?! V i rt i 4 '51 f Great Union Savin' Meetin' In Hornty! THE PEuTLK IX I'ONTF.XTION. I da suppose that ef ibis ere blessed old eouatrj of aourn has bea onct on tbe very varge and pint of ctarnal emash Ecoce I fust wore trowsis, it bes been in that alar mi a' sitovatioD at least fifty time9. And to the intent and eend that honor Bay be gin irhar honor is dew I want it kept afore the people as an evcrlastin' re membrance, perpetooal iovencr, and mo- j tncutut moscs, that, in all cases wbar the . 1 .... , , when perlttical Union bes ben gin over, doctors elsewhere hev pronounced it in ex- trcmii mortar, and not likely to live afore tnornin Ilornbv bas allers kim to tbe resku, and never failed to put the critter ; on its legs agin. When aour folks fust heern that Sew- trd an Garrison had committed a resurrec- tion in Virginny and killed John Brown, and that the Ossywatdmics and niggers bad tuk Harper's ferry bote, we was con siderably struck, I allaow, but we diJu t , lose aour preseutj nv mind. It dou't ; take longer to raise tbe spent of '70 in ! aour people's buzzums than it docs to get ' up steam in your new Cre ingine. Tbar's ouly one pesky nigger lives into aour town. Let alone bis btirj' a nigger, I do ' suppose be is abaout as clever an old crit-; ter as ever lived, but then he's a posterity 1 of Cane and Abel which slew onr fust pa- j rients with tbe jaw bone of an ass, an con sequently is agin both acriptur and the Cuustitootion. Afore an our bad rolled : away among the things as never was, we'd tore his haouse all to smithcrs, and the : black cuss bisself ouly escaped by leavin part uv'bis skulp an wool enough for a pair of mittigns in the bands uf Zjoroba bel I'eabody. Artcr we bed thus acted in accordance with the pcrvisious and com fertilises of tbe Constitootioo, we adjourn ed to meet agin into the meetiuus the next nitc, wbar a meetiu' on the state of the Union was appinted. Ef I live till I die (an I urn My trust that l'rovidenec will contiuue me till that j time) I shall never forget the impof iu' ap- pearance of aour meetinus on tbis momeu-, tus occasion, uight over tuc pulpit Lung ono of aunt Kyer's best liuuiug sheets, wite as its owner's bead, and a durocd site more spotless than her caraktcr, on wich, in caracters of imperishable lampblack, was the patriotic sentiment of the immor tal Mcbuffie of South Carylina: "IIIE CONSTITOOTIO.V WOT IS IT BUT A UL'K.NtU OLU RAG IV Underneath, was a picter of that med dlesome old feller, Hoar, who weut aout to Cnarlcstun to steal niggers, a streakiu it fur borne, his cote tails describen a hor izjntal line uf 04 uVgi. and 40 min., and one of the Shivalry's Lutes jest under cm. Ua wun side was a likeness of aour Cmlinrn l.pllifirn nmnl-iiniifi1 lltd nnflll. ' i enable rinht to caunt his niczers in the chadder uf liuukcr hill. Ou (he left, as other uf the same sort a teiliu' Northern j Senators ef they should kim to Mishissypy, ) Lis couslitooeuts would hang cm higher than Judas Icecarrut huug Mordiky. Chuck up in the Deacon's seat, was a board, on which aour talented feller towns men, IVrierCation Pilsbry, had drawn in charcoal a graphic scene in the great ir ginDy resurrection. The artist had, with characteristic eye to effect, selected that awful pint wbar fifteen hundred of Vir ginny 's bravest stood firm for twenty hours, eurraouodin the injiue baousc, jest aout of gunshot, waitin' for the Moreens to kim and take old Pottawotamy Seward an bis fifteen blood thirsty niggers. When this scene bust upon my eyes, to gether with the seieckmeu settin right in- to the pulpit, a loukin jest as solemn as though it was Sabbcrday, I felt as rcliev. ed as I did when onct, arter eatiu' a doz en bard biled eggs, an the last four not settin well, I took a cream a tartar solu tion of arb driuk wich brot em up bull. Fur dayi I'd felt poorly I was devisiu' ways an means by dav and bv night. I was dreamin' of dissoluted uuions an up-' the meetinus. I tbunk Iheerdsutbin'drop, an a lode twict as heavy as Pilgrim's TrnTr. tnnneaclr rnlloH rilit ff mo ; T ,Z,h, T i;l,. . r....i. .. I for the Union, I undcrtuk to jump clean over a pew, I lodged on the top, and then pitched bed fust right onto Miss Deacon Isril Tuttlc, who sot in tbe next pew, an she's bin laid op with tbe rumatis ever sii.ee. Durn blast yer evcrlastin' picter !" says Miss Deacon Isril, says she, when we'd ticked ourselves op. "Woman," says I, "what do yon know abaout po!!y ticks? This ar a crisis," says I, "an ef I hadn't jumped I should Lev bust." 'I wish to the lord you would bust," said she, as the limped aout of the house. lieacou Iaril, be was quite huffy abaout it, even goin to far as to pull my nose till I hollered l.ke a loon. Mootooal friends iuterfcrio', however, we shook hands and went out and lickercd. When we went back, the meetiu was organized, and Poli sh Pettibones was going it in a 2-40 speech. As the Deacon an I cot only lickered, but "smiled," and then took suthin, we only heerd tbe pearoaration. "Over the sky blcwsirrulian vastnessof the cverlastiu' hill tops," says IVltiah, says be, 'up from the pecliu' ambiguities, (he unspeakable korruscations and ossilla ted permeations of the bowliu' wilderness, borne on all tbe breezes that sweeps tbe etarnal circumambient, shrieked by every eagle, as he rises from his ery and soars into boundless contiguity, I bear but one try "I'ltivii' UuijH ajin tierylltivy j ', WyrtA u w ore: Amen.. Perhaps there want no stompin' when I'eltiab sot daown of course there want ! The committee on resolutions then kim in an reported the fulleriu' wich was adop ted sjnc oje : 1st. Resolved, The day wo celebrate may its ahadJcr never be less. J.A. Resole!, That thiugs has come to a pooty pass an uughtcot to to be, so they oughteut. 