Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 27, 1860, Image 2

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    tar & (llkoivujtj
oTrwoKiia jTj. e. cop.nelids. '
.fM. The LrwiM-.ern OttKesi-'l.e.
yu'li-l.e.l nn Mir '
airt-aLtii'ii of any N
.-"I- i.t. lei. tbe Lr.-.-t aa-1 tx.t
Slavery, SCdioRal !
auiaie risomnoJuaAJiKUtis isdi-mbi.
Sol aasthrr lark r Wave T.-rrttmr y Eralo,
I'urrhas,-. or (aniiursi.
.. TT IZ-'"!' Z 'l-'SrJZ'JZ
tt,-,i.'.i,r.to w ;,ii ihrr
ail llietu to our nt
it. in triiimili
Iniflitlk. Vf-r.. .V
Siw?- C"""l " ""
(Su'Jft tfl Uit .;,'. ofi 'tic ''.'it -go Owuewii'fl )
ANDREW G. ( TiniN', of Centre Co.
$i el i. s AL 1'.: p. I ov., Ohio.... V VI.
Camp alga "Chronicle."
Ve will sen'! the Stab A; Ctmuxii-LE from
the u'elc nf the ..'hii';c Nvni!ia'uui to Ihe
close of the l'resiin'.ial Elertion 2B a epks
fir 50 cents, for 1 1 copies, $11) for S2
copies. St'ivl in the names.
The first No. (May IS) contain Mr.
Sevard's Speech, and u-c w ill give oilier poml
things occasionally. We 5honM carry the
next I'rest.leiil. A RTicral tl.iTi.sicn of the
nht doctrine is that all is nee'ied. We will
do our share, head vn the names and the
t ni. i . n .
BTho Charleston Convention is not
nttcnJed by tbe crowd expected, and the j
"hospitable shiverly" are making a losing I
gaaie by their attempted extortions.
Monday. The Convcution wa9 called i
to order by the Chairman of the General !
uuiuiiiie, .'il. uiaiiev ui ciujulii. wuu
.', J '
a a patiieu.a. ii ieu-a ui LJuias. iu
, parucn.ari.icn j oi .'.r. ujugias. in
the case of the disputed delegations from I j,,,jC 0f anuuiiy prisoutrs and but fur
Illinois and New York, ho arbitrarily ad I "picnics.'' A' ictslvwn Oisutlt.
Dtitted those supposed to bs most friendly ! The KJitor of the Pittsburg Juitrnal
to Douglas, shuttiug out t!:c others, entirely ! states that Foster, tbe Democratic uumiute
and raising considerable feeling among tkc , jr ernor, is ouo uf bis highly cstccui
, , ,, .,, . id frivuds. ai.d ibcrefore dues uul desire to
opponents of Doug.as. Mr. I- .uurnory of , of but he el.
Ark. was chosen temporary Chairman, and rcct3 Le6ay s t0 assist iu defeating him on
Mr. Ritchie, of Va., Secretary. A com- ; account of the abominable bad company
xnittoe of one from each State (save I Hi- ! he kei ps, and the still worse platform ou
tiois and New York) was appointed on ' wbich he is mounted,
credentials, and another cn permanent or- Vtuv Kind. A '-'puddler," named
: Geist, employed in the JjbLstunn (Pa)
. ..- i
Trpcniv The nrfrimi'i.inn true nm.
, " ,' , ' out by an ut.fortunate aeeideut at the
pleted, by the election of Uleb Cushing milI Uu M,Juduv la,t) his fc!1w wurk.
of Mass. as President, with a Vice Prc.-i-; , contributed the entire proceeds ot
dentand Secretary frnmcaeh State Messrs j oue day's labor lorhis benefit. The Com
Cunningham aud Yansact representing . pny gave the pudulcrs free access to the
Pennsylvania, and the supposed Douglas 1 1 ,!,ud ,'"naci'.!' ,ur" oul
, ,. , , . , , . almost d )u!)le Usual yield. 1 he workmen
men from Aew lurk be;ng included. Mr.-. , ., J . ,
iu tbe other ueparluicuts also gave the
Cashing made an ebqueut speech T-iotcd pr;jCC(;.js of ,hat day's labor to the same
much from Calhoun, the Chief of Nulli- j wurlhy ol j'.ct; andaltogcther, the amount
fiere and slid they must and should unite ' contributed to the unfortunate man by hi
nd defeat tbe traitorous fanatics of the ! kllow workmen, taken in connection with
jjor(n the amount subscribed by the c-'tupany,
. . , ..... , manager aud bosses, wiil ret the baud-
The committee presented nn additional . f . c . kaa
.... '.. ,ii . some cum of from iJ,UUU to 5iJ,o'.
rule, that, iu any State which has not pro- .. , , ,
vided or directed by its State Convention I , Lur. c'aarge from Jude avead, the
I nm its V,.te mat ba c ven. the Conveiitinn 1
will recotfuizs the right uf each delegate
to cast his individual vote.
Several of the Southern delegates oppo
sed it.
Mr. Randall of Pa., opposed it, declar
ing that certain refractory members in the
lr-nc. l...;, l...ii.,n nmnn.inr;M
and misrepresent th -ir constituents in vo-!
ting for Mr. Douglas, whose nomination
in his opinion, would ieal to certain defeat. I
He went ir.tj a review of the receding Stiuson, one-hall mile from Van Wert, Ju
nction of Dtaiocratic Conventions on tbis i eounty, was destroyed by lire ot.
subject. j Saturday afternoon last. The farm was in
Mr. Richardson of III., asked Mr. Han- j llie possession of John Delray, whj routed
dall who made him an expounder of Dcm- f'oui Mr. Stiuson. The fire was caused
ocratie principles and precedent. How UJ a 6,La!' L0J residing in the family of
long has the gentleman been in tbe Dcm-' J'r- betray who went to the barn tad ig
osratic ranks? His political antecedents 1 "''cd a match in the stable below, which
entitled bis opinions on Democracy to but ! soon communicated with tLe straw, ic.
little consideration. He did not desire,
after a life's service in the cause, to be
reproved by the recruits of yesterday.
Mr. Wriiikt, of Peun., made a sTong
appeal for harmony ia the proceedings.
The Tote for striking out the rule was
Mas, fi-renn. U De!. U-M! 3".-Vir
15 X. Car S Car 8 tia III Flo
I I.a 6 Mi 7 I ex 4 Ark 5 .Mo 2
ZJ Ore 3 T. t.il, 101
All lhe rcrnaiuing votes IDS aga
" ' uu i va ta iMuau. aur .
ria.1 .1 I.. .. ,. -K i- . .ir.-
A committee of one from each Prate on '
Uesolutious aud Platform, was adopted- '
with an amenduieatCO to S25) that n
balloting be allowed until the lie port of
tbe Committee be adopted. j which caused it to squat down. He then
The Committee on Credentials said they ; threw another ston , whi;!i, graz:ng its
could not report uutil to-morrow. A 'j. , head, knocked it over, when he approach
Wedxesdav. The Wood Dele gates ' ci pie!ie 1 it up, and started off with his
fro... V Y ., .1 .!, l!,.l,,n, T..l...,..-0
, .... , i
from Illinois were excluded. It is sur-
posed the Cincinnati Platform will be rc-:
affirmed aud amended, as the South de-'
u.and one that will not be liable to two j
constructions. It is believed the ballot-
ines will begin on Friday Douglas will !
be nominated and several Southern Slates
will bolt. j
Mieti5o T CmT.rTO. The M-rmry
f lhe 13th inst . saes : "l'nces tiunn? ihe pai
week have ruled u-ith-oil intirh cl:ane. Ueef
in fair supply, at 12, 15. IS. id cents. Lamb, '
S-'aiS cents. Ma i.. n. IOals cents. IVrlr, 13
r.l 3 cents. Turkvs, ."a5 .Vj per pair, tins- ,
tisl Uueks at $1 50; Muscovy, si tiOal 7a I
Ohickens 75 tu $1 25. Capons, 50 per'
pair. In the way offish. Cass sd.l at 15al8
p -r pound ; Halibut at 15. and fresh Cm! at 10
rents; Drum K cs at if I i'U"; hump 60 1
rrnls a strin, and U.acklish 25 cents astnti;.
