V' Don't Like Widowers. Ia endeavoring to lake the census for the government, the marshals occasional; meet witb each difficulties as well nigh to deprive them of their own senses. The following colloquy is said to have taken place somewhere, between a Marshal and an Irish woman : "How many male members havejou in the family 1" "Nive.r a one." "When were jou married V "The day Tat Doyle left Tipperary for Ameriky. Ah. well I mind it. A sun shinier day never gilded the sky of owid Ireland." "What was the condition of your hus band before marriage?" "Divil a man more miserable. lie said if I did not give him a promise within two weeks, he'd blow bis brains oat with a crowbar." "Was he at the time of your marriage widower or a bachelor ?" "A which? A widower, did you say ? Ah, now go way wid your nonsense. Is't the likes of me that would take up wid a second-hand husband ? Do I look like the wife of a widower a poor devil all legs and consumption, like a sick turkey J A ;.!..r r Maw T never he Mewed if I'd - " ' J - not ratber live an owld maid, and bring up a family pn buttermilk and praties." An Irishman's Acquai.ntancb. A i physician was riding in an omnibus, when . , . j : . an Insbman atepped in, and recognizing j tbe Doctor, said "Och, an' sure it's Docther J , I persave." "That's my name, air, but I havn't the pleasure of knowing you," responded the polite doctor. "Iodade! but I'm tbe feller what made ycr last loots, and which yer honor forgot to get a resale for the payment ov '." The ladies tittered, the Doctor's memo- . ...t,...v.A I.j.l . v.: ! J ' . 1 ty and gave tbe "resate" trheu tbe Doctor : ' 1 ;ot to bis destination. A man receDtlj purchased ten pounds j of powdered sugar, but on examining it j be found mixed with it at least a pound of lima. On tbe following day be adver- j tiscd as follows iu tbe public prints: ! "Should the grocer who sold me a pound ' of lime along with nine pounds of sugar, ! .... I .: .... . l. k .I...I.J r ! II. .a U. l..(E a.V .UG JUUUU UC kULIIlU UIB v., I shall forthwith disclose bis oauie in tbe papers." Tbe next day, the man received nine pounds of sugar, from different grocers, who had similar actions on their consciences, and feared publicity. A Good One. l'at was helping Mr. Blank to get a safe in his office one day, and, not being acquainted with the article, enquired what it was for ? "To prevent papers and other articles which are placed in it, from being burnt in ease of fire," said M r. H. "Au' sure will notbiog ivcr burn that is put in that thing ?" "No." "Well, thin, yer honor, ye'd better be f tbergctting into that same when ye die." Mr. Blank "wilted." "Persevere, persevere," said an old lady friend of ours to ber help, "it's the only way to accomplish great things." One day, eight applc-dumplings were sent down stairs, aud they all disappeared. "Sallj, where are those dumplings ?" "I man aged to get through with them, ma'am," replied tsally. "Why, how on earth did you manage to eat so many dumplings'" "Kj persevering, ma'am," was tbe meek answer. One of tbe neatest replies ever heard in a Legislative body, or any where else, was lately made by Mr. Tillson, of Rockland, Maine. A member had replied to some thing Mr. Tillson bad said, and, pausing a moment, be inquired if he saw the line of argument T "Mr. Speaker," said he, "in answer to tbe gentleman, I would say, I bear (he bummings of the wheel, but j cat not see any thread." The Famifj Pictorial, a paper managed by ladies, has an item which completely takes the dignity out of the "lords of crea tion." "Woman," says the editress, "has mioy advantages over man. One of them is that bis Kill baa no operation till be is dead ; whereas, hers generally takes effect iu her -lifetime." A lady who bad read of tbe extensive manufacture of odometers, to tell bow far a carriage bad been run, said she wished some Connecticut genius would invent an instrument to tell bow far husbands have been in tbe evening when they "just step ped down to the post office," or "went out to attend a caucus." Louis XIV., who was a slave to bis , . . i t r : .J at .1: 01 tne general luacuviiy 01 ine system, ir. PbJS.c.aos, asked bis friend Mohew whst UAV,. DEr-LttATIVE quicken, and equal be did for bis doctor. "Ob, Sire," said i izes the circulation of the blood, cleanses it be. "when I am ill, I send for him. He ! of " mriic mailer, stimulates the liver to I haoaltrtv ft tint. ivii Inns In tri nitrant ff comes : wo have achat, aod eojoj our- Betas. Uc prescribes. I don't take it and I am cured." Nothing Original. A yoanggentle msn being asked to write some lines io a ladj's album, perpetrated the following : rVmetMtic rtriDal yww ake4 mc to wxu- 1 kailly know wtjvn to brta I trr Uterr i n.U.inf OaUUix ia at. .EavCI. UKlLlkAJ. Bl 1" Oar Government lands cost n dollir and a quarter an acre on an average, and champaigns two dollars a bottle. U0w naov a man. landless, durinr his life time his swallowed a fertile township, trees and all 1 Th. Fin.;-, a i .