IfflOX COUNTY STAR k LEWlSBUIiG CIIROXICLE---MAY 11, 1 JsCirisbiirff, S'a. Fridat Morning, Mav 11, , 1SG0 . h wt-h to bay .l.irh tow. ir; ?nrr.ani uJJr'rt""' iHldJkrZ" : t 4aV(.rti)iriiicuIi. M.V.. Goods, io. v.c, v jyss.ew ... Offiee. Jlr. Cro'er na 14 I ui'eii Mil- , f,, .V Uro s. 1 UliaJi., ,., , pouiiea --it " . ,:' i Heckend .rn for Luton couuty alunc, at , that city, to pay a fine of 13 levied upou celebrated I.w 1 ubi c salary of f 000. j bitu fur being accessory to keeping a house ta.Mj W. 25. t'hriuer, it is stated, j Xie Convention, at our Court j of ill-fame. It will take over tweuty days ks been awarJ.d the contract f..r end ing House on Mouday last, was attended by C i t0 tfluare LU eeo" the mail between this p'.ice and Sfru.ee out cd-the 7S Directors only 10 absent In the suit of Mary E. Cloyea ajiainst lJ , i m, i j .i t . i tae UosIod and Worcester liailroad Coin. CrL-ek. The day was very warm, aud the farmers r con . . , . , . vl , . , , ,. i- liii pany f"f 5-0,000 dauiagis fur pcrsoual Hg-A "power" of rain fell Ut night, exceedingly busy, et, for the thaukless , iujurics ou ,be roaJi ,he jury of lu Su. TbeBjom at WillUmrport was Ircken, ! service of Popular Education, the follow- j prcnie Court on the 0th u!t., awarded and the Su-quchanLa lioom Co. tff.TS 12 , ing Directors were found patriotic eucogb ! the plaintiffS10;000. cts each f.ir l";;s caujht at L-wisburg. j to sacriace time or money by perso&al Captain lieale was recently shot dead e - ' a'tcudanee duriog a Calithuiiipian screnude iu Harri- ,-Tbe Lcwiebnrg Dank declared a z,. JWm S!Pans J:lo j;,, .y j sonburg. Va. dividend of 5 per ctnt. for the last MX Hauck-.Thnroas t:.irne:ius, James Maihers. j An alteuipt to establish a larg? suoe .. . . .. . r -i - i..i. L.,n..iri... I.- ii r, ..i ti...bt ....l.:... i. i:. ;.. -.: J. , , j I .fc Havcu 4 and of .Norlhun.btr.aud 4, L-ek U.cu 4, and icrsey cuure oj. cb.D. Huus-tun llou.-b, late of New ISerlio, bas become proprietor of the Vchir Democrat, Tipton, bwa (a town where I there are several other 1'eULsylvauiaus.) S'.ieV, Dav. aud fl uriU ! i B.A gentleman in Nur.humber'.aod ' couuty last week, renewing his subscription to our piper, said he had taken the .Vr.ir f.jr roKir veabs. (Auoiht-r stoppid" the i'ltrunicle some years agi ai.d ejaite : seriously ailed us if it as stiil priutcd '.j P5,Hou. Thomas E C ciiran, and Gen..; Win. H. Keiiu, ou the lt iust. enured upon their duties as Au iitur aud Surveyor Ucneral, at Ilarrisburg. We rjiice tu see, that, in conferring their patronage, they renieUiber their Jarty friends, so iar s the pullis interests will pera.it. j Vklawabe. The HcpuLiieau's State Convention, at Dover, the Capita!, 1st iust., was the largest ever held there Cjurt adjourned f jr the Convention, and Tom Curwiu made a speech f iur hours iu length. John N ales, late L r.s.'natur, is t -.J . r .1 . ill ! fcg-Wbat a contrast between the warm I Mr" Sti rc-nomtnalcJ Mr. neclc l:,rhl,ein .elcmi.. to CLieao. with f f -N'ow 1!cr!;n. ai Stated bis tried the "latch-slrii gs all out". ..and the C!J, repulsive, Deuucra'.ic warning !y tior liutit charges, tuutteritigs agaiusl ' em p fjiluwers," and threats of "extra p .lice" aid locks to deter visitors from cuinir t j Charleston ! i fcirlf the wealth of blossjais the pale apple, plum, cherry, and the pink peaeb are any evidence of fruit the cuming i season, we bave it in plenty. Some trees ; appeared almost bidden in the rich fruit- j leave, and after a wiud the blossoms lay ; l;tj cnnv.wrpafha In MiR ratl.4. there .. r leemi to be a better promise of fruit than usual in late years. VlltuisiA. The Republican State Con vention was largaly attended, by persons representing many different counties iu the State. Senator Caldwell and E.M.N.ittou cf Ohio county, J.C.Underwood of Clark, and V. A. Gill of Montgomery, are chosen delegates to Chicago. Messrs.Tuderwood, Wilson of Ind., and Ifiair of St. Louis, i made addresses, which were enthusiastic ally received. The next Convention was appointed to be beid in Iliebmond. IQSome jkcr says the lite fight at Charleston like that in Fanbonugh was a drawn battle. 1! ith sides claim the belt bat, if tbey bad bruised each other much longer, both would bave been licked like dunder ! In both cases, one party left the field nearly blind, while (be other Sports a broken nose and carries an arm in a sling.. .and their ugly "ni'jga," charges of cheating, and un pious comments, are nowise delicious to see or bear ! Mountain Trout. The lrgal time has come for enticing fr.im the cool brooks the innocent trout. We were reminded of tbe fact, by the reception of a basket-full ' of this delicious water-fruit that hot day, ; MnJ,.f,nm .h. f.a, k. . , ; t 1. t-n 11 1 c c .e '1- . m m I John M Call & Sons, of the lork Mills, ! in Hartley township. Various persoos w- - v awav m v.- 4 v novil, us7i, came iroiu, ana iaai 11 is a aeiigtmui retreat in sultry weather. From the ho- xei 01 manes atces, in me narrows, u win oe oi mucn easier approaca r.y ine i new-laid cut road. At nresent. the M I ils ! are somewhat like Selkirk on bis Island I "from tbe center all round to tbe sea" of! mrttiiiliind ihnr dir. Inr.tj -tf tli. fVtm-! n,t the brute" and the fish, but welcome the 1 eood man who in search of a pure breath-' f. . . ing-place at any time may happen within . y . --'"- their isolated but not encWd nari.h. ! 