v i i 41 it UXIOX COUNTY STAR & LEW1SBURG CliROXICLE-JUNE 15, JSGO. Jjeirisburt, I'd. Feidw Mousing. Ji-xe l-3.l.SCO. A fahiir .ar " J ..a' I .o V nr; Hie .11 t - to I-"' " ' .,. .pn fcv . i, ... i.rTvr'o; rtrru L i n-iii'-'rr. r-jOMiOi'T? ui Jr.m. a. "5 i- "Tg'pe w t.laei ti.c-ineiil. artr-Mr Arluck'e having op-red a Store at the KeMy X It 'ads the Star .V Chronicle pack Lr that i.rmhb. rhnnd will hereafter be left there f r dis-iituti.m. -g-.T,,ln Il r'z is ajp iiitiJ (.V.lcet :r of the Uwi.-lurg S-leml Tax for tte cur rent year. vgjfte Anr.Uersiry of tbe l-ifburf Baptist fab. choul wi .1 be bold next SaV. bth afteroon. Taa,The services ccnee'ed with layirg tbe cormr-toue of the new l'ireisbach cb.rcb edifice, will e-nim-nce tn-uimrnw afternoon, ai 2 o'cl 'ck, c ju'.iuaii.g on tbe Sabbath. JeiTbe J.pnere inra-!',o r! the i'u Tiilage of Philadelphia, bts ftimd out our wbikm corretpcit.diLt "S. H. K." wlc-e letter came too late f.r tl' tk. lie is at Lie old stand, &"'7,Ch.-iiut St. (IVase ce&d ds tour card.) fiMr. TlLI-MORE has rerae?ted it to be stated that le Las retired from public life, but bis political ccotimvC's naiaiii uaaltered. He would like 13 fee Uel! suc ceed, but it is believed Las no b"pe of it. aud would not otject o see all lis friend vote for Lincoln. . Bg.Aa Smith, cf Statinti 1", Stb Ave Due, New Y')tk. bar J a jr utcd rhoet, colored. illu-ri':t:g 'he -ff r it-i Lil.pr of tbe Sun. lf i. July, wrb n.u.-h valur ble iiif .raia!'. ju rf t f a-tr : niy. I; sill Le eLt to ihj aji;La uu ;Le ruccipi of 13 cents. t&" tuaior perhaps oriinatiog io a Ijve of deception L-s prevaikd al 'ijjr the West Branch, that the Jjpantse mous culored gentiemcn were this wctk to vi?it Niagara Fails, by the 5uq'jebmna route, oil. It is a wonderfully mysterious trea sure which is there being revealed, and pcomiscs great results in curic'bitg a large portion of country hitherto rather poor, and io producing light a! a cheaper rate. W3-A large, cumber of Lives of Li.n CuLN are in the pres?, Ly atnbitious pul lichers. We advise our reid.rs to wait and tee which is or are I e-t. If the .i r .. - oiirman Ol w .atiii mnirtee, or - Jir. JLiocoiD tiioiftj.i, woum auoanee wuat i w- - i ' particular edition ir aurbeutit; anJ recom- , meo f.,r rrr.fr-. fWnil.n. it would : is Mr Muwtr. We deem i; pr .per to draw attention to this fact, after Latin? M-Tha Peonlu'a Itr in I.trr.min. county have appointed Committed of Vi il.nforther.lT.,.,,.(.ir...,.d H. oaght, and called a N.minatice C it.ven- lio. at the W.gwam in Wil.iamsport, , Wednesday evening, Ang 22 ' 4n at- e nave not ootainea any proiii mat tney Une uav last week mere wa shipped i'Jj:eu iu jail, i.tr mtanug a Dore, be-. 1 1 .n iior, iridiu diiu iiadct t . a-J d-crpit a of which are I ed" "J " "" tTTluur aaj Feed for sa e. Terms erateniplate tit)g the Falls at all, wbe- I over the Winiamsporl U ai cia E mir to lot gin g to Kudjh Jfauman, of Main-1 1 1 Cedar Wa-c, Cans. Cedar. Lrass and m t a, Lewi'-barp for tbe WTpeVlfoa of TIIROiT IJr4F. I CASH. CHAKSEUUX BE03. tker throu-U New Tjik State or lnc- Vcik dty, live tons of butter, in r- ; Columbia county. ! Sho'' ard Fwk' Han'""-- l-.r "ard h'n ""'' The c-wner cr owners thereof Thi, ito ,,., d . i. t-Iwti ! Lewi.bnr.. May 3, lco f,Wia kit-s and tub. Wc fee it fa'ed in one cf tbe Wilkes- handle Shovel ; Hav and (VraiaForks "(two rcqn.red to prove property. Pay all iecal 1?;;' Tti, luw i . J . ..- 1 A German Kifcrmed church cJC:e is Bate papr. that Paubert Sbaf, convicted , and three protjre-i), be-.d a great variety of . frPm -nVda-e hV.f-'-h' '-1 """ 'T,ro": i;""- ' 'H'8f! Executors UotiCe. ISMr. Levi B. Herbjt of Lcwislorj to be erected at liluuwsburg, at a Cost tf not long since of tbe crime of homicide, articles loo numerous u. mention, just wanted wiJ befrfe ted and wil'te so d'Tc'crd'n- x j "V"OTICE is hereby eiven that letters teata- b.. returned from a v,-,t to a brother's b about 5000. : has bct n appointed a ..Kj.il or Ly the. irZl'&ttlzlZo:. ! -o Uw. Wi,eU y hd atw j 'r the Oil regions of Venat go c uLty, and J ohn bhtep cf Wash:Cglonv,!le, has e- Sber.ff, and is even permuted to leave tbe 6 h V of JuBr- ' 1 r;-..'""," ? '"'j f Sa lcwn'b P- 'i cooiht. deceased, have be.. reports active progress there iu bi.riu.- for eottrac. f.,r carrying the mail , 1?' of the ja.l and vts.t the saloons. 1 m pj W , W , j ' . : '-' - ? J P: ' ra.h u.:trrtr ; o the subscriber, by the Register of be very desirable, uful, and f.rLafs rc- " "If" '"L. ""'-" . Pa., was killed lat week cn the Fennsvi- or trade for L o j.-.trv Prod-ore. Tent some mistakes. i '? cf :Lc.S:eafn! ' ;""8 J vania Central Railroad, whilst chaaing Lis ' TH-iMAS XESBIT. I - - hereat,Ley fngh.cntdand ran off. In ff fc fc ' I.ewisburg. June S.l-t0 md. n. ,u,,...u... i'-S befeiland broke Lis left kg. He ...A. Aquarium is being made .o j y Jl'pon iTHiiAnl ! beard bin work exto'led bv tvo'.le fium ! 1 1- . 1 . r c, 1 ! two c?mparlmen:s, and its object is to af-: , ,, . . . . 11 inn -i i- i.rm- mtm j. I ijtjji. i n-. . .i stres. K.i.'-on. S::k. French ae-1 menran niia on wuik mo.icu, oy p.or.t; iioui Ix-k-tendtr at Jersey hore, was drowned , ' . . - .- . r ,. . i iwmr todull limes and scarcr.v of money. t;.i;.