- . . . ahetlmira J.tiwrt.igriffeestatbatthe broken dn-r.rK..i. .. "" ::: iti I :nnwntloD nhnniH aommat, Koger A. Prjor for tbe Presi- '.m ah requested lo preseni Tthem le eacj beeaus. be would nut better toan 8 " """"ated for settlement. iv-.ni jii vuu aeniiwi. auuuia anj oiaet Bias in Ihe country. UoiDcniit9 at fnmsburg. rPIIE Sprins Term begins on the IStli L day ol April next. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Rev. J. R. LotJn.is, LL. P., President, and Profeaaor of MeUfbyne and Moral ruiloeophy. Rev. T. F. Curtis, A. M., t'rofr0or of Theology. I RCV G Ii DliS A M. and they tlirire not by the laithot therredulou. " ' ' prjfeerorof Uniroage,. '-N' ALLfASKS OK Imim. AfCTiiw r-Knosic Bine- L. s?. JaniCS, 1 ll. IL. i r'i.vait.As.-i Lives iNri.sts.Ts. lu the South and v.. -at. Profeaaor of Malliematiee and Nat- Pull. I w here thru? dww j rnvail. ihry will he fcsui-.d ins-alu-P W Tiictin f I ahle. FUnt.T-, rairoers, ani other. ho onee we tlicae 1. ii . IllMIll, il. ' Miieiucii, will never atterwarda be without th. m. Adj.. of ,;-.-n r- h" dNtr,in"di X. V. ) UII, -V. A.t rdociial of the Academy. , j Cramer, Miss A. Taylor, Principal of the Female Institute. Miss II. E. Sprat., Trarlier of Mathematics. Miss M. D. Mason. Teacher of Drawing. Miss R. S. Warren, Teacher of French and Latin. Mous. F. Th. lleld, Telpher of Unslc. lions. K. Volkmar, Teacher of German. College Tnition per annum, $30 00 Room renl, Library, Ac, 9 10 Aunct Tuition per annum, $15. to 30 00 t are, Repairs, &c, 1 fit) Fh.Ixst. Tuition per annum, ?20. to 30 00 Repairs " 85 The Academy building has been fitted up to lt"t,tl' uu ""7 arc proviuru ..... . hnrH 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 I I room, and lights at $2.25 per wee lr. Watth Repairing, &c I am now ready to repair tne bnest Watches such as Chronometer ..u iici ami eirrr scapemenis in tnc Ten manniloselh .,' ery(1,her klni T .. T 1 f r. ; .1 work in oar line of business. All work war ranted lo give satisfaction. I5i have alsu the Aeenry for the sa'e of the celebrated Coal Oil Lamp together with Oil Shades, Wicks. &c 6ic I.ewisbg.Mar'CO A E DtXORMAXDIE The "Union must be Saved !' nELFGR'S "IiiiiH-iMtln? C'rlsi." ill K....L- ot ...... . ... n ."Jr Kr .k , .. ' ,. iA. ,u. cJ I to his broihrr non-slaveholders in the S.ave I States is the book that is making such unpa ralleled excitement in (?nmrress. Everv man should read it. Price $1. cheap edition 50c. I if .lhr 'itiltnn cnt hv mail 1 Single cnpirs vt enher eJnion sent by mail post-paid on receipt of retail price. Address ' 1 ... .1 ... . . t ... I I9AA0 AL1 LK, l.ewisburg, Dec 20 Union Co, Pa itto" ittcat. 'lJlL ii T1PT7P UlT'TTnV VI? I T BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, ! &C, will be supplied to the hunfjrv people bv ! the subscriber, at his shop on North Fifth : street, where he carries on the Rnlrhpr.li? , ' carries on tne uuicneriug business, and Will supply all kinds of Meal I in its season. On Wednesday and Saturday ! m"?: Ti" ,e '?': " ! - Jiatwwnit -ivi st iuw laics lor casn exclusively. Calves wanted Ueeves i and Mieep pnrchased as usual. Trv the New ! " r I a j I Butcher. CHRISTOPHER GEMBERLING. LewHbnrg, Aag. 18. I859y CHEAP PICTURES at Mi)'.vry's Sky-Light Gallery, MARKET street, I-ewisbnrg. Having just received a large assortment of piin and fancy Cases, I am prepared to take Pictures at reduced prices, for the Holidays, i All wisliine anv kjnd of Pictures can stve money by getting them soon. N. B. Pictures taken in clondy weather Lewlsarg Literary Association, SHARE FOR 8A1.E. The Lewisburs Lit erary Association is an incorporated in stitution and the owner of valuable REAL ESTATE. The capital of the corporation is estimated at Fuca Timcsaxn Uoliars, which is divided into twenty shares of $-!U0 each. The income of the real estate is paying a lair percentage on the investment. Osi S'Biiiiior mis Stock, bf 'iiif; to the estate of Jan.es U. Hamliu. der is offered for sale bv the subscriber. .M L H . lUYVIG, Adm'r Is it True? Yes, it is True ! THAT JAMES SCOTT is pcllinp; I ilome Uada Stoea, Ligh heels, kid, for ladlei, for ' ,yl IAD1KS' Morocco and Kid Shoes, J low Leila, home tcada. for M-VI, at SCOTTS. T A DIES' Coots, without heels, kid, XJ I home made, for $t. 26, at LADIES' Gaiters, from 1 to S2.at SCOTT'S MEN'S and lioys' Coots, all kinds. $ 1 .40 to I 60, at BCOTrg. fpiIE largest assortment of Home I Made Work in LcwiHhurR. ia now to be shown at 8 OTT'o i per eent- cheaper than the cheap William Jolmaon, who haa left here for another clima. All the abov. Work WARKASTFO. JAMES SCOTT. Lewlrtanr, April IS, lW SPRING PURIFIER. fPHE warm spring weather succeeding the 1 bracing atmosphere of winter, relaxes the entue mascnlar system, including that great muscle, the heart ; the circulation of ihe blood becomes sluggish and irregular, not being propelled as actively as nature requires, through the lungs, there to exhale or cast ofl its impurities and become oxidized and puri fied: a fulness of the blood-vessels ensues, attended with dull, drowsy, languid feelings, and frequently dizziness and vertigo ; the blood becomes loaded with corruptionswhich sometimes finds a partial vent in humors and eruptions of the skin, and the liver partakes digestion, and communicates remarkable eo- ergy to all the functions. One bottle of it, costing one dollar, will entirely prevent or re move all me above-described unpleasant symptoms, and, by strengthening and invigo rating, as well as purifying the system. Ire qnently be the means ol preserving the health throughout tbe entire summer. Its enects as a Spring Purifier of the Blood are warranted and unfailing. For sale by 3mMl J. IJAHEK & CO., I.ewisbnrg Administrator's Kotlcc. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letter? of Administration on the Estate oi ISABELLA MATHER, late of Bullaloe town ahiptLfiio!i ennntv.rleeM hav been .-ranted in I "lcrsigned by the llcgister of Union conn- 1 7 . . UIB "I law ; therelore.ail persona m- debiedio a, ...... , i- l 'yiaanefurmo e5lale re requeSleaio make uiaie.iiai ntfH. ..j .i .i -'l-.u; pjy B..IT i MATHERS, Administrator UMON COILNTY STAR & LEWISBURG. CIIKOjVICLE JUXIl:), 1SC0. 11 It IF THE I5LCOE! EOFFAT'S Vegetable LIFE FILLS AND Fhanix Hitters. rpiTE high and envied celebrity which J thf ee iivf minent Medicine, bare aequinMi fnr their inTariaM fftirary in all th Uiraee wli.ch tliey pr. free In cure, bu rendered tlt usual raclire ol puffina- not nnl unDtrwwiri. hut unworthy or IliBl. Thee are kown hv their Iruita: their cood wnrk. testify fur lliem, Tl UF THE MilSi. KBiflI.19. fUTlLI.MT, AD Atii't Fur this ft-ourer of thi Wnt-rii rountry, u-t ' nicJifin will lxluna if.r. and nrtaiu mDe-t ily. Otbrnitnlicinei -v thf tjt m fuljfrt tu a rt-turn ot ihf dic-tMaPt! i-ii re y tliTm oitlicmtta if ptnuaueiit- ThI THEM, BE SATISFIED, A5l HE ClKtO. McatTBAL DlrTASlJi NeTT fails tn eradtfat MitlrtW ail tht fOrctt of Mrrrury mfcntMy roouvr than the utot puvertul pivjiaraUcn ol a.rrajiiriila. 'iinT Sweats, Nkktouh Iiuiutt, NwtTors CimmMsn nrU KIJII'H, ttkUAlC Ai.ClluMi. 1'ALTIIATIOS Ht IKK 11 HAM T, CaINTEP.'r C'HOUC. I'Hs. Thw oriirinal orrirtornf thiw tsnHrlnen waa cured of I'lh-t of Hit year' i-Un linc y the Lit MVdicim alone. M M of nil kind arc riB,?.r.!? ! oYfwIl.-.. i.- ihi Miilirint-. I'an-ntj a ill di miniM-T them mh-nvfr their exicUnw U uct?d. Kvlief will or certain. THE LIFE I'llXS AND PIKENIX RITTKHS Pnr.ru thi- tJ.u.!. ami tlm rfinnre nl! dima.ie tn-rn the MMin. A wnL'le trial will plare thf LIFK PILLS and I l li(l..M Itll l l-.Ua? Iteyoud the rvach of ouiiij-eUUou lu tJie eutnstiun of every patient. -.'reprd by DR. WILLI AM B. MOFFAT, 6ui 1 road way, corner Wt-rtn lt. New York, iy?S3 and aold by all Irurt:i.-ts. New Hotel in Hiffiinbnrg. fj THE subscriber would respectfully in Sform the Traveling Public everywhere, that he has taken and lilted up the premises olUeorgeSchoch, in the centre of MAIN ST. MIFFLLNliUKG, where he is prepared to accommodate strang ers and travelers men and beasts in the best manner, with Board and Lodging. Please give me a call. Ap.I,'59 CHARLES CKOTZER. THE 0M1Y PREPARATION WORTH V OP Universal Confidence and Patronage I'OU Statesmen, Judges, Clcrgynu lrf.dl and i;nll''mpn. In all part of the wo men, -rid, l-tir to the ofiicary of Prof. 0. J. flued'a HAIR KKS- T1.,.,rin.- .d .in. n..n ot tw .r.. uu.u.m.,u itiuoprau. A t-w U'tiaoua!i only can tx l.ere (Ctreu - rlrcular lor uore,auu wu. ue .u.fwe.D.e lor )uu 4T Wall Street, N. w Tortc, Dec. 20, 159. Cnrnvr.' Voi.r noi of the ljtl. tnnt lm litvn r. ""d. raving that you 111 he.rd that I had been u-ne- firte.1 ! the our of Wood'e Hair KeelorMtive. anil renuent- ju o( th tact if 1 Lad noij.cuuu to give it. I 1 awara II vo Ton rni'eriuiiy. oeeansv i.nna it nue. ' Mv ae is about iio yean.; tlie color ot my Lair auturn, ! and inclined lo curl. eVuie five or IX yeara e.nre.it be- ' irao to turn gray, and the aralp on the crown ol luy head tiaw .rwawiiu itum?. with tim, i aiit lalliun ott Uie to), olwy head aadtLreateuiun to make nie bald. nr''Mnt predicament, I war induced to try Woud., , mainly to arret the falling oil of my hair, fir 1 had really noeineeution thatitrav hair could ever be restored io it ordinal color except from tZLXlX rtJ. rt.i tue ci'ltT w.19 r-Mortl lo I lie ny Duim, tiFit'iliiT to tlit 8rlp, ud doMnlrult fnl to fi.rnj "" "'"!! "7 "''" ' '';ii'atiou of my wife, at whaeaf.iielUlum 1 waa indured to try It. ! For thin, anion,: the man v olilicatioii 1 owe to her Fex. I etronly rcconjuiccd all hatbande who value the adni ration of ttirir w ivua to profit l my example, aud use it if growing Kray or gettinz bald. ery r.:ctluliy. BEX. A. I. A VEND Kit. To 0. J. ftood Co., ii i liroadway. New York. Haniattnn, Ata Ju'.y -20, 1S.',9. To Prof. 0. J. Wood iH-ar Sir : Your -Hair Ueatora, tivo" has done my hair ao much good ince 1 comn.et.eed the un ot it. that 1 wifh to make known to tbe l't 11L10 ol ite ellecU on U.e Lair. iikh are yreat. A man or le man mav