.shrimp 'sell at 25, 37, and 50 cents a plate.
irawberries have ln-ea in mark-t this week
fur the first time, and commanded 37a4 1 cents .
pr quart, lireen i'eas hive falh-n 12$ cents
quart. Irish potatoes sold at 5i) ce'i.ts, and ,
& potatoes at 50ai2 cents per peclr. Kses
Ioat5 cents per Joen. Fresh buuer 25 cents
per pound.
Kx-Gov. Kobt. J. Walker recently sent 1 "iJ to contain a very bad article of whis- ! wecK' ,ruDi resembling bog
a challenge to Jeremiah S. Ulack, U. 8. j Icj- T" body was found the next day. cb'cr'
Attorney General, ou account nf the latter Charles Iiusscy, a young man employed I - '"0' and T. Lloyd, of Muncy,
.L nying that Pres. L'uebanan's published ' in some iron-wotks at Voik, I'cnn., was j b"e ob("ed a patent for an im
b tter to Walker was genuine. Judge recently cngiged in pouting molten spelter ' ProtC"eht iu Straw-cutters.
1.1 iek very manfully and jr-perly scut into niulJii.gb ,xc3 containing wet sand.) A man hit been arrested at Tyrone,
t-s-k the ebalb'i.ge. with a no rely verbal The met a' exploded, a -luanti'y flying in his ' i nr taken to Northumberland countv. nn
r!y that he did not accord it. i
Xcu)5 Jicms from (OUjcr Counties
MORE Pwindmnu. A few weeks ago,
we published ilie account uf a swindle p. - r -
peirated od a farmer ot 1'irgusou township,
by a (raveling pedlar. About the fame
ijmf. OLC of thCSO fcCalllpS Callle tO a IIIUII
ill Potter towuship, and staled that he had
several hundred dollars' worth of goads iu
Philadelphia, and Lad not nionev to set
thcm on of courget tUe was
' intrN:r4 with the UMial number of
suitiks and tears. He Dually, out of pity s
sake, eat filly dollars, leaving: in idcd-e a
nd watch "worth mu hundred dollars."
Upon exaa.ina.ioo, it was found that the
watch was worth j'.st ten dollars, aud no
Jew pdhr to red. em it. The Fame game
was played en a farmer in Ilaif Moon. We
now advise all to have nothing to do with
tjese roviug traders. liillruiitc Pre.
A panther was recently shot in Albany,
IJradlord county, by a party of young
iueu. It weighed 1-5 lbs., aud ra-.asurcd
nine feet, from tip to tip. Two of tbo
men went under the tree, in which be had
taken refuge, aud with clubs succeeded in
kec ping him up, while (he third, Purler
Wilu' X, a boy of nineteen years of age,
shut liiiu.
An olJ barn on Dr. Hale's premises,
near the furnace of Johu Cubbuon, was
bl r.vu dowu by the high wind on Ihurs
day uight lust. No cattle were kept in
i it i ue river bridge was moved several
: iuehes some necks ago during one of the
. Leavy blows, lhe managers purpose rc
1 niiriu;: " VVui. Willis received a kick
lroui a burse on Saturday last, striking
hiu. with both hind feet near the right
shoulder. He was currying the animal at
the time, aud but for bis closeness to the
horse wouid probably have been killed on
the spot The Canal has been in Lavi-
cable oruir for several days, aud cgusc-
; fc , . . J '
ij'jcuiijr toiiiueu nte iurj vi.rj
growing rapidly, and the wheat lields as a
i Ueral thiug ucver looked better at this
time of year, nor more promising for a
good crop A corre.-poudeut wants to
know wbetber (he prisonus now iu jail aie
i i . . - i i ...:.. t. ..l.
i , ... . . n i . 1 I
other e cannot tell, but we du kauw
i ,i.n rr.
, (i)at (liC t l wa!j built f.,r the rur
Iiou Woiks, had both eycstLtire'y burned '
' J J I
recovered ST.OOO of Juliu MiiUr, lale
Post Master in Philad. Under Ailibone,
the Dank paid Miller $2o,u00 for his ser
vices in imlueiug the U. S. Government
(c buy I heir old Dunking bouse at an enor
mous price, i his uisgr aceiul onoery was
proper.y cuaracier.zeu uy jaoge li.ai.a
u,ust u"w Jiro',roe tLc I ipal
! aud interest.
lhe large barn on the farm cf Thomas
! T"tro was a large quantity of grain, hay,
fodder, in the barn, which was cn-j
j t'rely destroyed. Happily, no stock was ;
at ,ims confined in the stable. The !
levelling was tempestuous, and the wind
carried burning shingles to the adjacent j
"'Isi f ttiugtkcm on Ore, which was not
ljtely extinguished un'.il late on
e"iu 1
Sunday eveumg.
On the 5th iust., tiys thi K":man't
, Jjitrna!, Mr. Hubert A. Hall, who reccnt-
. . ... .... -.
.- r,-i,i..r... Ir.ini 1 f arh.-.il c,nit:! In I m.
. .j . . ..... j
I oiiville, Centre couuty, captured a young
tear n'ar the rlank road about a m.lo
and a half north of Julian Furnace. He !
fim sried Lruin in a Celd. and it crawl I
il, n..h ih fence he east a stone at it.
Pr:z3. Ue nail carried it tut a snort ais
lance before it
, , .,
revived, but proeuri.'c a
lin r.ut. ihn ,li'ar mi n 1." in it. nri-1. us.
6JC(J LU trctber, Mr. Hall succeeded
jB gettius it home alive, where it is e-A-
tiug as finely as uuy young bear could dc
Look out ma II im ! The public are
cautioned agaics! a Jeremy Di Idler calling j congratulates their eppm-jnt, Mr. Coel
biinself "Judgo Uudeiwood," and just baugb of ibe Republican, on bis appoint
now circulating about the couu'ry oUcct- j meut as Marshal to take the census of Ly
ing money for the "Ladies' Mount Vernon ' coming county.
Association " He is said to have succeed- A f,w daj8 ,ilce whi!e JTr w
ed remarkably well in Missouri and I.li- J r. of Adams county, was halin
nuts, lie is a sain
ail "titled beggars."
AsoTiinti Victim
d.cr. Lock out for
nan," uiau ,
from lh'; etTij.tof wtiiskey.
key. lie attempted ;
bridge at l'arraude- !
