UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG C11R0NICLE--41 AKCJI ?(), lStiU. Slave Sells his Master. Mathewllobson (generally called "Black Mitt" on account of the darkness of his oompleiion,) was well known by tbe in- habitants of the seaboard of Virginia, soma Jean ago, ai a slave dealer, and an accom-j pliahed "breiker-ia" of bad flsb. He ODOe purchased a bright mulatto, by the ' Dame of Sam, at a very taw price, on ac- j count of bis numerous bad qualities, such j as thieving, lying and drunkenness. Sam , was intelligent, wiih ail bis faults could j read and write, and ape inc airs 01 a pui- : bbed gentleman. He was so fir removed, j too, from tbe pure African, that be could scarcely be distinguished from a white Baa. On his becomicg the property of the slave-dealer, be received several se vere admonitions, in order that be might have a foretaste of tbe temper of his mas ter. Secretly, he vowed vengeance frr these "striking proofs" of affection, aud in e short time an opportunity oUcred to gratify that vengeance. Matt made op bis gang, and shipped them at Norfolk. The barque arrived afely at New Orleans, and was brought 1 to the wharf. In order that Sam might briog a good price, he was togged off in fine clothes calf-skin boots, a silk hat, nd kid gloves. Matt thought, by this external show, to realize at least $1,500 for the mulatto, as tbe body servant of some rich planter. Sam was consequent ly allowed to gi 00 shore, in order to show himself off. He proceeded to tbe Al- bambra, and s'ruttcd about among the best of them. Hearing a portly gentle-! HiaO remark that he Wished to purchase a ... , . . good body servant, be went up to biro, t t , . and, with an independent swagger, said : aiV. J r . . . a "My dear sir, I have got just the boy 1.4 mm mnt rnti U WUi BUI. JUU. "II," Tej.tiued the planter, "lam glad to bear you say so. for I have been look- iogfor one for several dajs. hat do yOU B8k for Lim ?' 'Nine hutdrcd doll!? " replied Sam. ! l i til "and cheap enough at that. He basevery quality can shave, dres hair, brush boots, and is, besides, poli-bed in his man ners. I could have got fifteen hundred dollars fur him, but for one fault." "Ha," ejaculated tbe planter, "and pray what kind of fault is that?" "Why, sir, a ridiculous one he imag ines himself a white man." "A white man !" exclaimed tbe planter, laughing "that is a funny conceit. I've bad considerable experience in training nd maoigiug gentlemen of color." "Oh, sir," continued Sam, "there is but little doubt that be can be cured tbo' you may find some trouble, at first." "Well, sir, you appear to be a gentle man," said tbe planter, who was rather too anxious and coufiding. "I will take him at your rccotumcudation. Where is bo, now 7" "On board the barque , yonder, at tbe wharf; you can see biai at any mo ment" "Good !" exclaimed the plaDtcr, "I am much pleased with your boncsty and can dor, and in order to save time here are your nine hundred dollars please give me a bill of tale." 8am got the clerk to draw np a bill of ale, signed tbe name of Suniuel Hnpkio, pocketed tbe money, and told the planter to ask tbe captain for " lilak Matt;" be would himself be on board as soon as be bad closed a bargain with another gentle man, who war desirous of purchasing one of bis field bands. The pnrsey planter made his way to tbe barque, and demanded of the captain to see tbe boy Black Matt. Tbe officer poin ted to Matthew Uobsoo, wbo sat on the quarter deck, smoking bis cigar, and su perintending the dibarkation of hi slave-. "Are you litack Matt, my fine fellow 1" asked tbe planter, addressing tbe slave merchant. "Folks call me so at hum," was the re ply, "but here my name's Matthew Hob eon. What do you want ?" "I'll tell you, Matt, what I want I want yon. You're a likely looking fellow, nd will just suit me." "Look here, stranger !" said Matt, fir irg np, "may be yon dou't kuuw wbo you're speaking to." "Yes I do, though you're my proper ty ; I bought you of your master, Samuel Hopkins, just now, and " "You bought me !"' exclaimed Matt, standing up at full length before tbe plan ter : "bell and the devil, air I'm a white man !" "Come, come, now," calmly said the fat man, "it wont do I know you you can't humbug me with your conceits I '11 whip it out of yon, sir I'll teach you " Here Matt drew back aod aimed a blow at the ruddy nose of the planter, wbo eiied bim by tbe throat, and bellowed for tbe police. An officer happened to be on the levee be, at tbe iostanoe of the plan ter, aeixed the "refractory slave," and bore bim to the calaboose, where be remained until evidence could be procured identify ing bim as a free-born white citizen of the United States ! Sam, in the meantime, got on board bip that was just weighing anchor for a European port, and has never been beard 4 of sinee. Tbui he had bis revenge. Matt lost bis slave, and the "green" fat gentle man lost his money. a roi o SlAGAtU. togra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok Viewer aaw any tbiws lika It 1 ! ! ! ! No ! ! ! ! ! S laBwVvwav ia tbe rmtaract 1 ! 