Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 13, 1860, Image 2

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1 '
Tm ffrfM-.s .fes.TIe Lwsstns CmtoincLS,
paUishail on Ibe Cash S,.tn. hu tit largest and best
Freedom, national; Slavery, Sectional
ABtqt iTE rcOTErTinx TO AllrXliAN IXDIMliv,
anther 'J'S,'1 1,l,"lt
Ttnabom are, ud win he tiw two Prinriptf
before the country, until they sre victorious: nn.l s-e
Bail tm u our ma head, there to float nntn they
wv in triumph alve the National Capitol at ash-
sngu. iVfsesMe .Tonnwtf.
Fr PrrsUrnl,
For Tire Prral.rat,
jKsIJaiViiiil fclfekrj.
Jsme V-ollork iThomas M. Iloao MtH C. Kniztit
Kobert P- King !llt-ury lluRini llobrrt M Fou-t
Kathao Ililla joka M. Hroomall Jbdks W. Fuller
Levi B. Haiith Pranri W. Otirivt I'aTld Mumma.Jr
Iald Tavcart (TliBia K. Hull F. U. IVnnimaa
lljm Umlt lUanrgv Brnalar A B. Sharpe
)anil O. iivhr Isautufl Calviu Kdirar f-watt
-Vt'aa M'Keaoaa Un M. Kirkpatrick Jaoiva Krrr
ILF. EoberU UarjitvmUir iJoualiriar
rnl wUVEOOR,
of Officers for Union County, Fa.
The qualified voters of Union county who
snppori ihe election of Lincoln, Hatnliu, and
Curun. are inviied 10 meet at their usual pla- j
ces of holding lieneral Eleciions, in iheir re
spective Townships and u.irousns. on rai
Hrdajr, ill;. 4, 160 in the Townships
trom I'm to Jire o'clock, and in the Uoroughs
from to trrrn o'clock, afternoon and
after choosin? a Judge, Inspectors and Clerk
or Clks if deiired, proceed to vote, ar aai.
iot, for
One candidate for Congress,
One candidate for .Assembly,
One candidate for Register 4 Recorder,
One candidate for Associate Jude,
One candidate for County Commissioner,
One candidate lor County Auditor,
One person lor Keiurn Judge of the district
in which the voter reMdes,
And also to vote for or against this system
of balloiing directly for candidaies.
The ballots to be opened as soon as tne
hour for closing has arrived, read aloud, and
the true return.", cernfied by the Judge ad
Clerks.to be eiven lo the Keiurn Judze so
chosen. The Keiurn Judges to meet in the
Court House at I.ewisDur, at irn o'clock in
the forenoon of Monday, Aug. (i, I860, then
and there to correctly return, add up and pub
lish the number of voles cast for each candi
date fur each office, and those having the
hi'hest nnmber of votes for each office re
spectively to be dectarfd the nominees of the
party. The Judaes also lo provide for the
choice of Conferees, appoint a landing Com
mittee, and determine, by the vote cat, wheth
er the present or the former mode of designa
ting candidaies shall be continued.
The Committee are induced to propose this
mode of eftecting nomina'ions, at the request
of many, believing it to be more truly repub
lican, as it gives every one an equal voice in
selecting candidates, wiihoul the intervention
of Delegates. It should obviate the objection,
often made by defeated candidates or Iriends,
that they have been betrayed or wronged a
charge which, trom the round-about way ol
nominating, and the secret acts of delegates,
lias often created dissatisfaction resulting in
defeat. This mode of voting directly called
Ihe "Crawford County System" has been
tried with increasing approbation in many
counties. We recommend our fellow-citizens
to give it a fair test, and judge whether it is
not more just and salt-factory to all reasona
ble men than the conventional caucus mode.
We also nrge a prompt attention to the hours
named a strict scrutiny of the right to vote
of every person offering and an honest and
prompt return, so that no one can have any
occasion lo complain of an irregularity.
K. M. Ml'SSER, Ch'n,
TH(8. (U TEI.IfS.
June 56, I860. W M. JONES, Sec'y,
Standing County CommiiUe.
The Only Danger !
That the radical Democratic disruption
will probably continue, ensuring tbe elec
tion of Lincoln and Hamlin, is a fact
which is perhaps our only danger this year.
But, at the last moment, one or more of
the branches of the opposition may unite.
Our fiiicicarmncss our nndue reliance on
the justice of our cause, and tbe strength
of our numbers may lose us two or three
States, and throw the' election into tbe
House or Senate, where only the Demo
crats can be sure of a triumph. An active
and vigilant minority as military and
political annals show abundantly have
often defeated and destroyed an over covfi
dent and careltu MAJORITY. "Unceasing
vfigilance is the price of Liberty." A glo
rious and beneficent victory is within our
grasp : we mwf ol lose it by sloth or
crimioal neglect.
To enable a Republican Administration
to be successful, it must be remembered,
we need to have loth branchf of CoHjrcu
to co-operate Kith lite President. Either
tbe Senate or House against him, would
block all hopes of reform. We may in
crease our hold in the House, and gain the
Senate, this year. We need strong back
ing AT HOME, in every department of
power, to have a fair chance.
Local candidates should be selected
with a view to their iLfiucnce on the State
and Presidential contests. Divided as onr
..j,paents are, if tee are harmoniout, and
have utxcrptionabte candiilatet, in many
counties, there will hardly be one, much
less two, Democratic tickets sgaiost as.
With a full poll of the Republicans and
their allies, joined by the wavering and
those who espouse tbe stronger tide, the
je. the
ill be signally successful-.
umplete, bloodless revolution wul be j
wrought and all without undue excite-.
ment, without waste of time or 01 money, :
itbont bad blood, abase, or scenes of riot
t I onwoLUd revelry and Ibe South, j
I as we II as tiaiii souls at tbe Norlb, will
be agreeably disappointed in seeing tbat
tbe truly national and conservative
tbe General
publican party will conduct
Government (as they do States) hostile to
no good interests, aud without detriment
I to any true citixuos.