3d. Resvlvd. That all aberlitioners is ,' resurrectionists, and that hangin' the hull , ,Qt wouJ ute tUe ialctcata 0f trade, aBj earve tl) ma-c our free iustitutions a terror to the world. 4th. Resulted, That Gov. Wise, in hang- in old Seward au uarrison, is lumicu m I the L'iuerous sympathy of all who keep stop with tbe luion. Au cf he wants ' the "Il.iriibv 1'alauks." the sclick men be j autlorised to stud that corpse on, ef they will Olu. Rtnuhed, Ttiat e rvcoguitu lb our southern bretherine the trewMiiv slrv. l'avtriots an Pavtiiarks. That theyr alters rite, an that we of the N irth is prone to rong as sparks is to go up chiuiuly. That slavery was sot up iu the covenaut with Ahram when he was in the bulrushes, an is tbarfor a sacred iustitootion. Long may it wave ! Cth. Rcsnloed, Ef aour Southern bretbern dou't think the forgoin cnut, an will rite out sich a 1 as they wants, wc'l pass it. As we are willin to be uuihle an meaner than I'unkicvilledin if we can tberby save the Uuioo. Tin. UiMjUtd, 'J'liat the Falauks re maiu under arms till further orders, with paower to arrest all uiggers, pediars, book : agcuts, an aberlitionists faouud ruuuin at I large agin the statoot, an that the taown be considered under marshal! law lor tne present. At this junction, the selict men was seen to turn rale an whi.-per together. In a minit, one on cm kim forrerd in gret egg sitement, an sod w us mistaken he'd Leeo barkin ud th j wronc tree that be held iu his band a paper which proved aour $omucrn Urethering was ongrateful cu.St9. l"or," says he, "notwithstandin aour uuiiiity and union savin, they per- pose to shet us aout of tbe CharSestaown Convention!" Had a thunderbowl kim rite threw the ruff, we couldn't have beeu more consternated. Everybody looked at somebody else, w hich also looked back agin. Then the chairman offered the follerin, which passed vivy voscy : Resolved, That the 5th and C:h resolu tions be and hereby is expunged, and that tbey be printed in black lines raound them. RJccd, That this mectin bas not been held. Adjourned, syne dye. Ethan Si'iKE, .Sec. P. S. Tbe constitooted orthurities of this taown tender their thaLks to the li- .. f si.. tI."L,r;,T(T lt.A Pnmtistir tlKW" ' ' r-- for their kind offer to scud a swarm to he'p us in these tryiu' times. Ef the Fa lauks is l.ke to get ihe wust of it, we will telegraph by horse express. Johi!i Eaker & Co., IT AVE 11 E.1.0 AVE made arransenipnls wiih E. ,ocke & Co. to luring aa per ceui. AIAJOIIOI, by the Cbl. an l Half Bill, as cheap as it can be hoiiplu in Philadelphia. They have also just received a general as sortment of I'aiuls una oil..l;iM and I'liltj, r.KL'.-Ul am. 1'KUI LMKUV, CONFECT'Ci.ERY, FAMCY SOAPS, CUTLER V, M UX IX (J FLUID, rine Oil, all jmpular Patent Medicines, LitiUirs,Tiibacto, Snuff.Inks, Soda Asli, heel drease, c. &c. til ihe above articles offered VERY CHEAP FOB CASH. Call before buying rheuhcre. Our Motto is Small 1'rolitn & Quick Salts." Lewisburg, May 13, 1859. f5 XT C ft fill -F u:visni no, l'A. It. ti. 1 1 CTZ V I-, Prop'r, I riHIS Hotel is located in th center of the I tou n. one square from the Court House l'ersons attendins Court or having other bu- siness 111 Ihe lon. will hnrt this a plea-ant and comfortable home. Charges moderate. I.cwisbtire. J'a-, Sept. 6, IKSil oi.'t Cabinet and Chair Ware-Room, AND STKIM T I" II X I X SHOP "OK I'H 1st and Front St. The subscriber most respectfully informs the citizens of Lewisburg and surrounding country that he has on hand lor sale ihe largest, best and cheapest assortment of I'urnilure ever ever nlTereil to the public coinniisiiig Bureaus, hancy anil common Bed steads Jenny l.inil. Cottage, t rench and Common Tables, Center, Card, Pier, Dining. Breakfast and Common Hat stands. Collage W'ashstands, and common Siands of all kinds. Hair. C'loih, and CAN E KKAT Chairs of all kinds, HORSE SHOE Chairs al Wholesale, Common and Rocking Chairs and a little of everything in Furniture line. Metallic Cases and Wooden Coffins either on hand or made to order, and FL.NLRALS attended to promptly as usual. Being provided with Circular and Scroll Saws driven by steam power, I can furnish all kinds of Cabinet TURNING Nule Posts and Bannisters and Hand Railings on hand or Turned or Sawed to order, different sizes and patterns. Furniture to order. Repairing as usual. CyCheaper than Ever for Ready Pav.j Thankful for nearly thirty years of liberal public patronage, I respectfully ask a contin uance of the same, and hope to deserve it. DAVID GIN TER. Lewisburg. Sept. 30, I89 IXMGs Cll UlLXS M'GKKGOR carries on the aoove business in Fnck's Brick Bl..ck, North Third street. Culling and Ma king in good style according to Ihe best Fash ions. Uive us a chance, and see if we can Dot yea. C MACG. Lewisburg, Nov. 1, 5 UNION COUNTY STAR & LEAVISBUIiG CHRONICLE FEB. 10, ISfiO. "STAR & CHRONICLE" CALENDA R. is, 5 ji s 3' ? ' tr ?l 5 1 MS-.il Jan.. Jul). .1 l 3 4 6 . 