Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 06, 1860, Image 2

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    T gtmminnm m1rtt.T I.rwiscrim Crtnan.E, ;
uMi-1t-. on lU fa.. Mutero. bu the I t mmI i
irrtaliitirtt of an? '"Warr to L'ok.n Cwinty. I
Freeilom, nalional; Slavery, sectional ! j
tni:qriTE riioranox to aheku'I-Y isdi'stm", '
Vat natter Inr of Slave TrrrlKirjr hy Eilcaskia,
TurrlMM. tar IVbw-jif. i
Thaalmaa ar. od srill L the t k-a.!ln Pnorlplra
fcrfors- the nmntrjr. until tb.J are W,rl"as: and
ail Hirm to oor irt hoJ. tli-r to ft until Uit .
was-. i triumph Bra ill National Capitol al aah-
luna. iUUvtllt Mur ' Jt-wmU.
Far Pmldtat.
Fr Tiff President,
Jam Pollork
ItnlNTt P. King
Nathan lllllii
La, I II. Smith
llarid Taarart
liltaara MftruT
lanil O. tartar
Win. M'K-naaB
K. 1'. KobtrU
iTtinmaa M. Howe
K'lward C. KnlcM
lli.brrt M foa-t
.lamea w. Failrr
Hxaiit Mnmnia,Jr
r. U IVnmoiao.
A. B Shan
hilffar Cowan
Jamil Krrr
illrnrr Itunitn
I John M. Ilroomall
rranrta W. t'lirial
Tlx mao U. Hull
'(Irorptf llrrsalvr
IsamiM Taivin
Jo M Kirkpatrlrk;.
iJuhn Urlcr
ANDREW G. (TRTIX.jif CcntreffKi
of Officers for Union County, Pa. !
The qualified voters of Union county who
support ihe election of Lincoln, Hamlin, and
Curun, are invited io meet at their usual pla.
ces of holding (General Elections, in their re
speciive Townships and Uuroughs, on tal
lirdajr, Alls. 4, ISGO in the Townships
trotn two to Jtvc o'clock, and in Ihe Boroughs
from four lo rtvrn o'clock, afternoon and
alter choosine a Judge, Inspectors and Clerk
or Clerks if desired, proceed to vote, ar iu
lot, for
One candidate for Congress,
line candultie for Assembly,
One candidate for Register & Recorder,
One candidate lor Associate Judge,
One candidate for County Commissioner,
One candidate for Couniy Auditor,
One person tor Iteiurn Judge of the district
in which ihe iroter resides,
And also to vote for or against this system
of balloting directly for candidates.
The ballots to be opened as soon as the
hour for closing has arrived, read aloud, and
the true returns, certified by ihe Judge and
Clerks, lo be given lo the Return Judge so
chosen. The Keturn Judges to meet in the
Court House at Lewisburg, at tea o'clock in
the forenoon of Monday, Aug. 6, I860, then
and there to correctly return, add up and pub
lish the number of votes cast for each candi
date for each office, and those having the
highest number of votes for each office re
spectively to be declared the nominees of the
party. The Judges also to provide for the
choice of Conferees, appoint a Standing Com
mittee, and determine, by the vole cast, wheth
er the present or the former mode of designa
ting candidates shall be continued.
The Commiltee are induced to propose this
mode of eflecting nominations, at the request
of many, believing it to be more truly repub
lican, as it gives every one an equal voice in
viewing candidates, without Ihe intervention
of Delegates. It should obviate Ihe objection,
oft:a made by defeated candidates or Iriends,
thai they have been betrayed or wronged a
charge which, from the round-abooi way of
nominating, and the secret acts of delegates,
has oflen created dissatisfaction resulting in
defeat. This mode of voting directly called
the "Crawfoid County System" has been
tried with increasing approbation in many
counties. We recommend otirfellow-ciuzens
to give it a fair test, and judge whether it is
not more just and satisfactory lo all reasona
ble men than ihe conventional caucus mode.
We alsa nrge a prompt attention lo the hours
named a strict scrutiny ot the riant to vote
of every person offering and an honest and
prompt return, so that no one can have any
occasion lo complain of an irregularity.
R. M. ML'SSER. Ch'n,
THOS. gi;telii:s.
June 2, I8G0. W.M. JONES, Sec'y,
Standing Cfjr Committa.
New Mode of Nominating;.
In May last before there were any can
didates whatever in the field a decided
U'jority of the permanent Committee
agreed to issue tbe above Call. As there
was no one before the people for office, it
is apparent that tbey bad no personal or
sectional ends in view. They sought only
tbe harmony, the prosperity, and the best
interests of tbe party.
For 6ome years past, a growing dissatis
faction with our cinens delegate system
his prevailed. Some good men refused to
attend primary elections, because (as they
averred) tbe Delegates chosen could not
be depended upon after election they bar
tered away the vote of tbe man for whom
tbey were pledged, for other candidates or
for money. Others, disappointed in their
desires or anticipations, blindly revenged
themselves upon the party, and opposed
n BOnMOces, to strike at some individual
with, whom they were offended for what be
mvtti not or could not do. In some ca
eca doubtless, tbese suspicions have been
well foaaJtd in others, they were cruelly
titjust. Tbe KEMEDV for this dark,
indirect, second-banded way of getting at
i be popular will, is, to delcuate NO
frbLVES, in their isolated capacity. Let
ibem tote ffiied'y for the men of tbeir
tboice; let no Delegate be thrust between
tbe voters and tbe nominees, to deceive
ibem, to sell them, to thwart their withes,
cr to be out managed. In this way, every
vote counts, cerfotn, and is not lost because
it happens to be in a bare minority in one
ballot-box j it counts in the aggregate
tbrongbout tbe county, and one man's vote
is as good as another'. Every voter
would thus feel encouraged to come out
sud indicate his preference, thereby giving
a true index of tbe popular will; tbe
candidates (and their friend.) who may
I c defeated, can see that it u eomparativc-
ly fairly done, by the unbiased tribuual to 1
wbom the choice was eotfided, and could
without complaint or ill feeling join in
honoring the more fortunate party brethren
who received tbe mnjwity votes. Every
man will also feel bis imltvitlual rr.'pomi
biliiy in the matter, fur he votes, and not
his Jfpn'y be must take moro caro in
scanning tbe fitness and claims of candi
datesbe will not feel compelled by
common consent to vote for an in
competcut "neighbor," if a man a little
further away is more deserving and, vo
ting by ballot, he exercises his high power
in tbe safest manner, accountable only to
bis God.
