5; "MlfAT VFN ALIUTti KNOW EACH OTHKR." WLcq Mr. Clay vibited Uopkiusv.llc, Kentucky, the first year of the adariniatra tioo of Juba Quincy Adams, he was called upon by bia friends at a large aod spaciuas saloon. Dr. II , tbcn of tbat place, and a preat friend of Mr. Clay, Was by his 6.UC, presenting him tO LlS friends as tbey came forward, rresently the Doctor saw tbe tall form of tbe ecccotrio Governor 1'ittsur enter the door of tbe saloon. In etantlj be embraced tbe opportunity to poiut bim out to Mi. Clay, and tben wbis percd to bim tbat tbe tall man at tbe door "is Governor Fitteur, of 1'ond Kiver, a most worthy friend of yours, whom you must know without an introduction; and you must be certain, before be lca?es, to wish tbat he may never Lave another inva sion of squirrels." Thus posted, Mr. Clay j 1 . i. . . c .Ln o loon, While tbe Governor, UnCOnsCIOUS of . . ..- , .... 1 the lunoeeut trick, arnroacbed bim bv de- greeg, and saying, i he came : 'Where is the god-like man ? I shall know bim on sight ; for great men like us never fail to know each other. I beg of you, gentlemen, not to introduce us; we will know each other, though we have never seen each other. You say be is in .1 1 T I 11 1 ,H 1 mis room, gooa i saau uuu mm : anu way be stalked toward the place where Mr. Clay stood. l'rescntly he drew himself to Lis lofti est height upon beholding Mr. Clay, and eyed him for some time in unutterable ad miration. Mr. Clay stepped forward, with bis blan lost smile and sweetest voice, and exclaimed : "IIow are you, Governor Fittsur of Fond River ? I am rejoiced to see you." "Hearthat!" said the Governor; "didu't I tell you that he would know me, and that Fittsur would know him 7 Yes, yes, be is the greatest man that lives '." After cordially shaking hands, and tell ing a few happy jokes, Mr. Clay said : j "My dear Governor, I wish that you j I- .i 1 at.. I i.l. Diay live a luousaiiii years, ium uuaitu may abound throughout your wide do- j main, aud tbat you may o other invasion of squirrels." tnnin rt that nn m,iv nove-r have an. main, ana ioas you may ne?cr navt? an "BleSd me!" fiaid the Governor, "did ... . TOU Dear that ? llOW Uld h0 knOW that ..... - my people lost their entire crop of corn . a m last year Dy t?qUirreISf UlegS my UOUl, hi. :t T7f t.r... T e knows evcrjtLmg I onderful ! won- d..rfnl ' I il.iii toll! vnil that hn van . crlul. l a-waja ioiu joa toai ue was the greatest man in the World dillll't I. e ' lojsf And the Governor left io a state of per feet admiration of tbe great statesman. . 10 "liLF.EMSO Carcass. ue are bear oo more of "liieeding Kansas," but ft "bleedinff CarcaSa IS tO take ItS place. ; . -f i , ; the Um ol it. tbal 1 wipa lo make known to the 1'L ttl.IC Jlr. I'lJ.'h, in bis pitiful apptal in behalf! ol it;-rUtTt. ..nthrhir. .hi.-h Mre ureat. Amanor.o- i - L o L ' mmu 1Irarl dl.rind ol hair, aud by a refort to of Dutlglas, made IO tbe oeliate On the i y..ur Hair KitoraiiTr, the hair will ruturu more bran , . , .. . ,. . t t.ful thaueier : at lrait thl ifi n.y eiinriice. Heller. 2id, tells ns, in terms pathetic enough to u.,,: Vo.r. truly, .u u. kk.vkiiy. c .ft. ..l.fli ' move a firc-catcr 8 heart, that Wr. JJoug-1 It . 7..'ll t . . n a ue Miuth i see several ol your certlhfatet in the Jro- as enemies "may kill him at ISaitimore : 6BeJrrcll,,-,,rogs.uihernp.r. w.ii.KKStuv. if tbey choose : but bis friends will carry ! nuovs hair KtsToRATnu. 3 ' Prop. 0. J. Wo.o Dear isir: Having had th. mkfor- bis Zit('7 CarcatS to the Northwest aDd ' tune to lo. the l.t p..rtion of m hair, from theettretn i of the yellow fryer, in New Orleatiffin lsil, 1 waKinduoed SUOW him tO tbe yoUDg men COming tO Cast to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to an , . . - . , , . 4. . , . rwrraalli. ery Uuoie uee.li-0. My hair is now thick their tirat VOteS, anl tell tUem 'this U (he Md cloisy. and no wor la can expres. my ohUfationa Is author the XJratia Bill, and thi, it ron.ngi.ingwtheainicted.uchu Southern gratitude ." " Tbe only response . Th Reatoratire I. put op in bottle, of three !, ,1a J , J r i lariee. medium, and oluall; the umall hold, 14 apint,and tns.lo tn thi. nnnpal all tnfit marln hv (hp. ! retaiU for one dollar ber bottle; the medium hold, at .... e . 1 poyertj-nating VUglali, wno Complacently . , , ., f . . ,. , , ' informed Mr. I ugh tbat Duuglas was al- read; dead. So, bring on jour "bleeding carcass." "-4 Sil Anwer Turneth atcay Wrath." A couple of "red-hot" Seward men of Now York State, erroneously attributing tbe defeat of their favorite to the machin ations of Greeley, thus addressed bim : Al-aoaa, X. V . May la. ISfO. T."iitnrt Trihunt Ofxtlemi : We have taken the T'tOfNe. D-iily, from the moruinz of the lirst issue, until now. ttironcli ail il. lemrf. You will diconlinue seuding it to us. our ouly re-let in wrtiuit i. that we are under the nrce-ity ol losing a three out stamp in order to cliMr our account. U i-l.inr yon a g.od time for a few month, to com?. He are truly yours. aload is A MosHt. To which tl.us serenely respuuded the I'hilosopher : New Vosa. May 22, tW0. (KTrirs: Th. painful reirret express, d in yours of tl.e l'.oh iut- eacitea my synti athirs. 1 eneloiss you a three cent stamp to replace that tii.se luaa yon de- i ilore, and remain, Yours, placidly-, IToaici Qrkclkt. . Messrs- Morgan Mosher, Aurora, Cayuga Co., A. Y. A Bio "Uab" Killed. A correspon dent in Gainca township, Tioga Co., 1'a.. writes us, that few days ago, Mr. Daniel 1 Suttle tilled one of tbe largest bears tbat has been seen in this county. Mr. S., I living reason to believe tbat a very large I "varmint" tf some kind was in big vicin- .,,t . !.,.. knnr.tr.vi and ...