-i,j.a;L,i.i....i.i.i KisVwTLrTlr. mP'l i-efi.i pi,..,, t!..., 1 -""""" o,her,owos,.S;.,,lrlledby few ,f any i in the canal on TtLday Evening S he ISM ! SZT f in our cities. Give Liui a cail, acl tn- was ten years o.d. Her funeral 'ook place 1 ' ' ii'euea.ur i,..,i...i-jii.r.. mui u tu i..'r U idb 1 1. t-f i-t -1 la.-. ak.-..M t-. . fK& &Wtt&8&4fi&S ! Btacai and Tamwiaa d..se with me. Icoorag. bin. to fit op rooms in the brst on Thursday, whied was attended by tbe 't A. A. Cborch late Treasure of the .) ZZlZZX: rV'JZZllZ ffe(tf$lAM&&Xtt : '; de.-r-vch-.-a;, t.a.ssw.c.,. u .,le, and feel h.mst.f permanently ticn- ' e , reJ falcU vie!(JeJ ' , r!:::::: N''rs', S'c' Ap . titled with ns as a citizen. . J"f 5 ?0,J f J,li,rs ,te di!e of 1. five pounds and fifteen ounces of milk at i CCOTTs is t'.io Cheapest place lo "'-i rr..um.M,i,.,tH 'SaWSi fcave been put ia circulation, recently, at ... . ... ... . uiLai.,- s-n-i,. L-i.i.?. r.'ag-s-a.A iip,li Tllirp fir'TririVri . . 7. mwa' w imiu a AkrL.vuiiL au e tij u II ll c f V- liVotx cr",ed ;. F ioh ' the audience r-lirin, srri tl- r.-m.ir..l.-r . uiuiw ilu. ' ji tali, is no, very strong n ha. rising town, and to be effective should all drop ibe.r f.,r- met local and personal strifes, abd work together like Uue men. 1 , - - j I - t-i:- i Ai.nuilllJ t ,un i;UllU , Tk..,l,..lL... . - v A uv uii.ow.ij u a wcvu iici.-auk cca 1 1 for tbe e oainc exercises of the Union Sem. ' J nrJ bieh rPe,r ,0 fcn very j j commendable and entertaining. : The Literary Address, on Tuesday J 7 J eening, ty Ker. Mr. V.'ci-er, was on the i.um..r r . i 'Harmony of Science and K.velation 1-At ItS cIoC, the Laditrff of cW iSt-rliti. Itbroueh I'res ILLd-iek rre. m I ,1 p lis ' o.'l,i fie.tuitj me 1 Eteelator Society with a complete ee'.t of i-Jrcaccu'i Works. ; Wei.xesbat. rum i- aaiK, imuui -nn. a w-m- a.a art. oUxrt nw Maai i UK!. N. tWriia i o T-ra ia !!' H Ji.u inarta, Wmbtial ft' Acre K H- Mm s, fbi.a-lr;; bia ,1 . aa . a, ... . : terarrAS: - t : fkMniui atiuae e M. MX. Sr. Itrriiu. l-l', . . ... , .. . . Alter toe reaaisg, tue 1 oung ladies . . ., uks a large family Ta.. WiiHorfrj r nH ; i ipresented fres. llendrii - fgilv-edged Bible. 'J'atwCo.trT.ilils rsmtiu.lwttrncnca. : "i.M:ioa--t..M.a."iiaiii. . VTn.orr.1 w-rt-H, f,,,H t Iu4. i O-UlwlkiMi.aar-1'.r. au,b.tt. S. T. j ' Rtalr,.;. jLr.'-f I i - 7 , iki. .a. ti v. .'IUUIT. II aililUI 7 5-w0.ua uu:.araii..sT.i a,aa i.i i.,ri.n- lo undertake a tour in hurope. J aaer Ut-l .W riua,l,cj. B 1.1M. liraia. if T t- .1 V e 1 liwr-r 11. tiru s-k.riiu ii.,. i t-amuel J. Kistlcr tsn., member of the ffaainri. : s X uZTnZr-. Sen- r-T...! tioriai.r La. siri... jOttwarJ imUU P Murl. i fk.rua, Jr-rersutiT ' ta. Lit- eoeietr. . Mr. Btrgstresscr presented tLe Nenci- NnSocietT with a nortrait of Kv-I.e.v hi,.,.. . . . '. ... -.KIJ rate a LUOliC I - Uit wp'.ioBaniEoteriiiaiE.ttr, witlrpeach-- F!i ifl tieir owa Koa. : teSlat b again penetrating every f-r.en witiJjw and" drnr arJ ins.nuatic? itself b, ever, crevice, oB Market street- " ?ni. -T "'""'P. b' fi'J ltN C .-j-, - . . ' ,, , ., admitted to full membership. I l:"-1 uoicg mere injury 10 neaito man a.i our i- - i s i mid.ctiial advertisements can cure, and causins: twice as much damnr;? to cmd?, - - warfs au J furniture as a p't asure-prjducing street fprinkler wuld cst. Can not some tbirouh, rcsp.rjsiWe man be found to tl'itta with tius -ii'tt ? and will not enough persons ' J wq with tbe dust" to pv bim ? What idle man, or men, with little to ds, will undertake it? A little, fruin all interested, will bo fiifficient. Irajr-.Mr. ALraLaui Aurat.d cf this bor ough last treik presented us a lot of Ap jles, of three varieti.s, as perfect, it fretb, a;,d as toothsome, as the Lest are in De-c-.'mber. 5tuJ)ii,g the qualities of the vari us c-rts, and care ;u preserving them, Le thinks we nay have good Apples ocry nijtiii in the jear. Xras Jlcms lum (f:!)cr Conntics. A terrible tnruadj vi-i'ed Clarion coun ty. iu tl.is ?-a!e, on the afternoon of the .'.' b .it. Houses atid t arns w.re over- turned, and a i.u tuber uf lives were lost by tr0?h ,u ,be f!,''g l"&H- Man) of .he person, were blown io puc-a and the furniture scattered aD,ut. ?( verteen tlavis, set fiee Ly the will of the late I'.-. Laud, of Ciiucesa Anue Co , Va , left for l'uiiadelphia last week. We regret to learn that the fly is doing considerable daniage to ihe Wheat ia Le lower cnJ ot coming couoty. i 1 he Supreme Court of Pennsylvania uc- tided that a teltgrnph cnt'anj must send the mrssaee given theni, and hnow do CKj.c'ural acieLoitentson tLe rl of any ; of ttn.ir ( fS-ers. Iu the language of Judge ....uard, iuy oni't o'ny the jrinteis goldeu rule and '-fillow copy." An election was held iu Turlutville for the purpose of dittnuioiti2 the place of ln.ldibg'iLe iiectinDS in tl.atrl.ce. The Ki"le H .tei received 14fi vni... ...d ihe Liiioo uuiei, iu voies. Iu V.'aljirc'ciD CjDCtj. Pa , a kw divs ago. Vm. WrtoCson, who is eaid to le wjf.b $100,0v0, Wis cjovic'e-J of bog-; r-ualii-g, ani &t.Lietjct'J to one gear's im- r-rouuient in the f eiite&tiarj. i Mr. Wm. Webb, formerly of Jersey ?hore, but iate rm.dite m Akron, Ou.o, . - i.'m ii.l i ,. c t i ' i was Viiltd bv toe Lick of a horse la-t week. : The Bis Mountain C 1 Ureakcr at Sha-1 mokin, was destroyed ly fire oo ihe ni.