Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 01, 1860, Image 3

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    f i!
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T'-t ttntiHrmw .?ft. The Ltwismjua Cnafwirut,
I ni,!:4mt un the Cwh Xyitrm. hu th lu-cwt o4 bet
r rr jliiUm of any Nvapet in Ldsd Count;.
FreoJora, national; Slavery, sectional !
amquie rc0TU7iox to imeuicas indimkv,
Nut anjtlitr Inrk of Slmvr Territory by Exttloa,
furrbaM or Couquot.
The- toT btp. at will h the two linar PriiHpi
1f..r tlikuittrrt until they art vHnrioun ; and we
tv-ni tWm to our roust ha-J, thw to float nottl tby
w:ir-iu triumph . tb Nation. Capitol at Wub-
Fur Pnsl ami,
Far Vice President.
Thomw M. Howe
Edward C. KnirrM
litihi-ri i'. Km j
.thn If ilia
B. Smith
I 'arid Tnprart
I'auifl O. Ovhr
W'm. M KrnniD
1. 1. ILuiNsrU
Ilea r j butam
ltnbi-rt M. Fount
Jame W. Fuller
David Mamma,Jr
B Pumiuan
A. B Sharp
Edzar 0wan
John M. Broomall
franci W. ('brut
Th. mwi K. Hull
iiMtjr Brawler
munl CalvtD
.in -M Kirkpatrick
Jm Krr
i John brier
ilnry rouiiitr
FoiTHEa Duf.iiTlc Costestiosi Richmond, J on 14
'ttiEaa 44 Baltimore IS
t Cucxti run-Tiiura to !it, Oct ii, ,jisco
' 1 7
CrTA.Above we present the names of the
representatives of principles for which we
intend to reason and work duriog the com
ing campaign. Tbe Principles we believe
adapted to "tbe greatest good of tbe great
est number," and tbe Men bave proved
their devotion to those principles in times
of trial and adversit;. A full, systematic
canvass, is all that is required to insure
their success. From ever; indication of
sentiment, we believe the; are destined to
a glorious triumph the coming Fall.
Next week, we Bhall give tbe endorse
ment of the Chicago Nominees b; Messrs.
Sfr'.WARD. Camebo.n. Banks. Ciiase, Mr.
Fillmore's organ in buffalo, ie.&c. All
U caring-all our leading men evince a
noble, magnanimous, patriotio spirit, in
jiclding to the decision of the tribunal to
which their Lames were submitted. The!
response cf tbe Opposition forces evinces
cneral satisfaction, and thrills of pleasure
swell ever; pulsation from tbe popular
bcart. An 1840 canvass is evident!; be
fore us !
Clib Meeting. TbcRcpublican Club
cf Lewisburg bave rented the corner-room
of Au moos' Block (2d stor;) entrance
outside for the Campaign. A Public
Meeting will be held there to-morrow
Saturday evening. All are invited to
attend. It is expected Mr. Aiken will
read one of Mr. Lincoln's Speeches. An
or-portucit; will then be given to sign the
Constitution. Call in !
a From the manner in wbich cur I
. ,. ,
Democratic fnends are mourning over the
defeat cf both Seward and Cameron at
Cuicago, we cxpcctt'aose gentlemen will
be unanimous!; nominated, oDe for Pres.
iJent and tie other for Vice President, at
Baltimore. If tbe; do not, tbe people
will tbiuk tlo bushels of tears tbe; are
s'jc dding are sligbtl; "crocodile."
The Democracy also mourn so sincerely
ever the Tariff and Naturalization planks i
ia our platform, tbat it can not be doubted
bat they will come cut flat-footed for a
:..,., . r
Protective Tariff and for a Twentj One
lears Law agaiosnue oioeujr j. uuiuers.. i
SguThe Democratic Divisions seem to
be widening, and tbe bickerings more bit
ter and determined. Douglas' friends and
enemies are alike strengthening tbeir res-
olutions and plans, to make and to prevent,
Lis nomination and each proclaim tbat
their success involves tbe safety of tbe
par'y. J.iite probably the quarrel may !
! i i ii . d- i. tv v. I
Irccd a Polk or a Pierce perhaps Dick-
.(-,. i
inson or Scymcnr, of New lork, who are ;
both of the most flexible dough to knead j
to its will.
W afhington, May 20. The Demo-;
' , , ... j
cratic managers are greatly perplexed with
. . ; . i . si ii i j
l.i rmsitiun vcrv scriouslv. aud expresses
Lis estimate very forcibly io savine. "Not
a tar Larrcl will be left in Illinois."
The Legislature of Connecticut bave
re elected Lafayette S. Foster, (Rep.) to
the V. Senate. Mr. Foster was ouce a
good liiacksuiitb, and is a good Senator.
The House bas decided, by a large vote,
t3 adjourn e die on the 18th of June.
Good. The House also expelled from
the Reporters' Gallery F. W. Walker, tbe
correspondent of the N. Y. Erprett, who
iook ui.i;uii wuu, .......,
the public printer, in order to luauence
legislation on the English Bill.
It is testified before the Covode Invcsti-
i flVrtd the Post Office blank printing in j
ls57. worth SSO.1'00. if be would cease i
bis opposition to Buchanan's Lecompton
Calhoun Benbam, tbe second of Judge
Terr; in the murder of Senator liroder
ick, has received from President Buchan
an a lucrative office in California and S.
Arnold DougIa, the professed "friend" of
lirodcrick when alive, voted to confirm
Buchanau'a nomination ! 1
Tbe extreme Southern Platform Reso
lutions bave passed tbe U. S. Senate, b; a
strict part; vote of Democrats against Re
publicans and Americans, and a few Dem
ocrats against some of the series.
Seriuus Joke Quii says the Dem
ocratic part;, having gone to a ver; un
healthy city, was seized with "the black
vomit," and after ten days' doctoring of
nil tbe "schools," died of convulsions
without and corruptions within.
Evne't bas not yet decided to follow
Lis "Bell"-wctber oa lU Fogey Ticket, i
O. H. WOBDEH fc J. E.
Xcbjs items from tPlljcr Counties.
b 0
Tbe body of Mrs. Roberto, former); of
Kussel Hill, who, it will be recollected,
was drowned near Tunkhanoock, na the
9th of December list, wis found it Wilkes
birrs, list Saturday, floating ia the river.
