Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 01, 1860, Image 5

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' --
Censussing Extra.
Census Takers will soon be "bobbing
round" intoe?erjbodj's bouse and barn)
to ioq-iire about his wife and bis babies,
tboir ages and color, bis real estate, bi.
horses and cattle, and a score of other
questions, which, under other circumstan
ces, would be provocative of an application
of boot. They are necessarily an inquisi
tive if not an impertinent set of persons,
but, being so under the authority of "Un
cle Sam," there is no remedy other than
to give them truthful and respectful re
pliessecrets, which they are not to re
veal, but to send on to Washington, to be
published in masses. But, as some Edi
tors want to extract fun from almost ev
erything, even the census-men have pro
voked their joking. For instance, "out
West," or "out East," or "out" some
where, the following additional "Ques
tions to be answered the Ceususer" are
gravely put forth as "semi-official"
which means, we suppose, to be answered
or not, just a anybody chooses. When
the "Ceneuser" has nothing else to ak,
aud the "man of the house" (whether
geutlemau or lady) has plenty of time to i
answer, the following may serve as speci
men bricks of P. S. Question for Union
Are yon married or unmarried ? If
Yea, how do you like it ?
How many children have you, and do
they sufficiently resemble Pa or Jla?
Did you ever have the measles, and if
SO, bow many ?
Have you a twin brother several years
older than yourself?
Do you read the Sew Testament or the
Almanac most regularly ?
What is your fighting weight ?
Which do you like best fur light read
ing, "The Gun Maker of Moscow" by
Cubb, or the President's last Message bv
j. i;.r e
How many times has your wife "wUhed
she was dead," and did you reciprocate
the wish J
Da you buy or beg your tobacco? and
bow niauy cigars a day ?
Arc you aware that inudern whiskey is
used in shooting galleries in preference to
pistols, aud that it shoots farthest 7 j
AA ere you and your wife worth anything
wbeo married? aod, if Dot, wbat nroDor-!
ii not,
hod oi ner tuiogs were jour n, and jour
things fcer'o ?
Were jou ever in Jersey, or in the Pen
herniary '
Are joa troubled with biles, or blues ?
liow Diaoy eniptj bottles bave joa in
the house ? aud bow oiao; bed-bugs ?
Are beans an article of regular diet in
jour family, aod if so bow does it gn f
State whether you are blind, de.f, idi
otic, or bave tbe beaves or liotts?
Which food doyou prefer, rum or mixed
State how much pork, Impending Cri
sis, Du'ch cheese, Popular Sovreignty,
standard poetry, Gayety papers, slave code,
catnip, red flannel, Constitution and Un
ion, old jerk, perfumery, coal oil, liberty,
hoop skirt, lie , bave you on baod ?
How many chickens have you, and are
they on foot or in tbe shell 1 Also bow
many succedaucums J
Is there black mark on your left arm:
How does your cider tsste 7
Have you read all the Buncombe Spee
ches delivered in Congress ?
How many of your sons are named
John 7 George 7 or Jacob 7
Do yon take tbe Star & Chronicle?
Where do you intend to move, when
tbe Union is dissolved?
How are you on tbe average 7
Did TOU alwajS VOte the Tiff Whicket 7 !
J . " . !
How much money bave you invested,
permanently but secretly, in lotteries aod
gift enterprises 7 and how many gold dol
lars and brass jewels can you show for it 7
Who do you think is ao good and ao
beautiful as you are?
Who will save the Union, this year 7
How much stock bave yno in tbe Spruce
Cretk Piailroad 7 and bow often and how
Lip are tbe dividends 7
llow manv men. not stockholders, do
you know who don't grumble at Bridge or !
Turnpike tolls 7 I
Who will be the next President 7 and
who will beat Roush for Prothouotary
tieXt time?
I r ri .11 II ..J i n. .
3"ul " --eoiuk to i
oe but little grain, as usual f
How much do you owe tbe Printers?
and if y u don't repent and pay up, where
will you die when you go to?
What is tbe prospect for rain 7
ISyPersons exposed to be "censured"
will please write cut a spread-eagle an
ewer to all the above, ana stick ll in me
swallow-hole of tbe barn, or on the bouse
- Siw Surer? Balls for Oooa Drauocrmlv.
:nga Song of tTrjarlestoal
lloltlefullol liye!
AH the Isoiiglas delegates.
Knocked into pi 1
for when the vote was opened,
The South began to sing,
Your little Squatter Sovrciea
t-han't be our king 1"
II! diddle diddle ! tbe Deed Scott riddle I
The Delegate. scatter like loone!
Republican, langh to see Ihe si.irt.
And the Chivalry count their poena.
There was a little Senator
U bo wasn't very wise,
lie jumped into Conventl-on,
Aod scratched out both his eyaa.
And when he found his eyes were out,
With all his onuht and main,
lie bolted off to Baltimore,
To scratch tbenx in again.
Iiusu Himilitt. Passing one of the
delivery windows at tbe Post Office, on
Saturday, we overheard tbe following dia
logue between tbe clerk in attendance and
dilapidated specimen of the Green Isle :
Clerk (holding np a letter) Where do
yon live?
Pat An' sure it's myself that's not
married at all.
'Where do yon live?" again inquired
the Clerk.
Pat. I have three sisters living 'ronud
here somewhere.
Clerk. I don't wish to know anything
about your sisters, or whether yon are
married, but where do yon live 7
Pat. By the bowly St Patrick, I don't
live anywhere i malt loot out ill tlie
Fhcenix Bitters.
rPIIE Iiiglinnd envied celclirity wliicli
i ill ptv-rtDiutfal Msditrin-. bave artuir.-d for their
iuvariat.lv .llii-ai-v in all the diiM-ases wlirch tliey jirclVss
to curt-, hu n-nili-rrd the usual irairlii- of titfinK nut
onlv Miueressarv. but unwi.rlliy o' lh.ui. ihey are
anuan l.y tlinr fruit.: tln-ir a.i..l wi.rs- testify for theni,
and tlty thrive but by tut- latth ol Oie creduinns.
IX ALI.CASKS or A-Timt. Acne AK Cimosir RHF.C-
SlATlsN, AFLCTlU.or Til ULIMlhS ASI Kilt. LIS. IllLll'-CS
r'KVKfcS. ami LirtaCovil'l.AisTs. lii the Situth and ttrtt,
wtinre tlit-se din-ax -rt-vail. tbey will lie found invalu
able. FlaoUrrs, Farmer, and iitliers. wlin onis- Use tilcwt
alejieinea, will uevrr alle. wards tie without tlit-m.
liYsprrsi. No i-rson wnh thin distressing disease
liould delay using On-ae ultlicines immediately. fcmp-
Tl'-Ss HP Tlla SKIN, hKlSII-lLS, KLATl'LAStS. ri.via AMI
A'ilk. or tlim uriiume ol the Hevtern country, these
ttn.-tlirine.will het..und a Hate, speedy, and certain reme
dy. IMIiermriticineslt-Avelliesyslrm subject 1.1 a return
tit the disease a eure by these Metliciuea is permanent
TRf XHKM, lit SAIlsrtlJi, A Jin ha entail.