-lil j of ihS'hnh. It was occupied Ly Jo- ; -e'h Brd one of th cr.it ener.-i-tie and' . t,u ii.ii, one oi u. D.isi entrfcitic aua perscveritr; cn.rators io the oa! re -ion, Wb.n.vU L'UUTll.C rtL.' I M . L I'lUll. I " 1 , .w vu . . whose loss js very Leaiy. The Bieaker Editor and I'ro.Mietor : Bow'er i Fitz-cr-was insured, but Mr. 1. io:-t a.i Lis tools , -a ii.t.,. ii. f-.ti. ...i i-e ana .us 01 coa., wuica wa. -"v cut r"- have Icud the workef so iLcLJiarv. wuiaw u Jscob Fullmer was drawinff lors with a iodoice nuite well under tte circnm- f;ac;.r. a . 1. . ,t t t 1 t- 144 VllkUllUUU, UlUUIJ ,, 'V .t ... i :.r Ti,..r...i! ' cuted, and it Ud.Sctlh todisiinguih them i fom the trenun.e, txc- pt by wei-hin:: uuo- cul Kr ""m- ! The late freshet washed away about 100 ; fecl of the euibiLkUit tt of the canal be and Beech Creek ' tween Bald Eagle Til u 'JL. I t 1 ne break waa mniiH hut iIia h.aTF 1 showers a few days sinee, re-opened it, . t ,,i. . l.'l ....... l ... ri ' . " J r ' iu iiauiu it. , John Hagertv, at Phelps' Mills, on ; Monday morning, in lauiiug a load of bmbir thebee to the canal on a car, was Ui3 jred by Prt of the load fallinf ' .h"- Lack ko, mi dead frGiu tbe wait to the over r-xtrrm. - - iUii - ' n- . . . . . . . J tlP edltnr nf thl T.PVlshnrrr yfvn htt " V.T . b 'J . uoamnL, r.rintprs ar a nni. t Dce. g0 have we, as a general thing, j and our arrangement with theni is not to gfe tbtoi a copper in the shape of money, . . . , hut never turn ibem away hungry from ourdoor; the insj irity of them are cot ' f " Mr. I isher of Milton, Las given Lis new jjj. Jjie B1B-e of "Arbor Hail." It will at 30'1 r r ons " 1 "JV ' ., lleT. C. CwliiLS! PrcbileDt of DitkinsoD lTr.:J... r.a r..inrfl.l In. nn.iri.in t.i fc ' . . '6 . i , ii . rume iuc i rei-iueuc oi a i cuiaie iuiicge, . near Memphis, Tcno. A lively Republican Ratification Meet- ing was held in Milton, Friday evening ' . , . , , , a- Geor W. Carrenter of Gcrmantown. ,';rlt.... '. I .i Il- -". "fceia c. ,...--. ' ; one oi the very largest land-owners and tii,.ri.i,-,.i.a ,i , vki -r A - r nt A ""tenants of 1 Ulaue.phia, and wa. noted i 'Imenterpr.se and attataments in the ; na.ura. sciences. j Messrs. inn .nd Gobin of Sunbnrj, have d.vidt-d thi ir 1 ...rT.pr.l.ir, .A ' , " ri Cach "gOOi It Up-JU Lis OW U hook. 1... a ir.ll.,.,1. M-... :. .... Legialaiure Iroui Lebigb county, bas paid into the (Jonnt? treasury toe sum ot two . , e i - : i UULOrea aoiiars oi nis saiart, iu HxnuB.t , 'tb lb VMe Dide PrcT,uUi 'J?, bjs eIec I Uoo, tbM it ue a-.-gial.inn- ea to re-, t duce the salary of members ol tne iegis-, . C-j-lii k. ..,1.1 r.r, th. ot bit Urj over this iai.-s-t o.ujty t'ia. laiui, iu y-jvU an wji.a j -. j ic:l lie w-. . . f I, i l I. . . .1. . " "-" w.-.UJvm-u.v-HUM. All l'i 11. lUlif Mi l ?TT,1 11 la! I ifcJI w ailil. ; At the emictu:uo .if the u-uai services 11 id Ine .'I. 1,. I Iiurrii, in V liii.nu-poi:, on ! N t on w af two Jews caile1? on Mr . , ? 7. ' . . . .. rJ'"- ;jr- ., ..1 . . r r ... i .i t .. xi , purcLa-e ei se-uie ail head uf eat lie. I Lev stated tbat they Were Lutchi r and owned a large amount ol real estate in Lock Ha ven. Tbe, agreed to pay fire ceuts a pound f .r tbecattic, n.akira ?UT5, pay ing i0 when ih.y took the futile away, and the balance iu a short time. Mr. Ilein hart Las gincs learned tbat they own no prop rty, ate cot Lu'clnrs, and that they so. J the cattle for f -ur c-nts per pound. I pon these facts hi made ccui;laiot agnios! them f t swindling, and on l'i iday last, Sh-rtil MeC .y srres'id ih'in, and they gave b.il for their ajpearauca at Court. .ir. cirreni s sifam i- rrv ana low unai makes rr;u!ar irijs from Iuut'irj tt the r coud.v fi'Jc cf lue river, Laving t whurf oo loth Mjy. Mesf-ra. Vm. Oirk and Jobn Wallwcr, Jr., are ct Oi'n.t. j f,-r A rublj lj iLe Uopubiieas of I.tup';iii CTUittv. A :raTiling i,corn d c'r" was arresfcJ i Jilry ou charg-; of ruhbing a L .useiu i;e.!i f jnre where Li Lad U.-u "t.r..f. - siunaiUJ An-tL.r rtr.er, cllcd tbe "Jumna TlHt 1(cUl bas D, cn Miii:tj ju y.f. fi,u;owu by tlrecn A: Harris. It is s.,p- posed to be the orgau of the Cr.wf ird sort of llcinueracy, in oppfsi ion to the old . U -gister, and :s a mouel of workmanship. ' J. H. Arnold has LaDg out Lis Liw fhitgie in Middleburg, Suyder Co. jj, n gtfriDton of s,..rin,oD, has been ejected President of the Li & Hloomsburg I!. II. Co., in place .Net.', resigped E lw.rd F. Gay. tie Superintendent of the Sunbury i ilrie liatir-ad. seltcted a puce of greut.d on Mr. Cake's farm, ad-; j lining the Lorug1! of Sue bury, for an: tig ne boue, turn table, is. The work , te coU.mrLccu luiuiediatt.y. An ArcumeM Court will be held for Snvder countv. LG:h and Tth inst. The Ilcrwick G'-zettc states tlat the; Wheat Fij is Vt-rv dtstructivc in that vi- citiity. Oa Mm Jay la a mio, wbo save bia ratre a? U-jlcrt Clark, was arrtsttJ ccar ; Tamsfjua, Iroopbt to Hlonmsbur anJ . .1 lti it i . e u e 'he PMt f 'be fc. rff t.t sboUd be sum - kkc -I He Las no right to mace such' utstibctnns between those in Lis , , , ., . . charee. and we Lore this will nrove the charee, and we Lore this will prove the 1 last Itme we shall bear uf snch malfeasance i iu office. Scmnton Ji'pnblicam. I Tbe .tt. Brant h HulhtU is a