! . Oar only danger is over-conftdence, and
, ' .
efforts must be made. Let every friend ot
hincolo, then, be vigilant, and active.
Let him not be overbearing, or boasting
I r .
j allow do betting, or calculations of major-
ities enter iuto no plans for petty offices,
after election. First, let vs see Lincoln
t..:..u Tr. dr. this, let
every man so arraDge bis business as to be
at home, to work and vote, in Oct andAov.
By writing, talking, and circulating docu
ments, induce all we can to go with us,
and try a chauge. Indulge in do loud
talk, empty swagger, or wild or silly
threats, or bets, but work not neglect
ing our ordinary business quietly, syste
matically, patiently, and perscvcriogly.
We want not only a numerical but mor
al triumph. Tbe election of Lincoln
should be a permanent success a crushing
out of tbe heresy of Slavery Extension,
and an unmistakable decree of the People
in favor of Free Soil and Free Labor.
Let bis majority be swelled to the utmost
limit under the law.
WBoo-uooey ! One of our Buchan
aoite cotemporaries gives a consumptive
groan over an alleged fear that "the divi
sion, of the Democracy it equivalent to the
dissolution of the Union!" Fudge! man,
cheer up. It was "JWe the People" who
formed the Union, and not you the Lokey-
fokcys. The Union existed before bastard
Democracy was born in fact, leading
men, who afterwards became Democrats,
were the leading foes of the Union at first.
While he still lived, "Democrats" abused
and belied the great and good Washing
ton, as they since have Adams, Harrison, '
Webster, ty, Tayhr, Scott, Fremont, ;
aud Liucvln. The Whiskey Iusurrection-;
, , j- i r I
ists and Aaron Burr were radical Demo- j
crats ; tbe Nullifiers of 1832, the Georgia
violators of the decree of the Supreme
; Uourt in trie case ot tnaiao lanas, uxe tue
j Disutiiooists of this dav. in and out of
Congress, were of the Democratic persua
sion, ibe dangers that may now menace
tbe Union have all come from Democratic
Slavocratic misrule, and will be best cured
by putting down, at once and for ever, tbat
most monstrous, wicked acd corrupt fac
tion. Tbe Union will exist iu pristine
strength long after the Buchanan Democ
racy Las rotted in its unbonored grave.
There's a mighty difference between sun
dering a par'y, of any kind or name, and
sundering a nation. Tbe latter is a com-
munity of feeling and interest, above all
,. . , ,. . . .
poillicai or religious oona. l erisn ue-
morracy : pcrieh hijigery ! perish Slave
ry Extension and Fanaticism ! but the
Hi-publican element, united for Liberty,
will survive. The Union, Messrs. Dough
faces ! can't be undid. It is a "filed
fact," we trust, under the kind care of
Divine Providence.
tTle Democracy have ai least fuur
candidates for Vice President. Some arc
gloriously enthusiastic for Doug, and Fitz
pitrick "the j'-wil of Alabama" hut more
for Duug. and Johnson. Breckinridge
and Lane generally go togetby "down ;
Souf," but our last Bloomsburg Democrat
(Col. Tate) was for Hreck. and Duckalew.
But Hamlin can defeat a dozen as easy as !
, i, i i i '
four !...Ujuginndge tod brecklas also are
getting "mixed up" among some of the
Comfort for Douglas and Bheckin-
RIDGE. So candidate nominated Irom the
Senate Chamber bas ever been elected '
President of tbe United States, although a
number have heretofore been nominated.
But Hamlin must remember tbat Sena
tors have been elected to preside over tbat
bod) as Vice President !
Wont oo. Tbe attempt to unite Ihe
divided Democracy on one Electoral Tick
et, does not succeed. It is denounced by
tbe leaders of both factions. Richard
Vaux, wbo beads tbe ticket, says if elec
ted he shall vote for Douglas and nobody
The Democratie papers, as far as count
ed by some one, take sides as follows :
Ureck North 31, South 145176
Doug North 111, South 21162
Breck ahead
We regret to hear that Mr. Lincoln's
youngest child, remarkable bright boy
of six years of age, is lying ill at tbe point
of death, with scarlet fever. The parent
is superior to tbe politician; Mr. Lincoln
has not been seen outside of bis house,
nor in it except at the bedside of his child
siuce Friday last. Chicago paper.
New Orleans, July 10. The schoon
er Clotilde, with 124 Africans on board,
I arrived in Mobile Bay to-day. A steam
boat immediately took the negroes up the
river. And thus prospers the African
Slave trade ')
Nine persons died from sunstroke, on
the 3d and 4tb of this montb, at Charles
ton, S. C On each of these days the
thermometer reached the height of 981
degrees, Fahrenheit, in the sbad.e InSa
vauab, Geo., several deaths occurred from
the same cause.
Chicago, July 10. Tbe wife and child
of Rev. Mr. Nichols, of Minneapolis, bis
brother-in-law, named Cleveland, and two
diiiohters. were drowned on the 5th inst.,
. c . . v i. at
i ki.;l. k.thinsm ma i.aiuouu iahb.
!.... , , iuUot ot Mrg. Cle
wtg gj.ed.
yice pfeg Breckinridge is to spend Ihe
remainder of tbe summer in Caliiurnia
It is boped that bis presence there will
prevent tbe State fnm going Ut Dungus.
Okeqon Election. Iteturns from
twenty counties iu Oregon give the Dent-
! ocratic candidate for Congress 1032. and
j tbe Republican candidate 1033. Tbe
.? ... . .... - ... .. .
152 Democratic majority. Material changes
botb ways have taken place in the counties
heard from, and both parties were hope-
ful. All accounts agree that a sufficient
number of Auti-Lecoinpton Democrats and
I Republicans have been chosen to tbe Leg-
, isIature ls , th.ftat ,no election of Messrs.
Llne lud Smltn (Deni ,) to tbe U. S.
. Senate.