MEarl'KAL taar.tsis Meyer fails to era-lieate entirely
all tlie elfecu d Mi rrury iutimtily souoer than the must
fmaertul nrepaiatii.il ul Sarsaoarilla.
Night SaivTa, N:kvtii IIluiutv, Nsnvoes CoaiPLAms
OP ILL SlSllS. IIHilMlT AtfllTluS, 1'AUllATlOS OP 1UA
UlMVI, l'AlTER'a l'HUG.
I'lLM. The original proprietor of theae medirlnep waa
rured ol I'll- a of years' pundine by the u.-e i.f thew
Lile Medicines alone. WoKMa of all kind are effertualiy
eXielled by theiie M.li.-ineii. rarent will do well to ad-minir-ter
them ahenufer their eaiiteuce la aulei:ted
Uelief will tie rertaiu.
Purify the bioiMt, and thus remove ai: dii'ea.-'ep from the
pvslem. A Muale trial will lace the LIKK flbl. and
I'WKMX III l"l hliS beyond the reach of couiFetiliou lu
the eptiluatloo of every patient.
-l'reare. by 1IIL, V. ILI.IAM B MUFV'AT,
liruadway, corner Uortb St. New York,
ljTS3 and auld by all Orugsufta.
Hew Eotel in nifflinbnrg. j
StfJ THE suliscriber would respectfully in
iii2f"nn the Traveling Public everywhere,
that he has taken anil tilled up the premises
ol Ueorge Sclioch, in ihe cenlre of
where he is prepared to accommodate strang
ers and travelers men and beasts in ihe
best manner, with Board aud Lodging.
Please cive me a call.
r'r'IiE Partnership heretofore rxisun; nnder
X Ihe title of JOIIX M CALL &. BKO. is
tins day dissolved by mutual consent The
business will be conducted, as heretofore, by
York Mills, May 8, ItiCO
Universal Confidence and Patronage
701t Statesmen, Judges-, Clergymen,
I Lailieii, and lleotbTnen. lu all .rtf of the world,
te-tity to Ihe efhi.ey ol Pntl. II. J. MUOW K llAIlt ItEV
TOKATIt E, and uentleuien ul tlie l-rene are uuanuuuui
circular for iuore,aud it win beiuiiio6ibieforyou
Til doubt.
I 47 Wall Street. New York. Dec. 20. 1S51.
GrsTLtliEw: Vour note of the l.Mli inst., lia lieen re
j eein-d. fayiup that you bad he.ird that 1 had been twue
l fitted by the urn of Wood llalr Ke.-U.rative, auj niuent-
ni my cerUhcate ot the lact u A luul no ciijectluo to
give it.
I award it to ron cheerfully, because I think it doe.
My age i aUitit'o years; tin- eulor of my hair aul.urn.
and inclined to curl. Smie fle or t.t y ara ince, it be
can to turn gray, and the mall on the crown of luy head
to loee it. aenMl iiity and daudrull Ui form u-on it. n-h
of Ihese dia2rceaU.ni";' iiierea-e,l attli time, aud al.iut
fioir monlli. i..iea fourth V11 Mdded to llo m, by hair
faiiiui; oil the lupul my head aad turiateniUi; to make me
In Ihi- unblea-ant tredicametit, I wan induced to try
Wood'. Hair Ke.toralive. niaiuly to aret tlie falliuf if
01 my bun. for 1 had really uuexoci-Uitit.u that (Tray hair
could ever be ventured to It- oriKinal color cxcej.t Irouj
den. I wa.. boaever, greatly curfriiied to nud tiller tli
n-oftwo bottle, only , that not only wa. the fallini: oil
arreted, but the color wa. rclored to the pray baira,
aud neiiMljIHV to the aci u. and danilrtill ee;iMid to
on my head, very mueh to the -riililn ation of luy wife,
at whiw policitation I wa. iuducil to try It.
f or tbi.. amona the many obliKation. 1 owe to her rex,
I .trotutlv reeonuttend all bu.band. who value the admi
ration of tbi ir woe. to i.rofit bv my example, aud Uceit
if wvwiug icray or gelling bald.
very rinpeetfullv. BY.S. A. LAVENDER.
To 0. J. Wood 4. Co., 4.4 liroadway. New York.
Slacia.ton, Ala Ju 20.
To Pnor. 0. J. TToore Ih-ar Sir : Your "Hair Ke.toni.
tive" ha. done my l.air no much gt& .luce I commencil
tlie use ot it, that 1 wi.h to make known to Hie 1'l lll.lC
01 ll.effei-ti on the hair, which are icreat. A man or wo
man may be nearly deprived oi hair, and by a reaort to
your Hair Kcuirative, the hair will return more beau
"til ul than ever : at b-a.t this is my cxrieni-e. Believe
it all! Your, truly, V M. II. h I.NKOV.
P. S. You can publish the above if you like, liy pub
lisbint: in our fouthern paper, you will ret more patro-Dar-
s-.ulh. I see a-veral ol your certificates in the J,e
talc jyrcwryjistronaSouthernpaier. W.ll KhNtifY.
Taor 0. J. Wiion liear Sir: llaviu): bad the misfor
tune to low the te-.t fiortion of my h.ir. from the elfecta
of tlie yellow fever, in .New Orleaii.in 161. 1 waaioduced
Ui make a trial of your preparation, aud found it to an
swer a. the very thiue needed. My hair is now thick
and glo,.v. an l no words .an express my obligations t
.. in. i.. ih. ,a,.ll ... I. lh..,nr.
von in -11 ine to the afhii-td aui;h a treasure.
The RestoraUve is put np in bottles of three sixes, vix
larre. medium, and small; the small holds - apint.and
tvuils for one dollar per botlle; the medium hold, at
lea.t 2ti per cent, more in roHirtion th:in the .mall, re
tails for two dollar, per boltie; the large holds a quart.
4o per cent more in proportion, aud r. tail, for 5;l.
Ol WiliiK i til, 1'n.piieti.r.. 414 liruadway, New
York, and 114 Mnrliet Street. St Louis. Mo.
Sold by all good DruKi-tsand Fain y Hoods Dealers.
Commissioner of Illinois.
"ITT ILI.IAM II. BI-SELL, '.i.vernor of II-
linois. has appointed Juhw B- Li,
a Commissioner of Ihe Slate of Illinois, for
ihe c-iuniy of I'nion, to administer oaths, lo
lake depositions an'i prooi oi neeas.moneaRes,
Ac., to be nsed and recorded in the State of Illinois.
