Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 04, 1861, Image 2

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    $x & (Chronicle
T .ltrm. The Lrainino finmtn
puUi.hei ill- -h SJtrai. has the lar-r,-t oJ beet
f.irralaleu nfany Newr.al,er ia I'dilo Omfcty. i
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sedinnalj
. Pennsylvania Legislat-nro.
Uoth braoches of the General Assemlly ;
of this State were promptly organized, on ,
Tuesday last, ly the election cf Rcpubli- j
can officers throughout. j
Robert M. r.laier, of Schuylkill, wa !
chosen Speaker of the Senate, Laving SG '.
TOtcs (M'Clure, absent) and Shindel 0.
Mr. Errett of I'itt-hurg was re-elected ,
Clerk Mr.lUmsJcl!,Vcnango,Assigtut.
Trancrihers G W.I'iitton, G S. Berry,
F. Hitchcock.
Sorgeaot-at-Arms nermaaYerkesand :
J.K.M'Afee. j
Uoor-Keepers John G. Martin, J. B. j
Ilcines and George 1'ulib. J
Messengers W.II.Huddlesnn and Wil
bur G. Brower (uf Dauville American.)
Librarian Win.l'.BraJy.
Ia the House, E'.isLf. W. Davis, of
Venango, (iho candidate of the Railroad i
compauies) was chosen Speaker, baviog
71 votes to 27 for Dr.llill of Montgomery
2 Democrats absent.
Clerk E. H. Raueb, of Leuigh county.
Assistaut E. W. Caperon, of Chester.
Transcribing Clerks C. W. Walker,
Thilad.; W. II. Denniston, Pittsburg ; W.
A. Kicho!, M'Kcan; Juho It l'ortcr,
Post Master TJ A.Woodhouse.Wayne.
Sergeant at-Aran J K.Matthews, 1'bii
ad. Assistants James Guhors, Philad.jj
J. C. Sturdcvant. Crawford ; Jno. Mecklin, ',
Armstrong; Casper Gang, Allegheny. j
Door Keeper E. I. Picket, Erie. As- '
nistants W. GarJy, Piiilad ; J.R. Miller, j
Lawrence ; Win. Liiwis, Bradford; Henry
Hough, Bucks.
Messenger H. G. Gibson, Mercer.
Gov. Packer's Last Message is a mo- J
derate document, showing the State Debt ;
reduced nearly Two Millions of Dollars j
during his administration, asd a cheering j
prospect if our finances bo properly mana- j
ged. He cpp.-.ses (he Central Rii!road's j
claims for favors from the Legislature, but j
aru.s for the Sunbury & Erie. Secession ;
be bolls tn Le really Nuil.Gjation,and both j
ebon! 1 be tp-ated as rebellion if attempted !
to be cmicd out by force. Pennsylvania j
lus uiv.'ii tm jj-t cause for offence, in her i
Persia! Liberty umo . .t ..;, km'
would re peal almost ar.y guard against
Lidi.iipjiini:, snd allow slaveholders to pass
throu;;!i I'. nu'a with their slaves, or keep I
them on our s iil six months at a time, to '
t.r.piiirite the Slave Power. His remedy
f.-r the slavery agitation is pipular sve 1
rcitity. Tub free school sjsHmu is highly
prosper -u, sod the Farmers' High School
also. A r. form in the custody of State
in.Miics, is again urged. Not a wrd for
Kausas ir the Tariff! !
Tie War for Slavery. '
In our last, wc gave an account of tie
eviicu'inu f M Port Moultrie, in Charles
Inn II .rb t, and tie couci-htraii. n of the
U. S. Fmcfs on the new Port, Sumpttr. .
The h't. r is sitnatid in the middle of the '
chanr.i I between the Ocean and Charles- '
ton P-rt Moultrie on i's north-east, Port :
Johnson south-west, and Castle Pkkuey
on i's n rth wetf, near the City. Port
Bumpier is much the largest and bestsup
j lied i'f uil, and is cr.n.'itk-re'l to be iin-
j regtiabie, even with its small company of ;
defend its, against any force South Carolina i
is likely to command. The Intto, hil ;
procured promisr, from Feeretary I'lnvtl,
that ,V j Anderson should remain at port
Moultiie, and should cot bo reinforced;'
under this hope, the Charleston mob were ;
prepiring to take Port Sumpttrby strata-'
geui or stealth, at.d thus have command of
the H irbor arid the other ports. But j
Anderson saw its importance; he had not i
the men to maintain Moultrie ag-.iust j
iSumpter, and, acting upon a hint from ,
Geu. Scott, oa Wednesday eight and j
Thursday morning Le silently transferred :
bis men and munitions from the weaker j
to the stronger fortification, spiking the j
guns, and burning tbo gun carriages he j
cou'd uot carry, and making the abandon- j
cd Port as useless to the euemy as possi-'
tie. This done, be informed the aston-'
;.; .,.! c. r t, i : il
i. ( u vaiUllllMUB VI 1113 U e VI lUCillUll lJ
discharging a couple of guns, and,
tau too Bee by tbe dawu'H early liclit,"
there were the Stripes and Stars on Fort
Sutnptcr ! The astonishment and rage of
theSecessionists were inexpressible. They
raved and foamed but there they were, j
ou'geocralled, and checked in their hoped- j
for plunder and expected strong position.
The South Carolina military were called I
oat, drank whiskey and awore fiercely,
paraded up and down, and after a time !
"took-' Castle I'tukoey, without epposi- j
tion, and ran op the Rattlesnake flag j
then "took" Furt Moulirie, and one man,
without resistance. Returning, flushed 1
with victory, the State authorities comple- j
ted, in form, the capture of the U. S. Ar- ;
eeual, with 70,000 stand of arms there '
stored for them by the President and Sec- j
rotary of War and thus have those Xa- I
tiooal treasures been surrendered to arm
traitors to our country. Benedict Arnold j
did the same thing in Jt'ijn was not j
sueces-ful in execution, and is so much ;
lue better man. j
Siuco then, the Revolutionists have ta-
ken a Revenue Cutter, the Captain of!
wliich (a Southerner) traitorously gave!
her up, with her crew, in spite of hisoatb i
aud every obligation of hcn ir. A captur-'
el vessel, notoriously engaged in the for-
eign slave-tr.de, was also released by the
mob, which seems to Lave pr:tty much its
own way on shore. j
These acts are clearly war against the
Patted Sutcs. Happily, as jet. to Llnod
O. N. WOBDEN fc J. B.
has been shed from any hostile collision I
by land or sea.
pLKTHEa Proceedings. The Tele-
graph has been taken possession of by the '
Revolutionists, so that as ia the case of ;
the Border Ruffian despatches during the .
Kansas War our account from that j
quarter must be ajeepted ss suited to j
their motives of policy. This fact will j
often lead the public astray, and all news j
therefore must be received with allowance, j
We shall publish what we suppose to be i
the facts. The Legislature has repeated-1
ly been in secret session, and many reports
prevail. But it is certain that they bave j
issued a ridiculous parody on the Declar-
ation of Independence appoiuted a Re- j
gency of four men to act with the Gover
nor and ordered the custom-house reve
nues to be paid into the State Treasury.
A forced loan (the last alternative of ty
rants) of 8100,000, it is stated, bus bcea
levied npoa the rich men of Charleston, j
who dared not refuse to "give". ..all efforts
to raise a loan, from their sympathisers ia ;
New York, having failed. A tax of Six-1
teen Dollars per head upon all the Slaves ;
in the State, for warlike purposes, is also j
laid. The Police regulations are very
strict Northerners, and allsuspcoted per-1
sons, are harassed, plundered, and driven
off and a general panie prevails in towu
and country. The few who disapprove
aud condemn these outrageous and foolish
proceedings, are coned down by the brute
force of numbers, and thus far the anar
chists bave their own way completely.
