Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 01, 1860, Image 4

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jjtirisbiirff, B'a.
MOKNING, J I'Sli 1- 1 Ft0. '
nta."lTI7.K:-Manu:aetarer. WereloMlw.
Veil allies
tut ! the
a-b-i li-h to ixiy or e.. whi.-h I.' a tr-e
Wll". W
-..muiio'i'.' en'
il BTfKiK eio-.ii." , r,,j11.-er.toa.-uiu.-r
rce oropnruon of aro.t-. .ien. r
r.l dealers, a- 'y tu 1,1
See ew n.-rli-iiifii.
Lt.CTUUE- To-morrow (Saturday) eve-
flti'itxT Mt the Cii'i";u:iu' ui
tl.b, the celebrated l'ARK 1NJA-;
jpeHi.Kufc. ( w, dKilv,r,
'S'l triu, "j and Mr Jones and his
f.'aVhter. Stogie Tickets, 25 censor.
i ho Ciiiuuicuci'UH'ui im", i"
e . . ; , ... .. Ril ..,,,u
.,.Dtlenian W1ID two ia.ms
i. is a eupenur writer auu eptaner ui
lioib proe auJ verse.
. ii,ni,terfeit fives ou the Hank of
r-rthuuiber!atid, l a., are fata io lc hi
tircu'.atioD. IVtt rsou's Lctcctr gnes us
the foliowio? d.tcripttoti : -Ms., vig. a
farmer kneeling and binding eueave. a
female carrjitij; a sheaf, men reaping, and
bouso in d.suuce ; oval portrait of a ;irl
on right end ; d.y'a head ou left ecd. '
fnrTiro Caialty tr i 'ps, atid two Infan-
used the liattahi"H, at;
try Corps, coiup
M;ffl:iihur.', iSatutday last, lucre wt-ie,
quite crowd dicuching thowers aud
much diuukeunets cue uoy, aci oue
horse, were utahbed, by "seutinels, but
Bcilher was very seriously ii jured.
H-y The Sexton of the Lcwisburg Cem
etery reports the following lutciiuents
therein during the year eudii g the 1st May:
30 Tear and under 1'J I
iul.. iu y. nr IU '"
ou 3-i-r iuiU ufer a 6 ta I
34 17 61
. ... ... I
Those over w numbered 01, o, Do, tit, ,
C5. TU, T3, VC, aud 95 y. ais r. sptcuveiy.
Wm. C. Preston, for years the great- .
est orator uf the South, died last mouth,
of a lingeriug decay of body and mind.
He was bornia Philadelphia, Kill, while j
bis father was a Conr.ssmau liuui I it-
oini. As a Whia U. S- Seuatur from
South Carolina, he
WAS Wlliclv LquWU.
Illli DJOlber WaS 4 UlL'Ce of latrUk Ileorj. j
gNVlrtuCoUNTV. A Uaiificatiou M-.et-
ID" at .ni-iulL'UUrg, .OJ U.l., was auuu-Mtu
bj Messrs. Wacuat'lliT aud VaiiijiZT.
And on tbe S:h. was formed tbc Liu
eolo, llaoiliu & Curtio Ciub. No. 1, of
FraDklioTp., SujdcrCo." OtBecn. I'res-
iJent Jacob I'. Uaar. Vice rrcsiduut
Joacph Buwersox. Kccg Svc' Audrtw
J. ietcrs. Coi'g Soc'y J ci U Ykuu.
Trcasorer J. S. ilaekeulurg.
gi-l.ast Satur lay, the iuhabitant? of
Mu-ser'b Vallev, in Sidcr couiitj, t-us-
laioed qtiite a lo9 ty a storm of hail.
The Peuns Cretk Valley on tbe Vu'utu
couotT 6ide, zUa fuiTiTtd
window class being treken in I.aurelton,
grain blown down, and fiuit lii-rkid iff
in many places. Ihe barn ol JjLuSiuhh,
IKrller Tn . Ulimoftd
3 I? .-;fi-.li,n f.-et
yT T n -rnusi-i..i-- .....
ing was held in Miffl.nhurg, Saturday v. -Bing
last T. Gutelius, President; J
Croj.grove, and Wm. llaurk, Vice I'resi
dent; W. Townsend aud Pavid Mitehtl,
g.ereiarie. The meeting was addre-g d
at length by Wm. Vang. it, Ksrj., and by
Mr. Moyer a Sonp by some young laJie?
Music by th. M IS nhurg liau 1 K. so
lutiono in favor of the Ohieagn Platform,
l.ineiln and Hmiiin, and a Committee
as appoiiitid (M. a-rn. .-'inith, Hendricks,
Towosend, Ili-hel and p.ckar.l,) to pre
rare a Constitution and liv I..s fur a
Lincoln, Ilatuliu, Si Curtiu Ciub.
KWe noticed among our gr-nera!
Dewa itenn unnie time si nee, that "Dr.
Hayes" abont to make another trip
way to the Arctic Ocean. Many inferred
io tbii region that l)r. Win. Hayer- of
Lcwisburg was referred to but this is in
correct. Tbe name of the Arctic explorer
is Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, (of Philadelphia,
we believe. 1 who sr.ent one winter iu that
, i
region with Dr. Kane lost a foot by frost ;
and is alive and pushing for another j
contest with the fnieu Narth, to wreist j
from its sullen chills the secret of its
f byiical configuration.
HaTWe were unable to attend the Sun
day School Convention at Miffliuhurg on
Monday, but understand tbey enjoyed a
pleasant season A. Swineford, E-q. l'res-
ideal, and M. I!. Chambers, Secretary. ;
rrL - t : l X' t l: ...a A.:m: '
1HC aacwisuuig, t.cvr acinu .uu .'i.iinu-
burg Schools, were all or mostly represen
ted, but not all the country school... Ad
dresses were made by Rev. Messrs. Mi
rick, Fink, and Marr, by the President,
1 1 a r -i i ... ii i i i
.uu UJ a-.l. v.u.uaoc.a. .a.. uuUuiu
Was continued as corresponding secretary, '
or active agent, mere was a crowded au-1
dience in the evenina. Good sincioz bv i
tbe scholars, and by tbe choir. The next
acssioo to be in New lierl.n.
QMr.Heckendoru's report, next week
aS'Many have refrained from giving i
correct answers to tbe persons appointed '
to lake the Lensui, supposing, that, if they j
did SO. it would lead to an inereasn nf m.
irL- !
a.iOO. Tbl. is not so. Correct answers
. .: i .t. i . . '
10 quesiiuusuuiy euuw uy couirarisnn. tbe
. ..,, ; .!.:. . !
p,o6.e v. ,, . -i.a.. fc uo.uuiy
ia population, but iu every department of I
ber iodastrial pursuits. If all could be
made to uodcrtJtaod tbe iuiportaoce, io
tlii repecr, of correct answers, tbe agre-:
gate wealth of our jouog Datinn, wueo :
putumcd up, would aMomtb tbe world.
1 1 bupe our readers will show tbat thnj
Caerifrb a lull irrrrrnlmi. of :
r,Ar;.k . f.. 1 1 : . r ;
r r - - -
and present O.d Utiioo fairly.
ua a mil ITIC'IIHID I'l lUI3 lUaittT. .
and nresent (i:,l IT..i.. f.l.U I
ee. v , ., "7 . . I
ADA le. 1 ml' I f.Mrtutir.a ml.nl i
-v.- ..r. ...... , lu.uv
upon dividing tbe oc.tieriog party, !
are gelling up Sam Houston, (in opposi- J
tion to Bell) as I'nion etndid.te No. 2.
Mr. reck, late Slate Treasurer of Maine, '
Who dipped in speculations and become !
legally a defaulter, has paid up every cent i
fci"TI e I.- ck Ii iveii . mocrul urais e
Vakiiiif of stock fir uo iu'.-orporttetl Turn-
t ilte t'.-niputiy be'wciu Lopansville and
1.0 K na.en jiaimiitr, u.ai it would ai-
tract, to the litter place, trade, from I! rush j
and Sugar Yallets, which now comes to j
I.ewisl u-g and Milton. If that be en, it j
l. c .iih-s uur towus, to help the lirusb I
Valley Turnpike ihrot.gh an, even if both
were made, ours, being so much nearer
the citv market-. would continue to bo the
pref. ruble way to reach the Uiver, Caual,
ana llui.mattg.
auu lui.r'.aiis. i
tarJ'hu Hawn.PtiSt John St. Lewif.
burp, (between l,t and Water Si ) i en- j
PJS-J in .he nm.ufacmro of Pcrcuasiou ,
Matches .-ure fire, aiid cheap.
lta?Aucti o fales of prv (ionds, I'ookf,
Furniture, Lunilor, Cutlery, L'q.iora. Sir.,
by DuXKiioWt it, to-:uortuw uficruouu, at :
Am ruins' corner.
t-?-''ne of those most excellent HnrTa
loc Township Farms not often iu market
is advertised iu our columns fur public
BeX.Tbe best and hitest Flour we have
had lor otue years, was sent us l ist mouth
from liengler's Mill iu old ISuffjloTp.
frS-t answer to last Knipnia. Sic.
rS";. M. SvroiTi, l)enti-i, will be absent
from his OTice Irooi (he S3ih of May to the
;.Vti ot June.
tv'The regular .Moutlily Meeting of the
"Si-ieiy fnr Inquiry into the Mural and R?li-pnoa-
Ciindiuoti of the V oi ld." will be held in
me tloininencement Hall of the rniversityon
Suiulav alternoun next at o'clock. A report
will be read on '-California" as a fielei of
Missionary labor, by Mr. Ueore Spratl.