It is ohjWfetl, that this way gives towns
and thickly settled townships the advan
tage, as tbey can easier come together and
vote. (The same objection lies against all
Eloltious by the mass of the people. Why
shcu'J not tbe same chance be given to
Nominate, as lo Elect, our officers?) As
a matter cf Aid, we bavo found that, in
Union county, with a day fixed in advance
the stable population of our Townships
have polled as large votes in primary elec
tions, as the fluctuating Doroughs all
depends upon tbe interest manifested.
Every District is entitkd to have its exact
strength felt in the selection of candidates,
and by a direct vole the majority of vo
ters can bave equal justice done them,
wherever Ibey may reside. By the Dele
gate system, tbe 30 Republican voters of
Ilartlcton bave tbe same power as the 100
Republicans in Hartley Twp tbe 50 of
our party in Union Twp. have tbe same
power as tbe 150 iu liuffaloc Twp. This
system might staud in the rotten boroughs
of the old world, or where Slavery exists,
but not in a Republican land, where every
man is tho equal, at tbe polls, of every
other man. Why should one man, in
Ilartlcton lorouyh, be equal to vVee men
in Hartley toicnJu'p ? or wby one man in
t tun have the same power as three men
in Buffaloe, or 11 hite Deer f That system
is clearly wrong, and should be righted.
By toting directj for our men, every one
has an equal chance and no more, wheth
er be lives in a thinly or thickly settled
neighborhood, township or borongb.
The objection, that in tbe multiplicity
of candidates, one man may chance to
bave more votes than any other man, and
yet, if tbe choice lay between two or three,
be would not be selected, is valid. For
many candidates sometimes some of them
mere decoy-duoks, to allure away votes
from some other man, and thus make false
issues are an evil. But tbe same evil
exists under tbe Delegate system. And
we should hope that, at least two weeks
before the Nomination, every candidate j
proposed, who docs not desire to stand a j
vote, should have his name withdrawn, so
that the candidates be reduced to the
lowest actual number, and tbe people can
then vote intelligently. .
In conclusion we would say, the new
mode is becoming more and more adopted,
by both parties, and it is alleged ensures
better candidates and more harmony than
the old mode. It cuts off the trado of
selling votes in Convention, and puts some
small demagogues at rest. Let us give it
thorough proof. Look about, cattily
and unprejudiced, and pic out, , l3 10 ioduce tbe lady to give her experience
among tbe many good men proposed, the j 0f Mormon life. Mihoitian.
best, most reliable, and most worthy, A German, working in the Tannery
these who have not been traitors to our belonging to Jacob Stitzel, near M'Ewens
party, or allowed personal or local bicker ! ensville, while walking on the track of the
ins to influence their vote and fearless- j Sunbury & Ktie Railroad, near Milton,
I,vote for such, without dictation 0f ; was run over by the passenger engine, and
clique or section then rally for tbe tri
umphant election of those wbo shall rc
cieve the most votes and all will be well.
Plain Talk to Fennsylvanians.
A gentleman in Lewisburg desires us
to cjpy the following abstract of a private
letter from a citiron of an adjoining Slate,
who writes strong Saxon " like a Dutch
uncle." lie is about right, we think. It
is the Delilah of Party which has shorn the
locks of the Samson, Pennsylvania, long
toiling in the prison-mill of tbe Philistine,
Slavery. Bat bis strength is returned he
is preparing to avenge himself next Fall.
Deab Sia: Congress is adjourned. No
Tariff, as was anticipated from the begin,
ing. Tbe Senate, the wise branch, saw
proper to givo Pennsylvania her usual
thumps, cuffs, kicks, dodges, and go-bys.
LIcr citizens deserve no better fate, so long
as tbey act like pack of thick-headed
boobys, by supporting any bastard idea
gotten up by any "democrat" wbo has ira-
' pudence and ignorance sufficient to make
a bungling speech before a lot of laughing
burly beads backed up around a bar-room
at a road-side out of town, or in town, any
where, no matter where, so that they re
ject their best interests. Tbey hurraed
for "Polk, Dallas and tbe Tariff of '42,"
and got Polk, but so Tariff. "Go for
Pierce and tbe Tariff '." they got Pierce,
but no Tariff. "Go for Buchanan and
Protection 1" tbey got Buchanan, but no
Tariff. Tbey now want Clay and tbe Tar
riff can't get Clay, but ask you to go for
Breckinridge, Douglas, and a Tariff. Big
ler, they say, is a most decided, sharp,
shrewd shingle splitter. lie voted for a
postponement of the House Tariff bill on
the ground of not a full Senate, (minus
two members only) great discovery ! Tbe
people from Pennsylvania gave bim trou
ble; be moved a reconsideration, got it,
made an amendment, unintelligible a
"point no point" gave way to an adjourn
ment, got it, retired, and wrote to Clear
field. No Pennsylvania does not deserve
any better fate. She selects these thick
t j. ni : . : , r : . . i
ueaus to Ull pusuiuus o aiuuiirtuuce iuu .
