-4 in ...4,1 1, ! 1 Domestic Receipts Infallible. 1. To prevent horses and cattle fr 1. To prevent horses and cattle from jumping. Keep good fences moud J fields -,f .nod t...nr. 2. How to sleep soundly at night. Do' hard day S Work at Some holiest manual , , "' " --siir , ' - , I nirihi'd l iijliiriuius the citizens ol Lewis- ; labor, go to bed early, and always witb a i,a(S an,i vicinity that he has located pe nua- j eonfciousncss of having done right through nci.tly, and is prepared lo furnish all who . , ... i nerd dental substitutes for mastication with' tbe day. (t arranted.; i Tmnrnup.-l Klnpral Tlatp ! 3 To cure dvepaia Take anew! uiiiuvca uiuerai a laic, I .. ... t ii -. (hate and tecih the same,) which is fast su- axe, put a white hickory handle in it,;..- lhp u. f tiM ,Bd ,w I'late. bore a half inch hole in the top of the ban-. - i L 1 ! l I- I - ! at.-. nf Iha hen. j. en it.. ith ih ramnhnr and die, fill the bole with gum campnor, ana ( ical it op. Then take tbe axe ana cut cord wood at fifty cents a cord, (boarding jourself,) until the heat of tbe handle dis- j eoUrs nd absorbs the campbor. 11. U- 1- ""I" Jl n WIN uwa, times lo tuke a maul and j?t( raiV. at tbe ; . J same price per hundred. 4. To prevent dogs from killing sheep, j If tbe docs are eood fur anvtLing, give thom nlintv nf briiiii ana meat to eat at ' i... :r At ,t;., I neat, witb one grain of fitrjebninc in it. 5. To prevent wivea from ecoldinc. ; Provide them with plenty of good wood ii and water, plentv in the pantr? and kitcL- en, and always wear a cheerful counte nance and rpcak pleasantly yourself. 1'. S. Wife says I must add to this, marry a u ntiblr irimaa. U.M.I.E hts, iu Il'yhfond Xfirt. Mrs. Partington om Hreck. Mrs. P. sat como moments peering over her - - - . apectaclcs, and broke the silence after this wise : "Iieke m7 son. where is this Brcelin- ' ' ' 1 ridge s Une, that tbe new?p ipers say La- leb Cushing and so many mure arc going ! tor j ; 'Why, m, it's a kinder crooked lye j place, way down in Alley balmy, laid out ! by one .Air. i ancey, wLere lugttive ponu-, r..n .! eodca' ifta the 'terrvlo- ncs."' ..... ii -r :. T'. UICSS my soul ; 1 m iiau o. ... a t , always had a desperate hate of all 'Tories' : -they are just the kind that ought to le pestered by Niggers," eaid Mrs. 1. f&We fiud in the Fusion papers a atatetoent that about tbe time when the Tint for .iteudt.ig Slavery into Texas was , nnder full headway, the Legislature of , Massaehusetta passed the folluwiug Kcso- j I lution : UesolvH lha: the anneiation of Texas if, 1 ipmfurlo, a d.ssolulion oi the I'n.on. liesolved that, Texas being anaeied, Massa- j cha.elts is out of the I'mon. I We do not know as this is true, but; ...... , - , i allow It to be M-rtWrm; to d.ssolvedocs not effect a dissolution. If Massachusetts made a fool of itself in avowing secession " . , , , , , 1 oocmnes, anu men iuug;m uov. o. ; and did not migrate, ooutn Larnnna ; may do tbe same. Threats do not always bloom into execution. iri. ti . i . 1 t. . i. . !?...; J ue .ug-uut cuuiitrtu ojr iuo i usiu-i juts starts to-morrow for the besd of Salt: Kiver. Tbe cabin-boy was sent with 5-5 ibis morning to buy tbe "small stores. He returned while the captain and mate were in the c.biu taking a "smile," and the following colloquy touk place : Boy. Well, Captain, I've come on board with the "small stores." Captain. What have you bought ? Boy. I spent twenty-four dollars for whiskey, and one d.dlar tor bread. Captain. Thunder! H'W are we jo wj to Jo vith so tRtic A bread T Well Characterized. The Eceniny J'uu't Washington correspondent says : The Message was playfully but quite V :t l:. ir I -. si c J .. (, ... .if,,,,.ii0,.oc..,iHrv. Ht reading, when some friends ot the i.-j l: fu.l t. a i IT1' i ieui arcu uim mil ue muugui ui it. "I think," raid tbe New York Seua- i t.,r, "the President has concluMvely pro- ! Ted two fhint : 1. That no Slate has ! .... e . . . . ' tne ngut to secede on lew it wines : , aud 2. That it is tbe President's duty to enforce the laws uuless somcbudy oppo ses him. A vnnnir l.dv t.-ar.hinif Hnhonl in flenr- "' . . . - 1- i gia, writing borne to her parents in tr-, luont about a company of minute men who i came out to drill, says: " 1 be niot remarkable part of the pcrrrmance, to a ; nu..i.ti..n. u..- i-u- i.;s.. at unri.. iuat. em.ti. Yankee girl, was to see each soldier have ; o.Ti'-'.'.'iu"v,(. j-e. r.t ..r u-tisnJt .trett. 