UNIM COUNTY STAH & LEWISBURO CllHONlCLlw-AriaL $.101. 5, "j i : -1 4 J 1 : -' . ( t O. H. WCEDtN J. E. CORNELIUS. . i tt.Mam .. Th. Immw fjim rM,i.i on ih.h s.u-m.hii ii.. iive.t hi t.i (ircuiation oiiit s.iiir io toi. county. ... ... :t - - Freellim, m'ional; Slavery, Sectional ! " ; -fetTl'ort Suro'tr still sports toe o.ars ,a cu.pe. A7" " Z f:." bent oo cocqucst or Hood. It is hoped ; Lieut. Slemmer baa bch re-entorced, as lie needs to be to be entirely safe. Tortu gas tod K-y West bare received addition al supplies. Cotton Slates still refuse to submit tbeir ao-called "National" Constitution to a popular vote, but will ratify it in Conven tions. Tbe murmurs of tbe people in crease, but whether tbey have strcogtb and courage to strike a How to save ibem aelres from a tyrannical if not monarchical goverumcut, remains to be seen. Tbe Slavery Rebellion has encouraged Epain to attempt to extend her power in If the Northern Democrats St. Domingo, continue to sustain tho Cotton S.a.es in their Kebellion, 10a lOUS wennco our RnvArnmonf.lLe crowned Leadf of Europe ..l.m : v .u a : within six months, and it may cost us years of warfare and millions of money to i .1 t. :. .: ii . r.;..i.r expe. luem. a. u ... . law and of humanity sided with legal au- Iborily against causeless revolt. .. "" "" ' o BEnoi.D the Cuasce : Tuesday, 2d jr..,w l j, inst., Mr. Ch.se, becretary Ot the Ireasu-, n in the White Republic, opened the ... . . r- r. i M- f .i.Cfiiii bids asked for ATy.'rf Millions of tbe firteen : authorized by Ihe last Congress. Nearly rrt - . . r- .. t:i': , t 1 1 .ll.rc nf. : . , . ii fered, and at LlUr rafes than tbe last asked for. Such is tbe confidence shown V ; ,!, d,.,inUtratinn by capitalists, in tho new Administration, already! Tbe l.laci R"pull't8 has been bragging and fishing for a loan of Fin MUhon,, i... i m;!!;.-.n iVoc ... i .,;,l J . . i . " . " : wanK a OV Tuna I mating 4jissi.-s'pi uui s.j o." to invest ! Pennsylvania Legislature. tA.We understand Mr. Hayes that tbe . bill referred to in onr last was to Trjx-il a j law respecting huckstering in Union and ' .... orthumbetlana counties. i "Ao act relating to auction sales in the . ir.; " ;,;iJ ;n ik. If , I county of L nion, or.gtnattd in the House I and pissed both branches. All we eoulo ever learn in relation lo it, is contained in j a veto oy uov. turiin, - m wis u.s. j otjeeiiuD is that tbe general law oo (be : eobjeel limits coramissK'os to one jear , latter wai thi ugbt to beef ui.tmii.d uiiud, : tjic fai,-etst portions of the Western while tbe present bill cxteoda it to tbree 8sin fur aS!iau,t Cid 'cry. t ()ntillCIll. Uovv l.lear eyed Spain rears without rcquirioff securitv from tbe I ffPPOSED Mubder. A man rained ; slIOIIKi I0joice that s-he will not henre J..r .... n- ! IIoffiLM, leinmtcrof Lx hrr.ff Marin, ; r ( .1 1 , , . ,e(i (o l,0ar alone the U0,7W ' . " i aecond reason is, lhat "The repeal of the proviso of the 19th of April. I"r. would allow the auctioneer ol the borough of I.ewisbitrg to sell the books, wares, and merchandize nf transient dealers, not re nding iu the said borough thereby enab ing any person to bring within tiie Itnvis of said borough anv amount ot goods, ana nave them sold at anc'ion, wttnotit requiring irom tne , owners thereof any tax DP -n capital, rltvi-j j.i. ii..,.. ,,c....r, Th. r.i. ' .neechnts an ! others, who r.av their r?'tlar annual lirei.p. Would he sut-iected to an nn- I jist competmon at their doors, and that, loo, by a class ol transient iia.ers. wno, witnoiii , .!.:, i.n .nl.t irhniinarnmnl fp.tr., all lilt, rivnv.., wipui i miwiTj ..vi.. !, liability lo contrioute to me revenue oi ine : a. ,t.. -...., Linn liuiiHrniiii. .- i oc (o . i it.., w.s s .iu restraint opon slcs of goods of any but those of transient dealers, it can operate in no wav 1 injuriously to the interests of resident c,i- . zen, but. on the coutrarv. is intended mainly for their protection. Instead of repealing this ; wise and salutarv provision. I should greatly j Et;;;: ri " " Cary to borrow money. Tbe Jersey Shore Boom wai killed in : tbe Bona. e. ! Gov.Curtio etod an a;t to change the j riace 01 no.u.ng elections id i err, i p, j 8nvder Co., faod other similar acte) for . . - s , the sufficient reason ibat all the necessary . power in such cases is vested in tbe county', courts and the people. j Ad act of the Legislature provides that ti? person being elected Jusiiee ot tbe - a i t : 1 - . .3 . .1.. i 1'eace, shall, within thirty days alter the ' glrpetf i'ue dwellings poing up this election, if be intends accepting slid office, j ,pring are generally of a 6erer kimf than f ive written notice thereof lo the I'rothon ylir .,, yeart pott, a laro number be ntary of the eounty, who shall immediate- 1 ing fir8I.ciM residences. J'hitaJ. L.qui ly notify the Secretary of the Common-1 w April 1. wealth of such acceptance; and no cum- j ifnn wnrkor ScJfcrli M'Manns tnissioo will be issued until toe feecrelary , (. Keadingi p, h;,ve resumed oper of the Commonwealth bas received tbe , u0 fuelime. This u onc f lne B0,'ce- larcst mauufaclurios establishuieuts in vjov. f. uriia oss ppuiu.cu uijtsevi Wercur, l-.