Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 09, 1860, Image 4

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"Don't Stay Long."
A look of yearnine. lendernesi
Lteneath her lashes lies.
And hope and love unutterable
Are shadowed in her eves.
As in some deep, unruffled stream,
Are clouds and summer skies.
She pasted to beau. eon womanhood
from dreamy, sweet girl-life.
And crossed the rosy threshold, but
To find herself a wile
Oh. surely should he lead her step
A!ong the path of lite !
And as she cl-ps her .'mill, while hands,
lpon his arms so strong,
U often, like a summer sigh,
Or a sweet, pleading song,
Sje whispers wnn a pari msr kiss
" Belovtd one ! do u'l sUy long !'
'Tis almost always on her lip
That gentle, warnm;; word
Sweet as the irasrauce from rose leares
When by soft zephyrs stirred,
And linitenng in memory
Like song of summer bird.
Deep in his hear! it nestles warm
When oiher scenes amid j
lie Mays not till she weary grows.
And her fond e.e-. are hid
In tears which he in bitterness
ileneath each veiling lid.
And O, how many hearts are swayed
By thai love-uuering song!
There 's scarcely cne. who on Life's waves
Is swiftly borne along.
But what has heard, from some dear lips.
Those sweet words " Dus't stit lusq!"
n. t - i I
arr. mem n ecarct-iy an arueie
rtf veiretalilA fond. i.l.-tr m.ifol and mnrn
ti " 1 J '
nti I verbally loved, than the apple. by
ever; faroier in tLc nation Las not id ap
ple orchard, where the trees will grow at
HII ,.f 1, a .n,..r;aa I .
vU . ...u mr.. i. cnj
la'jiily lay in from two to ten or more
i i. i i . , ,i . :
barrels, and it will be to them the most ;
tc Domical iDvcstoiCDt in the whole raDc .
, .. . . ,. 7
ot culioanos. A raw mellow apple
J;njt. : l.fti, nn.l a l. 1 ( u.l.;tA s. . . 1 1 !
" i" " " " 1 " - " i
C(l Cabbage ritluirCS five hours. The most '
1 i.L j . t- i ti, '
liealtby dessert which can be placed oa a
table it, baked apple. If taken freely at !
breakfast, wiih c .arso bread and butter,
it bout meat or flesh of any kind, it has
. . , . . J . ,
an admirable I'tnct on the general system, j
t.ften removes constipation, corrcctine acid-
r ' I
iiies, and cooling iff febrile conditions,
' ff.. 11. fl,. ,k.
i , v' 'j . . . . , . -KF'""--
medicines. If families c;u!J be iuJuced
to aubsiiiuto the apple sound, ripe and
lu5cious fur the pits, cake", candies, and
other sweetmeats with which their children
tro too ofien stuffed, there would be a
diminution in the fum total of doctors'
bills in a sitio'e year fuffioieut to lay in a
ei oik of this ti. lieioos fruit f t a wbnb
avatou's use. JJ ill's JjUihuI vf Health.
Rev. F. Cojlc, in a lecture on Memouv,
instanced stae drivers, whose ruemorj of
the orders aod directions gtven them in ;
remarkable. He once rode outside wi:h '
the owner and driver of a stc when the '
driver could not have bad fewer than ufty j
r.rccU and mesS.Ses to d-iiver h the
way. liut he was at a loss ho knew be !
had forgotten to deliver one parcel, but he i
cu!d not possibly remember what it wcs. ;
At length, the stage arrived at his own ;
tioar, when the chi.drea came rujliog out
ta welcome hitn. ;
'hut where" (asted the youDgsters)
"did y. u leave m .iher ?" j
"Mav I Le whullv diddled if I Lavcu't !
furgut Sal .
That was the "missing parcel."
. I
The Southrm llrcat Of PeCCfetOO andj
disunion, in case their demands of protee-1
t jr.Q fur slavery are uot granted, reminds !
us of the threat of an Irishman who lost j
bis hat in a well, and was let dowc in a
bticket to receive if. iuc well bein deep,
Lis courage failed hitu bt-fjre he rcac'ot'd ;
the water. In vain did he call to those !
above they leut a deal ear to all he said, I
till at last, rj nte in despair, bo bellowed
out, "lie Si. Patrick, if je don't be after
drawing nie up, sure I'll cut (lie tnpcl''
Seme fellow Feuds us, fr.nn l'liilade!
phia, a prosjuctus for a Gilt piper, in
which Ihe proprietor offers to subscriber,
among other things, a j 000 liiiuois
farm of oOO acres. An original story
called the "Devil's Trap" is ciiimeiicfi
iu the paper. The title is most appropri
ate, as the whole scheme is ut.i.iestionably
one of the "Ievii's Traps" that are
everywhere sprung upon guiis and green
horns. SmiLury American.
"Now, gentlemen,'' saiJ a nollcman to
Lis guests, as tbe ladies left the room,
'let us understand each other ; are we to
di ink like men or li.s leasts?" Tbe
quests, 6omcwbat indignant, exclaimed :
Like men, of course." "Then," be re-'
plied, "we are going to get j illy drunk,
for brutes never diiiik more than they
" Whbtle, and I'll Come te yen. my Lad:
Tbere is a gentleman in Tyrone who
calls bis bos as other men calls their
dugs by whistling fjr them and when
the pips bear bis whistle, tbe; immediate
ly run iu the direction of tbe sound. He
jprubabl; whistles "root bng or die 1"
A Sios. Tbe day after the receipt of'
. .111 111 v. I. ... our line oi o'lsiness. Alt woia war-
tbe i.cws of the l'ennsjlvania election !,,,, , Elvf ,).laci,n.
hero, orty-ere letters, addressed to bis t"? I have als,. ihe A...cy for the sa'e of
'Kxcellenc" Abe Lincoln, were, we are j the ceiehraied Coal ;il Luiuim tcgciher
told, depositeui n the post otace nere lor
transmission to tbe rail splitter. Wonder
if ibe writers want a job? Atic Orleans
HlRnYIXO IP A l lXERAt. An fcng.
lisb paper states that a funeral having ,
been Ci".! to take place in Rerwick at i
half past two o'clock, tbe "afll cled family" i
requested the clergyman to appoint an
eailior hour, it thty tfisAeJ lo jo to t!ie
ciicut la tht after-).
Some Irishman, at Detroit, hai an in
terview with the 1'rinceof Wales, and be
came so enthusiastic, that one of them
6houted, "liedad, come tick here four
yean from now, and we'll run you for
Lacy Stone, in a recent lecture, infiste.l
that women 0'igbt to vote and be elected
Member of Congress. A grave old gen
tleman at our elbow, who take, a practical
view of everything, ihioka the public bu
sities. would be neglected by rcaaoii of the
p tiring ff of the members.
Vz are .uppomd to reason aceordinff
to the Jromuin ojeih.d. J3ul their cjb
eloaiona axe til jano.
Estate of Robert M. Hunter, lceea?eJ.
dmixistrator's notice.-Letters (.f'
J Adinin.-iralion on ilie estate of ROBERT j
M. HL'Nl'EK. deceased, late of I.ewisburg,
having been granted lo the subscriber bv the
all persons indebted lo said estate are hereby
not-tied ,o moke .mmedute raymen,,and thoe
having any claims acaiu.-t ihe same may
liriii.ir- tu inii,ii -.nuui, ill uuc iiiiiu ui law
preaenl ihciu UuIyauthenticaTd fr spiitr-meni
...iiv m'rn?
10 JWUA Illlliv,
" "
X Tuj.t...un. aixl Ji-"H- tti--nIi-aifl l-rani; Imt
Mi! WIM tlJtff UW'.I . UIH-S tit tfetirll:tl.ll It Mill fr
iK-rtf lb- iiAir (kith 'rii:K crty. inl Ir-m Ulnu to ujr
as mrli as cptui. ! 1 i'""t OoMtnt:: t
'Rr. O J. V. It. r r-ir Vour llmr K--tMrttifi
fr4i':'Ut tnn. me a in ihi-' .'Uiiu unity. 1 h)tt
ilk I uri'ihu loi (ir-j tUtc aeiJi, aul git uur Uvir
Ui-ti t,itt- a i-M.i-t n-t.
