Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 09, 1860, Image 1

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11 Ull
fill Iffl
i i
'THE UXIO.V'establUfccd in 1SII--Whole Jn'o., 2,409.
"CIIROXIf LE," otallished in IS 13 "VVhole Xo.j 830.
At l.i9 v-cr Yc-ar. al:i)s in Advance.
Pr:'Cecdic3 of ths Ealtiraars
,JO!I A. I'l-M'-Si'lll!. llrjinrtiT.
l.r.i-i;vi:i. F.b. iO. lSiJO.
.S S.Csi
r. a.
ling ii:-i.
l!: S,-:e;l
ami I in- '
lllih i!-..
V T. ti '-i
n ;c;o-. j.i 1
an- a!.l and
',,-. I v.;.,"!
D. P.. t
,.c Ji.oir. iijfiM.M
-.-n ice l.v rt'.:!:i:j
: ii - Tiiii. - chap,
ied in singing lh'
,. the i.
til I!KS
id- I'.ii
: i the i.
oii'or-1 it
:1 invoking
laving tlii- sc-Mos-ai
!'t ii
Till III) 1AV.
Bishop Morris called up tlic following
!:t i:f Treacher who li:nl served tlic Con
ference two ve:tr.s as robatiom rs: John
!!. Mann..). V. Craig. J. B. Caddui, G.
W. Hevil. .1. 1'. Cole. M. K. IViiT.J. C
I la.g-y. J. !'. liver. .1. II.McCoiel, J. V.
('haver, and .1. II. Abels.
.1. B. Soai!jnii was discontinued at his
nun request. John William -, a WcLh
prraoln r. was continued en trial.
Tile Ii.-li..;i prnccid, d Mask til:1 usual
questions, as given in tlie Book el' Disci
pline, anil ptcs-iibcd by the General t'tin
fen m-e.
Alter v.hirh. r. ports were inailo by the
pMiinining 'oinuii'tci s, ami the Presiding
J to
large improvement aud considerable revi-j wealth. Again, tue-c mcu liavo traveled Oltiuai or THE Day. ! TltE seat kv m.xt ( iiM'i:im f..
val 10 Lis District. There wis a great j over hills ai.d through vallevs, through i Tlic hour fur tin; dnlion of Delegates ' hi motion, the 'nnfcri nee proceeded to
scarcity of money ia the District, 0U ac- I storm and sunshine. They have pir- j to the General Coat'irence having arrived, fit the jdare id' the in xt m .-si. n. (lean
count of failme of eroj s no produeo of i furnicj tho full mntk of the mitii.nry. tbn Chair opminted Chunnwith, I In den, herslanir, Ti ::ti ; l'xi ti r .'tre. t. Iht!::n re;
the eoil ta sell, coum iicutly no inotmj j They have, by bnlh jireccjd aud xaniie, and ('ullutn, as Tellers. The Cont'eience .V ravhriil'c ('htir.-li, liaitiinnre : ! If. rl ,
brought in. Our put iutercsts have i t!iu5;rate l religion. They have jireatbed is entitled t vcn rej resi ntatives. 1' tin.; Altfu.iia, Ti iin.; and Vi rk. Tel n.,
suilcted. We have eej ijcd great hartuo- I Christ thy Lave watched ovi r souls. The representation of K-mt ltaltimnro , ie p!ae-il in nraiiiriali. n. Tie: v..r;-.us
uy aud spiritual prosperity. When under trials, ill ddL-uliies, you . ('niifcrcneo in Ilia (Jeneral Confer nee arc p'ac s wen; fialterinly notien!. Al'i-r
C. U. Tippett, B. II. Citver, W. XI. Show- sent for tfcetn. You entrusted your chil- C. 15. Tiprott, J. Slicer, Thotup.-ci Mit- which, 'hutnh rl,n,ij v,as u, teiin'i; .'.1 o:i,
alter. 1). Elicit!'. J . Knrret, XV. II. Sievens, T. : dr- n to them. These arc reasons why wc ei.ell, 'J . H. S ir." nt, Ieo. (juyer, (Jeure I. v n neatly iti.atiiiiii.ai.3 vote alter Ardi
lua-ie uiiamniiais.
proceeded tn X!i-toj!.:.
clegites, and
were elected.
: r. vi ciure. j. . n. j.eiiiy. n. si. ."eininger, , siiuUj urp, rt them. Theso old mm II. lilt ami .)j: H. liruwn.
J. Cirns. T. iiausi.eriy, XV. tari.shaw, L. M. , u t ,Ucir daJ9 in ,uor scrvic?, can . Oi. motion, the Conference
H..UI.S .,, p,,lt i ! we permit them to go down t.j the prave the cleciioo id two reserve D
I XV. T. Wilsoa was crantcJ a tsunernu-! iu J;slr,si' lf ous wrv's bc,P' . JjU1cs SjI,k"B'1 JwU
filled th
, !-:rv 'if the 1;
ru'll "t" Ill'Mllln vs.
iu I'o at.-d ! y
'!';! ibi.tMt
the t .:, .
ol"cj:.iii i! a
L'l l!..l
.hj !N II.C. I'.'sll vv
I Hi i
i-y i
i t.
ir:i;:l:iS i-
t f. .if r.-i-,
.al a !.::
the r-. -p"!
V 'ballot.
! of doors, if you can not put it ell to the
A word to tho wise is su!
i. i'h is. and iiiey v.erc severally elee!
.'Iciiil.ciship and to Deacon's orders.
The hour of 10 having arrived, tho j adjournment.
!i-hop pioeeulid to the adfiiinistricon f ; licicut.
the cra.t,e.;ul services. Iiurinjrthci (Jerr-o Guycr, TrcsiJin" Elder of Ju
s un-, the Mitnb. r of cointuuujcaati was t.iata Di'stricttated their condition to be a
im.Ie 'Ji:'., female -IS. i fair, if uot fa. rer than last year. We have
At 1 1 o eoies ice cjj.crieuee Hireling , seriously leit tUe lioatieial pressure IU our
rural districts, let the .dnionary and
other coiiectioos will be up to last year's,
if not ia advance. Njme considerable
,.r:.rv r,.l,.lin ! '' B luc "c"'" ul1
I,- , ) ii i . ,t ! mru in the uiiutrj. crowtnu u. 1 hese
J ue lSi-hop ci. led f. r more order in the : , . ... . J , . h .