3.Wm. Cameron Jr. is elected assis tant cashier in tbe Lewisburg Bank. Archibald Maclay, D. P., a native cf Scotland, over half' a centurv a Dantist ! - l : V ' - ... , . ; - j-js-.toti .u ...cw juu city, aiea Itiero last ween, oer SU years of ie. A'so died in 1 tbat city, George Gr'.fiin, Ksq . the Nestor of tbe New Yoik bar. i-aru'l '!.nri.-!ey alio died in Utica Judjc Thu's Sergeant in Philadelphia and Ex G iv. Lit'letcn Waller Taiewell in Norfolk, Va. ert Vanva'.uh a Republican ain of SO, gir;n them tbe control of the City affairs. : Tbe Methodist Eri,eop,I Chureh BUh. opsin ferioi at Buffalo report a total nemberebip of over 1U0,00U, being an : ioereue of 175,000, witfaio four years, in tie Free and Border SlaTe States. Charles Valle, who ecaed from bin ' i- master in Virginia,-,, arrested near Troy I in Xe. York, ... .-ice released, and bas ! taka 1. at 1 . -1.1 aan catcueu VSUSaa. l IS Saia tbe IroianS; -Te eiace paja &:s ssrsct Ti.ue. i t . - - i i it.. v. i , r MnM r... nna - . v. : : i i.r,..-.M i. Rn.i., rv s rntvrpev i ,, . . , . e, . . , . . ' . ; dauirht-T of Dr. lloula. a.-d Vi ,rs. 11 m. la d-. , the 1st ard, rreeport, Thomas toltman ported in the Third ard to vote tue j in wiiiiam.port. :ih i.,.t.. ri.ntA EsrKLH.daosh was elected bv 39 mai oritv ! over Dr. Kb- Democratic ticket at tbe late charter elee- "'' "-.iTZ ?Jt'V..-"J?'' . -. County School Superintendent, At the first Convention of Director of . Old Uuion, LelJ t the Court House io V ll .rlin .T.m 11 M TiiMnir. , , 1 , . , , . , t-nded ueariy three fifths of the whole. Mr. Whitman was elected at a salary of ?:If)0. Upon bis retiring, Mr. Ilcckcn-, d"ro was appointed, and served out the ' term for both IVion and Snyder counties. itl. j . 1 - . : - t : 1 ,a. , 5 m,.f-w lbj., was attended by only SO out of ,S . - i 1 .1 i lft L.i.JM- i' rteurb rh iuid I. nuu citcicu ni. . JaBr.wn.KliasR!e1il,ni,Scbrark, Kreisher. j , AbEve,har.l;hein.ker. . rvil iri.i..in Kaac Kanir.i.an U'm HcarhliT. . H-irtlrn.Kit Marston, R V B I.inculu, SjIo j it. uayes uas aireaay naa more man MiHer. Michael Srhniire, John :hureh. -r)0 applieati ns from persona wishing to H irll'tiin Daniel Long, Philip Whituier, jjinbis nc Arctic exploration; but he s C Wilt. .... , ! will go in a schooner of 100 tons, aud can .Thos ( om y. m P Donal, John!. e , , , ,, , ,, ' , ,i . v i t i.- u.i-t .. . accjuimodale bu twelve uieu. Ileexpccts rnswell. m Nasle, J no Hetnley. i r Isiriburg Jam's H..yes Wm I.eiser, J M , 10 be absent fur two years an J a hair. 1. inn. Win Junes. T t: Kvan. S liei!enilerli-r The punishment fjr reading the N. Y. f-.:-Jnr. I.nca. K ht Foster, Uy filer ' 7 ,;.,,, ;n HarfutJ mui.tv. .Marv'and. 1 I Chiles i:uhl. l,aac Br. . I I.imrrtinr M:rhl Miller, S S Barber, Frk B.,n.Vr. Kl:a- Hv. 1. bn severs. MjVin'-u's tieo'.Varler, RT Barber, J 1 j Forrev. Jn.i lla.lser, Hy l.ebkicher. ! .V,Ir.r,V-.-A.Su.Mi,-f, rl. S.llermanv J.M. Ba-im. J.S.IIeimbarh, J.fuitiehart, E.W ilnn. I ,;,Jo V,nn?inan. Da (Jross. Mi ohlt, imi Walter. Chr n Bnrni. Jno Hummel. .'lary nuu eis nuinaiy leu, iuiiuj;u tt ', i. ii.tr DSRmhraiifr.r.X. ill. A WSmith, I Mr. lioker leaves ScVcrai Hundred Tbou-S.Ko-(entMiT,(J.Die!(ef1erler.A.Vessin3er. J sands cf Dollars. Jtihn Youngman, Esq., of Union Tp , wa? chosen President, and PrAVia. Leiser, and Win. Jones, E-q., of Liwioburg, Sec retaries. A. Stviocford, E-q. tuoved to proceed first to the election of the QTioer, that the salary may be adapted to the man, and as first named in tie call S. S. Barber advocated the fixing of the Fulary first, that the candidates might be aware of the e ti.rensation, and foti'rn themselves ac- eirjin,,y The motion of Mr. Swine . C ' .. . 1 and ad'iiittcd qiiilificatiore bis long and : valuable experience and ht. endorsement by three successive County Institutes. Mr. Linn Dominated Nr. Chaniberltn j ' of Lcwisburg, and adverted to bis accepts- j ble services as a teacher in Centre ciunty ! to bis legal and collegiate education '. to bis abiiitiis at.d energy of character i and presented a commendatory letter from ' ; I'resi lent Loouiis of tic University, which ' was real. i Mr. Harbison nominated Esq Ranck of. M fflinburg ...Ir. Forrey nominated Mr. j M'Alarney, also rf .l:ffl nburg, noticiDg j l:. 1 .:. 1.:.. I .: uis eup nur euucdiion, uis ioiij; icutc : i teaching bo'h under the old and new svstem, and his nr nts as a citizen Proceeded tn select, viva voce, when David Ilecken 1. rn received S9 votes James Chambe-lin " " John M. C. liinck " 5 " John M'Alarney " 2 " Mr Heckexdorn was therefore re-elected for three years ensuing. Proceeded to establish the Superintend- ent's salary, when three sums were named After remarks from Messrs. Swinefurd, S. S. Karber, Wilt, and others, So Directors vo'ed for 5 ")00 salary SO " " 000 " 1 " 400 " The sum of SoOO per year was therefore ! fixed as bis galary for the term. Mr. Ileckeodorn thanked the Directors , for this renewed expression of their coufi- j dence. He would endeavor to discharge ; l.ta nr-1-r.la ititw rt tha lfMint V rAt hp I urn M-j.y uu j v Jw'l ; tion would prevent Lim from attending '" ""'7- Jacob milliil ; of Town and County, that ihev can suit ihem - i t . . , . , t-rutm to r.nkatn-1. Th enir ,m. ir,jMr-f in anyihine in