ai'nt, Lewisburt RIVIERE HOUSE LEWISHUKU. I'A. It. -. UtTZKI., rrop'r. rpHIS Hotel Is Ineateil in the center of the Umn.one square from the L'ourl House. Persons attending Court, or having other bu. smess in Ihe town, will finl this a pleasant and comfortable home. Charses moderate. Lrwisbnre. Pa.. Sept. . IS tn3 ILU.l. P. Ladl. vr.! a. svaKia li.Vlilvl.N iv diiii, i Mammoth I'iiotooraph Gai.i.kry, j S E. Corner Eighth and Arch St. rhiladelrliia. I (tWruMC on U Sliett. I VFTER many years' experience in all the various branches of ihe Art. the Propri- etors confidently invite ihe attention of their . j friends and the public to their extensive esta- . biishmeni, whirh presents the opportunity lor rn.curinz the be-t Pictures, equal at least to I any fir-l-class Gallery in the I niie.t Mates. iniriii..n ir. ronmleie for ei'cuntiff all I , ....... , , th. Art. Tb- ban- patent arranL.msjit f". m.nic " rrtv.i. if !.e., making ll n i.if- - ils-insl ths onljr oo. of th. kiml . tin. s,,ntr. AttachsU lo tllif r.Ubiubmaut w,riM Arli.... n.i, inr.i.iiin, i-aintin,, .i..w fe no do .tT6.-roian.ist. Extra sopi-. rt. or $.' per rlox. 1. Hi- sire i u'noKrsin - i -w - s lv(,r, ,,rai. , iir.ra. Uuratil. Auinrtnyiiea ai I s.ofs sn.l ni.s r... i A most .xlsiiM.e aasorTment or tlilt Frams. embrai. , Ing a selset ami rh.ii--e varislv of tb. latest :;iit. ri- c. fr-.n. r..i. ami u...ni.. .-.....1 sii...ilu.n Is-sto.ed Upon .ifefrs Photo. 1 ,,., ,,,. ,r.n.f.m,t immainaii picturw.aoafroin life, fri.s frooi ilS to lls. aw.ln.tru-ton" Sirs. 10 the Art C.W.SCIIAFFLE! Lewisbnrg, Fa. j WHOLESALE DEALER IX Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window tilas-s. Perfumery. Pure Wines and Liquors expressly fur Medicinal I ses, Fancv Notii.ti G..ids,and all the reeular Patent Medicines of the dav. tPanirolar attention paid to puituie op Prescriptions. Family Med icines. Ac. Also Pine Oil and Fund for sale PHOTOGRAPHY, .V ALL ITS BRASCHES. XECUTED in the best style known in tbe art, at C. 6. Crane's Gallery, 532 An h Strett, AW . .Vt'wC'A. Philadelphia. LIFE SIZE L OIL AND PASTIL, I 8TEUEOSCOP1C PORTRAITS, Ambroiyjics, Dajiui-rrtotjpes, &e., ForCase,Mrdalliiiii.Pins,Rine;s,&e. 66yl Land Warrant for Forty Acres IOR 8AI.E Enquire at the Office of the -Var 4 Chnmirlr. I.e ishuvs. C AUl'Ela a hue assortuunl by ilursh i. Ooodoian (.BEAT INPKUVLMEXT DENTAL i'ltOFESSION t.s v$V OIJRfiEOX ai:d Mt'chani- O cal llenliHt. takes ihisUl meihcd t iit:nriiiiiiz the citizens of Lewis burs; and vicinity !h:it he has located perma nently, and is prepared to furnish all ho need denial substitutes fi-r mastication with Improved Kineral Plate, (base and teeth the same.) which is fast su persednij; the u-e of lioM and filver 1'Ute. The Mineral Teeth are undouhied'y superior, and in many resptrts mure desiral le than any other n.'W r.tf- ril tn thf p b i.- hy tli- Ih-tral pruf. wioo. Thev arr thi llitfht a't4in mrnl of tin- Nrt. Teeth iiKiunlr.l on Coial and Amber Base at rt-lufl tirif-. TlirB Imim- hat bv-n l..ti-il lv th M-i'iitiltc aiij bigblj revoiuuinJt.(l tir:lrAUliuH,uli:ajr an. I twaiiiy. Teeth also Mounted on (SnM and Platina. in thr Utct appn-'l tylr. Alo on a M.-tMlir I'latr. u t nnW liv t'r II in this .w1it. ho-h in tr (.nlN-rinr lo ilvlr.a Silrrr tlU- trirr. filter inu-. uisl. mk ii ha lrnvt-l io luauy cases it jiiiiuus tu tb bealtb nf the rarer. I knoan hy their rriiio.: tl.eir i-l rk-leir r r tbein. Special attention Will also be paid t" iattl- ! ,a th,y ,rlveiiol by thelailhottl.ecreJuhiUK. ral Teeth, eorteeiiu- all irn culsrilie. treatinc irntal le j N o,, t'ASI-l itl A-Tiim. Ai-CTI axo Cllnnsir RHrr and e(oitet ni-rvfi. fi;iil.t il-aiej telb ill the most AirMII-tsv or'tlo. Uul hta SI- KihSlia. Hll.ir'l s kittfi.l niMnner. thu prefer. inn tho-eoruans whH-h eon- tnhiiteao much to Ule cuiuturt cui appearaui-e of the popseasor. lr. llorlan's mnde of oprrittn? will at all time be o the nilje-t rharsi-t.-r. ratsf-iltr aeoi.linir ttie intlo-lt.-n of uliiinvs-srv psin. sli.l will bi- a lsT t-il to the are. ronstitiitton anil h.-;ilth of the pmii nt. then-l-y of f rin-' the irre.tt.-t eoismrs-teineiit t- PlU'h as s re -tesi rolls of .reservina Ihetr Teeth who no -ht. through tear aiooe. permit their entire amt rn-msturt- J.-rav. I'er.ns re- quirini; the pereii-es i.fn ll.-nrisl. 0t pr-imole their in- t. rest. hy ealhn,. on Or II. a- he i perf.nW r.iniliar With alt Ihe l,rao.l,... ..f hi- pr. fe-i.,r,. aii.t .1th the eX- l-en-ore i. o-srte.it, ,e.ns uo is,., so . es.e,.r,.e e- - i .- - s. . . ery onerntinu entirely sattsisriory. t v Idioms (teaseil fur a tirm ol years) on farhat S-iiiarn tiirM-tIv nt-r llaTrtn.l: Hunrnn'M f-.rutvr- l I'aMwi-il'v) hniif J-tnri-. f.H-,t tli t'lmTitcI at;. I IVIftTiit'h OfHi-4'ri eiiTr"f (Iwtwti lr tt ilmi t' ati'l th I)riiat Sttiret. Ail i'.THliora warr titti-rl i- juai t- any tn citiitrT or IeW-!,-r.-. T- oa'ir)il r..notir th-i.nm r.f-ti.r. i'l.KA.