At Washington'. The news of the
masterly stroke of Major Auderson, whose
removal thwarted tbe rebels' design and j
thus for a time postponed bloody work,
was hailed with joy by the Unionists, and
denounced by the Secessionists in bitter
terms. The South Carolina "Commission
ers" declared it a "breach of faitb ! be
tween the nations 1'' and insolently de
manded that tbe President should remove
or ceusure Anderson, and order him to
abandon Fort Sumpter to them, and go
back to dismantled Port Moultrie 1 The
valiant President meekly submitted the
matter to the Cabinet, when Secretaries
Floyd, Thompson and Thomas sided with
the traitors, aud Black, Holt, Touccy and
S'anton against them ! Thereupon, the
thievish Floyd (Secretary of War) resign
ed his position, which was accepted by the j
r.i.loDt, and thus the Cabinet rid of one j
scoundrel who deserves il. k.iuu. more
than John Brown did. It is alleged that .
the President offered tbe vacant post to j
Gen. Scott, who however, (deeming it
beet to retain bis present position) recom- '
mended Post Master General Holt as a
good Union man the President lock the
hint, appointed Mr. Holt, Secretary of
War, pro fem. (Gen. Scott really the
Executive efflcer of the Department) and
the revenue cutter, Harriet Lane, was de
spatched southward with scaled orders.
This concert between Bucbanaa sud
Scott has given much satisfaction, afford-!
iog Lope that the Executive power will be j
exerted to preserve the U. S. possessions
and not p-etipitate any actual trial at J
arms. Secretaries Thomas and Thomp
son's rumored resignations do not appear
to be ascertained facts, but their sympathy I
with the enemies of tbe Govcrnmcut Las .
not thus far aroused the 1'resident to dis- j
miss tbctn.
There is much distress, among many
of the Slave Statc, fiom the failure of i
ihoii corn crop last full. They have little
moucy and their Nullifieatioa threats j
have deprived them of credit in the great '
corn and bacon markets of the North- j
West. The condition of the poor there, is :
becoming almost intolerable, and fears of:
insurrections are rife. There is probably !
on the globe no more unhappy people, I
just now, than those who talk abootcut-j
ting loose from the only friends they ;
have ! Still, the Secession fever is sprca-j
ding in that direction, but feebly counter
acted by the Unionists. Tbe States where
Freedom exists, however, seem to be con
centrating in favor of tho integrity of tbe
Union at every hazard.
Highly Impottant.-WAsniNr.Tos,
Jan. od. Intelligence was roceived last
night that Fort Sumpter is now besieged
that Major Aodersoo's communications
are cut off. Port Moultrie has been re
paired guns remounted to open fire on
Anderson. New batteries being opened
around him by the Secessionists.
It is beyond doubt that a combination .
is forming to take forcible possession of
Government at Washington on or before
the 4th of March.
The Coovention in Florida have passed
the Ordinance declaring that State out of
the Union.
Ports and Arsenal in Georgia are in
possession cf State Troops.
tSyThe Slaveocrats ia Congress just
as they did last year are obstructing all
business with their black men.
Svshcious Proceedings. Five hun
dred cases of muskets, from tbe Watervliet
Arsenal, Troy, New York, were shipped
to Savannah, Georgia, on Wedoesdy,
week. Tbe Gnverotneut is undoubtedly j
aiding the South, by robbing tbe Northern j
Arsenals of their arms aud shipping tbem ;
to tbe Southern States. It is time that j
the North would rise and put stop to j
this infamous conduct of the authorities ;
at Washington. Tbe people will take !
things into their own bands if this policy '
is stfll further to be followed out. j
Great excitement prevailed at Pittsburg
last week, io consequence of the Federal :
authorities ordering one hundred eons at
Pittsburg to be shipped South. Tbe peo- j
pie were much rxasperated, but finally I
agreed not to resist the order of tbe See- :
retary vf War (which, however, as far
as we know, nave not been insisted upon.) ;
This robbing of our loyal people, by Gov- j
eminent, to arm tbe open rebels, ia nn-1
bearable ! I
Court in Sunbury, Mondav,'Jan. 7.LJ j
A party were thresbiug wheat on the ;
farm of Samuel Cleffiuan, about a mile be- j
low Millerstowo, Perry county. While i
the machine was in motion, the driver,!
(bo was the oldest son of Frederick ;
Rioebart,) slipped from his position aud !
fell amcog the wheels below, in which one 1
of his legs was horribly mangled, from the ;
effcc's of which be died in about 24 bours.
The Chief of Police, of Philadelphia,
bas been instructed by the Mayor to warn
tho proprietors of public- houses where ;
ra tiling for poultry is allowed, that the '
practice is contrary to law, and must be ,
Col. Geo. W. Ryan, of Fredericksburg, :
Lsbauon Co., bas bought the Washington
House, kept by Jacob A. Smith, ar. Mid
dleburg, Snyder Co. Tbe Courier (Hep )
styles hiai "the riht man for the place."
LoreDZJ Metier, Rush Tp, North'd Co ,
on Christmas day killed an insect, of the
poik persuasion, weighing 709 pounds.
The property of the Trtvorton Coal
and Railroad Company, including the rail
road, bridges, coal lauds, breaker, &c, as
well as the property in Snyder eouuty, is
advertised to be sold in Philadelphia, on
Wednesday, the'Jod cf January, by virtue
of a decree of the Supreme Court of tbe
Eastern District. The railroad is about
14 miles in length, iucluding the two
bridges over tbe Susquehauua at Port
Trcverton, wbioh are 3u00 foot in length,
with 1400 feet of tresliiug. Tbe origmal
cost of this property is over one million of
Samuel P. Bates, a graduate of Brown
University in the class of 1S51, and a
Dative of Mendon, Mass., bas been appoin
ted Deputy Superintendent of the Public
Schools iu Pennsylvania.
Henry M. Fuller, a noted politician, at
one time Member of Congress from the
Luzerne district, died in Piiiiad. 2ith iuat.
He was born in Wayne Co., Pa., 13:20.
The bands in the Danville Tron Works
are agaiu mostly on a "strike" for wages,
the Rough it Heady bands inducing the
Montour workmen to follow their lead.
These "strike." in the eud almost always
prove a great loss to all conoerned.
The Lancaster Examiner says : "We
have beard of a pn ject among some Union
men to buy 'Wheatland' from Buchanan,
and ask as a special favor that bo never
return to Lancaster county again."
A Sheriff's sale took place in Pbila l. a
few days since, of watches from tbe seized
stock of a "gift enterprise" concern, bring
ing only 'i0 por dozen gold watches 1
Henry pashold of Lower Augu6ta Tp.,
was seriously irjured by bis horse, (a
stallion,) while tbe blacksmith was shoeing
him. The animal seized Mr. pashold by
the arm with bis teeth, crushing tho bones
-H flesh in a shocking manner ; be rab-ed
Mr. F. from the giound, and throwing him
down struck him with Lia fore feet, indict
ing serious wouods in tbe head. The
man would most probably have been killed
had not the blacksmith, liet j. Kriegbaum,
knocked down the enraged animal.
Dr. John Lock", of Lewistown, while
hunting in tbe Clearfield region, identi
fied a stolen bnree, f ir which he received
the $2b reward offered. That was "hunt
ing" to some purpose !
M. Meylcrt, Eq , of Sullivan county,
is a fast driver, hut he was last week
mulcted in (154 30, at tho suit of peter
Billineyer of Blnomsburg, whose hired
horse, it was claimed, be bad driven tjo
Frederick Eg'.eman, a native of Hano
ver in Germany, died in Reading, last
week, aged 715 years. He was an orgau
ist, and made the Astronomical calcula
tions for most of the Almanacs, which he
had finished up to ll-GJ.
