Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 17, 1860, Image 2

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    5t'ir TV lli lirfttllfl' Mr. Megargceof Philadelphia tes'.ifk'J
UU IV V!IJl UilUU ihPf,r,l,PriniinffI0vesti:ain2 Commit -
Vm Knmimrmm .firm . Tli. l.rwisai T.1 OnaoMi-tR.
r uMilil 00 th) 1'a.h sy.u-m. tins tli. larext and bait
fflrrulatioD or any s..wpapt-r ID Inlnn County.
r l,n .,H..I. Cl.,,-r- c.k.i ion-i I
a in 'limit uauiriiai , riaiiii.iiuvinii'
-. r , .-.
Km aanihrr Inr r si,e Territory hy Encash.. 1 mocraey regarded as imperatively nccessa
, l-arrlusr. r t i , h gt,e for 5, I?uchanan.
Th. lw. ar.. anJ will In-tup two l.a !m erini-iptf. J
l-l..i lheCT-uiilry, ttutil lliry m Tin. n..u: n.i
nail tti.'m ti. our m.-nii-aJ. m.-r. 10 null unlll inty
-in triumph ihwiin Naiimi ci Uoi t Wa.h -
ibuio -iwimi-' ..-..
irmm , .. r.r ia.
, .. .
.-...-.. . .-,.., r,.
Thirty-Sixth Congress.. .1st Session. ! York through whicliMhe side-door opera-
I tions were managed and Mr. Fremont de-
fcSrSpcaker Pennington has appointed j fcatej Iovemcnts are now on foot tore
the Committees to as much general satis- rcat tLi3 gamc next pall) bnt with ic.9
faction as could be expected. It is an ! rrospcct of 6aeccSs. Cor. Ttilune.
rduous and delicate duty, but be has well j It is furtbcr shown tLat some of ,hc
discharged it. He is far more liberal to I proCC(l8 of the Post Office Blank Print
the Slaveholders, than the Slaveite Senate iDgwhich is given out at the discretion
is to the Freemen. The leading Commit-1 of the pgident and his Secretaries-was
tee that of ays and Means is as fol
lows :
Jon Sibiw (Ohio) Chairman. Davis of
MJ., rhrlps of Mo, Stevens of Pa., Washburn
of Me., Milson of Va, Morril of Vt, Crawford
ul Ua.. aud paul-Iir.g of X. Y.
Of the other Pennsylvania members,
Mr. Grow is Chairman of the Territories;
Mr. Hickman is Chairman of the Judiciary,
Mr. Stewart, Cbairman of tbe War Dc
partmcnt The remaining Delegation from
Pennsylvania is located as follows :
On Commerce Mr. Moorehead.
Military Affairs Lorgaecker.
Naval Affairs Schvrariz.
Elections Campbell and M'Knighl.
f'laims Judge Hale.
Public Lands ('erode.
Public Expenditures Killinger and Wood.
Agriculture Stewart and Grow.
Foreign Affairs E. Joy Morris.
Revolu. Pensions Verree, Jutikin. Dabbitt.
Invalid Pensions Florence and Hail.
Public Buildings & (irounds M'Pberson.
Roads and Canals Muntsnmery.
Revisal &c. of Business Babbitt.
Engraving Outrode
Exp. War Dept. Siewart.
Priming ihmmick.
Mr. Gilloier of N. C. is Chairman of
the Committee on Eleciiocs. Chas. F.
Adams, of Mass., takes tbe place once
oocopicd by bis father, John Q. Adam,
as Chairman of the Committee of Manu
factures. more Southern Dictation.
The lloufe promptly passed a bill to pay
the suffering Mail Contractors. Tbe Sen
ate, by a pirty Tote of Democrats, loaded
fbc bill with numerous amendments, some
of them germane to the subject, and some
deemed out of place, and calculated to ,
embarrass the passige of the bill. The i
House, by a large majority, rejected one
or two amendments not deemed by them 1
to be in order, and sent the !ill back to :
tbe Senate. Thus docs tbe Democratic ;
majority in the Senate again attempt to
dragoon tbe House into its own peculiar
views, and make tbe contractors suffer be -
... . , . .
mnnlo Emnl ctanil 1
nn in (npip riirhtn. and tn their tTnnstitn-
, ... , . .
finnal nrimloo-ps snil ilnriea
tesTSenator Cameron sends us a Circa- ! a voluntary contract wilh tbe ecrfd on bis
lar from the Commissioner of Patents, j estate for their emancipation. The village
grating that in consequence of the reduced ; has an area of 5G2 desstatiues (a Kusiinn
appropriation last year, there are no seeds ( term of land measure) of land, aud a pop
for distribution this year. Tbe funds at ' ulation of 1S1 males, so that there are to
bis disposal have been appropriated to a ' each wale 3 119 desstatincs. liy the ef
few objects. There will be ready for dis-' foct of this contract, the proprietor relin
tribution in tbe Spring, at Washington, ' quishes to the community or parish a third
30,000 well-rooted tea-plants; 12,000 for- part of the soil, that is to say 1ST J dessla
eign and domestic grape-vines ; 000 rooted tiucs, aud reserves to himself two thirds,
seedless pomegranate cuttings, and some J The dwellings of tbe peasants, with tbe
other plants.
Washington, Feb. 13, 1SC0.
Printer. After a warm contest, Mr.
Defrces, a practical printer of Indianapo
lis, received tbe Opposition nomination
4Va P.inla ef lti ITaiica Ititf on valinn
, . ...
there were two scattering Republican '
... . j , ,.
TOtci which prevented an election.
Mr. Glossbrcnner was supported for
House Trinter by the Democrats, Mr-
liriggs and all the South Americans pres
ent, excepting Messrs. Ethcridge and
Stokes, who voted fur Gales & Scaton.
Mr. Defrees received the votes of all oth
ers present, including Mr. Davis of Mary
land, and excepting Messrs. Stanton, Ad
ams, and Carey, (Republicans.)
Senator Douglas bad prepared a eulogy
on Mr. Broderick, to be delivered to-day,
but last nigbt be was severely attacked by
Mr. Farnsworth intends introducing a
bill for the transportation of the mails
from Missouri to tbe Pacific by railroad,
and Mr. Grow will shortly introduce a
bill for the admission of Kansas into tbe
Private accounts from ihe Rio Grande
represent tbe statements regarding affairs
in that quarter as much exaggerated, tbe
object being to afford a restless set of ad
venturers, a pretext for crossing into Mex
ico. Apart from Cortina's band, the Mex
icans are represented as exceedingly
Hunting in Couples. This is the bu
siness of tbe Southern Chivalry. Two
armed men prowl the streets of Washing
ton in pursuit of one man who is unarmed,
and sick beside. This is what we are to
toki as an act of bravery. This is tbe
method employed to show that Virginians
are not afraid. This is proof that when
Mr. Hickman said Virginia was frightcn
i 'I by John Hrown and his twenty-one
c iiifederates, and a cow, that be slandered
the State aud lusuiicd its citizens. We
f iv that bunting in couple?, after the Ed
t.Hinriani aud Keitt fashion, is aseassina
un ia rpir:', in purpose, and will be Leld
aad stigmatized at tucb by all decent men.