1'iiTiiiir ttiv )fi4r I w ro unli rtnni nn io
tfin.wt. irodi tiiy m!k v HtHirt-t a n trr tti roml
HJt. Inun w.:H-b my h-H'i r r-it'l a in' -I emM- Mow,
chu.-iij- n Lrr t .lt-dl t trritn.Tt, wtti- h r.miniuni'-t-(
I lr l-rit.u xit't fitfTl "iirtifetif tir lwU Iri.M th
t-U-r-l ! nbi'1. uiv ltir la!) tliially d tnnl orr the
CDlitv t.tirre of iln ticai. In-m Th-litU'- I tir-t Ji'
rr-ii tt lr c . hni r. u t ti of it- tt l
dii''hritur 1 -mi t.-ti -T.-rtl.iT 1 r -ulil ttikba of.
titi a ( r .t. '-i,.iul man rtijM-.I. -nt, k I tliout.t. uu-d-r-t;itidi'
th" liHTurt: ! ttif but tiUAllj
iT-ied m rxrry I'Tft-rii'dnfi
Tti anl no ftU' T ir. t:m-ti.r-fi ii.i1or1 m to i
Srirl io jour irtliy lliir i;-ni-rJ!. hi b 1 hT -;y
D to bili'-. .rlfrft a . ry ?aii y ititt: t-
ui'itiilis al-r tlic &rl : I'itc.ttNto, 1 lii'i a" bautiftil a
1 I:! "I I'll tit iinir 1 -r n, f r !m-h I (wttt!j
I V U uiy iDc.1.1 oieTe innK. si -.-u re.i. tii-sr -ir,
1 1 ir.,.mniei.,i v..urr. u.'iv ou inu:rerst
i.t v.tur r.-tnr tv tn all :n u:rrrr ; u.'-re. ,
.... ...ti...... i. I ,.tt.r m. aril in '
uv..r. I nlmil
, ,y. 11. nH a lull.
.. ,.v
luii ran i.iimii.ii 1 niH ir Tfu proner.
iuiits vry re-iHrllulij. M. J. H l,!fit:T. V I
Oip.t enf .Ii.fffr-.isi is. I'niii-ii'. i. Va . i.r.li.'.s. )
TS-ar ?ir: 1 f.--l it ni .luty a- h a- mi I !ei.rr.tr j
Ftntl- t'i OU ttlr f l lo I Hi; rltt" IID.5tai.re. M . H'tl r ,-all
lb,,,. pr,..r. Air-.itl.n.an..f lhlMlee.,a I
iwer.. inn ib wi eer .o.- tn; er i.ut.; o
Much m . tiiat lie n i-eDOi-ll' tl t war a aii. lie n
;,..(c,j , . it.i f your ti .ir i;-.i..rnr" j
'"'' llk,Hl "n1 "; ami itrr u..m ur wr
ll.ri-l:niii,- hit..r t-rrw ..m'iiti-iiixiiri oiliv. an 1 t.e .
u-.w im a i.n.i.ui. h-..a .-t hsir. 11. utieiuaii'a
Hauie it ir:idlrJ. and 1 1 Tery w.-ll lm..iiiu uur
a .i..li.ii..-r..ui.t.. s lil-l.l r.in ran ti-atil. Inth-truth
'I ll,i utrrn--nt : I mvr it l.i vnu at the r-pi-t "f Mr.
llm-lr-nl. Vhi mil i-.-II urnt ,lral i.f I..IH II .if Kr-lii-
,,.. , , ,uj .,.,. ,t .u bi.vr me
i t ' . srnilxOR. I
p, w,n-iirsv: p.rm.i me t rre it. rsii-1
' e..t.i r-t"r'i"n .im h.r ;
o. iu luitf ii. . ..i..rr aln.ut the time -f my rriii in the ;
i mird sum. h a r..n i-wa; tr.y. t.it u..o ;
"'V'.1' " TV'"" 7"Z.7.n'
er. IU original tin.. I cori-i-lT vi.ur Kr-t"ratie a i
-ry - ...j.riai iuvtnuun, unite hs.m. ir-n- - - n
r-r-ra..i.. .TII.U.IiK.l.
The nratrratiTe 1. put op in bnttle. .,f three z.. Tin
i lr'Tc n Jium. Ntxl huiMll ; tin hitibM 1 s n pint, mt'l I
ri-Uil- lor i-n itt ll;ir nt-r l.t'lf; th m-Ji'ii't h'l lc at
.-asi p-r r.-i.t. tii-.rr in i'n.i.rli"n n.n ;h. Mini!, rr-
til t..r tan .I'.llarH ht b ttlr; lllr trr. Ii'.l, n 'tuart,
4. r . rut tn..re ie pr"MTli'ii. mul rrM.U f r f
it J HO'.O & t."'.. rn.plii-lor.. 41t llr-.ajwuy, Niw
Y.rli. . I 111 M .ili.t Sire. t. SI I..H-. M".
tii.lu I'V all p.nl Iruistsmil lni t .iiwl flr:iier.
Selling Oil at Reduced Prices!
S U e are abtml to fill our shelves v.-iili Kail
joo'1s.we offer all vnr &:nnt(r 'it-nu
tit Imcr ratrt than fvfrf It nnst!y lniiut
ir a le UMrk.and n arrauted. tS Mow is your
tune Iit B-ttixains !
All kimls of ri.O'nnxn to rr-br at -hort
patj... Zl'.!!.i;! i. 4 Hi! i:s. ieisiiurs.
J 7" j
shor'.esi in DLlaiico Oiiidi'.st in Time i
,ffr. ,,. ,-.,.,
..... .....
SI .Kl 1 ;.-..r... IIV f irnris. . Vers a! X A M I
I l.l ll-'ll l:i:i a:
-ti a. - A M. Air.v- n mi 1' nj.j.i.ttri: ill
. - inn-. I.i-ir. :t I'tri-l.tiri!. w Ki irvin ti
. .:tl.. Mi .-i,irl li.ii.i. t 1. r .-u..!.u-. H-.W:.-...! Kt.,
li.u u. V ii.iMiif...u-i, J. tfi-y .-liiirr- u l !j.i K li.tn.
3i:.t Ti-nn H". st !.-.T.- N. w V.irU. :t 1- u.-.n. nj
t-iflii mt .;" I r.t;u. l.i2 'U t;iu 1U -Nor-li,nu
iviilr... il' d f.r .'Ut: u Atsii.t.
M il T.-m t: t V ! Il.it TT-Uir- t S A V. arriTfi"
j tit i ii.I i. it.l.ia. ut I V yi. ti.l .N-w o.rk at r la
; t.Ui t" Ui.e ltil vr r:il l il li'-'.oii Ac.
j r'i-1 K'j'e' -.of lUrii.-lur-. "J rl 7. rn rT;tal
f'f N-Tllt. m t .-n'it! lr;uii nnn-t at lti:l -Jr! lna Kl
f.ib i :.J, labi .Nrx .;lk at tt-Mi.ij.
. , ,1,,,, ,lt CXT llt b. twit-n New York or
ii..ihi..iu. um rut laet.tit u-rijr luau'Oienti. to
'"''n'""' - '!' t-t . t c.urtianJt urert. Kiw
''. ...J i.m m.- i. .
n,.s. lur nct,u.. IuuLl ur ma r ...i rn..:i..u.
aj j. y to a. . ... or..
Juue S, llgiy lUirirliUriT
VlSllVlfi. CMOS CO., PA.
i it. i:3ti:m:st, rropricior.
ri'IIIS new Hotel is sllu.tted opposile the
I Court I! .u..e,iu the in la-hi. nai le and
hi. nai le an I
for style atn!
ed iu Cei.ttal i
beauiiliil part i I ihi loun.and
cotiveioence tan nol Le surpass
1 et: n sy i v a. 1 1 a.
