Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 29, 1861, Image 3

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rTnT 10KXIXG, lUAK. isUl.
M-rh.nl.. Vinln
. DV':TI.'-M",,T?r,'l"',T
aid r.M.urrr I'.hn.h.-r
a,ol,r tlorr. "'W 1
.h tahav '"''7 ,b
, th, J,.o.r9 r.o '. hl. h.. . I.rt.
- -.-i-iil.raon in . ritmnni'( asmuaininai
nr-ni.'ion , . .....,.
..4 tw
gre e,v tdveni-...oi..
... .....Am.I IVr.i.- f ihe
J nr i -
ii P..Kt.a. Ptnlinn
llMr WIH R ""
Ic1rp.nl.-iil Ha".
no Fhiiat Kvitviiia.
Fi-rcte in rummenre at 7iiVI'lt.
" f .. . j ai.n,l
Tne public are repecttu.l) in i .1 11 .
; Th ferrif' "f 'I'" 'Sheriff luve
1 , ... .i..,.i. j .
lfon.ore..lrin"'nnr...rt tile rt.mr.
Bem3Vi, Rennvlnc, or to Remove.
, f.r a we hive ta tiered, the Triott
rHJKS" ,f 1 Piirr l-ewi-hurg on
'r,s" ui lb' of Al,r'1 ,r'' f-ll'"r:
4 M. IJIW "I" '"a'" nls h""
rl!.!i-hmeiii into the rooms formerly of J. j
H 4 J. F. Braie.
. ......t Tailors. remove intoThns.
j.hfr. !.."
B. hril,J- removes his office
jntr KeM-f's ,,l"rk "I1
Dr. T. 4- Tliurnloa take the of-
n: 1. 11. t'nrist tor his Medical office.
Jce roll removes his stock of Cloth
.. Ac., into Uui kle's More. Brown's block.
. ..
J. M. a..Ck. r.rj.. of Miimtibur..
,h' ,wm M Mah"n-fl,r u I
II I WMallon removes hisTnmminc i
Starr into K ..b-nbaugh's building, corner 4;h
jnd Market Sis.
. (.'Illtrr fi. Son remove their Fornt
ure at..' fhair Ware-ro.m into Fnck'i house.
tornrr 3.1 and Market S'
Jaiiict. Olt removes his Shoe. Boot
iiJ rni.ik sti"P into his new bui.dm
.....I .
Bj'r ft "He s Iirus ?'ote.
O. r.Mli'l t's his saddle and tiar-
!i n into the second Morey of hame :
tZn r..sfe hi, Tailor and '
F inn-h ns Siore acr ss the Mreel, unrler me
Tcerph and Chronicle otfi. es. (laaioes.
l . '. tlr.nn ii. rat.r.. l.l rural 1 1 f in
L nnsi.le )
The Uimos) SaslnB Innililulion
ki. ihe ri.jms ou Maikei sireel vacated by J
1,. Hawn.
I). ). C.ultlin has taken the Ruflalo
H ,.rMr. buawaa remaining with him. and
I.. I l Olllly lakes the honse on I pper
M.rk'i st., lately kept by (iulilin.
.V (. .imiiif'riiiiisi occupies mr ,,...,
,Ve feu',) with his Ueoilemen's Filling
The Mar & t lironlclc continues at
the D',1 Siand center of Market SSqitare. fo-
ai. of i.e'l,.ere. ri-ht Side of the Street.
nr harness esiablishuieutselusterintt arottnd
... chickens under the win. of the protect.
r mo.her-.he be, paper in ihree cunties.
(v.i loitfs, seeni io in ins oy iuc w, mry
rnz- ii and only $..50 per yar iu ad-
is i i f.tr 1 c.intes of IU lr 1U !
" ' 'a
WOT I be elerCtsea Ol lue fariOUS I. til-
itus ,l hi-
,- 1 1
tirsity P. rartments, thiia week, were well
11 1 . 1 Ti.
attend. d and appreciated as usual. 1 he
Seniors of the .icaJen.ic Depart men! were
by cboic? i "Il Hi tl(d UiUIC from aO
J e
la.rcur cboir. aua pruDuuuctd Uiatiuut
e ,
l-rkinc Men Htrri-on flarnr, rhila4.pbta
I -.v t.' "f II'T-ai-Bi J. t a-li i iiat'on lrn.K. Cheatrr.
fr t 'I irt IlllaW Jtm. I 4T iftiurc .
.tt.m In.le.iiJriKV , Kvrett J I'b i la-le!pliia.
'.j. n f idar .eter U at Kenm-dy. Ui-'mi((.
lU'-tv.ion -1 bVnortt IattT"ii. P'tt ivrvia,..T
Is M tialioa-W ?rtialtt-. Ls-wi-Htrc-
I!- ; f -f1 Mmffet Salter. Jat.b4ttl Heat.
ti. liriri.-p W-a J V. Stmtu.o, l'bllaIe!hta.
He Juuior Collegiate Claes, lucsday ,
ftrning, p .ke a f illowi :
T VI -'. ller- Thm It Oa-faT. New It-rlin.
Il.-B.tt I'-jf. -uMi U MaWtOi taidrt(fe,lltlidayb'g.
lope-f-Hrnrk ts'drlt-.D. rlte.tHi-.
t rre-m n A tirt-it Toek-r. leriabiirc
111 Infl.etirv of 'atlJDai l.iUB.(il U n H ttvtk.Ltfir-
CSarv'.T tr.e 0't rf tS IndiTiliial'it Own tiTrt
t,.tn 11 .nard. M .in"io-ry q
fc!V.,r,j . Ired Laub' Jar .bti- U alker, Fall of
t k I
T" :; - ."' " Jnn. M;ietow.
lrviper'iTii;, rntn-ut A Jihiw-o Kua land. La" reor
t e
TU lr-rtt.Ie CooCirt DaiJ SI- Nrabit, ChillU-
T J...; r i : A Po-tn ' D Pricht Vilter.liiabarr.
Tllf a-r.il. .frlersteMaeaa t DtH-aUCa; lirlirjr lit.Hrlt
i r.naj-.j.bi.
Tlie hi. a) a of the Female Seminary
t? tiao Dumeroas and iotereaticg. AV
B it a eorw of the I'roeramme or we
.j vi t I
ali insert tb title sod namen.
. . '
, " "
aWUa the nrst page of to-ilJJt paper
be found an interring sketch of .he
.;,.,..' .: ll f .
" ftiaire out.aj in small fruits of a ungle
TrtDf near I'utsbure. In oor adfer:i-
:eilumDs are statements of the prices
vllicb arif)U8 Viodt are r lTered. We
. .
rlul!f add OUr teAtiaiOOT. titer dea tCg
.''I. ivana. ias. jear, iuav ui ibui
r.fer. r.-..!- -1. A .A
J l"J iiva svumj i-svs.vt wuu
' .;..ra! hundred, procured of bim we
3 0,t ihat anr failed of takinir a food
mi mat anj laiieo 01 lating a Kona .
"t ben prip-rly put inO suitable soil
:. j 1
UW fcsiun. !
kfW'e bse been asked by ieeral o !
If the new Council li apnoiot a I'olice
if me new uoonctt m appmoi a i once
Ofa, for .be lWough, to keep the crn-
f":i nidewU cleared of loungeri at
c .
evEiQc, and to correet auy teodeuey to .
hV , , C L '
''oatnoiuct on ibe street. Such ao
ku beretofore been er useful
I To
tSaTile (,,,. - ,;. t, ... , . ' and
- '"" -a -r
Wnsn.oi ,1,. .,., ..J '
j. .as .. r .' .
f'a.! Curt House wide. low. and every
' """l " s.j
IT fls. of - . I J . TL1. .. aaa...
a . aui au'l ursciui. u 19 IB
''J otiveuient and finishes ibe ncces-a- 1
J euient, and nnisbes Ibe nccessa- "f
..s m toe OUn IlOUSe. :
A Act rda'ite tn hucksters and ped-
'o Umno and Xorthumberland coun-
i, pissed the Legislature.
