Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 15, 1860, Image 2

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    r i fy ft
tiir . ll! hrnilirln
O. H. WOBDEN at J.
Tm ttmmimrtm .rai. The I.rwi.m ifl Cimonn.a,
fivMlnheJ m the Caiih STRtem. hue tbe tanreet aa4 best
Irrulatfcia of any Newspaper in Union County.
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional !
idkqi in ntomno to askku i jvdistki. It is stated that a delegation of Demo
.... .AN . .. . . . crats from Berks county, friendly to Don-
lot aautae lira r stave Trrninn r r-iicasioa,
Parrkaor. er toaqaeat.
Theahnnare. and be tin t leaMm riinririea
aa In triumph ahai- the National CafiUtl at Waal.
IdirtOB. iUueOM Jaiaera Jimrmal.
For Firstarat.
For Vice ProMrat,
Jnmma Tnlloek
Thomaa M lli.a
Rila-anl C. Knlrtit
Kubi-rt M l. u.t
Jamea W. Fuller
llavid Moinma,Jr
V. B. Pi-unimali
koberl P Kioir
Ilenre Kuuim
John M. hronmall
frmww W. Chritit
lbouae K. Hull
Nathan 11.11.
Levi B. Smith
lavid Tacsmrt
VItm Ut-rrar
llanM O. Onlir
Mm M'Kennaa
B. 1. HobarU
leorze ltre?li-r
A. II. Sharpe
ISanial CalTin Kdar V
IJn U- KirkpatricklJainee Kerr
Uenry outht-r ijobn tirier
ANDREW G. CURTIN, of Centre Co.
vio Cocxtt Piia Thun ui sat , Oct. a, s, , leoo
ItirClub Room, lit Amnions Block,
open on Saturday evening.
The "Sectional" Democracy.
Southern Cohventiom. This body
net at KicbmoDd last Monday, wilb Dele
gate from Arkansas, Alabama, Texas,
Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina,
Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia partially,
and "Commissioners" from New York.
Mr. Krwin of Ala., was chosen I resident.
After discussioo, they resolved to aljourn j
. . : ;K P!.kmnn nn ThitrcrlnV I
to meet g t
tbe ZUi June. U is presuiucu ;
t. i l. l. i
that time the eo.r.e of ,he Douglas Con- j
vention at Baltimore will have been deter- ,
take definite action.
Korthebs Convention Next Mon
day, the adjourned Charleston Convention
mecls in Baltimore. The friends of Dou
glas are determined to keep ont the scce
ders, and to admit Douglas substitutes,
from tbe South mean also to create a
great outsido pressure to secure bis two
tbirds nomination, something in the way
Foster was nominated at Reading. Rut
tbe South and the enemies of Douglas, are
becoming more bitterly hostile to him, and
determined to kill bim. Judge Nelson of
New York has leaked out as a possible
"Pierco" for this dilemma. The leaders
care nothing for principles, but will do
anything to save the "spoils."
Acceptance of the Candidates.
A committee of twenty-seven having been ,
appointed at the Chicago Convention formally
lo request our distinguished candidates fur
President and Vice Presideul to accept their
nominations, have received their replies.
Sraiacriain. III., May 23, 18fi0.
Hon. Gcoaei Asbmi-h, President of the Repu
blican National Convention :
8ia I accept the nomination tendered me (
bv the Convention over which you presided, 1
miucd, or that at least enough shall have .I(led ((J ,he duniaQ(i t0 investigate j 000 were paid out of the public treasury
been discovered to authorize the Scceders ! gcraoton's "case." Tbey did so found " recompense for slaughtered cattle,
to re-assemble in separate convention, and no shadow of wrong-and Gov. Winslow " 8o7, m forty-threevtllagcs m Holland,
and of which I am lormal:y apprized in tne . uovoae iouiuniiee, is a ricu compouaanou
letter of yourself and others, acung as a Com-1 for t,e persecutions of the man whom Mr.
mittee of the Convention lor that purpose. J porne- made President. Attorney Gcn
The declaration of principles and se.iti-. cfc . w tLe coduit
y - lo j Pe through -h,7h.heeorruptPropnsition
violate, or disregard it. in any part. I was made to flow, "highly thousand dol-
Imptoring the assistance of Divine Provi- ; ars" prt Oflie PriutiDp if you "will
Jt... inri w.iK Ait rixrard tn the VIPWS and : I :i .J .:ik th I K '.. Ivni Ilrrr iv.
feelings of all who were represented in the 1
Convention, to the rights of all the istates and
Territories and the people of the nation, to j
the inviolability of tbe Constitution, and the
perpetual union, harmony and prosperity 01 1 (junlmiogs before tbe Uovodo Inves
all, I am most happy to cooperate for the : ,: ,: Committee, as Naval Storekeeper
practical success
i of the principles declared ,
bv the Convention
Tost obliged friend uti tellowitlxen.
A aHiBTO!, May 30. 1800.
Your official communication
of the 1 8th instant, informing me that the ;
representatives of ihe Republican party of ihe ;
United Stales, assembled at Chicago, on that ;
J L-J Lh m. eieanimnne Dnle lef ! Pfl UK1
as their candidate for the Vice-President j
of Ihe United States, has been received, to-;
liether with the resolutions adopted by the .
Conventlon as its aeciaration 01 iruiciiiea.
move rrsoiuuooa riiuumaii: J 1
fner- ihlv ihr nnneinles which unite us. and the I
Those resolutions enunciate clearly and I
objects proposed to be accomplished. They Madame Bodisco, widow of the Russian
address themselves to all, and there is neither j Ambassador, was married a few days since,
nece.siiy nor propriety in my enterin g upon , jn Washington, lo Capt. Soott, of ibe Bri
a discussion of anv of them. Iheyhavethe ... c .... r, ' .. , .,
Ipproval of my judgment, and in any action J- Old Buck gave the bride
ol mine will he coruiauy ana laiuiiuuy aus-i
! am profoundly gratelul to those with whom
it is my pride and pleasure politically to co
operate, for the nomination so unexpectedly
conferred; and 1 desire to tender through you,
to the members of the Convention, my sin
cere thanks for the confidence thus reposed
in me. Should the nomination, which I now
accept, be ratified by the people, and the do
ties devolve upon me of presiding over the
Senate of the United Stales, it will be my ear
nest endeavor faithfully to discharge them
with a just regard tor me rign.s 01 aii.
