Hi i Iff STAii Ml 11 II ill! I IF IP MlltfMluMo BY 0. N. AVORUEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At per Vcar, always In Advance. 'Till. UXION," established in IS 11 Whole Kt, 2,-124. "CnROXirLE," established" i:i IS 13 Whole No.. 815. LEWISDURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 18G0. i oi u t r,i.'.Lfcnfl,i.n'.li clime oefore that, every year, teus of thou b,h!0 U'W'l) f-WVS Mr ) , sanj, nt frnbryo sovreigns Iroin ihe g.eeu - Vi7r.".VJi.'.i' t'AwlLV Jvl i:.AL , isie, who 111 meir own couuiry were nac i a- ueen u uaiieiiy s relations, -tings ana queers, every wan of iliein," landed on our shores, mingled with our citizens and voted. As I said belure, this is but the beginning of the end I wish we were well through it. Fi r a week, we shall have nothing but crowds and parades, and business wilhiu hailing dis tance of the great centre might as well hide its head. If you want your regular rest, and , iiiijK4'iu ly j.ui'iii.1"-.!. rU P" ', your readers wish Ihe regular edition of the isburg, 1 you, in ol priut a route of the procession for dirty little boys to cry around the streets ; it's dreadful on the nerves. t i 1 . i - .1. : t- - r l. - ,rf.c-ni:" . - - -. ,,.,. , ,l,..i,. peuiicu ins ou me impulse t nit ti ';" h,, hi .bw.M.iiMiiiistrtuui.uru.iu , moment, or l wou:d give you ine speecnes ..Irant-e ot Hie I -ninoi- .uao.. , uiiiuc i wc iciriiiiuu vy luc nuuioi mea, .,... re .niileniaterial.f.r most .. ... , , ' , Cooo-cied , "" ,,. ' ,,.:.,,, i, i,,r.,rutolwiIIi ! "-" urn uuum uritlitw iiuu vcij 111- wlf4 KriiajN! U-wlsbarg.l anm rouiil. Pena'a. rVI'VS tl SO HT JTW. TU Bt PHD IS M'VAS-! o4 i if - I"": '"" " .""J", IT fTI-ur month". loci-lor x uniittin. 1 Jul. cw " m month 1' "" "' ' dul 'r t '"- ,,.r ar i-.M-les oil' yr. 'U I"' "'I'li-a "" )"'' ,V . i rte. I'a.mrut he Wall (laud) ..Ourt'stiiii:.tr bank unu-a ml Uleir war"'"''1 ll" olilK. ! Aiokuii-uo11 tT . ....i- .if I-roliire rnft-irpu in ur. ri.irr, lor w i.l'-n a mt ii nun, . . ruoniun ai-ivui.t i 11 M.iri to. Sw't'swJJ1' ' Chronicle, don't invite them to Lewis! t-ia";i!"r.ri'""SI. irV'iii''.t.t." , beseech you; and if you should, 1 beg 1" ''!i i"'iir'' oi mi"n. to tS;. frr yr.r. iiut i the name of your fellow citizens, do no . ...nne lliri !.r..I..v''r1!'''',, A moiar.- ii l-Muror ..I in-t l.rir t. Ail-Ttii-in'iw tl a 1 ...-. 1111' 1HI1.1I-U'-, U"l HUUJUM U- 0,m f.iwiiK.1"-' . .reuiTl mo rrft , -r.nl. I I" Hi' vl Ul..i ..Ure. ,wi in wl lindaoi JOB "1.,,,, ".;, .n.!.!. o-rm.. j teresting, as there were no references to the "."rl.ir.i .dvrtti-nienuitoi-i'iJ f ii" hri.ll ' -cradle of liberty," ic the visitors never EET WEST, &C. lCorres.iHlen'e of the Mar A ChrooU'1. rH'K-n Markt uiv.-' . . - i "-""f, ; . t " C(?c Star cuti Cbrontflr. MOXlltr, JI'XE IS ,Mf, A Kcmrnibraiite. rKKil.. of J pm- i.y o .-h ..-riM Th. p.to. - i""r'-i s""" ,"'1u-"',.1 Ami wwr. I" ' " u'' """' W. kU'ici t "or" ""'" "" 'irl '"oii KM in tu.-.r .uaJ ' " "' r Jli.: i,i ...-a ' --,l,t -rr d,""rr , y., l,eUa Uir' muIrJ.or uim ea Ui til4 Tbo io Uk ni.. "-I-' !" Hat. turnmc lH' '" o..iiui; . ' ii. IM-KW.T T lfc. r-htN I1..I n:l u- ltli tr-n-l-orton kllM, iJ m.k- U" i'i l"ll"' U l'-ni uj 0"" "'" rr-u why 0i wmiti I" m.ii iiu mrrry I. biiai Atnilieu- Jl'. ' " "" 'o"1 '" " ''' Aud turp bis w,n,t t" lnbT .iutk than Uiifl, H li.r rvi-rlalioi:- t'Uf. uuf-ili'iK j"JS And nr-witin-noi! tlo-re" nlmli.. H'b.u I wai yoiiil" .Ii - Iho ucamethw-k and Ujt While dwHImit oa lb" d.; a catm iioy, Aud yt. r-rb.w.. oulikr inoi-t 1-U1.T boy., ,r I tut I"" of atirriup dcnl. HWMit-id Tli.t I aoald i.boiit wli.u d.hni; talia .t-re told( And lori U do wbal olli.l. fvarvd (llut soon llie " ct,oi to bo tbo tnaul V lull in m? t'vnu.onv vnturr tint 1 uiadc, Ml hrrf ri-lt. Th f"1 I'll nr tT torget Till Ibtf le toorMi and rider do ap.-r. Xmt oa a Muiii-iirouoi, in a ,b-dy rov, Vl'liemn to'e ni-t. SliuriMir.. kniwlme, ound sl' Uo-re, and tong m l urayers .roue t -r i-rriuc unci, wlnle 1 J.oor .inuer that 1 la TtMiunlit of ill. rrraturo. uiorr thv.u of my Ood. A m.ideD fair, and ui't a.i hi- a aa fir, Aud winuiuc ,-T'ry .top .ud foiitun too, n brr iant aul.-lines.--, 1 cbMncl to meot li,r baud 1 l"ua, and n brr aillinc car. Mi. ,nioolnl tlie hair fr-oi off uiy U.yi-b limw, And. toonnc. wLlrre'i aor-l. I II not mi, knoaa to u. only and th Urd of bot.. Whirb unto w baTe boon a. to tlte traTelor i. Tbr epniin of water in tbi- dt-.ert al-. W. bade farenrell 1 tUoimlit, U, moot aMn, And ton-new tbe frieiid.bip we bad t .rinod. llat, in thl world, ail o nurorum no .ne beathuid Uod Uiat day. and month, and yo-ira, Oairk yoara aud month. Java, away bo down, Aud we e not net-will neor meet, H-n Uau, 1 11 itatherod all before the Judgment seat. M'e'll aoo. be there my life is aimieit speut Hut that one aeene will clo-er me until I Uate sX he ballowi-il bllMi 01 an eierua, oiuc. tswa Co, f- . II. JCorresooudeBce of tbe Star Cnroniele.J Tbe Japanese in Philadelphia. J'uilau., June 'J, lii(). For three days yes, lor su days we nave hiJ out one so'uud ringing m our ears Iroin morn till inidingut, screnued Irom a tUousaud throats K uie ol me Jdpance parade, 1 u.y one cent!" till we have wisneil Japan, lQe Tyeoou, aud the whole race ot coons -lit the deen bosom of the oceau buried," "t'other Aide ot Jurdan," or anywhere else, to relieve j ably' US Ol IU CtClia.iiu6 Well, we have got to the beginning of the end at last, tor at 3 o'clock the oarbaiiansare to arrive, aud "such a rumpus" no set ol bar barians ever kicked up before. Smce day light, the town has been like a great beehive. M'en, women and children are going in every direction what for. Heaven only knows ; and every railway train brings iu crowds of itrangers from the country. Every momenl, a straggling party of husband, wile aud Iroiu one to ten children, with each a naud-ba.