,- ir , ask what Hi. bcouie of themselves heu
Conleieuce room. If you have private : .... ... ., . , .,. .
, . . .ii t . . o.d Show them that cam will be cx-
busiuess to traujact, 1 bej; of you go out , , , ,
, . -f ' . , .., -. .n ... .i . 1 tended when they aro old. Kelievo their
minds from all anxiety. J5y so doinr, we
shall have better men hatter preacher.
i v.a
l -a a-
K-c; r.;ii
ll 10
Coal'-r i
tin n, .
; fers hr.il :.
' T!. l.-ur I'
i'. : at
. a- h- i
.' Ii. li
1 i;...r
.-. l a .
. -i" i:.-.-
re 1 .
1 to
d T. 11. i-'ar-as
'i. ad as
Mitch-!! I'..'
l .
( '
lannt'.v r
i . . 'i i'i s.
a. J. -V
T. Ii
. ii ia i.i.
a was fix.-.! f. r
adjourn a! li
wns opi-ncd t.y tlic i.isuop. purine tue ;
sitne, Jihn Ii iweu, Win. Monroe, J. XV. '
lh- tjioj. J. W. Itrowo, J. Mioer. J is. K- ;
in,', J. II. liiowti, J. 'J'h. tins, 11. S. Vin
t in, Ii. Sic r, J. Mo ihcad, and I'. Itet- i
corl, poie ef their reiiii us life, Sie.
J'lii'i'.TII DAY. j
The roo'.tii'.iii iidatioii i f local preachers '
I'.-r I ..:. a.'s ii-.h r-, was called lor. and
the i'..ii..u iivj v.crc elected : (Jeo. T. D.
C.llii.-. and Wm. Kllioit id italtiuniro .
hi-ir'c! : I'll 'click Cauhiiian. Ahxainhr'
Max v; i !!, Win. Ii. I.cii.. Ch.i:!cs Ii. K. v- :
v....-iii. aod Ii,-., kia:i Cr..nt. of V.Y,: I5.il- ,
titii'-IV I'istriet: l..St V.'ainw l i-l.t, .Ii.m pli
Xi a! on and .lolin C. Kinney id' .ur-ihitiitbei-'iand
Di-:rie; ; and Win. Ii. J.ei
d' C..r!;.-!.- Dhiriet. :
.success we shall report an increase iu
membership. A little district among "the
thnu.ai.Js of Israel,'' but impjrlant ia its
ti (Silver. J II C Posh. S Creishton, C Gr.i
ha n, ; Claver, s liarns, A J liender, K XX'
liiaek, J A nun. A .XI Uarooz. A A
K.- krldc, T L'arnliart. J A .Xie'.iek, 11 Wiis.oi,
XV 1. t!.!.!, K V Kut.y, were passed.
James ISauks, Trc'siding Ilider of I'ul'e- !
ante Ui-ti iet, sai.i tliey liaj preat reasou ribe with bis preachers at one time, ae-
f.T thjukfulness to Almighty God. The ' tually giving his natili to a needy brother
racuers bad ?i ne to their work ia tli ; minister tu jirocure the Kceei-sirics of life.
pint of their .XIasier, aud success h.n The preachers aie not always in a plucj
T!ie Cincinnati Conference resolutions
were rilled up. Moved lo nou-cencur.
Yeas, Kiii. Nays, 0.
The Krio Conference resolu'ions were
railed un. Movrd tu n.iri e ii.eur V.-ns
K v.J.Il.Iirown, r,f the Conference, said : Xays, 0.
Nothing would induce me tocpp-nr here, if Tie Pr.'jca CoLference resolutions
it were not this Anniversary. W cartas w,.re t.,i!id up. Moved to non-concur.
I uiu from tho travel ol yesterday and to- y,.:l j pj Nays 0
day, I feci it good to be here. An hour ( i.t ,he vo((, f!(lt,( ,;iC C;.
is coming when we shall separate; the e;Duti rolu:;, y, 0 N'ivsl:J7
hour of death. As I grow ulder, toy heart 'pe Conference is f jr the Di-i;ip!iue as it is )
feels warmer towards these preachers. It!
, .... ' i- i ''-XX l'l.I.HtATIliX. .
was through their instrumentality 1 was . ... , , .. .. ,. ,,
.i -i ... . .i' A ( ireniar In. in Last It cm; ..; C.ii-
canvcrtcd. llio Aid t-ociety originated , .... . ,.
., , . , , , i r icic nee v.as lead. J he re.olutioin rider i
throUKti I5isbop Asbtirv. 1 often com- ,,... , ,- ., ,. ,. i
, . 6, . 1 . - , , , !' lav re iro.-enlatii ii in the ( onion. ii'-es. '
p. ained at my apr"intmt nts, but wheu I . , ',, . . . , . , . ...
. . . 3 ! ! . . . . I.atit on tlie mi. Ie lor this l.l'tseiit. J ho
Sir. Ii. lot IroTn trie ( oi.mia:eo r;i
moil s, pr-scute 1 th.-ir n il, i out liiiiir.'
lii: 'oric'i! llotici s id' lli'v's. !'.. !,crt ( 'a.l'l. n.
Ilichard lirou ii, .Jae.di M l!al!v. H. W.
Smith. Most ( lo eritiL- th- S' eiies nf their
c!o;in hoars. ' t lur prc.-a in :s die ttfil."
l.-T (ll'tsTMS.
Who nr.: admitted mi tii.d ? The f.l-f..!lovin-;
icr-oi's wi re rc.iived: .Io!ia
1). W..:
. , i ri i i i.at'i "ti ine iiii.ie lor Has l.n. sent,
looked at that old pioneer 1 felt asliamid ,.,;.; u ,., r(..i,.,;.1. .
at my mnrmurinp. The speaker said lie lU.vl 'i'h.-.t this Confi
wii d"er v nltec'ed tt :;!e rc2:!tr." bis li.e. i .. ,
, . . , -i reiiuc t tin: .rncral i out. r, nee at it
L:hpp Asburyhad a p.an an id, a, simnar ,t;;.,u , a;,,0 iu ,,. ,;..:.,,;,.
to this Society, when he shared l.:s ward ,.,,.,,;.., i;..;,,,,! ,.,,llr,h ,',. p:i
N. V.
I'.ic. : I
i'i i'n::rs. An
..rt I'l.aa i he i.