1 1 c snlhtv 1 ! ! So (rand ! I ! If you bwilt a doom aojar it, tha bourn wowhVnt atawd What aa awful ! I ! lilM ! 1 t I !!!! t orgatitt t ! ! ! Sir ! I l-'a. ! I ! ! : ! I I 1 1 ! I 'I know." said Tinny, "water is ery a .a I. . st. :. .A .f..l ll.;.' goad tbwg, bat thm it 10 awful tbin . 'STAK & CHRONICLE" CALENDAR. ' jf, I 5 jrf :( ,, ?j 5' ? J! j? 1 00 : ".'ilsiS:?'! !i 2? i I s-'lisil Hi en o jaa o i I J'H it sl s , sl el 7 l.S:le(ITilijI'!zl 2S,:w,31 l s ! s e ?;. si v'lo'iiiis.i-'SiK : t'le'l7ilSi..!t 1 Mia wiiMsia I --..t3! Fcbr." lie! Kl o!l 11 I sl s s' 4 s'lnlu 7 .n!is l4MM'i:IS' 1JI3 14 l!l JOiJI 2si: 2s iiit)'i;'is 2191 llO'ii 23 U2j I" i Mar- J J J J I! Sept- ! 3 j 31 41 5 ! 71 S 4 51 f, 7 s 1,'ICi IIM-M-UMMli.!!? pi" r April 1 i 3 i 61 7 . 9 1 'll :1J13 14 i:t'i7'i twa 12 !.':!. 24 !ii Jt 'j: :s -:! Mil, 7 in )14 l.'i 16 l;ilH!'20 iMlrf,a'2i2&aj jSs'ai.au Jil I I May.. 2 Z 4 5 Sove.' 2 3 9 10 i.iiu'i.vic it;is'im -'1 -S-j24,2iJ 1 1 .1 P' v i" 1 1 1 1. ill I211::H11S'I''''1T l1- 19 '-.1l21'22!sli'Jl i:,M -21'.2s i9;iw I- 'I'll Jnnr 1 1 Deer. 1! 1 2 n 4: ' vUi'lll ll;13l4ll.') 'lliilTilOjlWi-JUlSI :-'2 Ki!u 12 .:;!i4 li'lt. .l,l;i " -' Amrriran and Forrltrn STEIIEOSCOPIC EMPOlilUM E. ANTHONY, SOS Rrmi4war. New Vorfc-Afirr M.y lt. ism, at ItltoAbM A V, twu (lixm frulu lb bt. .Nicholiu Utitel. I 'T'llB Slwiwip in tlie wont imiiructirr, intrrrMtmp, I titUrt'iimHff. amusing aoil rjmlmyui mtiderti inm : tiDit. Now are Out guvny nr tfm ftJ. Doov tou mtriinjtnt I or unttlitratrd, to arkiioallip. Ha worth and beauty. No borne ia complete witbout it, aiiU will pentiruU ew crwAere. It prewnt to your view every part of tl.e world, in all the rWc. liJief. pi'.iecfjre, auti Aui'Nii -J tittutl, aa if you were on tlie aiot. PliotoeraptientareererTwhereexiiloritic Europe. Axia, Afiw.1. A m.-rtrv ti'ih-h Itievnaml ami the litfiiuli- fui. andtw rumuof tkir iu areoMtunagtnrhtiti 1 r hare an itnmenae rarii-ty of paper View of Scenea I in Paria. lymili n, Knclauil, leotUtul, IrelaDiJ, Ualea. I iranee. n,-.c,um. 11 .ihh.i, .-.m.ri.ud, .-;in. 11.. t Rhine. Versailles. St. Clond. I'onlafnebieau. TiiLleriea, 1 iuiy, Turkey. Kcypu Ati.en,tbe ii..iy iuj. ibiua, in- I d:a, (.'bryeial Palaee. ai-o tiroupi llii.t'iriel, auiumnir, l,re.kr.,tn.;.rie-n,ea,.L-,tu:ir.v.". i Ac n J'7,"'f oit'irtnunX 4f JiitimitmUiJ Intmurt of htaM, Cburrbw, ana Utlhraml. ol 'rann. Iuly.tte jjj lfccl bi W"111""1"1 Titws rfr i .vrrLtiAopvAiTHATnr.Fivn.TWE!iiot!!d 1 han in Ilia Ira. at iii.naim ietn of nnr Tiiuiii rirvtnm I .'f, with rvti. M'rtwrrfit.i.)i'wiiiK 1, 60 or cn oIT-r on en-mttr trat to trkud luiid oi the it;tur- ' mjav s.Tt'1 ttii rjfa'ilMu). A n motif s Inita-totitmii lmir,ol iws strf tDf ia- twt I'rtcUiri Bine mlr !'hy arTiikiD in the frtifth .,r,w.Mnm,i,WM.v,.r.,.r'i mutf r.e atfrtno. in del'ti'leiJ a- iltarily and dl.nurtly an tl H Had been iwrleetly at ret. Ihli. prea in wlilitional value, fur to tbe lieautlea of inanimate nature itnitUti charm nf t, am m'4fm. Tbe pn-eia i- a diei-orery of our owu. aud heinsr titti-nmt n in Eitr-ipe. we receive trout Londou and Cart Urge order for Aatliotiy'a lutaiita neoua lewa of Ameriean life and -renery. Afttone other tbllitT we bare jut pulbir-hed Stereo. r-oile Illustration of tlie fs-eue of the I't'lTu SrauLT l'a-tfcA XkritAt. in whirbumiiynearta leel an intereat. Tbe partn-ulani of thin will !e found iu our ratalntiue. thju CTLiKit Eof kuljertaand prirea will belurwarded to any addrea oo reeei,d of a rump. Parties at a disUnte aeliduieu!. ? n $5. $Hl. lfi. SJn.or $2it ran bare a giiod ini-truoieDt and aueb pk'turea aa they may request, eent by Hrprru. Vicwa aiuue, (witiiuut iu.-lruuirnt) can ba tent by atrt. I'artra woo wish to he adrited of ererythinc really TaluaMe in the line that cornea out. may fend u tbell nanea to place oo record, and we w ill keep tbem posted at our own expense. Afe "1-i.arr will find Photocrar-hr most fiHnating and delightful amusement H are prefiared to tit out sha'rsrf with everything oecessary for their success to frether with itislruetiona .-Jlow to taka .-tenscupn Pio lures." F ANTIIIIM. Importer aod Mannfieturer of Pbotgraobic Alau-ri-als. ctereoeeopea and ctereoawipie lew. J-Merehants from ererr section of the eoantry r reseetfully iurilml to tn-ke an eaannnation of our at'ick.our discount to the trade will be lits-ral. To Pholucraphrrs. I'irt classstereoscjliic Negatives wanted. Send by mail a print unmounted, with price of Vejra- iggBook Bindery! fHK ?ulcriter harin rented ihe entire Bi.uk Binding establishment of WorJen V Cornelius and adtlrd to it bis own tools, is now prepared lo BIND OR RE-BIND Book?, Magazines, Pamphlets, Music, Catalogues, NcwFpaticrs.Ac. eilher Kail or Half-Bound, in various kinds of l.r..TH nr of Mi "us, and liued with Marble Paper of ditTerent figures. Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. fXj Blanlt Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries. Ac, Eeettrrrd Willi ;old in l'iriMe and durable characters, to order. Ml!IU rOlUTOMOS, etc., made to suit customers. Bindery in Beaver's wooden block, S.Third St, Levrisbur? ITIOU SALE. CHEAP A IjnyVrntand ' Trimming Knife, a convenient article for Ptinter to trim pamplilels, Ac. May 27, '59. C. J.STAHL.Bock Binder. SILVER PLATED WARE, EY HARVEY FII.LEY, Xh. 1222 Market street. Philadephia, MAXrFACTKKEK of fine N1CKF.1. SIL VER, and SILVER PL ATER nf Forks, (Spoons, Ladles, Butler Knives Castors, Tea Sets. I'rns, Keules, Waiters, Butler Dishes, Ice Pnchers.Cake Baskeis.Communion Ware, Cups, Mugs, Goblets, Ac, with a general as sortment, comprising mint but the bent quality, made of Ihe brst muteriuh and hcariiy plated, constituting them a Serviceable and DurnUe article for Hotels, S'famfmatt ami Private Fumiliet. "pO d Ware re-plated in the tat manner. Feb. 2t, 1860)1 D. W. H. BacKHnrss. Da. Jf. V. Ptanv. ri RDY & UtCHIIOI .se, rmsicuxs and surgeons, "I RESPECTFULLY offer their services to XV 'he citizens of Lewisburg and the sur rounding country. Particular attention paid to 81'RGERY. Enquire opposite Ihe l.uiheran Church, or at the residence of Mrs-Backhouse lan.lK60 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Jok. Irllddlcton & Co., Nos. 156 and IA8 North Fuurih street, above Arch street, PHILADELPHIA. "DltANDIE.S. Wines and Gins im XI prt4 dirrt and warrant. I'l'KK ami notd to lruimtw and Ilntf I twini at lowrat wblrt. pricrp. a,Th a'rimrnt mooutu nf Oiard, I'iuft and Ko- rhrile HrBliH.; 011 fort, tShrrry. Mndira. Libo aad CtiampaDc Wiot; alco. a larv uto-k nf MoDunttabcla nbtr.kr, HollandUiD, inub and acoicb n bUkej. 3mn4 NOTICE. THE Books and Accounts of the late firm of Rrber Matter hare been left at Ihe olfice of Ihe undersigned, on South Second street, for settlement. All persons interested will please bear it in mind. WM. CAMERON, Ja. Lewisburg, Feb. 24, 1860w3 LAW OFFICE REMOVED. Jobs B. Linn, ATTOnXEY AT LAW Office at bis nouae ou N. Market SL bet. 1st 4 2d '8 LewiHlturar, Pa. The HOWARD and HOPE Express Companies. "PXrRESSES Daily to and from any -LJ poruWa of tha United Stataa and Canadaa. Otfl j 1 cium uj. s imS m iewb.rg. m-c: mm mm Vegetable Taken Internally Cure emiiKN roLns.cuuous, tc, WKAKST'lMAlll. OKSKKAL DhlllUTY. MIIMMi Sciltr. MuL'TH, CANKER, I.IVKH IVVII'LAINT. DVM'ISrSIA OK INHIOFSTIOM. CRAMP AND PAIN IS Till; STOMACH, Butt KL I'liMI'l.AIM. pAlM'rilts COI.IC. ASIATIC CHOLERA, I AHIlllitA A.l IV.KNTKKY. fTIHE PAIN KILLER is by universal consent I i,nt,,r,irH in ihr himr of medical tire eradication and emnction of PAIN in all iis various forms incidental to the human family, and ihe unsolicited wrmen and verbal testimony cf the masses in its favor, have been and are its own best advertisement. , The ingredients which enter into the Pain Killer, being PURELY LCETABLE, render it a PERFECTLY SAFE and ellicacious remedy taken internally, as well as for external applications, when used according lo ihe directions. The sliuM stain upon linen from its u-e in external applicaiions, is readily removed by washing nh a luile alcohol. This medicine, so justly celebrated lor the cure of so many of the Hllii-lions incident to the human family, has now been berore the public about EUJHTEEN EARS, and has found its way into almost every corner of the world; and wherever it has been used, the same opinion is expressed of its real medicinal properties. In anv anack where prompt aclion upon ihe svtem is required, the Pain Killer is inval uable. "Ii. almost insianianeous ellecr :n RELIEVING PAIN is truly wouderful.and when used according to directions is true to its name, m. m"B'Tmr BsviuT-iaT-.jicM It is, in iruih, a FAMILY MEDICINE, and should be kept iu every family for immediate ue. Persons traveling should always have a botlle of this remedy with the m. It is not nnl'requenily the ease that persons are attacked wnh disease, and belore medical aid can be procured, Ihe patient is beyond Ihe hope of recovery. Captains of vessels should always supply themselves with a few botiles of Ihis remedy belore leaving port, as by so doing Ihey will always be in possession of an invaluable remedy to resort lo in cases ol accidents and sudden attacks of sickness. It has been used in severe cases of ihe CHOLERA, and never has failed in a single case, where it was thoroughly applied on the first appearance of the symptoms , ,. , Obtain a copy of the PEOPLE'S PAMPHLET, which contains full directions for using the Pain Killer, together wiih a brief fkelch of the first iniroduclion of the medicine, rec ommendatory notices, certificates, Ac., Ac. The present form, (adopted July 1. 1854.) in which Ihe Pain Krlrr is put np. is a flat panel bottle (four sue') with the wouls "DAVIs" VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER blown in Ihe glass, on one side of which is a miniature likeness of Perry Davis, the original in venlor of the medicine ; on the opposite our note of hand, lo counterfeit which is held to be forery by the laws of Ihe Cniied S ales. These labels are finely executed steel engravings, and the increased con attending the execution and printing of the same, is incurrrd for ihe protection of Ihe public against counterfeits, to which a less expensive style is liable. To those who have so long used and proved ihe merits of our aincle, we would say lhat we shall continue to prepare our Pain Killer of the best and purest materials, and thai it ahall be every way wonhy of iheir approbation as a family medicine. Prices, 12 1-2 cents, 25 cents. 