I Person, having wild lands or real e.uto of any kind for
i sale may find purchasers by leaving a description of the
..m .t mv r.ftire. as 1 have opened Books for the pur-
chase and sale of real estate. Jio chame in the event of
,., Kei. made.
Lewisburg. I'a March 23, 18'0.
riHE Firm of Bearer. Kremer it WCttire is
changed by the withdrawal of Peter Bea
ver, and it will hereafter be known by ihe
name of K antra, M'Cuaa & Co. D. S. Kre
mer and J. '. WCIure have associated them-
cal.-ae u,nk I ltoavir nniter the name of
xjr.mer, M dure & Co, to continue ihe Mer
caittile business as usual, at the old stand,
corner of 3d and .MaiV:eils., Leaisburg, Pa.
l."pThe Books and Accounts of Beaver,
Kremer & M'Clnre will be at the store of
Kremer, M'Clure & Cn awainnz a speedy
sellleincnt. LewishurEj, March 23, '60
"TaW metres b m g
ClII 4RL.ES M'f.RtCOa carries on
the above business in t-'nek's Brick
Block, North Third street. Cutting and Ma
king in sood style accordinz to the best Fash
ions. (Jive us a chance, and see if we can
not mil" you. C. MACG.
Lewisbur? Nov. 1. 95
Seed Potatoes.
PRINCE Alberts, Peach Blows, and Buck
eye Seed Potaioes, raised by P. Beaver
a verv snpenor article lor sale dv
I -OR SALE a lot of new
PENINO I'LOiVS also GUIKi: Cmking-
.Vnrci verv cheap lor cash. Inquire ol
Le wish.' Mar SM). VM FRICK
TRUCK WAUON for sale or exchange
for Hay orCora. Inquire at this Office
PICTURES . hoose can not be said
to be well furnished without some well
selected Picture. This want can now be
supplied at the POST OFFICE
CHASCE. An excellent Sil
la, ver LEVER
WATCH for sale at a
bargain must e. Inquire of
A E. DENORMAMJIE, Lewisburt;
LAW BOOKS from Kay & Bro, Philad., on
band or furnished to order by the Agent
Ii W CR01 ZER, t -M, Ltwisburj
;?:?;! fit
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American and I'ort-iirn
501 Broadway, S V-, 1 tjoors frum the .M.Airbolafl Hotel.
T'llK StTH.-coie in Hip ttont itutrwiir, ir'bTfi'tnp,
tt'tmminti, tftnuiin awl veiling ot molcrn in?fn
tioiiri. Nont atv 0 ym.ig vr too vitt, nnt. tm tnttiliycnt
or nduattri, to arkiniwlvHiiir iri" worth atJ bi-atity.
No hutue i cooiplete withuut it, ami will penttrute tv
It pr-wnts to your Tiw 'ery part of the worM, In all
tlie , 6'7.f.f5. fwr'7Kcn, kUj tharprtess "J deiuil, afl
if vou weit i.n tli- KH.t.
i'holi'u'rapI.afrnarHfTt-r. wh.Tefuplorinff Kuripe, Asia,
Ariic. America, in (n rvh of the (trirJ unJ tbe t-u u li
ft il. HfiJ tttt rauiU tf tJit.tr si ell art cunttaniiy enitdnug
luro an imnntiM1 rarii ty of paprr Vlfwn of Prnf-i
in I'arift, l.n 1 n, i:nI:;nfl. jr. tluii J. Ir-MU1, ftnl- j,
Kraiiiv. Itcirr-.nm, H"ltnr 1. iu.uTlnnt. S.:iin, T1m
lltntie, VfTfeniUn. tft 1'lt nJ. Kr.nt iiDf-btfa.il, ToiJri.s
IimIv . Turk. v, Karypt. A t litn, I h l-y l.itii., tt.iuv n-d-,Cbr-iai
I'-iincff. .i!so 4Jroiip' Ilii-torirtt!, auiifiii
mrri.it:t- ir nr. Irtrtktwit reLe., i--nirs. MUtluary. r .
tr,. Ao fjquittte, uss'H-'M' 'it at !,lttmu,aUtl lutnuirt of
I' larva, riiurrl.fu, nirl t-tithf-iiali". t. l ratio, it-ity. Ac.
kr. Tli" flJiet of IbufH; illutuiuuttti viowa is tioit re-iH'iri'it-ft.
hvtt in bit dri niL-rinni jtninn it" our 'Ui ate rtrvtoti
yhit. witti a rVft tnp( rwnT.'i4i.nliou 1 ft'i tir
hh) tifyi. V.tbinn tan ! di.. la'-tiutt-n. anJ on
cau ctlvr do srcutiT m-iit to a ftkLti Ivud ot tbe pictur
vjjBt anil tli- bt-anttlul
Ant!.my'$ lntatitt"out ?tr-oi-rv-iia Tit-wn an tl !a
tf"t I'hi'ti-jrHpir wninltT. Tln-y art? taltn in Ihrj'rttrlh
tirt -f a f'ynd. tuJ fv.-rvtlimu w m tlv rtti'iit u it
ii.r.v if iHfttHj. ir- l-pi'.tt. art tbarpiy aiii di-ljii'Ily a- tf
it bt't-ii pv-rlti-tiy at n st. 'ilu icivii an a-ilii ."Pml ;
Taluf, fir to th- IrfHUti-- ol inniiiiiialf natun ifwidsHi ,
ciittrm t( l.f, and mUon. 1 Uu prt-rr-n is a ii--.cry f I
our ovu, au-1 Lreinx nnkMf-H hun-p. w rwire Inun
Lt'taJfu anj Tiiii- larjt ur.I-it. tt.r Aiitlmuj'a iu.tanta
nfotw VifWH of Amerian lif- and sfi-utrry.
Atiioti z ollit-r tlau'K bav" jut pnlbi-lit-l !tT'o
r w llliititrutii.tix of lh S-riif of th r't'LT- N ti;kt
Pkati-b Mr...TlM.-. in hfb idjii) hv-nrU fi-el :iu inter tut.
Thf pnrtirulitrii ..f tttis will I I-uni iu 'iir calRlc'ir.
OtR CataiiiiI t-'-f nu' j'ftnaiij prirvt. lx- torHariit-J
to any ailIrffi on nivii t of a ftmip.
Pittti'i al a tJiitarir,- rifmlius u j ;. $5. JTO. $1.'', f-0, or
'can baT- a fX n.-triiOJiit aud cucb i-icturett u
tby may rfUi tt. c-itt by i'.syrrtt.