-ket, slops to gaze into tbe windows, read aigus, and then pass on to tne next store. Factory girls, with calico dresses stretched over hoops which might embrace the great Tun of Heid elberg, are struggling th.ougu crowds of boys, and exchanging small talk with them, j Men and women, ooys ana gins, OiacK anu white, are driving a splendid irade in ginger bread, turnover pies, sugared and painted sponge cakes, green cherries, &C 'l ouiig America," in smart bats, patent leather boots, and tasty jackets, is out in force, aud ambi tious shopkeepers are giving to the breeze any quantity ot white and red spotted, ad in visitors. There is one thing which troubles me worse than the calf s tail iu ibe tan yard fence troubled the boy once, (i ll tell you that sto ry, some time) and ltat is Ihu : How are the atnbissalors going to get all their presents home ! Why, ii would lake the Spauish Ar mala (I ought to scratch out the word Spanish," as I suppose every reader of the rf'l.. I . . . . '.. ... I ! ... a" l a I A"ua". m" in his speech, said, referring to the Southern . ,..,6 """"""' Democrats and their Northern Allies like as an excuse for a tautology, or a redu0dan- Lweak kneed Bi , ., movtmtDt ej. or something ot that kind, by which such a lhat was made io er .peechlhat was m. Bgure of speech is known among grainman- Xfni lh(.re was , effor, , do ,w0 as; and, besides, there is no use taking up ; thin 0ne was ,0 make a ,lave code fof voiu .an aw ,U1IJIU1LUUU W1IU WW, DUllt,UUUU3 - word) well, it would require an Armada lo ng fashionable in Japan, and also as a matter of delicate courtesy to our bachelor chief magistrate, bis "majesty" at Ihe white house. Of course, when the 1'rinc e of Wales lands, we shall have no such demonstrations we don'i toady to the English, you know ! It's wonderful, alter all, how much differ ence it makes to one whether he has prospects or not. I remember, a good many years ago, the I'rince d'Joinville paid us a visit and had a grand time. A week or two sitice, he pass ed through Philadelphia, stopped at a public bouse, and remained and went unnoticed. Since his first visit his father lost his throne, the Prince his prospects and his attraction. Since the above was written, the Japanese have enjoyed a day's rest, although ihe Sab bath was desecrated by a noisy crowd around the hotel, watching every window, and send ing up shouts at the appearance of every sal low face ; and, to-day. the same throng has waited patiently the ingress and egress of the various persons of the embassy, and were alike lavish of admiration of princes aud servants. The Japanese area singular people even in appearance. They are the most animated heathen I have ever seen, and seem perfectly at home. It is highly amusing to see a dozen or two of their Llick heads out of the win dows, grinning and bowing to the crowd be low ; throwing kisses to the Ladies at the Ui- rard House, opposite ; watching the various groups through opera glasses; and turning every now and then to shake hands in their quick, nervous wav with every visitor, As the papers will give yon the details of the great doings, and every wink and nod of the immaculate "Jommy, 1 will not weary you wuh my descriptions; besides, I m tired of the everlasting subject, and of all Japan. s. ii. r. To tbe Editor! of the "Star I Chronicle The Douglas Meeting in Philad'a Lame on, according to the programme, at Concert Hall, on .Monday evening. A heavy thunder shower rather dampened Ihe enthusi asm of "the unterritied ;" but about 9 o'clock the crowd began lo assemble, ttiill, at no time during its progress, did the demonstra tion equal in numbers and character the re cent monster gathering of the People's party. Iu one respect, at least, the affair was a fail ure. The "big guns" promised, turned up missing; and, with a single exception, the speakers were worn-out local politicians. A long list of officers was read; cne of the Vice Presidents named, the very day of the meeting, told me he was strongly opposed to Douglas so nis name was used unwarranta- . One feature I must not forget to speak ol. Kelore tne meeting amimtncrd, the repor ters were furnished with the speeches of nearly all the Orators, written oui; and the cream of the joke is, they were already plen tifully interlarded wnn ("applause ) ("great cheering") ("immense enthusiasm") etc! The remarks of some of the speakers pos sess significance at this lime, just on the eve of the Baltimore Convention. For instance, Hon. Richard Vaux said, "Should the Con vention not heed our voice (i.e. not take Dou glas) the duty which compels all true Demo crats to support us actions and its nomina tions, will find us ready to obey." And the resolutions, while urging Douglas, squint to ward acquiescence in tne selection ol anoth er. It looks ranch as if til worshipers of tne a.itiic uiant were Deing prepared lor a gentle let down at iiaitimore. ion mar de pend upon it, thai, let that Convention do as it may, "the house is divided," and a greater than man has said that such a structure can not stand. If Douglas is nominated, hundreds of prominent southerners are pledged lo op Table for Foretelling laeWraiber through ill the "COKCSHT" IN THE PACIFIC, i books, as they posses, none of these little I All AwftHy Romantic Incident. Tbi, tab" raccompanjins re- ,nc ...hi. r.acrt. j Tol?icn a!l inside of tbe ! ".v " If"' i,, .i.....i r .