' r .
trust. What use is it for Senators, such i
., , , , i
as Cameron and Seward, to make speeches
and give statistics as to the iron, tbe coal
aoa oibcr trades wantipg protection ; Oj
to rbujtiiiville, for example, and see tbe
hard working men coverea hid sweat ana
cinders, iriih ore dust aud charcoal ei
aniioe their pockets and jou cid draw
forth the "Peonsvlvaniao," the organ of
the Democracy, her columns filled with all
the abuses against tbe North the; can in
vent, asking for Union, and to-morrow
threatening a Dissolution of the Union.
It advocates the Kansas, Lecompton, and
Charleston platiornBucbauaOjlfaltimorc,
Bigler, Breckinridge, Douglas, and tho :
Tariff of the Democracy of '40, vs. Clay,
Webster, California Dollars, and the Tariff
of '42. Can't yon see tbe folly of such a
coarse 7 Give as new men, new minds,
new measures, and if we do not better our
condition, change again, and so continue
to change from titno to time until we bet
ter onr condition and blow up the false
party entirely. But Pennsylvania has
gone it blind for years. Look at her Rail
roads none of them paying on their ori
ginal stock, and not balf worked up to
their capacity. Look at her canals the
grass feeds tbe scores of cattle upon tbe
tow-paths, and the frogi peep np through
tbe filth covering her undisturbed waters,
while her boatmen look lank and dejected,
freights arc uncertain and low, tbeir teams,
formerly three mules, are now a shadow of
a nag worth the sum of five dollars, with a
crew composed of captain, wifo, and ten
children. Thus you see a most horrible
healthy condition of things. All tbiscomes
from a policy foreign to true honesty, com
mon sense, righteousness, and morality.
You now will have plenty of time to look
after your errors. Tbe iron men can cal
culate lost fortunes, tbe coal men tbeir
faults, the Democracy tbeir "Union," the
people their fato if the Covode investiga
tion result passes without comments. Foot
up tbe profits in businoss of tbe next five
years, like tbe past : tbe result of which
will be (according to the opinion of your
humble servant) 0000000000000.
New York, June 25,JtSG0.
Xcids Jtcms from (Dlljcr (Counties.
Thomas McAndrcws, a boatman on tbe
Lehigh, was drowned at White Haven.
He was pushing off his boat, and bad sent
bis brotehr for his team, when, it is sup
posed be slipped and fell into the water,
and not being able to swim, he drowned.
When bis brother returned tho boat had
drifted across the river. McAndrcws was
a steady, industrious man, and tho main
support of bis old mother, who was heart
broken at his loss.
A telegraph message was received by
his mother, informing her that Franklin
Straub of this borough bad committed su
icide, by cutting his throat, in Wooster,
Ohio, on Tuesday afternoon last. No
cause is assigned lor tbe rash act. lie was ,
about twenty-live years of age. Miltonian. j
At an election for Directors of the Mil
ton Saving 15atik, the following persons
were elected toservethc ensuing year, viz:
James Pollock, Wm. C. Lawson, Win. F.
Nagle, Thomas Swcnk, W. Price Hull,
Kdward W. Chapin, John Kaush, W. II.
Follmer, Wm. Savidge.
Tbe Ladies of Sbamokin beld a Fair
and Festival on the 4th inst., for the ben
efit of the Presbyterian Church of that
Helen Pressor, who announces herself
as an escaped Mormon, announced a lee
,uro. 0.n Sudav "faynoon last, which we
had a leg crushed in a horrible manner
just below the knee. lie heard the whis
tle and knew the train was coming, but it
seemed could not get off tbe track until
caaght by the cow-catcher, which threw
bim to one side, with ono leg on the rail.
Fatal Accident. Emanuel Miller,
aged id years, dud in this place on Friday
evening," from tbe effects of an accident
which occurred about two weeks ago. lie
was assisting in tbe recovery of the logs
that escaped from tbe Susquehanna boom
several weeks ago, and while sporting with j
another of tbe company, a boot (one of
bis own, we believe,) was flung at bim, a
steel cork in the bcel of it struck into tbe
heel of Miller's foot, making a slight
wound, which was not at tbe time consid
ered serious. Inflammation, however, soon
set in, and eventually erysipelas, causing a
fatal termination. tt'illiamsport Gazette.
A man named Todd, residing in Clinton
township, Lycoming county, was acciden
tally drowned in the river above Muncy,
on Wednesday last, while engaged in
floating logs. The body was recorcred
soon after the accident and interred on
We understand tbe Lewisburg Fire
Company will arrive at this place, this
(Tuesday) evening, on their way to the
Williamsport celebration, and will give a
torch light procession during Ihe evening.
Jlunry Luminary, 3d imt.
IcgrTberc were bogus Japanese about
on the Fourth.
John Lawrence, of Pcnn township, Ly
coming county, bas a duck that has pro
duced 80 eggs this season. Mr. L. consid-
ers this sometning unusual, and thinks it
- I
bard to beat.
A livery stable and several frame build
ing) were destroyed Ey fire at Harrisburg
on Wednesday last. Fifteen horses and
two cows perished in ths flames.
In tbe Superior Court of New York, on
Friday, last, Miss Liu a Norwald, a sewing
girl, recovered $2,000 damages from Levy
Aarous and David Cabella, whom she had
charged with an aggravated assault upon
her. Miss Norwald rented rooms of
Aarons, for which she paid 75 cents a
week, and, after occupying them for one
week, tbo defendant demanded an addi
tional rent, which she refused to pay,
whereupon she was assaulted, and a pistol
ramrod thrust through her cheek aud torn
, , . - , , , r
out. IaviDi? her whnln fano nnen
, , . ,. . , -
Ibe law for the suppression of the Sun-
day liqur traflio iu the city of New York,
has wrought a groat change in the Sundiy
arrcs's tor noting aud diULktuLts.. i
What Cushing says of Lincoln.- I
In a conversation between Caleb Cush-
ing and Col. l'arker, author of Reminis
ences of Rufus Choate, Cushiog said :
"Abraham Lincoln is a much abler man
than is generally supposed, even in his ,
own party. In his canvass with Douglas,
he beat him in argument, beat htm in law, j
beat bim in wit ; and tbe published de- ,
bates of that canvass Will sustain IBIS as- .