7 hi Hjlu IM-i 1 Ml 1S'1!it l--'iv-i;l S::i3tii'r'"'r''i J.' -I L'l jJl.ll'T.-S Fear. I fit 0 7) J Jl in :! 1411.'. ldirijls l aiiiiij-.'!i-ii24 ii I 1 si 3 4 7 h I'M, II 113il41i!!t, 17IS jl;.:.M:Jl.i-J Mar. Sept.. April I :i 4! M 6 i 1 rid 1.1 ln'ii im; i 1 as 21 -.-Jisiii .A 1- Say. .1 41 s Not?:' 1 d;ii'ii 12 l".Hll.'. I.i7ls,l;' 1 I.v'u;i.'.;l'.;l7 !Joilliiiri4 -i-'l-?i-'r" June i Here. 2l a 4! Sl r.j ; 5 M l.'1!! I-.' ta.t,is Ii.ilT I- '-- i-'ii,i,ai'2iia!St lS4lSi:3S,a;i2ia,: t!!t4,2i asjsp.a .-! I ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. rflO all whom this mav concern: On the 1 sinh day of December, A. 1). IC.VJ, JO SEPH M'FADDIX, of the borough of Lewis burg and county of L'nion, having made a vol untary assignment to Win. Jones, of said bo rough, for ihe benefit of creditors, Therefore, all persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed on role, book account or otherwise, will please c-ll and settle the same, as no further indulgence will be given. And also, all per sons having claims against said J seph M'- Faddin, will present the same for settlement. w M. JtiNL.3, Assignee. Lewisburg, Dec. 13, 1839 T HE Great London Treatlier, Uev. C lisirlo 11. spurron, fltCl-NF.D AS A REGULAR COXTRJCUTOR to Tint MRISTl.t H ATI'IIM IN A lil.FLKITIiR.Bntna as. the oldest Baptist paper in the worl I. His many friends in this country who have read his termors with profit, will hail with pleasure this opportunity tor holding more intimate communication with hun. These Letlers to commence with the first paper in January, 1 Sample copies of the paper sent between this and January, ISMi, to persons who may order Ihem for examination. WHAM, FORD OLMSTEAD, Publishers, Boston, Mass (Smit (Bxrifrninit! .D MILL tiKUTKR ItKIHITlOX If fllK f-S ! T11HE undersigned, finding times rather hard I and money scarce, orters his EN'-e, J IRE STOCK of BOUTS AD SIIOEsWj now on hand (which is the largest in the County) at COST PRICES FOR CASH! lS-No mistake call and eiamino for your selves either Whuktak or Kitoil.jt Store keepers and others engaged in the bhoe trade will hnd it to their advantage to call and look al his slock and save at least 25 per cent. ! Maniliiirtlirlll? f aH kinds done at very moderate prices and REPAIRING al the shonest notice. I Don't forget the plarp nut duvr to J. J. Wall,' Stort, LEWIslH RG. May 9, IS.19 WILLIAM JOH.NSO. MEW FIRM AND NEW GCCDS. Wm.Rrown Jr. &. I'll. C. Bimklo, Having formed a Partnership, at Ihe old stand of tt'm. & J.H. Brown, Market St. above 4lh, Lewisburg, VRE offering a lar?p assortment e all and WlTr.lt ;mN, oonsssting of Ready Made t'loihing. Cloths, Casirr.cres, Coatings, Vestings, Carpeimgs, Bleached and Brown Linens, Diillings, Shir linffs, Arc. Also a large variety of LAIHE.V DKKS.S OOOUS, such as Calicoes. Challies, Lawns Delains, liarages, Silks. (!inghams,ShawlAe Also all kinds of Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, C'eilarware, (Queens and Ulaisware Fish. Salt, Ttdiaceo. Also all kind of Ilrlrk for building pur poses. Call and eiaminefor yourselves. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. BROW N & DLNKLE. Lewisburg, Oct SO, 1859 Biar siDifjiJM vim Just opened; opposite the Riviere llouse, in the Room lately occupied ly A. Singer. FULL and complete assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTH- INGjSnch as Overcoats. Dress Coats, Busi ness Coats, and Coals of every style anc pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to "suit. Also, a large variety of Under Clothing, such as Drawers, shirts, Ac. Also.a fine assortment of Hoys Clothing of the latest styles. Aiso, HaTS and CAl'S equal to any offered in this country. In fact. I have everything necessary 'in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advance for cash. PHILIP (iOODMAX, Ag't. rp'AIl kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 23. New Arrangements---New Goods! JOSEPH L. IIAWN bavins taken the J well known Sl'YKEK HAT STOKE, has refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Rats, Cojit, Gentlemen's Clnthiirytd-c. Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSl.MEREM.&e, which he will make up to orer,as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted 10 his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. X. B. Cutting and Repairing-i done to order. Lewisburg, pril 10, 1857 Fall and Winter Goods. Hursh & Goodman, Jr(7anf,Ze!(-i'iin7 HAVE received and opened a CHOICE assortment of all the latest styles of FALL and Winter Goods. The particular attention of the Ladies is called to their stock of Brilliants Dress Silks ' Prints Delaines Shawls Fig.Fr.Merinos Collars llucal Sleeves Ginghams Iusertings Foulards Edgings Chintzes Gloves.Ae. ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Jeans, Tweeds, Vestings, Muslins, Drill ings, Tickings, Flannels, Boots and t1?'Shoes, Hats and Caps.gj together with a complete assortment of Groceries", Hardware, Cedarware, Qnceuswarc, !tc. all of which will be disposed of on as favora ble terms as the same articles ran be purch as"l any w here. O we ut a call .' I I I I. ,.: 4l .'.1 r. 7 s 1" !ll'l'i!tS'l4iU mil? ; lai-'iJi-"ri';:i"i:"; l il si l s j 7 lmllilu. 13I14 ' l.Vti..lTls lvM Jl 1 t 1 1 1 1 I s nl 4! al t 1 V .lii'll U 'VI U;lft If.-IT I H .M! -M'- rnrrr 1 --I i n 3 - L I r,Vs, FURS runs! Hats and Caps. AN rntire NEW STOCK just received at GIBSON'S Hal Manulaalory, Lewis burg latest slvles. cheeper than ever for cash. Call in.' Ladies and Gents, and exam ine for yourselves, and don't stop al places where the stock has beeu lying around for half a dozen years. FI RS repaired or exchanged for newones. DI'.KSS II A I S made to order at short no tice and repaired without charge when they need it. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. THE Fall Term, of 11 Weeks, will J. open on Thursday morning, Sept. 22. COLLEGE Tuition per Term Room rent and tuel Slll.lltl 4-r'0 Library care repairs ACADEMY Tuition - From 1 to,?7.no Care and repairs - - 45 FEM. INSTITUTE Tnition.from J7 to 10.00 Repairs - 20 J. I! LOOMIS, President Lewisburg, Aug. IN lgSil 9IW.UO AYS for a full course in the Iron City tleee , most exlensivelv patronized and best organized Commercial School iu tue tin ted Slates. Four Larrrc Halls For Writins. Commercial Calculations, Book Keeping and Lectures. Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 111 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua ting, is guaranteed to be competent to nianage the Hooks of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $AOO to l0O. Students enter at any lime A'o A'acation Review at pleasure. first Riemiirm fur Rest Writing awarded this Institution. The best and grea test variety ol Penmanship in any one Hall uf the I'lnon, is found here. t"? Ministers" Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of W riling, and Embellished View of the College, inclose five letter stamps and adiliess 82 F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Pa. LEWISBURG ACADEMY. T' HE Fall Srsoiitliof this Institution will commence Momiat, Sept. lit, InVJ, to con tinue 13 weeks ; ti be succeeded immediately by the ft Infer M'MI4tn ol ttie same length. A short Vacation will be given during the Holidays. All the Branches of a thorough Academic Course are taucht, and young men desirous of qualifying themselves forTeaehmg.tor en tering Collcse, or lor general business, will find it to their advantage to enter this school. The llible is a Text Book. A large Class of Young Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 wreks,iacluding contingent rxpen-es. rl:tM AUV Rfs.liiir. Writing. IhHtu-r, Arithmetic. iH-nir , .iraHi. m.. I" S. Ili-t"rv. ----- Jft Ot AM A.N. I.I. t.N.iLlsll nil not inrluilett above C- 5o LAMILAIilCS. 7 60 Nio additional charces; also, no deductions except for protracted sickness. - Tuition pay able immediately upon the close i f the ses sion. JOHN RANDOLPH. A'igust 2fi, IST.9. Principal Jlook 15imlery! fllliE suli'criner having rental the entire 1 Book Binding eMabli-hinent of Worden V Cornelius and ad.led to it his own tools, is now prepared m BIND OR RE-EIKD Cooks, Magazine. 1 u nsj Iih-ts. Music, t'titalou'tic?. Xcw.-iiiifr.-.-f. eiiher Full or llalf Bound, in various kinds of !.r.ATiit;it or of Mi lis. and lined with Marble Paper of ('liferent lieures. Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which it is deired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. 0j Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Trayer Books, Pocket Hunks, Album's. Diaries, ic, I.clit'ii'il Mill) t.otri in legible and diirab! characters, to order. MI sit; rOKTFOLIOS, &c., made to suit customers. 1-7 A good Bindery has long been desired in this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully solicit ihe public patronage, misting that my experience and attention to bnmess will give satisfaction. I iniend to charge moderate anil uniform prices, on the Live and Let Live" principle and hope lo make it a ptriuanent business. Vnuluee ynd Slnre Gnnth tnhrn in pay. li Rent and stock requiring money.I expect l'A Y OS DEUYEH Y of all work. J Bindery in Beaver's wooden block. N. Third street, four doors from Market street.r.ear the Chronicle ( ir.ee. CIIA'S J. STAIIL. Lewisburg, April I, lffl'J HLIilFjiTTlIAIBEU ! ! IHE subscribers havefor sale (in lots to suit purchasers) large stock of TIE IIOAH I)S Panel Stuff Plank. Ac. Also A.OUO TIM. HAILS. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber for Buildings: Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills on South Branch of the White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road. ! tTA Dipioma for a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded us at the last Union Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL & BRO S, Iy773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa BUFFALO HOUSE. LE WISH L UG, CMOS CO., l'A. ' I.. . II It EWER, Proprietor. fpiIlS House is the largest anil most I spacious in Lewisburg, and situated op posite the Court Hou'-e, on the most elevated and pleasant part of the town. The proprie tor, who has recently purchased of the late firm of Lawshe & Set-old, has spared neither pains nor expense in refitting and re-furnishing the House. IV Please give him a call and judge for yourselves. July 1, 1SR8 DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMi:OIATIIIJ lllSlt'I.4X, In W.Brown's Arm Bixk, Market St, 733 (between Fint. Sixth.) LKWISIU KU. VARIETY OF VARIETIES 1 A large and well selected stock of new Goods in the Notion and Variety line, has just been received and opened at the Posl Office, and for sale cheap tor cash. 1 8591 CO. The Bent Work and Latest Styles TAILORING. JOHN" B. MILLER thankful .for past favors would state thai he has re ceived the FALL Sc. Winter Fashions, and is prepared to CUT. MAKE, and REPAIR garments as usual. He will endeavor, as heretofore, to execute his work satisfacto rily to all. Lewisburg, Oct IS59 1 1 r-" " ML mid lUl)lt., and FiiiTTEKP, Flooring, Siding, Fraiitiiiir, A:e. For f&U at tto- Prior Stor ft f IALI I LL. Iwit.t.urir. Ort CO-PARTNERSHIP. zm. n'li. tinilnriirnitil lint'ik 1c Jnrintprl IhpniSfUt'S inio Cnnart- nership for thentirpoe of carry- and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the tctuiolnrg Gleam planing illilb. where they intend to keep a stock of Pine, Hemlock. Walnut herrv. Poplar, Ash, Ma- pie, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Sht-1 ving, Siding, Shingles, I.aih. Joints, Siudding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Poors, Shutters, Blinds, S;h, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. Planing, Stilting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice and workmanship. j. n. mpfffnuf.rfer, MARTIN IHIKIM'.AC II, BEYERS AMMIiNS. Li.wi!iirir rt.tliiiia Millii, Aj ril 1. I"-. $3,000 Wanted! IN pnrsuatice of an art of the last I.pjrisla tt;re of IVrmsvIvania, ihp i Vinnif-MWirrs ol i uion c t tinty 'loir lo ISOITUIY monry tn ihe aUve amount, in Minis in t It-.ss than JjJUlO, the interest lo te paid annual! v, ami the princtpal within three vear. Inquire f II. 1'. SHKIXFR. Treasurer. Lewishnr?, Pa., May Ih:"m. NOTA UY 1 'U J MA C. William Jcncs, TTOKNEY at Law. fulled ions JL promptly attended to. Olliceon Market street, oppi.Mie the Presbyterian rhuich. fiuu lew ism nt;, VA Fruit and Ornamental Trees, crr qr0 f li'tt,i-iiig i'l;iiii f7T The subscriber has on hand a splendid SC. eolleolion of both Fruit and tirnamenial TKEES, Ac. Ac. enibraen. the verv best varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries. Apricots. Xee ari:is,Grape .Goose berries, Ipbernes, Ctrrants, Strawberries A LSI, Large Horse Chestnut. European Mountain Ak, American Mountain Ash. Suar Maple for street plantitiL'. Ever-ld .oining Iwse, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. rtTNursery Grounds on ihe farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within hall a mile of Lewisbur. All orders will receive strict attention. C Term inrarinUu ('ASH. WILSON 1. LINN. Lewisburg, July 7, IP.r.8. CABINET AUIiEBOWi TOKTH 4lh Street. Tfce subscribpi 11 most respecitully inb rn s the citizens ol Lewisburs and viciimv, that he has on hand and fur sale a cheap lot ol 11 SI. M i l It C, for the Spring trade, comprising PrertHinte and Common i;ircan., Pec I tin! and Hit luMi-s, JUiiinnnu roakf:ist Tallies. ( 'iijil otirils, Cot tiiL'e and other Ucdstcadr, stands Hol'a?, and ("Lairs of ail kinds. C C F F I N S rna!e to order oi short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure thai they will be aaus tied Willi his slock of Ware, nud pr.ees. suI.n.VON iOl'XG Lewishtlrff, Sept. 15, IH.'ti AERTI E. E0WER. s. -n a( Imialtt-r t 31 u'1 secuinl door abuv e 'i'hitd, I c-.-:' - on Market street 3Lfci-' l i: w l s is u u c, V(uJd respectftiMy inf. rni the public that he has on hand a tine asoriinrnl of (iold and JSlvrr I.r'vr and Lepine Watches a frood stork i I (!!. Cameit and Masi nic Breastpn i-f the laifsr st it field arol Cameo La n iuzs A r, which he ii;ten:S to sell very cheap also a splendid a.(ritne nt t 1 Eiyht-Iav and Thirty Hour' 7.''f A'.vandTime pirres. E try article warranted to be what il is sold br. The erea'est care will betaken in Krtnl I'ltl and Cleaning of i'U cli, Waiches and Jewelry, and evervthin? warranted to give satisfaction. I'lea-e nake him a call, and ive him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July 21, ( lutkv.n aU fi rs, and Jcu'li, --Ithdonr west (.t Bank, Also, pnrticniar attetitinn paid to KK I'AIKLNti ol all Kinds. I have also the agency for the a!e of the celebrated I oil I Oil I.iiiuitN, which will reconitnend theueivei to every one. Cnlt and see. Setn.!). IS.Ih A K JtOi:MAMlK Aurilen and Otmmllon House In Uwlsburg. Legal Auctioneer! F...Doilt'IlOlTt-r havinsbeen appointed sole Auctioneer tor Lewisbi.rs, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line iu town and country. Commission Sales. In April nejt, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of (ioods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per