2"uaJri a negro along, to carry his gun." If the ZX?.s:?tt?XrT;. fivk h.l- IMSUOIODlStS COntlUUe tO repeat their blO- ries about the "Black I,ublicaDs', free- )Dg all tbe slaves, this custom might be come rather dangerous hun the Jjhtiug began. An uneducated girl, who had become ireil of siocle blessedness, thus wrote to; red of biog her iulend(d zs, . , . t l'eer U-.m, cum rite opn et ynn are ! cuuomin at awl. El. Collins is insistin ' that I shall hav him & he htiL-s and kisses ; me so continncrly that I cau't holed owt i much longer, but will have 2 kavu iu. mw-'U 5 . A lleli-Eferctt man iu Troy, who had ' 1 just concluded an hour's study of the elec tion returns in tbe Nation, State, County, .-,,1 Cite nul .t!, r,.o, .rl-e,l tn . f.:.,.l u..i v -- - ....-.., I teaily expected to go up Salt Hiver this fall, but blame ma if 1 dreamed it was 1 navigable to ur up '" A young lady in St. Louis rose from her bed a tew nights siucc to make an ap plication of campbur to her throbbing tem ples, lty mistake she got hold of a bottle of indeliblo ink. The error was out dis covered in time to prevent a most datna ging tff-ct to tbe fair oue'i personal ap- j ...... I Lucy Stone, in a recent lecture, insisted Ihat women ouUt to vote and be elected Members of Congress. A grave old gen tleman at our elbow, who takes a practi cal view of everything, thinks the public I usiness would be neglected by reason cf the jjairin; nff of the numbers. The f.tmli.r u'nstiiin. "How do vnu pet iili.mj?" becomes, in Kt.lnd, "Huw -Jjyou et . u ud, slutje,.- coui;!.. in Sc.'tlaLd, '-lis w dj jou -jet r it,'. y. j I tKCiT IJII'noVtJICST nrvT M, 1 1 ! )FKSSIO J H VS. t M 1 K U ? S J- r ? K Cl'IiGKOX aill Meckani- C-'-L 1 o---- -I'u . II i f I .....t ... I. ....J . .. - The M iin-r.il Teeth are undoubtedly superior, in many respects more desirable than any MW, , ,4 , ,'. p,,ttf b, th, , fMaiull'. ; i Tliev.re the l.iitl.e.1 .l.iiiin.ut of Hie .rl. ; Teelh mounted on Coial and Amber Bases : mt rrdutvd ni.v. Tttw o.w- t.vp l,-o U'!tl lh r':,"!"'1 ""!,1' J" i i!i Mnume.i on Oold andP atma. in ; tht lulriit ni;riTril t !e. Ao un a M tnlK I'littc, ...... a-y a-. .-...,.-... " . w ni n 11 itr siiiwrior iu w. r-r. .spai aitn!inn will aNo le paid 10 Nam- 'I'Z. hi m.ti,. -r, :.'.uM u r. ii ( in:: ,l.t.-iw-J t.ftii in tl.- next r.-criiti: ti.tt '.r.iaiijt Mi ll ( u CoJllkCl Jai-J i UrUl- Ot till' lr. :ir!airs m..deofoperatine ull at all i itilh -lion f ut.f:i-it- -;! put., u; t.-l in ! 1 i.r. c-n-tit'if f ti Hti.l ti. titl, 1 tl.f nti. iit. Hit-;i ! of- ' f m.i tn- e.,.vr, .nmt t-d-i. s .n-j. awur t-Tm i;..ir. .nr. h.i i.r.niHtur .r.-..n- re I uirilii lit.- rvi.- iTa lnii". wili nt-.f Huir in- ; t. rt i. raiim.- ui tr it, it i-... ri-rtiy ttmiiixr atiil. .11 il... ..1 In, t.r. itti HI. Im? i t .. I i--rin,cr .a ii-nr t- i -v ).-..r,' mt.i .tt-u -itr 1 rarlii. i l-lrmiii-1 J" , :tr 11 ekt-f a l.t iin- cv- , ''WllU a'ierni of year.) on j M.i: h. t .jit ir JirM-tly -vr lUrris A Iun--u 1- run r- I. r.wei.-.i l'ruj: m. re. (,.i..Mie ii,.- i . r i u. T.'I.T:tl I. OlTiilliV l!.ee,i l.r. H i'.-i.'i . ...-I Ii. Ilii. c.ui.uy or ri-- I.. r-. . r.,- .t.,110.1 in- n. ; il'li-lMKs. j l.ii.u.. Nov.., I-..). i The Dimes Savkg Institution Of Le- ! Wisburj j I ready m receive anv amount on Pepositc J 1 from Trn Onts and upwards. Four per Cl,ltt pf.r 8nmlm ,ws, Wltl be paid r.n ail j ;' dep.. sues of Two Hollars and upwards I ll ii"posue.i i wo ni 'ii us aimiontt r. v.oic j -W''ri..i M i. BiSi:!.!.. 'iovernrr of II ir. Ileaver'a br:rk block-. .North Third St. , ha. ann,.ime.l J..h R. H. I. MIKI.I Xil, Treaurcr .(let. III. 1MI j Lewis mi - Jn , ... F WfY M!l ! ICRY " "" .. : - 1 S- A I '1 & M. KOUENCAl "iif, on .Mar-: ii. " ; ! v "I" x... ..r.,,,r,, r,.r . IhIro..a wo.ilJ in!.. r.n th- r !y ir.en.ts uf I.ei-j - - - , - - ; tt hn h :hcv arc sllin aud will comiuue tu sell al ilie Ii.h-i1!!.! city prices. ItLKArH i it ai.d Turn i mi. done torrW.'nn s(fK Th.v wll tu, vrr). ha,,(.y , ee ,beir old custeirers with as nii.nv tiew ..l.es as mav M .ii-p-e l t.. tavor them with a ra.l. P'" ; 1 --? Y . - Trtlf i tern; and raiuaioiu.-and Vests U.41III. Also, Cl'Sj ZtluLC illCUl.'a larse vanely ... I ...lei Ciothmg. Mich as lp?A' , ; lirauers. finrt--, Ac. Al-o,a ll.ie assurlinem JsjTJEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, ! of Boys' ihine of the lai.M stvles. Ai,,,, M supplied to the hungry people by H.tTS : and r.t'.v equal to any ollered in this the subscriber, at bis -hop on .North fifth cou.ii.y. In iact. I t.aveevervthing necessary street, where he carries on the Hut. h-rm in the shape ol Clothing, which I eller at a ,nJ Mlppi. kill,,s f Meal ' very small advance tr cash. jn ils sra,,.n. On Weduesdav and Samtday j l'HIl.ll" ;)iDM.N, As't. morning, he v. ,11 be found at Market in :r. nt tyAIi k.mls ct Country 1'ro.luce taken in of MTa iil.n's Hardware SloreL? at low rales i exchange l. r Uood. I.ewisbur!:, On. S3. j - .rhn, - !,,.,. t.;y. t alves wauled l!-eves and sheep purchased as usual, irytneaew u ti toner. rilRl.STOrHEIl tiEMBLKI.I.NO. I.ewi.