lie nearly deprive.! of hair, and by a retort to llu.t..e.l,B.. .I.u l.sie will n-liin. wnr.rm u-nn. t.Iul ttuujever: at least this ia my experience. Ite.ieve it!l! oarf trulr. W'M. 11. ht.N KDV. 1. &, Too eu publirb tlie abnTe if you like, iiy put tii-Lintc in our Souttieru pai,r you will gi-t more jiatro ntff H)utb. 1 tm vtrral of your cert liitwttw 10 thr .Vo lilt Jafcrtuy, strong &outUe?rupiipr, WMl.KivN hUY. HOOlfS U A 1 RESTORATIVE. Ihaf. O. J. W oi Lrfir Hit: llintc bad th misfor tune tototfe the t-et i"rtn.ti of my b.iir, fnjtu the eiUx-t-' of tbe yellow tefvr, iu New UrlraustiD ltl. 1 wafiiitluwd to untke a tritvl of your reariition. nij fouiiii it to o fweratlb ery Uiinc utied. My hair i mw tliit l, and ctuffy, anU do wurJ cnu exprctut my nblig-vtiou to you iu giving U tiie aHuctcd such a trfn.ure. 1-lNLtV JOHNSON. The Beftfratip Is put up In bottlr f three iie.. Ttx. laree. m-tlium, ai.l iail, the mall 1kjM U ai-iut,an.l r tilK foroite dollar per l ottle: the ni'tluini hol.ln at 1-anl JX) i-r cent, more in pri-trtiii than the niuli, re taiiji for tw.nlollar per lttit-; the Urge hoi lna tjuart, iu pvr r-nt more in prprtif u, and r taile fr $". U.j vtinili tu., rrpiicior!s iirtuw-iy, .tw Y(.rk. aiil 114 Market Street, ."t. Louie. Mo. sola by all uol DrupKi't lltl Ji"fJ tiwtit Uealerfl. Commissioner of Illinois. "ITILLIAM II . BISSELL, fJovernor of II- linois, has appointed Jon B. Lixk, a Commissioner of the State of Illinois, for the county of L'nion, to administer oaths, to lake depositions and proof of deeds,mortsa?es, 4c to be uaril ami rfcmlrd in the Stat of UliDnK pernon bainK wi!d laDUn or ml u.tt of any kind for ale may find purrbaH-ra by Ivaviwr a dwri.ti..n ol th aam at my ofliee. an 1 hare oivned Hooka for tlie ur. rhaa. and al of real ealate. bo cbarire Id tbe errntof aale Dot bi-ioe made. JOHN U. USX. Liwii.buri, l'a., Slarcb 23, ISttt. vm.wS-aTj mm hmcw. ClI iKLr.S 91'GI.EGOR carries on the above business in Knck's Brick Block, North Third street. Cutting and .Ma king in good style according to the best Fash ions. Give us a chance, and see if we can not "suit" you. C. MACG. Lewisburg Nor. 1, 85 New Arrangements--Hew Goods! TOSEFII I- HAWN bavins taken the J well known .Sf 1 A EH HA T STOKE, has refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Ilatt, Cup, Gentlemen' t Clutliivgt Sc. Also a lar;e and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSIMERES, Ac, which he will make up to ordtr, as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Cutting and Repairing. done to order. Lewisburg, pril 10, 1857 Just opened, opposite the Riviere House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment ot FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I N G,snch as Overcoats, Dress Coals, Busi ness Coats, and Coats of every style and pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also, a large variety of Under Clothing, such as Drawers, Shirts, &c. Also, a fine assortment of Boys' Cloihmgof the latest styles. Also, HA IS and VArS equal to any offered in this country. In fact, I have everything necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advance for cash. PHILIP GOODMAN.'Ag't. r?"All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. FOR SALE OR EXCHAKUE. A SECOND HAND Bl'GGEY and a TRUCK WAGON for sale or exchange for Hay orCorn. Inquire at this Office PICTURES . A house can not be said to be well furnished without some well selected Pictures. This want can now be supplied at the POST OFFICE RARE C H.4XCE. An excellent 6il ver LEVER WATCH for sale at a bargain must en. Inquire of A. . DENORMAMJIE, Lewisburg T)T 4 ATT7"U f Justices and e-V a ia u ax .-sw . , , , , X.VJ cons BD.cs tor snie , I or jiniilcij lu order, at I Hie UtirOClClC VlllCe I Taggart & Fan's Patent r iUllilV Cl W iUtltlUUCa j ll':, l. i-,.t.i:V. Imnninl VI11U L'auiuill, O !UjpWII.MlVM. w-rnLIC attention is re'P'i ctfully invited I to the superior merits of these new and improved uiaclnoes. They will Hem. Fill.Gather and Embroider. Wili sew everv variety iA fabric from ihe finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest tailoring, without missing stitches. Thev are very strong and durable. We feel fully justified in warranting these machines to be in every respect equal lo rec ommendations, as they have been thoroughly tested in competition with all the high priced ones, by persons competent lo judge, who have given us Ihe most satisfactory testimo nials and certificates, which are published in our circular, lo which we refer for a more full description. Finishing and Sales Rooms, Market street, next door lo the residence of John Walls.Esq. Prices $!, ."jilS and "SoO, according to size and finish, all complete and delivered, and thorough instructions given in all varie ties of work. All wishing a good Sewing Machine, will please call and examine, or address II. S. Spauldins or J. W. Shrincr, Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa. We respectfully referto the following ladles, who are using these machinest Mrs 8 Geddes. Mrs S W Duncan, Miss Louia Morris, .Mrs U A Lyndall, Miss l.idie Mackey, Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs Rev P B Mair, Mrs Johnson Walls, Mrs Dr Hayes, Mrs Francis W ilson, Mrs M Brown, Mrs Jas M'Creisht. Mrs FjBeerstecher, Mrs J A Krea mcr, Leuisburg; Mrs i P Tustin, Northum berland ; Mrs Rev John Guycr, Mrs M 8 Ap pleman, Mrs David Rubens, Mrs Svlvesler 1'ursel. Mrs Alfred Creveling. Mrs S E Fow ler, Mrs E H Hneh.