11 is to be observed, in connection wun ine - . j
doings of the Republican Convention, that a i I808, as appeared by bis bank book and
paramount object with us is to preserve the ! the accounts of the Bank of tbe Metropo
normal condition of our territorial domain as ; lis. When asked if be knew any other
homes tor free men. The able advocate and foster than the preseut candidate for Gov
drfroder of Republican principles, whom you I er who h,d Deen , candid4te f Co
have nominated for the highest place that can 1 ' ., , , . ,
cratify the amh.tion of man. iome, from , gress against Mr. Covode at the time the
State which has been what it is. by special check wai given, he said, "No." He al
aetion, in that respect, of the wise and good so proved that a larger sum had been giv
mea who (onnded our institutions. The rights en for use in Pennsylvania, and probably
of free tabor have, there, been vindicated and jQ J,'0gter'. district, to Mr. Witte."
Biaiuiaiucu. lie mull anu cruiciwuac wuii.m
so distingaisb'Iilinois, one of the most flour
ishing States of the glorioos West, we would
see f reared '10 all the Territories of the Union,
and restore peace and harmony to tha whole
country, by bringing back the Government to
what it was under the wise and patriotic men
who created it-. If the Republicans shall suc
ceed in that object, as they hope to, tbey will
be held in grateful remembrance by the busy
tad teeming millions of future ages.
I am. very trait joura,; II. HA a LIS.
Oviicous. It is stated that Foster, the
demoeratic candidate for Governor, went
10 Washington, to urge bis Democratic
friend not ro oppose ibe Republican Tar
iff bill. It is now Lis or.lv salvation, be
tiubks, in this Slate.
iiiiriyaiiui iongress...isi oessiun.
Under the ablea7j diligent lead of
John Sherman, the House has virtually
finished its business, and only awaits tbe
action of tbe Senate to be enabled to ad
journ. Doth branches of Congress have
agreed to adjourn on tbe 13th last., bat it
is believed the; will have to extend the
i time.
i , ... - ,. -. ,.
, gias, waiica oa Dim 10 secure nis aia tor ;
1 the Tariff. He told theui. as a Senator!
, t Illinois be was a Free Trader-but
it chosen 1 resident, be should represent
the whole country ! This wonderful fact,
and strong hint, did not satisfy. Tbey
know Mr. Lincoln is of old as now, in Illi
nois as he would be in Washington, in fa
vor of 1 rotection.
Senator Sumner's honse at Washington
was invaded by a Capt. Henry, who
threatened him (with two outside confed
erates) with another assault for his recent
Speech. Sumner drove him from Lis
house. The Mayor learning of the mat
ter, interfered and arrested the "Southern
gentleman," who, upon professing repen
tence and drunkenness as an excuse for
his iow-livcd affront, was released, Mr.
Sumner declining to prosecute.
The House sustained tbe right of that
body to institute the Covode investigation,
against tbe President's Protest, by very
large majority.
Mr. Houston of Ala., denounced Train
of Mass., as "a liar and a scoundrel," for
asserting that be would not violate the
rules of House. Houston took it as a
j reflection upon b imself, but Train refused
to retract. ir. cneruiau uiuvcu tuai uuua-
ton be censured which be avoided only
by apologizing to the House for bis base
and uncalled for attack upon a true gen
tleman. The bill increasing the pay of naval of
ficers about one-fourth, has become a law.
The Covode Committee has laid bare so
much Democratic rascality, that that par
ty thought they must meet it by finding
something wrong on the Republican side.
G Winsluw of X. C. aeked to investi
gatetbecUctionofCil.Scrantonof I'enn'a,
n 1 1 1 iri n r. that liA lle-il hit turn mtatlS 1 III-
Z 5 uv. I
tirnnur 1 1? in in a .nniriaiirn
J - - -r- e-- "
oY fuuds
. . . ,nnnne.A f, luembll, fiu,nT
from any taint of suspicion.
Tbe Democracy of the South, in the ;
senate, vuougias genera ly aooging ; j
OVCIU ltl.ltlllllUl.il IV Bill IU I.IIH,
sas, and Homestead Rills, which have
been passed by the Republicans in the
House. They will dothis by amendments,
adjournments, &s. Let them take that j
repoDsiuimj it will ouiy auu iu tueir
unpopularity, and swell tbe overwhelming
tide of coudemuatiun of sham Democracy.
Francis I Biair, Jr., (Rep.) of St.
Louie, was last week admitted to bis seat
! in Congress, from which be was for a time
! debarred by outrageous frauds which gave
l!..re...t fn..n, 1 tl. certificate of election.
Justice is douc, and Wrong is rebuked
, ' , . n i : .
Tli Pictmnster l.neral. in anRwerinir
,...-.-i ,r;ne Mr Fnwler'a d. falea-1
,j0D gtilies that
Mr. F.'s accounts were
never legally scitiea uuring iuo wuuie
term of the prescut Administration, but
were adjusted by a ficticious system, in
fligrant violation of tbe letter and spirit of
the law.
It seems Mr. Forney proved himself to
be unpurchaseable by the Huchanan party.
,1 ..i j . . 1 1 i
1 he devulopeinenr. 01 mis laci ueiorc me
1 . . . . . - e . 1 e .1 '
, ow me0 in ,he count n0 ,
., . , . ' ,
co"" " '-p-B '
Mr. Lafforly has brought tbe name of
irf1)uifadt, bia. No wouieT he cia howi
so loud for liucbanan and bis minions.