-buri;. Au?. IS. IHi.'jy . rsrr.lf I I il .11 .1. For th- INSTANT ttFLII F I'F.I.M N..NT .'I'tlK - I lilla Ol.-- FKN1VL-S IinOXCJUA L f ICSRETIKS. Male bC BKVV"il-l t CO . I'" NASSAU street, S.I. iV... I ..-r -.'lit fr.s. ly pf-t- TOR SAI.K AT ALL DRKiUl.Ts.' m-fij Selling Off at Reduced Prices! S we are about to fiU our shelves with Fall (Joo.K.we oiler all our Suinm. r fMhini; ul tiwrr rain Hum free .' It is mostly h.-nic- tnade work, and warranted. LT Suw is your : time lor liarsa.n- ! All ku.d- of Cl.OTHINC notiee. ZnillUilitN . n . .in. tst.ts TT) A TT TJ t H T 1 f tULAi-l. a. nltiUJUiu nttAAj-Aiw.aj Shortest in Disiante & Quickest in Time BETWEEN TUB TWO ClTIlSS OF ...... - u.nniPCHDP i fiCll lUiliV MIlU nrtnm JUUitUi k - i - ii t V . lltt trwttutlt Auenimcn unit iumu. t,iknin.i iiv.i :.. n.w Y .rk t a m : :Jnt't " ' ..ni.-ru i.-ntr-.. i;..t,;..H i.r mh.i '.U.vilil' Mi;, u. ri :H!i.:-i ... t. J. r.-k L.-ri-nj 1' ill x. N.w Y..rk -t tu. ni w.u - u. ',... .a ....... i- m.o.-...m-i. i;u tn..uuu.sur- U (.eiili jl li'.:.J i .r .-ii:ii..t . awjv. M.ul 7....M Ki t leavn Ilifri hun t B A M. arrivR i mt I'liiU,!. ij l.. a tat 1 ' M. :uitl .Nvur i-irk ut UsAI i -i. 111 i timt? to ini-. l-iil .-r tr- for ii..ti n &c. j t1 tlrvitm f.-tt i'-KVv ilMrrl.-r ur.'. i:i.t. r-n nrriTni ( of Nitu-ru inr .i triim -hrro. . ut PkiLUcll-Li. .t ,,16 ,. . ,ua ..... v.irk at ..,v.ui... ,haiife ..t rr- or trfi.-'a.-e, u t.ven N.-w v.-rk or 'lr,4ul -.'.,'.,;.. ..r,,, .1 rv.n.f .it. :.l.l .11- ' Lt - . tor iKWv, irhl, ou..r n! tm u. i i.iy to J.J. t'LYl'K, II irri-t.tirn LEW If HI lid, IM(. CO., J't. I.. u. i;::i:vi:it, ii-oprlctr. rPHls new Hotel is situated opposite the' 1 Court Ilouse,iniht most taslnonaide and , .-ea .. t . i u , ... . . . ...v .... .., .... .... . -- cUveMtenee can not be surpassed in Central' in.syivania. i Those visum:: thr t'niversiiy, or ar.endim '. find " convenient and , een.ral put he h.m-e-charse. will be the ,,..! rfis.ii.il.P an,' HpiI r r 1 inie lr e X pen Si? , V C"?'1TZ ' " Ih.i.n ten. tiiai' in I Pu i-.hu T:. .M3V .1. 1 MjU . 1 CilKAP PICTURES t A T .. Ct . T.'ol l f'ol'.trv i i m .mm i a ,-!ft-jui-;u. .o. ....... , X AUKE T street, I.ewisbur-; ll.iv.i.? '. i-VL j t-t received a larre assortment uf t-ta.u ar.,1 lancy Casts, I am prepared to lake I'lrtures at reduced prices, Ur the Holidays. All wishina any kind of Pictures can save money by selling them soon. N. B. 1'iciures taken in cloudy weather. To Persons out of Employment VC.KNTS Wanted to Sell the Krie SKtt IN'd VAi msK Wei:iiTe.tommi-sM'.i, at ir..m -fjj . i u i.T iiK.mh. d .s ui.i---. i' ' strueti-.t. that .l.ii. i.i,.,-. e, ...iii le in il- .s..i- lij -I il. v-srs i l.-ari. t. . . . r.i- it by h..r--fj . r'e i.i. trti. tiin. It it . .,u.l .o t I'-auie Iv Sewtuir MtM-biUs ib use, -LUt the Lirloe is t-Ut 1'itUis!. Is l..r--. IVl-suna nithilif za Agency trill tri-treeo j. n. i-.ori.AX. geris-tarj Cii. ge.lltg Muhine r,.mi..i.T. S.S67 111 1. IN. OHIO Ta AItU 'II.C'IL- -An rxce!lnt il Ik, ver LLVLIt WATCH for sale at a bargain must co. Impi r. ol A K. DENORMANDIE, Lewrisbnr-r l T ' Tr J for .lii-'ire and llll.l 11 I V I ) t ..ii-Mltlt lr !; or luncd to uitin, a', int. C'tii'iliisli Ullice UNION COUNTY STAR & ii uiri THE Ill.OOIl ! HOF FAT'S VecetaWe LIFE FILLS Phccnix Bitters. HTIE liijrttniitl envii'dceieiiritvwiiirh . j.inHmi.t lnll.-inn Kan- aniutn d r-r tl.ir Ilt.,i.i.i,. niinrj in nil it.- ,l !...-. .i.i.l, ti.-y .r,.t-e to eure. h" reu.ier.si u.e uiei timet.-. f puOii.tt m.. "J'J," tttlj they itinve u..t ; the Uithot the credulous, ,N alu-ask ui a ,. a.cti fHiiif Runt- shtimi, Anton..!.. v . in.iut k.pksts. nit fo'.' tjvtnivirtiT..-tn Hi-.s.uti. .n.1 u.t, T"' STt'tTr -"T.? ."."! it "Xit 'nine, i iniiutc, ruriiit r, auu mnri, iiii'r tui . ... ,. ,, . , . ... ... ... .MeiiieiDea, iii net. r iu-rrjf u- .iti.outtt.eui. lMrwsi So ,uu:j ,-i -No j-e-rson with Uii. di.lresMiti: .liee.s u.itic lh.-i- iii.-iii-i.ee iu.t-j.sli.tely. tti P- Tut .-.is. Lmsirttu. Iliisiixi, cum a.- """'"" , ""'7; .... . ... .-,ilrn ..;th, ..i-, rur, i,, u,w ,u.,c.uh. K,mui. illMXKKt UiU t.r..HtetiWi. potTtUJ (rt.ltr:.tl.U 1)1 i-ill,rtU. or ML iiM, liiiMtj A.f'a.i'rl -Mfi, riU'llillUX OiTUfi 11 l ttvi, I'tiM-Li. c i';; -Ul. I'll ... i ! or: - ii -1 t.r. i rit tt r ftV.- - nn-tl inc rutt I nt I : t.r w- UnHiih t V t In .i tii. l.i i M.-.i rtl' it- ' W .ti.u- f -til kiii'.'-- nr. . tu:ttiv p.p. Ii.-, lit il--. vt.;i, I'nn-iit- iH tiiitit-tt'r tti.'iH vt.. ii-v r tbfir ki-tt ut-e i rUit.t-J. Tirt: l:i k rii.i.s ami imkkmx wrrKits TttriS lln-1.1 .l, I It ti i -1 j ' M- ii it'i". !r- ui tY.r -in. A -i. Tri:.l will i-l-.- 1 1 . K I'll. I. '"t I'H'i.MX lil il l l.S tyo..1 rrru' tl uf t btii-tllluD i" tin it imt ii n ui ttry ,'nt..-it. M-u'itri-l Kv in:. W H.l.lAM M"I -T. -t.J n-'.J 11 P: ii.M.