Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 25, 1860, Image 4

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It wa3 early in the morning of a
lovely day in June, A. I).. 1800, that
a Tathcr lanrc group of idlers gather
ed in front of the Etheridge Arms, a
quaint old tavern, in the ancient little
town of Swinburne, in the west of
15y their loots and conversation, it
Wis evident that some event of unu
so il importance was expected to come
They were, in fact, awaiting the
arrival of the mail coach, which was
to bring down Colonel Hastings, and
his son Albert, who was the bride
groom elect of Lady Etheridge, Bar
oness of Swinburne, the last of her
race, and sole heiress of the immense
wealth and vast estates of her lordly
The nuptials were to be celebrated
on the iullowiiig day : and the re
taicers and neighbors of the noble
bride, w ho almost worshipped her for
her goodness of heart, were anxious
to see the man who was to be their
beloved "lady's" husband
They had not long to wait. The
coach soon camo thundering up to the
door; and as toon as the stops were
let down by the obsequious landlord
Colonel Hastings issued forth. lie
waS an elderly gentleman, tall, spare.
and stooping ; was clothed in a suit
of clerical black : and his pale, thin
long face was surrounded by hair and
whiskers prematurely cray. He was
closely attended by his secretary
Ferdinand Cassinovc an Italian, of
Buch graceful mien and diunihed bear
ing, that he might have beca taken
for a prince of the blood attended by
an old gcutleman in waiting.
Next came forth a young gentleman,
whose handsome person aud haughty
manner at once attracted general
attention. His form was tail, aud
finely proportioned, crowned bv
haughty head and face, with high
aquiline features, fair aim lrcsli com
idexion, light blue eyes, and very
light, flaxen hair. His expression of
countenance, in keeping wan hi
whole manner, was stem almost to
rcpellaut severity. Great beauty of
person, with great dignity of maimer,
forms a combination very attractive
to most young women, and perhaps it
was this that fascinated the young
heiress of Swinburn Castle, for this
was Albert Hastings, the bridegroom
elect. lie was followed into the
house by his valet, bearing his dressing-case.
After a sliulit repast, Colonel Has
tings, attended by Cassinovc, drove
off to the castle to have a preliminary
interview with Lady Etheridge, (who
was his ward,) and arrange the mar
riage settlements. On arriving at
the lordly castle, Cassinove was alio wn
into a sitting-room, while the colonel
proceeded to the library, whither his
ward was requested to come to meet
As the young Italian paced np and
down the room, occasionally pausing
before a full length mirror, which re
flected the spacious window (reaching
from ceiling to floor) and the pictur
esque landscape beyond, suddenly,
among the rosc3 outside, glided a purple-draped
female figure, that immedi
ately rivetted his attention. .It was
a woman in tlic earliest bloom ol
youth. As young Cassinove gazed
upon her reflected image, as he never
gazed upon her, lie felt as though a
goddess had suddenly descended
among the flowers. Her form was
above the medium height, and well
rounded. Her head was finely for.n
cd, and covered with a profusion of
jet black, glittering hair, that was
plainly parted over her broad, expan
sive forehead, and swept arouud the
temples, and wound iuto a rich and
massive kuot at the back of the head.
Her eyes were large, luminous, dark
gray orbs, that seemed, whenever the
long veil of lashes was lifted, to throw
a light wherever they glanced. Her
nose was straight and well formed,
her lips rounded, and, like all the
rest, full of character. In the car
riage of her head and neck, and in
her stately footsteps, there was a cer
tain natural majesty that, even in a
jteasant's dress, would have proved
her one of Nature's queens.
The impression made upon the en
thusiastic heart of Ferdinand Cassi
nove was at once vivid, deep, aud
strong quick assun-pau
ncut as sculpture. He saw this god
dess of the intellectual brow and
stately step open the window and ad
vance into the room, and as she ap
proached him he felt his whole frame
thrill with a strange emotion of blen
ded pain and delight. He dreaded to
move, yet as the needle turns to the
magnet, he felt himself turning from
the reflected image to face the origi
nal. He stood before that queenly
ef bis dream the dour opeued, nod a gray
haired servant entered softly, and atrpping
across tbe room to where the lady sai, and
speaking in Ibe low, subdued tone in
which royal personages arc addressed said
".My lady, Colom-I Hastings' respects,
and he awaits your ladyship in i be library."
"Very well, W iiliuius j go and say to
Colonel Hasting that 1 will attend him
immediately," answered the lady, rising.
This queeuly woman, then was Laura,
Baroness Etheridga of Swinburn ! For
ever aud for ever ucattainable by hi no !
Uh, despair I 11 is castle id tbe air tumb
led all about biui, aud buried all his hopes
aud aspirations iu its fall.
After greeting Colonel Hastings, on ber
entering tbe library, Lady Etheridge took
a parchment from a drawer iu tbe centre
table, aud banded it to ber guardian. On
examining tbe document, tbe colonel
found it to be a deed of gift, absolute, of
ber entire niagoinceut estate, to Albert
Hastings, ber inteuded husband. Tbe
colonel pretended much surprise, and re
fused to accept tbe deed, alleging that
such an act might give rise to uupleasaut
"Ob, Colonel Hastings ! there can be
no question of mine and tbine between me
and Albert. The deed of gift that trans
fers all my possessions to my future Iius
bin 1 is made out; let it be executed. He
shall then ucver be jealous of his wife's
riches, for sbe will come to him as poor as
a cottage girl, exclaimed Lady btheridgc,
with a pure devotion of love flushing ber
cheek and liiihiinj; her eyes.