I ttlsTtli'S B.ILMU III-' WILD IKKliltV.
I Ttiis reni'-ay 1ms Ifiiir lw.-ii chen-hed the rom-rn
i nilr fT it- rt-uixrkal'le etlir.iry 111 reli-.y.ii)-. h.-nltti)! auJ
.'B hi ' i fi-ru'-i.-.i. .-iv in-ti. -(.,K-i'i.:,
h v.,,.,,,, ....., rr..,.. am. h'Hnt..i,.m ,.i he
-'Iv uf r-ijuvl Tmiii-, i ii rutv t'-r it. iiuiitT-ui ami tln
. rt-ui jmtuJuuar- ull-cliuu hti-li yrfiail ail over the
tad the f'jUoirhnj L'tter from a ltjhfy
respcctnhlr 4jritih mtn :
I.IMT..-T-M!, M' iit.urri. Pa.. Ort 22, IS-',.
Thi" In to Mriiiy tt.at I wat- irLimnin tij l.v -fral dy-t-iridii-.
as (iiuuin'tivf. an-i timl all tti vmi-t.int tf
ati-i- iM in it a.irst turiu. m,t cfujbti g. -wft-tv j-aitji
iti tlio i hest iiitrti-i of tirftttti. In tit -w.-iita an. I ok.
tr m -i k in'-t- N- I-n-filu ii- i;i my vliol -v-t-m. My
.,. . -i - 1 1 i,... .t.. a-.t il." .(...-.
u nil li-- ol n-m. ry, n tliinn aTt iu- tf.ti I; l-vit
t,-. II i, f ir ,m-f M"i 'Wrv. 1 h.- fn-l 1. .ft If
lt' d in- niii itruMy, auJ llir third )-nlr cur-il iur-i u-tii.-i.
1 now l. t-1 wt-ll af fTer 1 ili l iii ui litv. nun1
inn ai.lr u f iliow my occJj aUttu a fttriarr a fully an
any one.
1 a!ii liad a fiRttT in a m'rr artvnrrrl jstntp of Ihf di-
i-a-", tia iiiir b-n nnit:til u Iit 1-1 l-.r nvt-r a -ariiiil
(rtinoun'-f'i IwMtntl h'-ix ! 'itr t rM
Mie ;
a a eiuirriy n.ri-it t.y tin- W i tit ('In rrv. btit it ir
rjtiirfd mx or fi-dt Imtlli-. atxt t lnU s it tin AMutt
auy in a r-fnt.tt;f. b i n .tiiunh rte-ll.
t w..u i -itietT' li ur.'f all lo nr.- ftntiii.rly afttrt"!
t try i'r. HV.ir'' Jl-i -ti V i ' . rj, a I am -atia
ti-tl that Itiit l .r yt.jr o-u ;ul-l rm"iv my ni-ir
Mll-I IIH9. 1 W Uitl lt:rl ll-iW I liUlii;. 1 W.ll r(;rrrflll y
Ti-wr any iu tny atldrcitf lnin I In- 'ilji'l and
t-iM'.- uur cm m .tr Ju ly. J At'illl Ml I I. KK.
ati-''hrf'H fft l'-rr.rn,r. Th- onlT . H'iC-.r's
ftiU -m lia tbf rrwi-it -liinalnri-i.f l. Il; T" aud tin
( rn.t d oiirot tiit- i'r-i m itn uu the i-ul.i wi-r; all
i-iti-r in viii-and irttl-ta.
.t -i.tm w kowi r a r,. v ...t. .nj t.r !
I';,: l. II :.Tl I .1.1.11 W I!. A ii . I-Nl.l UTX
. . ... . . . . .
airaji.i'uiu-fl ftlatUrt.
furrrcli-i Wnklji
Wheat 1,25 to l.ott K-L-s
S 10
. J.
. Vi
. Ill
. p.'l
Ii") Tallow ..
fi.r Lard
. 0
Haeon ..
Should. T
Pried Apples
II . f
( "lnv.Tsi-i-d Si-Jt
Putatutb... tu sili
In the MftbMi-1 lil Ull-urr. 5 iirdnr evetl'n
T.tU u.t.. K- JW u-:.-. w t I.I.I A M l'l:lt-Ki II
at .t MiK A M.IK f rii. birr nf iy-ti Ann no, all f
l.wi-'.urgt .lire I'tiuUn' UiaiiWa to ILe l.ridtt fur bvr
ki' d rern-'mb'nef )
At II, e Itaipli-t I'-raonasre ivar Wbi'e Hall. Monitor
Tn . l.;tti ii t . - V Iter A V hin.!. lf. H', S (jUA 'IUcH
and Ml 1 AX Xli'KII Utb ft rtiri.ot vi lie.
H w h ."ittii htDAHi, -Si an.. J-tllN t'. M II.VtKK
an I Mi- MAKV J AN K f uUL. U.l of iiaitlev T.
K U-w A It irr.'Jth rV..li HV M'lYhK and
M.-f llA-tHIT Itill.l.KMtKIt ot I n.t.ti lp theiad,
J.iHN M hll KK and lip MAliAI.4 MUNNoV.
In rtilTl
r-iiet l.t II
Tp. T'nt o Co. iTiili Vt,
re.,M. i uiotitha and
id yeara. reii'iiuj
niliarli, Kn-
I i iiata. Mi- purvived lii liuaM
and dvinir ai'b b r ma. lnre If
A. H. Dl LL Attorney at Law.
OFFICE xn !ouih iSeciuid street, formerly
occupied by J. It. Hamlin, decd
Lewisburs-June 1, IbCO
)tli:ll Ilt(.lfji, in Country and
Town (whether the paper is hojjht from
myself or anv other iletler) promptly and cor-
... i II II I'Vl I A,.'K...n. I
'm'y " . " " ' . . i
jas worKeu at ine iraoe siocr 111s ooynoou.
QUAKER CITY Insurance Company
Franklin Building?, 408 Walnut St.
11111. ADEI.PHIA insures asainsi Loss or ;
Damage by Fire.and ihe Perils of the Sea.
Inland Navigation and Transportation
Capital n rlnsl tbjrtere rapltal)
Tii,;w.;o. .,iMi.oirti.
IIKllKllK II. HAltT, Pm-Ment.
K. I. IOISS. I're.ideut.
II. K. Is.i.iSIIAI.L. S.-e'y nl Treatarer.
S. U. UL'TLEK. A.si.lant Secretary.
lart I F.t-ter s eerkoia I It. R. Corc'h.11
I K. w. kiley smuel JuneH.ttn
n.nree n.
K. V. Kie-a
A C. CktLrll I And. II. rhmnber. 1 II.' o. II. M. Fuller
2m81S J.D CALOWF.LL.Ast.Lewisburs
rinc ixsMttxcc
j Capital, nearly Three Million, of Dollar. !
n 1
tHE old "Lycoming County Mutual Insur-
, ..,..-.. Mllncv. So Well knoWI. I
flir ils per,aeni establishment and prompt !
payment 01 an iii, i.u..t. a,r,7
,nsure rr"1f")on u,e m,M r" . " I.V".
! (iet insured, belore you burn out, in the best
j aud safcat company.
JAMF". HANKtN. rr'ndnt.
C. S WAI.1.II. J'reiiiurer.
J.IS1H A UiiWUAN. Srcrrimy.
SOLOMON RITt'ER. Lewisburu. regular
' aetioa Aff.ni fur I.ewishur? and L'uiuncounty
i.ewisburg. May :, two
Auditor's Notice.
t the Orrhans t'ourt of Union county i
r ' , r r, Eontirt F.ira. dee'd.
a .. .. .
INot ce is hereby siren to an parties inieres-
ted ih. I ihe Aiid'nnr anoolliled by said Court :
..-,, fi . " Adn,in,SIrID
on Excep'ions tiled tu
account of (jeo.A Fnck and Eh filler. Admi-
LiNiiatcrs, ill attend to the duties of his
appointment at his cifTice in Lewborg on
Trun.r the "f.ih dav of June. A L). lGO. at 1
o'clock. P.M. SAUL H. ORWKi,
Leu-.bura, May 2S, 1H0O. Auditor .
Ia.e lMlurc Cemetery
rT'HE Election of OlTirpri to manap. the
- - , . - -- -- e- - ; .
1 . ir".,rs "f Lewisburg Cemeteiy Asso- ;
j cialion l..r Ine coming year, will be held al ,
iheOlhee of the President (Ceo.F.Miller Esq.)
... . v '
In i. P .....i. ..Khiire nn Mmnir th.