Those vi-iiiiij: the TTuiversity, or af.endinr;
Court, will t'n.d it the most conveni'M atoi
central put be house i lir.r.'s will l e Ihe
in .si reasonable and ne.ioer ;nneorep'tise
will be spared to bestow e.-eiy c. nilorl upon
those who may call Lett isburir. May 3,iS!iO
n & m.
v.', kei si
HODEMIAl''.!!, en Mir-
sireet, &eoon'l il or t:enw Kourlh
street, south side, pralelul l".-r pflNt f-alrot.He,
w.'uM inform the.r Lady tro nils ol I.fwis
burs and the coumry ar.un l n, (hat tlu y w t.l
keep conManilv on hari'', a l.trire a. id well e-
lectetl assortment of MiiUtirr) .oi.!s.
which thev are sellm- and will continue to
sell at the lowest my prices.
Bt. Hiso and Thixmiko done tr.or.ler, on
the shortest notice, and according to the latest
stvles. They will be very happy lo see then
Id customers w.ih as many neiv or.es as may
teel disposed to favor them with a call. 3tn 1 i
Valtli It (-pairing, &c
fcsl-' iV-'r I am now ready to repair
I lite ln.rs.1 VValehes sech as Chronometer.
I Duplex and l-ver F.scape nients in ihe ver
best manner.iosether w nh every ether kind id
wnn .ii sna.tes. n icus. eve c
Lewisbsr.Mar'CU A C Ui.MOH'vIADIE
The "Union must le Saved !"
,hr hook, wriiirn by a Southern man,
to his brother non-slaveholders in the Sisve
Siat.s- is the book that is making such unpa.
raLUef1" "irmnn in (...n-res.. Lvery man
! Single copies rf enher ediiit.n sent Uy ma.l
! post-pa ij on reeeipi of rfttl price. A.!res
IriAAU ALTER, Lewihur.
Pec SO
L'oion Co, Pa
ittorc illcat.
6.C aiu. oc supplied ti. the hunpry peopl. by
ihe subscnt er, at his shop on Norih r'ifih
street, where he carries on the Iiutcher.ns
! business, and will supply all kinds of Meat
in its season. On Wednesday and Saiutdar
mornings, be will be found a. Market in front
ot MTa idm's Hardware Siniel--at low rates
for Cash exclusively. Calves warned lleeve.
aud tsueep purchased as usual. Try the New
Lewisburg, Aug. 18, 1859
BOOTS and Shoe?, Uau and Caps,
-blasa.aaWVali-alliaca.-Lt irinTi
T'ir na-i w nnrninitinil
inc urtLi rntrin i iuh ji.riu..,iiine.r.i!eit.i.iK..ii.t.intu.iu. fie.'- 'f. 5 ; i A ti
tiM turn nu euiKt ,h.itf .h.-j .,,.. ,...,i. i.-ne..i..iriv. 1.1. fcvjM-M:i I f. t'i t
As to Expel the Daubts of AXL rZfJlZ WWjfH '
vjtatesm kx.ju.i.. E.iitors.n.y-! rots:;;:;:;: mmHm-M '
ti...r uii iiiit.'-.i -nin-iion. mi 1 r--r'tim-i.i it fur Mil ca- l.l iritu, uk Siu-ii. b. vi'Kki. j x "i;V ft',:VlA.i?t J' '
jjqfFAT'S Vegetable LIFE FILLS
Fhccuix Hitters.
. . -. , . , ,
r11L a. ,I-v-,l(,f'l,:l'r"y '-" "
. run. iIHH r. n-Jena tiir uuai i.r.-tir ( iniflin n t
uulv iinuHirv, hat u..w rti y .it iim. 'iin-y tr i
' hiiowii l.y ihir Iruit: tl.t-irs'-'Hi w. rk-u.-nfv i-rilitiu,
I tT,.TZ.. AM l.lxrtt.'uWI-LM. Iu M-utl. ami W.'Pt,
: whtn tlwu. fi.Kjc tin-va!!. th-y ..! t li-uu.. invn'u- f
I t ! I'lniitrTH, Far m-tv. mi-l ot r-ri. hli'n U- U.ca
Mt-diriu'", will nett-r tleiwurii will.oul U.iu.
all thr -fTt-t- of M.-n urv u.fiint. Ij ruvr tL -u Ik lu.-t
m arrtul (rt'i-amti' n ot Siir-Hj ril.a.
Nl.-IIT ?KAM. .h I - 1 "LIM, n Ti'M r- !M '.TITS
"f Ml KIV, tMi Wffll St,, l'ALli.llv.N Uf TtiK
llktHT, I'kl.NTKK'. ( II' 'L1C.
1'itrH Thf nri-ir.al pn irit r (;f thf mMiir. wnit
enroll of fil' n of Jir' flan in t- fhr u? f tlw
l.itr M-ltn aot. U .. i.f u kim'x r- fT-i-tiiHliv
-X-li ! t.y tl'f- tli. t'airl.t' a HI H ''
Itimi-t. r tl.rui h. if . r tl.tir iiUiiit U cJ-Lcrt4.
Utitrt aiil t-fr:.it.
1't.rift U ti-t aitl ibu- rui"r ai: tr- m lb
--lH. -tu.i- tnal -ill (- TI - l.l l-K I II.! ft. I
l '.U 1.1 1 ftu l-i.l tl.v iviuh of coBiirlitluo .3
tiir -iui4i,vb ol rj t alt ut.
'ixttmivl by Lit. H M B MrrAT.
J4 li(Ui, .i.'j-u. r W -ill. ?t --plt.
7-3 m.,J t y ail lrui-t.
New Eoiel in Hiflinnrg.
rJ TUB suhcrit.er would te.speelfully in-
11'. t . . -n. i. ... li.il.l, L.irvu here
am ' " '" 1 r 1 - s . . ..... . . .
i i h. tia i:.'-en and hi ted no ihe Dreiuises 1 oilier tidal ions, as they nave I-eer. in... "l' I
ol Ueorye hoth, l.l the centre of
hrrff he is prerarrd to acr.mmi1atf trane
rr anJ lravrln men ant Lel hi U.tf
-.t mmiittr, wnh B(.aid id Lvdwg.
I'trar give me a rail.
Com7ni3Siai.er cf IUincis.
! ril-MAM H. BSi:i.I 'J. vfrnornf IJ
i f f litinis, has appointetl Juh.'v B. Ki?.
' a Cttniinii'iir of ihe liatr t! Illinni'. fur
t ih cumv !' 1'iiii'n. lo atnnni'.!T taih, t
ukeiVpoMlh'ns aiiJ prM'l .lee'N.ntori'j.is,
; Ar to h- u i ami lt-innl-.1 in th- Ji'- t f l!m'-t.
; I'TMiri h-ivintf iiJ IribtiM r r titiff Mt ;n-I f--r
; m! nMV r.inl i-uri bn- r y i:iiiat a 'I' m rj i
t ll.r
mmr at aiv omr. a 1 liaie o-nri ii...k. I .r ll.r (.nr-
it my Ool.1-. an 1 lime oj
hi Mli-1 'air .. rnil i state. i:U-.'r in ll.e e.ri.l. f
:,. n. I I.O.I Ti.l - JuU.N U. 1.1.SM.
l KI-hiirif, fa.. Varrh 23, lsr.l.
JH.VBl a KT (ID K-S 5J
112 3lI,i:S ia'l.:2S:i-flU rarrirs on
the a(ove tu.ite--s in t'nrk's Hi irk
Bi.tIs, .IWnh 'I lurJ strtft. Cuiiimz and Mrt-
Uini? ui coot! t le arcorduiR t-. ilit hei Tah
mns. U've u a chiiire, auj bee if we ran
net .:ifr'' oa. C. .MACU.
I.euislnirET Sov. 1, 85
Hew Arrar2eir.ent3---Kev Goods!
OaSKI'II L. n.Wv'X liavins: lalion l!ic
well known sI'YMUt HA T XTOUF, has
relitied 11, and liiled in ail rxlrusive variety ol
Hits, Gij', Oi uthmrn't tVo.'nVy, lr.
Also a lartre and splendid lork rl t l.tiTHs
CA-sMi:Ui;s, A;c, wlncii he u ill .nn.t up lu
uri.r.as h still roiiiinues the i ailonns T.iisi
He is i prepared ... e5ec.e ail vvork
sted lo his care, io llie sansiacuou ot the i
pus.,....er. ....... . . ... . , .. . .
