4 Ml c . h .it. 'i; O. . WOKCEH ft J. R. COBBELIUS. W.....r. . V-i . TIm Lrwrsatae CirauineLB, , frabllatiarf on the rb !v.l.m. ban lha largest au.1 IVat irculatiun ulanv wf.pa.r in Lniou County. I FretJom, national; Slavm, sectional " uompieie ticinrns. Irso-m. DoaKtaa. Brarainriilfw. B.11 Maine 69.000 Mew Hamp. 33.9S3 Musicbi. I0 273 Couuecuc. 4S.3U8 SM.IUIO J.UUO J,00( 23.026 1.6'24 33 6:19 3!.S31 I5.84S M.NtoJ " 7,707 "31J.3B7 3:7 6 091 1.G7S Rh. Island le.llt Near York 361.-10 New Jersey 58.310 3,000 67.W 0 Pennsyfa 270.I.S0 17,350 "176,448 12.755 Indiana 107,031 85.5:11 1 1.23 6.003 Illinois 172..145 160.649 2,2 7 J 4.846 Delaware 3,M2'J 1.110 7,345 3H3 Maryland 2.2H2 8.K7S 43.IH4 41,463 Kentucky S.ftUQ 34.023 35,6:1a 63,58 Tuaioa" k a Doirj partner of bll, HtKt Doug. Latest returns look favorable to Bell in Virginia, and to Dong'as in Missouri. ftajrReturoi of 90,000 of the probably 120,000 votes polled in California, leave 1 Lincoln 2000 ahead of Douglas, who is far bead of Breck , and Bell far behind Ureck. The friend of Douglas and Lin - -i i. . .n... . cum were cacu couuueot 31 me success 01 their cboico by the vote to come in. San Francisco give Lincoln and the Reform Ticket 3,000 maj. The Legislature is claimed for Douglas, against Gwio. It was supposed that Lincoln would carry Oregon. AdrFrom the rclurns of the Popular Vote throughout the Uuion, we conclude j that Lincoln baa Dearly Too Million of1 rtt - html jnnt. ,l,.mti nv. ..,.k r.t . the other candidates Doug'as comes next then Breck inridge next, Bell luston succeeds Smith follows and Ssattcring ends the list. So that Lincoln beats them all. Douglas beats lircck. llreek beats Bell. Bell beats Fusion. Fusion beats Smith. Smith beats Scattering and Scattering beats Nobody, (as ritual.) Each candidate can "crow" over some other except that last chap, who has been j "running eighty years, and was never jot elected to any office ! The Republican vote grows handsomely in the border Slave States : Fremmit.lSSO Lin-oin. ISotl a) a.Ji 2:i s.r..i 2 1 art. ..'- 39 - 2..S.PO lore) 0 I'.'KlO Tletawara Maryland Virginia lllliuuriiRep. V0t4 Fill. ;LG " .,IH Thousands rjpon thousands more in these States would have voted for Lincoln if thej bad dared to do so, or believed it of any nso. Henceforth, Ilepublicanisai must increase in these States which is the Terr thing the Nullili.irs fear, and therefore they would push on Disunion so s oot to give Lincoln a chanca to show that be is a fair man. "At Home." Incnla has 12,009 maj. over Douglas in Illinois, and 5,009 maj. over all Lis three eppoueutb in that State ! UreckioriJge, Line, Donglas, Johnson, and Kverett, ire all beaten at home Lin coln, Ilamlin, tnd Bell all carrj their own States. l&.W'e like to tee a man take a fair defeat good-naturedly. Democratic ZtE BACrJ, of the Sioux City iVeyiVer, an nounces the result of the 1'residcDtial Tote, io big capitals, philosojihicalljr,thu9: Old Abe is Tycoon ! Let 'er Rip ! Our -Rooster" dont stand ! The Jig is op Old Honest" is elected ! Lei us all boo-lioo 1" Per contra, Ravcu, of the Man. Chunk Gazette, feels slightly good, and (amongst iome most "original cuts") gives vent to bis joy, in Dutch and English, to wit: "Horrah for Fncle Abe! Fep .blican Freedom for Ever! Lincoln Elected President! Overwhelming Republican Majorities in the Free North ! The I'mon Sarin; Humbu Played Out! ! Breckinridge and l.aue Defunct ! Douglas nowhere ! ! ! Pennsylvania the Banner S'ate! Little Carbon the Banner County ! Old George,' Wie Ferlshl ! Hail Columbia, happy land ! Three cheers for the Red, White and Bine! : Yankee Doodle come to town ! j Vntue. Liberty and Independence! General Washington and the Fourth of July ! GLORV! GLOKV ! ! ' (We hope our friend En. will reeoreri in lime to start the House at llarriaburg i 10 Jaouirv ) w-.Tt . . . .i. c .l aw iuu.raui.nil mtcjmu wnu iuc 7 'aid and comfort of those at the North who are making excuses for their treason continue their agitation. It has result ed io a great financial pressure in South Carolina, their Bauk paper being sent back, and credit often refused, (for who " i 1 wants lo trust those who breathe out repu-1 diatioo of all compacts 7) This'mayeause tome trouhlo lo Northern Hanks, who i ,u ., , . ,i fbould dec'iue to furnish the sinews of, 1 ,i war to those WfiO l luemww up , . fjreicn oaople. (bee forcible eipose of iuicilu pa pic. r . the question io article from ihe TiiLune ) It is believed President Buchanan win take a true itand upon ibis tib phase of Nullification, io bit forthcoming Message to Coogress. CtRgKS come Home. Some j-mrnals, wbieb have been trying fur moutba to con vince the South, that, as soon as Lincoln is inaugurated, be will cross Mason & Diion'a line witu bre and sword and I.Der. aie an iu. m - .........,; ..- to come out with aa address and assure ttie S'Uth that they hue been Ijin: It is doubtful whether enough Hotspurs ill resign tbeir eea's io Cur.gress to Kive the Kepublicans a clear warking majority j io both Houses, but KeutuJcy, aud other i 8o,ber. State, are beginning t. arouse and speak out against the ravine of the but intolerant Seceders. who seek to pravent lb teal talcs of the oeonle from t-clau4. Pennsylvania Complete. LixroLK. Fa.