neat, ' - -. j i a . . . ' : Sn!rited. s:i-eo!uined. semi weekiV lust : trtA.t in U'i't;.m.nr,rt ',.,le TfTrir,. ' ' A fiae new 6aw.miII hag b,en erccte( I , by Delate k Cilley, in Jersey Shore. S!cr!:xi EJrltts, scd . c't' tits area 13 twenty ieet square, ana its 1 i d? pth ten feet. It is to Le divided into twenty Ieet square, ana "9 1 I -Il one rejjuiar mi.aitg. K Flennikea, of Pittsburg, f,-rmer!y ; Fayette county, Las Leen appointed a Judge of the United States Court for tbe i Terrlicrv of L tab ' s,ra.jrri ;n parT;1!p j MD" fer 1'"r' scJ Bfw ro,a,es ' i ty-one cents per peck. Old potatoes have : " V. S M ,weD'i' v0 ccc!s F'er 1 hOsoCl, and Dot UttCb of a dctnatid for Hen as low as twenty live cents per , them at that price. j , g iarl , b,r.h, wh.ls. uk. np a ride wi!n Ljs lili;e S0Q , boM 0) rht WM lcc;,jcotal!y drowned The boy' .Lilst reaching for some.Ling in the i ur, fell overboard ; the father, nnall, to i V ' - . . ct.u uim. luuiirc-j iu iuir uiiU, nut mas unable to make the thore. IIR , i , J . 1 II J " "c ,,uu THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Dyw' Moyavm, nun Rum. nvrr Bra,i. .w ''t. ru, i-..nni a reajj nlirta&l inT rare in tbi, cr-at tvmtjT. IHE oxi.iExaiEt. bittkm ArrbbTTxi. bT m.t wU. L.rt nruir-i orthratov. ani.th.wir .-i .bka u. w - rfira aS.-nlJ fr tl.-ir iLfiIib etire. It if not an alcoholic t-rrparation, .Lich. biv tiT.ng atnemfn-rr i ""':o. rnlu tkern-in ia tt. am ratio; baton I 4iinct anj aiimt fmin ai.; mii.rai irrpar.Uon.Ter I 1iw..i.ki - b.m,i - c.!r,..I1,,1 ,l:'eb.T tb, rnr.tar.d rwwre th pat to rrinine anno. i pm.tr! wnirmieKtm-DTr-i ie ry nt-n t and ttii.cj..litnat cbararter ia prracntt. KtUAEE JL.-TJ3luSr. .Ju't ZoJnL 2SZvXrs Mipsletowt. Conn . Jrh. 1-49. I .Ttr fS ; .. . . - . - . . . ' - . r'.."' ! to ai..ntiuur lt uk " Tl-u ol onr Ir-f.l. mm trl a turlr.rr tnai. lo ih. rlt.tit nt f'ine thn or f-.or. I .r.h anrrjai ot-r.rK r u.r a-.mrariyi.i .r- tioaa. lti reaj; aim'.-t t-uurc rr:ii tn.ru tbe i M.,a.,l.,BM,.,h.ir t" I ySrSK ! ,.rtK.oi the di-.tiT. ana l no fan mrarir aa . ZZgX&ZZTZJi'ZZ t i).. Vert nirtf.HT ora. suty years, a . "' , VVn r,i-li i.t i,f Il.ilitfir .i.ln,,-.r.lni rlf.innlc i i v. , i . : ti - - M .vn.. " ' . u uia lor toe continental Hotel. i.'.n .11 in i AtH.-lfS W. 5MITH. Prrl SFTn W FO I.K t Hi, Boin. aoj br 'tal.lrOALl.WLU,andaLLSCU,U.ul,urf. Htxutsbura JHarfctt. Corrected Weekly Wheat I,0 lo 1,0 fcfc'S- $ 10 . 12 Rve iaiiow . r . . ) 11 uorD iiu laara 0ats C0 ?,1C0n 10 j ! j tA I iaxseea. , nam . I'ned Arpks. I.ou tdonwer... II...... I'll l'nr.Kla,IS:ltr:ta uuim.1 z -v---fcw '".I w ; Pott f 1 cLU-as.-. .0 clM lUccf 5 mahiui-:i. On tt, 7ll. ir..t.l.v E.T C II l-ii. Men. Wtl.MIM A-l. .U.J M.. rl.-A.M ttsfc. tU cf ft K-r r a. RtMlionw. niNr.T A. M I; It aoa i: n an l . i a r. i-r.. i"iu ... -h do li- Tth M. lit l! re i.' t.n- f.l in.-i.. !.. i: i. v ir r la er. ud M.n LUZv i..-ri u:i..i.h . i ..i m ;,. .i.,-2'.M't..k nn.k.A aU. vtm J 'Mt. M,- vairkklAihwM? ?.: 1 V. t-t y a!cr. auti LIS-V i. MUB..ulu n Ijj rtt.vjr l av. Id N..rM.!;wU-TlM. u".tr B- r rrwv. wr. CI. . fi KSrK M A 1.1.11 hK aui Mirt ANN KllOAi-i, fcli t'i N..rtliOOit rlat4 i iho MTth ult. PFTER P KPUMN of P-ttt-r Tp, 1'.. ai.l M'.-iN It. i'.ll K. -.1 tVI-rttii. 1H. ttii li.r SUt ulU j!t?Krll 1I'V. if I'vrgUBon Tp , cJ o It 4:h irst . t-y rc J'rir. KI T HKN V!U I.JJ: M rr.xoct, iii utl i AUiiLl tftAKa : hriJtnr. .. la ).iiTil. f.?h itift..l h t. A. B. PtiH. F P. 11. H'HK'U Jr.. -f fhitjiJrLu, -d Mu tf iKl K AkuA- i.;.T ( iMitiMtt-. In K.J lr i--r:v. rnr . M.iT M. h U-t. Mr M'Nfal. U .1iUv- r.f the M KfB CiUl- ft. ai d LlVIA H'W IN. : KiJ Iff ' --m:. Or. 1, 1 K. v J i. 4t,,iL-rh. SAMl" It iul It K. J "i . '..t.sirh. SAMt KL STIl- I V l: ..... lv'l .!! i.r Lrlft TP. mk s a y ti;.. umirt. , nll.r'hll:t..l'l K'f A II :ill, WILl-iA. Hi"i AS. M. MAT. .'aUKT T.MVA- v.t!, T iMtirii.t-. . f -T. If K U-t.k-!. :t,-i, UIIJ.UM Nhl.'K rr .il" M i rWJIlJU.Ni; I -l U Lb vl Mami-iai. V. t.-r. J. II. Cr.r. ST-t nit.. WM II. K'-VTIV. i:r.-fl. n.I Vj CKh-Y AW I.I IT., (f .Irrv "-if. :v iirv J - .-t n-. 'It Mt-z . It. i.hNJ. lil.A. Jr.. r.l .litj.YH!4 IIM'LUI.N.of Ja-r Mnr-. In Iy jtarp. 11th . tU tiif l.-uf cf lir v.n Joel C Ft It : . Mr-. - Y 'TTK::. ---1 ' ?-r. U mii.i' JirT,. i .n, mai.ia WOLF, in b.r 'nt1.i.r. .Zh?'' ST Tp r"'h '"-t-tA"BAi:A. lfcf Wm. KArllM.MN. m'. m i"- Trrr. -r rntrrnllr. i:h in-t . M LrOi.VOA BYC ...-a -1 V-ftM. 1 neiblUr ai.tl a la.ft. Ii. J. 'k-.;. ti wn.-l.:;.. Set l.-r o.iialT. -Jltti utt.Jti!IN I GK HiiiK VALf.TIt To rr.ri li dr. A-tr ., io,.i., ui;.m .tiv.i;- allcncernrl. The owner or owners th-r-of , .vn,,, ... ... i.ink., .!. e.-..aiita ' 'l,, b' ' il1-5 . V n ri- . n-....j i.j ta. ivo -Mi.!., m-s-u. ti r e .,.,., , , ... , , ' ' ' wiH pr-ft,! ihm 4n'-t an-h-ritieated for set- .,rn. i. .:r.u rj.j. M AKIJ.NOi. i.-ll Lii, r are r- u.red to prove property pay a.l leea' ai !.-a-.t a, u to. n,.tr ,.men. tuquw HiKS Exeeaur ii.(. it. I. jui vnr. coarse.-, and take tlieia awav wuhin three Kjiac m e-n-r.1 1.- f r Jerta. u.mrnu 'f. . ' wl"r At HplOtal aTi.tr. nit. rf rxnioattloa. MAS- m .n-h. fr..m ih h.rP , f..l-.r!j-... th.r t Er: ..I' l.