'..s i !i -. n'n .1. :
'......I i;
ilaritiL' Coo
. la. -earl, XV.
!.! I
'ollllll. II. 1
s Or.i, i
were Ic
.lis of r.ocal Di aeons
,v.,.- railed, and the
et.ined their id'cits
a. oiunanily s.iow tots.
b. cu built, and a nna.a. r
of i recti on. We can tint
aro in process
s:iy ne are ia a
c.l : llu-!i Cs.-L'e e.i" C nini-hing condition, but in a rising one.
rn st
a-, e
i i..
r.t Ne .T
lo. nit ol ... .k ( ..1:1111.
York vv..- pre-, n',e 1 v.'o'u ii simws
ChriM.aii A.'.v. ,V .lour. .t.iiU'l snhc'rs.
..S...h..ea'... at N. V. TJ.l.'K"!
at Cia. innati Mi.di.l)
(.naiic!;. IhuiW
S.:;. l.ilnar'i -. liyndin'eiviit volniiies
Tl.c -al-.- of Hooks lie., la.-t rar aiiioiin
tcl I . .-oi-.e'.'".
Tfc Vlciis at N. v.- York pr.o.oso j.i:!i-
V. oia.'a iail. r at I ..nlaia. ilan;
N ..rtliuii:'.. r!r.t:d I'i. triet.
A 1 !c;:ra; iiie .I.-sj at. h fiolii New York,
ant-aiaicd the crrivjl tin re of II .bcrt K
M:.c!..y, n iminicr of tiiis Coiiicieuee,
and ia.vv a M,.-. ioi:ary to Chin i.
The Services cf ths Sabbath.
All the ci ureios in nur town, as well as
many in ucj .e- tit towns :iu 1 viibi.'S were,
i.c.-upi-d by Minis:, is ,,f the Conference
hji Sabbath. The services were largely
attended, deeply solemn and iuteresliug.
It is tliouht i lie inlljuuces if tho uy
uili last l .r years.
James .inki, I! Snvdcr. J Amlcrsi n. ..
XV Coit.iirns.T II l!2ci. J XI-eiclir.nl. I! I'
K.nj. It lln.kie.A K Kc.iin. J l.h-j.i. M f na!
ter. J XV llaoqliawout, U U Alien, XV A
Xi'iiee, were pasc.l.
Jatucs Hunter was changed to supernu
merary. T. Mitchell, Presiding 1 hr rf Nor
thumberland District, said the l .bors f
the preacher hive resulted in utending
the borders cf cur Zion peace and pr s
peri'y in cur borders. Ail the interests
ol the Church have been advanced. I am
c! ising up my four years ou the District,
The pulpit in the M. K. Church was and shall part with regret both with prca
f.ile i by l.ish. p M niis in the morning cbiTS and people.
scnicoi found, d on 1. v. ill. 'J. Lev. II. T Mitrocll, J S D.-ile, T T (' twa't. I A Ie
Slierr iu the al.crnoon sirmon founded Xiovcr. T M !!ee(?. I' Cearbart XVarren,
or I s. xxiii. l-.i. iter. II. Ii. liiU'awav r Ki.uif. i r nan, .- v seats, v ii ii ien,
r'i 1
oi' tne aio.r...i,?a.ii
. f .
I I s v. I
.1. I i. A l.r
.'.dui. J.-hi
i din i;. r
il !.
I iret l!''. .
r.iov '. .i.
il C. So. !
tii.i!.' The r::t;o s
a- wore r.iiicd, I-;
-i.i'o lib!, r-. lite!
all:- . . ii.;,.! ! ti:
-.-.it.i.Wf !. i:.-...
1- f.oivn. i!av!d C.
:.-;. Mo. :-.
:. W. l:::a.. Win.
Crav. Th .in is .1.
. I.. So, ;.!,..!.!.
X'. i
I in
A. .
i s: i
!!. Wm.
W. Il,,
XV! :
The f. il .
their . h.
t;,. pi
V lo. Vl .
1 rt: i '
'lot l
i I" ;,i
I ,. Dare
::. !:.!.!:,
is., ,c C. .
I. iiii. Wi
XVh . !,.
iii !: I'- ill
i.vair ,.
!l ,.t-.
- .1. T
IT. .
U. C.
..ni,- i I
-d. a.i
rts fn in
i.tni::. c:
Crc: !.-
in the eviiiii'i; from I I'ct. 1. S-ll.
The ll,s', ii s.-rnnii was, a-i uual,
S'Totie:, t'.T-l-, C'ci-tc. mill lllti liscly HlftiuUX.
I: wa followed by tl.c . rlination of clevt-u
'r.ive ! ::, ! .even loci! D acnis.
Mi. S .e. I .- : in ii was noirk.'d iy bis
tn. ip dir. Al . r it, s veii traveling
aioi one ioc.il l ..o r w re ol d illli'd.
'I he sirmoti .f Mr. lii.igwjy was a nias-tir-pi'cc
i f pulpit el. ijiience a btautiful
spcaiicn of ihe ilooicil eiibitiet-work, full
d p nil s aud exp. r. mental tiuth, and cli
ei'e l tiio in. st miik-.-d a'ten'ion.
Tile c ipieious MLthodist. bou.-ewas fi!!ed
to evil!! ..wine, duiiiiir the three services,
by deitiiy inti rested audiences. Ia the
J fliiviT, '1- Ktierinek, I: lialler, J A Trice. A
WC iiM.n.J K r..rtrr, R K. llv, A Hnrunan,
J II pjsaicl, I II Torrence, ueie passed.
J. A. tiore, Presiding Kider of Carlisle
District, said, We have been blessed with
cheering relioiotis prosperity some revi
val, but full woik decs nt.t reveal itself.
The Dis'rict ia all respects prosperous. In
j.i-tiee to the pr:a?hrr and their eiaiins,
a failure of craps l as embarrassed them.
J A fieri", fi I) "n"nov. :th, A I" (iilion. P
Ilariman. V Xlaearin-v, il Keith. A Sm;ili,
J Si.ne, J Y n-ibrcck. J XV Lai.cirr. X S
Buckingham, r' Ii C rever, s Ke ; li r. (Jeo S'e.