When Caleb Cusbing, the President of
both tbe Democratic National Conven-
tions, voluntarily renders to Mr. Lincoln
this honor which is so justly due bim, we
think the fittte men of tbe party wbo bave
been charging that Lincoln is a weak and
illiterate man, ought to bide their faces in
shame (ot tbeir contemptible meanness.
Rev N. K. George and the horse which
ho was riding, at Franconia, N. II. . were
instantly killed by lightning on Tuesday
(ClUBus 25 cent per week pT rani of 16 Unci or kM.)
County DeUgalt Ettctioiu Saturday, Aug. 4.
AtMiaatinp Omvtntvm Lrwisbunc, Moudaj, Aug. 8.
AMsiuciate Judge.
Seeing no one named for Associate Justice
al the Oct. Election, I lake ihe liberty of pro
posing MARTIN DREISBACH for that post.
He is known lo most of us as a gentleman of
good judgment, who has spent the near sixty
years of his life as a farmer in Union couniy,
and it iotimutal acquaints with all IU wanta. Ilia iu.
tt-arity ia proierlil. and h nndrrrtamla thr German
lanoar two pittas quahfirationf . Ilia prrarnt rrri
deure in at tho C'ouuty Ofat, arlier at Irani one Juitge
houl 1 reaide, to ha or rrlrr brtwrn Court a ( J ude
SiWflSTtift brio? nrarest Mifllinhunc and Nrw llrrlin.)
Thia honor, ronfcrrrd oa Mr. Iwiwim, would bo only
an act of juntlce to tho many old-lioo Deluorrala, lika
hin).rir. ahum a mnme of truth and riaht, outraged by
the KanHas iniquitv, haa ted into the ItepuMiran ranks.
He would make a fit and popular noraioea it taken np by
the People's party. UNION a.s VIUTUttX
Messrs. Editors You will please announce
r nun ,n nl'lll - I . i .
tne name ot i muir s-omioiaie
for re-election to the Ortice of "Associate j
juiikc ui iiui ti'iimj ! mi i.....B -
Uol. JiuHL nas mane an excellent auugr, anu
the people can not do better ibaa to re-elect
him. June la. ino
Messrs. Editors Permit me to present to
ihe consideration of Ihe voters of Union Co. 1
. , . B., ..ipi i, r . - . I
tne name OI JaJir,3 otllt-l-uo ior .issociaie
juage. ivir. onieias nas long ueen an active
member of the Whig and Republican party
is a hard laboring man, who has struggled for
nearly sixty years to gain an honest livelihood
is a man of pure moral character, possess
ing a clear and sound judgment and a scho
lar, such as we need lo till thai position. The
voters of Union connly would do no more lhan
the merits of Mr.Shields and of staunch Kelly
lowship demand in electing him ibe successor
of our friend Ruhl.
f We also received from Buffaloe Tp a card
in favor of Mr. Shixldi, but do nut deem ill
necessary to insert both unless it is desired
.iir.as.ua. jjditohs: j ne lime is ai nanu ior ;
ihe people lo select a candidate for the Uen- j
eral Assembly. THOMAS HAYES, Esq., has
recently discharged the duties of lhat office i
with entire satislaciion to his constituents in
aan.ral. and reieinc .... m.,ei. nn hie !
a T. . . , , e . I
periencc as a legislator, and upon his fidelity j
as well to his immediate district as to the
lerests of the whoie State, his services in the
same capacity are again ardently desired.
He hope the republicans of In ion couniy
will place him iu nomination at theapproacb
iug County Convention. -
West Buffaloe, June 13, 18G0.
fTj-Please state RICHARD V.B. LINCOLN
of Hartley township as a candidate for the
Assembly before the People on Ihe 4th Aug.
trial. Esq. Lincoln is known to the whole
county as a gentleman of ability anil integrity,
of good education, and able to lake part in
any debate who has served the connly long
in thankless stations, and who would honor
a higher one. It is many years since Old
Hartley had a Representative, and his location
would suit both L'nion and Snyder if Juniata's
claim to a Member this year is conceded
May 25, I860 HARMONY
Messrs. Editors It ls time the people sh'd
fix their choice upon some person to represent
them in the Legislature. Permit me ihrongh
your columns to recommend to them Dr. WM.
LEISER of Lewisburg. I think 1 can truth
fully say in the words of Jefferson He is
honest he is capable. As he has been just.
diligent and faithful in all that be bas ever
undertaken, I infer lhat he would continue to
be so in Ihe important post for which 1 res
pectfully name him. BUFFALOE
Messrs. Editors I see in your several last
issues that Dr WM. LEISER of your borough
has been named as a suiiable person to repre
sent us in the next Legislature. I can assure
yon lhat the recommendation given him by
Buffaloe is more lhan endorsed bvoor people
who have known him from childhood, as he
was raised among us. Endorsing fully all lhat
Buffaloe has said, we beg leave to add. that
should the Dr. be nominated he will receive a
larger vote in this and adjoining townships
lni,n ,ny other man in the county.
nrjtlnter it Recorder.
TflPPRH mvc.tr . n;iJ,l for l?efaa.
X 4 aWrfer at the ensuing eleclion.subject j
to the nomination of the People's County
Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to
receive the nomination and beelected.I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of ihe office
with fidelity. JOSEPH D. FORREY.
Mifflinburg, May 2, 1860 839
TMIE undersigned will be a candidate for
the office of Register and Recorder of
Union county, subject lo Ihe nomination to be
made on tbe 4th of August next
Lewisburg, May 2, I860 810
To the citizens of Union connly we submit
the name of HUGH P. SHELLER as a Re
publican candidate for Register & Recorder
at the coming election. Mr. 8beller's entire
worthiness and ample qualifications are well
known to all, and he is presented through the
solicitations of MANY FRIENDS.