! Mr. Mpiriruoe of l'bilaaVlnliia tes'.ifk'J
i - - co
before the Printing Investigating Commit
tee of the Senate on Saturday, that he
received between four and five thousand
dollars from Mr. Wendell in ISoGfor the
a third party in
I l'urrusc ul urgau.iu.g a iu,.u
, i- .1 I,.....,.,,.-;..!
' Pennsylvania preceding the Gubernatorial
n(J iresjjeritial elections, which the De
we ua moncy va9 applied 10 IDe OUCCl.
; 111-
: This fact establishes that the public mon-
tJ ,deriVCd ff7 .pn"tlDS( "l01;
' ,0 s,lrt ,be movement on a prae -
1. i.:..i. .. ft..m...i ,lnr,l
u. .Ip a...,..- -
! formidable by contributions from New
paid to sustain the Fillmore paper in Buf
falo City, owned by Mr. Jewctt, and
"used" by the Locofocos to divide the
Opposition and slip in Buchanan. The
"Constitutional Uuion" bantling that i;
nnw attpmntei to be born, will be nuritu
I. . r .. . . - ,
( by pap trom tue l.o.iioc) -.xmioim ircj-
j urj bottles or it will die
An Agent of the Douslas party in Illi-
D019 19 sam to oe tt n asningtoD, Willi
00,000, to be cxpenJei in seeming tbe
nomination of Judge Douglas at Charles
ton. Tbe agent will proceed to Charleston
in a few da;s to make bis arrangements.
Report sajs that two million copies of
Douglas' recent Senate speech are being
circulated. Cue hundred thousand copies
will be printed in superior stjrle. A large
central committee is actively employed in
Wa.hinfftnn in nremr ntr t ho wv fr sk.
' curing the nomination of Douglas.
n e . J
j When Mr. Casey, late Treasurer of f lie
United iMatcs, died, cceretary Cobb an-
, nounccd the fact to tbe 1'resiJeut, who
: saiJ, 3 tbe appointment was iu bis dc-
partmcDt, be would not interfere, and de-
, sired him to fill the vacancy. Pee. C.ibb
L-lfr.,!-,;- k.
' n t i.-
year?. tt uuil lue X ii:?iuciii was inmiii."!
of the selection, he instantly refused to
rniifirm it. Yiit See. t'uLb is still Si ere-
. -i.r
lary oi me jreasury.
Henry A. Liuiuniisin ot v lrjimia wuo
made tbe aauit upon the Hon. .Mr. Hick-
man. at Washington, a few djvs j-itic-e. i.
' - ' ,
a large, props man, ccarse in manntis and i
person. It is stated that in April, 150, ;
he was so disgracefully intoxicated on the '
11 .or of the House of Representatives that '
be bad to be carried out by bis fuenls." !
Kx Gov. Thomas has arrived, and nii
enter on tbe duties of the l'atent Office
immediately. Mr. liishop, his predeces
sor, has returned to Connecticut.
Emancipatian of Russian Slaves.
' f-ln Ucrmau paper we Cnd an article
: f,Ji1Ft,OTLur& 4' Whkh WC
! .,, , ,
1 '-In fctardub, a village of the district of
1. 4r..tiiril P.iPr ro,... irL-.il. In nn.nl 1...
i taken place. The proprietor of the villaee '
' "
Herr Nicolai Turgcnievr, has entered into
land appertaining to them, become the en
tire property of the occupants. The peas
ants bind themselves to pay the capitation
taxes and all subsisting imposts. The
homesteads can only pass to an heir, who
shall come under the same obligations as
bis predecessor, and purchase the consent
, .
of bis co-heirs, nor can they be sola, ex-
' J '
" J"""" " - -6-
1 1 t n I.A enrPal rlnnll.
land cot pertaining to t-ie several dwell
ings beloncs to the community. The
community binds itself to pay a bonus of i
1,420 silver roubles Tho popular llerr
Turgenicw formally declares, at ttie eiiu uf ,
the contract, that tec peatauisare at liner- ,
ty to withdraw from the arrangement as j
soon as the negotiations between the kov-!
ernnicnt and the nobility .hail offer tlieui :
, ., ,. . - -. :
. . n l.pnnhln Aitll'll I inDI I DA filVII !
UIUIC laiUl.Ulu " - -
thoritics of the village, on their part, en
gage not to inflict corporal punishment,
and only to sentence offenders to fiocs,
compulsory labor and imprisonment.
Jacob ISarkeb, aa old and ea.ecrned
citizen at cw Urlcao?, at tbe 1 llgnui i
CeltbratioD la tbat city, io ahudiugto the
Soutliera blaster about disuuion, toMsome
uopleasaDt truths to his Southern breth
ren, lie said :
"We know full well that our elavcs
would not be worth the clothes tbtj wear
if the Union should be dissolved. Their
value consisls in the preservation of Sou
thern rights, as guaranteed by the Consti
tution. Should it be vacated by a divi-
sion of the Union, the Northern section ored preacher of Fredericksburg, Va., on
would imitate their cousins, the British, j Sunday week, was attended by one thou
making all free who should put foot on and slaves and four hundred whites, in
their soil. This would depopulate the j eluding many ladies. The deceased was a
border States of their slave population, , slave, and by his respected behavior won
aud they would, one after auother, bieome I the esteem of all.
tree States until not one would be left to
tell how it happened."
Cuaulestown, Feb. 13 The jury in
tbe case of Ilaz'ett, one of the Harper's
Ferry "invaders," on Saturday rendered a
verdict of guilty of murder iu the first de- Convention, we would, under all the exis
gree. The prisoner received Ihe announce- ''ng circumstances, say, with little or do
ment with the samo degree of indifference hesitation, Alexander 11. Stephens of
tbat has characterized his conduct through- Ueorgis.
out the trial. j The total emigration from all foreign
Wm. E. 1'urton, the eeUbrated crime- j countries iulo the United States for the
dian and literary euitor, a native of Eu"- ; J'-"' endn.g December 31, 1859, was 1G0.-
laiid, died io New York last week.
DnnTipttl'nnh T.aErlctatiirfl.
Speaker Lawrence, of the House, is.
Is'iflering from ill health, which confined I
him to bis room several days last week,
' aud this.
IS nth branches of the Legislature have
! nccented an invitation to visit the State!
. JVurmal tchool at .AliliersYilIc, l.ancastcr ;
... . .. . , .1. ,
county. e believe Iriday of this week
- ; is the time filed upon for the purpose,
Senators is tue Pulpit. Two of the i
pulpits of llarrisburg were filled, Sunday
1 , . 8 , 8 . p T nilnfl
1 vj uiib i;iuiiuie. uvuigu j.uju"j
; a - . ,, , ,. . , i.