The IlaDtiogdoo pipers record tbedeitb
of two cit ileus of Warriorsmirk township,
named Daniel Moore and John Duffey.
The; were engaged io workicg io an ore
bank, wheo the earth caved io upon them,
entombing tbem, and wbea taken out life
waa extinct.
On Monday night, Peter Gutchkio,
young man from Catawissa, while in a
stite of intoxication, wis drowned in the
three mile level of the Wyoming Canil,
about one mile above this borough. Ber
wick Guiette.
The Suobur; Gazette gays that several
Jew pedlars have been victimising some
of the farmers of Northumberland count;
b; selling them damaged goods, io.
The stack of the steam saw mill above
Suubury, is thrown down. The. mill has
been sold to Win. Frick, of Lewisburg,
who removed the machinery and wood
work to Chester, Fa. Tbe brick and stone
in tbe building were purchased b; Win.
and A. J. Rockefeller, who intend using
i hem in the erection of a large brick edi
fice on tbe present site of tbeir father's
residence in Sunbury. ' I
Shepherd Crowuover and George Hamp-
son were killed near Mill Creek by the
fast passenger train going cat t, at 10 o'clock
on Monday night. The; bad been io this
place during the da;, and left for their
homes in the evening, both intoxicated.
Crownover was bad); mangled, and instant
ly killed, lianipsou lived two or three
nour3 af(cr he bad been struck b; the lo-
' .: '... !.. . f...;i
comotive. Crownover leaves a lamil;.
A barn in Derr; township, M.filin Co.,
owned by James Cupples, was entire!;
destroyed b; fire on Friday, together with
a quantit; of bay, straw, borse gears, &c.
The fire is supposed to bive originated
from children playing with fire close lo
tbe barn.
Rev. J. J. Reimcnsnyder and Col.
James Cameron are recommended f.ir Con
gress b; the Democrats in Ihe North'd and
Schuylkill District A Democratic mass
meeting is called for tbe 9th inst., at Sun-
bury, to instruct their Delegates as to
tbeir choice for President.
James Miller ("Jim," of Lewisburg)
was arrested at liarrisburg on a charge ot
I rincklna a f.irirpd order for $40 nn bin em-
Th(j Railroad coonection betwccn Dan.
viMe nd Xorthumberlaud, it is expected,
be completed next wetk.
The last Legislature passed a severe
law against re packing salt b-li
On Sunda; niiiht, our lonn-man, Mr.
V. Petersen, discharged two barrels of bis
revolver upon one of tbe bins iu bis em
ploy, named Eugene' lirune, under tbe
following circumstances : The bo; bad
got up iu tbe dark, aod gone out at the
back door, unheard. In coming in, bow
ever, be made considerable noise, and
aroused Mr. P. who was sleeping in the
same room. As tbe door opened, the fig
ure of the bny was visible, aud Mr. P. bad
no other idea than tbat it was tbat of a
burglar. He at once reached for Lis re
volver ind discharged two barrels, both of
which took effect about the back and thigh
uf the bo;, drawing blood iu both places,
but foriuuatel; doing no further injury.
As soon as the frightened bo;
fpeik, be made himself known when of
V .
wo was frightened the most. 1'iltstun
John Labenburg, a rarpenter, while re
cently crossing one of tbe high bridges on
tbe Cattawissa railroad, slipped and tell off
tbe bridge, a height of fifty feet, breaking
his back, and causing bis death in about
one hour after the accident. He was 35
years of age, aod leaves a wife aud five
A eon of Capt. Thomas Eppley, of
Montoursville, Lycoming count;, aged ten
jers, fell from his fathers canal boat,
hiIe,ljiog iLrrfaburg-aad dro.a-
ed- Tue D0, wa4 etieaj-ed in fishine with
a drop line when be tell overboard.
A puddler, b; the name cf Patrick
Cabill, died suddenly in tbe Montour Rol
ling Mill, from tbe effect of irinking cold
Wi,ter while in a state of profuse pcrspira-
tion. He was a single man, 36 years of
age, an Irishman b; birth, aud bore a
trJ E0011 character,
, Ayounglad.named Ilenry Wentzel.wbo
bails from Jersey Shore, and is disabled
. .. , - . ' ,
m bis legs, afforded some of our citizens
M opportllnitJ of witnessing his skill io
driving a piir of dogs io baruess, attached
to a substantial, well-made wagon. The
, perfectly trained as any pair
,b r, r . , r
of well groomed carriage horses, lie was
,. 6 . ,, ,e
on his way to Uarrioburg.
i Sl4,uuel Wil8UD formerly a resident of
"er'Bi bad both bis legs cut
eff at
rarkesburg, Chester county, tie was
near tbe track when tbe train passed by,
was thrown down, and it passed over bim,
entirely severing his legs trom bis bod;.
A boy, 4 years old, son of James U ugh-
I es, of Newton Hamilton, io walking over
a plank crossing the small run from tbe
tan;ard, but which bad been swelled into
a torrent by the heav; rains, fell into tbe
turbid waters aud was drowned. A num
j bef u llCjgi1bors proroptl; repaired to ibe
.ot an4 w,del tbe run in all directions,
j but fMti t0 di.over the bod;. It was
probably washed through the culvert into
,rbe mw- Tbe i(;f of tbe parents, espe-
cially tbe mother, is said to bave been
heart-rending, at this sudden bereavement
of a favorite child.
Lewisburg Letters advertised in tbe Lew
istowo Post Office: D. D. Guldm, John
llawn, Solomon Ritter, E i.-ba Shorkiey.
Tbe General Superinteideul of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, bis is
sued a notice calling tbe attention of par
ties owning live stock to tbe following ex
tract from an opiuion given by Cbiel Jus
tice Gibson, in the case of ibe railroad
Company vs. Skinner, 7 Harris, page 98:
"An Owner of Cattle suffered lo gel at
large, and wbich are killed or irjured on
a Railway, bas no recourse to tbe Compa
ny or its servants; on tbe contrary, be
ma; be liable for tbe damage done by them
to the Company or its passengers."