XT T . . - it i
uelvidere, N. J., July o Harden
was executed at 1.30. After making a
PJ Ji.e 10 on the scaf-
"" "i" ' " , UP w
He hung twelve minutes during which his
struggles wero horrifying. During the
moroiog, he visited the scaffold, and ex
amined every part with tbe utmost com
posure. He made confession to his bro
thers. Ellis B. Schnable recently made a vio
lent personal assault upon Geo. W. Bow
man, editor of Buchanan's Constitution,
at Washington, In revenge for a political
paper attack upon Schnable. It won't do,
Ellis you lay yourself open to criti
cisms, and should not get mad about it.
Naples is in a state of siege. Tbe King
offers many concessions, but Dot enough
to satisfy Garibaldi.
Jerome oonaparte, bx-Kmg of West
phalia, uncle of the Emperor of the French,
and the last and youngest brother of the
Great Napoleon, is dead.
Of the two Democratic papers in Wash
ington City, the Constitution is for Breck
enridgeand the States for DougUs. Pres
ident Buchanan aud Secretary Cobb made
speeches in fuvor of Breckeoridge at an
evening meeting.
Boston, July 8. Dr. Hayes' Arcrie
Expedition sailed on Saturday afternoon.
She fire J a salute previous to tukiug her
departure. Tbe name of the vessel has
been changed to tbat of the "United
Sensible. Some of the Democratic
papers wont support any candidate. No
use iu wasting room with their names.
Grand Jurors, September Term, 18C0.
Xew ""tin Jos Kleckner.Saml Boop, Josiah
LeWMur?-S,. Rilter, Saml Detrick, Martin
Dreisbach, Oliver Chalfant, S W M'Daniel,
.A'T, Br.Tn ., .
L'niun John Kunkle, Jesse Beaver
Limntone Samuel 8 Barber
Hartley Haul Hunsii-ker. Mark Halfpenny
llarlUtun Elias Orwig, Win Wi'son,
K'tly John Noil
lwis Isaac Keish. John Fillman, Jr
White Veer Saiul Ouodlander, Andw M'Clen-
achati, Ambrose Henderson
MiJImliurgs W Snodgrass
Traverse Jurors, September Term.
Limestone Valentine Waller, Frederick Bol-
ender, Danl Reber
Acio Herin John D Bogar, Charles Kleck-
ner, Lewis E Kessler j
Etut Hitffatix Samuel S Baker, John Ktro- !
hecker, Benj Winegardner, Saml Dunkle
Lewisburt; Win T Reiunver, Joseph (ireen,
Thomas Howard, John C Smiih, David Sli-
l"; 1'e's, Jones Lewis Ashenfelter
Hartley hoi .Motz, Win Fisher, Lou M Mi-
chael. Christian Schnure
liuffalot-Hmes Irwin, Peter Slear. m
Lindeninuih, V. m Beuner, Juhu Clemmens,
.. .'iryJ . " . .
icsi uuj.uoe iacnarian oreyman, nm u
nhnner I
Mijjttnlmrg Saml Getgen, Jacob Fox, George
Verger, John V Barber
IVAire Deer Jacob M'Curley, Joel Ranek,
Stephen Flick, ChasA DiefTenderler, Aaron
Smith, James Marshal, John Orr, Joseph
Hartkton John Yerger, Henry Wjtmer
f iiiuti Charles Cawley, Aaron Vaiiltuskirk
Kelly Emanuel Reedy, 1'homas Comly
Lewis Joseph Charles
Issue Lists for Sent. 1SC0.
Elizabeth Mensch el al vs Mary H itisbel
.us rW la" Ts J1o1'" 'or
George Meixel vs Leib &. Leib
Juhn Mover & wife vs same
Sa3)1 L Be vs Charles Siees
J,,hn Marty vs Doiman (and 2 others)
M'Car!y rate vs R S Brobst
ilyrus Eaton vs S F & W S Bogenreif
David Click vs Saml S Barber
Philip Rulil vs Francis Wilson
Middleswarth Kerns & Co vs Chs H Shriner
John Weriz vs Peter Nevius et al
stamuel W Snodurass vs Wm Yminw Jr
'"h for Gmelius' Adnirs vs Geo Dreisbach
Abraham Black vs Andrew Snitler
George Barkdoll vs H W Crotzer
T Church & Co vs Wm II Kleckuer
Robt D Cuinmings vs Saml Henderson etal,
J & J Young vs ThosG Orwig
Charles Stees vs Saml L Beck
Wm Price Jr vs Robt M Musser
North, Chase & North vs Joel Hursh
Joseph Christine vs Beaver, Ueddes M & Co
Dr Wm F Seebold vs Saml C Wilt
Lanson Burrows vs ('has D Mowrer
High for Denller vs A Messinger with notice
Stentnger & Rauch vs Black &. Fisher
Youngm. &. Walter vs Noah Walter with no.
Mathias Singler vs A Nickel with no.
K V Bowes for Steel vs John Locke
Levi Crnmley vs Wm Brown Jr el al
Ralph Ditty vs Henry Mason
Hart Cummings Ac vs H W Crotzer
Matilda Krick'vs Martin D Reed
S R Bauin for Peacock et al vs Jno M Baum
Peacock et al ind. of S K B vs do
same vs do
Joseph I.Tna ts John Paul
Ueorire b A Naarj Jodow vs John Miller A Qeolloover
band Nefbit vs John Taut
John bower vs Robert Candor Esq
H liast lor Jacob Kline's Admrs vs Andrew GuUtins
William f rick vs Billmver n Frlrk
Sarah Kandolh vs Jouathan Nesbit's Admra
Harah Bliler vs Dr. Cnas ilrandace k Wile
Samuel L Berk vs Martin breit.ha.-h et al
11 High fur Wm C Vernier vs Albnwht a Messinger
Charles slensch vs berkinbina t Mesrs
Henry Milehell vs bnl I rj and Ml.-hl Klcckner
Michael J Urove vs Thomaa VYM!kr etal
Amos Herder vs John Itiehel's Kxrs
Jonathan Wolfe (iVntre Co.) vs Henry Charles
S WeiJentaui,1n l K C Uuora, TS X Church 4 CoJ
Cll Shriner vs Win Uul
banj fetter vs C Wilt
do and wife vs same et al
John Winters vs l)r A J Trotter
Margaret livers vs Benj M Knmlen
Amur Clark's A-n'r vs Churrh k M'Mfehsel
Nich's Mensrb's Adm'r vs Younanian k W alter
S Clarke for A It Cumminc.s vs John M'Alarney
I lister for K G II lisve.' Adm'r vsWm Johnson with no
J II Ilurkett, ind. J M Thomas vs J a J Voutnr
Wm VanOczer vs John M Ckanck
Estate of George Smitii, dee'd.