1 1 crr-s? the r:.i!road
ville, six miles above Laekhaveo, and was !
drowned. tie, with a companion, was
s en to come out of an unlici-used ahanty
te oue o, au it.iie, useu auau.y
i'nts previous, where, it is said,
us lifjuid is deal, out in al
. ...
a few mome
IUC 001BOUUU9 lltllllU IS UVilll UUt IU II II
i 1 i , i
ntintililies. and in a nhnrt timn a smash I
was heird in the water by a lady residiug J
near (he bridge, who gave the alarm, but I
only in time to save the bottle, which is i
face, ja.:s destroying his ryes. J
la the case of tbe tic for Alderman iu
TT.irrishiirif- Ver beke fDern.) drew the
j successful ticket, and theu drew fur a term
1 0f three years, 1'retiy lucky draw after a
; tie vole :
Hacks county is entirely free from dubt.
T!ii Commissioners had a special meeting
r. i,. the Auditors aud Pay off
the indebtedness, when every obligation!
agaiust the county was cancelled
A. II. Ilawley is appointed Agnt at
the Muncy Depot for the N. C. 11. Co.
Major Jack Cumniings, Buchanan's
J -Sont 10 1 hUaJclpma was one 01
' be ''outside. Delegates to Charleston.
; Daniel Uowtr has retired from the V il-
. liaaisport I' cst Mr. liutt reuiaiumg in
charge of it,
Wednesday morning, abiut nine o'clock,
Isaac 11. Dashiell, belonging to Baltimore,
a brakesman on the l'h.ladelphia & lialti-
more Central Kailroad, met with an accl
( dent at Avondalo itation, Chester county,
which resulted "in Lis death in the
! course of an hour. The unfortunate man
j was about to step on one of the cars, while
: the train was in motion, and lusing bis
f mthold, was precipitated between the
cars and the permanent platform at the
slaiion. No bunes were broken, but be
i received fatal internal injuries,
In Willijuisi or', on Sunday night, 15th
inst., the stablts of Mrs. Sarah Harris,
I John li. Deck, K. II. Donnell, and the
Ixchango property, were consumed by
Ore. So confideut are the people of the
presence of an incendiary in their midst,
that the liurgess offers a liewatd of $000
for bis or her detection.
The Welsh Independents are building
a house of worship at bloomsburg.
Two men have been sent Io the Peniten
tiary for stealing meat from the smoke
huU;C cf J. Norton Luw, opposite William-
Jud:e Galbraith has deciJod to license
no uuie houses to sell intoxicating drinks
iu arren Co., Pa.
Under a recent act of the Pennsylvania
Legislature, a Model 1 arm and liotanie
Gulden are about to be established near
The Williarosport k Elniira Itailroad
was knocned off to some of the bond buld
ers at SI00,0(.'0.
A young married woman, named T.ucet
ta lloRiuau (wife of a milhrright) of
.'li.Kreek jp, Lebanon Co, committed su
ieido on WeducsJay morning, April 11th,
by drowning. Cause desertion by
heartless husband, whose future should be
that of the vj'buHt.
At the recent meeting of the Hunting
d in Pns'ytery, three young men were li-
ceus. d to preach, and two were ordained
as Misi juanes to Slam.
A y. utig man stole a watch from the
dwelling of Dr. Leisenring, of Selitisgrove,
and was let off on returning the proper.)
aud confessing bis guilt.
There aro already between forty and
fifty candidates for office in butler counly,
and "more coming."
Uev. Mr. Austadt, of Gettysburg, was
elected pastor of the old Lutuirau church
of Seliu.-grove, and is now attending to his
W.M. C. A. Lawrence, re-elected Spca
Kcr ot toe House ol Representatives in
Pennsylvania at tbo last session, died ai
bis homo in Harrisburg, last Saturday
evening, in his 3:h year. He was a man
of splendid talents, and uncommon prom
iso. Hon. Joseph Lawrence of Washing
ton county, long time a Speaker of the
same body, and also Member of Congress,
was his father.
The Sciinsgrovo papers talk about a
Hank, but the citizens voted down a prop
osition to build two new school Houses, a;
too onerous a tax.
In Columbia county, the Sheriff adver
tises a column of land of the Columbia
Coal and Iron Company. Iu Clinton
county, upwards of seventy tracts of es
tate of Win. l'earon, Jr., is thus exposed
The Grand Jury of Northumberland
county last week recommended the addi
tion of some good s'one wall to the Coun
ty Jail, and also say, "We find tbe pres
ent Court House too small and iuconveni-
ent for Ihe increasing population of the
county : but think at present, owing to
the failure of crops for years past, scarcity
of money, and reduced price of rcalcstate,
that it would be inexpedient to sell the
county building to raiso money towards
buildings a new Court House at present."
Rev. Mr. P.lackford and wife, tbo last
a member of the O. S. Presbyterian church
of Harrisburg, are about to embark for
llioJaneno iu liraiil, under the. patro-
t .1.. i 1
uaire 01 lue -uissiua ioarei.
."V . UrrCU W.c.011
A ! 1 . . ,
IV:",, ,nltj Mr , 21 A h f . tM PJ
J 'i " 'bf ' cWd 0
f. . u.lu" engaged
in house cleaning, and bad a fire back of
the house for the purpose of beating wa
ter. While she was busily at work in the
bouse, a little girl, about three years old,
strayed to where the fire was, and in a few
minutes was discovered with her clcthes
in a fullblaz;. She died the following day.
Amos Karly is "Early" in the field for
Sheriff of Dauphin county.
Mr. Reynolds of Kellcfon'e has provi
ded that town with a largo Public Hall.
The editors cf the Jersey Shore V, ,h tir
nP,r lar.prlown in I'.UI..J
I -- iiii'4 couuiy,
bis horses became frightened and ran away.
Iu attemptins toston them, bn . hrn-n
down, the wagon passing over his body,
iuQicting such internal injuries as to cause
bis death in about six hours.
Tbe eastern walls of (he bridre aero..
tbe fc j fa , o
i . t t . "'" sircer, ;
"8hiU,,aID,'('lt,at ,C0;V ",C CUU,y
Of abuUt S ' (1110. tilmtili-rl iIa. U . u 1
. . A. lilll . I 1 I 1 . '
of about 52,0U0, tumbled down last wwfe
. . . ' ' """" "si weiK
" a f'" '
, S,,,eriff )V' " "ikon, of Mifflntown,
lostitu" 'rge l"g'. worth alout $50, last
a charge of f jrg.'rj.
& LEWISBUltG CllfibKIGLE Al'JtlL 27, IMS).
Capitalii.ta in ClearGidd counly Lave
taken steps tr organize a Hank under the
free banking law. S10.5UO of stuck was
subscribed iu one d iy.
iMI-BISONAtENTFollLlF-BT. Doringlast
. , . , .... I....
week, the constable of Chapman townsh.p,
Snyder county, arrested one Uauiby " a"
execu'mo in favor of a .Mr. tlerr,.ni,
I'laiutiff, fr debt and costs, aud .had hiu.
nrougm to our coumy piibuu. io Die
ted that the plaintiff, who accompanied the
party, cn bearing that the Defendant could
not bo detained in that way, was very
anxious to compromise the matter. It
was then agreed that Mr. Gamby should
plough fur Herrold live days, and the
Dlaintiff should pay all costs, is. go the
i ....
matter ended, and the party refurucd
. i r : . l. :.. l:.i.n.
nome guou melius niu. .tiiuaint
Mr. Alexindr Miller, from Kettle
Creek, one day last week, while at the
Mansion House, in Lock Haven, took sud
denly ill and diud in a few hours afterwards.