After protesting somewhat farther
against such noble generosity, the colouel
allowed himself to be persuaded to accept
the deed, and called iu Cassinove to wit
ness its execution in due form. Tbe poor
secretary could scarcely bold tbe pen
which the colonel banded bim, so great
as bis agitation. LI is employer could
not help remarkiug upon the unusually
poor signature which tbe Italian affixed, as
fitness, to the deed; Out (title dul the colo
nel or the baroness . now tte tcmUe past-
font that vert tcethimj in the tecittary t
soul, or the important result they tcere act-
tinea tu brimi uuout.
e will now return to tbe bridegroom
elect, a bom we left at the Swinburn Arms.
Colonel Uastiues bad scarcely left the
room ere Mr. Albert Hastings arose,
stretched himself wilb a weary jawo, and
began to pace thoughtfully up aud down
ibe fl 'or, murmuring
Men think me a very fortunate and
happy man; and, doubtless, an unusual
number of good gifts have Leeu showered
upon me by the favor of the bliud goddess
not the least among them Would be es
teemed the baud of ibis wealthy young
barouess, my biide expectant. Wei!, we
cannot have everything we want in this
world, else sweet U jse Elmer ouly should
only be the wife of Albert Hastings,
i'oor girl ! she little dreams that the man
who has wooed her. under the name of
William Lovcl, is really Albert Hastings,
be envied bridegroom of tbe high-born
ady htbendge ot itwinburne. It caunot
be helped. 1 canuot pause for lady's
right, or maiden's bonor. Here, then, fur
divided life; my band to tbe lady ol
Swinburne my heart to the lovely cot
tage girl; ouly Lady r.tbendge must
uever kuuw of IJ .se Eiim r and William
Liovel, nor must Uose t in. r know Lady
Etheridge aud Albert Hastiugs. And
now to persuade Kose to go before me in
to Wales, where myself and my lady
bride are to spend our boneymooo."
And so saying, be lock his hat, and
strolled out into the street.
Taking a course opposite to that which
led to Swinburne Castle, Albert Hastings
soon came to a cross country road, wbicb
he followed for some two miles, and then
turning into a by-patb, be went on until
be came to a secluded and lovely cottage.
Opening the door of this elegant retreat
with a latch key, be passed in. It was a
lovely abode, fit for the borne of a fairy.
And for a fairy Albert Hastings bad bad
it furnished. Tbe fairy's name was Rose
Elmer, and she was the daughter of tbe
village laundress. Albert bad accidental
ly met ber on one of bis visits to tbe cas
tle, and, as his soliloquy, given above,
shows, bad fallen desperately in love with
ber; and, under tbe assumed name of
William Lovell, had won the beautiful
and innoceut maideu's heart.
He bad bad the cottage furnished, and
was that morning to meet Rose there,
where they bad so often met, by appoint
ment. Uose came at last ; and as soon as
the first joyous greetings were over, the
intriguing lover set at work to persuade
ber to cousent to a secret marriage ; as be
well knew, by a thousand tests of charac
ter, that be could never gain bis purpose
unless Rose believed herself to be his wife.
His task was a bard one; but be finally
succeeded, by promising that she should
stay with ber mother just the same as long
as sbe lived.
This was not all that Mr. Hastings
wished, but neither logie nor eloquence
could cooviuce or persuade Rose Eiuier to
quick as sun-painting, peruia- aesc" ner. "g moiner; ana upon no
utuur cuuuiliuu iuiu iuh 01 ueiug allowed
to remain with ber would she consent to
the secret marriage.
And, finally, be obtained a promise
from Rose that she would meet him at the
cottage that same night, where, by a pre
vious arrangement, his coufileotial ser
vant, disguised as a clergyman, was to be
in attendance to perform tbe marriage cer
emony. After which, Rose should return
to ber mother, to remain during the few
weeks of his absence in Wales, wbitbcr, be
form, and met thoso large, luminous, ! Mid. important tusiness forced him. This
i. - 1 1.:... i I ' . . .....
uam eyes nxcu upon iuiu in royui
graciousncss, as she said
"You are Coloilcl Hastings' secre
tary, I believe, sir. Pray sit down.
You will find the London papers on
that table." Aud, with a graceful
bow, the lady passed him, and seated
herself on a sofa at the extremity of
the room, took up a portfolio, and was
toon deeply engaged with its contents.
After the profound bow with which
he had returned her courtesy, Ferdi
nand Cassinove remained motionless
where she bad left him. Rut ten
minutes had elapsed since she had gli
ded in among the flowers, and passed
litm liko a vision seen in some beau
tiful dream. But ten minutes, and
life, the world, himself, were all chan
ged for Ferdinand Cassinove. He
''t.frvm that moment, that hit fate mutt
Ice itt character fur tpioil or eeil from the
"J Uml myal-laGkmj lenma.