One Lund red guns were fired in Danville
on New Year's eve in becor of Geucral
Scott and M j ir Anderson.
V'bi!e two sons of Korn Towel, of
Fisberville, aged twolve and eighteen years,
were cutting wood, the ax of the eldest
slipped and cut off one of tho feM of his
little brother. The force of the blow was
such that it entirely severed the foot from
tbe ankle.
R tv. Dr. John W. Yeomsa, Moderator
of the last O S. Presbyterian General As
sembly, has united in tho oCi.-ial recom
mendation of Friday, 4th Jan. as a day of
national humiliation and prayer.
Perry W. Sargent, of Springfield, Brad
ford Co., on tbe 7h inst , canto to bis
death in the following manner. He, with
some other boys were at play in a black
smith shop, when he. fell against an iron
just taken from the fire, the heated end
insertinga fatal wound, bypassing through
bis body near the lungs.
Gov.Medary of Kansas bas resigned. The
Montgomery scare is there laughed at.
TFor the benefit of our business men, we
copy the following from the Wtil'ainport Vreaf:
Fire and Tliiaf Proof Ch8t3.
The manufacture of fire and thief proof
chests, has become a buinrss of immense
magnitude; and although chiefly to one lead
ing house iu Philadelphia, sales of Philadel
phia manufacture are found in every part of
the country. '1'he great amount of security
which is realized at so trilling a cost, makes
it a matter of immediate in.teresl id every pru
dent buines man. A certain degree of secu
rity can be had by insurance, but ihe best in
surance policy is imperfect, where Ihe bocks
and valuable papers are at I lie mercy of ihe
devouring element; and this f.iet is so gener
ally understood, thai no man who makes any
pretentions to being a careful business man
can afford lo be without a proof safe, and
hence Ihe great extern of this department of
manufactures. It may be objected that some
"careful, prudent men" will not ruk ihe pur
chase of a so-called n which in the hour of
trial must prove itself lo be a cheat an im
position and fraud upon the purchaser and
the objection comes a-iih considerable force
since irresponsinleparties are enca?ed in the
manufacture of them. Every reputable bUM-
Des attracts imposters, and the manufacture
of sates is not an exception, fames even
from other cities have been attracted to Phila
delphia bv the well-earned reputation of sales
minuiactured there, and to a certain extent
bave brought the business into discredit. Uut
the man who purchases from a house long and t
well established, whose sales have stood Ihe
test or time, and whose integrity commands
the confidence of the business community,
can run ntiruk. And it may not be out ot
place here to say that Messrs. Evs & Wt
au.v are without a rival in this department of
trade. Their sale rooms at No. 304, Chestnut
Ml., always contain a larse stock, suited in
styles and prices to every demand. Their
safes have, wherever tested, added to their
well-earned reputation, and, whatever may be
said of other manufactures, certain it is that
Evans & Watson's Safes are whal thev pur
port to be, aud he who seeks irrurily wiil not
iiud it for a less price elsewhere.
Seal Estate.
"pen SALE. !
rpHE Hatf'-t.oi on Sooth Fourth Street,
I Lewisburg, lately owned bv J Kliss, :
with a storey and a half FKAME HULC .
now occupied by James M'Faddin cheap, .
and on ea-y terms. Inquire ni i
J. K. i J. I.IVV. I
TLNE Cpprtunily for Sale or Ex-!
u ' . . , .
iL change!-Will be sold .heap tor t ash
r exchanged for I own Properly .-t tars J"
lie West Branch country, a quantity ol
ihe West Branch country, a quantity
en fid. uniiiiDiovcd Land.
suitable for HVK handsome farm. Their.
location is in a WeMrrn s.ate.an, !r heal.h, :
beauty. fertility and uVMrahle climate can nut
berxcelM. I'ersons sincerely aimous to buy !
or exi'-l.anp, cau ubtain further niti rinatioD
by callins en J f a J M
Lewi-burs?, Feb. 13, IHhO
(iuiHl Uuue aaJ More lUxiut ua tUikrl Mrect Ac
rpHE snbsci iber rffers for ale several jrA
X UUICK HOI.MIS, and cibr luil-L-ii
diiips situate ia the Bcrotit:li id Le'.viburt;
iersiiv wishing lo purehase, will please
call on Mr. Jonathan X utfe, who will give
tiiem such iiifuruialiLn as they mav dt'-ire.
July ft, 1h;9 li.tsrHXABI.E
ON iSnuth Fifth itreet, a properly t
consisting of a poo.) Frame Houe j"t 3.
oa a half 1-ot f ground. Tenua ea. Apply
lo May 17 A. B.VOKSK
Two Excellent Western Farms I
14It ur wtil e hxchantd ior
I'ri.pirtv m Omral t'etuisyivania
)ne tract it 1 54 2 acre-s is 011 the s.uih line
of 11 t. rtH(ountyy Lwa with a p"t-oiIic?, miO,
and Mbfol-housr near. The oihtr, urar 'he
wet me of anl Cutiiity, cuuuiis ! acit , a
fchori distance from a ood sriikmeai. 'J'hey
are 'Mi miies souih and su;h-v. est of !-
Moines, the Capital of the Stale, at.,1 about 8
Iroin the line of ihe Burlington & Mia.Miuri
Kiver Kailroad. The Uud is tolling, of a Mod
ijualiiy, ana tnn'jer ronveitienl. Iniliauoli is
the cininiy town. IVrons desirous ot innUin
a purchase will make further iiuitiines at (he
Star CUmnirle oriice. Lewisburz. Apr.l
'PUAT valiiaWe Itrll'k lard property
l siuiale 111 UuriiiluP iiinlii, a Ij n
lan ls f Jacob Irr am! Will. am Cmn -rnn,
wiih everyihing complete fur Ihe uiantilacture
ul HrickAc. Al.u ISOlUJjyu Lois. Tcruii
Eaj-. Apply lo
J lllN I. U-sS!:R. rittnrir,
tt M. CAMKUiiN Jr. Lrwl,urj
or bin Att'v,
tiel. K, 1M
Vestern Lots, for sale cheap.
I or 6, bi'k i r-, i(ii, it is, hi't 'jM.Tiio
j lot S. hl'k 10, :!0 J li t 15. Wk "Jl. i.'o
in DAKOTA CI I V, (1 Coiir.iy seat and Laud
Uilice site! Nebraska Terrttorv.
Als..:t l.ol in tire lown of pPi:X(.'Cit,llie
seat of jtisiice lor Clay count,, on the line uf
the lJubuque Railroad, at each.
.i.ts.o. ioil tXrJ.
Saw-fflill, making $2CC0 Yearly, j
300 Acres of Timber Land adjoining, '
imi I
t.MsM of VM Arm niljoimny, j
ON I'K.VVS I Kfci.H, r.mr Miles from
MiHluib'ir?. Six from New lierlin,
l'dlt SALH!
InTuire ot Jhh Wrtii. Airent, near the
premisn, i j..-iiy, or i,v fnail of
lIL'Gil LtlLI-AS.
Sunburr, Sept. 1, lHf0.
MMIE renple's fwk-Itook.
Cars-tullj KtfViMtU Ljr 31 1- iS. J. 11 vuc
ItTrll loohnw to rtior.-v ii kir.itnf Mita, rxiiltrr
anil (tttiii. with i Hi-- iftrinu' mtii Ui" I
Pt r-ifi-l m- ot ii-rviiii unit r"".hiu
l.tlanii ltrk,Hlc It,.- li st ai. 1 muipti'st
wny ot fitlllti-t. if k.! m; mi l curing tin riii'-.