John P. Mengir and li. F. Pursell
were last week admitted to practice at the
bar in the courts of Lycoming county.
Tho brn of Peter Pontius, in Middle
creek township, Suyder county, was on
last Sunday night, burnt to the ground
one horse, three cows, and some sheep,
were consumed with it. It is supposed to
have been the work of an incendiary. No
The Ledger says Ihe Democrats expect
1000 majority in Philadelphia, and ihe
People's parly expect 1500 majority. Pret
ty close work.
Tbo best Gsh that swims is, without
doubt, our Susquehanna salmon. A num
ber of them have been caught, but they
are in great demand.
Messrs. Satnpscll 4 Slocker have bought
out the late firm of J. Si C. Klcekuer, of
Centreville, Snyder Co., and the business
will hereafter be conducted by them.
The coal trade of the Shamokin region
shows a favorable and healthy iucrease.
The letting of the Auburn & Alicntown
Railroad, advertised to fake place on the
10: h iust., was postponed until the 10th
uf May next.
Cults Tabkino. It is one of the best
preventives against cruws, aud worms, and
other pests uf tho farmer, to tar seed corn
when plaoting. Soak the seed in warm
water till it is plump, and then tLe tar
will uot retard germination. Put, '.Leu,
.bout a gill of tar to a gallon of but wa
ter, and stir it till the tar is melted and
thoroughly mixed with tbe water, and
then pour in as much of the seed-corn as
you can stir about freely. Then take out
be seed, aud coat il with plaster of Paris,
or dtied leached ashes, or hue, dry loam. 1
or dust. The proportion of tar to water I
should besueh Ihat it should coat the corn
perfectly with a very thin coat. No one
who tars seed-corn will ever curse the
Late arrivals from England state that
the bully beast named Heeuan, who went i
from America to fight an Knglisbmen of
lhe same character uamed Sayers, has been
arrested, and that the strong arm of Liw, I
influenced by the Moral fentinient of Kng I
laud, would probably break up tho propos
ed brutal exhibition, upon which large
-urns of money were bet. All honor to
Old England for this ! If the fellows had
no souls, and if the ii.fl ieneo would not be
evil, it were no pity if they should bruise
each other's "ugly mugs" until I hey would
i... . -...;. nn 1 ir ....i. ..! t.i
in i n m m uteu. luiuii, uiij il mil auuii u
, ', ... . . , ,
KnocK out what little Drains I tic other haul
but tho public weal demands a suppres- j
sion of such demoniacal encounters. I
riilonf 'ounl) ocii I rrocinmatlun ;
WHEKEA.S.ihe Hon. AUM IS.W'iLsO.X, i
J'resn'.ent Judge for the Stiih Judical .
District of Pennsylvania, composed of the;
counties of Uatnn, Mjtlltn and Snyder, and
111 LIT KlHL and J SO iIMllMtl1 Km;-!., A.nSO- '
ciate Jud-es iu L'uion county, have issued their ,
precept, bearing date lhe ISth day of Feb.
4th dav of Feb. I
l.-diO, and to me directed, for Ihe holding of an
Orphans' Court, Court of Common Fleas, ( Iyer
and Terminer, ami General Quarter Sessions
at LEWIsiil liti. for lhe countv of L'.MOX,
on the second Ml). DAV of MAY (being the
I Un day) 1H0, and to continue one week.
-Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oner, Justices ofthe Peace and Constables in
and for Ihe county of I'nion, to appear in their
own proper persons with their records, inqui
sitions.exaiiiinations and oilier remembrances
to do ihose things which of their oilices and in
their behalf appertain to be done i and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
persons, are reuuired to be then and lhere
attending, and not depart withoni leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested lo be punctual in
their attendance at lhe appointed lime agreea
ble to notice.
IJiven under my hand and seal at the Sher-
ifl's OHice in Lewisburg, the 2oth day of
March, in the year uf our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty and lhe eiihty-foiirlh
year of the Independence of the United States
of America. (iod save the Cummonweallh !
JOHX Ci;0S8Gi:0VE,Sihentl
NOTICE is hereby given to all con- j ';'
cerncdjlhat the following named persons
. '
d persons
have settled their accounts in the Register's I
Oilice ai Lewisburg, l.'nion county, and thai j
the said accounts will be presented forconlir- !
mation and allowance at Ihe Orphans' Court, I
lo be held at I.E W1SBFRU, for lhe counly of,
linion, on tneiliiru rnoay ol 1U1 nexi.be-
ing lhe l(!h day of said mouth, viz
1. 1 lie iinal account ol Mary L. Robinson,
Atlminislrator of Thomas KoLinsim, dee'd.
2. The account of John T. Magee and
James M'Cretght, Executors of Andrew -U'-
iVec, late of Uulfaloe township, dee'd.
U. The account of William Fearon, Ad- i
mimstrator of Saul M Corinick, dec d., who
was one ofthe Administrators of AVr. ilium-
... I! .IaM
4. The acc'onnl of Jacob Gundy, Adminis-
trator of Jucub Z ntmuer. late of Ihe boroueh !
of Lewisburg, dee'd. j
I he account of David Herbst. Guardian
of Will am, Miry K , ZeoA, and llimnnh Staht,
minor children nf Mary and Hannah Siahl,
late Mary and Hannah Bechtel, both ol Buf
faloe township, dee'd.
6. The account of Isaac Slenker and
James C'rossgrove, Executors of Juha AfeucA
late of Limestone low ns'itti. dee'd.
, ,,e account ol Je hi. No. and Samne.
Spoils, Administrators nf I fir i iuna Ao7, late
Kel" ,ownshiP' decU
a 'PI,. . ..r I. . l
7. The account of Je hi. Noll and Samuel
8. The account of James W. Sands. Ad
ministrator of William Outrliut, late of the
borough of Mifltinburg. dee'd.
. The account of John M. Benfer, Ad
ministrator of Ihe estate of Henry l)iniiu,
late of the borough of New Berlin! dee'd.
10. The account of Charles . Emory, Ad-1
mimstrator oi the estate of Hmry lluniickcr,
lale of Hartley township, dee'd.
1 1. The account of Jostah lianek, Ailm'n
islrator of the estate of Henry Uirfftnderjer,
late of White Deer township, dee'd.
12. The account of George A. Frick and
F.li SI. fee ,I.imKlr,l... .1 ,i.. ... ... . I
tllznlttlh I'rkk, late ol Lewistuig,'d c'd.
LI. '1 tie ar.eount of Jidin Walls and Sarah i
Ann So-cli, C.ecuh.r and Ex' tutrix ul .Martin
A. Vic.V. late ol Leu-i-hnr: dee'd.
1 1. 'I'lie account of liut'Tt Candor, une of
the Admtntsiraior. i.fijmM CuUutll, laic of
: White ieer town-hip. .ItM.