1j the midt of the pleasing piin
agreed upon, they tuok leave of each otb
er for a few hours, and returned to the
village by different routes. Mr. Hastings
went to bis inn, aud summoned bis confi
dential servant to bis presence. And
Rose Elmer, full of hope and joy, turned
down the street leading to her mother's
When Rose entered the house, there
was a smoldering fire in tbe grate, and be
side this fire, in an old arm chair, sat a fe
male, whom no one would have passed
without a second look. She was a woman
of commanding presence. Her form was
tall, and mast once have been finely roun
ded ; but now it was worn thin, almost to
meagreness. Iler features were nolny
ver, was halt covered with a red baudker
cbief, tied beneath ber chin, and partly
fallen in elf locks down one aide of ber
face. A rusty black gown aud shawl com
pleted ber dress.
As the door opened, admitting Rose,
sLe turned quickly in ber chair, fixing ber
eyes with a look of fierce inquiry upon the
"How are you now, mother dear? I
hope you feel in better spirits?" said
Ruse, Lying off ber bonnet, and coming to
the woman a side.
"Better. Where have yon been? I
have wautcd yon.''
"I have been taking a walk through
tbe woods, dear mother ; and see, here are
some wild strawberries I picked fur you
on my return. Will you eat them V said
Rose, offering ber little basket.
"No; I want cone of them. Yon care
little for me.''
"Mother, don't say that. You do not
know bow much I love you."
"Uusb, girl, you havclittlecause oh!"
Aud the woman suddenly struck ber
baud upon ber heart, dropped ber bead
upun ber breast, and seemed convulsed by
some great agouy. Her features worked
frightfully, ber frame shuddered.
"Mother! mother! what is tbe matter?"
exclaimed Rose, throwing ber arms around
the woman in creat alarm.
' It is past," gasped the woman, brea
thing with great difficulty.
"What was it, dear?"
"A spasm. It is gone."
'Ou, mother, will it return ?"
"Let me run for a neighbor or tbe doc
tor?" "Nay, you must run somewhere else !
To-morrow, Laura Lady Etheridge of
Swinburne, weds with Albert Hastings,
of Hastings Hall. It is so, is it not ?"
"Surely, dear mother, the village is
full of the wedding, aud talks of nothing
else. Tbe village children have been cm
ployed all day iu bearing flowers to decor
ate the castle church, aud to strew iu tbe
path of the biide as she comes they love
ber so well."
"Yes, she is a high and mighty lady ;
yet, sweet aud gracious as becomes one so
exalted. Come bitber, girl, kneel down
before me, so that I may take your face
between my hands!"
Rose obeyed, and ber mother, bowing
ber own stern, dark face, shut that of the
girl bctweeu ber hands, and gazed upon it
wistfully, critically, murmuring
"fair face, delicate features, complexion
pure as the iuside of a couch shell, white,
and flushed with red; hair like fine yel
low silk, aud eyes blue and clear as those
of infancy; bauds, small and elegant. I
bave not let poverty spoil your beauty,
have I, my child '."
"o, dear mother, you bave let kind
ness more likely spoil me," said Rose, in
simple wonder at her words.
"1 bave not let your person crow coarse
with hard work, bave I, dear?"
"So, mother; notwithstanding that I
ought to bave worked with you, and fur
"lour bands bave never been roughen
ed by helping me in tbe laundry ?"
".No, mother; though they ought to
bave been."
'-Nor bave your sweet eyes been spoiled
by needle-wuik ?"
"No, good mother; I have been as use
less as a fine lady, to my shame."
"And I bave worked bard to save you
from work, and to pay for your schooling,
bave I not?"
"Bear mother, you have! You have
been tbe best mother iu tbe world, and on
ly too good to me. But I will try to re
pay you."
"Think of all that to morrow, child ;
and tchen all the country around thuildert
at my crime, when all the people call down
imprecationt upon my name, do not you
curse oue wbo bas nourished you at ber
bosom, when that bosom is cold in death,"
said tbe woman, solemnly.
"Ob! she is mad! mad!" exclaimed
Rose, in dismay, at bearing these words ;
then lowering ber voice, she said, "Moth
er ! mother! try to collect yourself ! It
is I, your poor daughter Rose, that kneels
before you. Do you not know me 7"
"Ay, I know you well, and I know what
I say," repeated the woman, solemnly.
"Mother! ob, why do you talk so wild
ly? It is very dreadful! But you are
nut well ! let me go for some one."
''Yes; you must go for some one. You
must go to the castle this afternoon," said
the woman iu tbe same tone of deep
"Tothecastle! I, mother!" exclaimed
Rose, in surprise.
"Yes, you must go to tbe castle ; and,
when you get there, ask to see her who
calls herself Lady Etheridge."
"Tbe baroness ! Bear mother, why
do your thoughts so run upon tbe baron
ess ? What is she to us ? Besides, is it
likely that sbe will see me, a poor girl, a
perfect stranger, this day of all others,
when she sees no one?"
"Hush, Rose ! and for once obey one
tchom you have to long looked upon as
your mother. It will be tbe last time I
will ask you to do so. Demand to be ad
mitted to tbe presence of the baroness.
Say that yoa bave come upon a matter of
life and death, that nearly concerns ber
ladyship; insist, and she will not venture
to refuse you. When you stand before
Lady Etheridge, say that her old nurse,
Magdalene Elmer "
"Her nurse, mother ! You Lady Eth
eridge's nurse ! I never knew that be
fore !" interrupted Rose, in surprise.