-i . " 1 : ir, r. .l i.,g ,,r...Li,j, ....ugcu ., .o, night. In the morning, lie visitea the place where bis trap bad been set, butnei- j thcr trap or bear could be seen, liruin had succeeded in pulliDg op large pole, nr post, which bad been driven into tbe (round, and to which the trap was attach ed by weans of a bcavy chain, aod these bis bcarship took with bim. The pole op rooted here and there a tuft of grass, by which be could be easily followed. Tbe bear bad traveled a distance offteen milet, ! on bis bind feet, drawing with bim. the I ' . - l ilun, when tbe bear faced bis pursuer, and S'lOWed ngUt. iUr. C aiscnargca OIS rine at him thn hull takinc effect in Kmin'a ! head, killing him almost instantly, lie uieasured seven feet from tip to tip, and weighed over 500 pounds ! W'dUUiruujh Agitator. A Chinese merchant ia San Francisco tersely pave an American friend bia ideas of the Japanese Kmbassy's reception in thiscountry, as follows: "Japanese great men, now Americana want more Treaty by'n by, Treaty be signed, Japanese like anybody just like Chinese just like dam nigger." The "complete account of the great prize fight," says tbat Say era "went to rass several tim-s, and lleenan once." What a pity tbat both animals could not have been kept there as lone as Nebuchid- ti:.nir! At tbe expiration of tbeir erazioe ! time they might have coin back rerpeeta- j env-eta- - a ii.fl Leasts. i s who e distance, a heavy trsp, and a large j ....-...-.. , o . l. i 6. a large variety of Lnder Clothing, pJle and chain! Mr. S. overtook htm at Dr.wrSi 8hirt ic. AIsoa fine I a p.aoe between suae xsiana ana cedar , r jjovs' Clmhine of the latest stvles. nit 111' THE 11LOOU t HOFFAT'S Vegetable LIFE ?iTrLS AND Fhanix Bitters fYiYTi7 j a i aijj lugu uuu tin an rt iiiuii I I Uimh tirwtuitifnt MfriiriiiHM hii niiilrMl Ctp thwiv tn?ariab. rt.ieery iu all the ditvatsr wb:rh they pnlM l ere, nu rt-ii'icmi me osani practice ol t.uniiig not only uunwewnrj, but unworthy or thvtn. They are ; uvo a. uj assess, ik uild. v.iira ftjusru WM 11 y f l iuciut I ana mry uirive uoi oy uie Uitli ol the credulous, IN ALLCASOF AyTimv Ann AXD Cheomc Rhiit- "Wati.iM, AFFtcTi'jN? of tuk Blahdk am-K i u kv &. Hilij.i s r'lvaKH, Ash Uvu( CoMrLAT In th- South and Writ, wiwre tiit.- ditHrawr prevail, Uiry will fvuud invalu able. 1' IkDlera, Karinert., aud otter, w bo oner ase thcee Medicine, will iter it alterwanta be without them. ItTM-siA. No prraon with thin downing diaeaM IhiuM dlay u-iiyt: thfM Di-ilicii inim--diatt'-y. Eai r- TloSS vW THE HYl, bKISlPlL.lS, KLATLUJtI, 1'kTCB A,Xft A-.ta. For this M-ourv of the tt ."tvrn couutry, thcue inruirinrs will Oe ft.and a rafe, (Mly. and crrtain rnie dv. Uthrmniiftuelfavtr thenyab-m auljfct to a return otthirdiiaoe a cure by lhM) utvltcioea u permanent l'ar THLM, UH SATlntlS AKK hlta RtU. Sdrju'i'KAL Dl!f Aute. Stiver faili to eradicate entirely all th ettft ut' M-rrur iuboitely raonex than Ule moat powt-rfui pivparation ol harMiparilla. Night wlatb, Nketovs Dlhiutt, NERvora Compijuxt9 or ix kiim, okuamc AfFaciiuAa, fALFiTAtioa or tun liLAkr, i'Ai.NTaa's Cdouc ... ..i in . .... . i. i. .u.. I LiteMr.liiiuni.ionr. Il.nm .ll kiud. .rr rlfr.lu.l.y lnp.lMbytlMi.Mnli.ll.rf. I'Mrnt. .,11 well u. xt - n.,n.,trr iL. .h.n,..r ,b.ir r..,LrDr. .u.,rt-i. lieliel .ill beeerbiiu. THE LIFE TILLS AND PIIIEMX HITTERS rnrlfr tlie bl.KiJ. and tbun rrmore a!' dieiiM., from the ry.letn. A imi.I trial .ill plan tlie LIFE P1L1.S and I'llikMX Ul n f.K beyond Ui. reach ol eoiupetition in tile eftim.tioo ot every paljent. ar-lTf..red by lilt. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, eW llroadway, corner Worth tit. New Ytrk, lyT83 and fold by all Krarpt. New Hotel In Mifflinburg. IrtJ THE subscriber would respectfully in JtUf'irm the Traveling Public everywhere, that he has taken and lined up the premises of George Schoch, in the centre of MAIN ST. MIFFLINBURG, WUCIC I1C - tM.OI.U ' UVVK.I...1. MU.V .... rs and travelers men ani btaM in the best maimer, wtih 13 aid arni Lodging. Please give uie a call. Ap.I.'oi. CHARLES CKOTZER. THE ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OK Universal Confidence and Patronage 10 It Statesmen. Judges, Clergymen. Ladle, and iieutb men, iu all parte of the world, Wily l,. the etttRary of Prof. 0. J. HtHl4j HAIR BKV K.ITM K. and fceutlrmen of the I'reae are unanimous iu iu praioe. A few teatimoniala only can he here gin-n see circular lor mote, ana it wiu oc iiuooftuDiv tor job to doutt. 47 Wall Strept, Xew York, Dee. 20, 1R5H. OesTllsmt; Vour note of the loth iuit has been re- I reirrd. r.vio. tliat yoo tiiul herd that 1 had fwrn brue- ; fiUrJ bJ uof Wooj-. II. .r Ke.u,rti,r, an.! reqiut- eeruhcate ol tue lad u l Had bo oiecuon to I 1 award it to you rheerfully. because I think It due. o yean. ;uienorof m y hair aui.um. 1 and lorlint-d to curl. rHme te or mi yean tnuoe.it be- .n In turn vnar. aiiil thai av-ai I It An thf r-TOr n (if mv llnli : toUtrJeiUwDMl-'ilityaoddandruittutormui-onit. Kacb j of these disarrwa lull tin. inrreaed with time, and afoul four monthe sine- fourth wa added to them, by hair faltiiie ofl Uie toiiuluivhtad aadthreateuing toroakenie haid. 1 In thin on pleasant predicament, I wan lndutrtd to try WnodV Hair KeMorative.n.ajal toarre the falltnn olf ot my hair, fir 1 had n-ally noexterUtjun that irray hair WBlj b, rr,,r , 'ix, ot, ,,, pt'k,m Mljrea. 