4th day uf June next, between ihe hours of
one and four o'eh-ek in !he afiernnon.
THOMAS II AYES, Secretary.
Lewisburg. May S6, IS6U
aLAMI'S for sale :
1 at J. llaker & Cu'e Drug Siurc alio the i
J.S..Uai-sh. K. snorkle v. (.(.Miiiitlij. P.Bejyrr.
3. S. r.lABSH & CO,
(sl'vrMitlU TO UCtl(3, MR8'I CO.)
I.rtvihburg, I'a.
WTT. have coneum!. on hnii and for eat-.
" nil. U.KSAI.K tilt FKTtH.,
.Viiut. .V'aner rtw f?fiirf W irr"f"; firnin ani (J'-'KM
ttur Ifamm tmui. Swp uitd J.'oU t'o-rt ; f.inw
HuiUrr. I'ft t'ulUrt. Thi'4n, '?"., .'7., r
'untt.r fti i 'lnt ss, Jnm twt. t!lngt. M-ll i.iriHf?',
- ae.,n.i
. Qrr.ii
Ac Ar,nnt h-dd oumIu ready at nM timei f Do all j
.k iii in Mxrsa itit the iiimnM firn rttif p .
Work or Manufactures Invariab'r '
.I j.roiui.ily atuitdtnl to. Juuv 1. 10 j
For the 1STST IlKl.tlK
I'KI. V A I- N r (X'lIK ..f tuis li-tr-hniK
cHTi'l--int, mm
m.j.- t.y c iiskvmolk a ro. xa-sai: strt,NX
$ i lH-r tx.K s. ill tre-- I.y (irt.t.
rKI.IlIl M 1.IST fr the 8th Union
County Fair.ncar Kcivtbur? Thursilay, Fri
day and S.ilura.iay Oct. 4, 5 and C, 1600.
No. 1 Llorses.
Fr the ht Tilv-1t4 st;il :-.n, Iihtihic Vfpt with
in tin liuiiU or th tifi.-t u m,-rice waxm $-
irr-t, eawe n liiiil lolin, 2 00
Irtjsl l.i l.-.i Hp vd Mare wixh one or mora of br
MtlU uliuwu 4 AO
'2d bvat Anri--an Apriailturiat and 1 UU
CINIliX ItnaMi,
f t th- lpt Stfcllion 4 yurs oI.I.Iib .Tin? Ijefii kft
ithintht limit-f iht Sii-tv ou arrviiw wn.u 4 W)
21 hvKt. SUJrt IxlltillHUlM titl'l IM
Wfrt Milii.tiTr'Hii to 4 yunt uli, mjdccou jiy. 1 - lei
JI Ix-it. .-Hm- oii'lili"nM 1 ft 1
' l.r-'litti; Mif. 1 or more bar culU Ui be shown 3 (mi
i't-t. Fttitif i nn tlttrni'i trtJ
l--t ii'ldiiiiz Horn-, or JJare, 'J. h
il If-t .i
b-t -1 -ar oM Cult 1 .' 0
ii-t t l oo ,
Ih-I 1 ears old Colt 1 0i
'.!' Iv-t Agricultural.
Hst 1 year ol'l Colt 1 it i
M l--t Ai.
1 t-.i kinClt 1 on
-J best Ag.
No. 2 riowin?; Matcli.
bt-rt Plowing, n (Tr.t Ix iiij had t" the skill of wnrk-ini-ii
.iTt't 'liM-ijiiint nf triiuK, mn wetl nn rutiii
ot th m k, r:tthr llmti Uuit;, pruVhlvU it be ttun
wiiliin a tuuourtbiti Uuie 3 00
Ctl U-rt 'J ihj
h..t a ne tj a b-ij under 30 yeara of ago 2 no
bcot and 1 Ou
Xo. 3 Durham Cattle.
b- st Tlul I j v-.iT! old and up-vurd Jy. and 4 00
Ifrnt Ciill in tuitu 1 uud y tam old
K-t H'Hi rMir a
iH-vt u.if ri air l io
tent Hettt-r o-r 2 Truro old 3 CO
bt nt i'om t'ir lir :U.ut J or more of her calv to b
ti'-wti .1.7. and 3 CO
beat D.iirT Cnw wnJ and kef.t by on rr'U. writ-
ten Btstt-tii'-iit nf yii-i'l, Jtf., to hi r-n4i rvd Aj. A 2 00
bf( Pull, not undt-r nor ot-r a yearn old. kert
within tin- limit - of tb Soci-ty ou aerrice ftan3 00 j
-I l'-t. onmr r-u.liti.U4 Ag. and 1 H :
tft Uu'l 1- lWrtUl aud 2 yearn old 2 W
U-l tin 1 1 Fa f A i. and . '
leit'ow irall ptirpo-a, 2 of UtrcaUe to ' t-hiiwn 2 6o ,
ii l"-t, -tntin- r. itdit!t.nj and 1 il j
bt-rt 2 year o:d U'-itcr, Aj. and 50 !
il lt hi i
L"' If T't; Uir gnau st amoant of Cutter 2 D
tl ln -t 7.T-1 iu
bfft ncw-k of X-t Cattle U-lontcing to one farm, utt I
- tbau t lnd 4(0
-1 U Ag. an I 1 0U
No. 4 Oxen, Steers, and Team, j
t-ft 1 biad lrf FatUa 2 n j
-l If t Ail ai-l Ml
l-t 2 -te--r ralTi-a l. tid .'-"I
U t paa uf U urktns Iloraea : ta
J-i b. -t Ag. and 1 "J
t t-t 'jantif MaUfa-d II.-rnH ipt
x r i-i.. i L-
' "" I' nu "ic.
'-t Fri h Mrnii. lluct
W-UV.i.e.1.1 d...
5 t
I t-t snti.lt.l. o do
t- .t -..t. i...f sit. utLr ...1
i ' ' H.e s;,..-,
1 fef
2 f il
2 . :
1 11 :
2 -
1 IM
, l-.l
. 1.1
t.--t I... U'tben
I. -i b..r
t i itb I or i
: b- t
A; nst
e ef Li-r Ti to be -li.. u
' M..r -Mere rir. - tn 111 wk.ud.
I Im.i 2 11. im -emv .-.. uid
No. 0. IVultry.
I-..I rair ltii-h. ua
d I- t "
I.'. I I. I of - B .1 1H tUo
.1 I -,
I. -I j-.ir Ttirkya
; l- .l i-.ir e
i U-l , ir llu.-ka
1 01
1 o-i
1 0!
No. Oruln and Root Crop?.
t-1 hiifb'-I Wlfit
2 CO
-d i t
N-t t t.-hel Corn in nn
1 u-1
l,-t l.u-h.-l B4rlry OaM
1-rat l.uliel I nnilll'.n I aU
tvn bu-li'd B..-kal.it
test t.uabel .-wr.-t i'olatoeg
1 00
1 no
. In-h i'ntaiuaa
t4it l.ii'hel Tuniipa
lt-at l.tli.-l Carn-U
l-t l.ti'ti-1 B.-eta
l-t erk lleana
t- ct " k I'ea
h. l Let f a-tae A h'ftdi or nor
ta t tot d Pnn-p-im
h-nt tnt .f Fe-t Cunipkln
bt lot r.f Ti.'mrf... rai-e-1 tbic year
beat t.u-hl Timitthr
tail buabel Clover S-ed Ag. and
1 no
Xo. 8. Fruit.
bet lot Winter Apple, not under 4 kind, a r-rk of
vnrh kind, all rai.-ed by tbc k.tmd prewntiug 1 50
2.1 hr-t la
bt-t taHetv Apples not under 6 hlndji or lea than
1 himhet in all.
l so
1 Ol.
1 00
1 (0
1 (a)
1 03
1 on
1 60
tei l ii.het Apple, fnr F.ll ur Winter l
le-nt l.il.het Alple. f r rrese.t U-.