Vi nson, Ii XV Biiise, K li XViNmi, I il lleeie,
A (i Marlatt. R II ( liaii.l.crs, were passed.
was pr on "imc
II. ng an .i
'. W
I, . ,
A. I
K. I. Jamison's iupcrnumerary relation
evening, s. vi ral brethren rarticirati l in was continued.
cihortiiti n ied riavers lim b. riedieiion . Jos. Prince's suncrcuaicrarv relation ''"'ir declmir
i d by the venerable r ather , was continued.
the exercises were animated The Hishnn knew of but one wav to
nub I. ivei.t responses ani wi'h the slug nicet the crowded state of the Conference,
ii L'.by the tua-s.i-f vaiiuus familiar hymns. J,t the brethren g tu Missouii, Arkar.sns
V .- m i'iv proiiouiic d it one of the best Krti'uckj; wo have plenty room tbcre
'c d, old fashioned, primitive Melhodirt ayd waut ir.cu.
S.bi.at!i mectiigs." j J. W. llando'ph, frora the rrcacher's
Pr in the other appointments, as far, Aij s lcicty, nude a report.
us -.v.- have r. Par's, muetl Satisfaction Was l ,tiari thn wh.dfl nr.nronrintion r.f
$1.)00 was placed iu the hands of toui
mittec on Necessitous ca.-cs.
. p. i;.
; ion.
' rs
I .
I P.:
t:,. f..
id th,'
i .n.if
-!: : !'-,
A. i! T.o.I.ir. X
ii. C. V,'. K v
. n
1 I.
iho cair-o i.
0 V. iiil b'.n
Aii oh!.
fir. I n! an
'I!.;. .::
h.ia on i. i
r;; a:
! si In
r h Pi
:,:. w
1 1 !'.' ..
1 1.
X'.'. XV',. a
ni. ii.
The Pi-:.rp r-rescntcd the list of names
of Deacons and lvd rs ordained on Sabbat b.
Pni.rriVE Ki.nrtis.
The li.-h'.p c lii d f.n i li' ctivo Elders
and tin- p issae of their characters.
T. ii Sarg. nt, Presiding Kl b r .f lialti
io i .: D-triet, n i resented his 1). strict in
hi:. I. II I. ni.d the same w hen he cu'er
i i i', "in - j.'d order and well-conditioned."
Tlie s'atKics may pn sent an apf arent ile
cri as.-: tins is miing to ti e depriving of
tint D..-ttict of fevirjl strong a point
m i.:s. I ie tru-is the remainder issiiii ia
t , . ! c .to lil ion, both financially and spirit
ually. God In lav red mo with pood
h, -a. th so iliat I bavo been enabled to at
ti ul to aii try fpiarii riy meetings during
tin- - ear atitednii. fli:J-slx in all. iiiiall
r- !: - nt as the prwehtrs are called.
T li Siri-nt, J S Xl XInirav. A A Reesr, (i
xv c.,.T.-r. ;.,. liiiitt. xv I; .Mills, s a Xii-
s i ha l',..ivf:i, K li lluroap. U Ni.riis, II 0
li: !j i mv. ts I, XI (toiiser. Jfi I.er, Its X'in-
icn, Ii 1 oi..(irtv. A v. f.aver, A l.r nam.
H s. Mi-iiilenii i
(uvea, wane pas-eil.
ihe reports will t ,I;e Lewisburg. Ho r l, ried in his ow-i
Churches hive history to the lime when the stewards of
' bis charge debate-.; whether tic should have
v'ii") or t'7'1, as table expenses. Oae good
' bro hi r solved the difS.-nlty by telling him,
; "I will give you a bag of wheat. '' Hut
tho wheat Lever cnne. The mail who
' gives bis life to the ministry, ouht to feel
1 easy in his mind net to have diets hang
' ig ov, r bi.-n. Pet hi 13 h ive an rpportu
niiy to go into bis S'udy uiietnbarrassed.
' The Aid Society contemplates relief when
prueinrs are in di-tress a pi ice where
they may turn to. Many a heart bus
already been made glad. Mr. Cliairiua'i,
there :s a p. ri d coming in the preacher's
his ory. !n ti ho lali.-, the last iink thai
binds bitn to C oiifeicnce is alino-t broker..
My heart wasclnand win n some brcthri u
had sotnetiiing, when tl.ev ci'in: t die, to
leave t j l in ir families. 'J ins is a ii.d.Ie
, charity. Hav-cit in y-ur minds and hearts.
: 'i iiiiik of it w hen yu come to da- put in
stock. Jl iy (j., I bless tho Sjciety ! may
we all f el that llj is with us.
Mr. Katido.'jili hero read a m.te, banded
h;::i by a gent. em hi. stating that one 0!
the preachers bad 51JIMI, the bupiisl i f a
gi riticmau who deeea.-cd two weeks ago.
il v.J .111) Tenner, of li lh fonte, said :
To me this is an cmbirrassinc moment.
I am only a local preacher. 1 obey my
si mors. My heart is loo full for utterance.
1 love the Methodist preachers. I r?
tucmbnr my inteieour-e with lii. ta when I
w.isa boy. The preacher used to pray f r
ins by tiame. I i nk opon the itiniuiits
as tlie ina.-t sf !;'-s:icrilie:iig men on earth.
It is a duty of the church to c ire for tlx 111
make them c infortable and happy in
Iys ; and also care for
their Rives and children after them. We
are d tiotiiinatti nal. Pardon ihe allusion
to ihe fittft, that, whin the itinerant passes
through a c.-mur.inity, he gleans the warm
hearted tiiis is peculiar from the choi
cest of the-.', comes the preachers. XVe
shou!d c ire t'-rMlicm. Let tue exhort our
friends, be mindful of the Aid Sociity
make investment lit re. !Ie alluded to two
little craves i f itinerant's children in their
cemetery be can d f ir these. The prea-
pr n'-iti-.ti in
i 'on!', r- nee-.. n
i".T. ac . h..!l in
ble ami jast.
D na-i 111
A k. r-. P
o :.l church for
the Annua! ai d
oi Mr. ;
its i-
sis as il
loin, tli t la
t.- next
Lay P.c-
Charles j. K. Suuiw.'lt,
.,.11. .lames C. Clarke. A!.
P. Crnsthwaiti . Wm. M. I rvsitie.-;-, dobti
lie my Slie r Ch rk. Iln ry" .XI. Ashe. ('.
ii'.-iiiv Kiieliiii, Poi nt K. Pott, Joliii C.
( 'i.k. .failles li. CwMv.