-r, , ot J owanda rres.ueni fUUge, ,y place UltfUUgC IIUIU, TUPIgll- cd. Tbe people of the District will elect Beit October. Capt. James Given, of West Chester, is appoiuted Ac'jutant General. The bill io erect Lycoming county into a separate judicial district, was withdrawn in tbe House. That to form another io the Wild Cat and Oil region, was lost io tbe Senate. Col. Gregg is laid asido by sickness. The Apportionment for Congress is to be made by the present Legislature. We see it stated that Union, Snyder, Juniata l'crry and Cumberl.nd are proposed for one district, wbile Dauphin is to "settlo" York. ..Tbe Ap propriauun liill is under consideration. ietVThe jVyiW-iire Record, beside be ing 10 much tebiod hand, nioel of ibe time, at to lose its value at a Oiedium of tirirs, it to inaccurate aa lo be unreliable as a matter of rrcord. It refers to "She preen" (instead of Bbeshequin) Tp. in Bradford CV, aud "Humtoek" (instead of Hemlock) Tp. io Columbia Co., Ac. If it would omit ibe tnyinijt, and five us the roi'ujs of the Legislature, and keep up to time every day, it would answer an im portant end lo ibe public: at ii is, we have to dtpeod upon ibe I)i!y pipers for tb news, and uj.gtt lLa ufiitiai Journals for the f.ctf. . ' . . L T l.K..ualiinldll ' 0n. Huckinghair, and their State ticket in Connecticut, n average niajuriiy of boat 500 only. List Monday, ibej re elected tbeir Govoroor, aud carried tbe " ' -- - --- whole Stale i iciccl agnnsi a iuosi ueier- f f i mined effort and expeuJuurei of money of the Free Trader and "Conservatives" of v. Yur!j cilv 1)7 about 1800 nisi rity. - - - f - - ..o i. u. i 'PL T ..ni. i l.re i. ,.r, l.rl, Rep.,1... .e Prb.W, l Cong.t. ooorun ana t r,. ",t""" v f"o ' ; Ktitution. "wurrantcu lo Kecpin warm TbeCiiy Klectiona wear mottled as- lal ltu,lL..'' At last, tlif maiiil'olJ wrap pect we gin in aouie, and in 6omo we j,in;rs arc stripped off from tiie ciu !rwe. Tbey indicate very little as to our j balmed sul jocl, and tin: imiminy turns national politics. I News items from (DU)ci Comities. Lorenzo I". Willisioo, E-q , some lime in tbe Legislature fnun Tioga Co., IV, is appointed au Associate Judge f r Dakotali. Andrew Jordan, of Stewardioo town ship, was found dead io the wouda near the mouth of Ketilo creek, on Sunday last. A tchihkru 1UU l)ing beside him. disclosed tbe cause of Lis deuiu. It up i pes that be left tbe grog-shop of Mie- I ..l.on U .,ria nn lha affornnon nl lilt.iiAV ge!,jng botne j . wma mt(i e f u r hiin when be wafl f.iuud aa ; mhnv drrihrd .Mr. J..rJtt left sewn I , k ihuM lm ' . , . it. . .1 i j Have quite enougn io aa io '"PP"' j selves auu lauiiues .'men u, uui. ! ' Tbe stable of Ir. JacksoD aud James ' Mili jo ,cke9,.ur)Si ,Vrry county, were j deslrojeJ bj tire on j,rlj4J D1(,lt. 'j hree j hor,, s eWl a Urge lot of oats, wheat i and hay, were consumed. It is not kuown i " . bow the Cre onatuattd. Nji ,jl)n f ,he Delllwlre ln(1 ; . i a ,i, on h ; ' '.. I James 4, Tuck,Ti , !usble cttizn, i ws fuu(l dead, "ih ult, between bis j i..... ..J tba nill t...ii,f. nn rhi ! I t. iK -L-ht.r.o,-k ire, It niC'iporaied in the Constitution, was the pre- road ie.dit.g ?,unk't-k'aiU'.ljeiat,htllmtm (.,,,,. ,t ! r'UIn rhine ll.l. , toward Hu-rpebair ! js trJ - unlrrd ny IflJr,y , tht , ' dl P0t' ,Ie ,S uPPoscd ,0 l",ve died ! ..l,o- u-hllr it ..urf and hence no . from ,eI bicit iupp!lsi,i00 ia t,lled ; ar!:uin.nl ca0 be justly used aitam-i the con- . I npoa a poft-niortem ezauiiua'ioo held ov- er the body this afternoon, lie was within ; some fifteen rods of his bouse, and ' from the B4W-iuiII. H ws returuint; I ift m m cnurca niecuug ui iuo ouukdi . church ai Jackson Leutre. busn. Co. k U ... T..!,D.i f ntta K.in P . of Orangeville, Columbia county has recei- ; ved tbe appointment of Cadet at West j Poiot. j Three small dwelling bouses on River I treet, in Williamsport, were last week dc- ' stroyed by fire. j A Bellefonie paper ays the "household j kff.iM r,t C.i. ('iirm.'! a.r. In tie uiiil at ! - , uc""n on -rJ ,a9- George M. P.oo i appointed Post Mas- erlectiuD 6etllJS ,0 . ivcrsal satisfaction. J()ln ,ewjgi c,,firj f,r t,grsncT ; , j cc , i',ttburg, was killfl there by bis fellow rinoner, Andrew M'MulIen. The 1 1"V cuuoiyt w.f found su ly he side of the road near .11 .ll. rst.ur,', on Saturday night week, with a latal hole in his bead. At first it was supposed be had been killed by having been thrown from hia wagon, but further devul ipemcnl a would appear to ittdicstc foul play. We understand that two men have been arrcs- e(j on gu,picion. ' , . , ronie a am aire was onne, in cuiinury, i last week, bv a fire between Iwn bouses ' aumlina tslnaA toirether The fire Was : eunpreSsed. i .., .J r ,u t7,ii ..,r.rna,l I o n -. - v.. v-t .ri i.v;.. t;.;t,...ri .t lii.. V.t .s v w a oi o-' ... - ai month. He attempted lo gel on board . a lrajn ,,. ;t jn motion, but mised ! f . j horribly crushed b : " ' ... , I tbe wheels passing over bint. Edwin . Jones, of Schuylkill C'linly, tl """" i , a . ltr.tiuri. onnfisite KatttD. , -i i. tr lieverlv augh. I retdeot ot the re- 1 male Seminary at llairisburg, died last ! mtt i 5i;lLI)ISGpl!l,MII8 -During .he month .... .... (. . i .....i I wl ..laitn, iiic iiiiiniiiii; .nsp.v-i3 in'-tu , , , " .,.,:.. f,.r ,. . ,,,;,, ; citv llf Philadelphia. The largest, building com- n,eneed was that of the Delaware Avenue M.ruet Oonipaov. at Front and Spruce . J. 1 . . i e Sj(nt0 Tbe monumDt V,U,y Forge, com merunratina? ihe heroic niarlirdoui of the! men of Ibe Revolution who perished there du.ing ibe winter of '77, was blown down ' ' . , . I ,,. u ... . ou or before ibe fourth ofla-ttiiootb. c : hope a more imposing sbafiwill be erected ' ID its place. j The Baltimore sludonts are increasing . ... .,- . i io tiumbcr at the uliamsport (I a J Sctmuarj. ; Two young ladies, daughters of John Mark, of M.iunivillc, Laucaster county, died of hydrophobia tia 1.8. weet. 1 bey were Lit by a worthless dog about oil ! weekri ao. Tbe General Sjnod of lh Evangelical faQberau Church of the U. S. will medio Laticat-r, Thursday, tGtb May lit-xt. 8. i. WoUertno is making a good start with the $utihury Acad, my. Charles W. Howard and wife, at their residence oo Thiid