' lr. .he iirr.oifit t! Khert t an'tor, A !-
mi:,raU (, 7,, ( ,., ,al, lhe' Ut.
u ,,, o( .tt i,i r,;. jj.
I (iHoKi.C !i:!:i:ri.r.. R--istr.
ltei.ster'.N Oiilei-. I.ewi!..ii. Apr. I 1. lCO
Two Excellent Vestern Farms
I.OSt S.41.1) or will be Exchanged fur
' I'roperty in Ontral I'enns) -Ivan. a.
i.ne Irael uf lol$ aen s is on the snijili line
of H'uiTtn fitnitu, liiicu, wilti a post-oilier, mill.
1 ami school-iiou-e near. The other, near the
we-,1 line of said counly, contains l '-Oaere, a
short distance from a goml settlement. They
are 30 miles sioiih and soulli-west of lies
Moines, ihe Capital of the State, and about 8
from the line ot ihe Uurlintou & Missouri
Kiver Kailroad. The land is rollm;, ol a good
quality, ana umber convenient. Imlianoia is
lhe County lown. Persons desirous ul making
a purchase ill muke luriher inquiries at lhe
IStar 4- C'Arwi.Ve o.'lice, l.evvisbui. April 25.
)Y virtue uf sundry wriis of Vend. Kxp.
and Al. Vend. Exp.
I. Lxp. issued uui ot lhe
.uri ol Common Pleas of Liiiun eouiity,ani
lo me direct d. 1 will expose to public sale or
outcry, al lhe public house of J.. D. Drewer.
111 ihe borough ol l.ew.shurs, Siiuiday, the
2Sih day of April, !;. at one o'c lock I". M.,
to wit: l-TVECEKTAl.VI'K .t I'm Or' LAND
siluale in W hite Deer Tou'tiship, in said
No. 5, Lotitiili'il north ly other luml
of Kaufman V lii ber, eat hy'lan I of Kauf
man V Kebt r and J M. Il.ine.k, sutiiii by land
of Daniel iJennae. Levi Iveisler and J.teob
Diell'enilerler, and w-si l y oihrr land ol Kaul
man eV Keber, John U.1-I1 au-l o:bt-r-, eoniatn
ing line Hundred anil f. . vrmy-Koiir Acres
more or less, whereon are erected a Frame
Dwelling House, liink Earn, Waguu bhed,
&c, with lhe appurrenances.
No. -1, lioiitiih'l north Ly Inml of1
S. I.. Ueck, eat by land oi .laeob Failev, atol
oilier land ol Kaufman V ll-lit-r. m-uiIi and
wesl by oilier I;muI ol K.ioIi.i.ii; A EeL-cr, con
taining Due If un.Ired an I Ei.-iiiy-F.oir Acres,
more or less, u ilh the SJ-pui lenaT.ees.
No. liouiiih'il imiiii 1 y 1 it ii 1 1 of
Jacob Far'fv, east by lai. 1 oi ihe hens ol
Frederick Do tf. uderii-r and Daniel Williams.
I south hy land of J M. lianck, p-I by other
! Ian. I ol Kaulman V Keler, c.-uiainii.g Tui-n-i
ly-Two Aere', noire or l-, wi.-ion. .ilei-rec-;
led a I're.me liwt-l.in-.' IIi iim', Fi nine ll.irn
and iSaw-Mill. and uiht-r outLuildiiius, Willi
lhe appui tenaiices.
No. 0, Imiii.'li el iiofh bv hiiitl nf
David Sieiiinger, easi bv land of Henry D.el
lenderler, si.uih bv land -! ll-. i-i.-c lb- ido, ami
wesl by land of John Da e.-liiuli. eoii'aniii n
iSeveli'y-Tiuce Acres, m re . r b--s, wlo-ieon
areereeied a l.o' liweil.nii Hi-ti.-t-. li.iiik Uain,
and other ou'.-bui.dingv, no the appurtenances
No. 7, li'lL'iii!iiiiis' IntiTi.'st iii Tim
ber Trae-i t.oun-ie.l ro-r h by l.ttnl of H ii.lt y
Albroni, east by lumi o
south bv land ol Joi n
l.'ln iso-l her tiarreit,
llake-l", and wesl by ,
lantl ui S. 1,. Bee k. t oiituinniif i ntv Acies .
more or le-s, with the a;'per:ii,anee j
As the property of Da id 11. Kauiinan A;
Daniel 1J. Keber. j
Also At tho ?nir.c time anil I'lac.
another eer'.ain l ot 1 1 Ci.-ut..! .t-i.-.te in l.au
relton. Hartley township. I ni- li coilntv. boun
ded norih bv an aliev. ue-d by hind oi' E.
id.u.re i..,iilli he till.: t- r. -..1 : t. .1 east liV I a t-. Is
of itl?ufe Braur fc.-r. coiiiainine One-Hall
Acre, more or less, ulii ri-.m are eieeted a
i-o-storev Fiam- I'urii s II
u-e. Tan nerv.
Tan House, Fran - Siai-le. etc., w-.ih the ap
purtenances as the ifiieity et Frederick
' At the same lime aa 1 p!
I!.il:-I...i of (;.-.-ot.,'. m. i
the borough of I.t-1 i-imrt
ing the northern had id 1.
recorded plan of sai-i 11.
bounded on the north by
:h--r cr rta'n
. s-;-ir.:e in
cutmry, be-
. Fin.-
. ; i,;inibt-rfd, in th.'
M'U'jh, 11 '1 ; t 1 1 cr -17.
It t miiiil-cr 2 1-s, n
,i . . ,. .t ,
the easi fv 1 oordi street, en
li v...itti l-y llie
'2 1 un iln- u t-i
s,,ti, i,,!,-,,,-.,,,! i.,, ,i.,-i.
bi Kast herrv A'.lev. ' n which
T'Tied a
table, etc ..
two-storey Frame House. Frame
! wilh the appurtenances as me prooi riy ul
Joseph .M'Fad.'en. j
. ,JU! ' ':'''" " ' . '
Sheril7-; 0"'". 'e'-l'r;.-. April 2, A D l.-.,0 ;
. - .-
fl2) jV P.KL? JJ V I
IMXI1 Oi .ff..i.?lv ). Cl-i nr Vv
f 1 '- y'Vrl ti!,,,. fc " V .
-4 - cnang. ui ve :. uira ' ioi u.-u
cheap !
or exchanged for Tow n Property or Farms in
the W est Branch country, a quantity ul
good, unimproved Land,
suitable for FIVE handsome Farms. Their
location is in a W e- ieru Male, and for health,
beauty. fertility and desirable climate ran not
be excelled, Tersons sincerely anxious to buy
or exchange, can ubtain luriher information
by calling on J F & J M Ll-N-N
Lewisburg, Feb. 13, IsT.t)
mrOR Ili:T. A pteaant and
convenient House, and Two Kooins,
suitable for Store or 0::ice, on Sout!i Market
street, between 111. and 5tlt. Inquire of
Lewisburg. Feb. 21, Isn't)
TWO DOI'liLE Fi:AMEH(t -j-
fEs and Lois, each suitable foi.Lli.
