Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 20, 1860, Image 2

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jlk (Q.udcj
W ttmri iff Thw Lcvukl-m CwWi
fiUMMl a lh- '-k 9yaim, h. the laiy and Wat
eirculftUoa of ht New.vf.apo VmUm Coast?.
Freedom, national;
Klorarv cwffinntil ! i
, ...wj.-tw
aiLQlATE rmm-nox n aXCUClX imsTH.
st as I.eh .f aTrrH..rr Umu.
rareaaee. ar CaMatwe.
IhiWian. aad will bathe t araJlaa rrtnejplee
W-foretheoanntry, aatil th,y ar. vletortoae: aad
sail taeaa to aur meet hewJ. tla-re ta aaltl they i
rv la triomnh above the National Capitol at waeh- i
lartaa. rtOurawri'.lrnul.
For rmMnl.
Fa Tire rresMrwx.
J.tnae Pollock IThoaiae M. llowa
I Kit wart C. KalrM
Robert r Kiog
Katnan llilte
1t1 B. Smith
I id Tasmrt
t'lyrace Mrrar
Bukl O. Oehr
Va. M'Kmui
aV. r. Roberta
llrnnr Itumn
Krrt H rowt
ijoha M. Uroooaall Jn W. taller
Vreacw . Chelae lhtd Slaaieaa..lr
Thome. It. Hull V. U JVnaitua
'leonr- Breeeter IA riharpa
Is.w u. clvin jlidpar Cowaa
Jo N. h'irapatrkl Jamee Kerr
Hear Swataer Uuha leriar
laux CotXTT Fia Tbura la SaU Oft. ,!,, 1SC0
Saturday, August 4th,
(Two weeks from Saturday of this week)
is tbe day when tbe Republicans of Union
county can choose for themselves and
not by deputy wbo shall be the candi
dates for County OSiccrs. Every vote
counts in tltit way, and none can have a
valid reason for not submitting to tbe de
cision of tbe majority thus obtained.
. Several good men are suggested for the
positions to be filled most, or all of tbem,
natives of tbe county, and well and favor
sbljr Laowo to tbe citizens generally. It
m universally conccaea ibai me next com
missioner should be chosen from the West
side of the eounty, and tbe Associate Judge
from tbe East and all tbe candidates for
those two offices are so located according
ly. Tbe other offices may be filled from
any part of tbe county. There being,
then, no local question involved, tlie choice
ha regard to jiineu and worthineu alone.
KafLet every voter of our party whe
ther farmer, mechanic, or professional
man so arrange bis work and business
B to ijice lite afternoon of the 4th Auyuit
to thii I'imar'y Llectio. Speak to your
neighbors, that may have forgotten, cr
may never bave known of Ibis popular
mode of nominating, and get tbem out
w.th you, that the expression of opinion
may be decided and satisfactory.
Blank Return are prepared for tbe
N ruinating Election, and it is desired
that tbe Standing Committeeman in each
District obtain these blanks, and see to
the organization of tbe Board in bis own
District. There are two returns to be
fill, d out, signed by the Election Judge
aud Clerks one to be kept at borne by j
the Election Judge and the other sent in
l-jr tbe Return Judge chosen. A List of
Voters should be made out, also, one to
be kept in the District and tbe other sent
in to tbe meeting of tbe Return Judges.
As tbere is no law for administering
oaths, the people must select honest and
b inorable Officers, who will decide upon
admitting votes. If tbey doubt tbe word
of a niau wbo promises to vote with tbe
Lincoln party this year, and the man baa
not been known as of our party, with their
candor and discretion the matter rests.
tSTbcre bas been but little election
eering done thus far, as tbe candidates are
generally known, and bave only to leave
their tickets with discreet and true friends,
who will see that they are on tbe ground,
and have fair play, on the day. Happily,
but little excitement prevails. Any of
tbe candidates may feel it no discredit to
be outvoted by such respectable opponents
as they bave in tbe field and all see by
tbe results of last fall that it is unwise to
urge matters too far, as a divided majori
ty may lose tbe day. A fair field aud a
valid nomination thus won, however, can
hardly fail of a. triumphant success.
Douglas vs. Protection.
The Hon. F. W. Hughes, in his speech ;
to the Democracy in tbe Court House, in j
Pottsvillr, declared that he could not vote
for Douglas, because be was a Free Tra-
der, and opposed to Protection. Mr.
Douglas never gave a vote in favor of
Protection in his life; and, according lo
i t it . . .i. - .t.
the followmg extract from tbe Aorth
mo-iVon, be earnes his opposition to j
Protection to tbe extreme point, even I
singling out Pennsylvania Iron to strike at: !
'So far as Pennsylvania is concerned, j
everybody know that Mr. Douglas, during
bis whole Congressional career, haseonsit-!
tcntly opposed ber interests. All tbe
votes be ever cave npon tbe Tariff, were
n tbe side of tbe most radical Free Tra
ders; and even went farther than Mr.
Hunter was willing to do, in proposing
the admission of railroad iron free lor Dve
years. A'o argument or pertmuion could
inJitce him to concede fraction of protec
tion to tlte prostrated and suffering industry
of our State. Mr. Johnson, his colleague
on the ticket, belongs to tbe ultra school
of Free Traders, and in that respect is a
very proper associate for Mr. Douglas."
Breckenridge and Line are also Free
Traders, and all four stand npon tbe Cin
cinnati Platform, which is undeniably and
avowedly, for Free Trade, and against
Protection. No true friend of proper
Tariff can vote for any of them.
ft n, .
John Sh-s i and O.r. Lo.-jo, ,
Xdb Jtcms from DHj Counties.