Street, Villiuirtip.irr, met with a verv ierinus accident, Hrtday evening. Mn- W wa uhhi a lamp cu iaiii(iS fluid in attending to some dtnetitic matter it about tbe hou-e, wheo the lamp broke, Festiermjc the fluid over her p-r-ioo Inmantly herclotbcs wcreallabluze, errihly burning her body, Deck, ard f-ce. Mr. H., in erdeavoriog to rescue hip wife, alfn fen-k firr, si d wai badiy burned. W m. Savidge, ur uttil!e,iM rcanlile j Apprair for Norikaubcrlautl cuooty. STEP HENS' COHSTITUTI0M. The Hask.Tarowa OX Alexaxdeb II.TKniExs.firt Vioo Presiilcut or tlie '"Clack IlcpuLlie," d,.,, it is ittUeeu a SlniliSC ilocu- f .i,., , met to come from one whom tUO .Northern mint! hud lfpn taught to 1 adUllIC tor Wliat Socmen a iierotc love 1 i i ..... :.. . t.. i w. r w...;i lor Ills CUIII1U V 111 ii'iui ui uu ... ! -''w 'u " "T .K . ,,e ,Q vinjiuut0 Ul0 nc con- out to be tlic itcirro. 1 he Imije pyra- ! mid of government is buiit erected as 1 n 'iim'i,1 nii'iiwiital tn Ins eiiiiuiinr luni th! All dis.'uies ate lliiowii J aay, while the multitude rapluroti.-ly i nppluud the welcome doctrine that I promises fresh field-hands from l he i ihp liiili; iii'i'liniin.t- I '- i i ., i, ins are urraugud. hut hear il ls an- ! nihilator ol U ASUIXCIOX and JEr -1 ' FEIISUN' : I . Th. iipw r.,n.litnl cn has nut at rest, lor ever ail the asiiatiuE ooesii. n relatiux lo . . , ZZZ'.il Drero in our ftirm of civiiiziiuon. J his was ihe innnt-diaie cause H the late ruptuie ami the rrettnl revolution. JrF-nsiN, in hi :. 1 .1.. it.u -... h .in. iorci.ai. n.tu amn-ii'dicu uu, -imc -a wK- on which the oid U.uoo would spin.' He was ri-hl. But wneclier he fully comprehended the sreat truth upon which ihai rock stood and stands, may be doubled. Ihe prevailing ideas euterlaitied by him and m-ist of the leading statesmen ai tbe lime ol the formation of the Coiistnuiiuii, were, lhat the enslave ment of the African was in violation ol the laws of natue j lhat II was wrong in princi fw. socaliy, raliy and politically. It was an evi! they knew n l well how lo deal wuh.; but the general opinion of the men of ihai day was, lhifu slrhow or other, in the ordrr ot Providence, the institution would be evane cent and oass awav. This iilea, though not sniutional suaramees thus secured, b.-cause of """ common sentiment of the day. 7W ZTZTX - . . t ... ,r- i.,. ,tc rornertoui rets unoii the treat trutn tnai the nesro is not ennal lo the white man ! that Slavery subordination to the superior 1 race is h.s natural an J moral condition. TI1K ,'aT, ot T1IE W1,L,',, 4W wwn M j grrat Jifiyxicut, phH'f"phictil 'ind murttl truth.' j With tliso-ttst and ulihorrencc do we hoar him, speaking of slavery, bias-i phemously a".ucrtthat "This .sloiin, which was rcji-eted hv the first Imild- j . l. ..lT:..f 1 fbil .-, is, uL-ci.uic mc i...... .-...ov. ...v. , corner in our new cditu-e ! What strange inconsistencies do we : f,,i ;., " .., , While Al.KXAX- ,,.. Tf r t'n;.. , l,,r i,. airihin.r ,ie il from' his sla'ves, Ai.KXaN- ,,Elt f tllC vjoulhoril l-onl'ili'iacy. js Jevisin" means to rivet llirni :,,10!llinv of 'lllC West Coast larra- foon, "ihe middle 1 -assume "in iniina- cles and misery, and the tortures that n o iir'o.'ss ii v lii reduce the lil incesiif ! Ashen tee to docility ami h.l.or ! The 1 . .- .... - 1 execrations ot universal I lit istentiuit; have lieen heajied upon her, lint she i linds amliusli and dcU'llce ill the Pom- (Ure Mrue.ure that Mr. Stephens dc. i r'1'0 to erert, with slavery as its i lilaCK COI'lter-StO'lC t To'relher tliev . a ",d me ueiesiaiiiiii n un. noun In ri''':ini lo their llileiilions, i tl I tin; hour is at hand for the last t-lavc to le . . t c t dtiiL'en from ihe irolilen sands ol his . -t r w native home. Christianity and civi- li.ation are learned again;! them. 1'lllI.AD. l.NQl IhKll. - - - Xop.oDY Ul'RT. Much fiiult was follni vxx r IJncoIll tor 'ivili" Sit ::";; sui!ianuaiiv tne same Muieuic ru : . . - i ... va!"' empire is uivoiru a Et-vrrnineni ihrowa oft' a new vtem maiisuiated, in ; jmiaposinon 10 ihe oi l. and without a drop of bi..od ihe slightest social disorder.or physical , . C al C .1 It remain' to ie scon ii the onUi , , I'll II orn houses w hich have siispi-nded pay inent, the planters who are heavily taxeil, the capitalists who are Meed- ino; at their pockets in support of the now confederacy, and the thousands of .i . e I. 1 Door men mere out ot worn ami bread, and the Northern apologists for Treason, will lind as much fault 1 with Mr. Stephens for declaring that "liohody iS hurt. ------ - j FAITtlFt L Ml.M.sTEKS tF II R ALT II Iu j eX-ilUlllllig tLe Vt-M4cl a I I tie ariJUs bl l we bud auionjr tbe curioMiie of our c m- " n in' Tee t he t-rii! .1 rand;!, jii tntn 1'rux.lni with .cargo of Honduras Sarsapar.Ua for ! iJr. J. C. Ayer & I'o., of Loweil. r-o paiticu- larare tins linn as lo ihe articles u-e.l in compounding their various remedies, ihal have this drug, like some ...hers they consume, githered tor them by a skilllul agent of ,,.,. ,.w , ,he tropical regions ol .is growih. lie informs us that there are many species of ihis plant, but two of which aie '""V valuable t n.ed.cine ; ihe quaiines of thee are a'so affected by the lime ot gather- ine iim lf u. (.uri,ie on,ra(m, wnu. j,, ,f,a re2ion (,i unreliable workinen im poses a heavy lihor upon him. O ie of the inert varieties of Sarapanl1a enw w.ld in our -" u " - 7 - . ' worthless. jtrtouiu! in T'eotral and fei-uin Ainpr The mieiiwv-nt a pent aureif us lhat the virtues of i hi - drus had never been fully tolil, and lhat ihe reain of ihe low es teem in which many h'i'.d n as mainly due to the importation of such imtn"nse quantities t-f jfre wonhless varieiit-s Hi accounts