Iw-t l'j hii.tiel AM.Ie f.r liiff kei-ptug
best se-riiie-n.. I'ear. Summer
w .reeimen. Plum3orniorkmJi
l. is-rk yuine.a
l.--t n-.-k I'each'-a
Jq. anil
A.j. mad
U.t Urars-n, 4 lt or mora
No. 9. Dairy Products.
t-t 5 P. or mi.ru Uuttcr, 2 oo
il lt 1 oo
u-r 5 11m.. Mutter mad. by . girl under Id yean
..ti.ee 1 60
il W-t t .10
be.r i hee, is 11 or iwtr. 1' ai
te.t lot llom-r, l IImlit more 1 00
N. TM , , t .
o. iu. r lour and lircaa.
he narrei or w ne.i r ienr I no
best epi-eimen nf i tour llre.d. with written lute
metit i.f mnnni-r of making it
1 00
beet mx-eimi-D K.e llread. sauie conditioDf,
Is-i-t ludian.rauiecenaitioDa
fc) ,
No. 11. llouscliol.l Manufacture?.
he.t Fi. it'll Clolh. 10 Tard. or morn
1 00
1 00
1 5l
s bO
1 CO
1 w
1 0U
1 00
I w
bt Wl Fl.iin-1. 10 vanl. or more
' best Cntf.n and Wool Flennel. lo yerd.or more
Iv-t WiMilen Yarn (-.rpelinir. 10 yards or mora
t bent Has Carnitine. 10 yard, or more Ay. .rid
i bent nnund woolen lionieapua lara
i il Ire5t
hi-at I'wd'reitd
ttHitt peri men Needlework
l KnitTi.-net
I ou
No. 12. Manufactured Articles.
beat inerjinen f aMnet Work 3 00
beat Waabinic Macbiow lipUma.
beat Urea Coat 1 l0
beat Vt &0
beat Double Sett of Crtrriaee flarnen tnanafartnred
witbiu the litnita nf tbe Soriet 2 00
bent inirie Sett Carriage Uamea, aatne Mnditioiia 1 0i
lt U dozen Calf ?Mni ftniahM 2 (K)
bet idOKen Kip Skin fitiished 2 00
be-t l4 doien drain Kifw, regard to worbmanshHa
well aa tpunlily f ftia-k jAji"mn.
tn lot ot i pper uat tier, a sides or mors z.oo
lt 4 aide Hnta Leaiher
2 (Ml j
beat I pair uf Sewed Calf Boota
1 O0
befit pair kip do..
1 teft"
60 j
2 00 I
beat 1 pair of taa lW Kid boet
WFt 1 pair nl Ladiea' G a iter
ne.t 1 lai
. , ,.. iirS,o,
be r.s.kioj Store and Trlmmlnra
best l-arln, riu,.. pipl.
No. 13. Agricultural Implements,
het f ward now, wild impruvt-nwiau
Jd heat
1 so
1 io
1 no
la-rt Subaotl Plow
si.ie Mill Ploi
UftUrain K.-npr aod Grmu oomblnad
a no
2 .si I
1 00 I
i ra-at tannin? -Mtu
i uea . uiiiiaur
let-pt Harrow
be - t Itoller
. WatTOB
tstO.ii Bumr--r
be - tihor - e Femily Tarrla?.
. . .-si- !...
best nortnhle Here Power
bee. tmi ro.isl Horse Kaka
lst h..iae line .mil or Uuok
bent Lime Spreader
beat portable Clover Ituller
1 00
No. 14. On Steam Plotiphs.
The Committee to recommend such a pre-
rniuin as in iheii judgment it is worthy, with
the sanction of ihe Executive Committee.
The UcBt Wmk ami J.aot Mile
T A I L 0 R I II G .
thankful fur past favors
would state thai he has re-
ceiveii the FA I.I. & Winter
Fa-hions, and is pa.eil n
CI'T, M ARK, ami l;KI'A!K
garments as UMial. He .'I
endeavor, a heretofore, !o
ejernie his work sausfcto-
ril v to a 1 1-
j.ewisl urj;. June 1110
in. .viv Biiriuum:. or
lL't'iiiimuiiJ Exlriifiul'Ju,2lmi KcsiJ,
' 1 anprt.- i d- nte 1 f.r I Ih eurv ol ti-r 'tul . and ai! rlirouiR
; Ul.--ai'; :" if tti iatf. r, Kt.li.eyr at d B al'ler.
Jani'li.'', ti'i- . KmiirLiit. hr-mi- .'n-i, 'ilir-al atl,
' ftt lltin i.t HI .-ai. lii-'ii- nt t'uti-Uiti,'Llwi!. N!Urtb:tat
Flirouif ui.'i luiliuiali.ry uiu ui-in, tnv II l.it,
j M-li IliiiJ -rli, Kt-e-i'-ia. liKMiif. Ncrv-'ti- A'I'ftrfU.
! t hruuit f-ri.ul'.u- .wr Me, 4i il ty-n.:, Ulni lcjan
' dular in .r-ui w. liiti uiiia.'i: : u i .l-iMmU
t ic.-ra, Mrun.i l.:l'TtJtd l-.rujiu i.. X l--.aelhnc
; i-I the ttiiir-ai. I.u i.is. Km i L.fT.-i I It. r.-r. .N-traud
' Li, , M ii.rirttit t.itt.-.i: Lfi el the AI u;Ij. l-.nt'-.
li,r..iit Hi I ft I'.nuv. JVM r. Hat t-r 1 : uli and Hi iti
ftn-r a tip ii.fc rsia. li ..i.s.-at-t h i i-ing tniiu ait In
i ptnt. -i t-"i ina ItkJM'it, wl.tfii.er li-rif.-il.ti, aitjuiiLd,
I (ircomuib J. i h nr. :t l''," tl "I"' lt.ii.:i.ua
1 b e rL-m.-.ly Int. ai tan t-j i-t.wi, g i-. ii- in!ri4..-i-mt:: il
j not to tu-.n.iin i.i il pr.j. i- i- r tt in u-d t.y ,t
wiin- t-l ia Mt.JtT.,il A l.i r.iill VI. AM U t I V k.
tfl'ftn in tb Tjruui (.lit jt,ic diara-ot Uo mt tiraitaU to
rea.Uiluaud it aa a
Oin and Ui-ou ii2 i.aa- .iri t l ui.Ai'&Li-ai, wbere
Ir. Iavis nijy t' comuilL-d vo u.l Ui-t'iix-a.
The following letl-r fit m a bilily r'sfcttd nwmVr
of the ?ofH-ty ol Friend, alf"rdn a'rnat -vid' nee ot tbe
threat upt-nonty tl tt e l..'Ltt ilivt ovt-r !.ririr:iL
atid Si;?p.iiti lla Mixtciu;;, in. wt-U aa tbc variooauibr
HlvJiciliva in fT'-ii' ra UHt. ,r Cn,f jia.
i bUt, Or liAl.NLi: i.Mtl.)i:iC.
K asI BT,( Lo ter L't).. I'a . I.imn. 1
TtR. Mm A. Iiai Ki-hptf'itd tn.inl: 1 itr.it. d a
1 U.-r ti.-fa tlittf at-w d.iyp muo in almli th. nb-J
tue to ;ivi; lli-r a c -rntl tnl until ul tiuinei a cm- truiu
bi Lfnt attack, lie a. Laki u iu lii- UU ot iMt., when
in it. Uiti y,r. wtlti pull, iii lls Btid Lille ii. i
and foutiitt d to bii t-.i I..r tivB nin.afi?. iu tlte
inur e t r Dial time, uu ul' -r L.tni. -l ou b - liii. h, mbi-di !
die. iiari,d a r at ueul ui Mo iy arat.-r ; tde km e ol bi
oiln-r i-fi lli'u rtitiiiu-iii'-d welnii.-, auj wan T;-ry pn -lul;
hj ntuth-i ar ttctoi tn-u- n.turid ; thm
gtr..t quantify I -.it-. .mtV.r. i.i .jf u-u, htAinw f
V,r Ki..r Iu I'.-UfiL, a (.. y rJ'-u'fi - ;.ie , M,-.arA.j
uiikir. W'H iiVUfrntrtlf C TTtH.l:UH UUH.tt y .,.,( e-.( r ,,
tlit-n ti.uk i' .un.- in hi- arui. at.d bad otc ra
on botli, ulucli were Tery pnimul .iud re. nod 'COk
6'ifiV Wit jl-UHtiy tf ,al.-tl JfU ti,r. v.crii; Ul
mm drau u up. t.n-t c uiit w. fc" tr-uj',Utu l. or u Juttt -
Ltttrat muffit lie M ui-atlenueii lt a Jtn-lflttn lor a
roifitfra'tie li-nlli ol tiui- miloouI inuilt belt lit. llu
ttc-u Vr-k tire t':Ueri of I vv txf.it ml:-. wuU-
Ou! ,il. It rt U e nuvt itppneil ( a put -ii-j.m of L-iU-PM.'ttT
wlio preMTllie.1 a K't de.ii ot (Jltl 11 1 t LUeJlt Hie
uithuut at: iiiipp.veiu.-iit. J Mt a r.-.'fi( t f .r m kuiij
j -r-aj.riil. pnx-ue-l tbe lUiCiedlenl- (torn an A-itbrc-r
in l.anc;i-t r, aii'i Uiudf a ptHil. n, win. h ," t -t k, lee
I tides a trrvat iiiiatiuty jI lea iin.de ot .-urfap.ni.a rooi
i and .-aiifi-M;! u)i.i; a!w I'n r.lr Ati ai d li-inl-H-it
Va; but all OU little km.i1 until Ut f-vk. the u-driii
wliit-ti e ti.-ar-i id tr. iu lnebi-iui II tu Uomif l.. tlie
Mm ot a n.-i.'litn.r. II. my Urn-iua. luaurt abon time,
an iiuproveuit-iit wu peic ptit..e.aud r olttiu. u uialti lie
aaf (.'urt-d. birli a.ia Mllti Ibe ttariltb I". Hie. It lia
entirely eli;in.d bun intb in heet,:h and -irila. l--r
wttirti 1 t-ei tj (.T-iftul indee-l and am ii.ii. l J.j
ail i n t.ii-..-t. nt arii tiuin i fc.r tbe .i ni.fr uniit ol
lliy ltl t K 1 I'M K a 1. 1 tbe wud ot tl e r n.
t.y aiur.Ti- luen-t, 1.1 il il.ftRC t
lbe iciy do ai tbev aea h; with ttiia tu Wcicuiaa.