Mr.BENJAMlN, in bis late speech in tbe
Senate, said that be thought Lincoln was
to be preferred to Douglas for tbe I'reai
rency. Jr. lienjamin anticipates the
j f h nation
Major General Thomas Sidney Jcsup
died at ashington city, Sunday lust,
jje wa5 torn jn 17sSi j Virginia, and ae-
, . . h Mainr. at the battle of
The daughter of Senator Douglas died
: in Wa&bitigtoo last week.
Who is "Foster of Pennsylvania?"
The correspondent of tho Xorth Amer'
ican, writing from Washington under date
May "3, gives tbe following information :
"Mr. Wendell appeared before ibc Co
vode Committee this morning, and testi-
lied that S250 had been paid to "Foster of
. on b .d S,temheTm
But Foster, with all his mouey, was de
feated by Covode for Congress, and will
be defeated for Governor also.
Hymn. That "Democratic" Conven
tion wbicb is to hold its adjourned meeting
at Baltimore on the 18th of June, should
open its sessions by singing the following
stanza from one of Watts' hymns :
"So when a raping fever bora,
Wa aliift from title lo FHle by turn ;
Bui Iu a po rrlief w fam.
lo change llie place but keen the pais."
(By the way, tbe 18tbof June was the
battle of Waterloo, when tie "little eianl"
J Napoleon was routed.)
nnn f nnnnr nimPii in ausnive CLrauLUU ' "
Foiieigx. The Sardinian Chambers
agreed, 225 to S3, to the cession of Savoy
and Nice to France.
Garribaldi, it was reported, bad bom
barded and captured 1'almero.
News from China is not favorable for
tbe establishment of peace.
The news from Japan states that the
Emperor was assassinated on the 15th of
March, while on bis way to the palace
with bis train, lie was attacked by four
teen Japanese, dressed as travelers. Six
i ... . . , . i
oi tits retainers were kuicu, anu several
wounded. One of tho assassins, who was
j wounded, bad his head cutoff by bis com-
pantons, and carried on to prevent oeuig
I recognized. Two of the assassins were
; princes of high rank, and tbey were per-
milted, graciously, to disembowel them
selves to prevent beheading. Thirty sus
pected people were beheaded. An entire
change has been made in the Japanese
Government. The present dynasty being
opposed to foreign intercourse, were throw
ing obstacles in the way of trade. Prince
Mcto was at the bead of a strong opposi
tion, and an insurrection was expected
daily. All foreigners were required not
to leave Jeddo after dark, and are advised
by tbe Consuls to go armed at all limes.
This account is discredited by some,
while others say it wag a head minister,
and not tbe Emperor who was killed
Bepublicas Clcb, Freeport.I'.I. The
regular monthly meeting of the Republi
can Club, was held at the Court House on
Friday evening last, and was largely at
tended. Speeohes were made by Samuel
Saukey, E-q., Hon. Anson S. Miller of
Hock ford, Jacob Kouearmcl.and j.n.ona-
fer. The speeches were all short, to the i
M.I " f
notnt. anu puny, iuo noniiuatious ui
Lincoln and Hamlin were heartily endorS'
, , , . , , ., . i;
ed, both by speakers and the audience. ,
Much enthusiasm was manifested. Shaffer i
said iDai ntepnenson couuty siwou picugeu
for 1,250 majority for "Old Abe," and
that it was our duty to go to work and
redeem the pledge. .Messrs. Rodearmel,
Sankey, and Shaffer, wo believe are from
Union Co., I'a.
Tbe caflle disease now raging in eastern
Massachusetts, (and said to be in New
Jersey and in liueks Co., I'a.,) prevailed
in Enclaud from 1714 to 1755. In Not
,:nilla,u9l,ir0. 40.0(10 head of eattln died
i- Sx tnonih ; in Cheshire o'O.OOO Du-
ring tbe third year of the disease, X13o,-
Tbe Governor of Ohio has appointed a
Commissioner to go to Massachusetts and
investigate the origin, causes and nature
of lne disease which has recently appeared
among Ihe cattle of that State.
SrrERl.NTESLiEsr. The duties of Hon.
Henry C. Hickok, as Superintendent of i
Common Schools, terminate to-day tie :
feel it to be'a duty to bear our testimony j
to the ability and fidelity with which he, i
and those associated with Lim, have per
formed their official labor. Since tbe or
ganization of tbe School Department, the
Commonwealth never has bad an abler
; Superintendent than Mr. Ilickok, nor one
" too a deeper interest in ide cause ol
PP' education. To bis efficient man-
ncmcct and wise administration of ihe
Department, we are now indebled for the
most perfect system of Common bcbool hd
ncation to be found in any Slate of this
Union. HarTtsibuiij TUtyraih, jjni 4.
Gen. Cameron, in a recent speech in j
the U. S. Senate, alluded to "Coal and
Iron as Ihe Pennsylvania Negroes," which
we cherish as the South does ber sable
sons. The Schuylkill county Lincoln
meeting was convulsed with laughter dur-
O - G -
In Its Procecdmi;s, by the putting iu
conspicuous place on the plattortn, two :
f ;. ,i ,. tki.,.i '
uuv ikvc9 vi ii'iu aula wuui, Aiavuivu,
"Pennsylvania's Niggers."
IToBRiD Decapitation. A n exchange
makes the soul-sbuddcring announcement
that "the bead of President Buchanan
has been struck off and presented to tbe
Japanese Embassadors as
esteem! The general
a testimonial of
general horror will be
somewhat mollified by learning that the
act was perpetrated at the U. S. Mint. acl unP" taxes are rnargeaoie wun t
per cent, interest, and be alien on ihe prop
Lant M Comb, the murderer of Laura rrty so taxed until paid.