(,,. t . u .,, dicciiitf. fitted out an ei-Mjdttion of twen- Aa Kev Y est fiL-urenratLor more eaten-! . ' ...... ' ' . . 1 1 hat well-known band of vocai.sts, "the I cooccn room, uu u.w .u..v- . nivi'lv in the N 'wtianor nt i r uont fl n I ODStJITatlOD; tbo Whole beiDgCODStrucled on Allef liauians," are giving concerts ii the : commenced lliu concert by slugll.K a live- in our Uoof-raubie, 1 will endeavor n the a d consideration of tbcatlraction of tbe Pacific. A letter Irom Valparaiso give, th iu our uoograpuits, l win enacavor, 1Q tuc , following account of a concert at Karotouga, present letter, partially to supply tbe do-; am and Moon, in their several positions j uue ot- .,,e iierVey Islands, ou the lSiu of nuiency. J Ins id the largest city in tbe ; re?pectiog tho harth, and will, by simple ; last January. State ol Honda, tut numbers ouly 4.IJUU : inspection, sbovr tbo observer what kind habitants. Tor tbe purpose of better j of wcatjlcr m most probably follow tbe government, aud also on accuuut of us iso . , , . . , I,, ' i i ' , enhance of the Moon into any of its nnar- latcd pooitiun. it has been incorporated ' , . . , , .-. . ...... i -.i. .ii .i . r ' ters. ana mat so near tho train as to DC ; . . i i i . ... 1 1 i. i uiiiwuK a. -jirBm into a "city, Kiiu an me customs 01 a ai luo ouiy rroi wucre uuais couiu liiuu. " r -. j i . i i ' .i.. f,. ,t,- it s. ' . . I.. .....,..,. . I J l .In, and .tan wrilnoaaail aovprnl nulrxi ilid : W'lter S I3f .A Inft nt. intilil roaoh .nil " ! Our aeeut bad parted two of our large pic-! ',. . .. , . . .. i . . ,, . ' wo torial los.trs to-ether aud fastened tberx, "5 Ue-lm, but bis audi-, lat few gtlleys escaped destruction. Tbo eutu uiKumcu o..uio ot too .ueoa , morniLjf of the seventeeutU day was cleat was calm, and fat could le seen tba fleeted on tbe iky. scattered fleet fathered appruacbtd the beach, w e soon i . . . , ,, i . . " , . c. , I iii . ,. , i givcu iucui mi; uiuii ju nuaiu iue uiau- loEeiocr to liuraue meir vovaire. Dae ins found a native who had been out on two , . . , . . . . , B .. . , I r "j"e,r quiet country vilN-re. The island on stldom found to fuil. At least, so wbivb it is bitu.-ited is scarcely six square ! was published, many years ago, and ty-five ga'.leys at Senteii, and Laving man ly quartet. With this they were highly , ucu luem wiinsuincienierewiol colonists, delighted ; but it was evident from their : et forth from Iceland to wbat appeared looks and actious, that they wanted to bear 1 more congenial climate. Tbcy sailed np- . lt..l .L-,. til.-' . ' ' Ti-l.jRsi.Ay, Jan. 19. As soon as brent- r,sr' " luey " "'";. on tbe ocean fifteen days, and they saw no fast was over, we put off for the sboro iu j . """ ,"" !J-"" ,u , land. The next day brought with it a r .t i t . n i i..r- I all sizes. After siu"iLg two or three tne-; . , odoo the shtps butts Hundreds of na-, coalmenCedCwrth the bell,, by totm- nJ " gt vessel sank in lives had already collected on the, beach ' , J ,be it- Iourj,a!ni 0f MeTei tb9 miles in arej, and Iorci9 part of the crcat apaiu insert it. for the curiositv and inves- at the end ft a pole in suca a ameer that ; Florida Heels. It is about CO miles Iron, j tfsatlonofa!1 who desire to to we'atherwise. j -aid be held aloit as we ncared the lliZ j ' sc the warn land of Honda, in a southerly , , , , , "bore. At the mgbt of th.s Strang pic . V ,. ' , a, to the northward airection-auotit yu miles north u ua- lure, tse ej;; auu tbe moutus ol me , diJ B0, kB0W t0 mako lDOf,u t0 u;!gl..re of ice-fields rt taua auu is toe uiusij bouiueru town a, i i-er i " co I lives eiecuieu iu opeu wiuer uuu wiuli bo( . . . . . , , . wm .... . r , t ....... ill lot- I I o i 8 . . . . . ... i thtiir at'DroLation : but Mr. (jtll bavin!' 1 be remains of tbe the Lotted Mates, 'ibe lhbabitants uro -I I2qI i i I 12165 the buat kind aud boi-pitable, aud thoroughly cos mopolitan. Tbe temperature varies but little throughout tbe vcar, p that rich and beautiful fijwtrs are constantly bloom ing all over the ifland. On accouutof tbe treacherous coral reefs abounding iu the neighborhood, and the constantly varying currents and eddies of the Gulf Stream, the Hanks (of which ibis island forms a part) witness many a noble vessel ending her days in sight of this c zy little island. A large portion of tbe peo ple are engaged diivctly or indirectly in assisting vessels in distress, or in saving wrecked property. Several million dollars worth of property are annually brought into this port, for the decision of the Ad mirality court