i y1 r; . l S .. teS-ThursJ.y evening l.st week, tbere , MWide-AwkapiraetMBDcy,i.h: . i r ii i supper at Kubbins , speeches from Lev. . Jo.hua Kellv and Hubert Hawley, i .A ...th. Liter the annexed Attic parodi: " I THC RIVI.U Or SALT. A faun old rv.m ! thr ltiwofS.lt, A, It tl.n.uuii tlic T.ili- t trr, V iirfurt ,..h-i...-. h I"-'- ,b ''' Kri.i fr. m tun, trua'.'.; .nJ 1 Jon tt.- .- .tk " ' Aud itrrrn i. the ,ll.v I"'r- . 8.7, ItU th, ,Jrr,,..i.l l.H-tiii.-. prev.ll- TbeD, -l U ""'6 " u" '' Anil -hm 11" rl""- 'tr,nSc trft 0Wn An.ttoD thr Itiirti. briny tt.le! Tf. .n".-r.,. , ,.. ."J t.-vi,.T- cm. down. With Utr ..ml"''--"' ""' A Irrrille 11 1 .ril ""'.) n, rU ,d I tl ! li"""-1' "'" ""' "Vi.... ... OM - r. The Luco. B ur- h" 1 'T;'r::.:i.:ul,'1,',l By t'ufMii cx.ulu-a .Aid undi-ue. .TV-'. . R-rkinrMcr too. rrow,u. u.i.,5. An I . inju r, w 11 thr .uiaII t f.t a-I'i-i. on hi mntv'ft U' (Vi -'twill liCTerbe runp. ri . 1111 tint Vi A nl ii"' , - .-i, .1 tli bunf. With hK-si-u( '". : . . , ol iup i ,i,... .I... 1 ruif o it 1.."- :.ti,l ll.,u;!.f:.rrKt!l''. Thr r. itii of "rrui liou i , . ft. l bl.-t of .Urrily"i gi!'V .tnll-P HI H'l' . , i!. Tl,.- I.nil it writ lill-l-'ti U' il .11" V."- i"1 lrr llirh in tlir fm-li I t ih. Sjlt nvi-r Uinl :liry K.rr, tort. Hi' ftrr.. 1W ,F ,r whirh M ur-l r.i iill Qoick br li.nr I .-i.l.iirr He m.-iy "i"1 mnv notorious thief. 0 one occas.oo, i,. Jones, . f-cigUor of Pick'- m.sir, wiled and 8.id tba Lit-k mu.t be sold out of that part of ibe country, for he had stolen all bis (Jui.rO tuli-ys. DicV- iuatcr could cot think so. The two, however, wcnt into tbo Wd where Divk was at ttoik, aud accused hi:u of the th. ft. A'ou stole Mr. Jones tuikevs," said the roaster. Xo I diJu't, Maw," rwponded lhck. The nutter pcrt-isttd. 'Vllt" at length ii riet, "I'U tell too, matU ; I dtm tttrk;5' lut last Bight, when I went across 31 r. Jones' pasture, I -aw one of our ra.U on de fence, so 1 brought home de rail, and, confound it, when I cmne to look, dare . Was niue turkeys on de rail ! ' j T vlZt to shirren der Lncila," paiJ a ! r...;..,, fn the clerk in sbirping c CtXiCC. ' "Well " said the clc'lk, pto in hand, "ithit'a jour name . 'It i-ii Hans VaonaootebiasMhidltadnc ,. Jarsmasciebvpworcbe'.kvecxquilgivraiiise wrsmnplurity," said Puchy, gravely, fruc tiog out his old quid ud taking w fresh one. "Heaven !" F!d the clerk, "I cn t write that, hook here, M ister, what is it in English, do you know ?" "Yaw, Ieh does. It ish Yon Sruidi." VestIbs 1'oi.itics. jou eurport Ahe I.iuccilu ?" "No, sir '." "Do you support Douglss?" "Xo,sir!" "Da J"U support Bell, then ?" "No, sir !" . "What ! do jou support Brectenrulge 7 "Xa, sir!" shouted the screamer ; l tuppoitt Uetsey aud the children, nd it's nighty hird screwiu' to git along t "S niih corn only twentj-Ove cents a bushel:" If there is any tetter advertisement cx- lantthan this, in the Cairo Oazttte, let j US hear of it: j LOST. A tmart Slurt purp, aoout me sub run n( v.-iiini. dor.', (it lilacs a tin lau - " J ts c- ..m.Wt.linn and atitnat rrocii vit tcs. Had oo whey she left, a pair sas.y bobbed ears, a long tail, and a lame streak iu Ihe off fore leg. Five dolurn reward be paid for ihe rcco-erj of this icicreting ani onic, by JoBAutl unii wr.r.Ds. TVrtat nt an uiinnrrh-d man to State, W ho lie-- for htme:f and hi- iIeaot- alfnt. And ran w- t that namr dtien.-d he -h nlj mat Aud hi lji on th) atorla'f good an well a hiB own I FtK-h thina Jo hat Tr-tate. wt. drink an-1 -li-efi, A nnn th-v are uael. - th ir life hut a rlioat; Not m (-nod a enhljutre. Htltl le- thun a ihe, ur the uet hHinic h-art, and the ueit u k,sK-d mt. An IrMiman called at a printing office One day with an advcrti-ictiieDt, atid, like , ' i . . ...ij he a prudent man, inquired what wou.d be the eost. He wa iuformcd that for the first iusertion, the price would be Ofty ! cents, and two suhscouent insertions wouia ' .... , f -.I, f : le twentj-fite cents each. "An laim, j said be, "I'll only have the sur-seriucut iu- j fstrtioUS !'' ! . . ' j A few vcarA ao. on the occasion of Ihe Howine up of steamer, on av esieru : river, apn.t perpetrated the following: -Th. wh-rl. tli-T lornrj .1 II.. en It rr-.ra, Tb. .hi.-.!- tt .lii.l.-l -na 11.- holler H ll"J, Th., l.-k-a .1 lh- b nl.r .lid f iUO.I it ru.trO, Acit .11 ol .uaa.o Ihe old Uuiig buird. "Dill, I'm fascinated wiiii Miss Mil lion." "Yi:h her persnnal charms?" "Tea, with her purse-an J-all charms." "I tbiuk, wife, that jou have great many ways of calling me a fool." "I think, husband, that jou have great ma tj ways of being one." The Worcester .y says the fonodling child recently picked up tear there, is named Stephen A. Douglas it being evi dent that he was a "little sucker," iu carch of hit mother ! The Berwick G alette notices with "equal nd impartial" honors, a revival protract ed meeting and a hor?e-rcel Oood Lord and good Devil," appear to be its two aatiu hopes. Bcoiinxer.an exclusively Catholic town ship in E k eouuty, gave Foster 175 voles, nd Cartio none. It is "supposed" the Catholic went for Foster. TKa nitt tir baa heen one of ureal prosperity to the farmers, who should i AUCIC1 JI. ACIAlClAillCS AA16 'UVA flWH." The Dimes Saving Institution of Le- wisburg TS ready to receive anv amount on Pepo'ite J ,,., Tcn ,.,,, al, up.ards. Four p cent, per annum Interest wi'l be paid on all P'"""- ""'' Dollars and upwards "",'! if deposited Iff po.iteit two months and Ioti'T. utuce Beaver's bncW hlm k. .ortli Third St. II. T. MlP.I.I.Elf, l reaurcr I ewivhiire, Oct. in. leW) THE ONLY PREPARATION As to Expel the Doubts ct AH. s1 'T.VTKSM K. Jiutiro?. hiiitor,IJ!iv- I. lulls "t t1l lJ"P-t M ln'.H. US W'-ll If'W it 1 ll..