(lF ! V.Jf 1 " ,U ' ' J " J' 1 "t" ckawanna 'r1- -""-,tItv, , 1 JT" ,"t,iL''' ntr'u3' to -"I-l"Ji1":,Va!t.iaA,Un. .r,tl..ui.,t J. II m s. C. rt.ilr. a .rni.r.. or Lr.irbar Io I' -rry u U't.il.. -ih u.t . et.l .i; Lj.Mj AC'K t X:i!i....s.r .u T-ar an4 MttMSR, agl lo stiutury Otb u.i- Mlrs HAIK ..ut ... rar. rpHE CAUTION ! pnblic are hereby cautioned not to I nurrnae. tr.on anr person eiceot the 0"Jersiene J. any lh$ar Mmurt Exrinlur in : e.li.er of ihe c.0atie ot Juniata. Union or ; Snyder that the uni-rMcne i have purchased Uom the Patentee ihe exc!are njrht and f man mar turini the same in and for said counnes, ar.d .;1 hold anv person responsible for anv vn,!a','n. KlEilI.E V HOTZ3EREK. June 4. lSGiipl Frrttf-in:. nydrr Co., Pa. ' t-aenaiiiC ler vutus, ur . Ti j.,;?eT, u- ' ; June li' KREMER, M CLLTE l , , , . i I.IIiTBF.R! I.TTTSBkR'! in Eiehansie for Goods, or a new CO. LIIHEER! LUEEBER! r-iiip r,r..r,i.r n!i'rr,mn., o. Lumber (ur aie. He haa oa hand a ""!';' l . ,, tfc . . , K.1 Bo.iUi-.tTOT.i-.oll.infci.initiT.j , .tdcsJ and a-. riE.tt J .i.-i .1.1 .-. r. l-ti; : tBrlIiiiC '-f ll-r f-,li. .will rfl.;... ai.d -if - i 1-teI iiong 3 tv I 1 t fc: loi.-. i t.J l'i dJ o J' 9 I lu 2 l v S 16 .Io P T T j I dr J t . 6 Ji do Sin H 1- du Z 1 t- 1 !' ! 5 Is .. i L? Iti do C i' 6 j ! S t j 14 d . : t 1 j do 2 v 4 v-ww. Iu ft-t r-nc I v 4 ! n Fi TITl"CTIOX a Friccs.on .-hoc? -pj - I t ai ui li-x t at JA?. eV-ul i , Market etr-ft, L- m a- QV.'fXh f,'- ,JrV CCOTT is dt-tormincd to keep tLe 9, " " " " " TV not liny at any place until v J. " nawin- s-.:" mil nmi ihwm ail i OU VCtJTT has a fine lot of Carpet KJI l5"iK troraei, rt. . :o JJ ... iM'oTT ju-t received aa extensive '"' OCOTT Las llie Lest and larireit Trunk. . Trr.d .th i,-aa.r.cird cbea; ib.n , , , , )?h,lrTfe ,II?0t a,ld - ' hr ytrr ni m-TT. Doou t the a. ,,., , . . , . CIIOE Can be had L-V the .lnZ..H k -1 K J ' and jtrwt at ln"r'l. JIIU CIIOCI?, IIUIS Ulli i :m aV- iruain ana ."r;-t Bar, at KV-TT:?. pUSTOM Work made of the bfst!atT , VV ma-r-rtaia i4 at bort at:e, at MVTf 11 TfI" ,OM ' JI FP V I IM Vt 1 npfiPilitlr ... .1,1 r ia .uui.m u ui.jjhm am nltu ( V tgi. Io not fcr;t tb f iay, at $0'TT'. 1 j .llrfsIrOR S OTICK. I T ihe Orphans'Courtof Inioneoantv.inthe 1 Accouut of Eduard Kaock and Samuel , Uoodlander, Executors of Pail GousLavoia, ' : The Aoiitor appointed by ihe Conrt lo amlit , in.. Lx.-.epuons L.cl to Ihe above sated ac- cotint,and to make ci?tnt)aiion of the balance ' e the parties interested at h.s rffice ,. Lew-1 isuurs, uii .-iiiauai, me -u oay 01 JuiV. A. V. ' l.'w . ..... . ... ! S UOC M.IOUU. W Wia U. . j nnilfir. TOHX 8ELP0MWDGE and Xh,ni,l E. . - I ji .1.. l',.rIii.,r.ni u 1 .... " a e r J T I .' llrc'd. AI. Lev. Fac. Jo. 15, Feb. T., 18fU. ' Conmt ll lieas of Union county, The And.tor appointed ia the matter above 1 .ii lo reror.the facts in relatioa to the; divtribuiieu of the fund ia Court raised upon I -.. v 1 niaitrr aiK'Te . : above ,u,,ej wnt, and to rake distr.b..io.cfj said lOna among innac irganj runutru w tne same, wii, meet ail office in Lewisbur, of JuIt. A. P. I SCO. Ii.n. 11 T3U1 J B. LI A Auditor. - A.jtra... frMa!M. n.uuiLUA a AaULiLc. i , J ' ItSTA i To ' I .1 1 la '1 " a.T .... M. - the matter of the Account of flame i Weitiensau!, Ejecuior of the last will and tesumenl of tieorce AVinlielbleck, late of Hartley lowaship, I'nion county, (tee'd. The Auditor in ihe matter of the above estate, will meet ail parties interested, at hia .. , . ..Vet -.a r , j :, i unicC 10 laC Ll Ti'Ujn Ol l,ra.iiui eii 1 aivii j;h ol l.ew.sourg ca r aim i;.y A ! .Soil, at 10 o'elk'c me f:h d.v cl : Jii y A 1""'. at 10 o inei. 1 . M. iO'Jy B. L1XX, Attditrr names interested at ois I Estate cf Mrs. Elisabeth Fmick. dcc'd. wtthwat.tif th- w-t, wui ottj tw ,ua Tt ?AT,the 9d day , olice hffrbT iveo !o aH arll interfS. . 'rTe t, twfc , at 10 O Clock, A. M. ter! that th. n.lilnr annnintoit hr aaiil fVnrt ' tor. ot mlieia.. hi, h ra.-rl. .ieh nr. rl. h-M-.T. a Administrator's Notice. "HEnr.S, Letter, of A 'Di.ni-.trai:. "T , .u. f 1,KW l.s ,'AI..;Ll!, deersaed, late of Lewi-bar; h Time it, lluii-a cmii!'v. iia . c l rn era" a.Ji:.ie sre r-.ite,- l ,i n ail p,rni) ir..!rt.ir(J Ui a ej to ma f ra virn'iit, an J ;iioe tiaviu? claim ,s,t th- same will prrsttt thea du'r autu -liUMini i.T sen -nnriiL u JOs H. I.O-SS, AJm'r Lrvihurs. June U. !t PUBLIC NOTICE I 8 here'.r snen, ibat a I.UT OF M M11KU was taUn no. wlnle 2. aline in the Su- onehat.iia K v -r. ei :he prriiii-s i J. Wiiij- ert, in lla-t IJ.itii, e Tip, (.a tiif Uiu tiay ( May ult., r-riMriics c-f one hwn tre.l ai.-l twm-ly-itfi.' I.nis, a list aiid i!r sriijiiion wtut h aie loosed .n mv wIicr at Lea i-Surg fi-r tiie inpfc;ion of ail cone frncJ. The owner er OWIitr l!l-Tt.f TttC It quired io prve prof.tr- iv. pay ail le.u chir. auil i.e in au dv within thrre months from the ia;c hereof, oii.t-rwie ihev ;!t be f"ri.f5 and :!( te oM 3i ft rJ'nj to law. Wji:es rrvhac-i at Lewibu;g l!i3 tilh day of June, I ( J. A. MEK I Z. J-P FUBLIO NOTICE IS hereby ?iveo. that a LOT OF M MflFR was taken up, while ti a:ir? in ihe Sut qjehaMia Kiver. on the la&d i.f T. A. A. I'ta ny id Kai lliiirj.c.e towi.ih.p. L'nion c univ. on or alr'uit ihe iltrt dav of -Mav n!t., cjr.s.:M it gctti.iee hitiii.tri anj siAU--D;iie I.r. a list and desrfi: i.on oi' which are lot't t f-r.e.te.'