iu reference to the salvage due tbe wreckers. They reap their harvest from tbe misfortunes of others. This is in fact the great sourco of revenue, although considerable moucy is made in collecting sponges, and also in providing fresh fish fur the Havana markets. Although the island is nothing bnt coral rocks, still, a light covering oi sandy soil nourishes considerable shrubbery in a wild state. Tbe island generally can not be cultivated. Iu the city, by forced efforts, they have succeeded in surrounding their pretty cottage homes with a great abun dance of flowers and trees. Tbe cocoa-nut and other palms are the pridcof tbe island, giving it a truly pleasing and tropical ap pearance. The Harbor of Key West, is one of the best in our Southern States, and on this account has been selected by the Govern ment as a naval station. It is now being protected by tbe erection of a maguifieent fortification, named "Fort Taylor," aud it is estimated that it will cost over one mil lion of dollars beforo completion. Id ease of a war with any maritime nation, tbe poscssion of Key West will bo invaluable to us, both as a safo retreat for our mer chantmen, and as a convenient harbor for i OD Ci e tSeffif 3 B ESBI0BC30C7DC O " n I QC C! i-7i' - li B - 2 S 3 B i 7z n 5 r- 5 r - c, 5 s 5 5' 1 03 g OS a 2 2 cr o ; c o 2. a t p p: t. ii t: a r. o ' tc v. 5 5 a '-'-3 0 S 2 C C -J B a a 5 " g.2.Ea: 3. cr 3" -o " B M . er a o 4 B 2 Vd n tr o or three whaling voyages, and could speak ! a liitle luglisb. We gave bitn aeverd of i our sniuU bills, and explained to him our profession and business. He soon made 11 known to the crowd around. He then conducted us to tbe residence o. Mr. Gill, the missionary, ta whom we had letters of introduction lrom tbe Sandwich Islands. We found ilt. Gill at borne, and be im mediately gave us a most coidial welcome, as also did bis most amiable lady. They were very anxious to bear us, but did not know bow we could be remunerated for our trouble. However, if we could be persuaded to take pigs, fowls, cocoa-nuts, pine-apples, bananas, pumpkins, and oth er productions cf the lslaud, for tickets of admission, they would guarantee a large attendance. 'X his idea pleased our fancy, aud wishing to have tbe honor of giving the lirst concert ever given in the Ilervey : GrouD of Islands, we moot cheerfully con- ne-r in w bich it might be manifested, every ; o KlI1,Je WM not there The mw of a galley which was driven further dowa land, and he hoped we would remain with thi m for ever, lie also proposed that be fore we parted with them, that they sbuuld sing us one song. Some one immediately commenced, aud tbe whole congregation quickly joined in sioging tbe good old pteco of sacred music, entitled : "Sound tbe lood tlml'M o'er KiTTpt! Jrk sew, Jebof ab baa triuainbtd, ilia Jieunie are tret '. Tbey also sang three or four hymn tunes, which tbcy hud been taught in their school two of ttfcni, popular tunes, com posed by my old inusio teacher, Lowell sented to the plan. We instantly sent a I Mason. This is the fifth island we have buat oil to the ship to bring our tickets, I visited in tbe Pacific, on every one of subsequent piece, vocal or instrumental, , vrinaiii 11. t m ail nnt ktiwiietiA ri?!nii ariri t several which seemed to'please their fancy i tban tbe rest- rcPorted that " ,ba Bor most, were rapturously encored. 'DS broke, the large Holds of ice that bad As soon as we had concluded cur per-! covered the ocean were driven by the cux forniance, one of the native teachers arose j rent past them, and that they beheld tba and toll us bow pleased and delighted j jj cf KaC(Je burne before , tnmeD. they were, and bow grateful -ere their fidJ of ;oeher mw w jost M 1 w 73 instruments, fixtures, Sic, ashore. In tbe meautime, Mr. Gill proposed that we should call on the King, excite his curios- which I have beard, sung by tbe natives, the same good old familiar tunes of Lowell Mason. ity, aud set bis influence at work among As we left the school bouse to return, concluded us o cue tne women ana young gins instantly tbo natives, lie "palace," a very adjbe-bilt house, comfortable one-story rushed around Miss Hitf.-rt, all eager to with thatched roof, , clap bcr in their arms and rub their noses control over her they were tossing their arms in wild agony. Scarcely a moment had elapsed before it was walled in by m hundred ice-bills, and tbe whole mass mo ved forward and was soon beyond tbe bor riion. That tbe galley of tbe narrator escaped, was wonderful it remained, however, uncontradicted, aud tbe vessel of Errirk Gande was no more seen. Half a century after that, a Danish eoU ony was established on tbe western coast of Greenland. Tbe crew of the vessel which carried the colonists thither, in their excursion into tbe interior, crossed a range of bills that stretched to the north ward ; they had approached nearer to tba polo than any preceding adventurer. Up on louking down from tbe sammit of tba hills, tbey beheld a vast and interminable) pleasantly situated in a large grove of co-, agtjust ber's. (This rubbing of noses is a ! Cei j of ic(!i urjduatin" in Tarioos rlace, on- n n anil nrqii na frrtfia A a tara. wr ar 11 a It ; n -mt iei An.t fsm. tkiwl niliM-atir-aa i .( triuip .