UNION COUNTY STAR" & LEWISUURG " CilRONICLE-JAXUAKY 25, 18(51. ' v i 1 M-RmntW, reading Wirt's Lib of! Patrick Uenry, we found (page 118) that; among the grievance, set forth by one of the counties of Virginia, was England's, refusal to atop the SlaTe Trade then, as i .r mtnna thm fruitful mother of calami- - .1 - t ..r. kind. ' (109, BUM Ul uisiuiihuwp v . j Jefferson set forth the same evil in tbe j Original draft of the Declaration of lode- pecdence, but the clause was 'oompromi-1 ged" away to please some ol wose uura Southerners whose motto ia always "Rule Of ruin." On pge 2S9 of tbe same work . I.-J-1 L II .. .J n.. IS spieoaiu aueccu u uui;t 6 that "LlBERTT IS TUB DIRECr ksd" of Government a fact, of weighty import, almost ignored in our day, when Govern ment i too much regarded as simply protection of property, and a "Uuion" as of itself of mare consequcnoe than tbe end for which it is desirable. jTn 1S32, at Charleston, Gen. Seott took anew the oath of allegiance to the U. S. GoTernment, and required all Lis offieers and soldiers to do tbe same. It 1 -11 f k ,L would do no harm indeed, for the puono . . L rnnirnil thnl the security seems to be required tnai me ..mutant he made throuzhout the Army and tame tesi oe mauo mmiijiirai ' Nvv and all the Dopartments at Washing- , ton We hare bad enough of F loydsand . , j t A Cobbs and Thompsons ana mueys ana Tressotts men plotting against toe Tory 1 .L A. ...nKn.-a 1 power tney are nnucr ... . . There may be traitors and spies yet.wnoee in.tanl eiDulsion can safe mutilations of j records, betrayals of plans, and PbP' burnings of buildings or their Arnoldiiing oyer into the hands of a Secession mob. Lo warned in time ! Where the beads have been traitors, they must have corrupt ed their subordinates ! Several Secession Clerk", ke , hare been found and expelled from the Departments at Wasbiugton. They are simply spies in the service of an enemy and paid by the Government they are betraying, and should be kicked out as surely as Arnold would have been expelled from West I'oiut aud perhaps, too, are aa well tutilltid to tbe gallows. The North W estern States are eoniing ; up, it would seem utiauiuiuu-ly, in favor I : tbe Union, under Huchanan first and Lin-; coin afterward?. State after Plate declares ih.t men nd money in any amount shall be forthcoming for any emergency to suetatu the Government aud the freedom of tbe Mississippi shall never be interfertd with. Col. Hardee, late commandant at West Toint, is now in New York, and a few days ago admitted that he was there lor tbe purpose of purchasing guns and am munition of war for tbe State of Georgia. He is thus receiving the pay of the Feder al Government, aud, at the same time, as sisting to ruin it! The wearers of the Talntc'to eockades in Washington, on finding that tbey were mistaken for the footmen of tbe foreign ministers, soon dropped them, and tbey are decidedly at a .discount now. May they speedily retire to tbe limbo of fun tempt, even iu Souih Carolina. Bxlt.I'ut. Mississippi, as well as South Carolina, bs resolved to let Uucle Sam pay all her mail expenses, but steals bis forts, arms, and ammunition. Wheuever money can be made out of tbe I'oion, il is continued; wherever they can turn highwaymen and rob, tbey are out of tbe Luioo. The Tennessee Lecisl'uf bas made a i little stand asainst the fremy of the Se- j cessionistnofwitbslandingherGovernor-s : , r Messace was tbe most incendiary ana . S . ... , il wicked of auy yet ucliverca. 1 uey agreeu . I .1 f . f.nrontinli la . I lote of tbe People. i At Wanbinston. Sunday mnrtinc, Ihe tatue of Gen. Jackon, before tbe I'resi- j-t.ic J dent s bouse, was found with the Stars and Stripes in hie band, aud tbe Secession cockade tied under bis borae's tail, much to the indignatiuo of tbe Secessionists. "The Republicans sre just now making a set of asses of themselves over Mai'tr Anderson." So thinks the Seliosgrove lime?. Ii an Auaerson a autuircrs are "republican asses," tbey are a pretty strong party. Tbe people of California gave 1,3 mi - . . r . ll- ii .. ill jority against calling a Constitutional Lou- vention but in favor of a9uojioir a float- ing btate Debt of two or three millions -ahinh ahnnld hM heen included nravi- wtiicn .Louiu nave oeen inciuuca previ - CUjly. ,: , . , . lhomas,Iate Secretary of the Treasury, sn.l befnm belnff Mnelled ordered a lar n r , . i cum of money from New York to 2iew Orleacs, for no kaowo reason ezecpt to : flace it in the hands of tbe traitors. M.. U-nnJ V.- VorV --bis I. . ' . ... 's Dative ul ooutu v-arunua rovouiuivuua iu. "secesaion" of tbat City from tbe Stare, and that it be a "free city" like soma in Germany. The United States forts are "taken pas cession" of by tbe insurgents "to take care cf tbem." Suppose the U. S. troops take possession of Charleston, Columbia, Sit., to "take cake of tbem ?" Tbe people of Illinois decided at tbe late election, to call a Convention fur Ihe ' I : formation of a now Constitution. Tb Dumber of members to the convention wiil : be seventy-five. Thm A n-MrMMi T7-iext..U, V.4 . fc t. 1 bo Americana at Honolulu bad a mock ! tiection on me otn 01 aNocmter, wab the ; following resuit: ior Lincoln 131, Dou-! pits 110, llreckiund-e So, lell 13, Brig, warn Youuc 7. Fire eaten in South Carolina now con fess that the Fugitive Slave Law ia uncon etituticnal, and charge that it was forced upon them bj the Nuith. The Cincinnati Gazette reports the ex pulsion of several murchanta of that city Jrom New Orleans, where the? had gone 0 turchaae sugar! of W.Uin;,"e mtkiD "s8ion" It is st..ed that Goy. Ellis 0f N C offers to turn tbe e.ptured FotU it, State back lo the Government. Ql tRT. If the rltxtwH of Lincoln baa caused tbe present financial cri.is, what caused lb. money panic of IS57 ? Martin Iiurkholder,a liishnpof tbe Men- tonne ciiurcn, died al UartnoBburg, Va., 10 dm toe iiia ait. CUtKAT 1.1IPMTUIEST j)ENTArj 1M .OFKSSION. V ffs M Py'Vff nFRfiEOX and Mctbani- 21 O eal Intll. takes this 03X17 meihnd ..I mlorinin? the citizens of Lewis- burs anil vicinity that lie has located perma nent Iv, anil is prepared lo furnish all who need dental subsumes for mastication with Improved mineral Plata, (base and teeth the same.) which is fat su perseding the u-e of Hold and Silver I'laie. The Mineral Teeih are undoubtedly superior. an.! in many resptrts more .iesirable than any -m-r r-n in. yi::- .