II Tcll-H 10 II il lift i i"H ai'l nit'ft i itth.i-- ih'mIc-. , f
ilr iin..ci'in U.tiii.,; Muti.Mi. I.hi.i'i.
Vl-nl, i'l Ullf) Mini liUHf t II tl klli'l-, Willi
tJi tii'l. n nt Uri-iMiu-, raii-B ut.i Mui-
fitt ' !.JT't t:t to wh.
It Ti'Il Yo3 If l" cti.-i-f, rl-'i ain.l t-n-ih-FTi" t'i-h nf
11 rlllHl-, kll'l IH
i-ft.-n it h n tain
tot; l'i ml tu- arnii
ii iinii-t.ttt.(.ri.v.-i '
tiio irs. nt c oking. w.:li th .i ll' i-m ilrpf
iiu, fnu'.-ws Aua tlorii'!i j i t.'t'iijt- u.
It Tl lift luu i'i T.iriu ntiI mri uri-rncfj oiIiiaMr
T'.itriiiiroir tiny ili'i vvl kv.-i- : m-nt,
ti-!i, fiil, Hm.', unit v,;'lii'tn reui. hrottita
ij sli-w. uud tt. rtj.i.sh. .h aujstifoiiiii,;.!
aj i ri-prtnti t' "'"h
It Ti'Il Voil t'i "' tari.'U mit unrrf.-FM uiod- of
p mV. in-i ;rU''l'" It t.riTjr it. srrij-t l'n. b)0
hn t' iir-.:ir- I'ii I. I-, i t-iij in.t utri"
! nl 1. 1 ml', I't'ltt-J iut.J, ti-li, dlUr, UU.-li-ri
'-m-. Ar.
It Trlls Voa mi th t irion nl m-'dt aj-prrivcl ir.rxlvn of
rnii4: nnil i-nr.it nil . ji il; f jl in nit J
l.mijr .4irv, u I I n l: , rni'U t-, Irillfr".
-tvt'e.'-ii. r."ile-!ii'iiTy. (irf rv.. j liln-s and
pw-vt .:nlit-i of ert ry ) -vri'tmii.
It Tt'll loU tin -ri"U! mi l im-t ;i'.ru'l mfil")i
bi:kiti( hrfii-1, ru!(", tun!fiu, ni l l-.iM--.iit,
tin- bi'ft lil'-Lh.ni uf pri-j iiiiua :.;;, chm-o-ljit"
mikI t-a. -n-t h'iw i' tii-ikv sj ruj ., cvr
diitla nr.J - i nefol vMriou- avitcts.
It T-filsl'OU how to wl nut Bit ! trtinm-iit fft T. h.
U crv hII itn ! cf h-ti. H
c.rv. nil sini.i.f ii-li. .ii or f i. i,.
.liitrl. h'.w ! no i.ii:i.:ity tin-1 lm!i nrt 1 1
Hir,-.. . I., inui Hi- rl.Jl.wt luaark. uf
nioliiti-; ai In bnu
till, t.il.lo will.in i.viTb.idv'ii r- ai'li
The book rontniTm I'.x ia-, an4 uj'Wjril. i1 liiViO re
n.ipts, ailtit wlni-ti re ti:- i null ui H.-1114I r.ri..i;ci-.
ImvniK Veil fully an.l rarvluilv U-lnl ui.ilur tlnjr!in
al i"ii-,-rinti-r.ili-i:re uf t'i wriIT It is .rintil iu a
cli-ar anil u(-n tvp-: i illit-triil-'l Willi a'.l'n'l'rinle i-n- ,
crmitit-,, mill Will tu- f rwardi-1 In anya .ilri-.-... m-atly
i-oiin'l and HiiitaKe liaid,fin reu-itul jt. or iu cli.tli.t'X
trn. I.Ji. I
4; 1 il If l A VI: AU nn be ma-li- by ntiTvr!inz mun ,
' vr wlire. iu ifc-llinc tin- iiIk'Vw aurk, u
our iii'Iur'-rni'iitf to nil mwt nrt ttv I.!t-1.
For i:iKlf fi'im! if tlii !! -ok. or lur tt-rmg to agents
irjtli utlit-r iiiforuiutinn. m j ly Tm t -t t.ir.--i!
finiTl X. I7. ih St., rMhitf,:,,,!. f
n KEAT Work on the HOUSE."
VJT I lie Ilurne and Uis $)lrac
By KOBKKT JI "N MM.!, V. S , l'r- fvor r.f J'atboli.ffy !
nl ojHrnti.u Curyi-ry iu tbe Vt-tiriuary (.ulli-gi.' uf
W .11 ftillwt of thw-rietii.hiftrtry miJ -li-tinptiff trait
ol th .arii ut- brc iln of KurH-iin. AMiiti
Afrii-n nml Auicrir:in h'.r--i. n Ii lh- Ly
icftl f.rnj.tti(ii aoj pt-i-ulitmt.i- cf tiv ttiii
mill, n.n.1 Iimw to M-iTfrt.iiii In Aa,'fiiv thf
nuiulier mwt roti.liti'iiiilit tn-lh iilu.-trm- I
tritt-'J wuli uuuieroiu viluustory bura-
trillf,.ll t.,...f ke.Cn. l,...-lr-Ta. -1. t..f.r.
gruouiifii:, nnoin;, nn'l th- j-rnri.l tn-imir.-
ttifiit of UK lMrs, with tht twt uihh of
aijmn(itrin iin-iiii'iiie. '.n h-w to tr:it
eriti t.iilnc. n-tl ... ami oibtr tm-n to '. .l)ICS ran fi'iil the I.-mf st and btnt ss.rt
Zy'f.r"'lh "kmMM ""'" ! J i meril of Leiier and Nie I'APEK.Envel.
Will Tell Xo tl;.iu-, fyjnptomfi rniJ trvamntof upes Ac. at ihe riiST tFKICE
.trHUKU-, w.r tl.riit, ui-r-mr.eT, i-tUrrh. : . ." ' e &' ci iti ,vp
inl1u-ui;. .roiKhit. im- nm.-Dia. pii-uriy, i Jr V want a npp:y vt fine MAMiL
bn.ki-n itiJ. i-liminc ctuh. rinriri ami . 1 MY, lo the TOST OFFICE,
wtiiitlinic. iainnnii, irc tuouth and ulinrs I ..
ml lt-c.i-J.Cii ta'i'til. With ttirr illtrtriwli; of !
tbi- oioutti nJ rt'imtnry nr;rri..
worm-, hou. cimnc. nir-tuinti.-n. ftooy i
morn ti. nt.ri.turi,iliiy,diirrlia-a juu- I
the ki.li..i anl bla.MiT. ltill.niation and ;
oihTiii-an..rtii.ti.uja-b, uwi. Ufr, J
fflHTcll UntuKeVA
b-.o-. I'l.-il nrni h-vi Mviit.rhn.'i'onf. Kwet- I
Birttraiu.t.n.kt-a kww-. wmi.i Khiu. ft.un-
dc r. shirr bruini mot erv I, crai'kl hoots
rvrxlrlir-ri. ranker, ILnub ainJ corur; alw. :
ot oit-xtta''. vartijn, rjijl.-pFy, utiiv'aiTi. anJ I
ofiirr ili-wKH d of Lit f-ft. U i;- and hml. I
Will Tell toil of tli rau-w iyDipti-n. airl treatment
tf aitlulA. p,ill vii, irl.in.J. rK, furry. -ifriet
tirDi, rrrini. call, dirtniuira of tlie aud i
.p Kiirwit inrfira jHW.rnruma-
b-rt. Ac, Jtc, and Imw to niinaf m.t ra
tion, hlood.D. trli.iiii(if. rnwflimc. firing.
