Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 27, 1860, Image 3

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    tor ii CLbronulcj
jn ii-hf-i on !h fn-t; :
cirv'-iJaliuu i f any
.! t.i. lit- Ur:.-t au.i tfcat'
j: m i.i. 11 t. iiiiTv.
rroelorn, national; Slavery, sectional !
ai)mq,i tru ruuiuiios to amemux i.Mir.sm,
Sot antilht-r Inrh t "-Isir T. rrtlnry hj Eilrailm,
rurrtlavi-, nr i .luuurl.
TSninn nr... mil 1." tl.? twn lMni rrinrlplw
tv-f-TH Thir Hiitrv, uti'M lli T nre Tirt'-ri-'Ui. : n-J
Ml ttiui tn our" iii-i-t li'-a I. 'ttnTi-to tlont until they
iT In trininj.il n1- i-1! " N.iti tisl CMJiilul ut Wiu-U-lotfinn.
r.i". M.ir' J- iu hj.
PfHiivj'.-iila'h 'im'.nrr lor rnVdnl,
K.;t i ini i:ii!h
AXDKi: G. ( Tin IN', of Centre Co.
val 1:: p. I iv Civ.
. Wl:, ! 1'..
Campals 'Chronicle."
We wi!l seii-i ihi na A; Cjiiiuxii-le from
the u-eiW nf ihe t.'hie;in N.iininaMnti lo the
cUiseufilie I'resiit-atial E'.eriinn -0 weeks
I'.ir 50 rt nts, 7i l"r 1 1 copies, !0 for 24
copies. Sent ia thp names.
The first -o. (May IS) will contain Mr.
ISevarJ'a Speech, au.t vrc w ill give other gf.,,,1
things occasionally. We yhoutil carry the
lint lreMi!e:it. A pneral il.ifusii'n of the
nht doctrine i thai all is nee-le.!. U will
do our share, head on the names aud the
B?S.Tbo Charleston Convention is not
attended by the crowd cxprcted, and the
"hospitable sbJveriy" arc making a ksirg
game by tbeir attempted extortions.
Monday. The Couveutioa was called
to order by the Chairman of the General
Conimittc, Mr. Suialky of Vermont, who
is a particular fiienl of Mr. Djuglas-.
the case of the disputed delegations from i j,j.c ct cmjiuinj prisoners aud not fori The Williamsport Si Elmira Railroad
Illinois and New York, ho arbitrarily ad i "picnics.'- L- iotuu-n Gti-tte. ws knocked off to some of the bond hold
milted those supposed to b: most friendly I The KJitor of the i'lttsburg Journal , '" at 5100,000.
to Douglas, shutting out the others, entirely 1 s'14t s 'hat l'oster, the Democratic uominte j A young married woman, named Lucet
and raisin-considerable feclinu amon-thc. (jt 'joruor, is one ol his highly esteem-, t Uofl!uau (wife of a millwright) ol
opponents of Douglas. Mr. I'lourcory of
Ark. was chosen temporary CLalrmau, and
Mr. Ritchie, of Va., Secretary. A com- j
mittoe of one from each State (save Iiii- I
cois and New York) was appointed on ;
credentials, and another cn permanent or-
w D O
ft , . H rpi .-
Tl esdaY. The orpacizntion was com-
p.eieu, i j me e.ecuou o. un uusning
oi 1'iass. as i ies.uei.1, wuu a ice i re.-i-
dentand Secretary fronicaeh State Messrs;
Cunningham aud Vansact representing , pmy gave th puddlcra free access to the
Pennsylvania, and the suprosei Douglas1 metal yard, aud some furnaces turned out
, , , . , , , ,. almost d;uble Usual yield. '1 he workmen
men from New lork Icing included. Mr. . , .. J . , .,
iu the other Oepartmeuts also gave the
Cashing madeaneKiucuUpcce-n-quotcd ; ,irucCeds of that day's labor to the fame
much from Calhoun, the Chief of Nulli- ! worthy ol jeet ; andalt.igcther, the amount
fiers and said they must and should unite contributed to the unfortunate man by hi
nd defeat the traitorous fanatics of the ! fnWom workmen, takeu in connection with
The committee prccntel nn aJditional
rule, that, in any State which has not pro
vided or directed by its State Convcutiou
liow its rote may be given, the Convention
will recoguizj the right of each delegate
to cast his individual vote.
Several of the Southern delegates oppo
sed it
Mr. Randall of IV, opposed it, declar
ing that certain rdractory members inthc ,
Pennsylvania del
gation propose to violate .
and misrepresent th lr c ntituents iu vo
ting for Mr. Douglas, wlnsc nomination
in bis opinion, would lea l to certain d feat.
He went ir. t j a review of the r receding
action of Democratic Conventions on this
Mr. RicharJson of 111., asked Mr. Ran
dall who made him an expounder of Dem
ocratic principles and precedent, llow
long has the gentleman been in the Dem
ocratic ranks If His political antecedents
entitled his opinions on Democracy to but
little consideration. He did not desire,
after a life's service in the cause, to be
reproved by the recruits of yest.rdiy.
Mr. Wright, of l'eun., made a s'racg
appeal for harmony ia the proceedings.
Theo!e for striking out the rule was
Mass fi r-nn II De' I' t ! 31 Vt
!5-V:lr ls'(-ar8-;a tit-Flo ":l-Ala
a-La 6-Mi 7-i ex t-Ark J-.Mo i-Ca!if ,
;-Ore3 Tet.i,, lot j
All ihe le.naiuing votes l'.)S against.
Most of thc vole of IDS is claimed for
A coniiuittje of one from each State on
Resolutious aud Platform, was adopted
with an amendment (-70 i to S2) that ni
balloting be allowed cntll the Report of
the Committee bo alpted.
The Committee on Credentials said they I
coum not report uutii to-morrow. A j.
Wednksdav. The Wood Delegates
from N. Y. and the Buehanan Delegates
from Iiliuois wire cxclulcd. It is sup
posed the Cincinnati Platform will ba re
affirmed and amended, as thc South do-!
uiaod one that will njt be liable to two
constructions. It is believed the ba'lot
ings will begin on Friday Douglas will '
be nominated a nl several Ss.utkc.ru Stales
will bolt. j
Mj,mETin jit ("mairsT-i". The M'rnri
nf ihe 13th insi . says : -1'iiees u jnr.g ihe put
week have ruled w-.th-oit niii'-h ci-.anje. Beef
in fair supply, at 13, IV l- 3U cents. I.amh,
S i35 cents. Ma i n. DJalS cents. l'or-. 13
r.lj cents. Turk-vs, i."ia5 .'0 p?r pair. Ens-.
liti Dacks at l 50; Muscovy, $l lii'a.1 Hi
ohickrns 75 to yl 3'i. ('ap. ns t3 Jd per
pair. In the way of fish, Bas nil al 15ain
p-r pound ; Halibut at 1.1, aid fresh Co ! at 10
rents; Drum K ies at ! oO,r;; Whuing .10
erats a stnnz, and IJ -nckiish 3.1 cents a st. ing.