County Commissioner.
Fellow CiTizttsi I offer myself as a can
didate for the Oilice of County Commissioner
at the next Election subject to Ihe decision
lhe Lnton coun-y Republican Convention.
fe a . : i i i . ., i
If I am nominated and elected, I will attend
lo the duties of the office faithfully.
New Berlin, June II, I860
THE subscriber will be a candidate for
Commissioner of Union county, subject
Iu Ihe decision of the nomination of the Peo
ple's parly at the delegate meetings on the
4th of August next. II. W. THOMPSON.
Mifll.nburg, May 2, I860 810
FELLOW CITIZENS Through the urgent
solicitation of a large numberof friends,
I offer myself as a candidate for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican primary election for Union county.
If I am nominated andelecled,! will discharge
tbe duties of ihe office faithfully
Limestone Tp, May 18, 1860
EN'RY K. SANDERS (son of Henry) of
Limestone township, near New Berlin,
is hereby proposed, without consulting with
him, lor Commissioner of Union county. He
the primJ of life! I-piilar, and wotthy.
is a very intelligent and competent man. in
A. H. D I LL Attorney at Law.
I iFFlCE on South Second sireet. formerly
J occupied by J. It. liamlin, dec u.
Lewisburg, June 1, I MM)
Executor's Notice.
"VTOTICE is hereby given, thai Letters tes
1 1 tamentarv on the last will and testament
. c lit u u a:run ! !. .. .1 ... r L' . I
Buffaloe ,0WI)!nip L'jon county, have been I
granted to the undersigned, by the Rogisier of I
1 nion county, in due torm til law ; all persons
having claims against said estale will present ;'
them, and those owing said estate are reijues-;
ted to make immediate payment, to j
Lewisburg, June S3, 1800 j
Estate of John Rishel, dee'd. j
Administration on Ihe eslale of JOHN
RISHEL, deceased, late of Buffaloe Tp, hav- !
ng been granted to itie suoscriner oy uie ite
gisler of Union county in due form of law
all persons indebted lo said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and all
i having any just claims sgaiust the same may
present iheui dulv authenticated lor seiilemenl
Administrator l bosk n. with tho Hill annexed
Lewisburg, June 21, IM)0
Administrator's Notice.
"1TTIIEREAS, Letters of Administration
y to the estate of LEW Is PALMER,
deceased, late of Lewisburg borough, L'mon
couniy. have been granted to the subscriber,
by the Register of said couniy, in due form ;
all persons indebted to said estate are reques
ed to make payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly
authenticated fur settlement, to
Lewisburg. June 2, IHo
Auditor's Notice.
INSTATE of Gcoaoa Viskli bleck, decM.
i In the matter of the Account of Daniel j
Weidensaul, Executor of Ihe last will and
testament of lieorge VVinkelbleck. late
Hartley township, L'nion county, dee'd.
The Auditor in Ihe matter nf the shove
,slaie, w, meet all parties interested, at his ',
' ,
Hice in Ihe horough of Lewisburg on Kaioar ,
lne 6ln ,jay 0f juv, jj ls60 a, )u 0-c ; j
A M, juri.Tt o. i.i.sis. Auditor,
i !I07 Chestnut St. rkiladrlphia.
t roiimit t art. or the nraen atylea. laitmf and
Euaiueaa tarda, enarared and printed at the nhorteat ;
notiee. A.sery full Kaaortment of FINK .statiouerv
,fw,,,0 hand. Initiala io C. lor.and e.ery r.H.lydf
EmbiMetstiij, artiticjally rxeruU-d.
An mri of l'moer
and KnT(-loM? made to order
June 'iU, ll.0
For the INSTANT RKLIKP and ;
l'KUMAN KNT fCKE of tLia ula-
treaaing complaiut, uaa I
Made by C.n SEVMOUIt t CO.. 10T NASSAU Street, S T.
lYict SI per box ai-tit free by po-t. j
Real Estate.
TIT. .a T -a - r , V.
a nT C. h 'li- 1? JsO lot 1" h 't 2f..I SIIO
l i , 'J ,
JJ lot 8.M k 40,J:W J lot 15, bl k 91. :'0 I
'n UAKO TA CITY, (a County seal and Land i
0 sl,e Nebraska Territory.
Also 3 Lot in the town of SPENCER, the J
seat of jusiice for Clav couiitv, on the line of ,
tbe Dubuque Railroad, al :s I each.
JOHN 11. LINN, Lewisburg,
Ageut for a'axscis M. ZiUaca
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Union county, I will sell on ihe prem
ises on Snturday, Aucr. IS, 1810, at 2
o'clock, P M, the following tract of land, situ
ate in Hartley Twp, Union Co, Pa, adjoining
lands of DauU Wolfe, John Chuicb and Geo.
Kieckner, comprising
fLl Six Acres E
more or less, all improved, and on which are
erected a good two-storey weather boarded
Dwelling-Hotise. and a good STABLE also,
some Fruit Trees wiih the appurtenances
late Ihe estate of Wiliuji Nivel, dee'd.
Terms made known al sale by
Hartley, June 23, 1SG0. Administrator
Two Excellent Western Farms
17011 S.II.E or will be Exchanged for
Properly in Central Pennsylvania.
One tract of 151 acres is on ihe south line
I of Wurren eotjtt, 7ouva,with a p(si-office, mill.
and school-house near. 1 he other, i.ear the
west line of said county, contains 120 acres, a
short distance from a good settlement. They
are 30 miles south and south west of Des
Moines, the Capital of the Slate, and about 8
from the line of Ihe Burlington &. Missouri
River Railroad. The land is rolling, of a good
quality, and timber convenient. Indianola is
the couniy town. Persons desirous of making
a purchase will make further inquiries at ihe
Star 4 Chronicle office, Lewisburg. April 23.