of his trips lo Honduras and h:& business excur sions alons the tinlf ot Du'ce and the rivers of Monlitrua and laniiapo and anvn the ad- iarent mountains, were of inten interest, t We can but commend and honrr his employ' er? for the f.iitHu!nes and energy with whch they execute iheir trutt a miniter.s to the public health, and we suspect that this course is at least one ot the reasons why their m di cines are held in such extraordinary favor ihrotishnut the civilized world. At u York City Aru. Io the Arkansas State Cnnfrotinn, )aM week, tbe iSeces-i n ordinance was d-feaf. ed by a oe nf C9 to 35. Afterwards it was agreed to be referred to a tote of the i people- ral'fD- bunch el" KEYS. They at the Vhr.mic If Wine. The owner is luviied ! lo come, prove, pay and lake. Union County Appeals for 1861. j O riCE is herebr Riven lhat the Appeals x V " ,. . f . mm inw ht " .-. 8l, will he held al ihe Commissioner Uf- -e';n ,rilrlsl,rR MONDAY the l.'.ih of Apnli is'bi. ai whirh tune ami place, all wh may feel ihe.nsetees aei;rieve.i oy me ..t...i.nii mi. . htr thp Ai.siirs lor inr vrar ...-.,..-- , , ! be P.....,.,a. ,n rr,r.i. -heir AMessiueuls and aii'tnlme said appeals. JAMK PROS', II II. KKI.I.Y, VCorn'ra. K. IIOI.EMIKR. j Attest: A. Knf. Clerk. Ordinance lor Markets, (UNREPEALED.) j OECTION I. Be ii ordained by ihe Borgess O '"! Town Council ol ihe B..r....en ul i Lcvisuurg. and 11 is lieieby ordained by Ihe auihoruv ol the same, I bat MtU.NESUAV and SAi'l RU.vY inoriniigs of every erk shall be 'he Market Jtmtt lor nl borough,! wnni it may be UmIui lo sell and ouy am- les of prod ice I or lan.ily ue j an l lhat r1AKKt:i. HI-KIJBri fria .ircolld lo KoUrlh Slreel)i shrtl te ucd lor pch a'e wagous ! &.c. to tcupy the sides ol the pavemeal. on i sine ol Ihe street lr..in the hist of Hie norm sine oi me sirrci nin iiic nui 01 , dctouer to me iii-i ol April, ar.ii ine s..um .. I r i . t. ,1 -.1 K m ' i Z,Z'l u ..hr.d....ri. T.',t a j shall oi be ihwiui lor any pciM.n i-r persons, enlwr the pr-duter t't marketing r their Miuit-ili ut rtri( as huckirrs or tLherwi$e, in n.il.M i.r til Anv k. rttt nT aliPV itr Hi t v j - - - j .... any par: of the said B 'rough, any aiticles of produce lor lauiny ue, oint-r man i oic "lime, ami places specified in the first section ot tni ordinance, aim any person or persons ' violating this or.linauce sha.l incur a pena.iy of fro. n tine Di.Mrtr lo Kive bolUrs, to he re covered belt re ihe bnresi tir any Jiilic of the ft'race of mon cotiniy as like sums are recovered uiultr the laws of Penu-vl vania, with covis. in ih- uane of the B'trgess and Town U.omcit cf ihe lloroughof lewisburs; one bull of .tul pen.iliy to he paid to the ()wereerif ihe Poor of aid liuruugh. and the other half io ihe informer Tasei at a meeting of ihe Council. Tues- Hav evening, ov. J. nl .Tilereil lo De published. J. scHREYEK, Burgess. I l phll l I'll Tlf T iV IIOU'IT UULlVl t lll.tjlU a LI j -Manuuctuied Ly j SLtFER. WALL?. SH.W&CO,,1 Central ftindry lwlsburg.Pa. 11 K liuckeye iicioer V Mower was intro- : I ituced in IS, and b perfectly was it, ..tiafited i- the work deined that ai (he i treaiel Practieal Field Trial ever held in i thi country, in July of the same year, at y-' rac use, 11 ii lumphamly carried vtX (he t (iiMini (..old Medal aud Dipiuma! At the Iimimim State Trial, held ai Kapcrte, in IHiM, nearly as tnany machines were repre- sen ltd ami as thurtughly tested as al t)ra-' cuse. and tt.e Buckeye was again the Victor! i Ani M alsu a, liMr!v a lhf field fws anJ exhibitions m isas, 'Sa and -6t), when it was a competitor. Ai a niimher of extiilutions it received the First Premium as a Mower, First ''lemium as a Reaper aud First p.e,,,,.,,,, as a -omt men Mnchitie. J liese numerous awaids prove coni-lustvely the correctness ot ' the i'ecii ji ai Syracuse. j Toe coinbiiiert opposition of the manufac turers of alnwtngand Heaping Machines and ! tiirir etiorts io cruh and lo bring into disre- j pme ihe Buckeye, only served lo prove its j l I'HKIHRI I V ; and Ihe fears ihey enter-' tained of its final success aud triumph were : evidence ol the real worth aud mem ol the j machine. t Tne Machine has now pa ed through four ; harvests, and during Ihe last three over .Nine Tnouaid have been bui'i and sold and ihe (-"mer ",av J'"'"r ",f "P'""""- meroiis awards ma le hv committees both at lills ,,, at s,ale- aillf ch,v t,h,Ml. in., as well a-- from ihe numerous demands. w hich the manufacturers have never yel been able n.supp.y oiucr, wdus, ouriuer k to, "r,,"c"re''s unci s raietti Slower .11111 Ik." aim u-n'fr. iinckeve neai-er x Mower. i;ar- IIia .., )rse Power, tlison s Paieut Fod Vr Cn'iet. R.eh's Paieni Iron Plow, and 1 Mti h.jin 0 -n'e PKiwj aNo.Sioves andCas tirn: of all kind. Cnitiiif f"fh tf nvtl .I 7i S-i"p Vr tttr JS'JCfh tiif Muhtt .((, Lftct'' f'ttry, i'ltiun V' r Ji. Nov. 9. 1V ThE only discovery WOMTIIV or AST CtiSFIIIi.SCK Son M fT-IN 1 G iiii: ini.is o (.nti, lANY-tnce ll.e uil disti.erji f erot. v noil, ImTe 1 iili Uifl-i ma only lo iu.llnt lit. Ilertr.tl.e, liut rMf.i. ii. tMi-iliMiiiriiJ M..u.e(i.oa O'al oM .11 r.lui-e tt-uu- .uv..ti-. ; i.a k.i- o -iu- tamj k- ,.,. a mm bv i,.ro..i.i.iiim,.i it-i h iit-i.-aiiti.Ku. m.a i.ast-i. u.i.u to iu fiia iu Itn I0.-li.IOMi it) kai Ihs loihfWi il:K iiAtit, Airtt is, l.r9. ' if. O J Wimp A Co. : t. i iit iiirr 1 tri'.e I fciu iu I fnnfi u i ii K -ur raiuUr llskir UrHloritiiTt:, in"ii-" a.r puiiiisiHn una vii iiiiiy kuu riw ih-i. ..