Oil the .-i.hji 1 ; of adn::- !.ei, the ijii.-s-iinii
of icci iviiiir l.iarri. d 1;.. 11 v.as r-iar-i-d.
Py a strong vote :!,:(' i.!i rei ce ..;y.
ttil tin: ii'.li' it fj ii'iinilti i'j w-irtit.l Hl'n.
ShadiMch;..' Powi.i.in and Cl.ar'c- K::!h
fus w i re rc-auuiitii d into the tiavelingei a-
tu iii.ll.
4 oVi.or-K. i. xr.
1 ! i f It I N Sr. S M i N A I; V.
I. II. Ton. i.e.. fr. 111 the St u.al Com-
111 '.
. port, stating that a s'"
t ' Tilled and ill ,t tiny I:
1 'liny 1 -o.N MlTfHI I t.
lotiita- pi
II tt.
vi 11 to itrn-rnr rur.
nrzi-nt. Slirrr.
'I he t:.
" S IV
chi ps family is scattered they bury every-
. w hcri. hot whi.e wc beip, let us remem
ber our duty to the uvmj.
ti. .'-is II In'ou'ti, I.i i;t;.n.
li.o.is. i;. 'i-.trt's isiT, lliiili'r, lianiitz,
11 n tiii::i ' lion lot-. 'nM-iirr. II II Cr -vcr,
t'uiipi r. F K Cii vi r, (Vilim-n. S
('ii'i-h'.iii, Cadden. Cv.vx, Dill. I lav,
' D Mii;.iT, II W .it:-!i.Tty. Downs,
P:ts!ii"II, Drntii. Iv.viner. Y.-'f. Kver,
l.-Jiiiilu"1, Manisliaw, I'unv.-i, Fo-'tcr,
FcrgiisKii, .In'iii liny or, llatai.Ii'. (lia
Iiatii, Cialli'.iit. A Wdihs,,!,, p; t;:i,.
.-nil, (iot'.vall, (lariiiier. 11 lirs, Iliblt,
Siouv. A Il.ii tiiiiiii, D ilailmali. lit'il-'.-,
1 1,. i I.-ii.l luI.M I Ink I.-.I J ii k-,l I.-y.l.
Ivirl-v. Kiu-TV. P li king. Ki'sloi J.cf,
I.!..'. .!, I.'. mi. W .Mnai no. .I.111 Minna::'.
Mil'i.T. Ma- aiiiii v. !' .XI .Mills, W It
Mills, .Mooi ;,eai. M'Clnii'. Mi inin jut,
M'lvi'i", jl"iiiliiilniil. M'Coiil. O. kcr
laaa.l'ai i i-!i.l!--. in I, Kn.-s. P 5 11 i si',
' P i I. Poi 't'o. P':, !i, A Sinitii, Siino,
S'ovi'.i.-.)!!, Sji iti-Ier, S!i')i:ll'.Si !iii.-sfT,
X Sli-fi'. r. !ti flock, Il Y Stovcns
Coi!i::s St.nvii.. Suvid. YIISto
vi iis, Slianniiii. Slio'.vahci-. .1 Tlioruas-.
Yiutop. W T Wilson, Wumou, J T
W,:-.,,. -Iti,;.
X ' i - Lloor.ro diver, Anuorson,
Iu:i-: t :. n In; 111, lilai k, J Sanies'. Ciioao
v. i;li, (.'onscr, L'iiaialji'1-s, CusiIimikhi.
('vlotii.tti, Ctaus, (J Clcavc-r. J W
Cliavor, I)ni:!.i. I i x 1 1 , Fiance,
(Iwxiia, A W tiuviT, tirav, ilaiigh
nwtisit, lliiiiiliii. IJnator. Ki pier. K'i;li,
I.'iriglfV. .Xr.Miinay. .Mann, Pite-lier.
Posh, I'.is fi r. A ".V Peosr- T M
Kuse, .1 JI'K Kt -ilvv, Ilothriick, r-nv-!e'r.
Seals, Snivi iy. J) Sin llcr. Tor-.
iciiee, Ti.1 !:-. S A Wilson 12.
PI'iliTIl DAY. :
SrKWAtui's ISkw.rt. !
A. Prittain IVointhc Po.ir.iot Stewiirds
ma le P.port. shotting ihe lollottiiig
.'. e yitt.
Pilltimc.rc l'i-lrirt S1d:0.70 ;
Wit lialtitimre i')"o.7- i
Ciiiaherhnd L'.nK
Iiiniata iJl'.JI
Pi lh font"
Not'tl.tiiiilerkiml 41I...77
Il-ivi'i e : : the r.-j -il a:,d re' ,.!'.
ie!i v.a re pa - -i d :
Whereas the prtrcji..-. --: of Dn Ui,-..-,
mi'iary at a I :te - r hevc t oidcri i .- .1 I
iitatiot: to the Ka.-t Paliiioore Ai.i.o;.!
litiTcn.-e oi' tin- Met!i,..!i-t Pl.isco: ; !
iiircli. or a i-.i';!.a.:i
approval : ami in 1
t'l'Illt-atlV has brrn fo
( hi
of the
s.i id t 'oiit'.-ri-nc... am!
-0 and iiiaiia-i no i.t 1
I..111.. .1 lllcn r : : -as
a do, o; St, , k
locd bv i.n mi 1 a
nili; Is i.
I' said II:
r ici I.
eo 1 ii I'ui.ii
.: lh
si! ; 11.
, tin-
ti.ni. I m il lore i..-K::-t
lialtiaiore Cmli
assi mid-ad
1-i. '11. at the Coni'i lit.ee rj j :!.(
.Joint St. i k Ci !i:pr:n v thus ioiin i! I f
no lola i of the Past Halt iim.i'e t 'onli :' me
and nthi r per-oi.s for ihe puicha. e of I 'iek
ilisi n Si ::-:iai v.
I In.: we c.. tularin! t,
neijtly ad.pr.d lo the great work ef coo
version, 11, 1. aiding the heart and niad of
ur yeu.h in the stacup of virtue ad reli
gion. Iti'solvr-l, That wc rcr-r-aimend in erf a
ed i!T rt r.n the p-,rt of :b ministry ill
no m! 1 i.-l,:;, ,,f ibe church in promolioj
tins gn at Interest.