-ir UdijUa.lH-tl MlUi'lK'O. ftl'J n'llllJ.rfitl II I.T nil f- ' rii(jt.tii, ar.t !!;"' t m -ltnnl f-raiD. l ut ' kit Wl.l- 1)1. Vf HrV-,1 It. Uttltf- III trJ-llM . ti lt 1 1; a. it will JT.- ! H-r- tlif Imirfiotu itfiin: nmy, itil ir. iu Ulliuj; to uy oik iK-5t. s. c, Jim-- 9. j pRtT. O 3. Vioi: iM-jr Mr Vt-ur llir loratise l l:a.lK'i-X'litl. ijudi.'fl'ir, g4V uur 11 itr Kit--ri.if a i-rii 11 i--U t linn., tl -;ir I.,4. I w imi rtnnati" to N tlir-wt. tiinn niy m.kcy xtiNin-t m f.tU ucmr th rtKtl- : ' M'lf. trt.ui wtnrt. iuv li. aJ r-TfiiiiJ & iu-t t-intilf J Cxttit.j ii ttr :tt !-nl of irritat'oti, wttii h r u.iutiUK Ktfil : t.t ti.- lirn.i- mi l t-ktf rtiitl uri:it-f i! In ml, fmiu the i i Hcri ti wfiivti my hair titmlly d-tr) ! "tt-r lti ; j riitir fti.iU.r ft 'li hfurl. frr.'in It"- tim.' 1 tirl li (- j ' rT-J l- iir -ci-.n:. l...rT. up t.i thr Unit ! II i.tal . ar-tur, 1 t-mt'.cyi-d v r tiiioe 1 ("ull lliiuk i f. ' U-it.,' h r.i!- ri'iiti in . n uipf;f. anil, t I H.'-urfl.t. un- ' tjT-tui''li-' thf imliirt- t llif tli-t:i-. but tiuttily j ; ii f-at-'i in Hit ry i r. - r tiMi m-ivntiffi j I Tit-4 ninl ito t.i.T iri iitu-tiiiir. ii ir.duri'1 mi- to tv- ' s'H to y.Mir ) lUir Cfiur-iliir. whii h 1 -! j ry n"jv"'ii to ti-'Iir. ) ri-.lu. ) m v-ry lil-i-y It : twi i tu-.titl K (: r i In- fcrt i(tlif-Ht.n. i Ii .-I b- kutiTiit n J I 1m .1 ft ji'iiiii: li.nrii I -vr f T which 1 r. rtmuly own . u ut.v iiM-i lIli.T ilirtt.k.-. It tT m"U rt-.l. Ji-nr ir. ! J I ulcill rHi-..uiui'M'd your tt-iiiH iy to il iit jnir-r ; mor- ' nn r, I oIini! tic ui UiflUt Ui-, wiiti l 1 UilKT mjKii u NV, 1 IM t IHt .-. chu cut ti-h tliis if vu tliinV rnp. V..ur. - r r-t"ciiulij. 51 J. U umHT.M.D OtM'-Lot -lL f tr. mini i. I'l'inim. V .Ivr.li.''. I. r nr : 1 f--l it n.y July h- w. 11 - my f-km-tih-.to eUt.-t" Kmi tlx- ..1..miii rirciini'tMtir'H, ti tl yu ran I ii- n "U tliink n---r. A L'-u;lfiun of tlnr. .rr. .a i lawir.'. iia I 1 cvi-r i.uif his .-r:y y.niHi; m ! nitu li , ti.nf 1IP w f.iiii--ll.d tit v r t2. Ilf " it.Jticfi to u-F a hi'ttii your "llir ItHst.tmtiT-" lit- ti ItH hK.-t vtry mi.'h; mi.l atlrr u-iiiif M-m I or thr t'uttl- - l..-1-ir rt-w 'Ut 'it luxtn i mtly. nl tit ii-.w h..s it h:!tiil-M,iiH ti'-iiti "I Imir. 1h "Hntlt niitii'i. - iirtiiiH i. Hr.flt. f.l, ki I - i-" -iy w.ll kn- wn ii r n ..itni.'i c iiitituK. iuii v i-r-i..ii3 friii t.tift li thf truth (T iht- t.il'i.-iit ; I 1:1 vi- it to you Hi th' Ti-)UHSt of Mr. Itm.i't id i"ti t tii h-ll n ur.Hl J.l of your 11 tir l to r.i'tt in (hi- und tLt mij n.iuir-outiti -- ii you hww the i rt'Lt r v ula. i'our-. r., llloMl'Sf'N Sriir.ilNOR. Pk. V it lVfr Pr: lvri:nt in- to fxrcMi the ohli-p-tiii I nut ur.-icr I'T th-ont;r- r.--t.Tniiou of my hir in u nriiMi.tl colors nhttut tl.' tiuiH i f my nrril in th : 1 liitcl M ii. fi. it ' r:io..Uv t-c-uiiii)f i:r.y. hot ii'n ' t t.f ai i-'ii-jlHii. At i our -H:ir l:c-t..riliv.-' it mkhi rrii- ir-J no ors'tml liu. I tou-idcr our ltt-t"riif i-rr wotid.-rful itivtutiou, iiuite tiii'u iou- us w ll bs t nr-iMliit-. tf.Tl.tM-t.Utt. 1 T'ih IE. -t"ri1:.Tt 1 t'H up in Ivittl of thrw nw, it ' l:irv-. no iliuiit. Hint Mii-til: llinuo.!! hoM '5 .nit.aiiJ . r'tm.i l- rom- d.iiur yr tw ttif; tin- tiiMiiin hohiti t I )-at t-T iH-Kt. uit.r'- in r-rojuirl.t ii lhau tlir uill. r -tn fr two lioll:, . r l-tt!.; tin Urjr- hoU rt iiuiut, 4-i --r ' itt tii'Mv in o:...,,Ttit'ii. and r titil-t f r $ . it J Wii -ii .V .i. I n piirtor-. 44 ttio.iy, N.W Yoik.ntiJ IU M: rk. t Strt. M Loai-. M... tv-lii hi all Hruwi-taiid tain y li.xU I'enler. Selling 02" at Reduced Prices! S weare aliont to fill oiirshelveswith Fall fj. mils. we offer nil our Summrr I'lntfiim; at liu rr rt:t-t limn trrr .' It is mostly home made work, and wai ranted. LI? Mow is your time for Rrftains ! Ail kinds f rl.OTHIXO In order at hurt noti-.. ZISii;inn A miHX LrMl.burc. JHILAD. & READING BAIL ROAD ; Slio: lest in Distance & Quifke.it in Time ; ! IIETWEI.N Til E TWO CITIfS OF NEW YORK AND HARF.ISBURG. I ! fit! ttrit,intjy A fvnt'jtClt ( fcfstoit. 1 U.IHMN'! Ejprr'x t hat-f. New York at A M ! rhiia-Jrlohia at A M- Arrtf t at llnrrifhiirz at j Il':a. n.ioii coiinf tm:. it ILiiril ure. with tr-in on , orth.rn telitnl llaimai Lr Mii.luiy. tl WIM I K4r. ' Alii 100, W tiliaini'irt. J. n-y hor. and l.i k lUtt-u. ( ! Mul Tcun 111 rf leavm Nw York nt l'.'. noon, und rhiiad'j'h.t at : ;" T M, ronii.ct:ni ttith train on . ut- th.ru tVotr.il Ho ad lit t.itmn f-almte. ,.ii7 rr.jii. F. irt h (! Ih.rri-t.tirj nt A M, arriTf at l'lii;;.d.-lt lna at I I l. nttd N- V-rK at ...Jd 1' 1, in tiun- t ' t.ttA. ie....t or nr f-r H-.-toii Xe. j y.r t ; r , i i f h . Ilarii-hurif. 1:1. n arriral of i rtn. nt l .-ntral 1r:iin n it.s t l'hilidel him at ! 1' M. Li Ne Votk at ev.-uiittf. i Nt eh Kit o;,. ot c;tr- -r ln;irv'f between New York or l'hill i, l i mi'l tl-rri-1 oi... Kur le atiiy ol Mfii.Ty, mil .d. comrurt. ami acrr.m niodati' n. tin, roiiti- jH;-IjU sUi-t-rtur ilidU'.-elueDta to lot- trr-:iiin ni n'. ntli eii, .W '.r..footofrurtInJtrtreet. l'Kitadrt ('.t i. Itrfm'i aod rU"whtL ftn-. t-. r.irc In Iw.-A'ti cw York aid lli.rTi,hnr-. FIVE IhIL iM.Ti. A .r iK-kt-U, rrt-i.lhl, vi other inf -riio-.m-ii, H-ytA J . J- I.Y I'K. Jud, Iy IliArri-hur-; BUFFALO SiGOSS LEWlSlll'HV. CMOS CO., I'A. o. ItC.i: l:lt, I'roprlctor. fpUs new Hotel is situated opposite the I -,.,.rt ll.,i.s iii th mosl l.