A FINE Opportunity for Sale or Ex
change! Will be sold cheap for Cash
or exchanged for Town Properly or Farms in
the West Branch country, a quantity of
good, unimproved Land,
suitable for FIVE handsome Farms. Their I
""n is a vv'erl and health.
beauty, fertility and desirable climate can not
be excelled. Persons sincerely anxious to buy
or exchange, can obtain further information
by calling on J F & J M LIN.N
Lewisburg, Feb. 13, 1800
SES and Lots, each suitable forlii
two families one on North Fourth street and
one on St. John street, for Sale. Half of each
of Ihe above Houses are for Rent.
sr-Also, fur sale, four Building Lots on
North Fifth street. JOHN HOUGHTON,
Lewisburg, Jan. 20, 1859. Agent
too4 House anl Store Boom oa Market tMrtct, Ac.,
rilHE subscriber offers for sale several
I UttlCK HOUSES, and other Bull
dings, situate in the Borough of Lewisburg.
Persons wishing lo purchase, will please
call on Mr. Jonathan Wolfe, who will give
them such information as they mav desire.
July 6, 1859 G. SCHNABLE.
ON South Fifth street, a property aa
consisting of a good Frame HouseJL-a l
oa a balf Lot of ground. Tennseasv. Apply
to May 17 A. B. VORSE
rriHE well known Tavern Stand ff
X at the east end of the Lewisburglxi
bridge, in Chillisquaque township, Korib'd
Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms.
Lewisbnrg, Dec 17, IS58.
THE TWO ROOMS occupied at pre
sent by Washington Hntchinson as a
Saloon. They are suitable for IS HOPS.
For Terms apply to
Jan. 27. 1858, JOHN B. LINN:
ron SALE.
AiitsiKABLE Kuildlng Lot. 3.1 feet
teel front by IK7 dtep. Enquire of
Beaver, Krriucr A y 'Clure.
, :
't?lf !K in Rebel s liliTic. louf tiuors auu.c
ihe Daiilf (up sum. )
Lewisburg, April loSQ
I I Oilice in Lewisburg, "n Vmmr l!ie
lain itav of June next lo rem
II two v.eeiis.
'it, am! duty
After lhat. his visits will be re
notified. EV'Kooms in Meuell s liiiil.I.ng.
three doors South of lue U.pi si CbuicU. ,
N. B. Please be piilieular as to tune. I
will be ihcrc punctually, and then n.usi be o:T
lo meet other engagements.
II. .;:sti ti:r. in
has removed lo SSmiili :t 1 s'rrri. I. ir
d"ors troui Ihe Tou Cluck, LEV,-,
N South Waler Sireei,
sit XtsliUN )!.! t,:;:iiJ.
If vou want cheap fJi.Ot'EKiEs. tail ;it
NESIilT'S. Also TOA!;, r. .!,ii -,' and
Chewing TOH.MXO. An a-i.r niTH 1,1
HATrl and CATS at c.-t. l.l.'.MHEIl and
COAL of every variety at veiy lnw W".
STONE and S AN i lunii he.) f, r h-n.d.iis
and paving purpi ses. Oi Vi t, r Il'E wi.l
be tilled by leaving ihem a; N ESUI'i 'S.
rifCoiiiiiry niDl'lCE ial;cu in ex liatrc
for the ahore articles.
Lewislmrg. May S, IRGO p'-ins
s tiii EL ii. oz:n IG.
AHos iir; nl J,:iv.
rnev n HmIi ..... nHe f r'. .i si.
II ;.t uv;f -.t!
VSAU Professional IJii'.n.es. entrus'e ! tti
hi -are will be faithfully on I promptly at: o
i fept. 1-1, Ik.''7
tsr P I C - N I C.-u
We'll jump into tlie tVay .n, and all Uke a ri.te.'T
LARGE, handsome CVTcrS m
and verv conif:rt;t--''i'r-'Tr
hie U l(; hasbeen..fcJ-i..Va.
fitted up ior the especial aei-oniuio'laiiri t-f
Pic-Nic and other similar exeu r-no. s. T.-rnts
moderate. Apply to Jit. M. IIOl'SEL.
Lewisburg. June 3, W"9.
TrT i Tl ' I f ( I '
J. X till ILL. !
A LArxGE sapi.lyofIi"t.h's,Sia!!cr.fry,
X- Perfumery, Ji-u-elry. T.-v.-, i. i,o ci o-o-eries,
Teas. Spices, Fruit, Sii. H;ik!s.
Pictures, and a variety ol lt'K NACKiS lor
sale licap at the
,6:11 LEWISEURG PI'ST crFIt n.
X be had at the
2i U t Ladies and G.-M-. pan
EV ERAL setts id" CAMEOS and Ih-r
Breast Pins and Ear luu: ran I - had
very cheap at Ihe I'UsT (iFl'iC'E
kuers flir Bks . a.,,,',, a,,v , .,,
III , .
J promptly atiendeu in ,-.t :h
1(,KT 0Frl(.E
- ,
1 AUILS can find the latest ar.d -. a-s, r'-
Ii ment ot Letter and Note PA PKIJ.Envel
opes A c. at ihe PlIM OHlL'L
F you want a beautiful GILT I'E WE.
go fn ihe
POST iiH"!l E.
IF von want a supply if f.ne STATIONE
RY, lo ihe P(iT tiff HE.
X respectfully ai.rn ui.ee to i, r,t i.s , i ,
Lewisburg and vicii.iiv thai ihey have loiuitd
a Partnership in the
Tailoring Eusicess,
at the well-known stand 1 1 Jane Ciiswellon
Market street, where tin v are prepared '"
CUT AM) MAKh 1 1' to t n er in ti e very
best style, Meu's and Hi ts' t lotllinK ' '
every description on sh rt m lice. We ask
a share ot Ibe public pain ri re
Lewisburg, April 1, 1.-:"!