Iheir line, of trade, sly le, qual Mate and National Ins'.iiutes, ana in that n-iim has iiiui.asiBnatiirr of - i. iiiTi."auj ti. i :, .'i ' 1 respect hinder bis own progress, and so far ; circumscribe bis usefulness. He urged , them, however, to remember, that neither: Superintendent nor Teachers couid da all in the elevation of Schools it was abso- lutc'y nqaisite that Directors and Parents should co-operate with them in making i he sv stem most effective, lie cantioned i them against employing as teachers those , e ..:r.j i:k-.i : .u. ! , , - . , . ,1 . .... I Tl ; 1 LI IC7 III. V; fc IU I l. t. 1 1 UUIUIUVUIJ A Ul , . i.:. .u 1: J ! v - uioeuuuu tutu ijtiui utu. The Convention of AugustOT, agreed j upon the standard of School Books for Jive i13tclJ of ,brcc nB some 60pp0sed. J ' . J A man in Muskegon, Wis., beiog drank, had both feet frozen. Struck with re- n.n - .n Iia r.n1t. In cl.-ia liimenlf In ! death. At tbe last accounts he seemed to ! be near bis end, and, for all that appears ' , L it 1 to the contrary, the neichbors won trccrst .uui. - v, uo w .... -.u,.-,v.. .o l.i. al.ienefl. It is stated that at least 825,000 (Amer- lean money) will be contributed by the ; r' t llnvti to the faniilv nf .T.lhn Ml r'T" " J " i lr - n. The! . , , . -, . n i The highth Avenue l.ailroad Company, ; v- - 1. 1 . ,. I 1 . 1 IU -sew iurisvuv, u ticeu umucii IU : 51,000 damages, tor injuries sustained by ; a lady passenger, through the alleged ne- g'lgi-nce of one of its employees. I "Democratic" Ciieat. The landlord of ihe Cnniruoxcial House. Chicarm has j sued the Democratic Committee for the : tion. The Democracy having been whip-' j ped, the eommittee refused to pay the till, i 1 13 mM nnn J pt- 2,. 00,000 tcrw of PubUc l L,U be c"c 0T e,ale ,Q KaQ" i "d Bcrcs m Ncbra io Aug. Owen Lovej-T, (pay the Philadelphia Vew,) is n aecmpii-hed scholar and t i . .r j i: t fearless orator, of tned.um sire, olive com- plexion, wellkn.t frame, strong face, and ft I ' I l....l sri.1 tat fTl U ft fat ttrHkt Vnf S . liDil.e uiv-. Kv- amw- ; luuoo to a wwuiiwn wm The (). S. Presbyterian General Asscm-! b!y meets in Rnch"st r.-.nd the New Sc ; iu 1'", nt Week. n is Mateu uy tue ik'pu'ytran mas mo sale of the new Jioturiai. Kii'ion of Web- u ul lhu fi4tc uf 150 c ;,..,,,- Attention is being called to the fact that some if the popular pcrfu-n- of the day, cuut!,ID "0ilJI poisons, winch OilOQ 10- j jure persona iu & btracge luaiiDer, both by suieu auu loucu. . , .,,,. ... . " man in nrin f-iifiin I I om.i in ,A ,1. r:nni, r i.: .i . . . .r wuriu fjuou, is workiDj; in me sirecis oi f4ieJ, ana every Maasa, Mi ttod Nigger sliu , ,J the Yli'Bkcc, fot 6UO3b w i I t lit .t tea vear,1 imprisouuient. This is a free ! , 1 country and no mistake. The will of the late John D. Boter, father of John Dean's own "Mary Ann," bccD ,jBliltej , prubata by the Sur- . v . , , , r J a ,. I eltutr John nor the rffendtng . Jicob S. IJarleo. once a Methodist , preacher in New Jersey, Las been cuuvic-1 ltd of poisoning his own wife, tirxl is see- fpnrn.1 tn . finnr An tviA Sili .Itilv nntt Answer to la-i Ln sma . " Aua a by KeI;tonx, mnj A. A., Ktiiiiwe. iv Answer to Pnzz'e "lK-rtjitJc' Ai'd U KiuTniuM. nt.d A. A , BuHaIu. HI H LIC A L EMU MA. I aia rtiinil ofJ IfTt-Ti. yy Jl 7 11 J" . m urn of Anron. 4 1. ni. th- f-t:hT .l Al nf-r. t :i't 5 -ji j 1. an rnrtnv ..fth IrJ. a .". r.j 1 j. a 1 In lt.-r '.1 fci. i;j ti 1.' 17 1", on ! l- !--tn-. 'i l-l 1 . aii nt i t.: Uita'ure. LM 14 !. JU. a -.io rt A inm. Jl 11 - w tiiLw. & ll.r Pi.n -f 1V'. ; tryThe OiHcers of ihe L'.iion Coui.tr A;ri i cu.tural Sioe.ieiv are reouete 1 w. nieei at ihe j Llliee of the Secretary, on Tnursday oi Court week, v 1 7ili) tn iuipurtaut Lniiie&s. trThe Opposition C iunty Committee 1 is re-i-'sted to meet at the Htiffjlo IIhusp, I-ewiburg, Monday, MAY 14, lStJO, at 1 o'clock, 1. M. to orgiLiZ', aud pn-pare f-T action. The Cjunnittce id cjinpocd of th f dlowinj; jr-ntlemtn : K M. Mtir. Wiiii-un J. !-!. I-.vid H--Tl-t, Vi-ml i:rown, f,uffl ."L-fk -r. Sl.-'k lln f uuy. li-m t niT-T, ivir liey-r. .loliri II -r, tiro. U". i 'rieuitf r-, 1 ti'iia;iB UuuliiiJ, Jme UarriBn, Aur-u cuiilL, Cturlta C t. W1TIR"S BALSAM K WHO (HMiUV. ....., .....h , ,. ,r ..,....,,... "mwui.;. .rr.o.r, . r.:i.....)..,i!.n8.d of tudi 7i..u.ij, Sirt Ttir"it. br',ncKi:is. : H'. Lu yoi C'Wjlt, (".-, w4i.m3( Jy.'i. wi:nu:i"tt Ih. I ; wbne .-d t-tuutHu n ili. if Ii:. ji. ia.-llo iL v it.tlii'.Div wL.'D .11 ..tl.tr OLVim t., fAi:...l. It.. ' whulii bintor.T prr-v. tbtt the put L proUur. ti borrD ejf of ,ti:U .ill, a a cure fr tlj bumrruu LJ a.n gTou puiaioaar aCectiblis uliicb prevail aii oiur IL l.I.J. JteaJ the foHutchnj Lttttr from a yiy reipcckitlt ijcntl' man ; Lihsst'iSe. M'-ntour Co., Pa- Ort 2i ls.r,S. Thi- I- tn n-rtilv lliat i f-roununi-ii ty ral ,hT-ftcian- as enn-uaiptiTr. and hal alt tti -.mpluii, of ll,e Jl-itsr in il . i.rl f.riji. -u- h a- eoti-ittiug. jtt,t- mii.9 in tile rlt-st. -h'.rtn of l.rath. mhl-.a. ata. ar.J ex trv-uie w-tku an I la-nitiMi. in my abole sj.t.m. Sly fam'lj nearly all ha-inx tivei of tb dl-raM. 1 b .a Ultra D ail h',p ..f nro-cry. a D"tlnii c.tr in-riirl ; t,'it through the .ri.iia-i'n "f a fri-uj 1 irjur-i u try Dr. Wutar'i HCum-f M. J-frry. Til- 6.