Is ill
W 111 (nie
C Hl'llfan fwhn ... nor 1'a.raanla"
i . ' wit-
"'-re election) let the people koow what B..b..r,. mh ot ihrih.na. i e. af-d ,
il , i wisntitna, aatikTn'er of t A and r.hl rtTetr" a.r. '
t t ia J j in si.it L-ree-h Tp. M uakingum tkt.. ohnx 17th mat . of
! Coaatiatntwi. h & L, i a K'. io hia jAth --ar. He
Mbe nnw .tnra, f ..W wtti nt mn ,m.im l J'"1-
3, onta.aaa T'.-l'T ot ta..t,c r.ar.-at in lar. . Uaa. rau at "'
13 11,..'... C aa I . .L a. . J th. aur. a M ...ra .taJ u ert aawlaatu and aaarnaalul lorm Ol a W. notice IS nereoy K isen lo ai I per- , B-astasjajaa
,x ' ' a. . rnaahr. sons knowine themselves to be indebted lo !
so mu;h snow in aiitt years.! - said estate, to make immediate payment:
.P'orsliitering soldiers thouabl "there i atttOidljUtS XHatTbtt. j and those havins claims asainst th- same,.
'Sorth" Ti.. . f rwtZ will present ihem duly auiheniicated for set-
it wriri U'la.uaiii.i ui ' . . t-.r.. "twitf 1.1 law put a -t , k am
" ight feet raised in New York Stale. ' Wheat $100 to 105 Eggs
fe r, I litre 50 Tallow 10 I
f .s-r. Homester gave a Lecture on j V0ru 50 Lard 10
good house in ibcChrisii.n ; Oate 22 Ham 12
P1. ednesiaj evening last. 'Flaxseed 7,12 Shoulder and , j
levrt,..-. r . . . . . i Pried Arple. 1,50 Side S k 9
r.M t 6C 10 B" ou' cnae ,B( Firkin Butter 10 Hccrseed 5i.HH
- s . is
(Wanuf.ctarera of Y,nw and nookln:rh,.ni IV,,. ,.i
-!..... .ho. th.ir .mt.rnri., h, .dT.rti.in,, ioour
nlauiil. MV ll.-r, fr ro. port full, .ureal lo our an-r-
read-a- and ,.!,. to r- an.Dihrr lhn who .h.,.
s v. ,..!...,
- - - . ... . .......... ...
tb.lr .w thrnnirh th.l.,.. ..r.h..o... .....l.
Fwnw J""r town ."mi manly, mv. them a emit wlaa-n
.aaa vi.it in. ait. imin a... .............. ,
- . - I
LAtTins . A "horse feller, stylinc.
k,.-.,...,,.M,., . A '
......... wr-tp, iia.i rriin'i"i
,,ll..h f I. 1 . .
- -..-... w priqiiNg n our
'-1 mo. (--ri.iriiiu, an wr uit-.eraiani wait
liber, in ibe wit of 'rot ut." bat-a-fure.. to iht tb I
pnot-r. Irh.. fr, m cmrr munty. tr
an.ljf.rtic mi . ht rw. r.m. ti town. and h. lft t.ut
h, n.o.mMa.! at .nr rt.. a.. .
" "i""""''" t".1" ' l."r.ejTy.-.nd othrr mir
'"" W urti.Jwd xcuiiiy Ulir.Juiuf
,otk f,r , ,,.,. ;
fOrT Mill's C I'arJac, of Lewibur. (io
the Theological Depart tiicLt of the I'm-
. ritj) has received an appointment f. r
Ihe lllonotinndale (near 'crwiek) ciriuil
of the K.t lJ.Ittm .re M K CwfereDca. I
taJf-A. 1. Finuey, M. D., has located at
the huffaloe A Hoaus. A fine coutitrj,
, , . , .
cenamij ana we nope may mm iLejf ,
hae cooil fhysiciaD. 1
i C'Oil I'liysiciaD. I
J 1
act)LrarticularatlcDtioo isaff ctionatelj
iuviied to Ihe Ordinance fur Markets, ri-
published io lo day's paper. It is intend-,
eJ (tie are luld) to euforce the legal rci ,
..: . j . .u in.. i
.".u ....(. .or te fuo.-c goou.
rThere .ere io bid, for rebuiid.rg ;
the County liride in Uuffjloe township
the lowest, being 5i)75, by Joseph Muiwer, :
to about the contract was accordingly given
3.A meeting was called yesterday, on !
a few hours notice, to meet in Independent :
,. . . , i
Hall, at evening, to agita'e ll
e O I
. of 1'osiniastcr for our burough
BtalrThe Court i. Tiiuradav noon'! en-
1 . f.i 1,
.8 up.iu iui atrauu caan m ius .cr.,
- try but on. or iwo more. A foil .
report nvai wcea. ;
.The Crst Thunder Storm of the
scisoo, was Tuesday evening and Wcdae
, c , w
day morning ef this week.
IrirWe see it stated that Ihe Canals of
this 'ate are to be opened on Muuday
neit, 1st inst.
- . - '
I-A lloiiat.ou Visit will be paid In Rrv. ;
, .. ... , , ' , 1
R. A r i a. ednesday aliernoon and evening,
a,pr, A erurrai invnaiii.n is ciienilea t
all whn may d-s,re to participate. ,
'"' " .
..il ia, aa a aa at -.n .K a,'.i. e..i ta-a.iu v.
I ,.. a enuouii.-i'iii or mj w,.' al In, an fi to a),-,
f' iitl...nl.sp--".i.l lh-ra.ii iaa o. tn-hn.
a.aiirl auf Mm ton. h th. Imluatri.l -..lfc,o ..,
'Lrl "IZZl'n i""."
thi-tii r '
X ut.nt. iwe-r ina. th.t o. i-h.lm !
" ' ' p more nv'Ttt than
int r-aeiit Acrrtirrtr kn,mn, in rurtBi' ill MMof
f C.ituinpti'ii. Hrr-orbiti. Atliia, 4uKhit, ld.
g inn ip'tim in-01:11.,. fl M iw-rtw popnlnr-o-J ,
and ia-n.-ral Is-biut,. It i. l-avr.llr Daionlar.
mpl. pot hith init. .. lodml they almuld. h-n the ,
noportumiy ia air.irdasi an to vata tn.i of iu ,mu-a.
Th. p-uliar pro.fli-.of th. Ai aeia, ttaljaM. are ,ari.-d
. u,,.blnj. h . ,a M,. ,.f 1U.
i'rjf''"''1:"' .d di.
(tu. il tl -M oftl "pa-rate- a- Kilent mtir: acir t
wMlr'iniwithpn.f.i.pr - pirati..B. y.ot-tt.t
f.nt - arv : It l filraart nJ pilaUM. It anntls. and
tn,l it (n icor at.t atrmrth i.--r-7
eakn1 part- It imjrtn. to hri-f. anslrtrie taflu-
Miff to tfaavati-aa. a!rr-ad a,ianilatiJ U. it naturw. and
I bf ttM anni riifi. r on I? ttiwlumra. ht the dtih,
lh h-rt. th- train, the romnrh, and the hwrr It o;
1 tllSa tllffM aitxK- 1 vilaal .,a. a.aA. aV -
; i-arT to ttiTAaj ((T 1lari and t. patirliL, with df-tjlit.
, anno nid bimir rw.i.j truit beart;, ruddy an
wroufjir' wru.
; rr Urj l-ittlc ma- obtained .fJ BAKKH a Of.
! La-Wr'l'. S"l As7-nt, wlio ti aiM a aunilr of
prnirr'n ImttW. prire ceuU, lLat ail mav bar
Alt ahn anrTe-r tltc turturea which tbit diow foCirti ;
ta out form or another of it teai.y (.hamrii, can b per
Btaoefitiy ai?i itpet-diltr rurnl by uinc
Th "Werklj No.el-tiv" t is. aa:
lj;ptim i on 4 thr po ta;!.. Ji-e-ofrurcnun-
i,p.(--rdi.ei.ta.o. but iu pit4-..f th-' aiiverMt iimim-
wtatict-s, Una dieeajst. d lieo it tt- tavcotne rhropke.
di-a ear ra td y tbe uw- f lllr o vj;t-iiatea iiiltefa,
abicli have be-u louod iroT an lotaiilbae ivin. Jj.