- f I Observations. The nearer the time of the Moon's change to noon or midnight, the more nearly will the result accord with the predictions. Tt ia wlurt nnlii lliaf Toea ifpnpmlenpa. la lo -.w, v. w.i t-' j p4Cej on the Table in winter than in aud sea stores, hven at present, it is of I gnnjor great value on this account, as at nearly I ' all times some vessel of the home squad- A Pleasant Incident. Sitting in our i a complimentary card of admission then ron is here for this purpose. Our naval sanctum, (says a Western editor,) some takiug our hats, and backing ourselves to steamers particularly hud it convenient, Jearg pMtf on a cold, blustering Autumn as several thousand tons of Pennsylvania j . ,ttracted b, lhe entr.nce of J I 4 a bright-eyed, thoughtful little boy, bat thinly clad, who told the story of "no father family sick out of employment,' uaintKuiuiu, auuniuibaiiiGui men Litai g , - . . A ., i L- x e. i and formed into a thousand erotesqaa est love and friendshin 1 After nearlr ona 6 -few hundred had embraced Miss II. in this, siaPe9' Tuey saw, not far from the show, their most affectionate manner, and having ! the figure of a vessel, with glittering ici rubbed tbe skin completely off one side of ' cles instead of masts rising from it. Ca ber nose, so that each subsequent greeting ' riosity prompted them to approach, and was becoming more and more painful, she ; tbe- beheljl a di9ma, si w Fieare. 0 begged of them, through Mr. Gill, to de list, and take the "will for the deed," thanking them a thousand times for these unexpected tokens of their sincere affection and friendship. Many who were disap pointed in not being able to embrace ber men, in every attitude of woe, were opoa the deck, but they were icy things, then ; one figure alone stood erect, and with fol ded arms, leaning against tbe mast A hatchet was procured, and the ice split anthracite is always in store for use, The great object of interest here at present is tbe "African Embassy," who are all comfortable quartered in the "Greeley House," (as tbe barracoons are called by j &a. We were disposed to express mock e giving .o me oreeze hls eieclion. For has he not resistd muslin, swallow tailed uirimperious demands ! (Vide Lecompton.) honor of the celestial And lhuah he has sim covered himself with political filth in their service, never can the Slaveocrats forgive a defection when the peculiar institution is concerned. On tbe other hand, if be is overslaughed you will see a grand stampede into the Republican ranks of men who, like Hamlin, W llmot, and Kelly, will not go on their bellies and eat dirt at the bidding of the Oligarchy. Lewis l. Cassidy, Delegate to Charleston carry home the numberless very useful pres ents that are being made to Ineia. Of course, those who do make them presents, do not blow it around, as a ought appear like adver tising ! Well, since I sal down to write, they have landed, and are now safely and comfortably lodged at the "Continental." From about 1 o'clock till 7, the crowd (the best humored crowd u weu a, (he arges, i ever saw thongh I was at the ratification convention at Baltimore when the old 'coon was nominated, and slept on the Ud of a trnuk studded wuh brass knobs, and dined in ihe market houses that crowd was nothing !) filled every treet where a peep could possibly be had at ihe visitors. Chestnut street, from Third to Tenth, was one solid mass of humanity. How Iht Cavalry, which beaded the procession, ever managed to condense it enough, to open a passage. I can not comprehend. About J past i or 6, the procession reached the Hotel, and the strangers were at once ushered into their rooms, and when I left my place of busi ness, at 7j, thousands were yet lingering in front of the house, and sending op shouts at the undignified antics of some of lhe iufeiior the Territories, the other was to open the slave trade." Will Northern Democrats, who profess to be opposed to the unlimited spread ot the curse of human bondage, longer amliate with a party pledged to measures which lead to its externum 1 Will these men ever get their eyes open to the truth, or have they de termined that tbey tt-itf not ft? In my travels, while I met many Republi cans who preferred Seward or Dates, 1 have yet to meet the first one of our party who does not earnestly endorse tbe nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin and give it a hearty sup port. Yours &e. raasoxci kcsticvs. rbilau. June jJ -,.., Corrtfnoadenee of th. Star k Chmnlcle. JsiTgRso, Wis., May 58, I860. Oar crops never looked more promising than they do this spring. We are having ram every few days, and warm weather. Consid erable of our Cora was planted in April this year, and some of the Wheat was sown in March. No frost to do any damage this spring, and perhaps we will not have any. Our markets are as follows: Spring wheat, Ko. 1.03; No.S,67; Shelled corn,40 ; Oats, S5; Rye, CS: Earlev. nfl Plnnr rolnll 5 Krt . , pork, ham, 10; shoulder, 8; Clover seed. 5.50; tbe Jvey West people.) Ibcrc are now about 1400 left, as 120 have died. They are kindly treated, and are having a right jolly time. A guard cf U. S. marines and soldiers protects the negroes from be ing kidnapped again. Many of them, on account of the horrid treatment on their voyage