-t b-.ttie re- Ii.tM m- mn-lJ-rablr. ao.1 lb. thirj l-ittle cuivj m- tirrly- I now trl ax wll ai cr I diJ in uiv lif. . auJ J" L u r"1!l" i " 1 ml hsd a p!iitr in mire ilTinrf i taw of th dt- t hin--Wn wiifin to hrr rj f,,r..Trr fa vrr.t,d firt.Dounetrd lronJ brM It onr M pIivmcimii th iirrd --ii omii.t i-f:ti-i.iid i-t)--M:M tk-.Mt o".-iud-! li.n wit niirlv r-nn.1 l.w rho U'il.l l'h,rrv l.i.f II ta. I i wtu:j rinertxjr urn an mho r--imiiriy ihi j . . . . ' a-. ' ... . am inn mil r tout nwo iiiuiuia rfun'-iy m iiukt ana mvBt;i wu.i u-t now ims u.iui;. i win riitvrluliy oO.r"i "ie ani ' tor sue ana ro.. j i V iH ,, i i i u n : , r . " ,nr ' ' a. Plain and ranrj Silks, Blart Silk., Frenrh M Sl ljZZ D-I.in-N I'a-bi-r f.al.lh,.r4, Kuni. ttcwisuiica l-tiarari. j I urrcctfd Wttkly t Tri,.,i ci e t. m e in Ueai -lyJJ 10 r-ffs 9 IU I Kye 70 Tallow .. 12 i 10 I 10' Co Lard 33 liacon .. n,. Oats flaxseed l.Vl Jiarn 10 1 f " 1 Dried Apples. 1,50 Shoulder t HuttCf, v i 10 Clovcrsecd5.:!to3,50 I p0J. jjeef C l'otatoes... 115 to 30 5 On th rth int . hr Ri-T R . Kink. lit V.'D C. I1P.EW. I FK and Mis- MiKV K MKHTZ. b.Ib -if Uai.l.iirc. Q Vloutros. on tti 2- th ulu by h. J. C ilocajer, i RT.J. si. A. 11IIIIKKK. Mi.innarr t-Uict to Japan, ani MitAKAil 'BINJJN or M..tV.w. tin th- 1-t io-t, at S-lin--rots. W RT. S. TVim-T. thb.i,d fcBWX'A lou Ir- n-uareTp.. v.h nit, by A. T. Lniiz. Km, JtMKS PALLS, ot Ii-laware 1wr- an4 Mix NANCY siikkkiloi Lk iiai.n. l MiUn W i c. C. Oaller. JAMW A. KKKru. ana Mis. REfLCCA A. kakk. bothof Northumo-iriaoa ; , ,rt . . ... T . and Mi.a jatvTA AMiuis.aii ot ini.m-p.irt un , - ' 'am. day. anl by !t,, m.. J K. KLsIl of Baiti- mnn. and Mi sl:s t RK. of Willi.-n.ri.rt. At Lb- 1st Baptist Cliurrh In Monm-.nTb. HI., on Snn- ""J r.riiii.a, sni, oy nr.. ... m. unman, iim i- as josta. -su-r -.f th "N.ti nai vij-it-.- j.rn-j rnorr. n , ana A. r.si.s - iiha.i.-i -I'.nmo.iiii. un lue'Jotb ult. by hVv.Dr Linn. K-..V. M Tll'iMI'SIN of Tankjua ani ut.NuitriA dauihtr of cn.ura DtrlJ. Tn V.ll Tn It ra tnKt la he Thtl. s ITTt 1MT wife or jmnb ?thi. tatjT1; - h Mi" obtox. , - ars. a nmnth. and 1 day. V.S C"idtirtor on tbeM!.aUDQk.& ail j 11'aiUT.ilc Ua:lruaJ, airea armut .u T ara. Id Pln...lr-ltihiAV. 2''.:h nit-, of tithrnn, JOHN TlLL JJAN. formerly of W iliiam-port. tn Li Tlr jfar. At hin rr5;1elier, ear Her w irk. in the Otb tr of h!l ac. W H. AUAUS, a ruung aUer io Lb Ear wick Tmbj. tenac rhurch. In E-pj town, lt int. by drwc:n- in th Canal, whi ther he bad been -nt for water. f'HKBK, daughter cf - r and Hannah Re..-hrr :ib year. Jtt.Pll It KTU AX. ti f.ir nr.icaril. t&m1ZZ"JX'JZ?Z W"J I... J 1 Bs-rl'B, ttu Ncrtaca-btrUsi. c:t fn). oouatj, about 1 W-1 .mtn b m Trqusi:r iubMrL 11 was barn in w TAKE NOTICE! rtWjf I wouM nrcDV nuiif an 'nnr K. "f nrcnna .fwhnm I ..ays- ti!,f;lri f r lurrr months in mv pcssessi.jn. o come and lake them away m-iihio i-ro wet-ks; oilier-rise, ' Ihoe barks winch have net been talk., for I will, after the two weeks haveexp re. .,be so'.., books. CH IS. J. 8TAHL, BoukU.n-ter. Lewisburg, Y.tiy 10, Ihtid DISSOLUTION. rpHE Partnership heretolore rv.stio7 nnder i I .u . r muv uwai i. a, rum ; u.r- imc m f n., . ...... J... .1 I. ...I l. .-.I , jjie .:n i i B hr.i.T..r h Jilll.N M'CAI.L &. SONS. York Mills, May 8, 1SC0 GH.3EMl!H BHD S Corner or aud Market StN, LL'UISHWO, PA. TE have now and will continue to keep on hand a lull aituriinent of alleord in nur line, to which we iuvue the attention of the community : DI.YGOODS.GROCEIUES.IIARD, m A Is u, l L tt.Si A ul'., I' SLT PL-VTFIi '(1VE CEM- EXT, IRON, STEEL, FI'RIXGS COACH TRIMMINGS, SAD liLERY AXDSLIUE FINDINGS, Ac, Ac. All of which will be sold at reasonable prices (or cash or farm prni'uce. A liberal discount I will be made to the trade. 'LEWISCURG MILLS." Wre are prepared in do Cusium tr Merchant work to order, upon usual terms. All kinds of drain bought it highest market price. V7 Flour and Feed for sa'e. Terms CASH. UlAMiiKKLIX EROS. Levrisburg, May 3, ISf.u Public Sale. M1,L be sol J at the dwelling houeol ire ' late Jacob Aao.l, in Kci.v tuwnsiiir. I'nton county, on l'i itlay, lsth 31 ay insl.f the following property, tu wit: One lltidrpv. oiic Truck W ai'nn.one Mare. I ,uicn vows ana 1 ouns v itiur, ji is, nay ny ; i the ton. UeJtca is au j iie-Jilu., burPdas,Ta- ' L hair-, tnesu, an Ci?iu-Jav Cltcu. a .iiivri idjiLuaiu. a --. rv i ii , I'ltnc, H7ii--iatc j Stoves, Carpet;ns, Copper ani Ifun Kettles,; aKo a lot ot Post ani Rai!. ani a variety of Househvl l and Kncheu Furnuure Ac. too uumeruus hvre to insert. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A M of said day. uhen.iueaittrmiauceuiil be given audi terms ol sale ma-ie knciwn bv WII.I.IAM NAtil.E, Kxecutor Kelly Tp, May 3, lSfiil Executor's PJctice. "VOTIfC is her. hy riven lhat letters testa- mfitary on thf lat will aud teMaineni ul JACOIJ . MiV.L, laie t f Kelly I iowfihip, Union ct unty. deceased, have been j granted to the subscriber, hv the Rt'sister ol" i i n nn ......i.. ;n .1..