Pes. lvid, That as members of this COS
f. rcnee we will fu'CI our Disciplinary ob
ligations in preaching on the subject ia all
oLr c!:.rgs.
Iicsolvi'd, That we farnrstly reaom
mro i liie ue of the publications of OUT
own Union in preference to otheni, and
that we will discourage the introduction
or t'deraLce of unsuitable books ia oaf
Krfolvei!, That we reenramesd the held,
ieg 1 f a iSabbatb School CnnventioB in
each District, in the month of Jane, e be
arranged by the I'irsidicg Elder and Sab
bath tSehoo! Committie.
It, snive l. That we rrrpucst the Tre.
.ii;:i- li.shop, in cm junction with hie
council, if il be practicable, to make inch,
provision for the Sunday School enter,
pri.-e a shall promoto more successful!
its grjcieus and holy designs.
Feamen's Petiie,.
V.. K Allen from t lie committee on tba
Seamen's lb thel, made report, embracing
th f dloitii.g resolution, which wasidoptedl
lb solve. I, Tl.at the Seamen's Union
Pithed is infilled to and should receive
our continued sympathy, confidents and
5. L. M. Conser, from the committee
on Tim pi ranee, made their report with
the following resolutions, which were
ad p'ec:
Il '- .!.!. That the lip- stained with iu-
.siatr i.'ins-. should never be per
I 1.. 1 1. te the . to' !. 111 i t" the blond
: l.:,ii.'i ia tl.c lb !y Sai-rafnent.
. . !; I. That by pn fept itnd fxarn
wi ill .11-eontiiiiie tlie osn of wines
o'iicr anli nt li.ju irs, at weddings, so-so;;-,
re. and a' other occasions.
1, Thai the PrcsiuiiiL Kbhrs of
most eariirstlv ri'iiiicH-.
their several pre.vhcM
t' ...c.
. I l':.
t. !::'
tl.is C.-t: 1 . lice !
! ! to int. n-o-ato
at t-i.rli vu.irter!y .nib rim e whether
th. ;. f :it: !i:!!y ciiflitco the Discipline in
il ca-. s of die infi action of its rules On
iia o- :' ii.toNiearing liiji.'.irs.
d uirrnbrrf
1': a! I s past year,
I'i -Laf ion rs
oit Dickiii.-ioi Sill!
I.e.- of
our pc
r worth'
ft h
A. A. II: i s,-, f.1.1
la'ttc" 011 this ii:-t
a - follows, which v. 1'
tiary to itic j
an li:--t:tul:
ir s'.i;.p..i t.
C.ii.t.i ;c.
ation-' Colored p.r.'bitioccrs,
1 11 in
ie c-iiiitiii!.! e ... wiiota was r U
n eoiiiiniiuicatioit In 111 1 . rtain - tu1!, 10
.XIrri ersblira.rr-j , lin e the vacatrdr. Ill "i
or. o. -r-v !....,!. .1 o. tl.-f ..', ...I tot. .. I
rd to sn are th- rtid, rui-i.t and patr ol- -"" ctra ror one society,
ago of this Coin', rcii.c. rcsp-etiiilK- re- . ''o!cctcd f.r S. S. I nion,
ei.'.iiiu. nd that 1 iuaiit.ee of three be :m-1 Number of Sunday schools,
pointed tu vi-It a':.! examine the protais,".
and that ii' ia iii; !r ji; !niciit the enrer-j.ri-r
he .-in b a- will nk.;:iT ibe interests
of the church in that part nl'otir work,
they gi'.i- a:-si:r:.:cc ofoiir cii-njieratioii
it l.citir iiii.l..'1'.t.iod. that in no rase will
575 C25
pci Miliary li s
. A. A. ii.-si
I't'oiiited the
we as.-iiin" a:
C. P. Tip;
Cn vrr were
e.illed fir.
.f. XY. CuIIiini IVnai ll.e t
( it.oiiatatii.oi 111.1 ic n i.oit
and Ii. II.
ieil w.i
1,1 harii r I iiiid
iiunilested. The religious setvices, iti
opening, were conducted by Pev J. W.
lliudolph. The lUOO.h Hymn wis sung,
and praer was offered.
Mr. liaudolph, the Treasurer cf this
Society, gave a statement iu reference to
thu saui.". The 0! j ct of the organization j
was to collect funus for tho support of the
worn-out preachers, tbeir widows, and tho 1
Sa; "rii:'.iin".'iiries
Widows and Indian
l,iy r
-a.l'l I
Axxr.r.u Aiiv or iii;: rnmi .ii:r.s .ud ar.a:
At cveuiug, ibe Preacher's Aid S
ciety of the- Conference held its Anniver- I J. H. Dishieil, of Dickinson Seminary, Car!; lo
sary. James M. Pester, h-ip, of Palti- spake with pleasure. He made three paints
tie re, presided. The bouse was intensely . in bis address : 1. Such au arrang. tnent T.tal
crowded, and during the time of the ad- as adopted by ibis Society, will inviie into Div'nli n l fi
ilrcsscs tue most maiKca attention was our nimistrv men of the ri.'ht stamri. 2
It will relieve those engaged in the work,
by taking away ail anxiety lor the future,
li. You provide for the aged. &;., thereby
ac'ua'.ly erecting c-ylutns. II 'toijehii.glv
alluded to three pictures : At: rigi d grand
mother an aged itinerant's widow aud
Henry Smith.
Tho collections were taken np under
the supervision f'f Dr. Il-t-se. a nun fnlo
orphansot dceia.-e'l preachers. Jbu amount , called "the beggar." The followiug per
coiiected up to this date, has been $12.- ! ons were constituted Life Members of 'ibn
Odd, tho interest of which is annually , Society, by contributions from the emgre-' Pesolved, That all supermini!
Sent up to the Conference for distribution. eatioo : J-imes PwineAVm. Monroe. James stiiieraiiuati d i hiimaiits and nil
The amount sent up at this session, was , Sanks, W. Howe, James Sanky, J. 15 owen, and orphan children ft' deceased j.reaeh
SliOO, which sum was placed to the dig- ! Mary Wainright, J. A. Gere, T. Mitchell, cis shall be rciuirtd tu present their
p sal of the Committee on Necessitous , J. Miller, H. P. P.idgaway, Mrs llidiravav, claim t . the Confen nee properly itemized
.! a! I reacurrs,
AdnPs bapt.3- d,
Cnildieu baptized,
Numb, r of chureles,
Probabl.: value,
Number of pirsonfgc",
Probable value.