.s.d. intin:r ana itepainn a none to
li !l ii ii li U S 211 ii U
J u.-t opiMifJ. Oj'j.oile t lie !;iv'n-fo
ll ii'-c, in t!:t: llootii luli ly
ooo.ij.ioJ A. tii.frcT.
ri'I.L and c-omjilt'te a.ssorlnicrt of
jjMicn a Overcoats, Iiinn C-'ais, Uu -i-m--s
w.'ua!'. and 'iits of evrry style an pat
tern ; ami Piinialo(.n anil Vests to suit. Also,
a lare variety of Lmier Clmhins, such as
Drawer. !Sinrts 6lC. Aln,a fine assortment
of I'io'vV 4'li'thms (if the. latest My.c. Aiso.
.i V.Saml fM'N equal to anv ciTeretl in this
cnuiitrr. in fact. 1 have eve rythirn nepe-.sartr
in the sl.apeof Ciuthin, wliich 1 tlTer at a
very Mnall advance f. r ca-h.
"J.XII kind of Ci'iinry Prir.ur1 t:ikti in
exchmse fT Uooils. I.eu i-biir2, On. Z.
Ab.33 S'trthSte.114 .V ..rpporitr Cliri'l Church,
-Hj, r,,r sa,. ,he l.r.1 Fum!- r,t
J.,mwm.,;a , lUr murk' '. a c
r-riv;v!1.1 tnd liiihlitl servar.:; their,
Has for sale their. Form",'. Orc
ein ul
aVfiaar..' V:jr- nr'tr'itrr for the Fatl-llv ! Ti'.'e
hoti-e,o d shou'd have a r. .' VV Lr.'lUiti
OAS lit !5N"l;K CIICKINt; sTCVU alwavs
reliable, always economi. al.
Also, Ihe ttreat t.'f roruni-w;
Slurr. f. r Farb.r, Ac. will born less fuel and
emit more h- it than any oilier Stove. For
sa'e. w.ili a lar.'e ass, r':r.-nt of a 1 hinds of
CtOK!M at. I H!Vr:.t8 f-TOVKS. whole
sale and rend. Wild IM C. AKVA.X.
S .Tliinj X'.rfli S-r.i t -t . nl-ftt1 MxrH. t. I'lnli,.!.
1 of 1
HAVE this div with Iratvn from the firm
1)1 Ml I; & CD. All Acronnisv.i l
be seiile.l nv the rematnin parlies ot thef.rin
)! .'.MiDRii V II U'Lii.
f.eari.li.liT Srnl. 'II. J It. T) WIS.
a r:i:v,s I ... ',,,., V,J,
M . V. ! N i i
V A' lliNK WewilUt.i-at . mrni
i.r a fi-.m f- I" f" -r in-mili. T.tJ f'l-rni
l I.i- ! m ina' I.ic. ninJ so m:iij.1- in it, n tf
ii I ..t n vt nj ( !u . ai '-in l.-arii tt '.i .-ritt.- it
l.v l.-if m:; "ur n i:i-irm ti,-i. Il i.s .4.1.1! to nt.y 1-aaii-iy
-. iU .Mu. .tiu iu utvt 3'J the iru- 1 but i .UccD
I'.Tooua wihliinz an Acmrj will .! lrewn
J S. It.iYLAX,
fiftTv-Uiry Eii Sewing Mm bine r..rt;.:iiir
Im MILAN, u!U0.
For Ihf INSTANT nvUl.F
tr tvitiV Ct'OJ(i'.IUt, Ua
r.noxcm.xL hja urn es.
M-ulel.jOBf.EVV.il-B aro.l.'T Sl'r.lC street. NY. ,
lt ti i-rr tax ami tree 1.7 j.-t. !
FOR SALE AT ALL L'KI li(il -T.' nitll2 I
VKirtlX WA'.iON for sale or exchange
lor 1 1 ay oiCorn. luqttire at this Cilice
flCTU RES. A house can not Le said
lo be well lurni-d.ed without some well
selected Pictures. Tins want can oow be
supplied et ihe POMT OFFICE
7 1 AStE !! 4SC E.--An excellent Sil
It ver LEVEK WATCH for sale at a
Udigain must so. nit-uire ol
A E. -DENrtaSIANUIE, l.ewishnrg
for Justice and
Constables, lor fa'e !
or prniieil In crut-r.at the Cl.rnt.irlcOliire .
at Jlowry's Skj-Liglii Gallery,
"1IAKKET street, I.ewisborg. Having
t.-h JTr""".. . - i"'arDt 1
.i.u la.itjr o4!r,,i am pieparett to late
Picture at reduced prices, for the Holidars.
All wishmirany kind of Pictures cau aave
money by getting them soon,
is- . 1'iclare. ukra in cloudy weather.
Tasgart & Fair's Patent
Faniily Seving Machine.
Wiih SpaalJ!ns"s Improvrnirnt!
"TrBI.IC a'tention is resp-T ifully invited
J to the superior n:erits tf inese new and
They ill llem. Fill.'ia'her and Embroider.
Will sew every vart.lv ! Inbric lr.m ihe
tint si tu-i.s Muslin to the heaviest lailutini'.
Ulibont itussii'g sulrhes.
Thev are veiy Mr-r: and dnrab'e.
We teel lolly instilled in w.irrantins these
marhities to be in everv respen e-iiiHl io ree-
j lesled in compeiitioa wnh all the br.-'i v I
i ties, bv petM ns competent lo ju :;e, u.i. .
hnve given ns ihe most satifarh rv tesiimo-1
nulls Hint eerufieaies, wliieh are ruu'islo d in 1
our rirrular.to which we refer fora more lull .
rinishini and Sales F.ootns-. Market street,
nejtt door to the resi.leio e of J, hr. Walls. K-q.
I'neessyi., si."i and 'f.'l', aeror 'ir.; to
si; and Pnih. all complete and deliver)
and thorotish inslr'JCtions given 111 ail var.e
ties i f wi t!;. i
' All w.shin a ?n(d Sewing Mar Iiine, v.i!i (
' please call and eirttmiie, i t a.'dre.is j
j II. S. SiauMinsnrJ. IV. Shrine, ;
l.ev.'is!oiri:. ("nton t.o., li.
' We res peet'oHv refertn the lolloaiug ladies,
win ate ..-ins th. ;e marh'nes:
i .Mrs s ti. tides, .Mrs V llttnean, Miss.
I Louisa Mortis. Mis C A Ltr..!.iil. Miss l.nt.e
j Markev. Miss Jnha A 'orne,ins, Mr. Kev I' .
j 11 M.nr,- Mrs Johnson W alls, Mrs l)r II iy,-s.
Mrs !.;iiu'is ii:-o.., Mrs M ISro'.vo, Mrs Jas j
; .MTreijhi. Mrs K be.- -1 fl.er. Mrs J A Krea-
! n; -r. Lew isl'iiri:; Mrs J 1' 'i'ustin. .N. riiiiiiu-!
' beri.md ; Mrs Itev J. hn liuver. Mrs M ?s Ap
: p'etuan, -.Ir David ..bei:s, .Mrs SUe,ier .
I Tor-el. Mrs Am. d fievt-lit r'. Mr S E 1'ow-
i !.-r. Mrs K II llot-lies, Mr. A .".! Koou, .Mrs j
I t'reasev. M;.-s M I''ir, C'o'.i.nLia Co.
j Lew islnir.', 1". t.. -'. l-'.d
ip?":"i-. I't, Url ;?o,!.M an. 'other ariit ies
if.. '3 - "I ihal r.ii.d on hand or ii.or.lrr bv liif :
ii" ; ,eisl.urg l!.y-oi!er.rll: ST.Ull.
AW IIOl IKS from Kay i Hrs IMulad , on
band i t lur..ishr,! ;o order by ihe .V;r.!
ii v (,';:. w:i;i:. i m, i.iuisi ot
fj f.T.V GOODS,
VViu.Ki v:i Jr. C'Sist. t". Oy:i!.I,
llavtnv torir.ed a 2ai itciliii., at the old
stand ol V.'m. o. J. 11. Ui'ou n, Aiaikel t'l.abjve
lili, Lewishuri',
otlern.tr a U.e ftmM,i n'
S'all .J.i.l VlMl.a' ij.-'h,
.o.-stll.j i.i loa.lv .Vl.ole 1 ...iilifT. i I. 11. s.