A young man at Lock Haven named
M'Manigal, while engaged with others io
"jumping" or leapiog trials, inflicted an
internal injury on himself, fxgm which he
died slur much suffering.
Two cbaps in Wilhamsport are bold in
$300 bail to answer at tbe Lycoming
Court for "calitbompian" serenade.
During tbe beav; storm on Monda;
week, tbe bouse of John II. Musser, resi
ding in Harris Tp., Centre county, was
struck b; lightning and shattered in a ter
rible manner. From tbe chimney tbe
ligbtniug took its course through tbe bouse
io different directions, upsetting and break
ing stoves, tables, chairs, aud scattering
them about io tbe greatest confusion.
Ever; dish in tbe cupboard was broken,
tbe works of tbe clock forced out of the
case and partially melted, and a trunk
burst open. There were eight persons io
tbe bouse at tbe time, none uf whom were
hurt, except Mr. Musser, wbowas severe
ly stunned, and one of tbe children bad
the hair of its bead near); burned off.
The house was fired in several places, but
tbe flames were extinguished before an;
serious damage was done io that way. A
fowl roosting on a tree near b; was killed,
and tbe leaden water pipes were melted a
considerable distance from tbe bouse.
Tbe Bloomsburg Democrat states tbat
Coal has been discovered in Orangcvilie,
Columbia county.
Mail Roctes. J. J. Werline of Tio
ga count; has the route between Lewis
burg 'and Lewistowo, at SUb'J. li. t.
Crouee, between MifHinburg and Selins-
grove. Jeremiad Urouse, between selins-
grove and Mifflintown.
J as. K. itavis,
Irom Centreville to Cossgrove Hall.
A preacher last week, while trying to
cross the KaJd Eagle at high water near
Mill Hall, lost bis horse and buggcy, and
narrowly escaped with bis own lite.
A hail-storm in Jersey Shore last week,
tbe products of which, tbe Vedette says,
were "as large as potatoes" potatoes, wc
suppose, about tbe dimensions of a "piece
of chalk."
Convicted of Murder. Last week,
at Danville, M'Kinley, tbe murderer of
Shevland, was tried, and found guilty of
murder in tbe first degree, on Saturday.
Tbe trial was delayed a few days on ac
count of tbe absceuce of witness. No
I doubt the murder was most cruel, although
under tbe immediate influence of strong
drink. A few days before tbe trial, Sher
iff Blew's wife found an iron crow bar,
pointed, in M'Kinlcy's bed, indicating
outside help to get bim off. This is tbe
third convict of the highest crime, within
a abort time, in Danville.
M:ij. Jack Cu minings, of Selinsgrovc,
bas been awarded Ihe three daily routes
from Duocannon to Port Trevorton, from
Port Trevorton to Northumberland, and
from Port Trevorton to Sbamokio. Jack,
if of no very great service to the part; is
at least a ver; noisy member, aod gener
ally manages to turn it to good account.
SmiLury Gazette, (Dem )
Cliuton Lloyd, a lawyer of William
sport, bas commenced proceeding against
Jones, of Ihe Jersey Shore Vedette, for
I libel, aod claims $5,000 damages. The
recover; of such an amount from a eoun
try editor would be likely to shut up bis
Well might J udgc Jordan say, as he did
in bis late charge to the Grand Jury of
Lycoming county, "Crime appears to be on
tbe increase painfull; so." No less
than thirty fevtn casis were brought before
tbe Grand Jury for the last term, and re
ported io issue of the )Vi liayn'jxjrt G
The farm of Win. L. Dewart, situated
in Snyder county, on tbe West bank of the i
c ,;k .if' ; l. . ... ., . i
iSu-quebanoa, three miles below b'unbury,
was sold by the elu nn of cnyder county,
for $14,500. On the Iltb, tbe property
was up at $16,500, but the sale was ad
journed al Ihe request of Ihe defendant.
and was knockeddownafterwards to Hum
mel & Scbnure, of ISelioscrove, for the
sum first named, or S-,000 less than the
amount bid at tbe previous sale.
Ou removing ibe floor of tbe old Court
House at Williamsport, a white oak stump,
two aud a half feet iu diameter, and in a
tolerably good stale of preservation, was
brought to light. The tree was cut from
it about 1801, when Thomas Jefferson was
in bis prime, and Democracy did not mean
Slavery extension.
The new Methodist Church in Milton,
now nearly finished, will be dedicated on
Sunday the 24 ib of June. It has been
adorned with beautiful fresco painting.
All the Williamsport logs caught above
Northumberland, will be sent back by ca
nal ; those below, sold, or rafted down to
John C- Botsford, of Laporte township,
Suliivao eouuty, bas a sheep, only four
years old, which has given birth to ten
lamhi, all of which are living. Each al
ternate year, she gave birth tothree lambs.
If this can be beaten, Mr. B. says, bis
ewe is ready to try it again.
The Circuit Court of the United States,
for tbe Western District of Pennsylvania,
will commence io Williamsport, on Mon
day, tbe ISth day of June.
A citizen of Sugar Valley, convicted of
an attempt to procure abortion, has asked
for a new trial at Sept. Court.
Prolific. A cow owned by Geo.Lyon
of Union Twp, Mifflin Co., bas bad four
calves, all of which are thriving, in eleven
months A cow of Mr. Levan, near
Turbutville, gave birth to three calves,
wbich are alive and doing well.
Some weeks ago, the residence of Fraok
Trumbower at Limestoncville, Montour
county, was entered, while tbe family was
absent from home, aod $45 in money
Wednesday night, May 16th, tbe barn
and wagon-house of John Sbone in Hep
burn township, Lycoming county, were
destroyed by fire, supposed lo be ihe work
of an incendiary. Iu addition to tbe loss
of Ihe buildiogs, Mr. Shone lost in tbe
fire two horses, four cons, all bis grain,
and his entire stock of farming iniple
ments. His estimated loss amounts to
$1:100, opon which there was no insur
ance. Mr. Snoue, by Ihis fire, bas been
left entirely destitute of means, and tbe
sympathy of tbe community is much ex
cited in his behalf.