I'oll'd for Conh renec claimants, S3,6S2.53
Collected for missions, 110.037.42
Collected f .r tract society, 8205 94:
$'JtW 0G
$183 60
Number of 1 ffi'crs and teachers. 6,734
Number of S S. scholars, 32,514
Number of volumes in library, 104,701
I he fallowing shows the increase oa sef-
eral items above :
Deaths pi- year, 15
Number i f parsonage!, 4
Probable valuo, $13,5S5
Collected for Conference claimants, $73
Collected f..r missions, $?31.fi3
Collided f. r S. S. Union, $'5.56
The f. Ilosinrr sho3 the thcrtcne on tbe
other items. 'Ibis apparent decrease is
I owing to the fact that Carlisle Circuit,
Green Yil!ag L'ireuir, and Shirleysburg
have made no report.
Member-, white,
Probationers, white,
Mcmbi rs, colored,
Tp.act Catsf.
T!ie tv.uitiiitt. - -11 th- Tract Cans"
niadi- r-ps.rt of the eorivetions, pursuant
tu tb- directions of the Conference. Ihe
report was adopted.
P. .solved. Hiat.i committee of throe. Probationers, ccloreJ,
consisting ol the I ri'snoiig l-.lilrr ot tin- J, x-al preachers,
District in which the Secretary may re- .du!is b.ipfled,
side, and the two preachers nearest his Children baptized,
rcsideiic:', be appointed a ciuuniitue to Trtab!c value,
estimate his salary. c.dUeied for tract society,
Sl.M IN ARIES. j Collectid for ISible society,
J. S. McMiirrav from tliooonitniitre on 1 N'umbrr of Sunday schools,
0 .rt . 1. 1
ciiiitiaru's. ma.tc r-;nrt, speaking lavora- .vuniH'r 01 oinecrs ana icacocrs,
9142 75
lev, ards, and
Wholi' Disbursements
Am. unit t
Surplus divided aainn,
.'r' blv of l'ii kins, ti Seminarv. Cotta-e !Pli Number of S. S. scholars,
773.21 ('..Ueere. Irving Female Cell-go. Paltannre Nuinler of volumes in library,
l,13:i, S Female Colh-gi-. Ciimh-i land X alley In- "ClIfKCU PoUTr."
'stitiu-. Shrew-bury I IWcal Institute xj,e f .llowicg resolution was offered
Wyoiiiiiig Seminary, and Aietropi.l.ir.ti aI passed :
Fe'iaale Co!!e-i..t- In-iitute. K-solved, by the East Baltimore Con-
. Pesolved, That visiting -onitaiffooo be flTerice, That we emphatically recommend
63.71t,P a pointed to ihe sevcal institutions. ,u members of 1I113 Conference, aod
. . , . . ... ... . 1 . . I. . L . . I
iry and ' .NEitssiTin s v .sr.s. especially iu ins juuuger mcuiueis, iuo
w idows 1 J. Anderson, irom tb- committee on no- p( rusal aud study ol ISisnop .Morris Uis.
liiliraeing th
ces-itoii-s cases mad- report,
following resolution :
1 put I
. r.l:
: ! tj,
t ii.
of i 1
Pesolved. That the Conference he and
I, X llowe.ti H Day, and Win cases, only to the mcst needy; every case J. II. Dishieil, Mis. Wm. Harden, Mrs. and certified by the Kecordiug steward of, hereby is rcijiie.-tid to appoint at its pro-
scruuu.z.-u. iiereioiorc, some uau i. .'litcaeli. Jiisliop .Horns. T. .X'. li-esi' tin-cliarge witlim wimse iiiiiuiils llicvmav snit session a entiiniilii - oi one Irom eaeli
i .n-' i to a S
f .;..:;-! W
aollaoed that
nniuiee oil M
.vll,lt 1
hi' bad
of .1. XV. c
P.. S.rj.i.t rpoke cf his decease.
in re. fa r.
II S ie r, Prc-I.Iitig Toder r.f Wesl Ci!
tiu. ie Dis rit-t, represented himself as cn-
j inig gooj ln.iiiti II rmigtiout Ibe year,
e l'.l-
. I .
srn yt r.sTMv.
t::c so; 'r.'.t::i:i::tc,l or
s ' '1 ill- ll.'.IIH S i f il
:":--l a id oil ar.,rtcr pi.sse.i i
' . .I..111 s Pw in'. I. li. I 'to .k.
ti. Win. Monroe, David
il-, Th... Taayhill.
re f eud llioso who by
:e of 1 tiger active service,
s of -..mo were called.
icrrrd to their early itiu
.aeuliics. and their trials.
n. iliiiary eniharrn.:.tae:it
'i !:c hopes spiritually of
v.-. re eii l ing.
course on Mctb. Cn. Polity," recently is
sued by our Book Concern at Cincinnati!.
T. B. SARC.E..T,
II. Slices.
Bmr.E Cause.
I'ri'.-idiu-Filler's listrict who shall lmvc ; XV. K. Mills, from Ihe Committee On
but, at the present, on account ot pressing ' lin, 11. Slicer, Dr. Pees" Mrs. T.M.Ileese. ' he r -iiaestcd lo give the information eon-: eooiiizatico of the claimants in ihe Dis- ' Hjble cause, made report. The resolo-
cases, the same went all to tba needy, j JJaskct collection Tutal 233.00. j taine l in this n -soliuiou to such claimants triet in which he may reside, and who tiuns express confidence iu the Dihle So
Tbe uionies a"re raised by collections, and j The Anniversary was most successful as may reside within our bounds. 1 iall constitute the Coiitrtnti-e. on N-e-s- j cieties,and promise co-operation. Adopted,
we ask here for 1 small collection. We a larger collection than was realzdfor' l!e.-o!ved. That each preacher in charge .shnus casts fur the Conference of 1SG1. Jeoiiltiotla of thanks were tendered
also receive bi q tests. S.cakiug oa this j the last ten years dismissed with Doxol-, he rcipiired to report his Conlerenee cd- j Tiic flm, f gl p'.i) was distribnted ! 0 citizon3 of LeNvi.sLurg; and COm
su! j ct, he stated that tho only bcq iest ( ogy and Benediction. , lections and tho claims ho may represent ,,, t. .Veee-sitmis cnsi-s. and SlW m;.tee3 0f arran"-euieut, tO the Rail-
the society had received, was not from j SIXTH DAY. ! "" l,,u stc"nJ ih' ol the !'CM,,U ,jl Cou- , di.-tinetly tu old worn out preachers. ! C0Mipall;c3 for favors', to the Sco
Bi'.timore, where this benevolence ongi-1 W'hcrcas. Tho i.mior trcachera of this 1 Ur 1"': . . . . ... I The Committee as called for in the re- i ..." U-nnrtrr3. to the TPnrs.