C.sn;ei. s. Cam it. Vesiit.s, '; .-per in - .,
kl.-aeh.".! and Uro'a n Ioneiis, liiiliirs, &hir-
llliS, Ac.
Ajs.t a lare varie.v of 7..I f.7.'. ;i .V'v-S''
Ctmlis, mi. h as Caliei.es. i I. aii.es. I. awns
lie! a ins. Ilar.".-es, S.ll.s. (ii;.-. 'lai.-.s.s;'.. l-.c c
Also all kinds . ...ii..ns. l.rec.eries. Hard
ware, Ce.farware, li:cetis and tila-nsu are
F;sh, Sal., 'robneco.
Alio all kind ol Sli-it for building ptir-
Call and examine for yourselves.
of all kii.u.s tuken in .s l.ai'::e 'or C.o.'s.
URDU ."s & LL'.Mil.i:
I.ewisbur-, Oct ill, If '.U
er.irai-y. Jle-ll!
UlWlsiil l,f. PA.
II. ti. 33171 2'.:?,, Trop'r.
MMUS Hotel is I. can. 1 in the ce. it .1 ll.e j
I low ii. oi e ki uaie Troiii ihe Conn 1 1., use. I
I crsoiis nt'en.lii.e Coiut.or hawns o't.er t-u. J
s-ness in ihe tout:, will fn.l ibis a pleasa.it .
and ro'iiloiint.;' hon.e. Chaii;es u, u delate, j
I.-i-l..ira. Fa., .-sept. 6. l."ili t.ol
Joiah linker & Co,,
T T 1VI' inn'n om-mtt'erls v. Oh V
a J.J. l;. l.ocke c t o. to I i rn i -11 j per cent.
I y the DM. and Hall Bid as cheap as it can
be brii'.'lit in l'hiia.kl) hia. I
j 'i'hey have also just received a general as- :
' scrtu.eiil of ;
mm, mmm
I'.iiuts and OIJi,a'Uriri situ! I nStj,
r.nusiiKs and ri:ii u:.ii.iiV.
C'L'TLl'Jl i , l' I iJAVA GILL ID,
; Tine Ci!, all popular Patent SIcdirincs,
Liquors, I libacco, si;ui!,ii.ks, aua
AssSi, Wheel (ircase, &c. &c.
All lb.' above articles olored VCKi
niKAI FtlU f.Vbl!. Call before buying
eNeuheie. t)ur Motto is
'f-uii'll I'rwJlK & jultli Sales."
hewisbtii;. May 13, 18.r.K.
Ann In a id (iir.r.N-len nncse In Imlbuic.
Bcpyjjj Legal Auctioneer!;
.! liu ....., 'r..
sole Am ...on. er lor I.ewiibi.rs, i- pif...re.l to
aiicnd to all calls iu
his hue iu luvvu and ,
Comnission Ea'.c3.
In April next. I intend to open on Ma rite
street a H .om lor th- reception, and the sale
j at slated limes of ail kinds of IJ.o.ls at Aur
' lion. Any one wi.-hlr.2iodispo-eof any arti
I cie can deposit it with me and I will seil u at
I the be-it adventage I can and charge a per
cei.taee for the same
James p. Linn. J. Herriil Linn.
1 F. & J. M. LLN,
J . Attorneys at Law,
574 L'uion County, Penn'a.
J. lirnr.Ill II7TN rn-tai-tinsra ftw the State of Inwa,
i.h poarr tot.ar D ri-itirn..a.kr,owt.iier P-t..c
J. plos-plCWS
Zr 1 'OR SI.Ea lot of new
tL,-3sXr I BI LL and M1LF-SH AR-
PEMMi ri,0lS also (ILOMti Cm king-
ore.-verv cheap for cash.
Inquire nf
i ,-;tll, ,.r s 'KO
" '
j O ' J- Baker & Co' Drug Sto're aLo the
1'criiand t oa: on.
Mechanical, &c.
lML3int, uussi (o.,
tT-'-J i(;.,jsi.nr,r r,,rilr iT ill
KtSep ronsuollr on hand and
Uia.iutartur' lo order I loorffip:. Mufll,
lf)k,.M iull- fc.tllllll-r. IIiiaiIm.
:ii,.ws "
ant a ! mii'-r iiescriimous oi v oou n uik uen
in liisildin;.
Orders respfeifiillv soltrted and promptly
fill.l A 11 u',., i Ltrr:iiite.l to I'lve s.ilit;ii'li,n
IV An eiitiiMve lot ,.f Luuibi r of al'
I act, rt; tm ,i.tu3LClmiisi.rLcii.twtiuur'',ia
JTTlZTi Thj nmlcrslsncd have as -
: !T?jTCialed themselves into c part-
i'.i'v' nership for the purpose v( r;irry
'11.Z on Hie l.uiiiherir.'.', rianiii;,
. ...
' ami f':irr....i rin hi:sine,s mail their various
bra'iches, at ir.
tu.iobr.rg Clcom Paniiia rui!!3,
where ihey ir.ter.i! M keep a si. rk of I'me,
lle,l,,.K. Wai..,.t, Therrv. f..rl,r, ,sh. Ma-
pie, and all k'lots 01 L'ti'ter, t liH.iint; ftirl-
w..i... wi. I .. ... 1..... :,,... i.n..
KenJii.!;. 1'ieUeis, l)....r and V. u.di.w r'rat.-.es,
Jloors, .ShtHlers, ill;u is, a-n, Mioil.ln.s,
Urarkeis Ac. rianin;. dutt.ns. -rcil ."ju-
o..-e and aii work
wairai.ted to jive sun!ai:iioii, t'i'lii in 1 rice
and wuikmaitsbip.
j. i. i.i.tH..Mii.i:n:ii,
?.ii;ti. i.i:i:ii;.t'i!,
IliliAM Mii:in!t.U'U
UaH-P! tlan:i.t !..!. Al-ril 1. IS.".
Af.r liill t ! I J71, iiium Co., l a.
t-r. THE ?a!.HTiber, ibaiikf;!!
t !-i f.-r p.ft rat.-.-i.a;-, would mforni
fes-T) his Inen.ls md ih public in s.tie.
' ra!, Ihnl he diamines to uiau.ilar
tore all k.no ol W c-I-n .uimN. t.m-Us
t.'i(.:hs,('asi,.,,.res.'i w-e-a,sa:inieii. Jeans,
Ulai.Ueis a:.d t'iantivls j ah... i'.irprt and
SincUn.s Varus. His ir:n liinery t."n.'i oi" ihe
in-.t kind i.i use, p. nd hai er.:;.i.,yed ll.e
best of tei,r!;ii.."o, he fftls sale in ravin:
that l-rs work hail not be s;.rpas-ed by
anv esat.'ih?ne:it n the roniurv. A eord -no-
p'v of the rt'Mive j:oids lier t r..rtstai.:'y on hand
- ..... .... L : r . , -
"le u; in rlllllllSP ler cenl. a prices
hat cm n, l.i 1 ... ,.l,.,v- VK.,.1. J!.ti K.
r.!ed in the l.est nirtiiiierand on tlie shortest
noiire. 'J'-rms f.-r rr.r.l.n. cash . n ihe de-
livervi fih.-r .:;,. MARK HAI.n'OXV.
V.'iniield Mills, March 3i, si.')7.
iaUM;ji:n ! i.i A!ri-:i:
rsn; s-.ili.ci il.ers I'.avef. r sale r-ersre-I
(in I. ;s to still purchusri.- -:- a4
a iar-e st.-cl- .1 '.- f - -
i7; .'.i;r.s--Panel fttiiC ar-'i'.''-
rian:..csc. A!.,a.ccafi.M. i.-.ii..v.
A U'i -vfM.ir.' i : i.i r i'r Lu.Win.!!-. :
Whu l. aieoii. red lew I. r h. at our Xi'.U
on iS.uih liuncli of ihe U iitie leer I'refk in
Hrtrt'ev t'v.'n(i;i r ,!r!:verd on (he :rtih
ail-v .N.trp.a-j road at the er.d of our Road. 1
? 1 A lJ.fi.'ina lor a supn-ior sample of!