-K CALL AND KAM1M SWyiMI-'NS. Lewii.t.urir, Not. 2. The Dimes Saving Institution of Le wisbnrg TS ready tn preire ativ ainnunJ on IVposiir 1 from Ten Onis anil upwards. Kmir per cent, per annum IniereVl will he paid rn all pf-rittt depo-iles of Twti Unllars an.t upwards if deposited two mun'h. and ..'tiger Miice ic Keaver'a bncW bltrk. Nnnh Third Si. H. P. fr-IIKI.I.Eir, I'reaiurcr I,ewishuriT. Oct. K, tHW ' ll Tirri' oi-TTnv ,-pii ., wt:l i-e upphed l thr iiuntrv people b Ax., the Mlhsrril.er. ai his shun t.n '..nh Kii'rh U ,:.. ... ,1 a. ,, u, . Mreft,v.htre he c.:nie on ihe Hutrheruiff business, and u i.l Mipplv all kinds of Meal 111 its Masn. On edntdav and Saturday muriilhos. lip tt'ill in fi-tu.ilai VrLpt m Imnt ol MTa idifi's Il.iniuare SiorrlV al low rait-s I and Mietp purchased as uuat. Try the New liUICJUT. Lewil.ur?. Auf;. IS.y LINDSKY'S Improved A SAMtAKt Mi:tKll-: Fortlif Kiii'i-ilr.r.i'-ji1 ii d -tf'tii;tl -ut nt 4I.T, 'liawUM aritni( tr .m. JMl'l lill V iF TIIK IltiHiU: yill-S oif.lirinp ha arrotil.t tin- moat miraruluut ar J in tMtratt cases of Ctn-vroo' fortnatfnn. Kri;.f las I'M.i'a, t-or" l-a. ?riM lUatl, l:h u:u ti- it i poidr, S lit iatlf llltl. tillfril . I.ilitf, .f A.t-til, St '.inn -It, I tiaciisr-iiaiitt Umlroria) 1llIif(.tl(a l,:ta(w, l'iniiit en thft.ii1, 0 ,i. ftul.) rn t. Itf-rc, T. tft-r atTcrtit.ii. In i-.it. Jatia lire. ' rnirial HM-f., 1 irr (!.miiiaitit. 1 wr iril-, Kuial. ('.milair.t and t iiu(iur talent tlif llirl. Tb ukr.tr in a (urir-iit .-f MTrnnrv. of Vpiwj Twi'.wl.M. on th :;l ft tl t-f rut I".'.. nimlf nil 4 . It I t f-.n Jut'tf Unr ! y tt iit Its- hp trr tt-.I lor llir i ut 0ck hy tlirt-e- filiv Mr ik. i t.f It- tf. tt rt'iintT. hihI hy Ir. N.'w,tn of tl-v- Kfiftf Cotl-a. 'iiiiinti. ir n juri'J of n-lirlv ulit uri'latliK. tn.l wjiilm'umiinii u. Ii ift, no, attti a fi-trtfiH rj ht I'f't ikrk ft'tinlg ritH (iwf V Hv IimcI iri.i up ull In.-". hfti ht ik-hM of lhi i -Iti.Hxl r'irriifr. aiiiti w imiu'l In tr it. ronr vol j tlt-n ciirt-d t.ni). mi l : mtiinuub .!i-fisJrt.l ' tlit-rr W I no iiutfiufi lut tdi inulii;it.lt' in Iiim ,, bin I tiki. ' Tti- lull larlirutar" of tin- rrniMr (tuft In cr nmy l-aM-sja in h t'iri'n!ar It IimI nt ny "f iliv A ii!. ' U,....ir.rlf.a ciM-i.i ti.- llii-stiifi- cf t-M.lvrlfMi. Arm-irnnit i n . ' . r-tirs-ti ..f M'hul'i la :itt r Irt-iiir; utmbl t- e-t out of tJ 'l f"t tlirtt Tvr. Toltif ro-vofj. U.lv in .iii-".n;il!-. Clrf .1.1 CoM who n- ni.o ttl ii-tcl ith . --i.tiila in it n. it ft.rin. Io Ih-; f U.ore M.-i-. l. r-i.'Oi in ftrr.l!(' in, rtvut ria Co.. I'a . who - - I'h-IW nlt:n-tfit with ('aiiftT tht it tHl lit vniirf n.-f off, nwi hif cane w yrr.v, if 111 hi-, ttmn M rnr"n. rtitr i rtn u'uri. 'f ll,. -an mvv T rv on of wliifi n vtirfi r.y ilif U" of thv "IHrvt. ,'tiri Iht" nixv nlo be found in a Cir-uUr t 1 I ml t nv .fir.- t-. If. M. L! P;oprlf-ri.r. F.nSnrntnrv f'T tii- tiiwoutm inr. nin: nalt n-nr thr IVi.d ii I.Miln.n l II. Ih.tj.v-t t-r,-. I'rx. f-Ul lv W. S-hnfil.-. l.-r;-l.iirtr: M'Oi lit 1 lUu-k. :T-l- lt.-ja.l-: Kudr k II.Tntti-lr-i -h. lornier-t -tW ; 'uininim; k Witm-r. Hnrtl-t'.n: ll II Iti-wll. H-lttinJ .irir ; I. 8. Stismni, ttii.iie.d; Liudl. X tt vt;orellfr, Seliuoro; BUFFALO MOUSE LEWisninc, iwioy co.. r.t. l i. itici:it i:k, rt oprlfior. rpHIS new Hotel is .siiuaird . pposiie the I Court House. in the tnost fashiotianle and beautiful part 1 1 the town, anj for style and ! convenience can nut be urjiased in Central ! Pennsylvania. Those visiting the I'niversity, or attending Court, will liud it the most convenient and central nuliic houe fharsfs wm ne trie j mcst reasonable anil neiiher itn.eorexpt-iise will t.e spared lit le-itw evpiy ctinilnri upon ibose whu may call. l.eu isbur. May 3,IH60 PEIPHER'S LINE rpo A.M FKOM PHII-AUKLPHIA. lt Claas HA Jo 4-' cent, l-sr lull (iiiutiilf, 4'i ilo ilu C: do do 4lb A Tt An Oo tp-t'i:.! 22 do lo V li-at. It atid Corn, lii crutf pur buflhcl. Philad. Depot with Verrf, Ward Frred. 81! Market Rl. Thankful fr ihe literal pain-ijafre given us we h.ipe by Mnci aut-niicn 10 business lo merit a cuuuuuance vi ihe ame. TiMVS TEIPHER For further infnrma'ion apply in ly7'J5 C R M'lil.NLV, Agrut, Lewisbnrg WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, Letvlftbur?, Pa. OFFICE at his residence, corner of Mar ket and Fnurih Mreer. M2B 1ARC 'lI.ri:.--An eice.lent Sil V ver LEVKK WATCH lor sale at a bargain must go. Inquire of A E. DE.NORMAMUE, l.ewisbure William VanGezer, A TTORXEY at Law, il Lewi-burp, In Ion Co., Fa.fl74 Patent Hica Lamp Chimney. I A LAMPCtmt.NK.Y THAT WILL NT URKAk! i rpllIS great invention commands itself to I nrri one nlne I'OAL Oil. LAMPS. It eives more llaht. roinres less, cleanins;, and will not Ineak ny tne n'ai or emu, n'u;, " any ordinary tias. For sale by S'orekpepets em-rally throiithoul the U.S. and the Canada?. Wholesale byihe Manufacturers and Paieiures iiiiuvivi: A. II PltUR V No. 351. North Second t. Thitadelphia N.B. A lareand superior slock of Coal Oil aUllll,' alway on hand ai prires detv tns competition Also the I'uril.md Coal Oil at Manufacturers' prices. 4SHI l'I'RII'V TIIK III-OOO ! BIOFFAT'S Vegetable LIFE PILLS AM) M'hceHix Kilters. rrilE Iliph nnfl onvifilrdclirity wliirh 1 ihi-ae preemiiienl M.-itii-ine t.!ie antulri il fur their invarlahh- eltiraey in all Die itin-asea wh:. b they pri lVsa tnrure.ba. ren.l'r.d the u.u.l pr.et,. ot P..rSn not oul uniiMs-Varv, but imw-rloy ol lln-m 'I Itry are asd l.ivKa rowrmTs III the .South ani Viest, a-heie the.e iii'ee prevail. Ihey will lw It. unit inraiu ah'e Planter, t arnier. anil othern. wtioonre use lhi Mtr( citte-is. will iifTt r atlf warta Im? wit limit tk m. ltxi-Ms.iA. No f-TMiaj ith thi li-trr.