as. Letters of Administration on the
estate of George Smith, late of Limestone Tp,
in Union county, deceased, have been gran
ted to Ihe undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment; and those
having claims agatuM it will present them
properly authenticated for settlement lo
Limestone, July 9, I8S0 Admi'r
ovtura. MASON & CO. .K.mro
'i SOT Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
ajat Weddioff Cards of the newest styles. Visitioc aad
Business Cards, ar.graved and printed at th- sliortest
Boliee. A very full assortaisnt of SINK Mationery
Mnii.vu1 .i..,.
(Culiaii-a cents per rek t" card or 10 linea or less )
County DtkgaU E'.tetiont Saturday, Anj. 4.
AeMuultay CbreMm Lewiahunt, Uondsv, Aug. .
Lkwi.ti.wii, Pa., Joly 4, I860
Sim You will please announce my with-
i drawal as a candidate fur nomination lor tne
j office of Relte & t(.corder.
Yours verv resDectlully,
Lnwisaoao, July 10, 1860
GasTitwrs I notice myself advertised in
your columns as a candidate for Representa
tive this fait, by Bud'aloe" and -Kelly" but,
wiih all due deference and respect to my poli
tical friends in those Districls.please anuounce
that 1 am not a candidate.
Yours truly, WM. LEISER.
AsMvclate Judge.
Seeing no one named for Associate Justice
at the Oct. Election, I take the liberty of pro
posing MARTIN DKEISUACH for that post.
He is known to most of us as a gentleman of
good judgment, who has spent the near sixty
years of his life as a farmer in Union county,
an! It intimatetv acquaint'-d with all it wants. Ilia in-ti-Krity
la proverbial, antl h umlt-rfUn-la lueGrnnan
laueuaitf two prime qualifications. His prvaeut resi
dent im at the Oouuly Seal, whera at letuu oh Juiiire
should re.ide, to be or serriee between Courts Jud
Sinojton beinft nearest Mtfilinhurir and New Merlin.)
This honor, onnferred on Mr. ISE-Heu, would be only
an art or jilHtice to tha man? old-Una Democrats, liaa
hitn.-eir. whom a sense ot truth and rinht. outraged by
the Kansas iniquity, has led into tbe Reput'liraa ranks.
He would make a fit and popular nominee it tasen up by
the People's party. LM'JS a-M VICTOKV.
Messrs. Editors You will please announce
Ihe name of PHILIP Rl HI. as a candidate
for re-election to the Ollice of "Associate
Jad;e" of our county at ;he ensuing election.
Col. Rihl has made an excellent Judge, and
the people can not do better than to re-elect
him. June 19, 160
Messrs. Editors Permit me to present tn
the consideration of the voters of Union Co.
the name of JAMES SHIELDS for Associate
Judge. Mr. Shields has long been an active
member of the Whig and Republican party
is a hard laboring man. who has strusgled for
nearly sixty years to gain an honest livelihood
is a man of pure moral characier, possess
ing a clear and sound judgment and a scho
lar, such as we need to fill thai position. The
voiers of Union county wonld do no more than
the merits of Mr.Shields and of staunch Kelly
lowship demand in electing him the successor
of our friend Kuhl.
Messrs. Editobi : The time is at hand for
ihe people to select a candidate for the Gen
eral Assembly. THOMAS HAVES, Esq., has
recently discharged the duties of that ollice j
with enure satistaciion lo his constituents in
general, and relying very much upon his ex-
perience as a legislator, and upon his fidelity
as well to his immediate district as lo the in
lerests of the wboie Slate, bis services in the
same capacity are again arneni:y aesirea. i
We hope ihe Republicans of Union counly j
will place mm in nomination at ine approach-
ing County Convention.
A1A.M Kt-rLULlt-A.-iS.
West Buffaloe, June !3, I860.
of Hartley township as a candidate for ihe
Assembly before the People on ihe 4th Aug. '
irial. Esq. Lincoln is known to the whole I
county as a gentleman of ability and integrity,
of good education, and able to lake part in !
any debate who has served the county long
in thankless stations, and who would honor!
a higher one. Il is many years since Old
Harllev had a Renresentanve,and his location ;
would suit hoih Union and Snyder if Juniata's
claim to a Member Ibis year is conceded
noRlsits-T A. Recorder.
TIHE undersigned will be a candidate for
I . i .1' . ( I? 1 . ,nJ I.' .,.,1 ., r ,,f
tTion counly, subject to ihe nomination to be
mai)e on lhe 4lh of An2a neIL
Lewisburg, May 2, 1SU0 810
To the citizens of Union conntv we submit
the name of HI GH P. SHELLER as a Re
publican candidate for Ktgisier & Recorder
at the coining election. Mr. Sheller's enlire
worthiness and ample qualifications are well
known to all, and he is presented through Ihe
solicitations of MANY FRIENDS.
County t'oiuniisinlonrr. j
HENRY K. SANDERS (son of Henry) of:
Limestone township, near Sew Berlin, j
is hereby proposed, without consulting with
him, for Commissioner of Union county. He
is a very intelligent and competent man, in
the prime of life, popular, and worthy.