Plank., a 11. 1 a I'ivni:-.in l,.r n.i1 Sr.in.-. 1
les.u ere a u n. ,'..,1 v ., I :!... I-. .1 I .... ., r. 1
Fi.tr. JDilX MTAI.L A iHlliCn." 1
lyViS Forest 11.11 i' (), I i.i. n IV, I'a
7 f''V IM'"!''
2 l' A J,l-'i"
i I.ai:rsi r;ii fa ntlriiicii.
f j 'limn is now re.o!y !..r i he spring trade
X oi 'nd;!, a line ana 2"-d vaioiv i.f
litrffs;fN i:s;5tri
coiri;.nS'ii2 ll'ir-a'is '-f a.. kiu.l. Jiit.y Lird. i. ,.
t 'oltaue. a'iti li eucn ll-d-ltai I'eioie.t ard. j
l-Va'-tast. a;.d . la l-.io:.s-C.u.,lle. ' utdlsloZ
and V.dsh Mat..!' ll:'.ta:,a t'ou ei K.n Us. ui.d , ...
anvllill. in li.e CaMr.cl in c. 1; ti( t t.n ha. id. ! !
w.,l l.e .de to order. ( ,...e m aiol I. .r
Cl.uri t.ri.r-oi dilicrent ,r-, and ...Im.. si
at.v paiioru-i::.r.,;i .Vools, K. , . '.;i-i, Cu.i.rs,
Horse eshoo, and a.. .....Is ol V, ii.osor (.'iiairs,
t.,r sale cheap lor cash cr sliott cteJil. At!
the above, can be ha ! at liie
wii! I e ii' ol- to oi.l.T. Cine sh ;:l aiol lia.r
i. artToSin ci u.iiir.icr cn naTini ai.
four doors al ove the Uaok, or a! the ol-i st;m.l
or. 1. 1 i r Fi- tit t.;;tei.i, uiii'tetl.e subscr.l er
u iil !-e L'lad to see nil bis old customers, and ,
ail ll.e new cues who may favor him ui;h a 1
The subscriber also attends to the l"n
ilei'tnkin'r I3iJiiirsi in all its van. us
branches, ii. u; piuvoled wilh Fisk's Fa
lenl ..Iclalic Canal Cases, aud Collins
. .
of his own manulac.urirz rlu-ays on hand,
be is pi. pated i.t ai.v lime to wan upon any
who ...at I, ( r bun v. nil a call. Thankiul
I, r no-p.isi lavors. ne si:.i a.sss lor a con-
tiu'iaii' e ihe same.
l ei). -M.
david f;i.Trri.
Motiisfic- I'i Intlnp.
JTAYIM; pnrcbas.d the r.jht to Hon-
II : p c. ess . r l'lii.Iii, - w nh Dry
Colors, tor I nion to.ra-.we are prepared '
r.rnuc fun '
. XKUli I, r..W-L'.i.S, 5t.C.
in i:.'t. tir.tn. H i'. j:..i'n. St':..r. I'..,,,,-r,I, or C'-'tl
colors, ... S.. d s.v'e. : rat the ...See ol the
tr u CUiohicI"," Le . tir".
i, s v. :...;.'. & t i.M-.i.ir?
spetiii-.n r.i:iv oe seen at joiiaito'.n v.ctici
barn, in l.ewtsbursr. (.Ftb. It', lsto)
X;;.j.ni:v wall
M Hi. ui.d. r uneil. line of No. 1:15 North
I ;,,trh vt., l'hil::l has . r.ened a WAL,.
KAl'Kll Store in l.ewlsbu.;, where he will
keep a UrSe assortment of I'aper IlaiiSii!Ss,
which he ,11 seil at the (owes, city prices.
., . ,,,... at-a-aios.... Ae
Also. h Irt.-OW t t.I ..ilElS, 6.C.
He will HAAU a" paper in the most work-
maniike manner. Hav.n, served an apnren-
liee-hip vt several years al ihe i'aper iiiii.z-
ui" tu-ines in liiiri '., and liavid" u-orked
. , .- tt t.lc I t ',r io t-i-icr nini. v.iie
ne Claims iu ue a i Jrfi it' iti i ayri ji.tnu-rr.
Any person in Li-wi-l'itr-j or nn-hUnrin
tnwii. cr tne rouiitiy. iiilrntiin In have iht it
will, Bower, corner 3d and Market Ma
I.e-ri-hurrj.Ieh. Ill, l-fid
::r:'5 c.w.sfiiAi ii.i:
LcwisLurg, Fa.
Wholesale Dealer is
Urttzs, Medicines, Chemicals, live isiull'-..
Oils, Panus, Varni.-hes, U u.dow fi.ass,
Perlutnerv, Pure V:i.es and loquors
expres.ly f.,r Medicnal I ses,
Fancy Xotion tiood,-uid all
the reauiar Patent Medicines of
the .In. IV Partiriilaraitentiou paid
to putting up Prescriptions, Fanniy Med
icines, cVc. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for sale
Attorney at Law,
Li-iia.sl.urs. Pa.
OFFICE at his residence, corner of Mar -
ket ami Fourth sirtels. lK';
j Philailclihia Adv'ts.
PhUad'a Terra Cotta HanufiCcry.
yiTi:iFIKinYat.rn.1 Float I'ipo,
"-"imi. tit.u ... .i h. h.i ;--';- '';
t.i.. wmi ri.-, v-i"r. 1 'j u.e
; i.fie if 1..-H I i.r Iron
r. I.,;, ui iu n...! ,.. H.I..
t.i.ini: ti. -. -.ir i. . o.-1. 1 i-n-'i' ri - .nt:.
p i:' "ntii.-.( nir. t. in 'I- .......t io.i. i. .
' '"'"-'"',''' '- ":."'''"'.."."'. m.''"::
' Jl.'.' . J i ........ i r. .1 1. a.-
j .s.?.i- ' '' -' '' -' " 1 r '
1,,, tii.m u.i i- r - i r r. . i...
; Miintl -.t 1- r 1.. ' I- Ij
; r;";:.!. r,., .-.,i..
II. i.iil ,... .111. i ,........,
VI . l.1lr l.l ll.i-l.. r. 1. . I. I
U. 1,.., 1. ......u
I iltl'F t lillU... K.'l ... Ill .:r.' ! 1 1
.uj.jiitnr.. link 1 1:1 ft:
! 1 ' ' t' "" i-mil. il
C2re,s .1. ti.i.:as
i.. ti.ut ?i. k'i.i.iHl.
! Tim i n ..r'.ir.r t . n h -.m i-..i..rv 'i.t.ti,
; ..X're'ir.:;'. e.' ' .l
1,1. h . i.:ii.i..-i n. . . .,kh ui..i --.r..i
Vi.il.r I...I..1....... ,.. 11,. ..-.I-in....i-1.. .1.. 1 h
Y,,""Za i..
'l:,..i., rm'i.T i: 1 i.o m, 1 11..H. 1 '..'.
" ' : " " " 1 "' 1 " ''
.,.!Vv,:,..:U,;'l.::.;:;;.-,v: i;:;:,:;:rr;;
ti..... ti.i..- o 1 r v. .1- v. . i-...-. in s ... fc-.1 1
i la.ee.,..!.!,.- .1 a t. m ,t. ..
i;.rh.:i:i,.ii,..t,'.. 1..,; .Li..-..,. 01.:. ; -
1- Iirl.:-! - .1 : . .:. r- L. Ltt l.i -J . I
n-.-.r-.-iM' it 1 1..'.
UtLi-v-, . A. UAI.M-
. r ir" tT' ati P o I .
i't 1.. .-nut l't.t:t.