hrnia ampututiuD, tat-pioif, andutbrr iur-fii-al
Will Tell Ton f liar" nvthoj of tarnlntr hnr-rt;
bow tn aiproali, halter or utahle a rr.lt
bow to a-'uttoin a horm tn Ptrnijrn ihkijiv!
kurl ai rhti. niiil hrtW li I it ftftrlil la rirt. hit
brmk him tn hroiai. alo thr fa rm aud law
of warranty thr whole brine th rrimlt f j
inr than ftt'trf n yraRi" ran-ful fitudy f tho j
b-iWU, eilliaritie..wnt.an,lwelllieJe i
of thin nuMe omi oeifui animal.
eo tyiN..ar.4 wi,i tie r. .rwar,ii-.i tn aiiy a.Mreea. r-'-se ,
ii,.,. ..i, r,-rei,ioi id jirico, uau Miuiiu. a i , oi id -luiu, j
S 1(1(11) A VrvP en made by witetrrl'lne
VIVVU lh.VR l,,.r,.r,.l.llinirthe
above work, as our lodurt-tucnu to all eucb ar. very
Ft inte eoaieii of the Bonk, or for terms to agents,
with other lafcriuatli..rr'ty o or S'Mre.e
J'lllN B. rNVTTKR. P-iHi her.
emSTl 'u. 1T Summ Ht., J'huadclyl.ui IV.
N OT A 1 lY 1' U JJLIC
William JoneB,
TTORNEY at Law. Collfrt inns
rromplly attended lo. Olficeo M It t
,,lrti cpra5Ue ihe r,rebvterian chuich.
6u ,r i.-.' tt tsHVHU. PA.
VV 1
LL ve who are iu wa it of Materials lr
- kremer,m-cm-re
uf remnants, composed "I 1 1- -ra
,:,i,.,., riHrtv-l wo Var.ls ai T
bave bundles
buadle. IS W lalily of Hoods,
.... ,. . ..
cent Del.aine
uC y nnrntni-riny
Kfc UNLT YiltYMxh I lUil
TnAr IAS hThi1 the TEjvT roil Vf.AKS,
. moft p,ipuUr rvrr, j!
M TaiM'MtuM At.iH'W. mi.J ului.-ft wttitoui tmti-
all jrri.ti-mii -; i , !.- u.. it a i!'tmiui.jr uuaoiulJ
! rtviatt, tlmt l'r.'l. ... -I' Hir lt.-l..r:iur- wui rt-ftur
; tW tti a'J etrti) , au.I t rrwnir tl.r lar ot thejuUlli to
Ioii jaf, in &il its J ouibfui twenty.
It7LcCki.. Mu h., Tt. 21, I.
Pri-P. Vi"l: Till V lH I'ival-f .-, I ia line to illl.TIU
; llw tttatl thr h.ir -n my b.tl H Ml .lt wr t-Diy
; yi r-.ti.-wl y n mlit i l.rt.ii.- ti-rw;. nt
- t. u l.il iLlt mi rru,'ti'-u I'll hi!. A t'outinual s-ourit
1 tiiiiTH'tI UiroiVli lil- li;tvn.)f rrduc J Uf to Utr of
; diuJ. ttt-. I Im f uot t.ii'i't-iit htuil !..n-j.s
i.rilri-r lis- I iw.-imhif to lltrin M. Hi l(HiM-iU. ..a
i r,t M. h my tia-a s-uli- rv.i -tt.-uily from sr..:. I.
Tltm HiJurvil m l iiav it-i A il'iUiC- ului'.ait th Uut
tflit i lits-l i.-l frtli l..r t' ft'.I'atr teltlr vt thy II!r
' ;i-l!rutin, hI iiuI It.. I.i1 "f Auiit liat. 1 fca.s- Unh
t tail I..h'..rJ tl.r .l.r.-, l. n.-. miA lit- t'ikl "yt l "
c.ii 't wub tiMif Uii. lt ;H i.iacit. tln-t -rl ; it l
i hi ruiiuir in al.im-t HlU.viTnn l:'ii. hriu r-.mli.li tit
itu ir tn iui:ri tiiu tcviiu" mm ns
thait o.itl..-r lartff l"tlli W'.ufl r'-sntr n rnurriy
pi-rumtifntlv. 1 mni' u t. -ii" in iU u-, ami
bf.;iir Jlitui. uf ui'Mi.s I" u rs I: ! " n:i.r--. 1 alii
I tt ...U...-t liUt b- WllllltiT l Willi Ul nil (T-
lit-r uil th l in- ai.-lit4 I r iM.tll-. ii--;t to tl.j "
j Ihk MTti'tuif arciarttli'-n "(lie r.''ir'l if to Uime Uut
sra LiU-i tu uit t th; l.itlf ri'"--"
f liiylri.i.J, j-UpA.NNAH KIKHV.
! .;,. sitn N .L-i: Co . IxMiNA. tel.. b,
i Vttnr ft J vii ; l-r Mr In t Intt- r -;nt ..I tt't
yr l-.-J.wtn!. nifvvlitu ih .-lute ari'l Nti..utl l-nw
-ti.H.l ot tK .t.i.- ..f N. Y'-rk. my br, Ir- tn i i n:
, uiiktHimi tu rtf. ..iniiiii.- I l.uiii.tf' U '-ry "-! ' -tt.r.
in Hi,- fl,.,rt ,--.iv uf ..i iiioiiltit. th who:- ut-i r
.nrt i( HI) hm1j. vtf.-bit!i -nt fitl.ri-iy ,.rert ul it '-.,v-r-iii.itud
u.u-li lit rviti;. ni j. rd n u,n tli- file
ami burk ("rt i.i uiy li--l ih -rl-y wllr U-.tini- jr:tT, x
tht u M.l: is.it t- -tirj n-r 1 I tt li yt u rii-t u-n
my nfurn loth- (ttf if IiiIimi. tuy itifrt cm-ml r-iH-iiitMii'.
mt-Tf re t !( imi' M ;it a l-.-r t'. ih-rnvvr tl.
r.iu ot tin .-.'.aiii'f in m j.. :ir ii.'-f , my mare llilt-
' until- I'lmi.tHii.-. w-rc I-, tfiiiii' lus-atuli.
j J at i.n-f mm ai-i'U nt:i'ti to tr: rifft rkii:fu! j'hyni-
1 riiiii. 1:1 th- cuuliv, 1 ul. i. i.-ivin; t: -.-nrrtr. l.i.iu
tti.-ia tli fit itiv huir t H-'mii r-!-'''r-i. I w f'ffl
j t. h. '('til rvsou. l- to my tat-, until, f.Tiun.tr:, iu
I thf ItM.-r i-art of In- '-'r I-.'.", ir )U---!..rain . an
r'f imrinl. d to m- 1;. .lnt'it, ar. b. in.- lb- nioct r--!ili
H-.tr O-tirnuv in u I In 1 oi. l t'i-. b.i
, f .uiiJ to nv i,rr:.t c.iii-l'.iri: hi tK.tt it v j n-ln-
U ir-J -II.-; L. ,:i.('f t ta t tll.'-. I liiav- U J li i l ir
antti. ut yotar l..-.-,.,rn 1 a r--utu uv a rifli
C4.'dt of ..v j".fi bisiK bur. wii.in tl iw.-ro-v ran hiiy.
j An a mark ol inv yriai itu.li f.-r y--ur lair r tiu l cliiH in
ui-ikI.-I it u- to niau? of u.y Iriri.-Iji n J tir-'naniMn-i
r-. aim. 1 lmj- V t-i ti.'i-rin ou, Hr u-1111: it w:lh
j liKt- UccL rty r. tfi-.ly y..ur-. A. M. I. ATT A.
i Ait -riy at. 1 Cima-.lMr t I-;.
j Th P.-frt.T'-tlvf i(i -nt 11 in r...t(V uf tlm- tiz, xiz
l-T: in- -li 111.1, Hiitt -mail; Hi - i-j 1 1 In. Mr- 1 a (.mt.mi'l
' rta:;.4 f.-r on- t. -I r j -r l-.t:i.; tlo- r-.-.li;cn t,. !. at
lit i'r c-iit. ir.t r' iu iro)t.rlion thuf tir m.ill, r-
tn:i- fT tw 1 tl. iiar- r b ; tlir Uru b-. i- a liuurt,
! 4n ir rrtil m io lo' i- 'tlioM. anil r taii." f r ;.