-ti. pjeur Arrar c ClT.Cr.tS -I- W GCC w TOSEPH L. IIAWX HUH- UkfD thf 7 Utfl! kin-wil -vi 1 L l if A I .N r.d r, j,, ai, t it!ei ;u an e;ensive variriy ol ... Il'ils, Vnp', (i nib nini'f CVo.'i ..-, .1. t . . . ...... t. A-SI.V l.KK.S, ,Vv, wii.eu lo mill mi.ki nutw unl,r ht. .tii cntiitues the 'fail, nr.- Bitii- b, 'c'a'r;,u, ,h'; atl!Ucti.n of the CllstolluT. .V U. fntiiin ami Uepairin jz .'one to order. Lewisbiirs. . rri1 1K " - - Commissiocer of Illinois. a , vl,M,.r ,,f ,, Ma of 1 : 1: n, In cuh.v ,, t ,u,,il, lo alnniilslf I oalh, to I laKeit.'po.-ili. lis :in rooi ui i!e.'.i',.rn.r'T' .1.-1 in th.- s-nie i.f l.li.i t. V B I u' I r- .i i.,,, -i-, r ,i -..i i!.' in v Mi I I'M! ! I.y 1-: , . t.a.k f"- Ill" J IT-,!.;irj.- l.'.e .... .it.-f .I. I1X l; I INN. i i.mI ,-y. tw. ,il i. t ... ii i.- ni.t.i. . I nr.. !jth I Vf 3 li'r HT f. vH'f iVil ?. Just ojieiit'iJ, t.pposito the Riviere liou.-e, i:i tin: Iloom lately occupied I.y A. inircr. ! A FULL an;! cinii!t'te as.Mirtmont of :A FALL &. V INTER CLOTH- U G, . ' "'" 1 ' -'- ri.-.st im!-. Jii'l t ...Us ij ev. rv sule in.' n:u- (lO. FC3 THE PEr.MAriEriT, Tltt. reme-ly is -,ff.-re-l .tr.-nliurf it uie.ii. t.f .ve.ly p., re fur tl." !&r,r- mntiSer tli:it .'..e ......... 11. iu ..ur l.,id ..f tliai teU ..-..urire. I .....u.ni.ti..n. U. .lash, uulnrtu- Ui.1.1... instiv pie Si j.t.in causes saU Voutu .ud g .re .i.. .ui.j.ct o, iu r...i.j. c.n mm. ..... r m..re 1 i. nb- .-.-t to fi..- fi.rtn ot luti up ttL Ht f. -.11 i.oi.!. which. if n..r ittfii.ifl r in t-A..Li. inTltMv ri.n'-lCti' tii ("if- ilwrrr l j.ifnisturf raP. -tich. In-lp tu t h.in'1 f Il.-r will l"t nrail thfiiwlTfw nf tt. mul ln-jt Tt.- lit , oiiiKt-r -f l.riBKir lT..-uy h iwk-n-'i with-ut f-mi ..f flnll,M ,ti-.,...ii'.tmi.t. tr. I'hww lix)i Ai-AilA iULul .! junt ttt in cliiurl Cr it. u innv Ij r- l.'-l tij.-.n li t1. pick irtr.i liir nnwl i-iiccr fat id ctir-nii luru m.'I ttirt.T ilt-ir.lr, rniy reiiiviy n at ttti- i.:e-rM:t tay lh muny jim---" -.uuirt. tiv .'..ii-inri.ttM iti-t IU unprfll.'l.MUU m iiivrr - u.j rM U t far lU m.nu.niMr Horn cou-um t.. isi ..r t.ei..t..r.T 1. 1.:.-. t- lv .!! ti"t IflifVi Utiikt t.vri- li.rtu.-i'i'a U-jrv VAvr? SAtYCS-b Vi VVv vjx ov It U It'-C" -!. 1 HI !!. sV-il-m : ! It l'K'lt ft-1 ;' 1 l: : t -..in; if Mi J fin. I.f-. r-?- ..m; li..: -iii-1 l."-.it. " !Tf.;tif tnTr ..f tt..- f-i.--t t.r,,, .i. I. !::. o ..t il.- I" .u-. fi i- tin fv 1 it... r I.i i.t.:ii .rM. nil : .li ' Ij. ft f. ver-.tli int -i-.it tii (r. i: r ntt.t kid r,v. -Mi!trW ;rf .ii';i ti.i. I -..w f .if .-.it. I t.-.'tr -.! JiT-f itn,..".i"t in th'-ir r-v.inr itri.ou !tt-r--.lil- ..Itr-Ml ai:T in their tak. .rn,. UP if l.irT U fi ui Mai ! .-. i-.- f l l.r:r.!-T. ( tfr. 1 111- .jtl!vil fl-fl, .t- a ".... j 1 i '-! r i--n l ii:-..r.;.-i. ;m 1 a it ls l.i l:ful'.i..tl ir. in ; tiiofuti tin r'.-ii ci il cu..e. lo jtacli ..f tlie .1-i.r.- .,,.1 - . v sr... . '!.. -Hi. !' .'.a I- -u.e. V i'.s u-e tl" -IT' et.- .te I re... va-tn Oi tl.e ,n . li.-itl -t I ti,, .,.,, . Ho ... nil,. . A--I.il,!,. r.....M.. .V.I.I.. .suit l.-ti. i..l iS.-l.;litV. ste .tT.-eti.-ilh- .;.:re.i l-v il- ee. N-s'l:t S..H1--. I...-. .! He.li. .ii.l IW-I.IS' w.e..f tl.e Mi.sci.-. ".''V,:;:. ,'.:,.,, i,,.,...,, Itir..st I ne.i. no.. n ... .. . l.",rl l.'Hi (ii 1 1 v ." tr..llii..tf ... oiese ai.- . ..-u- .u ... ewrestii.;. ...wt sut tuhw nr. o. fUrtr- nrwra'. A"' '''."."f ,,.. ,h. ...i,,.. ,. ,.,., .lri, . si to tiot .iio , f ..r ii ,sr. r....t. tt l..l-all --n riva, : ;,,..,.,, .,,,,,,,... t., t.vrv hit- rf !,. .i.-.t.'.-t .iii.l :rf.-1if N..'v. It .--Ji lv: .'ti j- ti ;. -I ll.v M . f 1 1 -iii.'.ll "ii-.. -ire Iu.it - .o'-..t m .-i.-l.t aii.i t..rtjr t.t.i-i ..t- t ir"l .... .tit ,-,. n. 1..,.,.. hut in. le I'..' t:..,l .o, 1 11-. ..--':ll ..11 fiir.l ts) K l t!i. ... -t .-iil lwrie '..-.-.i-.r. ft f .O A..AS ii-.,-i is --....o'-i itb tt- . -rr,..,te. C O- KUt 'li" le-? .? i.-. N f-J ).,. u. .. e. i-'L:-.. sr. i-ir.s! ... tn.i.e it th .t x ii is tii.. I.--; kit. ... i . .... y . f tt. If -j V iu. I.e Ue-Q l enhei s..-t...t m1 oii! .till -.-... us. .:.(. (.-rf.-ct -..t : -oi.l it is o.me i:.e li- s...-rfe.l in r- t , u.- it .-' : -. .'.t. else, .lui-fi ...j. I.i. t.i.in L.ii.iu tut ur.tr.. . el.oul l It.T. it, .ad ressia ItMi l...ue iioiii lti tl.M.iire. -p 1 tu tti-r teUt.. (, s ratqp $2 per dottle h n nnw-tfris 21 a J9J 'A The above is fur sale at 25 cts. and S per large bott'e, by J Baker Si Co.Sole Agents P' ICTU RES.