Ttn fi.ilf.ai ioC Irttrr v from a w-ll kooara Cb-riaiaa
who had putter 4 exrrui-iatiuIy for a lotg titae, and ,
who had tried aii kuowo reuird.ri and tuelhotls rf cure ,
aritbuui ttod.u relief until the Jgytltd iii-tert were i
oaiitsi idui rut-ium :
CU'toa, Oneida O- X. Y . Sept. 1, I53.
fieotlemen : Ha me uaed iv-eral tmttite of v.ur rrl-
' oi. coated b.ttm tor that terr.u diaM., ,
flv - ta - Mia. 1 tfire tou a hr-f t.teit.ent of lh fuluiartr
ejeru .i tin-BMsik-ine. At-ut h ur e-.r nine. I r.uud
tiiat thi fell dteat had UinniutchtT taken bold nf me,
.nj t..t-i ii. f.nmi oi-n in. e.'a,u of nr Mi.m.rb.
Momum m. i.y j.y and r,y oirht. fr a i mm
'" mai'h.nth..i.r .. ea.r. an.r month. ..r
inlrnm. ftty.ni . BH,ta, .d ,, .
"" "" rt uoi.r ..ur tr.t.
nn-nt, and ,1-oinc thr JMiutb. without rorritlnc any
i..i.-.i.i,tro..mr,,..a..tiit.t Bur.
row a, of (hit. town, takmc the Oiy.'ates.! UitOr, and ,
"n bl the intruder wa brin? driven fn.m my '
Tteui. I nw fa-wl like a new nan. an.!, tanls-a frt.m '
impru tefMs., I auffer but little from that ternblediaea- ,
wmm pr-yed an tone upon me and wm-n rionetj me i
iai.t p"und or Dah. i mm aei.i, i.o tmudiv ani ,
'" 'Dr- ,und-, mi ra.imye.i pwtfe..u.
rass.mtnod a tnal of thia ri tn,-l, tn aul who
',TV . -
Hut. r. ih. rru.nl, ol .11 r.,.,tie.. ;
Ye., truij, ilh.NKV B.-VXTON.
. 'J';';1:' "' ,h' U"?, ;
rmtsHl by SaTTn W. rowt.K 4 CO. Boston, andfor
aai. ti, ll.rn. a Daior... ..i J. u .1-1 lo . i.Uourg. i
- .-i- - - - - - - -
J a irb. i..th in-t . ' OAXX of Lw.
Co. .. vj, iiKNkikrT daughter uf laeorg. u.iseii of i
LP. A n .. r,b in., . B frank, nets,, J
i - ewiabor - and ii-a k aik l.aidertdauititr a true ;
M itiK.n of Huffaie Tp. j
tw ir i-n-m. Northumberland. -:th int . ?am. 1
ibiiiia.ii.qa. t..
"'r'"i aa a.i.iia ja. aivnirAA, vout Ol
and Mim (AKoUNK KITrKKof Jaekaon To :
Miaa KKMKla A WoltaifKR.all ..fllan.ill.. i
Bt k.ia W.rnrn. .th i,..t . J I.IK.lie, i. JoNFS of
Dan.ill. and Ni-. IIAKKIKT Blll'liMAN Mor.l,or .
..t''Hr' """".i-'.-,r.MrT-J rAsr'-Nt;uJ
-fr- hkiikr. hothof t,Vi..'
u. - .k ii u I I.I.I A VI IIAKTMA. an
a,' t .11' i.iii'i.'a. ,,.ur..v so c a n a at
ii ... . -.....io " ...
tyZ ."oi T';" "m' "'"""' or J l -
I i
Sew IWlla. tli inat , Mr.,
of laaIEL Wlsra.k d'd.
aced S6 years
In la...r AuaTD.U Io, 16th Inat , JUI1 W.USLIt.K,
ki. ,,h . e. .
At 1'on.irm... 17th lnat Ur..
, aared a8 year,
of Saau-tL Kao-H.LhMrr.. i
: tlement.
1 a. 1 i- a i . .
02i r
1 ricsa isuiicr... iu i iaiova..
Freio-h, it a .
r.ajnress (tHnt na.. I
9:00 A M
V. . , J.1' ' 1 '!l""g S: 1 ' P '
rsN ,U 1 1 :3t) P M
X iaill Esnress n I.. . ...... ... ... 1 M
, , ... - ...m. , ...
Express I mail, ...., J
' ""'S'li Arromnntlalii.lt n:0llP.M
- - -. .
Patent Hica Lrap Chimneys
r t r . ,
T ;' ved and resale at IHRIIIS
a a 1)1
iM.irvh i
aTi"1 r!1 r- T 1 e" 1
-.Li-Li Jj J ii iSiJ U ll Jj
I 1 A l-l A V. MK'l'ZiiKIt nrrml. . n.nine
-'1 Selert Sch. l in tli I'uhlie S h. "I
HmMilie. r..i.mrncino lav. April I . I SB I .
an. I in mntinue iwrlrr uedo. Terms, ssj --.n
anil i.l'll fr n. 11,111. ,11 Emmi-Ii branches the
(..(.-her branches sj l.us. ,r,s. piiw
?0 I M(J. (JA Alalil '
1 l 1
TV V.. 1 1 -. 1 . a" -
p.lrt,tr al , Jjri.,, i, k ir., , ,,,
bor..itjh of M fll.nl urg. ,.n ih. u.iu'. Sjimjov
" Al"''-'"' ' '" A.M.
V'.l"iTil T. T 1 T v.'."
JaiiiiJ iaA J iJIjiJ.
-p.n. . . F:v w,.,.i.l ,lrm the
-1 public seneiallv that he has ..catd ai
.... ll..ar.a .. i. '
- 1
",c "- i"'i. wnere ne will al.eud
Fr,,I"lHlT H calls m his .r..lesi.)n
ouiiaioe a Iv .sits, .Maicn ledl p. 13m
sill & mi: 4 it,
aissrro it Ktag f.r
Yr-tt , . , . .
icuow ana iiocKinenam Uarfi.
While Iron .Mom, Class & QaifBswaro,
A j. Ifjti ami !:)!. Xorilt Fourth St.
TrSlM - ' Thunsand Plants for I0.
tr HI. Mr aiil f.irt.i.i, In) ..i.m r .1.. a i...
lnen, .iM.; In., mi lir tl- l.r.n.l. Tn.ll.V V.olo
' ria. 1 1. ...tu... il. r-.n ll,urv. K.lui..r.. hi.ii-o
V" n, tturr'a w Pin-. .1 i n. Llnd, llu. kcr, Jl Alo'.
ut-r.. r.n i H ,:, . .4.
r' Varieties an Hve llunrl-rt Ptanla for 3.
r S. iil luru.-h ,.l. rh .r t!.. ti l,...
ftX ZL:,'
.v nncrirrrif l innlt 1,1 M ill.
r .r ai. .,n .,.nj , (.,t.,.m... ..M,.., ,
cuntry, (..at ,.J. .i r.r-l.,1, , m ,, , n to n ail
o.lr.l niik. . a. t., i-.r.y a if l. v., ,.. ,,1,,,,, .., ,,,
Hlti-.n'. All,.n. . ..!, f..r t:,. .,. pr,n-. th.
a.m. nuini.r of ,'.t. , t , ,r,rl, uil,,,,, uur
eitalou. al ii nt- ,.. r d.-ai-o.
, f. ft. aoli-nl aiUiit. or th. Tr, niton, d
OraaiJ. or at., oth.-r aan.ty i.e. r ..t . .. roil, r d, a
o. i,rd-r ft. l ..r .i:o,ta l-y mail tor 1m than uaiv
dullat. aniithtut.ii) urn kiai.l.