. sad wi,lte arccrding to I.a'.r ii:.es inv han!, at l.ewi-b'ir::, taioa county. .hi 5;h !av cf Jiine. A U !-'-;o. J . w r. n , J- A- tUIJ.l . PUBLIO KOTICE TS hereby civen. thai a LOT OF LOTEEB J was tali.n np. wbUe floanns :a the is,.s- qu'ehanaa Kiver. on the premises of John Gun.iyK.,n Kasi Buffa'oe Twr.,cn ihe lllhi.f JldV lll:..Cit'l.-W! i.f our nnndied nd Tn.v-eisll Lp, a Im-and de-enp- tion of whteh are iod-;ci! ia my .-.Mice at Lew- isburg Ujz ihe inpvu n of aM citicernel. The owner or owners thereof are required to prove Tir.-irertv, r-ar a!l lea'. charge., ai.d take them away wr.hin three mo:, ths from the date hrrtot otherwise, they will be fi rteiteJ, and ill be sold accc rJinj to La. Witness rr.y hand at LewisLnrg Inion coan y, this i.b . day ol June, A D, 160. J. A. MERTZ. J P. fOELIC KOTICE TS hereby ?iven, lhai a LOT OF Lt'MBER X was laaer. up, v-hi!e Ibiatinz in the fas- q ichaona Jintr at 'J'arile L'rttk in Easl Uul- la e 1 a p., on he 11 u dav of Mav uli.. con- i'a ' iTifi nlr.nitv f OWXnJvvi-VYVnT.V-C I ttrvrt. " - s m k n a 1.1. arlO T-T!....'R IN Bf.Misi tj f a. CiwsK, cl tL I'iillMtt.l i.a L JhT. ti u oi kur U 1 1 1-" oi il. is y iicc tra wit or II Tills IwS Tw t draw cp Pirtnrrwliip rapn. and tl.vt T T -: n. I u f-:.:ir-.j t-urrj. aid I .r r piTf rw?rl t-riB. for Acivibi aU ot all iuiia-ij nL It u aucre tbiii a t-t bcv tJircarv k.otf. Bin of Lrr-taMt aiiii t'vtitiiKii. i ril'.U-d. Kc ; -:f ai 1 t. ur fr- tl. It Tell Toti hv w Inv - j. Iln l s&tj W rt.-avj. Affl ! KAm, Ai.KI 1 A F. BTT P. daiu. Hr wt.- ,f Aim-rn. auj liilia s I'S - Iit:s Att' t. : ; l,ls i.H.Tt? ana 1:.ot o: Kift.-.rr-. i: r;;-! It. A -:f l.i ti -s .j , w j ? , . :t tt )u riFf It TfiU To th Ls- f r th- Ct-Ileeti- a of Ivbt. t-l -r"-f -o i.tvr sji i t f-Vi-. Ar.. -':- TK .t. ti,f .viiiit-, ft Um,u:it,. .dj aaii.uiii ij It Trite Ittaf l' to idaIc an Acnniriil frffTTj, with it Mb tV'A -Vrrtiru!; cms. l'jai' rJ aL-J 3.-1,1,1.:. Lw a V Mrri U.w-T. Ih. W ifp' iiilir in lr l"-rt. li'.rcr ati-1 Aiiavur. It Tt IN Ton i'-1' t r It-r.aa:c,- Ln 'n fV. rr ?jte. ai; l ".lit: NatcralitntK d Uv- o: l.iccunlry. kiii ton to (-c.mr'T i:li tn mdi. Il Till ! Ih t-w C-f n.:ti7 IVti" u aii-i hew u- i t.Utiu i.ur. ai.vl U 1'ft-tlULUuo Laws to I'uSr- Ur-i. It Tells la th" liient wi:h mMr cf prw-dur n n- '!-. wit i; Jet, rit-rrtrtr, Ai-sia- Pt n't ail lf cl K- , It Tfil oa if w I-- lui- sour W u. ani fcv.w to A Jrc.o ?; r "i. n w.t.i iue Ju ai.d lix rv : r-n -lit- i..--r-"l id rtrrr tlat-. II icit lou 1 11(111 Vr l T n 1 D,J- t'T Mlrrriir,i. I ,r rinir or riff r,f ti-r, e v. or ff r o-ra s to a--rnts l u.ti u.:uiu.aU.ti. a l-'T lull aj-irrr J.,.l It. l-ol l kK. JWiiVt. tdS3 .Vr. Oil Urhil ii., i'a..K.'. IO, JVl. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS'.; ' T The Family Ioclor9 O'Etattio; sixfLi aotEMEt. e.-i.y tbraitn-U. fr the car . tt in il iotiaa. iij iTt iiijiti s.tAMii.i. it TrIK Ton brw to afft-ivj D- n the Ptrk. ari hew to cs.wk fr tli-BD : bow w riar Unna. P"ul- tic- , Af auU U,.w lOdaa-iiuliiUiclavn tri Tii U'CtaaTiuiie i: It Ttlls TO! oltUanMUiaiawoJOhj:drTiiAi'iciT ihr t-t-nt aua ciiuj'.t fi tuvli ol ;.i-ta;( t: Ju- Tine twliuii.-. Of'tii;iK't. TtCCHUiUc-n. j lni-JIU e :icb.. lri.-lr. Ac It Tell loa thr o-t;:-'- i-f cTu;-.taolr infiiitTiia. ' txi-.c. jikirtofc. w-.Tnis, rrai'Jr-u Ltct rm.'. W'.tui, rt:t t.fj-1- Ac, aui li tea ttu U.e Tl'. Tnu f -tcT acd A.B. acd !t :- ut uf. ir.liw. X; i bui. tvrtt ni oti, -r !. anJ at:i-a t- lt.e ti aiJ bicip,r-is ll Tfll Tt !h- ii.uin-ft lr.?arr.u. rr'om:tion. ri,n. A-Uaina. KrM.p" ppy. O'-wt, klieumi. U tbr It rvfcetllrr I .if U.lr Ctir-. tff idM"D- vt I'ti. --ra M ttu. Malig nant Cbwlcra. .-tnai i p-'X D"raLir. .Tiuf. i:f aM-f of ttt h.mdSw, Kirtona, ani Liter, dif ut- of lite fc.adr, hirtona, ani Liter, fcItj s., qi, (,,, tu-;f f are. j f Tc!h Tau ibe Trur ti.-t 4 k tvUTav. iun--y, Xraral pta, .Viwt lei.T. t'aralv tbe ax?ou dix-av ' ar .f U-e Iiiroat.Tt.li. tt antl Le, ai.J i, Tt,bl,.,, Kunu vncn I, Tells 1 ...U uw iit-i i rui tli-r iui urn i mc. vmiiutaw oi .piser-T. mntiirr, r--, , .turr. di i f tlif hna.rt. H-marr. i Yeficn al l!KJ-&tw-. ami l .lrr bnbta. anJ sl 1.. .1 r,, tPMm. f .t a-A. la urokM, ik.tir4an(i I'lfi.-cau.-oa, pr kJ,V iL ' , i i i ! p-nfua. j - P'" T "r ' iDrijruiT.vcruitra iiiDUTTaBamaiiiu . c th. .r.t,. ,.i n.. kr..ih. . "? W - Wi wiffl", ro iu ur rani iiomi-wvii. - niir n- rtu, .r -. ir- C 1 fllill A Tf " m"" h -ritri-r-rlniif m-a va - - "" ..rn.l.rr.. i. ariiii,. 1 1, .rr,.. wnrk. aa onr iDdunemmu u ali aucb ar Terr literal. . a,nri. .frn m tn- D.- a. or lor terma u aia . wiiji vuicr ilU-.TIaUtJt.TWa. anfiT no -iirraj , JtiH K. ImTTKK. JW.L'jer. I . . - ... Auditor's Kotice. ! .. r. : -u a i" : . ! 'q iiicrrii(n; n:ei io mc a juiintsirai4n ; . ari..nnl at Pnlr mn, F.li Stifer. Ai.mi. ' - r .r- . . " . : Listrators. will attend to tne duties ol 1115 ! . . k. i- 1 ;.K., i , r-a - , TiunaT ihe SGih day of June, A D. I60, al 1 o'clock, P.M. SA L H. OBWKi. Lewisbarc. May t, I860. Auditor A. H. DILL Attorney at Law. rvFFICE on South Secoad street formerly j U cccup:ed by J. B. Ham'.n, iee'd. J a l it j.ri.?. jii-e a. rcv I Ifte l-rphans Loan OI Litton eoantT-. i tvtBedt atvd ftwr3tx reMnran, im iu irtvreM tw 1 SIMM FASitt.XS I.N.O. Tbe Iltsl HoiK ati'.l I.all sIjIpb . J" J0TIXB.3IILLER- t iVV-i 'fclI,:.! r ra"! '"""r- a1 1 s'.a IS! he has re Kr '- 'i it.? sas.l Si 'i i i i . f"-h...., anl i rr- parr 11; I j L 5 CJrni'r.iv as o.ia!. K- 7' i J riiJr-av'or. as hrrri. li rt Ci-iv) it.