Tl.ia tnr;e r.an- "f.ft m. nit Pud.ni I.' It-, r:ttir. In
flxuia; f. I.ii. u li.-J Irniili. I. A i- , i- m. ' -u-'r.f .1
ly tr. -i.h (. ti;,. ,w ,.t l- a In j uiaU. ,r. j
tai" 1 PrtMt At p;iet..n. I.ea.l Hie tii.ifia; ciK tf ,
ajeeiy i uie all. r - e.-aiiui- d .lf. riOi: :
t.-i I . h-tei Ka,, Jui Sin. (
lr. I.wi Iw.:,r S r : A'-iut ne t a". J aa at.
tv k-d aiti. a iwa- - f it e l..roal. hi ti rmnn- on aT.i l- '
Bs.it, i.ut at tiai ale It t wou.d -4kr r- i j tl.r iii. 1
kilfr.ilai.u dt"- very tlietp -.n.,;. act .-m) wiib
I. - vi o..-e In ti. h all iil iii I c ui n t ap-..k
!a tri...'f liii- n-.w-r.-Ltifii.- .1 fi. m i--,
te ii it f atitdini: I a a ti r m- Iim. i Ir-i.atint t n. ir
d p nl in. i in - It ui ii n-nnu'd at my ct:.ii- (
I. .-U. I C 'M .Iu ! !.k"'!t, Mi. le l ti a 1 e.t-.i I n.u.
a I.:, h y -a r,. ell d i in ll.e i- t. r .f I - 1. at. n
you re-1 in;i. a irtt ni' u. uf ur I- pur .t . e ; o.l tt
II. e. u t .iur l4.'t.r ! It in .i.u..e ti"ti aitli n.iir
ttir aT a, , n.a i-a. I a..- .i,nrr:i i.inj -i i baie te
n a n-'l t il. It f w n..re ih .ti a ar :uce iLnc.ire I
Wdvaell. ctrd. It -j-j-e uli. tour fn i. I.
:aui...k. ia v. mail p.
Dn Axil f. H L -l.i itHliaK'. 1 ml llllotTl
tl i h.-tiid e.nu n il a I, ptira' ivc in aea '
pen-l. .! I rivi an i L ir, r. Ar . t! tl . t Ii r -h t.
1 aV ;-l on i lie Artia, J.UAKKK A O. rf
j L-.i-lutf. ar.l .
ure I ircuL.r. .-(.itt.ili
ivi.i ,.J ih iM-di'-iti..
... i.r.ii
J Htkt.
i.. r.
I .t r i t'l.i.'B r..m..r. fsitr
Thei S. Christ, W D ,
riiii( ii stud m iu.i ov,
( A (r.luu i-f Ihe M.-l.l ti .,rl..-nt t tba I'uii. r-
i: i.f e io.... I.a.i.i..)
TI'tRS his pr fe-so nal -ervicrs lo the
people ol Luwisbuij and surr.-uiolnii
co.i niry.
To be found at all hours, day anH ni;h:-
wlien n .t profes-n nally en-.-ase t r. t hi- u,Tii-
Marl.fl St., he f ween 3d ai;d 4ih, oppusiie
! Srhrever llrown
Lewi-bur, .May
M, l60
An snerienl anil Stem.rhie .r -pa. nti'.n nf IKON purl
ft d of i.xy-n AD. I mt-l-.n l-y ri.nih.i.tinn in h,.irri:en.
.nnrrioned br tlie liitl.-st Me ikm! AuiIioiiii. tM.tli iu
llurt'iM nua litv L niu-J Mate., and nreia riU-a in tin ir
The .-xpert-nee r.f thnnran-l. d;,i!y nr o a. no pr.-.
p.rtio "I Iron ran lie e..tiniri-l n nh it. impurities of
111- l.l.axl. ih-preixn of .ital em-rir. pule an.i .itl.i rwi..
aii klr enmi-li-xione, ioiirate iti Derereity in aimi'.t.v.ry
coneeivt.le rose.
InnexieUH ill all maladies In wl.lirh it lis. ten tried,
it h- .ro.'.l .l.-olutely carali.c iu eiictl of tue f..llo
ina e-'Dil'liiiiti. T.a :
! . S
In llttti'ity, .Vro u A?eh-tn, EiHart itmn. Pptprj.na, I sot
fiim'tp tti'm, In.iei.fe'r ivir.etf. Inni t.nt ''iniiimiJf n. uik-Ii
.sen. tu I tlif N '-!., .silt i.'.eHf. ATi.mre.Oii'.Oon.
v,i,, rv.;.. Jr,r nw,...t.r.. ..u.,..
Ji't'rum-.U m. hiUrniitt.nt F-trr. i'.MJr, m t . h'ac-. Jr. :
aeji ot til-M'iM. Itrltll.HT. Wl.ettier the retijt of '
arute diH-ae. or t ;be eonunue. dnniuutmn nf nerinna
and muaeiiiar eii.-ri'V tr.-ni rbrt.nic rotiii'laiiitx. nne Iril I
nf tb. ivntt.raltve b.. pr..l Mn-r.af.i to an extent :
wl.ii.h ..n ,l..u.r( ti..n rmrwpittun tloatatimi w..n . I I
er rredilile. luvaliJa -n Inn at ned-ridden aji to bave be- i
Ct me t-.roltt n in tlx tr nwru n vlib--rh.-n.fi., ttave fu 1-
denly re aputure't iii ih Iu-t wi id aa tf jtiM r-turn-d
frnm proirmttd travt-1 in a di-tant land. Sme v. rv f
anrnaf mUinw or tlua Rind are attested ot Vniale af- i
ferfrt. miupiatt-d Ti -timo i.f Mt-i.:ireril ni.ra.iuua
irtiiiieiiita uliatmtiiin. i-riti'-n' rbtiiea, nnd tb:it r.-ntpli-ration
tif n.-rvtitiP and tya.e) tie at iTmm to air and el
errj-ie tiir wbtrli tbe pbieiatl ba no nnnie.
In Nt.SYiti' AFFiCiloMi t' all kiiutii. and t r p-aana
f.imili.ir U nntlical men. ttie npemtton of tbia prepara- j
tnn "finiDinut neeernrtly le antiitary. for. unlike tlta
nd..verb'atinK; and K.nt1y, re-..larly arient eren I
in ttie tnoati.it-iioute r-tn a of eostiTt n"-n without ever j
(fin.? a gafmc purgauto, or iQtaiciuit a diaaret-able
It is. liii latti-rpropertr. amoni nthera, wbirh miiea
It an remarkably etl'-ciual And p-rnmnent a remedy f.r
I'd. t Dpi o a hi. Ii it niao apM'tira to e-Sert a tlitirrt and
aptaetfi' anion, by dijeiaing tu local teudtni-j btt-h
fortnH them
In UTPHPfM. Innumerable an ita eanea. a ainrte K
of the-e C'halbi-ate 1'ilU bia rdt. n uftir f.-r tbe most
baMtoat eaaea. inciudinit tha ntta-ndnt iUrtrutt.
In unrhi-eli.il id (i.intt. t veu when adrnnced t fT
rTKT. confirmed, i ina. ialiitir. and app:iren!ly ntalie
nant. the ctfecta bare been equally dWiaiTe and atvu-lbi"ir-
In the (oral naina. Ioa of fleh and atexnirfh. rtetiillfit.
tine much, and remittent h. tie, whirh renerallv indi-
eit iM iriKT CoxxtMPri'iji. Ibia remlv baallaed the
alarm nl friend aud t bieiana, in MTerai ?er gratify
ini; arvl mtereatinit intana.
In ftt'rt lanira Ii blkci ios-m. thla medieated Iron haa
had far more than (be rinI elTeetof th mot raiitioiialy
hMlanred prepartatu na ol iudti.e, aitbuut ant ol their
t ll ka.n.i. li .ti...tla.
Theii''enti.n ot rvniala ean not b too ronfidently in
vited tn tbia rrmftlg and nwtvmUve, in ilia caaen pecu tar
ly atfei tin them.
In RHF.iwit-. both rbronie an I Inflammatory in
tbe latter. bnweer. tn"re deidi riiy it ba- bam invart
ably aell relrt-d. boih aa alleviannff pin -and mluc-
in? tlie .aellinir- a.i'l stiiiueY. nf ll.e j.ant" au l mu-ele.
in IsTt'.lliTTIr Fl.iiw It w.i neei-airi i v I a great
ri meilv a- d etiemrik res.ora.I.e. at.il il. erojl.'.- Ill Lite
1 SO I n- M-ltlrmnl. ot lie Went, will piubeblj te oue tit
A'.'7. j biirh rent. n and Ueluinsaa.