-A hon? ran not be said lo br well rarniwirtl witiit.ttl crnne well selected J'lcttji h. This w ant can now In? Pi; ilUailu. JA.J 1. Jl-.ut rf-r. . .it tC'.'jlc ' 'tv'-m'KY? rp .;'::y ' LEWISBUKG CJIRONlCLE-l)i:CE)IliER 2J, lS(i(). Taggait & Farr's Patent ,, , , . Family bewm- Machine, i AYiih SjiauMins's Iinpntvt'bUiii! I 1 . V'BUC aHciit.r.n is r. sp.eil Jlly invite, I to the supt-rior mcrii ol new and unproved machines. They will Hem. Kill.'Ja hi r and Km!iroid-r. Will sew every vaiifty .l lai ric Ir.mi ihc I'n.iM Swiss Muilm to the heaviest tuiloriii. wi'Iioii' intssiit uii:hi s. They are verv strong !.:ol 'turat.,e. i . iet-: mliv .i-tite.i in wair-oiiinc ihe machines n. be . every r. spec, e.iai ... ree- ' omieendaiions, as th. v have b.-cn thoroii-.-hly tested ... c-...peu...m..ii. it ti..- bii'-i have .-iveu u il.e niost .su'i-staetory stiu.- i.nl 'IiiraMe. our rir. ular, lo which we ie.ii o.. a ...... ..... dt'scription ......t I :,!... r.u..n. "VI:ir:ot street.; r oii-i.i e no I next door . the ,e-U i..enI J..hl. W .1 H-t. -!. ! .rice.:t.-,.$!f, and accf'i.:; to Uize and fiui.-li. all complete and deliveied, ' ....I ih..r.....l. ...struciioi.!. aivca iu all vane- ' t.es of work. ! I .ii . Pewin Mnchine. will ' please fall and ejamme, or al.lr. s. i H v. ti ltll.Sill" lir I Vv' Shriller : 11. ldUlillll.Orj. !.. Lewishuri. ! men I a. Ave respecifuIH relerto :ih" 1' lo'ttiu- ..s. who air usins 'he.se iniM-h.iM-: ' Mis . (i.,l,!.-s. M.s W li,n.e-.n, Miss , I.oin.a Morn-. Mis l. A i. '!.' . A""- I. ;.'..e M.,.kry.Mi,J,l.a..-;.r...":...: M. - H.-y ! j II .Mair, Mrs Joh.i.s..: W ,. . .-irs l-i II ,ves. Mrs Srincis tti.-n, Mr.- M iirown. .ilts Ja-. .'.1 CrriKht. Mrs K lieri.tf.-h-r. Mr.- J A K..-1- mer. I.. wi.-liir;'.Mis J I' T.ist n. .N.'i 'nun- he, land; Mrs llev John tiuyrr. Mrs M ! A- pieman, Mrs David K-bens. Mrs Sylvester i I'ursel, Mrs Anre.1 fievdins, Mrs s K Kow- J ier.MrsE II H?l.ev Airs A M lloon, Mrs WRyf?r -;. -mfS KS I SB l I -. r.i TimVt'Dt'Illll i . ...... ...it.. illi.-t.-.I witl. 1;r-iI.M'"i': 'i,-n. r. - .'.i. Mrti'v. ill r-i.lirit.i. ffewli'PK- 'jOrCT The undersigned bare as-: : , t..,; : ; lft?fe5L?''.tl'';'Vjf.''lJ! i-"J,ociatfd Iheiiiselves into copan-, " ' " klEHWHMf,. r llWfe-r P-sh.p forthepurpoofcLy-.u.u.,, ,,1...,,; N;; . ,, ,-, t 1 "'""'renunrm bus,ue mall their vanou, i M-, ' Hn-K,.., ,. , v,w W JWiJar( '. i" --fil. branches, at the ' , f .s cUKU.. IswMnrs ' i. Litr,., . ..,.., r - -JJi ' - . .-4 i l'.i.-.linr. Rtenm tJiittlittO IttillS. '- V" "'" ' ! '. " ' 1 !" - 'I I l.'reasev. Miss M Den. ("oluuibia Co. W ho-h af ..:!. red In a : r ca-h. at . ur .Mills , t.,., .-. a iu::i.i.-..s. ...... ..-;..ui.-t.. i r.iui I.ewisbur". Feb S'J. lW I s. nth Itrunrh of die W hue Deer Cre. k in j ' ; Hartley tow.-l.,p..r delivered on the Rn.-h j FIIIIAD'A riATFCSH SCALES, I' A HOOKS from Kav A lir... I'inla I., on allrv Narr - r. a.l a: ilo end ol .ur K .ad. . i-.- i' r .y ee-cr.pi.oa, -ona'.le j hand or fui ni-he. I ... or.br I y die Aent ; I .- A i'lpioma lor a superior sample of '.'; p r liailr, a.i-. .".c. r ' -inh-j II V CKil l Zlll;. I' AI. Lew isl.tirs Planks. a:id a Premium f.-r Kails ar,.l s!mr- .('ALKS J in hay, e. al, ore a...i nirrrhand- lis.... re av..:i.le.l u a! i'i- :a-t I r.ion l'...A;. i . iv i ,.. ,., ,...,'!-,. !": ...... r-r i..e..i n..a ...r. Kinif ennn A Mii.il AniU UtVi Lu.J Wm.llrown Jr. A. 4'Iin. C DunklP, i.Ifroivn Jr. A. 4'Iin. '. Iimtkle, iviiic formed a Partner-hip, at the old I f Wm. &. J. H. Urown, Market s't.ahove llavi stand s5in...ei-ouip, VI!K rsi UK olferini a laiw assortment o til nl ilTi:K ;ooi, poses. Call and examine tor yourselves. . rouuee of all kinds taken in era-ham:, for 'loods. URDW.N it Hl.NKI.L. I.ewisbure, Oct St., Iri.'.t. RIVIERE SGySE LEWlshl'H; VA. It. lil TZJlL, rropr. riJIlS H'tel is l-.caict in the cimit : ii'1 J t"tt 11, out Mprirt" l'roni 'i'urt HmiM. i'ersons atifinlifu i'lniri.or haviniuilifi' bu stness in thr tvii, wiii liit ) ihiM a pliM-aiil ! and cotnfnriable h. nip. rharcs mudtTiitc. Lewisburp,', la., sept, fi, Irt.'ii m:l Josiah Baker & Co., "AVE made arransi minis vtiih E. AE made arrunsii!,in.:, v.,1.1 E. Locke V Co. to li,r;,,-l. 'Jn per ecu. I A I .'llll. I ! hy the libl. and Ha.f Bid. as cheap as it can 1 be bouuht in Philadelphia. ' Thv have also jum received a general as- ! . ' aortmciit o t .. . n,tn...i.'i, ! I'uliit-r an l?s.t.!ai i.n.l S'utly, I CCi-iL V&ttvHUi.5, j BKUSllUS ami rhlll'L'MKUY, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, CUTI. EK V, li I A'-V.Vt; . UP, ' ri'i'" Oil, nil pnpular i"a!r!!t Mcdit iiies, i Liiiumsjoliai tu, .SnuU'.Iiilis, Stuia j Asli, Wkel (.reuse, &C. &c. i .M the a' ove ait.cle. i t:'-r-d VKKV i CHKAI' KOI! CAi-ll. Cad before tujiue. : elsewhere. fur .Vntto :s 'Sniiiit ri-dCitN .Si. iulck Said. ! Lewisbur,', May l:t, IS'-'J. . PEIPHEfl'S LINE fltO -Nll FKtl.M l'lIil.ADlll.rillA. li.DUIlON OF HlhltdlT. 