- Ai.I. Si W uiier r-h...?.r, anl i rr- rarr-1 ;.. AIR re, to r.ly Io ail. I.ewir' ore, June i-i'i y i)ti-' iJtri um; or t- j.. - i T ( -T. I.-. . . J. Ji. ., -I a tvJJ r l.h.llMal 1 A ;i ii ti - i .1 . a v." --. t hi .- ; l k -. i -. t.. rl u w -I. i ti .v. I n. 1 ,wr r:-'-j Ir'-ro to f- i i -i rrTL i t'.Ui i: -..- r ( - ' . n'-juirr 1. : r.r - (.: :. -i. : ; u a. l v Lk i it .- ;bi,ua. : t.r f'lHrJV t:'tk i'iJU"l 1- to )1 i li '. n D'.-m 1 ! n'ft to Tbe -V'lrT" t it rrot-r.-UT I, w -"J by a.i r I -- . sit ' ; V i i a t . r j L'i;' -ut ' ). mu i.t r . jjt mj w :d-h i .- vi Al.7 t K il A :n' i'i: i 1 '. K - t- iU 'ti - T-.r,.. tiTji..C uorijt. j.i Cal C-r.U.i U .tcL 4-.t ir-.:r..i vr-; ti. It. 1- U; r aul;- J t-ti a.l -;w- . GREAT CUAC OF SCROFULA. Fi;T il l. J a . i .'Ui'i. 1 j1.. T af . a.',ai--i..-;ta Ir.-t. , : I rcrivj a It tin if Q IJi-." f f da). r .O m Lit L U- l-hrj O)-- I- !- t L - rt r f -'-: fi ; 1- mna l,; 'i3;i,n f ra.-r- Jr. IS iu r,.- r i.u it. wr lM Ll0 kU(J ttii. i'.dwriit!i-4 io tj i.r i miiltt. le Ui ! r ! tii-. u'. r 1- riii-j ou ht- t: -..h, abi' V. j.-TJ!,. "-tZ", :r. "V " " ' '1 l" a .I't'.T. IVt-JlV-J "-V-rZ " J ..., ..rkJ., ...r ia. ti Vhl-" I i. , H l ' a i -- IU L a aU-Ua, tUatl llftd UtOTl re Tt-rv yn. ui i. -,,ir. irij yc u d f ,g fi ft ' , ih t. r; ; a iV . 1 f Kiul JK'hLia. lie- H JL Lr&MTxJ t a f v.:r.nJ ftT ft i C 'ii-i :t-.-v:,.r i--n-:l, it linr ::.. n rau'ti iL-:U He tii-U U-.k !: b itljr i f i i.ti 5 ,.. ... . .ii. w:in- oun-v .3 ,l vf i...trwui in,rui( La- eitxa; imr'-vii.-ut- 1 iff e ri-'-itt 1-r iokie2 ! ..r-,Ti ... j-rvri.:w il,- :r.:nJriii a Aj :ti--- . r io Lr.c..-t-r. an 1 n. a 1 en i o. i.) t, t-- i . w, lw mIw Tt iM. .f tf mn.iT ttl pr-ar..r;.. r-- t ! a:.! fvafr.Y4 il ti. I'rvktr Ah aui bird !-. V ii I aii uii i ur uii,i i.- ivx.fc ir. v str itno'. r,.cn r L-irio; it in f-i-L i: a K'li ol a n- ijut- r. ilerv W,-.-,-j. I. , rT , ui tt au ii-; ruTr:.-:-i.t wrsf-i 'Hi hd! retinUr-j Df.'.ii h wh r-.r. i. u.r-i w . .:u ta.- i-i:to 11!!- It is i;:!Triv f.s! .:-i j,;Lu i. :h ;n .-,Lb aJ -j.Mf.fcr a . 1 f-rn-t ;H trutl I rift t:Tt i.ut vl lli Tir- r-. r. j. . .i i,r.n. 1 e i3.-iti.I t . r i 1 1 I Lt.-fcittj ib. ma o.,;,t no. . r.t 1 a.. i :n iLr T:Dt.r c-l I-:A, t -n U Uaii cn the Amenta. J.BAKLU (V L'O.of J. l.AKf.K . Theo. s. chrict, n. d., ! physic 1 1 ad ftr.f.i:o, 1MM.I.O!, I ;rtii-r.;1.:n!iiii.s ..A t.ri-aaU tf t!. M- -" -.l Tv f i nn-j: ()f FFERS bis tr.-fe-;ncal .--"rvifea to ,!, people of i.ewisbui; and surrcutjinj cunntrr. To be found at ail h. nrs, dav and rr'cl.t when noi prof.-si..na'!v encase ai hi-l";ee on Market .u bettree'a Ct and 1th, cpp.ii-.e S'rl.reyer 4 Cri-n'; St( r. Leu ar;. May S!. Isd) An aperVtt ard ytoinarlji'" j.r-Tntft ff IIluX port fit i! '-:i.i;o n' ! ii f t. n ii K !;- fsnilj.'Dtd by tr:- fcijfc'-f.! iviifai Autbontir--. K : h iu atu--.-- una liic I i f, aj J j r:- r.tri .a l!:rir 1 h -x i-iir t-r ,-.f :h'uijtni'ft .1 "'t t tt t. if nr. wr : r-arat.on ,fIr.-o ,-au -- f.mr.r ii ,h :t. Im, ur1',.- of ' ' lb' I-. -oO. d.-i.t-i. a ui. t-urrr. i.r ai-i .tl-r w .r rt a.f.!ku-iu. uii.au iL i..c.;t- .& iB..tTr; nD.-iiai ttf. J i!.nnJ:"n id 1.1 mini" fT2 it rn ttj Tr-x It ha" f t--J j i. .) curautt id cmcii I Ujj awi.v- it- r- mt v.i : "''.;. A-r .4 " - fiT. f-nirm fi T' ijtnif; n i-r ' KifhAiiV w. Vrr' i '' J-i'- tu'..-i', . .. ifajfiii.'.'n.i.i. '".. i. 'ivrnt. ..- r ' ' i. r'in t...- i;- .i. i.,;.tt"'J:- if-.- t. i. j- ivhUm aj- . In f-i i f tiiS.-. 1JT1. wti Itrf ir. TuU.t of -ut- d.-ra. r ;L- roTir.i.ti-J jita of atiuoi iro"---.?r --r- rr ai w, u -- r n., '.;i.t. i..t, trial f t'i r t -. - t 4 r J f-".il U. au -itti rrt !.. Ir.v'i . - 1 .ur ; r-.i-B to t.a . ltrjrt:-o in twi o-urt. t rD L- tin t- i-ri.y rv laril :n li bu-t ndMif . w: r-turui f -nt id:d-- I tU- lutd -' ;t r.f '.r .tl-iuXaVJ: t fa-rr :ai-J ti : truiwo i lbau-U-ti. tnth : thi.i roj tlil r'tnj Ii- '. cj:.i; .1 n-1. u- at l ly i ; t.c at -f u to ai aul vi ern.torwb.-fclilRtaDha. nc.-me. lb N'.it-i. AFta.:.N.t til ki; t.ai-i f r r-arn t-Tni'ipr t- ir-i:--i n. tte eratson of ik: rr- t;cn oC ii-a B:ut nv-.nli hr aaluiary. li.r, caiiia- tbe f i t-.Jt- t Tn:wr.'lj w-i. itLi..aut tt-iuc ejf.-.n.; ; ni th-atiiiar: a-J k- cl rijlar.y wri-ut. e-n in the h.i -.Wtintr rr f-t n-tiwoFtiiti0jt - r r ' : kui-aih-ii. It l thi lart-r rriTrtT. mni nn-r. wf.Kb mV it rei.rk-ab!T fl-rtTM an i i-nn-G-nt a riD"1r f-r n,- m.f. ill- 1. 1 iLitaaUf tlafl LclulrB.I kLaeii 1 Lrms ibt-n. j ci .Le.7hi La' ttaw rwV.inrjud i.c Hie att--ii.Jent 'MbBrac j l''.nJ 2. it.nmur ..tmj y.n . . . M. . mwaf bbiLC- t In the h-1 pain. v of fl. -h anJ a'recith. i-H!ita- I tDCooorb. anJ tvaaiiUnt h-v-ti'-. whirh rrajeraliy tod 5- I elMiFiiTwi'Mini . thrf rmij b;iayed tha I lano rt t.-ieD,;- aU't t i.Mt-ii.a., ii Aeterai Terj sratilj- ior r. 1 inter-:; nr ii)-tscv. i Io tvavrtUrt Iimnuuj-'.tVrf Bidrrate4 iron ha t bad lAT Dtotr thn Uc ftw-ii tilwi t te UoU ea ult. . ; tuikDOtai pp. j antimi ul ia.-wifi.', nikt,iil ax. I tbeiV j Tr'-T. i v . t- ,iuJ y,,, ra11 u fui..