! U.J U'Mlt A- t''. iTiju'ir-. 4i4 r.ro4y, N w
York, nii'l I'.l M irK.-t Slr.-t. pr l.ui-. lti.
j hoiJ ivnll -i -fi bru-ii-t- .iU'l Kam y lio.!- Iitlrr.
Duckeyc llcaper & Mower,
Manufacured by
Central Founilry, Lewisbjrg, Pa.
rilli: Buckeye Reaper & Movrerwas inlro-
I duted in IN 7, an I so perfectly tras it
iaptp.t t' th w'urk (ltsiznril that at the ;
rtaiet Practical FifM Trial rver hcl.l in
this country, iu July nf ill" same var, at Sy
racuse, tl irtuiiiphatiily earned i il' the ;
GramJ Gold Medal an l IMiuomri! i
At th Indtana Siip Trial. rU at l.api-rie, in
t 1Hi8, nearly as many machines were rrpre-
: etatt ait'I as ihorctiUty tetfd as at tira
' cuft ami the !
Buckeye wa3 agaJn the Victor!
: Anil so also at nearly all ih- fiei.l trials anj
exriiwrmr.s in IS.'iS, 'o'J ami fif when it was
a ri'tnpeiitor. At a numhrr ol exr.ilnih'ns it
reef ivt tl ihe Kir-t 1'rennutn as a Mnwer, First
Premium as a Reaper ami First Premium as
a IVtaUneil Mai-htne. These uuniemus
avranls prove rmu -iiiMvely the corrtcineNs of .
th t-eciMi n ht Syracuse,
i The coml-iti' tt iTp'mon nf th" mannfac-
turers ot" Mowinz anil Ifeapitia Machines ami ;
their Ftii-n- m i-ruth ana to hriii into ihsre
niie ihe Uncofye-. n!y serveti tt prove ii 1
.LPKlnmrV ; ami the :Vars they enter- i
tainH ot" its final succes and iriunij h were
rvitlences ot the real uonh anj mint uf the j
machine. !
Tne Marhinp hfl- now piscfl thronch four
harvesis. am! ilurini; the I.it ihree over ."N ine
Thotan-l have heeti built ami m.M ami ihe
far.ner mav j'i if its reputation by the no
nierous award, ni.i le bv rommitfees both at
fieM trials ami at S-ate anil County Ex hi hi- !
ti.in?, as well a from the numrroLis demanUs, -w
liirh the i.ianuliicturers have never yet been
able to supply. I
Slifer, Walls, Shricer St Go ,
Miinnfaclurers uf liuilut-k's I'nteM Mower
al( ,.arcr li ir.cve Reaper A Mower. Dar-
. .. ,. ,, ., i. .
'"'P ' IVwer, ilNi-n s I a'.enl
r i'ili'.er I'irter, Ku-u s I'aient Irnn rlcw. ana
Michizan U.iuMc I'luw; al.-o,Sloves anJCas
tni il' atl kinds.
Central f'ouiulii nnl Midline. Sh p, Cor
ner Sixth ami Miikit tlreitu, Lctcit
liirj, I niua Co., I'a.
Not. ft. l' n.
LARHE supply of Eonhs.Siatinnory,
X - I'erfumerv, Jewelry. Toys, Contet-lion-
erics, T'tas. lpice. Fruit, Iuts. Ilaktcs,
ln lures, and a variety ol .Ml.lv AAClv lor
sale -cI at the
LM l.lj Vi IMilT.Ci TOST OFFK.'E.
i'l.Mi Oold ITiN'S for Ladies and fien's can
lie had at llie FOs-T OFFICE
riEVEIJAL sell of C'A'dEDS and oilier
Un-a.st I'ins and Ear liinus can he had
very chewp at ihe
fWlAkL NOIICE! Ihe uuuersigned are
appointed Agents tut the bale vS
IOOfS, KUaUM &. 1 tlllO 5ah
0( a sjes, maile ff the bcil material. Atl
'rk warrante.l. HTMa-ie by I..B.rtl'KOLT.
IIu heavtlie, Fa. and Iit a bv
p rt (j ALD VV E I. L,' Le wisbure
T.ios. ;iii:El
HA jnsl rer.etved a s)lendid assnnmem
of Hie verv bel, rlieaprsl aod mosi
. , iunal.e Jvxwir in the tniirkt.
.n,ck cuuirirues
Dreant Pi:i,
liar i:i?N,
riii---r Rlnpr!,
Meeie Ituf ton.
MudN.&r. a.C.
wnICIl Wll. DC JOI.l extremely low lor t .SB.
He respecilully asks the patronage of all
hioM r'""',, 't0 ,nv,les new OB"
t fiive nun a call before making iheir pur-
cnases. tan ai me sicn ol the dii; attrh,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. H.'M
A. H. DILL Attorney at Law.
OFFICE on Sooth Second street, formerly
occupied by J. B. Hamiip, dee'd.
Lewisburg, June I, lSGn
New Store-New Goods!
ptiilad'a TRiiaiairjG store,
TWO Doors above the lnk, j
The sabseriher.havinit a person iu ihe Cny
bavins! cunManily at Auriiiui, i prepared m
nell a.l his Ootids at Ciiy I'ricei HnMrry,
liluve, ('rnchri l.'olion. 'I ltinpr Ne.lle. Col
lars, liulluiis, Tape, aud all gouci ueeiled by
tbe l.ailie.,.
AIm UihiWs ami Siauonery, Srlinnl ,957;
Winitnw t.'urlailii. 1
. . It ... .J ifrn. s 1 f r, r 1 1 Work.
done to order Country rro.iure laUeo in
ex'lian;e. Cali paid lor Ka?.
April IU. iwi;il. II. h M-MAHOX.
"IadLstry must Thrive!"
rriXan-l SIIKLTIliON LMabliMimcnt.
Keinoveit in lloui'hliiii'.'t fi rmer Mu p i n
Market street near Fourth, nhere 1 will have
ai all limes a full assortment i f
Tin lVare, Move I'lpe,
TO.! L MCKt.r.s, Shrrt 7.mt. -. ,. I will
a!so make tu order, on shori notice. Tin Cut
ler". Spouting or any kind of work in iny line
of business.
( t'-Mendinganinotbins generallvpn irpily
attended to. JOS. A. KHEAMLK
l.ewisbiirg, Oi l SO. Ih.'iU
VKHM'H Tl-I II:i:-afinftiiw,rtDiiitof il.i-.ii:j.riir
M .an- niliri iii lr, M-r. iuk hrllln. i.n- 1' ibn,
Wa.hliwli.' iii- ft.r i-liililreD, Li,.!..-. pu,. h. il ir.iliu
lx 1 If urll L.nug fiu, 4c. C J 1. 1. AM)
Jits'. A. KlitAMKR
LA W 0 1 F I C K 11 K M O V L I .