Killed bt a Rattlesnake About
three weeks ago a lad named Bailey, resi
ding near Sylvan Grove, Dale district,
Somerset eouuty, was bitten by a rattle,
snake on tbe arm. Notwithstanding the
free nse of antidotes, tbe limb swelled to
an immense sire, became black, and burst;
the lad died two days afterwards in
great agony.
Tbe property of J. S. Smith, near Mid
dleburgj brought $4495 at Sheriff's tale. ,
A barn belonging to Mr. Caldwell, near
Turbutsvillc, Northumberland county, was
Struck b; lightning on Saturday morning
and entirel; consumed A fine two year
old colt, belonging lo Charles ileilmao, of
Clinton township, in Lycoming coun
ty, which bad taken (-belter under a tree
duriog tbe storm on Saturday afternoon,
was killed b; ligbtuing.
The Snyder County Agricultural Society
is incorporated, organized, and appareutl;
preparing for action.
There was recently almost a fire at Wil-
IianiPDort. which niii'ht bave proved of
immense destruction, but for its timely DO-
tice. It is supposed lo bave been set on
fire b, rat. gniwing matches.
Th- r,r,l f R.K Tnwn.Mn. onnosite
Danville, are preparing to form an Agri.
cultural Association.
On Sunda; night a dishonest and dissi
pated son of a farmer named Mason, resi
ding in Franklin count; Pa., io attempting
to enter bis father's dwelling, from which
be bad been expelled, was shot down and
instaotl; killed by the old man.
Tbe reputation of Bellefonte for drunk
enness, rowdyism aod fighting is "impro
ving for tbe worse," ratber rapidly.
Annie E. an interesting daughter of
Epbraim and Sarah Zug, of Mechanics-
burg, (in ber 4tb year) was burned to
j . l i i. ol . i l
ueaiu lust wees., cue uig guuc uu niiiirs
alone, found some matches, and lit a lamp,
which by some means gave fire lo her dress.
Her mother bearing ber cries ran and
enveloped ber io the folds of ber own
dress, extinguishing tbe fire, but tbe little
sufferer died Ibe day following.
Tbe former residence of Judge Arm
strong, jo Williamsport, waa struck by
lightuing on Friday last, but little dam
age done The profuse rains this spriog
bave done much damage in Lycoming
county, hindering planting, and washing
out planted corn, Ac.
Foreign. Garribaldi bas landed in
Sicily with a few thousand men, in aid of
tbe Revolutionists Theodore Parker's
death, of consumption, is announced, at
Florence, 10th nit Sayers, the pugi
list, retires from the ring, and be and
Heenan are both to have a belt Me belt
to be fought for by other brutal boobies
Piccolimini, wbo is said to bave realized
a fortune of $lu'0,000 by ber voice, is
about to be married to the Duke Gaetani.
Tbnugh not a princess, she is of noble lin
eage, being the daughter of Couut Clcui-
' !
Iehrible J otiNADO. We have ac
counts of a terrible tornado occurring along
tbe Ohio, near Cincinnati, on Monday
evening week, in wbteb six persons were
killed trees blown down bouses unroof
cd telegraph poles prostrated, and cars
blown ftom the track, causing damages es
timated at half a million of dollars. A
great many pcrsoos were severely injured.
f.JtiO Hughes and otherCatholicpriesla
were on the big stage during tbe late
Douglas meeting in New York city. Mar
ried to a Catholic by a Catholic, Douglas
is tbe man for John Hughes aod those
who ha can covern.
I.. U. IIREHER, Proprietor.
rrni new nmei is suuairu opposne inr i
I f . II rk. rn.k. n4 '
new Hotel is situaied opposite the,
" a" ,,,,, Z'STZIZ I :
beauiiful part of the town, and lor style and ,
convenience can not be surpassed in Central ,
1 ennsy.vaiiia.
Those visinng the University, or attending t
Conn, will find it the most convenient and
central public houe eharjes will be Ihe
most reasonable and neither lime or expense
will be spared to bestow every comfort upon
those who may call. Lewisburg. May 3.IN60
DIZE c. in the counly of UXION for
ihe year 160. I
cus. lier"
! Cli m heel in Brothers Lewtnrrarg 11 fl-'r 1
I hremer. M l'lure Co. do II lo IK ,
Jr.hn Wll k Co. do 11 lf ' i
i Wolf-. Wti-1 Co. do 12 1'.'
I lln wr.. Iliinklr k Co. do 13 10 1
llurrh k lioorlmaa do 13 In I'll
ts-hrever k llroau do 1.1 in HO :
II I n roll llulrhinem do 1.1 10 Wl j
Alexander Amtunnl do 14 7 m '
Iir N C. 1'ur.lT k Co. do 14 J 00 I
Carolina Menm-h do 14 1 00 I
I John lloimhuin, Agt do 14 7 00 I
i (Irtirii Mar.h do 14 7 00
l C. W S. hnffla do 14 7 00
j J. linker A Co. do 14 7 00
I 0. W. Form do 14 7 0O
Jol.n II. Ileal do 14 7 00
; ll-ori- llnl.tein do 14 7 no
Win. levele do 14 7 0"!