- r- Th., an. 1 h. l,l.rl.t .-lainiU.Ot Of tbf Alt. Teeth iinuiilel on Coral anil Amber Bases , t red.is-d .iits"i. Til.-- ti.-wt ha.. I - U-Usl by tti. ! ari.-r.titH-.ainl tiihlj m.-.tuiui-nji-d fcr eltraliai,militj j nit rnam. 1 Teeih also Mounted on Mold and Platina, in th. lalr.t a..n.v.sl .tyl.. AtiM nn m M-talir llMt. uard i mil. lir lT. It in litis ItK-altty. .hirh la far .iD.-ritr to j SlIttT. at Mlvrr flail' rir.. Slll.r aiW U--.I. a- It ll. I i - : ... . .... i hi, ..r ,,.. ' I ' ' 1 HI mil J CBPCT ligUIMI " w. ........ "'Splcial attention will also be raid lo Nam- r.1 Teeth, tri-eetin-r ati .rr,u..rttr. irux irnw...- nd f.Mied nerve. flllii:K ls 111 lit- Wt ..a,;.,...! .i. , .. aliirli lr. llnrlan's mode of operating will at all i tim h. lit lh BiilJ.t i-liararliT. mr.fiill? aT.ii'lin. the I iliflirtiin if ilnnrs...rk .ain. .nJ will tn- 'l.ttmt tutti" , f.. rofi.lnutinii an.1 hi-nltti i'f tliv iatt'lit, thirt t-y of- ! f-nnit tli. BT.at.nt inr.iT.cH''nt tn.mh.. ari-ili'iiiriu. ,1,I,,rT,,lhrjrTrrth.hml..,.,h,.r.,,.r .!.,.. ' p.rmn tlinr .ntir. anil ir. miture iliTar. IVr-im T- , M.rvtrnlof , lwnli Wlll ,,,,,. ,r ,. j -'t. m n.ihi.ci.n Hr . ). i. ri.niv r.miiir ml, M bfc, .r .r..(.,.HQ. ,tut mub it.. t-n.n n n.rt..oty y-.iv ci.u.t.ui ami nt.iin.e ' ,ra,H. t. .t.i,rn,nil m .r- ... .1. rllua tu lu.k. - .rxw-wi... mut.i.ii.i.fi..rf. t? KMim (leased f..r a term of rear) on Mkl s,,,., ,ilnfli,.nl ii.,n. tui.r.ii-. f..riu.r- r,lr,l,hlne,r,r,K i,,. i,r. iim.'. .j I th.. hrutf tirta. All i.iM-ntlioiiSj warrilltd fMIIMl t Bf (- .j,,.",,,,,,, ,, .,t:,ltrrr. T, ,,., V r ..f j..)..i. r.u.ri. j-Lcash iall and uiaua uwiaiara. 2. The Dlmeg Saving Institution OfLe- wisbnrg "IS ready to receive an amount on Peposite I from Ten Cents and upwards. Four per cent, per annnm Interest u-ill be paid on all itfrrial depositcs of Two Dollars and upwards if deposited two miimhs and longer. OiBce in Weaver's brick block. North Third St. II. P. SHIM. I. EB, Treasurer I.ea-ishnrc, Oct. Ill, 16U mm iHovc Ittcat. .tOLliEEF, Ml'TTOX, VEAL, ! 6iv... will tit? 5Upplifd h the hunprv r.eiplfbv the sutisr.nlir. at his hp i-n North Kifih ! strct-t, whvr he carries vn the Ilutrhenne I 1 a ; ti l II I . J . ..f Ui . ' Saturday mtni, Wln hf fui.d at 'Market in front ,, M Ka hlin's Har.laare Siorel"? at low rales furl'ashexelusively. Calves wauled Deeves ami Sheep purchased as usual. Try the -New Butcher. CHItlsTOPHEI! IJF.MBERUNU. f.ewisbiirn. An?. 1 IH.Vjy A SUPCRLATrVT ;TCNIC, DIURETIC, DYSPt? AUD LHYiCSiWIKu CORDIAL TO lllf .iitlis III .. t .ItTM'i Ul.d I'lliLvJt.liillll Ailliii-ii . lru-'v'i-tf.0nri r- mini 1'rtvwU; k luliH.-'. W'oifr I'urt 1'ugtwt Hmutiy. Wulfr't lnte Mndeim, sherry, and Vtirf Wine. Wnft'i'x Pure Jamaica and . Cnx Artn. WoljYs I'ure Sadrh and lrik Whiky A. IN HOTTIsES. I beg leave lo call the attention of the citizens of the V, f. lo the alve W it:4 ait1 laiarnH, imported by I'nnLeuo WnLFK ol .New ork. whose name is familiar in every part of this couniry lor the pumy of his celebrated S.ann.w S.asares. Mr.Woll;. ... his letter to me, speakin, ol ihe nnniv of his lues and Linuors. savs : 1 ' ' - .ill -t.lo- mv reputation a. a man. mv .tan.l a.linir a. ufrn.m r.,.r tinny y-ar mia.-ne. id tl.. itv .f N. .nil. th.t all 111. llr.i.ilv and Hi., wl.li Ii I la.ttl. i sr. puts. a. imiiorleil. anil fl Hie U-.I iiu.llly,aba can ti. i r.lli ii U ou I.J efi-r .urrhaT." F.vcry bottle has the Proprietor s name on ' the wax and a fae-simile ot his signature on ! .1 Tl.. .,l.l,. ... r-vnu-llnllv lliecriiiiic.iv. iit .u..,,.. . v . .,, lo c,(1 alld ,la,nlll- tr mamselves. For sale at 1Ut.ii. bv all Apothecaries aud Crncers in Philadelphia. UEO.H.AfHTOX.Xu.K.lS Market flt.,Phila. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the X. V. Cotirier.- MI.HH'.I 3 III -ISt.. KM. ... , '" .,n'.."-- XZV'Z c utttry ui' reliant, "-in S and -uirltaw .ure w- iuf " !.:..., a .u a iiiijrlrd. and of lb lrt quality. Hr do nut inland t.i itiib an rlalf.rttn dtMstriyiKiu of thi niiri-babt'w xtnxivr bu-iurt-ii. allbiut;li ll w iti wru rnav anr "traiifi'T or tifxn toviait l- ii'ito noLTKM i ;t..i.n - iHi - i. i, wihi '""" ,oi 17. In anil -I, tlark.lli'lil St. lli- ti k I'f M'tilial.l'i'0 nK,i .jj ,r i,1,,riitei.uid mi a... i- w.mtt: .- inaudy. ..n., iii.i.in-i.. viutag.i.t .rt wiu., s.s.t,h aui in-n iii-.y, Junmk-a mi Cr. ii Hum. mmi- v.ry old aud""1 t""J ' tn tln.eM- . ry UrllMl ,i.,UI ,.rp. .n,r. to.ed uh uramiy 1 H'in.. c, in ra-k-. uiid.-rC'U"t..ni'lli.u-. fc.t. ready lor ! V,.tiine. .Mr.W..IIV..ale.olS,loi.-..la-tiaram..un M i isn.i) d.u.n. an.i n.ii in le-aiii-n toy.-ar. ! !. " '' l"u'1"uJ in.. I :-.. M.-it. Ilianafmnasynf PTrTT loTeTOf hi wZ't m-i..-.i Ji-, rhuu t.-nd tn.ir orierf duvet u I'rtTaU- famihf4 wbo wi-n urp t inrw a..- .he.....aud relil.es it .ilh Wolfe, jure me. .ua Liduora. .- nti.lermnd Mr.Wnir-, f. r tb. .rrommfi-t.iwn ni .mall dealirn in tli. enuiitry. iit nr '" tt nn-. and l.i.inor.. .u.-li a num. .ndmnb a mi-rehant. bould b-.u-t.in.