-I'ia. Djug'aa. BVU. ss 570 50 58 fell 130 397 ;2 95 124 21 10 202 12 23 0 14 0 147 109 2SS 0 90 147 70 49 0 17 Adam Allegheny Armstrong lieaver liodfjrd Itera 2.724 16.725 3,355 2,824 2,5115 8.!4(j S.lt.jO 7,0!) I 6 443 3 640 2,-'77 1.753 3,021 7.771 1.8- 9 1,702 1,7:;U 1 S73 5 779 3,59 4,Wl 3,li I 407 G.ltiO 3,1.-. I 4,151 7fS 120 1.014 U.Oj-U 3 910 1.704 1.494 ia:)2 2.9- 57 3.0'iS 4,170 7,300 3 494 1 077 3,854 l,7ol SI I 5,S2ti i,ui; 2, r,44 6,725 2,103 l,2l 2 224 C.T'-O 1,275 2.13 5,174 2,3:i2 1,643 1,401 2,423 5.00S 2 078 1,880 1214 2,300 2.9lil 3 183 2.392 1,500 Hi 2.0:il 3, ;;us 2,515 911 CO 2 005 1,622 1,317 1,134 1.147 788 1 917 4,094 6.S03 2.402 591 2.510 1,189 1 -02 5.590 780 4.597 2,30'J 1.743 3G 523 0 4 14 420 239 9 487 13 110 309 20 203 0 0 72 80 62 20 m 152 0 17 24 C22 1 0 0 65 0 6 72.8 10 10 115 43 137 0 83 91 509 311 115 97 8 ! Hiair j Bradford liucks Hotter Cambria Carbon Centra Chester Claiion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Erie Fayette Krauklia Fulton : Purest (est.) I Greene ! Jluuiu61on I Indiana JtfJ-rson Juuuta Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luz-rne Lvcotiiiog M'Kcau Mrreer Mifflin Moor. a 62 411 31 103 52 139 91 41) 0 C9i 1 171 t 38 ,131 1 1 139 10 5 1 6 9 17 0 6 91 j jp,f u"'' j Northampton 3,8:9 ! Northuuibrl'd 2,422 I'.rry 1'biladelphia Tike 1'ottcr Schuylkill Somerset Snyder Sullivan Susquehanna Tioga Union Wnano Warren Washington Wayne Westumrel'd Wyoming York 2,71 29,223 21,019 9, "Tt : 381 1.545 7 508 3,248 1.678 429 4 470 4,754 1 821 2 080 2.283 4724 2.857 4,887 1,270 5,128 831 0 521 4 908 1.175 910 497 2.518 1.277 806 1 932 1 .07 30 75 2.618 4.790 1,237 5,497 0 422 . 1 00 0 n n 39 6 4 0 43 3 5G2 " ll 1 74 ronnsvlvania is llic Einner Slale 1 lar'Sl 1'illialiH it tl .1 largest MiljOiilj! j lvnnsvlraijd sives Lincoln a larsT nmiitrilv llun sliC .ive Oi l lliclury. ' Close Calcii.ations. The Lincoln men promised l.iai 10,000 m:.j irity in Old Al.l.KUUCNV, and they gave it Lin coin having 1G7-5 vole?, arid Fusion 0,7-510,000 toafiaction f. . , i l.i linr. kw,.l UIUU VVUUIJ V aVllW-O.- . a V s. w s, 1 for. nobly redeemed "Wilmot's District' their pledge for 10,000 maj irity for Lin coln, as follows : Lin-otn -. ti'.H 4.47H 4,:. .4 ! 15 Fri'tin .IsS Doujlaa n-ll nralfinl hu-quthanlUi Tioga 11 t..in3 Lineoln over alt It'.ia lo 185- before Douglas & Co. viola ted tho Missouri Compromise this same ; District guve Pierce 2, 105 maj over Scott ' a change of 12.70S votes iu eight year? ! 1'uTTr.R COUNTY. Pennsylvania, lowers I op proudly in the El.ction Htturns, giv-1 ing 1515 votes for Liucoln aud Liln-rty. lo 521 for Fusion, aud 1 for ltell 1.03 . msj. ofor all 1 Pretty good for a county j which, even in 1810, gave Harrison only ! ISO votes, to 303 for Van Huren iheu, j over 2 to 1 on the wrong side; aud now, ; almost 3 to 1 on the rijjht! j Their whole vote was 543 for President, ; twenty years since, and has tince swelled , to 2,007 as great a ratio of gaiu, if not ' greater, than eihibiled by any other in the State. Iu the same p. rind, the tot population has increased from 3,-Cd lo 11,507 a muiked chauge indeed. Corn-, prising a very large territory of upland j extremely well aUaptia to grazing, with a , ., , , . , .. . railway near both its northern aud south- . , .. . . . , . . 1 ern ooruere. x oner la uesi.ueu iu ucsouie i a rich and populous county. No longer coutn ll.-d (as formerly alleged) by nut- j laws aud villains, who found its remote! 1 Mtl.l a c.r..t i...r a from I.. It lis l.eeo.r.H : , , , , . . n,,A f.r iIia mnar or.lorlv and tentnerate counties in. the Sta'e thaukt to every . . , ', , . , I in us moral, political and physical devel- . opement and improvement : r 1 ; ' : fi totes, tut the? w.rti all O h.. Fuur dintrictrt gave l'u-tou iiieij. of from 2 to 0 each, and '11 other diatricis jjjvi) Linculu uiajs. raugiug between -1 and lsG. ISPIf "mistakes were haystacks,'' Sen ator li'glcr'a constituents would have plenty of fodder. It will be remembered that on the -Gib ult., we copied from a Cleat fi Id piper bis prediction, from bis ferJ jnniU4!e knowledge of l'. nnnsjlvania, hat Liuctdii't could w it come uihiu 40,- 000 if Cu liu't rote the former being too itiuch of a It -public jii ! Well, Lin coln runs nearly 8.0U0 ahead of Curtiti be does. This mistake vf only 43,000 tote, prore. (,al ,be Lecomptonitis are no j,,,, of , r ' ' . ,. bow Doch tJr"n " Pnor ,,u'n!", ntat f& under the false label ''Demo- Icratic." r :.,nf,in Dei. ..li i!-j.v)i.' ...: . . . . A :iri" ' IjIULUIII Ulll alii ! sa.,,,1, i, ucreoy civen to an eo.irerneo. ; a , , ti..r..iili of hxr.duir; and co ,r p .-! n ) l').i ! ' r...... i. -i . i. . r.v-i. ,, ( , hounded non h a nt a st l.y lot s " " rtl10ll UOaO'j -appointed by the C. un ol Co.nn.ou Pleas ol t h, ,v,s, sonih l.y si I, hn street. ; ,. , , s. . ! 1 "",n Coney, i f the late nrm ol iliiam : wrM ,v W at. r sire.-i. h hereon is er.