-tshional- e and beaunful part ol Ihe lown, and lor style and conventenee can not be surj aastd in Central J'er.nsylvama. Those vi-itini the University, or allcndins t.'ourt. will find n ihe most convenient and central pul he hou-e c harqes will be ihe mosi reasonable and neither iimecirexpense will be spared to beslow every cotnlorl upon those who may call. Lew isburg. May S.lMiO STRAW AND FANCY MILLINERY. ( & M. IiODEMiAl '.II. on Mar- j ket street, second door below Fourth tireet. soiiih side, sraietul for past patronace, I wouM inform Iheir l.ady Inends ol Lewis 1 burs and the country around it. that Ihey will I keep constantly on ban '. a lane and well se lected assortment of .llllllur U f.ooil", : which they are selline and will conuuue to , sell at the lowest coy pric es. Bi 4. nisr. and TuiMMisn (lone tooraer.on the shorirsi nmice. an 1 acc.Tdins to the latent Mvles. They will he very happy to see their o cxl,mel Vl1h as u- or.es as may fer jip0-tt i.. f.v.ir iht-m uuh a call. 3m , rT,,.. nT k kit SI II j im :mamm . ruK.t ua ' lr..-iiu roni.hnut, UH l-'I-'N'I Vr"S fixoXCIU.XL ( lUARETl ES. M.dr l.yCl!KVM.i:it k Cn.1'1 N ASSAU Street, s.T. iY, $1 ,r-r Is-A HI trrr I.V fo"l. F0R s.m.k AT ALL Dlii:o;iTS.' mlfil2 y moxt iticni. .tT,rrp viTTnv vrT.. ''--' . ..... 7 Ac. mi,i oe supplied to Ihe hunrv reopleby the suliscril cr. at his shop on Morth Fifth sire. 1, where he carries on ihe Untchernit! busii.ess, and will Mippiy alt kinds of Meal iu us season. On Wednesday and Saturday mornings, he will be found at Market in front ol M'l'addiii's Hardware Store?. Vat low rates for Cash exclusively. Calves wanted Beeves and Sh'ep purchased as usual. Try the New Butcher. CfiniSTOPHER GEMBERLING. Lewiiburj. Au?. IN. I859y CHEAP PICTURES at Mowry's Sk-Li:Iii Gallery, MAKKET street, I.ewisburg Having just received a larire assortment of pia.a and fancy Cases. I am prepared lo lake Pictures at reduced prices, for the Holidays. All wishing any kind of Pictures can sve money by 2ttinjE them soon. JS. B. -Pictures laken in clondy weather 1) ARF. rilASCC An ejcellent Sil ver LEVEK WATCH for sale at a baigain must eo. Inquire of A E. DEXORM AS DIE, l.ewisbnrtr Ta t for Justices and i J kj Constables, for sale or printed l. nrnc-r. at iheChroi irUrOITKy Cl I'PFRIOR TOM. OIL .LAMPS for frale I ilmirmw X- I... Ilr tier Nlnre.ali.fl h 1 rrtlaad Coal OU. UNIOX COUNTY STAR & j rtir THE 11I.UOU ! 1 HOFFAT'S Vegetable LIFE PILLS am , , . i mrtpi :..i l :...t lt.:. .l.:l. , I y j X th' prr ctniiivut Mi-tiicinen fave aqtitr-d f r tl'ir iiiTariJtblc i llicacv itt all thf dirt-axr wh;cli thry pr ff I to rurr. hits rindtrd tin- UJ-Uiil practice ol pumnit nt ! only unnccrxswry, but unworthy t tlo-ni. Ihcy aro known by thc.r fruit: their -ni w rkf testify t-r thcoi, Sand they thtiv not ly the Uuh ol the crrduloun. j IN Al.I.('Ai:s 4 A'tBH, Aci-TK jDOiiroMC Rhiu- j I Kinr-M. AFFItrTI-!ior TfU Itl. ttl. K NP K 11 Tit. BlII I'-l'S KlCVKI'S. M I. II KK ( iHlLINT(1. 1 II tht? ttiUth and 'A ct, ; whore thH? din-wt- .nvail. Ihy will to kmud mvalu ahl. I'lMiit-r. r'atb'rr'.amlotl'frm whoomv Ur tho ( Mejicinrn, will n-t r altrward to without Ih'-in. I Dv.'PH":. No "roo w tlh thin dl-tn-i-Miig ' li'n -tilj ilflav U-iu thi-r milii-inrfi iuimrtlian tv- If I- 1J4 df Till! tl. KliiMfltS. KLaTLIJAVV, tTH' AM ; A i 1 1. Kor tliis r. nun:i- ! thf t pii-rn country, the- t lundi' tnt wit! ttound a ht, fpi-edy, and rertnin rciuc- j , dy. Ollit-rniidicinn l.aTftiic'fjst. m suljrctUta return i oi lhdtcsf a cure hy ilone ii(rdioiua u wriuaii'iit. lr Til IM. lit SAlritD, AM lltCt Bfl. j Mr, ikal i:-cisia Nc. r fil torradirateenllrriy all tlo- t-llcctp ol :.l.-rcury intimirty Hu-t thu the uo-t : puwt-rtul prr j ariitu.u ot Nai-Mi antla. j NlIIT SWKATtt. NlVOfs ItkBlLITT, NFI'TfS O'llPLAINTS Of aLL ftiIH, IIIIUAMC All-fcA.Ih. i'ALPltT10. U TU ; HCIKT. I'AlNTCkV CltULIC. 1 I'lLt-st. The original j.ropri. torof tlo-w tn.-li'-ine wm i curetl of Ptl.-n f .Ui years' staU'liim by lit is- of th-w l.'lf le.hcin-wlonf. Wutofall kiuds ar . -nWiualiy ; ti.-l(rft l.y thfs Mc.lt incs. l'rfi)ts will d we Uto ad 1 m.ui-twr Hom whfuer their eni-teucw u .U'iiA.'t'--d-; Keiit-f wiii ln-crtaiu. I T11K LIU1 I'll 13 AI PIUEMT IHTTKIlR Puritv Llo and thu- r te ai' dl-fa" fn-o h ft -it m. A miijI trial will id act? tl.f l.li'K I'lLI.J and l'IUi;IX It) 1 1 '!.! lMyond il.it reach of coiuivllLlou the eftUlualmu of eery tain-nt. Atf-rrnmrM hy ltK. 1 1.1.1 AM B Ml H" I AT. 11 road way, corner Worth St N Vrk, ljTS3 aud M.Id hy all Itrutfi-tti. New Arrangements---Iilew Goods! T0SEP1I L. H.UVX Laving taken the .) well known .Si' 1A it A 7 .STOUIC, ha refilled il, aud nllrd in an eilruMve variety ol . I yii's, Cup, Grnlli meii't Cltliint dr. ! A I mi a lar?e and splendid Murk of I'l.oTHs UAWIM i:Ki:s, Ac, hu h he will i"Af up Iu i t (W.r.as he slit! continues the Tailoring huM . ' ne. He is preoaied to eieruie all work : eulruled to his care, to the salt.laclion of ihe CUMoiner. . B. Ctillini and Repainn jt-. dune to order. I.ewihurs. f pnl l'. IHM Commissioner of Illinois. ITTII.I.I AM II. HOSCI.I.. n.iverncr of II hnois. has appuliileil J..H B I.i s. sr. a t.'onimissioner of ihe fiiate of Illinois, fur ihe c iuniy of I nion. to administer oaths, to take depositions and proof of dreds.inonsaers, A-., to Is- uril .! rrr..rl.--l in th- Ki.ir of lllinoin. IVrMin h.,m wiiil t.n I- is-. I rl.lr of an, kiml f.r ..Ir umy ti.i.l .uri tm-ri. by Irii.mjr . 