1 waf . howrrer, irreatlr un.rll to find alter the ni,of,onttlH, !,, tu.tn..t oui, .fih.i aiiin oit arreted, hut the o.lor i restored to tlw aray bira, and fei.Miilily to the acaln, and dandrun eeaMd to lorm on my head, very much to tbe uratitiratitin of mj wife. t at wiiorw-ftoiiriihiiou l a induenj u try it ' r-r thiri. amoDK the manyohlipcatioDi' 1 owe to her aes, I ftrouly rwimmeud all huMbandx who value Iheadmi- ratii.u l their vme to iTofit hv mv example, and lue it if growing cray or pfttine haid. Verv resi. ttuiir. BEN. A. LAVENDER. To O. J. tt iKitl at Cu..444 Uroadwav. New York. 8Iamton. Ala, Ju!y20,lS59. To Prof. O. J. Wont Dear ir : Your "Hair I'eptnra ti,."hMf done my hair fo much pood fineelw.mmenml I'. S. Yna can uhlli the ahoye if you like, by pub- li.!,,,., m our -v.uthrm P.,r yon .in .t mor. .tro- ''"ant ' per cent, more in proportion than tlie .mall, re- tailfortw..dollar!.perb..ttle; thelame noi.l a uuarl, 10 per rent more in proportion, and retain for JS. u.i n.t.n a cu., iroprieton, 444 iiroad... New bold by all good Drui:git and Fancy Hood Dealers.' Commissioner of Illinois. "1TTILLIAM H. BIsSEI.L, Governor of II y linois, has appointed Jottx B. Li, a Commissioner of the State of Illinois, for the ennty of t'ninn, to administer oaths, to lake depositions and proof of deeds.mongages, Ac. to he used and recorded in the State of Illinois. I'.Tsons hstimf wild lands or real estate of any kind for sale may find purchaM-rs by leaving a description of th. Mine .t mv office, as 1 haT. o)-ened Hooks for tbe pur chase and sale of real estate. Ko charge in tbe event of tal. not I. In made. JUtlN II. LIMN. Lrwi.bur, Pa.. March 23, 1660. CH ARLES M'f.REr.OR carries on the above business in Fnck's Brick Block, Nonh Third street. Cutting and Ma king in good style according to the best Fash ions, t.ive us a chance, and see it we can not "ui" you. C. MACG. Lewisburg Nov. I, 85 New Arrangements--New Goods! TCSEPII L. HAWX havins taken the ,1 well known .S7' YKEK HA T UTOKE, has refilled it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Halt, C, Gi ntlimm't Cloth'rg.Av. Also a laree and splendid st..rk . i l.iiTHs CAsMERl, 4c, who-ii i - u. ia ordtr,a.s he stili c r.-mne- il,. T,,ii,.rnie Busi ness. He is prepare,! t, ueeuie all work entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of the N. B. order. Cutting and Repairing-; done to Lewisburg, pril 10, 1857 mar noaman mn Just opened, opposite the Riviere House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment of FAIL A. WINTER CLOTH NG.sncb as Overcoats, Dress Coats, Busi- nts Coats, and Coats of every style and pat- . A S..l.l.. A V. .n ...It ti ll, nisv, , snch as assortment Also. HaTS and CAfs equal to any offered in this cuuiuiy. id !u.m uaveeveryining necessary m the shape of Clothing, which 1 offer at a very small advance for cash PHILIP GOODMANVAg'L riTAll kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A SECOND HAND Bt'GGEY and a TRUCK WAGON for sale or exchange lor Hay orCorn. Inquire at this Office PICTURES . A house can not be said to be well furnished without some well selected Pictures. This want can now be supplied at the POST OFFICE I) ARE C II4C E. An excellent Sil , ver LEVER WATCH for sale at a bargain most to. Inquire of A E. DENORMANDIE. Lewisburg T)T TT7"O"0r Justices and UXJi 1VU . lj il. n . av Constables, for sale ir ffuKCJ to order, a: the Clitor.icle Office UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CIIRONICLE-JUNE 8, 18C0. I American and Foreign STEREOSCOPIC EMPORIUM E. ANTHONY, Broadway, N. V.f 2 doon from the H(. Nicholas Hotel. epIIB Stereoscope la the noat inatrudirr, iiiUrximyy I.' emrrunMing, amuting aou rrcutngnt mo-lt-m inTt-o- ' uoofl. IV one I are too fottna or too ttid, noD tuo tntrlltuctU i nr umtdia-alnl tn irkwia Inlvr tu worth ainl lkitt j N home i complete without it, and will ytnclraU ci cry wrier. j It prtttw-nt to your view rry part of the world, in all w w"j. wimn, ni4i wuasa. jnmi nctUM u you weri- on ui apoi. ' 1'hotojcrai.bemareeT. rywhwMplorinf Kui-one, A-ta, 1 Ainenra, Id tv-ar. b of the grand and the tv-iutl- ful, and the ruiUU of their tkui are ctmUantlx tnnchmii our Mack. W e bare an imnnnM Tarif ty of paper Viewa of Seene t Faria, London, Kn if land, ScotUod, Ireland, Walt-a, France, Brliuoi, II'iMand, hwitlrlaid, tipaiD, The fchine, Veroatllfit, St. V.innd, Knutaina-blcau, Tuilleriee, Italy, Turkfy, Kiypt, Attu-nn, the Holy laud, China. In dia, Chrysial Palatv, Im (troupe llittriralf amufinit, marriaKearvnca. breaktat 8t-en,ptr-nic. alatuary. Ac, Ac. Au ezqmUtU aort nitt of ItlumitmUti in(TTt of Palarvs, Churvhen. and Cat hl rain, rf Frauoe, Italy. Ac. The eilect of these illuiuiuated Tiwa ia nocC ra-mjrlaUf- Emi comKWiKOFwrAi.TH a?nReri?(iAT.w abould have in hu drawinir-room mm of oar trjutnte ttrrs on yaM, with a rrTolvinn U-mMNtpe,ahuwiuic 12, i, ovor 1UU arenra. Nothing cao ok nitre Iwinatin, ani one I can offer no greater trat to a friend fond ol the ptctur- j eine and the Iwaulitul Antttoug'i InUahtimrouM gterfcarnp. Tirws .re th. la wt I'liiitotfrattw milr. Tbt'T r.uki.n in the fTtvth pirf.oa. tnJerryth .iiiouttr . ; '". i Qrpirlnl "W'r ! dlfUnctly a. if it tr wrfcrtiy at rrt. tui an uition.i charm nUe. and mti". The pnwn in a discovery of . . . . - our own. and In-ing mu-tiwn m tuny, we reo-ive irnin London and farix Urs onl-ra tr Authonjr'a ln?luU neouit Views of American life and fvrbery. Amon: olher thiux we have ju.it ulMhr. 