VITHTFITPTr'TA t . . i . , ii s ': rr V - K ST T-
: ,'.;.-. ; .',.:..:;.v:':1,..'1:;;, ,',-:
i-' ". i.:.tti io k. :h. ..:: ...i,-. ., i
I ' II :.i.i.-... l-.uci, ...,..i.-t.
tuUJLi; . J?LAiwu'l s;w..i.,
SCALLS ! ' ,v''' !ci.p.i, n, suiia'.le
r.-'i i t" j' r-or iUiiii-a.is, ,r.. t-.r u
M .ll.l. i,av, c. a, oie a. d i:.rn l:a.
sl .1 l.l.N '"' ''nera.ly. fi.n -has rs nn: no
'r.-li. ev-rv scale is c, trai.ved
collect, and n. ai ei n :ai, n t . ui.d sa'isiac
' b'iv. can be reiuu.e.l u-iih..ui i. ;.ri.e.
' r"act..ry at the oi.i siandiCsiaLlished fur
m. , r. . I I.., I...
- iuu no. ij -.. i c .1 . -.
.Mill. ITT A- i n.
A HII" ITT A- i n..
Corner i.t Ninth ana Ali-.cn . I Hil.A ti'A.
W .. .. .
..i .ai . ...... ...
U T.IIs luU t.rnr t- all"-:.j u. - n t!
f s I1 I t '.' 1.1 I 1. j
I ii.-...'r ...'i': u-.j '..
' T.d'.s Vou i ....... u-
j ;i.:;v.!.r:.i;.;'-.'.-.;i
! R TtUs Vou ... .i.j t .n.r. .1 ...
' l-t i.-ut.'-..i ' . .1
. R TclMoa n.w,. 1. ...... 1
. 'tti'.'r. n.f-n-I j'w
i- .: U . 11. : n va-t-!
" HCllli. u.
-.. -. A
Ui . 1 li :.-ra ;.f 11 ' Tit.
i- ...a 1 1 t-.i. rt;
. .iV",
1 1:.. 1. . . if.-'.r
Tid!. lou fit -si:'' 1
,.:o..:. ...
'" "":
r i ..
; 11 -
, ' '
. o !-
U tilt tt.-.
, 'J 'i ''
. ui. l. - 1. r 1.
K T.I.S Iu ti.. ;.:i i. .. .
L 1 1 ' . lil-'. J - ,
' :"'"":'-' '
h Tills Ion -, ,.: .. . , i . .
t . v
" '. 1 ; ' 1 .' '
j j,. . . " : ,'
i i.-UI i.;rr.'.i. ....... t' ,.,
' '""'."' "'
I I: Tells lou !. .,. .......
; T rt ,7,.., ,',,., ' ." :,. '. ,r r, P, ,
i,-., in:.,.. ,.,.,,.,,,..,,,,.,,,.. ,.
J ,) ., .:.,. - . - i.;,.
.J.,'.; .'.H'e'V.!' V.:,' ' ' ,' !,.',' r
..h. .. ... i ... i , -i....-, ., r 'i i
.'j.lUUO A '' " ! , ui-u
r ... m,. m t ,. , . i :
; anu otLi-r u.t. .'u..iii i,. h
A , .. .... ; ....
fivil t t it n i hit. "
a.Mkit i..11i; V.'AH1,
HAiiVi:. lii.n.v.
No. 122 Marl, r-t -tri e!. I i..in.!erhia.
"i axcfaci'i ..i.i. .1 .,i m.i. s:i..
i? I V i: Ii. a ...I Ml v in; I i. i i .: . . !- r.. '
!-. .'lis. l,a-!Vs. I.ufer I'.:ve-. t'.i-l, rs, Ti .1
. nri. t n v. ue. i.e.. Maicr-, l u'i. r I'i- . ,
. Ice IVc;,-,.t a:,-e Ioim.i i Coii.iiHii i. n VV are,
Cups. Mo;;, f. h.eis. ,vc. w it., a neeetai rs.
sortnirnt. c. n. it s,,,-. I., ,, ., ...,...;..,
maiie . t ii,e e . ..,,rro.A a;.d i.ij j l.tfu,
. coiisiruhni' toi .ii a
, ot,',i,i,.v nuti lli'nil'i 'iti, .V ,.r
S;-, ,,. J: :,:, f..,;i;,.
ll.d are re-plated in the manner.
I el. o; I, lstiOl
n , , , . ( ojiSo air.-U, Soi l
JU.UoU j.-v rl; V r, , I V , .VVn,
i , 1. 1. 1 L' ' I.-1 ,s L.l rt 1 i.lv
1 1w..u. t,',,: " l'-,
i -
P:. a.1,.,1 I ..... Ttr A a. 1 1 i 111 i it.i
! mi. i.ii - -I s I. i J1. ,ti. i,
, Ic.b -.;ij
i f ..t. r . -
- .1 'i. rri.j. ... AfTi
r t.- . . ..(... - jti.ii iiui&
' H Tills Vou ti,.-i r ;i. . . n .i ivi u. with
X ..!.. ii ii : :.t..-i.i.t uv. I
' Ul, i ITsJ, t.: ui;. I. iu
Is ! '. t f
..10 irnt I r T- rTy. witti '
li n 1 1 ii i 1:1. aua
tl li .- .1. l.l I. .1.- I V- Ij M .1,..
It Idls Vou 'I.- .. ii .-. . : .. i. rn ttuar
1.1.01 uii-l V. ..r I. ,1 i0 r ail Aj -.ii ul,. r.i,uj
jin-li, T 1 1111 I 11-1 ul.
Ii Tills Tuts l..u . ii-: -tiller 1.1... 1.1 t .- ir,-.. r.sll.
to i-i.'i 'r:.-. rli' I.r' ,, 1 i..'i.,..,.v'. '
It Tills Vce ti. '-in j r m.' 11, - l. ,,- ... 1 n
all.! 'aV to'"!.'. " !'" '- il'
11 or,., : :, -i 11 . u ,,. ;.,
j II Tells Yon!.-1... .. r,.:.. 1, , ; .,,.1 1, ,w t..
J ft"
! II Tell, lou u-., t,,. i.,ri'-..t-n... a,.:. v.t,,....,,,,,.
I ' ''"";' ;' ' ...: -,a-..u.
. . .. menu a..a in.oii t -.
I II Tills Tut: le to ni.e,,,,, l.a,l hi.-rto Almio-
...... .... - ... ,,.. ,i. .
T: ..e.
i n. ex..int t. v u tti.- L.-.i-.ut,v.
ntr.-ni-ui tbr-r. i.t in er.r M.ii .
tm-nt.,i j., iir-i .i iv.u. r-
' Mlatl l.OVrrillll Till.
I II..V l, tler. I Ul ,,1 1. w. TV -lirain lira tn
lii.y.ur ti-i.-i... IraiOlv.O,,,, . .., ,,.,. t
aej,,u.,t t yr, il. au.l t. i.i:iuu lit:i;.i-
ti h, ,i,u,. ! ,..,,-.,ii.:;i,..
S-inirlernti. e.ll tr rl. I 1.) mi. il. ni.l, tor, r.
., . ,rl , -,.,. ,!,..,-.-.,
g. . y ,,,,, ,v ,..,,
v " -i 11AK. iu
i .' r .ier'. rrt.irj. of the r..ill. er frr t.-rm to a-fnts, '
iu oiiiir iiii.imi.il.. n. a it i- rr a i,irr.
.1.11 i'K. l. u. f...
fiuin .Vi.fii; ..i,i.. M v . ",(
JL nt.UKTHiN uy I!. !l.!iT.
lot riai-a 4 ', i-vuu itr lyu j . uuii.
UU ilu 4 . ui an
VI lirat, Kre anil Corn, U rent pi-r liusl.el.
Pl.ilad. Lipol with
Freed, Want 4 Fr'rtf.PM Market St.
Thank...l f-r Hieuieial p.n.oi.aee en e.. us
we hope by slliCI a'l.Ill.ol. to Lusllitss lo
merit a couiiuuance ol il.e -in. e.
Ttllt'i'S I'EiPiiER
For further informs'i. n tipp1)' to
iy9j c u m i. I.M.V, .!,"'. Lrwisburj
- - - " -
' J
Alll'HTs a ue assortment ly
IlursU iVijoudman
Insurance Companies
-iki: i vikm.i; tou-11
--r T--. of
J .reC..n.j.ai.)-,-.. l,.e. 'T T
i'f its pi rniai.-iH esratl. i.n.n.t ar.i
nil liise
.:i.uej ,u
I'n.fi i , .c .... m ras..i.k,
!f ID..