A mad dni excitement prevails in York
! county, owing lo a rabid dog having bitten
Dumber of eininei in ids vuisgo ui
! Freystowa. The people re waging wit
1 of extermination against tbe canine roe,
i a lanre number havior alreadv been
p...v n.v: .. f tbe
iine Hill Railroad Company, wi killed
both bll legs Were Cat off.
. ti j anr; I.n Mrs Bailed
WSt MOOdSV, 4JD eliers wero
from anil 388 received it. tbe William-
P" "Oit UfllCe.
Mrs. Barbara Nell, aged td
oit.f few ymn, died, O'k July, at bar resid
ence, Tbird St. near Poplar, Philadelphia.
Richard 1'latt, foreman for Bancroft,
Lewis & Co., at Ashland, was killed on
Saturday week by a fall of CoaL lie leave
large family. Mr. Piatt wat on of tbe
oldest miner in tbie region, and was
highly esteemed by all who knew bin.
A wbite borse, belonging to tome stran
ger, earns staggering down Mill street,
Danville, Wednesday afternoon, and when
opposite Mr. Woods' aboe (tore, fell dead
lb to tbe gatter. .
A little boy wat drowned wbile bathing
in tbe canal on lbs 4tb, a abort distance
above Pittston. lie was - taken with
cramp and before assistance could be ren
dered was dead.
Tbe "irrepressible conflict" Las reached
Cambria county, where tbe Democrat
bare two county tickets in tbe field.
Died, on tbe 3d inst., near Bedford,
Mrs. Virginia Loogstreth, aged 92 years.
She was we believe a native of Franklin
county and tbe nurse of Pres. Bucbaaan.
O. Martin was bunting on Loyalsock
creek, last Saturday, with a companion,
wbo, shooting too quickly while Martin
was starting a wounded duck, sent a load
of shot into Martin's bead. Frantic, tbe
latter ran all tbe way home to Montours.
ville, where bis wounds were dressed, and
no danger is apprehended.
AHentown numbers 80C7 soul an in
crease of 4,"GS in ten years. Harrisburg
numbers 14,862 souls an increase of
6.86G in ten years.
J. K. Crawford, of Hollldaysbnrg, who
is on the Democratic Electoral Ticket,
writes that be shall vote, if eleoted, for
Douglas and Jobosoo, and no one else.
Can't fool wide-awake Dooglaiitca by that
Breckenridge trick.
There are forty different Lincoln and
Hamlin clubs in Philadelphia.
The Lyl-etu YaUey Xeici Letter is an in
dependent, "gratuitous," quarterly period
ical, issued for fun, glory, news, advertise
ments, and 25 cents a year, at Millers
burg, Dauphin county, by Beoj. G. Stee
ver. Printed at Lykenstown.
SelinFgrove bas a Douglas club formed.
Tbe thief wbo stole the horse of Moses
Thompson, was arrested at Madisooburg
a few days ago, and is now in tbe Belle
fontc jail. Hi name is Samuel Myers,
resided near Centre Furnace. He is only
about seventeen years of age.
Tbe corner stone of tbe Evangelical
Lutheran Church, situated just below
McKees Falls, Chapman township, will
be laid with appropriate eeremonies on
Sooday tbe 9tb day of July inst
We regret to state that Dr. Brower, ed
itor of tbe Montour American, i lying
dangerously ill. On Wednesday last, be
was somewhat tetter, but baa since re
lapsed into hi former coodition. fiia
ville Intelligencer.
Information Wasted. Any person
knowing of tbe whereabouts of a Welch
girl, aged about 16 years, answering to
the name of Mary Watkics, will confer a
favor by forwarding such information to
Watkin Williams, Danville, Pa.
At a Breckenridge meeting in Philadel
phia, tbe Douglas men behaved in so riot
ous a manner that the Police arrested sis
teen of them one, a Mr. Clark, holding
office noder Got. Packer. These ureck
enridgeitea, wbo were ti ns saved from the
terrors of mob-law by Mayor Henry, are
tbe very men wbo attempted to bowl bim
down because be last summer protected
an Anti-Slavery party in tbe enjoyment
of their constitutional rights.
Beoj. F. Tewksbury, tbe accomplished
School Superintendent of Sruquebanna
county, died on tbe 30lh nit., aged 27
years, much lamented.
A drunken man named Welch was ta
ken np in Bellcfonte on tbe 4th of July,
and sent to jail. Five or aix wbo attemp
ted to prevent bis arrest, were bound over
for that offence.
There are altered notes, counterfeited
upon tbe Commercial Bank, Philadelphia.
An election will be held, 30th August,
on tbe question of dividing Cbapman
township, in Snyder county.
... . -. . , ' . . Mt J-.J
Tbe Sunbory k Erie Railroad Company
iogs al Mit0Dj tltoiitT ,0 thosa at Lock
Haven, and bas given tbe contract for the
same to David Marr.
An adopted son of Alexsnder Guffy,
geli boot 15 Jetri w, drowned in the
u Watsontowo, on Monday week,
He was engaged in preparing the lock to
Uo he,ipped ,nd
fel in. tn9 sucfioll 0f the wicket jrew
him under tbe water and through it, thus
preventing his rescue until the vital spark
In Columbia eounty, Bloomsburg (town
and township?) baas population of 2,486,
Berwick C36, Light Street 551, Espytowo
Mr. Fenstermacber, of Rush township,
died from tbe effects of tbe wound received
noticed last week Tetanus (or Lockjaw)
setting in. -
Our esteemed fellow-townsman, Wb.