- r..r. i 'u,,.. .k.,Bf..M n 1 persons indebted to said estate are n queMdio ! make immediate payment, and those harms claims asainM the same will present them pn perly authenticated for settlement to the subicnt'tr withf.iit ilelav. WILLIAM NAGCL, Ejecutor. Kelly Tp, May 2, A TRUCK WAGCIJ OK SALE. Enquire of LEVI .VMV.ONS, Lewisbors 1 ,,t, t ill tt'itilli''' u Ii JT III J. 1, JO X j J fl I) J)J)X Zl filtK, havm? j-ivt returned! I'tiiU'lvIplua U'i:h (lie F.irjj-'! t sitictv of ft ever br'iusht tu ihis place, wuUid iciiet'itiihy iiiVitr K-rmer cusio- I iiitTS an i the people ul Lewisbur an 1 ricun- IV per,era;iy to call and see her anmeul ; i bel'Te purchasing elsewhere. i Cont'iient thai I have the (Joods which will I please .he most la.Udum .aste. I will spare neither labor nor trouble to accommodate ail desiring to have work d"ne. Iu my stock you will Cud BONNETS of all size-. Ribbons, Silks French and American Artificial Flowers, Tarletons, Crapes, and ev ery article ued in ihe Millinery b a-mess. Bleach. sr. aui Thivmimu dtn.e with neat ness and despatch also Uuixaeino to rrder. Vou will find me at my old stand on North Second St. Lcwisburg, April 26, lStJO f T f rpflffT AIT'I'T ATl ' II I . I I I IflrN 111 I l I Ii 1 XLJlLsKJ J J 11Vi.lLi, - - - - - JOII WALLS & CO. TTAVE just received (m addition to their - - large stock) a fresh supply of .Vtriiij- AMI si,MMt.K ami oez leave res- peclfully to inform the La li"s and Gentlemen ror ibe l.adirs). VKeTr:. i lVr," ni'-e lct.n ..f La'ii.-9 haUi lii-J. -cri-ti'm-. t ur t-ra.l Kin!-, uiotet. ii, ..irry. anJ White (.-(.U, ai. kin1 tmbroiJt:ri, aud LtimUc (jouda ol eferv Ue- atcrutioa. Tor the Gentlemen, th NFt and Ur?rt attrtm. Dt Id tvn, rmhraine the mnt fa.-tiionaL ftlMi ol t'lotliM. raa-timereH. W,tin.-. nerroatine. asl (int-' Kurouhiu Li.Htln ceae-mJiy. !.,..!. a-,1- .1,. !.... .Io,. i .... HI an -j ni'ti, A!so a" klnds "f GROCERIES, HARP- WAKE, tJCEEXSU'AUE, SALT, NAILS, r.n, c. FISH in . i and j bhls. COAL. A larfre quantity of Stove Coal, which we will d-lir-r to any part of town on -hort nn. tir. at at low a flew as the aani. quality of -v.al ran h procuroU anvati-rr els id loan. AUodillrr-ut kindaof Lioiel-uxnt-ri Coal. Piu Wood takt-n iu t-atliange for coal. f'T'Cash paid for all kinds of GRAIN CLOTHING ET THE BUSHEL ! 1JITCH IN ! Now is ihe lime to get your money hack. ZIMMERMAN one of the lirm ot Zimmerman &. Z?llers hai incr trnti from the East, and has carefully se- lreleJ lne 0e4t ana most t ashionaLle tiood thai could be turned out. CI-th. Caa-im-rv and summ-r Onod ran be had KVa- lly Madr, or .Madr f. Onl-r at 1'blla.lrh.l.ia ,.r,m - ll'sj b-nirniadr I'.nls. T.'.elsup: Ut-stvl-e'assimsre Fant-.$Jup; blara rassim-rrs. (a to f 4 and up ; V-st-, T5 rl-.: W l.ius Mar-ill. s tionds Ac. dij-r-ot prirr-; 1 B..TS Sumnit-r r-ts. ST rts up: M-n's homr-mad-Sum- ; ni-rroats,$l up: n-w atyle Cas-imrrr losls. ft up: J OTrralla. b"me-n.adr, Ui rl ; Cloth l outs of Lb. laU--t SO Irs at tbe low-st prim; Hats, llukfe , Ac Look in, before you buy opposite the Town Cli ck, in ThirdS-t Lewisbure whre you can see for yourself, and save Five Dol lars. 8J7 Old Stand and Large Assortment of GOODS! yen- t:oop! XEW G tO'.)St XLwaoons: riR srnixn jxd stmvfki FOR SI'MXG AXO SVMHERI tOH SfRiXti JXD SIMJtrJl! roic srmxa axd scmmejh CJlL AXD SEE! CALL JXD ft! CALL JXD SEE! CALL JXD EKE! KKEMEIL irrLrrx f CO JCREHER. lrrLfKE of CO rcrurp irrrruT A yi 1 ZRKHZX, XCIVXE J CO I UwUbarf, April , I'M. M. SWARTZ.i 0 ber Block, four duo above the ltank (tip stuns.) Leori-bnrir, Api.l 30, inCJ DENTAL CAHD. ! D5 . .tUSi V t.Gt Ki: :!! rpen an I r.-dy f J line itx'. in remain Iwn wii-i,1-. t AftT :lai, hi- vi-i:s will he rcnbr, an i rf'i'v j lint!lip:i. I I,' mi:i in Mr,eii's Iliii'iiiug, three il ijr S iuili i f ihe Dapliit ClmirSi. j ri. B. P.ea-e be pirtrul.ir as l.i tune. ! j will be thi re pun. iuaily, and then must be o!l ' 10 meet oll.ei eug. icmenls. May 2, Im'.o JOHN" I.OCKC UKMOVAL. ii. (.kkiiiut. PEXTIST. CCUf has rem..e'J tn Smith 31 iret. fmir il.'i.rs Jroui ibe Ttwn Cluck, ISBI'KU. PA. NEW GROCERY f P Suiilh Water S'reei, If vno want chf-ap OIIOCEKIK.S. call at MISBIT'! AN.. riliAUS, siii(iLir.2 aiul Cbewini; T' 111 WTO. An anrimem oi H ATS and CAPS at cost. M.'MiiLR and ;i) AI. .f every variety at verv lew rates ' STOXE and SAM) iurni hed f.T bnlloms and pavin purposes Orders for J(.U w.il be Ailed by leaving them a: XESiii'i '!. r?"Ci untry rKODl'CE taken in eichatge for tUe above articles. l.ewi.sbui?. May 3, 1SC0 pdSm ? 9 P ? L Q It EAT JXriTEMEXT! 43 NOMINATION MADE A1.. CtiirlLinn, ar.J the excitement ver anctil Lait, It.r the nrescril Cut is tor the present tut is jus: ccmi:if-nci'i aUut the lare arrivals ofr Uaiotok autlSSlut'S at liri"? Marh,n?ht under the Unmicle t llice, in Ueaver'i lilock. Miw, KaJies aiai! (iritiemea of Iewiljur2 aiJ vicinity, if you c-it gt-t ni'ie fur yonr 1 mney at his s'oie, anj ut Letter quality, man any oincr, theu d -n t buy oi h:ra. My work ; tins sprin?, I u ifi warrant, a- I purchase di- . rect iroiu the manulaciorer, an-l warrant 11 I bttter, and 20 per cent cheaper, Tnan the chfap ln-ma ie WurK which is cif-red to vou. ' La-he - iiai;er: an ! Leather U. (;- verv cheap. diiu i a 1 1 i uir'i 1 iTU'ti $ uo. .irii u'i. u. i - v iav UlTiicu 4i4l UHi can OH'' . uuu Ui'!i t lius the Kari'-itits u. M.n&a. t pltA,irn Anni 's im'.a v.., v . r.i , 1 i .cv Store New Goods!: PKILAD'A TRiiHING STORE, J ri Mi 1 n,ir il,M-n iha H ml- " v 1' iKtttsntnfi. P. The subscriber. h.ivin: a person in ihe City i uvine coiibtantiy at Auction, prfp:ired to I eu ait n:s u v: ai i..iy rrices ii.-.