from Africa, are still weak aud sickly, and must probably die. I am glad to say that not a single one of the Crusa der's negroes have died since their capture; several of, them, however, are quite sick. We expect to start for our cruising ground this evening. If we capture anoth er prize, we will take her North.. Tbe weather is very hot, and the yellow fever is rnmmrnpino fn swoon off tlm nnancli- mutixl in Tiih.i V wor in Ilnvnnn a ! bis features. sympathy, and say we could do nothing; but tbe boy's eyes were so swimming with tears, and be so trembling from head to foot, while bis conduct and demeanor bote such an impress of truthfulness and sin cerity, that we could not find it in our heart to speak harshly, and finally dis missed him with a haudsomo little sum, contributed in main by the printers. The next evening, we were somewhat surprised to find tbe boy banging diffident ly about our office door. This time, how ever, bis eyes were bright with happiness, and a sweet smile played over and lit op We asked him to come in, eoanut and orange trees. As we were ush ered in and introduced to the "royal fam ily," which consisted of the King, Queen, and a Priucess about ten years of age, we found them seated on a cane-bottomed set tee about twelve feet long, which they filled to its utmost capacity. They in stantly arose from their seats, and gave us a really hearty shake of the hand. At first sight, their great corpulency attracted our wondering guze the three, I should think, would weigh one thousand pounds. After having obtained the "royal com mand" to give a concert, and Mr. Gill ! in their customary manner, thought thev I j .t.. .t . .i- i- promising us the use of tbe school-house, ' must show their friendly feeling in some , , ' ,T, , , , which is a very large one-story building, i way ; so tbcy caught her np, first one and closed-pailid, deathly, and free from decay, we presented to their "royal highnesses'' j then another, in their arms, and in this I Tbis was, doubtless, the vessel, and that manner carried bcr in triumph all the j the figure and form, of Errick Gande. way to Mr. GiIU house, accompanied by j Benumbed with cold, and in the aeony of crew had fallen around him. the ocean and the fogs bad how great were their feelings of joy, and bow delighted they were at this opportu nity and mode of expressing them to the icahiuc hula-hula, (singing woman.) Soon after tbe coucert was over, I walked down to our market. I really believe tbe laaing our uats, ana nac&iug ourselves to way to .ur. onis nouse, accompanied by Kcoumbed w the door, bowing aud scraping in the most j the largest procession of females (some despair his e respectful and approved courtly style, we ! seven or eight hundred) I ever saw ; and ' The snr v of quitted the "royal presence." their bappy, smiling faces, plainly denoted . r"m Our agent immediately got np a large poster, announcing that BI ROVAL COXXASD or V. few days ago, and found a good many of but he merely stepped forward timidly, so our friends suffering from tbo fever, yet as to catch our ear, and earnestly, though Havana is reported bealtby. At present, gtutterincly, whispered, ".Minima proved for you last tiiyht," and then disappeared 1,. i,.,iik r .,. oo- ; ....iu.i i,... cruising on the coast of Cuba in the sum mer season is certain death to some of us. I will tire you no more at present. G. members of thai nartir. who were shuwinp-1 Timothy. S.00 : hmiae'iw. q. '.., themselves at the windows. i toes, 40. ' ' 5b ' U As a matter of curiosity, I pushed my way into the Hoiel, and found a most boisterous Prty in the immense barroom, getting their loads on, and enjoying a high holiday; bat I could not quite decide why there wis so nach enthusiasm whether at the prospects efa large national benefit in tbe way of trade wiia Japan ; whether in honor of the distin tauhed stnugers ; or whether, (and my opin ion leaned a little to this last.) it was a hearty approval of the liquors found at Ihe Conti- o'ai oar. W.G. Fobm Clubs. We hope each conveni ent locality, or election district, in every county, will form a Lincoln Clnb, at an early day. Wbat we want is organization, so tbat we may effectually place before the people such document! as will enlighten them on the great questions at issne. and on tbe character of tbe parlies. We do not want clubs for noisy and boisterous T. . a ,, a . If I wer. . r .hu ... .v.. .u. purposes, xi may oeweii enoogn to nave African, are a most undignified rac One i enlnn;"..tO men np to effort ; but, would oever suppose. fr.,m the crowd. k,,h i afwf Hi it is the quiet, systematic details. e followed those quiet heathens since iheir j that enable os to reach every man, and to wouldn't f il, mat a suani-cr. tad ever visited our ' cnlisbttn lhe undcKUadiBg cf tbe oiers. ' wouldn't as noiselessly as he came. Thank God ! thought we, for tbat moth er's craver. And thoueh years have A story is told, or these people, showing d .ince tben though we have bus- n war ihnri.n will v iimrv hrn v imlinprl tuilh c the desire tosave wrecked property and get ! tied through noisy incidents, and mingled the salvage money. In days gone by, as, one ! in lifa'a strucr-les. as we all are fnrenil in quiet Sunday morning, tbe heads of lhe