TAKE .NOTICE! The undersigned arc
appointed Agents inr the sjii", i
Doors, IlIiiuN &. Irlnt'ow Nasli
of all sizes, made of Ihe bt M ma' -nr-l. ,
work warranted. IV.Made by L.B.SP1.I T
ilughesvihe, Pa. and for -ale I v
679 F S CALDWELL. Lew i. i urg
Tiios. .. .i.ii:k
AS just received a splendid assortment
of Ihe verv teI, cr.eiipt st and i.
lashionable Jt-t'el'ii) in the iuua. in-
Slock comprises
Breasit IMiik,
tar Ittnjrs,
i'iusei- till!?,
Liai 'clt-i.
Mtt ie Cuttciara,
which will be sold cxtiemely low for Cash.
He.respecllully asUs lhe atrijiant- id a,!
his old cusioii'er-; and aKo invites new ones
to give hi in a call belt. re nuking their pur-
I all ai Ihe srsn tt the lne viat.lt.
Market street, east of Secw.d. Iter.
rTIHE Firm of llu,7 r, l.rnhtt l: .',rr,.:ch
X in the ItrlekEay in? ISnitusi.
are ready to costrait lor all kinds i-i wiik
in their line, and are well saiislied il would
be to the interest of such as purpose erecting
good buildings lo give us a call before con
tracting wiih others. We have put up s,ne
of the best houses and slercs in Leuit uic.
and are assured their owners will testily tl,ai
their buildings were put up by good and ener
getic workmen, and iu quick nine, (which is
a very important matter to builders.)
Rrferrncn Chamberlin Lro's; L. Palmer,
architect; Dr. l.Brugger; Bvers Amnions;
Lewis Ashenfciler. ISAAC WALTER.
Lewisburg, Dee. S7. iwti
ft-p Horseman's Friend, or
? I'orket Companion, j
Filly-Two Valuable Receipts lor the Farmer ;
and Horse Dealer for sale rts bv
Bookbinder. Lewisburg. Pa.
1 rTiHE subscriber Leeps constantly en hard '
a large assortment ol lne very nest Sha- '
ruokin and Wilkes-Uarre COAL, tor lin.eand
stove purposes, which he will sell at lhe very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce, j
Also, Blacksmiths' (V, VLitltr and ','. t
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given. ;
Coal Yard near Weiilensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 7,'5i.
IIOMUUOIMTlllC I'll l it,
OFFICE in his new Brick Block, Market
street, south side, between 4ih aud oih
(up stairs.) Lewisburg, May, lud' I ';8
; JJ
UTTER, Eggs, Lard and Poultry taken to
Exchange ior Goods at the
roar OFfiCE
ritf'L'I'lf mivrlfl A 1 I ! TJ ft.bjt , .
-1 i-"'" u. wftick
I is nn-jr l iking
Eastern. Sooibern an 1 mont of ihe U ,,(rj
ri'ie-.and in man; rejects is conaitirrrd pre.
Irr".!ir to g I J or any metallic hase) at reduced
r-nees, tiiiis eiMtiln.g ail who neett them
ei.aa.Ja,l the j,
r. in t ti la I. at tiiprotd tla
.tt will l t,M Ui tJllnr T.eth
.. .1.. i e 1 , li..- IT .t iia.ftaat p.r.ll..n pen.,,.,,
t.. I!.- r i.. I. - i .it : I..' -i y t!..r.tnt:v KtuNbj li,.kiU
t Jl sit.l u ( sp-riit:'"'il 1 r-t- r. ; hut ii.n ir'.rl,
1 i- I, a.LLr'ii llr iia' ural oin. aoiuaek 4.,
Ii i i?..'.e 1 ce b ami Exposed Nerves Irraird
f. i : in n t a rY.'tr ,et 'f I n.trnini'ara and
I-::.".- I. .1 i..s.r Iw.nrv ,ei:r. rrm.taat r.d ,al.n.,vc
. hi .i i t j r,.L ii. ..-w-,i. I. ..f ai, is, l.i. -0.
I ... -tsi .-.-- (' -?!.!! ro tie .ri.f...ir,, th aorril.r
w..,, 'I. r-ji it lt.at entire MtliUeU.a aul
: '.- K... ir.s 111 Mr-. Merzger's Dwei.'ica
Fiuin sued, t. ulb vf Market.
. l-',0.
"cv Stirc Xcw Goods!
r niLAc a n, Lirnr.'G store,
TU0 lX'ors alo;e lLe L.trk,
li Sii:i,. n.
a person in inr City
.! a
.; if
r..i,tai.i.y at Aiiciu.n.ia prepared to
li s O'i ...: at Cllv 1'r.ces Husiarw
--, I r. i i.ei ( i;(.n. 'I etui g NVeilte, CuU
lliif.ii.s, Taj't, ai,d ail g.LUs teeded by
li. e I
ks an i S'aiii'cerv. Sehrrnl
e ii . k-. ic. Pape, jffji
ii '..u I'm
e IJ aid
c I-. i-ril! i
. ... . . -M I A
reeli- JSjiTCIi W.
C untry Produce li.en ia
-IJ.1.-.1, paiu lor liaas.
t;o. II. L. M'MAHON.
April 1M, !
H. SUT0R, -
Motk and 'ant Maker, a.a
M Jiii is "r.rnC;ern,any.ajidisa(;ne
. i .ooiii in Mil ditierrr.i "kinds of
I li( ol I i.-iness. Jot-s lliai ean
"' '." ""'r-v sh,'PS can.be dtat
' k'mr ut':,;,s "!-lphia..Ij te
ii l.A.I.s I I.I).