-d asaio-t lot ! " "t th. u..e.l. d . poornl. In tl.e t ei'ed sun... -howll .otliiuK bt "1 tatioD., roinoun alike lo luimsD l .allh an I lia .io.. STOn.i.1 Sold by J. BAKER & CO, l.ewisburg BUFFALO HOUSE LEWISHVHG, l.VO.V CO., PA. I l. iftli t:it, rrorrletor. j rOHIH new Hotel is situated opposite the Court Hniise,in the mosl lashn.nal.le and beautiful rtsrt if Ihe town, and for style am! convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania hu Visllin tne i ntrersuy, nr ai.enuins ; ,u. k .ni anri rnIr,, nn, . r housechar-es will be the m,,t reasonable and neitiier timeoreinense will be pared lo bestow every comfort upon tboie who may call. l.ewisburg, May 3,lisG0 PEIPHER'S LINE rpo A.NU FROM rillLADLLriilA. KKbUTIUN OF FCEIbllT. lt Cla.s 4h crut. pr Hxi r.iunda. L'd do 4-1 aj do do do 4:li li -7 lo do t-l rial 22 do tlo Vt b.at. Rye and Corn, Id reatli pur buab.l. Fhilad. Ueptt wiih J-'rerrf, Ward a Frerd, 811 Market St. Thankful for the liberal patronage given nt we hope by slnct attention to busiuess to merit a coniiuuauce uf the same. THO-s PEIPHER For further information apply lo 1795 C K M'UINLV, Arnt, Lewinborg R4KE 4 II 4M E. An excellent Sil ver LtiVtiU WATCH for sale at a bargain must eo. Inquire of A E. UENORMAXblE, l.ewisbnr? UUVtljia Hue xlarab tkUooumta ri 1:11 1 1 111: iti,ooi ! EIOFFAT'S VesetaLle LIFE FILLS AND M'hanix Hitlers TITE hiirli an J r nvio JccWrity wliic-h thf- ;.r-ftiiiniit Mcln irtf!. h- cit;l.--.. f"r thr it.w4ria.hl-- fflifkry in nil tit.--l.-f-r nhu h tltfV ri IV- U cur, hit!" ri n irH i. u-ul ruciir tt itilhiu ""t oitly UTiin-v"orv. btit unw rltiT of th. m. 1h-v ri kno l.v tliflr truil: tl.t-tr iph-I ..rk-. ir-nfy t r lUui, d1 U).- thrive not r.y thi- Uilb -l U. -iluii'Uti. IN .tl.l.rAM tK A-tHWi, A 1 is tisi-OiiEnMC Ritrr- Ma.Tl-'M. AlMt lt" nw int l(lt.lfcAMi KlPtHS. BlL'l'TI f KVf,l.. ASV LlVtmoNIIUM'.. Ill tl.e" IN-Utli MTK. W ft. wht-rr tl.f.-eduiut.'i' rfil, lht-y will lf.ut.-i mvlo bis.. fUiilsrtt, tm,-r,-0.i. - ue th'-.-e MnliriiifD, ucfer ittrw tmin bt witl.out lb- m. i-pi!. No ir-on with ibi l:-tr-'-:ti -" , ,h.,id d.iay TI9ir Til. kl, Mitlfll. KmiLMl. A-.t'f. fur II if iturr ... tin- rn . ouoir. ! miii itiff will Wlfuntl H-dy. bi il.!!." r dv. IHlwr ill--. II' -iMtM- ! thf fM. tn -ul J.i 1 1.- irlur .t tln-.ll--sh- rUff ly tlirC nif-i.emra U (M.riblU Tfct 1HM. Hi: iTi riil'. Mt Ki-ltkatt. MfkiTIil IM-.4-IH N.-r fciln trnlir'i'l'irly all ItM' rflwU MUTUrr illltltltrlT iMK)Urr ll-Dtl.aU'sjt (Mtwrrlul n-irMli u ot ?rm-tiii. NtniT wkth, NiRtiiiNl'.iiiiTt, Mwr r..riit i ' . tMi.i-.-The orim-i rr.i.rMr.rof tii. w SSSHz; IT lll:Un U .U-ltt-J. I ; ' ' " . alrk1I. .re rt i w,rr " ' ,." i XIkrll"l t..' Mtnlliillf". Hi-la-t will tnrtatu. TIIK I.IKK I'll.l.S AMI rtltr.MX IHTTKf.S Puritv tbv I.Ii.hI, anil llio. rmi-.i- ili-.a-.n T'"n th. -.t.l. A .iii;l.trial lll lar Hi. LIKK l'll.l. al.J I'lliEMX ttllThKS layoiiil th. reach f ci'Btl-.nt:wt I tin .lituitioii ot rivry .tli-nt. JX.-IT.; tl l.y UK. ILI.IAM ft. Mn TAT Mi ilruMil..), ioru.r W.irth M Ni w Y-Th. 1,;J ai.d .!il ly all liruitio-'". PHILAD. & READING RAIL ROAD ShorteM in ULstaiice & Quickest in Time BKTWF.K.X TIIK TWO t'lTIKS (T NEW YORX AKD HARSISSURG. vt'ft AVij. Ah, Aitratttirn ami ,". MtiltMVi A'-rfsivH HV- I N.w York t A M l'b.itls lili.a al A M ArnvKut il .tr -I nrir al 1-.XK !. csitiiit-vtiim. at IUrri-1 frr. ''b ti .m Noiltn-ru ( r strati HmnoHii lor 'UtJ, II. V tSi.4 Iltt, .Mi (t-.p, Williiiu.Hirt. J. yr-lioreaii-l l.. k IU u. p.t.l 1,-i.m .$t Ihht. NVtjf YTk ut U.--.U. at;d I'l.il.tU' 1 t.la ji W V V, t.iii.-rtiiigr ilh traiu ou Nor tlH-rii 1 ml rat I IUil for wlMlli a aUtr. Mi riiiH .W kTc llMrn-lurf nt 8 A M,arri- at rinltwr!)-... at 1 1' M. kiM Now Yrk tvt 1 M. in tini- t-t tikf UmsI or ruts. f..r U-lu Ac h'trf Erir ti4 lmx IlKrri-l urf. MS. '-n of Nrtbrn IVt.iral tiaiu unit fat t l'li.Uil bia at I M, and N-w Ynk at i. imi. No eh u art 'f circ or bt.i.a6t'- i New Yrk rhiln-tfii'liiw mul llnrri-l'urt- t'ttr t atily t-l Mvwiy, and d, r- nif- rt. r.d i-t-iin-riit:ilatin, ilti" r.'un- rvM-utx u-4Iil ludutfuit ntu t- lite trt-llli; )-!. t'Hi r ill Vw- l'.ri. fs.t .fr.urt land t trwt. In'-"'''-i:r.-.l and all. wbill aln- tf. i-'.nv b iwsni t u(k ai d (Urrift uraf. I ll K I't HI.?. T JitkrU. lrri:LL,ur i.t.t.r it.t-1 ui iImhi, , ,.:y to J.J ,LI.. Juiif lk"-y lirn-l iirif fiMcat Market. Arriintjimentt fnr the l'tur. TACOB O. BROWN, havine MippHed iht ewishurs Mark! for the past six monlh has made the tolluu iiig ananeuunts it r die j The best of Href, Mutton. Veal and !Vm 1 '...c... .ws.K avaAaalr ,,!., .,. ,,J Market street, brtueeu iixhaiJie'.s and ille, la.ewiburs. Pa. His inotui is Quirk Sales fur Cah, and 1 Small Profits hxainme his meat, j Ap. !5, f9. I. S. STI.K.NKK. Acent. j Commissiorer of Illincis. TTII.LI.M II. BlS!:i,la, 'i.-vern.T of II- ; ff liiiiiis, has appointed Jim B. l.i?(,J a Commissioner of the Slate i IMinm, for the county of T'nion. to adtniniitcr oaths. t( : takedepo-ittons and proof of dt'e-lsjnortcases. A.-., to b.- n... ai..l r.-isT'l-l in ih- sia' of III P. rmio li.i inir .id lui.tl. or n ui , -laii- . f im ktii'l t r .at. ui.y tmil tir. tia-. l.y l.a.ii n a .1. i rii'li. n.i-t tlo ..ni at mi nll.r.. I l.ai. 0(1-111.1 I;-. k f..r tl.. iir rliaa. and -ale ot real. .late. No I'li.tr . ill III. ...ntof al. Dot Is ilnf li.a.l... JOHN b. LINN. Uici liun.-. l a.. V.rrli il. Irn. ((0 FOR THE PERMAr.Lr.T) (7 Kmxiw'iiv.T) Tww rrmMy i ..tTfrttl a afT-T-hrtc innw nf af'.T ?urr !sir f Urir' nu in--r tbat .'.i- ai-t.tia.li. in mtr l-oi.t 'rf tliat ft-ll -r..urv'f t ..fi-uiiii.li..i. tn wiucli unf-.rfu nailrlf. w muny yrcli-)-iiic jium &iat. Vnalli aud V" r alif ftubtfet to tU ra.waa. -n nam" on or m"" T ht a(yii!nitttne wn "iio jrjt lo snitir f.trm of 1 1 n T or 1lir.at n.ni-tatnt, wb:rli, if nut attended ti in ". tnrTitl.ijr cua-iaTU tbe nf frrr lo a trrm4tiir ipraie. T.i urii. h-i i at bar.d if will b-tt arad !biti lie d it. ao-1 boj.e tlir bar hiiirtr f hrvbtfr dav mn V at.ats.fit-1 w'ib.'tit fai .rf rb.lbus di-.tHttutiiM-ut. ' lHr. it. I'ttm e b .w -. Ar Hi--H d.-e j.it what i- rbou-t ?i it. and nay If rel.txl tip-.n by tht k- a briiti ii.- itii'd urrr-. fill m cuttna luiiic and tin. ml .ii-.r.irr.., ot ai.v n-m--.iT ku.twn at trf ri-ent da. ll.e iuu dt.i h t on-nini'tion jinn. s tbf t.(.rrlt.-lis.i barf rr-avu u trar it ai-i-r.-arti, ntiser It .hi ciunlilu tional or bftrsliiarv leti'Vufv. Wink th di-ct.Vrrwr of tbt letriflr do nM U'licT tbat e'fdf abould bw CuOUuU dopiug thfOisfHwn a ill fnoiicium lTC WwNtM? C.OV.MX? , tli-r. ar. many i-.- wli-r- .li"-... i. Oki l.n. all'.a.-t to miisin iinelwiekt in lit. -i.t.m . an-1 a -iitf'.l e.Mi.-! r-s-ir-le-l at nr.t a. lm'ly an anm.i.iie. e.