com- , . .... , , inunuy were collected in the solitary church, 1 r"jv listening to tbe exhortation of an earnest you," Still sounds as grateful and as sweet preacher, a messenger entered, apparently bearing some mere stirring news. It was whispered from one to the other. Hats were nervously grasped. The quick eye of the preacher noticed the excitement. He slopped in the midst of bis sermon, descended from the sacred desk, invoking his congregation "in Ihe name of lhe Lord," to keep their seats. He walked to the door, locked it, and then in quired the news. "A vessel was on the reefs !" Enough. He unlocked Ihe door, say ing, "Come, now, let us all take a fair start !" and then led the zealous wreckers to their prize. Reasonable. The Seneca Falls Cou rier makes the following appeal to those of onr Democratic friends who are so sad over the disappointment of the illustrious son of New York : "The Democrats feci very bad about tbe defeat of Seward at Chicago. They mourn him as the great Statesman, the high minded and noble Republican, whom they wanted to rule over them for the next four years, we sympatoise wuu tueui iu mvu affliction. Our love for him is not bound ed, however, by this year alone; the future ii full of uromise. and bright with hope. Tbe only way ever to make Seward, Pres ident, is to elect Lincoln, now. uome, Democrats! eome help ns elect Lincoln this time, and in '61 we will give yon Seward." Saxe was noetizioc at Trenton, tho oth er evening, when tbe gat went out, where at Saxe told tbe audience tbat if tbey wouldn't find fault with bis own metre, he mention tbe defect in theirs. as when it first fell from tbe lips of that innocent boy. Qualifications for Office. The following appointments will indi cate the necessary qualifications for offices under appointment of oar (Wfy democrat ic administration : S. W. Clark murdered Thomas Barber, during the Kansas war, by shooting bim in tbo back. For this, he was made pur ser in the Navy. James Gardiner, an abettor of Clark's in that murder, was made Postmaster at Lawrence. Fredrick Emery, who murdered Phillips at Leavenworth, and headed a band which murdered a poor German laborer in tbat town, was made receiver of the land office at Ogden. J. 8. Murphy, who murdered IIopps and scalped him, was Jiade agent of tho Pottawottainie Indians. Gush Elmore, who tried to assassinate Kagi, was made Judge of the U. S. Court in Kansas. Lastly and very recently, Calhoun Ben ham, who was the second of Judge Terry in tba duel with Broderiok, and aided both in tbe planning and execution of tbat deliberate and abominable murder, has been made District Attorney of California. The town of Beverly, (Mass.) has again been indioted, at tbe recent term of tbe Superior Court, for not .ustainin a high school. ' JSCAC MAKE A AXD CUB RAKOTOXGA MIBILITT, "THE A L L E ti H A Si I A X S " WILL CITS A GRAND CONCERT SCHOOL-HOUSE, THIS AfTKIXOOS, AT 4 u'cLOLK, Jan. I'J, 1(400. Prices if AJiuitaiun Tickets to admit, 1 hog, or 2 pigs, or 1 turkey, or 2 chickens, or 25 cocoa-nuts, or 20 pine-apples, or 2 bunch es bananas, or 5 large pumpkins, or 2 baskets oranges children half price. by two o'clock, our arrangements were so far completed tbat we commenced tbe sale of tickets. The place selected for this purpose was under a largo thatched roof. Ibe crowd bad been gradually in creasing for an hour previous, and by this time the excitement had become intense; what with tbe squealing of hogs and pigs, gobbling of turkeys, crowing of roosters and cackling of bens, rattling of cocoauuts, spilling and squashing of oranges and limes, the rolliug of pumpkins under feet, all together with the Uabcl-like jargon of the natives, formed the most laughable public excitement I ever witnessed; not excepting tbe excitement got up Dy liar- num's auction sales of choice scats at tbe Jenny Lind concerts at Castle Garden, New York. The confusion was great, tbe swine and poultry having evidently enter ed into tho excitement with as much spir it and earnestness as tbe human popula tion, all apparently vicing with eachother in trying to make tbe most noise. We found it would be impossible to stick to our "regular prises" for tickets; so we concluded to take everything that was brought with which to purchase tickets. While it required twelve of the ship's crew to receive the "currency," placiug each kind on its respective pile, tbat is, nutting tbe bogs, tied by the leg., in one place, the poultry, tied eight or ten to- gether, in another, and ibe coeoanuts, pine-apples, bananas, pumpkins, oranges, &c., piled each kind by itself, it required four or five other persons to distribute tbe tickets. The ticket distributors had a busy time of it, though their labors did not re quire any very great exertion. liy four o clock, nineteen hundred ana tixit one tickets bad been disposed of, and everything that bad been offered in tbe way of pay had been received. Tbe doors were now opened; in an instant it seemed as if every one in tbat great throng was suddenly impressed with th idea that -he or she must be tbe first one to enter the door, in order to get the best plaoe; jnstthe same as a similar number of individuals, collected together for a similar purpose, in a more civilized and "enlightened" com