John B. Linn,
TTORi: 4T I..4W OITre at
his bouse ou K. Varlifi Si. t,rl. Nt A l!il
I.i-n Isliui p. I'a.
Family Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
UKNCU.tL M AI.i r.- IV
Kinl.rurini; ertrrv arli !- '-n;nir,ti to tli- tritd-r. Mirl,n
citAix, i i.orii and i i:i:i
Ti:.. coii i:i:. .moi.assk.s,
ti'c.u:. ClIKK.-i:, FISH,
FUL1TS, Ac. Ac. Ac,
Market strft, yi-!ir the J'ott Ojpee,
l.i'ii iwlntr?, I'a.
rl O. V.. A Co. Iinvt! just rrrr-ivcil
J . In-li fu ni I ' ? . i i. ' 1 1 It'll m r lurni. .nt. lt i f
i.l M il - tul t,r"i-i r:e. 1 1 . ty kin-1. iii.i'iii.- -fcLili up
rraciivo ami 'I ma lorn,
puf wt :u UL, anil ki r.iiili-il ui i- anil tr.b.
Drioil -Vm-Ii's, lV;n li. s, Ii line?. Cur
rants, J'i (sen inir C'ilrons. I'i's,
l)ates.Ii;ii.-iiis Iroml'ii to li
ct?. ier 11)., I'ii-kies of
all dfeiiilioii.s,
riu e J;ii a ( III I'l l:, fsround,
anil l-ut iit-in uir liht CMtin. viyr. .! f r TMir.i:y Ufe.
A l-irnr ,.f xni-rior MA f 'K HkLl.. SUA I)
cud n.sii, Jii:iju.t;, ham. ba( (j., 4c
A Oi-fit-rl a.nortuii-nt (f
WiHoiT and l;ir Ware. i.l:Ns
li arr. (iut iiiiai r. I nrlli. ii
iiarf, Hujic, I nine,
Fifh Oil, ruiif, '. Oil, Cuuilet, C-im'e
11111 I.nvip Jli'i-, TtiUuv, Luril, itc.
Honpsof all kinds, V"lifel Grease, etc
Cebjcco mi) Gcgiuo, a tljoicc ratirtn.
Flour, Com Meal, l'otatoes, Coin,
Rvc, Oats, Ac, always on hand.
Cimth ihtirrrtd frre n' rhnrge to cuttuntert
residing u-ithin Vie H'ruufi.
T.- attt-mit to i,iimi-rri. mII lh nrtirlc. whjrh
hn. Iir wi.ulil Im-iui(miii?iI.Ii.. U v wnbiil ri-vi't
hi : i t lii-l.- thr ! u lil ! t" nil rxnintni- i.ur -'rliiirnt
i-l l.riH-rrii-n ftmf. n iil '-'i-iii i l li-:n; ti. -11
rti..p i tli.v i-nD li l--u li 1 li Jr ol rhi!ii. I. tiii..
YYr wi.iilil iirtkuli.iit 9t.ijL-iti.ut roulilr; friruili- Ugif
u a '-nil ; li.r
We purrhrt.w all manner of 1'roJurr,
aDil ! i liigh miiy li ily nl&e.
L. iLutB. April -J. Iix. T. (1. EVANS1 CD.
v. r t t
Ir V T 1
c crr-;
- -
aS C - ir
'it r
ar P I C - N I C . -
M We'll jump into the Win, anil all lake a ride.
A '
AKCiE, h:iniKome
anil verv conitiirta-
Mt- W .C;. has been
hlleil up tir ihe rspt-cial arciiminudalii'il uf
I'ic-.NiC and other similar erru rmns. Terms
moderate. Apply lo Ji in. M. HUl'SEU.
Lfi!urg. June :i, IK.19.
C O 4 L CO I- CO ft L.
TJHE .iibsrr.t'er keeps constantly nn hand ;
I a larue a,-orlment i f the very bet Sha- j
ninkin and U ilkrs- Barre i t AL, d r lime and
stdve purpose, w hich he will sell at ihe very
luwel prices forC'ah or Country Produce. I
Also, Hlacktmiths' Vital, Fluster artJ Salt.
WUh it disiiucTIy nnder-tood, that I Kill not
be tinders;
dd liy any nian Having eood
s full weigh, w,.l be given.
Coal Yard near M'eidensaul's hotel.
;eoii;e iiolstein.
I.ewisburs, May 37, 'Ay.
0FKICB in his new Brick Bli ck, .Market
sireet.suuth side, beiueen 4ih at,u 5ih
(up stairs.) l.ewisburp. May. 1S60 17;IS
ri"HE Film nl Wall, r, l.inhurt It, hrnhnck
1 in ihe ItiifMajiii IIulnt NM.
are ready to mntii.ii k.r all kinds ol w,.rk
in their line, and are well satisfied il would
be lo ihe interest of sut lt as purpose ereriins
pood buildings to give us a call beii.re con
tracting wiih others. We have pn! up ome
of the besl houses and stores in Leuisbuii?.
and are assured iheir owners wiil testify that
their buildings were put up bv sood and ener
getic workmen, and in quick lime, (which is
a very important matter lo builders.)
inference Chatnberlin liro's; I.. Palmer,
architect ; Dr. I. limber; Bvers Amnions;
Lewis Ashcnfelter. ISAi; iVAl.TKK
I.ewisburg, Dec. 57, 159
IN THE OLD MIOP! The subscribers-
respectfully announce to Ihe cinzens t:f
i.ewisburg and virinny that ihey have formed
a Partnership in ihe
Tailoring Business,
at ihe well-known stand of James friswell on
Market street, where ihev are prepared to
CVT ASU MAKh JT'loirder in the very
best style. Men's and Boys' (lotliiiig of
every description on short noiice. We ask
a share of the public patronage
Lewisburg. April 4, 18
rtpHE finest coats made on twelve boors
jL nonce by JOHN U. MI1.LEK, N. 3d fi.
ihe oldest and best Tailor in LtaisLuig
'" a iitu una .vcaikel fc.
f.tV.....r. . ..
11 'lot lilt, J'A
fE have nn and will rontinne 1
on hand a full as-..r:m-nt ..! an,, '
n t.iw hih u .1
in our Ime, to which we tuvtir the
of the eommunilv :
i)KV(;oois.f;nncKiMi: nvnr
i:nt.ii:u.,tki:l. inis
lil.KIiV AND SI I OI-: nvrnv .
. ,.u,u, ,
Ac, Ac.
All ol which will be sold ireinran,r
fnreah tirlaim produce. A liLemi t. ' c"
will be ma 'e u, ihe trade. "Ll:
'I.ku i-i;cii(; mills."'
We are pie. and 10 do Cum. ni.rji,,,-,
work lo oidrr, upon ummi ifrn.s. a;i , 7
01 Oram bouphi ai h.-h.i market
tpy Flour and Yet I lor a!e. trttl
Lewisbure, May 3, Ihi.u
T,,11" - .. everl.r.ujhllu'fc,
place, ti-i ir. vile ),-,. tBi,
.... ..... ... , , , ,,r.., I.f Vt,ur .
; lv generally I.. ...,i a ste btr 4,str,n,tl.
! before purohaiii? eii.rtif-re.
' Coi.ri lem that I hate the (ii oiis whirh
pie ihe n.oi lan:.:i..o lae. I wniSI1rj
neither la! or 11, r ir-uMe 1,. accin.u,, a.,, ,
desiring to have tioik 1!. t,e.
In my M..k y. 11 will tin.! B'lXXETSifa,
aizes. Kild-.n.. i-i.t--. Kiei,. h and .wr'c
j Aiiiliciai Ki.uerN.'larieii r,.. I rare, a, ,!