-s, Mrs A M Boon, Mrs Creasev. Miss M Derr, Columbia Co. Lewisburg, Feb. 29. tri60 tPnrkrl Itnnka andnther articles 'Le-isburg Booy-'nder, CH: STAHL L AW BOOKS from Kay & Bro, Philad., on hand or furnished to order by the Agent H W CROTZER, P M, Lewisburg NEW FIRM AND MEW GOODS. Wm.KroYvn Jr. & C h. C. Dunklc, Havini formed a Partnership, at ihe old stand ol Wm. & J.H. Drown, Mai ketet. above 1 iti, Lewisburg, VRE offering a lartre assortment o' rail it ml W I VTLIt (.oodN, o.uiHisting of Ready .Made Clothing. Cloth. Casirneres, Coalings, Vesting, Carpetings, Bleached and Brown Linens, Drillings, Shir tings, &c. Also a large variety of LADIES' PRESS bUUUS, such as Calicoes, halites. Lavas , . ' ,, , , , t De lams, Bar.iges, Silks. (.inp l.ams.Sliaw s &c I Also ail kinas oi .oiions, t.roceries, naru- , ware, Cedarware, (Jut-ens Fish, Salt, Tobacco. Also all kind of SlTicSt for building pur poses. Call and examine for yourselves. Produce of all kinds taken in exvhanze !'or floods. BROWS & DL'.XKLE. Lewisburg, Oct 10, 18.",9 FiiVIEHE MOOSE LEWlSHLUd, PA. it. c;. iii:tzi:i., rrop'r. T IHIS Hotel is located in the center of the toun.one square from the Court Iloi.se. Persons attending Court, or having other bu siness in the town, will find this a pleasant and comfortable home. Charges moderate. Lewisburg, Pa., Sepu 6, 18.VJ ni l Josiah Baker & Co., HAVE made arrangements with E. E. Locke dc Co. to furnish 95 per cent. ALCOHOL, by the Bbl. and Hair Ebl. as cheap as it can be bought in Philadelphia. They have also just received a general as sortment of mm, mmim 1'ainlM and Oil,.lass and I'ullj, COPAL VAitNtStt&S, BRUSHES and PERFUMERY, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, CUTLERY, BURXLXG FLUID, Pine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines, Liquorsjobacco, Snuff.Inks, Soda Ash, Wheel Grease, &c. &c. All the above articles offered VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before buying elsewhere. Our Motto is " Small Profit. & Qnlck Sales." Lewisburg, May 13, 18511. Anrtloa and fommlvsloa Boast II lewisburg. ggg!3l!ag Legal Auctioneer! F.A.DoncbOH Cr having been appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewisbt.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at staled times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at ihe best advantage I can and charge a per centage for the same Feb. 2fi, 1859 F A DOXEHOWER James F. Linn. J. Blerrill Linn, T F. & J. M. LINN, J t Attorneys at Lair, LEWISBUliG, 674 Union County, Penn'a. J. XF. BRILL IKf Coammosrt for the Plate of Iowa, Willi power to take Depwitjone, ex-knowledge Deeda.Ac. PLOWS-ptOWS FOR SALE a lot of new BULL and SELF-SHAR- PEXIXG PLOWS also GLOBE Cooking--Sows very cheap for cash. Inquire of Lewisbg. Mar 5, '60. WM FliICK nAKpETS-l fine assortment by I . Ilorah .t Cor.rlr llareb Si Uocdraaa Mechanical, &c. IPS. I IIIK. J . J. TA LNEft l.4L.Mi:i! & o., I lfll"ll T r .1 ljL.Cn t!II I t2iai'"SSJ i-lnWHUIg flUlillifi i'llll, QmieSafP constantly on hand anil, ii.a.iuiadiire u order FloeriUfr SiiWlip;, ' Uaorw.susli, Miullt-m, IlliudH, i MoilldilieN ol all patterns, ami all nthrrUecnptions uf Wood ork used in Building. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly filled. All work warranted to sive satisfaction CiTAn extensive lot of Lumber of al! descriptions on hand for sale. Facttirfion Xurth Second lrul,Ltwiiburg,J'a April 22. CU-PA ItTN EESI 1 1 P. jTr1? TLe uniJcrsined Lave as- fl 'H ! Jnimpil ihpmsflves into corart , ............ . ''nersnip lor uirmi'wc ... u..j inff on the I.uinberin;1, Planins, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the Ccnjisbnrg Steam planing luills, where th. v intend to keep a slock of Pine, HemiocK, nainui, nerry, i. !".,-'.., pie, and all kinds of Lumber, flooring Shel ving, Sidine, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Studding, Fencing. Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, &c, done at short notice and all work warranted lo give satisfaction, both in trice and workmanship. J. D. DIEFFFXDEKFER, MARTIN PKKISBACH, HIKAM DRKISBACH Irwlnnrr Planing Milli, April 1, 1SI0. WINFIELD FACTORY! Kear Marl Iclon, 'iion Co., l'a. TIIE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and Ihe public in gene ral, that he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen .ood, such as Cloths, Cassimeres.Tweeus, Satuneils, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. His machinery being of the best kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sale in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by anyeiiablishmentin ihe country. A good sup ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in tbe best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for eaniinir, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. VVinfield Mills, March 30, 1857. HLU3TBEU! LU-MllKllTr riHE subscribers havefor sale i i i J (in lots lo suit purchasers J"'li"''Tf a large stock of 'E.Ci.t J'itVE HOARDS Panel Sttin.HawifeieB ! Plank. &c. Also 5.000 I'IM. RAILS. 