munity; the crowd of savages having, however, one great advantage over the en lightened crowd, tbat is, they are in no danger oi getting bats smaauea, ciotning frozen, as it lighted upon them, and cov ered each figure with an icy robe, which the short-lived glance of a Greenland sua had not time to remove. The Danes gazed j upon tbe spectacle with trembling. Tbey receipts in bulk, of this concert, were tbe I knelt down npon the deck and muttered a largest ever known. It occupied twenty- j PrJcr in their nltWe t0DSe " te sonla four men oue day and a half, with four f 'be frozen crew, then hurriedly left tba large whale boats, to get them on board i place, for night was approaching. Mr. E. .M En I A if, in the Portsmouth Journal. Qethodist Episcopal Conference. This body which had been in session al most a month at Buffalo, N. Y. adjourn die on Monday evening; week. ship, distant one mile from tbe shore. Id order to get at tbe amount of receipts in dollars and cents, I have valued everything at about New York retail priees : "9 hotn at $'. ear. SXS 00 u:l turkey at 91 earn 1 1 0 ehiekeue .1 OS eta each 16,000 eocoaruuui at 1- eta earb. o.Too pi De-apples at 1- rta rarh 413 buDcbea banana, averaae 75 to the baneb maaini; olowU bauan.., at ocu, eau J,ssl 00 WIUO 44 US l.S-uuil ed uue fe4uo ' i uiiaueipnta was cnosen as tne next piaea for General Conference. On Saturday. Si uv SOO pumpam. at 1 j ela each 2,7 ou orange at rti. each lomea, Diattf, fan., Ac, about Total $ ,osti OS As there was no expense attending tbe getting up of this concert, yon will see at a glance, tbat, if we bjl this immense quantity of tropical produce in New York to-day, and could sell it for tbe I the position be took before the British amount at which I valued it, we should ! Conference on the subject of Slavery. A w I the Conference finally agreed that the mat ter of Lay Delegation should go back to the annual and quarterly Conferences, for th,em to ascertain if the laity really desired it. Bishop Simpson gave an interesting aocount of his embassy in Europe, showing have "a snug little sum." got it there ! Interesting to Everybody. Physiological research has fully estab lished the fact tbat acids promote the sep aration of the bile from the blood, which is then passed from the system, tbus pre venting fevers, the prevailing disease of summer. All fevers are "billious,"'that is, the bile is in the blood. Whatever is antagonistic to fever, is "cooling." It is a common saying that fruits are cooling, and also berries of every description; it is because tbe acidity which they contain, aids in separating the bile from the blood; tbat is, aids in purifying tbe blood. Hence, tbe great yearning for greens, lettuce, and salads iu the early spring, these being ea ten with viuegar ; hence also the taste for something sour, like lemonade, in an at tack of fever. But, this being the ease, it it is easy to see that we nullify the good effects of fruits and berries, in proportion as we eat them with sugar, or even sweet milk or cream. If we eat them in their natural state, fresh, ripe, perfect, it is al most impossible to eat too many, or eat enough to hurt us, especially if we eat them alone, not taking any liquid with them whatever. Denec,a!so, is buttermilk, or even common sour milk, promotive of health in summer time. Sweet milk tends to biliousness in sedentary people ; sour milk is antagonistic. The Greeks and Turks are passionately fond of sour milk. The shepherds use rennet, and thejoailk dealcrs alum, to make it sour the sooner. Buttermilk acts like watermeSoos on tbe tarn ficia their bajf., or losing pocket-' sjBtem. ii'a'i Journal of H!. lUt We baven t -esnlutinn was arlnntpd'- nnAnlmnnslv. heartily approving the course of Bishop Simpson and Dr. M'Clintock in Europe. The second week in January was fixed np on as a season of prayer for the conversion of the world. Dr. Durbin then read tha pastoral address for I860, which waa adoptod. On Friday, the 1st inst., Granville Moody moved the previous question,whicht amid great sensation, waa largely sustain ed. Tbe vote on the new chapter was taken, and it was adopted by the very de cisive vote of yeas 154, nays 57. TDK SEW CHAPTER. 3. Retohed, By the Dolrgates of tba several Annual Conferences in General Conference assembled, that tbe following be, and hereby is,jsubsti:uted in the place of the present Seventh Chapter on Slavery. Question Wbat shall be done for tha extirpation of the evil of Slavery ? Axswsb We declare that we are as much as ever convinced of the great evil of Slavery. We believe that the buying. eliing or holding of human beings, to bo used as chattels, is inconsistent with tha Golden Rule, and with that Uule in our Discipline which requires all who desire to eontiaae among usj 'do no barm, aad to avoid evil of every kind." We, therefore, affectionately admonish all our preachers and people to keep themselves pare from this great evil, and to seek its extirpation by all lawful and Christian means. As tbe Constitution, however, requires a two-thirds vote for an amendment of tha Discipline, and this lacked tea votes of lhat proportion, no change is wrooght ia the Discipline, bnt tbe vote npon the sub ject shows progress ia Che right direction.