i Philip (Imvlman do 14 7 ' I
Heler Neaioa do 14 7 OT j
W'm. T. Keitmayer do 14 7 0 1
r.i. Caldwell do 14 7 00 ,
T O. tinoi A Co. do 14 7 no
Jeene Fnlti do 14 3 f0
Thr.tna0. firier do 11 3 SO
Zimmerman A ZellerS do 14 8 :0
OatHl llioter do 14 3 S j
liver A ramoni do 14 3 SO
JrMt.h L. Ilawo. do 14 S .10 ;
II L M Vahrraj do It 3 SO '
ThornM Ne.l.it do 3 SO i
tt I. sjeia.it do 14 .1 '-
Jame. SVott do 14 8 .V)
A. P.. Ir-n.Ttnandia do It 3 M
A. K llower do 14 3
II. W. Crr.HeT do 14 a Ml
Kieliarrl M Cooper do 14 3 SO
W. II Cnnard do 14 3
!antel Oewrtld do 14 3 So i
Mi. .en KI.M.ohaQgh do 14 3 .'rO '
Mr.. K. Maria do 14 3 Ml
M,r A. Sprker do It 3 &o ;
Mina A. L. Zither do 14 3 SO I
Mux M. ? Zulier do 14 3 SO j
William Yrrunic Blifllinlmrs 12 VI M i
linear liarlnr do 1.1 in no
II l Wolfe do 13 HI 0"
J. D. S. tiaet do 13 10 OO
llaarwnpliift- k Blddle do 13 10 no
J A J. Young do 13 10 00
IHr.i.l Kin-el do 14 S Ml
Mioadore Seliwara do It 3 60
Younir k llarher do 14 7 00
Mrs. M.Staea do 14 3 So
Mr. Weinnan do 14 S SO
Mill Kate Heed do 14 3 SO
S W. Sno.1-raae do 14 3 SO
Kmanuel Yearick do 14 3 SO
Cbrinlian Keif Lewta Townabtp 14 7 00
Shem Spinel mover Uartleton 13 10 Wl
K. V. Olo.er do 14 inn!
II. A W. W. Whitmer do 14 7 no
Mark Halfpenny Ilutley Towotbip 14 7 00
S. K llreiirhach do 14 3 SO I
D. B. Ker.t Lsorrlton 14 7 no '
S. Weidenaaol do 14 7 Wl I
Jnaeph S Knndaba&b. Umeatooo 14 7 OO I
KdaarJ H'llaun Kew Berlin i: 10 uu
J. 0. Uorfer do 1 10 IMI
Chartea Cawley do 13 10 Oil I
C. II. Roo.h do 14 7 no
K. Saln'frrnl do 14 7 00
Irraae Kina do 14 3 :.0
Heaver A Co. WinSeld 11 IS INI
Staum A Thomas do 13 10 00
CharleeC-awley do 14 7 OO
John Date-man Kelly Toa-nnhtp 13 10 00
Tbmae Arbtirkl Hew Colambi 14 7 00
J K. t orrey k Bro. do 13 10 00
Samoel Swea do 14 1 So
Jnho KiKpla do 14 3 SO
O. K l.ti.1. nrlaear White Ileer Villa 13 10 (to
V S. Hunter Foreit Iron Worka It Z bo
HToklil A Hanrk Hultlne X Koaila 13 10 00
Kudy A liimmeireteli, Hoiraloe Tnwn.hlp li 12 e0
R. O. rtetael Lawisburg 1 10 Ml
Nathan Kawn do 8 10 Oil
John Irihbnny do 8 lo 00
leaae Kinr KevBerlia 8 10 00
W illiain Hank llfH.rih.ir 8 10 ul
Itei.h A Bro. Weal Uurt.loa S SS 00
An APPEAL will be held at the Treasur
ers' office, in Lewisburg on Saturday ihe 9th
of June. I860, between 10 and 2 o'clock, when
and where all those who feel themselves ag
grieved by ihe above classification may at
tend if thev Ihink proper.
8. w. SNOMRAg, Mtmniilt ArBraistr.
KiOiliburx.. Ms; 10, 1M.
(Cuui-a ecBU pr work p-T card of IS liau or lei.)
Commit DrJtgaU KltdMM Stiirdjr, Ana. 4.
tiumimuliay OMtmliamlmytXnxTt, JIonday.Aug.H.
Ante m liy.
rXj-Please state RICHAKU V.B. LINCOLN
of. Hartley lownship as a candidate for ihe
Assembly before the People on llie 4th Aug.
trial. E-a Lincoln is known to Ihe whole
county as a gentleman of ability and integrity,
of red rduc.iion. and able to lake part in
any debate who bas served ihe coun.y lone
in thankless stations, and who would honor
i u,rti., hsl a nnrerntauvr.an! his Ineaimn
a higher one. It is many years sinee wm
would suit both Union and Snyder if Juniata's
claim to a Member ihis year is a :nrMlrd
' Messrs. Ed.tors-It Is time the people sh'd
fix Iheirchoiee upon some person lo represent
them in Ihe Legislature. 1'ermii me through
your columns lo recommend lo thera lir. WM.
I.ElsiKK of Lewisbnrg. I think I can truth
fully say in Ihe words of Jefferson He is
honest he is capable. As he has been just,
diligent and faithful in all lhat he has ever
undertaken, I inter that he would rouiinne to
be so in ihe important post for which res
pectfully name bim. BL'FFALoE
ReglNter & Recorder.
I OFFER myself as a candidate for Kegirter
oj Ktcorderax the ensuing election,sulj'cl
lo the nomination of the People's County
Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to
receive Ihe nomination and beelecied.I pledge
: m-,ef lo charge the dunes of iiie oftce
1 7. ... n. ..... ..
with fidelity. JOSEPH D. FOKREY.
.Mlfflinburg. May S, IHdll HM
riHE undersigned will he a candidate for
I Ihe office of Register and Kerwder r-f
Luion counly, suhjeel lo ihe nominaiion to be
made on the 4th of Aneusi urn.
Lewisburg, May 2, 1H0 810
Counly t'onimlNMloncr.
THE subscriber will be a candidate for
Commissioner ol Union county, subject
tu the decision of the nominaiion of the Peo
ple's pariy at the delegate meetings on the
4th of August next. It. W. THOMi'StlS.
MifHinburg, May 2, I860 MO
IELLOW CITIZEN'S Throoah the ureent
sohcitaiion ol a lar-je number of frieiitls,
1 offer myself as a candidate lor County Com
missioner, subject lo the decision of ihe Re
publican primary election for t'nion county.
If I am nominated and eiected.l will discharge
Ihe duties of Ihe offire lanhlully
Lime-ilone Tp, May Is. iMitl
Real Estate.