- n- u. uuiut.us -iiiuinn. cout-tnuie tit- tin I- lit tt r UN i us fi.iuiri nr. . tuicl. ik it h fci t Ul bwtxtaltlUM tlitl n.UH. Me ltl IU I tl .tJlUUlU Illt J- i--(-till. l II Hue ! kll lll'-IVItJ 0lilli.rti f Ililrtl, uiy Kii Mil! CHiiiiuue li bv iu KU(J Olllrr Jul ;' ' ;' Ufff'T tufty yt-arit uet, uiore i-.lt. tlu atficwer lbVati Its t iu aiijr PtnLir .r uty , llirilt. null brlt. r i rm' itifU; Hit- fMutf ist tru as) ttnlirs, uhJ tut utily ' ii m- wit ll ! U"t t-in rll Irut i thai Ihe u(iie; : stM-hed ult ti tit-oufi.l MunU nf the hit, Wlirb if rairt wt-r u--J l-y iiiit 111- in rim- cuntitn'tiuD j Willi ttif lilrker. lit eiUtf Tf ult Will ItilluW Ms lilt liMir. ' I hvtf Ist-vii iu tbf r-' li i l (ivitt iiuuo-rol lllis ! II I ..... a. ... mi nmuimr. io u-n.ri. AuifriiuuiuiifrMUjia j m ,t(1. lt Uifluit iwru tm-y ntuun-ii ami hrrn u-vil. Iloli U'f witli,-ul atliy kikhI i fl'-nl, ItUl to ratwIuU- n-Jiiry. I lieiMt um-.i -y ofjour i.tturatiw -I u j ncniiut ti r uui -mintli ", t I yd ut) hwir im ur ittMad m i wrr. ml Ituii.lrnJ- fa ir rjiituisiHl iC Willi isuri-rifv.a 1 I "' imr.., u., hm,i w mi ui U-f : nikI Iu m Ihitsfucl, I -Oil you m lurk ,f s mv iwir ik--n . ti n.r tt mk. I rmvu. a yur Uor j "".r 5 'a, L"2 rZ2Z, X.'ZZ ili iu to try it. nmtiy irr- rak-fttal until iu-r irinl.aa.rj j llit-u pulHmHa'il a li.l Um-,1 it Willi UlilV-fal surinw 1 willM-k lor. that y-u m-hI nit a lr-t ( ln.b I ran timfr framl in th ltt-ttoratii. mIu by Uiany, 1 j fr-ar. mi'tirtit atittiority tnim iu. A urt urtit-le wilt lit Mire Mirri-t. nu 1 t--lif wli-rr KH-l -tT-rti4 Jo not i follow, ttie tHtluiv l r.iuraMl b Ih-impure arlirl-. which I ruisw-f lltr ibtfi.tor of lltr arooaj. I ut. m il ojy duly, aa ! hvtrloti.rf. Iu l.v-t you a- rit-til of th- ntlsltuuinl effrct i on mv hmr. a- I a-urc all wht fiiiMtrrol nirl tn un- I tiHkfii oiuiou of iU a uab.v rt-ruiU. I rfDiMiu. utsjir j t.ir,uur. A C l:AVwoU. Anw Rw, Ky.. No. 311. IKW. Pm 0 J. WVantt: Itvarir I woulUrrrtainly t tlo itiat ou cn-at iiijuKttc nt to makv knrwn,tu ilw woritt. tli wtilTlut. a writ Ma th aofaf'tnl rriilt I have rii-vrn-or.tt fi.-m a-inif nt n..iil of your lUir kntrm Iis. Alt-r U'inc r-ry hud of Urt-Tatit ntar.t ut without .tK-r. an-l ttmliutf niy bravl tifarly i-tituu fiftoor. I w.atii.all) iiKiuth-sl o try a hottls-of ynur lUir lit toratiT ow. raiit,r a-Hl juntie rouift u to tioutirt- Id hiTrr niaf rvml llii, that I itoW MrarM nrw aiol h,-ninilul nrnwth of hair. whj-h I prvnuiirw rirhraDi liaifl-Die-r I ha ii th nrikTinal wii. I all! Uh r- ftrr tali- wtraion to rsc''iniiMtil thi invaluabla rrmt-dv u i.i. wh oi .y f-- th nvnait. of it. IO-ai-rlfully your-, REV. S Al.t.K.N HRlVK. P. S Tina t-liuioiiiai t-.f oiy apon.hatinn for your Ta I until.- nfttin ia vou arrawatv :ft in ao-olicit d -t ut if you think il worthy a ilara amotK tli-i raat,iuarC if you wifh : it mat, iWtrojT, and stay uulhtnc. Yours. AC, it, . 8. a. B. The RnraliTr in pat ap In bnttlea nf thrtw ii-a. via lai.tn'-uium.aiil-.niall; th-mall bolJn Uapint-and rt-iann ior one aonar pfr laittls: tn tnPdOitn .oa t tat an n-r e-nt- nnrt in proDirtin tlian th mall. r UiU for twn ilollar p-r t.ttl-; thf large botil' a quart, 40 prr ct-nt moiv tr j.roportKt,, and tvtaila f-r f.1. O J WlM TO. lropr irtni-.. 444 Krnadwaj, New Tork. ami IU M-rfc-l ?lr-t. -t Loui-. Mo. lul(l hyaJltroA-1 Urut-'pi-Oaiul Fanry tkaidrDtntara. II. GCRII 4RT. DEMIST. has removed to So-nh 3.1 street. four doors from the Town Clock. LEW. isnriHs. pa A $35 Iron City College Schilarsbip T?0R 8a!e l fl Si4ir Chronuk Office, X Lawiborf. Real Estate. HOUSE FORlREWr. GOOI) FRAME HOL'SE. wilh 8iat.le.on North Fourth M. (now irccnpte-t by Jacob Votfe)H, rent fiotn I l April. Inquire of pd3 I. H. STERNE It Tavern Stand. for aSle. fT"HE subtcrihiT i-tT-rt at Privaie Sjte thai 1 valuable HOLE. with bul'te, Mied and two l.ols nf (imnr.d, M'unte on the Turnpike (in the main strt-ei) in the HitousIi of H.iri.e lon, I'nion Co., nowr fieenpied bv Div. Moyer. Terms ea-y. Inijmre il r H.l.lie'.s IIE.MiY WHIT.MER, A lm if .litu U ILT, K-i , Ucc'J Harileton, March a, I Mi I mil FOR SALE OR HE NT, riHAT valuable Itrlck lard properly situate in Hutlalor imrnship. a'tj'onin? lands of Jacob Ilrrr and William C'ameron, with everyihin e-'inplcie fir th manulaciure id UrickAe. Aim HllLUISli LUIS. Terms Easy. Apply ta jinx r vr.-yrn. ptti.iurc. W.U. 1 AM KHUN ax. Uulura- or hi. Mt'. IJrt 17. ifc'0 6u4 Uvue More tmim m Market Mrctt, it., rntir . I...- ..rUPS l..r cnlM (LOVrat A 1 j I UKK K Hi IW. and other Bu,l-ii " ' . , uins, snuair in uir Dt'inuu "'" Persi.us wishing to purchase, w ill please call on Mr. Jonathan Wolfe, who wiil give them such information as they mav desire. July ft, 1SS9 ti. siL'HNABI.E SHERIFFS SALES. Y virtue of 'utvlry writxof Vn Kt..l Fa an-l PI F , ItafiUard OUl ol Hit- Court ut 1'oUliioO I'-witf of tit Hill c uiity. aitd to iuv .H-cli-l, 1 will rxiet,- to I'll 1 1. 11 .a.e or Uutrry, at Hit- ut.lic liue ut L. I llrs-wrr. kuouas tli Ball-aJor ll.-tir-c, iu liir boru.:h of U-wi! ui nn Saturday, i:tlli ol' April, isOl, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the foltuwiiiic property, tit: A ccrluiti Traet of Land situate in II lit! lot b'wn-hio. niiil i-ouuly ot Lniou, huuiitl-d mulb liy Oi tut ot Jaa. n-, fri-t ly iatnt ot .innifa -travt In nUi-, fi.-uOt ov lau-ir- ot W to (min n n. nod on I tie w t b Imi-i if JoDaibHti ttoliv. f.tiUiniii'l.'itl arre. m-rr or e-f, win-rt-on an- rrti-tij a t. pu.r-y Irau.t- lvbULINi lliJt:.-h. a Itnnk Uru, aud OLlii I Outoui.titoa, tc.wilu Ibr-Hfi'iUI U-UMllt vM. Alr-u a rrrtalit l-ot of Or"Und. nitUaitr to til Mr xuh of lwmliurK. and vwuiiTy L uioh. turuiinVil on Oi- north tiy J-ihu p tri-'-l, r-i l-y an ail . aouth 1 y hil lot oj Xartiait-t J. II llro-l. mil OO I lid t hy J r -1 t slteft, -oittiitiiii; l-l acr.' iu"'r "T lf-. wriiTiou r r r-- i-l twu-ilnrt-y Ira utt- I A K..LING llol .!.. a fratm- tt.i au l rarrtwaCf lloa.1--. a ,ti:li with a I'nitiL., atid t Hn-r Outhuii'litiL"'. .. nitli lli f purU-uaiicfit, aa tiia lroo eiiy ul JOHN NLililf. Also, a no! her Tract of f unl, situate in K--lly ownhi. and c- untv ( I'ui.ni. bonitd.d north b) Itlt'i t Is-Nitt1 Wt-tr. fn-t ty Itttd ol W iu. K Uimni, Ht-ulh hy Hut!a'or i r-.. aitd on ih by iaotfot -rol, MulliIu- aol I lnL-tiait Kni. cotvainiij: dl acft, nir or Iv-f-K. wl-vri-oij t,.