-Miif( ili"a ,..is..a i iik LMsihUo. i-Lotu-Mv. v. m K.r lln-r-.-.iursM-t ll.e- Ur.ni .ountry. tlif-e ; meilii-in.-s will l4.f..iiiel a wtte, ssrly. ai iteertaiu relue- I j other uie.li..ne. h ave tlieayKt. ru sut-jeiH to a return . , theji.ease a lure hy these nofl.eiuaa ia a:riuauelit. , T, Bl ,L asp lit ci tl. , ttl o,,,.,,,, N,.r U, He,t, ntiretv 1 ( (f ...(.rY n,hnilely KMiUtT tbuU the Diost i iciwrt-tful irrLartit) of SaraHrilla. I NmiiT Mir tti N.hvni'f ItfcbiUTT, .rt!T"t Court tt j r? ML KIM. H..IM: ArttLllU.Mi, I'AUflTATlOSI or Tblt , - IUHT. I'nOTtK'n t H'lUC. J 'i!.r 1h.' orijinal pro.r,ftnrof thfn m-'1.rin wm ' rui-fl ft IM. i.f .i- vcitr-'ulan lit.tr l-v tbf 0-r r t thi-ft- I i.iif Mtxi.rii.fr aimif w van f ah km-fw arr- ftitrtuitv .y 11.. M.,i,,i.,,a. .,ri.iiiawriit.i. Taaff his iner.ds and the public in eeite j Kt-iM will la-ctrtain. ral, thai he conlinnrs to main-lac- J J TH K I.IKK ril.LS AND P1KEMX IUTTK!(3 ' uire all Linos ol oulC) 4aUl inch as : ruriiy th- 1,1. ami itn.- r-m"- at' tii-ra-rii tn.ni tb (Junhs. 'asMrnrf . T wmis. annelt. Jeans. ! nv-ir-m. A ini:l trial arill j.la.- U.r l-l H: I'll.l.J artl im.tviv .. i-i'l i- i. ., 1. ... u. ....... in tli.stiioatioi)Ofe.r.v fati-tit. arl'M.i.atisi i.y Mt. wilmam l von tT. ur,aaj,.orii-r n..r.i.. - i.. - anil sold l.j ail lru -.-ts. ... FHILAD. & READING RAIL-ROAD rmr ftg yi. .'T..; t-,. ... i.T Z7T 1 t. Sliortest in Dislante & (Imi kest in Time i;ktvki;n THE TWO CITIkS op via AViki'ii', AHinliitca mi'l A'isovn. j -1 1 i.iu.i hsa M. Arr.? at iinnt-i.tirK at 1 l"-':4". ma-tii n.i.iir-oiitr. at Harn-l.tirtf. witti train 1 ' N'iilii.-Iil tVtitrl haliiitail ti r .-ui.t'iir, LKUlN-.t IU. : . MuI(n iiliMt r j, ,hlt ,1.,,,. ; Mjll Tr.un , ,rr, N,w Yrk at 12. o,.n. mnd 1 I'luini. yi:n at ... m ! :, roi.n.ttd n with traiuuuNor- j thvru rntr-l Kl for Mt:.i. a-alnf. Mnt Tr.nn Put Imv llarnl.iir at S A M. arrifn j at riulndHt hia at 1 P M. ati I Nv-w V.-rk at li.W f .M. iu ' tltQi- In t.kr bi.at tr r-ar f T llir-Ull ate. I I fr'-it yrfne 4-1st It-avi-a llaritxt uri. 1:15, rn arriTal ; j of NerltnTii IVtural train arii.f" at I'li.ladtlj Lia at 1 t-:l 5 I' J. aiiti .New Votk at , avruiiijc. j Ni rhauiti of ntrn or liastcaK lr-tn-en New York or ' riiHa'lfil.i4 aul llarii'liuit:. ; tvr l-auty ,l art-iifty. and rlfit. nif.rt. an.! acrv m : ninilatKin. tlnn route freM-iil aurtr ii.tlu--u.ruta to 1 tin- truvluiir u' iir. I , orti.f In Aa? J '.. foot of Court. auH rtrrft. lhiUnll- , phut, ltn.atl aLtt all.. hill tf-. tf. ! Ir.rf ta tw.f d Na V.rk and IUrrilurc. FtVF Ifi.- ! LALS. tur IhkfU, frfititt, ur other inf'iintntioii, : ; VJ tn J.J.I Juun iBtijr llarnlurfc ' Commissioner of Iiliccis. J "IT-'IIJJAM II. BlEI.L, Governor of I f Iinois, has appcinted Joh l.i , is, tT ; a ?ommisxioier of ihe State illinoi ihe cntiiv of I'nion. to ailininis!rr aihs, to take depo-ilt.'iis and proof ol tlt-pds.mortt'aiips. tn tw- urd ati Tfrorilt-ii in th of Illm t'lf.ll FOR THE PERMANENTxV' Tum rfrnvtv i oII.tv.. nr..r-!irij fir- fur Hit l re- iiuniir IttHt -ll- autiuailr o tiint tr-ll ,.M.ritv. r..i..tinili'.ii. lo vtu.i rut.-ly. m-iuy fii li-jM.-iint rn--sj riiaL in (r bid irtti Vuulla ai. J r-nn nmt ort ur nvr nf lii) Buaiiittune- wSn i pub j-iM to n -inr- f..im (if iiM( or t.ir.-al coiiil'lmnt. wli.cli. if ti.it Nttrti-lfl lo in waM.D, iti-vtliibly roti-i(ii-i tli- mif t'-r-i Ii. j.r-:ii ittirr era. ! nrli li-lf a !iai..l il llirv wilt ruit vai th-in-lv ol il. at..- hoi. I hv lar- l.iiir-r .f luililvr tlavn niiy Im- 'rtk.-tf. wiHu.iit fi-at ; .! rUilIiuir .ii-mp-..utti!nt I'r. (. !'nh l!m , Afn-t Kii.-..' .)." j n -t talmt in cititiii'-'i lor it. lai-d i iii.i j is- r.-li-il 'i'Ii I.y t'.t ir. a- lu rit; iiit- limit nirc-- j ful in cunuiT aii'l tiiroat h-r.l-i-. t.i at- ninvii . knowtt itt ti r--t-it Iuv lit- ninny iliaa- a--titnr' J by t'iiiiiiiiiiti'iu jti-titi tti pTe-tnii-.u.u nf lltu- wl.u li.ive riit-ou lt tmr iln .ir. alb, ttiacr tioiu cuunldu j li.'n.il -.r li-tvlitar- t.-ii.:.-ii.-v. WlitU- tin ih-rniT-r of t!:ii rt-vti-il- not lwltswtt tlml p.-optt sLuuld U) CouUlu.I; iluatii turu ci o will Ulfhv mrst tli-r-ar. rnrtT ra- wt.-r- i.s I Wr.k- to riu ,.ri-tW!.-l in tl- MMrni ; ai-l a .rot r...,irK rnr.r.l-.l at h,M a- .nM.iy n ai.no.ai.e-. c-i. .. itliHi-l.!-.. tli-ali-ul. Aiini.tn..Jil-i.l ti.- bUi. tlin.tj'li )-bililati..il of If. l.n.. hiU tl:- s-v-r-tn rti m-irni-i li.niK.r-.. an-i -nlvaion le-rr-m- l-.-i.l- or ac- W --I U ffv-rib im-n-sity tii h-art, liter, ati.l k.d n-- . - :irit-lv irf.irn.un; ftinrt'iin- of i--r-HiT tsiour w-ll r-n'iir ar- im(-v-!id in tl.-ir r-niil-ir arii'. ti.- rfi-.tivt- oikfan faU-r m 11 t tr la-k. atvl r. '.is- te stT.i:iii ttis pr.ics.s .if ssiar.l ii.it ' lie mi tr.l t.i.t" r i. im-tit. finm fisij, au.l lie- wln.lt- mental tienig i. well uili remlj to siiil; uit.lsr tile bun'su of i.fs. 1 iie tis.it -i. sill t-t-ri, ars.iuiits lii- r-i-e a emu 'ii-aiii.n ef ili.-irilsts. :iuil tTi-n rstusss to re-.irt to n.e.liealiim. Irwii Ins thorouga di. le liel iu any prosfieel uf eura. To feucti of tli ArtniX H u.. a. ili..ri.udilf' wortlir ttipoi.R .l-n of all Kv-ry inii'ton of 'tiiiunii1'oti i- "ir-Ir and rxTrr..ni-nt!T -ra iie-atfrl l.r h n-st ! -TtTh r- rm e-vm. Bmnfiitti. A'inna. .'iwii t ol l, anrl 1 l.