Out .took ofpian.u i. ,.tv l.rrfr an-l fine. We ha.
o.r l-uty aairti-.. inriuiliiii: hriurli. . .Iran., al It
JTiTil:. T', '' J': ""r."' i'"'- ' "'"
l"r '". "t. lit. hi.. r. iare- fr.uld W .nihu.
hnaartt'. i.ant. iii..iM.n it.... am. .. i;... .....
,, . .... r. i .n oai, ,-r a,., n. j.: per
iTi'Vi.,"111 Aa"K'"1 "' c-r- " "'-
l-.r-on. aaantint larc quantities ut itoaboac, Hill U
lu r ,.. fc,-. a 1 ..-r I. . r . ,. .
ti.'lrrt List f Rasnberrles.
p, to. .l ri,iah i, lo,c'. .ir.ne..lh.Cneat
' ." """ " uu' '' ' '
JZHi .'o" "
jn. m. iZWlZZ
1,. !h. oil 711:, ilipooo
r"4J ''"' "i iruu ttuutn soui.'.
Ti- it. k,M .nriudr tbe ti.r.i :..r onnei-.r-j
a l.a l nj iurui-l, m n-,nt Tart-tt iu II... r V
retenni tlie-tn th. !- (, ,ntllM ,, t n, .
pruflub lur luarht rultur-.
Vaaiaa. B B SI
N"W Ros-h-lI Si ijij iht d- i. o ; J". f'O p-r l'K)
Iufbfilfr 1- 7. di 4W do
. mit Th"TnV Ii T.'. il i.mm do
-r 51". w- will f-r.ti ik.if,. h r.f fhf wlxaT. kind.
Uf lial.- IrUlt. il Ib.-H" dtl- tart i-I tlr Vraj-f,. at! 1 hT-
inn ti-Q ere- iti ml nn .n. fr-r J U Iuru:b
wtV.IriaB.r j. nr. h ? tvt thi I,- rn-..
Ia)?;i .'.0 VIlIsP!.
Hawing Mrfurt-i) ta U(i; .! the at11ilas fnrl od tiTdx
hUtir,o A. 1iirin.ati, ot In lRWM-f. uhi...
turu till if-mi I, w-ii r. -t- l nu -t : 1 .-ni- 11 h 47 vr
,i . uj ninu, ftacurfij. jut u;-. kLj (...iiue pjjj,
$1 fitrh.
LjftrOtavi'(;u--,t'i.c;iJ.nr -Inmp J. K'X
l-rtt II. i IS.', 1'itt-l.ura; P.
fcl'PEKHiK ancle of hand-made Brick
2 for sal. I .pfj'iire at
Mar.COblj KRKMLK. .M'L'1.1 RH .V l.'O'S.
TIHE co-partnership ht-r.-iofep' etistinj un
der t!ie tirtn name of ilm.w , )i-kli. V
"o , ha i Ii i driv ten dis..vrd hy limi-ahon.
AH person's indehied in ihe anl firm will
P''"' a,.n,s immediateiv. as
the books will remain will, ihe laie partners
ffjf 2 itiurt lllbe ohH'a
' . si-v ii - i
H .s r. Di NKI-E,
Iwiwharp. Varrh CI( 1-t T.
Auditor's Notice.
hh whi. are concerned will p!ea-e lake
' a . . U n a . .L. . , .l.. J a...
L A. nninr..i.i ... ..ir- ..a .r, ... .r- .iivm,u.
lliit. of the TnoneV 10 the hands of llll!h P.
shelter. Adnnni.traior of William Winot,
, , . . .
deceased, lo and among ihe heirs of said
decra-r,l, the subscriber was aproiuied
A"or '" "r 'VT.n
will meet ail persons interested, at his . Ilice
in l.ewisburp, on S.rt an.i. Ihe IU h day ol
A , ,Hn, at , crk (.. M. of ,hia I0
the performance of said duty.
W 1. J0M, Auditor,
Lewiebnrr, May 19, 1C"I
"IVILLIAM MOCIKE respeciful-Ji- pa.
1 v announces lo all who' l A
an. Milk or Cream that hi.JLU
Milk W aioii has resumed i's annual rounds,
ou week day ni,.rnings and Saturday evenings. :
when he will be K!ad to lurnish them with ;
,, ., , . ...
Milk or Cream reu'arly. or in eitra qtunti-
ties for special occasions when desired, j
Thankful lor former patronaie, he hopes to;
be sustained in the ttndertakins another sea-;
son IHCIS. J. MATE, Agent. I
l' March 4. ImM. I
l COB G. BROWX. havine assis.fnTR? I
k .-J f..e ,.wrlu ihr.. rTZ 1
past. With the best Ot
as..- ts l- TT t ...
Beei, fOIK, edl, CLlaa
. ' I
would return his crateful thanks to his name
Tons CU stomers for tllei T batfonaf e acd II- !
.i.n. I,. ,nt I. ,n , a...... t..
" ..... .,c ...it.i.o ... v -
n5 s """ Meat Market House.
between Schafflcs and Baker & Co.'s Urug
Mores, Market t0Uare.
Moii.ai.-Wedi.esdavs and Saturdays. '
CASH is the system. I'ublic paironaee re-
spectfullysoliened.and satislaction insured. ,
March 15, '61. 1. S STEK.NEK, Ag i.
Estate of Lewis Palmer, dee'd. : at
-. tT(EnE ,s letters of ailmintstration de
. . . . .
bonis non on the tsiaie ot Lewis I a.-
mer dec'd late of Lemiburp, I'nion county,
h.tr. he.-n .-rand io ihe MibscrirVr in dne
...... ... - -
Lewishnr;. March .
HOKSE rILI.S neatly prin-'
ted, short not.ee, at the -Stab Sl ;
rannicTL" Oifice. j
Land Warrant for Forty Acres I
OU SALE Ennuire at ihe Office of ibe ' rant
War d Chromck, LewtsLtafg.. 1
i eiyipm. s . . 11 1. 11 1 jj. au tat u u u
TIIIE partner-hir heretofore exiMin.; be
I iwfirn T. (. Kvans and Jacob linden- JL
boieh uii.Vr the firn tf T. la. Er & ;.,
is ilni ilay diss4.!p,l hy miilual r...nrtit. The
ll..,.l,s will he If It with T. Ii. Kvaus. who is
anihonz-J lo sciiie ihe hu--iue of ih laie
firm. All th'-e imltbied will tejse call atiJ
ictile wuhuui dflav.
T. (;. EVANS.
Lewiatinr, M.rch is. aaj.
ie itii'lf rixn..l. have en
E. the itii'lf rixne.l. have entered inta
ipariiTNiin ',,r the poa(e if cat-
rviuzon Ihe h'ltiiir. Kee, an. I lineral Pr uluce
II la i !!. in ihe hml lin Tnnnerly orcii.l-J
bv T. Ii. Evans & l,-,.., whre we hope by
sinrt anenn.ti ii. business tn reml. r ansfac ,
Inn to all ho ttiav lavnr us wnh iheir pa ro. !
"as-. We will keep consent' on hand a !
laiaeandcniiiee.silfrtn.il 0 1 Family tirocc-,
rie.an.l Hour ot superior oit,iy.
Ai.iia.ua s. luui r.at.
Lrwi.'.in. M.rch Is, Im'I.
riMfE Copartnership heretofore esi.tina
I between ihe .subscribers in Ihe Cbohinff
Itusiness at I.ewtsb.irs is dissolved bv muiual
consent on this I4ih March. H;i. The busi
ness will be continued hv .. R. Zimn.erman,
on MaiVie! street, alter 1st of April. The Ac-
connis win neai Hie iore i .r sunemenl unt4l
Ihe Mtth p'l, when ali unsetilrd will be placed
in the h4tlds ot o. H (Irwis . t..r eollec-
March 2!.
rpiIH Tar'ner-hip hercTof.ire entinff in llie
I Hlark'tnilhint; bittnN brtirfen lh
iin'!-ri2iie'.: wa thi rav ilivsolvcil hv mm.'
na! runsrnt. Person, havm; "jii-'flel aec'is
are reip'-MeJ ti sciiie up by the tirt ( Apn!
nit. TliHe ne?!rrii2 i Ho , wilt ttv.
their acc'ts ia th- hinU if Jn A. M-t'z. K-q.