J. Harvey, at Ottumwa, Iowa, has been June 8, I860 ROUT H. LAIRD, Treas.
caught at Umaha, Nebraska, she
the girl who advertised for a husband, and i
ran away from Hock ford, 111., with M'
Comb, who is a noted horso thief. He '
first deceived her by a sham marriago and
then murdered ber.
A Suogestios. We advise our friends
to file all their Demoeratic papers during '
(he present campaign. Their present lau-1
dations of Seward will be very useful four '
years hence. Out of tbeir own mouths !
we will judge them then.
A row occurred at a circus in Port Roy-
al, Caroline county, a., on lucsday last,
iu wuicu a cuizeu 01 toe county was till-
ed. Ibe ticket agent of tho circus, who
was wounded in the face during tbe row,
fled immediately after the homicide.
New Tobk, June 9. Messrs. Hadficld
k Sons' pyrotechnic factory, near Williams
burg, exploded yesterday afternoon. Chas.
Hadticld and one of the workmen were
killed. A large number of persons were
Barnura has recently paid S100 for a
couple of large trout, and tbe Boston Post
says it is reported that tbey were nothing
but common Connecticut river suckers,
painted, and tbeir mouths altered.
The new Judge and Police organization
in Baltimore appear to be doing a great
deal of good iu tbe restoration of order
and the repression of rowdyism in the city.
The organ grinders have been quite nu
merous of late. Experience has tangbt
that giving money to such persons "to get
rid of them," is a poor plan.
Tbe Legislature of Rhode Island, ad
journed oa Friday after a semi-annual
session of four dayt.
The Legislature ef Tennessee has passed
a very stringent Jaw against tbe adultera
tion of liquor. Ueitig poisonous ingredi
ents is declared a felony.
Six months since, Leonard Edwards, of
... . . . . .'.
Troy, lost a valuable gold watcb, which be
bad laid upou a stand on retiring. A
few days ago, he found it snugly stowed
away in a rat-hole.
Strawberries sell in Baltimore fjr four
cents a lex.
(Chakub 25 cetiUt per week per card of 16 lioea or lent-)
Count) Dtltgalt Blrttuml Saturday, u. 4.
Autaii'w; (iincnlian LewUhnra, Monday, log. 6.
Mr.. Edito Allow me throURh the
tise of your paprr. to recommend to llie pub
lic, J. M. MOVER, of Kelly Tp, as a suitable
person to represent ibis District in ihe next
j-oilinrp. He is a self-made scholar, a
goud debater, a fearless advocate of Republi-
ifrunt Fiii-runa: The time is at hand for
he people to select a candidate for he Gen
eral Assembly. THOMAS HAYES, Esq.. has
recently discharged the duties ol trial umce
with entire satisfaction to his constituents in
general, and relyinjr very much upon nis ex
perience as a legislator and upon his fidelity,
as well to his immediate district as to the in
terests of the whole State, his services in the
same capacity are again ardent.y desired.
Mehopetne tiepuuucau j"h'u ....,
will nlace him ill nomination at the approach-
in" Countv Convention
West Boffaloe, June !3, 18K0.
(CTPIease stale RICHARD V.B.LINCO LN -of
Hartley towihip as a candidate lor the b . . '
Assembly before the People on the 4th Aug. j EOAT YARD AND WHARF,
trial. Esq. Lincoln is known to Ihe whole ocennyine Five Lots, and containing all nec
county as a gemleman of ability and integrity,
of good education, and able to lake part in
any debate who has served Ihe county long
iu thankless stations, and who would honor
a hisher one. It is many years since Old
H -inlet had a Renresentaiive.and his location
would snit both Union and Snyder if Juniata's
1, ...... i. M.i.t
W 141 III lJ j .Tic mutt tuia itai ..v-l. ...
w;....t, 1. it.. r..nr.l hM
fn theirchoice nnon some person lo represent
them in the Legislature. Permit me through
your columns lo recommend 10 them Ur.WM.
I.r.l.St;ito! Lewisburg. I think I can truth-
fully jay in the words of Jefferson lie is
1. . . . L.. ... ........ 1. 1. . 1. I, Lasn
honest he is capable. As he has been just,
dilizenl and faithful in all that he has ever
un.enaKcn, i inier mai lie wouin ronunoe lo
be sQ m he in ortalt t flir whlch ,
neell'ii.iir name him.
Rrgixler & Recorder.
T OFFER myself as a candidate for Etgirttr
tf Ktcurrler at the ensuing election,sulject j
lo the nomination of the People's County
Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to
receive the nomination and beelecled.I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of the office
with fidelity. JOSEPH 1). FORREY.
MilHinburg, May 2, 1800 639
TIIIE undersigned will be a candidate for
1 the office of Register and Recorder of
U nion county, subject lo the nomination to be
made on the 4th of August next.
Lewisburg, May 2, IH60 810
C'otitif)' C'ouiniiNttioner.
Ftnow CiTtzKxs I offer myself as a can
didate for the Office of County Commissioner
at the next Election subject to the decision
of ihe Union coun'y Republican Convention.
If I am nominated and elected, I will atlend
lo the duties of the office faithfully.
Xew Berlin, June II, I860
ryif JOHX KESSLER of Xew Berlin.the
late Sheriff will enni.nl In run f.ie f'.Minrn
Commissioner, he would be an excellent can-
didaie. The Office should always have one
man at least of much experience, as well as
integrity and general capaciiy we had such
men in Esq's Hummel and Lincoln, and think
.Mr. Kessler would fill their shoes well and
the nejt Commissioner to be elected belones.
to his part of the county. This is not an idle
compliment, but it is made without Mr. K.'s j
Would you accept ! Please
lib subscriber will be a candidate for
Commissioner of Union county, subject
to the decision of the nomination of the Pro-!
pie's party at the delezate meetinss on the i
4ih of August next. B. W. THOMPSON, j
Mullioburg, May 5, 1-SG0 810
lELLOW CITIZENS Through llie urgent
I Solicitation of a l.ire ntimhernf triends. !