Cox Ellis, Esq., and his excellent lady,
celebrated their golden wedding on Wed
nesday last, tbey having been married
fifty years. Tbe event was made tbe oc
casion for bringing together all their Sons
and daughters, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law,
and a number of their grand
children. iluncy LWhinary, Ylth inst
A new Post Office has been established
at Money station, and John RbineWt ap
pointed rostmaster,
R. W. Kern. Merchant, of Middlebunr.
' aMtaaca aw innperij. iu i ud eiienil
j, . of Slore Good.
k . . . : J l : . j ... ci .ar
i'XlO.V COUiNTY STAR & IJivilsBUrt(i'ClillONlCLE---JbLY ill. Ib(i0.
Tbe wife of Mr. Caleb Brinton, residing
on Haldeman's farm, opposite Harrisburg,
died on Monday, and was interred in
Mount Kalma Cemetery. This woman
was probably the largest woman in tbe
United States. We did not learn what
Ler weight was, but it may be judged
when w state that she measured seven
feet sis iccbes around tbe waist ! For
the last two or three years she ha been
nnable to move, from excessive obesity,
and yet enjoyed morn than ordinary good
Tbe dwelling bouse of Oscar Fiaher,
(Lock Haveii) with all its contents, was
consumed by fir one day last week. Mo
C. L. Ward, Esq , of Towanda, a dale
gate to tbe Democratio National Conven
tion, has published a card in the Euvfy'urJ
UitalJ protesting against the late action
of tbe Stat executive Committee,
Wilkes Barre Borough has a population
of 4200, and the Township 27!). In
crease in the Berougb, 15S7, in ten years.
Tbere are 112 candidates for office, on
the right side in Lancaster county.
As Unwelcome Visitor. On Tues
day afternoon last, while Mrs. Clauser,
wife of II. Clauser, in Penn street, be
tween 10 and 11th, was at work in bcr
kitchen, she was surprised by the appear
ance of a very unwelcome visitor in the
shape of a large snake. His snakrship
npon being despatched proved to belong
to that deadly and dangerous, species
called "copper bead," and measured 29 J
inches in length. Reading Times.
Of 1900 persons in West Earl Tp.,
Lancaster eounty, tbere is but one over 20
years of age, wbo can not read and write.
On Saturday last, Simon Aigler, in
Beaver Twp., Snyder Co., was engaged in
tbe harvest field ; be felt somewhat indis
posed, went borne and told bis wife be
would lay down and rest himself. His
wife, after some time, thinking bo layed
longer than bt had intended to, went np
stairs to waken bim, and found him a
corpse. Ha was about 70 years of age.
The Betvcr Furnace, in Snyder eounty
will be offered at Assignee's Sale on Thurs
day, 9th August. Tbe stock, and 4000
or 5000 acres of land, all are np.
XaOfrea Ml.am7, J4l a A mmm-
ty, recommends Hon. John W. Killinger
for re-nomination, and promises to roll
np the largest majority ever given in that
big township against Locofocoism.
Any person knowing the whereabout
of Wm. Grassier, a silversmith, wbo resi
ded, nntil within a month past, in Boals
burg, will eonfer a great favor upon bim
and others, by informing tbe editor of tbe
Democrat, at Bellefonte, Pa., at once.
On Monday evening, tbe train going
south on the L. & B. Railroad, ran over
and killed a eow belonging to W m. Her
rin, of Berwick.
On Thursday, about 10 o'clock, A. M.,
tbe house of Chester Cope, Briarcreek
township, Colnmbia county, caught fire
and was entirely consumed. His furni
ture, ic, were saved. The property was
Tbe Carbondale Advance says tbat
three men diseovered tbe body of an el
derly man near the Tannery Road, in 1st
ward of tbat city, on Tuesday last. His
coats were buttoned close to bis throat as
for winter, and it is surmised tbat be was
a stranger who lost bis way in tbe snow
and perisned of cold. Head bald, with
wbite hair on tbe back part, and front
teeth out
Tbere appears to be no opposition to tbe
re-nomination and probably will not be
to tbe re-election of Judge Hale to
Congress in tbe Centre, Mifflin, Clinton,
Lycoming, Sullivan and Potter district.
On the 4th of July, a tremendous show
er raised the Tunkbannock, Lackawaxen
and other creeks in the n rth eastern part
of tbe State, doing much damage to crops,
fences, bridges, lumber, 4a.
TheWilkes-Barre Record gives accounts
of four peraous bitten by worthless doga in
hat Borough one man, Solomon Ham
burger, died shortly after beiog bitten
ome think, partly from the effect of
the bite.
Hockenbnrg, who killed "Devil" John
Thompson, in Clearfield eounty, has been
eonvicted of murder in tbe etcond degree,
and sentenced to four years imprisonment
in the Penitentiary.
Shocking Death. On Tuesday, 10th
inst., Miss Anna Mary Woif, of Hamilton
township, Adams county, was returning
from the harvest field in the evening on a
load of grain, and in crossing a gutter, the
wagon received a sodden jar, throwing her
violently on the ground and dislocating
her neck, killing her instantly.
Henry Mnllin, Benjamin Adams, and
his son, Franklin Adams, have sinee died
from injuries received in the explosion of
powderat Stanton's slope on the 28th June.
Hiram Hutchison designs opening a
Male and Female academy at Mifflinville,
Colnmbia county, on Monday, the 6th of
A New Douglas organ is to be started
in Norristown. Tbe divided state of par
ties will no doubt cans papers to spring
up like mushrooms in every section of the
State within tbe next two months. Of
course, in tbe nature of things, their exis
tence wilt be ephemeral, and about De
cember next printing material "but very
little used," can be bad very cheap.