"There are many things that you never
knew, my child. But attend ! Say to
the baroness that Magdaleno Elmer is dy-
tinuation of it from where it leave iff
bere can be found ouly in tbe New York
Ledger, tbe great family paper, which is
for sale at all tbe stores throughout the
city and country, where papers are sold.
Remember aud ask fjr the Now York
Ledger of May 2C, and iu it jou will fiud
tbe continuation of tbe story from where
it leaves off here.
The Ledger is mailed to subscribers at
$2 a year, or two copies for S3. Address
your letters to liooeri jonner, puuusurr,
40 Park Row, New York. It is the
handsomest and best family paper in Ibe
country, elegantly illustrated, aud charac
terised by a high moral tone.
J ice lu lion of Italeu.
MERCHANTS ami all persons endued in
shinpiiiir tioi.ils to and Irom Philadelphia
The subscriber has on hand a splendid j Ci.null ynor owu interests !
tioojs shipped irom 10 lo i- per ccuu "
per IliU lbs. than by any other lines.
LEWISlil'HU, I' A.
II. ii. 1IETZEL, Prop's-.
rriHIS Hotel is located in the center of the
tou n, one square from the Court Honse.
Persons attending Court, or having other bu
siness in the lotvn. will find this a pleasant
and comfortable home. Charges moderate.
Lewisunrg. Pa, Kept. G, 1H5U m3
Josiiili Baker & Co.,
HAVE made arrangements with E.
E. Locke A Co. to furnish 95 per cent.
by the Bbl. and Half Bid. as cheap as it can
be bought in Philadelphia.
They have also just received a general as
sortment of
Paint and OUs,GlaMM and Pull)-,
Pine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines,
Liquors,Tilmtco, Snu flunks, Soda
Ash, Wheel Grease, &c. &c.
All the above articles offered VEKY
CHEAP FOU CASH. Call before buying
elsewhere. Our Mutto is
" Small Profit &, quick Salon."
Lewisburg, May 13, 1859.
"Dying! Ob, mother, do not say so 1
it is very cruel ! You are not kick in bed
you are sitting np ! You are not old
either, but have many years of life before
you !"
'Child, hear my words, but do not
judge tbem ! Say to Lady Etheridge that
Magdalene Elmer, her dying nurse, prays
nay, demands to see ber this night !
Tell her that I have a conettion to malce
that the mutt hear to-niijht, or never! Con
jure ber by all she holds dear on earth !
by all her hopes of Heaven ! by all her
cmselled, and might once have been grand- i far of belli to come to me tonight!
ly beautiful, but now they were sunken : Tell ber if the would crape the heaviest
and emaciated as those of dea'h. Under ' curte that could darken a tmman't life, to
ber broad and prominent rireb-ad, and
heavy black eve brows, hone a pair of
large, dark-gray eyes, that burned bercely
wi:h the fires of fever or of frenzy. Her
come to me to-oigbt ! to come to mo at
once! Ihcrc get on your bonnet, and
1 be above is all of this story that will
jet bl-ck hair, slightly streaked with sil- be published iu uur eoluinas. The con
TVeur Arrangements. ..Tlfeur finndc'
TOSEPH L. HAWX having taken the
J well known SI' Yh EK HA 7 STOKE, has
refitted it, and filled in an eilensive variety of
Halt, Capt, Gentlemen' t ClnthhigtAv.
Also a lane and splendid stock of CLOTHS
CASHMKRKr, Ac, which he will make up to
order, an he still coniinues the Tailoring Busi
ness, tie is prepared to execute all work
emru-ied to his care.to Ihe satisfaction of the
N. B. Cultins and Repairing- ji done to
orler. Lrwisburg, f pril 10, 18S7
niir JUDOTfi mm
Just opened, opposite the Riviere
llousc, in the Room lately
occupied by A. Singer.
A FULL and complete assortment o(
I N G.snch as Overcoats. Dress Coals, Busi
ness Coats, and Coats of every style and pat
tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also,
a large variety of Under Clothing, such as
Drawers. Shirt", Ac. Also, a fine assortment
of Boys' Clothinc of the latest styles. Also,
H.iTS and CAPx equal to any offered in this
country. In fact, 1 haveeveryihing necessary
in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a
very small advance for cash.
I tr All kind- of Country Produce taken in
exchange for Goods. I.ewisburg, Oct. 32.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Mi The
-? collection of both Fruit aud Ornamental
TREES, Ac. Ac embracing the very best
varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cherries, Apricots, Neciariues.tirapes.Goiise
berries, Raspberries, Currauts, Sirawbei ne.
Large Horse Chestnut, European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
forjlreet planting. Ever-blooming Kose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and olher
Flowering Plants.
r?"Nursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half" a
mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive
strict atlenliun. LV Ternu inruriulilu CASH.
Lewisburg, July 7, 1858.
The undersigned have as-
ociated themselves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ing on the Loinberin?, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all iheirvanons
branches, at the
Ctojiobnrg Steam planing mills,
where they intend to keep a sleek of Pine,
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in J rice
aud workmanship.
Lewbbnrg Planing lill, April 1, 1."'S.
Audio an. Commission Hoae la Ualsbanr.
Legal Auctioneer!
F.A.Doiiehower having been appointed
sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.re, is prepared to
attend to all calls in bis hue in town and
Commission Sales.