I Senator from the Bradford district, preach-
I d e Fourth St. M. K. Bethel. Mr.
, tiun aj a .,. a0(J ch and
; . r . 1 . ..
j decidedly cood mtression...Uon.
t .K I' s frnm lh t -
Jeremiah Schindel. Senator from the Le
high district, preached in the German Lu-
thcran church, and entertained the congre-
gation with a plain, practical and in-
structivc discourse. fXow let Speaker
Francis give a good old School Pr.'sbytc -
rian Lecture, and Col. Gregg a warm Bap-
list exhortation, and the high moral tone of
leading members of the Senate will be
brought out.
Jacob A. Spofford, an old printer, and
for two or three years paxt MesscrgT for j
toe cebool Department, departed tots Iiic
j on Saturday nigbt, of hemorrhage of the;
IUU. UC MHO ill ciijojuicui
' .mml healtli Jurin'' the (lav. rjerforuied tbe
. . l ' ... .1
dutios of bis ofTi. and was on the street
an hour or two previous ta hisdrath. He
was attacked with blecdinif of the lunLM
i while in the act of putting one of hisehild-
reu to bed, and died iu fifteen or twenty
uiinutcs. He leaves a widow and several
children, to whom bis I0-9 will be a very j
severe ofiliclion. ILirrislurj Tilcyntjih. j
$pOur big hearted friend, Godey, has j
mailed us the last number of bis indispen
sable book. Tbe illustrations are exqui-,
cite, the fashion-plates iu.it what tbe la-!
! .i; .!.,;. .i .i,. it. i I
-'- ' r- .
! kiiiii np.iliPiiiVA nnil intf rn.linir i, rtt'.v im
the most honorable and liberal publisher
- : . . . ...
bucu a uian isuuuiu unrig oui, irnin momu
to month, a magazine which is the para -
gim, aa ib hob tuc 'luiitni, ui lia muii.
Louis A. iiodey has mad
more niaiueDs
cJ bapfy .ban any man now
: liv
ng. If ail the blessings that rosy lip
nave invuiea in his othait should be put
: ou record, tbev would form a volume a.i
1. . ,
, uig as a liieeting-nouae ; cou:!! ol all the j
auii.es that lie has caused be concentrated
' :,,t0 0I1Ci funhinc would be at a dincount.
: , , - ... 1
me bucrct oi me uuiversal tavor whieli
bjl,k rece,tes llC3 ia ',s "uvanablc pu-,
'"J) timeliness, aud cxcelience. Godey,
Las so long ministered to tbe wants fjf the
The bucrct of the uuiversal favor wbieh
lulies. that lie knows in,t l.at mill t,lo,
hdies, that lie knows ju-it what will please
theui: be always hits tuc mark. We pro
pose a title for Godey, namely, "V. 15.,"
which, means "Woman's Benefactor."
What says Louis A. Godey, "W. 11.?"
Journal, (Syracuse, N. V.)
Vi'e learn says tbe L'lmira I'rtus, that a
dwelling hous-e in Troy, l'a., belnnifing to '
J1 i
bncpard llackett, was entirely consumed ;
by tire on Saturday moruing last at about j
.t. A 1 II l
. . '
formerly of illiam.sport, was as I
asleep in
' nnp nf tliA tltinpr rnnnia nf ttifi limi.A urli.n
. . . .
it caught fire, and was soon awakened by
the unusual heat and smoke. lie imme
diately arose, and dashed upon the first
duor be came to, in order to reach the
ground floor when the flames rushed iu
to his face with such violence as to com
pletely suffjeate him, in which condition
be was burned to death.
The Reading DaVy Timm is waging a
war of Extermination agaiost the race of
gamblers in that city, and the editor is no
bly sustained by the moral aud respecta
ble portion of community. Ilarrisburg is
cursed with a considerable number of
these thieving rascals, and several "dens'
arc in full operation, where men are night-
ly robbed of their money and reputations.
lt is said that the existence and locality of
these sinks of iniquity aro well known to
the constables, and why they are not
crushed out and the keepers arrested, is a
mystery to our citizens.
Execution. John J. Bowcn was ex
ecuted iu the jail yard at New Castle,
Del., on Friday, for the murder of John
W- be!iu at Ire city, in August !
f,.u .t ttire cet,nud died almost with-
out a struggle; the twitching of bis feet
was all the movement that was observed,
lle Dung aDout nsif an Bour, when the
PhJjt" pronounced him dead. He al
lfged that he was drunk when he commit
j ted the crime, and warned his friends and
associates to beware of lager beer saloons
and strong drink.
Three States have abolished the death
penalty, viz
Michigan, in 184G; Rhode j
-."V " " " -
0f experience.
Hanging a human bcinc
by the neck until he is dead, is a horrid
Several members from the South have
appeared in their places in CoDcress. I
. . ' . O ' I
aressca in h-mapun. We take this as a i
cheering indication that when the tariff
question conies up, these gentleman will
be found voting for the protection of huiuc
The funeral of Armistcad Walter, a col-
Senator Douglas it again confined to bed
with a 6cvero attack of pleurisy.
The Louitvilk Journal says : "If we
were called on to guess wh will be nomi-
ted for the Presidency by the Charleston
00, being about teu psi cent gain on lSS?-
& LEWISJiURG CURONlCLE-l-EB. 17,lb(i0.
if iHniiif
1 ij!it!lrSifi
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-1: j -.
-. - c- X t-
i. at c - 3 ; 3 trf
-i k tc
: i. I
( j
I i
t& -4- i-
"3 5
n'3 I
S -
f J" - 7" O-
is tcii. a a 5 - ii
The Cllrtor of Kant ItutfalW, Wrpt Pnffalrt, Hartle-
i jiaij iu in nm- xtuvwcut.
Urlt'nnuent GMrcton.
H-TitirTH. rnit.Env.m. irl STATU TAX. C0l'STTTT.
iiri.. !!. ninihorn i;8
17.6U f-'.4s
urti.y Mark iiaironj 63;
j TTr7ffq nwWTirrnpr
! Auditors pay lor JivVJ.
Ati.Iitfr fr milking Cuuuty Sr ttlt-Hl'iut lor 1M.W,
iti-:ulinC!rk. 3-X H
A.kcuueilraud'ormtli.andIlrf;.AKf.ac't5 4 Itii 32 SO
A??oi?ors' Pay.
Anfiiirs fir tliir wrvirrt in T.V. nift
kinc Hlurntion... M-rviug nuticvH, 1c
Invuuial A-M-nrmrnt 1M S 138 83
Election Expenses.