9treo 9foyie lilnKtratinna of tlie Srt-ne of the a'LLTi.a Miuirt Fratkk Mbxtisos. In whirhmanyfaearta IW1 an Interest. Tbe particular of thin will t Inund iu our eataloicue. Ot a Cataumicc of auljctiand pri.-va will be forwarded to any addrew on receii t of a ftauip. Iartle at a dieUue at-HdiiiK m t, S. 10. $15t 20, or can hare a ff"od lpttrnmnt and audi rictnrei na tbey may miuect, sent by Krprrtt. Viewa alone, (without instrument) can bt eot by mail. I'artfta woo wUh to be advld of everTthinx really Taluable in the line that emu out, may ind u thfir nanea to plaoe on reourd. and wo will keep them posted at our own expeD. Mm nUisun will And PhotoirrapTiT a monl fucinntlm and dliiclitful amuM-ment We are prepaml to tit out amatrurt with ert-ry Uiinif otfewary fir (heir aucceca to pfther wilhiustrucLioua llow to take Str-"'rii..r I'lc- i ture-." K. TII01, Importer and Manufacturer of t'hott-K'rai'hlc Materi als, a?trreoiopea aud i?tt-mottpie if an. wMerrhanta from eeery neetion of thewuntry are rcntilfully invited to make an exnminatioD of Our atork. our diarouut to the trade will be liberal. Tn Photographer. I irt claws Urcotcr-ic NegaUrei wauled. 8end by mail a print unmounted, with price of Neea-U- t i-lCut Una out for future reference. J 4inii la i f r k If DR. EISENWELVS Tar and Wood riaptha PECTORAL JS the Dim JIcmcek in the World for th. CURE of Coughs and Colds, Croup, ftronchiti?, Asthma, Difficult; in Breathing, Palpita tion of tbe Heart, Diptheria, and for til. RELIEF cf patient In advanced stage, of Consumption, together with all Diseases of tbe Throat and Chest, and wbicb pre dispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted tn the radical cure of ASTHMA. Heinff prepared by a practical Physician and Urupgir-t, and on. of errat experience in the cure of th. various diiwases to which the human frame is liable. It ia offered to the afflicted with the irreateirtronMenre. TKY IT and tie c.nrinced that it Is tn.aln.ihle in the cure of Itrun.'hial artecliona. 1'riee ili eenU per ilottle. 3,Prepreu ouly by Ha A KISKSWKIS t CO., Druggista and Chemists, N .W.Cor.Mntb A Poplar Sts. PHll-AtlM-l-Hll. JT9-SoId by every reportable Druggist anil Dealer in SJrdirine throughout thr t'tate. I'bil.da, Wr.li 31, ltl J NEW F IP.M ANDREW GOODS. Tt'm.Ilrowu Jr. & VUn. C. Dunklr, Having formed a Partnership, at the old stand of v'm.4 J.H. Brown, MaiketSl.abuv.' 4th, Lewisburg, ARE offering a large assortment o' Fall and WI.TEIl f.oad, oousisting of Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Casimercs, Coatings, Vestings, Carpetings, Bleached and Brown Linens, Drillings, Shir tings, Ac. Also a large variety or LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Calicoes, Cballies, Lawns, Delains, Barages, Silks, Ginghams,Shawls,&c Also all kinds of Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Cedarware, (Queens and Glassware Fish, Salt, Tobacco. Also all kind of Brick for building pur poses. Call and examine for youf selves. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. BROWN A DUNKLE. Lewisburg, Oct SO, 1859 RIVIERE HOUSE LEWISBVHG, PA. R. G. IIETZE.L, Prop'r. THIS Hotel is located in the center of the town, one square from the Court House. Persons attending Court, or having other bu siness in the town, will find this a pleasant and comfortable home. Charges moderate. Lewisburg, Pa, Sept. 6, 185!) m3 Josiah Baker & Co., HAVE made arrangements Willi E. E. Locke & Co. to furnish 95 per cent. ALCOHOL, by the Bbl. and Half Bbl. as cheap as it can be bought in Philadelphia. They hare also just received a general as sortment of Paints and OU,GlaHft and Putty, copal VM.y.i5.ms BRUSHES and PERFUMERY, CONFECTIONERY. FANCY SOAPS, VL'TLEltY, lilRXIXG FLUID, Pine Oil, all popular Tatent Medicines, LiquorsTobacco, Snuff.Inlis, Soda Ash, Wheel Grease, &c. &c. All the above articles offered VERT CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before buying elsewhere. Our Motto is Small ProOla A. Quick Sales." Lewisburg, May 13, 1859. Airllaa an fmalslM House In Untsbarg. iSIISgSIl Legal Auctioneer! F.A.DonchOWer having been appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewisbt;rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town aud country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it wilh me and I will sell it at the best advantage 1 can and charge a per eentage for ihe same Feb. 2fi. IS9 F A DONEHOWER James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn. T F. & J. AL LINN, J t Attorneys at Law, LEWlSbLKI., 674 Union County, Penn'a. i. MERRILL IINX OMlaslosn for tb, tat. of Iowa, with pnwar to tak. Dry naitions, srknnwlrdr IWsls.Ao. plows-plOVYS TOR SALE a lot nf n.w f BULL and SELF-SHAR-1 PENING PLOWS also GLOBE Cmtin--, &lovet very cheap for cash. Inquire of Lewisbg, Mar 5, '60. WM FRICK riARPETS i fine assortment by iJ ilnieh i Goodman Educational. ItoiDcrsitp at roispitrj. rI1IIE Sprins Term begins on the 18th X day of April nex. BOARD OF IMSTRUCTIOBI. Ecv. J. It. Loomis, LL. D., President, nJ I-rulriwoT of Sl.I.plijiic uul Moral I'hiUuopUy. Rev. T. F. Curtis, A. M., lrofeMor of Theology, Rev. G. R. Bliss, A. M., irufeaaor of Laoguagea. C. S. James, Th. I., I'rofrw r of Uatbrmatla uul NaL Pbil. F. W. TDstin, A. M.i Adj. l'rufeatfor of Languafft an Teacher of ivatural AciKUvm. I. C. W'jnn, A. U., M. W. Cramer, TrlacliMd of tb Academy. Miss A. Taylor, Pi Piinr!pal of the Female Institute. j i. v Clnroti 1 JilaS .Hllj Teacher of Mutbematicf. f:. Tl Mopah ; . Mica If. arrcn. Teacher