I ofier myself as a candidate for County Com-
nussmner, subject to the decision of ihe Ke- ,
publican primary election for Union county. ,
It I am nominated and elected. I will discharj
the duties of the office faithfully
Limestone Tp, May IS, IfcfiO
r -3 FOUND -A recepiacle for a
rt?TJ 1,.. ..r ,,...k,ki..f ..!
n'. m 'a.i;i 'iuu.un ... .-lh.
value to the owner, which can be had at the
Chronicle Ollice by paying for this advertise
ment June G ltjtiu
To Tax Puycrt ami Tax Collectors.
Alt Abatement of 5 per cent, will be al-1
lowed on ail State Taxes paid in prior
10 'he 9ih day of July; and under the same
TN the Court of Common Pleas of Union
l county Eliza Watkins vs. William Wat- 1
kins subpoena in Divorce, Ac.
The Commissioner appointed bvlheCo1
urt .
to take testimony in the before stated case
will attend to the duties of his appointment,
on Saturday 'he 16th of June. A D, IBfiO, at
10 o clock A M, at his office in Lewisburg.
JOHN B. LINN.Coinra'r.
J.S.SIarsa. F-Khorklry, r.(s,borklcj. F. Beaver.
(seecLsanns to gkddcs, mabsh a 00.)
I.ewlMiiiirfr, Pa.
WE have conatantlr on hand anit for aale.
' WIloLE.iAI.K oil RITTArL,
ViVrtvr, Jrneer and Clfirer HuTvtUrt; Grain ami (irau
Srrtirrt ; Hand and Horn Dneer Oim .VAeVera ; One. Two
o( hour Ifor Trnul. .Wi and Holt fvtcm ; a,.vrr
lltiUrrt. Fret fitters. Jnr.xAeri. Jnea. Aiieei. 1MU. nm
Vinllw ifai'iiin!, iron Vaces, iouo'ii?, MM bVoriiavx,
c. Ac, anil liuM utirtelteii ready at all timet to no all
X1 ur rolSDir Kcaseaa with Ihe otmuat eorreetneea
and disvati-h. Work or Manufactures invariably
warranted an recommended. Onlera reenet-ttully
olicitctl and iromutly attended 10. June 1, Isto
L. I. BREWER, Proprietor.
rpHIS new Hotel is situated opposite the
J. Court House,io the most fashionable and
beautiful part of the town, and for stvle and
convenience can not be surpassed in Central
Those visiting the University, or atiending
Court, will find it the most convenient and
central public house charges will be the
most reasonable and neither lime or expense
will be spared to bestow every comfort upon
those who may call. Lewisburg, May 3,1860
fi & M. KODESBAUGH, on Mar-
J ket street, second door below Fourtl
street, south side, grateful for past patronage,
would inform their Lady friends of Lewis
burg and the country around it, that thev will
seeP constantly on hand, a large and well se
lerte - it ictniim.nl nf lllliu... ...
lected assortment of Millinery CiOOdM,
which they are selling and will continue to
sell at the lowest city prices.
Buiarnitio and TminajuB done to orderon
the shortest notice, and according to the latest
styles. They will be very bapiy to see their
nltl customers with as many new one as may
feel disposed to favor them wnh a call, ilia
LAMPS lor sale
Baker &. Co's Drug SiLre also the
a.... aail
a ui . . . . . . . w.i.
and i
For the INST . ST KKl.tKR and
I'KKM AN S I ri'UK ..f Ua ill.
treaiiny romiilaiut, uae
nn oxeuiAL ( jo a reties.
Made ly C r. SKVMol I! k CO. W7 S&.K street, N.V.
iVic l per a- nl free ly -t.
Real Estate.
a"l NJ W
ILL be offered, at Public Hale, on the
premises, in Lewisbur?, on
Holiday, July 2, 1EG0,
the following Ileal and I'ersonal property.viz :
driven by a 85--Wstf.!
m good order,
nnrse-power xnmp, ruiiuiii nr" fcy..'
lairpe Circular Sav, one Muley ;aw, Lath
Saws, Ac. The mill is well arranpeil fur an
n . a. ii . II
I : - . ; ' a. . t II
essary conveniences fin B lildmg and Launch
ing Boats. Also, Five (iood Frame
mvi:M.i. .ioisi:s.
capable of accouimuitatiiig seve
families. A Two-Storey Frame Ol'FIt'li,
! 'Rliiclisniilll
Shop, Carpenter Shop,
1 . ... , C1
IsloUcs, jm bite Js, Straw lluuie,
and oller Oui-Buildings. Also,
! '.?ua' ''os,,, ilorKCN
from Two to Three Hundred Tlioiit-CkA.
and Feel of O O V ni V D I a at le-
which has been piled i j years 2, 2 and 3
inches thick, fij, li and 7 inches wide, and
from 2li to 50 feet long, in eieellent order for
boat building purposes, to he sold as thev run
in piles; a lot oi DRY RIPPED PLANK; a
large lot of UO T RIBs in ihe rough ; Plas-
lerinn I .ill. P-,i;..n.- U.nA
ooarns, c. BLitRssii i ns t utii.fi,
Jack Screws, Clamps, Hardware, Spike, Iron,
Boat ratterns, and a larre quantity of oiher
aruclcs, too numerous to mention.
There will also be offered
Ten Vacant Town Lots.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., '
when 'terms will be made known.
P. lllLUMEi'ER.
Lewisburg, Pa., June 13, 18(;o.
Excellent Hilling Establishment at
17ILL positively be sold at public sale.on
W ft cIn-sI;ij, aiiii June,
ISbi), that most valuaole REAL ESTATE,
Steam Flouring Mill,
and the appurtenances, known as the property
of Xesbit, Hayes & Fu hthorn, situate on
Water street, north of Market, in the borough
of Lewisburg in Union county.