Sprinir Klrctiim.hrld in MaMi. lvW Ui 97
(i' lt- r!,! " ' Oi'UiinT iurlml-
inj ll. p .nil Sfnatnrial Kvturn Jutlgrs
lur !-. . 15124 24
cnililiin? Court House and Jail.
i lrcJ"Kk ''" V" contnwt
40 IW 40 oo
t . TI'.
t L'nn s plarJr ';Cmm m Attorney
Prothonotarv's Office.
f . p. Oniiwii, .iuti..nry 8 25
! Court Expenses,
3W iii-
- lfi ?S
260 65
jnrnrn pny nnu mih-
A lj..urmil l"ciirt. Ii-is mlir Term
lirjintl .1 ur.-rp for l"Vlir-.ry
lira'il " M.J Term
iir;in l " PeptemNiT Trnn
Trsv.r " "
i".'7 mi 64;
! 11
70 'si
si ll
2-.ii ii: 1' S2
liraul " liC'-em-r Ti-rm 77 l
" " K'J 5
Joliu ffjum, " 4
Court Crier's Wa"C8.
ii. rjtiiin ?imii in foil
Tinstavcs or Constables at Court.
nni,-i iiitwn uuii others w 5
., . ,, . t ,. T ,.
LoMStabk'S JlileagC cV making Hot IIS.
AnJr. . nam,,. anjolh.r. 400-3
Itoad Orders issued by Court.
oc'e' !"l0",; 44 00
,.nr luu
.. ... f0 ' 'r'l'
itcKmao nad citiii M
Koad DamasSi
lien. Kntlirman. Lwi Tp.)
lm. Vounj:, ( Miltliiihnri
Anil. M iit-c'svftalc (Uullaioe Tp )
12 00
Co mi
10 00172 00
State Costs.
Costa paid in csv a of Couiuioun vallil vs. the following
Jam,". Kelly of Miffiiuburg
2 Hi
HI 01
ii 41
2 .1
10 OJ
hTn-il''"'''.! Jioyor
' S "J, J-
.'olio V aiker nnil .N. n llkt.-
Margaret n..na.ny
'jj u4'"",l,m"MM
Jaun-a Myers
31 :vl
t J
8 7 i:b 11
a uu
4 ..7
1 iill
77 SO
1 -Ji
1 (lO
1U -K
1 2a It 41
30 00
Jolitl lloeT
Ueorge bill
Xcw Bridges and Rc
Frtsl. W iliianiii, work t llullaloe bridge.
John Cbaltant b:iunn lrt
llHVilUULh.Mork al lurtlecreek briilK
Vt m. K. .suiilh.for nihil up au-i making
frame tor unJaviu Hartley T(i.
Aaron U.ary, ..rk at llulialov brolire
I'eter KeiU)le,llUin Ut Miriuer lOilll
Ml'buelsifhl, New llerllll
Jueoo HroU' ber.ln L.-.-uerf"r work at
0A." brulp-. I'enu .-Crci k
Tetrr lliuimelreicb, rvoaira tritlge at
Sheriff's Fees.
John CroMKroTr, s-herit! bill for convey
ing John Lon-ah'l Johii .tli'terloliot
lvuitentiary, hanlinr auj wa-limC
fjr nrne'Urr.-, r., auiuiuoulug Jurura
up Uil Uec. J4, 'jj
Support of eonTirtr.KasUrn fenitentuiry
Public Uuildmir
Ci'iirt ll'.Ufe
J 4 J.N tonc.Kil 1 lb coal at f
t'rt-fliurKt-r Uru. ia t ixturea
iivn. Hirlf-tciu, rftrd of wtd
Thtniit llrn nd-'ii.tieit. C't llouwlot
Oi k rriti-fi.makiriK f- ore loct at 1.00
Allien 'iLutttay, baulinij trtitel
Lt-wi-buri; tin Onujumy
X l.Kiiuie.liClitmuK mtiforCt llouw
Oul, Kitt. r.at f..r Ljc.Mu.lnn.Co.. An. No.
lb ou Court liouwj ami lluHaloe lriJge
L. I'aluifr, policy rctucw-ti to couuty ou
Court UiU9
P. Neuuian, hauling stone for gutter,
S( 62
o.l 17
Ira 7S
2 UU
'Jmi no
a oo
86 Ml
34 67
lb 00
6 'J
10 00
It 6
1 DO
4 -0
Keber Huiwr. for brick
John t'iialfaut, baulinebrirk andntnit
. Sehaltle, la" and I'UUy lor Jail
Jareil Uahn auil otlierii for ptone, Mnil,
Ac, tor gutter anil paling gutter at
Court lloueo
Iliiain KiKlituiyer, cutting anil piling
oue-ball load woo-1
Jolin lluiitiundon.toronc-halfcnnl wood
liavnl tiinter a boo, making stepa for
Court Utilise
1 60
1 00
S5 00878 68 ,
K U.L.ir l, Tr.aa-.r Uu.Oo. Ag.8oci.tjr
District Attorney's Fees,
Jamea B. lianilin, ia full
Couiinissioner'u Office.
Wm. Ruhl, Ute tomai r iu full
111! oo
l:J .hi
lu 60
111 M
ZXiO 00
75616 2i
Jamt-8 l'msa
Hat il '- K'"r
AnJ- Keuutsi, Clerk
1 ullage
County Printing,
T.H.Pupiy.prinU Triennial AiMr9m.nt
Iml.suiuti, " Itec'frUA txpeuditurei
T ll.l'ur.ly "
..... o.n.lin( in full.D.r contract
4 Of)
15 UO
la UO
ti 00 98 00
i:.i..i.i.. I: nciiautf
fcixbuul ia. Luiun cuuut-
le 00
Geo. Brourher, duplicate order ftio.ulU,
wlii.-li . lost
Krrorn in the wTcral Taa Books
llvo. V- Mill-r, rrnti-!iional aer-icea
H m.'Murrmjr, bill of MuUunr
11. 1'" Shi-11- r. Tn-a... fcxtin.rationa not
allow L-d lJ StaU-.ll.p'td. ncilSttTa
A. K.-nni-Jv, fur a--rTiciii in ralciilating
an-1 makinrontfrom Aaa. of 'J al'ab-
ular Statt-m'tfor the lU-Ttiu'eOolum ra.
11. V. Blieilvr, Slati.iu.rj, R
Jail Expenses.
JaiMih D. Vrain, lllarkfinitliinic
Mrs. (Juinn aud Mar- W Uliainn waahing
bwl clutbe .....
John troaa, fur fmall tabl.1 for Jail
s oo
is -a
35 00
I 1!7
U 87
10 00101 41
a ;u
2 00
2 29
4 00
8 25
Coroner's Inquests,
Aaron Smith. K .hoMin-aniniiu.rt on
th. 1.. 1 v of Uafia Aur.ma in nuiw
Jolin A. Merta, E.l. on f. P. 0.mr
State Road.