-ii-ral IMnlitT a"--iT-Pti!.t.!v r-it-il I. Nitr-it- ! S'T-al'. ttf H(-li. atil Wa-tine jw-.r .f tt" M of A-titv . r-n -s .f th- Thr..Jit, t"li-t. a..t I.miifi. I.i-r t'otnfl.i.iit. I'slpitatinn of tl.- It-art. I fit cuitr nt Rfarl ini alt lh-s .itli-rtioii .li.ai.--ar ia an i n-rrliti'v htiort tiin rtvr usiitg lr. t. rti-is Ifruau a Arrian fUI-Hm. It ni'ri..i- an 1 atrrmrtli-np ilia rt:fnt w'.o i t'- miith r-.tiir'l t'. it.tkf of t.r !'n:;rv IcM. It h-nla all itii-Mil mri'. tulKT. l-i ftii-1 ill.irr.n-,'ii.n. It -lr-ii)h-en, hrm-rv an l r-ti'aliiri t!'- t.ratn, an.t ii iMmul a riiat-a tonic. t:i ).l . tnf tah-ctricty or m-Ji;ii''.ie torr to ev-ry p;irt of tli- -i:f l-lf.l and protrat b-s-.y. It ii-fiN no lt-nirliy tril to Olivine- any tint 111- A''A''t7t Ittiav in truly ll. - pr-a!"t rv-m-lv ''f t'"' "lay. a ita b-ru-tirinl qtiali- ai fully ajart-ut iD'triglit and lorlj houiis a!t-r tn.-.l lt th invaliit, ti-n. no l"nc"r dftav. b-it mak th trial, ami th- r'..l will nurely he A, ot Hi- mont in a'ir. inc ch:ir;tct-r. Sfa Tli- At'ani. hAl.x.V it ir-hsrM with tha V pr-atl Car-, ami th- l-t iut-rial. No ft patai or C!((i"hm are nj.ai-'l to m.-ik- it wliat il m tli- bc-t knnwo r-i.i-.ly of the a-. It -V. way be tak-o hv -ult-r t.ni all se-L aii.t at ail aaoni, with -rf-ct aal-'y ; ami it to Dim- tin- l-ta pow-rfiil in cunmi-i 'njj th.. ilin-Cft-ci ah rh nap tli- finiri-iali'in au.l t-olrs.y th? It- of ao mint in our ini.i-1. K.-rv tHimlr ahoiiM ha a it, aird regard it aa hoaschoid tr-as.ur. dcritjtirc pamphlets Hifeo to all who if ply to my akeuta. . ne nove in tor sa.e at zn ana per larga xr!is, y J Balttr ft Cf, So' Agan'J ITL 1 r , m an t'.r.ous l.a.uitf wi.il l.mu or n-at sslala f an. kiml t'T I In April tl-xt. I llltell'l to open on MarKe : tfcy -TryA .1 a?,wgjrttfs yTs j 1 sai.i...y r.n.i ,-..r, i..m-is i.r ... nc . .i.-Tiiii... ,.t ths clrr.t R r ,he reception, anil the snie llt..f 'V-SSSsm:. '3lIS .sin-at m, olli.-'. a" I l.a,t- uinul Itisslnr tl.s .ur- . , ,, , . . ' . ,. . . Vsl-laa.Xs. r-iT. li t ft-.srTT rhas. .n.i ..is ot rr.l ..i.u,. N.rb.r.i. in. ssi,t..f , at stated limes ol all km.:, ol Goods at A.ir- i iJ!-SCiw5AA--FiIsjtl an-am n. in mails. JollX U. LI.N.N. , lion. An v one n :i.-.hin ii. di-pi.se of an v arti- j iS;- .',t.;mi2uJF'-f- fJ .4 u...bur.. I-... Man-h tso. ' cie can deposit it with tne and I u ill sell it at ! ic-" ;af5?i7 . . w I t" 'n"' advaniase I can and charge a per ; 4S Ji ES r.'i?J J ?l4 j ItC U;i)rrs- eentaee for .he same f? W 9 a S5 3TVi -iii' 0 yiiU' UUT?7; rVb.8S.lts.Vj F A llOXEIIOWER i -3-aa.7, an I PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE 1 .yfoyeD'GRAflD ST.j IV4I..Hr.R. RONS A. ., (l.t. l. r.L. ad .) Lewiburg l'laning Mill, . uianulacture to i.rdrr 1 loorllip. MlHllfi, aionra, !nn, auuiirra. a.ia-iii, JtlouldinKM '' a" pat'Tns, ; aml a oihT descriptions of Wood Work usert , Buildin;. i .tr.illtf ..tifit ami nrnmntlv filled. Ail rk warranted to eive satisfaction ! (1f ,1,,. 'J'hroat and (,'l.eft, and which prt cnsive lot of l.umbir of aP di to ....un.ption. riTAn exle fVvrrintions on bund for sale. Factory mi .Vri SccunJ alrtet.Lrivituurg.l'a April 5!2. iS.VJ. C0-1AKT'K1:1I11 The un-Icrsined tave as- iisu Jsociaii-d ihcniselves mm copart- ...Snershin for ilie purpose of carry- me mi the l.uiutierine, I lamns. and Carpentering butuess mail their various , branches, at ihe , f -,:,. , (t.,m t.lrtlliltrt ftlilla ; JLCttllStnrg UtCftm iJlfllUlig 2UIH9, where thev intend to k-ep a s'i ck oT I me, llemlork. Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, sh, Ma- pie, and all kinds of Lumber. Flouring Mirl- ; vins, Sidinz, Shin?les, l.?th. Jri-ts. StmMinz, 1 Fencing, I'ickws-, D.n r and Window Frames, Doors, shutu-rs, Ulinds, rash. Mouldings, Brackets. A c. IManir.8. Slittina. Scroll Saw- Ac. done at short notice an.t an woik : warrat.tfrt io give satisfacm-n, bolli in nte antt wol Lmaiihlll. lwi-barg rianh.g Milla, Aiiit I, ltf. WINFIELD FACTORY! Aear llal'lll'lon, I'mon Co., I'a. f?r?5. THE subscriber, thankfiil . for paM Paironaire. wcutd llllorm - , , , . 1 iiidTHicia dint iiiiifisi iso. vsiisi am. i ISll'Ckin? IrDfi. Ills niaehilif Ty t'ClllS ol til- , I I'est kind in u-e, ami having employed tli" llt.st r woramen. he Ire s sale in savin" ! - , j that ris work shall not be surpassed t.y ! y "'bii;hin-i.i.n ihecotiinrv. A e.,odsup- j ply of ttitr above eoo'Ij. kepi cunianlly n hand j fr sale ur to en hance ftir wtud, ai prires ' 1 lhat can not fail to olea?. WOOL will le ran!H in b(.s, niann(.ran(I ftB lhtf .,b.-rtes. I noltce. I erms tor raniin?, rah n the de- ri Hit, subcritjcrs nave;,-r aie f (in li.is lo suit j urcliaTs if!" j larp slock if Lil? VIM: ItOAtiitS- Panel Stul. inii' I'latiU. Ac A!m. .ViDO I ISL HA U.S. ti inch Sawetl ri!iiirs Mipt rnr quality. AUit J.jTj.tre T:ml tr lr llmldins: W hich are ntlered low for cash ait-nr Mi'!