Views aloiif, (without iiutruuieut) can Ire eeot by
l articp wno wish t m atlTi-M of -TTTthin)r iaMy
Talual-lf in tii Iin tlit -m it out. mn --n.J th ir
nant-r- to plaet on ri"-of J, and we Wiil kfep tlietU poted
at nr n t-xpenf"
M-n -fUi'Hir Hill fin.1 Pbotf irraphy a mo-t fucinatintr
and dt-liirlitlnl iiniu-in -nt. We are prepand to tit out
amairiiri wnli eT, rvti.ii. n'-fVuary for (heir accrn-t co
tf tbT with iutruc4iull -llow to Uke t'u n-. '1-.-i I'te
Iutvp." K. ...MJIHW.
InipnrtT an1 M.innfirturer of rhotcrapbic ilaltri
aU, Mereoicope and SU-reowopic View.
-laif-feri hanti. from r-ry (action of th country arc
if-rrifiii;v inTiti-d to mk- an -x Mm mat ion of our
atork. our diitrount to tlie trale Ite ht-rl.
To Phnlosraphfl FiTrtcl-vABtstereoacji icXeatiTrt
Send by mail a print nmnounted. with prire of Xea
tife. lCut tins out lor future rel. n ucc.J 4ti?-j
t f t f t
Tar and Wood Kaptha FECTORAL
3 the Best Mcdicixc Id the World fur the CUllR of
Coughs and Colds, Croup, ISrnnchiti-.
Asllitua, DifTitultj in Iirealhing, 1'alpitu
tion of tbe Heart, Iliptheria,
aod for the T1KI.1KF bt patients in advanced stairrs of
Consumption, together with all Diseases
of the Throat and ChcM, and which pre
dispose to Consumption.
It isrectiliarlv adapted to Ihe raliral rnrenrAPTIIMA.
Vinic ire.ar-d liy a iir.ii-liral I'tiysiei.n anil Drii-.-uist.
anil one tit sn-at p rknee in III-- run- il tlie various
disea-s to wbicti tlie human frame is linlile.
II is offered tu the alHirted with Ihe irrealest ronfdenre.
THY IT and lie c-nvinivd that iti. inva!u:ihle In Hie
cure .f Hmui tnal aff-etiolni. Trice .-.I) ci'Ute per lluttle.
aLfrel-ari-d onl ty
fix A KI5f: KIN a CO..
DrugirlsUandChiMnists, N.W.Ccr.Niulha- 1'...larSts.
4aSold lir ev.'ry respectable Druggist aod llealer in
Me.iii-in. lliriiunliiut 11:. State.
I'hilacla, Mar. h -il, 1MO J
Estate of James B. Eamlin, Esq.
as. Leiu-rs of Administraiion on the
estate of Jnmes B. Hamlin, late of Lewisburg
in Union connly, deceased, have been gran
ted to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebied lo said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment; and those
having claims against it will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Lewisburg, Feb. 9, 1SK0 Admi'r
Wm. IIroTn Jr. & hi. C. Hankie,
Hat-ins formed a Partnership, at the old
stand of Win. V J. H. Brown, '. Market St.above
4lh. Lewisburg,
VRE offering a laree assortment o'
a!I and lVUTtlt C.ontlN,
ooiKisling of Ready Made Clothing, Cloths,
Casimeres, Coatings. Vesiinss, Carpetinrrs,
B.'earhrdand Brown Linens, Drillings, Shir
tings, &c.
ANo a large varietr rr LADIES' DKESS
GOODS, such as Calicoes.Challies, Lawns
Uelains, Bara?es, Silks. Ginghams,Shawls.Vc
Also all kinds ot Notions, Grorenes, Hard
ware, Ceilarnare, Queens and Ulaiswarc
Fish, Salt, Tobacco.
Also all kind of llrlcb for building pur
noses. Call and examineforyoufselves. Produce
of all kinds taken in exchange for floods.
Lewisburg, Oct 20, 1859
Administrator's Notice.
"1T7HEREAS, Lcttem of Adminisiratinn
y to Ihe estate of GEORGE ANDREWS,
deceased, late of Lewisburg borough, I'nion
coonty. have been granted to the subscriber.
by ihe Register of said county, in due form;
all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make payment, and those havingclaims
against ihe same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to
JOHN U. LINN, Adm'r.
Lewisburg. Feb. 3. I860.
TIN-WARE Frices Reduced !
MERCHANTS and DEALERS are invited
to cail and examine the largest assort
ment of
Well-made TI-W.Rn
to be found in the Slate which we are prepa
red lo sell at Lowsa Paici than inferior goods
are generally sold for.
8ign of the Large Coffee Hot,
3m83S 723 Market St, Philadelphia
5Po k?t Hook amloiher articles
Sf thai kind on hand or tn order bv- ihe
Lc-isburj Uoefcr-iniicr, CH: STAHL
M j ,U!.1
4 S! f. 7 R "lo
1 1 ! l'i! I. 14 l.'ill. j!7
l-liii jol-j; 2'j'j:i';4
j 'HIE Great London Treadier,
. a, m - . . Wf Bt aw aa . m a taw aV Mk aTw W
L Hev.iiiarii's iiirF"s"
the ulilest Baptist paper Id the worll.
. .
His many friends in this couniry who have
k... w..e...e iili nr., fit urill hail With
read his Sermons with profit,
pleasure ilns opporiuniiy for holding more
intimale communication with him.
These Letters to commence with the first
paper in January, IKiiO.
l'ulili-hers, Uostoh, Masl
It. ii. IIKTZi:!., Prop'r.
THIS Hotel is localeil in the center of the
Inn, one square from the Coun House.
Persons attending Conn, or having oilier bu
siness in the loan, will find this a pleasant
and comfortable home. Charges moderate.
Lewisbiirf;, Pa., Wept. 6, 1H5'J m3
Josiuli Baker & Co.,
HAVE made arranmcnts wilh E.
E. Locke & Co. to furnish 95 per cent.
by the Bhl. and Half Bbl. as cheap as it can
be hough! in Philadelphia-
They hare also jul received a general as
sortment of
rasa, saimmis,
Paliilsi and OllH,.la and I'alty,
rine Oil, all popular Talent Medicines,
lijUors,Tutoieco, SnulTJi.ls, Soda
Ash, Wheel Crease, kt. &e.
All ihe atmve arlirles oln-red VERY
CHEAP FOR CASH. Call before buying
el!e-here. Our Mono is
'Mnaii irfiiM at iulk Sales."
Lewisburs, May 13, 185'J.
New Arrangemeiits---Kew Goods!
lUSKPH L.HAW.N havinst taken Ihe
J well known SI' YKEH II A I STOliE, has
refilled it, and filled in an extensive variety of
ufs, ('up, Giiitli mrn't Cli-lhii'ij, Ac.