50 cents, and l per Bottlo fSTBcwarc of Counterfeits and Imitations. PEUIIY DAVIS & SON, Manufacturers and Proprietors, V4 High St., Providence, R. I. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. Wlii.Brown Jr. & t his. C. Dunklc, Having formed a Partnership, at the old stand ol Wm. A J.H. llroun, MaikelSt.above 4lh, Lewisburg, ARE offering a large assortment o' Fall and WI.Ti:it C.ooN, oonaisliug of Ready Made Cloihing. Cloth", Casimeres, Coalings, Vesiings, Carpelings, Bleached and Brown Linens, Dnliings, Shir tings, Ac. Also a large variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Calicoes.Challies, Lawns, Detains, Barages, Silks. Uinghams.Shawls.Ac Also all knots of Notions, tiroceries. Hard ware, Cedarware, Queens and (ilasware Fish, Salt, Tobacco. Also all kind of Illicit for building pur poses. Call and examineforyonrselves. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. BROWN &. DLNKLE. Lewisburg, Oct 20, I85'J RIVIERE HOUSE LEWISHLliG, FA. R. ii. HErrZCI,, Frop'r. THIS Hotel is located in the center of ihe tovtn, one square from the Court Hmise. Persons attending Court, or having olher bu. siness in the town, will finl this a pleasant and comfortable home. Charges moderate. Lewisburg, Pa, Sept. 6, 1H39 m3 Josiali Baker & Co,, HAVE made arrangements wiih E. E. Locke & Co. to furnish 95 per cent. AICOIIOIa by the Bbl. and Hair Bid. as cheap as it can be bought in Philadelphia. They have also just received a general as sortment of Paints and OilN,Ca'aN and Pulty, COPftt VfUWiSMES, BRUSHES and PEKFUMEUY, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, CUTLERY, BURNING FLUID, Pine Oil, all popular Patent Medicines, Liiuirs,Tiibacco, Snuff.Inks, Soda Ash, Wheel Grease, &c. &c. All the above articles offered VERY CHEAP FOIt CASH. Call before buying elsewhere. Our Motto is " Small Profits) &. quick Sales." Lewisburg, May 13, 185!). Ju.t opened, opposite the Riviere House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I N G,snch as Overcoats, Dress Coals, Busi ness Coals, and Coats of every style anc pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests tosuit. Also, a large variety of Under Cloihing, soch as Drawers, Shirts, Ac. Alsn.a fine assortment of Boys' Clothing of the latest styles. Also, Ha TS and CAFS equal to any offered in this country. In fact, I have everything necessary in theshapeof Cloihing, which 1 offer at a very small advance for cash. THILIP GOODMAN. Ag't. n?All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. 1 8591 SCO. Tbe Best Work and Latest Styles TAILORING. JOHN B.MILLER thankful for past favors would state thai he has re ceived the FALL A Winter Fashions, and is prepared lo CUT, MAKE, and KEPAIR garments as usual. He will endeavor, as heretofore, to .deCUie his Work RatiwrnrMr,- rily lo all. Lewisburg, Oct 1859 BUFFALO HOUSE. LE WISBURG, CMOS CO, PA. I. D. BREWER, Proprietor. T HIS House is the lanrest and most JL spacious in Lewisburg, and situated op posite the Court Hoase, on the most elevated and pleasant part of ihe town. The proprie tor, who has recently purchased of the late firm of Lawshe 6t Sebold, has spared neither pains nor expense in refitting and re-furnishing the House. CFTIease give him a call and judge for yourselves. July 1, 185S DR. I. BRUGGER, nOMtEOPATUIC PI1VSICI.1X, in M'.flrotOTw AVto Block, Market St, ;:i (bvtwetn Fifth t Sixth,) U.W1SBIKQ, Pain Killer, I'ecd Externally Cures FM-ONS, II'llLS. AND OLD SORES, fKYMlK Ul,llNS AND Si'ALIiS, CITS. llKl'ISKS AND SI'HAINS, SWaXl lNH UK THKJUIMS, ItlNUWOUM AMlTKTTfcK, BKIIKKN I1KKASTS, HliiSTKU PKfcT AND CHILLLAINS, TOOTH Aril K. PAIN IN UIK FAI R, NKLKALG1A A.N D Kll Kl'M ATI?M. allowed to have won for itself a reputation nrrparaiions. lis n.siaiilaneous tueclin ihe en. Hew Arrangements---New Goods! TOSEPH L. 1IAWN having taken the J well known St YKEIi HA T STORE, has refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Jlatf, Copt, Geutltmen't Clothivt, i(-c. Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSlMEKErt, Ac, which he will make up to ordtr,s he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared lo execute all work entrusted lo his care, to the salislaction of the cusiotner. A". B. Cutting and Kepairingi done lo order. Lewisburg, j pril 10, 1857 Fall and Winter Goods. Elirsh & GooAin&n,.Virchant,Isurilurt HAVE received and opened a CHOICE assortment of all the latest styles of FALL and Winter Goods. The particular attention of ihe Ladies is called to their stock of Brilliants Dress Silks Prints Delaines Shawls FigFr.Merinos Collars Dneals Sleeves Ulnshams Insrrtings Foulards Edzings Chintzes Gloves,Vc. ALSO Cloths Plain and Fancy Cassimrres, Jeans Tweeds, Vestings, Muslins, Drill ings, Tickings, Flannels, Boots and fyshoes. Hats and Caps.j together with a complete assortment of Groceries, llardware, Cedarware, Queens ware, tc. all of which will be disposed of on as favora ble terms as the same articles ran be purch ased anywhere. Give u a call f Taggart & Fair's Patent Family Sewing Machine, With Spaulding's Iniprovement! PUBLIC attention is respectfully invited tu the superior merits ol" these new and unproved machines. They will Hem, Fill.Gatherand Embroider. Will sew every variety ol fabric from Ihe nnest swiss Muslin 10 ine neaviest tailoring, i without missing stitches. They are very strong and durable. We feel fully justified in warranting these machines to be in every respect equal to rec ommendations, as they have been thorongbly tested in competition with all the high priced ones, by persons competent lo judge, who have given as Ihe most satisfactory testimo nials and certificates, which are published in onr circular, to w hich we refer for a more full description. Finishing and Sales Rooms, Market street. next door to the residence of John Walls, Esq. Prices !$:I5, $45 and $50, according to size and finish, all complete and delivered, and thorough instructions given in all varie ties of work. All wishing a good Sewing Machine, will please call and examine, or address II. S. Spanlding or J. W. Shriner, Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa. We respectfully refer to the following ladles, who are using these machines: Mrs 8 Geddes. Mrs 8 W Duncan, Miss Louisa Morris, Mrs C A Lyndall, Miss Lidie Mackey. Miss Julia A Cornelius, Mrs Kev P B Mair, Mrs Johnson Walls. Mrs Ur Hayes, Mrs Francis Wilson, Mrs M Brown, Mrs Jas M Creighu Mrs F'Beerstecher, Mrs J A Krea mer, Lewisburg; Mrs J P Tustin, Northum berland ; Mrs Kev John Gnyer, Mrs M 8 Ap pleman, Mrs David Roberts, Mrs Sylvester Pnrsel, Mrs Alfred Creveling, Mrs 8 E Fow ler, Mrs E H Hughes, Mrs A M Boon, Mrs Creasey, Miss M Derr, Columbia Co. Lewisburg, Feb. 29, 1860 CHARLES M'CREGOR carries on the above business in Flick's Brick niocir, .onn third street. Cutting and Ma king in good style according to tbe best Fasb ions. Give as a chance, and see if we can not "ant." you. c. MACG. Lf wisbur;, Nov. I, 85 Fruit and Ornamental Trees, rt5 1 i)i)J fMviriiig i'liii'is. Sj5j The subscriber has on hand a splendid .collection of boih Fruit and Ornamental , TREES, Ac. Acembracing Ihe very best' varieties of Apples. Pears. Peaches, Plums, Cherries. Apricots, Nec-ari ies.tirapesioose berries. Raspberries, Ctrriuts, Sirawberne. ALSO Large Horse Chesmut, European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple j for street planting. Ever blooming Rose, and. a splendid collection of Uulboiis aud other Flowering Plants. I IVNursery Grounds on ihe farm f Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a 1 mile of I.ewisbur?. All orders will recrive strict attention. l3r"Termx inrariublif f'ASK. WILSON I. LINN. Lewisburg, July 7, lMH. I CO-PA KTXEKSl 111. The unilersiiined have as-' tocialed themselves inio rnpart- I " i -m i r-'i - j . v- r. il, I.n ,hririn IMyniri.'. and Carpentering business mail iheir various branches, at the Ccojiobnrg Gleam planing fUills, where they intend to keep a slock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Leih. Joists, Siudding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, boih in ( rice and workmanship. J. 1. DIEFFENDERFCR, MAIiTlN DRKISRACli, 11 KY I'. I!."t AMMOXS. OwMmrgt Planing Mill, Aj.ril I, Is.'- A an lua an I ommK-lim House la IraMtarg. JJTal Auctioneer! r..Ionrll01V-r having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.rs, i prepared to attend to all calls in his line iu town and couutry. Commission Sales. In Anril next, I intend lo open on Marke street a Room for ihe reception, and the sale ,,ctt.,l l,mp r.fall kinds of floods at Auc- lion. Any one wishing todispoeof any arii cle can deposit it wnh me and I will sell it at the best advantage 1 can and charge a per centage for ihe same Keb.2fi, IS.VJ F A DOXEHOVVF.R WINFIELD FACTORY! Kear llal'llrton, L'nion Co., Fa. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that he continues to manulac- ture all kinds of W ooU n l.oodni, such as Cloihs, Cassimeres. Tweeus, aiiinelts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. II is machinery being of Ihe best kind in use, and having employed ihe best of workmen, he feels sate in saying thai bis work shall noi be surpassed by ; any establishment in ihe country. A goodsup j ply of the above goods kepi constantly on hand I for sale or to exchange f.T wool, at prices lhat can not fail lo please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on ihe shortest notice. Terms for carding, ca-h on the de livery of ihe rolls. MARK UAI.FFE.NNY. Winlield .Mills, March 311. 