A Superior Bufftloa Valley Farm
"II Y virtue of a decree of theCourt of Common
J J Pleas of Union county and umler direction
ol ihe same, will be exposed to puolic sale on
the premises, on
Thurwdar, 2Slh June
I860, all that messuage and irac of land, the
estate of hobkw Magkk, deceased (ftrmerly
known as the Kaufman Farm") situated m
Rulfaloe township, Union counly, about five '
miles Irom Lewisburc and seven from Milton,
adjoining lands of Jacob Kaufman, Peter S
Suhl, David Herbst, Daul Rengierand others,
124 Acres
and 80 perche
neat measure nearly all
clearer!, and in
high stale of culnvaii
The Improvements are two two-storey
HANK AUN Wsiboii Sheil,
Cider Press and r.iher Otiibui'dmss a variety
rfsjjof FRUIT TREES, Apple. Plums. Cher
SCTries. 4c-a yoarrv ot LIMIisTON E on
Hie Farm a Pump of nevtr-lailing Water
near Ihe Hontt. An.
., i.h, , ihe nmneri. rail on
G""ot S",TB' re,ld""! 'h' P"m'
Sa e lo commence at 10 o'clock. A M, hen
Clin,liii,.ns (which rive easy terms of pay-
meuO will be made fully known hy
BuflaloeX Roads. May an. ISfiO
Freaa'eopy 3 aki bill to Kx'r
Two Excellent Western Farms
17OR SALE or will be Exchanged for
Properly in Central Pennsylvania.
One tract of 154 A acres is on the south line
of W'urrcn citunty, 7oi.ri,wiih a posi-otjice, mill,
and school-house near. The other, near Ihe
west line of said county, contains Uu acres, a
short distance from a good settlement,. They
are :I0 miles south and southwest of Des
Moines. Ihe Capital of the Stale, and about H
from Ihe line of Ihe Burlington A Missouri
River Railroad. The land is rolling, ol a good
quality, ana timber convenient. Indianola is
Ihe county town. Persons desirous ol making
a purchase will make further inquiries at ihe
Mar 4 Vhruniclc office, Lewisburg. April So.
XL change! Will be sold cheap tor Cash
or exchanged for Town Properly or Farms in
the West Branch country, a quantity uf
good, unimproved Land,
suitade for FIVE handsome Farms. Their
location is in a Western Slate. ami for heahh,
beauty. fertility and desirable climale ran not
be excelled. Persons sincerely anxious tn buy
or exchange, can obtain further information
by calling on J F &. J M LINN
Lewisburg, Feb. 13, I860
SES and Lots, each suitable f. ilxi
two Utilities one on Xorih fourth sirrei and
one on St. John street, lor Sale. Hallul each
of the above Houses are for Rent.
W Mso, for saie, lour Building Lots nn
North Fifth street. JOHN HOUGHTON,
Lewisburg, Jan. 10, UsSs. Agent
I rood Ruase and Store Boura Market 51 reel, Ac,
THE subscriber offers lor sale several
BRICK HOUSLS. and other Bull-,
dings siluale in ihe Borough of Lewisburg.
Persons wishing lo purchase, w ill please
call oa Mr. Jonathan Woll'e, who will give
them such information as they may desire.
July ft, 1859 it. eCHN ABLE.
flf South Fifth street, i nrnoertv Jaw
consisting of 1 good Frame House jLl 3
lalf Lot of ground. Terms easy. Apply
May 17 A. B. VORSE
THE well-known Tavern Stanar
at the east end of the Lewisburgjtlll
Bridge, in Chillisqnaque township, Norih'd
Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms.
Lewisburg, Dec. 17. 1S58.
rpHE TWO ROOMS occupied at pre
JJ. sent by Washington Hutchinson as a
.Saloon. They are suitable for S 1 1 DPS
For Terms apply io auwl '
Jan. 27. 1858. JOHN B. I.IXX.
A DESIRABLE Building Lot. 33 feel
feel front by 16?) deep. Enquire of
Beaver, Kreraer & V'llure.
"nLl'ID AXD P1XE OIL can he haliTthe
ojm'a- '
Alio, ney ut Uiw.
1 St.
-vFPirK nn 8iuih Second near Maikel I
f Ltnixnl'Kii, r..
ajj Professional uu-iness enirnsirn w
hi 'are will be faithfully and promptly alien -
Kept. II. l--7
aar p C - N I C .
W'll jonip into the Wg"D, nd all lk a rid.
LARGE, handsome
i nd "r c"n,f"r,a"
filled up lor ihe especial acciMiiinmlaiii n of
Pic-Nie and r.iher similar e xrtir-ions. Terms
moderate. Apply to J.'S. M. HOLsLL.
Lewisburg, June 3, I85. 1
T")ERS). shipping Good to Philad. will
g please or particular ami
Mark them in care of Feipher's Line;
otherwise, they will be reshipped at Harris-
cure, which will be ailenneu nn neiar.
May 6
TIlliM. PEll'HER.
an r
rosT or
LARGE snppl) of Kniiks,Stationery,
J. Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, t.'oiifeciion
eries, Teas. Spices, Fruit, !ms. lt.isliies,
Piriore-, and a lanety of MC'K .ACKS lur
sale ( heap ai ihe
L6t I.EWBt lili Ptti-T OFFICE.
I ' I N E (ii ld I'l KS !i r Lailies and (iei.iv ran
hebadaiihe 1 Oh T I 'I MCE
t iEVEKAL sens ol CAMhtis and other
Breast Pins and Ear Ruiks ran b had ',
very cheap at the FOwT OFFICE
RDEK8 for Brroks or (.'or d of any kind ,
promptly atleuded lo ai the
I'l is,T OFFICE '
1ADIE3 can firjd the lar: esi and 1,-tt assort
j menl of Letter and Xole PAPER. Envel
opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE
1 F y..u
want a beauiiful (ill T FRAME, go
F yoi, want a supply of fine STATION fi
ll i , io ihe
OVER Jos. M'Fadden's Hardware Siore,
formerly llouehtun's Shoe Store, Maike
street, Lew isburg, Pa.
ic, in ihe usual superior siy'e. In additton
lo ihese pictures, I am now prepaied to take
Illolortl)hN, lar?e ci small, equal to
ihe bei made anywhrre. Also, H.AL1 O
TYPES. These pictures are reh rru to rep
revenl life, a nit are snpeiior to an oil painting
etving ihal fidelity ol expression and feature,
thai can te produced only by tbe Cumrra.