Inte'v I . r, ri,a?rd f.r fe T.v-..
in ts.-r. I HI te2m. f,.e k.,!f
p hi It B.ir.i.x, Brirk Block s.
lislzj mcst Thrive:"
T53 ' l:!:i:' ummmiu
:''' M" "1,ar ur,B' here 1 U-e
at a.i tune, a iua j.sortiueui ,f
JTll IS !.-, Msa rip
IKM. ArfA7.7Mea?,.e.we. I wit
a mi mi; ti
:er-. un:
ol l i-iie..
r -r, en shi ri nonce, Tin Cot.
r any k.nd of work in nylite
t v Men JingandJoll
iinr generalivprrirr:l
are.-, V.l
. Oct
rt. Is.'itf
.le -O.
rtm.-nt of tkia aurerir
I r. -. rvoie h,:i:. mu. f ...
l.i.Jttn. Ln.He. ,,r h. ,1 oraolkl-.'
jb.-, AC. tA.l. A.XU J?
Jos. A. Kl.tAMEU
John B. Linn,
TTOr.X.;V AT LAW-Offte ,t
1 l:i U-uc 1 1, N. :araei M. Let. 1st A y
Tie HCW-fiTD ana jjCIE Express
Ctc: ranks.
1 ? X V 11 1 . . i ;s 1 'u : ; v to s r. il from 5-r
r ... i i -..i
.Or. ai d Cinada. e"
l.ro i. re. Leahthiia
T.iiniiT Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
O ..LKAI. Iir-.ALtKS 1.1
y .',c..-.t. rvrry at :. r rrn,ni, n u tbf triije. urhM
Ti:A. COI-TLK. J!OL.?tE5.
tl'CAl.V l'I!ELE, FI?II,
I'KflTS. A-c.A-c. Ac,
Mulct !':r.f. ,.yy.f;,e &e J ff.Cf,
I.cii i !;ursr, Pa.
rV O. T". tt Co. have just rfrriTed
M a lo-l. i'Ci li.i ., r: ha a t'.-u.ar.lrua .nvk a
i. I ii-'.-r.f.- it o i n k,r .1. ,D.cr,- al,i.fl i:
Irtl-':.v S a ai ....
I 'il uj. ,a Cu;i- r.a i w; .-.mt.-il j urt aL.1 lr,,h. '
I;ie i Ai t.Iis, ri'ticbe., Truiieg. Ctf
-"- 'ii-.-i i:nr I'itroiis. I'i'jf,
Lu:i':-.i: li-ii.s ii-,., ci to In"
i . i- ritties of
-ri 'j.iitm?,
Pi io J;ua I MJK.pronnd,
au'l ut ; i ii : .! I .., ... r.- rr-..:., f. r raniilj aw
A 1 ! ', rMAChl:j,LL.i.li?
"' V;. .'..;. At., .i l, BACVS,k
A II.jotmI :i.-...rtuirnt or
ffl"' .'! Cedar Ware.Cla
. t-.it us. vi are. Carltien
v.aie, lie; c, '1 v inc. &e.
Fi-h OH, I ?;.!. fV,.e Oil, Cundlcs, Canli
and L'iii'i Wi.h, riH:,ic, Lord, Ac.
Heap? of all kiwis, 'Wheel Gn a?e.et'.
(Tcbacra dvh Gcjo.ro, a t'joirc raritii.
Flour, Corn ilea!, Potatoes, Cor:,
Rye, Outs. Ae., ulnrs on IitinJ.
f.'.M.i.T dttirrtii frre o ' rh,:ri;c to cuxtomfl
rcfij"iz irillun the livrnu'i.
T"ail'Wi('t ti' n: i.e. ri
l.Tr f.T a:0,' W,-INI r ,nij
Iiol, ii:, tr lit.- J (.l-lii- to r-ai
ot tir,rr:i. WV.?rr r. I
ti. riii.ti,. ral. u .l.
articl, aDii-t aa
It r aoulJ r-.r
mi a!',.'!'
1 I
rl.. apa- . y .P l-L.-u.l.ttL
. at H-iiai
iM l.;,rlHuir:i ,.lK-,ti,iir nuiun lutiii-t'1
ua a r:.l,; i, r
II, jini'iiifr nil mituiur J' Vwiucf,
aad fa; iw- I.:j:ti a. sn tr,lr rl?r.
Uai.l uiK. A(ru St. lii". T. O. ITAN'Sa OX
Hursh & Goedm an, Mm hm .'''"?
HAVE received
assi rlnient
red and cpenel a IH0KB
ol all the latest
.spun? and Summer Goods. "I he far-;c"
auention cl the Ladies i c.ilieJ to tbeir s'-cc
if L'uliianis
Dre-s si'ks Pr:i is
Iie'.iil;es Chaw's
Fig.Fr MeriLos
ALSO Cloths. Plain anl
laser .ess
E 'emirs
Farev Cas "n'1
Twfp,' Vaomr. M'!4-! IIS.
, I)rui-
ings, Tickings, Klam.eis, Boois a"
I r Shoes, Hats and CafsJJ
togei'ncr wiiu a complete as. ricel 1
Groceries, Hardware,
Ci'i'nrware. OufCErwarf.
all of uhiih will 1 c dispose! ofm s '
ble terms as ihe ame articles ran be t3
ased anywhere. Wive ut a rail.'
Da. W. II. B.rKin.1 sr. V. X- P"'
rnrsiciAXs axd sircm
I) EfPCf'TFri.LY tfer their f"''
V. lhe en ens of Lewisburg and l -loitmliiig
country. vrcttf'
I'aitirnlsr attention paid lo M i'1' '
Enquire in West Maiet street or j
resilience ot Mrs. liackliouse Ian. f ' ,
Srnir.u R coal on. i.a -n " :
at J. l!..Uer tk C's Drus
I'uiil.iuc Coa: wn.