1S.7. subscrilie r con tinues lo carry on the 1.1 wry ItuftlnipN t Ihe Old Siiand on Mouth Third street, near Market, and rei-pecilullj solicits Ihe patronage ot Ins friends and tin public generally. CHARLES F.1IKSS. Lewisburg, May !2, isso NOTARY 1'UliLlC. William Jones, TTORNEY at J.aW. ClllleCt iimS A prompllyattended to. OtHce ;o Market ! street, opposite opposite the Presbyterian chinch. I 6911 u:YismkG.FA. CABINET AVAKE BOOM NORTH 4th Street. Tlie suliscriliM I most respectfully informs the citizens ol i Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on band and lor sale a cheap lot ol H KMIII1L, , lor me rprwg iraue, comprising Dressing and Common Bureau?, Sec retaries and Jiook Ca?es, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and i Breakfast Tallies, Clipboards, Cot-1 tarc and other Bedsteads, atands j Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. CO F F I N S to order or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOL.NG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, IK.ri6 James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LIXN, J Attorney at Law, LEWISULliG, 671 L'nion County. Penn'a. J. MFRRiU U r,vlKijtl Sir Ihe Slate nf Imra, with KaartotakeLeitioDii,arkii(,litli;e Peetla.Ar. $3,000 Wanted! IN pursuance of an act of ilie last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners of L'nion county desire lo ItorrotV money to Ihe above amount, in sums not less than $100, the interest io be paid annually, and the principal within three vears. Inquire of H. P. SHKLLER. Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa., May sn, 18.',S. LUMBER! LOIBEIl!! fT'HE subscribers havefor sale 1 on lots to suupurcnasers a large slock of WxM ivJ'TLS F1SE BOARDS Panel Stufl Plank. Ac. Also 5.000 I'IM. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber fur Buildings : Which are offered low for cash, alour Mills on Mouth Branch of ihe While Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on Ihe Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road. l?A Diploma lor a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shinn ies, were awarded usi the last L'nion Co.Ag. Fair. lOHW M'CAI.L BltO S. Iy773 Foresl Hill P O, L'nion Co, Pa ABR'OI E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, second door above Third, on Market street LEWISBURG, Would respectfully inform the public lhal he has on hand a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of the latest style Gold and Cameo Earrings Ac, which he intends lo sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty HnurCLOCA'Sand Time pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will betaken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give satisfaciionPIease make him a call, and give him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July 21, lt&8 rT?r ... J ltrdu :lon of Raff MERCHANT.- and all prrnns eiisnxrd in i-hipping Goods to and from Philadelphia consult your own iitterets! Goods shipped from HI lo 12 per cent, less per 100 lbs. than by any oilier I inei. W ALLOW KITS LINK of DAILY CARS are rarrying frr-pht ly and Irfin that point at the lulU.wing lirtaiiy Ket!uc?d Rate : IM ('lass .IS cts. per pounils 2 tin :il do 3 do 27 do 4 do 24 do Special l do IVliepot in Philadelphia l'mrttrk.Xtt Jliricfimnn, Mm A n:o Maiket t PfMons should le rarrlul io hae iheir CiiMids maiked in care: v( the aln.ve Line, lu preyenl inipt'sition tn m oilier I.me N.v 13 J. WAM.OW j:u A ox Eift Evan3fcV7atscnfg rhiltuirtphia. axutiilr tpii srrr riii;-rni M. !i.t. 2. 1'.9. I To thm Prvi.(rnt of tut- IVi,Uf-jiVatii Aifriiuliur&l , Sr,rfty : Thr ubftTtUr, our riuujitt lo rxiiQiin ! th cfintrtiU-ofa Miisniil)Ji-r .SfH,if Vvai-fB, jifte-r l-iiie axjo-.l l n BiT'.tif 8rt cri tlie fair UivuikJs fur.L'tit htiuio. fef tJuliy i-pTin-i.t That Blt-r ft--D coiilr-nl vu'x id tii Ititf i.f jinm lisui htM-D tnfi.Bi ii aiouid ti. ...!. it i r-nt a m tti jjrvfnr-..f thr vt nmiitte-r. t-tl tlx rot blf Ui.eu out. a littl warotcii, run nvt vd wti f.rj. fc?frni Mlt-r MfJttlo l.vr-ti.r.r' rtr-iJ l j thftr-nD-ufMClurt-rf. ti il i lr?e ijiist.rilv i,( J. i luo uIi n iu tli i!-. 'ins nut tt(trly ueiii jur. J Tlr s-iiriui. n( (mii-fsTsi Kir f tin- cutitritr rf SmtV of tli if hit! to n lrt t routs ule tit iu uj Iiir tu tLiru liif? nm I fXK'd. ILb CmOaiUct warded iD.pltn ainil St!Yfr Miml. 4.tr. H. UiKiMUb, J.'M W l.rilT, J I' lit Tt!Fhr'l.r. in IL-tf. lilLLXT. STJTT. A.07Htt. riuii?f:T?f, I.I, 17. lu'j,-Mir. Evam k Vat.-j. l'iiilii-lf! hia. Lriit rmtu : '1 do .-m Ismail 'If r Tirt-Vr.t Pf-1 f rmr tnauutai tun-, pun Nm d ! u f r m yt.ur Agvut. ifrrisi A tBrr-tt, .-I ur ril v, 50Ui HI fir an iillis nf. a p Ttrvlj tri-d l'T l-urfflnro l-t i-itlurdsy uul l. aod l lliuj:ia tli r M1 (tir.'jri- l.au.mrr. rn!i ln.--l-, drill, ati'l fCuii.lrr, lli.y uid ttt purrrt'd in vi-ut ihr .Ir. 'Hm aa k t. ins on- of"Jlnii r.ttilat 'rW-l.T-l-roof.'' Iht-y n ul.i not ll.r o.. r into it. bu. dn.l rd m hole iu thi loT I'NDfi mvI h.rrt d iu a Im t hurt;', whir.) a ai iirnitrd, and UtiMU-ti ttr UiH.r, tn-;df aod out. v-liowt-il the .(.). fion net tt. bat- Uti, a niull ot., ' it a an U"t ft m d r-i- n W. ui j- j-e tl.r u- tin irr-m- , t-r pan of iiw nihr at work it. vw ara mu b I it'v-l at tl.