Francif A. Bojr anii oth.r., Comm'ra.
ti.runaSlaUf n-ad UiroUitn part of
I'nioo, a. pr Act of Aa-inoljr, gener
ally known aa the M'Call road
8 00
7 1J-
15 12
97 00
?tatement of Interest paid by County
Jarib Hummel
U. T. lieUrr, interest
Borrowed Moncj,
n. P. ghcUer.Cooiu'iB. uotd IiAi
:to in
2sa a
BM 00
f V0.5 69
.Vcuount u-ith tlicTowiil.i.nr lioaJ,
L'liuul, Ulnl Poor FutlJi.
Prry Township
llnr:i J
ll.irtl. r
Vi ha liter
7 -' i
1 70
I Xft thi tin JiTslnei. ?itiitiii i-iimr
I'tiiou. ht-r- I'V mi'-ni'l tii- f"P ;i.!iiL' ;in
(V.niilV f
..t ti." It-
' c:iil ni Kipf ii-tilun s if the hit id t-miLy, tor tin
A. I 1 ".'.', iif i-Mrrtfi it ixl trti".
liiTi ii itti.lr "ir liitti lsnt iht 0:iii hit- fTli-,
in tlic BoruuUol L. i-!. irx. th fourth of January,
I; v n. i.im uln, 1
,IA! K. I'Kii-r1, Coiuiui?iunt:ra.
AtUt: Axw. Kts.NkbK, l irrk.
TreriPiirer'tf Account, lS.r0,
Huifh 7. S'ttlhr, Trammr, in account with
L'nioti county, Ir.
Trtm.-h on Imn l nt ttVineut Jn 1 !
lluluutx-due iy rile' t"r of M s-
1 -.. 2l': ti.
Ami'Unt of Ilni-nciiTrc f r laii fcj4J iJ
Cah li'am-J Iioui 1iirhira Yon tiff ll't "
Miirv M rl. OJ
I'nfMirn-nt run'l" H"Wvd tututfrTrentiu-
n-r, ton.-. !, ,. 10 Of)
Ttmli rr'il fnitu .lonat'ii S'VkT f t bri'-k 6
ltaviil Siititr, rmt I'nr lot id Nw Ucrlin 4
T:tXt'M tll4l 'ri-flltTl li 1H
Futf mul Jurv t.-ff rtt-'tl froiuS.UtiUJih,Iri'th. ST't .i
Ity allowanre for
Ct-mmiMion Col lectors
1 - .7
Outttamlin; Taxes
Ordtrs n- ltt-m J
S7i4 :a
li 7.'.
lf.j;. i
5'7 t7
4 no
hr 27 i
f 1 1.14 J 43
Dit. !
Ii-Hl .10 '
14 l ;,.s
7u7j I
rnturr'nt nmn-y litk-n f r Tx 'fiwunt
Trt-Bj. cuuuiMicuuu rv-inl cl at 1 '4 t h-
Union County.
Out Ft it, ins order.-, is" 7 at wttl.-uiviit, l'J
lo 1-,h ,i4, JSM
Or.l.-rn icnti'il ly rnni:nis-:oT!. rt-r l-;.y
Not--n'lm indivi-iuiiln A Bank t.-UIt in.-ut
J:4HU:rV. Is:'
Monica lxirr"M'i l in Tii!
Aui.uut ilue Iff usurer at M-ttl Ueut,
2I'.T1 2
lv.l )l
3M l.'i
1 '..'I ti 41
l.a cti
1..S 7.1
1 '--. 10
5-:iT 117
H..M l-U
x -.-I7JI
$lo..l.'l 41
lJfit, Jan. '21, balanrf Jin-1 tJ.e county
I'.y ordi-r? rt-ilr.'nif. ly Trc.-urtT fur T sr."
1 s j J
Out.-t'iIi'lin!r noti-i mil
il'i '1'hvmiq ilu licati-p of
llxlaDre lue l.jr Count
Tf, the nni.riLTtir. An.iitiTi" r.f tli mnntv of I'di,
h.Fiiitf rnri toll 'X;itiiint..t un l aiolit,-! 1 1 ton irnini: ac
count, of th "imiiii-i. .rien. :in 1 l r.-iiiiri-r ol pi I roun
ty, tin fmii anl r,'"rl tin- crouni ..f K rei t. .-tn.1
Kt ;i-inhtur'. in I 'I riM.-urcr j m-;iunt for 1 ii uu county,
for ltii.Ti.sr l.;Vi. trm- nli-l i-.rrict .t.itxl.
Ill ltn .'H whrt-ot. w... I(,e .aid Aiu'IOt. 1 here
inilo .-l our liiii.ili. :il tin- I". ciuiii-ii.iH'riC ttii. in ttie
borougli of L-ill, tlii" 4t(i ,!.t of .Ininmry, !M. I
JiilIN Ktlil.ll, '; -Vaill.ora.
Attcet : A. KlvxEsr. I'li'ik.
AlmlnNtr:i!or'.s otItr.
MOTIl'E is herd) sh en, that Letters
of AtJmintsirii'iDn vi Kstaie of
j JOSKIM! KLi:'KM:ii, Ijiet.t H..rll.-y lown
, ship ("nititi ri'tinty.'TecM.hnve hern j; ranted Ui
theundrrMncf! by the lieKirr of I'niun rnun
j ly in due form of iaw ; ihrre!t!re,al! persnns in
I debled lo aid estate are requnsted to make
j iirunediate psymeii!,and those havn:? any just
claims are aUu rctineted t(i present them le
'. gaily authenticatP 1 f'r "-ritipittent.
W II. MAM n:i:s, Amr.
! Hartley Tp, 1nu n To, Jan. Ihu.
' American and toicipa
3ts, Itrn-ldlVit). t lortt AiUr May I-t. S-o. at
j i. It Hla'tAi'V, A i two .I-., i. ;r lit ti.f l Nit l.i-::t II !..
T1IK St.-n-(-.i.r' tl.f llio-t h. lrc-rr, ii.t.r.i',,'1,
tlitrtt l"t'J, umitt.HJ UU 1 -J al.i 'itTII ttiVt-ll-
: tioti. .t:i rt-?'','("" ; r ,''' '. ii tn- it o ,.. ii-j-itt 1
or HH'il'triHrti. to ni'kn'i 'ii.- It- Wortti ati-l f-:.ut. I
No Iumui is i.mii'U tt; with ut it. auJ wilt i-nttr itf. rv
tr'f'i'fr. It rr..-ntj tn your irw mctt I :rt rf tr wnr!!. in sU
tin' '. , b'4ifi .-. ft I'Jrtat, alul imi'i HfSt "J d'tcil, at
if 3 nil tc:c mi tin- Kjn.t
rhoti'tEVat'lierh lir- vfrvhri''xp!!rinij Ktin-pi Afii.