.-shrimp sell al 3.1, t)7. and ii) cents a pl.itr.
strawbrrrirs have b--ea in market this week
l'.,r Ihe first limi. aid commanded tKall cents ,
per quart. Green Peas have fallen 1- cents J
a quarU Irish potatoes sold at Od ce,:s, and
s vert potatoes at 50a;3 cents per peck. Feus
Xat5cenik per dozen. Fresh buiier 1.1 ceu'.s
per pound.
Ex-Got. Robt. J. Walker recently sent "iJ ,0 cntain a very bad article of whis
a challenge to Jeremiah S. Black, U. S. i k7- Tue 00 JJ s ,bo Dcxt Jai'-
Attornev General, ou acwuct of thc latter 1
.ienying that Pres. Buchanan's published 1
biter to Walker was g-nu'me JaJ-e '
ii e ,, fc, , ;
J.l.ck very iiu-.fa.lj aul r p-r!y sent
I - the chill- ugc, v. i'h a m- rely verbal
ic-.ly that he ti.d not acc.-'.t it. i
I"cus Sums from iDiijcr Conr.tirs.
More Fwinhlinu. A few weeks ago,
we published (be account uf a swindle per -
pe;rted on a farmer of lYrgusou tonliip,
by a traveling j-cuiar. AUt-Ut las same
iiin, oiiC of tLeao fccnip cam to a man
iu ltUT towu-bm, and stated that he had
vcrai hundred dullard worth of gajds iu
lU!laduI'lji3y and Lai Dot money to get
them on. VI course, the t-tateuieut was
interspersed with the UUal number of
sn:I:l.'S an i tears. He finally, out of pity's
fake, got tiiry djilar., leaving in pledge a
gold watch '-north oue buuured dollars.
I'non pxaiiiiuati.in. it m f.itin,! llial l he
waicU was worth just ten dollars, aud no : Daniel Uowtr has retired from the Wil
Jew p?dlar to rid. em it. The fame game , liaiusp Tt VVcm Mr. Butt remaining iu
was played oo a farmer in Half Moon. We ! charge of it.
now advise all to have nothing to do with j Wednesday morning, abiut nine o'clock,
tacse roviug traders. lkl!.Jule iVesa. l.Jaac ; Dashiell, belonging to Baltimore,
A panther was rcccutly shot in Albauy, j a brakesman on the i'hiladulphia & lialti
Bradfurd couuty, by a party of young mte Central Bailroad, met with an acci
meu. It weighed 13 lbs., and m . adored dent at Avondalo atation, Chester county,
nine fett, from tip to tip. Two of tha ' which resulted in his death in the
men weut under the tree, iu which ho had ! course of an hour. The unfortunate man
taken refuge, aud with clubs succeeded in j was about to step on one of the cars, while
keeping him up, while the third, l'orier j the train was in motion, and losing his
Ueux, a boy ol LiLcieeu years ol age,
shut hiiu.
An old barn on Dr. Hale's premises,
near the furuace of John Cubbuou, was
blowu dowu by the high wiud on Tburs-
! day night last. No cattlo were kept in
it 1 ue river Bridge was moved several
: inches some weeks ago during one of the
i heuvy blows, ihe managers purpose rc-
piinug it Will. Willis received a kick
lroiu a horse on Saturday last, striking
him with both hind feet near the right
shoulder. He was currying the animal at
the time, and but for his closeness lo the
horse wou.d probably have been killed oo
the spot The. Canal has becu in navi-
gaLle order f ir several days, and conse
quently boatmen are busy Grass is
growing rapidly, and the wheat fields as a
ueral thing never looked better at this
time of year, nor mors promising for a
good crop A c orresp oudeut wants to
ku"w whether the prisoueis no iu jail aie
I a:0Ki lJ'.au ibuUl ?'nS!e cli
l nil. i.r f . .t.i. i, li. I I. ill u-.. ,1.. L-ii..nr
! I,-. l!, rr.i--... I I .it o-, Jl.nilf ( l r,.r
I I" 1 . . I . I . f ! . .. .
ca .ncuus, at.u ii.eieiore uues no. uesire to
fay any uukiud word of him, but he ex
pects he says, to assist iu defeating him on
account of the abomiuable tai company
be kci ps, and the still worse platform on
which he is mounted.
YtuY Kini. A '-'puJJler," named
Geist, employed in the JohLstuwn (l'a)
liou I) oi i..st i.aa uo: u e es t u.n e v ouiueu
1 . , ' , 3 , . .,
T .. H' . !. . L.. IL ! ..: !! .1
out jS an u,M ri u.iate aee; leui ai ine
; m,,L Uu Mull K ft!1w work.
men contributed t lie enure proceeds ol
oue day's labor lorhis benefit. The Com
the amouut subscribed by the C 'tupauy,
mauager and bosses, will ret the haud
souie su:u of from ,0U0 to $2,500.
Under a charge, from Judge Bead, the
Asaiguees of the Hank of Pennsylvania
recovered $7,000 of Johu Miller, late
Post Master in Pi.ilad. Under Allitone,
the Dank paid Miller $23,t)C0 for his ser
vices in iuiiueiug the U. S. Government
to buy their old Banking house at an cnor-
This disgraceful bribery was
u i " .r:-''', ,., , , ... . f ,' , !
' , ' ,f .,, 1
i and iuterest,
00 i
I The large" barn on the farm i f Thomas
! Stiuson, one-half mile from Vau Ytrt, Ju-
niatta countv, was destroye
destroyed by fire on
! the possession of John Defray, who rented j ,ala 01 " m- "aron.dr., is ruus exposca
it fiom Mr. Stiuson. The fire was caused I The Grand Jury of Northumberland
, by a small boy residing in the family of j county last week recommended the addi
' Mr. Detray who weut to the barn and ig-1 tion of some good s'onc wall to the Coun
1 uitcd a match in the stable below, which i ty Jail, and also say, "We Cad the pres
; soon communicated with ll.e straw, cnt Court House to ) small and iuconveni
: There was a large quantity of grain, hay, cnt for the increasing population of the
folder, ii:., in the barn, which was cn- ' county : but think at present, owing to
' tirely destroyed. Happily, no stock was, the failure of crops for years pa-it, scarcity
at that tiiiiJ confined in the stable. The of money, and reduced price of real estate,
evening was tempestuous, and the wind ; that it would be inexpedient to se-Il the
carried Duru.ng fctiing.es 10 me "Jcdi
00'5i f:t!1fi; ,fcca CD firt which was not :
dmpl-jlcly utingui.-hed until late on
Sut.day evening.
() the f)th iust , siys tho Rntman't .
' J-jurna!, Mr. Robert A. Hall, who recent- j;0 Janerio fu Braail, under the. patro
! ly r- la ived from Clearfield coULty to Uui-. D3gc 0f thc Mission Board.