Fkllow CiTizKws I otTer myself as a can
didate for the Ollice of County Commissioner
at the next Election subject !o lhe decision
of Ihe Union Coun'y Republican Convention.
If I am nominated and elected, I will attend
to the duties of Ihe office faithfully.
New Berlin, June 11, 1860
frHE subscriber will be a candidate for
I Commissioner of Union county, subject
lu the decision of the nomination of the Peo
ple's party at the delegate meetings on the
4th of August next. B. W. THOMPSON.
Mifllinburg, May 2, IStiO 640
I-'ELLOW CITIZENS Through the urgent
1 solicitation of a lame number of friends,
1 offer myself as a candidate for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican primary election for Union counly.
It I am nominated and elected. I will discharge
the duties of the office faithfully
Limestone Tp,May 18, 1860
Next Session of Union Seminary,
VT New Berlin, will commence on Thurs
day, Aug 2d, and continue 30 weeks. The
Tuition for the session will be $9,50, and the
contingent fee $1 for a half session just half
this amount. Boarding, $1.75 pr wk. Ladies
from abroad are required to board in the La
dies' Boarding House of the Institution, now
under Ihe superintendence of Rev Wolf. No
student will be received for less lhan a half
session. All students wishing lo attend are
requested to be present at the opening of the
session, particularly those who wish to enter
the Teachers' Department.
By order of the Execmive Committee
New Berlin, June 23, 1860
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
lo the estate of LEWIS PALMER,
deceased, late of Lewisburg borough. Union
county, have been granted to the subscriber,
by the Register of said county, in due form ;
all persons indebted to said estate are reques
ed to make payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to
JOS. B. ROSS, Adm'r
Lewisburg. June 2, I860
Executor's Notice.
"jaT0TICE is hereby given, that Letters tes
tamentaryon lhe last will and testament
of JOHN SCHR ACK, Esq. dee'd, late of East
Buffaloe township, Union county, have been
granted to the undersigned, by the Register of
Union county, io due form of law ; all persons
having claims against said esmte will present
them, and those owing said estate are reques
ted to make immediate pavment, tn
Lewisburg, June 23, I860
A. H. DILL Attorney at Law.
FFICE on South Second street, formerly
occupied by J. B. Hamlin, dee'd.
Iron Ore Lands for Sale.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ,
of I'iiion cnuniy, will be sold, on the pre- !
Illiscs, tin o.ii un;ll. uic iiutuayui t
GUST next, commencing at 10 o'clock A M, t
a certain messuage and Irart of laud, situate
in Eat Uiilfaloe lowuship, Union county, con
taming Fifiy-Kour acres and Eighty-Six per-
ches, adjoining lands of Jacob tiundy, John
Hayes and ol tiers. One other tract, situaie .n
the same township, containing Thirty-Nine
acres and Filty-Nine perches, ailj iiuing lands
of James Jenkins, John Aurand and otiiers. ',
One other tract of land, situate in the same
township, adjoining the first mentioned tract '
of fifty-four acres and eighty-sin pe:hes, con- !
taming Twelve acres, more or less, Willi the
The tracts will be sold separately, or to
gether, to suit purchasers. Iron Ore has been
discovered in various places on the properly.
Terms made known at sale.
Adm'r of Michael Quinn, dee'd.
July 10, 18CO
Admlnisitrator'si Sale of
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans
I Court of Union county, will be exposed
to public sale at the public house of Win.L.
Killer, in New Columbia in said county, on
Saturday, islh August
next, the following described Real Estate, to
wit :
All that certain lot of ground, situated in
the town of New Columbia, in Union county,
bounded on the north by lands of Elizabeth
Goodiander, west ty same, south by a pub!ic
road, and east by lands of George hanck
whereon are erected a two-storey Irauie
Dwelling House, a Frame Siable, and
other Outbuildings. There is a good aud never
failing Well of Water on the premises. The
said piece of ground contains one hundred '
and twenty-eiaht perches of land.
aWrs Also all that certain piece or parcel of
.sCTIMUEK LAND, situated in White Deer ;
township in said county, bounded on the north,
east and west by lands lately belonging to
Kaulfman & Reber, and south by lands lately I
belonging to James Moore, dee'd, containing 1
Twenty Acres more or less. The quality of j
the Timber is good.
Sale to commence at one o'clock in the
afternoon nf said day, when trrms of sale will
be made known by JOEL KLINE.
Administrator of Fetate ff Crisaus Kusa, dee'd
While Deer I'p. July 7, 1H6"
I1Y virtue of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court
) of Union county, I will sell on the prem
ises on Saturday, Aug. IS. ISHO, at 5S
o'clock, I' M, the following tract of land, situ-
ate in Hartley Twp, Union Co, I'a, adjoining
lands ol l)3n I vt viie. Jonu nutcu aim ueo.
Klcckner, comprising
. , nt s
jTf ol iClCS
more or less, all improved, and on which are
erected a good two-storey weather-boarded
Dwelling-llouse, and a good STAUI.E also,
some Fruit Trees with the appurtenances
late the estate of H iuuv NavxL, dee'd.
Terms made known at sale by
Hartley, June 21). IsOO. Administrator
Sheriff's Sales.
T1Y vilrue of sundry w rits of Fi. Fa., Yend.
J) Ex. and Lev. Fa. issued out of the Court 1
ol Common Pleas of Union county and to me '
directed, I will expose lo Public Sale or Out- j
cry, at the Public House of 1. D Brewer, in .
Lewisburg, on Saiurtlur, Augnst II, 1HG0, at I
10 o'clock, A. M., tu wit : f
One certain Tract of Land, situate j
in ButlUlue township, and county of Union, j
bounded north by land of (ieore lieiinbarh,
east by land of Samuel Byler, south by lauds
nt Henry Sower and Samuel lleiiubach, and
west by public road, containing Sniy-Five
Acres, more or less, whereon are erected a
log Dwelling House, lug Barn.Ofe Drifts, Ac,
with lhe appurtenances, as the property ot
Juhn Heimbtich.