Iwo lamtlies .me on Xorth Fourth street and
one on 51. John street, for Sale. Hal! ul each
of the above Houses are I i K. i.t.
ft?' Also, for sale, four It-iil-line Lois on
Xorth Fifth street. JOI1X HOLC-HTOX,
Lewisburg, Jan. 20. ls;J. Agent
boo House and sinre I'.ftnm on Market sirrel, ar
i P '- K T It P
If'iiji VlKtg..
milll snWriher otTrrs for sale several tA.
J BKICK HOlI, and other Uu.l-JLjaL ,
,nrr, situate in the Bormigh of Lew isburg.
Persons wishm" lo purchase, will please
cai cn Mr. Jonathan W olle, who ill give
,hem such infornialion as ih-v mav desire.
OX South Filth sireel. a pronertv
consisting of a good Frame House 3
on a half Lot of ground. Terms easv. Apply
to May 17 A B. VOIisE
T"? r"-k?0,r",T?!.lr.n ?,J!n1r
at lhe east end uf the l.ewisbure ixj.
Bridge, in Chillisijuaque township, Xorih'd
Co. Il will be sold on reasonable terms.
Lewisburg. Dec. 17, 185S.
rilllS TM O ICOO.IS occupied at pre
I sent by W ashir.gion Hutchinson as a
Saloon. They are suiiable for SSI IOl'S.
For Terms apply lo
Jan. 27-Itiod, JOHN' B. l.IXX.
roit s.vi.i-:.
A DESIRABLE Itiiililins, I.o 1.:1 feel
feet front l.y lbl deep. Enquire of
Benver, Kremer Ac V'Clnre.
lOR ki:.t
1 on btxih sireel.
Enquire of
Lewisburg, Jan. 9. lsuo.
I jfV II. t.l.ttl! HIT. PFST1ST,
s&Thas removed to South ;ld street. f(,ur
doors from ihe Ttwu C.otk, LEW-
j DiBL'RG, PA,
l'l.. SfliPOE.VA IN DlVOil'E.
JTXION Counly, ! : Tin- r.mniii.nwealih
) uf Pennsylvania, to ''.'. .iu; WatUtn.,
W'tieieas, Ftrzi Witrii. bv her nrt
friend Joseph Walker, do! on the 12ih i!.iy of
Sepi int.er. A. !.. IH.'.'J, pi-!-r her p-mi-ii to
our .itel.r, i.I tl. ''.lot ill hoi. t. I !- .-. I - r.,i:y
ul I t). ..li. .1 u ..url I t-l l.t I..-W. y ill mi I I ' -.n I
r- uii'v. ,r;...ii Hi it ! v -t.i' i'"i- 1 'l.-r- I-i - I t, :!.. -I. -ui.;i.t
i.-- IIT..M-- -1 lr. i-i O t. l- I. : '1 i i..tuj- u .-i.lr:.4
ill!'- Vr-.i II.- e.i i V : us VI ..I " (!-.
f I I ri' r i;iu-.:.ii I v n. i - t--r llif S: 1
Will. mn .-Hi. I.-. II..: ,. Ilii-j s-.-It- -il "'It i i.-o.-..
L 1 . j. h.mi!..:- .-.T ) -il at, . i in y-..ir i r -jlt
Ji r.. li Li-: .r---. ir.lu t.t I.--. ' i" is s. "urt i.f
I . in in. .il l-..-iy. llu-ir I.. I- in 1.1 f -r in- e :. . 1 r. .il,;.. ..n
.,i .l.n II.. M;li .hi ..f May to -st. u-.i.- -t.-r Hi.-1. n-i. n
r iii..i i.r iii khi.i i.o.., . a 1-- -ii - ' o niv y u
litivir, liv l!..-.:.iii K in. v. iir wit- -l"ti I u"t I- -J.v- rr-e-l
lroui tin- in. ,.! in ,lr.i -ey. ii:!i. :.!.!;. t-' !!; Ai t ..f
licui-riil A.-li.i.: in i-ii.-lie-i." I-. -I-- t. l.t-.vi-i. -t. A,.J
Lrtv- f "-jiir.-f ..t it. i.. i. j.tUN cito.-sM;iA i-:,.-i,r.
le-wii-lurje. Ajitll '.I. I" I
A i.. Srr.i'iii;A ix IiiVDirt n.
UXIdX County, SS : The Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania to J..111 .1. .U't'y la'.e
uf said cuuniy. tireelin?; :
Wh-reai, Mmnuer Ellf ..FCf date
Mar;aret Ul!en Dim ) of lhe I; r.oinh of Lew.
isburj. l.'oilnty of I'nion and ate of I'fi.n
fTlTfci.in. !.v h.-r U' itf.i.-r.il lue-;- r iti,.n.i.i A II 'Il.-.rii-
l.m.dll n lh.- l.-U. ii-.y ifil.-r.-ml- r. A l . Is. '. r- I.
I.rr L. till n t.. i-.i- .tii-le--..if i-'ir I -url ! I i. til ill- .n !'!'
r the 1- ut.tv 1 1 I'lii- ti. I.r.o
11 .,r It- rsiii-e. ll.er.tli
i;.ir.I K !eti : t i.V ll.lllt
111.1I1 .cie-ny tuieit-ij m:i
t-t f Till. ll,t die. He- -Il .1 M
1.--Iivir. -I io-iu tin- I--, 11. 1.
:th v..u tl.e rn-l .t.-hti A. M'
Ue .1.1 tfieret re e- n,t:,tn,,1
II. tin In-fore We til-1. tile
r.i-l Joiiu A M 1'- y. tl.st M-tl.tiir
tii i-iru-. .1 iliHt.-.-ii-r
.-r I-r-..n I f'.r- utir .In - - st
of '..DiUK.li t'eioe tl - r-f.. l.ei
a- le nil . ll.-r l..i.ii,..f.
mi l :...i- r iu '-ur t-rre
I.. w i-l-nri. st l .-..rl
I f r llieiuo lii utllv.,.n
I. t. nt'-.er ll.e j eUil..l
Mi.ii -lay lie- l illi -I.v ..I M
t,r Ills I
I tie-naid M.ire'iin-t Kllen M I'uv. sn.l In i-ie.w
it.iiv v..u li.te. -Iiv tli- sai l M.ire.rel t.il. n 1---
t'i y viuir wife. t-l. -toil nut IV- -lif-.r- .--I to in tl.e I- ti-N i.t
lirOi'iui.iDy (..i:i,-,-iil.l.- I-. tl,.- At .t 1..-I . i ll A--. iut.Iy in
tuih Kiett KiiiJ.'tttil IirLii'1--!- ll.-r. ..f T..il n-.t
J'.ll.N Lli l.-si.K'M h. pI.enrT.
le-wifilurit. April !. P'-o
du. i:isi:vi:in"s
Tar and Wood IJaptha PECTORAL
JS lhe llesi Mural in the Vt..ri l f.T tl.e ( Ll'.K i.f
("oujilis and (.'old-, Cr jup, Lroi.cLi'i.-,
Asthma, Diffic'jl'y in Dreaibing, Palpita
tion of tbe Heart, Dip'bi-rin,
aud fir the KKI.Iii!' of l-alieetii in .!vnre.l staireK of
Consumption, tot tier a-iihuii Diseasts
of the Throat and t'he-f, and ViLicb pre-
lllspose 10 e.oiis'jtiip o-it.