I oiiviHe, Centre couuty, captured a young j Bfrious accidont occarr(!( a wccj
tear nar the plank road, about a m: e : Wednesday in Cogun House township,
and a half north of Jiiliau 1 urnace. He which rosu!ted ia ,hc Jealh of a chiM 'of
first sp;cd Iruiu in a . Id, and ts it crawl JJr Ga.rison. The mother was engaged
ed mroueu tnc teuce ne cast a stone at ir, ,
which caused it to squat aowa. lie men I
threw auolher stcn ', which, grarn.
fi 1
i. -.1 t 1, ...! : n ...... ... ..I.
ueau, ...i.o. .i u.r., i.i.u iiv.fi:.ii-; house, a little girl, about three years old,
el, picked it up, aud started off with his j trJJcd t0 whcre the fire was, and in a few
pr:zi. He bad earned it but a short dts-, minu,w wa3 discovered with her clithes
ta-aca teiore it revived, but prueant-g iu a fu'i b:aZ0. She died thc following day.
ba, lc rut the "varmint in it, aud, as- .... . ?,
sisTcd by his brother, Mr. Hall succeeded An"1s ''J "."Early in the field for
in gettiug it heme alive, where it is g-t- Sheriff of Dauphin county,
tiug as fiuely as any young bear could dc- Mr- Reynolds of Bcllcfon'e bss provi
6ire. ded that town with a largo Public Hall.
Look our ma Him ! The public are j
cmtioned agaits: a J. reiny i'i Mier calling
himself "Judge I'lidirwood," and just
now circulating about the couu'ry c illect
iug uiuDey fir tte "Ladies' Mount Vernon
Association." lie i said to hsvosucccid
ed remarkably well in Missouri and Illi
nois. He is a si;;Jler. L)ck out for
all "titled beggars."
ANOTiirn Victim wrrking mm
from th : i-ffe.t of w!ii-key. He attempted
t cress the r.ilroad bridge at Farrauds-
vilie, six mues above 1. u khaven, and wa9 '
drowned. lie, with a c .uipam m, was;
s cn to come out of an unaccused shanty
a few m mieuts previous, where, it is said,
thc poisonous liquid is dealt out in all
quantities, and in a short time a splash
was heard in the water by a lady residing
., . l . I I
near the budge, who tfave tue alarm, but
..t :.. .'h.. .
VU. V..S,
Charles Bossey, a young man employed :
in some iron-woiks at Yoik, Peon., was ;
recently cng-ig. d in peu.int; nolteu spelter '
- . I- . . ,i
lulu n.oluiag-b ;xes containing wet sand.'
The met' t-xj ! -.led, a .juant'.'y flying 10 hii
fcc, ijal:; destroy in bis ryes. S
" lucase of thiTtie fir Aldcruiau in
llarnssur, eroeKii ii'cin ; urew ine
j successful ticket, and thcu drew fur a term
; of three years. Pretty lucky draw after a
j tie vote !
Bucks county is entirely free from dobt. j week, the constable of Chapman township, nii.l';tr.l,r Jiit lh ,,,., lalt. ,i .e b..r
Tbc Commissioners ba 1 a special meeting Snyder county, arrested oue Gauiby on uii (iuh uf ,.,., .(r-e'd.
r.couily, to meet the Auditors and pay off execution in favor of a Mr. llerruld, i c oiloiii.i: VE!:.':!!.!.. R.-.-iter.
the indebtedness, when cverv obiitiatiou 1'laintiff, fir debt and costs, aud bad hi in ! Resistor's (hue: Lewis hare-. Apr. 1 1. inert
aguiu;.t the county was cancelled
A. !I. Ilavrley is appointed Agnt at
the Muncy Depot for the X. C. 11. Co.
Major Jack Camming?, ISucbanau's
Navy Agent iu 1'hilaJelpbia, was one of
: the "outalje Delegates to Charleston.
f,uthoid, was precipitated between the
cars and the permanent platform at the
j sta iou. No bones were broken, but he
j received fatal internal injuries.
In Williamsport, on Sunday night, 15th
J in.-t., the stablts of Mrs. Sarah Harris,
John B. Beck, II U. Donnell, and the
; Bxcbango property, were consumed by
lire. So confiJcut are the people of the
presence of an incendiary in their midst,
that the UurgesB oilers a IliWald of $500
for bis or her detection.
The Welsh Independents are building
a house of worship at Bljomsburg.
Two men have been sent to the Peniten
tiary for stealing meat from the smoke
huU;e of J. Norton Low, opposite William
fport. Judge Galbraith has decided to license
no moie houses to sell intoxicating drinks
iu Warren Co., 1'a.
Under a recent act of the Pennsylvania
Legislature, a Model l'arm and llotaiiie
Gulden are about to bo established near
Milkroek Tp, Lebanon Co, committed su
ieide on Wednesday morning, April 11th,
by drowning. Cause desertion by a
heartless husband, whose future should be
that of the vijuOoiiJ.
At the recent meeting of the Hunting
d n l'ns'iytery, three young men were li
censed to preach, aud two were ordaiaed
as Mis.-ijnaiies to Siam.
A y. utig man stolo a watch from the
dwt-ll:..i; of Dr. Leisenrit.tr, of Selinsgrove,
and was et off on returuiuc the nronertt
aud confessing bis gutlr.
There aro already between forty ami
fifty candidates for oih.ee in Butler county,
aud "wore coming."
Rev. Mr. Austadt, of Gettysburg, was
elected pastor of the old Luthtrau church
of Sel;u.-grove, and is now attending to his
Wm. C. A. Lawrence, re-elected Ppea
kcr of the House of Representatives in
Pennsylvania at the last session, died at
bis home in Harrisburg, lust Saturday
evening, in his '28th year. He was a man
of f plendid talents, and uncommon prom
ise. Hon. Joseph Lawrence of Washing
! ton county, long time a Speaker of the
! same body, and also Member of Congress,
I was his father.
The Sclinsgrovo papers talk about a
Bank, but the citizens voted down a prop
ositien to build two new School Houses, as
fnrt AT.nr.-iia a tar
too onerous a tax.
In Columbia county, the Sbrriff adver
j tises a column of land of the Columbia
! 1 -n T .,f .
v-oa' "uu lru, yVJ- uion
- j i -I j ' v
county ouiioing to raise money towards
buildings a new Court House at present.
Rcv. Mr. Blackford and wife, the last
a number of the O. S. Presbyterian churth
f Harrisbur?. aro about ta rmbarV for
in hase .tc,nin- and had . fira b,k nf
the honse f,ir the 0f beating wa-
ler Whilfisrir. was hnctilv nl. wnrlr in hn
. J.
The editors cf the Jersey Shore IVcftV
congratalatcs their cppineut, .Mr. Loeu
baugh of the H -puUicau, on his appoint
ment as Marshal lo take the census of Ly
coming county.
A few days since, while Mr. Wm. Ben
der, of Adams county, was hauling lime
near Papertown in Cumberland county,
bis horses became frightened and ran away.
In cttempting to stop them, he was thrown
down, the wagon passing over his body,
iufl cting such internal injuries as to cause
u death in about six hours.
The eastern walls of the bridge across
the baniu, at the lower end of Main street,
Mimiutown, built at a cost to tne couuty
of about ?2,0U0, tumbled down last week
with a crash,
oi ;r . it- ii-1 1 . t s T m .
cueriu v. . 11 i isun. oi .i uu uiuwo,
. ' '
Iost turie ifge hogs, worth aloutfiO. last
week, from
, - . 1.1. L
uiseaoo lescuiwuiig ULg
: cholera.