-i tytetl-il a o t..t y t.i j, n liM LI.LlNU -r a till a Irs.ii.- kit- o. u aitai hrd. a tram- llaiu, and otait-r Uulttitidii.., Jtr., a Ub I lie dppur tnaitr-. A m. a ff rtin I.- t of a rf' ufi I. Jtii-tt'1 fn tils' l-rit'i jh of Irt-wnaltura;, atid rount ot Ihntli. Ix-ui 'i-d-n I I.r itrtfth l y hall t.'l of Hi i-l.i. 1 l-1 !,ll.rn, rart Ly all a !-. m.ulI. by M. Johi- trtft. mi-i on Hit- w--t I f I tniti rrr-.l, n in la m Mia: l-l arre. ui" 'T T t . wlii rt-oD ar- -!- a two-flor,-, I rn-k I'U Kl-IJXi It'H - .ram- U i Ll. N. llll-:. a tiamr. sii-tt.lt-, Ut-IIWKtia t'uu.p, aud o(ln r 1 1 ui t ui id t , 4" . a tt h I fit a'nrl-i!.irr-t" A I mi. aootlirr liulf l.t ! roun I, fit in t- m the -tfor--l l l'oroui:h and ri.utilt . hxiimii-ii nort h I l I ot J tm B Mil--r. ra-l i.y uu all.-y. aoiilh ty othT lil at"' d a'ti t d of li- Iia-1 Y i ''iit ( int. :!! uii I Ii a ! t.y lliird ctrtM'L. ritiitair ini: . are', muitr or I". a li-T-(-u la -(-ttl a fraiuv Iitt tV LI.IMi Itnl -K. wuh a hit. ht-u in-rt-to altarh- d, aud o'tw r i-uihuil-lin.-a. .tr.. wott ih a 'url-uaut-m. a Uc j-rojrty t lt tl.i-.L Hi II 1 1IK.V Aho,:iiiolhui rerlain Lot of Groniul, mort or ! ilUrttt- io tin ItirmiL'h nf l.wilura(. ami county of l'oi-.n. b"iin-ld to-rth ' y l-.t of Al t-n .-i.u--iii-tr.t-a-t I y Kr-nt -tr. !. -ouih by lrn .f i.ivi. iiu.T-r, and rl t-y ao ailf ) inik d t t lit,- it-ii r( t' n No. W: wt.fr---' ar.- et.rr.: "i iHtv.T. f v hrt.-K in, hi i, I ,i Hot .-K. a f: muf Out Ki;. in-n trm-- Mnti. ati.i h Wi !l with a l'titii. it nd oilier outlmi -i.tiL-. ti:t t-- ai -f.iirttt.aitva. f . - ti.r f.r. . 1 1 ol Cii.Vj 11 At k Lit audt A U M llAllLK. Also, all ffiat ine-ann nnd Traet of Land !iu.tte tn I il -tt ofit.ht. t'ni. n rountv. nd j.'itiMHf land's f llnrri"' J.-i.ktu-. I'l.i i. i i-l, A-a ('Ii a --t-II and oth-Tii. Ail tt iatt i mrtinretl. I ti iii ,.rnv'Rinta art- a lo Itt't .-h an t fn.nn- -al,ia. 'Io 1 -i.li the- i.ro-j. ilv of ML Roll Ci ifi'ksVLaiid UA. UAIrViiAi'l tlal.. Also, t!iefjl!ovinur de'M Hied HitiM- hiT ar I Lot nf limiind. t- wit : A fraio- l KLM Nd llol sK of twoalort-y. I.tm Iroiii ot lt f-r-t. mil a ,11 th ol If- f ft. Mtui(t uii n a o-rt-xn Ll -n -u'b " t mth ntrtt-t. li lh U.rt'Uafti ot la i-thurtf- ID -tiiti county id I'nion. "ilj'tnnii lot 1 1 l.t-ati K-id.tl ki Ii oi. H. u-t l !i, and lot of Jt.nathitii Uoltt- on ih r-outli, aa tut- proytrty ol AI.KX M-r.K lit l II ISi A I .-o. n n t i h e r w. r t a i n T ra t o f T.t i . d . ituat in 1'iMoQ toanhi and f-onnty ot i.-n. In-un It d on the n.irih h lttl ut I'tioip -. h. d ,.t ly Uml . Mm. Kowt-r. - nih ab I w.-i I.y land ..f J. hu hiinhle. n tilaiotn .Vt arre, n-re or 1. alit-reoii are trn l-d tw. tiano- IOA r.l.lalN'i II d sK. lw. r.;nr tmw lUrnf. ami otlu r oti-lnii,.i!ii;. At . taith the u urlfiiaio--.. :i A I A l hL'.N K LE s iiitt-it-.-l iu the a Lot- deittii d jro erly. Als-o, a certain Traet of Land, situ ate tn Hu;i:iHn- tow I,., ft tut in..li!t t-r I IIK.n. to till. Id north l y l:ilid --J lun.t IT !..(. t-a-t l-v land ol U ut. Lindt-ntnuth. mhiIIi h .uh;i.- rowd. and on tli- rt hv lati'i ot Jo-., (di It' ek. ronUiiiii.ti ii rr-. rnotr- ..r , -, wt.fr.oM an - ri-flt-tl tw.. Uti l'V Kl.l I ,i. M M.S a lo j Itaru. and ol!.-r tmtt.mi.i'i.u Ac . Mh th ;i(.pui leuu-rr-t, mh Ihe .P.rt ol Jr.KKMlAU I.AHiS. Also, all I hat en la in l'i art or ph-eo rf Lain), wiih l tie n.tnim-t ind tttetn-nt. thi-rt . n i-rt-f-It-I. v mjvo.se I t ftx ei-mi.-n-ni- t.i. .-. p oHrc-l-ot i.mnl. atiutl.il in Uhtte lits-r ttw toluj. 1 1. i.-n r unn. nud Stati-ol I'.-tiuailsitrita. root mini: t"f.-ttiwr a err, UH for let.. lt uiMt d on the- eat l.v ixiidaidnr I'j.u n.kt, on il.e Mtnih dy InToM of .1' :.n On. t ,t- f .irt,.t-. li-t. aiid hi Hie H ,.tf lievr l urii.;K' r-a I . u if:, t. Utid of lli-niy llili. .lTt-H!--il r-ii-l on 'he ii-nlli I.y hi..ln of .lnie i'ullrtnn.. Itot.h rarhy aiid .th rt-, t. njfti.fr With the hertlitaiit'itla utid '.ti.-:--u.li' er. . A lsi. all these ines-uaires. fieeo-'nntl nn-ls of Lund, houndrd and .t"o ri d a fti!.i--i: 1. All ttint in-i-uai:'. or ifiiemfiit or Tra.-t of I. .mil, itnafe in White tttrt-r ti-wn-itiip. I Hi. in eimn . ruiid d an folUiw: IC-itinninc n Hie :n.dllt- of Hie H t.itc l'-. r k Soffar Valley Turn.tke. on -i corner of Jo-M-ph ItuH n land, the -ut- alonir tl-e uiitldie d the -w.nl rond lo.rtii enly and a half tietrn e wt-at -Vf niy one and i u-i.tli pen-he, thenee alonic thf "aiiie south ru-ltti-ej-t and three -fourth" dftree wet f.-urand thn-e .