of Drawlug- inrueroi rnncnua miib. Mous. r. Th. Held, Teacher of Music. Hons. K. Volkmar, Teacher of German. Collide Tuition per annum, $.10 00 Rinim rent, Library, ire., 9 10 AnniHi Tuition per annum, $15. to 30 00 Care, Krpairs, Vc, 1 60 Fin. It. Tuition per annum, ?0. to 30 00 Repairs " " 85 The Academy bull. line has been fined up to receive boarders, and they are provided with board, furnished room, and lights al $"..25 per week. LEWISBURG ACADEMY. T 'UIE Sumnipr Srislon commences Musjdav, April 33, 1060, to continue 13 weeks. Yuc.o Lames receive instruction in al! the i.ngi!.sn,.natne!naiicai,anai;iassicai orancnes usnaiiy tauht in lemale Seminaries and further if desired. Yocno Max desirons of qualifying them- selves for Teaching, for College, or for gen- eral business, will tmd it to their advantage' IA cuici (US MJHOI.I. The Bible is a Text Book. TUITION per session of 13 weeks,including ntingenl expenses. PRIMARY TReadinc, ritln, Ileflncr, Arithmetic, fieoir.. llram. and V. I. Hi.ltry. ----- S5 OC AllVAM Kb EXULISU-tall not included above S Ml LAiiL'.ti;KS, 7 so No additional charges; also, no deductions except for protracted sickness. Tuition pay able immediately upon the close of the ses sion. JOHN RANDOLPH. April 6, I860. Principal, OTf '' W1 $40.00 PAYS for a full course in the Iron Cit College, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the L'ni ted Slates. Four La r sre TTalls For Writing. Commercial Calculations, Book Keeping and Lectures. "Usual time to complete a full course, from 1 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradna- j tine, is guaranteed to be competent to man ape the Bonks of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from j 500 to SIOOO. I Students enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. first 1'iemiumt for Uetl Writing awarded this Institution. The best and grea test variety ol Penmanship in any one Hall of the I'nion, is found here. rMinisters' Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of W' riling, j and Embellished View of ihe College, inclose five letter slamps, and adiliess 782 F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Taggart & Farr's Patent Family Sewing Machine, With Spaulding's Improvement! PUBLIC attention is respectfully invited to the superior merits of these new and improved machines. They will Hem, Fill.Gatherand Embroider. Wili sew every variety ol fabric from the finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest tailoring, without missing stitches. They are very strong aud durable. We feel fully justified in warranting ihese machines to be in every respect equal to rec ommendations, as they have been thoroughly tested in competition with all the high priced ones, by persons competent lo judge, who have given us the most satisfactory testimo nials and certificates, which are pub ished in our circular, to which we refer for a more full description. Finishing and Sales Rooms, Market streeL j next door to the residence of John Walls.Esq. i rices ioo, .?.- anu ;jou, acrorning lo size and finish, all complete and delivered, and thorough instructions given in all varie ties of work. All wishing a good Sewing Machine, will please call and examine, or address II. S. Spaulding or J. W. Shriner, Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa. We respectfully referto the following ladies, who are using these machines : Mrs 8 Geddes, Mrs 8 W Duncan, Miss Louisa Morris, Mrs C A Lyndall, Miss Lidie Mackey, Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs Rev P B Mair, Mrs Johnson Walls, Mrs Dr Hayes, Mrs Francis Wilson, Mrs M Brown, Mrs Jas M Creight. Mrs F'Beerstecher, Mrs J A Krea mer, Lewisburg; Mrs J P Tustin, Northum berland j Mrs Rev John Guyer, Mrs M 8 Ap pleman, Mrs David Roberts, Mrs Sylvester Pursel, Mrs Alfred Creveling, Mrs S E Fow ler, Mrs E H Hughes, Mrs A M Boon, Mrs Creasey, Miss M Derr, Columbia Co. Lewisburg, Feb. 29, I860 iPoeket nooks andotherartielea rElji"f 'hat kind on hand or lo order by the -aiciauurw Eooits-'oaer, m: si Attu LAW BOOKS from Kay & Bro. Philad., on hand or furnished to order by Ihe Agent U W CR0TZR, r JI, Lewisburg 1 AM Mechanical, &c. iiwia L-a. J. " J '.intra jjjgp, .. I.. i'iUlCR & Co., fys- i-fwisi,urs fianiiis tSAm&sJzBtk'tP consianlly on hand aud uianuiaciure to i.nlir l'looi f tier. SltliiiR, 1ooi n.:Ii. Mtutlrra, IlllntlM. MoultlillL'N ot all patterns, and all mhrr deicrijuiuns of Wood Work used in Huilriing. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly rilled. All work warran led tngive satisfaction tVAa exienMve lot of l.tllllbt'r of al! descriptions on hand for sale. Facttiryon Knrlk Sccvnd ttreet,Lnoitlmrg,Pa April S, lH9. CO-PAHTNEKSI11P. rrTr- The nndersisned Lave as Jiociated themelve into cof.art fejSynrrship fur the purpose of earry "nKii'a4in on the l.umberinp, I'laniiit;, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, al the Cctoiobnrg Steam planing Xltilla, where thev intend to keep a stock of l'ine. Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring shel ving, Suliiis, Shineles, Lath, Joists, Stnd.linz, Fencing, 1'irkels, Door and V.'iuilow Frames, Doors, Shutttrs, Ulinds, rSash, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. l'laning, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, boih in 1 rice and wuikuiauship. J. L. DIEFFEXDERFER. MRTI. DREISBA;H, HIRAM UREISBAtH twlbnrg Planing Milis, April I, 1M0. WIN FIELD FACTORY! Hear IlarlU'lon, I'nion Co., Fa. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform bis friends and the public in gene ral, tnat he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen Good, such as Cloths, Cassimeres. 'J'weetia.Sattinetts, Jeans, j Blankets and Flannels; also, Carpet and . Sloekin" Yarns His machinery being of the 1 best kind in use, and having employed the j best of workmen, he feels sale in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by ! any eMablishuienlin the country. A goodsop- ply of thi above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. CABINET "WARE BOOM NORTH 4tH Stri'Cf. Tlie Subscriber mnsi resnertfullv informs ihe r.iii,n. r.l Lewisburg and vicinity, thai he has on hand and for sale a chean lot of IIKtlTLHK. for the Spring trade, comprisin Dressing; and Common Bureaus, Sec retaries anil Hook Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot tage and other Bedsteads, Stands .Sofas, and Cliairs of all kinds. COFFI NS made to order or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOUNG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, IboC LUMl.Klt ! IA'.U HKK ! ! riMIE subscribers have fi r sale (in hits to suit purchasers a large stock of I'LSE BOARDS Tanel Stull.i Plank. 4e. Also S.OttO HAILS. 26 inch Sawed Shingies superior quality. Also Square Timber fur Buildings : 1 Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills I on South Braneh of the While Deer Creek in t Hartlev township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road. fwA Diploma for a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded ns at the last I'nion Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL 4 BRO S, Iy773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa ABR'H E. BOWER, s watchmaker .yanl Jeweler, Jiv second door above Third. i"" on Market street S)Jiajiv L E WISBU II G, Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Lever and Lepine' Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of the latest style Gold and CameoEarrings &c, which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Dav and Thirty HourCLWCA'A'and Time pieces. Every article i warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will betaken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble tn show his Watches and JewelrvJtily 2 1K58 T 00K HERE! JU Isartlei and Gentlemen. ri'HERE is now ready for the spring trade X. of 1800, a fine and good variety of IjonscljolU nrnititrf, comprising Bureaus nf all kinds, Jenny Lind, Cottage, and French Bedsteads Centre, Card, Dining, Breakfast, and Sofa Tables Candle, and Wash Stands Hat and Towel Racks, and anything in ihe Cabinet line. If not on hand, will be made to order. Cane Seat and Hair Cloth Chairs of different sizes, and almost any pattern Camp Stools, Reception Chairs, Horse Shoe, and all kinds of Windsor Chairs, for sale cheap for cash or short credit. All the above, can be had at Ihe Wareroom of D.Ginter on market St. four doors above the Bank, or at the old stand on 1st or Front Sireet, where the subscriber will be glad to see all his old customers, and all the new ones who may favor him with a call. The subscriber also attends to the l'n dertaklne IIUNinCN in all its various branches. bVing provided with Fisk's Pa tent Metalic Burial Cases, and Coffins of his own manufacturing always on hand, he is prepared at any time to wail npon any who may favor him with a call. Thankful for the past favors, he still asks for a con tinuance of the same. Feb. 21, I860 DAVID GINTER. Chromatic Printing. HAVING purchased the right to use Rnn aa's process for Printing with Dry Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared to execute orders for CARDS, Show-Bills, &c. fa AVrf, Qnen. iSaa, ifroea, Suoer. Dutmimd, or Grid colors, in ood style. IVat the Office of tbe -Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg. Jim, 1858 WllRDEN COKNELIC3. SUPERIOR new Wind-Mills, for$lS for sale by V. M. Biimmrni. A specimen may be seen at Jonathan Wolfe's bd.ru, in Ltwuburg. Feb. Ii, ISCOJ IS. ft.-. V 1 , 7.- Philadelphia Ad v'ts.' BLINDS AND S HADES. n. S. WILLIAMS, So. M SOBTH M.ITH MI1KKT, PHIHUF.I Pn! t, a rut most axTinaiTC mnni; " Veniiian Blinds and Window Shades. THE L AUO EST AM UNTST ASSORTMENT. It. Uie l ity. Loutfit taxli l'rlCfM. . tlroai Shaoh made an4 uttered. assart PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Jos. Mitlillitoil & o., i Nos. 156 and orih rourth Mren, above I Arch street, J'HILAUtLi'HiA. 1)KAN1'1ES, AViiiLB and Gins im- . ! D l-rtrd direct and warranted i'l KK ai.'l w.l.l to llrutfi;l.ts ani m.iei ahii .1 , . y Th. arliuri.t couiosu ol litard. I'lu. t aod ko cheilebrsndlei.; Old Port, eherry. Madeira. Ll.b.n and Cl.ainprne Wines; .Ifo. . I.re .l.rk f MonMj.l.em V l.iskey.lli'll.udliiu. Irish and Sootrk V hikey. j:;msJ4 HATS, CAFS, AND STRAW GOODS or all Kisns Al Tlie UIrT ITY PMI tH AT WHOLESALE, ALL orders for the above goods shall meet with prompt aileulion by addressing the undersigned. JOtS. ttlljSON, No. S03 Market St, (up stairs.) April 5, 1HC0. Philadelphia. TirJ-WARE Prices Reduced ! MERCHANTS and DEALERS are invited to call and examine the largest assort ment ot Well-made TIX-WARE to be found in tbe State which we are prepa red to sell at l.uwit I'Mi tathan interior goods i are generally sold for. MELLOY A FORD, Sign of the Large Coffee fi t, 3m633 723 Market St, riuiadclpMa FHJXAO'A PLATFOREI SCALES, Of 1 T I'S I f every description, suitable 1 VC I ' ttaiiroaas, otc, lor weign- otALth I mg hay, coal, ore and mere hand- . . .,c I Jiut Railroads, dec, lor