II. S. Root and T. T.lovrl. of MnnCT.
"' - ' l BUJ .' ",uu '"uu.'
1 ' DaTe P-'" T an lui-i
pro'ement in Straw-cutters.
. -i i. .j.rr
A man hisbeen arrested at Tyrone,
' ni taken to NorthuiuSierIax.il county, oa
a cbarrc of f iriery. 1
fatalists in CleorQ.Muniy have
uui tup in mjiuuc ..............
free banking law. 10,500 of stuck was
: subscribed iu cue day.
I.mi'Iiiso.n.mentfuk Debt. Duringlast
brouirbt to our county prison, ll is sta
ted that the plaintiff, who accompanied the
party, on hearing that the Dofeudaut could
not be detained iu that way, was Very
anxious to compromise the matter. It
was then agreed that Mr. Gamby should
plough fir Herrold live days, and the
plaintiff should pay all costs, Sis. So the
matter ended, and the party returned
home good friends again. .Widdkbury
Mr. Alexander Miller, from Kettle
Creek, one day last week, while at thc
Mansion House, in Lock Haven, took sud
denly ill and diud in a few hours afterwards.
John P. Metigar and B. F. Pursell
were last week admitted to practice at the
bar in the courts of Lycoming county.
The barn of Peter Pontius, in Middle
creek township, Snyder county, was on
last Sunday night, burnt to the grouud
one horse, three cows, and some sheep,
were consumed with it. It is supposed to
have been thc work of an incendiary. No
The Ledger says the Democrats expect
1900 majority in Philadelphia, nd the
People's party expect 1500 majority. Pret
ty close work.
Tbo best fish that swims is, without
doubt, our Susquehanna salmon. A num
ber of them have been caught, but they
are in great demand.
"Messrs. Sampscll i Stockcr have bought
oat the late firm of J. Si C. Klcckuer, of
Centrcvillc, Snyder Co., and the business
will hereafter be conducted by tbem.
The coal trade of the Shamokin region
shows a favorable and healthy increase.
Thc letting of the Auburn Si. Alicntown
Bailroad, adiTtiti-d to take place on the
10:h iast., was postponed until the 10th
of May next.
Coun Taruisu. It is one of the best
preventives against crows, aud worms, and
other pests of the farmer, to tar seed corn
when planting. Soak the seed in warm
water till it is plump, and then the tar
will uot retard g ruiiuation. Put, then,
about a gill ot" tar to a gallon of hot wa
ter, and stir it till thc tar is melted and
thoroughly mixed with the water, and
then pour in as much of the seed-corn as
you can stir about freely. Then take out
'.be seed, and coat it with plaster of Paris,
or dried leached ashes, or hue, dry loam.
or dust. Thc proportion of tar to water
should be such that it should coat thc corn
perfectly with a very thin coat. No one
who tars seed-corn will ever curse the
Late arrivals from Kngland state that '
the bully beast named lieenan, who went i
from America to fight an Knglishmen of
the same character named Sayers, has been
arrested, and that thc strong arm of I.iw,
iiifltie-nced by the Morul flcntinietit of Ktig
laud, would probably break up tho propos
ed brutal exhibition, upon which large
-urns of money were bet. All honor to
Old Kngland for this ! If the follows had
no souls, aud if thc iiill ienca would not be
evil, it were no pity if they should bruise
each other's "ugly mugs" until they would
make a hyena vomit, and if each should
knock out what little brains the other had
but the public weal demands a suppres
sion of such demoniacal encounters.
I IliOJl ( Ollim t 'otll l Proc li mill ion
rilEUEA.Mhc Hon.AU'M sj.WII.MOX,!
Pre.-ideni Judge for the Suth Judicial
District ol i ennsylvunia, composed id the i
Counties of Union, Mifflin and Snyder, and
.. ...j
""a" tuhnr;
ISth dav of Feb.'
i riiiLtr- iichl anu jmi vv mmuntosi r.
ciate Judges iu Union conn!
nrecent. tiearin? dale the
IsiBH. and to me directed, for the holding of an
Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer
and I'erminer. and (ieneral (Quarter Sessions I
at I.EWsUPKi. f.,r the countv of LXIOX,
n. vinvniA- r ii V ,i .i
on Ihe second MONDAY of MAY (being the
. ih i ,, isi-o i . . v i I
1 Ho day) Ipi'iO, and to continue one week,
v o L ,u . e u i u .. '
-Hiiu.!; is uiviiiiiir in leuv -ZIVl'll lo nil 1.01- ,
. ,, ,-. r,, ,, 1 , ,. 11 .
oner. Justices of ihe Peace and Constables in
anJ for the county of l'nion,to appear in iheir
oxn proper persons with their records, iitqui
sitiuns, examinations and other reuieml'raiices
,h,i.;,,!fn.iu... ,i,iiii-.
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
' '
persons, are required to be then and iliere
attendm?, and not depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their alien lance at the appointed time agreea
ble to notice.
Iliven under my hand and seal at the Sher-
i XI s OlHce in Len-isbiirr.. Ihe 3lilh dav t.f
March, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty and ihe eighty-fourth :
v.-ar of ihe Independence nf the Ciiiird Suite
of America. l.ml save the Commonwealth:
"VTOTIl'E is hereby given to all con-
Ll ctrneJ,that the following named persons
have settled their accounts in the Register's
Oilice at Lewisburg, Union county, aud that
the said accounts will be presented lorconiir
mation and allowance at lhc Orphans' Court,
to be held at LLWISBURti, lor ihe county of
Union, on the third Friday of MAY' next, be
ing the ii'h day of said mouth, viz:
I. The linal account of Mary E. If binson,
Administrator of Thomas A'oiinoi, dee'd.
2 The nrroiiiit of l,.l,n T 1-,.U n.l
James M'Creight, Executors of Andrew -M'-
(ire, late of Bulfaloe township, dee'd. ;
a. The account of William Fiaron, Ad
ministrator of Saul M Corinick, dec d., who
was one of the Administrators of Jiee. 2iuri-
as lluod, dee'd.
4. The account of Jacob Gundy, Adminis-,
trator of Jl-cuo Zalmutr, late of the bcrou-h
of Lewisbur". dee'd. " ,
The account of David Hrrbst. Guardian
of UV.V.om. -If .icy ; , Leah, and Hannah Stutil,
minor children of Mary and Hannah Siahl,
late Mary and Hannah Bechtel, boih ol Buf
faloe low nship, dee'd,
6. The account of Isaac Slenker and
James Crossgruve, Executors of Jufin Mtmck
late of Limestone tow nship, dee'd.
7. I he account of Ji ha Noll and Samuel
Spnits, Administrators of CArui'tiita Mil, late i
ol hellv township, dee'd.
8. The account of James W. Sands. Ad
ministrator of William tiulrliui. late of the
borouph of Mi.Tlinburg. dee'd. J,
. 1 he account of John M. Benfer, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry Ihngius,
late nf the borough of New Berlin! dee'd.