These pictures are patented, and I bate the
exclusive nrht for Union county. Call ant"
examine specimens. April 21, ls.r'J
Ltvn rLMKR. jns. a mtss. j .j. rAtnra
I.. imi..mi:r & o.,
Lewi.sburg I'laLii: Hill,
eep consiantly on band and
u.ai.uid, iurr io order 1 loorill. Mdili,
Uoorm, Siih. MiuIMtk. ItliMtis,
.llouldiuM ot ail paiiems,
and all other descriptions of W'uod Work u'-ro
in Buildup.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warran led to srve -an:act:un
tV'An extensive lot of l.utllbfr of al'
descripnons i n hand for sale.
ilrfrri rn AnrA AfOMii ilntt.LlWitturgJ'a
April a2, I8.'. i
THE OLD MIOP! The suWribeis
respeclliillyanni ui.ee lo ihe citizens il
Lewisburg anil viriimv thai thev Lave I. rmni
a Partnership in the
Tailotine Business.
at the well-known stand of James Criswell on
Market street, where they ate prepared to
CUT. 4 . i) MAKt UP lo i per in il e very
best stle. Men's and Bos' 4 lot 111 It fX 1
every description on shori notice. We ask
a shared ihe public pair, naee
Lewisburg, April 4, 1p":
rpAKE NOTICE! The ninJersicnf J art j
appointed Agents tor Ihe sale of
Iloorw, llliutlN &. Window .Sjji.Ii
of all sizes, made of the best maternal. AI
work warranted. IV Made by L.B.fl'KOI T
iiushesville, Pa. and for sale by
tiisl F fi CALDWELL, Lewisburg
TIIOS. G. gkii:r
AS jiit received a splendid assortment
ol ihe very best, chenpr st and most
lasbionable Jt-tC'll) in the inaikei. Hi-
8irck comprises
BrraKl l'lnt,
Lur ItiiigM,
ft'illiifi- Islllgfl,
Me e Itulton.
wh'eh will be sold extremely low for Casn.
He respecnully asks the patronage ol all
his old customer; and also invites new ones
to give him a call before making their pur
chases. Call al the sign ol the Big W aieh,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. S4,'Sd
'HE Film ol lrr.r, Lrntlarl & 11 hrulrch
in the ItiUblaiiiiK ltu.in sv.
aie rearty lo im.it lor all ku.ds ol w rk
in iheir line, and are well satisfied il would
be to the interest of such as purpose erecting
good buildings to give us a cail betore con
tracting wiih others. We have put up some
of the best houses and siores in Lewisburg.
and are assured iheir owners will testify that
their buildings wete pnt up bv good and ener
getic workmen, and in quirk ini.e. (which is
a very important matter to builders.)
Krftrmen Chamberlin Bro's; I.. Palmer,
architect; Dr. LBrugser; Bvers Amnions;
Lewis Ashcnfelter. ISAAC W ALTER
Lewisburg, Dec. 27. lS.'.y
fL-ja Horseman's Friend, or
nTi rocket t'oiiipanion.
Filiy-i'wo Valuable Receipts lor ibe Farmer
and Hurse Dealer fur sale (12 eis) by
Bookbinder. Lewisburg, Pa.
FTIHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
I a large assortment
of ihe vtry besl Sha-
mukiu and Wilkes-Baire COAL, for lime and I
stove purposes, which he will sell at ihe very
lowest nnees for Cash or Country I'mrlne
Also. Maekmithi' Coal, Platter and Sail.
Wish il distinctly understood, lhat I m ill not '
be undersold hy any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidrnsaul's holel.
Lewisburg, May 27,'5'J.
uo3ia:oPATiiic riiMit.,
OFFICE in his new Brirk lib ck. Market
street, south side, between 4th and ftth
(up stairs.) Lewisburg, May, 1060 738 '
ciua-a-i If nnilllJ.
i iiTT..-. .... a rr i ...
' t riXaml SHLETIKON EMabiilhnient.
J Removed u tlnDghiua's '"rir.erShi.pi.n
. Market strfel near K. unh, here I will
.v.ar-et sirfet near r..urm, here aate
ai an unir a iuii asutuneni oi
j Tln ar4.f siaie 1'lpe,
rOAL hl rmIS. St.rt Z,t. 4r 4,r. ,m
i.mi make to .rcler, on Nburi nuiirr, Tin fini.
ter. Spi.iinng or any kind of ork in ayln,
of liM-.ine'...
I i Mending and Jnt'bin? eenerallTpreirail
tendtd lo. JOS. A. KKt'A.VIIft 7
. Oct SO, in.vj
i,'i;i. H ii-Hi:E-6i-oititorii,i,,ar,ri
a U.f .Dhrrii.K lr..rTiri Krttlra. s.u V.L
.l.l-tt.. u- lor lri.lr.n. L'0- tunrh.fl rirWli
a:tw Irt-urb lUkiug 1aii, 4e. t'AI.L jixit sty
JS A. Kk,ru
Jon. Miittlleton &. Co.,
Xos. 15H and l.'lH Xorih Fi-nrlh or.. .L
Arch street. Philadelphia.' e
IMjAMMLS, ii.r.S ami Gil.
3 im.
1 .-irt..i nir.i t ai d rtioi it
.i.rt..l rlir.it rd rtab!tl I'l KK .r.rf .
rmi.t .., illaid. Im.t i
rl.-o.- kr.nw I.I.I Hon. starry. M d.ira. 1. .u , JTj
ttl.i-k. j.11 i;i.lr.,n. Iri.l. awl .-.,!. I, Wbuk. j .J
LA W OFF1 C i; Ii EM O V ED.
John B. Linn,
hou.e on X. Marliei Si. bet. Im & ;,j
l.'Mi!lUli;, Vsk.'
The HOWARD and HOPE Eipresi
lX PII ES.- ES I laily to and from any
Ji IliuU ft tl- I tllt.d Sl:.lnaild (.'-rj , L
A l.lrW H.L llrai si,.. ,
i'ainily Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.
Km'.ri.riLj r f prj arti l re mmoB tr. Ik- tt Je .url, H
TEA, COFFEE. 51 OM .-!'
.-L'C.AH, CHEESE, I l.-li, '
FHL'ITS, Ac. Ac. Ac,
Market strict, iiir. the
1'utt Ofurr.