Also a liirue and splendid stork of CLOTHS
CA-sSlMEREs, Ac. which he will make up lo
tinltr, as he sliM continues the Tailoring Busi
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his care,to the satisfaction of the
N. B. Cutting and Repairine-1 done to
order. Lewisburg, . pril 10. lNfi7
jiMiDifraf. vim
Just opened, ojiposite the Riviere
House, in tlie Iloom lately
oectijiied liy A. linger.
VTULL ami complete assortment of
I N G,sncli as Overcoats, Dress Coals, Busi
ness Coats, and Coats of every style and pat
tern ; and I'antaluons and Vests lo suit. Also,
a large variety of L'nder Cloilimg, such as
Drawers, Shirts, Ac. Also, a fine assortment
of Bovs Clothing of the laieat slvles. Also,
H.i'l'S and Cl'.S equal to any otic red in ihis
country. In lact, 1 haveeverything necessary
in the shape ol C!otlnn, wnicn 1 viler at a
very small advance for cah.
tVAII kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, OcU 22.
Taggait & Fair's Patent
Family Sewing Machine,
With SpauMing's Improvement!
I-al'BLIC allentinn is respectfully invited
to ihe superior merits uf these new and
unproved machines.
They will Hem, Fill.Uaiher and Embroider.
Will sew every variety ol fabric from the
finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest tailoring,
without missing stilt-hes.
They are very strong and durable.
We -feel fully justified in warranting these
machines to be ill every respeel equal to rec
ommendations, as they have been thoroughly
tested in competition wilh all the hish priced
tine, by persons competent lo judge, who
have .riven us ihe most satisfactory lestimo
nialsana cerinicaies, wnirn are puunsneu in t
our circular, to which we refer for a more full j
desrripiion. j
Finishing and Sales Booms, Market street, !
next door to ihe residence nf John Walls.Esq.
Frices !JWS. yt-' and bu, arronlmg to
size and finish, all complete and delivered, I
and tnorougn lusirucuous given iu an vane
ties of work.
All wishing a good Pewins Machine, will
please call and examine, or address
II. S. Spauli!in or J. IV. Shriner,
Lewisburg. I'nion Co., Pa.
We respectfully refer lo ihe following ladies,
who are using these machu.es:
Mrs S Geddes, Mrs 3 W Duncan, Miss
Lonisa Morris, Mrs C A Lyndall, Miss l.idie
Mackey. Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs Rev P
B Mair, Mrs Johnson Walls. Mrs Dr Hayes,
Mrs Francis ilson, Mrs M llrown. Mrs Jas
M'Creighl. Mrs F,Beerstecher, Mrs J A Krea
mer, Lewisbure; Mrs J P Tuslin, Northum
berland ; Mrs Rev John Ouyer. Mrs M S Ap
pleraan, Mrs David Roberts, Mrs Sylvester
Pursel. Mrs Allred Creveling, Mrs S E Fow
ler, Mrs E H Hn:he, Mrs A M Boon, Mrs
Creasey, Miss M Derr, Columbia Co.
Lewisburg, Feb. 29. 1800
Chromatic Print in?.
HAVING purchased the right to nse Ror.
aia'a process fur Printing wilh Dry
Color, for lininn Co. Fa., we are prepared to
execute orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, be.
in Kit, Orr'n. Wat. llrtncn. Sifrvr, iiiuMovui, or Gold
colors, in good style, riTat the Oliice of tbe
Star & Chronicle," Lewisburg.
TJT t TVTT yj for Justices and j
I 1 I I t l k fonstahlea-foraalA!
or fruiwd to order, t the Chromcle Office
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, -f5
and Floarioci VwU. JL
jT The subscriber has on hanil a splendid
-Ccolleclion of both Fruit and Ornamental
TREES, Ac. &c. embracing the very best
varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cherries, Apricois,Nciarines,Urapes,tioise
i uriiicn, pi nu'-'i j r '
Raspberries, Currants, Sirawberne-
I '
Larzc Horse Chestnut. European Mountain
Ashi American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
for street planting. Ever blooming Kose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Hauls.
rNursery Gronnds on ihe farm of Ja's
F. Liun Esq. on ihe Turnpike, within half a
mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive
strict attention. tT Term inrariuhly CASH.
Lewisburg, July 7, 1RSH.
The unJersinetl have as-
:sociated themselves into copart-
nershin for ihe purpose of carry
niz on the Lumbering, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at Ihe
tctuiobiirg Gtcnm planing iUilts,
where they iniend to keep a sli ck of Pine,
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, sh, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Siding. Shingles, Lath. Joists, Siuddinz,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting. Scroll Saw
ing, Ac, done at shi rt notice and all work
warranted lo give satisfaction, both in (rice
and woikuiansbtp.
IVwi-riiirg Planing Mills, Ainil 1, li.
Aurtlnn and l i.mmlsslon ilnnse In LiaMinrg.
te2g'3g Leal Auctioneer!
F. .lOlirllo ?r having been app ted
sole Auciioneer lor Lewi-lit.rg, is prepared to
ailetnl lo all calls in his line in town and
Commission Sales.
In April next, I intend to open on Marke
Mreet a Room for the reeeptimi, and il.e sale
al siaied limes of all knots ni'ti.ods at Auc
tion. Anv one ivi-lnngnulisp'i-e of any ani
ele can deposit it nh me and 1 will sell il ai
Ihe hrsi advantage 1 can and charge a per
ceniaae for ihe same
Feb. Si., I-:.!) F A DONEHQU ER
Star I!ar1l-(Oli, Vninn Co., I'a.
THE Mibst-riber, thankful
ft.r pa.-st pa;nnH?p, u-niiltj inturui
his Ineinls and (he put-tic in ccne
ral. thai he continues In uianntar-
ture all kirM oi ) oolfll f.ootls such as
;ioihs. (.'asMmeren. '1' wreuaty:ittmelti, Jeans.
Itiai.keli and Flannels ; also. Carpel and
Stockms Yarns. Hi marhinery hem of ihe
hest kind in ur, ami having employed ihe
best of workmen, he feels sale in haying'
lhal Us work shall noi be surpased by
any MaMihi.pm in ihe country. A cood sup
ply of ihe above poods kep! constantly on hand
for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best manner and on ihe shortest
notice. Terms for rar.tnts, ra-h on Ihe de
livery of the mils. MARK HALFPENNY.
Winfield .Mills, March 30, 1857.
rrilE .subscriber ton-
1. tinues to carry on ihe
l.lvriy l!ulurKM a
Ihe Old Maud on :sotl:
Third street, near Market
and re hpecitull
solicits ihe patronage ol his liiends and lbs
public generally. ClI AUI.tS F. HKSS.
Lewisburg, May 22, IffiO
William Jones,
TTORNEY at Law. rollcrtfons
rromrtlv attended to. Oirio on Market
street, opposite the I'resbvienan chinch.