10. 1 he account of Charles F. Emory. Ad-
ua'nm e ' "-"J' I
late of Hartley township, dee'd.
u. The ae.COui,t of Jostah Ranck. Admin
istrator of the estate of Vniry li.tfcnderftr,
lat of W hite Deer township, dec d-
13 The arcnunt of Geor'e Frick and
nii "sl.fer. A-lministrat-rx ol ihe siate of
Uizvbtth I'ruk, late oi Lewisbuisdie'd.
j ' V ,fV t'.;: !
.vr.',, late of Lewi-bur;-. iici I.
', , .j'.1e ar(.ullllt r u;., c indor. one of
I tli- Administrator- ffJuw CuUicill, lale ot
While Deer town-hip. '-e'd-
Heal BsSate.
Two Excellent Western Farms
IlOJt SALK-iir Will be Exchanged for
i'rupenv in Central Pennsylvania.
One tract uf 1'iM acres is on tne sotuli line
' of UuiTni cunt;, --.x, with a posi-i tiice, null,
j and schoi.l-h.iu-e near. Tne otln-r, neur the
j west line uf said coumy. contains 1-0 acres, a
short distance from a good jciil-Miiem. Thi-y
1 are :ti miles souih and n u:h-csl ol lies
Moines, ihe Capital ol ihe Si.ite, and about 8
from the line of ihe Uurlinsloii & Missouri
Kiver Kailroa I. The land is r..ini;, ol a euo I
quality, ana umber roiivenieiii. In lianola is
Ihe County town. 1tsoii desirous id making
a purchase will m.ike limner inquiries at ihe
Star 4 Cliriiii.de office, l.ewishuig. April 33.
1V virtue of Mimirv writs tf" Vt
1. Kin.
) arut Al- Veiitl. Uxp. i
uea eui ut ihe
C urt id Coininon l'l. as i f l.nioii riointy.aiid
lo me direeKd. 1 will expose to puidic sale or
uutery, at ihe public house ol I.. 1. Ilrewer.
in ihe borooeh ot l.ewi-burir, siainnl.iy, the
SSih day nl' April. Isiiiu. at ot,r oi lork P. M.,
town: flVKCKIMAlV II! ill's Or' LAM)
situate iu White lleir Township, iu said
No. 15, liounili'il north liy other IuihI
of K.iulin.in & Kelier, ea-t Ly Ian I id Kaul
man & Kt In r and J M. Ilnnei,, s.niih I v land
nf ilainel Uennae'e. Levi Kes(-r and J.itob
Llieirenderler, and '! 1 y oilier land ol haut
man iV Kelier, Jt.hn 11 . eli -iud o:her, eon lam
ing One Hundred and rv. vcntv-rViir Actes
more or less, wlieieon are creeled a Frame
Dwelling House, Bank IJam, Wa-oii shed,
Ac., wiih the appur:ei.ances.
No. 4, lioiiinli'l iiortli lv Iiunl o."
8. I.. Heck, east by land ol Jacob Kinlry, and
other land ol Kaufman V Ki-hrr, south and
w-esl by oilier lund of Kaolioa.: l'.-. i r. con
taining Our Hundred nil ! I'ljoiy-F. on Acres,
more or les, u nit tin- a; pui leiiai.ees.
No. 5, boumli'd lii'tili liy liili'l (if
Jacob Farley, ra-t by lai.-1. ol iln- lu-.rs ol
, Frederii k Do tl-. in'.i-rier ami Uanie. -. uliams,
I -oiith by land ol J M. Kauek, e-l by other
i laud id K .in I in an &. Uet-er. c.i niaimng Tweu-
i ly-Tivo Acres, leore or ',", v. i.-1. rerp-c-
' led a Frame li.vel.iu-.- Ilou-e. Fi.une D.iru
' and Saw-Mill, and oiher ..u!t.u;'.d.ui. With
the appui tt-naiices.
No. Ii, luiiio'li'il iirif h Ly liiml of
Pavid fieir.ger, casi In; land ot lleiiiv ll.e!
leliderl'cr, M.ulh I'V land I (In lee I!- 'do. and
w-esl by land of John Da esiiiiiti. eoiriuiili 2
Seveniy-Tiirer Acif., in re i r b -s. vebeieoii
are ereeied a I. on Itueilini? Hi-u.-e. lL.tili Itatn,
andolher oui-t.ui.diiigs. nn the a jui ieoances
No. 7, l'l lVtiiblil-" J liti-l i'rl ill Tim
ber Tract tonii led nor h by land of Il iblty
Alhnrni. cst by land ni l'lii ..-t.. l.er tiai r'ii.
solilh bv land ol Jolill llukef. an 1 uo-sl ly.
laud ol M. 1.. Bi-ck, roiitaiiiiiig 1 lily Acres
mere or !es, wnh ibe ;iip;:r:''i.:no t !
s the properly ol Da.id 11. Kauiinan iV
Daniel B. Keber.
Al.so At the ?n tne t'tno nnj plaro.
another certain I ot . I (li.-ui, ! - t i.ne in l.au
relton, Hiirtiey lownsli.;.. I io r; ci unty. tioiiu
dd north by an aiiey. wi-i I.v land of K. r.
Voore, South by J ut.l.c r. -id, at.d east by lar. Is
of Oeoriie Braurher. i'i m.iiii'ii Oi e Hall
Acre, more or less, v In reon ct eiretd a.
iwo-siorey Frame ie!i :.2 ib-o-e. 'r.ii.iii ry.
; Tan House, Fraui- .s;a;.:e. eie., w.ih the ao
; purit'iiiiiices as the jrije'r'.y et Frederick;
I Werinan. j
' At the sum tine ml plaer-, another rrrtain
Hali-f.iil i.l (li --uiiil. to. t" or less. - oiir.te iu
1 the btiroufi of Lew isbort:. t ii: -n county, be
j irg the iioiihern had I i.uoii.ered, in the
recorded p:an of saol 11, reueh, ntioder 317.
b. -united on the north bv h I number 21, i-n
! the east by Fourth sireit. en :ii- souili l y the
! Soulh half of said lol l; utul-iT 1 1. on ihe w e -1
j b) Has berry Allev, en ivl.o h is cr.-eted a
two-storev Frame House, Fratne sii.ib;e. etc..
i ,
; wuh the appurtenances as
Jesei h M 1 ad 'eu.
i s.-
, . J. !iA Ci:"M,i;i M I.. Mien:,
-"neruis uince, ..ewiseur-. .vpr.i t, -a .-..v
,, ,
Wp. i Wk'.f ij hlj J
hlj i nriiiu j j v
A Fl.NE Upporliniiiv liir Sale or Ex-
-i change! V ill be .!! chrap Ur ah
of rxcnansrci lor i own i r p.-rty or i a. nis in
'he West Branch country, a quantity of
COOtl, UnimDrOVed Land,
., ,, "r . r rnlc Th:r
stutab r for H I. handsome larnx. 1 heir
. .. , ,, , k.,i.h
oration is in a e-b-ru s-iat.-.and lor neal.n.