-cte. i, ( 1'i.M '(i'j'J) yr"k & ''n- conststinir ol Will, am Fr-ck, Tiiree-Siorey Brick Flonrin- Mill, &c. w i ' r -''- -- ..sn. anion 'ena. lees as me nr., I UXION COUXTY STAR & j Foreign News indic-oa the con.inued si!ce;-s of Garibaldi in making one cou - fi-ib-rate (lovi rr.mnt of Italy. ... . ... . . . To the Tax-Collectois of Union Co. " UU are hereby notifid to fet your Lion. 1 er.itions ol St.ite and County Tax. by L)eo"niher Court. I ne Collectors of KoaJ and School, dec. will make llieir return to the C.innni-siiiiiers. before the Istol Jan., ls;o, f all Taxes uneolleciabie, as alter iliat lime they wilt not be a lien on the respective prop erties. And we tin hope thsl the Collectors will m.iWe every rea-.on;ible effort io have their Liuplicates sellleit op. We must have fuu'tsio meet the expeuse of the Iwq Courts in Decemlier. lly order of the Commissioners. Aljiirurd Court Proclamation. Whereas, the linn. Abraham 8 Wilson, Hre-siJ-nt Jude for the 20ih Jmlicial District of Penusy vjuua, coiliposed ol ttie counties of L'nioii, M.tilm and Snyder, and l'hilip Kuhle and John W !iinontii,li's, Asaoeiate Ju ices for Union county, have issued their precept, bearing du'e tiie 2-d day of fepi., Im;o, aii.i to me uirected, for ihe hoMina ul a Court ol Common I'leasat l.ewisburs f r the ronnty of l'nioii on the fi'l Muuuq of H er msl, (hems the 31 l;n) IhtiO, and M continue one week. .NiH'H'E is therefore hereby given to Witnesses and all persons mterestej in the lsue List, to be then and liieie piesenl and not denirl without leave. J.irors are re.jueste,! ajpiiits'i, aijreeaiiie I" nuiice. (iiven untit-r mv hand ati-l sva at the Shr- id s Oilier in l.ewisi.urj this 3.'lh day ol Oct r. A I. an 1 in the eishtv foiirth year of the Independence of the L. of America. ... ,., God save Ihe ( om n muea th JOHN CKOSSGROVE, Sheriff- . - - - t'iilwii('oii!3 C'uiii I Vroi lam;illn irIi:!.i:.s.thf H. n.AH M S.VMU. t V I'resiik'iu Ju !:" f'-r t!.e Sttih Judicial Uisirict of iViiusylvauia, Cviuipocit l the cnumies of l.iiH'ii, Mitllin aiil Snyiltr, aitJ Phi li p lit hl aii tl J so V Si months Kt(., ciHie J jtifb in I 'nit. a coiiij.v. h.ive insui'! their prerpt, hearing ilalt' I he i dav of iv-.il. l'-ii. a tul t-t me direriril. f r ihe li.llir. of an Oi-phaua riurt,((Miri ot Ci'mwri riea-.,-)yT ami 'iVnnmer. a nI iefral Quarter ?t--i.in at laKWIlfl f.r ihe cotintv ol' l".M.. on ihf third MOMi.W of l-KC'U (Ifeni2 the I?:h d.iy) 1 Still, arnl to cmilimie inc werlt, ."li'e is tiierelnre herety t'ivr to the or onr. Juiires of ihe IV-tce a;iJ t'tinui'ies in and fur the r.'untv nt' l nion.t aiiparm their own prtper pcrons with their records, inqui sition sex An in at iun and o1 h r re m fin i. ranee to do thosf things which f their otli.'e ;nid in tneir helialf appertain to be done; and ail VV'it-ne-.e'- ami ot!it-r prons prostc.u: ins in ttdulf of the ''mniiHMiuealih aj-amt i:iy person or prM-iK, are required tii he then and there a.tc-iuli olt, and not depart without le.iveal their peril. J.irurs are rftjue?! to he puucui;il in th:r attendance at ihe appoinitd time agreea ble to n.nire. -i.'cn undtT mv h.'ftid and seal at the Sher ifl Otlice :n Jewi-shurL', the I'Jth day f ' i"Vt ihe year of our Lord one tli.-uand e2;ht hundred an 1 sixty and th eishtv-fourth 1 y'-ar ol tin1 In )'peiidtnce of the l.'iiited liaie?. j ut America. ' d sav the ';irninun'v'a-th ! JOHN rit'OiKOVK.her-f! Ilorotih of l.e-isl)i!-. m saol eouiiiv. has fj.eil h.s ai:eoiini iii ine Pr.iiioiiio.ary's i iliee, al l.ett-isimr-z al.-r'''llnl. an. I lhat .he same aeeoiiiit will he prtsented for ceiilirniauo.i and allowanee at a Court ol Co.nuion I'leas ,.f s..i I ro-.itilv. on Fri.iiv. ihe Js dae id' . December m-n, sa.mi;i:l WilVH, ! f L-il-.irs. N..v. 11. REGISTER'S K0TICE. VOTH'E is lnTi'liy siven to all con- i i ft rm.l 'h.it the tiilinwin nainrd nerson have sei le.l tiinr at counts in the UeiMerV O.iice at l.-vilii i u. l'nioii coiimv, and that) the saH are.nttnts will De ptesrii.ea iorciiiir illation and ailou anee at the Orphans Court , to he hel 1 al I.t.W IM.l I.t., ,,r Ihe eonnlv ot ; Cniou. on the itnnl Friday of liKCK.MUKK next. eiii2 ttie day oi sant ni.mif:, viz : j 1 The aei-'oim of Jacob For, Adtnidis.ra ; lor of J 'fin .Son.A.r, la'e of M 111 nbntg. ilec'd 2 The aecount of Robert II l.aird. Kxectl lor of John M':hraek, d-e'.t who was Kxeeutor of J.i'.n liihtl- late nt CulMec Tp dee d 3 T'ie acconiit of Thomas Hayes, F.xeeu tor of MnriiiirH Voiio, late ot the borough of Leveishuri;, d'-e'd 4 Tue acrount of Gi-orje Persham. Ad minisiraior ariih Ihe will annexed of Ll.za- bith H tut. late of Lime: lone Tp., dee'd r 1 tie aceoonl isiraior of fciiglc Tp., dee'd. I Jacob S -haver. Admin- JSchratltr, late of Hartley f.KOIifiR MKl.KII.Ii. Renistf-r K"isters Oillc, Leu isburj, IN v. 17. Is-tiO - . . . Jurors fir AfljonrncJ Court, D'C. 3J. VVV B'tff.:!. Mat hew Kelly. John H uirk, Levi L Stioemaker, Dan'l Fher, IVter Kimple, Jncob Kline Lruri(ntr. John K rnelitis. Jackson Pal mer, J VV Crta-nbrrlin, J as lleber. C V Mirhb v hn Z.dlcrs.Thom- Mfl-uh-trg 1 