AT OHTII -1th Street. The suhserihei
J. most respectfully informs the citizens ol
Lewisburg and viciniiy, that he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of I I K. I I 'l ICC,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Prc.-'sin,!' and Common Bureaus, Sec
retaries ami lieok Cases, Center,
Card and Tier Tallies, I'ining and
Breakfast Tallies, Cujilioards, Cot
tage and otlier Bedsteads, Stands
Sofas, and Cliuirs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to eiamine
his work. as he is sore thai they will be satis
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. IS. M6
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
F. & J. M. LINN,
4lloruc)it at Law,
674 Union County. I'enn'a.
J. MERRILL UN Cumii-wr for t W Put-of Iw,
with power tn titki IcpO!ition?.ckriowlfdR- Ierdn-4r.
$:J,000 Wantid!
TN pursuance of an act of the last I.egisla-
lure of Pennsylvania, the (Nimmissioners
of lininn county desire lo Itori'OW money
to the above amount, in sums not less lhan
sjiltitl. the interest lo be raid annn.vllv and the
principal wilhin Ihtee years. 1111,111 re i,r
W.Y. SH KI.I.KR. Treasurer,
Ivisbnrg, I'a., May ifi, 1KS8.
LUAiHKR ! LL.M15KI. !!
flIIE subscribers havefor sale j-matr
(in lots In suit purchasers fiW1"-,!
a large slock of SSSiS
riE tlOAKDSrmr sinfl USjme&i
Plank, &c. Also A.UOO I IM. HAILS.
SB inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are oflered low for cash, aic.or Mills
on fouih Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brnsh
Valley Narrows road at ihe end of our Road.
. IV A Diploma lor a superior sample of
Planks, and a Premium for Kails and Shing
les, were awarded ns al Ihe last I'nion Co.Ag.
Iy773 Forest Hill P O, I'nion Co, Pa
X rT" Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
J i& second door above Third,
sls. ..!
.. 1 cn itiarKri sireei
Would respeclfully inform the public that he
has on hand a line assortment of (Jold and
Silver Lever and Lepme Watches a good
stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breaslpins
of the latest style Gold and Cameo Earrings
Ac which he intends to sell very cheap also
a splendid assortment of Eight-Day aod Thirty
HnurCLUCAiS' and Time pieces. Every article
warranied to be what it is sold for.
The greatest care will be taken in Repai
ring; and Cleaning of Clocks. Watches ami
Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give
satisfaction. Please make him a call, ami
lis0" M Wa,th"
j Helm f Ion or Hale"..
MERCHANTS and all persons engac-d in
shipping --dS to and from Philadelphia-
consult yoiirown interests!
i consult yoiirown
Goods shirred from 10 to 12 per cent, less
per 100 lbs. lhan by any other line3.
of DAILY CARS are carrying freight to and
from that point at the following Greatly
Reduced Rales
1st Class 3S cts. per 100 pounds
2 do 31 do
3 do 27 "lo
4 do 21 do
Special 1'J ''o
CirDepotin Philadelphia l'eaniek. ZU 4
Ihnrhman. HUH A. M10 Market SI
Persons should be carelul to have Iheir
Goods marked in care of ihe above Line, lo
prevent imposition In m oiher Lines
4f: Evans & Watson's j
AXOTitr.R Tr.imnit
I'lllH.H I IIIA. S-j t. C9. ISO.
To thr Pn-fiv-nt of tni IVi.u-y ivin Ale'i,ulto,'mI
Soc-jr-l : TW ul.-rrilr. y-vr ruiDtilt. 10 fxt..!i.
thr rt'itts'iiL-tf alalIlmll rti,wl Kn- atM-r,
httt-r W.nt'rxt.j--d U. irinif ttrf od fair Ground
ft st fitlit lii.ur. rfr-fci!uhy ffrrul
Ttit il-r M-ru n.n.r.-T ir.rr h p."r ,
I lir firnusnt-f 4.t Oir rommittr, tutd th- rootrbt tulei. ;
out. m Itltir Vitruiiil. tut im I rr. n rl.e'l. ,
! t-rt .ilT l-d)i litrru t. rr riini l y lh- mn
ufaf-turt-rf. at.d a lrw (jtixi.tiiy ! d- fuuie tiU r 10 ,
tt.r nff, ci!.e nt n nrrl iii.injur- d
T-.r rxtriiitriit nttti-tirvl 11- -l 1 ra'-it of aafru :
i.f itif fcirtd to i-rotrt t rum-..! In m iuj bi tw ua
ihi-v m br X-"r-l
Ikr O-niioiUi-t ftwrded a D pi- m and MItt Mrdal
li.f W . i.NAa.jy,
J H W .tli.
J V KlTI.LkH'l-B,
STir.I. ASi'lHtH.
H tlMr Plii'mMi IiIm j
fen.r-i ,i Miiam .o.lrr J irr-Prrf ?nft of riir j
niNiiuta'-ti'iv. 'ir !:' j I) ii-li-m jour Arut. krri !
tinrr tt. t.f -ur r ilj , Homr uh.s.iIii aEO. ai
frrciy tri-d ly t.uitilarn lir-t fa'ur.i-j i.i,.tit.at.l al
though ti,f tli.J n t.ln:f tta!ii!tr, ca. l rhi.-t-lr, drul
i and cui"i-Jrr. iJ.- uid not -u r."J iu t tai.i; Hi ,
j :ifr ll.r lj-h lr.JI. ...i- (f"l.l l;.L-r.t l-.l.r
i.rooi-' lliri n. u l.l '..f iI.h i.f.at.l. r into tl. t it drill '
ni k b' le tn tlif intst-r .ai,. I aiJ ..prr'tiin a iare . r.nrtl .
Ktii'h tf:riilrJ. ml a.Il.i ib tl Ui'ttr, llt'-'r acJ ;
OUt. -t.OWr.l ttir - I' -H'O Hi t If tiHVr trfrli B IIi:ati "t.K. j
It Dl ti l . tl f 11 u: pon- tl.r xerr th. irr j
t-r irt i.f lit- i.-i.li: t work . u il. V , a.-i- u.i.i ti rt
it:.'d ait lilt- ir-ult ' t H.r nil. U t nit t ,1, nd il Hi
atote Jm In art; id ai r f" ri i y "U jh- at J.Orrl, to ur
ttirm. iUlri, truiy,
GEL AT Flh't'rASf.Tllkh' 'Mil MI'ii: !
r x ii M . lim . Mar. lu 1, iS.