- ii - i nisuini, i ro re vu t
iLj s.lal
"Ui, it iLe U
If' ".- Nwi;- . '"''int
" ,..,,. ',",v '. ,
. - " ' ouu t . UjLCuiii
riop'! ;';ck". ,
'"MIA.M ; ''""m-jv.U ai,,,,, s.
ycom. r u! l iii!h-J7Wfii
Lives it.siiitd at the DMial
r'et.S E
, . ,,.i . v .am aiM Ul .0 nrr r-. . i
i r al Total ALt.nenre t:,v t ,. I
i s i mi . . .'. : ' :ht
j.., c. s,... s.,"e.
5471 ;i.O. F.iilLLKR 1.. .
Z. " " " . . ' -"
U J. 1 J NSI I ? I I r
: a-ala.U .
- - s I fc , ,
.est Eraneh ln ilM.:re ( ompa., ,
OX. C.U. HA Kvr.. .,.
I t ft,.... '
I J W cut in . .
A L, n,;,
r..r . - ih.-.r i..v..-. .. I ":ta
V . , , , r,.,.- :, . . . . . . , .
.'.a. u: ..r -r. ,
A. I ol i: ii u.. s i. :
Xi.n ' f . f i i. :
u. :i ; . 1 Tr ;. r'-. 1
--.i.. I . f f m; :,.
. ..1 . : i.. v.. . .u
.-l ui.
! rrt .jo
t j'ar
r. -r;t. J
, ''-'' c""""ii i.-re
" M ' ' n ' 1 lr,C"y. mi in as u.,k:i
" " '' .V.-, aSa,..st i.s,.rd,
In- C
''',,', ' ' "' " '
n.e . li.i.t ,.r Ier.
j,.v,.., f'
r" " 1 "
SAVI. II. OliV.U;, A-eau
i r'Jil Z.'.l'l 0: Il3n;ettal TieCS.
s. - .. , rrrr
4 I nr Jln.MTII.rr BIS I'D ,ir. t . :, t
i'. n Hrriii n .a' i .lil- . i. .
T. . . "' "' h 1 ru" t-.l
' S. Ac. Ac eii.iraclli? Ihe vrrv i..a
f Arpirs. K. :..rs, ', a. I,f s. 1"! via s.
triits, i.usj Lerr.e, I Lirams, birawbeirw
-W: '"..Mr. .Mour. -..tt, Ali, ?-n?ar Marl
i rieP-i f.;.riiT... Lv-r I I, , nuns H.e. an.
? S' 'l' ! uI U'toti and olliet
t'.' .Nor-erv (;,-.. ,,ri, r(,P farm rf da's
r. l. i. i :. o. on ::ie 'ioir.prke, within halt a
.: e . I I rw s; ., ( rti-rs will rece;va
' s.r.ct atituuiu. t' Jrrm- ,nri-i.J., CASH
I.etvishnr-, Jnlv 7, 1s;m
Js 1 v- M'F.'-: e Hardware n. re,
' r'v ..i.:-l,t, M.e .urt( JI4,Vit
-'feet, l.eui-i ,,r;. I'a.
.:.'.'.'... rjv;.v. .vrr.M.xoTYiFS,
.'!' -i,. mi slip- n. r s... V. In ra
t. j .'I,, i . I . ,:, , i u irpsinl t. :j,e
I I.i.'(.:;i :- : s. ",.,; ,r snail. ..-il ;c
' st Ii aitti.le. .A Is,.. It.l.LVvV
, ' i'l'. 'I'liiir j ii I ti 1 1 ,.ie ci loieo to fP
f ' " '' ' .' : :e -1 e. ., , t,. at, oil pninin.g.
- v'' - '!';'-' ' , v ol iitoi, n at.d liattirea
" l. 1 e i. ;:.r. ,1 i i Iv I y ll.e t'amera
' '" '" I o li.ie. .lie j ; ,i i H e. n d 1 have ihf
f'-'" r-.;,t ft I i.u n r. u: 'y. I ail ano
i. ue i. e s;''oT.ieos. April 21. Is59
Wililasi Vai.Ctzer,
' JW.'-W V ;V I ilW
- I.fW isltuic. I niot. Co.. Pa.t
, F .. ,'. . '
r --. r .. JU, Mill
:ilc Ii irsiil. i- .ii.U Jew t'llfr,
.. '. ii l a.. ... r- 'i - M . - r. i.tlj tiixuiira by
...r l, ,i. r i . ii I-..1 I I.. I'a
'latks, Vi ;-!i ties, ,c retailed in shot!
V i.. i.r ai .1 uanii.ir,: . ;,,e ,aii,uri,a.
t" An exeelei! r, - -, r' it . i! t d W at. ce
t l,,i-l.s an ! Jewelrv rr. t.aio! i'L'tif. ft t'uK
ii. t riiA.ii.s, ,. , s,zes maiie u, uri:tr
Lew i-l-'.rs. April 19, !s."S
'l Tie ' ii . ?:i s i I l.e w ,s iiv rg and T.cinitT
1 I:. S .. 12 I'M a, has removed his Bart et
.sn.,p iri in li.e liivn-re lieitse to Market stteet,
b. .v. niri.t id V'.id.-wr Ani.ns' buildmr. one
d,.,r a. ove ii.:- p. t ti' ce. Thai, k:ul tor all
p a-t i.iv. is. 1 e h. ;p, ti, rLeril a eoniinua "ice
"1 the puoiic pan. i..r;e.
1 X It
' T'' v rry hrrr ii.: th, r ... ru icrrw lntif
'1 , t n I, -ui.l .-1. i'. I" Utl"! .men,,
j '-- .. i , ii. i ii tirui.gon,
I li 1.'K 1
j L
t ur-, Annl i, l:0. E. L. HLES.
, f-
Ei.iM'S and ui'TrEC
Flooritifr, Siding,
Krumiti";, Ac.
Fr sale at the Prnj; Ptrr. rf
.-. CALLHtlial
LraL-t art', O.t
jMcat Market.
.1 n n nit-" t"r tic Yittr,
i TACIH! ti. HKOVVN. hnvme supplied th
ff Leui.h.t.R Ma.kei lor the past six montbs.
h.i- o-.i W toe loiiow in; airar';euiculs lor thw
cm ii s v. .-.r
. 'f Beef. S.oMon eal and P
- be bad on U e.l..cs.lav and S;atot.lay mor-
Jtt.cs .1 ei .1, tr., at the ti.tKei House on
M.ir U I sire. I beiueen frchallle s and tiles,
, . , . ,, ,
bfw uiim, I .
IllS mnt- is UiTk rS IiT aMJ, ana
' 4
. "
x.x.i mine his irieal.
, .,
'i UL SiiU.sl f LHT tOD"
: I .
.1. l.nues to carry ouihe
Idlt'l't Il:l31' ni.
tf),, .'Il 1 ( 1 1 I i I I IHMI Ma.
, .,,-iis the pn'ronaee ,.t his f, ,e nd, ar d the
the Hot Mi and
Lewisburg, May 22, lSoO
IS' OTA 1 IV ru I U A c.
T7iiiiara Jcces,
: A TTflUM'
' iV Frompilv
TTflUMiY at Law. Collections
attended to. Cloceo Mantel
I M"et, i tiusie li.e 1're-i i inn chinch,
i :.n. LPWl.yiillHi.PA-
MASON & CO. """
I NCR A V LKS ntol STATil .NK R.
'. J' go? Cne-tnnt Kl. ViahiUli ..
e VCr,!i.ir.eCarj-oi ...r a...-t .tvir. v.-iun
A '.tXi,',,' gs'tt'TZZ
.en liuii.t. IiOratr In I. Ir. at.! rirrt. i-nr.y af
, l.t. . an .rimii, .,.r.,irj. a. . ..
j au.t K.iTrl.,, r. ni.ilr In i.T t.r Jnur '
i '
a. H. D I L ! Attorney at i.aw.
.i-oii-ti ,.(, siHe.n.d street, formerly
, y j pecupie.l hy J. B. Hamlin, dte'd.
. J.esriiug J n i'-o