1st CI... 4.. eeute .er lutl .itiujs. ' Si d., 4'. do tii, I ;:,i d.. -i u.. .1., 4b do C, d.i Hi St.it rt-, no ! VI ItcHt, Itre ...d t'orn, lu centt. .r buehs-l. j Phll.ld. Depot with ! I'rteil, IW ., 811 Varkci St. Th-ii.Lriiil t..r ihp i!.,t;i nairi nri".' ivpri lis IVPIl lis -"'""" I - r" . ue hi.jie tiy sinct aiuniMiii m uumucm tu merit a continuance ol ihe -.itt.e ; Tlit. S i'Lll-iiirit For utriher inforniati.-n apply io : ly?t.-ij C 1! M'lil.M.V. .! .-.... l.ewi '"iir: James F. Linn. J. Herrill LIlh. T F. & J. M. LINN, u . Atturnvys at L.aiT, LEVVlsULKti, 671 I' -ion C imiiy, Penn'a. J. Ill r.lllll ll-l Cojiissim.. for the St.t.. of I w. Willi s..er U. tftke l).'Joi.i1iini,rl.iioi..li;e LNt.-dii.'.c. Kew Hotel in Iiiuinburg. ST TUB subscriber would respectfully in "Eform the Traveling Public everyv everywhere, Ihat he has taken and titled up the premises ot George Schoch, in the centre ol MAIN ST. MIFFLIN liURG, where he is prepared to accommodate strang ers and travelers men and beasts in the best manner, with B.aid and I.o.ljin: Please cive me a fall. Apl..v. CIIAULES CIIOTZER. 1 tAlirilTo a line is-or'ui. t.t by - liuiii. "jujdu,iQ i I'nll nil l)Ti:K f.ooilM. I I it ..aar-see -r i oousistinq of lieady Made Clolhm;, Cloihs. I llftrCrhfllll flTflSfttrP fti t$!.?i't2'gi1 i'v'-l r- 'l'Ji Cas.tneres, tToalin. Vesting. Carpetins-. JJUitJlUlU UUIMIU, ffijZS&'i Cj W? J I NOTICE. llleached and Drown Linens, Dtiiiiogs, fbir- ; compr.s.nc Wun-ans of all kinds. Jenny l.ind. '$f'4S&f ' ''? "Crf' T" '.t-7ens of I.eu ,..tr.arli c t 7 t.nss.Ac. llotiaiv-.aii.l Fiench P.edstead Centre. Card. It-fUi iiVr 1 ti. t.. ii.-nes tm.- r-.'...."e.f hi- I ,.."t Also a larce varietv of Hull's lKi's ; .ur..,.. ... i-. ........, lrTt ritX.y XtV. : p ...... t. r -v rrr M...--r V--.,. GOODS, such as Calic e,.Cl..ihies. I.awns , ; Vah Mftol liai and Towel Ka.k:., and , lEA;! UtisT.','! iXYXixi3 S I ...... . .1 , 1' ' Delains. Harapes.Strks.tlin.ham-.ShawlsAc. ayllm. , ,he ca,,nel ,.. If .., on hand. C nhove the IvlM.iKce." , tfi. i'Z ai..., all kinds ol Notions, Groceries. Hard- , ,e made to offer. Cane .Seat and Hair ; -.Xi fr.f..: p a. ,al ,.. h- h. p. - to mer.t a c.-atiuu. ce ware, Cedarware, Queens and Glassware . cloth Chairs ol .Liferent sizes, and a'mosi : !i , y, A v ; stw-W4 "I s S t':r tin 1 u"ic i.auoi. i-e Fi-h, Sail, Tobacco. any pattern Canto siools, Reception Cha.rs, 13 i t ts'T;i?5 S H " 1, Also all kiudufllrlffe for building pur- Hor-e .shoe, and all kinds of Wnid-orCba.rs, i ferVf ;tfEB2a.?a N" 1 lt..iii:ii. RUSK A. o., pi .'f ' (Ltrt l. rttiiu akii ") ii null. hiii;. Orders respirtlu'ly solirted and promptly Med. All w.rk Harrante.ltottivesaiisia.ion SP-Ar. Hwstr- l-t f l.umbr -f ml- .It.s.-rnt.m.s i n lo.llll I.T sate. Faclurqun Xnrlk HccunJ atrtet.Uwitliurg.ra April 22. ix.r. 3bnra ! whrrr thi-y intend to p a Mud; o." I'ti.'-. ! ll.-i.:l..'K. Walnut, 'iiel". I'.ip..n, h, Ma- ! l.l.-, an.l all kui.l -I I.'inil.r, Klooriim Mitt- xK::? sights hiiu.r-, nii...:s u m. -.. . " T!f irl. l. Af IM.iIIII.". Sill'.lll!?. St Toil MlU- ' ; lu.Ilce an.! all wo. it waii.uile.l lo ;n M.iisianu.i, Luili in ill..-; and workman.-!"!1. j i. n!FFKi:Mii:nFi:K, MAItTlX M'.IWSllAI II, hikm bi(i;i.-ii vt ii , . FACTOR.Y W I N r I t X U " , I ,,r SSi.l iifloii, I '"' ' j 'nil' subscriber, Ihanklal , . , ..re ail kin.!. .! i.oli ii snen a. . :o,:i.,. u --i rner-s. . w. ti . . . . i i ..ue.s ...... r :....e:s -, . .. Suckitu aras. lh ma. 'ui.ery b.n.s ol h.- '"e-l kii.d in e-e, an 1 havi.i? ei.ipi..)- ! the t t workmen, he le.N sale in ayu.g ihat l is wor'-i -hi.il no. be surpas.e.l l. anv etiabli-hinen: in :he cuiintry. Aeoo,lup- p!y ..f tl.eaK.ve kept ot!Mai..,y . n hand :"r , r!" ""'"' 'or wool, ai pn. es r:ir .,..t la. I t.. l.-as... Wool, wiii be , ,,.,.,.., ui.,1;,.ra, ,. ,h sh. ,i.-s. .,ure. T.-r:.:s f, r .-.r ca-ii oi. ;ti.- livrvof .liero!. MAiiK 1! Al.l'I'UN.N V. W ii.iieiii M.lls.M.ir.ii ::u, 1H..V. . - - , v , . j-j, ; , t ; j - j. , j rj"i;r, sM. n ,;...rs l.ai I. r -a p-r-"--' J i.n , t : sun j.a.'.iias. r.-.s f''-'" a tar if V-;.. IH'.IHUS- 1'ane! Smf. fcftw.'f.-i Plank. Af . -V A.fjttO I'lM: U.UUK 2 ine.ii Sawed Mnnulrs superior iuality. Al-o ;ti.,ie Timber t..r llu.idtnas : i.-... nil Y V r . I l I:rr. lair. Ji!l V IM.!. A liliOS. Forest H.!l P l, I'nii.n Co, Pa . T I OOK 1IE3E! ...Ii.-i ami r:.iitl.ii-i. fl'HKRR is n.. .e:,.!e l,.r the snrit... iraile : I , , - , ,- ' ... .. for s.-.ie che.n i,,r cash or short credit. A ini. at,ivc, can be had at ihe Vareroom of E.CintGr cn flaiket St. , , , ,. , 1 ,1 . Ii.ur dinTs ahovt :h-.' h.ui.c. or at iho U .-.aim tm lsi -t Ytv.hx siren, ufiereiUe subscrtln r wil! t-e i;lai to se-t? all bis old customers, atid ail inc new tnci uuo may iavur mu wnn a t-all. Tb snbsrribr also attends to ihe I n- UenilKIII.; HUMIltMiii mi nr v.u.i-u.s biaucties. lietii provided with riss leul Metaiic Burial Cases, and Coffins ! ... ... l i lit n;s nun nianulaciuntie always on hand. ! lit- is pri'riari'd at anv tune u Urtit upon anv i ' . MM I....I , ,,.r lhc ,,a (avi,t hesmia-ks for a c. 