It i-iienM-Hy a lai o-.i to 'L. ra ire, f A-TiiM A
II. II. S .i-- -I i - : ra- I: a! ft- - -i- .. u an 1 Out. i-t.
I t
I l-
It -le- I io.i
I tr im- 1-
u lit 1 1..
Il i. . 11. re ! 0.
TIlV IT i 1 1-
rur.- .f 1-r te 1 ;
to- i.-r l:..it.,
i'le'.irtU oi.ij ly
I i'
i-Uai.J ft,. .:-:-, vw
s!.l l.i i re ;. .1
l is' -,M i in, x ,
l-i.i:..i. ir I. I. I -
Estate cf James B Eiir.lin, Esq.
DMIM.-Ti: VJ i'li Milii E. Where.
as. Leii.-r of A 'tn;i..sir.tiinn on the
e-la'e oi J.'itoe li. H.itiilin. I.re, : Lt-w.t-uri
in I'lin-n Cour,tv. ilrci-iot,!, have been eran
ted to the un b't -i-jt.t-d, a'l jr - i.s !,;.- it. g
theinselve- it, !.-:ite,t t., .j ! t-';,t- ft. re.-iu-.
ted to make itnme.li i:e rni iio-nt : ar.d
having c!eiio . ae;,in-t tt;d r n--ei.i
pr.'periy auiiieniieui' 1 i". i .i rl. tt , :;t.
si'.n el n.uKwir;.
Lewis!. tirg, Feb. 'J, l--'ni A laa't
AdiT.irijtratcr's TJctlce.
TIIi:KKAS. l.etrrr-4 !' A-'m ::iistrnrir n
1 tf the cMatt-nt t.KuKt;;; A. iJ W S.
d-'ceased, la'e ot L'''tt nrv b iiii''i, l inuri
ri.uf:ty, have bt-en prriMt'd ki tbi n!irr;i t r.
bv the Keiirr ot ."aid cotitiiy, i'i dip luirn,
ait prrvn-H n(-!eL-i-d f r-t ar-r rtM;tn"st-
ed to make pa v nidi t, and ibtt-vp ha v cia m-a'ain-i
tbe same Mill prc-eiii tjicm duly
auihenticated e'llcin. ri. in
Jil IJ. drn"r.
Leu-Mitirir. Ktb. 3. !-.(!.
Grafting. Eudd.n?', Tri?Tirrir., kc.
I i a:i i.' v.TS i:: -. r : n:i, m: r-
rnbers u- '. ai
i " r
i i.
Ci.iii trees wi'.h ; esi si,....:!.: i
the most approved manner. . ion.
"ralte.i s-. on I'luin- in .Mareh A:
and firapes tit.ti! Summer. Orois may le
left al Caldwe'l's Drot; Store, t-r at mv h- os
on the Ktver K -ad a mile oel- u- Lew i-i-or
Jan 21, 1M.0 J. W iMil.UJ-
' e
ia-l cn Market Spare, L'-wi.-lurg. txj
A -ood supply of t I. airs. Tist.li s,
lllin-aUN, Mirj!s. Aeon hand r made
reter by -''l DAVID CIX I'LU.
m'FEKlOU new Wini-jlilis. fur IS
iJ fcr sale bv V. .M. IIaimiiiihie. A
specimen mav be seen
barn, in Lew isburg.. i F
at J.T.arban WuUu's
b. in, is
"Industry must lluive:"
f j'lXantl SHEI-TIKON LMaMi!:n:cnt.
.1 Hemoved io Hotiehton's b rti.er Shi p im
Markei sireel near Fourth, where 1 will have
j at all limes a I'uil usvorimeni ef
! Tin Hare, Mine I'il'e,
COA f. HK KI. IS, .v.',, ,i,e. .ye. .y,-. I will
also make lo order, on sfu-r: nol.ee. Tin Cul
lers, Spooling or arty kind ul wuik 111 my one
) ol business.
' I V:' .MenditigarnJoM-int: ceneral'vpr.-mrtiy
1 aiteuded to. JOS. A. KliEAMER
i Lew isburg. Oct 20. I ..'!)
L'liKM H ri-W AiiK-
-H l:ue:o-...rtii.i-liT
I ti t
- .. .u.l-
i n.il l-i-lt..
Wad;l..wl-.' ejj.i- l..r .-l.ieir.-tj. I. I!. - fo ,1 . r... iia-ali-u
Irtiio-h L.tiiu 1'an.., Ac. C.I.. A ot t.
JuS. A. Kl.tAMtR
AtloilK'j s;l I.inv.
FFICE on South Si e '. near Varkcl St.
l.t: u ; i'.i.
i v All rrolesstotiai ljiiiness entrusted to
his 'are will be latlhiiillv and promptly atten
t Sept. 1 1, is:. 7
TirJ-WARE- Prices Reduced !
ERI'HAXTs and DE W.Clis are invited
to call and examine lhe largest assorl-
meul ed
rt'ii-mailc TI-'.V4Ui:
io be found in lhe State wh.eh we are prepa
red to sell at I.UWFH I'kh i.s than mlerior gee-ds ,
are generally sold tor.
Sign of the Large (' fie- 1', t,
3m8')2 72.1 Market st, l'h.iit!tlp!iia
Kew Hotel ia IHifiiinturg.
S?( THE subscriber would lesptciluily in
jjf.rm the 'I'raveltn? I'u'.il.c everywhere,
thai he has laken and li.ie ! up il.e p.eiiaes
ot George tehoeh, in the ceitue e l
where he is prepared lo acccmiitoiLtc strang
ers and travelers men and beasts m lhe
best manner, with Beard and Lodging.
Please give me a call.
Ap.l. r.i) CHARLES CllOTZER. !
1 11 E subscriber keeps cousiantly i u hand
a large as.-ortmeni ol lhe very best Mia-
niokin and Wiikes Barre COAL, lor liu.eand
stove purposes, which he will sell ai lhe very
lowest prices for Cash or Cuuniry 1'ioJiice.
Also, liluck.milhs Vutil, Vluylir find .v..'. j
Wish it distinctly understood, that I w til not
be undersold by any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight kill be given. j
Coal Yard near W ti.'.ensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, May 2i,.o.
LL'iD AND mi; Oil. r..:. Ve h.. ! a: -he
. FOSi- ui riCK ,
i wplC-NIC.i
TTrH jump into the Wj'o, &11 uk a rick
been a
fl'l'' 'Jl Jl'T IIlH f
I r.-i,n ai-i-..u.mi.iii,ti,.n 0
J.fsj. M. IIOL:
in. ..It-ra;. A; ;i,y t
. J.11.
Tutlu Sth'iol Lin ctors jf I'nion Co.
1 KNTl.E-M K .n p'ir-"iianrp ot the
1 c:it,nol !hc A--t -., Mii May, I Soi,
are hrrhv nn,;fied i ttfel in ( cnvphi!( aj a(
ihp Ccu:l H'ltixe in I-fwi-Liir, va thr fir,t
M n fnv i f Mjv, A. It, (heirj? the 7
(Jay f the month.) at t o'c'mvk in the after
ijoun, ai 1! Mtlwl, vim r.r by the majority of
the Miml-'T f Iirrci rs prrveni, use
ftrim ( I" scitniilic an-I I;t raiy arqti.rrmeD!!
ar.il -kill arid nprnmce in the art of iaelv.
inz. as I'dunry i;-rinten)tent. U t the thre
surcenl.i.ff rai .iricrimrie the arm ant of
Cfnipn,-aiion (or the sime ar.d crrufy tl
reu:t in thr s aie -,,i:inr'rii'inif'nt. at Harris,
bur?, r luind . y ihr .-.i-h ar.-l ttnh ctiui,j
aiJ Act. I. KKMM)K.,
CiMiniy S'ir'priiireriJeit.
yew Berlin. Pa., March lsfiu.