Eat nmTdlne, March 1. ISIM pj
A . H . D I L L Attorney at Law.
OFFII-E tn Siuih Sr md sireer. f,;raierly j
orntpiert hv I. H. Hm!.n, decd.
I-ewibnrjr. June 1, I i;o
UlLUavM r. L1I1. HMIT H. kWatKlS
S E. darner Eighth acd Arch Sta. Fhiladelphia.
.y-'oVuitrr un Strut.)
F TER minv years' experience in all ihe
various branches ol the Art. the Propri
etors coiili ienlly invite the attention of their
tnen ls and the public io their eitensive esta
blishment, which presents the opportunity lor
procitiiiis ihe best Pictures, equal at least to
any first-class ali.illerv in the I nned Kiaies.
Preparati.-ns are Complete lor executing- al
til. inipri.s.d atvi. known to th. art. 11... hs.o a
. .t-iu arrani;.m.'nt r,,r r.,i ine p..cn, rn-,.T.i. ae Ir..
iii.Ki.itr ll,.-tii l.il. .is-, il l.-ir,l th- oniy ..n- ,.f ih.
km.) in Ih.a tiiiiitry Attach-il to tin. raUblihtnrut
are tl,r.o r,,l..nnj Ar;i-Tn.
l'HyT.s,a..i-ua, ioi-i,.,litiir I'aiiitinir, a. low a. f no
with f'ninw
i. n!St. Esiri-rtf.if.'rtt ni.
nrjij-rdoj. Life..!. I'ht.ir.ph ,.!.. a I. .r,l
vorvtyps- -t m vncB. liurb: AinLrutvuvw at iu
cm l ait.l uparilx.
A on.t fXti-D-ivt- &or.Dtint ff fiilt frntn. emhnsf
Inz r ,-i-t and -h. -an-lv uf the latent Hylv. tti
! from ti t-t-uti and njawnrdw.
lL.-fa-s:al ail-ntt ii l-t . a urn I.i fV stixH Phon.
frat It, in t.il. trn-f.rre-r fr.iiu iuaJJ :clura-t jaiad frym
lit- iTi.fK fnim f in '.(..
a).Iu-irb-ti nia ui-o io tbi Art Ss1t
rPHE Books of the late firm of PALMER,
ts'ira. a. : :Zi
for collection.
Isetrisbur. Frb. 11. 101
Administrators' Wot ice.
IIEUEAS, Letter of Administration to
the esirtte of JOHN KK HER. senn.r.
urtTarti1 iair oi .fiiminciiii; i-i. ,...,
C(umy. have been granted lo the sutiscriber,
by ihr Kegivipr of said cotinu. in due Inrm ;
all persons indebted to sat legate are req'ie---ed
lo make pavtneiu. and ih"- havinwclarn
against ihe same will present them duly
authenticated f. r seitlemr-ni, to
UMEI. RE It EK. ) Aimm.
0KM) SMEi-KtRR. j iratur
Nt-ar M.tfl nturg. Feb. lli.
TIIHE To-Partnership heretdfi.re existm
between th titn,T.i!Md un irr ihe firm
nameot CHIiEVER A HKOWN isihisdiiy
dolved bv mutual consent
The bll"!n"S
will be carried on a hereiot.ire. and Accounts
of the U:e Firm seule.l, bv
R. F. fc A. W. DROWN.
I.ew..tir)T. r- hrusry IT 1-1.
Six Plain Reasons Vhy
VLL perns sh-.uld ht.iv their ROOTM
and SHOES Irom JAMEb ?COl'T, in
1 Pcaue he sells cheapest in town.
2 It catie he has the bft assomnent of
faoilr-m iiie wrtrk.
3 Because: ihe Boots and Shoes, made to
Ord.T, a'e warrMii.te.d.
4 Hcaue he want? lo make it pay his
en:i"iripi' snd htmelf t.v.
5 Because or'iers are promptly attended lo.
t. uecause an win men Know wnere iney
ran g-t tlie rheart and bet Sboe-iiiit in laburit-
ICome! we will sell r.,-ht for Cash or
CXchanse for Uoods or Produce.
' " "
XIIOS. Ca. faltllffl ,
TTAS just received a splendid assortment
I I of the rerv best, cheanest and most
. ,ii. a .... . it:
liishionable Jew ell j in the market. His
tsiock comprises ;
Ilrensit I'Iun,
tur Itlncst,
Finser Itlnir,
Meete Hut ton.
which will be sold e.tremely low lor Cash,
ii. cn.oii..iii ..la. ih. ,,,,,.. ,,f .ii
his old customers ; and also invites near ones ',
. . . .ii h.f.,r. am.lr.n it..!, m..
chase,. Call at the sipn of Ihe il, W.-cb, '
uoois anu ouyes( i
B A . I a."
tj The subscriber has just received
. . Li. St..r. .,uvt ....... .n ik. P.,. a
aW. Il,r..-a.ia full omnia i.t llaaalu si
a- ....i a . 1. 1 ...
3f.a, oi rvri, s ie aaioi aanriy suiiaiue lo
Ihe n. The stock I... been selected w.th
particular care, and will be allorded at ,
Irne 111 1)1 1 FU rRK t I Hit RElllT flsll. i
j frl,nj5 anJ cuslomPrs and the public
are lnvpd , caM aill, eamine his 1
Mork ,m, .,,,. fol .hem-elves. JITMAX :
IFACTl'lil-Ma and REI'AIKI.MJ as hereto I
fore will be attended lo wuh promptness and 1
reasonable rates.
JII1IN Hill (iIITII, let.
teaal.hnrr. tVt 1". lf".
boot & SHOE
MARKET street, above Fourth,
ssj " l"ars. Pa.
THE undersijned havin pnrehased
JJ the Enure Moak of aUoutlitand ;
tf Taiiorin? Establislsment
of J.aasi H. Baata. is prepared In execute all I
orders tn his line at Ihe old stand, and war-; . -
enure satisfaction. J. T. BEALE
LewiaUurg. Ju.y 26. 16C0,
I.uU'kt Tt-U pi Mpli rti I
ROM n, .,nih a IlatJ B.iiilf f).iieh! ;
eiti-rnl AiitWMtri vat netriv ktt'e1 ,
11 ni" ho l'"r a pi-nllcman who lalfljr ;
Preel h' wrd ling sutl at j
Zmimc, man & Zllrr't Llunn Clulhifi
Thrv will sell AT COT, to rfu'uce their
S'ltrk. ur.Ml Sprint.
Coals. Par.i-. s's anJ l?ar at atrnni
any pnrs. Ovrrcals untih 'J'. al !fl.5t.
V t!. H7J cn: up. P 4 tils, $ l up. HTrS
C-'.ti- wi'iih !'-r "$7 )0.
I'ustuni V.'.nk m,iiir at ihe lowest prices
ari1 m .1miM q nrk nmr.
IV Mvc yo-ir u.oiirv. anil rail before Tn
btiv tleherf. f r i ri r is ihe p:r . r hr
iime. Z!Mn;iiM..N A. ZELLEKS.
Le-ati-lmrc. Jan., irf,.
aiiajDjiiAi -Mm
(l.ate Wlii!e M.n)
: Hire Street. HljOVe ."ll - I'llilaileltlllia.
it n i.i. j.t.v it i.orr.K. ri;ori:iEnn.
Terms, 5I.'J." por day.
fej T.. th. ..i t riMO-mrr. ..f thi- whII known Houa.
i. j ,-.o t, fur. Unit f l,.v. rrii'itNivt. imfr"r.