K.sw, Rptj H3us B V J h'mp en, Charles Momebus, Jjmes H Voiine. John Ib'ber, Henry laim A''tr Uerlm. Michael Kleckncr, David Hor iacher Ka-t Huff.tl, David Smith, David Schrack, J- hn ljUi.iiv j Buff.h'. l.e'vi Mdler, Pht'ip Dieffenderfer. Jackson A Rishel, Jauies Mathers, eidit Kolan.l Hi.e birr. -Win I. Kitter. Joseph Mover Ilirffiy.Ja Heed, Andrew Cook, Juo Diehl A'.Zy. Jacob Heinlev Isiri. Henry H tthafer, George Klevkner Itirll't.tn. Sam'l C WiU ,-..,.,,. i .i. i- i J.iw. J-.hn i. . Inimi. Archibald oikert Tbotnas !Gr;inl Jurors, Dpccmbcr Term, 1SC0 Lfiriytur Johnson Wail, Charles Mensch, Iewts .sbei.feher. B ff il David Herbst, Michael Dunkle.Jno Wise. Cyrus Ii?isbach. Lfirin Joseph Charles, Charles Kuhl, Henry rtt'ia. W'nr iJ'rr David B. Kaufman, Isaac Stat-eL1 J inas Kant'h. A''iy Win Noll, Jmes Shield. John Klin? -i,.Hr Hnry K Senders, Jewis bceOold. M'fiiHtjurf John Hi'cer , ,(,(vy Wm Halfpenny, Daniel Hunseckcr. i tWi Jesse M Walter. r-.i jt..,.ii'. t u.;- ! N"' &'ffiiue Dan:ei Muore. Traverse Jurors, Deccmb'r Term. Hurtl.y O P Kalherman. Jacob Fees, tieorse Glover. John Church, David Fil!uian, John Katherman. 11. Huffaloe John Gable.Elias Kaup Ennch Kautman, Wm Beaehler, Henry Oberdorf. Eit ltiiff.il.te David Royer, Thomas Penny, Samuei I, Moll. M'jltui'juri; J W Sands, Henry Bosenrei Malon lireyman, berryhill Uell, Thomas (iulehus. Satnl otitzer Bnffthte Vim Steans, Jnn F Vanvalzah, Wm llaurk, Adam Grove, Benj Lahr K'llil Paul tieddes. Pascn.il clinjan. Daniel K inkier. John Hummel. Levi Gemherling L'tri.tmrg Vm T I!eitnver.Wm littler. Ca Crues, J 1. Harreti. Jno Nesb t. H Hawkins. Krrlin Henry Bause. Ahr S.-noch W&ite D-rr Siepheii Flick Solo Saasaman. rrn.o.Thoma Pursel L-tnit Jacob Ililihish, Israel Beaver, Jacob Moore. I! V Blaekf..rd Limnlune Isaiah Mench, Tnos V Barber j HurUtjnlvliu Charles , LEWISBURG CIIROXlCLK-SOYE3Ii:i:il 23. IMiO. j IsSUC LiblS for Sept. 1SGJ. ' j,,s v Phriner vs John M laylor I 8aml I. Beck vs Cliailes Mee j John Martv vs Unman (and 3 others) j Sr!iTr.taS',5rU I 4'vru EsMn rs S f 4 W S llnfenreif Il.ivul (.lu-k vs Sainl S Burlier l'hilip liuhl vs Kranri M ilson Ml tdleawarth Kerns & Co vs Cru II Sliriner John Werlz vs Peter -Nevius et al Samuel VV Sitoilsrass vs V iu Young- Jr I'Kh forGutelius' Adiurs vs Geo Llieisbacn Abraham Uiaek vs Andrew pitler T (Church & Co vs m H Kleckner Km In I) Cuinminps vs San. I Henderson etal, J & J Voting vs Thus ti Orw.3 Charles fUees vs Saml L Lteck Win Price Jr vs Rolu M Muser North. Chose & North vs Joel llursh Joseph Christine vs Beaver, tleddes M A Co l)r Win F Seebold vs Mainl C Will l.anson Burrows vs Chas ! Mowrer llihfor Deniler vs A Messmser with notice sinniser & It.iuch vs Black V Ki-her V,. tinsni. A. Waller va .Noah Walter with no. Maihias Sincler vs A :ieliel with .10. li i; Bowes for Sieel vs Jnhn Locke Levi Cromlry vs Win Brown Jr et al Kalph Uiity vs llenrv Mason Matilda Krick vs Martin I) Reed s R llaum for Peacnek et 1 vs Jno M Baum Peacock et al mil. of S it It vs do ' Jwpn , ,n . m; same vs do J. ho Paul Vatiry .I.hIou v. Ji.hnMid.-r 1 Geo IlnoTIT l,it TM J,.liii Paul H ilium Krti'k tn Uitlmvfr X Fru-k ,,, L hrk u Vm.1JO ,,.,,,,.,, , 11 lh.-li f r m 1 11, n.i. r ii. i.iii a Mein;er I ,,,'''''' .o'' "" !' " ,11r-'"' '"' , , I H-tirv III'. hrX Vii lt.l hry nna til -ill klrckuar j M,r,, j ,;, Tn.,m w,nr,t, j Ai Il..r.-er v Ji.liu kul.al'a hxra J,,T,i.lian Wolli-I'V litn-Co.) v Ueurj Charlt-'S I'll slirlnrr i Win hula nt-uj Krtir il W lit iittl tiV r Muif ft al .lnliH U mo i if lr A J I'roir'T l:irL'Jrt-i Mv-r-t Id-iij M Itoiiiirh Art'Of riitrttV A n'r t .'ruir-li A MM?ftitl Nn-h'ft fiir- li't A'lm'r VuiintEinaiti at S ri;.rUr r.r X i'uM.m.u c .tofan M'AUnnjr lMiti-r tnr K (i II II h vita' A'lm'r r U m J hfm ith no J II .i.rk-ti. i ..1. .1 M I h mirt vJU Vuuui; Win V.-uiiirs-r John M fkmirlt l'i uuii'tii I I'-nn at in. U id Hr-'Wii. Jr. Iliii-li A M'il"liiMti IP llirkrutiiue Mr kit l I. art. Ufikel i ft i hp W-ik-l tii-.Ti- H.iittitiT Win. trick A Co J hilrr ntia. r J ihi fx tlnrsh eir Jojoo .Hi- Aruolil vn Krit-k. Id I lui i-r A Cu ti t uuini:i:s J L Im-isI . I. lu-.-k n J f" unoniiiiT A M Wallet. J. t.ll Kf-lvT ll-nrv l'Oi ol.l i J M't'ull Rm I rDpi It I'oiln Alirahitm Walter l-r.-e-l.ti-i A Ittot-fi'l ol J tiil.puiii s K J JritU II V-K k M'tl'oriKir-K TX J lit DIIMk.' Ml.J Milai .la.-..t I.. irl.ly in.- I.. ioi-urit lUnk. r Koviiimr.' k r. t -i k c h;'ckin r Jmitf .rt'tt Jo lristll -..li. Mr-h X l o ? I. i'Hlfiv r A1mr S;.