- ir.ult ll.i. atl,mt to -ut-r it. ami il ll itrofp farts arc ol an t h twv nu are at litrtr to Lbem. V-urs, truly, B A YN A HP k JONK3. CHEAT FIKF!AXti7HtK 2 Kll .VI IK vx 11 i.a. 1 i.n . Man I. 1-., li!). Meearp. EVANS U'ATmp.N. Ihila-lvl) l.ia : '.eafr-atn It Bltoid- m f.:-..t j-Vantn- to to yn that tb alun.andi-r .-af-. .l.nh 1 pun l.a-sd tiuu id (bruar., l-.'.s. .r.it.. t.. t. t,;)til.u rfomin-nj.-iii-a futK iTot-rt.'-n In in tr- ily f!or-bouM'. t--thr wilb w-.t-ra' rtt.fr, rurn-d to tbt- tfio..i d in .March lat. ll.f .af-' Jfll throtiirli into th- ct llar. ai.t ttoM-d to inlriir beat tor ii or ,i:l.t bouij. and l--n it war tiik-n Inm tl. ra.it- ai,I . ( m. d. ail i; . nti ut ant- ft urd tu I in a ) rtv t rTata'. ib l-t.Va nu.l lb Ir not ltii.it it jut.. i Ht,y wbat-tr. J raurbr.-rfi.l-ty mommfti'l joi.r jtf to tbe ron munity. tin-tir k, ap I do, ti.at tlivv art-a- Bt r fcrr r--. f ai it it- - tbltj lor any nf to l-t m-olr. TI1I. J l uW LI.L. M'A larir a-i-i tincn of Thr utmrr A r Kl alw t on hnnd, at Cb.-tai.ut sirwt. tlat w s-utU touitb ffaila.fr.oMa. CORRECTICN. floods shipppd from Philadelphia i Ac. oy ii.ll.l.wiif.AA J.ine are OT -re-I shipped at Harrisbuig." (as would appear by i Mr. Peipher's advt-rtiseinent) but go ihn u:h ; wiihoul drlav to ihi-:r delinaiion on the Sua i ijurbanna or the esl Hranch. July SO, It-r.a C.U.FKICK. Agent T 00K HKKE! 1J L.ndirvi and Crntlrtnrn. HERE i a.w rculv lor the spring trade uf Ihfiti, a line and .1 variety ol nusrljol.! nrnitnrr, c-imprisiiig llureaiis f ,iit kinds. Jenny Lmd, t'oitae, and French EVdMead' IVnire. Card, llitiim, llreakfasi, and ?ofa Tallies Candle, and Wash S'aud Hat and Towei Harks, and anything in tlie Cabinet line. It not on hand, will beinide lo order. Cane Seal and Hair Cloth Chairs of iblfercnt size-, and almost any pattern Camp Stools, Reoep'ion Chairs Horse Shoe, and all kinds of WmdsorCha.rs ''P fr cash - hrl cJu. All wareroom oi u.uinier on naiset St four doors abov- the Hank, or at ihe obi stand on 1st or Front Street, where the subscriber will be glad to see all his old customers, and all the new ones ho may lavor him with a call. The subscriber aim attends lr the I fl ,u.r,.lli,t,.. K.iino.si tn all branches. B-ina provided with its rani us provided with risks Pa tent Meulic Burial Cases, and Ccllins of his own manufacturing, alwavs on hand, he is prepared at ai.y lime l.i wait upon any who may lavi r him tilth a call. Thankiui for the past favors, be siili aAs for a con tinuance ot the same. Feb. 21, IMlil DAVID CI.NTL'K. PEIPHER'S LINE T tO A.D FLOM rillLAUELPHIA. r.UUIIION OF FKKlhllT. IrtClaM 4.j eenta ler low eunda. ilo : J ,lo 4t I, ilo di ilo rtefli:! i-2 lrt rln ! w neat, IUe ai,il Ccro, 14 crmU per bual.tL Pbilad. Drpol with Freed, Ward 4 Freed, Sll Market St. Thankful for the liberal patronage given us we hope by strict aili iiltun io business lo merit a continuance of ihe same. TIIOS PEiniER For further information apply lo Iy7!)ft C li M'OI.M.V, Hg, Lewisburg NOTICE TO SEIPPERS. I'JtRSONS shipping Good? lo Philad. will please be particular and Clark them in care of Feipher's Line ; , otherwise, ihey will be re shipped al Harris- burg, which will be attended ilh orlav. iay 6, 1H59. TIIOS. PKII HER. Cheaper than the Cheapest! rj'HE undersigned having madejy arrangements lo close his bu siness, here by the 1st of April, now oilers his entire slock of Boots & frnues which is Ihe large-t in ihe county AT COST. No miiake. Hts stock, ihe greater part, is Homemade, got up under his own su pervision, and will be warranted lo give sat isfaction. His prices has alnays been conn led low, but now he will sell ai lea"! 2& per ctnt lower than ever, which you will fiuj Ircm the following prices : Men's Homemade Call Boots for -1.?: do do Kip do do City Calf do do do Kip do Boys' Boots of all sizes from Women's Homemade Boots do do Jeffersens do do Clippers do do Ciaiters 1,75 to J.mi i.arge lot . nua srnoes homemade 37 lo M le r,rJ, r-r lhe besl qual. y price, w,U be as follow,,, , Siena Kin llojila -. a do .. . nil " M O.Otl Women s Gaiters 1.87 to 2.S5 do Boots 1,50 lo 1.75 He feels thankful to his friends and the public for past favors, and cordially invite all to come and provide lhemselves with a full supply at, ihe above prices. Call in, and pHEAP EXPKKSS- if the prices diller from the above, we will ll CIN E, lenders his pn-tessional s"1 not charge anything fur showing sroods. In lhe Citizens of Lewisburg and WILLIAM JOH-NtON. i mcr and residence milh Jame P Lewisburg, Jan. -, iSbO. Souih Fourth street l1" ' : LEWISI5URG ACADEMY. 'I'llLI'all M'vinlosiorthis Imtiiuiioi, .: ! 1 con.mi nee .Musiiai, Sept 19, Itss fc(" iinue 13 wells ; lo be succeeded tin mrduiri by the Inter rftlon ef ihe ,j ' Irnirih. A shuil Vacation will be givrn dnn Ihe Holidays. ! All the Blanches of a ihorrorh Aradrc Couise are laoght, and young men desir of qualifyine llemelves forTeachiiig.f(,r ej ; luring College, nr lor (rnrral tunnn, , ' (imi ii ii iheir advaniage to enter this stL I The 11,1,1c ia a Text Burk. A lare t'ia's of Y ung Ladies i irftw j TnTItl.N per -esion of I J rt ks.nrlu,;,. ' coniingetii expense. ' fH I MAR Y f llratlitiff. tt ritm. O. tlo.r, Sli'La.tl. '.'