Also, at tlte Fame time and iihieo,
two oiher certain Tracts of Land, situate in
Ihe aforesaid township and county, bounded
as follows, to wit :
So. 1, bounded north hv oiher lands of the
Walkers, on the east by lauds of Samuel
Heimbach. on the south by lands of Joiia.han
Collar and Martin Dreisbach, and on the west
by lands uf Weidler Roland and Edward Wil
son, containing Sixty-Five Acres, more or less,
whereon are erected three log Dwelling Hou
ses, two frame Barns, otherout-liuildings, Ore
Drifts, &C, wun lhe appurtenances.
No. 2, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a post, thence by land (for
merly) of John Royer, 8S degrees west, HO
perches tn a post, souih 4 degrees, west 49
and a-.IO nerrhes hi a hlnc.k-o.ak. thence north
H8 degrees east 6 perches to a stone, thence !
by land (formerly) of Dr. Sheuk and public
road north 4 degrees east 40 perches to the
place of beginning, containing Twenly Acres
and Twenty Perches, neat measure, together
with the herediiamenis and appurtenances, as
the property of Thomas Walker, William Wal
ker stni Henry Wallier.
Also, at the same time and place,
another certain Lot of Ground situate in the
aforesaid township aud county .contaiiiingTwo
Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Ed
ward Miller, Daniel Wertz, Isaac Walker and
others, whereon is erected a two-storey plank
frame Dwelling House, with the appurtenan
ces, as the property of liamlar Iiurklow, with
not.ee to Cenrge Slear and Emanuel Reedy,
terre tenants.
Also, at tlie same tijic and place,
a certain Half Lot of Uronnd, more or less,
situate in the Borough of Lewisburg, and
county aforesaid, being the sonth half of Lot
marked on the general p'an of said town No.
233, bounded on the north by the north half
of said lot, on the east by Second street, on
the south by Lot No. 232, and west by Hazle-
Heal E
tree alley, whereon is erected a two-storey I their buildings were put up by good and'euer
bnck Dwelling House, with a frame Kitchen ! eetic workmen, and iu oniek i.,.. r.-k;,h
thereto attached, and other oot-buildtnn. Ac
with the appurtenances, as the properly of
James W. Hutchison.
Also, at the same time and place,
the Defendants interest (being the undivided
one-third) of a certain Lot of Gronnd situate
in said borough and county, bounded north by
part of same lot occupied by Hannah Nicely,
east by Pear Alley, south by Si. Louis street,
and on the west by Second street, marked in
the general town plan So. 20A, containing 57
i feet in front, and 157 feet deep, whereon are
erected a tnree storey Brick Huuse, known as
the Buffaloe House, a frame Siable and Car
riage House, a Well and Cistern with pumps,
and other out-buildings. Ate, with Iheappune
nances as the property of Leri L Lawshe.
8herilT's Office, Lewisburg, July II, 1860
Western Lots, for sale cheap.
LOT 6, bl'k 142, $0lot 12, bl'fc 2fi4,40
lot , bl'k 40, $30 i 15, bl'k 91. gro
in DAKOTA CITY, (a County seat and Land
Office sue) Nebraska Territory.
Also $ Lola in the town of SPESCER.the
seat of justice for Clay county, on Ibe line of
lhe Dubuque Railroad", at $30 each.
JOHN B. LINN, Lewisburg,
July 2, lseo. Agent r fuicn JL Ztturn
4 CTTni k Tar ,h" INFANT KELlUr and
AsJllliiA. ffckMANKNT CL'KE of this dla
aioiii. eomp,iQl
Made by C.B SEYMOUR k CO.. 10T 'AS?AU Straet, K.T.
iVsas SI per box St nt tree l.y post.
it iMXi sr.
OFFICE in Reber s ciock.-iour ooors auu.v
the Bank OP suirs )
Lewisburg, April a. f6
TAR. JOIIX !. akl
I J Ollice in Lewisburg,
il! open
lih day of June next to remain iwo ween-.
Alter thai, his visits will be regular, and i.n'f
notified. I sT Rooms in Meixeli's Building,
three doors South of the BaptiM Church.
N. B. Please be ptrlicular as to lime I
will be there punctually, and then must be off
to meet other engagements.
May2.is60 JOHN LOChl.
II. ;i:niJ4:tr. m.mii.
has removed loSouiti 3d siteet. four
itmirs from the TuWIl Cluck, LEW
ON South Water Streei,
at i!ifs old Ntund.
If you want cheap GROCERIES, call ai
NESBIT'S. Alsn CIGARS, Sim.Ung and
Chewing TOBACCO. Au as-ornnent ot
HATS and CAI'S at cost. LUMBER and
COAL of every varietv at very low rates.
STONE and SAND Iuriii-hed for lniUding
and paving purposes. Onieis l"r K'E will
be filled by leaving them a: N ESBI'i 'S.
t'V'Cnunlry PRODUCE lakeu in exchange
for ihe above articles.
Lewisburg. May 2, IS'iO pjim
Attorney at I.aiv.
OFFICE on South Second near Market St.
lew ism un, I' a.
l"r"AH Professional Business eiitrns'ed lo
hi 'are will be faithfully and promptly alien
f Sept. 1 1,
w P I C N I C.-w
"We'll jump Into the W'sr'-n, and ail take a riJe."
LARGE, handsome
ana verv comiurta
ble UiCiO. hasbten,
filled up Iir ihe r-special aroi-nnni'i.af!' n of
Pic-Nic and oiher similar exrur-uni. Trms
moderate. Apply lo Jns. M. HUL'SLL.
Lewisburg, June. -J, lf."j.
X'Uy X Ol 11L I.. !