Two daily papers in Philadelphia are
for Breckenridge and Lane, vis Argut and
Pcnnryloanian ; The Press is for Douglas
and Johnson; tbe People are for Lincoln
and Hamlin.
The Bolters, at Baltimore, nominated
Breckenridge and Lane. Tbe Disunion
ists, at Richmond, ratified tbe nominations
of tbe Bolters. Old Buck, at Washing
ton, bestowed npon tbem bis blessing.
Conld three greater corses have attended
tbe advent of n ticket on tbe publie
stager Gov. Packer' organ (Douglas,)
Harrisburg Sentinel.
In Boston, on Saturday morning, a man
laboring under delirium tremens was fonnd
banging by his bands to tbe eaves of
three story bouse in Clifford Place.
Dr. The. Butts of Southampton, Vs.,
wbo died last week, has directed in bis
will tbat all hi servants, 105 in number,
shall be freed. -
John Tyler has been beard from. He
. thinks tbe election ei'her of Bell, Lincoln
I or Dooglas would be fa:al to the Union.
Oo the 8th ipt7 Cassiu M. Clay, at
the invitation of tbe Central Republican
Club, addressed torse two thousand of the
citiaensof Louistille, Kentucky, from the
Court Hints stem, delivering tbe first Re
publican speech tbat vaa ever made in the
open air in tbat rity.
Abolition journal denounce Mr. Lin
coln because be) is not an Abolitionist.
Wendell Pbilipfealls Lincoln the "Nor
thern Slave Hocnd."
At tb Fourth of July celebration at
Stratbam Hill, aear Exeter, N. U., tbe
Declaration of Independence was read by
Robert T. Lincoln, a ion of Abraham.
Lincoln and Douglas are a great pair of
splitters. Lincoln once followed tbe busi
ness of splitting rails, and Douglas basal
wars been splitting hairs, and ba now
split bis parly. i
Knox College, at Galesburg, Illinois,
has conferred the degree of L.L. D. npon
lion A tabam Lincoln.
(Coaaai-a otnta par week art card of lo linea or laaa )
Otaaljr E!aaj Saturday, Aof. t,
AVmaufcaj Cbaeeatana Lratlfburt, Monday, Aug S.
Mia. as. EniToaa. -With many thanks to
the friends who have used my name in con
nection with the office at Count Commis
sioner. I respectfully wi.lidraw my name as a
candidate for this year.
Limestone Tp. J!y 17. I860
AsaWCfAie J ,.
Seeint; no ee-asaed tat Associate Justice
ai the Oct. Eleciiot, I take tkcUbcriy of pro
oosine MARTl.t OfiEISBACH for that post
He is known to nnst of at as a gentleman of
good judmeni, ho has spent the aear sixty
years of his life ai a farmer in Union eoomy,
and it intimately arqiaintrd with all ita wanta. Ilia in
trarity ia proverbial, and be anderatanda tbe Grreaaa
language two prime quaiifteatioae. Ilia preeeat real
denee ia at tba Coune eat, where at laaat one Judge
ehould renide, to be f aereiee between Conrta (Judaw
Hioto being Bean) Hiflinbura and New Berlin.)
Tbia honor, eonferredca lr. Dntlsluca, would bo only
an art of juatloe to fee many old-Una Demorrata, liaa
bimeelf. whom a aarna oT troth and right, outraged by
the Kanaaa iniquitv.baa led into the Kepnbtieaa raaaa.
He would make a Staul aonalar aoniaea if takea op by
the People'a party. UNION as VIUTOKI.
Messrs. Editors You will please announce
the name of PHILIP KUHL as a candidate
for re-election lo Ihe Orfice of "Associate
Judge" of our county ai ihe ensuing election.
Cnl. Real, has made an excellent Judge, and
Ibe people can not do better than to re-elect
him. June 19, If60
Messrs. Editors Permit me to present to
the consideration of the voters of Union Co.
the name of JAMES SHIELDS for Associate
Judge. Mr. Shields bas long been an active
member of the Whig aad Republican party
is a hard laboring man.who has airuvgled fur
nearly sixty years to gain an honest livelihood
is a man of pure moral character, possess
ing a clear and sound judgment and a scho
lar, such as we need to fill thai position. The
voters cf Union county wonld do no more lhan
the merits of Mr.Shieldsand of staunch Kelly
towship demand in electing him the successor
of our friend Rubl.
Miasm Eniroas : The time is at hand for
the people lo select a candidate for the Gen
eral Assembly. THOMAS HAYES, Esq.. has
recently discharged the duties of lhal office
with entire satisfaction to his constituents in
general, and relying very much upon his ex
perience as a legislator, and npon hia fidelity
as well lo his immediate district as to the in
tcrwota ut the wkehi eauc bts services In the
same capacity are again ardency desired.
We hope ihe Republicans of Union county
will place him in nomination at the approach
ing County Convention.
West Buflaloe, June !3, 1600.
rxj-Please state RICHARD V.B.LINCOLN
of Hartley township as a candidate for Ihe
Assembly before the People on Ihe 4th Aug.
trial. Esq. Lincoln is known to the whole
county as a gentleman of ability and integrity,
of good education, and able to lake part in
any debate who has served the county long
in thanklesa stations, and who would honor
a higher one. It is many years since Old
Hartley had a Representative,and his location
would suit both Union and Snyder if Juniata's
claim to a Member this year is conceded
May 25, 18G0 HARMONY
Register & Recorder.
THE undersigned will be a candidate for
the office of Register and Recorder of
Union county, subject lo Ihe nomination to be
made on the 4 lb. of August next
Lewisbnrg, May 3, 18b0 840
- To the citizens of Union ennnly we submit
the name of HUGH P. SHELLER as a Re
publican candidate fur Register A Recorder
at the coming election. Mr. Sheller's entire
worthiness and ample qualifications are well
known to all, and he is presented through the
solicitations ot aiahx nucaus.