(ntif Shuwr J Mi -Utr wfili ii-ii f i Muii fori Vf L I'jshu.T A'lior Estate. AiIjiHirtU'f! Mit'iiil'N u1cn. 1 Y vinue of-uudiv wriisof Vend Ex.issued I out ol iheCotiiiot Coinnionrltas ot Union t t ouniy and lo me dtrecu-d, I w ill Mp,.se tu I'mdic ale or ilutrry, al the Itull;iIoe II .use in ine Uurnusri ol Lr'ishur?,in Tr.K!i,r ihe ' 4 1 u d.iy ol December iiezt , al 1 o'clock iu the ! al.rriii'tiit, io u n : j and, more or lets, situ i limy , ot ami I a nh perty i t tile tirin oi Jiilin .Vot, lunmux llmth and Multutl t tt htfmni Al-o. al th sarne time and pi . nothr ceriain l.t ol ground more i r Ie., siinaie in the h'Toich o( L' wihiiiff, and runmv 'l Un inn. lutuiuied noiih by J t of Mrs. .Vrs, tri the eat l y an Al ev. M-mh ly lot of Jacob Voder, and wesi bv Second str- ei, whereon ate er-c;eil a double t um-sti.rpv Kram luel inc lloiie. a VVatch-MakT Shop, a Frame Mai-le, a Well with a Pump and other out huil'ainss, tVc with the appurtenances. as t lt,e Pr"Prr:-v f 11 tl'mm I'nrl'r. JOHX 4'K'ssf-KfVr, Shtriff aSheritl 's Oilier, I, ewisbcr?, -Nov M. 0 I SJI.BI1U a OJlca. Sheriff's Sales. "-)Y virtue of .sundry writs of Vend. Eip. J y and A.I.ev. Fa. issued out of the Court ol Comtnon Pleas of 1111011 county and to me directed. I will einose to Pnhlie Sale or Dot- 1 crv. on -Saturday, ihe Sih day ol December! I l-iiiti. at the Publ.c House of 1. D Brewer, in Lewishurs, at 1 o'clock, 1' M ' All that certain Iwn-storey Frame Ki-ildinj I and lot of -round s.tuate in the Uor.-ugh ol : 7etv Herlin a. id county aloresaut, on oiii.,i'oi..ii riu..mi. i .iii..iri,tini,o .Market Mreel, ndjoinins lot of Jo-pph Snatfer on the west, l'lum Mreet on the east, and Church ailey on the north, romaming in """l "n 1,31 Wariiel street i-ixty-six leet, and in depth feet. and the lotoi ir niece of c round I and ctirulae appurtenant lo said building. Ac, as the property of Mary Mumma. AN-1, at the same time and p'are, another certa n tract of land situnie in WcM UtiflaUtr tow nship anil rnnnlr aforesaid, bounded notth : by lands of John I., braver, ra-t by a public , road, south by Um1 j,f Daniel Bcetireif,and I west by lands of John beaver.roniamine two , acres more or le-s. whereon is erected a Kraine aShanty, and a Weil nf Water, &c wiih the apnurtenances, as the properly of Juftn h'erknrr. JOHN CROSS-nROVE, Sheriff. Lewisburg, Tinv. 11, iffJO. Orphans' Court Sale. GREE to an order of the Orphans' I Court of l.nion county will bp (iff-ied at j public sale, on the premise, on FKID V the Z'. d V of N-wember next, commenciii" al I It) ocb ck. A M, the follown-s Real Estate of j Josi-ph Kill. Esq., late of Keily tuwnship in said c.oii nt v. dee'd, to wit : j All tlint iiicssuai'1 sintl tract of, land, sitnate partly in buffalo? And partly in j Kelly townships (in said rounty.) adjointTicr land nfSimon H .rman, John Turner, Ifaniel ' tsivarizlender and John and Tr.oms Lewis, ! coniamme about 1lo Illlll4lrrcl Arrt'fl about one half cleared and in a tj'-otl Mate : of cultivation. The nnprovemeiits are a -A : j l.trse Frame Dwell'?!? H- nse. UreaatUiT. ' ' BANK bAK-W and oilier Outbuildings.aSu a I SAW-MI I.T, I . wish jjnnd W aier IVwer. The farm Ik well- I j itvatiT. wnh sr.otj meadow, and ha a I I lf-,' i'l-..!, .. m. I .. .. ;iair Orchard upon it Also I ho liti.tiviilcd sixth pari uf a tract of W .HiDI.AMD in tc j.,- 1 tiVs I White Deer and Utitr.h e townstitps. well watered, adj. iuit.z lands of Fox's heirs, Daniel Rentier and otheis, con taining about Two Huudied Acres f?.T. Also llic uiitlivi.loJ third CTpart of a tract of WOODLAND in j fcY'i Butr.iloe township, well timbered, ' aft2fet adjoiniiij lands of John Turner,' Pmlip siwa,.2ler,der and oihers, containing i about One Hundred and Fifty Acres. The Wood tracts are within a"bout a mile of the Mansion House and t-aw .Mill. Purcha-ers wan. .112 to see Ihe premises, will call on ihe subscriber near Ihe premises. Terms of sale made known hv Otl 54. 1SC0. PHILIP STAHL, A im. FOR SALE. rpHAT valuable Rrlt'k lard property X situate in BuHatoe loivnstitp. a-'joiuing lands of Jacob Derr and William Cameron, j with everyth.ne complete fr.rthe manufacture of Brick.Ar.. A.o bVILDlXG LUTS. Terms ( Easy. Apply 10 JOI1V t. MCSSER, llttj.l.lrr. or hi. tf v. Wat. CAMEbUti Ja. UauWrj Oet. 17, ISO 22 Acres of WOODLAWD &YI'I!I ATK f.LK. It l.e nh,r. Jtm .hi' mile ' f "'e l.'wi.t.iir and llmsli Valkv roa.l. a mile and a l.;i'l tn m two saw-mills, and adj ming lands ul Jacob Miller. John Fi x and , i. ... There is a good sprn.i; of wat-r and Chesnut, Oak and Poplar umber on the land. Inquire at ihi nif.ee or of f AM I. KWl.MJ Utiilaloe Tp, Nov. 10, liai Sheriff Sale. T)V virtue of a writ of Ven K. issuer) nut jlJi ot the Court ot Common 1'ieas ot L111011 ruiiniy, and to me liircned, will tie exposed to Pnhlie. Sale or outcry, at the puhlic h ue of I. l Iliewer in ihe horouh ot l.cwistoirg i,u Miniliiif ihe I7:h day of lJioeinber, 1MG0, at 1 o'clock, P M. I A certain half-lot of eronnj more or less, situate in the bon.' of I.ewistiur and county aforesaid, bounded north by li t of Isaac II i'2n-r. and west by an alley, whereon are mereiilrd a one and a half siorev li unit? Iit t iling House, a Will ot Ua ler, aud other I'Utt'Uildins, .Vc with the ap. puitenauces. as ihe proper:v ot Jfih A'. , JitHX CIMsSliKOVi:. Mier ir. ShenlTs Olliee, Lewishnr-.'. 'oV I". ! OM'IIAXS" COL'lIT SALK. 21 Q S S 1V virtue of order nf lh lrp?rns I'utirt ol Union coumv. wi!l l.e sAt at ih puh itie houe ot Win. VVullt. in ILiriinon. on a1urU:i3 , J till .ov.I-'ii).;ii it.'c:o.k A Al, Ihf luil.'Wihg il-tTjl-f i Krai KNiair: j Lot No J an i 10 iu llarlieiutt, wuh the! improvements ihrron. 