Afrif. AiiiiTt.-:i, Hi irniul tli-sir;.ni ;ml tin- ItiUlLj
fttl. m.ii fcr rtiu.t ' t.H-tr t!.,:l i:r ri n. t in! j nu t. !iiij
vu " k.
li,tv' an imm ti-i' rati- ty T y '..t Vi.-ws i.f .; -. n'-
in I'oiri-, I.. ml, n. Ku :l.iinj. t Inn' I. (r fni.-J. W;)!,.;.,
j Knin. -, Iti-'ium. ll t, . .t.-. -i .i.inl, s,'.iu, 1 1
i Kliiue. Wr..;,iltr-., St r:. til. Fi.nr,.t!M-au. T..i l-ri,
i Italv. Turk.-y. K.-yjit, A tli- i. tin- H I l.mnJ. t Itma. In'
i,"('lir.-.:ii r.i!:ff. :i-. t',u,uy lli-t -r; al. auiu:K(
j mar ritj-f Mvn .invikf.i-t m-i ih. i " ntf-.. si:ii irv. A .
Jtr. Ail tjif'tt fr ofrtm- .t i.inm.tntU't Ji.tr'.., i,f
! !'.ilart'X. hur. an-1 ( al I.. .r:ilr. . f f r-tn.f. Italy. Ai-..
I Ar. T.if lltct of tlit-se iliuuiiuatd tk-Wit U ?iot te-
I Iihti' in lii ilr: in, ri'i'in inr ol nur x -m-t-'f r"
pint witli a r-vi .Ifina lt n-H.-o-j.f.nlitiwinj 1 Z. -". tr .
; Ht M-t-m-fi. Not. nt-.: imn In- in. .re f uiii;iitii. ai.il ,,n,
j c:n olltr ti" CTi-.iU-r In-Ht lu a fri-nJ ti'iitl ut tl.e j'ii lur- ,
tf-qnc an-i tin- aiitiiuL
I Ai't'imt'i't It?t'ii.t,itf-u$ Sfcrrnjt.- p.- Vi.-ws nrt' tli- In
tent riiMtnuTapic HtHiiltT. Tli-y xii-Eaki n in w t'.rti-th
j ftit -fa t'ifini. (ml rt.Tt Ihiii t- t t'-r h-i r.iftn' tf it
i fMKtf n iidij. is Ji- i'-il ply ami Ji-tim tiv a if
it hml t--.ii prfivtly nt r.-t. Thi- atv.n an a.l.litsn:il
valuf. lur to tlif h-:cjti. ol irvniiiiiat'- untun i '!. V,
clfrtn '','-. ntM't "N. i 1 1 e pr in atllr(HiTV nf
our uwii. ni U'lnj mtknoH h in .n-, c rei-i-iTi tr-'iit
l.iir.ilon mi l I'nrN lari:- rs f. r A ntlioiij V lut.llltk-lt-UN
lw ut Ann rii-an lit1 anil -it iutv.
t Amn other ttiinu"' l.avi jtt-t ymJhi-Itt-1 Stirv
trH.yic Iliu-itratiui.- ot ll. Sr nt nf the Fl lt..x Sii:i:t
I'k tVfR Met: i im;. in wti ' ti iii.my tn-tirts tt-ri ;d iiit'-rcst.
Th riiru1.ir f this will l- fnun-l in ni.r rat:i !(' tn.
Ol R tTtlui.t K f ul jt-ctfatiii prut's will t forwarjt-j ,
tr any aiMr n-. i t "f Uuip.
r;.itit Nt atli!taii-.i .uJims n- JTS. jiii.nr
iran h:iT & ciMil in-lri.ii-itt ainl swh pi-turfi n3
tin y niiiy miutf t. cent t.y lUfinss.
ii-wa alofif, iwitlnut iu.-truiin.'tit ran tn feut by
I'tirtivit Rsn wish tn he mlvi-enl i.f rvcry tliinil really
nluiilil in tin lin tlmt ffim-! out. ro:iv m-n-l u.-. iln ir
nHttci ti p(;ii-f "ii rt-turJ, aud we will ki-eji ttiftii njt'J
at nur 'wn speiii.
M-n nf h iturr Mill tinj PJiot"ra-liy a itlfHt frin;ttins
anJ cji-i i t fill aitiuss-mt-nt. W an- (-reptinil to fit out
timtilriir$ wirli fTi-rytliiu n &r Ur their miwiw dv-p-titer
with i ii nt ructions '-llir to takr St-ri"f...ii Ito
Uirr K. AUHOW.
Impnrtir anl MnnufnrtitriT of Phftt.-rahic iia'cfi
alf). MerefMo'it Dii su-retisi-opic ii-t;.
00-ler'-l)iiut!- frtmi e-rr t-rtton ot'th rountrv are
rce-iir. ii'uliy iiiTiTfti to niak- an rxutinnatiou of our
utot'k. r ur iti-H'otnit to the tra-Ii will lilM-ral.
To rhtiloKrapfai'l, Ftret riiL'ssteri-O'icapit- Negatives
Send by mail a print onmrmntrd. with price of Nrrv
tire. -J;Cut this out tt.r future n-fi n iice.J 4uivJ6
To C'oilNtahleN Court Returns and ether
Blanks suld at ihe Chnitucif Of lire
Real Estate.
A FINE Opportunity for Sale or Ex-,
change! Will be sold cheap for Cash
or exchanged for Town Property cr Farms in
the West Branch country, a quantity of
good, unimproved Land,
suitable for FIVK handsome Farms. Their
location is in a Western fiaie.and Air health,
beauty, fertility and desirable climate can not
be excelled. Persons sincerely anxious to buy
or exchange, can obtain further information
by calling on J F & J M Ll..
Lewisburg, Feb. 13, I8B0
For Sale or Rent.
riHE Dwelling and Lot on Ihe corner
I opposi'.e ihe Lutheran church. If
nut sold by the 1st of March, the property will
be lor rent. Inquire on the premises of
rou iu:.vr.
rpHE HALF HOI St: an.l LOT on South
I Kecond Street, Lewisbiirsr, near the Col
lege Grounds, now occupied by Capt. Fisher.
The house is of brick, has large rooms, and
kitchen on the lower flunr, and on the lot a
Cistern, Well of Water. Barn, &c. Posses
sion given the 1st of April. Apply on the
premises to Mrs. MAKIA C. VLNCEVI".
Jan. I I, 1800.
House and Building Lot,
OX South Front street, FOR SALE. The
House is a two-storey Frame, on a half
lot with a Stable, and other outbuildings, and
some Fruit. An unimproved half lot adjoins.
Will be sold together, or separately, to suit
purchasers. JOsjEPlf REED.
Lewisburg, P-c. 27, I8M. pdTw
; VALUA I 1 .1-1 l'l U J 'KllT Y
i r ii 1. 1 c s 1. 1: .
V an alias '."tiler flhe ttrphan's t'oort i-f
l:nion county, will te u!il at 1 ubhc Uut
cry, en
TiifMlay, lllli or r-li nary,
next, the large ami cuinmuiiious two-sturry
and I.OT, with ihe apptitietiiinces, property
of Ihe late Juna'han .N.'bii, dec'!, Mlu;!tf in
the Hnr(H(!h of Lewishur. beumied o ihe
eat by pr-ipertv of Or. Wm- lijyr on : lie
MMilh iv l'l he a'liVv, in llu; wcl by !! ot Win.