'InM-rililli-n ol Hir ..air .t my olhi-r. I lir o-rnrtl Hir-hs for tlir .nr rtiJMr .n 1 V.lr ol rr.ltiiUlr. .No i.b;tr.-r in 111. .vi-ot of mil-- not t.ini; loihlr. JotlN 11. L1.W Lr.i-hur.-. I'... V.rrh J3. IAfO. sriir iiio'Jiijiii. aiiDiti Jtist on-iK'il:oiiiosiic tlic Kivierc lliMtsf, iti the Ikootti lately oi-fiiiiifd lv A. inirer. ri'lL ami eoniplpte asMirtmrnt of j A FALL & WINTER CLOTH-I I N G snc-h as Overcoats. Dress t'oats, II ir si- j nes t oats, and t oats ol every style anc" pat tern ; ami ranialoons ami esis iosun. Also, a la'rze variety of l.nder CloihiDjt. soch as lirawrrt. Shirts, Ac. A )(, a fine assortment of IJcv ('it'ihiiic cf Ihe laiest sivles. Aiso, Il.t'lS and Cjl's equal lo any offered in this ciunlrv. In lact, I haveeveryihinfi; necessary i n the shape of ("Imlnni, which I otler at a very Miiall advance for ra-h. run. ii iiotnvA, a?'l f?"AII kinds ol Country Produce I;iU-ii in exchange i r (iof-ds. Lewislmrg, Oct. aENT)) (vO, FC3 THE PERMANENT, (7 KNA.NiNA.V,? Tii rvn'.v i iiTt-ti at alT"ediri j a m-n of Bf-.! cirt- f..r Oi- l'ir ntiin'er tlint di- annuaily in mf hunt ': th.it tell c.iir.'r I n-iiintton. to oincti unfurtu HAtrlv. tOltl prr li-(".-!tr cau caiat. You IU aud e are ahiA auhjt-Cl lu tU itaa-tati. r:in e.m. one ,,r more of hi. i,.iBrnrr. who i. -b-j. rl to nr r..rm of ImiA or tlir-.t cmf-UitH. wlncii. if n -t Allro lr.l to in -.-.in, iiir,ii.l,l con-iAH- ihe ..if l-rrr to A ITIIIl.t'irr tfr.,.. lo .lirf.. l.ril I" At OSIOl it tl.- .11 h it Ai.,1 llirtn-Ur. ol II. aii lioe thr hr l,'ii -rr ..f hrlitrr ,la.. .o.J lir w.rn-.l without Irai .,1 ekilliM .l...,-iiOniriit. IT. Ii. lil-i Ha.'s Ai ,11.x IHlr.A .! jo-t W ' el.im-1 t'T It. m i Ir" rrl nl n..n I., tor -ir; brni tiir IKo-t .iircr-i. tiil'ui eo-in loiii ...-I tl.r.N,l iti-or 1-r.. .' o.v rrior.lj An... I. At fir orr-riit .1... The m.i.y fih.-r. anca.tf li. . ii-.ii...Ooii ji.-tihr. thr .i.prrtirn.i.u l tl.o-r .ho ii,r r:.-..ii to t-.r it. A (.rciwh. rilorr ln-Bi Cou.litu li. ,n it or I rrrM.rv trn-irorv. Vil.ilr thr .tt.ri.irrrr ot tl.i. Trn-lr .lor. not brl.i'V. . oi Ir .houM U coiclAulli JoMlig luttu-,.r. .ilv u..-1:i.'iiii-A tl.er- are mtine en-ett nh-r die-e in toi lam atl '-e.l t.. rfni.nn uni-heelved tn h tafwtem ; and a alur-it n.nn. reiiT-'l'l at firt a imily an annowanee eeatea i.nl? a ill: the l'e.-f the patient. An imp-ir !!! of the hlood. ttin.i.jh -ieh li tat ton of the lunif-. ti'U the --lem wf.li m-rSi 1 humor-, and f titoatom lc':inft fwttle or aee-W ai.'.l to a feerih inteotH the heart, liter, ant. id n. ap.rttlr irfoi minir fnnriiin of xi:a n-v'-it t. our Ml heiotr- are iim-piied in thtr regular action Ui di-e-live oitran- falter in ihfir ta-k. und retn-e tc irfm tn thf proeio of rfrartitz he nn'rittoitsvleuirnta trout l.ei.l. and the whole nimTal l-einjr i- fll niili rr.lf to nik. moler the bitrilvti of h'e. Thf pai-nt -o a 111 :rt-f, areioititt hi- c a euo.. ligation of di-.r.t-r. and of'.en rt i-et to report to iiie..ieaiion. from hia tiiuruua'h t!ia Ul.f! in any lULttjiect of cuie. Iu aucli of the ArsrtAS HaiAM. at itioiroiirl'tr worthy the con fl denef of ail. F.erv a,TOi-tin of I ..niimi't"n i -nrely and p.rmn'-ntlv era-Heated hy it ne. It efT.-i-u are none dthcr but -rtrenr'heninir and renoratinif to the en tire ev'-m Bronetiitit. A-'hmv outh., loll. an1 C-iir-ral IvbHHv are riTretufiHv ei.re.l h i n- Nirht Sweat t. 1-o-B or Fleth, and W atin aar of tlie Muclei, ti of Afijtite S.ireiiea of the Throat. Ilient. and ,r:nir- I.'vtr i r.mi '.aint. Calpi'-ttion f ttie lie-art. P fli etiity of Itroait.tnL- all the.e affeeion di-a.r-rar In an riv-re.lil.lv l...rt time after u-ing I'r. O. fhelj Itrown n A-.-in B-tT-am. Il n'."r;h an-I utren r1rien th fatient who U toa nuirh reil.ired to jqartake of or-Iinary fv). It heal-, all internal wret. 1i.te-rvl and infl-ttntnat om. It etr.siijjih en. hraei-t. and rrvit:.liie the l.rain. and i without a ri.al a a toriie en .).-!-inaT ehrlrtr.t or numetic torre t evry prrt of ihe enfv h.d and eoitrats- IhhIv. It neK 0 h-iutiiy t:ial t.. c-tivinrr any that the ArirtAN Itiu-AM it trnlv tiie jT.Ie-t remed of ihe day. as ita tar nr-Lett I quah:ie. are fuliy a;arent in eight and-forty lHiur a'ter trial. yt thf invilM, then. n l.-njer delay, but i Bi:ilie the trial, and the re-soit w.ll aurely be A, J of tlie no-t gratifying eharaetiT. TSe Ar-A'i-' Ilt.w orfured with th irr-:iiet eare. and llie l-t material. No Wfl j iaini or exnse are scared t itiak it what W it oi the in-, known rine.ly of the ae. It Jft, u$ ni lie takeu bT f tllw . of all afe-.. and fi at ail -..ni. with tierh-et a:'e y ; and it ia l) W nitnr tin le,, (.-.wfiftil in e.-iiqiierinp t h.it dia- $ t eatc aliteti tlie fotin-latom and Vtriy if t.ie livte-i of ititnant iimur tnnUt. t-ery tain ly jfl lt fclpmll ha. a it, aud regard il aa a Loiuehuld V Iecrirtive pamphleta (iea to all whoapp! tfS Ti to ui tifota. Til PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE :&Mt& UGRAKD ST.J The above in for sale al 15 cts. and $ per large bottle, by J Baker & Co, Sole Asenu PICTURES . A hnue can not be said In be well furnished without tome well selected Picture. This want can now be supplied al ihe POST OFFICE 1 JOOTS and Shoes, Hate ami Caps,' JJ Trui.U anil IMrpn btt m COOTI'S. ' LEWISBURG CHRONICLE NO YEM BE11 23, Taggarl & Farr'i Patent Family Sewing Machine, With Spauliiins's Iniprovcnient ! h. T)l BLIC attention is respectfully invite.i in the superior merits ol these new and liuproreil mat -nines. They wiU'Hem. Kill.liaiher an J Embroider. Will sew every variety ol lal.ric Irom the linesl fwiss Muslin m the heaviest lailcriii", wiihont missiiij. sl;trhes. I They are vei v strons and dnrah'e. We feel fully justified in warramin; tiiese mac hines to he in every respe.