centage for the same Feb. 2, IM'J F A POXEHOWER MONEY WANTED! rr'HE undersigned wants Onr Tlioil- NUIld Dollars out of his Book Ac counts to pay oil his debts. He owes, and is unpleasantly urRed for payment. Those, therefore, who are in arrears lo him for six months and over, will please setile accounts immediately ; and llto.se in arrears, under six months, ill receive a reasonable discount on their accounts for payment made within that lime. I ? Belter settle whilst you mov. and before being eowptllut. j Also N. B. All persons, hereafter, employing the professional services of the subscriber, will be called upon lo settle their bills punc tually at six months after attendance given. CHARGES MODERATE, and a reasonable amount of charity practice evpected to be giv en where persons have the disposition, but not the means, to pay. Others, in their prac tice, may extend or. unlimited credit ; bur,for himself, he has, for the future, fixed on thesu mostbs Tta, which will be strictly adhered to in all cases. (jj Strict attention given to business as for merly. WM. LE1SER, M. V. Lewisburg, July !8, IH.VJmB FAItM Limit, fur nat. J.ri mile, from Phtl.iMi.hi. hy tlnilroii.1, in the StMte of w JiTM-y. bull .niubK the brt fur Airiruttar.l rur i.?. brlUK . mh1 Inam oil. with m rlny button!. Ttiliin.Jii lurici trrt, di vili.il iiitomonll firmn. iini tiuii.lrids from ll iitrt rr th niudtry r. now .rttlioir .nil buihliD?. Ihr eropn firoiluml r lnr .nil cad l rn frnmmir. Ttie cli mmtK w di'lUlitful, anj M-rurn from frit. Ti'rmii frin 1S to 2(l prr .rr.. iHyalle within four Te.rt Iit in.UI. m.nt.. To ti'it tin- iliii-e le Vin Stri-i't Vt b.rf at l'hil.lrl.hi m;l . A. 1 ., tij llailroml fi r lUmuioub.n, or ulilrri.. K J. Hvrneff. liy li-ttT. ll.muii nton I.! or- i fin. Att.ntti rouuty. xw Jtrstfjr. c.c full advirti. I meat lu auotber ccluiuu. I I I I I illJl.lXDS ' 1 m i' --' I Insurance. CiET JNSLIJED! West ItntJrh Inouranrr nmpnny. i. H K ll.WK.V, l'A. i ON. C. G. HAKVKV, Vrrhhutt J. V. Cll AI'M AN, Srrrrtarif. II 1 his company, on entering upon the hi in year of their busmess, submit the folhwinj; tatflncnt ot their assets a lid business to the public. ! IVhule amount of Risks $3,800,000 I Bf.ndi am Biortfrne9 jmxuivU bjr first Hn f VSi ' kk, (,11 liaifl Nulta rrrftit-4l V r Premlami ODlODg teriu ft i. U iu lotce 3"O.0ji T-.UI $i:.n.iN f.ofi jmiJ diirlnj; It jtmt 1'aiJ iJi(il-iiil Biitl couttuii'.-icn u) This Company continues to innre every ctesenption vf property, mrh as builfni?st guofi1', inen:han(iize, Ac, aaint loss or dam age of Fire, arid lor aiy time limited ur per petual. We would call the particular attention o owners of valuable stock, if the d'-pa'tment of Live Shhk lantrancr. Hurse Cait'e and Mules Insured azaint I ss by death, frm either natural or aeeidental causes. A Wo Insiiratice on the Ihnlth of Jnd-riduaU fur the term of one vear, at in-'ilearte rate. JAM KS It. HAMLIN, Agent. Lewisburs, Oct -'t, lf.ri. Amcritan Life Insurance & Trust Co., ' (Capi'al Stock .-)!i(i,IHUi) j CtOMTAN V S l'.!iili!m .Wali,iii streel.S T. t cnrner of Fourth I'ntailiff-tna. I"? Lives insureij at ihe usual Mutual rates , or at Ji.intSti.ek rates atout -o fer cei.t. less urat 'i'otal Abstinence rates ibf lowest in ihe woibl. A. M IlII.J.iH.N, I'lesidttil Jttttx C. Sims, Sec. ' 747J (ii:o. Y. MILLER, Agtnt, Leu isbur? AT A HAKf.AlN! j i ? i Thp subscriber has on hand for sue IMO XfW liltvU'H, uh;rh he oiler at a bargain ft.r ah or ill Kit -hanze ' for a eood lloKK. Call soon or von will miss iu 11. K. Ill KII. at IlftTj-t. r,, 'P ti r-. or if abspnt. inquire id - H. liiiier, at U tn. Flrown, Jrs store. Lewi-bur', Keh. 15 NOTICE. rrG the Citizens i f I,f.v:sburff and v-rinity 1 II. I.. IltlK'M ha r-inovd hi Harrer : hop Iri-m tne Kiviere Hou-e to Market street, ia,iiier.t i f V idiw Ano n 1 uiS'Iitiir, one d.mr abttvc the f -1 UHice. Tliai.kiul t-r a:l ; pat iavorv, he hepr tu merit a coutiiiuani e of the public pair tiatre. X. H. j To sll who turrr hT Till tti. ir i- r-! crew Iv-nc I ir:i'ill!t t-l.f -. L'' S I ii llisi nt l.i- sui. n. I ti :ID, TH7ITS .l.ar. l:.l -r-.i . 1 1 -1 . .- 1 1 , Tn.-lfi-l lr i n. m- i.r oo n, K. L. I!IES. I.ewijburp. April 1, IK'.fl. rPJIE sulscriWr con- 1 tinues to carry on the l.iu-ry ltusiiitM the Old Stand on Sut., Third street, near Market, and respectful!) stilicits the paironapeot his friends and lh public cenerlv. CHAK1.ES F. iiKSS. Lewisburg, May 22, C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drug and Chemical EmjMjrium irket ?:rect - - Lewisburs. William VanGezer, TTOKNEY at Law, i l.vw lliu-s. I nlon Co., Pa. IV t:tcr ojipoMte K.ine. lintel Ai4 WINFIELD FACTORY ! Aear llul tll'loll, l'nion Co., Pa. TUK MiltseribiT, thankful for pal patrcnaue. wi uld inK-rm his Inen.ls and ihe puhlic in se ne rai, that he continues to manufac ture a!l kinds ti uoh n 4 -u oils, sui h as Clclhs, I'asoimcrt". 