In April next, I intend to open on Marke
ttreet a Room for the reception, and -the sale
at stated limes of all kinds of Goods at Auc
tion. Any one wishing todisposeof any arti
cle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at
Ihe best advantage 1 can and charge a per
centage for the same
SCALES I ( V ",ry, Z'.
,,,,, V lor Ita.lioad., Ac, ,' "''
MALI in, hay, coal, aiiU
Ml ALh aily. Purcha-
--nsa, eveiy scab? i
nereha,, .
of DAILY CARS are carrying freigtii to and more than thiily-five years.
correct, and if, after irial, nut t, Uul sai"
lory, can be returned without charge. C"
. , ,,1, . me uiu s'and,esiat;l1!K.j,
at the tollowiiig Greaiiy
35 cts. per 100 pounds
31 do
27 do
21 do
1!) do
Philadelphia I'rnnitk.ZrU 4
llinchmun. Mi 8 A 810 Market SI
Persons should he careful to have their
Goods marked in care of ihe above Line, to
prevent imposition fri-m oilier Lines
from that point
Reduced Rales :
1st Class
2 do
3 do
4 do
Car Depot in
Executor's notice.
I A "TICE is hereby given, thai L,!tfr,,..
J.1 tamenmrvon ih- lasl will ai.,1
"i jun.i nt.cu, deceased, lair ,,f u .
Deer township. I'nioo count kJ. . '
Evans k Watson's
MLAUlMltlt VUl-H,
No.3U4 Chestnut SI.
I 'hiUideljihia.
Afar llul'llclun, Union Co., I'a.
THE subscriber, thankful
for past patronage, would in lorn,
his Irirnils and the public in gene
ral, iri.n he continues lu manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen ooIn9 &uch as
Cloths, CasMmeres. Twttu. KaiuneUb, Jeans
Blankets and Flannels; also, Carpet and
Stock. ns; Yarns. His machinery lemg of the
hest kind in use, and having employed the
best of workmen, he feels sale in sayinp
that his work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment in the country. A good sup
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices
that can not fait to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best mannrrand on Ihe shortest
notice. Terms for carding cah on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HAI.FPE.NNY.
Winfield Mills, March UO, 1857.
axotimr Titri Mrirr
I'hii MLH.1A. 2 159.
To the PwWffit of tn IV iinvlm Airrkullurml
thrifty: Thr Mibrriirp. y'ur ciDUiiil-e to -xmin
th0ntntx.f a fatitiunUrr ol f.ru A H.lm.h,
ftrr twine eXrtM-d U Irons Arts on ttie tair GrouuiU
for i-iirbt huM. rw-t!tiUjr r-rrm-ut
TliiaC afu-r Mru cortUof oii and thrtvofpiD
had tw-n roDfMinirU around tti httlf.it i uf-nJ in
the prt-tftirm f tntt commitl. ai;d t euttUuU taieo
out. a little writ-l, but not rr-hrtl.
lvraJ ttl-r Mwlal barrU-fnn rwin-U by tb map
ttfarturr ra. and a liar tiuauMly of auui-iU vera in
UiHHaff.au! ranteout futirvlj utitijurtJ
Tbt rifrinrnt atinfJ u of tiie capacity of
nftbiakiD! to rMtrrt evbtrob In a aoj fir: tu which
thr tuny b fXMMJ.
Tbe CunmiUr aaaxdeti m InpU-m and .ciWfr Mwlal.
(mi V . Hnuw,
J-H W OuhT,
J. . Kl TlrFl.hl,
ALrktlf. (ilLU-T.
Wn.m)rrTos, IM., Peul. 17, lfWJ. 3lchr. Kv.S4 A
Watj. I'biladfli'tna.
iHll'mm : '1 h.. .-ataman Ifr Fin-Prwf Sjfr of your
manti tart tin . pur -hawl ty ur fr m yor pf lit. JVrriu
k ijarn-tt. ofi.ur city, iwnf niitf nimithi
wrfly trit-d by burUm lt raturilny m;tit tn.i al
thouirli lb- iil lfi;i- baoi&ifr, ffil rhiIc drill, ,
ami ntf'fr. th'-y unl nut urr.-n t,)um-; in '.
.Nf. Tti Li U-iDtf n- f"lU.i I'jtiht ri!-r 1
yrotiX," Wiry fiiilU lift ft ibr i'tl-r int tt but ttriil
fl a h"f in tbe ioatr an-l :til nrr tl in a iar i hr'", ;
which wax iicultrd, aud although th .it -or, lifidf aud i
nut, huWfd thf exjlnMin u! In b- Iwii & Mnall otic, j
it wa bi fi.rrfd "p H uar thrj rv lh- r-ar
ter art uMbf uithl at rli -n it. arc luurh ;rat
itiml at thf trult of thf attni-t to t-nti-r it. and it the -t"'e
fact are of any ri-f . tnu azv at libert; U Um
uirut. 1'jurit, trulj.
llAYNARD k .h'N K3.
CHEAT FIRF.fAXOTtir.K 1 Fit Mill! !