-iei , liltjve-;, r c ri1 1 . i Vj n. 1 etting .t t 1- lar, Hsit'oiis, the Laiie-. Tape, and all go.ds neeJeJ by A!o IJ.Ttks ani P'atinnfrv, Shol .t-w aut t:...p$e B Ac. Pap-r V.'ui.iMW Curtains at S ct. Frfnch - Fire Ut.an! Greens. Stencil rk i!-'ne t' onl-r Couniry Pr.tuce laKen i: exchange. 'ah paiJ 1 t llai'. April lv;o. H L. M'MAHOX. II. ELd TI :i-rh ..!ifr, tod i JKV.i.Lt.IL MK-'- iK is from fierir.ar.v. and i a fine rliinan in all ditT-'rerit Utti-N f wcrk in iii hup ul bu:iitss. Ji-I's that can not he (Stiie in coiiino'ti ccuntry sh"p, can he dene by Lim as ueil as in Pmlatilphia, arid be UAKILAMTJK He has lately b n en-jacni f . r Mr. DtNor ii;aii!ie, Vau-!.i:ia;.- r, but i fuis K-r hii-r!i n.'W in my n p. Persi-ns ilt'-iiit, aiiv:h:iii: in hi" Iter, are rr-.jtipstp 1 1 cire hi:n a Cai.I. try h.i ttt'jk. ai. i it wl. it I r.. t jr. P. BKi:itri:i iiKKM.ui!sii.i:h. Lewi"burj. April !. lso'l 1 I"'!!" I J I) 1 1 ! ) 1 41 I I k I W LL louLlilT ALAL'LjI 1. ...nL. T1"' !M,m',,T ,n ' "m?n"; ,,k" ' continue 1.1 Vorn Lnirs receive instrodinn in ai! the 1 English. Mathematical, and Classical branches ! usuasy tausht in Female Seminaries and . further it dt-s.red. Vi yr. Mm des.rou of qua'iiy.n; them ! selves for Tench. us. f .r College, or lor een ' eral t nmeis, w:ii find it to their advantage 1 to enter ihis school. 1 The bihle is a Text Bonk. ! TtTTION peressicn cf 13 weeks.including I contirtpent expenes. t1 v RV-'r-'"-'-1 (I.-n- . i.-hti. ml in, Writii'jr. iK-finer, Ari:bm-ti', I t' S. 11 -t. rv.i (if. A ANCKI tNiJLIa-ll '-ii uot inrtadrd aboT?1 ii o La NO I' a it., "Id No a hiitn-nal charees ; also, no deductions except f.tr protracted sickness. Tuition pay able iinxv-'Jia.e.y upon ihe drse of the se--sion. JOHN RANDOLPH. Apnl 6, ISM. 1'iincipal. BLINDS AND SHADES. II. J. TtlXaLIOIS, No. I N'i;TU MVTH STIitKT, PllllUHLniU, 19 Till MUST tXTtSsIVk .M A S CFAtTt F Venitian Iilin.Is and Window Shades. tS-THE LAKOXsT A NO UNKsT A. ;0r.IMEXT III tti- I itr. at lii. Lotst Cusili Prices. , pTOtr Shapfs ma.tr and U-tt.lT SSa" Hasps Off ! -VOTICE is herehveiven that the under- i i sisnH has purchased all the H-nsehold i ij.iocts ol Sawcfl Stoik, of New Columbia, ; dtid also those held by his Wife, an J has h an- e,l them .tnrinff his "nleasure. This is to warn nil not to rneJUe with them. ! Jl)H STAN. VERT. Lewishnrs;. April fi. ISt) i HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS : or set Kin at mt: wim (in riut'Es A T W HOLE!) ALE. VLL onlers- for the above -roods shall meet with prompt attention bv addressing the unJer-igned. Jt'S. (illlSt)N', No. fttia Market St., (up stairs.) April fi, 1HC0. Philadelphia. NOTICE. rilHE Books of Isa.c H. War. wia have been I left with me for settlement and collec tion. All interested are respectfully request- ed to call. liTAIier the iiih of April, ISCi). j suit will he urount on ait claims unseii.eu, withont disiinrm-n of persen. WM. TOXEs. Att'v for I. H.Wagner. Lewishnr.-. April 3. lt-0 STRAW AND FANCY MiLLINERY. n &, M. KODE-NBAVmI, oa Jlar- ket street, second doer b-low rounn street, sonih side, eratel'ul for past ratronace. would inform their Lady friends uf Lewis burs and Ihe country around it, that they will keep constantly on hand, a laree and well se lected assortment of .liillilirry t.ooI, which Ihev are sellins an t will continue to j sell at the lowest eiiy prices. j BiatrmsTs and Taiowiia done toorder.on , the shortest notice, and accordins to ihe latest ; stvies. They will be very hapiy to see their old customers with as many new ones as may , frl disnnsed to favor them with a call. :tn 1 Un ,7e L'PERIOR COLOI!. l.i MI'S f r sa O at J. Haker & IV? Tt at J. Haker & V; Dnt Siore-aJsO the 5 fateated Coal on G (R , 1 I "";'"'' ". I Fti-tv tl!-r t i-ii ii;i,i I -- Turin's, Yt rr l' II.. tftry AMArhTR. ' THE 1:i:t I- Iw.'i. fal!-:. IV vt :. h..'.. r, i!;h !.c,l-.-ir.rt,i.lrri. n.-l Ju-.V. l.-t., tl. so a fELemiT !U CuU Xamlirr; rlr. iv; Ii'f yarly, $1 All t!. Kii-k VumViri at 10 f-nt. rn ! do'in 1 Tr.1iito-i t.f -'iir Murc't Ff i i 1." c-VitAiu:; g IT Nuujlcir, t (-.wU tucb, couitti 't -n hat t. C. 3. .'-KVMOrK & to., J'tT N.---.au rt.. S- V"rk. PI KII V TUC I!U)UU ! HOFFAT'S Vecetal!s LIFI! FILLS I'iutmx Hitters. irariM fthi.4f in tit tlc M'--r !,:,-) U---J pr I m iO ror... ba rU r, d ijeUrl fifM-lK t t -a, if : r.'t tm utiwwarr. hut unw. rtliT r.f l(t-? r e 11.. wh I'V !. r itui: . list ir j- hj w r i. -t .f f..r tiiiiu, kuj thfjr t)m ij.tl by tLe Uitb ot tf.e 'reaui-.u. j IN Ai.Lrtl" OF A-TH. A VTE 1M1 f'urr.xir rr Arrr".. .f T.tF 1I L1 AM- KL'W1 i- 1 j (. rL'IIl Wi LlVrK t i.vrnist' Id Ikf Ut. i.'l Vtf-U whi i tl.r 'ti-en-f jTnil. tfiy wi.i i .ui' nri:u ;th'. FUi.Tt, ra:ot -r-, nn) ot lit- ri. t:'-.- u-r tho.- Mwl.ciur will n-T-r :: wur in 1 wi' r.ut th ru- l!f-ti.p-n. No eron wj"h tLii d--t-vf.-inj Ji-aM rlVitiM d-ii.T U'in; th. rr - tn :c- ;r .tn. . r r Ia .lt. Fur 11;: i.(ur ot t' MVt.-ru rr.mi'rjr, lh-e in UK !!! wiM I - ( unl Mfr. r -Jy. sr 1 ftTUiU n-Hi Uy. r u:-"li.-it;f- ! f.-rli- -j-t' ai s.u'j t tn a reTii'-ti t f tti a i ur- U tl.rr Di'ji.c.iir ia ttutuvul Tli tcim. b A.:r'rli, Bt t;Li;:.l-. Mi.fci xr.L fl?: X t.t fi! to rh J:e cntirt-Iy !i tl;e -Tl- t- t.f "tit rt ur iiiijttiir.j tooitrr tx.ii liiv u.u 1 Xtr.-n ;u(.rs. Ne.ET.-i-- r.tu. litt, Nmt. Ckpl!- - ti sim. Arf,csau.a, iLiM.viwA n m Pi Th ori.nnal f.r pri-t"r of th w- irt-ifirt wu rurci of Iii .f :U je-nr-' rUt, tin? Sv rftr n- f Ik.