weigh- j SCALES lze Benerai'y- Purchasers run no risk, every scale is guarauteeu correct, and if, after trial, not found satisfac tory, can be returned without charge. Ill' Factory at Ihe old -land, established for more than thirty-live years. ABBOTT & CO S33 Corner of Ninth and Melon its. I IllL Ut A. SILVER PLATED WARE, HARVEY FII.LEY, No. 1252 Market street, Philadephia, i M' ANI rACTl KtK of tine Nil htl. fclL- VER, aud SILVER PLATER of Forks, poons, l.a.tles, Butler Knives, Castors, lea ! Sets, rms. Kettles Waiters. Butter Dishes, ! ,ce Pnchers.Cake Baskets, Communion Ware, Vafs' Ma"s' u"blets, ic, with a aeneral as sonment. comprising ne Out Hie U,lqul,tH j made of the btt nuiteriuU and htarity pluttd. i n.l AW nni.h. f,,r 11.1.1.. SietMiboatt anil J'l icate Ftimilirt. fTOld Ware re-plated in the 6f manner. r eb. S J, lNSOyl PIIEAP EXPRESS J It eduction of Rales MERCHANTS and all persons eneaeed in shipping Goods to and from Philadelphia consult your own interests ! Goods shipped from 10 lo 12 per cent, less per 100 lbs. than by any other lines. WALLOWKU'aS LINE of DAILY CARS are carrying freight to and from that point at the following Greatly Reduced Kales : 1st Class 35 cts. per 100 pounds 2 do 31 do 3 do 27 da 4 do 21 do Special I'J do Depot in Philadelphia P.nmck.Z II 4 Hinehman. sUsl & 810 Market St I Persons should be careful to have their 1 Goods marked in care of the above Line, to j prevent imposition from other Lines Nov 13 JNO WALLOW ER SON CORRECTIOn. fya Goods shipped from Philadelphia Ac. by ALLOW EU'S Line are NOT "re shipped at Harr.!.burf:.M (as would appear by Mr. Peipher's advertisement) but eu through without delay to their devaluation oo the Sus quehanna or the West Hranch. July 20, lSf.9 ( Ii. FKfCK. A pent sfStSSii F at -rrl Evans & Watson's . No. JUi Chestnut St. Philadelphia, j AXomMt TRirstrn 1'i:ii ihphia, iept. 29, 159. To the PrftiiiVnt of ttit IViin-ytvmii. Agricultural ! Society: Tli fsUhnrriifM. your fouiniitu-e to rxinioe tri ontnt of a xlamaiitirr aU. of K,anKJt V NlMin. ; flcr Wine vr-iiowd to treat; tire mi tlve Fmr Grouoiis . fir eiirht tiuarn, rff-r-prtfully r('r-!f i.t 1 That Bftt-r Mivfit roriJr of on', wt-r-i and thiw of y.Twj h4t t-srvn onttsutut-ii aroand the nfr.it mm op nU in i Hit prvnre f th om ntttt-. tn runtruU ttu ; out. lit tl? armv. but dm trtvn tvorfhrt. SeriTiil MIT Mm. it In hrrflrArt rro-ivrd . the" mn-ufurtiirt-rrt. and mrnm qunotity of dnrumf-nU were in ; tb Suff, an. I rntritt out tttirt-ly uitinjurd i Th f xi-rim!.. latt-fifl ng of tlie rufturitT of ?nfr ; of thi kind to ini'tfct txinttrulji frt w an) 6tc to which Uiy my '? rtpoH-i. lb Cumiuittcv awatied a Diploma tia.t ?,lT.r Mnlal. Ui.u. W. Wfn.na.vau, J-.M-i W Or.Akr. J.F KtTHKRruSD. ALrBESb.lslLUiI. STTT.l jyOlHKH. ' WitwincTPir, Dfl., aL 17, lbiiMfMra. Xvun M ' Wato?i. I'hiiadr.rjhia. i tnUr-mm ;7h alnmiimjr Firp-Pnaof Safe of your ' Dianufnr-turi. purrhtwrd by w frtm your Aftnt. i-ernt j A Garrett, of our city, lonie nine monthi. ago, was a- I Terely tried ty burp Ian la?t Saturday uifrht.aoa al- though thy iid a iMpe hammer, roid cliweln, drill, ! aud Kunfiowder, thi-y did not Mi-reed in oirnioii tlie , af. The Lock beinT one of "lUIla Catt-nt fowd-r- t proof," tbey c.mtd not get the powder into it. but drill- j ed a bole in the tower panel and f.rred in a larjc (.'barge, vhirh im itmited. and althonph the door, iuM.de and ' out, howed the explosion not to have b-en a nnall one, f H u not forced open. We uppuee they were the grra- i tr part of the niitht at work ou it. We are much t:rat ifiwd at tbe ietuU of the atb-nipt to enter it, and if the -boM tacUarv of any aervire. you are at liberty to . them. Yours, truly. BAYNARDA JOXE3. CHEAT FlREtAyOTTTF.R inirMnar i KoxriLLE. Tr-nn.. March lu. 59. Mewm. EVANS k WATSON, r-hilad-l, bia: tientlfmm It afford" mm great pleasure to ray to yon that the alamai.der ialt, which I pun baftrd tfyou in February, 1.".m, prtTed to be what you reromm'Ud d it . a Mire prt'teeticn from fre. Wy utorebouee, tv prthcr with veveral other, ww burned to the ground in Jlarrh wi. ine eaie lell thronch into the cellar, acd Dossil to intsos. brat for sia or eiitlit buurs. and It was taksQ from 111. rains and i.inr.l. all its root. were found to b. in a prrfri-t stars, tb. books ...I th. papers Dot brln. fnjnml any wltatrver. I can rbwrful Ij recommend jrour SafV, lo th. community, briW-vina-, ! ,s I du, tbat tbsj ar as arar titrs.pr.M.r as it is pnssibl. for any afe to be made. THOMAS J. I'OU fcl.l.. s)a-A larir. assi.rtmrat of the .bv. SAI KS alwava 1 on bsnd. al 304 Chestnut Street, ilate i4 8tiutb f ourth ' SL. fhiladrtphia. , PEIPHER'S LINE ! mo A.D FROM PHILADELPHIA. J. RWCTIOX OF FRKIhllT. 1st Claaa 4S cents per luO poanua. lid do 40 do do d do S3 do do 4th do 27 do do Ppeeial '---' do do Wheat, Rye and Corn, la cents per busL.L Pbilad. Depot with Freed, Ward St Freed, 811 Market St. Thankful for Ihe liberal patronage given ns we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of ihe same. , THOS PE1PHER For further information apply to ly7i)5 C R M'GLNL Y. ife, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Ijlksu.s shipping Goods to.Philad. will please be particular and dark them In care of Peipher's Line ; otherwise, they will be re-shipped at Harris burg, which will be attended with iiel.iv. iay 6, 1S59. TiiO-S rEiniXB. jr. '.V sKavsV i. !M - far, a Insurance Companies QUAKER CITY Insurance Compa rraiiKim l.ui 11111.1, v. ainuttt lI!tI.IlKI THIA intnr.. Tltfl Ilfl I'ltt incur., a..:... . 