LARnE supply nf Bmiks.Siationery,
JL Perfumery, Jewelry. Ti y, Ci nleciion-
ertes, leas, Sricts, rruit, .scs. iask;esf
Pictures, and a variety of .MCK SACKS ft i
sale Iit ai at the
I1 IN E Cold PENS :tr Lif.iie and Cents tan
' be had at ihe I Or,T OFFICE
SEVERAL setts of CA.VEtJS m.d oi!i-r
Breast Pins and Ear Idrics ran l e hi!
very cheap at the PosTOfFlt'E
RliERS for Books or ;. .! of at v kn.d
promptly auended to at the
ADIES can ti'id the lnr.est ai d . ass. rt-
ment of I.ctier aiidSo'e PAPER, Uriel
opes Ac. at the
F yoo want a beaut:
tin t fi: wr g
o to lhe
JF von want a siipp
RV. to the
y ol tine
THE OLD SHOP! The sub'crib-r.-.
re ctlnfiv aiinoui.ee to the i ii i ns ol
Lewiabury and viriiiii- that ihey hate lutuit'd ,
a Partnership in the
Tailoring Ersiriess,
at the well-known stand ol James Ctiswell on I
Matket street, where they are prepaied lu
CLTAM) MAKt I I' to in er in ti e vcr.
best style. Men's and Rots' ( lot Is f It.C il '
every ,!ecnpiioii on shi n mine. We ask
a si. areul ihe public p.nroi.ar i
Lewisburg, April 4, leSti j
TAKE NOTICE! The uni!crs,nej art
appointed Agents lur the sale ol
ItooiN, liliiiilN & tiiiiioiv ati
of all sizes, made of Ihe best material. Ah
work warranted. P?".Made ty I..Ii.r-1'KUUT
Huahesviile, Pa. and for sale'by
bin F 8 CALDWELL, Lewisburg
THUS. U. (,'KIi:ta
TTAS just received a splendid assortment
XX OI lne very rest, cheap. m and msi
lashtunable Jell dry in lhe uiiiikeu
Slock comprises
Breasit Pins,
Kar CliiigiM,
I'iusi r nincrM,
Miti c ilutf ons.
Muds. As .-.&.-.
which will be sold extremely low for Casu.
He respectlully asks Ihe palronase of all :
his old cuslomers; and also invites new ones I
to give htm a call before miflnug their pur-i
chases. Call at lhe sign of ihe Big Watch, '
Market street, east of Second. Dec. Sl.'oel
HL turn of ll,r, l.enhart V R.hrulnen
in ihe Brlcltlat'lnar Bukiofx. :
are ready lo eoKTaicT lor all kinds nf work
in their line, and are well satisfied it would'
w ic i.nmra, i.i 3ui.u as purpose erecting- t
gooa ouiidtigs to give us a call belote eon-
wading wiiu tuners. e nave put up some
of the best houses and stores in Lewisburg.
and are assured their owners will iet,iv thT,
a very important matter lo bnihlers.)
htjerenen Chamberlin Bro's; L. Palmer,
architect; Dr. I. Brueser; Bvers Aminons;
Lewis Ashenfeller. ISAAC WALTER.
Lewisburg, Dec. 27. 18:')9
Horseman's Friend, or
Ha! l'orkct Companion.
Filly-Two Valuable Receipts for lhe Farmer
aud Horse Dealer for sa e (I'.M cts) hv
Bookbinder, Lewisburg, Pa.
COAL. CO.tls COll,.
riHE subscriber keeps constantly on band
J a large assortment of lhe very best Sha
mokin and Wilkes- Barre COAL, In lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell at ihe very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also, blacksmiths' Coal, Plaster and Salt,
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man Having g(Wli
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidrnsaui's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 27,'5a.
llOMfEOPATllIC 11I1I111V,
OFFICE in his new Brick Block, Market
street, south side, brio. ecu lib and 5;h
(up stairs.) Lewisburg, May, lui 1738
T) UTTER, Eggs, Laid and Poultry laken in
11 Lxcbange Kr Goods at Ibe
LVtdta of Jt.ua Rishel, dte'd.
AdiMinisir ion on ihe eiic Jujiv
ItlMiEL, deceased, lu e ol Buffaloe Tn h.l
iiC I., en gnntrd to ihe sun-criber ty the R,"
It inter of ll.liiiouniy iu due f,rm uf law
ail person
olrbted to
sniu estaiere her.t.
lu. nl'.-. I I
ke immediate payment, and Ji
bavin" any j ji c:.iuo ji;aiiisi ihe same a,,
pre-ieul Lieiii itulv auil'-liiicatcd l..r selllrnien,
A lie.ito.tr.tor Ml -l- a with UtaUiUaa... .
, Jnoe 1M.0
' 4
Mid ru Iol:iil.'nii'i.l la II jIWij.
rj .(. II iii-t red un A liUr.R BASE,'.-,
1 is now i, king ;iir enlire prrfer.'.'nc,
r.alertl. Sm.ii:I.
a.;iny res;.!, n?, is con,1jei.j pn
ft-r.il-lf V.
i ' r if hui
'Mitt.UB t r tn.
T.- 'I. un
IU ft iJilrb
IO(-.H;.,t I.I.tl.
1. d i ..-I r. Hie n..
tn. ,kirk
a trt.F....
t.f tin .r- r. --M.H : l.r
.lul.h.n propen,
"is-"". a..uioil.u..nrf
I'.,! end li- sl.-ri-i.c.Ti i . r.I-
f .rlo-d, a.!-. j.i, e'lli- lie iilursi
Ij all.
irrtini.le leeiii and tiptoed Serves ir,ai,.
Be.!. in p.H..e.,i.. f , el.oi. , ,et li st.-,,.,,.,
list to: I.., : i. . r la.io. ,, r-.n.tani and .
null--. at.d at i'-i.tiui....,..o.l..i
Le L-.et. ,.. ai: -.a-.uw, ,ul
; .J iioi ms iii Mrs. Metzger's Dwelliii
Front snerl, south of .Market. "'
L. Wi-btirrf. Juue J. 1-f.k. ' "
it'v Iore.tw Goods',
ri-n i, i, . . . i ., I
ii u d'jws a lou ihe u.:r.k,
urscrjrer.h.-itir,? a rer-V.V... iJ"."