'i wreu., Kit tine Its, J?ans, Hlankets and Flannels; also, Carpel and Stocking Yarns. His machinery hem? of the le-t kind in ne, and having empu yed the hel cf workmen, he fetN sale in sayina that bis work shall not be surpassed t v ' any f(ttabli-hinent in the country. A eood sup. ! p!y ol the above got'tK kept constantly on han i h-r sale or to eichance for wi-td. at prices 1 that can not fait to y !eae. WOOL will he i Cardt d in the tet niannerand on the sh'-rtest j notice. Terms fi r carding, cah on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HAI.FFE.VNY. W infield Mills, March 3i, 1657. THOMAS G. GEIER, ( f u rr i.-or it J-L. l ' dlk ) Witt climaKcr atul Jeweller, Located two tbfr m.-t nf tbr itr.-t n n-tn!j ore ut iru hy Mr. T'Htfr iAA 'f.-Kt bo:, 1'. CIO kt Watches. Ac, repaired on shot! notice and warranted to yue saiisiartmn. LI?" An excellent a--rtment of Watches, C locks and Jewelry i hand Cheap fur Cmh. OI1.T FIIAMKsS of all sizes made lo order Lewisburg. pnl CD, lsfS THE XEW-YOIIK TIMIJUSE. Prepare for the (rral I'H'hlral 4mpalLr of l0 LV IMJlCLMEMX TO CLVBS.j NOW IS Till: TIMfc TO SVUfClilliE. Tin TBiBi'srr now mon- than richtpii ynrt old. n! hamit urr a iuarti-r if a nullum mi! mnU tf. or r.o t;iut ur-linH,Ti, iIiITum-iI tl-rouuli rrry Mate ami Te-r-ritnry of cur I nn o i-oniinur in corner hal il htv twrn llie iarm-pt hamj ioii i t l.itu rly, rTi'k'rr. an I nf Initi'Trr will roii.lurr toour national growth id Virtue, luiiutr, Kni-wlr lirr . anl I'n'-jrrity. IHE y EH' YiH, K M.I ThlM'XE print eil on lari:r inifM-nal wtint. ami pubifhrd rtrrr otoruiti ami rfruii uinlaji ficr'tnli 11 rntain t lit" rials on the ti f-ir of the timrn. nifl'-tn)C a larr mri I'l tlif Innt nrwn.kT ritt-r of llir ia ; Ik.wr lic anJ Kurritto Crr-inni n.- : I'mrr l.i.jf nf l". n jrres?; Krnrlii of f.itur-i: t My Nrw: Cuttlr. Hi.rr. itu.t l'ntiute Xarkrt: K--ir! if h; Litrrar Id trlli;.-rncr : r! Oil Mi ri;li ji-' uu I ill" rt s. I'ik x tj, Ar., Ac. W inrhf n .UTIIK 1KIM k. m Krntpa lrr to tntf t thr win.; .1 i he put-lie its 11, t hit ntw? aKue costing owr il6,iK4 p r aiiuum. THE DAII.YTIlllirNKin aiailnl to .ut.5criWrf at f-3 per annum, in atlTaur; ?:t fi r i iu-ntl.. HIE MH'.ioifK E.Vi UEEM.l IA'ZiO E is publi-hril rvry Ti mai an. I Kkilat. ami f'iitn;nn alt tlir fcJitoriala of thr 1'aily, with the 1 alt s iltr-r. ntjj (!rnrrl M.Tkr;, re .int.lv ri-f-ort iirx-nly lor thr TKI HL.Nfc NulicrR nt New luirnt mil-. Inn oJ Uno-!4-tic t'orri-i'iiti'lrnrr, Artir.rc i n 4 cult, ry ; kUtlilurmi; the fivxnuttr ut cYnttr- it c ntuio a nunmtury i.l t kuii-m- tonal duinc!. with the nM'tr iuioorinnt rterhea. Be "tvtl r.i pImII, a b'Trtutore, nvike tin- mwi-Wlikli Tkibc l.iUrary. a rll mt a ituiitir.-il urwiiirr, ami e tciunui-il lhat it reuiaiu iu ILv lrout rauk ol fami ly papers. TERMS: One Copy, on year, $o to j KtveCor m- omyear. fll 2 1'woCVj ie, one y-ar, & uu lVn,d. hum. aiirru, 'M oO Aiit rrM.'ii rt-ntliiip uu a club uf twenty, i-r owr, will be entitlnl to anrxtra copy. Yot a club of tort j, we will acini The Duiiy Tribune one yenr. TUE EW YORK HElkl.V TRHH'XE, ft larjie iht .a pat-r for tbe country, in published ef rry jaturliiy. ami coutaina rlitonala up the tnipr tanttopirv ot the timer, the new nl thr week, intrrvt inv ivirrrfpnmlrtioe frum all ot the world, the New York t attle, UoriM ami rrodure Market, interertint; ana reliable Fulitiral, .Mn hauu al, aud Agricultural ar lirlr-k, I'afHTfion Cookery. Ac, Ac. We nball. during thU yrar, m hittierto, eontantIy la bor toinipnTe the .ju:iitv of the mlrurti entertkin went atlordrti by TllKH tKKLY ll.ll.l Nr.. wbuh we iutmJ, .-hkll i-oDDiiue to be the lft tainily Htrkly New'pnper pul.hxhi-U in the World- tt caVtUrr lattle Market Kepi .rt alone richly worth to calUe ri era a j fax's ubaLiipUon price. TERMS: rrte Topy. one yeftr, f i I He To i.". one year, f Threi Cupiea.oueyear, ft Ten Ciiea, one year, l' Twenty Coj iek, to mtt orfifrr, 1S Twenty 'iipivH, tu addrt uj each subscriber, Any perw-n aendint! up a club f Twenty, or more, wilt beeulitled ti an extra CfjT. hi.r club ! -r1y, we w I aeuU I UK .ta-W Kr'.K t.V 1U1I I NK; auJ for a riubof" oueUundteU 1HL I'AILY lUlliLK will be aent grati. fcubi-riptiong may coitmenre at any time. Terms alwiiia curb in ail ranee. AU lettern to be aolrenfeil to llUhACt Ciiiti.l.Y A U'..Trr.it:e Husi.hnr-, Cwi3 JttU.t )Ni.W Vulk Philadelphia. fllEAP EXPRESS IW-dtM lion of Rales. MCliL'HAN'TS and all p rx ns enraged in slii)pmj liooils to and ftmu i'liiladelpbia Ci risult your own interests ! (mmiiK shipped fri'tu ID to 12 per eeal. lesa per lou lbs- than by any other Lines. WALLOW Kli'S LINE of DAILY l'A lis are carrying freight to and fri'in that point at the following GreaU ICeduced Kates : I 1st iias :t rts. per tun pounds i do 31 do 3 do 17 do 4 do 21 do Special 1!) do tTu- Lepi.t ia Philadelphia I'rarark. Zttt 4 llntthmon, fbs A SHI Market St Persons should le caretul to have their (Quoits maiked in caie -f ihe above Line lo prevent in.positii n tri m oiher Lines X,.v 13 J.M) WALLOW LK A SO y. Evans kWatson'i U J -iu--'neslnut St. J'liiltidtljjKics, j.oiitfjt ti: rr stun l i:mhi-.. Pj-t. 'J?. ns. To th Pri'Vnt of trit- Vi. u-y vittm Atr,culiar j rv-t : 'I In- tul-i rin-rji. y ur r uinntti it nuuiit tl- '- ii. n:.