County Commtssloner.
FiLLowCiTixaiia I offer myself as a can
didate for Ihe Office of County Commissioner
at the next Election subject to the decision
of the Union county Republican Convention.
If I am nominated and elected, I will attend
lo Ihe duties of the office faithfully.
New Berlin, Juae 11, I860
THE subscriber will be a candidate for
Commissioner of Union county, subject
to the decision of the nomination of the Peo
ple's party at Ihe delegate meetings on the
4th of August next. B. W. THOMPSON.
Mifflinburg, May 3, I860 840
FELLOW CITIZENS Through the urgent
solicitation of a large number of friends,
1 offer myself as a candidate for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision oi tne tie
nublican orimarv election for Union connty.
if I am nominated and elected,! will discharge
tbe duties or tbe office laithiuiiy
Limestone Tp, May 18, 1860
Real Estate.
FiR SALE. That Urge and commodious
BRICK HOUSE (formeily A.Graham's)
north-west corner of Third and Market streets,
with a Brick Stable, and other Outhouses,
and Garden Lot on the alley adjoining. There
is connected with tbe Honse a Storeroom, and
several rooms for Offices and Shops. The
stand is an old and well known business cor
ner, in the centre of the town, and very con
venient for churches, schools, etc Terms ea
sy, and possession given at any time. Inquire
ot WM.rKiun,or
Lewisburg, July 14. H. P. SHELLER,
THE following described Real Estate
situate in Lewisburg. is entered at private
sale. By calling on the subscriber, full de
scription of the property with terms, etc, will
ce made Known to purchasers.
No. I. Is a Small Brick DvrelUait;
laOase and Lot of Ground, pleasantly loca
ted, and ia a part of tbe Iowa that is rapidly
improving. Terms easy-
No. J. A desirable Building; Lot. 68
feet front by 157 deep, sitnate on the River
road, (Brown street) in University addition.
SAM'!. H. ORWIO. R.i Eltate Agt.
Leacisburg, la'.j 50, !.
Iron Ore Lands for Sale.
BY virtue of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court
of Union county, will be sold, on the pre
mises, on SATURDAY. Ihe 11 in day of AU
GUST next, commencing at 10 o'clock A M,
a certain messuage and tract of land, situate
in East BurTaloe township. Union couoiy, con
taining Fifty-Four acres and Eighty-Six per
ches, adjoining lands of Jacob Gundy, John
Hayea and others. One other tract, situate in
Ihe same township, containing Thirty-Nine
acres and Fifty-Nine perches, adjoining lands
of Jamea Jenkins, John Aurand and others.
uneotner rraci oi lana, situate in mc same,
township, adjoining Ihe first mentioned tract
of fiftv-four acres and eighty-six perches, eon-
taioing Twelve acres, more or less, with the
The tracts will be sold separately, or to-
gether, lo suit purchasers. Iron Ore has been
diseovered in various places on tbe properly.
Terms made known at sale.
Adm'r of Michael (juiun, dee'd.
July 10, 1860
Administrator' Sale or
IN pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans'
Court of Union county, will be exposed
to public sale at ihe public bouse of Wm. L.
Ritter, in New Columbia in said county, on
Saturday, 1Mb August
next, the following described Real Estate, lo
All that certain lot of ground, situated in
the town of New Colnmbia. in Union county,
bounded on Ihe north by lands of Elizabeth
Goodlander, west by same, south by a public
road, aad east by lands of George Ranck
whertoa are erected a two-storey frame
Dwelling House, a Frame Stable, andishL
other Outbuildings. Tbere is a good and never
failing Well of Water on tbe premises. Tbe
said piece of ground contains one hundred
and iwenty-eigut perches of land.
Also all lhat certain piece or parcel of
ILTTI.MBER LAND, situated in Wbite Deer
township in said county, bounded on the north,
east and west by lands lately belonging to
Kaulfman & Reber.and south by lands lately
belonging lo James Moore, dee'd, containing
Twenty Acres more or less. The quality of
tbe Timber is good.
Sale to commence at one o'clock in the
afternoon nf said day, when terms of sale will
be made known by JOEL KLINE,
Adsalaiatrator of Relate of Caaaus Kuvs, dee'd
White Deer Tp, July 7. I860
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Union county, I will sell on the prem
ises on Saturday, Aug. IS, I860, at
o'clock. P M, ihe following iract of land, situ
ate in Hartley Twp, Union Co, Pa, adjoining
tauas or iaui wuitc, junn vnurco aua uco.
Kleckner, comprising
Six Acres
more or less, all improved, and on which are
erected a good two-storey weather boarded
Dwelling-House, and a good STABLE also.
some Fruit Trees with the appurtenances
late the estate ot Willi .itil, dec d.
Terms made known at sale by
Hartley, June 23, 1860. Administrator
Sheriff's Sales.
BY vilrue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., end.
Ex. and Lev. Fa. issued ont of the Court
ol Common Pleas of Union county and to me
directed, I will expose lo Publie Sale or Out
cry, at the Public vtouse of u U Brewer, in
Lewisburg, on Saturday, August II, 1860, at.
1 0 o clock, A. M., to wit :
One certain Tract of Land, situate
in Buffaloe township, and county of Union,
bounded north by land of George Heimbach,
aasaa my lawei a eaowawwa aayiar. aowta ey aaaNa
of Henry Sower and Samuel Heimbach, and
west by publie road, containing Sixty-Five
Acres, more or less, whereon are erected a
log Dwelling Honse, log Barn, Ore Drifts, 4c,
with the appurtenances, as tbe property of
JoArl Heimbach.