Said Mill is built of bnck, four and a half
storeys high, having an Engine of forty horse
power attached, a line brick stack, six run of
sione, a double set ol bolting Cloths, two
Smut Machines, and all other Hearing neces
sary to make (and has made) as good Flour I
as any oilier Mill in the Mate.
The location of this Mill, considering the
productiveness of ihe country surrounding It,
is not surpassed, drain can be bought as
cheap at this place.as any other point'in the
Slate. There is more eiain raised in this
section of country than is necessarvtosupply I
all the Mills: and fur .Merchant Work this
null is especially recommended. 1
Any person desirous of engaging in said
business will do well 10 call and examine be-1
fore purchasing elsew here. I
Sale to be at the li.viere House in said 1
borough, commencing ai I o'clock, P M. (
Conditions made known on dav of sale bv ;
K. H. LAIlil) & W.M. JONES.
Assignees of Nksbit, IUiis & Fkutbubj
Lewisburg, June I, 13.VJ
A Superior EuOaloe Valley Farm
1) Y virtue of a decree of theCourt of Common
gt 1 leas 01 Lnion county and under direction
ol ihe same, will be exposed to public sale on
.1 .... ..
uic jriciuiHs, vu
ThurMlay, -SlIi June
lSfiO, all that messuage and tract of land, the
estate of shhew .Mi. at, deceased (formerly
known as the "Kaufman Farm'') situated in
Uulfaloe township. Union county, about five
miles from Lewisburg and seven from Milton,
adjoining lands of Jacob Kaufman, Peter S
Stahl, David ilerbsl, Danl Renglerand others,
124 Acres
and 80 perches, neat measure nearly all
cleared, and in a high slate of cultivation.
The Improvements are two two-siorcv -ex
I1AXK 11AIIX, Wagon Slieil,
Cider Press and other Outbuildings a variety
j gsjof FRUIT TREES, Apples. Plums, Cher
es, 4c a Quarry of LIMESTONE on
the Farm a Pump of never-failing Water
near the Houses, Ac.
Persons wishing to see :.z rronertv. call nn
Gioaac Smith, residing m ihe premises. i
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M.when
wc couunions iwnicn give easy terms of pay
ment) will be made fully known by
Buflaloe X Roads, May 29, 18t;i)
Preyg' copy 3 wka bill to EVr
SES and Lots, each suitable for
two families one on North Fourth street and
one on St. John street, for Sale. Hall of each
of the above Houses are for Kent.
C?"Also, for sale, four IlmMine Lots on
North Fifth street. JOHN HOUOHTON,
Lewisburg, Jan. 20, ISoO. Agent
lion House and Store Room oa Market Street, c
rpiHE subscriber offers for sale several
J. 13 KICK HOUSES, and other Bui!
dings, situate in the Borou"h of I.rwishnr.
Persons wishing to purchase, will please
call on Mr. Jonathan Wolfe, who will give
them such information as they mav desire.
July 5, 1 859 G. SCHNABLE.
N South Fifth street, a rronertvJ
consisting of a good Frame Honse l a. I
on a half Lot of ground. Terms easv. Apply
to May 17 A.B.'VORSE
rpHE well-known Taaern Standi-
J. at the east end of the LewisburgJLii
Bridge, in Coillisqnaque township, .Nonh'd
Co. It will be sold ou reasonable terms.
Inquire of WILLIAM FK1CK.
Lewisburg, Dec. 17, 1S58.
THE T O ROOMS occupied at pre
sent by W ashingtnu Hutrhinson as a
8aloon. They are suitable for S 1 1 1 il JJ
For Terms apply to
Jan. 27. 1858. JOHN B. LINN.
i on SALE.
DKSIRAULE Kullding; I.ot.33 feel
ieel I writ by 1 '. I
i.een. Lriouire of
Ueaer, Kreiuer & V'llure.
XYjy lrtllll.
FFK-'K in Kcber's Ulock, four doors above
the Bank (op stairs.)
Lewisburg, April 'J'K G0
"PU. .IOII I.UI.ki: will open an
J Dilice in Lewisburg, on Muimi ihe
imh day of June next lo remain two weeks.
After that, his visits will be regular, and duly
notified. I i? Rooms in Mcuell's Iimlding,
three doors South of the Bapliil Clmrrh.
N. B. 1'iease be particular as to time. I
will be there punctually, and theu must be off
to meet other engagements.
May 2, 1S0 JOHN" LOCKE
u. .i:kii (ST, nnyrisT,
has removed to Souih :)d street, four
doors from the Town Cioik, LEW-
C vN Sou;h Water Street,
V7 ill . lil's o!l
If yon want cheap OKOCER
NEslHT'S. Also CirSARci, Smoking aiid
Chewing TOIiAI'CO. An assortment of
HATS and l.'AI'd at cot. LUMBER and
COM. of every variety at very low rates.
STONE and SAND lurni.-hed Tor Lmldiug
and paving purposes. Order !'r H E will
be filled by leaving them a: N EsBI'l 'S.
tVl'oiintry PRODUCE taken in exchange
for the above articles.
Lewisburg. May 2. 18fiO pd2.n '
SA.Mia:l. If. OUIVH..
A(lorut) at I.iiiv.
: f I
! - '
FFIt'E on Kouih Second near Market St.
LKWllll 11(1, I'A.
Lsr All Professional IJsiMiiess cntrnsred to
hi 'are will be faithfully an I promptly atten
4 Sept. 14, 1h:.7
a P I C - N I C . isa
" We'll jump Into the '. , and all take a ride."
"""""""" ViiVje-d-Atsr
; - and verv couifurta- tfejrffcZf
u,c mm -n
I fi,,ed UP '"r llie 'special arcuminodation of
I Fic-Nic and other similar exeur-ions. Terms
inonerate. Apply to Js. .M. llul.si.1..