-n:li prrU-a to line of Jaroh Karley Innd. tht nre al"iitithf aaiiM outh one detree w---t mie huiolnd and on- and twt-tenihperrlit- lo a marked white oak tn-e on a mrn-r of f-aid r'arlt-y'i land, thenre alon' lint- ,i KtiilTiuati k Heher eant -seteitty and three trrith li-h') to a it. thfree atoi.rr r(iTi"ion lint-of ta-id ."I'nniiiLvr n-rili aert-n df-eree wrat forty- wo nnd tlirfe-tetith-i -a-tvheti ;n a po-l ftn the north aidd lot-- Ilwr rrtk. th-n-e dwn M'd rr-ka Miiilh ar-retity d-T- -t and tie- 1-nih perrh- n to pt on a i-ornt-rol Joe--h llntf lati.l.thni-c aton-t the saute north two -o-rrt-ea t-w-t lhrtTfi-ht p. r rt to ih t'lai-e of tte.iunintt, i-onlaiuing tt acres, at d 12 Berrhr, nat meaoure 2. Ad ti attvrUtii Ira tof Ijind. iti-tte in White Deer tow nhi. "un'jr and Stat afirs-ai. iNtundt-d -at hv land of .laroh rarlt-y. nilh by l.md of Jai-ob Karley and l'nni-l ruHm-T, wi-nt andt-o-'ith hv landn f I L.liet'k Slid Tliotu-i l:eler. eontaiiitn IHti ariTS. All that Tr-M-t ot Laud, aituatt-in h'te iVer Tp afoieaid. Ixtunde-d on th north l y th W httt- I-er ft Sucar alley Turnfikf. on the wer-t hv the Shannon lot and laud- of Station. Man-A Co.. on ihe mnlh b? Ian la f I hi 'id Sonniotier r.n-1 lukt-r. and on tht- ea-t r? Innd ot Lti-h ten thaler and l'Coruii-.'k,cuiitaiDiii- S arrrnnore or leea 4. All that Traet of I -and altuate in White peer Tp fnreMid. biiiit'led nn the r-oulh ht th W hilt --er M hiitiar Valley Tun pikf. oo ttie we-t i.y the Ted lot the raetort lot and iat.u late i-I'M-nmcr. n tht north Uy land of Win,. Fean.n. Jr . ami on the ear-t by laudd of Mhl Feann. mntainin-r about arres. 6. All that eerlam Trarl of l.aotl vitnate in White Peer townbip af t---aid. iWniu-lfd north. -iat. weat and aoi.lh ly l.ttttl late of the Sh ffirld lrn 0mMnr. e..n taii.intr 14 arrrj-. aa th pnbert of lr. tr ItbDhlUt'K fLrXllUT. Also, the Defendants' interest in three eertam eontiv-uon-t Lot- i f lirourd. ituate in tha borouirh of le-ai-l.tirir ant rountv of ITmoMn t-oundtl north bt lotof.Mra.lt Voref t-a-i lv S--eond-tr--et.Muih I.y lo- r.f lit-ore llolatein. and on the w-t t.y an allt-y, rontatnii'n 3. arre, more or l--t wrv-rwtn ar --rerti-, fTVAV I'l.lMNii MILL, nn Ol-f III. IHt V Hot K kr , with tht a.pnrt naucetsa. the propert uf J. J. CALM kK abdJod. II. Ko JOHN rBO-!.in(lVEISheiitT. fBEiirr's Office, Lewisl.ur-, Man b 14, lM.l. DA. I. BRUGGER, lio.ir.oi4iiii; i'iiM(iii. Kl'ICE m his new Urn k UI. ck. Market street, south side, betaeen 4th and 6ih (up stairs.) I.ewtshurg. May. IMiH 1 7JS lilac k Oak Uark Wanted rjMIE subscriber. wihing lo purehase a 1 larze qiiantntr ol B ack Oak llark. would ask the atteniion of persons having ihe article lo this none-. Thev will find a rrliable mar ket Irom $1 to per eord. in the spnns, ' Jrnra the l-l of April until 1st ol July, al his Tannery, at l.ewisbur-. Ca-h on delivery. a,n.z.is,t r i liui.u st. ' Bjr f. J.'ST.MIL. BINDERY on 3d 8ireot. a few doon 1 onk of Markta, Ll Wiifit'iC, f. Lcwisbur Foundry v m Tlie almvc tiltile roprrfnta llie cetuttratod FKAIIfin FLOWER OAS BUKNIXO I'OOKlNfl SI'OVK, warrautod tu C..:; ut.J lko ..piil tn anv Stove offi'rp.l tn l!ie I'ulili.'. 'We also Imvfi on l.ami ll.e M ECU AXICVI Lt.K Air-TI-lit Stnvo. t!iC ROYAL COOK, i'.-. Wv ;il-o keep fur sale Fun: uf :l.e COMIX- KXTAL. wliicli willi uoml dral'l in tin' liitnu' V is u "i...l .-;u-.'j. All lip: aliovc Stoves lor sale on Al'iilt. 3. lM'.l. VARIETY STOHE! A.r post orn ci:. LAKGE Mippl of Lot.k.s,Stal inner), 1. IVrlumiy, Jewelry, Ti.y-, "i.t'ein ii- .i. w i- ...,K ii ..t,... cries, i f a. v-i'ur-., ..un, lirtures, and a variety of K'K iAtKS U t sale cheap at ihe Lr,.i ttwi.-Bi mi ptT orri'T. SEVERAL sens of CAMEOS and onr breast Puis and Ear K.ttgs ran t - had very cheap at the l'1'r-T I'tTll'E 1 ADIES ran find the lar-est and asi rt J i menl of Letter and N"ie I'A I'Kii.Ei.tf I opes Ac. at ih'- I'UST OKKIf'E JAW HOOKS from hav ti Bm. Phi ad , rn j hand or ltirni-rod io or.l-r hy ihe Acent II W rKDIZKl;. I' l. I.mivl.ure 1 E (iold I'ENS fur Ladies and lipnts ean i Le had at the ' 1 (1ST HKHI. E PICTU RES.--A house ran n. I he said lo writ luirnhed unhnu! some U slerte.l Pic:ure. Tms wan. can now te suppln-d ai the l'liT HKH' E "Industry must Thrive :-' rriXanil SIIEET1U0N KaUL-l.mtT.f. X Removed in H'.uohifnS it rn.er tu p i n Market Mret near F. nrtii. h-r I u il. hve at ail tunt- a fuU a-M-i mem i Tin Iftsire, Sitv ripe, rttAL hl'CM.rs, Sft Z,:C. 4r. wm. a'i mnStie in!er, on h ri noiire, T-n tiuf irrs. plJlIlg i r any kind of i.rk in n.j line of bn'iies-, m tt Mending anil Jt-bhin? perenl'rrri it- mJj alien ierl m. Jos. A hUt.AWtji !.einihire, Op SO, Ih.";'J j It'lllNftl TIN-MU:r. -Kn.ieaa..rfrmenf . .rrfii-.,:,--ri. . ' Wa-re ttaibtitriuK Pit-s-r-fintf kvlti.t.. Hinfihuwi.,' :'ufi for children. La.iv. .HI.. h. i . r- hi a;o rruut-h llaaiu Pauo. e. ( A I I. a. I A" JO?. A. Kkk AMUR LAW OFFICE KKMOVED. John B. Linn. TTOR.i:Y 4T l.iM-Otrro . his house on IN. Market i. let. ti A J x: av; II LA MI W at ' A .V O U M. I A7 " .V VII z vi:n YKK l-a V UrsT OIL ALWAYS OX II AM)! V Urr OU. ALWAYS OX 1IAM. ii-t-urir. Auj t. wm. COAL (OIL 4 OUi. riHi; Mib"cr:tf r lieps run-taMiy in ban.! I a lare" as-invTent f the very ht Stia nil 'km and W i.k Hane 4 'DAL, f r iin.e and Mtive purpose. hich he u ill el at ihe very lowest prices tor tah nr Country Produce. A Nn, llU;ek.iuith Cttttf, I'ftftrr und . W ish it (tiMinrily understood, that I wiil not be undersold ly any man Having good eih--cales, full weight will be -iiven. Cal Yard near VeidrnaTs hotel. ;EOR(;E HOLSTEIX. Lewisbnrs. May 27. .i. 10,000 jrnscv ri:cn tklck. Having located myself in Lewisbiiin, 1 am selling the hrsi varieties of pood inoculated PEACH TREES, fro-n New Jersey, at $14 per hundred, i-end yonr orders or call nn 871 E.I.ROMIXE,Box 497)Lewi.-biir!i,Pa NEW FIRM IN THE OLD p-HOIM The Mihrribers repeclfully ann unce to the citizens cl Lewiitburg and vicnuiy lhat ihey have formed a Partnership in (he Tailoring Business, at the well-kniiu n stand of James Criswell on Market afreet, where they are prepared to CUMAD MAKL i P to t rder in lle very best style. Men's and Boys IOtlllll i f every riescrtpiion on shri Police. We ask a abareot the public painnase JAMKs ChlsWFLL, J. f SCHATFLR. Lewisbnrff, April 4, lr'9 Da. W.H. BiiKHnKP. Dta.X.C.PcBm I'I RDI k. It4( KIIOI SI', rnymciAXs a.xd mju.loxs 1)EjHECTFILI.V uTr iheir services t. j Ihe citizens of Lewtsburg and the sur rou.td.ntr eoiintry. I f Particular aitenlion paid tnSi nCKUY Enquire i" VVct Market -irel or at ihe residence of Mrs Iirkh.