-t eijual to r. e- ; omn-enilaiions. as ihey have l een ttioroii-'nU-tested in comielillon Willi all llie lush prn d : ones, hy persuiis c-oinpeieiil to judae, win. ; have iven s the mosi satisfan. rv lestitim-; nialsand certififaies, winch aie pulitimd in ' our nrrular.lo luch we refer fora u.ure lull ' desenpiion. Finish;i i; and Sales Rnom. Market street, next door to ihe residence.! J.-hn Walls i:-i. 1'rircs :i.". Solli and V'iH, arror .'in-; In size and finish, all complete and drln en d, and ih .roush instructions given in all varie ties of work. All w.shin" a enc.il Sewintr Machine, wnl pleaseca!! and examine, or .i.lie JI. S. Sjiauliiinsorj. u.MifiniT. l.ewisburi. I moil I .. I a. We respectfully referto die tolliming ladies, who a. usme these machines: Mrs .1 Oeddcs, Mrs S W Duncan, Mrss I.oui-a Morris. Mrs U A I.yr.dall, Miss l.nlie Mac-key. Miss Julia A Corue.nis, Mrs licv P II M.ir. Mrs Johnson Walls. Mrs Dr Haves, Mrs Vrancis ilson, Mrs M lirown. Mrs J.is I M CreislH. Mrs F.Heersteeher, Mrs J A Kiea I mer. Lewistmrm'.Mrs J 1 Tiistm, .Norihum- tierlaiKi; Mrs lier John l.uyer. Mrs M Ap pleman, Mrs David R.d.erts, Mrs Svlvesii r Piirsel, Mrs Alfred t'revelu ". Mrs s K Fow ler. Mrs E H Hii-.-he, Mrs A M Boon, Mis Creasev. Miss M Derr. Columbia Co. I.cwishur-, Frf. S. ISfi.l ! AW BOOKS from Kay it Iir. Pl.ila.l .on band or furnished 10 order l y the Aii-m II W CKO'I ZKH. P M, l.ewislmio NEW FIRM AMD f.EW EGODS. Um.Ilrown Jr. &. In. Pimklo, ilavins fortneil a Partnership, at the ohl stun.) ot Wm. & J. H. lirown, Mai ket Sl.aUive 4th. Levvistiur'?, A' IJK ofTfnnsr a lar?e a.Mrfmenl o' la SI ami W IliTi-K L'ooiN, iMitisisiin il Kriiily M;tle Cit; n 'ti-z. tt It Casinieres. Cuatinv. eMii.irs, arpii.ti7.. ! Bleached and Uruwn Linens, L-nllinj;-, !ll i lines, Ac. I AN., a larpe variety of LAMPS' !ii ESS (;4Hllts, such as Calicoes. rhallt.-, Lawns I Delains, llar'es, Silks. (iin?hnm-,S:ii.w l-.A c I Also all kinds ol Nolntn.s, tin-cent's, H.nd i M-are, TetLifuare, ti.eeh!. and (i;aare rih. Sail. Titbarc-n. j Also all kind oi III irk fT building r"r" j poses. j Tail and examine fvr yourselves. Produce i of all kinds tdkeu in -x- hane ror ,.. i"!s. Lewisbur-, Oct 2d, !."- eSYiHE HOOSE ! LLMUiVlii:. I'A. j II. ii. IIIITZi:!., PropT. rrHIS Hotel is located in the center of the I ton n, one square from the Court Ilot.se. j Persons attending Conn, or havinj other I u- j ! smess in the town, will find this a pleasant : land cuinlortahie home. I hatees nioclerate. Lewisbiira, Pa., Sept. li. !.;) ni:l Josiah Baker & Co., II AVE made arraoenirnts villi Ti. E. l.ocke & Co. to liiinish a.i per cent. ALCOHOL, by Ihe Bbl. and Hall Bid. as cheap as it can be bought in Philadelphia. They have also just received a general as sortment of IDIIAS, fil'lIJEiilS. rainlM und OI!t,.!iit und I'lillj, COPAL VArdNlSfiES, brushes am) ri:iiFUMi:nY, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, CL TLEliY, HL RMXG FLUID, Pine Oil, all popular Talent Medicines, j Liquors, 1 nbacco, MiuD,li.ks lufi Ash, Wheel (irease, &c. &c. All the above articles offered VERY CHBAP FOR C'AMI. Call belore buying elsewhere. Our Motto is " Small IToOot & Quick Salen." Lewisburg. May 13, llo'J. PEIPHER'S LINE T IO AXU FROM rilll.ADKLPHlA. KtDUT10 OF HIKII.IIT. I.t Ct 4i erbU fer 10U iMiuotlfl. ctu 4il uu !. &a do aj do do 4tl. do 7 clo do l-l-rrti,! -2 do lo II tcr.l, live .nJ Corn, la cent? per burLeL Pl.ilad. Depol with Freed, Ward 4 Freed, 811 Market St. Thankful for the liberal patronage given us we hope by strict atti-utioa 10 business lo merit a contiuuauce of ihe same. TIIO'.s PEIPHER For farther information apply to lyia.S U K M'GTXI.Y, Aiil, Lewisbnrg James F. Linn. J. Uleriill Linn. T F. & J. M. LIXX, J t Allornejn at Law, LEWISBUKli, 574 Union County, Penn'a. J. MERBILL UNI Cmoown'SrA for th. sl.tr of Iowa, wilb power to t.k. Ilrporitloii,v-km).lrilur Drrdr.lc. New Hotel in HHHlinburg. B!?J THE subscriber would lespectlully in-t'-'i form the Traveling Public everywhere, that he has laken and filled np the premises of (Jeorge Henoch, in the centre of MAIN ST. MIFFLIN RU KG, where he is prepared to accommodate strang er and travelers men anl beasts in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Please give me a call. Ap t,'5 CHARLES CROTZER. P- J lAKrETaj fiae assortuieot by Mechanical, &c. I'AL.lIMl, KOS & ., j- 7,rT i in (lata L. Fa lsi a a isii cnO tl. Lewisburs Haairs Will, fplUr'.'-s.s'i .rep ronstniitly on hand and u.aiiuiii.-iure t ord. r 1'liiorins. Mt!!i)t:, UtorAi.Aili. Mitilli-r'N, liUiMi. .tllJtllC.OlfTH ol ail ialt.riis. and all (,i,Tdesciipiioiis of W..01I Vc.rk useil ! Ill lIlMlilin. j Orders respeifiil!v solirt'J and promptly filled. All work w.irrai.iedto sivesa'isiartion j 1? An etttn-li-e Sot i l l.ttlllllt r of ai' ! clesrnptic iis on hand for sale. April ii. I- 'J. cu-i,ai:t.ki:iiu. ij-T--- The unilersineJ tare as- .. : J soriatrd themselves inio roiarl tf i.T..."n. .liier.-hip for llie pnrposr rl r.irry tltl the l.tniit.eriri?, rilliii, andCarpi nti r.m husiuess 111 all their various tranehes. at the L'auootirg Clc.-.m planing VM'.te, where lliey inu-ii.l to keep a sli ek of I'me, lli'inl. rk. Walnut, lu rry. l'i pl ir, s,. Ma pie, and nil kinds ..f .un,h. r, Moor.ni M'-ei-Vll.r;, ."si -i j 11 ir. Milliltes, l.i!th.J..l-ts. ilUiMin", Feni-it.. 1'ii k. is, 1) .1 r and Window Fran -, Doors, ' Milliters, lilmK Mi-h, Motiiilif-!