-. - "i .ith IIm- tl'--t III- pati.nl. An imi'.ir. .ia. f t tt..' I.lwl. tliroiifh .l.b.litatioii of tli. l.iti.-.. tt:U tl.. -.-Lin wi.h nt'-sl.t lium-.r. and rn'-a!ton l- e w. Im-I-I. or irr-K at1! to a l.v.ri.h int.n.ttv ill. h.art. liter and k d n.v.. iHtpar.l.ly p-rfotmtni; fonrto-n. id yi'i.l ps- it I r w-ll lenu. are itu'rled in tb-ir r-.-i tir ac'i-rv lit dire-tir. ninn tall.r in tl.i-lr t.k and ri-t.i 10 tf..Ti tit. pro..-, ol ..p.r.'iiiff Tti. nil r iti. .u. .1 n.eiiU trooi fi.l. and tli. .lli 1. menial U.'i.c i- a. II tinli r. i.lr to -ink under Ih. bure.n ,d life. It., itti nt . . rll ri-it aeeouMt. bi. r.w a cotui liraln.n ot ili.r'ti-tii. au.l i.':.a r.fu.- to r.wrt t iiied:enii..ii. from In. thorouft.i M U-liel iu spy inajcl ol cur.. To .ucb t S . J - - ; S I i -ejW - amsaW-W""1' Js f r - - m vs ol" tbe A fn! BMM lb..r...ffl.ly wt TlttT the rnfl ffr.c of all. Krerr umplom .f mitimd in l a"1! Tid n-mTteiitlr eVs,1ime.l hv ' ne. 1 e;.-ei f'e nnr:e other bnt trtreoir'heo'nr and rert.-rattnr t" the ey tir av'em Brtnehi't. A'.nia. f'fo.rb. Col-N, and (i-iit-ral Hehi'itv. elfee tin tir en red hr tl n-e N-tf' t j Sw-nt. I. of lh and W'l'n aa of Mii-rtta, , . of .pi-etite. S..reiiiMa ot tbe Throi. feat, nod .nnLT. l iver r..m, lA nt falfitation of tbe Heart. I fft I fiii'r of H'eaTiun all th-e afTee;i.ni d'-a'i-ear in j r,-tebt.iT -b-.n tine ftr u-iuj Lr. O. Iblj.s lirowu'it Aariitt Riarn. t li no ri-i-.M ant. renrrten the rtnt wbi t. I ..U ...(.. 4 ... ..1 a. ,.f e.r.l.n.r. ,.nA If I,mI ill inta.mr.1 -ore t.:l-rrle and .o-m-i.aTten. i: m-enb en - hwmc and Wit.we, the t.ra-n. and w.th ....t to everw part of the enfeebled, and yrixtrate b-dw. Ii ttee-lt re l:ijtliT trial to r.ni.nee ar tba! It-e At Rai-- ia truly' 'he rrew'e-t rrmetT cf the dr. an it enettcl (ftil''4wa re fully a' arnt IB eight mud forty b'tura alter trial. laft tbe !nr?I;.l. then do lrrttrer de'r.T, bit oitVe the trill, anl tbe rei.li w,U unrrlf b A, cf tbe nt'ist rTaiftnaT ehar iter. R "le AettTaX B.itaH :a prepired with tha i) rrea e-t enre, and thw b-t nmteriat. Ne Y) lain .r u"e are e-ted to mike it what !t it i tlie bet known rented f b" ac. It -i, may lie tareu by either nex. ..f all ir". nd p at alt with i feet -afe'r ; an! it m ! Dunn tlut le ..werf-jl m C"i.-jiirr;nc th-ee Ii- j ent-ea a!i;-i mp the fn in U'n.o an., teitroy tl.e lire of miiir in oiir mtdwt. Kterr family -Ti .lioul-l bar it, aa 1 rejjr.i it at a boor-einoJ 1JJ trekftur. t lcrir.tir pttnrlileta ffitB le U ho apply ,R to m aaftntn. VL PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE 5 tKiwjpjrjtGDb-M thToVt lJ C(GRAfJD ST. rf The above is for sale at So cts. and $ per 1 j taare bett!., by J Baker 4 Co, 9ul Agenn i 2tj!tf ' Tagart &. Fan's Patent Family Sewing Machine. " , .,'f.t. .'....I 1 .hMit'iini.ill t f im i'1'illlliIIHS 3 Jllipiiiu un lit: 1HRI.IC aneniion is respecilully inviied to the superior merils of these new and improved machines. They will Hem. 1'ill.tiaiher and Embroider. Will sew every variety ol labric Irotn the finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest lailoiiu, wuh. ill m:ssih stiuhes. They ate very strong and dttrnVe. We leel lully jtisiilicd in warrantin these machines to he in every respect erjnal to rec ommendations, as thty hav been HioroUi-hlv tested 111 compeiiiion with all the hiah priced ones, by persona competent lo 'il:e, who have eiven us the most satisfactory testimo nials and certificates, which are puli'islod in our circular, lo winch we reierlora mote lull description. Kimshinc and Hales Rooms. Market sre-t, next door 1,1 III' re.ideiitenfjohil Walls.Ksij. I'lires t:l.V 1"' and "ji'di, accor 'nis ! size and fiui-h. all complete and delivered, and Ih.iroush instructions yiven in all varie ties of work. All w. shins a rood Sewine Machine, will please rail and examine, or address II. S. Si'dii'oliim or.!. VT. SLrinor, l.ewi-bnrs. rnioti to., Ia. We respectltilly referlo 'he follow nig ladies, who aie using these machines: Mrs S tinl les. Mrs S W llilnran, Mis Louisa Morns. Mrs U A l.viidnll. Miss l.iil e Mat-key, Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs IJev I it M.nr, Mis Johnson Walls, Mrs l)r H.ives, Mrs yianris tisoh, Mrs M Hrnwii, Mrs Jiis M Creiiit. Mr- F.hV-r .0 cher. Mrs J A Krea iner. I.enisl tirs: Mrs J I" Titslin, Northum berland; Mrs liev John diver. Mrs M s Ap pltinan, Mrs Ilaviil Roberts. Mrs Svlvesler I'ursel. Mrs Allred ( revelinir, Mrs S I, In ! I... II. V I II.sc.l.. 1rc A M R....11 Mrs. ' ' ' 11 " ; ; t Cifa'-ev. Mi-s M ! rr. Col'iuibia to. Iscvivburz, Ft b. il). isim L K W I S It I li (J , PA. k. c-. i5irzi;aM rmp'r. rilHR Hotel is locaird m the rr trr ol tbe J tow n, one square I mm the Court Ibtise. Persons atTendii2 Court, or havin? d'her bu siness in the town, will fin-1 this a pleasant j and comfortable home. Chaises moderate. . Lfwishurii, Pa., Sep, fi. l-"'.) tn'i j I MS. Hit Is' Ii:i I SM S 14 i:. or l)('inwLmh Eiratli'Ju.uIiiib i .It-ntt-'l lor lb- nr ili- j-r- . t Ibf l.i lip-i'-y. i:r.'iiflut- 1 l. j---.!. In. ii r.l I.trai.t.-ij I.I i I .. fi fu!i at. r. Kiti.v- 1 ti.ln.-I.lll .-br- .1 11' ..'J l.r. at fil. . N.-.ir;.?,; . -it- 1 1 :. -a. i vtf. n- if. iif i-it-'oiii - .! i-h-l ,i -.Ir .k Mfi lf . -::. I. I lift --i..;n.. tin. ar r.nltiri ti.. n.. V bio- .- ..l I rt-. M. n-uiiti I li-rf Jifd l Vi-i Ol tttl- l..'l. I, till tl". KjIII z I .' J.i,., Hdluimiit l.i.tu.ir I If'-rt Ti.f.al :iii. I .--tl !'..'ir. I'"' r. ..t lli.- K ... r. N. -r nii'l tl.- M ur:i. T.-n:i..-. l.-r - I Mi. ai-d J-j4'.i-i"t In. in un I v- rstr . Kit. KlS. "lid all 'll"' l-t UK rTr. t TIO- IL'-I i.r rtuitr-i.-t. d. Th" err. r b. ;..rv, nr-ju it -d, 1. tlti-mi ...ois- i ,.. bit rviurdi h .f aliail.r.t is ..wit tf tn it lntritt-i' inr: il r. Il I- ust-ti bv all :l .tii.trv . b:tviiu not tb.'t-It'itu i'f it-fT" i da (".: and i-l -i- bit" li.r. '..l. wilt.- -r-f l .... i f.il A M I.I. A llK.M 1 ll H b rlffi-l" lu tli- TrirHiUn t-broiilt. Jiv -Ate, do not Lvsitttf to rrvt-UllU' lad it M U iRl.r OH l-ltIi1f tl(M.