-ne. Inn. isf.ti. i?er Salt, FRICK, EILUQETER & CO. lJ7ffl ' r" n,a"u'lcl',t',,,S a"l have Jli-diManily on hand a tare qnan-jfs-Sfnjj'y of lei Palings and 3 and 4 iiawau f i'-iif i i La h ai ihe fol!ovrng pru e-: lalini beaded in a new s'yle, Iri in $ to $10 per M Llb3 and 4 feet long. $1 to 1.62 pr M. Palings and Lath made to order, any length parues may desire Lwwlft-OTp ixtta ffawrsitl, TV ? IK) and Agricultural Work, re.tS'juaulc f i l.v JA'S S. M AU-II .t f(. CHirrEERLN BROS tuiuer ul I'ilih :ind ttuiktt Ma, I.f. y-is,! .';. J'A vr v E bav now him! w ih n-ni rie ff, n lirind a I iu i a-'rHp fii t : : oi , in i ur lii'-'. t" riu n ue mv.ie t;.c a,,.n.;tt,o i f ihe fi-:r.r.,ui"'v : 1 1 1 v ; ( toi s r. ro i f.i: i iiakd : v a ii k. 'I i;i:nswai:k.i i.-ii, i salt. ri.A.-i i;i;. u.i.. i i.ji- i EXT. liMiX. .-'IEEL. -I I:1N tiS, ! coach ti:i.iuim;. s.m. j Id.EUY AXl.-IiuL I'lM-lXos, ; At-.. A-f. Ail of which vri'! ! e si i a' r a r ;. ! r rir, t-r i ah 't tHi tn iirn'nre. A it' f :i d "vt.i.t uul te ina-ie in 'he tre. ' Li:wisi;i in; mills." We ar pt-f.-ir. d to io.Uum to r V-rrhat: wi rk to oi.ier. opi n iivnrti on;;-. .-Vi ..bet rt t.raiti tn nt:lo at hlo si n aint p i.. ; Flour and l".ed lor sa e. I .rrr. CASH. t.lIAVBEKUN LKUS Lr s ore. Mav .1, IsHil ME.T Work n Ihe IMI .M.-. vJ l he Ilmw uiul la i lilw;iwr It, K'llil t: 1 J t A n ! :. - I t' f r . ' !. .it, t it . t i-ia-v r- '' ti-e .-:. r-i r ....c .f il. till ,9 -r-.-i . Ir-:. ry an ! : - i'i"H'i II- I fr. ..t- 1 J. .r 1 , A- i. ai. th-l At'i- l r.n. h r- . ! : .- ( . t' h. t tii 't-.o an-' ;.. ninr.ti' - ' i,i-i.-t! .-.u i ( lo it-rt-rt .io ht Hat I - r .-tt. d tt' ii f M- Wr:i- i tr.l 1 wi.li nuiuti Uu t-i,i(aua' tj Ll,iv io Hill Trll lutt I t-r-j: :.. r-nakio--. ataalinr. Ur-'Mi, ti : . . '. 'i . -to. I I h. tirth- rai Wi-? . 1. .-I. i i . tt- i . t-e. .11. II 14 ftn- - t a t.'it .- i-i'i ii"' ;i.f ai-o h"W : l-aJ I : ini. ll-aT r-ar-n.. i!i - fat. rli .UJ n i ' ii Hi.:. T'T!--t-ij' - - fO-: . . i . ; . w i n I. i- t j.i-t a ith bad..; ,i . j a-i-n tv r.i jn.tf.i j . Ulii Trll ou I is r. U f - topti !' -t I tr- lTt-f-l't 'it' l.-onri.i I w ' i I 1 1" I :.. ... Hill Till lull' : ti . -- t .!!.. - I' - . - .n t ill Till 1..II-mi ! I. . !-; fru , Hill Tell Im inf. II -. i : - di- I. o - tr. T 1 t I' i 1 :,t i B. ! 1 - I'l-si ll 111 Till-all. i-ti". tn. th'-f rf TRtirs l r. i w tt m-, r- art,, r alt. r r . . a l .m in U-. tti n ht-r-"- to s'r - ui ' a n.l -j, ! t-. hi l h-.w t" it .-n.fdtt. n-'f " J I . f. k h'm to h;trnr0. aNo tb rm r ' WMiitti.t,- H.w wn-df Irtr' ti-- rJ t ( T" r- I l..tr f.'t t-n -i.r-' rarefol tm: ' tl h . I t'-. -t u it-rM ier-. wan to a-d weBri- (f 'II'. il" 1 r I I J U Iiii ai.in.aal Tr- hi k t 't:ti.ii . s pa.'i-c. ai .r".ria it-ly i;U-ri!d l y n.-ari I. o t-n-irw. if. If i. t.i.I d in ri-ar at. : -v t-n tt pr. mi d w::i b- f. raant-d ! at'T addre.-a. - -t; i :!. i n r. rt-i t ,.f thf (.rn-f. Lalf tuuioj. $i,ur ! . -t- ' h 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 Vrip rn "'T- I 7 V m.nervwliere inr-. if.t:t alf.tj-a w, rit s (ur indui'cojenta to all fut b are fTf ll' -rat. ' r irE'e er-. ifp r.f the Itook. vt ft-r tTtn t' a-Ti-nU, with oth' r luforinatit n t-t to r a.Mt -t dlN K. I'lVTTFIi. V!.i.'. oroTl .V. t.I7 .sjn,. a St , 2'ii -v.-; -.w 1 William Jones. TTOUNEY at Law.rohVcn'nns rromrliv attended to. Tco Mark'et sit, opr.-jMie the Prebvierian rhmrrt. rriIE IVljiIp's rook-EiH.k. J- MODERN COOKERY IN AI L 11' UKA.M lltr.?. By .LU A-Iu- lrr fully Kt-i--ti ly lie r. J litL-. UTiIlslouho- t rho a I. 'I lialno. 1 ilvriiiH in Ulaiol i -e all an d lib ail tl." tit J:r f V-ts r . ii, ' ' B"1 ki"l .k.altso ll- t- '"' W at , t t satilllic. Jtlt'ts 1 1!' tT '"' It TcllS TUV ail the laitft- ana ui -l dr. n-.nn:. -smkiu-rm-tl t i.ti i-mi. louUry and liau, tin .ti'lt-nnl 1-r-1-!! a-. rir ft o - ,. lid '-'"' Iait.il- at'a abd fin-r-i a( r- rit.it to o It Trll - to ri... rlt -tW aiel p-e ail kii d. an-t now to -arei. n tt - he a '.am nt.-tt et ot es-ohltiii. in ul. Ii.r d.n- :ru u"-" ini. f-auitrit aud Ciuin- nil1 Litatv W It Telia 100 aii ih- tj-itiou- ar.-I i I r-'pamijc o-tr fl:i 1 ta-U 6-h. low i. tcaiiir. mui 00 l ' -r "' " at.d-.tr aad ti.- rr.-hr auJ M-a--a" a. l-r.'t'llate lo t-at h , .ay llTrlLAlnUttll il.t. ia.iioi"l no- ni"1fl r.)i. lOi -11-t.elat-i-- t! ri d' bow t prfjaff l"V r-. ' -" Ota I ki'i'l.-, otlt-a meat-, trdi I.. I -T0.V 1f . f j ,, in a'1 .t.. f.li It Tfll Toil ait ihs -farit.ua an t m t ajtr I'l-ef arit'iC 41111 "' alii... .1- 1.. n. tr 1 at.lt-, . I-U't'llll.. eahi-a. e- i.Ie- l.on-ry. -re- t-"- J-,liM iaaJ --t t d-li- ol elrt -i d. -- r:i II' It Tell!"i TB ail ! ri'ua aid o.t .fi r ' M..k... Iit,.l rn-k. mi. Citi. ,.,1 tU the- uotlod lr-1 atH'iL f It- ImI aia.lt. a and how u tnm or"!1 1. c-r i.l.l au-J mt-r.ol -ari-'W- k'nd- m ItTflUTuB h-w Imim-i onl ami ornament a t I. e.re ail kimta ot ti-1. "' pr 1 , , f 111 -in rt. h. w i. a ftiuj iiT th- I - ' T ', ra-okintf ae to rrims Ih- eh. t.t i'iiail' tl.- . aiihrw frri tndy ra. 0 The rtook et nfi-it.n ls 1 at.d u, ' J- ( t ' r.i,.!-.. ail of wtrrfc are I l.t r. -01 It . f fl-l -"r"'-' hafii.a Srt. ftiilv a.l rairfullt .Ti d wi -It r t . ( er- al "Ui 1 rint-i d-i. e of V;- wrtir- It - r'1 .1 .B w-a.- and ot en tt i-: i tlin-tratrd with an 1 o"" , . a... , ..i,.. drt--.. n--1 ? ri-a." 1 l-oiin.t and podtae (aid,i-n rtrcr ik-t f ji. or L'M Lt''1 Ira. l '.'4 avUlOM AVfAKean ha mate h awten-rlflu-. uur inlutem-ritr. tr airh are a-n li- ai- . For-intf e;.t,.,I he k. r t-r IviB"' wiifcrsthef in rtnali-a i r-r or a-idn-f -lOll.N K K'l lr.K '