-, Brarkeis, &.c. I'laim.a, M.iunij. Si-roil Kan la;, tct., done ai sii. tl noiiee and all Work vcarranird to p've saiislactioii, both in ra e and wuikuiaiisinp. j. d. DirFi'i'M'i:i:FF.i, MAItrlN lilil'.ISiiAril, mi: m iiui.iii i 11 LwI'Miri rtimiii- Mi.;.-. .A;ril t, WINFIELD FACTO Pa. Y Ajr ilill llt'loi), I'lu'oii o-, I'a. mfr;. Till! y.:!isrri!!iT, MmU p.llron.lL'e, v 1 ' - i . . I 1 1 . 1', nil MT"T h,s is Ineto'.s and liu- pul .if. in o. i.e- !. liiat lie c-tiliinies in mauii.'.ir- inre ail kinds c.f t.olt It ;ww!s, .such hs I .'lo'.hs, I "assmiri Ms. 'J v 1 .-t.s, .i;IIOIlls, Ji-i; lis, lliaskeis af.il Ft. tie's ; a's'-, r.-.Tj el ai d yookitio; Varus. li.s 11. aid. 11. rt v I i 112 of ihe Oest IK 1 ii ,i 111 u-c, aiid iiav.ii eiii.n yi..l l!.e li.-sl of Uoii.ll.r'T., iie l'-e!s SiilC ill S.l', liu ihat l-'s work .-11. ill not l.e surpass.-. J ly any e.ta!-!i- iinn'iii in tin- rountrv. A euo I slip ply ol ihe ai'ovr r. ... fs kt'.l ,V)an;!y i 11 l,ii.! lor sale or 'o x. Si.nie f..rool. i.i rn es that cdii i.ot 1.1,1 to :-.ie. Wiitii. un. ir Car.!.-d in ll;e t est iiiininer and ori the ti rlrsi In-lice. Terms 1, r ear ! t :', c." -Ii on li e iic-livervofiher.-i.s. MA KK I! l1.FI,i;.N.N V. Winfii-ld M.lls. Man li ::n. I.s.'.i. j.r.Miw:ii! Li.MUi:i. I t 1 11 1. sniivr 1 no rs r. 1 vt i t sn:e (in 1 1 .is, lo suit pun iiast is . la'-e l si.ick . f ' i:i.M;i's l.V - Stli'l A Plank. (-. 'i I In il in A Isii S.:tl,iii Which ai'.- oil on Si nih Hi ii II irl'ev t .t i. all. v .Virroi r ;; A Hipi-riank-. and a ies,ivere awai Pair. IvTTI Also .-,. no I l. I :i'i,i.'ii's stip-ru r iju.iliiv. Tin. l i-r lor l!u tlo ii. -js ; -ir.: I. w lot rash aioiir .Mi'ls i II of iiir hi;i' Dci-r Cre- k in lop or il-'iivrre-! on Ihe Polish . s i . .- ! ai if e end of . or R-.a.l. ii. a for a superior snrniile of l'i t-rj. i u tn f.-r Hails and Stnn-- li-d II - ;! li-e 1,11 Hit I, f'n.A. J'T.N M't ' 1.1. A lll.ll's, K resi II :!l P (I. I i.ion Co. Pa I ook m:i; ti!i' nI lt'iillctlicii. 'lIEItE s now rea 0, a tine ai or the sprn oil viiii.-tv trade ol 'si jiiiscljciJ srnilnrr, c-nij'i's I hi- an t-( .:!. kiu.S, Jfniiv Lind. I . f. . ti I'lrluli iiti!-!! ;nl t'ettlir. . .ird. Ihhurj, I r - aklat, ai.U m Table 'aiid, and Wrf-.li Iai ahd 'i'ou-ci K.icks. and a ii ti 1 1. 1; in i.lir Cat itiet l,ue. It m-t in hniiit, ui.! in- mal- to ctdrr. I'ani" st'ai an i Hair t'intii Cli.m of li.ilciciil s e, ami alnir,Nt any ('at't rti Camp MccN, iCe-a -t i-ri Chairs, Hot c p-lu-e, an -1 all it im!s ol V imI-it Ciia.rs, lor sale cheap for cah r shoi l citruit. A!l (he above, can bt had ai tlie Wareroom cf D.Ginter on Harkct St. f.nir duor- ai'ovp ibr Uaok, or ai the old Man. I on l-! t.r I'n r.i Js;itfl, winie tiie Mib-.rr ttr tt'iil t-e 'a'l tn see all hi. old ciislfiners. an. I ail the iitu- tiie yxho ihay lavur hiui ui;h a call- The suhsrrihfr al-o attends tr ihe n U'.'l;iKi:if; .?Cls!l.'w m all its vam u- btanches. ii - i r pioviilfd uith Ftk5 Pd u nt Meuiic liur;al Cases, and L !!ins of his ciwn mar.iif'aetnrip? alwnys on hand. : he is prepiirfd at any lone to wait upon anv ;houiav l.ivrhim uiilia call. Tliatikiui ! for Ihe pisi favors, he still a-ks for a cor, i liniiance t.f the same. KeLi.il, !MiU DAVID OIXTPIi. me luu l Va;ches seen a Chronornt iTf Duplex and Lever Kseape uients iti lit ver bft manner, together w nil evcrv oiher kind ol work in our hue ot b-ismess. All work war ra'i'e l to tve sautaction. M I have also the Aurr for the saV of the celebrated i:l Oil I-iUli together with -ill Shades. Wicks. Vr. .Vtr Lewi Mar '(ill A i: 1 NdKMAMHC I c ti .ti:i.i:K l'Cr.i:(.0:t rarr.es on the atiove t.usii ess in Puck's ISrick I.iock, Xorih I'lurd street. Cuttin? and Ma- kini; tn ffood style accorJin1 lo the be.-t Pavil ions. (Jive us a chance, aud Me if we ran not suit' ycu. C. MACG. Lewisbur N-v. I, S.i AurtloD and fcmmlssluo House tn Lrttlsbur. U CT I C - Vi N IE i T t ' -zi t--r i' A-tr-'ti j ut ;iuiu t I ; I.Poil .toi4 T havmsbeen appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.rs, is prepared to attend to all calls i'a his hue iu town and country- Commission Sales. In April nexi. I intend to open on MarTre street a Room for the reception, and the sale ai stated Mines of all kinds of (iuods at Aue lion. Any one wishing todtsposeot" any arti cle can depoMi it wnh me and 1 w ill sr. I it al the best advantage 1 can and charge a per centae lor the name Feb. SB, lPfvj F A DONEHOWER C.W.SCIIAFFLE Lewisbur. Pa. Wholesale Dealer in l)rvr, Medicinst Chemicals, I've S'tulTs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window tilass, IVrtumery, Pure Wines and Liquors expies"iy for .Medicinal I'ses, Fane, Notion Uooiis,and all the reeular Patent .Medicines of thedav. tiT Particular attention paid to putting up Pre-rriptiotis. Fainil? Med icines, &c. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for sale WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, OT TICE at his residence, corner of Mar Lei and fourth bUeets. 826 fpnr. .."T-.S-Sr' ' i: l;. i ll.s. aiTV' Y ' f-' I am now ready to rpiir 1SG0. i ilailcl jth ia Atlv'ts. jptUad'a Terra Cotta Kanufcctory. V ITRIFIH!- Water fin'? Heat Tipc, for IHt AIM.M' "r F'ii:i IM. W tl It. lor fc.M- II.ATIN'i. Ill U'-r"l hit. H.l K rr.-..u K H..sM'i'iT.i. , 1 t-iii it V.an Ai Tin ir tKtlttrH lllll I' 1 . .r 1 11 !.. t UlLllI ,,Ur li.f I ri-f o L-111 "tr Iroi Ihr-w h.te 1 tel in r'tifii" f' r ct-i.turie. auj 1 ... r.tl-iliti'l - lL- r- are ii- w u.