Mr-rp KVA.XS A A l.-U.N, I hila-l. lj :
,mtUmrn It aft- rd- n.r nirut ii'ainrr to ay to you I
tinil thr .-ainrnaiuJ-r Mfr. a Inch I puTi ta-t t f f-U ili
trbruar. ri.vt i In h. ).nl jou rr otr.tUfT d. ! ri I
a rr I'li-trf Ii. ii it- iu t,r- ii y tt.r-li".i-. l jr tl.w-r
iib ir.i-rnl ot.'.iTe. l.nrn d tn tbr trritui.d in Y-nr, I,
lat. 1 l;t M.f- :-li Uir'i.j:l. iiiU. ll t- rt-tiar. l.d n - r.t- f
("p-rd t mtf-iiM- ,-;.i t. r nut r-r itit J.niix, and wliri,
It ULrlt truUi tl.r ruiff ai.d i'-rUfd, ail it--rui;lelils ,
Wrrr (..Ui d t'. Ir III .H rlt- ( Mtv-. tie t-. 4.t a. .Mi 1 tilt- ,
ll-tf not f-itnf irjtir. t) mny wlit-ver 1 ran i-t.r-rt it 1 :
ly rrrommrifi jour .r! to thr mtuunit v. -i-tf- j
a I d, ttiut tiiy arr a- ni-ar br t-r- - t a it i. i- r.:t.i,
lor any i-af-- to t util. THirMA-U rnWtt.L
- 4r-K larirr a-irrutrnt of thr al-.tr S A I l.i ait.. v f ;
od hand, at .'Mil Chestnut Str t, (late -4 fiuutb Juurtb
M., r-hii'M..i.ta.
(nods shipped from Philai?e'rhia
Vc. ty WALLOW IJc'S ,n;e are .NOT -re-shippej
al llarrisl.ui"," (as viould api ar by
Mr. Peipher's advertistnient) but go ibroush
without dt-lay to their destination on the Sus
quehanna or the West Iiranch.
July 20, leoil C. (J. FRICK, Agent
ii I.ii!ioi nnd Cirnllrmrn.
M'HEKE is now ready lor the spring iraile
X uf li('A, a tine aud gnod variety of
Ijcnscljolii J'arnilnrr,
comprismy Miifaii" "f ail kmi., Jf ut.y Ltnd,
j Coiiage,audFieix:i IJedsirad Outre. IJard.
Dunn-:, iri-akui, and Js'kIu Table Candle,
ami Wash Maud Hal and Towel Racks, and
anything in the Catiiliet line. Il not on hand,
will be made to order. Cane seat and Hair !
Cloth Chairs of dilfi-rent sizes, and almost '
any pattern Camp Stools, Kerepiim, Chairs. I
Horse Mine, and all kinds ol Windsor Chairs, j
for sale cheap for cash or short credit. AH!
ihe above, can be had at the
Wareroom of D.Ginter on Harket St. I
four doors above the Bank, or at ihe oi l stand
on lsl or Front Street, where the subscriber j
will be glad to see all his old customers, ami
all Ihe new ones who may favor hun with a '
The subscriber alo attends in ihe I n- I
derlakln? HunI'icm in all its varu ns ;
branches. B-ing provided with Fisk's Fa-I
tent Melalic Burial Cases, and Collins
of his own manufacturing always on hand,
he is prepared at any lin e to wait upon any
who ina lavi r him wnh a call. Thankful
lor ihe pnsi favors, he Mill a-ks for a con
tinuance of the same.
Feb. 21, i win David ;intfr.
rtO A
l:tllltT10 OF II1III.IIT.
1st Class 4.'. rents t-r lltl , i.tibtls.
riil llo 4s 1 di dii
'M 1I0 rs do do
4h ilo- do do
i-t-ttial do do
At lira!, II v Slid (OTB. lo CVBts ptr busb.L
Philad. Depot with
Freed, Hnrrf Fre,d. Ull Market St.
Thanklul for Ihe liberal pain nage given us
we hope by strict aiti niion 10 business lo ;
merit a continuance of ihe san:e.
For fitnher infnrnia'nin apply lo !
Iy73fi C R .M l.l.MY. Ag',,1, Lewisburg
ltntDfri.it!, at (tmsbuxp
rriIE Sprinz Term logins on tlie lSih
J. nay ol April next.
Rev. J. R. Lnon.iH. I.L. I., I'lpsitlcnt,
and l-nili-sir it MUhj.irs and Mural lllllh.bJ,
Rev. T. F. Curtis, A. Jl..
I'n lVwr of Throlorr.
Rev. G. R. Bliss, A. M..
i'rufrwr of Lancniipfl.
C. S. James. Th. P..
Pn.fvsMtr or Matbrmatica anil Nat. l'hil.
F. W. Tost in, A. AI.,
Trofpruor uf Umnnr- iiti.l Tfarbtr of
.Natural icirucaj.
I. C. Wynn.A. B.,
PrlBciaal of tha Acadi m j .
AI. AT. Cramer,
f 4 m v Assistant
Miss A. Taylor,
a.. l-rinelfal or th. rental. Institnt.
Miss II. E. Spratt,
Aliss AI. D. Alason,
Isacber of M athetnatfcl.
Teach.r of Drawlnj.
Aliss R. S. Varren,
Tvarhar nf tn..!. . i v
Mods. K. Volkmar.
Tnubrr of Music.
Teacher of Ovraiail.
Coliici Tuition per annum, Jjjn (JO
Room rent, Library, Ac, 9 10
Acadisii Tuition per annum, $15. to 30 (10
Care, Repairs, &c, 1 60
Fin. Isst. Tuition per annum, $20. to 30 00
Repairs t5
The Academy building has been 6iled un to
receive boarders, and iliry are provided wnh
board, furnished rocm.auil lights at s.S5Der 1
"Cek. I
tlAlii i.16 a Hue assortni- tit by
tsS - -ra
; St'ALKS i)r' rv"y "nUBl
it; Kf',.r"a',s c - '' .'!.'
" - ; .
M..IL1..T ' ,urch"-i,r,
1 rik, every scale
correel, ai.d if, al:rr trial, nut f, u., , 'l't
ran he rriurnrd wnhi.i char.
' Pari. ry at the v'il siand s-s.n .
mure laaii tiiifn ijve jrai. w
fVirnor tl N'intb ai,,j Jj,.;,,,
Execntor's Hotice.
tarm-ni.rv mi tf, iat vifl af , If, ,
ol JOHX JCKLH. d-i:rad. Ltr ,,f
Deer Im riinp. I'i.it n cnuniy, ,lT.
granted Iu ihe ufn.rrainrij, ly U,f Ile..,,,
l iw a ct ut.iy. in due h im t,t Uw;aij ,'"rJ
having c!tiii nirair;t said ,tie'i.-iij'r ' l'
tn.se own.!! hu: eaie arc min-yi j
iiuiuLuiutt: a.iiirii, lit Jf-nn iMtc
I I; i lr j;led, "SU
Marrb 27, lw
P '
T)AVS f..r a full course in
I Coin e. mi si exli-n viv.lv
the f.rt r
ra'r' n 7.. ,'r
" " : "1 in ii i,
led Mdlrs. lli
Four Lnrtre Ilal'j
For Vr:ii.,7. r..mn,ercial Ca.'ru.'aiioDj E .