Jones, K-fj., and on the Nrih by Marhl K'.,
nuinb'Ttd in (he peneial pl.tn "I ihe ronti2h
N.. 47. The property is NKMil.V .KV,
ami fitiilt in a uiti, wttrUmtinltk trtftiinrr, and
of nuprrhtr mut'tiul and if wanted for a
I'ublic House, can be ma le suitable wilh a
few alterations.
Persons within? to pnrcha'-e can examine
the premises by calling on the subscriber, or
on illiam Junes, ? , adjoining the preni
ise:. Sale (o commenef at 10 nVbirlc A. M. ( f
said nay when condiii'in of sale will be n;aJe
1IT fill P. SHIxr.EIt, AdmV.
Lewisbur?, Jan. -0, lhtii
rrT&fmm 1 he uiiscri oer om rs to seii me
fftTnffaj'arse Urick Foundry at the wet
ii. I ol .Market MrfPt, nicluin?
iBicQZatihe Warerooni, Ollice, anil ihf
Aiachinery ainched alo a larpe amoniit i.f
raiitnii lur I'alent Rih3 tor Asnciillural
Machinery, Stoves, &c. It in regarded as one
t" the besi loratinn.s I'nr a pni-ilafe husuies;.
The rriiprietur's lime is u-hidly eusrossd in
anullier empluymeut, which is ihe reason he
desires K dispose of Ihis foundry. Fur any
lurther particulars, aildiess
WILLIAM r KICK. l ewishnrj.
Feb. IS5H I iimn t'o. Pa
j- TWO f)OI Itl.K Fit AME IIOK-A-
! i;iJlsES and I. i't, rnch Miilalile forlaJ.
twu tamtlir i-ni' on .North Fourth Mrpei and
one nn tt. J.ihn street, for !a!i". Hall ol each
dl" ihe atuive Hutisr.s are lt-r Itent.
t"p"AIii, lor saie. Iniir llmlilin? Lots on
.nrlh Fifih reel. JOHN UOLIJH'IO.V,
l.ewisbur;, Ian. 'in, 1,: 'J. A;t-nt
I .. . .
(.nod lloor ai:4 Von- Kn nn nn Murkrt Mrrrl. ar
I t l" k. ts
TIHK Misint.pr r-fffrs lor saie several 4j
I UKICK iloi;.i:s. an. I oih-r liiin-jiJL
itm;s, snuaie in the Bori-iieh 1 1 l.ewishurir.
Persons ishin t.i niri base, will please
cnil on Mr. Jonaihan V olte, who will "ue
ihem such information as ihfy mav de-ire.
July S. lH.Vj (;. M H.NARI.E.
Filth strept. a
propertr f
on a hall
.ot ol "round. Xerui ea-v. ArP'v
May 17 A B. VOKSE "
rpilE well-known TuK-MI Stand f i.
at the east cud of Ihe l.ewtsliurc
Undje, in 'hi!lis.)iiaiue township. .V.nh'd
C'(i. It wi!l he sold on rea-otiut!e ii-rms.
Inquire of Wll.i.IAM FIJll K.
Lewis! urz. Dc. 17, 1S58.
fpiSi: Tl It.M-:s orenpif.1 at pre
I sent hy ashinslon lliilrhni.i n as a
fsalnon. They are sui;ahle for ;j j( )J'J.
For Terms apply to
Jan. 27. l:in,' JOHN It. LIVV
FOli SAl.K.
1 DESIUAIII.E I?ii?lTii!t; I.ol.3:i feet
leet front hy Ifi'i deep. Fnoitire of
Hfaver, Krrmer ot V'lure.
1oit iti'M'-Two fi; ii:u HOI StS
on S.J3HI! Mreet. ' l:r.iiiire of
Len i-l)ur. Jan. !). isiio.
4 Tit l.iri' The corner hone..or:h
iLLalThiid sireet. occupied by Or. Meylert 1
l?ONS wi.-l:iitc t
tn .t-Ii M'tinifir-torii - in a n- w
:.i lliiivtn'
tut nt o"I."
... H-l.i If lni-lH- --. if ptieu, i' aii
M..iii:ii -uti n .-t-tt!" iiii-Qt.
TJevv Hotel in rixfflinljnrg.
cr Til C !il-crilf r w. t.'ti repfciiu;!y in-jr-mi
the Tiavflins Iu.!ic vvei y w ht-ri',
iti.ii lie ha liiken .mil up the prtmiies ,
ol ;eore Sthuch, in tin. ct-nire dl"
where he is prepared In accommodate strane
ers and Iravelers men and beasts in Ihe
best manner, wilh baid and Lodging.
Please give me a call. t
C O A I. C O A I. t o a I..
HE subscriber keeps constantly en hand
a large assortment of the very teM ha
kin and W jikes-llarre CttAL, ler litneand
stove purposes. which lie will sell at ihe very
lowest prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also, IllilckftniHil' f'txil. Vluslrr anil Suit.
Vish it distinctly understood, that I w ill not
be undersold hy any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg, Alay 27,T)U.
srPIC-N IC.-w
" We'll jamp into the Wagon, and all take a riJe."
IjAROR, haniNome
a"d verv comforta
ble Hi(;U has been,
fitted up tor the especial accommodation nf
Pjc-Nic and other similar excursion.. Terms
moderate. Apply to Jus. M. IIOUSEL. ,
Lewiburg. June :i, lKr9.
John B. Linn,
ATTOR.i:i" AT LAW Office at
his House ou X. Market St. bet. 1st A 2d
K8 LeMiKburg, la.
Attorney at Law.
OFFICE on South Second near Market St.
CtTAll Professional Business entrusted to
his care will be faithfully and iiromptly atten
ded tn SSepl". 11, 1MS7
11ASHIOXABLE Hats and Caps
(jood Hats anii Caps
Cheap Hats anJ Caps
A very large stock of Hats and Caps
loung lient s siyles Hats and tap.
Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps
Xow ready and for sale by U1BSOX, the only
Halter in Lewisbure
IOR SALE, CHEAP A Lay Prf, and
' Trimming Knife, a convenient article for
Printers to trim pamphlets. Ac.
May 27. '59. C. J.STAHL.Book Binder.
THE subscriber having bought all the
Tools, Stove anil Furniture belonging lo
the Tin Shop formerly owned by me and fe
cently and now used by Jh W. WixtLtJr.
and having loaned said Wensell tools, stove
and furniture aforesaid, during my pleasure, ,
does heretiy eive notiee mat sam properly is
my own, and has been loaned as above, and '
all persons are hereby forbidden interfering
with the same as il is wholly mine.