X' w.n.l n. wly r.irtn.-li.t tl.i .tnt-. ar.J tliat vr. rv.H-t-fullv
... li.-it , n iitiioiMii's- . f tl i- r ..tr-,i.i;r
ptrvfr. i-a-l-r nn.l i-it-r .rl i.'.ly in,!, to
th- li.npil., lit. ..I tin- -N st... ii. I" l.t c m. an I -i and
jmlT" t.,r ll,.i,.lTf ..f .1- .-Ii n- ...t ni rlt..
a in r l.i'-atiin, i fs-nt
an. I cDVrn:Di for Merchants
an'l I u-n.--- m-n arti.r."f
!I .twi - .I..I.-.T. r to .tii.tr th. wan, tint ooro.
frtt. . f ,.r ...I, ,h ...o. f Mr Cn.'
A stms. "ur .fti.!. .n-l .o.nti. t'li-rk. w. f-l .ll
.ml l.i kri-, a Cl""l ll'itol. ai-'l l-oi - t. riv. ?rrrrsl
f.-t.n I IIKSI-V IM'II. I.MAN,
full an.. IVb . IS'I y 1 OIIIN B V K R
J. rviOWfciiY,
Fashionable Bant and Shoe Haker,
KV. V. PS constant I y on banit. and manufac
ture to older, all decr pinns of
Beiiao .in rxporirM'i-,1 boein.krr. and anx-
kiU' t. inrru a -tare I ihe punhc pa;r n-isr,
he will uarraiiit all wi rk uhiLh mav paM
through h.- hrfi.iis.
Petrtica.ai ai.ri.iiun
V rk.
u n be siven to Ladies
Hi I'rirf are as low as ihfse of any mhet
dealer in ihe vicinity He ol cifs a Mir i rial,
cont.-teiu itiai be can attiv every person.
J.ewi'.bur'z, Aua. Jl. Oit.y
Seal Pr . ?I a ii 11 fa turerw,
JU. Sh Thini St., rh;h'htrhm.
N. B. Sp-cial attention given to Mariic
and olher S..cteiv feals. 6iuS.t 1
: 1
Just ojiciictl. oppoitc tic liivitre !
House, in liit! ICootn latily i
occtijiioi I iy A. Singer. '
FULL and complete assortment of .
I N G.cn as Overca.s.l.ress l.Vats. Bos,.
... . . '
lern ; and Pdi.iau ol and V ei io suil. Alo,
a larae variety of Cudr-r (.'lothtn?. such as
Ira tr. Nruit-, Ac. A !so, a fine asi rtrnent
of Pi y-' i:..ihing of the laieM Mi'les Aiso,
H.i i -S and VAi'A eijual to any oil-red in thi
i n thr hif e o? Ciotin:ic. hicn 1 uiler at a
very .siali advance lor cah.
r?All ktnd ot C.'tin'rv Pn-'uc t k-ii in
exchange fsr UootN. EewibiirE. O. t.
R. r.Ew' ELL'S
o. i'Zly Arcli M. ria:a.Srlplila.
One ..f tb Ur. -t mid m-mt ei'mi.Ul- tiaiier.e 10 Hie
Luiteil Mate. twtlTe ll.v t.. ft l irlurf- kuuk.li IO Ibe
I'li-.t'iOati'tic tirt ure t ill "ii al T.e no I iaflitrr ;
titan are- pud ! r in i-e; i It? u ir.it iru
rrilK iT'i'f et.tr. a lr..-ti--:.l ri.-.t-i:.!ir. tn I". '
" les-r-oi a;lv. ner iltn.kt arid a.i n. t-H-turi to
Irar the Omii-n Unl It li.ve prrlr.-t at . -tart ion
UaiiC'i rtv-.t . Ni.il Aiu. r. l - --,i t ab-riilur J-st ;tU
fi .rial-.. iili"i.t. j '.t-i t" fti r- ..iii-e-l m-. .r tk-n !.
L'aio . hf- an-! pflMul in t 1 t the- tet Arli-ta.
A? tli (iahrrv i irt-ir-. ran 1 las n iu any wt-albcr
ar pa-ite-rt in ' -lull : d a atteu Hi- -uu -bine.. J
Vr-dii- tt-it;u: the t i' v jit- rfsi. :iu'!" united to et1
atnitie nur riHCiiur-iii, aLi.b tur j-rn-e aud jlity dely
l( alll-s-MU.-D.
jlueiriictK'i.f giteti In tb" art -.f PhtATai.hy. (
K NhWKbL. !
LtALLERl or Akt. Arch Street, tXiiiaarl(bia. j
CvXMtMK J.'V.Vi j
Fn'm Hon l.sw.s 1. Civem il. M. COhift I
Mt family and IrH-ii'if ail tuiirur tu tl ( in ion that
the iNrWril. t'i' ture - BnTt h e like than any thing
thft f t-r av. M hk-tie-e h b-eo tviiatt-d I takeu
b lallt reltt Altt-ts. Ill larbus , l-ut I hit' llfT
y t hi titie t.i.-b i r-en: -o irtie-to iitture.ali tb- lea- .
lure a up ra,r -a.-H'iafi t ci-unt. nain-- aa tht. '
(n m ll -n K J-T I kms. late Mini-t-r to IaT.
The eMpii-ile tiuifb l aul au I iMtttiie--" ff yur pof- '
i - . s. ., ia - r ....I r.nh.
fUilM.-p, i,riIP.e..r.ii not ih t- i-mm-nd tbeiu m
the atu-utiuu aud jatr-'bae i ail who ajrtciat true
Fmntmi. J.-, r,. I
Harine orra-i-ui l- r a .rlr..t. I prirM one frnm I
Mr. I.tw-rt Neweii. ni the rit if t'tiilide-li hia. a tn . ll a- I
lure m ml oIra. ntw j-r.-, tuif'vr"in htm.'
atid take itleat .iraure in eire-n:0E tr e aii-iarii'n
aia.n no-. D"t ,.nlv h. the se.
il. iirli-ne hoi-l. in ail n-.o-i-ia. aii,
th. ,.truu.ria' t"'"- di-I"-d lo encour.i: tli oo.uti-
Iulrt rlm6 i-.u,.
on Sudi Water ?u, T.ewisbnr?.
, e are ni.lKil, ra,ui.oc ;,ri,aia i.,i... n'
1 supply with PURE ICE al . ur former
customers ani. as .a,. new oucs as uio, ..a,,
us with their ratronape. !
t irlce will be delivered ihronshool the i
entile siuitmer, so as io arc" oi.-iic ..i, at
lj Pc " a"'jriltd '' ;
Josiuh Ijiiker & Co
liWI'. I. ii'jLTOP A' I ti
V- .itta B-si sa v
IVI- ,,n.KMc uitl. F
A 1j lllui.L aiiant nn im.- miu
sh 9a prr cent.
w '
E. Locke A Co. to lurrn
j 1 s I ) 1 1 l. f 1 ,
a. .1.. RKI .,.,1 II jil K..1 rSaan as il can
o, i..s - a- - ,
.be boush. in 1'hiladel, h,a. I
They have also ju-l receiveJ a general as-
SortOielll Ol . I
1lj'!f 0 1 P U' "J"! I V A'tN
JJUiiiii) iiillli-l-i liilJmi)
..,int ami OIIs)..Iat1 ll lid I'ulll.
t MX' t tl r-e i
aj.af ii taV WtllilVIlllaaaa
vCTLt:ur,HLKXi.u tLfw,
Pine Oil, ali putmlar Patect .Meilitines,
1 ioin.rs 'I oli-i.-.-ii ?sm;li !l.ks. Sll !;l i
iuH.io,iav.., a !
As.il, it ill'f I ureast, &C. o-C. J
-All ihe above articles offered VERY:
CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before buying
elsewhere. Our Mono is
"Small I'roOls 4. quick. Sates,
Lewisburg. May 13. IS-Sa.
.. . ' af
"'Ot'O XOIE lor One Hundred
M i..,ilrh niav.ihle at the Bank of Lanville.
mch Ihe owner can haveby orovin proper- ' .
j rfh;'
iv and paving charges. Inquire al
j...:. I i. I tit cm:t.
C , i i
breat itt'ilueUuii v, rnces!