17 acres of land in HartJetnn, a'j.tiniT7 J;i coh irtier, Ja. F. jUuq and Ur. V . Ser-h'i.d j 25 H'-res 17 p'Tehs in ir trt!-y t- u n-!iip. adjoining J. !m Fi'mnn, v'. Tail- ai.d i.di-ts. IS acres ii prrchrv kj Il.irt!' v ti tt nlup, adj Miiin lirht-cra i.f.irhand S.i :tiii .li hi.tm. yoll acres I- prTchrS Mi f I 1 1 lit-V tmv it - h p, adioiititt IJuoks and .uucruii, bamut l Jotm tti. Also, the f.d'owin tracts of unseated !ai:d J in llar.li-y township : : tl5 acres warrantee's name Peter Hlnek i 4l5 do do (In G.hlirev Senile 415 do do do Gor-je .Si-nl ; j t" do do do C.illnr'e Sei,)le jtl5 d do do Siir (IIS do . d-J do P ;, Senile 415 do in do P.- i-r .-i.ne 1 115 do do do Vim die Grove 1 1S do do do ll.ui .el Rhode I ts do do do Fiave! Koan l:ll do do do Mieiiar-I sinr'z 121 do do do J rin S'-idle :t!7 do do do l.-u-id ei,iie i 4t.ti do do do P'-n-r S od e j -iul do do do U in. D uilap ! 105 do do do J bn Liiinlap Terms of saie will be made kuouu at ihe time and place of ie l.y i i r.i.rx c. ii.vns. Nnv. 2, tfcO A tTTiini..l.-,.tns ol lia.iJ tt:o.-. i. r'-l valuaijli; ri:orEiTY rUBLIC SALE. I")Ya plnntis order of tnr OrphinsTfnrt vf ) Uuion coumy, will be Mutt by Uuicry un Tuesday, Dot-cml'tT -1, the. I arse and commodious t A-o-torev l-rik . t llilllaaiflrB. I3tllk.afa -m l S , .1 .in id. n. - .-.-...- --,a, - . .., pur fiiaiic-, prpr:iy o; i-.i i,tir j -hainan .Nfs' ii, dt-e'd. mukiIc in thr ii iuu!i ol l.ew- isu' z. houndi d en ilr ?.t ,v lr. N in. H.irr s. on rh sf.trii lv I 'I" the u-'-t hy l-'t of W:n. J..t.--. IN- . ai.d --n if.c u-'rilt lv Mai U'-i sir , i.i.iii-i. .1 in ihf yn'Tal p:.m of li.e l;..r.'tr.'h .No. Hi. I ;ie piopt'ity 1 nearly mv, ar. l r nili n. n . o.J, workmarihk ni. inner, a i. t (-; -itj i-r- T mate rials : and if win re t f r a lu f -; II. . is.., tan be inatle suiia; !e wih a l-v a't'-r.Ti- ns. IVr-ons uihiriL ! pnrvhae can examine the premises by cai!it'' on ibe u:.srnl'er, tr on Win. Jones, .-q.. 'j-m' ; ri the premiers. aie to C'.minenc ni in o'r.' .ck, V T. of said day, when r-'nd'ii. ns he made known HI "ill ! .siM:!.M:n, A.lm'r. I.ewiburs, l,v. Iiiit. F0?a SALE. , ri'HE Brirk I)-.ve!in- llo ise ai s-t -re Koom at:..i-!.e !, and l..-t G.oi.nd, torinerly known as the II u .Lion pr -periv. siiiMte.t 00 ihe somh 'ae.t corn -r 1 f "lark"! an.l r.oiilri streets, in tt.e lon uah ot I.ewisburs 1. t.einz in the most, lest.., hie pan I ,'1 -ai" "or.ot-n. e.Uier tor t,ustess , r a ,,n ,r residence, and ran easilv be arrai s " PV 'he owner a rentae . t 'Hire '' Dollars per ar.num. and si, II hai. -d e U m- a'mri J" verv- danl li thins in and abotn ti-c pteuiist-s t met mpirie cunditiou. For purucu.jis nnimre of j u i. Junes, i Atr-nt f.r KU.r J. I: JULMi.VL'iill. ' I.iatT)iirr, Sept. 2. l"t'. I st.Mt t;i. I!. UKOIC. ttloiury at I.iliT. j FFICE on South Second near Maiket til. , I.VUIstHJHi, I'd. j LAII Professional Ui.siupss entrosted to hiv -are will be latthfullv and promptly atten r Sept." 14. 1S..7 VARIETY STGPE AMI OFFICE. tost VLAKfiK sni'plj iil'Cmiks.Slatiiinery, ' Perlumety, Je-elry. Toys, Cuiileciu.n. enes, 'Peas, Apices, Fruit, .Nois. Itaskies. Picttirrs, and a variety of Mt'K MACKS lor sale lic.ll at the I 4:l LEW BCRI! POST OFFICE. I I - 1M E II he Cold TPMS I had at the r Ladies and Cents can I 0T 1. 1 I K K j i EYCRAL setts of CAMKIIS and oth-r breast Pins and Ear lint;s ran he had very cheap at the 1'OsT OFFICE JADIES can find the larcest and h-st asS,,rt i ment of Letter and Mole PAPKK. Kneel opes &c. at the POST OFFICE IF vou want a supply of f: 5-TATI. l. E HY, to Ihe POST OFFi:K. HOUSE BUILDERS, AKE -NOTICE! The under.s.trnrd are J appointed Asents for the sale of UOOrsi, lililldN & ttilKlOU' t-UKlt 01 an sij:cs, maue 01 ine nest ii.aterii.l. Al work warranted, f e-.lade by L.B.spKOLT iuuhesvilie, Pa. and f. r sale by hi F S CALDWELL. Lf wisbnr; Titos, a. . i 11: It TT AS just received a splendid assortment H ol the very lest, cheapest and most j lashtouable Jrwrlrs' in the market. His stock comprises 1 Breast Fin, ajnainm, Lur Rlntrn, rinerr Rlne:, Ilrat-cltiM, Meeie Kuttonn, r hicb be sold extremely low for t"asn. ne respeettully ask, the ratn.nae ol all , his old customers ; and also invites new ones I to give him a call before makui? ihe.r pur- chases. Call al the siirn ol the Bie Watch, I Mirket street, east of Second. rDer'. Sl'A : I'Ol Bs-lween Milton and Lewisb'g, a Stella SHAWL, which the owner can have ; I by calling at the Lewtsburc: Budge Tollgale, i provinc propeny, paying f.r th s notice, aud , a small reward to the finder Oct. IS I ! V,r fniv. Xv !ni.'' ; FHILAD'A TUIlKiSaG ST0EE, , . ,, . J U LUOfb a..0.C ILe ImIiK, , i ne suoscrii'er.navn a rr.uii in ur . p v buving consianity at Aiiriion. is prepared lo sell a,l his I !s at Cny i'i lee !losn-rv. tiloves, Crorhet Coto.n. 