1)r.!s.:-i shipping ;m! to i'hilad. ;i
pl- at be pariicuiar ar d
Tlark them in care of Feipber'a Line;
f!herwi:-eT tliey wilt be re h ppfi at Harria
bur.uhich u ii J be aiUt.fVfl unh n-:ar.
iav i.vj. THDS. J'hli HP.R.
l'OST oi nci:.
VLAIUiE si!jh of L'litiks.Sialinr.erT,
J'et iumerv, Jeweiry, Ti yf t;, nrrci. Q.
erie, Ttas. pices, Fiuii, uis. ;,,.vs
I'll lures, and a variety ul Isit K .ACKs;ur
sale !it a nt ibe
ili.i LEW IMJ K; H)iT f "FFICE.
I MM: li. !.! Id XS r Lad e. a, , l,,,...,'
' t-e bail at the I (.'') liflliE
tH LKAL sells ol I .'...:i.us ai.d i-taer
Uieai li ti iii.U Ear lliiies can te had
very (heap at tl.e J'UT HFFK'E
1) I "fTV.l. E j. I...'.! ai.d I'. m:ry takm .n
) L.vel.ul,e I II. i..s at il.e
'u.-T r.FFif'E
FEW I'.i e. , : I.d!Ms, Fie-, Da.ts aiid
J r.n.t- li Mies i- r sa'e ai the
FosT ornfE
Olil'LliS f. r l: i-s i r C.-t ,N u any k.tj
proinp tty aiiendtd to at th
i'li.-T OFFICE
I Al ll eat, ! i
J j n. t ,; .-I I.eticr
ofe.. A f. .TI il.e
: r: est p.. rl rt
! X .-e I'APEK.Ft v.;.
i'li.-s'J' fiprii'E
you wan; a Iciuuio
o lo lhe
IF v, n
KV, !,,
rd a sup; iy of fine STATMNE
he I'l.'sT UF1 H E.
Ell J. s. M'Faiiileu's H ardu are Ni re.
b rn.t r'v !L uehtou't, Shi-e Mere. .VaiU
: siieet. Lew i.-lurr, 1'a.
j .1 MLI; O J1J 7..V, MKLA 1XO TYi'F.S,
' &c. io ihe K-.nal s,;p. , r style. In a.!,:n.B
' to these p ctetes. I am n it '.ir. .1 it. lake
l'::I.C? I'll :!'.(. l-iee ,. s:,'u;i. t,j ,0
h" l-.-t i, .:, ;. tvhfie. A -11. HALlO
1 "l I'l.S. 'J t.t.-st- picitirfs are n '. ren io rep
re st nt j;,,.. nn.' a:e .-1 . tu r !. ai t .: raimu.f.
-1VM lliat tolelrv . i . i; r. -S-..I. nt, ! '. a:ure.
; ihiir cm le,r. dnred iv bv tie Cau-era.
Ilie-er-ii tiiii-sair patented, a, 1 ) ., i e
e-lus.ve rul.i I.r I nn n e. -,.,.,. . r.n4
ex.ii.-.i, -.-!.-., a-. A i ni W.
LI Wis I .ILMUt.
Jo-. B Hi
j .j. rLxta
iMi.3z;:n a. o.,
or.:ai.t!v n hand ar.i
ui ail pain i i.s,
tu ns t-l t ud VW ik uf J
ar lall , ;!.. rdeser
C ii ,
Ot.iers rtspfeiiitl'v joltried and promptly
C. -e.l. A.! w. ri.; '.v: ri ati led to cu e satts;ac::en
r-. An et, nsive lot ot l.mi lii r of all
eser ptii-iis n iieiKi ii r sa.e.
rvot Ao.'i tcniidttrietLtu:iiiurz.r
April 22, le.
THE OLD MIOP! The subscribers
rtM-ictl'j.d ai.ni nrec to tl.e n!:7et.s tf
Lewis'-urg .ii.-: vicii.ry Usat ihey have fe.rnid
a J'a.tnersh p in lhe
Tailcrins Ccsiness,
at the we'l l.rii n stand ot James Cr swell el
Mail,--! street, where they are prepared le
ILT AM, M.'.hh. f'torderin lhe ver
best mU,., yrn ar,i (lot Mil C uf
every elescnpin n on short notice. We uf
a share ul lhe puLlic ra!r..i.ige
Lewisburg, April I. i .-iu
rilAKE NOTICE t The undersigned ar
J appointed Asents for lhe sale of
ltuoi si, I.li tuN & W iiiduw Sash
of all sues, unule of the he-si material. All
work vearia iied. t'f Made by L.lt.sPROl'T,
iiuhesvilie, Fa. and N-r sale by
b'.a F t CAl.DW EI.L.l.ewisbur?
Pot krl I5I.tane!o:her articles
T'oi lliat kind n hand or to ore? r bviht
Leisiurj Loe il -uder, CH; sTAHL
just received a splendid assortment
the veiy test, cheapest and n-ost
la-tut naMe Jlvliy in the market. 11.
Stocie euiupnses
I!rr:?it I'iitw,
C lii.iin.
Lai ItinpiM,
I ii.ut r Itlncr,
i.i .u l li.
st -t- illlitcilN,
which will he sold extremely low for Cj
He respccutilly asles ihe patronage cl a l
his edd customer-; and also invites new e nes
to give him a call be lore making iheir pur
chases. Call at the sign ol lhe Big W a'ch.
Mail. e! Mitel, east til Second. Dec. 2I.'5S
'HE Film of Wnlt-r. Inihuil .1- K.hrnUA
in the Id U May lug; Iluiiu.
aie ready to eosra.e r lor aii Uintis el wart
in lheir line, and are well satisfied it weu i
be to lhe interest of such as, ptnpose erci uc?
gocd buildings to give ns a call telore riB
trading wilh e.ihers. We have fnt np s.m
of lhe Lest houses and sb res in Lewisbeir?.
and are assured lheir owners will lesiilv d-al
their buildings were pui up by coed aiui entT
geiic woiliinen, and in qtio'le litne, wh.eh i
a veiy importanl mailer lo luildeis.)
Ilifirmcf Chambi-itin Ero's; I.. Talmfr.
architect; Dr. I. Ilrntrgerj livers Aniniasi
Lewis Aihcuiellcr. ISAAC WAL'Il'li.
I.ewisbnrg. Dec. 27. In.'.d
fl-Y, EorsetTian's Friend, or
(t7" , rcs-Kft (.:-.?ia"in.
Iim-r.i.i Val'.ia' le Et . p'.- f. r the Kararr
and U.-rse l'eaUr I.r sa e '-' r-. I'V
C. I sTXllL.
EoeUb.nJer, Lv'.e .s-'-i'S.
"i I..
io -