-t. (Iffiee and ( ot. i- 1 ar Mr. . t. 1 nil l: I PHI., whet IIT. IaVif U1H bf t oll-lllt. d " H .i'l iir. .i" f. CHEAT CURE OF SCICrULA. Tin- following 1-tt.T from bi.-lily ri-'ited nii-mlfr of thi So.-i.-iy d rr'fiub. lf--nls -tn oi: rtid. ncf c-t lb t;rrat -ui--riority of t'ie Ui rt kimil oor U sapai iil arid Ik-AHt'lLLA MlXTt'T t', N t-l H tlf TsiliolUOtTivr Mvdiciure iu g nrral iim- I t cn-ful. CCltK HI' 1AINKK I. MtHiI.fi. Fst .sirii m.t'l.i-lrrCo.. I a . b 010. ni. tsf.l. PR. Wm. A. Iltl! I..j.itd Iri.i.d: 1 PriiifJ biter tr.ni Huh- a I. w dny- iti.r in tiili th-f wi-h d PI- ! .iT.- I b.-e a crn-rt bInI. turlit ol i.ainrt rt fmr- In HI bu t.r-i -itU'-tt. lit va takni in lb- tll ot if . n j iti Inn IMU y ar. with ut nr.- :ni in t;i- bi. and ibih, ; Nitl t f..ii'tin. . to hi -i l-d b't' tif ni'iotli.-. in Hi- I c.nr-e - f ibat tiiii-. an ul. fr I. rin-.t on uif ti.i b. w in- h I iti-1-linrt-.i r-at tlcul ol bli-..y wa,. r: ttif kio r hi ; ' oth.-r l.-it th' u n.i.iiu-n.t tl -.w. In.u'. and w 'y -mu- ' ftil; hit t--j ant f-'t ! r twur ttt. if nutur .1 ut- ; C.-r. j ! wrr f-Hih-f'.i ''nt' f tint Hfisr lot t.M-r ai-l ii" h-n-jl tl jr.i( 7'iiOfff y nj t'oCK wttr. lit j nut h-m Jit-m i h" I" ft' UiiH. fltl'h I f.M.'H I- -I lj nrfift, I. rt.- ' attk'r wn t'tr It- tin Ctt rtj'tftt M.'i ifVt!, i-it t,-ttr fh. ' ktoe. Hf tb-ti t.-"i I'tlfic ill bl-at utn. Mt d b:id !- t -( on b-.th. wliu b w-re i i .;i.:ul n-rr. mid j '.; ' -. mir rt-fn'Hf'ji 0.. ti In m lit- r; '. '. , -fia! duuen Hf. ii m I CfUt i"J I tti . l- t-i. or a..' in if "J ' t'tr 'r.i( iw...'t'.. llr a- aMtU ittt b a ,..-y-ii-:t.n l'-r :i i r 1 1. -r.il. 'f b o-tti of time without iuii Ii l- i..'t.:. lir . 1 thm t'.k tirr b.-Mir-. ..f 1 s-i sn i i i u-t-u ; . r h- j out any II -t Ui- m-xi i... . ! tt i j i.v -in ni id J. .n- , j ra-ler who -r'ft lU'd a ;r. 1 tU-iil of dill r.-nl nir :it m : j wit'omt any ltiur-'tnii. ot. I :"t a rf, it fr ui:.k:nu I riirt':iritU. tiO"iire.i th. 'iiiji i. lb . t to m an A tit lit cii- r in l.anfalt-r, abd mad.- a jthim n. w bi- h be 1 .. , fide., a kre:T .naiilily ! Irain.df cf ar-a yriiin r- t-t ' ' aod Saetran ntixe-i; al-o I'll kiy Ai-li ai.d l'.iird'k ! T-a: but all did lillb p.-i-i ui t l br (..ok. thy nodi-ioe, : whirh we h.-nrd id lo tn the Iteiitt.- il wan d.-iui; to the ! win of a nri.Tbltr. Ili-io l.r..-niH. In a ? ry -huil time. an inn ron niftit was j.t-r.t ft I ir. aim o -tit into d until he ; wa-t-iir.d, whirh whm with the m.lMh Oottle. It U eiitirrU rlimi.tsl bun Itdh iiil..-ii:h ai.l - ir.l. tor i whit h I f el n ty jrrat- fnl itol. ed .u l niu wilm to i ail 1 an .roi r-i'l. t will, truiiu l-ir 1-r a.ltiiii. t-uixt tt 1 thy L.fc.l'1'bAl I mol t'1' -""t ' -uii.-r.iu. i Thf may d ar the.' r Ot with tbl id welciuiu. TllltOiT I.SS!i4r. Tbla laree e!as .f di-eti-. n. in- tudnv riesmfin". Tn- flaintini. Itron. li'i flalnJt:nl. broin h'nt irtilttl.-tt-. .1. 111 1 nt .Drs-e-r.il- e ol ir. I'ai P. l uratiVi and Pr. etb-fi. brad the b'l ! ir.g cim cf i.e It eule aftrr O-t it e-nttmned foil rtn; i K-. 1' !. I be-trr o . July 1-.I Ph. FifTi Perir r : A!ot lue yem- a..-. I ik at tm k.-l with a .!-.- . f ihe tl.ri.at. wtii- b rimr on srnd nn'U. but t tun- a ah- n I wotml Ink- r. h! tl.e .u and toit-foj W-'lild be ery dirt to., ar. ,. d With hif-Ol ao.re to Ml. It HIi K ' r III I ItM t I I'.'Uid nd HJ-enk ai't.Tf a wbi"i r. I be .litt.-a-.- eoniinu'-d ne. ij.it,- wtfe, n tw itb-teiiiitioir 1 w h- 0 tut. r rn. in .0 I On tint nt f '001 d tl -o nl f b ii iti". l.rftiuiMi: aliTimd nt my lon ti-ti-n. I c 'teu .t t-. ir.. tn rh:t'!r h a and r.n-olt on, wl h "u rr".dVei J ti t nt lb.- i:.b r f.f l-.-l.wh n yw. recointnt'li led m- In tk- yi-ur M'- urfite : and by the nn; if d-ur l-f.it' toI it 111 o.!.- tmn wil'i youV threat tio'i.-iii.o. I w .a i i;turl 'll-.d, an I bate re-litiii:it-d well. It if now re re th .11 a year mdcl- tlieeu.-t wf eff-'fl- d. iit-i-wtlul'v. ii-iir fr'. ml. M .if. .'.bl f A F. nrsiMp. -Iit. PitK AfTT tf.M L"i niMMfcs. and 1 rriviiT ArFUrTi. s f-bnti'd arroni. anv tbe l-j:"ra'iie in of r f.iV.ns, I'irtT-j n ) tinr"- r-- l! -1 ' i-f'-at. I"? Call i n the Aaents, J.UAKI ii .V CO. of I,-',Ltiir. and i-roenre rirent.ira rort.ii..njf a iarg P3 of. i.i ore in f.irrr "f ! b-' ii" ii me. J. 11 A Kb.t a C-i, At- l.r Ini-m coiititT. fMly James F. Linn J. Mzrrill Lina. J." J. M. LINN, tflorncts at Law, LEWISBLKti, Si 4 Union Connly, Fenn'a. J. HOtmi lit. ComcMK.t-sa fr r tb- State nf Iowa, Willi power totak. n.-rr.!drlr.r..a. knowli'ilei- rnvil..e. Maw Ilatel in nifillnburj. t THE .tihscriber wonld respenlully in iJfirm the Traveling Public everywhere, that he has- laken and fine.! up the premises ot Oeoriie Schoch, in Ihe centre of MAIN ST. MIFKI 1MIUUG, where he is prepared to accommodate Mrans:-1 ers and Iravelers men and beais in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Please eive me a call. 1 Ap.l,'t9 CHARLES CROTZER. I I iii..ii.:k. iiovs ., (LIT. L. HI.MHI1 .Mil I'M.) fCi Uwhliurs Haiiing -Mill, Jtai6r-reeep rinisi.lt.tlv on antly un hamt anil luoiilic. M.III.K, ,.!1;Ip";.fe."" ! - iiianuiaciure lo order anc)all..,h.rdcacrii.Uonscf Wood Worlf used' in Hiiil.lii.. j Or.b-rs respectfully sohrle.l and promptly J filled. All work warraiiiedtoeivesatislactnin j tV An extensive lot ol I.UILiltt r of al' descriptions on bund lor sale. Furturl un Aiiri btciiild ttrttt.ljwtuburgj'a April .2. in'!. CO-i'A UTN KlIlII P. rrf The untli'rtirni'il have as- I '"''" llteniselves into coj.art ff;"i.,'.r.?iierslup tor the purpose of cirry-V&tur-jsaxai ine ,, ie l.uintieiiii!!, I'lanin!!, atiilCarpenti rins businea in all their yariou branches, at the cuislmrg Stcnm planing illill. where they intend lo keep a sti ck of Pine, ll....,l,.. l u !..ni I hcrrv. I'onlar. sh. Ma ple, Mud all kit its of I. umber, rloorinv Mirl- vinir. Sidine:. Shinaies, i.stn. joi-is, s-iuunin: Kenciii, I'ickeis, Hour and Window Frames, Doors, Milliters, llliiols. Sash, MouMinss, Drackeis, Ac. rianins, Slitiinfr, Scroll Saw inir, fie, done at short notice and all work warranted to ette satisfaction, both in rice aud woikuiauship. J. 1'. WKKFr.MiKitFER, MVKTI.N PRKISBM H, HIUM DltKlMMACH t,-.Mir I'l.nli.t Mill., A ril 1, lS'O. WINFIELD FACTORY! Acur Itarllcfvll, ' Co., fa. THE sulisi-rilirr, lliarkful for pat palm naif, woiib! iiifurm 1 ;j? his Irin.iU anil llir put lie in -ene- k'ajtaaatW r, I .u.. Kj iit.llllll- In niMllllt.iC- nire ail kir.tls ot oolt ll 1-ootN, M"'h as !uth, a,lmrf.'i'wrel.aUllett!., Jeans, ItlHtikrts a in! l-'laitiels ; also. Carpet ami Sittckiii? Yarns. Hi- inarhinery hems of th1 (t'st Uiinl in u-e, ami having employed ihe best of workmen, he ferl-. sate 111 savine lhal hts uork halt not be surpassed by anv e-itubli"hiiitni in tht roinitry. A eH-d sup ply of the abtve ?ooK kept cotjtantly on han! for sale vt to en hanire lor wool, at pri e th.it enn not tail to pirate. WOUl, will be Carded in the heM manner amf on the shtTt-.t notice. 