Also, at the same time and place,
two other certain Tracts of Land, situate in
the aforesaid township and county, bounded
as follows, lo wit t
No. 1, bounded north by other lands or the
Walkers, on the east by lands of Samuel
Heimbach, on the south by lands of Jonathan
Collar and Martin Dreisbach, and on the west
by lands of Weidler Roland and Edward Wil
son, containing Sixty-Five Acres, more or less.
whereon are erected three log Dwelling Hou
ses, two frame Barns, otherout-huildings, Ore
Drifts, dec, with the appurtenances.
No. 3, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a post, thence by land (for
merly) of John Royer, 88 degrees west, 80
cerches to a post, sou;h 4 degrees, west 48
and 4-10 perches to a black-oak, thence north
88 degrees east 64 perches to a stone, thence
by land (formerly) oi nr. snena ana poouc
road north 4 degrees east 40 perches to ihe
place of beginning, containing Twenty Acres
ana Twenty rercnes, neat measure, internet
with the hereditaments and appurtenances, as
Ihe property of Thomas Walker, William Wal
ker nai Hairy Walker.
Also, at the same time and place,
another certain Lot of Ground situate in the
aforesaid township and county .containingTwo
Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Ed
ward Miller, Daniel Wertz, Isaac Walker and
others, whereon is erected a two-storey plank
frame Dwelling House, with the appurtenan
ces, as the property of Rantlar Barkluw. with
notice lo George Slear and Emanuel Reedy,
terre tenants.
Also, at tho same ti.ne and place,
a certain Half Lot of Ground, more or less,
situate in the Borough of Lewisburg, and
county aforesaid, being the sonth half of Lot
marked on the general p'an of said town No.
2.13, bounded on the north by the north half
of said lot, on the east by Second street, on
the south by Lot No. 232, and west by Hazle
tree alley, whereon is erected a two-storey
brick Dwelling House, with a frame Kitchen
thereto attached, acd other oat-buildings 4c,
with the appurtenances, as the property of
James W. Hutchison.
Also, at the same timo and place,
the Defendants interest (being the undivided
one-third) of a certain Lot of Ground situate
in said borough and county, bounded north by
part of same lot occupied by Hannah Nicely,
east by Pear Alley, south by St. Louis street,
and on the west by Second -street, marked in
the general town plan No. 205, containing 57
feet in front, and 1S7 feet deep, whereon are
erected a three storey Brick House, known as
Ihe BurTaloe Honse. a frame Stable and Car
riage House, a Well and Cistern with pumps,
and other oat-buildings, etc, with the appurte
nances as the property of Levi H. Lawike.
Also, a Certain Lot of Ground, more
or less, situate in the Borough of Lewisburg,
and county of Union, bounded north by lot of
Washington Bell, east by Third street, sooth
by lot of John Locke, and west by an alley,
whereon is erected a two-storey frame Dwell
ing Honse, and other out-buildings. Ate, with
ihe appurtenances, as the property of Wil
liam Davis and Mary B. Koimtrm.
Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, July 11, 1860
Western Lots, for sale cheap.
LOT 6, bile 142. $80 lot 12, bl'Jr 24,40
lot t, blTr 40, J30i lot 16. bl'k 91. $30
ia DAKOTA CITY, (a Connty seat and Land
Office site) Nebraska Territory.
Also 3 Lots) in the town or SPENCER.the
seat of justice for Clay coonty, on the tine of
the Dubuque Railroad, at $30 each.
JOHN B. LINN. Lewisburg.
July S. ISSO. Areat far faAca at Zitaaca
A. H. DILL -Attorneyat Law.
! rvFFICE on Sonth Second street, formerly
I V occupied by .1. B. Hamlin, dee'd.
i Le.w.sLiirg, June I, !fO
Estat-of John Rlshel, dee'd.
Admi-i-irVio. on lh. Mat. of JOHN
K16KEL. deee.-jed, Ute of Buffalo Tp. hav -
ing oern F'aB lu -j
....... r liaiiin coaniv i due form of law
all persons indebted lo said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and all ,
having any just claims against the aaroe may :
oresent inem dul auiheniicaied f..r settlement
jkdwilaietrator pi an " wiib the V. ill annexed
Lewisburg. June 28, Ip
crT17T!Tri? t
Hod era Improrrmcat In DrnlMrj.
; niETH inserted on AMBER BASE,(which
I s now taking the enure preference in
j Eastern, Southern and moat of the Western
I .:.... d in many respects is considered pre-
, frrable to gold or any metallic base) at reduced
thus enabling all who need ihrm lo
aeail themeeleea of Deatal Sutwtitatra fT ma.tti-atwn.
Aleo, Teeth mounted npt.a Uvld.andall theearieuaMe.
r nia.tieation.
leeariouaMe -
tJ'th, wkicb
tallia Flatea ia nae, la tbe lateet a pmiel
Suaeial atteatioa will be paid lo tilling
la. decidedly, the moat important opernlu-n pertainm
to the profeaeion ; but eery frequent!? abu.id by un.kttt
fill and ineapvrienced operator.; but aaD plop rlv I- r
formed, vm. preaetee tba natural organ, eoiauchde.irrd
by all.
Irritable Teeth and Exposed Nerves treated
Being In poaaefiHoB of a ebolra aetof Tntrnmnt. and
having bad near twenty yeara oonelant and eat'o.i.a
practice, and at preaeot in poaae.eM n of all the laie.t im
proveeaeata pertaintne to tbe pr.if.wioo. the aulerilr
wonld aay, with confluence, that entire aatiatacUn will
ba given ia all caeca.