2'i inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber for Buildings t Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills on South Branch of Ihe White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley .Narrows road at ihe end of our Road. t r" A Diploma for a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded us at the last l'nion Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M CAI.L 4 BROS. Iy773 Forest Hill P O, Inion Co, Pa AER'H E. ECWER, Italclimakcr r , . r - if2- cl Jeweler I' .c u-Wi second door above Third, xL3i l i: W ISJIU Ii G, Would respectfully mlorm the public that he ; has on hand a fine arriment of (ufd and j Silver I-ver and Lepnie atrhes a pt'd j stock of (oM.rameu ami Masnhic B'ealpin I of the latest stvie (Jild an'i Camei Earrtnes I ar . i .ti I i arc, wiik ii nc nuriidv ui very entrap aio a ,,n,,id aortmei of Ei:ht-Dav and Thirty Lj,,ar(-,(y CA'.S'and Time pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will be taken in Repai ring; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranled to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry- July 2 IN58 T 00K HERE! 11 L.adle'and Gentlemen. SPHERE is now ready for the spring trade X of Infill, a fine and good variety of ficnscljoiii nrnitorf. comprising liiireaus of all kinds Jenny Lind,:T Collage, and French Bedsteads Centre, Card, Dinins, Itreaklasi, and Sola Tables Candle and Vash Stands Hat and Towel Racks, and anything in the Cabinet line. If pot on hand, will be made to order. Cane Seat and Hair Cloth Chairs of dill'erent sizes, and almost any pattern Camp Stools, Reception Chairs, Horse Shoe, and all kinds of Windsor Chairs, for sale cheap for cash or short credit. All the above, can be had al the Wareroom of D.Ginter on market St. four doors above the Dank, or at the old stand on 1st or Front Street, where the subscriber will be glad to see all his old customers, and all the new ones who may favor him with a call. The subscriber also attends to the I'n dertakln&r IIiixincsM in all its various branches. Being provided with Fisk's Pa tent Metalic Burial Cases, and Collins of his own manufacturing always on band, he is prepared at any time to wait upon any who may favor him with a call. Thankful for Ihe past favors, he still asks for a con tinuance of the same. Feb. 21, 1G0 DAVID GIXTER. Chromatic Printing. HAVING purchased the right to use Rna bib's process for Printing with Dry Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared lo execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. in Red, Grren. Slut, itrmtn. Stirer, Diamond, or GrJd colors, in good style, Ufa! the OHice of the "Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jest, WOKDKX CORNKLira. SUPERIOR new Wind-Mills, for 18 for sale by Wa. M. Baisbhiii. A specimen may be seen at Jonathan Wolfe's barn, in Lewisburg. Feb. 10, lt-CO NEW WALL PAPER STORE! THE undersigned, late of No. 135 North Ninth su, Philad has opened a WALl. PAPER Store in Lewisburg, where he will keep a large assortment of Paper Hangings, which he will sell at the lowest city prices. Also, Window Curtains, &c. He will H A.NU all paper in the most work manlike manner. Having served an appren ticeship of several years at the Paper Hang ing business in Philad.. and having worked constantly at his trade for the past nine years, he claims lo be a Practical Paper Hanger. Any person in Lewisburg or neighboring towns, or the country, intending to have theii houses papered, are invited to examine hii stock. O. Ii. EVANS, with Bower, corner 3d anil Market Sts Lewisburg, Feb. 10, 18U0 LIWII MUI. Pt!ewoW Philadelphia Adv'ls. BLINDS AND SHADES n. j. tnn iuis, Mo, ! MIRTH-MITH STKKKT. PHILtDKlPHI'.. , is t most txTtsaivi vtsi-rn rt au or Venilian Blinds and Window Shades, i .THE LAROKST AM. HSBsT AS.-ORTMENT-a- , In Uit ity. at th. . Lotvct noli rrlcc. I Stoat gllAMS mvlr and Uttrred. RXSmS PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Jon. Slitltllctun & t o., Nos. 156 and 158 North Fourth slrei-t, above Arch street, PHILADELPHIA. B1 RANDICS. Wines and (iins im- 1 nortt-d dirwrt and warran ntrd I I ItK and n ld to I lewsat wti.-li-salri'ri''. . in.,.. ..in.. i.ruepliti. and llr.tl hrrp at rWll Hramhes: Old I'nrt. Slirrrr, Mailira. l.i.L a.-.TtiF asa.-riu.i-nt .-.iusipib . Cl.anipagiiff u.nra: also, a lariv stu.1. .-f Mi..":tit..-: Wliiktfy,lluIlabdlilutlruiLanil2iMUb Wliisk.y. p-mnt HATS, CAFS, AND STRAW GOODS OF ALL KIWDS it int. lowr.vr t iTT run r.s AT HI! OLDS tLR. ALL orders for the above goods shall meet ' wall prompt attenllou by addressing the undersicned. Jos. (.lilSON, i No. aoa Market Su, (up sta:rsA April 5, isfio. 