'I etniig N.erile. td lar, ltotioiis, Taj e, and all goods needed by the l.adie.. Also Books and Siaiiopery. S'-hool and Coiieie li . k-, Ac. Paper jf f JUi u noiow 1 11 ri a iiis a! els. 1 1. i.i ti v. : r Fire Board N-reens. Sleneil Wi f K v done to or,t. r C. uiiiiy rrodme laken in rxehane Cash paiu lor K:ils. April ta. l"i;o. H I. M M AIIOX "Industry must thrive:" rriXnn-ISI!EITIKONLVtaMiShn!Pnt- L Remov-rl io HoDt'th's fim.ri Mi. p on Market Mreel npa K. unh, w lire I will have at ail iimrs a full a'Mrinri. of Tin V;ir', Motr I'lpe, f'O.KL iU CKLlS, Z,c. r. 4-. I a' so maUf to order, on h n notice. Tin (iui-IT-.. Sm uting or any kind of vnna iu o j line Of l''IMIt"SS. t"if MeriditigandJuthinrrenernHvpr. rr.ptly alien ed to. Jts." A. KI.LAMf K l.ewitt urg. Oct 20, 1:,J VKKM tl Tl-H trl!-fiti,.n. ..n W -tf mi! ta it.it i'r. -r m if "rTl'ir.l :..f:l.i... ,.-ri., i if h Wa-.ilx a I..' u. f.-r -l.i.'-lr.i. L....I-- i u. i. i.-.l.r-.lia- aie-, rr.-uiu lUKllijf 1'aus, a.:. (.1 . I) 1 hi; l a Mm law o r n ( i : i ; i : y, o v i:i. John B. Lir.n, Ttori:y at i.iir-nrce at his uuuse i,u M. Markei Si. 1 eT. Isi & A !. IsIllllS. I'Sl. The E0WASD and ECfE Express CotTipaniis rTXPRK..-'HS I. lily lo !M)i fi-oin PTIV J '. III- .. ! 0 . I t,'..l s l-,.!.;.!... IT.', at ' l.l'U III. s I'm, s,, , .1,,.. Toiitiiv (ircccrv Store. T. G. k. VAN S &. Co.. OI.M.1...1. I.HI.hlls IS GROCERIES AftO PiiCVISIOXS, Kuij.mciiiv. et -rjr nr'-t- U-r mmui ti rti. ; i.flr- e i I :.n gk.mn, i 1.01 i: .m 1 ::i.i 'it: a. coi fi:i:. Moi..H.-i:s. s-L';.i:. ( in.Ksi;, i i.-u, FKL'lTS, Ar. Ae. Ar., JT.irt.-et sif t. .;.,, il.f l'si fifu-e. t.t w islitij z. I'a. E. A Ci. jii.-t rrc.'ivcJ rr n. I . fi . . ' III I'l 1 ' I 1 H I- r . iT.- -'i-iv , I ...l s 1, . !-.l l.r. .-, r.. i-l li k:i t u i,, Jj fcre I'fstt l.-i :. ml '1 en siitx-a,, iif rp in 1,1..- hi.,1 wM.r..i.i.,i 1 l,,. 1 Hiit-il A pit s jViu l.i s. I'i mm Cur lunts. I'i i-s.-i ii.i; ( 'iii (ii.s. I-jo.s, L)iils.l;.ii.s;i,s iVntii f.l :.. li' Cts. .i r li ., I'., kit a oi' till i!,'-ci!it 'ii',s, I'lire Jam :i I I ,;ioi:i:i. and 1 ut 11; it, ;.ii 1 I ..I... ..;:.-.. . 1 r u.t-. u.. A Us- ii..f --.., x.irt. l 1. 1. 1.. .! , l Oil J-.V. Itt.l.l.lM.. I. -AM. hA'-V..Ar V:i!ov anil !: r ". ;ti '. .l:is 5 ill-, (l.a 1 llsviii.i-. I ;. . j. t.Ulf, i. !)-. Vil., ia-. f..h (I.I, .'..-...-. J'-).. I:.. I ( ,.-, ,.o !.: U'..,, . ;,...!.. ( W... j.s (if 11 ii k i IU Is. V .t rl ( i 1 ( l.s, (.(,.. QTclucco nr.b St jars, a tl;oitc ratutri. riinir, (.'...rn Mt-;i!. l'tiinliii s, Liiiii. Ilti', Oiil.s. Ac. :il;i mi l::;i,il. (i'u.ih il.l.vn'il fr.r it rht.rzt t cwlt.mrri. i rf-.i.t.iiu u-tlhin n Hit. T. atom, r .11 tl.a :.- l.i 1 i ' .1.1 :. 1 . 1.. l.i 1 id I I n.,.! fcl.tl lit. int.- ViC rail ; r 11 1' ftun httsi nr. 1 a- li'arh I- 1 l,4-til irnr. Ti' ' nirMttrr if Jro1uret tl V vis-. . T. r. i: an.-s t rr.. XtJW LA Mrs at ii:xuumaxiil ' s sit! i A i VKKV IlI'.sT Dir. ALWAYS fi yi;i:y mr on. always i. l ai.l.uix. Attz. ",. Is. 0. II A Ml'. 11 A.M.! aPI C-N IC.-M "We'll jump into tlie Wr n, anti all takt a risle." A L.K;ia, handsome a7Trai r ar.d very coinforta- -V " "3 '''rr ble 4-0 i-nst. v 'l7l h;tet tip lot ihe especial arc. iniiio.iati. n of 1'if-NiC and i)ihersiniil.irv.Mir. - -i" a i .-. I rnilS i j.ns. m. iioim:i.. Lew isbiirs J'lue . is'.tl. I 11.- -tou- -too. riUi: -u!i-rnl.er k-eps fi.n-iant y m hand J a lare as.orimeni of the very best st,a. niokin and W Hkes.ia,re Ci'AI.. I. r Itn.eai d s.ove purpose., nhich he i!l sell al ihe vfrv Uiesi pr res foi Cash or Country Produce. Also. I'!,, rk. mi!,,- C,a,l, I'ln.s.r un,l Suit. W tsh il disiinrlly u.iderstoi d. it.at I u ill not he undersold l.y any nian llavi.i good ueih--rales. full ae !;t.t he (. iven. Coal ard near W eid'iisan.'s hi l.-l ci:"i:i;e iio!..vn:i. Lewishnr-. May 'i'l.'Wl. DR. I. BRUGGER lIOlKLDPlllili I HtM, FFICE in In- .,. w lin, k It,, ei,. M irket si reel, sou' tl s,.,.. .t, rt.Tl 4 : h aM; j (upstair-.) I. ruts;, u. : M..isi.o i,;h NOTH'K-ISCO. lT HE Finn ol li,.,, ,. .,.,.,.,; A I! hruh.rh in ihe lit U Kl::ins liiiln . a.e reai.y lo 1 ns ra.i r ni a.i Units, w, rk I in their line. a. d a.e mil satisfied 11 would I be lo the i.ilerrsl 01 sti h as n.,o-e eie, 111.2 I good hoildn xs t jinrnsa call trt. ie r. n-1 iraclllig Willi oll.ers. r have put up some i ol the hesl houses and s, resin Lexslung. : and are assured the.t . wneis w. I t. stiiy tl dt ' their huilti.ng wne ..1 up t v rwf. j ftetic workmen, a. d 1.1 qui, k ...i.e. (which is j a verv impor'ani uoitt. . n 1 ml lets.) ' H'frri tic Ct ... Ioi lin Pro's; L. Palmer. ' architect; Dr. I. Liicaer ; Hv-.s A'...i.,ns;; Lewis Asbruleiier 1 A A WAL'IFR : J M K.-.iN 1. E.N HART. ' SAM. I.OliRAUA H ! I.ewishnre. Dre.S?. tssa I NEW FIRM ! THE OLD MIOP'-The subscribers ' r. resi.f clf.ll'v a in rr ,. ,1,. , i . l.ew.sl.uie ail.t tltll.llv that ll.ev h..ve l..i,n.il ' a Pam.eisbip in the TailctiEg BtsineJS, ,k ' !. ''" 'nowi. su,,d ,. Jan.es Cnswelloo r he,r ""y " prepared to T A' " I ' to . r. er in tlev.ry best style. Men's and Ilovs' lotbiti); ol every description en short notice. W e ask a share ol the public p:.ir..i.a;e JAM Es l l.'T-WFLL J. F. SCHAFFtR. ' Lewitbore, April 1 , 1M9 nUARfhDl III DDO' Corner of T li'tli and Mai Let S! t IT E have n will retinue 10 W on hand a li.li ass,ilr1 ,,, a,j f ... our l,e. 10 wi,,. h we .uvue ltiC mi,' of die c.inn. unily : a iii;v(;(ois(:nofFi:F ihro waiii:. i i:i:n.