. ... ... . , . . -i r ,,
tieautv. lertilnv and desirable elimate can noi
, ,1,1. 1..
beexce led. Persons sincerely
. . , . ,. ;.
nnsi"n'i io buy
lt m!i rniatii'ii
01 (.i.imiii;e, uuuiiii i-niu
by caiims on J F V J M LI.N.N
Lewiburr, Feb. 13,
fvS OR Iir.r.-A plcas-ant and
I i 3 eiinvenienl H.,nve. and I wo KeotnS.
suitable lor Store c r O lice, on Smith Marct
street, between 1th and 5ih. Inquire of
Hn. I. Bill tillEK.
I.ewisburg. Feb. 21, IstiO
li J SEX and Lots, each suuable i'li jV.i
two families one on North touith street and
one on St.John street, tor !a!e. Hallo! each
of the above Houses are 1. r lb i t.
E tr"-Also, for sale, four ll'iil-line Lots on
North Fifth sirert. JOHN HOLOHTOX,
l.ewisburg, Jan. SO, lis.'.!). Ajcni
I.oob Housr and sierr r.nnrd nn Market Mrrtl, Ac,
If 'liii iftli!stJ,.
TfHE subscriber offers for sale several Jn
Blill'K HOl'sLs, and ether Buil-diiai
dins, situate in the Bor,oie-h of l.ew isburg.
Persons wishing t.i purchase, will p'ease
call cn Mr. Jonathan Wolfe, who will give
them such information as th-y mav desire.
July .1, lfi.19 (!. M'llXABI.E.
" "ll1'"
;ih Filth htreet. a prnpertv-
."tine of a nA Kniiif H. iiel;i 3
on & half Let "f pro iiiut. Terms ea-v. Apply
: to May 17 A B.V(MiK
rrHE well-known l im i n Slant
1 al the east end ol ihe l.ewisbuie ixj.
Uridpe, in hillisquaqur low nsh.p. Norm d
Co. It wiil De so.d on reasonab.r tent.s.
l.ewisburg. Pec. 17, 1S3S.
rpilK T IttlOMS occupied at pre
X sent by Washington Hutchinson as a
Saloon. They are suitable lor SI IOl'S.
r or i erras appiy 10
Jan. 27. I ei.lrl. JOHN 11. LINN.
i"oii salt:.
1 DESIRABLE llmi.lint; l.ol.nt) feet
. leet front by lb. Ulcep. Enquire uf
Heaver. Krenier Si V'Clure.
on Sixth Street. Enquire of
I.ewisburir, Jan. 9. I Hod.
has removed lo south i!-l street, four
do. rs from tue Tewn C.oik, LEW
I'l.. Sfisi'oKXA i.v Iivoi:'-k.
"NIOX County, SS : Tin- O, minion wraith
ut' Pennsylvania, to ..hum iiur.iu.',
Whereas, I'ti7 W'ntm, by hrr nut
friend J..i-j.h Wa'krr. dot ihr I liii day .f
St-pr. int.er. A. I'.. I '!. t "' r ''r I'
i.nr .ni l.
ut in. it.
i.l It..; I-..I.-I
, ii I "U rl I -
Mt! I .'-
it i
. ti..o m io
an ;
-. ii i.i-
.r ir.lu
I'i- i.-. Hu ll- ! I"- I- i'l ! '
1.- Hlh ilnr "f ''X "
t III. sin I i. :!..., m it l-i -Ii '
. tin- .aiJ K:i... v ur nil -I
ii- Ii I- ut In 0 r.mt i: V. : n
Mm .!.'.
i.r IO
liiivi:. nl.-
.1. ti
lt ..f
l.,-i I, -Jin- in i-o- j..ii.sci;i..-ii.in!:,-i.r.
Li-wi.t-ur-r. A.ni l-ei
Ar.. Sn.roi.N-A ix I iv;!:ci:.
UN MX County, SS : The (Viiiuiititvralth
of Pennsylvania to Mm .1. .l'C"y laic
ol said county, lireelms i
Wh-rean, Mimmr r.i.t.rf M'Cm flate
Marzaret V.'.'.tn llmv) of iln- II ri.uuh of l.ew
isliure'. County of l uion and s ale of IVnn-
viri.i.ii.. to-li. r ii it f.i. ni In r lie i'ii. II H.'tii-
ti.n, Ji I ih. 1: Hi ih.) i fti.-r.-it.l-r. A o . !- . T 1.
It i' ril
ilt.lv i -I t In-. ii. j.r:i Mi.' t'T !ti rn
- -ht.
rt i-i ii m iit- i i- . : ui.iti .li ji.j
iUt) r,.A .1. hu A. MVuv.
V- -l tlitr-f P- " inr.it.'l '-u. fn-fr.' 'Ml. th
l John A M y. ti -t lT.ni; ;i- ir u'i - ;l.-r Ui-ui'
nn.J t-xt-UMft vIi... w r y-u U I ..'ii iir hi ur yr
i-r-.li '.r.- nir .'ti I. wi -tr-s. t I ..,.rt
i.l't'i.muton ll T" tn t.c I.r . i r r ill" iihIv. .n
: th.- I :h -i tv --I Mi. n- M. r. .t -cr .r:-t.!...i,
.r lib. i ct th- Kilti M-r-un-t KHm M i v . au.i t
rnurr. if niiv ynii hv tli- n.i l rri J..i- n -
t y v.iir . eh .in! lint ilir-.p-t-.l tr.-iu I" inN uf '
m if i iiaiooy I.in- ahli- I - tl.- Avt i A - -uit.i iu
frUi h ciLMs'tutui'-an I jin-!!! M.-r.-.f-f il n -t
J 'll.N iii'i..M(ii',t j-ii- riff.
urtf. April 9. !-- j
n. i:isi:nwi:in"s
Tar and Wood rJaptha PECTORAL
s tli lilT Milii'tsL iu th.- V..ril I.T 1 1. II UK "I
Coughs and Cold-, Croup, Brot.cbi-is,
Asthma, DifTie'il'y in Breathing. Palpita
tion of the Hear', Dip'hiria,
au 1 fir the liKI.tiii' t.f initiio t in mlvinr.-.l tai-r of
Cou-umptiou, to.-..ther withuii Di.-iasis
of the
Thr..t ui.d t'io
itjd which pre-
til C olis'jll'p' i
It Istirl
11, o.e i .
,1,-rK. - O.
II i.- i tli -1
I ti. h- r.-
rr. f A-TiiVA
i n 1 !:.!. i-l.
- I li..- ;t.. u-
' t-.tt.
1 1 1
t .i-ii'e- Ot il,.
ii..- .--r liai.t.
rill" ! I' r ii I O
ii'ii .-iritl vi
liru -i-ts.-itij ' 'ti,
-. t l .
-,N l i
Estate rf J.irrscs B Ildinlin, Esq.
DMINI-Tit 'I nil Mile L W lore.
is. I.r n r. of A ! m I. . str.i i ii n on ill
1 Jati-es it. H.lultll, late . Lew-isbur
in Ilnion eour.tv. deci-iistd. have been eri.n-
led to the Uleb'i -i-eto'd, iill tr - l.s lit rttifz
themselves n. ! ,-.. ' ti, sa d i e;,t - ari- -i -i:i,e.-le
l to lliaki- linriie ii itt- p.lUl.elit ; a-.d those
haviii-- citiio.s ae;.:ii-t itwt'l pre-er.t iheiu
properly auilo-niu o: 1 ! i si o!i r i r:t.