'JVrms f r cariftfip, rah on llie de livery of the mils. MAKK HAl.Frt.NNY. Wmtield Mills, March :, 1M57. LU.Mr.KU! LUM1IKK !! 'I HK snb-chrVrs havefi for sale re-aaw- hast-rs " nV el Stufi pBi: sa! (in b-ts to suit purcha a larse stork of i7; ;o.A .vpan Plank. Ac. A'so fr.tWO i'iM. HALS. 2t inch Sawed Shingles superior ijuatity. AUo S.jttare Timber Ir liuildiiiss: W hich are oilt-red low tor rah. ai our MiM on outh ifranrh i f the U hue lleer Cre k in H irtlev tow nship or delivered on the Brush Valft v -Narrows r ad at the end of Mir R ad. t & A Ihpioma lor a superior snrntoe vf Planks, and a Premium for Kails ami Shing les .were awrarded us ai the last l iti.-n Co.Ag. f'.a- IlllIV V1II I A- It l't'., j I y 77:1 Forest Hili P O, I 1,1. 11 Co, Pa ; 1 OUK 1IKKC! Latl.ew rtifl i ntlrmrn. r'HI.ftT. is now readv l r ihe spriti? trade X ol 'ft.n, a line and g cil varieiy of j ficiiSftolD iirnitnrf, j coinpn niz llurr-aus ol all kinds. Jenny ,tn-i. ' 'id ia-4-.ai.it Fiem h Bt d-st ad Centre, I aM. I ui im;;, lir' a kl.is), ai.d i la Tanles i 'ainUe, aiot Wash Mrthd- Hrit ,n:d Towe. K ks, and ati;liiit.t: in the Cai-iiu-l hue. ll ;o t t ti hrtrid. will he mode t- tT'ier. C.tne Seal ai.U Hair Cloth Chairs of dnlrrenl sies, and almost any p.itterii Can.p Moots, hi repn- u Ch.tir. ll.re Mhi.e. and ail ktniU ol W H.d-or Chairs, for sa!e cheap tor cash or shurl credit. All ihe ahi ve. can be hod ai the Wareroom of D.Cinttr on Flarkct St. four doors ahove the Bank, or at the old stand on ls or Front is.irei, u here the siihscriher w.il Le i;iad to see all his old cuti im rs, and ail the new oiie who iu ay lavor hiui wxih a call. The snseriher at-o attends to the I n drt l aEaili IIuni'ik sm in all its v,,rn us hi ani'hes. B- ins piovid.'d wnh Fisk'a ra it tit Meiaiic Burial aud Collins J of his own mnnnfacttirinr always cn hand. ; he is prepare 1 at anv iinie to wdit upon any j who may t.ivr.r him ntih a call. Tbanklul ; for ihe pasi favors, he Mill a-as for a con 1 tmiianre of the same. i J Feb. at, !st;,i DAVID G'LNTKK- ' -Valch ISrpalrintSeC j Jil7 I am tif v readv u repair uie I. if i v.atrhev such as' Chronomeiri Dtiplen and I.t vrr Kseapements m the ver best m inner, together with every other kind nt ' ; work hi our line of b tMiiesg. All work uar ; rai'ie. I to tive saiisi.teiion. ' t't"l have aUn the A?enr? for the s.i'e cf the celebrated ft'iisil Oil l;il.4 together with H Shades, Wick. Ac r j I ew isb-i .Mar'oii A K Hi NORMANDIK j rJBtaV d GQD Rtt S aS m Cll 1C!M:S H -EH.0U carries nn j the above business, m Fr.ck's linck ; Bn'ck, .' nh Third street. Cuinns and Ma ki? in s I style according to the be.si Fash ions, (live 11 a chance, mul see if we can not '.; you. C. MACG. Leu'jsbiirtj Nov. 1. S." Aiirtlnu niifi 1 1 B;qilstm Mnu-f tn LfuKrar:. Wgxggmz lesal Ancslutiecr ! K. A.BallK llOI Or harms been appointed sf.fe Aut tioneertor I.ewft.rs, iprepare( t atiend to all calls in his line in low a and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on MarUe street a Rnm for the reception, and ihe sale al slated tunes, of all kinds of fiords al Auit iion. Anv one wishini: todispospfif any arti rle ran depnsttit with me and 1 will sell it at the best advantage 1 can and charge a per c enlace fur the &ame Feb. 2K. D-.V. F A DONKHOWER C.W.SCIIAFFLE Y!z Iewis.urg, Pa. ii iii Vhoi.k?ai.e Dkai.fr I.V Orncs, Medicines, ChemiraN, Dye i-'tul. U:!s, Pamls, Varnt-hes, Window G!as, Ferfinnery. Fnrt VV:nes and Iitqtu rs expressly f(-r Medicinal I'ses, Fancy Nnunn (.or.ds,and all the regular Fa'eni .Medicines of the day. lz' Farticttfar attention paid to putting un Fre-criplions, Family Med icines, Ac. Also Fine Oil and Fund for sale WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, I,culliir&r, Fa. OFFICE at his residence, corner of Mar ket and Fourth streets. H26 William VanGezer, TTOT.rSEY at Law, IV Lc iaburtr, t'nion Co., Pa.STi i r f f . "V "V i j j)i:. 1 : is i:ny '.in"s ! Tar and V.'ojd Wa..tha P2CT0RAL; ; lh, Bls, m.uic:s iu tu w.iru t.r td. iukk if, 1 Cou hs .a fold.-, froup, Urum-Litis ' As.bnX Difficult, in H.eatbing, 1'aipi.a- lion of tl.e lltait, I'iptl.tri;., Dilfortke !;KLI'K cf :t'iit' in a l,.tirnl t ft ! Consuiii(jtiuiit toetutr aiiLbti lca.ii-. of llic '1 hroat iiud Client, aud v.Licu prt disposv to (.'mi-tin .'ion. 11 irti.-uliri ..laii. I ti.ihrii'li'-.lrurai.f -TIIMA. Hi-iu .r 1 ar-.l t. l'r.fn ..b :.n l lru i-t. difei" .il "i-- bin. ii rrrtiw- i- .lit-.. I It I- i tfi tw-1 t" tl' o.i I' '1 w.tb ib r-)t. ! r.ft-ifiirt. Ti-Y IT nJ l u;n.-l :b..t i: i- ii.i-nu.b.f m thm eurr .t hr'.ki l.-jsi r.l." i .'.us. ff.ir vU UL- j.-r AL.). l l A l.-NKIi !., pruUlfitDiiCbve-ijit, tr Nit-it i,tt,.JM,.rn. , Ktt.l vui i . int. Jr-.,iild bw -.-rv irwfr-fab Irurf4..U ndui Jjowlwf in ( PbilifU. Mar- h -'I, l- y 1 .Vi.Ay f A' l ALIfWFI.L, L'trih-r rhilad'a Ttrra Cotta Kamfacl.-j. j l'1-J K1HMI :iltran'l lloal ri.c lit1 . 'T IHIOi.i'i'l r 'I'' Li' " iiH' iit r. HA 1 1 Ml III A 1 .r !'Kt H.l I tti. ir m. ikl.HxsiLI. , - ;i 'S i m -l.d U.r tsi'.. ai. Lrif ft I- vl hi Ur-M r lr n.) lh hr r.n tr-red n Fnfj-e f T rrr.ti.rini. . aiw in w u-fl in niiit. .(tt..rt it ts-ii tb-re. 'A. h.i trail th. -ir..fr ui.ii.thb 1 ; o.