'e cf ,,, s&Ultf. ."..!. . ...... IU VI'l CINTCK. Mat ill It."!:;trii;s,e.c i - , hzl. - 1 an nr-w lfii.iv tu repair ! - --' , , ... . Mhelii.eM Wau-ho- -ucli as I hroa.onie,.-. Dupiei anil Lever r.-cr.peir.eiits in she v.Tj best manlier, lo-iether wi:h e vei v ..'lie, k...,t I work .:. e.ir line ot I :siiies. All work war - ranted to sue -aiisiaetion. I'J I have also the Ajniry fi r ihe -a'.' of the celebrated t'oal lil l.tiunw l..?eili. r wilh tll ha les, VVick-. eVc Ac l ewisl c. Mr,, i;ii K It. N"RI AN I'll" J-.T3. ri rj .c p es n "W a ! (--.IB till. l:S M-.Hr..OIt c.ur.ei on j Hie above business, .n Ftiek's Krtcl; Mi-. k. N.-rtl: Ib.rd i. Cuttii-.; and Ma k:r.L; .n .1 siyie aicor-liii': to tiie best Fa.-h- ' .. ii-. ti.ve u- a chance, and ste if we eau not "si., i C. M AI ti. li-tr.- N'ev. 1. Aurllna and t i.ni.ni--h n llua-c !a I. i-".erir. j fMpv'-?Sj'." 2 LeiBil Auciimicer! ; r.t.I.ii'lorhavin-rW,i.;pp..i..nd Auction. erli r i.. w:-i'i.u, i-prep.ire nd lo ail calls in his line iu tuwa and atie I country. Commission Sales. I nest. inter.! lo epen In April nest. I inter.! lo open on Marke tri et a Room for the reception, anil the sale ai stated tunes, ol in. kinds ol t.. oils at ttie- tn i.. Anv tne wiimi' U'tTispti-. i anv arn- r cle can tlcpt-Mi u w;ih ilo ami 1 vm! sell it ar , , , .,.. i ... i ,. .... i , I.'ll' !'..,. rlllia.l.d.t. I loll UilU L. tiai -K tX lie I , e r samc Vvb. i-.vj f a :nr:!To r.it C.Vir.SCIIAFFLE Liwisaurg, Fa. VTholepa le Dealer i. Dru?, Medicines, Chemicals, I.yc -Siulls, Oils, I'ahiis, Varnishes. Window Glass, Perfumery, Pure Wines and l.i.Tin.rs ejpress'y for Medicinal I'ses, Parry Xr.tii.11 tto..ils.and all the regular Patent Medicines of the dav. 5 - Pariicularattentton paid ... ..n i . l- .1.. ...... i c , . " ,, , . ' '. . f . WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, Iri Islmirar, Pa. e ' "VFFICE at bis residence, corner of Mar- . I V ket and I ounh streets. et and Tourih streeis. (Mi'. "wi.iiamVanGezer, , , ' OilM.V at Law, TTOI Levvisbur- I'lanins Will, !Tar and Wood Hajtha PECTORAL r;;:;;:.,;;;';;' -'. &iSiwp eonsiantlv on hand a.irl ,s lh, ,,r.T ut:, ,m .. il. ri i t. r th. Cli'K .f J l.ivrs invito. I i :nf u.,,.' V'' . ii.anuiaeiur-to or.l. r l loorilip. MHlp, 1 uU,.h and Cold.-., l'rp, IlroiirhiH.s r j. ,ni svr ra. ai , , ... '....r"r' " n 'i Ioor. !. '" . ! ,,,." ,jfficu!t in lir.-atl.iiig. I'alpita- t T..tal Aosti:.. i..- ,,r, ',"' ; .Moiilinai ot all paiurns, , A si lima, . ' . ; ,!'. A. U i :" ;t and alX-rdrriptiunsuf Wood Workup tlonf tlio l-arr, I'.p'l , . im.i.u.A, 1 ,,.;.u ' I , .... ,, ltKU.T . t I..II.LU in .l-ifl - r' ' .... ...... .. ; ; ; - . . i, t. ; iWitiipt'u.u, together winal. Ii.-ea. ; (,f ,1C Xhrnat and U't, aUvl wulCb pre j dj c , (;u,u!nIi. . l.p.nlii.tlyK.J.1 .'-It. ih.rn.'1-.t rarer yn .1 .l...r ! ?r.-.t ri- ... II.- ..I IL. ...I u Pfcila"a Ti.rri Cifta Manufjclory. Tn:ii ii:i'. !!::'. ri;.-, w .. .. ... ----- V "" ' 'r.'.' ' ; :,. I .-. :. ' - , J' .'. ;,", !:.V. . f ' .; . , ... ...... f'iv-i"- - - ":"u ' .' " ' J',,"'",-' ".;.-, ". ;-.' , .... , ; .. tlltirr. , y ITU ! I'J M! (ill' , . .... , ... r. . ,. It.! l .i- k . I. ,:i.... ..i.-r. - i-l. UI I'"- I . . -...ui- :i 1 1 . .:. - .- I A II. . ! -- I ' I ' - ' ' 1 ' " ... .... ( 't?.m:l. '. : ' '.. ...i. '- i-- '- , ';',;: .,; i ; ' - ! i -, ir. . m v .. ) o:;,..-..- ha:.:.:.- - ..- -..i! :.i. V'1".'-.' ' ' ' " .,.,'sV.-" - .u '. .......... ... . i;.. r .,, .t. - , :. -. . . '. r . . j Jj-' y ,.' j,; j ,",1, i' i'.',' ". ...';.'. X, , i. ,'. "' ......... ,.r.l.:'.' c. ii.ci, an-i i". ai r n :.:. ttl.v r r. , ir.:. .'. ..i.i .l .1 . ac- :-... I ;- r : i -.:.;. -:' miie ih.ii i.-iru-.n . via All! Dl A ''! . ' c.r.i . : .Nit.lt: -i An s .ri. tit lfi-1 - hi T f t f IKON pir:- ti. j t c. inn.: -1 1. Il :n ii" .-'' iilu-Tii.i.i .1 t-y Hi M ti. M.-li. ".; Aull. iiT' 'tl. i" r un :iuj .ii t iiiit u .-.on . Jii i .'i.:iin prn. t, . ... . t:..-. ,. t ..-. f ! ..,i-;.i. - ' :. 1 1 '""-r" VV,' ' !r' " i '": 1 " l:,:iu, M, tx.t. : 1. ni n. -l I: at t- t III tl. "fc'Cl , h oi tU- ! ii-w I - i a. I.- ! ""-m1 b ...i ..j-. -... ii...1.I,iilii1.T.: lu I.t ...... -,-,-..... -v.'; 'T .S- T- 'l-n...: J ''-.'. 1. W'i7.i, 1. .! f :..'.' I '-f i.n: I..-. iff bM-iri. m. h'i-nitit. t., h i f, V ' " ' " In r- - l in N'i. vl. It :..(.! i . u I. II. r t.. 'v.' ft i-iitt- .ll-va-f. ..r -1 ll.i i-i.iiiimi. 1 .ii:nit.ni . t 'fH'-'in. m. i Qiu-ctil;.r .11. r-' ir. iii . 1: . r t . . t;i :;.irt. . r.." l:;; . li:i li n. l. M-rr I ."ii iut r . r t :i nil - n r.