-t l,ti. .-ii-;ttM. d re ' )UiS ,.) an ntp- rr Z, t tuhr r ttt I r-i V iu wll U d- iii ni-tT t,m wh-Dt. r Ihcir -iitnc IB tu-i-w.-t-jj. lift it-f will t rtrUitJ. j the like rii-t.3 am rmivix nnTKF3 ; Vvr.iy ib- t mi.-i th.i-. m.k : i:.-. r m the i ;V-n xiv'VtrFi.'""1 ":,,,T.,U'W t:- V " i'I!-L- anJ ; iii. t-iiiuat:.-DtteTr.v ,-!. rt. tiir;4rr! ly M:. U'lM.tAM C M'U r AT, ; lirvJkJwi, Luii--r vv. riii ?t. .- -rlr, -jJ r-utt i.y -all lru.l. 1 THE ONLY PREPARATiON WoUIill' OF Dniversal Confidence and Patronage - i. uu .-luii'.-uiijii. j uno. y, ici !i iiil'u, ' L Uao, RbJ Urnl men, in ao r!. el Il -w r .l, 1 v.n t . . i nt ! t U i. iu- , :n. v .1 Pis.i. J. -c H Ail! 1 ti:f ITM L. Eu.I edit" Om U of th" Prr.ort afr Uli iL 1 ii; it. : m.-f. A t t-::Li u:a; - 2 T -r. - her- cru :rcuir 1 r XL.I.,d.ul it U.- i:-O-si j.e t-.r uu j 4. t Yrk. ltC 1(S-A j G.Mtr : at n.. ..i u-if- iari . r -.j. i-a):!.,! ti.Bt .wu ,.. i ia--r i tLat i J t.- u :.-i o :ii- u-.- i t ii..- i;-.i' Tiatut-, av j -; r.-iu nij ceruiitt ol liv-L i; 1 Li i.w i- :Uju to ' t , g.t- it. 1 arJ i to y.u rl, rrj.:?. l-f a I think it due. i ; 1(J, j EO rliriJ t . ,.r v a;, ,K , . c-.ii t. turu r .. m i '!.- .i- on :i,.-.r..ii i i.i I -' ll!k rru-; i n "r-J ' :" r.. uj.Ji.:f. l.-L ; .uniuiioiuuuiu!! . J. 1.1 . MllCf I Lir'.li N.I ; lite t'.j, . I ua l.va . i. Iu xhi qq-i -.nt j-hI - ilii.r ii-;.,rk; iu b .if. trl u. 1 u.i t .t-r i- r ; r. 1 I.'. I.' - . oMw- U i: . i. i.-T.-O. -- t.i- C -i. rrr-.Ii-iri- r.t, I wu n.", uj.i;ui to arn rn.. if i J it- cr..:D..i i in liio-t to try -t till- l 'i IDJ utf u ii, it Ty f'ir tor t-i'r, t fi"ia tu '.m i ,,:il-r t!.e XU I t.f DaJT ti.'" A .11 . t. .1 ' j 7 r r.s a i kn it L'fuj'Ajr, . V-i-i. :..1." 3 T Pt nr t J Mr if-'" t,!- -i- J . U-f o. il. It. U t : .!: . - t u. I t.;:i r,ty I - n. ir.t u.- li..ir i.. -t r..:i r-1: A i..-. . l t t-r k r ei : la HI'. ii. ,i. 1. 1.: ii.'i'os i . ..:r,.: l' . I O r.ti j -:.! , i.-t:iiiC in uur S'-iilii. u i.; --i m , miuLIi 1 ns- ft.:: Ij ur -el 1 .t.- in tt.- JH f te .W-rt-i jf.t, i.riuz ' t;tii iu ji.-ir. V. .ti It..i.ii. K'lOltS Id W I;E-T'.R. ill E. P---F O. J. . r l.-,r ir: 11 . :i TH;-f r- tmiH inli-tV'..; ii rtit-u -!" c h ..r In il.-- .-a t i f llif ypii.-.w T-f-r. in ,-w irif-.i.- iu 1 v-i :d :ut -1 t. nr ike :i tr:..: "I . nur n,(.---:.::.'n. at 1 t-ii.tfi it tn -n-fr-r ! Le l''v th.tn; n-e..J. My .r i It w tj ;,.H k) j.-f . tua u r ran r i r - my tt.liiiinu to j a :u iiig ;Lt u J: 't- i-l -. iIM.KV J-.'HoN. Tlif (t'rttiT' i V-.T uj :n 1. -J t'.r-.- -.if.-, v:r tar-. tn J.nr.:. .tirl -mi. I ; th-; Tiia.i h, . 1 , i ; , t-t, tr. 1 r-1 .j - t.-r tu- .!. ::t.r i-'-r I- t:if . i u- n-.-liula h ' i kt i -l - i-t r- t.t. nr-fi ii fir":- rt:f.n ihnit th- re r.uir I't I" il"'.ir- f-T h t..-: th- lar" 1:: n -.-art. ff t-.nt m r- ic i r"iTM.'Ti. ar-i p tni! f r'. . J.lt'l A" (.'. IT --:::cT. r-. 44 Hr-utlfur, Nt w Vrk. MD-1 1J4 V irv. t ?tr--et. M I-u. M l lS,ii l iil ir -rtd l;ru'i-:.- Aiij tanr-jiic--lI --.Ivr. Commissiur.er of IlKnois. ILLIAM H. EI5rLL. G vern, r t f II- l:noi. has appt-inted Jon B Li, i a CoraimsMnrr of ihe Male of Llinoi., i'.-r I the county of I nu-n. to a imini'er oaths, to take dcpoi:i.-ns and proof of deed .Tanr:zars, A - to b b-d an l rTteii in Th- ! of T lir."!-'. ! Il.-r-nii bitin: a: t Is-n-i.- r n-al rt..- 1 1 an? L ti.i f. r ; !' ma l.i. l rurt lin-r I- Wju? a Ir-rMi T,- p i. t li i Mtni.- t m olrre. a I ti of- n -d P - k;- fr r the .ur- cl ad 1 -aie ot real ''-ite. n i !,r.- .1 1 1 r t . f CHA1VGE OF FIRTI. fllHE Firm of B-ar-r. A'rrn.er V TC.jre is changed by the wnh.lrawal ot Peter Bea ver, and it will hereafter be known I v the name of Kreii.n. M'Cti as & c0 p. s;. Kre mer and J. C. M'Clnre have assoriateJ them- 1 selves with J. (. Heaver, uniler the name of Kremer, M"f!ure'& Co., to cortinue the Mer c"u"'r V". , """ c"rn." ''f JJt,anld Le.,bo.?. Pa. I rh and Account of Braver, I Kremer A: M'Clnre will be at the store of wr. m t-iure- cv. .-- a-ai.. sPrrv ,"","- 1 l-ewisbanr. .March a, 00) Seed Potatoes. TJBIXCE Alliens, Peach Bl.iws. and Burk- tyt seel Potatoes, raise.! by P. Deaver- a verv snperi.-r article for sale bv March 21 KREMER. M CI.1KE A CO. nows-r-LCWS. I 'OR SALE a lot of nrw ' Ll l.L and SfLF-SHAR- PENIXti PI.O s aNo f;L"Z'.' Ciui Htirt verv cheap for cash. Inquire of Lewisbz.'.Var 5,'tO. WM FliICK Lewis r.4i.Mcn, KCIIITD T aid IH ILDER, i f,M LhWlSHLRG, PA Executor's Notice. "WT'e'HEREAS. letrers teiamentary rn the I estate of William M'Clore.late of the Boronsh of Lewisburg. dec'u bave been is sued, and granted to the subscriber, in due form of law, not.ee is hereby piven to per smsknowms themselves to be indebted iu said estate, to make immediate payment; anil those havm:- claims acainst the same, will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. WM. JUNES. Executor. Lewishnr?, .'an. IT, lSKOfi rxruwrV 1 Oil SALE OK LXHIANGE. . jippos,-!) HsNU Bl'ti'iEV and a A .j.',.,-,' wA.iON for sa.errevehange jf ,.rcrn. Inquire at ih. Cgee -w-. me ll l( V.. An ejcellent fed T" Ri: ll l:.--" '"e.lBt oil 1(. ver LEVEK WATCH for sale at a bfjiaio-rnuai c AE- IE..ORMANLdE, Lewlrlarg f ,, i 1-..1... r..rt- m.,.; lhsJtV ii Iz it Trua ? Ysz. it is Trus I ''rir.vT JAME- scott i- f!i;pc: I U up Uu tit, Lib hiJ. fcr laai.