IIUi.UI ii,- .
buving consiain. v at Auction. i.s n,, -ttti .
sell a.l his G,,,N at City l-nces-H,,,,,,,
Glove-. I r d el a. 'Jeiiii.g Ntenle. t'.'i!
.... uoot.i.a, i u e, anil ail golds i
li.c i.i.ie-.
and Sratinnerv. Schonl
' "i-T. B --k-. esc. Paper
w Curtains at fcis V,,,ri, '
I ire IJ. ar t Screens. .-stencil WoikfjSj
uone lo older C, imtrv Produce laken in
tn fame fab l.-r Hats.
Ai m 'u. l-t-U. . L. M'.MAHOV.
"Iadi-stry mcst Thrive:"
Mdrkei ,lrrtt Rear Fourth, where 1 will ha,t
! at ait times a toll aor'ir.em of
I si:trf. Mote ripe,
'u . . . f 7 . si,,,, xr, a, , ,m
n:e .)
t u : i ti "
li r. t,n sin rt notice. Tin Cut
r li kind of Hoik iu o.jkie
ug ai.iIJo
ton? gerierallrprrirpsly
j'f.l Mil TV-V,
1 .;e-.n...
1 1 K
t t-t
.rlDiear tltissuveriaa
!.' K-I-I.S. -.Iiee f.mm
' T . ! i..ir. n. t....e y nro-h-d .reo!id
U i'ai,.-, -v. U.i A.Mf .Sf
John B
n a. Linn.
TTf? t!
Ins nu
r.T AT I.4M OiTce at
-e on S. Markei M. l et. li ,V :J
I isliine. Pa.
VLD ar.d ECIE Express
F 1 II v !o and fi iu set
The HCVz
rd f.ustla. I Ccs
srnre. l.ewi..UTir
sl.l'h i i.. s ,rn;r
FuvJly (In cvrv More.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
Ot.NLlIAL bfc.lLa.ks I
Euibrsfiiie awry sri- !. r, ,,, , the trade, soeh ss
GRAIN, lidli: AM) FKKl)
TKA, ( OITKK. J!( i.AS."-Kri,
: i-'i;i"H, jtc Ac,
! Mrl,:l strtt t. .;ve,'ie the l'u,t (ifice,
LfHisbui;. I'a.
a1 f'- i " l.tiNc just received
. JS a tre-l, loni I i t ;,- , , j I. a tttuiei.dt us SlOrk O
w.ileele f ! i.i. ,,r: ti . ry kind, .mot a ti, h sra
l-s'iulit . i.iid Imi uioei,
put tif ;
.. t..... .i i ui. si.a ;rt.h.
Al'lilt s. I'liitLcs, Pi-uries, Cu
rants, 1'icscn inr: (.'itron.--, Fi-r?,
L'atc-s.Ivti iin.-- IVcin f,i to lbj"
cts. j.t r 1!.., l'i.-kies of
nil dosflljltifnist.
Pure Jain ;i Tti:, ground,
sr.J put u,.in air-ti.l.t C.ir.s, eX.reeelj tr Uir.ilj .
.4 lrZr l.tf ., ,,, ,v.-i CA FULL, SHA D
U1 I1SH, J!r.l.l,l.,;, HAM. BACOX.e
A tiv-Pttrnl a.'.K)rtiiif nt of
Willow aj:l trdar V arc, Glass
' ensnare, l.ai lht u.
warr, uojie, Inlne, iwc.
I Fish Oil, tluid.l'iue Oil, Candles, Candle
and Lamp HV..-, lil,ic, Lard, At.
oajiSOl all kinds, W Led Grease, etc.
CcbUCtO Ol'.ij CcqtUS, 0 ClloiK tlflriftri
t-i f. , , ,,
;lour '-orl -Meal, 1 otatoes, Corn,
Eve, Oats, Ac, always OU Land.
(,W, rf, ;Ct J fe o charge lo customers
residing uithin the ttorvugh.
T.. atttmi t to enumerate all the srtirKra vtbieh w
htive for sate wnultt be impossible. Vt a woniti lesneet-
r,"l' f ' -J be Uuin this side of I hiladeiil.ia.
"ouiu iaiiKuiilT,o.uour rtHiLirjfrieaOsios.Fv
Me purchase all manner of Produce,
antl j ay as hieh a any Hi ,lj visa.
Lrai-bme, Ajro in, l-i:t. T. 0. EVANS CO.
! Enrsh & Goodman, Merchanrs,L(iciltry
HAVE received and cpened a tHOIf
assortment of all the latest tyU 01
) Spring and Suinnirr (s.ivds. 'Ihe particular
attention ol lhe Ladies is called lo their slock
of Brilliants
Dress Silks Prints
Delaines Shawls
Fig Fr.Merinos Collars
Dtiials Sleeves
liicgharr.j Inseriings
Foii'.-rds EHsincs
C'hmizes Cloves. Ac.
ALSO Cloths, Plain ai'd Farry Cassimrres,
Jeans, Twieds. Vesnngs, Muslins, I'rtll
ings, Tickings, Flannels, Bouts and
ts Shoes, Hats and Caps.J
together wnh a complete assort rue nt cf
fji-OLCrics, Hardware,
Cedtirvrare, (itieeusware. cs
all i f uh.rh w ill be disposed of ou as favora
ble trims as the same articles can be purch
ased any where. U ire xi a call ?
Da. W.l!. Eirnm.nr. Da.X.C.Praux.
riiti'i x i; it khoi e,
t ESPECTFUI.LY otTer their services u
1 the citizt'iis of I.ewisbnrg aud the sur
rounding couniry.
t"vPanicular allrntion paid to Sl'KGEKl
Enquire in West Market street or at lha
aeedtd ty
resiiienre nf Mrs. Backhouse Ian. ism'.
! OI ITRIllR COAL OIL l.Air fora
I IO a J. Baker & C.. Drug Sure aiso the
j rorllaUiJ Coal Oil.