' . - 1 j . . ! 1 t r A l. ' ... 1 niiim--, iv i"" "M- ' -
j ralilc ISishop Morris, &e. rassca.
A colloction in lieliall 01 trie scxtoa
xva.s taken up, amounting to
. a. s.ivcii 1. et iveu a supTnumera-; oeen appropriated to caucitionai purposes, Dr. Narson', J. XV. Kandolnh. I'.. IJ Ham- resiue, anil Unit caeli preacher lit
ry i.'.atiou in r;.v 01 traveiiiig aoroau.
When the name of P. li.-own wis an
1. oi,,,-, .1 it wus stated be bad du d. T.
.urn was and cons-quoiitiy enabled 10 attend bis ia- natcd, but from a lady iu (lie bounds of I Conference labor under gr. at inconvcuience
; I" 0 1-. us wik. Uevivais of religion have tho Miltou ciicuit charge, within ten miles i jn niaI1y places for suitable homes, where
!""-' j they can pulsus tbiir studies and uiect the , "r "' "
1st speaker W3S John A. Wright, Wauts of tho Church, therefore, ' t',,:;r.!;
n ia iy tlirotigu tno llislricl of this place.
s'.iu.", intensive, j he preachers have giv- The fi
en attii,:i..n to the a. issmnary and I onlir-; j?. of Lcwistowo. II.' felt in getting , K.'solvcd, That the East Baltimore Con
once C0..1C-10US. We have had iu fur . up lef,re this audience, P'10 a fi,h out ol 1 forenco recommend to the several Qiartoriy
h-rd- rs p aci ho'h in city and country. WjU.r- Bpe.li of making iron, ic, be ; Conferences to provide homes f r tho sin
.."S'i'fr' i" B' ,':"n'in J- U- "rown. ' thought he c-juidgct along. How he would gle preachers as above specified.
tx,K'ch first he ever, Pesolved, That tho Presidiog Eiders bo
I . I'ra:n. J noes ttr.uis. ii. XV. pimlap. I.. 1). ni:Wi wa3 Methodist preacher he will requested In prcseut this sui ject to their
li-rr.oi. H. H. D10. 1. A. Ross, (i. Ueilfsiress- retain their rccuilcction tili dealb. He re- several (fiarualy Coiifcreucta at their first
fr. K.twin hiney. s. XNesley frice, and O. feired to bis intercourse with Ihcm, be al
H. Tunny, wer- passe.1. j W3).9 fjnnj ,;,,,, friends. Ha here repre-
O. Ego was grauicd a supernumerary scuted the laity, and would say that the
rebithti. . miuistry had intellect, skill, &e.t that
The Pislinp tioS oecis'oti ti siy that Wi u'.d have met with success iu the world
th. r- wrr
. in-.., ... t 1 ii
Kosoiveii. un,. i,-roaiter no e, aim ne i.,,, w;l, ronstltutcd at follows
alluwc.l to any prcaciicr mi iau 10 iase
Hid report a I uiil-reiice cullcctiim tnun
e iu which lie lias served during
session, me cusuiug year.
J. A. T.oss,
S. L M. Co.NSEti.
J. A. floss and S. A. Wilson sir.mgly
th- vcar.
The following assessment for tho corn-
g vcar is made :
I Jialtllilore District
: West Baltimore
i Pelleiimto
' C s
Baltimore District George llildt.
XX'cst Baltimore James II. Brown
Cumberland Philip PcsCorl.
Juniata C. Graham.
Bellefonte !'.. E. Allen.
Northumberland F. ( iiarhart.
Carlisli Aiuos Smith.
Sunday School BEfottT.
TheCommi'tee on Suudav Schools made
47)') report embracing the following resolutions: ;
G.'iO i Pesolved, That the Sunday School is an j
400 , institution not onlv worthy of our confi- j
deuce, and to be sustained on me gronnu
41 M
Total $4550 i of expediency, but an indispensable auxil
Tho distribution is 52 cents cn the iary 10 tbe prosperity ot tee cnurcn
1 -:7t.
advocated the resolutions. II. Siicer tol
.r f....r, ir, men than Un.l !.. .....n-n.-.J it !... l,...d l i - I.:. 1-. : K.l
- , .'. ,m , .in ii.uilj a.u. -" e j um.o : owen. Itiviug u.a ciijr il in 1 1 1 e i: hum. . ..s, .... . .. - , j ' . - . . ,
'. . - ,o ..r,.. Ii .. I 1 o-l.- i...Al...i. mm it .inns all
! liiven up worldly ambition, r.nd therefore .inconveniences he favored the resolutions. Umiar. ivesoiveu, i uu m" -0 ,. .. r....j .u.k. in tlii Hsar.
i ii i. p.cidit- E-l.r of the de.crv8 our consideration. Their aim is 1 A.A.Itecse moved tbeir passage, and tbey I The funds in thn hands of the Stewards ,gos pel agencies, it presents a n,."r,n P'" " iJMlioB "
. . '. .. ' .k. - .t .. ... -i .... . ij...-j .J it...r. .ii-ti. ..ii I ,r n,r,r influpucca atiieu renders emi- i.iw, ....- :
.uu.iilUl,u Uutrictj siaid tiiai lucie was , uo oaivaiiou oi eouis, ma uu ecckiog ; w era unanimous j auojueu. j,.:,m u.,.
To preach Missionary Sermon next
vear : Kev. Joiiu lauyer, alternate xT.
J. S. M'Murray.
The standing Committees for 1861 were
The visiting Committees to tbe diffe
rent Institutions were also announced.
On motion, a General Conference col
lection was ordered to be taken np u tba
mouth of April.
N'a further business tbe Secretary read
the minutes of this afternoon'a session.
Bishop Morris arose to address tbe Con
ference. At the close were ian we ap-
of moral iufluciKCS hUx wnJcra it uii-
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