9- No r- mt-lT baa e. r l-een diaenven d in tha whola hia
p. I tory of tn -dieine wtikb ex-rta auct. prtmpt. happy, and
1 Ml : fully rt"ralie etTerta. Cood apj etlte. complete duaa-
U I tion raphl ae4Uiiitkn of atrentftb, ith an uuaauat di--S
00 poo titu fnractira and cheerful tseiciae, imneduUly
S "f I f .How iu oe,
- 00 put up in neat flat metal bxea rontatninr M ptllft.
Ap- ppW .'Ht wdU per boa : f.r aale by .lrui:zi-:a au-l dealer.
10 i Hill be aent Iree to any aiidre n rereipt nf tba pnea.
1 00 Ail letter. Order, ete .ahotild le al'lree4 to
It. ti- L'JtJKlS A Co . tieneral Aktfnt.
Iyf1 2" " .T. N T.
IS made and for sale by
LttFi'sbarg, Msy J9, 1600 a
NOTlCli. j
MnET!Nr! of t'.e t:ominii.iners of the i
ttrmh V lU'ii l'tirnuik' t'o nptiiltj i herehy j
cailed at the public hou-e Vl.iriin Hu.iv. in
Fdriiier-vil:r,at 2 P.M. of Fiii the .tth ..f j
J Hie, isiiii, to organize the rninpany anil take ,
Mi.bsr.ripuou'. f.ir stoct. I ne aileNd-ince of
a'l iheCoTTun-ioners and fneu'ls of lUe enter
j pne general. j li desire 1
3i.Kll IE. I'kp
J 'II V M Fil.L.
Ii.,Afli rK.nFRTrK,
3 v i:t r ;.r Ht.Kli K,
D.MUL MK.'ii Ki:f
J HIN .I.Y l.l-3.
liLji'.-it UKAVrR (kr.y
May lRtjO
C.i-rar.nerltip heret'fr
I hetutvu iht -uh-rnbers in ihe Btiich'
iitt ant. Ir- vinz hiistneNs is liwlay rii.ilve i.
Mr. .il,'M V)i;i.l, has Ihe C-'oUs. auI dmircs
a pr.xnni nipuieiit of all AcC'iunts. Mr.
v1UKKI.i.(f ror.'inufs a Meat Mar ei ai
the old (iiahatn odr'-p'om en Market Si. anJ
invitee all the hin?r'. in rtune an buy.
Midi STT. U i; M U li ii LT . U
T.evrisbnn:, Muy 10, lHtu
Exscutor's Notice.
"VYT HTUKAS. Itfrs tpstampntnrr on the
estate of M II'..M:KT YOl Xf-.taie of
t)ie !? troi'Kh -f IaPUihnT2, rlecM, h:ive been
iiueil and era rued to tlie subscriber, in due
lepii T law. ri'i'icc is hprehy siwen to all per
st.n knouin? themselves to be indehtfd t(t
said esta'.n, lo make im'netliite payment ;
ar.dllii'e havip cl.iinis azainsl th? same,
will presr-nt irit-TD dn'v au'h-1'itcat-d 0r el
tlrmmt. TMO'.fAS 1! Erf. Executor
Lewi:hur, May 2 !, 180fi
Corner of fl Jlth and .Uarket Sis,
rTE have now and will continue to keep
i cm hand a full asMirtmeni 'f all eod?
t in fur line, t which we invite the attealiua
tf ihe cummutiity
&,'., .tl.'.
All of which will he solj at rea-r.naMe prices
forcash urlann ,ro1oee. A liberal discouiit
will be ma ie lo ihe trade.
We are pre; jrej it Jo Cu-i in ur Merchant
work tu ult i. tip.ti utj,tt t( tiii. All kind-
I t,t liraill
(utu at h'heit market price.
1 Flour and Kecd l.r ia'e. l ertn
Le Dt'in'-o, May 3, 10
Executor's Notice.
TOTICE is herel y given thai Inters les.a- '
H.liliry it. the U-t will and lesta'nei.l '
ot JAI IMI X Mil'.L, la-e of Ke.'ly ,
i. wn-hip. I n ion c.-iiii'V. deceased, have l-eeri i
C.-anteJ lo The snr.-rutier, hr the Reei-irr i.f .
L'ni.oi cii'iutv.ui dae f-.rm i.f law; iheiel-re all I
per-tm- iii.tet.iett ni saol e-iale ate requesu-it to .
niat.e in.ti.cdiete payn.eiii. a.'d those havio. :
claims a-.ai"si ilie same uill pre-eni them ;
pr. perlv au.lieiii ra'eil fur settlement lo ihe f
suLscnlirr i:h. o.ileiav.
UII.I.IAM XA(;r.L, Executor.
Keliy Tp. May 2.
'OR SALE, inquire of
I.KVl AMMONS. Lewisbnri
mi miijiiiiijf mm
VL 21 III. St, liai'inc jtivi reMmpd
(Vi'in riuiatte.f hia u iih ihe l irarst
MllL ri t-T i.j''Sj J tler "-hi t lb"!, j
p! tee, ui. tint n vx i.Hi., r.vite NTitier custo j
uier- aiiti ine pp"p'etit l.evusf ur an 1 vicini-
tv peneia lv t' call and see her asurtioenH
be;.Tf jui i chaiiiw elewhere.
l ouiuieiii liui J have ihe (iuc's which wi! '
j p '-eitie iin-t la-li ticu laie. I will spare j
nenner iaior . r ir -unif ut acci'iiiiiiuaare an ;
d'-sinns; tntuve tird..ne.
In m will find BETS .Tall
s:z'. Ribiuiti-. 5iiKi, French and Anieriran
Anificul Fioviers, 'I ;irlcii'n, ( 'r.ip'-s. and ev
ery Hiucle u-ed in ihe Millinery Eu-mcss. j
Ullai hi so atid 'niti done U'lihne.i:-!
nevN and dc-p irh ait l)MssvAKi?(t tu
nr.ler. Vmi wiii lind me at my old tand f-n
Nurih 5sec-.iid Ei'. Lewishurs, April 100
lailiw w.' a fi c a am
, ...
At r. just received (in addition lo their;
larae sr..ck) a Ire-h -upply of Sprint
AMI SL.U.VLK I.OUUS, stni nej leave res- earepi lor pr..ir.o ie 1 sickne-s I ii.tn n pay
pectl'uily to n.f, rni ihe Ladies and lienilemen ahle immediaiely up.-n the cl. se . f ihe ses.
of Town and t'ountv. thai thev ran sun ihem ; in- JOHN RA.MJULPH.
in anvihih? in their line, of trade, style, qual
ity aud price.
I'ttr the I.adict.,
.ueb as Ptatn ami .':.n-y Silke, li!s-k soks, French Me
r.n.v. is-l.tn"., rM.l.iuere.. I'muI Uei'heiree, nip-nii
Ui'ts. Mi li.or .Mixtiii.-.. llnluiorMi s-ir... S--It.n
Ae l-riiit.. fi in ii. s In l i is uts. and be.t M-ri-I'.w-h
..i ii.il K. urli.li Crin... -y y.r.i- .... ein Tlie-
ler.' a live -pfeetMn "I La-lie" ?ha ln il ull deaoript.n.
i-tiret flail kinl". tiiovi-. lloMerv, and Wbite- itnoJ.-, a.l
kind.-' Kiutiruid rit-a, and tOn. atie gwaltl uf every dt
Tor (lie Gcntlf-mcn,
tbe bet nnd !ari;et a"irTm tit in t wu, eonirinir tbe
nt.,it til.-1. 1. . lla t-ie nil 1- 1:1 I lilt t,w. I aaimereiL V.rliniTw.
Ov.-reimtiiiri and Ot-nta' rurui-biiitf i.nln cem-raliy.
ti.i(-. He iy ui.tde t.lu!UiiiCt llaLs aud Lap, for AUn
d Itoyi.
AIM) all kind. .f f.ROCERIFS, HARD-
' L1 Ol'FF VSV Willi
ill T V A II
' 1 '
FISH in A. k and 1 bbls.
C'.AL. A larue qtiantitr of Stove Coal,
whieh we witl deliver tn any paitff tr.atioii nho:t no
tire, at aa low a Ik ure aa tlie aame quality nf itml ran lee
rcrun-d uu bi rt-rlf in loan. A.jM.dirte-reut ki tela or
Linif LurDera" Cual. fine UihmI taken Inexthange lor
con I-
iSTt'atih paid fur all tiuds of GKAIX
IJITCH IN f Now is ihe lime to pet vonr
mtnpy back. Zl 1 1EIIMA-one of
the firm td" Zimmerman & Zeller ha just
returned from ihe East, aud nat carefully e
lecied the best and most Fashionable Ciui'ds
th;it could be turned out.