Lewisburg, June 3,
LAKbb SOPtl VOl UiKiKS.Ma innerV.
il Perfumery, Jewe'rv, Toys, Conleciion -
'lit.., . ,., ..j-ii.ca iuo, .in, l;ifLiCS,
Pictures, and a variety of XIC'K XAtKS fur
sale t l;eaj at the
1 MXE Cold 1'LXS
X be had at the
ilies ar.d (lenrs ean
E VERAL sens of CA.VEDS and other
Breast Pins and Ear Pines can l e had
very cneap at ttie J lM (if I ICE
R1JEK.S for Fionks or tiords cf ai.v kind
promptly attended to at ihe
J ALIEScan find 1helareestan1iA.il3sst.rt
J j meat of Letter and Note PA PER. Envel
opes Ac. at ihe Pl).-T OFFICE
IF you want a beautiful GILT FRAME, go
go to the POST OFFICE.
IF von want
KV, 10 the
supply of fine STATIO.E- I
IN THE OLD M!OP!-Tli siihseribers
respectfully announce to ihe citizens of
Lewisburg and vicinity that ihey have formed
a Partnership in ihe
Tailoring Ersiness,
at the well-known stand of J.imes CrisweM on
Market street, where they are prepared to
I I T AM) MJKL 11- to ,r Vr in ihe very
best style, Men's and Bus' ( lolliilii: ol
every riescripiion on short notice. Wc ask
a share of the public patronagr
Lewisburg, April 1, 1st J
TAKE NOTICE! The utidersigned are
appoinied Agents for the sale of
(tool. ISliiiri & Ytiniluw Pasli
of all sizes, made cf the best niaierial. Ah
work warranted, t : Made by L.B.f PKOl T,
Hushesville, Pa. and for sale'by
67s F 8 CALDWELL. Lewisburg
THUS. .. (alilER
nAS just received a splendid assortment
of the very best, cheapest and moM
lashionable Jewelry in the market. lii
Stock comprises
Brrniat Pins,
Ear lilrgn.
l i K:: r Itlnc),
slt'fie lluiton,
Mlll!4,.V .-.&.-.,
which will be sold extremely low for Casa.
He respectfully aks the patronage ol all
his old customers; and also invites new ones
to give him a call before making their pur
chases. Call at the sign of the iiig Watrh,
.Market street, east of Second. Dec. 2l,'5e)
rilHE Firm cf Wulttr, Lrnhart Khrulcch
I in ihe IlrUkluvins llunliiesiai.
are ready to rusxaaiT lor all kinds of wmk .
in their line, and are well satisfied it would '
be to the inierest of such as pnrpose erecting
good buildings to give us a call before con"- i
tracting wuh oihers. W e have put op some !
nf Inm hail knn... ...I .t. ...... : : l I
and are assured their owners a-ill tesuty that
ineir oauaings were pin up rjr soodand ener- 1
eelic workmen, and in quirk lime, 'uhirh i
a very imporiant matter to buiKlers.)
Horseman's Friend, or
M M I'ockct Companion.
Filty-lVo Valuable Keceipts for ihe Farmer
and Horse Dealer for sale (l! cts) by
t:. j. Via hi,.
Bookbinder, Lewisburg, Pa.
C'O.lIa COll, COIL
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best tha
raokin and Wilkes- Uarre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell al Ihe very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also, Blacksmiths' Coat, I'latlcr and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I U1 not
re undersold tiy any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidcnsaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 27,'5a.
OFFICE in his new Brick Bhck, Market
street, south sole, between 4th and 5ih
(upstairs.) Lewisburg, May, 1-C 78
AeyerrwcrawcnarooeriiD mo s ; l. falmer, I Eursh k Gonriman. V..1.,uh.L,M
arcnueci; vr. 1. urugger ; livers Amnions; - . . " . ' : r
Lewis Ashcufeltcr. ISA AC WALTER. ITA'E received and opened a IH ,l
JACKSON ,EMIRT 1 ssu""cl of all ihe latest sir-e
SAM. KOURAB CH. ' I ALL anJ W ln!er li" "- 1 "e rar, ;'!;
Lewisburg, Dec. 27. 1S5 auentioa oi me Ladies is called to iae.i'
Jza : . . . of
i. Laid and Poultry lalica in
i r tu's r.i
rusT orricc
I T ( liarfesioa. and iJie excittiuent
j 1 over ab ul iht, for the present but u
' jiisi ci niu.erH in- ?.iont the laice arrivals o
IIooIn uikI Miofs at Gntrz-Marsh'rigi
under the I'krmucU i-tlice, in Beaver's Block
Nuw, Ladies anil (ientlemen of l.ewituri
, and vicimiy, if yon can't art more for yi,0f
money at his More, ami tf be! ler quality, iba
! any other, iheo don't buy of him. My ,
this spring, I will wairant, as I purchase di
rect trom the manufacturer, and warratil
. better, and i(t p'r rent cheaper, than ihe
cheap h"made work which is olfered to ynj
I La.liea' liners am I I.eaiher Booi very cheap
'and wai ranleii Youth', do. Men's do. 4'
'er Mine It opened ihiMlay call ar.d ee.lwj
don't lniv the Bjr'.'ains. U. MAIisH
; Lewisburg, April is, lf,0.
New Store Xcw Goods'
.... .
1 he subscriber. having a person iu ihet',i
buvin; ronsiaimv at Auction, is prepared ii
e:la;lhls l.'..o.:s at (.My PricesH,,Mfrr
(iioves, t.'r..chei t.'i uon. I etni.g Nee.j'e Cdj'
hirs. buttons, Tare, and ail gidi '.jd , "
the Ladies.
Also Books and Stationery, Sehool
n...l l..M.. U .. I. ...
. wi.rir u 'i a, esc. rapep
IViudow Curtains a! & cts Freeet
Fire Uoaru Screens. Mencil Worl Stil
done to order Country Produce ia.ca
exchange Cash ra.d lor l!as.
ikk a tu4 Wairk li.i...