1 " ' 1 !ir X Damage by Fire.and the Peril, of iu, 1 Inland ."Navigation and I ranp. rlaiicn I fanlinl and Snrplt.i tharterri faaii. 1 ,,- ih.;u. a.-.ug.iMi OKMKOK 11. IIAP.T,l'raaienu K. r. flits.. Vic. Presiilrnt. II. 11. ll.Wif HAI.U W, ,d Tc.0, S. II. lif I Lfctt, Aa.i.l.ut frrLit, ' l' 1 1. r.' i Omrse n. Hart I r Irr S. Prrkm. n R ro.i. K J'. it... I V. ,.ne, s.. j. A. C Ljatiell j And. It. Lni.mb.ra ll. , " ' SmMS J.D.CALDVFLL,Ast!Le.,5borji ' HUE lM lttt C Il't I Capital, nearly Thr.. MlUiona of Dolors' rPHE old Lycoming Connly Mutual In,0, 1 ance Company," al Muncy.iowei; no. lor its permanent establi.-hmrnt ar.4 ptm.; payuienl of all losses, continues 0 , insure property on the most reasonable trrp, ' Cet insured, before you burn oni, in the and safest company. JASIf-.J XAVKIN, f WA1.I.1.1 Tr,r J.IIL A IVU MA., Jfce,' ' SOLOMON RITTER. Lewisburg. , acting Agent for Lewisburg and tnioncoui! Lewisburg, May 30, IsfiO American life Insurance & Trust (t, (Capital Slock $500,000) C10MPAN V Building, Walnut street,!;? corner of Fourth fhiUuhlyhia. r? Lives insured at the osnal .Mutna!ra.B or at Joint Slock rales about 20 per cent i-. or at Total Abstinence rates the Ic.m i. l, world. A. W HlLLDiN.l're,., I residcu Jma t. sijta, her. 747 GEO. F. MILLER, Attnt, Lfwi,bur, GET INSUJtKD! V, el firurti tatiriirf innnu. k li. k II 1 V a M k. "". LlRK llAkA.V. p. II OX. C. G. HARVEY, I'rtndntt, J.W. CHAPM AN. Sfrrtt "is rompany, on enieruig npon ihe llk year of iheir business, submit ihe f Ilrwin. IL! : J' ; statement of their assets and business to lit ouuuc. NumlVrof Polirif fa ff.rce Jaooarj 1, lW. Amnoiit nf ln't-r!jr iaifttriMi tio ; Am't of P rrtbiiim Sot 10 ivrcv do Nunhfr of Polirii tu-t. Lt ytar Amoutit t Ir'.j-rt in surd Auk unt f-f PrrmiiiHi oi-si rtMeiv.J AlUOUat if LrlSM- SUr-UlOrti SWrttl !i 0 This 1'tjnipany continues to innre frT i.ecriptif'11 -f properly, surh a Innu.iisi, 5.ori. mf rcbamiize, Ac, aaainsi h r.r dan! ae of Fire, and fur any lime linnitd cr per petual. SAM'L H. ORWUS, Agent Lewisburg, Oct. 2l. Ih.5D Fruit and Ornamental Trees, qiJ fii'trcriiicj fiqnij. I 2 Th subscriber has on hand i splendid .collection of both Fruit and Ornamental I HLES, &c. Ac embracing Ihe verv best varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, P'.omt, , iiirints, .-apricots, ec-annrs,'jrapes,uonse-berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries. j ALSO i Large Horse Chestnut. European Monira s j Ah, American Mountain Ash, Snirar Maple fur street planting. Ever-blnomins Kise. ind a splendid collection of Bulbous and ciher Flowering Flams. riT Nursery Grounds on the farm of Jas F. I.mn Esq. on the Turnpike, within haif I mile of I.ewi.sburff. All orders will rereive sinct atientioo. IV 'term inrariuhitf CASH. I WiLso 1. i.tXS. i Lewi.burir, Julr 7, 1.1S. mOWRYS SET-LIGHT GALLERY, OVER Jos. M'Fad.ien's Hardware Store, formerly Houshiun's Shoe Slcre, .Mailt street, Lewit.ur. Pa. ! AMBll O TYPES, MELA 1X0 TYrES, j &c, in the usual superior style. In additioa j to these pictures. I am now prepared to take I'llotosi iipliH. lar-.-e or small, rijoal to j the bet made an yuhere. Also, HALLO TYPES. These pictures are colored to rrp ! resent life, and are superior to an oil paintinr. : civinr ihat fidelity of expression and feature, ' lhat can be produced only by Ihe Camera. ! These pictures are patented, and I have the exclusive nsht for I'nion county. Call anl" examine specimens. April SI, 1854 William VanGezer. TTORNEY at Law, il Lett I, burs. In Ion Co.. Pa.-iii THCHAS G. GRIER, (surcra,or to J.L-Voaia) Watchmaker and Jeweller, Localrd two d'H-r. ras; of th. taf.l rrrrnt, oceatatd bv Mr Yndrr Lf H l.-HLhli, la. C1IO lis, Watches, Ac, repaired on shot! notice and warranted to give satisfaction. Lf An eicellent assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cheap for 'a.A GILT FRAMES of all sizes made to order. Lewisburg, April SO, HbS NOTICE. riO the Citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity I C 1.. Hi net! has removed his Barter Shop from the Kiviere House to Market street, basement of Widow Amons' building, out door above the Post Oilice. Thankful for all p ast favors, he hopes lo merit a continuance of the public patronage. n. n. To alt who tarrv hsr. till th.tr branls rrow lore To ert . pleasaot sbavr. cmsl as barbrr svrr fcavr. Just call t.D IIislb at bistaloon. t.usv tBsrn.tff orlN T.iwels clran, raaors sharp and scissors krvn. Lewisburg, April 1, 1859. E. L. HINE. SASH and Blixds and SiirTTEKS, Flooring, Siiling, Framing, &c. For sal. at tb. Dmr Stnr. of r s. lauiwH-L. Lewishars, Ort 2S SiSMeat Market. Arrangements fur the Year. JACOB G. BROWN, having supplied ttfw Lewisburg Market for the past six months has made the following arrangements forth coming year The best of Beef. Mntton, Veal and To-lean be had on Wednesday and Saturday mor nings of each week, at the Market Hine. tm Market street, between Schalile's and WuiK'f, Lewisburg, Pa. His motto is f Quick Sales for Ca.-h, an Small Profits.- Examine hi, meat. Ap. 15, -59. I. w. STERNER, Agent- THE subscriber con- L tinues to carry on the 1 I-lverjr HiiMiueNA the Old Stand on Sontl.l Third street, near Market, and respeeifnll) solicits Ihe patronage ol his friends and d public geuerally. CHARLES F.HESS. Lewisburg, May 12, 18.'ill NOTAltY l'U HL.I C. William Jones, ATTORNEY at law.fullrrtlow promptly alien. led to. Office on Vaikct sirert, opposite the rrrshvtenan rhutrh. Silt) ii-H.'it'A,',i'J' !r