Cloth. C-ioere and Summer fioMa ean be had Rea
dy Made, tir Made t"Ordr at l"btladelpliia priet4;
(i.-i"d boine-made Puiit. "jeta up: lata-alU tV"5itnere
Pantit.$Jop: tlB'k Cua-iiutren. to $ md ap : V-ata,
75 eta.; White Wari!lea tiiKaia -ic. diHe-rnit prie-.a;
lloa suuitDer Coal', h" ft up; Men'a h.. me mad- ."nm
mr I'nain. f 1 up: new Pttlr a--tent-re Coat a. 4 up;
Overalla. bonie made. .Mr rta : Clo'h nata of Uio LiUtot
rtylt-a at toe low. ft prices; Uata, Udhf-i , Ac. j
l.tiil- in, before yoa buy opposite the
Town Click, in Thirdst., Lewisburg where)
you can see lor youraelf, aud save lu'e I) .1-
lars. VJ1
Old Stand and Large Assortment of
jtxtr goodsi
it i: r ooodh
M:irG tonxi
.Vav w aoontr
roa sprrxn jyo scxwtnt
rou .si-A.vo a.d sru.vEnr
rou arniAG A.n .icvatst
CALL A.D ft El
krkxf.r. trci.mz 4 CO
.,-,,, . i
.ttl? m:.nvr.
('t'lt.t-. in R-brr' B.ork, fou d.joja a.-ove
the U.itik t-in t hi-, i
Lei-Lui(?. Aj.nl 3). itCO
?l. JOII I.lI Cii: wil na;
tiilije in I.e a i.iSiar'. fin M iiit the ,
in i)l l in' next -t rt.rtta n iwu vrreU.
All'r tut, hi riF wiU bp rri'i'ir, an ! r i'y '
not II'X'U! in V-iip:r4 U ii;!:ug. 1
thiee dt)nr b u:h j( ihe B-tpi.-o Cimn li. j
W. B Pie-tve b- piri'e.(If a t nn, 1
i!! he :V re pr.nc:Ma!!y. atn iheu n.ui h-: oJ
iu ip t oilier eiiiii.'f tntn-
l'fctTL r,rn"VP1' t" S pun :! l 'itet. l .ur
d r from the T;trn Cirek, I.KW-
iscrnG, pa.
0 Souih Wavr S-r'-ei,
ut .siii' old :.mt.
If von want rhr3p GI.'OCFIP.IKS. call at
NESHIT'! At-. 1,'ItiAKS, bniukins and
Chewinj TiUM'CU An assortment ol
M A I'S and L AI'-S ..t r.o-t. I.L'M KKH and
l.'iMT. ot every var ttv at very Io rates,
sroU and SV.ND lurni-h-d for bmlju.e
and pavirir; rnrp-ses Or'ers f..r IE will
be fi led by iea-.uit' llie.n a: MCSIli 1 'S.
r? t.'omitry ritoUt'CU taken in txcharg;
fur the above arl:c."es.
Lewi-bur;'. .May 2, p.)2m
T I'liarlesion, anJ ihe excitement
vvrr ai'nut tn.tl, lor the pre:ei. but is
jus' C'-ui'ii'iii,i.i: a'outibp !a;e arr.vais of
aUuoii antl tiucH at (inp.' larh'-,i
Uutiei the t'krweie. Iii. e, iu Leader's U i k
w, Ladien aitfi tit-m ruien uf l.ei-bur
aid vicinity, if yni c:tfi'l st inwre for ymir
nmney at his siorr, and .t heiter quality. :han
any other, then liun't buy of nun. My wrk
j tin- "prwi?, 1 will irnt, a I purrhae di
: rtxt in m the ni iiitjt.tcuner, ani warra.if it
betier, a;id -U p r rent ch-apT. th-ii ihe
cite aj h niHiie uork which is oliVreil tu yoa.
Ladies (iaiier ad Leather B."i very cheap,
and warranted Y. uiri d. AIeti' d
N' Stc 'ppnei1 thtsdhy catt an J ee. an f
dtiti'i miNS the i!arafis- ii- M.lStI.
I.exiitnir. April SS, 100.
New Stori' New Uoods'
FKILAD'A iiUlliliWO ST021E,
TIVO Duois a..0. e ne c..nk,
u.-r;rr., r.
Tne -uoscr.'.er.li ieir. a pers.io in tie (j t.
buvinc cio.siani y ai Aue.n-i.. i- prcr are! to
-el a.l Ins l i,: at Cut ; 1'rice H.'-ien,
Clove-, t.'r ciiei tji i . n. I elto.E .-e lie, C. 1-lar-.
ltuiiwi.s. 'I i e, ai.ij all g-. (is i.ee :r J hjr
the l..l e..
A n. U...k anH S.a.mrerv. S.-h !
a-.-l I.. ie:e U i k-. c. Pap-r
U'iii.!,.w I uriains ai S ct-. Freni I:
Ktrr lli.anl i.-reetjs. Mer.c.l ..o
it'-ne to t-rdr C. n.. try I'ro .nce ukeu in
exi:iiah-e Ca-n pai-i n r Ka-.
April I. Isiat. L M MMIOX.
1 f fj' rUrk anafl TAnlrfa UAm a. at
i j K M. 1'uii ii from (j.Tinany, and i a fi .e
wurktiiaa iu all diifereut kmd ( wtra
m his line ot bii-ine-. Jutv that can lift be
d nie tn catnun-n ct-a'itry h -p-r can be d ne
by h tu a wed n in t'n ia !!pUia, and be
IVAKIi l. ttif.
He has Intply he. n en.'sed r Mr. D. Xor
u.a'idie, U'.itchin i.cr, l-ui bmt fur hiiii"ej
niw in my vhop. IVrvms tle:n:ic anyihirr
in hi line, re rpqnes,te 1 t i pive hir;i a rail,
try hi wci k. nd e if wh:t ( bp nui true.
F. BCKriTLi HEliWunsiiuth.
I.ewivi:tr.', April !. If.)
Uf. MHIIUirr St-Ssioil cinrn-nee-
oxiial, April S3, I Brio. Ui coLIinje 111
Viu:r Ltriita receive in-rrnetion in a'! ihe
English, Matheinaiie.il an-! Cla-s:. al branrhrs
us.fil y i.ii-lit io female Sciujuaries nJ
further ii d. -ired.
Voi-q Mi desir.in. of qualifvin? them-seiv--
fur Trai h i-r f..r t:o!!ee, i r for eer.
eral hu-ine-s. will tin.) r. to their advantage
to enier this srh"..1.
The DiL!e is a Text B.i.-k.
Tl rriO. p-r 'eion of 13 w-eks, including
crtn.ent espen-e-.
PntVRT-;,tei-lin. Ur-.tli. IsCi.e.-, Arilhm. 'k.
Irani. m..l i s. Uni.rv.i ..... C'rH.
Apt AM If r.iLI-ll
.II ik'L llirlli
LtViitAuta ; sn
i 4,0 an nnonai cnari-e-; ai-o, no oeiln.:tions
April 6. 1S60.
n. j. Mii.i.iDis,
Vfnitian Blinds and WinJow Shailc.x
It. Ilie I iry at tbe
l OUOkl i'3ltl l'liCCS
. 3tif. Si.A&iS tnnde and Lettered. 8.Vro3
Hands Off!
TOT!i?E is herewv riven thai the under-
sisned has purchased aH tt.e Hfiiehold
h.ii(jli titUCH TO(K, ft .V'W C-olUthhia.
and a! no ihoe held bv his W tie. and h t; h.an.
ed (hem dm ins his picture. This is lo wain
all persons not to uiedi'le wuh them.
I.e-ri"bure. April 6. 160
r al.L Klsna
at inc ion EAT nn rsicn
AT V MO I.K. s 4 I.E.
LL orders foe ihe ahore r -ods shall meet
nh pr.impt attention by ad. Ire. aire
the uuiler-igiied. Jus. (.IliSO.V.
Mo. .ib3 Market Si., (op sta rs.)
April 5. IfGu I'h.ladelfihia.
IHE Bo..ks o( 11. VV.r.in have been
left wnli me tor seulemeni and coliec-
liou. All h.iere-ied are respeetlully reanesi-
ed I., call. tl? Miei the K.Vh of April. INOO.
suit will be t.r-.i.p.t ot. ail claims uuseuled.
triihout dis.incii'.n of per, n.
WM JllXKs. A iV f. r I. H Wasner.
Lewisburv. April i. Ib60
( 1 & M. RODE.B.VUr.II, on Mar-
J ket streel, second d -cr bel"W Fourth
street, si-um side, grateiul for pa-l patronase,
would in In rut Ihe.r Lady friends of Lewis
burg and the eoumry around it. lhaiihry mill
keep constantly on hair', a large and well se
lected assortment of tfiliincr) Cioo.i,
which lliey are selling an-l will continue to
sell at the lowesi coy prices.
. BLaacm. and Tkim..' done to order. on
the shortest notice, and according to the latest
m les. Thry will he very hap.-y to see ineir :
r.iu cusiomers wim ' - .-
T" II i-I vi'ii -priiis; u-rj'Kt-r 'K;CrnUr.t 'h
tr ,i"ti : a t !! h re tf wtrirr. r-lti' ifct
ei.l.ie tii'j-i-ti'.tr -yir;u, iu;iol'n lhai airvl
rr.u-;lc. :h" i;eti ; -he cir.i:.t:'.r. . .' :hr h-i-rf
UfCcin-- lniish a:.d irree1'? ait te-ii
p't'l'fiutl a; active. y o;- ic'iire.