MK.f.l.Hik is from Germany, and;. , 5..
workman in all diSerent klnd ..fru,i.
: m his line or business. Jobs that can m
I done in common ci.untrv shop, can te d
by him as well as in Philadelphia, ar,l t.
He has lately been er.zase,! f,,r yr jj,..
n.audie, Watchmaker, lui begins fr1,,j
now 10 my shop. Per.oi.s .lesirir s anvhT,',
111 hi I, he. are re.jues-e ) to g,ve h,m a c L
try h.s work and s e if . hit I ,.v 1, , . "
F. EULI;TECIIt'l(, t;uiisniiih
Lewisbur;, April In. l.-bij
' Industry mnst Thrive:"
I r plXand SII KETIKO.X EsfaMLsbmnt
1 Removed 1,, II. ...... 1 ... ,. '
; ., , -.uiuii s ioiir.er Bi.a
, ...arKei street near F. urih. here I w Li,t
: " "mrs a sortment of
1 Tin tTare, Sfote I'ipe.
. n r. 1 i-t:trt Z,e. Ve. .Te. J wjn
a.so make to order, on short m.t.ee. T:a (J...
ters. Spout, ng or any kind of work in a.vlme
tl business. -
aitended to. JOs A KliEAMLX
Lewisburg. Pet 20. lx.-.a
FKr " I-V. tl.F
W..KI...I. . . : . elea.
Saoee Tibi.
- .. - Uj.. ,.r v.M.jf.n,
. LUDrh-d rr.i,lal
iAl I. AMI ,sf
LAW oi fick i;i;.a;oyi;d!
John B. Linn,
A TTRi;V U M -Office at
j. his nou.-e ou X. .1ai ke1 si. bet. 1st A U
LewWinrn, I'a.
ine ti.VjAED and ITOIE Pnr.
I'-' I'uily to r.r.il from srtr
I'- I'nirnt Srre. .e r.m.hM ia
t JL poriKii f
I at.
CAI.UUl.LI. t llrun More. Leaietarg.
Family Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
uI.U;al ll.411.Iis N
Emt rar:..,; e.erj arti rcB,mi a te the traje.nn,!..
CRUX, IU, in AND i-'eed
TEA. Coil-Ki;. J'ol.A.Es,
s?lT..IJ. CIJKE.-E.FIaU,
FIJI; ITS, ic. ate. Ac,
Marlut itn.t, rypnn'te the putt Crve,
I.rvlsbnrsr, Pa.
rV ft. E. & Co. Live just receive.
A fre-h fr. m l,bilr..lel b-a a tremee.Ieu. etoek
cll eel.?c-l tin nr:r, ,. n. ry ln,. ..n.oug .huh aa
r-a:t-s an.i Ten; st oca,
rut up in Caus anil warranted ure ana Ireek.
IhioJ Apples, 1'eacLrs. rrnnrs, Cu."-rant.-;,
J'tc-et viii!,' Citrons, Yiss,
L'ute.s.Ituisins from bi to 1?
cts. pir Ui., 1'ickies of
all descriptions,
rure Java Ot rEr, pronntL,
nJ put upiu air-tijht Cam, eir.rea.lj 1 r fam-lr ta
A .;ri-r ,., .ttprrior MA Ch EkKL. MAP
A (.eneral am.rtmenc of
vVillovv and t rdnr 1 are. r.lass-
a re. (iieenv a re, a r( n.
Mare, Kvte, Twine. Xt.
Fih Oil, iluitl.Fine Oil, Vantlttt, Ca"tt
and Lamp JI7, , I'aUow, Lard, tic.
Soaps of all kinds, Wheel Urease, etc
Cobtuttj oni) Scriars, a choice varictt;.
Flour, Corn ileal, l'oiaiocs, Corn,
Rvc, Oats, S:c., always on hand.
Vtmli drirtreri frre n ' charge to cuttomrt
residing u-ithin the JSuruuh.
Ti altrmpt to rnitBifrat m'l ttie trtirln wW
burr for mlt Wtu!J If iriii'os-il . r won:-"1'1"
fnllv iiiTit- th ; u..lic tflnu enii,i -cr
of i rit-rr-in. Wi-ir n-nh'leBt ni l:r; ! tt-
rhi-Hf Ujry inn t U u-l.t lbit ?dr vl riin''i
Yt'v would pi.rtii-ttiinrly wvi.citi.ur ctui.tijIr:trEiJr:'
HV purrhnse a?? munnir of ItotIitcet
Lrwisburg, AjniJ, .,j.
T.lV EJ.Vif
Fall and Winter Goods
Dress Silks Prims
Delaines t-'hawls
FigFr.Merinos Collars
Dueals Sleeves
Ginghams InsertinM
Foulards E.tetS
Chintzes Uuno-6,
ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy t'asM'r
Jeans, Tut eds, Veslings, Muslins. P'"'
ings. Tickings, F'aunels, Boois L
tlTfhoes, Hats and Caps..
together with a complete assur:" '
i of
Groceries, Hardware,
Ccdarware, Q ueensivare-s"
U cf which will be disposed of on is flt'''
ble terms as the same articles can be l"
ased any where. C in us a call.'
Da. W. H. Bacanoi,,. Da. X. C f(,!t
I'l RDl Vnil hlIO-EVf
riirstcj.ixs am m'rcm'
IF.!i,ECTFL'LLV oiler theirs".!
V the citizen of Lewi-bur- anJ " ,
rounding rountrv. ...i-rcf.
tT?"Particular attention pai l toSl El'
Enquire in West Market -tree! r
residence of Mrs. Backh.ue. la"- !tl' -
ID AM) I I.N L' u.J. '-l:' ''..,-,.:
I April In, I
Jam j
. ,-.B
' Vk
is tie