K-vpiiis and Lectures. 1
I sua I time to r.mrlete a full
6 lo Hi wri-ks. Evrrv student
eonre. f,
T'-B tu .
I"'?, i" rnataiiteed to te coti
I Irie H' any Uu5iiies, and
j earn a salary ol from
$.300 to $1000.
! Si.j.!cr.!s elite r at any time Su Vacl c.
, Review at p!eaiire.
i lirst 'imtwi j"r :,, iiv;f;
I au-arili-il this li.s-.tt.ii ti. L
i t.e ti-si ,.
lest arietv
i i r enniansnrp ,n a.-., oie Ji.
, ine i iin.-ii, is ii ' ti i. il neie.
i ls M!i-isier' Si.ni rereive! a- half
I r i-r t' irrn.'ar ai d l-;,, cm,ei, . f
.ii, i A.iiii.-ni--ti . :evr t,i 1 1, (- i;,
letler sr;.,, js. arid sH!im
. "IiC,.:
. '"'- I. . Ji:.K!.Vs, p,
sr nrih. Pi
ult iNsLii:n: ,
Vul I'rarrh In-nrurrr li ma... , ,
I., h. llll,..i.w ' '
OX. C.ti. HARVLV. yv...
J. W
fJIAI'M ., .v..:.
i nis run p.m.-. on eiiisrn e
vf.ir.1 il.-ir li.Mhe. .sutii.it it.r f, !,.,
-n'nornl ol their as.st:, and busiurss i
.Niilcl.rr f I'nli. i, .. :B f rn. J.tmnr; 1, f
Aim ur! i.f rit..rtj li.su'i.1 il., jjl'!;-"
us i hi i n ullum .M;ts IU I. ire o
NiimUr i
Am UTit i
A ui unt
f I't
- i. i
I 1 itet fill
iii r'y :o.-urf 1
t 1'reiiiii.ui v.-trf. rt-triTt.il
X Ii--t M.-sta.u- d
i nis l onipanv ei.ntmnes- to irn.. .v.
'lescrij n id properly, such as bui.tfiui,
ti t. !-. nien-Laiid z--, cVi- , a-janist I, ,s ,.rc.a.
age of F;re, and li t any lime linn'.rj cr p-r-(flu.il.
SAVI. II. OKW.'G, Auen-.
I.ewislmrs. Oi t "ti, lsi.-iy
American lil'e In.surane & Trut fa,
(t'.-.j i ai .-'locli .ii (i,ti(ni)
pOMPA.W Butl.::n-.v.v, .s;rl)?.
c rirer i 1 Fi urrh J'!.
j I? l.nrs u,si,rr,j ai the usual .lUiaaln-n
, or ai J. ml M, r!, rjt.s m., m --o i -.,
or al Total
Abst;ni-ni r rail s ih I. ... .. -
a. niLLvis. :
Jims C. Sim.
.47 t.i.il K.
VII.LI:R, Azmt, l.ewisi
William VanGeier,
TT0KM:v at Law,
i 1 Ltn llui ir, I nion Co., VstXK
if The snbscnler has rn har.d for
saie Iwo lliiEgirm. hiCh kt
oirer at a lait.vn for Cash i raill Eichanst
for a eood 11( 'R.-E. Ca.I soon or v..ui,i
lnlss " B. F. HI K.-H.
., , t ITnrsh k viovn'maa s smvi
ir ir absent, inquire ot W . H.IJiuer. at Wa.
Crown, Jr.'s siore. Lewisburg, Feb. 15
SjTVs. m . . n w. . r. H
V fsiuifsscr toJ.t.Ti-iirji)
Halcltmarr and Jeweller.
Loratrd twc. r . ,.i t:. -tai,. n-n-atlt oreuaiMii.
Mr YiJ-r-LKUK-lltM.. fa '
Clo kl. Watrhes, repaired on shut:
nonce and warranied to give sanstartiea
t"? An excellet.t assorin.ent of atrhrt.
Clocks an l Jewpiryca hand Chrapfur t tut,
till.T FUAVKs of all size, made to ordet
Lewisbur?. April 29, ltiSS
rpo the Citizens of Lewisburg and viein.:?
1 :. I.. liint'N has removed bis Baiter
Snop from tl. e tivn re House to Market street,
basement of Widow Amons" building, oni
door aliove ihe Post Office. Thanklul lora
past lavois. he hi pes to merit a eoniinuaii.i
of Ihe public paiii nage.
X. 13.
To all who turrr hrr ti:l thir brrrlR rm Irtir
tret 1 cnnstnt -trTr. cr l l-ftit-r rwn .
Juki mil ili.i- at hit- ."a.oott, l-o Korn.tvir or B0Ci
Tt'tri rlnD, rnmr l.arj- and irxir? kern.
I-pw:ishurr. April 1, lfc59. E. L. HI.E3.
Dlits and SnorEES,
Flooring. Sidin?,
Framing, tc.
For naif at tbe Drnjj Stnre pf
hw'bnTg, Oct 25
IJI'KE and Xo. I Cn und Pepper.
OingT, Cinnamon. Allspice, Cloves.
American and English Mustard.
Cayenne IVpptr, Ktitinegs, Mace,
fup. Curb, toiia. Sallpeire, Saleratni.
Caraway and onander Seed.
Sal S. da- r,, po.
Asluon Dairy and tirrnnd Salt, Ac,
For Sale at the Eagle Mills No. Sill'.
i4K North Front street, corner of .New. Phi
VI' Purchasers will find it greatly to thr'
interest both in quality and price to bur thest
gocds, which are warranted as represenifial
forleited. A trial is solicited. .779) 1
Mcat Market.:
Arrartijiwrnlx fur the Year.
JACOB O. BROWN, having supplied t
Lewisburg Market for the past six mi'm'S
has made the foitouiing arrangements lr ui
coining year
The best of Beef, Mutton, Veal and Fori
can be had on AVednrsd.iv and Satunlav ''
nines of each f. k, at the Market II. nf-f
I lisv. -
W oUe'a. C
sh, M1
Market street between fchatlic's and AVtill
Lewisburg. Pa.
His motto is c Quick Sales for Cash,
8mall Pn liis." Examine his meat.
Ap. 1559. I. s. jsTEK-NEK, Agent
TT AVINC resnnred ihe nr., nee cf JlEW-
M l-tP l..,H.ra k.. rr..l'.aaional snlCf,
I to ihe riitzens pf Lewishurs and vicniif"
I Office and residence wilh Jaaiea P- ,'"!',
1 Souih Fourth mat (Jaael.'