1-hiiadeipr.ia. TIN-WARE Prices Reduced! j MERCHANTS and DEALERS are invited to call and examine the largest assort- ment ot j Well-made TIV-WAKC ! to be found in the Slate which we are prepa- redtosellat Lowv.a Paictsthan inferior goods are generally sold for. MELLOY A FOKD, Sign of the Large Coffee Pot, 3m832 723 Market SI, Philadelphia -- PETLAD'A PLATFCRH SCALES, ICALES! Cie tv"y. decriP"OD so"a,':e - Railroads, dec, lor weigh- MALL.S Ting hay, coal, ore and merchana- t'i I V ize generally. Purchasers run no UV.lW I . . .. ,. ris,H, ever avmc .a cuaiaiii.tu correct, and if, after trial, not found sauslac - lorv. can be returned without charue. ClT Factory at the old stand, established fur more than thirtv-five years. AbliOTT & CO., 803 Corner of Ninth and Melon ts., i UILAD'A. SILVER PLATED WARE, harvey'Villev, No. 122S Market street. Pinladephia, MAXI FACTLKEK of fine NICKEL SIL VER, and SILVER PLATER of Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Butter Knives Castors. Tea Sets, I'rns. Kettles, Waiters, Duller Dishes, Ice Pitchers.Cake Baskets, Communion Ware, P. Mug-., Uvblets. Ac, with a general as- sortment, comprising none but the best ntuilitu, made of the b'tt materiuU and hturily jlattd, constituting tlieo) a SercictaLlt urni DurnUe article for Iluttli, Slenmbtali ami J'riiale fiimiliil. t"? 0:d Ware re-plated in the bett manner. Feb. il, 186Uyl PIIEAP EXPRESS J Kedutlion of nale. MERCHAXTS and ail persons engaged in shipping Goods to and from Philadelphia uiusuil )um owl. niirici. I (ioods shipped fr.'in 10 to 12 per cent, less per 100 lbs. than by any other 1 ines. WALLOAVEUS LINE of DAILY CARS are carrying freight to and from that point at the following Greatly Keduced Kates : 1st Class 3 do 3 do 4 do :t5 cts. per 100 pounds :il do 27 do 1 do 19 do pecial C Depot in Philadelphia Veuenck.Z-, 1 4 llmehman, (SOS dt 810 Market St Persons should be carelul to Lave iheir Goods marked in care of the above Line, lo prevent imposition fr. iri other Lines Nov 13 J.NO WALLOW KR A SOX CCRRECTICW. 5 Goods shipped from Philadelphia! oic. by WALLOW Eh s Line are .NOT -re-shipped at Harrisburg," (as would appear by Mr. Peipher's advertisement) bin go ihrotish without delay to Iheir destination on the Sus quehanna or the West ltranch. July 20, 1C59 C. G. I'KICK, Agent t f r t Ir 1 DR. EISENWi:iNS fl Wj)od JJaptha PECTORAL! i JS the Best Miaail in Ihe H erli for the Cl !tU of Coughs and ColJ.-i, Croup, IJroncliitis, Asthma, difficulty in lireatLiug, 1'aipita tioo of the Heart, Diptheria, and for tbe KEL1LF ct patients in ailraoeed ataeea ot Consumption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption. It ia peculiarly adapted lo tbe railiralrureofACTIIMA. Deing prepared y a praetiml PhjiciaD ami Drueaist, and one of .treat experience in the cure of the YarU'lfc diiieaare to which the human frame is liable. It ia off.-red to the alllicted with the greatest confidence. ) eure of Brooi-hial affections, i-rice i0 cent per Bottle. a3l'rei,ared onlr tj Pa. A. EIJEN WEIN S Co., DruggiatsandChemista,N.W.Cor.mlhA tiplar Sta. PHU..DKl.rHIA. 4-f-fkild by everr res-peetable Druggist ajul llealer in Moicine throuichout the state. Philada, SJari h HI, ISO, J PEIPHER'S LINE W ANlJ FK0.U PHILADELPHIA. BCDltTION OP FREltiOT. 1st Class 45 oanta per llM ponnda. Zd do do do 2d do 4th do do do do do do Special W heat, Rye and Corn, la cent per bnehel. Philad. Depot with Freed, Ward r Frero, 811 Market St. Thankful for the liberal patronage given ns we hope by strict attention, to business to merit a continuance of the same. THOS PE1PHER For further information apply to ly795 C K M GIXLY, Agent, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SHIPFERS. rERSO.NS shipping Goods to Philad. will please be particular and Hark them in care of Feipher's Line ; otherwise, they will be re-shipped at Harris burg, which will be attended with oelav. May 6, 1H59. THOS. PEII'HER. C.W.SCIIAFFLE Lewisburg, Fa. WnoLESAi.E Dealer 15 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window G!ass, Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors expressly for Medicinal I'ses, Fancy Notion Goods,and all the regular Patent Medicines of the day. Or Particular attention paid to putting up Prescriptions. Family Med icines.&c. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for sale WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, .., "a.Mrr. I l"""- ra econrl street, recently V occupied by Jas. B. Hamlm, dccM. 'if, Insurance Companies QUAEEH CITY Insurance Company Franklin IJuiliJius,4us Walnut St. 1)(iII.ADKl.PlIIA injures againsi LoJOr Damage by Fir', an. 1 ihe Perils of Ihe Sea. Inland Navigation and Transportation ipllal h MtrplB- i..u.;.a.,o. (lurtrrvd I jpUal, OKUKHK II. UART, rrasattut. K I-. t:..i-s. t is. I rssi l-nt. II. It l.