-'i-l ,.r,,,,;t.. ivHlI,t, i, t. 1 m -i.i. n i., L.tfi-, o.m.-i..r-. n.n in tVir u LU-tr... i..-Lf m"'- .1 I... I.o.. H..r'.l if j":.! r. tnrt.nl I , rr..,sa.r:;.: it, : i J.'-X'I.-a .. "1 ,. .,,r.,.. ,:,i,n.sU,,... . I ci.ii..-,-... , si:... :i. t- .-.h.-. : '. i it."' . "it ul,. i- . I r.. r.. : r. i I. r .1 :. I . l,i N - .---! , u-., ..... . i .... ! . r r-: -. ...r , ti i ::. - ' . : r'-'-'-V'r'i ViV !-' 1 1 t. i .,,.1. -i . v. . . ; n . f -i-. ... i. ''t'.'"' . ",',', ! . ' 'r: t. t.t ii i-l .!,-. It. ' , , I -,-f. . n. I. - i .1.-. in s, v. ; ..t . . r i r.u.t . t'..-- n .ti. m. " .-I' '.I..--, tl Ii: t I ,' . '. t,.- :,tt.-liti-..i . t ' tt. I t- f I. : Iv . .... It, Kitlt -il li fie Utter. e i-. -. I ;.'-'v .-!i r. i.- rt- l. "- ..ii. .';" - '": i r- in. tv ' ...... r . ; .. s. i;:. . I ..,.t, r...... .... I .. ill ,-t. i ,l:.v .. .t r -I ir ' ' v., .. ..,v t-- ' '' - ' ' 5 " -"'' ' 1 ' ,;.. ri( ., ,r,; ,.; ,....,. i . . IT- R.l.t Cllt - TMll . ,; ';'" I't.t vv 111 r.. n " t v-V -lit .- , T,ri,- . I-- .' V tl, It .-n; t . ti. -. v : t,- -- . r , . ! A.I leu. r.,..tj. r. . t- .' . .1.1 I 1. li I). KUI" " ' ' j lrSi, .- -.- i Tiieo. S. Chriei. it P.. j Pi:YJ lt." :.! v I-s.rOT.', i-.;7 -i 1'. im . ' (YXV$ ' c(llllrv. . l . e I . n U ..... ..a,- in,. I.i-ht j . o- tiuiii'i ai an ....... s, when ti.d rr..'. ss.nalive,1,-ae. i-ai hist 'tle on Mark-el ft- between :td and 1th. opposite Schreyer-V llroun's fi..r. Lew.sburi. May St. l-t.n . ty.. MiCGN t CO s.n nt.ws IVIAdUlM . Ves. lN.iUAVI.KS .-t. STATKIM-KS. I . ... . ... ..)..,',;.. ij . nesiiiui .-i. .-..,..'.) Hn..tttviT-..r.i...tti.. itfw.-vi .til.-. Vfit'i'J ml r.u-iDe.-t. i'.j.r.;r-. t v?tr,4...l inl t.riii;-l t li.? .-i.-' B.ti.u. A irr. hni .i.-.-.. :itt..-t.t .1 MVK M:t'. ;.tv m1 ivnr.il tm,.). li.ttti in . . l.-r. n." t rv t.rriyi-l t-;iitb.sini'. ar'Mi.ally ix-cut-tl. At'? '! ''i-" Kut. I-'i.ri ua-l t-. or ler -n -" 1 : : A. H. Dl LL-A'torney at La,v. I tPl-H'i: . nth .... !-',,,... y) .,, ......m., i h :i.,..':: American Lite InKrar.ce s Trust l.t . . - , ( ; J. 'I ' I t pi i, ' ,.',. . M. I.' I.V"V .T',,l. I I ... ,.,...''.'' . 'I -T-- ?. . pi I. it Ii..." !.-- i.N.. i'..VRVb iK7 LIGHT GAIIIRY. j .1 mt.i : i,- , :. ;' - v It. -.ICO . I,-, flo s. I, . AI.:i.rf I w-l it;. Pa. ' ':::: i ; : i i.s, .j.7.7...v--.":t;:.s-. w-i.l s:i...-ri..r -. - 1 . . :, ' r ' ' ' 1 .ir.i iiv i 1 1 : ' a. . .; ;'!. - . 'ar..- ,1 sI; ....... ,, -, t l.'i.i.le ...i : u i.i re. A - . Ii il.l.tl . Tl.ese j.u tu r, s lire ci i. I.- 'i I etol ;:ie - nj . r.i r T.. ai . .. j r.i;. .: '' :. '. ; i'v . I . . j'r. ssi.-n ai i - i 'i t ' 1 ii ;;' ! . i.i ev 'lie t an.. i. , i a..- i-ir : i . ,1. :.i .! 1 I,., i. '-;.' t. t I'm.-n c. I.: ;. i : - .;...:.-. A.i': l""i"J T .. i VII lucKAS g. cr.iir., i-vn. .r f .P Y' 'i r V :. i !?i?i:.l ft :t: .If l!rr. i i n. i .-: i i" -, Ac r e j a . . i I .n -h-.t : i.s. v I .' i, f ,. 'it-t : a- i'ii . tii i Ci..rks .!, : l.-. "i . ;. h....-- -.-; I i.i' I IvAMI. . I aii - es ma.'e I.e .. .-: pr.l I-'- I l it ;. i ; V;iti..i.: .-ii . i;.-! l-nrlr . Trr .. i. II i t ..f !.:-. il. ti. ! in. rn i-v ; e . . B !- ' Ii ui. r::tT- .-Kaf;. nikI -''tr-rk r!. kr--i' I.i uiit tir-, April I. J. C I.. UM'S. SASH and I'Ut.i..s, Dl.I.NPa and MIUTai FliKv.'inL'. ' i!: .., I'raiiiii'-j. .'.i. f T "sle at th. Pr-u- r ' t .- i i . .. tl Lv. i.-t.ur-. O. i ; I Arrtfiyrvifiit tur ttu J ACO!; i. f-KOW N. havintr sny. I.t-u i!'nr' Marker fi r the astsu n.. h;ts nuiile th- ini: ai rai.L' n. -!. - rto...-.- v-ir Tt..- i - I t?- r i ,. h.. 1 . :i VV. f. V' . VtT.. i - ,-i u t.f, .11 I...- . V..-... : - r. l. 1 .: -ei. f. h... I.i " I-. I'... II:- I....::, is Vrrk t, I ... ii. an. r-i.t..: I l-ro-.'s " L ....- - A p. lo,-.'... i. . -1 i:i;m.i:. siuxr-. I Lai i3 II ni.i.i:. . . fin T T " 'I'M'!! !.' ' " i I.i:. ., ' ? 1. . I!': i'i : .-I.s. I..,. . s. i'-l s J-i I l,.., n -.s.f . Voir-.l. :::.". c- e' ; 1 I' . o . I se ted .ii tl." PiIK sll' l ril 'T I'lio- , I ttnu earrv . 6 .l;r;VjJ 3 f. it J Hiti.Hf" :l .'! V ar r.e. : i i rtffi'!'1 t t.. liu ii- ii'- p:t r-'iui I, tur !ir IML'ST!;!A1. ?TOVL WOK1." WM. C. NEMAN, .V,.:)J .V-rii -s !. -N'r .e.i.. -..'' .-.: ' 'u" ' pblLMILLl'IMA, ,,, II. 1 for .-ale the .' .. ' ' r'ZiZZ ?.'";,".;rj),e,.r,.r l..r the l'..n.. t 1 ) . l.r.. ill .1, Inlirh i-'r . .1...-.!,! hilVC Tli. .' I-1'5 in-..-. .,, .s, lit li.Mll; t tU.Kl.M. MO I.--' , reliable, always rcon.uiical. ,,.,, j Ai-o. the srrat "'""'"'"- . V. ,1 ,ve,. i. r Parlor. &fwt!l bom I ' " j f .ein.t inoie heal 'ban any other !.. t'- . , Ktrt-r ass.r-,,1. nt .1 -tl ""I" " ....,- lll-lTIM.sllH , . ..... . s:. r and retj... V.l.l.i.tl I . it -i yuTAHY l'llH.U' William Jonc i vnil.iJiu TTORNEY i V promptly a..n t "' ' sue.-. iiT,.tt ::.!'"-";;, ,'",.r,1 ;,r,. . ' r . i i.l.i; -I ..... .