;hr-ui.h he lun, tUfr- ft tx etc r ct i.if
n t(tpnri::p a.- l becorre t A Jiifd nud ptir
(i'jd: :iffiew of ti:e Uot"o.rrea peu(
a':pruiej w b duil, dru-sTy, l.irutd eeiir.y
i"i-"j . i l'V d'2cie' a. 1 lert.jj . ; ttti
f. Mt'd (.(.: ;i - itl'r- wvh rf M 1 ( fi. wS t H
ir;eticiie tin-. t rattnl vertl in ho.:. r ai"1
ertp;i ,n H iKe k;o,.irjd i!.e iiver pafidk'
if" fh' iTenr-rrl in:irrtv,'v 'if the -yi'm. lr.
I-Wis M-;rl KAl'IVF qti.rken andeqjal-
i'i orcn ailwii ol ihe uir d. e'eawves. il
01 n r-'.tic U'Hlt'T. M. uiuiatr;. t::e luer t
he.tlrl.y acTnn. f:es tne Vi ti;e crean fif
dieet.tji,. n'i ct inniiti.:ca:e, t rriarrfafe en.
er-y io a l i:ie !nr:t..ns. Ofe Uuii;eof il,
C"'.r: r ri" i!'.l!;,r. wil! enl:re'i pet vert or re
utuvr all the ai" e-iie?rr:h?d onplea'-aul
tnj.w s, ai d, ly tiei.siher. r.jt ar.J ir.t o
r.u:'.. m pli a-, ptirifyir the sv im9 'ie
tjiierji'v h-- 'hp nw-aiii-i of prev'rvirs 'he heai'b
thn ujiinut th entire suh.nter. It erf- ct
a XfjiirHs i' wjir vj ttr liltxjd r i.rriu;et
an i iiiii'.'niii,. V r vole Iv
3ti.S4I J. ISAKI.K Sc CO., T.erir?
- . . - t s.
13 it True ? Ye3, it fs Tree !
ll .nie M d thov tijitl tii-e!a. k:j. f r t. 'ies,
A I'l lv-: Mnrofco anJ Ki'l Sltnc,
J l.n b ls. l.'.fienis.:... tr 5t. -it S I'tT'S.
A PIES' Iv.ots. williout IiefN. kid,
J h .. . B-l-. inr II -ft t .-.ITT.
AU1ES' Gaiters, fiotn f 1 t-. : at
J S 'rTI S
EN'S nrvl IJovs' D.jT.3, all kin-is,
! . f 5. : at .".I f .
i! E largest a-snr-:i.cnt ,! Iloin.j
.IkiI- Hors iti lnt.i utj I le V- .1. ...u at
I'tl ; 3 ' rf it.L rl.t.u.r ib .n 111- W -
J. Ln-.u, ! w 1. . I K her- I- r an. tr.-tx u.u.
a 1 tiit '.V.tX BalK. J.vr" i
I...orf. Ap-.i is, !..
1 ullh Itrpulr In?, ic
t'sr"' I am m w ready to repair
i.-e ii,, ..i .tu-ne -e.-h a Llr-l-me.rf.
li.iplei a-1 l.ever E-earen fuv in th- er,
he-t m iru er. ii.e:hr rh eierr 'her k:r d 1
work in v'lr lir;e ,,f b'lsires All work w
Mi.o.l i.i give ti-!aenoB.
I tiave a! . ihe Arerrv f r Ilie sa . f
the ee e' rn-.-,! ( mil OH Ijtuip. tcttiitr
wi'h "il S1 n 'e-. Wie!-. A c Ae
lewi-t.- Var"6.i A L J i.NtiRM 'AUG
L.-.K.MVI R TOR NOTICK.-t e -rrs. '
. Al.nnii-iraf.-n . n ihe e-ta'e . f JOKI H
K I.I. I.V. i!tr..il. late i f Kelly l.-.n-h, -.
havi. e n erai.terl io ihe s'-.s-nber b ite
Kejtt-rr' l"n-..n e-nr.:rir if f.-rm i f law
a ' pers- n. in 'rhie ( r .-id e.'a'e are le'e
' ' l"'--l '.' niAe lo.m-'il a' p.i. mrr t,pr.d u.r s.
hav.r.s ?n josi , w.vt a?aii.t it.e same nr-y
rre-eot tee... di.'y a.l'ben. emeif f';r serfen.ri.
to I'M l.!P TAIIU AJa.ii..i-rau.r
K-I'y Tp. Maroh II,
Attoray at Lav:,
Ltnhhurit, ra.
OFriCE m S. o.h t'teona stretl, receniV
icru,-icd byj.i5. 15. Ila i:! n, d.L d. 5.5
Tlie "Inio.i must le SaveJ !"
ni;i.ri liV, Im udin;; rfsl
ire '...ok, arm n by a s..brhrrii loao.
i.. Ins brother eori.-lavehi i (ers in the S uit
s an 1- ihe b. i.K thai is making sr(-h onp.-
ralleied exeiienient in ta.njress. Every man
shou I read it. Trice Sl.eoeap edition Stic
:uple c-pies of e-.hcr e-im..n set.t by ma-l
p. i: -paid . n rece.pi ,.f reiait price. Addiesa
ISAAO W ALTEK, Lewisbury,
,)cc :J L'm.in Co, Pa
lit tire Olrnf
itCErtF, 3.TTT0X. TEAL.
iVc, wm i.e fiipplied ! t!,e huntrv people bf
ir.e sub-enter, ai his shi p i n r-h Fif h
sire. t. wifere he eirries i n tb U u, l.ern v,
business, at. j w,; M.ppty all k inds ,,f Veat
in its season. On Wednesday ai d S.nuidnv
m..ri ii.as. ., will be f. u. d at Market m Ir. r-l
id M'Ka djr 's llar-l aare S on tat low rates
b r I'asliejclusiveiv. Calves war. e. Eeeies
and f-heep pUrchaed as u-ual. TrylheX'etr
Lewisi-nrs. Ai:e. IS Isfly
at My.vrys Sla-v-LiL- Gallery,
MAP.KE T s'r.et, I.ew.sburc Ilarirj
i'i-i rereived a lar-e a-sr.t'n-.enl of
1 pia 11 ard farev Casrs. I cm prepared to rfrW
I I'l.-iiires at reduce.' r-rirea. f. r the Hi 1 day..
All wi-hinsany kind nf Pictures can ke.
mnnev by peiiina ihem soon.
.V B. Pieluies lake, m rloue wealber
Lawisburg, Pa.
i,1SsA Wholesale Dealeb
t):ues, Medicinf, Chemicnls, Dye lStufi"-t
Oil. Pa'nt, Varnt-he, Window G'as,
Perttimerv. Pure W.iies and Liqw rs
ejtnres-Jv fT Mfdicnial1 I ses.
Fancy jXtt'ii l '-d-nd all
the reenar Patent Medicines of
thedv. Pariieti:rattniu n p?t3
to pu'tmg op Precnr'r'n. Fnnlv .Vrd
icne.Ae. A'no Pit.e Oil an f Ftini iVr s.iTff
ri-lli; under icned. Imp nf No. I3S N r
J - in h sr rUiiiiil., has r per.ed aW AI.i.
PaPLR Store in Le.lsbo.e. where he wi I
seep a l-trse assr.rin.enl of Paper lla. c;r.,
which he will sell ai the lowesi coy j rices.
Also. , ina'y, i L'l tilillM. r.
He will H AM. all pai er in tbe mrst wr rlr
manlike manner. Minns -erved an aprren.
tire-h p rf several tears at ihe Papei tl.i.p.
ins bnsine-s in Phila .. i"d bavns w. .ked
constantly at bis trade f ribe past i in. jenrs,
he claims to be a Prariieal Paper Ilaneer.
Anv person in Lewi-biirg or neihlorirg
town, or the conntiy, intend re m have th. K
houses papered, are invite! I" exam-re hn
,U..k. . H. HAAS.
wi'h B"wer. cor.er 3d and Market St.
f.ewisbnrz. Teb. 10. infill
Lewisburg Literary Association.
SHARK Fi'K SALE The Lew. -jure Lit.
erarv A5S'.ciali"n is an i:.rorpi r--rerf in
siiinin and ll.e r.fner nl" va'o t tr b'EAI.
K.TAl K. '1 he e?i l a of the e. ii oral . n is
e-iimated at for. Tuui-.n I oii.b". h eh
is divided inn. iwenly shares el S-fO e?rh
The income 1 1' ihe rcl a..te is payir? a lair
perrem.te on lt inve-imrnt. O. .aor
THiaSTiKE, b( ' in; to ihe estate of Ja-.i.ea
U. Hamlm. ties. : i offered for'e br iba
mrsc-iimr. MX H V
ot Mate indebtedness. ! Portland Coal Oil
.AO. 15. Unencrcerated Articles.
IiirlflRiri', ip-:l V, IftO.