Ks"JiVili. T. nn Mar h I-',
KV.4. NS A 1A1hV I'luirlf hia :
wVai.a) It afford- Bf prett .I.axur- tn way to you
that thr faiMmi:der .-air, wl.jrtt 1 uf had i fmu to
Frbruary. l;b, pnVfd to hr what ymi rfi ommfi.dt-d it
a rurf (.nih-cthio fn ni hrf My "t-rchi.ui--. ttr'th-T
with ffVf ral ntht-ra. war- t.urn-d U tk- L-mui.d in Manh
ial. 1he j.ff r-j thn-iib-h into thf ra-lUr. axd wa fi-
H-M-tl I.tnilt-iiM-Ual (. ri i.r -i.ht h.ur. and ahrti
It whp taken from thf run- at.-l ( -n.d. all if a contfnt i
frf f.. u i d to in a rlfi I -titif . lUm l d.a and thr
t-at- r- not U in ii.jtmd any wl.ni. rr I ran rhff rtul ;
ly rfioutmrici ymr afra to thr onui.unitT. tfli-:n. ;
aa I d.-, tl at tln-v atf a- nt-ar tirr ( r--f it i --ihi- i
for any alr to la-ujadf. TII-'MASJ I'uVJril-L. 1
-A larwf aM.rtmritt f thr ab-.vr ?Arf always 1
.-n mil. mi .tui . b.inut Strcrt, ilatc -4 Siuib fourth ,
t., fbila.lf lithia. !
grained to the uioirraigned, ly ihe ftB 1
L iiion county, in due form ol law a,;i2'trrt''
having claims azaiuM said UieVi'ii'nPr',,ls
Ibetu iu Juho Dalesman for sriifIrjrfser,t
these owins said estate are reMurS:J a!
immediale payment, t. Jnhn Dates man 5
Marrh 27. IstiO ' tors
f lo.oo
PAYS for , full er.Dr,e i ,he Iro, r,
brsl organaeJ tcninirrcial School ,tt .Jk"
led States. '
Four Lare Halls
Z. Commercial Calrn'ai,.. .
Krejung ami Lectures. '
Csoal time to r, n,,.Icie a full ecore f.
6 to 10 erV. E.ery Siudeui. op,.,,
line, is euaranleed lobe ri.n.n.-.J, .. 1 uv
a salary ol from
WOO to $-1000.
i-niiTi-nn rnirr at any lime Ao V,
iveview ai pieaMire.
For Writin
Urtl ltminmf..r Ji,,t II ,,,.
awar.le.1 tin Invitation. - he ,,,"'
let variety IVr.manh,p ,n ail wt H J
the I nion. is found here.
IT .V!lr.lMer!. Sons received ai half irie,
for r.rrnlar ai.d -rer ,,, ,.f w'r
and f.ml.rllishr.1 View uf ihe CVleoe ,cl ".'
live letier si.-,mp. and aildiet
l F; W- JK-NKI.NS. J'nislurch.Pi.
KT l.SUKI)!"
tlrl Braark lanranrr dbMit I
. h U.11U. l i '
nOX. C.U. HARVEV. l-re,l.,,t '
J-W.tHAI M A.N, Wto
I his rotrpany, on entnne uptn ijf t
rear of thnr t.UMaess, suhn.it ihe f, lli w -,
statement of their assets, and business lo 'Z
Nuu,Ur..( rolirin in m JnorT 1 lv,0
Au..nt.t ,r fr- i Tt) inxutrtl Uo ' f 'li;
Auj t .! IT. omuhi m , Jo "
Taggart fc Fan's Patent
HIIE subscriber con-
X linoes lo carrr on the.
Llirry lIiiMiiirN(
the Old Stand on South1
Third street, near Market, and rekpectfull)
solicits the patronage ol his friends and th
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburp;, May S2, I (ISO
William Jones,
ATTORNEY at law.--Collections
promptly attended to. OlTice on Market
et, opposite the Treshyienan chinch.
ll LEWI lit Kti.rA.
Family Sewing Machine,
With Spaulding's Improvement!
PUBLIC attention is respectfully invited
to the superior merits of these new and
unproved machines.
They will Hem, Fill.Gather and Embroider.
Will sew every variety ol fabric from Ihe
finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest tailoring,
without missing stitches.
They are very strong and durable.
We feel fully justified in warranting these
machines to be in every respect equal lo rec
ommendations, as they have been thoroughly
tested in competition with all Ihe high priced
ones, by persons competent to judge, who
have given us the most satisfactory testimo.
nials and certificates, which are published in
our circular, to which we refer for a more full
Finishing and Sales Rooms. Market street,
next door to the residence of John Walls,Esq.
Prices $35, $45 and $50, according lo
size and finish, all complete and delivered,
and thorough instructions given in all varie
ties of work.
All wishing a good Sewing Machine, will
please call and examine, or address
II. S. Spauldingor J. W. Shriner,
Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa.
We respectfully refer lo ihe following ladies,
who are using these machines :
Mrs 8 Geddes, Mrs 8 W Duncan, Miss
Louisa Morris, Mrs C A Lyndall, Miss I.idie
Mackey, Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs iiev P
B MaiT, Mrs Johnson Walls, Mrs Or Hayes,
Mrs Francis Wilson, Mrs M Brown, Mrs Jas
M'Creighu Mrs F'Beerstecher, Mrs J A Krea
mer, Lewisburg; Mrs J P Tnstin, Northum
berland ( Mrs Rev John Uuyer, Mrs M S Ap
pleman, Mrs David -Roberts. Mrs Sylvester
Pursel, Mrs Alfred Crevelmg, Mrs S E Fow
ler, Mrs E H Hushes, Mrs A M Boon, Mrs
Creasev, Miss M Derr, Columbia Co.