I,cn Isiltiirsr, la
rV C. E. A Co. have ju.-t rcceiveil
I r fre-l; 111 I lr! . .VI , . . n,. .j, ,
r.i.- t. il l.r-rrrv. (I run kiiHj. . n.r., a hii a ua
l":nli ami 1 uiiuloi-,
put ui. in r. anil aarririitVil iur. ai..J lr..L.
Driril Ai !t.-, I'raf lK I'rtJiif. Cur-ran;.-.
Pif-fi I'ition-'. F'"5
l'att r-.H;i;sit!.s (rem l' to s '
tt.-. pir 1!'., I'iikits of
till ticsci i)lii)ii.-i,
Pure Jaia It'i riX', ground,
aDrj j i.: uj in irir-tv-.t Cn, ei.rp-.-l f..r !j.n.r ta.
A Inrnf lt i,f i,.,r,f,r MA f A L Hl.l.. SH D
Wit i I y.sy, HLUMMi, HAM, A.lCliV4e
A l.rnerl aurtoivut of
V ii!oii and ( -d:ir ;:rr. l.lass
ware. lij ii).y,taif . I.tirllitu-an-,
ltoc, mine,
Fih Oil, llui'l.l'.ne Oil, Cnjiifti, ( ,nfa
au'l L-iifjt W'i'k, Tti!tt,ir, I.'inl, Ac.
Sitfif-of ail Kit. !.-, Wheel Croa-e.etC.
Cobtitto ar.it IScgcrs, a riioicc nuirtn.
Fliitir, Cmii .Men!, I'oiaioif, Corn,
Rye, I'a!.--. Ar.. always on liantl.
f.'rrA (.rVr-r J'l t tflurgt Iu CUtutofTt
refill ft; u ilhut thr lii.n,urh.
T'. atlemi.t to rni
lime i. r w- ui.l 1.
frrill jli I. me r ril-ir- rr
! i...rip W.are .
3r-r:rte all the artiVlea taih
in.t'-i.it,le. a-ami'd l-f)
''xli ait.r exnDiir.ener a-Mrrlairat
l.tj.lrr.1 r-1 Uiax al.lr U M-il a
...1.1 lljr. ...r. ... 1-1,.1--r. t.:
r- Hi-J ...li I,- t.
til I'm In uinr.; e,.:..-it our r.-ui.trv rru-ada laiaiva
:'h fT . fir-.
Ai rii !. T. O. KTAN3 si fa
Fail and Winter Goods
Huish & Gcofman.-IA nhanlt.l.i trilnr.j
reeeived and i pei.el a CHOKE
rto.eni of all ihe latest styles of
t .s I.I. ai l W .r.trr Oi ds. t he particular
attenlu u uf ihe Ladies is called lo lieir stuck
ol litiliiaiiis
Dress srks Prims
L'euiuies Miawls
F.g-Kr. Merinos Collars
Dura Is Sieeves
titiiL'bams Iftsertings
rVrJfJs Edgings
ALSO Cloihs, I fan, nj Fancy Cassimeres,
Jeans. Tu.eds. Vrstir.gs. Muslins, Drill
ings.Tirkirg. Flannels, Bums and
tVfh..es, Hals and Caps. j,
loeihcr with a Complete assortment cf
Givcerios, IlaiJwaic,
Ct-ilarware, Qnccnsware, Ac.
all of which will be dispsr,3 0f on as rarrrl.
ble teitr.s as ibe same arneles can be purch
ase! ail) where. f.ire u.i a call !
Book Bindery!
i fl HU subscriber having rcntrd ihe entire
! Book Binding establishment of Wordrn
; A Cornelius and ad.'ed to it bis own tools, is
now prepared lo
Cook?, Mu:u!eiiir!. rumpLlets, Music,
i Cutaltincs. Xt'Wr'jiapcrs.A'C.
either Full or Hall-Bound, in various kimisof
Lr tiBk or of Mi si-is.aiid lined wiih Marb.l
i Paper of ditrerenl figures.
(lid Bibles and other Books or Papers which
il is desired lo preserve as memorials in a
! familv. ran be made mure secure by the Bia
I der's "skill.
53 Blank Books. Bibles. Hymn and Pravrr
Books. Pocket Bur ks, Album. Diaries, fcc
Lettered vtith Gold
in legible and ilurable eharaeiers, lo order
Ml MC 10IM FOLIOS, &c, made to sad
; customers.
Binderv in Beaver's wooden block, X.Thirl ,
St, Lewisburg
IOR SALE. CHEAP A Lay Press mi
Trimming Knifr, a convenient article lor
Punters lo trim pamphlets. &c.
MayS7.'5tf. C.J.STAHL.Book Binder.
Xo. I2C4 Market stnet. Pbiladephia.
11 VER. and SILVER PLATER i t Forts
spoon. Ladles. Butter Knives. Casters. T
Sets. Urrs. Keti!e. Waiters, Butter PftifS
Ice Pitchers. Cake Baskets.Communion Win".
Cups. Mugs, li. blets, Ac, with a general ?
soriment. comprising none but tlit tr?t cudi
made of ihe Ae.f muteriuli and Arurity yii'-'A
consliiuimg litem a
UtrticmUe ami DiirolJe article fur llAibf
S'eazuhtatti atnl 1 rtrate ciinum.
i Wiire re-plated in the Art dm"''
Feb. '
I, lSfillyl
V' W
H. Baranor.a. D. X. C. Pi
I'l RIM &. ItltkllOISI'.
riirsiviAX.s axd sikgeoXS,
1)EsPECTFULI.Y i trer Iheir serv ers
k, the citizens of Lewisburg and the
founding eoiinirv.
IV Paiticular attention paid lo M'RISE KT
Enquire in West Maiket street or al 1
rcntrnrr ol Mrs liar Lbotise Ian. t ' .
(JII'KKIOR Brw Wind-Mills fiir'J
O fir sale ty W . V. Baisa"""'-. .
specimen maybe seen at Jonathan
barn, la lewisburg. TtO. I", left'
W Li
' --inuuaiiy uiuai mnvei"