. . . .
In Soots, Snoe3 ac3 Gaiters,
lur t'ali n!r. until tiie l irsi or
June next.
r I 'HE subscriber, having on hand a very
I hi avy stock of V..i k. is desm -js of r.--
ducmz it a iiurh as piibie ai (In pv n
el ihe year, a-nt will ihereiore. in vie of ft.e
trTiviiliT har.l liuifs nurl .rr.nv nt' n.a.r. l-
otter vervzreat imlucemenls lo a!l who word
be pleaded to tav.-r bun wnli a call. ANI
A is IT IS A WELL KMaA'.N FACT, that
his esiablishm.nl is the Cheapest and most
reliable one lor e,.o,l stock in Le isburi!. H E
isTlilt.TLV i:.bEK.Vi'uOU. thai in order
to give srrea:er in,!tit-emf ins than ev.r. Iio
Mill tla'altut Irani IO lo 1 nrr
C'S'llt. IS'Oltl llisi ari('r loV I'l'l
C'l-aj IIU all t aall MillS'H. as he is ,t.-i-r-mined
lo run iff his sun k ai Lo W FWl'KES.
So. come nsht alot tt. all who want Uarzains
out of a si. ck embtacioz every description
of Hoot.. S1es and Uaiters for men, women
and children.
Also, a fir e l. t of Trunks, C arpt t
llacw. A:.. at verv low price.
HIS .sri)l'K befoie purchasing rlsearhere. as
vou wi.l find it ereat v to vour interes:s.
l'lace, neii door lo J hi. Wails aV I',,', store.
W. T. Ktl l ILXK.
Iari-biarr. Mar-h 4,
j-o!o M;inufjctiir:i'iof the I:n jiroroil
T is the cbajet anJ nidsi duriLIe R juilug
in u-.e.
It is Fire and Water Proof!
1 1 ran I' app! ifd in new an 1 ri ! Rtofs- nf al
ktf..l! an 1 to :iiti;:j!e Kuui nv.iQuUi rcmuvii
the h n':li.
I he c l is nn'r about one-thiri tr.at of Tm
and is twin- as d nrDle.
f.lltf U lk4i !i.i rmcnt, fur preser
ving ant reo:ni.E I in at.il other It-ial Iio. ts
ol rverr '!erripiu'ii. irom i urx elastic. ty.
is rifl inj ir-ii bv ihe n itirnriii n ani eipiiii-
ston t-i meta , ami doi ci ac. ia cohi t-r
ri,r' n warm ueiher.
Thee tnitTia's have been ihr-rcujblv trs
''"d in New Yik an i a i pins o) the u h-in
and Vsf.rn 'aies. and we can eive a bund-
am prii. 1 or an we ciam in iroir lvor.
Tnev are rta .ilv applied by ordinary labo
rer., at a inline epne.
The-e material, are put up readv f r use.
ar.d t.T -hirpiti? tf all pari of ihe C'-uniry.
tt tih lull printed Utreclior.s for application.
Full de'-rnpine Cirruiars vi l be furnished
on appliraon hv ma t ( r in person at our
Pnnnpii rtT,'. .S!0 Itrrtadwav. New V..rk t
(trp..Mte St. Ni.-USiw lltrl J0U.NS AliiUMU. 1
rpER.M- sis per dav (
1 KHOADts .v sn.0R, Prcpneiors. i
TiiitruNT niion.f rm-ri.of th..tinn.iitot.i '
............. fc ..uci ,j ,,. o uaj t.i.i a,o., . t?,,y '
,,; ,lnrters,..rt , OOIin2 0 Irr
1 I1C9K !!.. I ITL'e enoni'h to nrr v a: mir
prople wi h Ire ilurin iJ.e b. !e yar. Ice
wi-l re ! Iiverrd m i. uii. di:iv. at a ch-aper
rate lhan pnva-e I,e Houes ran re fi If,.
ITTall on either o us rn N ir-h 4 h ST. cr
at the Ice IIn-e hr'.,.i ik- r . .. u. i.
ii a c rih i i,.
t,. a ure. Not. C9. lvrf)
AT-Fitro iMTrs. jm 5 frnvLir.t,i?r
.tOmCTlO al L tltD. I
rrli h tn i hm'r' n E., ck, cornT of
f .Sih and Market Sis.
"c. -v.
White Deer Mills, Union County, Pa.
has for saie, for casii,
ok tx rxrnAN.-E po-K rKoin r. osiu. irxnEa,
Jf'jlasses, Salt, Sxip, Ct.'l't$, L icbds,
lirms, X'A.ls, a?i'l superior
- Az't ftr PEO I A. A fri's errm ft
riis.it. IX HaJrt'-L'. raaaa:irtured id t una, and iw"4
exteuie; in 1 u..4l.ii.a tuid te W;:.-b su:e.
TXECL'TED in ihe best style known in
the art, at
C. 6. Crane's Gallery,
532 Arrh i'.'c.ef, Kirt of Sixth, !
IMiilailelptilu. i
ntlip.iti ii.ts' I . mi nwrntil r. f s !
niioio. . wii,p, .,
For Cae,. ledlloois, Tins, .incAc. f'tnvt
: '
.aiiir mull i-iiv iii-ui.tiiic v li..-l ill.,
(fapral f rock i'H.t',0110)
OMPA.N "t B-nl.)ins. Walnut s-reel,8 E
corner o, i,m-,..v,.
r Lives insured al ihe usnii Mulnal rates
,.r at J..n.t K'.ck ral aba lit Sl per ceM. less
or at a oiai .At-si Hence raTes u,e ii-wesi in ine
A. U HII.LI1., l resulent
J.uis C. fMs. tse.
till.! K. Mll.LKo. Aj'if. I ewisbnr.
' waT a -.. r i.i '
WeW AKstlittis.t'laWl.ltW saCtlliS;
I DSEPIi I.. 11 AWN hai inir taken iLe j
.) well ki.own I'A KH II A T STUMC. has
i .-. . .. n n . , . ,
..... a . .' CI tl . t. '
" ' '7". "''"' '
a lane and splendid st,H:k of CLOTHS
.1 ssill Llil.i-, au, . iiiiii nr Will mawi.pfo
ortfar.as he sin: cnuniies the a ailor:n; Bust- I
e is preparea u. eiecuie an work ;
entrusted to his care, to the satistacuon of the .
cu - ' L ' ',. ... . a !
.S.D. a.uiiins nu l.epairinsjl - none IO ;
"r",r - tl.ewtsbnr8..pril 10. IS.-.7
cheap pictures
at Mowry's Sk)-Liu Gallery,
- i arke r .,,, i.ewisbnra-Havinp
JUM received a larre assortment ol
. , a. . La.
...u ..... .... p.a,,i aria .- - - -
Pictures at reduced prices, for the Holidavs.
All Wishing any kind ol Pictures can wve
monev by renins them soon
N. B Pictures taken in elondv weather
Allorney at Ijiw.
- .PPtl'
FFtCE on fonih Sreonri near Market St
f 1"
.' .'. fA.
Professional Business enrrtts'erl to ; lo
. " '
be la..hny rl aip.Jy atien j
OLD LsfabliMifil Dreg Store,
5ti:;Kri s jt inc. uMLsnrre.
mu9 ne nr.actvgnrd respe.
f r:n l"ei.d and I
j IS een-ra.iy itat ihey hare
! fcgirl the 1rn; anrl I'hemical Ml
i he nr.denignej respectfully in-
Ihe futlia
Store latela
oe.! by F ei.CALtiW LI.L.ami hare OB banit
a larje assortment (and constantly rccctvti.g
', Ir.sb supplies) of carefully selected
hniit aU. Pa,ti'-(Variihet. lyr &to11
Kan'-y Articles. riaH, IVriunjerr. Ac -th
...... ..i.tuxH f .'.,-pu...
t'..;,l a-d Fund l.an ps. Lamp (a'obes FiaJi
pin, n.i. (;..) n,i , i Kum'nc Fi,.t .iwava
"n hand H KH IiAt'.v aSD LlUuhi
for Mr lo inal purpo-es. Also the best Ha-
v""a a' "1 1'rir.ci.e e.EliAKsi,wiili a eompl.ta
"s- tin.eM of SNI FF and Chewing and Sn.v
In .1 o-t al! artr t. ona''y rpt . an tahllahw. nS
..! th - ho, J i. t h, rJ(it.il at vt a'.ura andob.r.cJ ti
a.J at tor i-ri-
Th-T ... J owially a- tt-atir.n of rnTirtaN
t th- ir r.li.1 .i-l an, ot, h.r. tl,-y riir, h. .opolMst w.tla
I nr.. fr..h a,.. r'i.i-1 sttwlr, on r.aMinaMa tormak.