" Rooms in Mrs. Metzger's Dwelling,
Front street, south of Market.
Lewlaburg. Juae 22, 1"60.
ki:m ist.
OFFICE in Krber s Block, four doors aoore
tbe Bank (np stairs )
Lewisburg, April 3D, 160
has removed to Sooth 3d street, four
doors from the Town Clock, LEW
Attorney at I-avr.
OFFICE on South Second near Market St.
rir"All Professional Business entrusted to
hip are will be faithfully and promptly atten
i Sept. 14, 1 857
itfPIC'N IC.-si
" Well janp Into tba Wagon, and all take a ride."
V LARGE, handsome
and verv comforta
ble TrV.44.U5i hasbeeu.
fitted up lor Ihe especial accommodation of,
Pic-Nicandothersimilarexcurons. Terms
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'SLL. 1
Lewisburg, Junes, 1859.
A LARGE snppl) of Bnks,Statinncry, j
XI. Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection- j
eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nuts, B.iskies, ;
Pictures, and a variety of RICK NACKS tor ;
sale cheap at the
1MNE Gold PENS .Vr Ladies and Gents can j
. be had at the TOST OFFICE I
v EVEKAL setts of CAM Eos and other!
a Breast Pins and Ear ilinzs can be had
J Breast Pins
very cheap at the
ORDERS for Books or Goods of any kind
promptly attended to at the
LADIES can find the largest and btsl assort
ment of Letter and Note PAPEK.Eiivel
opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE
IF you want a beautiful GILT FRAME, go
go lo Ihe POST OFFICE.
IF von want a snpply of fine STATIONE
TN THE old SHOP! The subscribers
M respecuuny announce lo the citizens ot
Lewisburg and viciuitr lhat they have formed
a Partnership in the
Tailoring Business,
at the well-known stand of James Criswellon
Market street, where they are prepared to
CUT AND MAKE I f lo order in the very
best style. Men's and Boys' Clothing ot
every description on short notice. VVe ask
a share of the public patrrnape
Lewisburg, April 4, 1850
TAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are
annoinled Apenls for the SAle i.f
Door, Blinds V Wintioiv Sah
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. CiMade byl..B.Sl"KOLT.
Uughesville, Pa. and for sale by
67t F S CALDWELL, l.ewisbnrg
TIIOS. C. ( It I Lit
HAS jus
of ihe
st received a splendid assnrtiLent
very best, cheapest and most
lashionable Jewelry in ibe market His
Stock comprises j
Breast Pins,
. Ear Ring;,
Finger Rings,
Meeie Buttons,
which will be sold extremely low for t'n.
He respectfully asks the patronage of all
his old customers; and also invites new ones
lo give him a call before making their pur
chases. Call at the sign of the Big Watch,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. S t,'5d
mHE Firm of Waltir. Lrnhart 4 Rihrahaek
ai ready
in their line, and are well satisfied it would
be to the interest of such as purpose erecting
good buildings to give us a call before con -
trading with others. We have pot op some
of the best houses and stores in Lewisburg,
and are assured their owners will testify that
their buildings were put up by good and ener-
getie workmen, and iu quick lime, (which is
a very important matter to buililers.) i
References Chamberlin Bro's; L. Palmer. '
architect; Dr. I. Brugger; Bvers Animons;;
Lewis Ashenfelter. ISAAC WALTER. i
Lewisburg, Dee. 27, 1 859
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand I
a large assortment of the very best Sha-1
mokia and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and I
stove purposes, which be will sell at ihe very ,
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce. J
Also, Blacksmiths' Coal, Flatter and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I w ill not '
be undersold by any man. Having good
wetgh-scales, full weight will be given. j
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisbnrg, May 27,'5. '
OFFICE in his new Brick Block, Market
street, south side, between 4'h and 5 h
I (up stairs.) iwhts.-t;. ty, I" ,?."
:tW OlOrC iNeW COOlIS'
- . -. "v .
; q,Q fa
a. IfcUIknraii a.
Tll, .-h,eir,,r kiiine a
The sabscriber.having a permm ia ibVe-.!:
buying conMamly at Aucm u, ia prepare, ii
sell all his triods at City PricesH..,,,,
(jloyea. Crochet CoHon. 'I eilibg Needle,
lars. Buttons, Taj'e, and all g,da aeoj b
AIo Books and Stationery, School --
and Collej.e JJi.k-, dtc. Paper ffl
Window Curtains at 8 cla French if
Fire Una pi Screens. Stencil WoflaniV
ne to order C untry Pruiiuce lake a u
chanje. Cab paid f't Rags.
April 18,
IK60. H. L. M MAHON.
Next Session of Union Seminary,
A ' e uerlin, will commence on Thar.
uay, .m i,anu couiioae XV weeav 1'K.
: 'j uition fur the. session will be as
contingent Ice $1 for a half e.n,a'Ja.,
una awuuui. uiiaiaiar,9i.i.ipr, Lad1f.
from abroad are rrriuire'l to board in the Lv
dies' Boaiding House of ibe Insiiiouoa. aow
1 umler the Mipenntendencr til Ke b Wolf, j,
student will be received for less iban a'raj
' session. All stuiirnt wishing to attend tie
requeued lo be present at the ripening of toe
session, pariicol.rly iho-e who wi.sh i talft
' the Teachers lit partment.
1 By or.lrr l ihe Kxrrntire Commiitte
' New Berlin, June lt)
"Industry must ThriTe."'
- riXandSIIEETim&faUb.af.f.