S'tl LL li. Oli'.Mi;.
Lcwishur". Feb. U, l-oo . '.::..'x
Ad.T.ipieitratcr'3 rictlce.
ITIIUKFAS, Letters of , ': .i-s.rat-li n '
lolhei-siati-.il l.llnKi;;. ANI'liHV.
i!.-ceased. la'P ol Li-veis'. itr-e b ioi. o. I i, n-n .
coutiiy. ha-, e been Et tiiii' d to liit1 siibsrrti t r.
bv the iiei.-.t r ot siitil c. i tity. 01 .'u- loim;
al! persons ii,.;,-; ti-d :,. sa. t est. o- are reoto-st.
e l to in a k.
pavmeiil, airl It
itavi.L- cot ins
aetainst the same
authenticated I.T si
seat li.etn du.v
JO.IN li.
.. 3.
l.IXX, .!.n'r.
I.ewisbnre. F.
Graff ing. Endd.Rf. Trin.irir.?, fcc.
1 all 1.' v -rs of Oo-, 1 1 . tut, lie subs
cribers ve o. '. tiv it be is i.r. p Mi ll li
ll trees wi.-i -h-- 1 est s;,-;:,;.i i ,, vinel n,
Ihe most approved 110.1 ner. Cn- riies n u-; u
araltei! so.,11 Pluui- in March '.: ;.!--. I'. ai
and Crapes tioiil S;Mi.ir.,-r. O;,:. -is may i
left at Caldw-i-1 1's Iro-- M-ore. or n' mv h- lis
on the Kivi-r lioad a unle oei. w I. en j-l--ir;
Jan 31. t .-till J. LMiLKl'
Fur.rjiTuri-i vAriLi-O-CLi, '
l . I r
h-1 on Market S. plan-, I.i Wtsl urg Cli
A eo.-d supply of ( !;:i:rs. Tuli!'X,
lilll'.'XMIS, S(ilM!si, Ac... ! h."o! i r made
to order by -.i, DAVID I.1M till.
m'PEIIIOR new Wini-?.:ii:.s n.r IS
r J f . r sale by Wm. M. liMihipi.F. A
specimen may be .sern atJ Tia'l;.ui Wuhc's
barn, in Levvibur. Yvb. li1,
4IndiiStry must thrive
1 Keinovrd to Hotieht-oi's I, i ti.ei n, p on
Market sireet near Fourth, where 1 wili have
at all times a lull assortment of
Till Vlitre. Mote
COM. HI I Kl.TS, .v, Z,,r. .V.-. I will
also make to order, on shi r; iioi.ee. 'Fin Cul
lers, Spouting or aty kind ol woik in u.y .;ue
ot business.
I es MendingandJobbii!!: r-'rerat'vpromrtly
aitended to. JOS A KliLA.Ml.R
l.ew'isburi. Oct 2.1, li."ei
VI1KM1I X:-W tliK- .
W..r. . B.I.I... n e i
W..t.l-,... -i.- .,i rl.i
aiMi Iruueh Li.i.iu I'ud
.Ttn.i ut , i ill-
. l- .ll".
l.s - ll - ii. ,1
Ji.s. A. Kl.t AMlilt
S1..11XL. ii. cr.uit;.
AUunty s:t l.niv.
FFICE on Soinh Si com' near .Market St.
LLU 11(1 l:;, f'.l.
If All 1'rotcssioii.i! IJti-ii.ess entrr.stfd to 1
hi- -are will be iaiili.'iillv and promptly atten
i' Sept. 1 I, IN." 7
Tirj-WARE---Price3 Raised!
KIK'ilAMTs atul 1 i ; Ai.ilils are invited
to call and examine lite largest asort-
meul ut i
lo be fpur.'l in the S.a!e--u h.eh we are rrena-
red to sell at Liiwi H Pate
aie generally sold tor.
i.s than ii.l
MF.I.I.OV A For p.
Sign nf ihe Ltirce C. lie. p, t
.3.1 M irl.et St, fit Li.'ilj!
j Hew Hotel in Kifiir.turg.
r THE subscriber wou'd usj-ciiuly in
ljJ.form Ihr Travehi.s Pal.l.c everywhere,
Ihat he has taken and h ie I up ll.e p.iii.iscs
j ol lleorge Sehoch, iu the ctuiie 1 1
where he is- prepared to acci mm, dele stranc
' ers and traveltrs men and beast. ln i,e
best manner, with Beard and Lodging.
Please give me a call.
COAL, tOil. (OIL.
"MIE subscriber keeps coiislanily in hand
a large assortment el the very tes; Hia-
kin and Will.es-Bar re COAL, lor lnneand
stove purposes, uinch he w ill sr 11 al ihe very
lowest pr.ces f.irCa-h or Country 1'u Juce.
Also, Vluck milfn' Cttl, l'iu!tr nn.l .vo7.
Y ish il distinctly understood, ti.at I w ill not
te undersold ty any man Hiivu g good
weigh-scales, full weight will be pr-eii.
Coal Y ard near W ei '.-nsaui's In tel.
GEORI.E liO!..-'f i:iN.
Lewisburg, Mav 2., ."o.
I LL'ID ANU PiNi: OH- -. l e ha! a: -he
; X' rus-i' oi'i'icB
Wr'il jump into tb Wej.D, acl all Uk Hit
I.AIlCi:, litirdsomi-
and verv roniloria-A.sVj
bo- V, tf,) hasb'-en .n mJ.i
f;'!-- ! up lor the iM fc;;il accn. modatlon of
F.c-Vcarnl' iri'-r siiiiii.irf-xetir-ioii. IVrms
in dtra f. Apply i i J.si. M. HOt'bLL.
hf islil!! Jill. ril, l'.'il.
Ti) l!ii' School 1'iii t'nrs of I'ninn Co.
1 LN TI.LM ie. In pursuance ot ihe 4:14
Action ot the A--I..I fih May, I Mil, vou
aie beretiy notified to tni-ei in Cunventua at
li e Couti House in I.ewisLurg. on ihr rt
M n t.tv i f Mav, A. I), Is'i". (hriri? ihe 7ih
diiy i f the month ) at I o'clock in ihe after
noon, ai il select, tira rorr, by ihe majority of
the wiioV i.nnibcr id Directors prrsem, wne
p.-rson of scitntdie an-1 lib rary acquirements
and of -kid and ripTit-ncc in ihr an of Iraco
inz, as Countv Siip.'rintndent. lor the thrrr
succeedii.s rais ileiciinitie ihe amount of
corn p'-fi-atioii for the same and certify the
rr.u.l to ih S'ate .-sonerintendrnt. at Harns
turg. a re4Uiicd . y 'i.r .doh and tlnh s-rciiom
ol said Act. I). II l. KKM111KX,
('oiinty Suprnntrndenu
New Berlin, Pa., March 2'J, IHfO.