- on fouth Uranrhoflhe Whtie Deer Cieek in : llarilry township or delivered t n the Rrush ; Vallf v Narrows read at ihe end of niir Road. - ltr A Uipionia tar a superior sample of. Pianks, and a Pn nuuin ftr Kails and Shin? Ies,were awarded us at ihe !at I nion ro.Ag. -r'air. JoHN M'CAI.L M).s. IViT Foresi 11-H P O, In ion o. Pa Aurtlnn ai.d I itramlsUio Uoc-c !n Lt llur:. J2ig2 U-ral .aclinrpr! I 4.llon'lti er having been appointed M..e AuctitmtMTlor Lrwibi.ri;, is prepared u aiteii i io ail calls in his line iu town and ' coutitrv. Commission Sales. i I It. IVIS' Ul l'l it ativi: y Compound Extract ul'J uhlans lU'sia. N uniirtrrt-.lrUtf'! for tit- curt" of !.T-ful an. all rlirn.f .livf.-i-.-; di. a-fn r.f the l.ivr. Kiiiif aid tiHitir; Jaun.lit'c lri-y. I:r iirt.iio-. rtr-.m. t u:1i. Ttir. at ail, Sl ltllU of .i..-. r4-i.ii ui .'l.iini-(...ii. Nrtirnlin, Clin. tne and I nfrtnintrit y KhMiniMlfiii, i i.tiv- ll;.lii.. t. li llfttd . h-. Im (M'fia. liziiiir". N-ri A!!"-tM tir-. hinnir ."-rrolult-us. Sir- l-.ya-n ami Kyi ini5. oltri titr (isn du:r l-.n!nrt-nfitf. U hit- fw,-tlnn:n.(.,i nl .Ix.ttitat- l it.Ta. M. rvurleil I i'er Mild Kruj ll'-ti. N dri-.W-lll!,); I ll.r Iton--. I.udiix. Knlt"c I i.-t r-nt tti- Kr. md.1 l.ip, MnlHs'tiint Kalniif rir. rn nf t hr I -uth. Tunu-. j Tliroat a Ml .-ifl I'.iiai-, IVit-r. Itrl.i-r' lirh ai d n.i Im , J'S. ml all .iirt-Nnt-ii m i-it-i; tn in an l : Ktlfiiti' i tik IlLoon. wli-tl.-r lsr.ri.lil.il v. acjutr I, j or entitrart.-d. Th-irrral ninrity KhIi tin-invnhi3- : Mt rrni-dv h;i .ttaiti-l i- ..wn.ir to itn intr-risi.' n.r! ( not U th- rlloria ot it. pr.(-rir-t. r It i- iiv. d bv all ! clam-i; untl i-hyiriaiia t tiroiili'itit th- romilrv. h. im witu.-i-vi iix n.l-rtiil AI.TI.KA I i t AH UlUIUi (rf-i-tet th- Tartoua broliic-iiiM-tun-f, d nut Lriti.tt to rtrt.njiii-Dd it a, a u in k xn RiL:ntE MFninif. 1 Offlf-and l'-.. 41- liars .tr t. PhimM-LPHI.,? her , Dr- may b- r.io-ultvd on all ii.-ra-. i GREAT CURE OF SCFsCFULA. Th-fullowing l-ttcr from li ibf jr rti tt-d iu-qiI r of the -M-ifty ul Fni-iids alforJ rtroD; -tid nc td tli t-r-at !iup-riority nf t:. litriiuma orr fri sp!:iLtA ad Hft'.mLt MiXTt'LE.1, ma well a.s th? various utlivr .Medirinen in jr-nvral uw f t Scmfula. rruE if ts a in uu I. ioonn. T.i $m h k.j.1 .rt-r i il. I'a . I 'uio. Tl, 151. Pft. M A. iMvis- i;)-rr:il t-riini: I T; i. .i a I-tler tr.siu tbtte ih-w uas siutt- iu wlmb tti wi-b-i ni- t.i sivv tlie-t a tirr. t t ?..Htt u., lit ot liaiuv: In tu tilM fir si J4tt.n-K. II- wan takfti tti thr Ull ot 1 li-u lis Inn l-ufi .war. ttub ts-vs-r- .uu in iu liij- a u-i thili. ntitl .. rriil.urit tu lii.o U-1 I..r Lt mciillif. In Hie rv-ur-K of tliut tiuiv. an uli-t-r I.tui- tt u tn ttn.h, m t.i- U dtrliar-il a i;r. at Jval of M.t-tv i ; it.- ktn-- tt tii nuirr m.-n r..miu.-Mo-u nin.tt. and ttt J.am- An .y U .-.( w, re twux tft.tr nturui $,s-; tlere "1A'i.W.lii.ur.ui l.r unit wtr,..d u I ''r''' i"an'''St ".' ' w.ufVr. 1,-u.tv J,om ,uf nr A J owni trli hy p. nut,, urur tus j "' "'. c,.rrut.lti. trumla yt .r war li, i A'"- H l'- J"'" -u hi anna, autt Lii uUvrs. ' lh, which w-ru rry niritui auJ Mir-, aioi ptrcn .J j t"" wir Jrnjuful.'j dunharffU Jnt it, uJcm; Ata -. ,j ararit up. uni c -wiu w ir.itijii r ouail ,J iue Hiintun. tie ati-n i-4 tiy a iliyiriau tor a C"iiM.lfr..M- l-ii'jtti ol tttii- vitlmut tuuih Ih if L:. tie till-11 tu-k T trOltl-N of I'.-r-M S rAK.AIHILLA. Wlllf out any -ll.-ct U- tirxt npf.ih-i tu a pliv-.ri.iii ot La f!.itir wli ir-tcriti-u a mml uial ot dill, r-nt ui-dii me wit). out auy iiiii r.'vim. at. 1 not a rt-tt-ii t lur umkius a'aotrllll. rocur-il th- mififilf ut tiou. ati A-olt- a ry in Laiicur-t-r, unl mail- a siailun. hii h Ur took. In--niJ- a great quuutiiy -jf l-a bimiI- ot Piri-arilia mt anj Saialrrt unx-l; alao 1'riikly Anh auJ hurtimk T. a; but ail lt.l littl- itietxl uritil h- took ti.y nn-airitit. which w hi-anl cf lriu th- til it .ioiiia to tha ho ii of n.-iashtHir, II. Dry liruiui. In a v-r l.rt time, an iiniru-ui-iit t-i.-itit.l.aini r.'iiliiiii-U until ha wan currd. l.lt h wa with th- Iwrltth 6'ttn. It liaa '"tir-ly riianns-.J lain tn.th in health autl .-(.iritu, tor whirb I I. -i ?-ry xrali-lul ittdr-il an.t am willii.c to tio all 1 ' an iroiieitcTit with truth for th ailrati. -lut-ut of thy ULt'L i:A 1 1 K and tin- t.ood ot tli- iilVriiiic. 'Ihy mooTi- fnm.l, LVlilA JurOKK. Tbre may uu a.- thv- in-rf- lit with this iu wrlcome. THROAT 0!KASE. Thi" larp- claat f itiwaai a. infladinif t'loration, In- ' flatn.ttioi.!. Hron'-hial irritation-. tr.,i utet Fucr-a.-fi.I. j i it ir-ai-u ny in u- or it i'htix i-iraiiTr ana nr. t j L. i Throat Afplimtion. It al tli- tt.lliwii.g cmMt vf ' ' speedy cure after lonif f.niliriurd itilff ritir : ; l.-iT'iVw. t h--ttr Co., July 2. 1S59 Pr DvtS F-ar Sir: Aout hr- year aico. 1 a at- . j tark-d with a .li.ca.i-of tlitr tlinat. whn b raui-on icraa 1 uMy. hut at timr wh-o 1 would tak-rnl.l the paiu and 1 aufft-rini; would In very di-trt-cmnir, an-outnNi.it . wiih ' l.-pji of o' to such an extent thnt I cuiJ do aficiik ' at kit- a whi-t-r. The ilinar- c'Dtinucl K-itiuic w..r-, notwitfiistatitlinr I wax unds-r m-dical trcatm-nt tifloui t ditTvr-nt thy-tnana. lhci mtnif alitrm-d at my roinli ( tir.n. I fnn.-luil-d t.i po lo l'hiU.llihia and ct.iinilt ru, 1 turn you roii-ct i dm tn the utiitrr n isi. Tin reei.mmsn.lrd n. tn Uke a..ur liriiratire: and he tl. iie i.f .iur tiottlrs ol it. in t1iDlls.