Lewisburg, Feb. 29. 160
ARL.ES M'GRECOR carries on
the above business in Frick's .Brick
Block, North Third street. Cutting and Ma
king in good style according to the best Fash
ions. Give us a chance, and see if we can
not "tuit" yoa. C. MACG.
Lewisburg Nov. I, 85
Til aiFOfr
UULYVi 1YO Constables, lor sale
or jTiiUtd tu order, at the Ciiruoiclc Office.
NORTH 4th Street. TLe subscriber
most respectfully informs the citizens ol
Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of IT RAIT IKE,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Dressing anjj Common Bureaus, Sec
retaries and Book Cases, Center,
Card and Pier Tables, Dining and
Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot
tage and other Bedsteads, stands
Sofas, and Chairs
of all kinds. C O F F I N S ma(le ,0 order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work, as he is sure that they will be satis
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. IS, 1856
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
0 Attorneys at Law.
674 Union County, Penn'a.
J. MKRKIIl llN CoaawiosM for th stte of Inw,
wilb power to Uke DvpoKttlonf, u-knowlnJin- DeedcAc
,.i'ifi! Miii-iirii ircni I ruiacr.rnia
by WALLOW f.A'.v Line are .NOT -re-shipped
al llarriburg," (as would appear by
Mr. l'eiphi r's ai!rrni-nient; but so ilimush
without delay to their destination on the Sus
quehanna or the West Branch.
July SO. 1WJ C. G. FRICK, A;ent
1 1 L:i !!- and ftt-nllemrn.
I ncKn, is now rraily lor ihe spring traJe
X ol IHHO, a line and good variety of
gnosfijfllli nraiturr,
comprising Bureaus of all kin.f.. Jenny Lind,
foliage, and r rench BedteacN Centre, t' a rd.
Dining, Breakfast, and Sola Tables Candle,
and Wash Stands ilat and Towel Racks, and
anything in the Cabinet line. II not on hand,
will be made to order. Cane Seat and Hair
Cloth Chairs of different sizes, and almost
any pattern Camp Stools, Reception Chairs.
Horse shoe, and allkinds ot Windsor Chairs,
for sale cheap for cash or short credit. All
the above, can be had at the
Wareroom of D.Ginter on Market St.
four doors above the Hank, oral the ol. I stand
on 1st or Front Street, where the stih-crtber
will be glad to see all his old customers, and
all Ihe hew ones who may favor him wnh a
The subscriber also attends to the I n
drrtakin: IIiiNinfN in all its varu us
orancnes. Being provided with Fisk's Pa
tent Metalic Burial Cases, and Coffins
Numt-T .f I'Miri. ju.u rar
Am. ui.t .1 ff ..r!y in-uir.l
Sui- ui.t.-l -irDii,ini rrfei.d
Au.ount -f L...- ,u-t.in. d
Tins Ci n.pany continues to injure evrrt
'" "1 n of properly, such as huildmis
c merchandize, &c., aaamsi loss cr Jac.
ae of Fire, and lor any ume linulcd or p.
petual. '
S.XML H. OR WIG, Acent.
I.ewisbnrs. Oci itl, lsn9
American Life Insurance & Trut Co,
(Capi'al .stock 'SioiiO.ooo)
pOMP.tAVji Buil,ling.Walnut street I '
t a7 Lives insured ai Ihe osnal M,0,j
or a. Joint f,. -k rates about Stl per cen..7eo
or ar i oial Abstinence rates the lowest in tB.
on,!. A. V IIILL1)L, President
Jmus C. Sims. See.
747 iK.F.MlLLnR,ffr,I,,wjsbar.
William VanGeier,
ATTORNEY at law,
l Lm.huig, I nion Co., Pa.s:4
at a juijgainT"
r t, The subscriber has on hami for
saie'lWO -1-V ltutptf. lch be
oiler at a tarsam for t ash . r will Eichac-e
h r a good I1CIRS.J:. fall soon or ron w a
m'ss " B. F. H I KfH.
t llnrh k i:n..lm si.rt,
or if absent, inquire ol V . H. K,ner. at W a.
Brown, Jr.'s store. L'wi-burs. Feb. 15
$3,000 Wanted!
IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners
of Union county desire to llorrow money
to the above amount, in suras not less than
$100, the interest to be paid annually, and the
principal within three years. Inquire of
H. P. SHEI.LER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Pa., May -ti, InAS.
of his own manufacturing always on hand,
he is prepared at any time to wait upon any
who may favor him wnh a call. Thankful
for the past favors, he still asks for a con
tinuance of the same.
Feb. 21, IHtlii DAVIP fSINTER.
1 1 ft"
riiHE subscribers have for sale
1 (in tots to suit purchasers;
a lane stock of
l'I.E BOARDS Panel StitlT.Bi;
riank. &c. Also 5,000 flL HAILS.
2fi inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low for cash, atonr Mills
on Mouth Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road.
r9"A Diploma for a superior sample of
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shin-;-les.were
awarded us at the last I'nion Co.Ag.
ly773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
and Jeweler,
second door above Third,
on Market street
Would respectfully inform the public thai he
has on hand a fine assortment of Uold and
Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good
stock of Uold.Cameo and Masonic Breastpins
of ihe latest style Uold and Cameo Earrings
Ac, which he intends to sell very cheap also
a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty
HourC'LOCA'&'aad Time pieces. Every article
warranted to be what it is sold for.