. t.Uilii. ai.rt l ! Ili.tcrv.l AliV M Kll r..i,I.IHl all uol iDc!a4ni , W-t, , UNi.lAl.l.i, ' :m No aiMitional charges ; sl-o, no iVducif, exct-pt lor pri'iraeied sickness. Tuxo nr,, al-le immediately uf on ihe cbse , f ihe,,' su n. JOHN EAMOI.ph Angnst sr., I &:!. funeiLi T4U.VO 1)AYSfor a full course in thelrmp College, most eiirnsivelv pairon.zrc n.r brst nranzed Commercial School in ihe lu led Plaits. Four I..irfre Nails For vVrilinz. C mmnrul Calculations, B in Keeping and Lectures. Csnal lime lo complete a full course, ft a, 6 io lo weeks. Every Student, upon t'".i. tine. i guaranteed lu te conipeteni to n,ji,tl Ihe Books ol any Business, and qua!.6t; earn a salary ol In in sx.'iOO lo IOOO. Students enter at any time Xo Vacation Review at pleasure. Urtt I'ltmium fur Rrt Writing awarded thi In-iitution. The best and jr.,. lest variety ot I'ermanship in any one Rail u' the l'nion, is lotiiid here. IV Ministers' Sons received ai half price. Kit Cirrular and hpectmens t f Vr;tir. and Embellished View of the College, melt five letter stomps, and addicts 7S F. W. JE.NKIAM. Pittsburgh. Pa. CilT laNKL'llED! " Hrsl Branrk In-nniiirr BBaij.t ir OX. C. U. H A R V K V, J'reJe,,t, ' J. W. t'HAKMAX, Srrrftnr, 1 Ins rompanv, (n erilrnng upon ihe fi Tear ff ihnr busmf.t, 5obn.ii ihe f. ll, -E .-I.-iternriil uf iheir aiets and busiueis to public. NtiLvtirr PMrW in f -re Janr; 1, 1?W. fgi A fu.itiiit i't I'rofrrty tnpurtit to 4.4.4. t, Aiii't id I'tt ouuBi in t- rra do .w-ii i Ntimfx r of vli- ir ii.ud nt yar f y Amount "I l'T' !? loarrd f -rj -- Am- unt of I'n-aiitim rrteiftd 71; Au.out.tuf LtwiH'tt U'Uinxl .; A This IVnipanv cuntinofs io injure mr? locripiK n nf j. rp-rty, such a buiid n:, c.-od. merrharni.zf, Ac, azamM VSs otin i'f K;re, ud U r any lime limitnl or pfr I -r.ua!. SA Xl'L H. ORV!Ut AgetL Iaewibtir2, Oct iO, lh-) ; American Life InMiraEte & Trust lo, ! (Capi'al Stock JjiSoil.tltMl) C10MPAV' BaiMing. Walnut streel, t corner of Kourih FhiLuitlphm. I? Lives insured ai the usual Mutna! ra:n I or ai Ji mi St, cli rates anotii : per cet,i. lr, oral Total Absiuieme raes the lomesi is tit .'wort.!. A. VUIII.Litl.N.I'icsldcn: ' J..i C. fma. Sec. 7171 t;i:o. F. MILLER. Hemt.Lewisbor, William VanGeier, TTOKNEY at Law, ivhurc, t Dion Co., Pa.s:i AT A JSAlifsAlX! ' ' Th subscriber has in hand fit .nr i iso Aei llugica. vbtch ilTer ai a farain fori a-h or will Eichatiii for a c od HURsE. Call soon or mn . miss iu B. F. HI RH. at Itiirah a lioctlaiaa. Mil or if absent, inquire ot W. H. Killer, at "a Brown. Jr.'s More. Lewisburg. Feb. 15 TEGHAS G. GRIER, laucrtsacr to J.L-Ypnaa) Muff linutker and Jewi-Her, Located lo a.r eaV xif the tart recently i-CTUf iml Mr Y.Hlrr !.. IcIll'KU, fa." Ctloi kw. Watches, &c, repaired on sh.- iiuiice and warranted to give satistaett". L" An eicelleni assorimenl of V airhi Clocks a ii i Jewelry ta hand Cnrapnria. Oil. 'I' KKA.VLsj of all sizes made lo orCf Lewisburg. April "0, 1S5S NOTICE. rrvo the Ciliens of Lrwisbnrg and v nt ' I I ll. I.. II inc has removed his Hi"? ' tup Irotn the Kiviere House lo Market tr' basement of Widow Amons buil,lit,e. t' I door above ihe Post Office. Thanklul ten: I pa. favors, he hopes to merit a contiiit.ii-t of the public pairoiiage. . X. Ji. . To 11 who trTT hT ibrir hrJ prrw lonj i To crt a ilfm.t hnrf. ftnui t l-rlvr eTi r si. ; JtiM nil i-ii HiM.i nt lifD. t.t.tr BtcrB eTeorOs i T'- i-irHn. rirs ?barp aud riiuri k-D. Lewisburg, April 1, 1859. E. L. Hl-NE? SASLI and WOW?. IJlixps and Shitted Flooring, Siilirj, Framing. Ac. For nale mt the Pros Steve of r ..AUtm- Lewivtinrir. Oct is SPICES! SPICES! SPICES! ICKE and No. I Ground Pepper. Ginser, Cinnamon, Allspice, Clov,a American and English Muslard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mare. sup. Carb. Soda. Saltpetre, Saleraiu. Caraway and onander Seed. Hal Soda, Indigo. Ashmn Datiy and Ground Salt, Ac, For Sale at the Eagle Mills No. 541 r 2IS North Frcnt streel. corner of Nw. Ti adelphia. HOWARD WOI.Ktl.I- t if Purchasers will find it greatly to interest boih in quality and price lo bo;''" goods, which are warranted as represent forfeited. A trial is solicited. 779yl lEi'SlMeat Market. l,5ii to S ho i Arrangement! fur the. l'tar. SO lo 1.37 ; "JACOB (i. FROWN, having snprheJ l,:5lol.6s t Lewisburg Market for ihe pssisiio 7 lo 1,12 jlas maje ),e fulioieing arrangements fc' 7ft io l.tio ,..... Tlie br, of Bp r Mutton. Veal am! r . h hd w,.l.a. .r.,1 s.tnriiai '(! f ch week, at the Market ; mlkrl 51rt ,.,. Schatne-5 J W - l.ewishurv. fa. His motto is f Quick Sales forla.-S.p Small Profits." Examine his meat. Ap. 15, '59. I. . STERN EK.-?. Dr. C. EI KEAL, TTAVING resume, I the practice Ol , -i f 1 4 J tl " f: .'. t . tl I il to - 1 ' to OU hi DO m hi tin c sa; - wi tio ace me be vol the the led . be ' 'tlei lo 01 XIi inc (let ( Thi ere ea We iam test and fan his apea char am T . ' D She nd ne. to fi then 8oat . f te It is . oari die I K ,2ew how; f at Hathi 'Kick; ,Dg, " Pcutj