-ti0 Willi lour throat aP .,ir.. I ... .ntirel, cured, and h.vi r lnmine.1 .sll. It i. m. mure tti.n a tear aiucr tbacur, waa rl.rted. Rs,lwtfullv. ronr fri.n.l. MAKiiAimrTA r. Btsii.ip. Aeeuein... siinuid areemnant ire uet.tira'iTe in emsa. of MWi.lon. Llr.ra.nl Llesra. 4e.. et Ilie Thriiat. . ... ... t l 'r-Calln the Agents, J.HAKKR A CO. or I ls-wi.hure. and prorure Cieeulara enotaining . larg 1 mas. ni -Mriis. in lavor nr tne me.li.-ine. I J. HAKKk a CO.. Ante S-r t'nlnn saunir. fitly ! James P. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LINX, J 1 4 1 lor ne) a at Lair. LEWISULKti, 74 Union C.innty. Penn'a. j, HniKIU IIV-J CoiBm, for tb. Stat, of Irr 1 i, K rv-nr-i-.ten., v.,wt.d,. !!.,.,. ' 1 f 7 . . i-mr.wvr.ix's Tar and"wood Kaptha fectoiial t'oughs and t'uldn, ( roup, Lrnnchitl.-, As'hma, l:fliiuliy in lin-a hiug, J'aipita lion of the Ili-art, I'ipifierifi, an. tor tli ltEI.lt .r patiei.U iu ..li.Dr-d t n of ColiSllliiptiiiD, tiisi-ther with ail I'lseases It ip iKCiiliarlv nl te.l tolhera llratrure. f t'TIIMA rlelDIE I.ret.ar-,1 liv a I rarlii-nl Thysh-lso anj lit ivri-t, anil one of sr. al e. rh i.re in 11. riir. I ll.e tail . us d.seaie-h t-i ahull llo- t.inuatt tram- i linl.le. It i- off -rej to tl.s atlli t J with the nreati-etroBf"ieiii-e. ThV IT ami Is- e. niinee.1 tbl it i il.liil.!e :n ti e cure of Kn.lo-hiel :ili-''ii.I- J'nn--ti p uh tli.lti.-. 1 1 ari-tl on 1 v I V la ll'lH 1 ra, DruKistiand Climists, N. VY.Lur Muib 4 e i-iar stii. I':ili l 1 1.1 .Hi. ae-SolH l.v eri-ry re.-perlsble Vtll;eit auu lleaivr in Meiii ins ttitoiivtio i-i loe Mate. 1-Liia la. Mai h I. T .W,.y FS CM.HWKI.I.. I.'tro'urg Fhilad'a Terra Cotta nacufactiiry. X h-r lill.MMMi nr VHt A t H- f.r i.T- II.ATIN'. Ill VI -r r.l.-KK HA r. .1- ti. b :.i Ur tl.-r ii'rkhii.mirT. . ,v.v i' -Tf 1 ht tf I t.M(, 4t.1l i.'it.itAt-, -' t .an it 'uair l:,f .i !.- .f l..-n'l .r lr n ) 'llis-y baTt- t-n t.-t. I id f.t.r..tf -r cri.tunirf. anJ . W U---I It" Mttl'i'-I.'- '1 .. e hl.t hi It-i.t'lt.- iik b -n : ;r-i- u.s.-. ! tt. L. I If x it- 1 iifti h'.yv fila'' . .( . i. w r... N 1- : ' , ... .1.-1,. 1- ant Mf.le al " I -Hi s..- I.. .1 U- 1.-' I ; . 11 n"i. i r 1 1- : .- 1 l r 'n.- i t ri ai.d I 'r.. Hi ri: HH tti -.r 1 . ui 1. r V ..vr r;. I I t-ti.y nil ll hato tliri-t lad! m u-ar'T f r ti Uv.al.tr. N.lli- a- in.' It a.- .' f-tt. al. I jtitf al-r. iv:i.j .1 ..- urr -l il.-rU.-zi-- a' It r f- nti- Ull.J - INalll J II LI.. ' .-.l.t-- t- r h.-at t ! :!, In II. I Mr I - LT a ' ll-r. a I. 'I lit t (wUi.; Lit- lu 'jril UH'JiU an- -J n.-rlij Mu. kr ar r..ii-t:,i,il i-r.'T ril. aifl art r w -hiii'ir : tlif-m to all p.ri- a.t l!M-n j.f.r.:n.' r .j-.ir.-l W.. Iii.tr fiit rl.ni -at. I t.. W i-'-f t.-'f. l;mm, 1 i..!",alati LtLtfr SUttd, at-1 iinarri ii kn! i!.. m U .naluca rrr. i.InK t:: H I.. I a I' f v " : :ii ! 1 'laiai'"' n i' h . tifflrr, F A. ..a::...- v i- i Lttuut t . I i.iiwl. viTi:irn;i ciii-MNKv toi-. Tina in an jrfi: t-- '. h "ii-ry iT 1 1 J r attn ti. n I.!-. 1. i.l I-.- p.,T-.i.-T.y -.if. -.-i. At ii. - u .''Hi. ti' ;i atit r.M.f in . ur ikt-.- r .T a. y ,.ti n'. r cnt .i. .: r-i- f l-Tj.-li . Iiitu ii-. " . l' neatti ! n :. i V f.-itltfr I" I- 11. Tit 1 V I'.t'Dl Ctf'- 1. nf f- .rif ar'i' I- th.it '1 .1 a- l.;M t .U nfy 1- t I- nf t.-rl. t'. iirit.f-t. -mt I'tr .Hat- r-i' flu.! ' I I I '1 .. OH Ii. n-l, to iii - : ear-h iI.m it. the h'r th..n a I t r-.T.- t ri ; m! r --h i: 1 tart. -rj. IM ii. ui ii:.,. !. ? : t 1 1 , ht.At h ;:ti .v t ;.!. lT::!r:: TTi- r:r: cm . i III II.M.M. tl Ol!.V- t. .l .1:. i,-. . ( i ...i,.. r : ni U'-t. a- I.m-' ' t aiij other ni.it rr: nil. A :.r.- i-1 Inn r us :ti:m hi v r !:.n't r-.n-.i-iitij, , i. t.. l .. i.m iivil j tl. iiiamila-'lvH i - a. Ii,. n:-.U- to or '- r Ii If act- ry. LIT l tiii-. . K J. HI A h. ; I 11ALKI.-ON. lU.I'Cl.t -l n l. t M , I'm.. (Purs, ss' r ti. J I-.V..:'r I. ' . at liri'.rkir si ml Jct.i-llrr. Locatisl tau il..l- rji.t ..I .t.s -i ti.. r. r. I.til i,.cui l.il t-J lr V...1. r-l.t I.-kl i u, 1.. CtlorhM, Waielies.&c repaired i a shot m tu'e ar.-l warranifit to t!;ve -tt'israruon ftAn eacllent avsot tn.ei.t ol' U utr-hfs I'lorks a nl Jfttrlrvi. ha to! i'.-i.jj f..r t (ill.T rKAMKf'of il sizes miJc iu onl.-r l.u-ist.tir?. pr:l sit. l.'iH An p-rvi.t and ?t. oi hif ? itatn ot ll.i uri f.i-d ..f t.s .--it nii.i i in ti I y c u.l- -I., n in h - ,nt. Ilrlor- hv Hi-lii.'hi -t J ..-; tn l.-n' t 1 1 Th in Kuf.-;v autl iLe luiUd :isir, ai.d ll.-ir.'uii lb ihi-H priii tier. '1 h i x.Tinc t-if thr o-ni IniK pro. w tV.tt bo j.r-- ( -tint 1. u .-I Itou r;ili - i. liipni 'I t il h :t. I u I; ril .- i ' tin- 1 !, .,4-j.i ,-m. n i I itai . ii-rc . .n- m -i -i i.-i on kl if in ; l.'M. im, (L.in hit- .tf ne-CI.v lu ailb.-ft t:tl t i'li.-t i ,.! !, .-j-r lttt...ai. u- in 1.1. irt!nd io lii-li it Im 1-B tri'-d It ha- it.iv.hI :!.-.. i cuia.lfr in rach ul ll.tr fs-no ir-tr ci iTii.lri.nT. IS : In J '.!!' ilt, A-rr. u A y ''i-nf, nt.fi". I -. I yti yia, Cn'i,f.,i., l"--r. '..f-M '.. i ' . .. Ii - if ,.', ....-. (t'-n. .v r. fi iurn.it- t.. .N...'f l.i-iin. .l.i 1 ' . i llr U''- um-ti. m. I 1.-n.,r.?:t I 'r-f. ' r,j !" .o, aC- .-- ! liir'U lii i.! i i'.l. talo-ttrr tt - Tv-ni I (I aii.li- di.M-a-. or .1 :h rotn -Tiu I tiu.ii.irti ii ..f i!