I'lM-nj !aui. tai.ta.lj ccin(Kiuinl(sl. and pnt no vital
Jas HIRFiv
L-i-bury. fjt S, two . p. klaCJajT
I'ectral Foundry anJ JIacLico Shej
Ml:.r, Walls shrlnae la.
r. M .i Vanuiaciurers of Bullock's Iro
!;' 'sasj Mower and Keaper, Darlin'
jtli-aili.diess Chaio Horse Power
yjp asr-ajl3 Wills, u 's Telesraph Frdder l.'nt
iii, !.. i... Iron Plows, Wuherow's Self-Shaf
peninst Plow, and M:chiran liooble Plow.
Also.Sioves and Castings of every iltrssnp
All kin !s of A;ricul;ural Ijiplaments kept
on hand f-r .sale.
J hl iii" work in Wronghl and Casl Iri,a
an.! Brass d, ne lo or It.
Country produce Liken in exchanje.
I.r. of -:llh a Market .-t. , U a bib a ,
, Fall and Winter Fashions ISCO-'Cl.
The I test tturh and Latent Mjlci
-t? than'oful for rast favors.
T 1? Wool f stare thai he has ...
if n e:ved th FALL ft Winter
y Fa-hions. and is prepared iH
j .aa s-1. 1 . .si.ira r., ana nr. r.Ain
farrr.enis as osual. He will
eudearor, as heretofore, ta
,execotc his wrrlr sali.faa;
rilv to aii. Lew isbur?. June Jao o
I IXDSEY'S Improved
lJ t?ltI.OO SCtRfIIEB.3
A i7.1Vi lV) ME0If'f. K
ror tl.. at 'ly. r.'iin.! ar.i "i-iu,! ,.ir..t Al.Ldlf
ri.:iaa! It aa IKrl lilt V w- Iiik. alLouUi
iit !i i
; 5 JmuV11'
- hn miitljt tLt- moat miraculous Mas
el4hte tiiM-l ot
raneiTai formation.
I'.itmia-, o .ii-eae, Irj-t-f li. bnU
rinnj.v. r n rl,i t-r- f.y. H
lid. tut'-rti I lrrr, Hhumitt iifc-rUamra,
1 -;-r it'V. i it-, t ,,-tti-ria-si(
Im -(.. i t. Jmniie, iU P.ham.
'ert- irii -fi-..-!- -. iiurn d-bi'rfv
Ii'tr C m:lmn:, 1. Ai.rt;t,
L- ST't. '. 11I Stomat-h.
tiialr ' ' ni.-.Rifit' an. a!. li-tvAc L&T.. aU.tojjWaa
in w. Jpunf ui.4 tli- ti I.
t Tha atiOT a portrait of t'avM VTrearr. of lwata
Wf. r Jn-t: -e t;,.r:ev that he treated for thr rars a
t Ck b. 'hry-t id.i'iap- i.; I-ifrrd count f. and bt. lr.
''w tuO it t!,r- a-.i-.e-r-,,,' ('c !e.e. IDC IT Oft tl. f T a pFi'-
f near!' .i.Tr,t n.fut).. i iliTKiaCljtDC hjrh
' f '-r n.'rw.hen h b-Mrd tf th
wer."'nd w ir ur.d t.. rrit. yfir bca-
t'"' r',",,' " tli.iiLh MitiiT difiruivii, u.-iv th
r ti'u':t n tn- " iuMe m-.,ktn w4 kia i,
r r "' 'r':T"i"t;
cuiM r t i).Ifs rravirkabie ms aaa,
tu a t ir-n'er T- I ad i f an f the Asecta.
"mIm. r-r. r Ir. a r e of oir I; leak ne. of EMefoUj,
Arrr.T' ri I' . eure-ii.l ? aFtaj alter Uiog Blab..
tl- C-t rut r-f V. ff thr-e- eM.
To the p--..f a ladv in A ninTil!e. Clearfield Co, w ba
aw al-o i ff-'.-l ith is-rr-tula in tt nrt rn.
T" .' e.,-e . f iiw.r-e M-wl. r:dirf tn rarrr-ITtrfrr.
raml-Tla i n.. I'a . who ll l a t!y fi:irte4 with Or. r
tt.a it est Jv er;re n-- -ff, aud Lla Ca waa WLTae. if
poi-i.!.-. tlan M'i'r-ara.
f! e i r' la-tuiar-a"! Th- eae eTr-roreof wblrh
e'ir.-d t y tl.e -f the B'rsftd SaTi her n-T I-o t-a
Kudu iu a tin mar tt be bad ? r'f the A tret. r.
It. W. Lrt!0. Proprlrtor.
rrrr f..f th manuta'-ture ar d nmis Bear at
I'- r.n V i-iir- n.l I'-rr t. IT hdaT-t nr. I'a. t y- '.
V. ,-K.v. l -w -lur: M Vreit-bt A Hanrtc, Unflal. X
R','!; Kudv A l!tmm-!f j.-ti. l,"arterTib-: ruirrtr i,.
A W .tm r. Harrvt.-a: I. II li -i-eil. M fttitbarir: L S.
ftarT-. W'l.ficM; rh.nule A V aea;et;er, SsraimrtaH ;
ur:nm r::::Ef;ro3.
For Tatiic? It sr. Straw, and Ccrn-Sialki
,yUF TELEfiBAPiriO roPDEr.-
I i t-m . i .l
X t TTM,, t which the above cut is a
Machine now in nse 1,-r cuttu.g up Fi dderaa
ot aii k'nils. n t nii.le or three s:zes. ard is
verv eci liomical. Kit handbills shr-wirr
their advar.t.iges and f.r an inspection M
the Machines Ihernselves, cail at li e Central
Tuuiolrv of"
Lewisbiirs. Nov. SO. lhf.O.
.-Toi-f.. c-arn-i-c. . -.v... .
civ a'., i?IUIt. t i IJ
rw .rti" .-n, ,yy
Tha aa.. a.i.o..., ,.i s,.... .... ,..ad t.
.v ... . L 'i..-..
U'C C.llieilS Ol I.eWlsol.rff. Hn'aa aoun is aoat
celebr;lIed -Contmeniai." ibe h....'...et anil
best r....k.r.- S , e now lef. rc ihe pnbli..
lIMHli ll'IMlKT.
.-a.ila.lt. WALI s, SIIK1NER t CO.
Tino the rii ers c f Lewisbnrjt and r.cinia
K. I., llinen has removed his Hatter
Shop Ir, m tre Kiviere Hon e to Market street,
basement if Widow Ami ns' tuiidine. one
door at ove the Post Oif.re. Thanklol for ai
past lavors. he hopes to n,er:t a conununiec
of the public patronage.
X. It.
laiiiaiwian - i no- . ,-i,. a- 'D
y,. ,, , r.apt alt.e. .a I .,-r H.aaa,
j..ra:i ... iii.is .t hi-si . u- m-n..a.ocoaa.
..y.. ....a-.
Lewisburg. April 1. Is.'.!. E. I.. HIXES.
THOfE persons Ihat bate subscribed fet
blK'h in the 'lane .s.e.nej naiufaaaa, el
l.ewi-hurtr. an ! have in 1 pud. are reqnesird
call at the In-tounon at d irake pa n.ent
KffT. ,S(10
H f P" l.EE, Tieauir
i in