-t. - Tr. ma l t It. irlilt- Of lbr r Ir. t. t.r.l lo I h- -..r-.t. wbli b I ti 1 ID b II b lall lb- ilw.i-t-, Kb.-WH, ....OW al..l n.aB j l,r.iU. h-. -t" ll" rt.ht m.-i .b..-,.lr HI.. MIL I al !.- I cuo :Ti. U-. I S and Kunii.ii. iiMji. )! It I BJMk- lb-- bf t sirtl Ir ki.f. ll in ri.fj r--jwrl f r 'u. irrlia ail.. ir.! ' IiU lu 1 .I'.w.r l."l. r- ti -( r. rUny mii.iii i lb- Hi I- r 'rr i. is. r- r- .t., . w-liiit- tl.rui la d in n.r'j i r r n-i ,er .1 ! I.rvbt-. M-Dlf ay ft In h T" !- t. ail I Wttl W rilit t tl I ilnall f,xi'a t' r l:.t l ft .-.;,, - t.' ll-.ti-r- wtit. l.ni.sl 1 ii.i: W al. r. i iii.ir tt a- i u:t t l - b.t r.- a 0 t i-o-t ti . 11- iUi.(i 11. U"'. m. !- tirr hvwl tin a ir-n. It.rllHi: l.-n;. r. al-l ' ? t .il-e tlfvlo ain-UUJiu wl.aJ w'rk Ma.i k.- l'i . r. Ur rf r..ii-iauM cft-f.-fnl m I ar- nt w hi(.pinr; , thrtn i till .;.rt- t-T ib- I t.i' n V- t k.'i.' r (uir.J. to r baitr .-l,t ibrlit -! i t- i -n.ui, ItitaV Tj..iJ, ay lad i Ctbcr Mlti, MI d lira, r ..rV.- ! t- m. ! 1. Iiiti.uii.rrts. I.tN r A I!! A' K. I l-.i I. iv Tn. 4- .I'.-'I.i... !. -i, ... a t. j Ofllre, 3 A. liAi.l.l.s i.N. Itt,j t brtioat --t. I bilad. ! vrnuni:n cihmnkv tops. Tbic in an prtifir t w! i-b l-uii-1-r'- ntfrr-f t n cb' iil.l h ( ri.. 1 .lir. . t.l At tb - in net t. ft, m mv ri-f O. mr lu;r eiti. ynu . an r. unt tln'U-i..t- . f hi ! k . b Iirn U.l-.r r.-i b (i. I ' 4( DC i Wfh.f . I- i.iAi 't ;hi!i.-'ii a. rnitn.-i r.. -ar -.h M-lil.-ni (--'- i, tl -l. i ..l . Iicr. 11. lb CMV-.tV I.: SI ll.e . lb lh.il l.l liol .I'll ) I flt.t(el1 ,t,f lb--, t-w . tl- r in ir urn re t.tnl m-i Y,iu I t.;m- .. I' j - 1 ): stir bolltl t.rU- r tt.MU t'-l.r; ttt f. T, I.- rt . I y Titr't r !. m . . i u , t t- i ht -t : iu aciJ j fci.l d l- r-u., k i irb t at - ti f- t ri- .. an.) ni -tlitT ii, i tbnii ti.it-. i r I :ir .. f- M at ii-' lli.ni,.kl.llsie j fin ll.tMl, la riff fjn ntlfl-- f -rrral t.ii'. I ll "tsje-o, fn m z I rt i M. t y !i.ih. l i.li. ai -I rr at 1 t f ritrh. i !- in lb- fi- -f .'. tb si. i n.-k l.i. p,e( , j I'l-i-'i." tnri.i-1 nl .'i..t Hilei- (-rt'iuu) a; trbdMi to t y tf.irrfli v ri.. U.J.' ui I- r- i-t :t.- Iracf. rv. .h a I'l K .tl . '.TTiisnr. wn F'.s-!. j orai.,( a a. u.ii.:.i.-. im. i:,.,uui .m . iiaiiaj. - IAI Y.l.ir.NlAIX, ,,1.1 n.MMi.., NHM un aii)- (Iirr mitt. r.:il linn nl. A l.-.r- m - k . fmili B.ii.lc to (tr ;. r bv nt.trr--:i :l; tact. tv. LINK .1 IU a Tit. A ...., j. A IIAi.bls..:.. in is t'.n :.iij i.-tt.t r n-atr- i ii bat. I. Ami .i-:;t. . n.. K. i. fa. o.irt i. :t luv ! it Ti ail!, wn ll. till. j i. ut M , t'biiaj. TKCHAS G. CHER, w,t. .11. V, nr. . IT:if rlinisiKrr stu! Ji-irl!rr, Located tw.i tit it1 id 1 e -t'-r-- r. r. i.liy ,-t1 ;rU ), I Mr. I-.:- r- I.I WI-HI l .. la. 1K lw. W aTi hes, Ac.. iej iir'-.J , n ht.r I hi lire and tviirranud ro uivt a'isi3tinn lT An exr-lient a-i r'tnenf ol .itrhes Clorks and Jeuelrvrn hand i't'u) f-r fash tiU.'V FKA.M Kf. of ail - ess ma le iu urder ! I.ewisfmrff. Af.rii -J. I '." An rj.Ti-i.t 1 tld . I ..xv.-u :i -ai.t-: -I I- ! Ku.r, H, tri-bi:o-tlfe. Ibf. ;.t:t I-ara:i. u ( Ii,.. Hi ' 1 o.. .lr -.. fo k;t -iti, 1 Ii.-. t at .p . .f I IIL M" U- Hi it bx- ri.l .J 11. .- mi l mo-. . - v. . . b.ir...-i. . -.,1. lb 111 tJ 111 tli-u I'nitf i- ..fib l Ma'. d i.f ri :i it no pre- . ".until-- 11 . 1 i' lu- rlfll 1 I - fa ! in . 1 a.-ot.- di--1 rt f 1- r t -. ri nr .- 1 r t--i. ( 1 n i.or -f IrtHH I- ... 1' 1 .n in th ir . Tir.-'hii tbe b., i.t.d tniTel io , e- tl "l- :v .lit : : 1 v u'! r itd- - to h.itr Il l's hl'te Ml t- -. il jii.-t r.-mrnril ii.d. s nn n rv -:. 1 of !Yn -lie ..f. f.J tl-H :t -lit ll Pilli- - :-i. 1 :t..ir iti I-' i- r ; 11 t" nir aL-i t X- t:.-n.e. t r. mi l f T Tril-iOPa 11 ! t;.: J r-: :ii :i- I10111 r r -'H.I in-t;i f- i.-ra. elm. i-iift.d i-::rs i'l 1. rvi.i-- :.o I t-. . ahi- li tl - I ii - 1 . .1 - Ml'- II. s- -t t:i-n I Ull't I- r-- ir-U e t.'V lOT'Ii o. l osi.l. . It I . vf if u' l it-i-i jii.-l in tb. b. 10.- . rh-i ; an. I . reiTi1 lr. v :o .r-. ilif -I:- -.reenti M-P1ii ri. If i-- tl t.-r f -t - itv. :-r:i- ri rib. r. whi- h rmUn it o rnn.tr k:.b r n il 1 i.d rrp-'it-t:t T- 11 -! r f r I'.l in . 11 Iiji I- It l rt rtr t . . .-rt ;i di-!n - t ai.d .-i-.il--arm-n, by di-i er.-inj the Itxal trcJt-orjr wLitb t. Mli 'bent. In li--i rMt. irnumerh.. rt tbe-e ti.iih..r,t.. li ht'l0;il rn-.". TTtr'.id r": 'ht. In to.rh.i k. d 1'io.r.inl -t. f IT tn , o'TiTirfn. !. 1 iPa-i:i':. tinnt. the fff. els l.ave h i-n 1 - iti rtnf. a ain-le l-rx . fr- r t: (-.-. i . r tl.e UlOft : t' r-'b-nt ' Heft. ren hen a-ivnnt I i Pt". . in I .T::ir. ntir n:a,t!;--.uallj dt-LiMTr aud -t. n- i.-b' In the l.v-il pn;n'. lor of fl 'rt'P Tfh. d. t.-'i;!- tinr "00-b. atiri p nt;f left h - ti--fate I V!iMI IT l'o. Vf N. lh; aliirnt of irier l- nttd i'hv--.'r,-., in ni'-l .titeri tin in-t;inei wl,i Ii j, ni-r.ilii ir.-!i-'. nii-.lv l..i- aiia. d tbe c rtral . r gratifj- In .s. Rnri :ri s in hk.-i id-, j. t!: ' mi-ili' !d irfn h ! had tar tnere tbm t r. tt- e 7-t t. f !re T:i..--f entit:- n-ly , wit In ut an id thtir j l-Hhior. pn i'arMii'nri d Hiline, ' Welt known llllbi.lfr. I Tbe att.-i ti.n ol ft nvi!.-' c-tn not t e t-"o er-rf -b ntlv in 1 Tit.-d tothi.' rimfhj iitlrttirat:t,tn tht rr-jteeuliiir-; I; aTfe. t-nar tb. in. 1 In Kori w 1 11-w. 1 nth rh-on(e an I in,,nTr.mftt''rr in tb- lait. y. hi never, m r- d. i .' tl r il hi- If n nitart- oiv e!! r t-: .1. 1 , -t, t,i. -1.1'i!!. i-.in nnJ mine- inc tl -.I -tirr.-. I ' t.e j-.tnt- end niUf-e'ei In If n.-w -rt: ' i vrK- 1 1 nni-t iii-f.-c.iril Ih- a err at i; r -t. rj-'ii.-. aiiii ita j mrv- in tbe tb U ;.. w::i i;t.-l'jbl v Ir one ft hil n n- wo ..i-d u- No r no .'. bat i-r been -ii' T' T- rf in tli 1. t r-niTd. tiolehia- to". f ni .l"- i.e t--;--h fnl!v r. -li-ratlte rtT'.T tiort r:ifi I a .(i-l-itli'lt ' I'lKrtir-n 1't in iiti aui ; j.y. ar u lio d .i ; . life, e mi !(- dijj.-a -tr-rir:ii. wnh ii timiftuiil .i In-, ilul iriei?.-. iuuu' Jiatt' 1'i.llow itf w-se. I'ut ii i in n.