- i. a. i l , m ' " ! . ., . . rai .ti"w. ixTn rn-rwr-T ii TnnaawKFmtvt-r ' ab!T well r mmmL Ltfa a av. Iar .Li!r mid ay rlur- i i full rlnlra ekte. tiaoal art-tit, n-mr . - . .... . V. a .. . imuMiilrl r" - " c"r" v ' mm m . . t., I'ut op io neat Sat w-;l ee-.f 7 I pW At ea3t pWC Itm : lor r... to dru.r aa arta. i.l 1 arat trr. to aot a-U.- - r-..K fn AJ tlttt., wJ-ra. . '""-I a-arr I to j, j. UCili Co. reral at-a. 3i Cu.aa St. a. T. gtammi PATENT LEVER JACK T s 1 O W. B AHKPO! L .tmtt.n, Mar t 10 &j ia i .ins. NOTICE. VNirr riN; o.f the -'min:si oers cf th Hru'i .iil-yTtirnptfci t'urnparty it hereby r td ai ilie pu. ic hoar rf Mar in Kn1v. in Kar.rrrsi!, at t P.M. of Fmidai l be l&th i f Jn't iKt-.i, u i-iMiizr ib? co.npiy aud ik 5V.xM.Mi.ru ;,.r s-.rk. Jue ancr"iance of a't I" Mfu: a:--! fiieoiis of Lh cfitr- jTie c-iicrli' liesircrf. Tl! M WfitS, : m ki iY, J- H V ' ILL AH Af'AV FKKTKT-rKt J.4 h fi.i.i .ttl k, l ' m l pev.t l:;, J.t ! Li. ot ..tout; vtvi.t LISSOLI'TIJ.V. 'PUT I',, ra iiier-hip herruf..re enstinj V'-n ih.e nNcril.ers ia ihe Butcher log an 1 lir .vi n tusines i lonjav diiolveJ. Mi. Ht MVIi:Ll. tas Ihe ok.v an J de.irea a r.-.'.pt .-i:iii?Lt of aa Accounts. Mr. .EV!il-:P.I.l.N; continuer a Mt Marlet at the 11" (Irahani stcre-r.oia na Market St. and inv,:e a.l tae bunzrv to rora? and buy. JA' tiB Hl'VVELL. CHKT'C GEMtEiiLlNG l.ewisl org. May 1G, lisOl) Executor's Kollco. TT"-"JirREA5. Ii-i-.r, ie:aTin:nrrrtn th r.tatr of VARliARCT VOC.Nti.lawsf the Uoroos'i of lwisbur?. decM. have beea isw:'i. and granted to the snbscn'ner, in duw form ( i 'aw, notice is herety eiea to all per Son known, z themselves to be indebted to GHAOEnLlfJ BROS t oilier or I Mill anil Market St, LEV.ISP,IH:. I'd. . n' cofitinoe to keep . on taad a full ascrtmeBt of all fuU m.- we m.ite the ::cnuu coamuni.y : i i : v t ; o u i s ( i r o c r. r i k, ii a ed A. "ARE. QUEENS WARE, FIII, SALT, FLATTER. COAL, CEil ENT, 1RU.V. STEEL, rl'RIXGS, COACH TRIMMING.-. SAD IEERY AND ?UoE FINDINGS, i o,. tc. All of which will be sold atrea.-oBallerricea for cash or lann produce. A liberal d.acottfct win be ma.e 10 the trade. 'LEWISCUIIG MILIr?." We are prepared io do Cnso m lt Merchant work io order, open usual terms. All kind ui l.ra.r. bought ai bih-si market price. perntiudebiedlo said estate are requested f male immtdiaie paymrnt. and those having claims a.. inst the sa.-ri vil nw.rni th.m subscriber wnh.m dlav. WILLIAM XAGEL, Executor. I Kelly Tp. May i. Ij.30 A TF.UCS WAGC?J ' TOR Al. C. Eiiiiire of LEVi A.i.V.D..-s, Lewi.bursf 1 iI217 liDDD3 I ZI m.n, havinj jusi returaetl 1. If. iu Pni.it!t bia wnh the lareeat si jckl' . ever br atht 10 ihia place, w.-uid fespeeiiiit.y irv:te feroser custu taers and the peepieof LewisNir; and vtciai iv cenerady u cail and see her aiacruaeat before pnrcharmff elsewhere. t'enn.leni that I have Ihe Coeds which will please the mot lasli'tuus taste, I will spare neither later tur tr.-uMe to accommodate atl tiesirmr lo h2ve work di iit. Ia mv st..ci you will find Bd.VETS of all JOTIV H ILI.S & CO. HAVE jot receivel (to aii-Jmoa to their iarae tceki a fren appiy of Spring . aM' L'MUU uuulin& ig leave res rc::"u!lv tu iiiiorm the La!:es aad G?nt!eroen i-i Town ani t'ouDty.thai ther can suit theni i aLV.ainff lb ineiT Une, t'l Iiaae. tt)'xe, qOaU ur auJ rr-ee. ' lOr III l3ai(k9 u-fc bp r'ala ui T9-r Si't. ark jiiiira. Frrveh e T a . Ikevtir, (VujK.'rs Fai i-r bri rr. Kupn ra,li. M.-hT Mix:-. Bain. oral S;ir.i-. .airt. Ac i ntisv ;rrm S t - rrot, axJ lvt Mrri b rh. C'-rb-rf ar.J F.. j i-h Pritit. J tarJ Tba :-r." tiler fiffll O C't LJ'Kiavlf r.f ail J-KTipUooa, ur ct a. I kt. In. iii.v-. iliMrr . acJ W b; a.i kiii'i EotajrtwrwA. Aid iK-aw .-Lie kx4 oX aterj da aciiftioa. For tbe Gentlemen th St Ed laa:-t artciT-Bt ia t i. KbrvHax tb m-t trlf Af iotrut. 4:a-r. ie--ri3 4i-m.alira:. aai Mi.t.- Iratbfc infill CKmJt rrwaw!. n-A.jj-auJ Hu aod Caafs, K.r Jlt ao-i b s. A'. all kmfa . f GROrRTF. Hm. WAKK, wl'EEaXaiWAKE, SALT, SAILS, rL.A?'! I-K. tVc rrcu.. i l ..J tvi. I .Mi ta . I and DD!. C A L. A larce fjnaLtitT rr ?rore Coal, wfc.- b we wiM ttWiter to any pt t' w a bwrt w. twv. tt w k' turt a U,e amm uej.t rt ) am f-wt-Br-tl aoTwb-ry r'-r tn t -u. -i 5r-oi LibJof LiBKDSrawTS CaX Jiiia9 ukca t cJU'hUafa lur et-ai. j. vdSII 1'T I el l ' I al II 111 UI Vll.ll.l CLCTHIKS 3Y TRZ BUSHEL! I IMIU ! i .il) I- i;,C IIUi: ID L-Ct IVUf jX meor baclc. ZIMMERMAN one of tne hrm cl Z-rcinfrmao Zeiier has ;ut reiarned trora ;he Ea?t. and ha eare'uiiy ae that conid be turned out. Ct-th. Cwifflrrf and S.itrcx- r C-w H- dy NaJr. or WaJ tf..raeT al lbii-i'' pnew: n.- t-.r-Bae-wiale f'aul. 7 -. u- i t- Ca aimer Pant..p: fciarli 0ii. 4 4 up; Vt. " t.: W bile Marn jt"- " piKwe; Kva Somrr-r t v-at. -T eta. tp; M-t h-Ml- f u Bft cu, (1 ur : w ry. (.av:n.ir tata. 4 Bp; UTerail. Ik.u-M' 'r- v "W : tl' - at tf Uaat LUavA 1 at tt Its bricr: liata, HJtta, Ac Look to. te.W yru toy opposite ih . . , Tea cau srr ici y uui . ww- Urs. OH Stand and Large Atsctameiit or vrir pw; .virw f;ooittr XKW G in'.-"'.' r"M Mrsrxr: jn srtvFirr tva srcixii J t si .. .i-,.V..- l.Vtf l srsisn a.vs srtmrK! vail An sf.tr CAU. AXD SKE! tALL AXD SKk! CALL AM Aiiii jrrrrr4 rn uisit, xnvBSco ai am. nm Lr:r.- arrti 1- - i fi - i- -inr