- 'l in nti""-" " ' 'At- li..tc i: ll.i i-1.i..ir in - At li.rr le I t in. h Willi H l .ri.i !:. '!! i! b ' C lie I tl-'!t-. I f 1,JI U.;.fc-s 'ii-- h ft artt. ' ' ' 1, t'-l. no I-1" : re. ma , f 1 I. ln- h 1 -: j m k, tit. u- at.d f:ii.; f 1.1 v !' f Bi"l all y. ! iM'- It fielt T- ,"' 1 l'r..i t il n ,rl.r i-iciiy . Itl-tlT k r. ll'i Wltl M i....e- 1 Tl'." Cll.t'fc i i ti. r h-ai tl " ir in. " ii." r. -t-ttitii: Lietu sult'juiiuiun WHil . (artd, ti t are n-w -tTt 'nx I o n N" in . r n .ip-d ; ,., i"i 1, Mil. ti.aa, ifi,liJ -. 1 t' I". i.ir.f. v't A V-l A(,K. ,,! .1 .,-(.u;....u h-n l . Ii-.'" in-.-t-jk-l .'t . 1'1a1:aJ- --u.i.Uf r.t e r. I .'ly 1 n the th -lit hi ..11 lo- fiul ll.elit!'."! 4-tl.er ttie-, -l "rT 1 W '.n'Jiu r . t 1 t.ll f.? A. li.'.hhi:- vrn;iri!:r ciii.mn'oV top t'Vi-rv lloi'-lnr t. At th - n. ti- -! .!.. vihi.h j 1 tl f to"-. -- ty oat- n I t ita- i. 1 '1 I, '.u i.t m- i-act 1 i:.K a i 1 ? Ohnf, A. ti ll. "iTfru: r- ti'- 1: '...( 'I ' 1 VlN.- 1. ( l.-;t-rtt ;.ll f IIILAL'A riATFcnn iif-ri tinu'ti, -ui . ;-'S. Ac., i..r w 11- M .u.h: ' i ' Ii'T.t sj t j I'tll i-ilrtrl M Jll 1. -r.i!? 1; i:u.ia!.ier cm 1 . 1 . t..l V, IMi tin I V 111. 1 , iit i Ii tin.! ac- t.. -.1 rl.erii-. -!.;! i,f- a' !.I.t-J f : tv ,11 l .e 11 tin; I v -11. e :, MHO I T 1 1 . i ; hat i:vi:i:i:!i!.-v wants: 'llie I'uiioly l5o(oi-. . II Tills lull i It Ta lis, lua ii.. II Trlls liu. i. r l A. uf. at- I I'll- I.i .-to 11 Tells lull i. .. In n-umition. nt. Il!i- uti.it II Tills luu i io) t. aloj l...er. II Tills lull in II Tells loii i 11 Tell- l,.l. , 1.UIU- avt-J II Tflh .OU . t tl..- :tri u ii- i W . r ! W ifji.n. eii-1 . A. , tt.. -I .i . m.a l-r .irt-.t iftn- .th ui: va.ijl-i r till. l- t t it. The worll , ri, if.il l mi.-, m. a- ti r.v-lfet a. , y f,,lVi. v l! 1- (TlUt.d ,U ".'; f- r v :ti i it I tl.f hr.il' h ot 1 1 . u i4ii.u4:f. irfv fr- m m d i -i oi.il. r ..I, tahil- il- i-liu'-i luu-, Ihe .-t i f Ihe b.r.. iir au t o ot-n it .-; ih ii,utmt-d wi:h iiNiniiLr, uii't :. trf f rwaidf'l t" -ui l.,r.-.iir.(.,.n ni.-.r. -. m-at.i I..1 ali 1 J.-.-t:tr (nl,J. on rt-.-.-l- t i I J i . i) f iioi.ti- ly fiiirri rifiukt uo-n e.er where, ill ir ttrjih..- aurK. liu e.en wh our in luc. no lit- k; : -f - I, aie . , . ,U -i I r. r r-li!-!.' the K ...k. or lr tvi nil- to ItjT' lit, Willi i tl.t-r nil- iu.a'.:. n a. lv i . . r ;tu -ir- -.- Jli K I'm 1 r i;. I', t ''. tiu.:i y... t ,7. ,n, . v . ,,. ,,. i.: ,,. j'x SILVEil ITATED WARE, if a k vev ni.i.rv. No. IC"-j Mjri.-fi treet. Philadenhia. MA XI KACl I lil'K o! il, i:i;. ami fll.V i:i; l'i line NiCkt'l. MI- L, Ti;K . t t ru-. i't't-n. J.ail!fs. i'.ut'er Kinvt. '.ii r, 'IVa Set.s, Cri s, KtMi:t 'a;u r. Huner l-ihe. Iff I'ltcliei s.Cak- Ila-Ut 1). Cull: lit un It'll W arc. Cups. Muja, I.i b!ft. tc. tilt a general i" iiTHiieh', fi ii: t n-1 n s tt-it f"i! t.'.t Ut t tj'takt ii; a lie i-t thr L--t n.ttfiul auvi htuvify plated, cm tKuniri i. .cm a istn-iftiil.'f' a iff I.TffU. artoU fur H ,frhy Si-niJ,-nttnti iiirittf t uni m .1. I t ( tl ire r -j I.tted in the bt manner. Pel.. SI. IMifiv 1 yU,UUU,V i ;:-, a!i't'UI)' Iil !.!.i;!iL'S LAWYER - Hi'lMjl- l 1 LAk K. Luct, tit .H-..l Nft.i ! Ilic 11.1.. ill. I ! II Tells 1..U I . t . u f. r trtner-h'p tijr. and : 111,- I.-r Aur. . 110 nt, ot a.l .-. 1.- it-.fi. i"l f. litl. n ii 1. ' and MorUau. . Affi- 1 A .oiiti i . Noti., and ii...a It TrlM'nti j.ti. r. t,. 1 I Kx- h.n. -. It Tells. fuU t'.' L . - t.r ti.. (..afii:.:u ti ht. with tiir- M.itnt- - I i.:iiit.!i 11. an t aun (.nt ab l k .ti.i . t ; r. in ly i.i. in. 1 iruiu i-jtii uiu-u in II Trlls loa 1 iu A' an A-.v:ninent (iroju rly. w:th l r t m:.- it wiiii ifiiiir.-, ai-d s. ,tl.l l.,,-..,! elin Pl:itf. i.ir.-'ii ti MM'ini, iieiseen tiuar ud vv.,i i. i, r aii.1 Ai'btt utie.and r i -oid i to. i.t. f ti-i tule. l.tlr,-! -ind Slan.J.T, tir.d the ! M..r I w. r. 'h.- Ujc'tl,!,;!.! It . I'lVofe iimI A , mi'UV . , 1 T Mit t..iii..-.-' l.i-u in t-Ti ry Title, It Tells lull i U mo . 1.1... II Tel Is l u ' i.ii i in !' It Tells lou ti - I I laloi I .ii-: t i 11 Tells fugth- . luj-. nth li IV i-l. -i.- ai.d how to huil.t u Wwa to riiiU Hi I'll l'i - I.. ii Tttls lou tn i-w :..r r.ttfut" wuhmrrftfo Hi oh!, i III I.i HIM. lot- ' Bi'-ii and l-.'.f ol r- n. -leui e,, A-.-iU- It TrIN Inn iiw t . t.. 1-tfT i-ii an I -T .( VI it. and how tn Adni'll "ihi tli" ia and ihe l- j ipur- in- i.t' tl.tT' ft I It Ttlls loU Hi.- Mf an nit: I... ry Stale. in .' in ml ue. ai'd l -lii- to U tit- l 'i-!.t!ie. t.xrt-ti-tivc ti. 1 Jti.iif.-il r-ol hsith ihv Ut-UfTAil ma. tit.. t o: 1. .. i-y ilioaii,c how tn - ir).ti; j , in nr. rsor.ti,: i a-l tt,aiol f J,..titUi. lit---lv ioiir.ultati.in. in o:. utAii" j.f,id. toef f.rr M.p ii ol lu-u--l. bimI reOi'iDt uj jl, ui m lata, i , It Tills TOU hi .w t let!' do onr tiu-i! a no uit of ' tl- n, ht n finsrfe eo) .- alii Ii-. -ei ry 1-hI mer. eer htt.uti i-i r hrnlv id rtt-ry riaie, ol i.io.l.r.i; ail-- si l I H H I VriP " r- n ' h ents-riTt-inir itifiietr ,tiere. in iei,iUL llif ; .imir work, as our iuduA-ruirtits lu an autb ai hit i .lUral. Fur -inrIe enpifH of the llork. or ft-r term to agt-Dt, With uthrr lutunuatl' li. -i. to or at.ire- J MiVt. iKU. iV7iA.r. ! fms-il A'n.fii; .v.,.t, .vc. w. INDUsTUlAL .TOVE W'OKKj. , WM. C. MEUIAN. lVu.33 Xurtti ;Clt M.,ippo.,itr. Circ-f Cttirch, lllll.AiH.llll., I l ' i ' i Has l,,r sale the br,t Family f tnk. f J1 '"'"l 'a .Vi c-, in the murk't a good I Z-jNt5S.l ,i,, faithful servant; ihe gieat mtntrr lor ihe Family ' Every i Iiou.