Lewisburg, Dec. 31, ItiJ'J.
1'OST Ol'IlCE.
VLAKGE supply of Bm)ks,Stationpry,
JVrlumery, Jeu-eiry. iuys, Cfiiitrctii.
eries, Tta, i-ick, tiuil, Null, Bnktis
I'ii lures, and a vantly ol iMC K rVAt KM tut
ai- i li ; t; it"
7:)J l.KVMMJt l;ti l'OST OFFICE.
- .
LL1L) A .Nil i'l.NK Oil. can be bad at iht
jI.NE t.i.l.t l'K.NH
I'f liai! al ll.r
r l.afii"s and flrnis ran
ti OFflCE
(JKIKKAI. .-fits CAVIKOS ar,d n,er
) ltrea.'.l fins ai,d Kar Kmc can I? hjj
very rh-;ip ai ihe l'DT (,'f'FICE
. i 'i-'i'i'ij i." i i .i i. ..i . ",
) Liclidoye lor (ii ods at ihe
Vt'EW liines of liaisins, Fits, L'alas
1'rni.e Prunes J r sale al ihe
.IttlEliM lor Is or Oords nf an. k , .
prouipt!)' attendtd to at ihe
JAMES ran find the Inrsest and A, j,S(
i ment of Letter and Note PAI'ER.E0,,.
; opes Ac. al Ihe POST OFFICE
Another kt at Johnson's
Cheap Boot & Slioe tore.J
VEW Stock f Knots and Shoes next
1 1 door io J. & J. alls Store, l.rwisburfr.
where may he lound the cheapen nock eer
ulleied in this place.r.o misiake. falland.j.
amine f.r jruurjelves and iave al least !5
per cent.
Men's Boots from -?2 to $3
Children's. Vnuih A Bojs'lrom $1 to
M omen's Uurns, from 50 to 75 en
Men's do 87c to fl
and erervthing in our line cheaper than ihe
A'l kinds of Boots, Shoes A Gaiters MADE
'I'll OliDtK, of the best material, and war
ranted. A lar;e siock of home-made work
kept always on hand, which will be loni
very low.
KKPAIRI.N'f; done at the shortest notice
by ihe subscriber. WM. JOHNSOX '
LtwisLur!;. Oct. 4, lft.VJ.
OVEK Jos. M'Fad.len's Hardware Store,
Inrinerlv Houghton's Shoe Store, Matte
street, Leuisbur?, Pa.
Ac. in ihe usual superior style. In addu.nn
to il.ese p ctures. I am now preparrd to take
I'hutoui :i)Li. larre cr small, equal to
ihe test made anywiurr. Also, Ha.0
'I I'F.S. These pictures are colotrd to rep
resent lite, and are .superior io an oil painting.
;ivu.g ihai tideli'v ol .ipression and featurrt
ih.it ci.n le produced oi.Iy ty the Camera.
These pictures are patented, and I hate Ihe
exclusive null! for I una county. Call tni
examine specimens. April 21,
L'-wmriiHEi. jos. s nnss. J .j. palwia
ff7- I- I'tLJIKR &. to.,
"2l t'whkrx Planing .Mill,
eJaejK-Vj-aa -eep rnnsiamly on hand and
u.di.i.iaciiire lo ..rder I Idol inc. idillr,
Ituoi K. :ili. Stl.ul (- . tllfMalei.
-floiildiiicsi ot uil patterns, .
and ail oih. r dcsi ripiions tl Wood Work used
in IJii:l-fn..
t'rdrrv respectfully solicted anJ promptly
filled. Ai! work warranted to sue satisfaction
ti- An extensive lot if Lumber of all
descriptions on hpnd ti r sale.
io 'ort on .Vori Second ilrtet,Ltu-itbuTr,fa
April S3. H5.
V IO !M hJ:il lilp i.f thr Iron tily
l irr,mtrctt:t i hii'gc." Arf(lrrs Bi X 167,
1st u ist.urs 1 O.
May S7, 15.)'J.
THE H.l) Hlr: The subscriber
re-j.rctiiilfy ai r.i in,rr t,. ihe cil.zet.s o
i.ewisnurj. an t nciruiy thai ihey hare formed
a Put U:t rh;p in ihe
Tailoring Easiness,
at the well-known stand of J;,mes Criswell on
.Maiket street, wheie thi v are prepared to
t T AM, MAKt. t'ioerder in tbe er
test su.v. Men s and Kos' (lotbinK ef
every de-ciip:o n i n sh, rt notice. We ask
a shareol ihe public pain rase.
Lewishurs, April I,
AKE .NOTICE! The Di.riersin.H ...
appointed Agents lor the sale of
ISoois, Itliuds A. ftiudoiw stanh
of all sizes, made ol the best material. All
work warranted, t "Made bv 1..B.SPKOLT,
Huchesnlie, Pa. and for sale by
tis F s CAI.DM ELL,Lewisburg
Ko Grindstones Grcccries, or Honkey
1)1 T hundreds t( Hats and Caps of the
f) laie.t styles, a little cheaper than ran bt
lound elsewhere. Call and see them at
G'itisini' Hut Manufactory, Ltwitlvrg, Pa
HAVE received their SECOXD ARRIVAL
of Spring and Sumir.er Goods, Ladies'
liess t.'oeds. Mantilla, and a large lol of
Ladies' Collars and Sleeves from aociioa,
Also a general assoriment vt Men's Wear,
Trimmings, Cottonades, Cassimers 4. Cloths,
whieh will be sold cheap.
May 15, 1S.5D.
krl ItooLs andotherarttclaa
T? , 'of that kind on hand or to enter by the
l,eisDura liookv-ooer, IM: MA HI.
II. C.l.ltll AItT, VEXT1ST,
Market street, neii door tn Brows &
Ritter's Store I.F.WlSBl RU, PA.
AS just received a splendid assortment
ot the very best, cheapest and most
Uslnunable Jewelry in ihe market. Hia
iSiock comprises
lirraNt Finn,
A bains,
liar IS in i ,
i'in&er Itlne.
Ill aeelelN.
Meee Iliillonn,
which will be sold extremely low for Ca.
He respectfully asks the patronage of all
his old customers; and also invites new ones
to give him a rail before making their pur
chases. Call at the sign of the Big Watch,
Market street, east of Second. Dec. 24.'5tl
Execntor's Notice.
"'OTICE is hereby given, that Letters tes-
tameniarv on the last will and testament
tf DAVID HOWARD, late ot ihe Mission
San Jose, in California, deceased, have been
granted lo the undersigned, by the Register of
I'mon county, in due form ot law ; all persons
having claims against said estate will present
them to the subscriber fir settlement, aim
lhose owln sal(j esIate are requested 10
niake jlurof,,,al(. pavmrnt ,
Lewisburg, Jan. 6, IMiU
noNTrAti.tr. sixth m-al asnotsc-
KtM," and brilliant i c, iu anuU.r coluw.