-vai:i;'. j'u'.r ' SALT.I'LA.-TEK. ('OAL, f'Fy.' j;nt. ii:o.. ti:i:i.. yw tOAClI TIIIMMINC- AD- A.-., At-. All ot hirh will be sold al res,.r.ai, l.T cash or tar.n rr. litire. Alitor i . ,ces will be,nae, ,n. ,rade. "'5etsi" ' I.KU1.-I,l l;(; Mir.r.s " We a.e j,re,.ar. .1 ... ,t u,.-i. rn , r Ve,ekaB. wi rk lo i.iilei. upon uoi ,,. A1. ' ot Gram bouhi at l.;ib. u.ain'i pice'. '"'' l ' Flur and Fee I lor saV. Ter CASH. ;IlAMJJhK;i.N tl.U." I.ewistMirg, May 3 Im.b a I 2 h "e jiisi remr.a - Jr rn 1'nt '"h'a 'be is,SI - ever.,.. Ut .i, ,,,, li I' I ne l,.,lrr cu.v ioi k place, Ut-uivl it rn mers ttiid i ne pei pjc IV f'liUrl lv to ia!l oi i.eu ,s ljr ' and v irn.i- and see ., 'er asi,i;n-etl let re pun ha-in- risen ,r Coi.ii.lrni ih.-il 1 have the G s a h:rk .:o . .. .. . .,..... , i.e.ii.er lat r i.. r in uUe i are.,ii.n.,!4;, . i dt-sinn to have Hoik di Iii my stock yon ;,,,( l:iiNM;xs lf 4,j -..... us, isuhs, r rerun ar., .'.II .li lal Fioners, Xarie i s. -,r.s j, ci v hrln e used in il MiJoneri r aa I1li..m.s and I .ih.im. ,, , r :1, ,'tJ. .ii niirr. aMi ll,.. old. r. V.oi v ill find ,, ,i , . ; . A " ' l.'.sl uir. Aj r v.jat0 11 mid 'nm mium J'IS 41 I.s & to. ir i 'r irt-riv.) 1 lm aIi!i:i. i, i ih-.-r : -rie st.., tresh Miro.i . 1 .s. . . - ' " '-'".Sarid ,ej i .i !i...i 1,, mi, rn, lhr J.a.lirsa...: Gnoenen .1 Jouo ai d CooTi'y.ihai loev ran suit ihtm to i-i.inii,s in iheu hue, i f irane, su.e, r.uai. l' a..d pi ice. I r Oie I.adlCM. ...ha. Pism.,,., ,.. , s, . rrro,.h y 1 1 1 ' "i-". l.u.j.,lo. lui.ia .....I. .,..!,.,,. .,,.1 I,.. .. I,,,,..J,J.,, . -t I. '--M...I...T .o...M-,.HH.r... r o. is 1 ai,..i. i, l,.....r. a..d Ul ir co.Mla. a.i "il'n 1"0.'..1C (Mala 4 er I'or II10 (.n(l nirn. r' u, hi m 1 wd. ..I.raeinr Ifa . -I, .. . 1 ; , l, l.. ( awlBi.irw. fc. .lt, .. -.na 0 au . .,,.. 1. ,ue ,.. r.r:, , . u...ue Li,.lbiL, llala suJl. ., I. r J:., . l: M-t. .-, ! In,.). ,.f GKMCrRIKX, HUH A lit:. sJ-EF.MVA;e, SALT. M;l.s I I. I KK Ac. i and i t-lds. A larse i:narii'iy of Sl. y. Co1, I :.s! in C A I. - . ... 1. a- H:: l".t . f .1. .' ai. a i.e '. .f ta Uirrl.,;; .:h...f ' 1 1 H. .. a 1, I I - J tau l"l-llL.L,.l ti- C.isii r;,t f, r ao I ,,;, ( (;;A (lOTKalYG 17 THE IDSKEL! I;i! it :.! .-u is ri, n, , sel lolir 1 m n-y Js,-.. Z;l;i I: a.-. ... , f :"!:' 1 Z...-.ii..-'i. i.n a Zi her has '""' 1 " '" E-s:. ai.d fas r;..el,...k's,. ,r-' " ! I'ash.oLah.e G... ,;j 1 ' d he luri.e-l out. ' -,"" '"" ! Moi n.. r .IO..I. ran U hd-R. l.v .. .. . r V , ;.. ,. -. ..r , (..,. j... ,, ... ,. ' ,' " - ";"'' '"-M- 7..rt.ui.: 1..I. .iO. 1 . i- ...... lu,.k ,.r.. ... j. ..:., I Iv. . . I- ... Hlf O.I. f I - .D.t Tf likla. p ut; - : ru-tt, t , ilf w:r,j li-U. iiak:-. A,-, li u h 11 v or povtf ihe -in" n it Look in, I,.. I . u 11 (!. ' cU, in Thud .t.. l.rw i-t-uiL u i.tr v ti ran srtr ft.( yursrlft ai.l save t ive Old Stand and Largs Assortmett of n- l.i,., its? . :l i. oi, It. i . II i.-...i s; M (. '..'.. f 1! 1 o.v Ii'l: rr. w j.vn srv.vmr , ;.v(. j.r fluvial -I i: yi: ,iyn m r tti ki tuu ij.j.iM; ,t., .sr .v.vi f.l 1 1. AMI Ml:! VAT L J.P .sf. (ALL A.l .SHI CALL AM) .lt! a . ..-...- srit.rtig 4 co m i i'i . x i-iri.i: ai co kklMt.K. mi if ,n AJ.iii.A-, X-LLIKE CO m. Sprit V, I'm. J.S.Marsll. I.shitlkl.). r.t.sbuikl,,. r.Crairr S. MARSH & 0, (.MO t!s.ifcs T lillil.L', IN X Rill a CO ) IaEYVIMJUlJO I-'OUNDUY ASU AGRICULTURAL WORKS l.vitKlture;, ra. tE liaae enuatactl ou lian.l and f..r .ale. in-L.ratii k i: run. ''"T". tr'T r4 -.r.r l,..rr- ..... It.,t.,t ,l tl..r I'.lv.T r..in .S.l.r. ; ... v'.i l..u. I,. i It.... . .s.. f, u,,u ituit l.r-w; il.r II..! .... MO..., TV.. I '.a-., .v-.,. . ...I... J. . .i.. i, ,.u I.t.,... Ii,i.v. S.ii U.II..I. A, . a,-. mi.l I....J ..i,r-;. r. .l . a., on... t-. lj .:L a. . i s . r . a, I.. .,s,., ,,. t . u .. .,,,, .. .I.-......I V.ik ir Mji.i.faiiurta it.var:aL f wjit.lii d aa r.ci ii.u,. , s.a i.r-t-r. r..i,,l:u. ...... ...... , i. a,, a, u,. jui.. l. is. u ' Ilursh & GondEan,.!. UAVE rectnetl iot i pened a ThtMCB ass.i-tiu.eia tit all ihe latest M)Ie id "jotf.w ami Stin iner (io ds. The particular attention of the Ladies called tu tbeir 5luck f linl.iants ; Diess Silks i'rmts ' l;eiaii.es M.awls t p r r Merinos Collars Uiicals Meeves Oint'l.ams Insert ms f -iia.irils ft.dtfii.ss rhin2s toves.Ae. ALSO Cloth, riant ai.d Fancy ( assniirrc-i, Jean, Tw-eits. Vesiir.s. Mudms Dnli lnns Tickiiis, Klani.els, botis and iVs'hoes, Jlat and apvij together with a ctmp'ete as.si riinect of GllCkli' Hardware, CVdarwaro, Qtn-cnswaro, ic all of k htrh iii be disposed of on as lav r Me irrn.s as ihe s.ane Articles ran be pnic ased an here. (tre u a caU.' Da. W. II. BatKiioraa. Da.M.C. Pt ans I I P.IM a. ntKi:cir, Vl.vr.i.Y.V .IA7 .vf'A'f.'A'OA'A, EsPECTFl'LLY . ffer their servers a the citizens ,.f Lewisburg and the ur- iouim!iiii; eouuliv. IV Paiiu-tilar attertton paid In Sl'TGIR Frqinre i Wesi Maiaet street tr at the residence of Mrs. Backhouse. Ian. Ift. II. ( I HIIIItT. UEaTIST, A has le.novr ,1 lo Souih 3d Mreei.l.-or d". - inn the Tuwa Live, " ?ai r.r.: pa.