-a-,... u .-nould have a re...ie LEHIUll OAS bLKXEK CIIOKIXU STOVE aiways reliable, always ecoiiotnii al. j Aiso, Ihe great f.'. rnnyutnin .iif j ore. for Parlor, iVc. will burn less fuel and ! emit mure brat than any other Move. For - sale, with a laige ass, riiio-ui of ali kinds of CIIOKlXii ami HF.ATIXU STOVES, whole ; sale and retail. W II.I.IAM C. XEMAX. 4 o.;u,j o. 3. 3 Ttb &..uud s;., Abov 3lArkct,lbiicl Insurance Companies ruiF i.tji4M.i: co.nrin vapilal, n.ai.y it... K,il1011. of r,,,,, 1 II r. o.d I.vciiii, o t', ,un'y Mutual it UIiCV. .. 1. "" lof 11. prrtnai.ent e-tabli-h,,,,,,, .. " 1-ayn.ent ol a.l Coni,i,ur4 ,I,P,,';; insure t r...eri) on il.r i,..,si rras.,,.-.. . l.rl Homo' rr ..... """eiCtll. OUI, itt ,A, . and saltsl couioaiiy. ue iti; Ai.1.1. Jo-Ill A IWHjiav'""- SOI.riMO R!l iKK, I.e.,.,.,'.;" a' i". 2 Ave r l.ri..,.r aii(. "' ":L;r l.rwisiiuiif. May ::u, imu '"tiai-j Anitrican life InMirante i Trw r I'm. mi..i ..1. . I-"-. V - " 1 o. ..illtll JOIl M,v 10MPA.Ni ri ,:l,l.oo. . ' l. tirih ;,,).,. , I Lives ii.Mjtc-,1 al or at J mi Ni, .en rat.s a.,,,,,, ,. ..-"ritt, oral Total Absl.i.. me .., , , , wo, id. A. WIIIU.Ul.tl.letV.i-:" Joa.A C. Si,., s.rC ' ' !" F.MII.Lf.R..n,,,.. 'Vi ra N!-li.i:ii t II Ji.isrot..pi...y. ... r,tr., ., "'"p year ot ihnr l-usn .-t-reiiieLi of their a put lie. I Ihnr lnio, Ml( , ; " .. ,ur 11. n, K-lS iL.l Lus., "est to tot tr.f p.. i' ir in f rr- Jh urJ 1, I'tO. An.. ol In u.iuui .Nct-.. Vii at X.in.I '-r of I'r j, Alio ;ahI t I'r .ii-. 111. 1 , I r. n, Aii.o'.int i f Lo.,- --"'1 :itjr-ar 1 .i.. re'Hti.il -:jb. d Ih.s C, ii. p t, v cm, rues to inscr, , ' lles.Tlll.i 11 i,t irinrri.. ..,.1 . . "7 . . hi 11 as cu - 111. r U.-'l. I..II. I,. f AC 2ail,M ii sAordam. or 1 ire, ai..f j I elual. r ii.y lute nnoitd or fer- Agr-nt. l.ewisfiiro 1 1, 1 -1, Fruit and Ornamental Tre. c-iMg twit. 0 The .-i.:.s, rri.,r ha., on a -.iCDd d rollr,-.;, n f (lln j.rulI aIi UttiamfBiaJ 1 1.1. Ks, Ac. Ac emhracr." ti.e very lest vai .ties ot Apples, fears. Peaches. l!oci I k- 1 lies. Aprn Xecaniies,t.rapes,(icfcjr l.crnes, Ka-pl erries, I urrauls, Sirawuermi A LSI I.are H-.rse Ch tiiui. European Moiin;ar A r.. American .Vounlam Ash. Misar Ma lors'io. t p aining. Ever t loonims K. se. a s;..-i. :,. r..iciii,ii of UuiLoiis and ;e r ...urr.i, I'janis. ' Xiir-. ry ir. units cm the farm rf Ji r.l. im on tiie Turnpike, within hi.: i in !e of l.ew.sbur?. All orders will rere ., strict atleniii u. IV 7erm imarwl.tn ( ASM W I1.MJ.N I. LI.N.V I.ewishiirj, July 7, IbSm. KOWRYb SKY LIGHT GALLIE7. M'i'aii.len's Hardware ire. o1 . v i: is j s 1 nreri. Il. uihtoii's !.hoe Sure, JIhah siffet, l.eu i, urr. Pa. AMHKO TVFS. XFLAJSOTITES, Ac. in Tf.e to-ual sup. rmr y'e. Ir. i';.J;,ro io hf-e p i-rtiif,. 1 am no prrpairt. ;o'. l l.u.Of,! a..it, iare ti sn. a tc n- r. .. an t v t t- re. A!s,-, WUV. I V I'l.s. 'J'ne-e pii iures are ci It rrc i re -ntr ir.tr. aha aie m r rricr to am oil rair iff ivn r rha r,.::rv ot ripresM. n and traiu:i hai tr.L t r r r ttured only by tt.- rair.rra I .le-r ;flu;rv nie A trl.ted, Jifol Ih.f. exrMis.ve r-lit f r Chu-li r m-'y. Call ,X William VanGezer, ATTOKM-Y at Law, j. riiIui ?, I nlon C o., Pa. TECKAS 6. GF.IER, i nufo-wir to J . L. Y tiul W af ( limaker jind Jrif llfr. Lorated two .li t ri- t-a."! ut tl e tal d r Clillj CtmiUfil if air liilrr-htwiMti 1,1,. ii. lo k, W an hes. Au rej aired i n hcrt ; iii.l.ce aiol wanamrd ti- cive aii-la"t 1 i iif An extfUriii as,.rin rnt ol uhei Chicks and Jeurlrv t u hand Ck'cp'r iuk iilll" KKA.U "of all ur- n,au ui rder Lewisbtifff. pril l'-AS NOTICE. T 'O the ''it'zens if Lew is to re and tt : t I,. II.IK'M ha ffiTrin! his bVt sn"p;rnm it e liiv-cre Hoo-e to MarkrlVrtV bri--emt'nt of W oiow Amons buiblm?. iff ii..t.r atove ihe Poi Office. Thai.ktul hrii p a-t invi is. hr hopes in nienl a conuoua a! ol the public pair na-e. N. I?. To all who tarry here ti.i thfir Wardii arrow loitf T" k'tl V e 1 -ant .l:i ?r. j-r..l a tar her eer ctir, Jiift 1 ulS on lli at ht- smI"'Ii. I u-y mi rn. eve or aWaV I'lWe.n i l. all. ricre lirp anU ieiiHre ke-D. Lewisburg, April 1. 1859. E. L. S.V?1I and DdnK-S Dlixds and hitteb-'', Floorinp;, SMicg, Flaming, ic. L i I Fit Alr at th. Drue St. tr of 1 t : I I MlUHUk L.uturK, Oct SMcat Market Arrtinijrmentu fur the Jmr JACOB U. BROWX. havme supplied :ht Lewishut Market lor ihe pastsix un n-1 has made the following arrant-emeus ltr-3. coiiiin? ear The bes. of Beef. Mutton. Vl and P. can be had on Wednesday and satuulay 't muss nf eac h meek, al ihe .Varict H' Market street between frhatKe's and Welles l.eui-bur . Pa. , His motto ts tjnirk Sa f. r Ca-h, a suiall Pri tils." Examine h' meat. Ap.15.Ti9. 1. S. TtKXEK,.A;er,t. rPlIE sub.stri'uer con- .1 linues to carry on the j I.lti ri ICiiHlncAt .1.- I .1.. SL,...l ... SI. ,illl I Third street, near Market, and re-peciiu'lJ solicits the patronage ol his fi iernt ar.ti public generally. I'HAKI.ES F. Hfc Lewisbur?, May l, l.'U N OTAl'.Y 1'UIU.IC William Jones, A TTOKM-'Y at LaT.--l llff,!B rromnily attended to. Otf.ce.. .' sioet, 1 (.osile the Presbvtenan chmc; Am. lilllXHA'.' ch- i..n" IIiW. MCSOA, MASON &. CO. VXORAVEBS and STATlt'XFRS. !01 Chestnut teweit t IMIIW tr-l Bunuere tan ai-1 rtl.trd at th- ete't Bntiee. alwxva Du hai d. ft.mtr.ainr, artictieatlv ea ewtett. id-I KiiWfU-iee avid U oraer A. H . D I L L Attorney at OFFICE on Couth Second street, h i .eciipied bv I. B. Hamlir.ileco Lewisburg, Jut,e 1, lt GBoaagBBai- s,'