-nt f nt mi-t-il b l: ice f.o enl- r t-t : for "-tie Vill If wrtt free lornv i-.i.tr-t-.t ntr.inirrj ."t.riitt i-m r.it t dealeri. i; t ot Uie .r;r. All lettiTK, orJt r-'. etf.. .:oi:ld t r n-bire It. 11. Liltivl. Jt C.i . fieri rnl Aent. lySU lo t'Ei't-a m., N. T. SILVER PLATED 7ARE, HARVEY FII.I.nY, No. 1224 Market street, Philailephia, MAXI F. VEH, AXI FAC'TI HEK of tine NH KKI. S!I.- and KILVER FI.ATEK t I Forks, .-poiiiis, l.aillrs, butier Knives, i asiors. 1 ea ?icts, i rns, netties, nailers, miner I'Mirs, Ice Fitchers.l'ake Baskets. Cominur.ii n Ware,! Cups. Mugs, li.blrts, Ac, with a general as-! sorunent, comprisin- nnr t,ut tht. t,r?t tjunhtif, maile of ihe btt nwteriaU and htari'y plctrd, constiiutin; them a tiertifettl'tr auil IttirnlJf artii lf for Ilnttls, S'eiimKnat anil Ptienlr Fitmi'in. fyoiil Wire re-plated in the bat manner. Feb. 24, lKiiftyl T HE subscriber ton- l.nn.a 1., farm .in I -fi- --V . Llvfry lluilne. the OU Stand ou rontt. Third street, near Market, and re.pectfullj solicits the patronage ot hi., frientis and thf public generally. CHARLLd F. ili-Scj. Lewisburg, May 12, lfnrO ,-.-$-..--..V -- - -r-ev ; at ' -7 was p ST ..- - i.-SA. ti ll .Ol.- i t'.n :.'.i.i- " ll I tlir 11 WW In f, i.i..t.. tl U' Hit I ' ,h.. .... ,. . .. " . t:; ' i-l . i.fti- J,,,.-J !',- - . : i -..i . uii s)i.g iiajj Ujl ..?. Jtr 1 t.-r. A- K HUjUIIh,! sV'arally Phlc. r 1 ilis, Mfi r;. . A 'H I:. F. X nr l-ii --"at Tbi. a, I q-i.;. r. ' I b. '.L--U1 ibi.uilf U li ;u LLa .j llcdah.S4lr h IInla-He.Fniil .tfttBaa. A ... Irr. i.-i. .iit. U-.j-L b :wn. I,".nH"1 I'ltt.p. t vi.i- r-kwra I h-tv ' wirn it ii, n::. if-ri-i tbtn w, -xjlm "' 'l'siUK., ik r .. ..n -: aJ'.trt ut mi v mm Lft wr 1 c ar; iit i.,itt r :,i l'. J C. Ti-. lr: 1 b.iv I-:, :-t e.T-i f ".ir KlU. "v'ul-iw.' fi I.-ii k uati, FTi. W. PRPfr.l t. at i rrH. t. Dillou DUortloM- Liver CoutiUiaiu. - ti-''. ulllll 1 : 1 1. ..I L.vr U.Ji LUo vsjiii-itui-.- v - r t.ir tv? I.. T:t. r-f : . 1 . . s r : :. v-i '- iitUlak lira t iL - u.i . ml K tl II ' U t.'i ll. .1 i: ! 1 Al. . Hi. ui. i: n.i.i BAl.l.. M 'j. lnterj' . Diarrutra. Kflai. Uarau. : s i J. ti l n. ' Cuv v- !... I -i ;. i.n (i b.1 in n.r la ti-f. vil -,;, ...... ,,f ,.. -r. : -r ,tj y T ur !' M ll it .r .all.- fllr- l y ii l..- i trr ra i ,;..' 1" l.d . on-i..'.t . f in Ji I spfp-.li.. Impurity of the RIood. - t.-r.J. r. .. '..v. .it.-, '.-... L II' A,.": I Inirn- lji ir 1'. w :k oiiut I ,ti nil ! .Ii t' tli 1 lal.i i. a tli .-f I avi li. L . I ,-: I . Ii. -I.f-L r, it', ii.. i ;.. -1 o, .-v i i t v r.-ii - ' I ha r: i rt.eiaa I "in ... J 1 'piit ii f fon.f'owf Ireiteaa. lipprewi ; It Ti. nin.i I i-m, l..itt. NrUialfia, Drupt ay, i'Mrw. I al. ftlt eir. '. J. i' r,i..;'. Jt.tr-l Cam-ia. T.i r.tv h if- -t b- I .-f T..iir I'ilU t- r ra-fof 1 It lie ra ol our IraifTintv baf r tot.) t;,- - ;:: -I- ii- 1 b tb- y -.b u. l j.'-n rv,- ... ir 11 s ' I t ihe K it. tn ..f rie n. ii'ito l-s wt... u"r -w .( . Jii-.l i.nt. . 'i 'iti I ltd "u..t..-ti i ..;-,' j li e J l... n. T 'f nllieis r!,r.t ar- n.-l-w. I tsr-1 ! 3 f - 'I'., t jut.-'- i'l ii.tr, Lul j. or l'i. at-raui orm and nr.- ouh-vw. W Vrs r.trf, "''mttinaad ft.-v.' let.- t. -fsrw r.fy lir I i -i:-t-tr I lia.IV .! find 1 ; - k. : Ii tb" U -r 1 h : o n.kir liU 1 rr-1 l.o.-'b r .tti- i.t. p-!-; H.. -r Sjiwiii;ki l.a.. .Iro TT t.-.i-i v, : t -!.. ui ! I- ... 1..1. I-! f : ' .i.i v.:'. I 1- b. ol m l I ti:.l IH f"'!l , . - 1, '. ,1 1 -i 1 . w l : b t- i in f t't ."b - ! in !o : I it 1 I I Ii- be-st tit fjitt ;r . w w jl. , n. t - nut il ti..- .1 . - ;i--i : .eiii iti i:.il..m r, M;i k'-Li-in .ii- i:-- ! .if-m I am u- w etl.ri-! w.-;L ! Tn-: fT S t .MittR. I!t..ti p. n.-, Li.. Is-. ;4 r . x - : : I e- .tj.. iv e.:,-... I 1 ? ..- Is f - . ut a tionial dt-.i tit ,f i a-! '- i a I' r ; V l. r.ST M.U'tL B:--t -r of tb." P-'N In mtrl -t contnin M--t, a! i' '.Ii. f. .0 it ..lu..' !. i.-tii-!- in wk!;'.l hart-ift -':i- r r i-t :t 1 ul-if j '1, ft in tb- dreadful pi ;l it 1. 11. :.uy f il w ir- ini-ttiti.i!s ne. Tsat r ii ; dr. ti r -r 1.1 y r u.iti il en! -U.i- whatever. lrioe, 25 cents per l?ox, or 5 Boxes fori. p-iawM vv rr. J. C ATi:H & CO., IowIl Mi l"r J-old bv C rh3tTe and by Harm fnrfn. l-e wi-btir-.-; (' Ii Kcu-h, New Berlin : t :inlt Viairrneiler. felimcri'Te I:tI inburi:; lorrev 4 br J lS tias-t and Ir II K:f Nt-w t'oiumb: and iift nrfmlii-r 'i re. - w UKT IN SUU ED ! Drst Eranrh lasnraare loatpai;.l l.m h 1IAV..N, l'.. i HON. C.. HARVEY. Prriiht. 1. W. CIIAFM AN, S-rr'torj. I'his company, on enterir? ujn-n the 6-1 year of their basiness, sabmit the f.-llowtnp Flaietnem of iheir assets and business lo ft public. Numr.-rni rMi.1- In f-ree January 1, lfCO. amount of lr".ertr tti." u red do j..4SS.JW Ain't of Pr. nii-jBi Stir.- in ft wo do Oivil Numlierof roMeini.d rant fer 1'! Ami unt ot lrt ie-rt injured Am.iunt .'f rrriuium .oien receivrd Auiouutof Loacrr tmstained This Company continues to in$tue er7 description of property, sueb as toiiicSS e.os, merehandize, &o.f aaini los fr age of Fire, and lor any lime limited cr relual. SAM'L H. ORWIG, Agea I.ewishnre. Oct 20, I8A9 I Fruit and Ornamental Trees, . aoO Fi.'iKi-iiia i'laiils. (T The subscriber has on hand a sfleniii -lif collection of both Fruit anil (irnamea TREES, Ac. Ac emhracins the very varieties of Apples. Fears. Fearnes. Pl I'herries, Apricots. Xec'iirines,:rape.j'' berries, Raspberries, Currants, Siraworri I.arse Horse Chestnut, European Mowa-1 AsbMAmetiran Moitniain Ash, tuar MPl for street plantins. Ever bloonnne f! splendid collection of Bulbous ana " i Flowering Flams. r f.'. liTXursery (.rounds on ihe farm c. F. I. inn Esq. on the Turnpike, within oaii mile of l.ewisbure. All orders will ""g strict aitentton. IT Term iirnri.'t - M II.S30X I-1-1- I.earisburp, July 7, 1858. Theo. S. Christ, JJL D.. IMIlMf lt and R0', (Atirtuatei.f tli- l.liri.l U-faitliif ot of U" ity ol rVnulauia,) . FFERS his professional services .... . .. i ..,- ii- - Orrcno pis tri.irssii-uo people of l.evisburg Lewisburg and sum country. . :-i,t To be fonnd at all hours, day and " when not prolessi. nally en.aged-ai a-M on Market m be.ween 3d and 4lh, crp"'- Si hrever sV l!ri.wn' More. L.wisburg, May 2. ls0 m