-l'.Ml.tl.U r.J Trraaur,, . U. DLTLLII, AasUlaul rw.rsUrj. biRHi-rnaa. jHrir II Hart F.sstr S l-.raina n R. Cwa.k.i. . Hail!. S.n.u-1 J.,.,..j,B U. M hmuZ. A. C. C.lUll 2n,Ki J.D.CALI WFLL.Agt.Le wisburg 1 1 iti: i.sir.i.(i: Capital, nearijr Tiraa Milliona o Dollar.. T i A MIE old -Lvcomii.!: C..ontv Muin.i r ance Company," at Mur.ey.so well know." ior us periiianrni etabiilmif n ami nr.K.. nv..ip.il ... ail l,,I.c . ' " I-..-"- - - u.iiiuur o sB(fT insure property on the imom rea.vonable term, (Jet insured, bet. re xu burn out, in Ihe Utit and safest company. J WI ANKI, fr., f. AI.L1S r.n.. SOLOMON HITTER, l.ewishnr. i , ana luiobc b eoacij a.rwisourg. May :u, inc.) , . , - ! AnieritaB Ine insurance & Trust Co., (Capi'al Smck !:.iio,oom r-IOMPAN V B.ildin-.Walnn. wtreeL.8 E y corner of I ounh-JW,t,jl,0 r? Lives insured at the usual Muiual rates or at Ji.mt Sn.ek rai.- ,t 2(, ,r c,n,7' ! ornl Iou.lAb,neB , the low's, B World. A UHItllwv n . f Jomm C. Siwa, siPc. ' '''reiWent 747 (jEtj. p. Mil r TR ,,.., i i 'ii-i-t.K. '"Mishurg (JKT IVv.llllit l' 1 L l J not i.r. ii In-nrani-f mmpaav I j, ox. c. u. ,nn " I ; -If J- "' M VX. War ll.is o.npany..-n ent.rtng up... ihe tear ot ' thur l.usrn sutiiHt .he f,.liKav SI staietnentuf ihcir atts and li.,. .i public. ... v a w Ulfj : NMt'.t r, In f re- .1; I "" Ant cf Vt c.i etc- it. ( .r-( Jo j Nam.n r Atui.unt .T r. I IT"-riv in.iirl '3 Am- utit Aiiiouiit 1 rri-tunini N-i. rrfrii'd f L,s-s sustain, d . li or "it . ..is i.u:y4ny ci.T.nr.ues 10 sr.snre every desrriplitn of property, such a tniMinss. goods, merchandize, Ac, against less or rfa'av age of Fire, and lu ai.y nine hn.itid or per petual. SA M L If ORWIG, A Sent, Lewisbnrg, Ocl. 20, le.Vj Fruit and Ornamental Trees M.rl l Ij !' .) ! Vj-m " t jiiTo'iiji iini'i. f35 Tl,f suhcriher has , n tar.d a spleait.il collection of both Fruii and I'tnati-fntal TKLKs, &e. &c. eu.biat ing the very best varieties of Appits. rVsrs, i'farhfs. Flams, Cherries. Aprn ots. rr amies. tfr;ipes'.(innse berries, Kasf berries. I irriiits, sirawi-ernes. atiso itiut. l'oropvan I.are Horse (,"n oiintaia Ash, American f :m Ash, i ;.-.r J!ap!e fr ,lreft p.ar.j,r,s, ti er hloi mms'liose. and a spieii'-lut itCln. of iiuiitiiis and other Fli'eri:; I; an;s. f?"Ji"'irserv .'n ttniK on the farm of Ja'i F. l..Lt: V.-c,. mii the ri'jri:r;ke. within half a m'le ol l.rw!s,UF7. str.ct aiicniK n. Z A II i r Vrs will reeei I'.rK inruriiihlif CASH. V il.i-U. 1. Ll.NN. I evisl rtrm 1,: ::i4Lta UAa.LJi.aiX, ,i:i; j.. s. .V'Fj.i, .en's iiar'.wi.re Store, K f l rn-er'v H....-!ii n'a Mit St. re, Vaiie street, Lewis l'a. a mm; otyi r.s, Mi:r. . i rxo ttfes, fiC in the usual snp-rior style. Inanition to ibese pictures. 1 sin now prepared to lake ("holographs larse oi small, e.jual to the best maile anynhtre. Also. HALLO T PKS. These mrti.re rnli.reil l.i rers. reseni life, and are surerirr lo an oil patntmr. giving that fiilelity of npression and leamre that can be produced only by the Camera. These pictures are patented, and Thave the exclusive right f.-r l'nion c. nnty. Call ani examine -pecimens. April 51, lfSa William Va&Gezsr, TTOUNEY at Law, 1 l.estisltui g, I uion Co., Pa.S74 THOHAS G. GRIER, (successor to J.L.Yv vtatchniaker ana Jeweller Located two d-.rs ra.t or 'Te stanl r.-srut) occacie4 ty Mr Y.Hler LKH lskl KU, Fa. Clockx, Watches, &c repaired on short notice and warranled to give satisfaction. CeAn excellent assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry rn hand Cheap for Cask. GILT FKA.MES of all sizes made to oidcB Lewisburg, April 29, 1H5S NOTICE. FTTO the Citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity 1 I L.. II in') has removed bis Barber Shop from the Kiviere House to Market street, basement of W idow Aniens' building, one door above the Post Office. Thankful for all p ai favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. X. 13. To nil who tarrr hT tiil th-ir lvanfn srmw mc Tu Kt b plriant b-i. i;ihi) barber war )t Juofmll vD liixuit hi? SkIihiq. I usy mmn.rTvoi aor, Tuwc Is cltjati, ruori sharp and Miacors kc-trn. Lewisburg. April 1, . L. HINES. SASH aod DOORS, Clixds and Shutters, Flooring". Siding, Framing, &c. For .aJf at tli Prajt Strr of V. A. CALDWELL. Lewb-burg, Ot lb tVMeal Market. Arrangements for the Yctir. JACOB G. BROWN, having supplied the Lewisburg .Market lor the pastsix montbS has made the following arrangements fcruie coming year The best of Beef, Mutton. Veal and P.' can be had on Wednesday and Samnlay mer ningsof each week, at the Market 11 o-';" Market street, between Schatlie's ami W olie'H Lewisburg, Pa. His motto is H Quick Sales fix Cash, aai Small ProAis." Lxamine his meat. Ap. 15,'S9. I. 8. STEK-Milt. Acent. rPIIE subscriber con- X tu nues to carry on the i i.lterw HUNinei) th 1)1.1 Stan.t ,n st.,.1 B Third street, near Market, and respeciiuf) "Solicits the patronage ol his friends and U public generally. tHAKLts Lewisburg, May S3, 1S0 . NOTAliY l'VHLC- William Jone3, , TT0R.EY at Law. rollections iil prompilv attended t, sir.et. ppih.mic the Pies' vonan I i-jo a V ' ai