-a f 1 AlilES" .Moiocm) yii.l Kid .lii.es, I i 1 i h . i- t.'i-- ini.'V - i". ''t ..irs. FA I'IKS' i;.iou, heels. kiJ, T A I 'IKS (3 aiter?, "fVolnf 1 f ii at XJ SC-lTTS. MEN S nn.l Eovb' Root?, all fciiuli, 1 ... t , .vt., it " S -Jl ' s. n mi: larost a.-ort;in-iat of IJomo ' All Ua bbja tVirk Ml' A lit! A XTl'it J AMDS SCOTT. L.-wir ri-v. ril T lft-C Vli ult aacjiuiriuifjfctj : The nnder ened. bavinj s-cure.t 11.-51 1 vices of Mr. ill ski Klcdku, from ll-.in: ir'r in Ufrnr:nir, ii fa'iv l.i repiti ihe nnesi Waiehes men as ('hronometers. Duf.!ex and l.ver Escapements iu the very best manner, to2e:h-r u nn every ether kmd nf work in .ur line nf bjsir.ess. All work war ranted in eive satisfaction. IV"! bate a .0 the Arrnrr for the sa'e if the celebra-e I fst Oil IinilHI t getter wih Oil sha'es. Wick v. ,Vc .c !.eil -,Mar'Ct A U LliNORMANDIE A LVIrTRATOR NOTICE. T.e:r r,f KLLLV. li-f-sv.L !a:e cf Ke;lv town-hip. havin t n ffranre ! tu the suhsrril;er bv rh R2itTof I'nion C"in:rin r'tip form rf lav . a. I rwrf-n. in-bte 1 to said e!ae aie hereby r.'t:r.r.l ! iii-jlie ur.tw- diaf ra mer. Vr,l iht havip-; sni jj:t !a:m a?ai;i?t ti e snrne may present them 1u,va'j'hpnr'raT''d for seftlemeDt to I'lilUP .TAIil Adixiiuisiraiur Kt-lTy Tp, M-ircU 1 1T 1 0 WM. CAMERON, JR., Attorney at Law, Low Mjury. Pa. 1 "Vfics m s-0th See. n.i sT-et. recent! i u "p-- p-a-. ; j) . DMIMSTRATOR'fS NOTICE I.pter of muii!ra'K;n on the estate ,;f THOMAS M ACKiY. decease J, iaie of l.e wiuarsr. h?v tn been rrar.ttd to the sui'bcril.rr t y the pit?r t f I r.ion c unty in dne form of law all persons iriiir-hie J to aid estate are hereby not tie i j make immeJia'e payir.erit, and all havn;7 any j'l-t c aur." 3caiost the sanie may pre-erjt th-:-i a;hr.nca.ei Iir seitremem to JAMUS K M ACKKV, Adiiiiaistrator Executor's Katice. VOTIVE is hf-ry cnon,ihat Letters .l Te'amf ntarv rn th la! will and ttsta- ' rneot of sii:AH AVN FA RLL V.Iate ot "White , I-cerTp.rni..ti C" c' have been graMed to : the utiHer- i:eJ. br ihe R-e f.rr of I'nifD county. in ilu? u-rm -f l;t-r; ih-refore ail per : tm kn-'.r ti.criieive l:i.Ic red to ta.J ' et.V.e are rt,fi,:"-t'-d t. ma!-e irr.rr.ediare pay ; ment. ar.d tht.se havir.c ju-t claims arsi&st i the san.e are a o r- ':'je-:ed to present them ' properly iu:hea:irap.! f. r sfrlempit. G. P. MILLKR. LxecuTor. Lexci "b:r. Mart a 'J. l-'-O The "rdon 1 1 i;ni::: - ri;:st le SiveJ !" Imprtiilin: C'rlsla" r 'e ri -v a --utiern man. 11 i his S.ves- br' :h-r riMi. aeh'.,i i - in tie S ava is irie I t U ira: is nu;;.5 --nch enp--i' . i-in- 't'. in t'. :,r.-s. 1-verv maa read it. Pr.ee $ I. cheap rini-.a Soo. S'incie eo.i'es rf e:ih-'r eio- n sent tv mail pi'st- a.. I .o. re.-1 ;.t '. r',-.ii rnce. A Mresa I"A.i; WALTEl't, l.ewisbnr?, Dc 20 I'nion Co, Pa iiL-iLaBrCF, Xl'TTOX, VEAl, Ai' w;.i 1 e s',ipp;lt..l to the hon-rrv peeplety the s tihse rl: er. ai his shi p on N.-rth Fitllj street, whtre he carries on the iiulrhenns; I us.ness, ar.d wi.l -ur'y aii Lii.iis of Meat in i;s seasn. tin Ve.teesi.w ni.J Samr.Iay rn.niiiies. he will te fiur.i at Marlcet in fri'Ot ol MTa Min'a Har.lware S"oreI."fc"aT l.-wratea I". t Cash exehicively. Calves iran' De.vts an ! She-p purchased as usual. Try the New Batcher. cuRi'Tori-nr. nEMEr.Ri.iNG. Lewishar. Aut. in. H5v CHEAP PICTUF. ES at Motvn's Sk)-Li Guiierv, MARKET sir--et, Lewislurg. Having jas; rccen ej a lai::e assortment of p. ...n a--t lar rv l'a-es, I am prepared to taka 1 Pictures at re lncetl prices, f.-r the Hul.dara. Ail u-ishinsany kind of Picture can vs ni'-n-'v hy s.ttirg ihem sotin. N. B. Pictures taken in cloudv weather. pi C.W.SCIIAFFLE Lewisburg, Pa. Wholesale Dealer in Drutrs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Siutfs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window lilass, Perfun.erv. Ture U:nes and Lienors eipressV f-T Alrdiemal t'ses, Fancy Notion tioods.ar. I all the rertiar Patent Medicines of the dav. tr"Particulara!i.eption pail to putting up Prescripiions. Familv Ved icu.es. Ac. Also Pine Oil and Fluid for aa!a J NEW WALL i- PAfEF. store: 'I IIK undersisned. laieif No. lj." Nor Ntn'h !, Ph:!aJ has rpec-d a tt'ALi. PAPER Store in Leilshn-e. wher- he will keep a lar;e assortment of Paper Haitjities, which he will sell at ihe l west city prices. A'so, winrinw nrtainv. &r. He will H A. Mi all raper in the mrst work manlike manner. Kavin: served as arpren ticeship of several v-nr a: he Ta;er Hai g ins business in Phil.i h. ! havtn w. rked ronstantly at liis tra 'e f r :i'e past nr,e yens, he claims to te a Tract: ' Paper ITarcer. ! Any person tn Lui-h-i--' .ir teichborirg towns, or the eoontty. iu'rndms have iheil houses -apered, are mvi'.f .! to ttr.ne hi j5iock. ' B- EVANS, j wtih B-wer. r-rrer Ti and Market S;s i Lewishurs. Feh. 10. Ailminlstrator'si Aotlte. N' kT0TIlE is here!? siren, that Letters f Adniinis-ratun on the hstate ft CHARLES. KLINE, late of While Petri.. wn- scip.LEion ctut.tv.dec'.l.have been grai.teJ to Iheua '.er-iined hy the F.egi.ier of t'aioa ernr. tv in due form of law ; the. rrejll prraoas in. ciebted 10 said estate are requested to ma ! imme.l:a-e pavn.ent.acd those iiavir.1 any jat ' claims are al-o requested m present them le gally authenticated for settlement. JOEL kLIXfc. A.tminisuawf White Ccer Tp, April 3, W0 1 1. i : j.' I 1 t f t t t r. i