-rtnna ai d niuru r -n-i-v ir m hri.n,c ri.n, laiit. i.i" tual of tlwn rr!lran- in i r.-n J r-uf' to an x u i wl.ii-h no h -rii tti n tier h ult' ii att-? tnl.t-n . ...! n r. tl r rriil.l-. In m,i !) L in; hrU ri l-h n to l.m,. i. coiii-f.ir'nit-n m tti' ir mil n. ..-',h- 1 1" !. Ii.-i-- fu-1-1 viily r- ai i-' Hritii ii tli- I uy "i i ! n- it jut r-f.n nrd fi.'in .ri i r.i- is tl li.ie-l in a .it-tar t i.ii'd. Si n- ? rv aiirna. in-lau. -i of tdi- kind arc tt-t..l nf f. ira!- anf h It-rs. riiiari.-ili d intiui- i t avi ar-nt niarn-uiui-, iaii-t'ti;m-..i! i hau-tioii. ci tt' rinmr . und tl::.t .-i tt-i-I i cation d n-r.j'ii- untl 1 ! s'j-t'i a ri' ii to air abd t-.-crri.- fur w tin t, th- I h it :..n l.nr- no n ni-. In Nirr- i -i airn,Tit'Vj' of ail kit:'!, .n.d fr r-awtoii fttnuinr to m.-.i r-'.l it), n. th- -r:.r:..o .-t H.t? i-rc; ara- tilll Ol irnfl I.U-t ll-t-rjai-KTli t - :t Itilai ' . f. f. II li . I it r t . - oil bail'1, .1 i viiji-rt i.itly t.iiiit'. it)i ur itu rxctl.i : ao I I. i th :itiin' : and ntiy. ri-unl-tr.y n -ri nf. s-u j in thi Qi,srt .-r.-;m;tt- f i t ri.nl i r n. a ttl.out rirr j h..r a ustric ur-alitc, i.r ilCuUl t disHhivvatir It i thi latter rTf' amrrtp riih-r, wl i-h mrk- it -o r-ui . r Wni-. -I uial Mi..! ) Tinn to n t a r t' f r Jif s npt-n hifh it hImi Bi'M'Ht-a to -ii-rt a dt-tim-t nn l mt.it;.- Mfti. n. I.y di-j-ci ring thr lt-cai t-tidcLr) nhi-h , t. rni! ih-ui. In r fiM. It nnvn-rabt- n if.-i rati-B, a inift ct 'h--. t'liHl vh. -,: IM 1- 1. t.i ft- it nlT-.-.-.l l. r 1 1.- n.ot.t h:iHUitl rBr ior lldtt'ji-the ati rd-nt ' .iM-v. In uiirh I'kt-d i tit umi -i-ii -ten a;-no i i It- tTr.v ii-t flrun-'l. I'tnai'ia'iiii;. bikI aip.rttif'v dialitf : nnt. tb--0-cL l.ap b-D -i.ualiy dniaiit- audartin- J In the local pain. hB-iffeh and rcneth, d-hiHra-tiinr coiivrh, and r- nnt-nt h.-. tn. a I i.h . n-rallv ti. .li en t- Ic.r:.NT l i-i t"! s. ilii r-ni-il U. aliawd the alarm ot tri-iid aii-l t h it-inn, iu ral ?cry gralifj! , ini uu I int-ntiuir ii.-laiirti. In S'R'irviffi Trrti i i irw. thi m dilated iron riaa had far more thtn tht- it", d -tl-t t of r ti- mn-l caiitf-uiy . hnlimf d j ri'tffar.ir.B ot ii.diue, mith ut any i1 thnr weli known lutl'Vili. Tin- i.tifpt-.'ii ot I. ui:iV ran not f..- fdertlv in vit' d to thi r.f 'y uNii rctliirutirr. in therar-t-.-teruiirir-ly ti!Wt'.Tir ti - tn. In Knit w,tl-). hoth chronic an-l tneammif rr in th- lalt-r. how-v-r. m ri dTid.il! it m l. )( lliri. aMy w-H f i -Mt. .1. l-th ji. b!;-i..c.i; nd r-lnc- ine ih- a-.lir.' and -ti::ii'- . H.-j. i(.t- it i miiri- In ITirTi.ni.T l-'ri- it riiii-l ii-.- sril h- .('rat ri-tn-dv antt i-nerv-ih r-ti rali-. anl it , r.irv. m tt -o-w -wit in vi. l- it It.- Hm, yiubtiy t out ot huh r-tinwn ai d U"s-iiiin. No n ru dy l.a -vr l'-cn -iieov-ri'd in the wh .I- hi t"ry of oili-in-. lii. h t-X. rt- irh j n :;i;.t. I, n i y. tit d folly r-i-torature .-ff-rt. Loj-I at ;t :- f. mj.'.-t. tl-.i I tion ri';.t a' .,"i-iu.'n ut rr.Hif i h. :h wti nnuaunl.li j fitti'tn I.r arlie a.i-i rht-t-iful t-x-r, .. iinm-lintr' fallow it n-e. j Cut UT I" neat flt ItrtHl t ":- rrin;iii nit Ti?U j fi'ii- fi i-ent p--r hoi ; tr a'c bv drtttf.-i - :i tt:,i tiftlt r-. W ill l-c . it fr-e to antf .t.idn- n r. --iiit t ;, 1,1,. All letti-r.. orilere. i ts . .I:i..il,l is . U. 11 Lvlihh . L'.i . lis.-. r! Aerl.. S'lhJ in h.lriJ.ur.j f t Bslirr f. r W Mrhitrtr rirrla X normn V HE subscritter con tinues tn carry on ihe I.lvrry IIUNint-NN a the Old Man. I nn Si.ull Third street, near Market, and rr.pecittilli solirits Ihe pain. nape ol his friends and thi . public penerallv. I'HAKI.ES F H KSS. i i ,. Ks ". .4 I or I Lf Wlt'nrg- May 82. 1S.MI j " HVPIEWOTnflV' n i u l u lu it l , a i A ai art... tl.i..m ,.. . - .. - i .1 I XW. ( tout Matrimony. M.'n.y. and lh- " mailers.) lor Ihe ainiisrir.eM ot every body (and the yotin; folk,, atso,) 011 Ions w.nter evenines. ra:nv .lay-., eitr. Priee. -ll ct-nts. Wholesale, 15 Cents. eni br 111-11I tor seven 3 cent stamps. F.-r sa'e ai ihe-- ."'e.l I'hnm. icW office. WUMIK .'.V CtlK.MlLll S. 'u!. i-bers. I.isl urf. P.. L-j- Horseman't Friend, or j fYj-L 1'iM krl ( untpauion. j Fii'iy-Two Valuable Kereipis U r the Farmer 1 and Horse I.ar lor -i t (Its cts) by C J STAH... U-L-kbiUser. Le wisburj i Sarsaparilla rou pcnixYiNa the mcoa All.l f-t th p-r,y ltr of tlM f..tl.,wmx - Hi'raf .1 1 kt .! Hrrnfntfl.. a - i' a 'I tlut (I era, lwr. I Im .il ., I nl al lahs. Kl.aa. k.. KV. """ aiMia an bmin lt.r - 0uH. tnd. Wb jilM J r. AT I. (.. 1 f H , m ku ab..l .r .-iu-Hitill has ...... l Ha in i ij. 1 -4 ! r .1ni .11- I.-.t.,;t 11. ...:, o-taar. ..rt, ....I I II I I n- ... .... I-..,U 'Z , M .......- ..w,..i .-I ..M, . 1 ' 1 . tit oss ls h-is.i . " J lill -iK- 111) h (... 1 f I. , ..,..-,.. I T.I..! .;, . 1- .( n i la,Mit mm Ii r "4 l.'.ine. t.i i rl Mr- rr h.i .- I- t I ki. :. 1 y U'.i, th.it stin 4 lii'-lliilAllAi. it. a y.,., 1 ) M4..d- nin. 1 p 1:. -ti. tr-l II .ill ,t , ,u '1- I-.,,. ..Hi. Ill .In ' 1 1- m 'Uth. an ' it- . ..' ..t ll-rn- lK.t(i m hilc t .; i -k.. - if.w . I.-. , 1 . u....j,::,,.r:v .11 a -ll ls-ls w :l..r I l.s-1 aii.it .si s. n . i , ,. ... u-i 1 1. .w .... ... 1- ...I. ..1 ..; 1 i iwuiaon nat tally. V..,,.. '-"Si SI..K..U B tllJ.i hi. . tnlhan.'