1)i:i:so.Ns shippm? t;ood to I'hilad. will
pi-ase be paitii-ular and
I'I ark them in care of Feipker's Line;
citherwi.-r, they w iil be rr-sh pped at Harris
luri!, which will Le atteio-'-d wnh liria-,.
Viiv I-, I .-.".Ll. THOM. PEIPHLR.
i LAIUiE siifjil of L'u(iks,Stiitii)iierT,
1 1 I'eriuuieiv, J-.-weiiy. Toys, Confection
eries, 'i't as. ;ci-s, Kiuit, .Nuts. Basklrs,
Pirtor-s. an 1 a varirty ot ftil'K NACKS lor
sale !n;i at the
ii. -j 1.11V. ishl L(i 1CST fiFFICE.
j ' l. 11 I.', id l'l N.-i li r Ladles ami nis can
1' be I....: at ihr I litsT OFFICE
i.Li;i;.U. st tt .1 I AMtns aid other
O Brea-t Pins ai. Lar II. ue- rat. be had
very i heap at the
I ) F V Lll- Fees. ..,.,! ai,,j p, u,.rv ukeB ,B
) L.eil.ai.' c '. I O o.s a tl.r
FKW 1 . xe- . : l.i.isn.s, F,,, Dairs aud
i I.lt.e l'l t.I.es 1- r ta r ;lt ;,e
OIll-l.Hs f, r l: , -s , r ,., aIiJ kl
Tonip'.'y a'.I-. l.-'id ! i.l th
1-1. lis f, r l: i -s , r . , ,,,
Ai II. cut. :
J 11. l i t ol Li
es A e. ai il.,.
i. re est a: d -..' a.s, rl
. : X PAPHK.l:. v.I.
' F v. u want a leuiii .l (.II.T FI1AME o
?o lo ihe i'OSF OFFICL.
F v. n v.ttr.t a sup; iy of fir.r S-TATMNE-II
V. t , tin? Pc.-T OFFICE.
OVlli: J. s. .M'Faiidrn's Hardware Mn re,
!' rinei v il, uehiLii's fhee biere, .Vaikc
stieet. Le w .s t itr-r. Pa.
A.vLun n'j.s, mi: i. a ixo types,
&c. in the r ual .;:":.rs'i:r. In a.liiiiien
to the se p ( ten s. I aai n. ti pari d to take
I" I: u ( Ci-1 ;-J !'.. i.i-.-f n sinai!, ruual to
'lo- t--l it . ai, tu!.,,-e. A s,.. HAl.l.O
1 i 1'I.S. 'J i.' sf- p ie ' it r s are n b re n tu rep
res, .,. an, a: e : i . i:, i t, ii rainlll,j.
eivn z that l.o. irv . : i v p -s -n and leaiure
ihat cm le pn d iced oi !v bv the Camera.
I hese pictures arr pal. I. ted , ar-ii 1 have Ike
rxi-lt.s.-. ,- r .t.t I. r I i.i, n c tt, 'v. Call an
el ai.oi s -. , i... :. i r"; jf.a.
Li Wis I ALri.ll.
Jos. n Loss,
J i. rumi
-r -t I.. in. Tx:;n &. o.,
"irZ "T.h I- v, I.-LuTe: I'ktitg Mil!,
eVii-..J .-"p ei iist.ii.t'v i n hand and
"""""ct tire to . r,:-r I"lf!-!ltir. Mtlfliir,
Vtnus. ;iIi. M.ull. r. liiivK,
l:i:iii.:e-;s .1 an paton.s.
art 1 all , ;!, r descr. no ns ii i ,iUU ft'i rk nseit
iu l:iii ,!i, 7.
Oi l. rs res-rrt;;:::y lifted and promptly
f.-'.-d. A.!u,r -.v.ri at. not to ci ve sans.'actien
nti e.tt:is,, e , , I.i; it: In, Df all
t'e-.-i p: iiS , ,i nd u r sa.r.
' n , .;i. rc.nJrtriel,Ltir:tturg.ra
April 33, !s-ij.
TX THE OLD MH'P! The subscribers
I rt'ptcitu, v ami. nice m the cit.zer.s if
Lew ... ur . j ,r,.i: ti.at they have formsd
a raiinersli p in ihe
Tailcric- Cuslcefs,
at the well-kn. w n stand nl Jamrs Criswell oa
Matk-i streei. where tiny are prepared to
( I T .IA .1.IA. , n'er in il.r vrry
besl siile. Men's aid Hoy,' (Eotllillt. t
every descnpii. n i n su ri noiite. Y e ask
a share ol ll.e public pt-.troi.rge
I.ew-isburg, April 1, ls.'.'J
rpAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are
! appoiuted Asents for ihe sale of
liuoi s, I.UihS ti iiidoii- Santa
of all sirs, made i-t the tiei maienal. AU
w. rk w.'.na . led. fi-- Ma li by L.B.Sl'KOL'T,
iluehesy.i.e, l'a. an ! N r sa'e by
ti'.'J F 6 CALDW LI.L, Lewisburg '
jr-T". !" Kct lii.-i.Us and other articles
II- y.'' ;.'oi Hiai kii.t! , n hand or lo ontrr by ihe
'Le-isLuia Lm k.' -uder, CH: fcTAHL
1 1IOS. f.KIHR
HAS just received a splendid assortment
oi ihe veiy lesi, ci.eapesl and most
la-hie nable Jl lii li y in the lnaikeu Hi
Si-ick eouiprises
IIir;-t I'irtM,
1 hasusi,
Lai- lUiisi.
Iii.3r Ring,
Mine Ituttcnn,
d extremely low fur Ck.
asks the patronage ci ail
.itol aiso invites new ones
w htoh will be sol
He respecnuliy
his i -! i! cu-toiticr-;
to tttve him a t all t.t U re makiiig iheir pur
chases. Call al the sign ut ihe Bi W atch,
Mail.et stnei, east d Seei nd. Pec! 2I.'5l
rj"IlE Finn of Hn,7-r. liuhuil K, hrhlreh
1 in the ItsitkiaiiUK llllsiiu ..
aie ready lo it r I. i ai. kinds of work
in their line, and aie well satisfied u would
be to the interest of such as, pmp.ose creeling
goed buildings to give its a call tetorr cen
trarung with o ihe rs. We have pnt np seme
c-f the besl houses and stores in Lewisburg.
sr.i! are a-siin-J their owners a ill testily ihat
their hilil.'iitgs were put t.p by cood ami envr
get.c -i ikuit-n. and in qii.ck time, (which is
a veiy iiiiportanl utaiier lo tuiidets.)
i-inci.- Chaiitl.eipn Pro's; L. Palmer,
arehitect; Dr. I. lirtiTeer: Bvers Amnions;
Lewis Aehiiuelter. L-AAC WALTER.
I rwish-iru. Pec. 27. Is.iu
L-r- Horseman's Friend, or
SX . S'oi Krt Cor.ipanlon.
1 uu-l'a o Valuable ile i ;' for the Farmer
atid li. r-e I'-. alei sa c !2' r--, bv
C. I s i' MIL.
U u e li e . r. e e r, L r a i o u i , F a.