; ery ariirle u-nl in 'he Moimery fcu-n e .'.
i liLfcaiHlM. and 1'aiMwir.r. d; t,e a . h ti'.
ne-. ai. J drpatrh also l'n,4 .
ordi-r. Vim win l.r.d u.e at n.y t !il -ij. . , ,
N..rih Mfcond M.-I.ewi.-t uir,' April -:e,:.r.o
j JOIIY It il l s A. 10.
nAVE just received (,u a.i,i.ii,,o to the
lar-ie -w rt) a !reh ii r r ,,
.i.mi SI M MM t.tml.s. and fa..; rrv
jiec'fuliy to ir.l, rni the l.a.lies ani (irn nLm
ol 'l oti n and ('iinniy.llial ihev cn uit ;t,;a
in anytl.ir,!: in ihtr.r iine, cl irade, :i .e, i,u,.
ity and price.
S r I lie Ladlro,
pnrh a P!in at,.! r .n.- Sl im. li;rli s,.. rrrfl-!. Ye
r.i,.... W :iiii.-.. i n-i n,. rr.. 1'i.u, ,1. hf.. ivt ,l4
r.,.l.-. M,.l,,r limn;.,. h,.,u,..ral .",rt.. S.-.,-,t
Sk,,:.. A.- It,ii.. ti. a, .. - :.. 1.. ini. i,a i.n v,
n,i.. l.. I ., u-... j. ,(l L. l r:M,. - ar l. :.t wt. iit
1 r,. n !;. 1. . 1 l..-..li t.aw 1 ,,f a. i d -n,t. n
1 ail hn..,-. I.. li.....r,. aiiil tt l.ile )(i,.J..
1 ti.l.r. i.. ri. g, ai.il vi,jui ptic aiu ui eerj
l:i, l
I Or I lie . nlUiiirn,
tr.e r.t ii.l :r....T m.. r'm- i.i in t. in, rnil.ni'irr a
in t In-i i. i.i.1, r el. ir .t 1 n.tl I a-.iai.rra. r.:
1 1,. -1 ii f. tin! 1. nt"' Kuri.i.ltine I..-., i. ..!,.-!
SI 7,... 1.,-a j Li,,J, l...lLil,i.'. Ilntl. and I r S.i.
ai. i K 19.
A 1.'.. a'l k:r.d . f (.Kill KKIKs. H AKlu
W AUK. il Er.W'AKU, SALT, .V.Lr,
ri.ASI EK. Ac.
FIMI in . i ard i .bU.
I'n.M. . larje qiiantltj of Straef a;
whih e wi'l dr 'iv. r to mi,- p.ur if t, it, ,n .1, rt ci
tlr-r. at - ! w n t . no n. h, -.ii,,i.ki, t i.f .. . iim
j r. run .1 at. I L.rr r! in n n A a.tfrt. U kli ...4
Lia,.! urn. rr Cjni. J-iue Viitnarn iiiriii.:.
"'ll' Ca-h pud f, r all kinds cf I.KAI.N
ant fl : icw is ihe lime in ce; t-r
m. n,r rack. Zi M V t K MAS . tie i!
nir nun i.i .inttiertlian t Aellers r.a ii.
le.unieii in in me r.asi. aim nan careru i
lecird ihe best and mnt Fahu naLle I.i, :
lhal could be turned out.
Tl. Hi. f'3-i-imrri and Si:tiimrr i;.ln ran he had- R
dv .la,lr. or 3HMI. t ir-;r-at I t.iladel, hi tt.rr.:
Tu ri
1 1.. I.
i i.. ii.r n.ii.ir I h L t. .i. .-Ir ut. nil I. I .,.ar
i-'-: l-.i,.rli tn..ii.rri . to J4: r..i .
. ; tt l.Or nr-ill IIi .hI. ir . itli.r.i.t
M:n;uirr i'i.te. 1 1. i t: Vt-n'. i.. n:r b i.l. ?i
cirr Ti-al.. f 1 uf: nrw in'. l'a..Tu.T,- t.t. 4 u
,i. iail. I., nir n.a.tr. ,n rtn : t li.tb . atn i.f llir aurrl
rljlen at tl.e ii -. ,t triirr; Hate. Il.lkr. , .
I. oi k in. hefi. re you buv oppnile th
Tourn Cli ck. in 'I hut! M, I.e istbir ahrr
vou can see lui yt ur.-eif, ami save five L'.l
lars. .7
Old Stand and Large Assortmeut oi
AKir ;((...'
,i A ll" r;orfv.'
. A tl' iinlS!
Ai. ir VOl'l'S!
ton frrrra axp srttvrnr
ton sfi:ii; jd . ..;
urn si h,.i; a.xd si sum:
toli A7'i.';.Vi; AMf St'M.VtKI
t-ALL Ay if syt::
ai.i vrt. srit rrr i jr
m i i k. ri-i.ru t i.
ARrvAK, rrLi Kf i "
AI;MU, reU Ai '
LewUbnre, Aprit !, T'l'it.
J.!-.Marh. E.fht.rklty. l.(.Sbrilej. P-Cfiiif
i. S. MARSH & 0,
(i-ivrt.Ks to (nM!',iiiu m ro i
i-irsvisi iui : i iounduv
l.eui.buri;, I'a.
VE laTe eotistant cd ha mil t. rle.
j x,F.r. ,r! !l
.v.fer.s ; iimi ll.r 1' wrr l-trn .'.. r. ; (m Tw
unti i-'nur ii-rr ire, at. twr,p uf.J J.,m i nvri ; I'.-m
llulirrg. hrfi fheOr, rAr. 5 ', ii'-. &. f
t n-KtsJ-r UHJ.J. t,.m er,. Jit,;i,tt. Jt.'t
Ar. .. tni hni'I nuferivm tvatly at ail lion - I"
KIMDof li.l.Hil l.iMM.-! th" the- tiri.ii et r. rrrtt.-t
anJ Ji-!i!-h Work or K .mo fa (.lures imatva: F
warranird aa rtcounocndrd. uri:-r rry t' J
suiu'ittit aovi i-ti Dily atlruara lo. Juur 1, l-'L'
Eursh & Goodman, Anr,.i-i.'i v
nAVE received and rpened a rHi'IiE
assortment of all the laiesi styit-'i
innz and Suuiiner (iot.ds. The pariitwr
attention ot ihe Ladies is called to tiieirsuci
of Brilliants
Dress Si!k, J'rinls
Delaines shawls
r'lg.Kr Merinos Collars
Ducals Sleeves
liinuhams Iiisernnzs
Foiiiards Edan.:
I'hintzes Uioves.'e
ALSO Clnth. I'lain anil Fancy l-ain.rrr
Jeans, Tw.eds, Vestinps, Muvlms. lirni
ings, Tickings. Flannels, Boots anJ
I trfhnes, Hals and I'aps.j
logethtr with a complete assormieni
GrtKorie.-i, Ilarilwarc,
Ct'iliirwarc, Quccniwarf. ''f
all of hich will be disposed of i-n as fan
ble terms a the same uriu les can be pure
a.-ed any here. f.'tre a tall.'
Da. W. H. Bii minrti. D...X. f- P"c
riRin & 4Kirnf.
rfir.sj' .txs am su:(it"X-
1F.SI'ErTFLI.I.V rffer iheir serves u.
ihe citizens of Lewisbtirg and tte ur"
roundihg coui, try. -rirV
I ? Pariirular'atteniTon paid to SICClM
Enquire in ei Market street or at tM
residence ot Mrs. Backhcuse. Ian. n-
errri is. cirBiiiiiT.!Mr'li;
doors from ihe Town Clock, Lt"