. flrr. tta.s or f,,., iv.. ...,i .,. . ",JL-,'r,. In. ,t V. I-..'.-. .. .. ...,, .". .1 -- 11 ...i . t ., I.. 1. 'tn. .. I- il. .1 1.. . .... t ., ... .. ... ' ' Itront li -le. 4. nitre r sMrlc, Tl.r-,1, 1 rr a k ' u:I..td tl I . J i li. t tVv. .. Lrnrnrrlnra or h t ei. ( r t n Tninwr ktt l iiatr I I. . I.;l,, . rlMr oi.e,,,., It. J It -f N- -.k vaa. - J 1. 4 1 I r .1 I . 1 . : " ' u - io . in h '4 imrft li ... ...t 'm- :l- - " It- ...... tl-- " "' "' " " '1.11 til- ail .lrr'Hi-lttl lli.rsia.. -,; I -I . . .. , . ,. t .ilt- i--ii r. . 1 .1 ti, -i 1 rt tkei -ft; II. I.. -i.---i . t :. i.i il.t-,. 1... 11 he tunnt iin (!(, I.lvrr ( ompUlMt. .,.r- -!. - r. f..-.-t ., . ... -:l .. .. 1-:.. 1 - Aii.: 1 li-f - . - .;';-, f .1 I., - I,.. .-.- .; . . f , : ., :i , , , T . h-.n . j :: mii-. -. ..J .ti a ! li.- r. ( I ' ail Ik rt ..-!: -I .... ! . tf-d -li 1 til 1 ti .-.! - '.. rt; . . . I... ., lit- 11. I.' .. ',fel,. tt' J I. -t I.. I I. - 1' 11 i.e. li l.i.t I :..i. t., t: t ti.au !-!--!. ;ul- .!. Iiim.l.iiiii.i'l 'iiiiiiiifu 11.-. J li.fcj.a .!.:' 1 V ;.-t. I -r f. i i - I ' l- 1' i- ! :- i . . - .Hi no .'..- i : .t-c : S ii- 1 . v - . , !.. ui , I. I ti ! n-n I ill 1 e i- rtt Is. lJ ...i i 1.. i. ;.r t . i...-. ii -I I I.m tt-.i . .1 11 : n 1. a I t - i,i,- - -,. ... i, . th. r .1 :. . t-i r " r I ,.,,-t... ll.r ... . l ..lIm-. '. -v j.i.M. I- .it.t- 1. -1.1.. krr ,n. II l ' , t li . 1 it. . .1 o.-. .it..! hts.-. 1 i'-:: ... V 1-I. .4 .1 1 1. .t. f me. I U-t-i . ... 1. li.' Il.a : -t t'.tti -ti - -rf.i .; y.-u n-ii l..iii ,j..-i. -ri'rctii.l mirrr Tamori, nlnrs'-uirat. I hrraimu, lai hi a aa.l KiIwIiMltou af t JlC aiuiir. A it ..-i v f r-t... t -,.- T. , n r-frtt-.l ..t."l t.i- - ll -i- t- Hi;' Mi I- ' l.lj.l..iu'- h t- r t f. a 1 in. I, .ii- --f ;i..nt l- t.ood iu ...1 I..-. : -a ..., it. .', it:,: , .il- l-l. u.lii'.t U ' -I: iis.s.i- l . li wl..- -nil I". U.U.i. i M-a.tii. II-miI Ilica)e. Vit. tvplWp- ?l rl U-llwl ' -Nr Mrol-iia. V-.nv r-io:ik:-l ' nr .-! m a!. . i ,i- l..-"- ' f I';.'.) : . I.i. n, . i .1 ,.. t- H-r I ft.:- I.- . ; - It .- - I t:.- I'f tr ll (l.il II. II- H.t.i M;. . tl. Hi . Tl, ttll t j.t-i.i in. .I i .i- is w I. . I. w-.. l-i 1- -ir ( 3 a .f!'. -1. . i.-ir.? I. !. U, r- 1. '.!: . - .-in ' ' rtt- 1 !. h ) w -iii- iiii-ii ni .I.. itiM J in : r :ii ui ii ih-.i -ii 11.- ..(. ! Ayer'3 Cherry Pectoral, r-'K Till: 111 II l t UK nf I'mtcrha. J'tttilt. trf nrti7. Iloaricnr, (Kill,, Ita IsttU. lilt Iptnit Uu a Itiit j.i ut , m ! (or lite KiUcI Of s tl. II It )it ti e aVlilirulB t al it ui - M;r tr ilie Dirar. Th fa a '.-re.- I - '::,i--i...': '. n- n t.. itr;Mi li-r f.-r tli- f tl. t ni. I i- r.'t ' 1 ' : ,; : .. u-i-:.-. - h - - t l 111 . - '. .- -.i i. . .r . t II- .l ' J t-l.rf.il hit- .r .ii!ii.i,Crv .. 'iif'.-TTi t'.r-o.'l-nviiia-d ii. "t 0 -sr.- it..- .- in? -ti:iti-. .. i-t.n 1 1:; .! . '.'. '' 13 !io lot 'it.- n-'l.iU t-ii-. r f 1! ro- h. ,;i z tt--) .i 'ti ll" :r ivhl-t U- " ' ' " ' ' ...I.!!- and h" n- .li-.id-i of tV lMwJ A .!! kn t tl. .....,lul fc.:M. I ill-- ' " " t- th.-.' k-f . (.- 1 1.-- IT. .( I ' ti i 1 . in. i. ---i--'; in r- th ran t.. :t--n:.- iltpti. tint il In n 1 "' tu id tf U - d l. tvr W lien m;,', it c t.r ti "! w.'ii - ! r- 'il ti" n ih- i'. r.i.d- n.f t 11 ti." ' Prertil ly Tr. J C AVER ; CO . IwY.. r? S.il.l hr r V SrhatTe lit. tv l!r Piim-iin. l-wt-tf tiTt.' ; (' I Kou-h. w Berlin W .:ni-r i.-r. ?r.iti-ir..e : J I' 1 l.-ct at.J 1 H V'lt.iiihurL' ; t,.rrv A l-m N-- Coluiblit b-! -',t, ralir(- 7-t m w Ol.T 1NSLKED! Ursl liranrti Insuntarr umH'1'. ! k ll..tt... I ... I TTO.V. CO. HAK EV. j 1 J. W. I' HA I'M l.V .Ww i his ri.n.pany, tn. eiitertiiff up. n itf ' fc year c! their l uM.ts... suMi.it tt !-.; . .-liiirinrtit if their aact and buio tu ptii.hc. Numl eref roliriea inti rre .Urn.rj 1. 1'rO. 'J Kt.i ui t ot PmisriT msure.1 iu ?? S AUi'l ul Fit O.H.ID Stitss le I rrr do Nunil-.T ril Pcliries i.smd j ait tear ..ui.uit.t It. ! r'y -usutr.i Aim uut .f lr.il.m m-s rrreir.il Au'f.uiit i.l Lu.-ts .ut.ili 'i : - This I'oii.pany .1 i.l.nues to insurer... desrr.pli. n ot j roperiy. mm h a H 'c;rt 2...-.K nier.i.an.lize, Ac.asains: ,"'r"f :iae 1 ! F.ie, and lor any time omiirJ cr ' peiuul. SAM'I. H CKWH.A?'U I.ewisbiirg. Oct ls-'S Fruit and Ornamental Trees. gT SiiO tictririiiq i'wi'... . K,...l ,-!.' 1 ne sunsi-rn er nns 1 11 .. - . iwi nlle. ii. n of U.ih Fruit ai.d ""'a"',(M TKi:tS, Ac. Ac. ea.bracn? the v"i varieties of Apples, fears. I'ta. nr. ".- I'hetries. Apritois. Xeciarii.es.;r"r,'-j. berues, Kaspterrits. t t-muts, btra"- I. arse liorse inesinut. r-i." y-- rl A-h, Ame.iran Mountain Ash. fiu"r for street piantuist. Ever bloi i"1"! ''. a splendid collection of Bolbims a" Flowering l-lanls. . .lt If Nursery lironnds on the farm c F. 1. 11.11 Ksq.cn the Turnpike. ilb" , mile of l.ewisbu-tr. All orders wtij .j, i strict attrnii. n. IV" 7'ern.. ." " "", .' I.ewisbitrtr. July 7, lr-58. - Theo. S. Christ, II. D , rillMt It and M B'-,',. ( V llra.la.ls .1 lis. Ms.lin.1 Is -fartm-.l ally of ft-.D.iania, OFFERS his pr.le-si.nal "yCti ..,,, people of l-eaisbiiig and surri-' countrv. , ....is. i To be found ai all hours, day " when not ftotessii nally rnaase.--a ' on Market ut, beiween 3d aid 4n,irv bi t.iever A liro.u's S'l.-ie. Lei:tui;, May -t I n