' A Removed to llnush; ,!)-, hmtrSh opn
Market sireet near Fourth, where I ,n ifl
at all times a full assoriment of
Tin Hare, Mote IMpe,
COAL blCKETS.lntt Zme.4t.4t. ! wHi
a.'so make to enter, on short notice. Tin Uoj.
ters. Spouting or any kind of work in s.ylin
of birsioese.
Hf Vending and Jobbinrgeneraltyprrmp-j,
aurnded to. JO.S. A. KKEAMta
l.ewisbnig, Oct SO. IN, a
VKKUU Il.,-V..tI.E-ar.n.ae..rtB.rntoJibiaoperl.,
- Ware tuibriioic t'r.arr.iijg Kettle, eaaee Papa
Warhboale.' up. f. r . l.iJr-n. La.ne. pan.brd traolaa '
a;ao Irencb lUaing 1'aua, ex. CALL J.Vi
Administrator's Notice.
I "ITT Ii Eli HAS, Letters of Administrsiioa
j If to ihe estate of LEW Is PALMES,
f deceased, la'e of Lewisburg borough, L'nioa
I county, have been granted to the subscriber,
, ! by the Register of said county, in tine furm;
j all persons indebted to said estate are rennet-
ed to make payment, and those havingclams
: a?ain.t Ihe same will present them 4a!y
1 authenticated for setilement, to
, June 2, I860
John B. Linn,
TTOn.ET AT LAW-Office at
his bouse ou N. Market St. bet. 1st dt 2d
i - - s-ewisourar. fat.
The EGWARD and HOPE Express
; n YWriClv li.:l.i. ...1 f
: I s a.c j mii to auu iiuui aur
. puiuuu vi lii- imun r.ita iim laoaaae. oiace
at A l.b KLL s Drue l-tore. Leai.bara,
Family Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS &Co.,
Eiubrariog ever? article ecnamoi to the t ratio, ran
Wlr l. f'UL'PJli T.-
FKL IT, Ac. dec. fcc, '
Market street, vppnsite the Post Office,
LciAiftburg, Pa.
rP O. V.. k Co. have just received
1 a fre-b from Philadelphia a trvaaendoaa at ark a
weUeeli-rt.il tjroerriea ol every load, among wakaara
Peat-he, and Tomatoes,
pat op in Cane, aud warranted pure and freaa.
j Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes. Cor
rants, Prc?crinj Citrons, Figs,
Dates, Kuii-ins Iroiiabt to l!J
cl.. jitr lb., Pickles of
all descriptions,
Pure Java C OFFEE, itroontt,
and put up in air-tight Cana,expres)y fer faauly am.
A large lut if ..tiperifr MA C A EKLL. thAO
vvu nan, ULhhiya, ham, baco.4c
X General aerort wient oV
Willow anil t edar Ware, Glass
narr,ti:irnnate, Earl bea
st air, ltojic, I vtlne, Ac.
FiA Oil, iluid. Pine Oil, Candles, CanJi
and Lamp Wit k, Tallvic, Lard, dr.
i Fonps of all kinds, Wheel Grease, ett.
Cobatco ana Srcnus, a rljoitr rarirtr.
Flour, Corn Meal, Potatoes, Corn,
Eve, Oatd, Ac., always on band.
Unrds delivered fret o charge ta cmomen
residing u-ilun the Buruugh.
T attempt to enumerate all the articles which wa
have for aale weald be HBpoiMe. We would reepeet
tuii. iitv:telhe i ublic toi all and examine our arlnee:
.1 liiot-i-rl-a. We are ei-nn,lent ! being at'le to aril a
cheap ae tht y ran be taught tbie aide of I'htiedclplnv
We wuuld pitrtimlerl aoucitcur country fik-ode Ua"
aa a call ; lcr
lit purchase all manner of Product,
anifrar a high a ibr hcrly etae.
Leaieburg, April ui, T. G. EVANS A CW.
Ezecntor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, lhal Letters-
I X I i ..an 1 1 r- a. a. ti.a. U. ....II . rwi lactin(ll
! ii( J0N eCiiii.CK, Esq. deed, laie t.f East
Buflaloe lown'hip, I'mon county, hare ben
granted to the undersigned, by the Registers!
I nion county, in due form of law ; ail persoas
having claims against said estate wil'.pi""1
them, and those owing said estate are reqa""
led to make immediate payment, to
ROBERT 11. LAIRD, Executor
Lewisburg, June 23, I860
! T iaM
Hllish & Goodman,.Vfri.aiwXfa:''')"r
' "STAVE received and opened a CH0ICI
' assoriment of all the laiesl styles
Spring and Suminrr Goods. The parties
attention of the Ladies is called to their st"
I of Brilliants
Dress Silks Prints
Delaines Shawls
Fig.Fr.Merinos Collars
DuraW Sleeves
Ulnshams frrsertinrs
Fotilarria Edgtap
Chintzes Gi0",Z:
ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Casiweji
Jean., Tweeds. Vestings. M.ilms. I'n
ings, Tickings. Flannels, Boots and
t3"Shoes, Hats and Caps.jJJ
together with a complete essiTiment of
Groceries, Hardware,
Cedarware, Quccnsvrarc,
all of which will be disposed of on as
hie teims as ihe same articles can be ps"
ased any w here. 6"tt tw a tail
Da. W.H. Batannraa. Da.N.C.Pva-
PI KU1 Si. MAlfcllOI SEe
1) ESPECTFI LI.Y offer iht ir '"'""
i the cni2ens of Lewisburg and u
ruuiiiling country. at-prEEr-1-eT
Particular attention paid to M "" w
Enquire in West Maik't 'eei or at
rest st o- V.-s. BaikHest - r