The greatest care will be taken in Repai
ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and
Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give
satisfaction Please make him a rail, and
give him some trouble to show bis Watches
aud Jewelry. July 2 is:t)
lt Clau 4S eenu pr lot) pouBila.
2d ilo 40 ilo do
&l l S3 do do
4th do 27 do do
Srll 2-J do do
he.t, Rj mud Corn, 13 ceats fr lujliel.
Phi lad. Depot wnh
freed. Ward $ Freed, m Market St.
Thankful for Ihe liberal patronage civen us
we hope by strict atn-nlion lo business lo
merit a continuance of ihe same.
For further information apply to
ly75 CRM til.M.V, At;el, Lewisbur;:
ItniucrsitD ot Tcmisbnrii.
rMlE Spring Term logins on the ISth
L day of April nest.
Rev. J. Tt. Loomis. LL. I., rresiilcnt,
ud Prnfrworof MeUrh;nini and M. ral rhiloKi hj'
Rev. T. F. Curtis, A. M..
Irifcr of TIhoIoct.
Rev. G. R. Rliss, A. M.,
C. S. James, Ph. I).,
, Pma-Morof M,themati nd Xt Thil.
F. AV. Tustin. A. M.,
.V (sueceworloJ.LYoaia)
atrlimaker and Jeweller,
Located twod.-r,. e.: of th, .t,, WbiI, ocentirj'r
Mr V.-lrr-LLH l.-BlliU, 7
ClorkN. Watches, Ac repaired on shell
nonce and warranted to give satisfaction. .
"cellent a-sortment of Maichrs
Im, J'We lrT ca k"'! Cheap for (o,k.
J.H. r r RAMEs of all sues maje 10 order
Lewisburg, April S9, 1858
TO the Citizens of Lewisborg and virimy
E. I IlineM has removed his Barrer
Shop irom the Riviere Honse to Market street,
basement of Widow Anions buil.linsr. err
door above the Post Office. Thanktol for all
p ast favors, he hopes to merit a contiDuanci
of the public patronage.
X. Ii.
To all hn tarrr aere till tbeir beard, irew lonr
" e plet .h.ie. p. hmtxrt r
Just rail i.a H.-is.lSi-.-.i.n. B..r n.oraooa,
T. w.l. elraa, ra,r. hrp aad M-iaxmi k.-ra.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1859. E. L. H1NES.
Ri.ixds and SiinrErs,
Flooring, hiding,
Framing, lc."
For wl at lb. Dtok 9tr.ee ef
. . . ' s. Cam a ELL.
LrwiKbary. Oel 3A
1)l'KE and No. I Ground Pepper,
(imger. Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves.
American and English Mustard. I
Cayenne I'rpper, Nutmegs, Mace.
!up. Carb. Soila. Saltpetre, Saleratus.
Caraway and oriander Seed,
f al Soda. Indigo.
Ashton Dairy and Ground Salt, Ac,
For Sal at fk I'nl. u.ll v w. ...
-iBr,IUBi,,M,, T,.eher.,r S1H Kmlh Fmn. o.i 'f' vll Ph.-
1 St-i-n,-- , . ... , -.
a.le.phta. HOW AKD M OhREl I-
l i' Purchasers will find it creatly to tar
interest both in quality and price to bur
Eoods, whii-h are warranted as represented.'
forfeited. A trial is solicited. 779 IJ
Natural science.
Principal of Ih Aradrmv.
I. C. Wynn, A. Ii.,
M. W. Cramer,
1S3 A. Taylor,
at- ti Principal of th. Female Institute.
Miss IJ. L. Sjiratt,
! if T-, s. Teacher ot Mathematie..
Jliss M. l. Mason,
C. T c Ieber of Drawing.
Una K. S. arren,
T n rr-, Jrher'tfreaehaadUtln.'
Mon3. P. Th. Held, i
a. Tearherof Jlllsie. ;
Mons. k. olkmar,
leaeher of Rrrnaa.
Coliioi Tuition per annum. 3 no i
Room rent. Library, Ac, 9 10
AtaniMT Tuition per annum, $15. to 30 00
iare, hepairs. Ac, 1 60
Fn. Isit. Tuition per an nu in, f JO. to 30 00
Kepairs 85
The Arademy building has been fitted up to
receive boarders, and they are provided wiih
board, furnished room, and lights at '-.'-iper
rvMeat Market.
Arranyrmrntt for the Ytar.
TACOB C BRtW.. having supphfJ ,!"
Lewisburg Market for the pastsii mi-'
has made the following arrangements lur "
coining year
The best of Beef. Mutton, Veal an.! P
can be had on Wednesday and Saturdav off I
nings of each week, at the Market H.
Market street, between SchatuVs and Wtii
Lewisbur:, Pa.
His motto is Quick Sales for Cah. '
Small Profits." Examine hts meat.
Ap. 15,'59. I. . eTEK.NEK. Agent-
tIAKl'Eli a tiuo. assoitiiH-nt by
I 11 ursli ijiowJuiao
UAVINO resumed the prariire rf Vf
CINE, tender his r roles..i. nal sen"
lo the citizens of Lewisbun and v.nni'r-
I Otiire and residence wiili Jamts I"
' Souih FouriU stuct