- i ja smi.iui ;i i.L.t r .;i!r,t f K in A W auok,-kt't-r I in if i wi Ir t u f tir vu ttur bttiMiMU 1'-r t i.r.t Ii' uts. rr-i't rUul y r u: '-t.l '1 1 ..t alt. r feen (ud- i f :A . . r i til of pi mm tmd U rtl ri'Ujt:li tJ Bt' llt 1 tl.r H mn t,tHmX IW liif if -i.r- ' t tl.r it i.n Jt- r. (.' tltf OtltUt Vul. litti- KrtlUift. I lit tn t r H r-.f. I.fi. s-. ml M ur Mt i1m)i 1,( r-ti ! r. mi hki t th Uitirtur Tf. H.I fi iJtlilf (U! l.tt ttl'CUlliriiU H 11. Sxf.-, hln I i-.iti.r (lit I, tire ! Ii 1. 1 1 ji.r (1 Ttir i-xj iniit nt cati-Ii Ur ! tl.e rr rity of SW f tli.r 1 U- r I. I rt.i.tn.Lf lit. At kb brc Ui Atk tl.-v Di.H l-- Sl -nl t iuiuitln J V j U mm anil 5ilr Mt1. tir. U W'ji'liWAftk, J- MS W litAt-T, J. 1. hLiiiMiruiiVp At.n tijfc.liiiJj.T. FT! 1. 1. AOTllf.It. VlIVITr.T'", IM, ?vul. K, Metsrs. Itm A t,.t.,wn .- il.. .tlmn'ifr fin -Frf $mfr c-f f ' Dikuul.1' tiifr. inn. hun ti t. urtrm our Ant, ttxH i.iai r. It. t-f ur i ii . tuu.f i.u.r ui' nt be ig, Trrt- y tru .1 ly luilurn ln-t ?nlunly eitit. tli u.(. tin (.hJ h i-Jt-'pf tan int-r, m il rttirria. arrf i 4 nunj-. r. tl.. y (iiU tut iurnj iu 04-ainy th ."..If. 'llic l.k tnj .i..- (i-liiiiin Kitrnt '(-jr- nof. ' t( r n U 'l i.' t I Ii c r it.lt. u. but trill ft lii.ii- ii. Il r -i.f 1 .ii-.i I. it-id in it .kftbu, 1 I' il tl Itnl. UU k.ll,' Ui'b ibf ili-nr, fte ' ' ui. -) i . u t I t i x j -i, it n. i i l.j, v- 1 ru a a all ma, it jj- ft1 i f' ' 1 n He rti 'N- 1 1.,- mt-tr ihr (ra tt-r t n .f ih- i-1. ht kt rk ii it. U r are murb ra- il ui ut tb. ir-uit I tbr utt. it.t Ki-iittr it. ami it iba ktnr t art tl ki J flu. -U lif kt ltIty tb AM tbriii. Vua.'f, iru v, Kf A JOSKfl. CUf. A T i'A-l 1 '-A.frTIt k ihll Mf'ti:r .!:. I.i.d . .Van I. 1J, lsi9. J Vr-.fk KY A A U J M'V I I r.!r Lia : j , - It MSi-;- iuetr.aijin.iurr if ray to yom tt nt ft.r .-kljinmi.tl.-r ..if,-. . bu it I urvba(l .f roi i j fi-lTU.it V, I' -. J f...ti C" t f !'! U trt-f'O.Bl-,tinl il I i Mr.- iri-i-tfn fi-ru t r- M or-b(.u-. I jc tbrr ( itb se .rrai i t l.i r. turn. J tn tbr jrri.uiid id Marak I l!-t. 1 i.r i.f. tt-,J tl.ri'Ut'b IT" tbr rrlimr. kttl W ' " ---il .. mt i -r 1 iHt it r i r i-ibt btjur. anil mlma it laken tr nt tl.r ru I.- ;i.il ( ri;t-l, i( iUnlecll rrt- I'.ui il n I hi a j-r(r-1 -ilr, ibe bk anil tba I m-'T n t I- it. ir ir j'Kr.i j.i. v wbuti irr. I ra D rbr-rf wl 1T rr i.n.m..n I .-i.r ?jil. n to tb om.nnKy. IWtrtitif. kf 1 tl i tli-y an-a,-near lfr ( mi ii i r- wiLi I.-r any .! t. t ihji.iV. TIO'MA? J. l'tW Kl.L. A Ultf rliiiritt of tbr ilnr .Arlsilwit on bnt-.l. Nt iOl i brtIiut strert, (.lair -4 South burnt M.. l'ttiik'trii.i.ia. J. EUKWOCEY & BE0. VOinVAKLI.M. and fOMMISSIOS X .Ml KfllA-MS l,.r the sale ol I'limr. I.raln. Vi iK ri Fredure grirrallj. r? Warrhi-use, Central BU ck, .o. MS Broad ft. lirln v Kace Ihili.iiil) hia Del. 3m J CORRECTICr. 'hipptd from Philadelohia ALLOW Lh. Lme are AOT -r- h'pped ai Harnturs." as wou,d appear by Mr- 1'eiphei's ailvrriiruit nt) bnt ibrongb untM ut delay tu their destination on ihe Suv 4titd.ai.r.a or ti.e West Ilt.n.th. July it, lh;if L O. rfllt'K. AfftBt CARPETS l.iiii iiivi-N ci.cip More. Kt 1 IKl.Mi in a l ve-treet. whric tbe storf n- pi nfs are very liht, the ub.cril,r tf ei,al.:iit tn j-fll ;,i the Verv Lowest Prieef. I'i ri.is vimim s I'liilz .'r !-hia. and ihm( to buy t airt-, 'il I'll Jiatl:ntN. &.c will well in rtanuiie Hie laige asM'itu,et.t of Typrviiiy Hnie!s, . Imi-enal 3- ly. CARPETS. I? I'tain anil enitian. ) and On I'll ihs i f all n: hs in creal variety. AIm, Tallinn and I'mti n .Matting, pf all kinds. r;ih a larue aonmer.t nf k s-prired I ii l rai ii l'arpet. and tiitty and Stair L'arpata, Hues. Mills, I'rucuets.Siair Kuds.liag Car ft la. (.'iitti'ti t'arptti. Ac, Ac. II. II. EI.DKIPGE. S'o. 43 Strawlerrv tt., sd doc r ab 1'hestnnt, PlilLAlJtLI'HIA. IT S-ran berry is tbe lirst street veat of Secnnd.j tnlm.l The Wcnder of the Age ! ititit: t ii wis- i:dtMuii anhi huhiiiI JS gtiarametd m do any ordinary aihin in one lu ur's tune and wiih 50 per crnL les n. jury to cli thes tlian bv tbe old method. County rights for sale in the Slate of Henn' sylvaiiia. and aNu .Machines lor sale W bole sale and detail bv Messrs. I'l.OW VI AX & M BRIDE. Jtl lmH 15 sto.Thud t-t. Phiiadelphi PEIPHER'S LINE T My AMI FI.OM rillLADE LIBIA, KUIHTItlX OF KhFII'HT. t-t n.u I.'. cenu er lto poakda. in at. do dr. 41 1, ilo jr. S- i.l do do VI tir.t. R;e anil i'rrnt 13 r.U yer biuhrL riillad. Itrpot with t reed. Ward Treed, 811 Markei 81. Thanklul fur the liberal patronage gtvea ns we hoje by strict attention to business t merit a continuance of the same. THUS fElPHER For further information apply lo I y7.iS c K .M'C1. L V. Agrnl, Lewiabarj KCTICE TO SHIPPERS. 1-)EKsoX shipping Goods to rhiUd. will ph ase be particular and Hark them in care of Peipher's Line ; otherwi.-e, they will be re shipped at Ilarn burs, which will be attended with delar. .Vay , 1-S9. THOS. I'KII'HER. " SPICES! SPICEsTspIcES! "I)1-l!t: a,ul Xo' ' U'"' 'cpr"'- J. .in?' r, Cintiamun, Allspice, Clovca. American and Lnclish .Vlustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. fiip. Carh. Soda, Salipctre, aleraiut. Caraway and I otiander Seed. Pal Soda, Indigo. Ashton Dairy and Urottnd Halt, Ac., For Sale at the Eagle Mills S'o. S41i 24B Norlh Frt nt street, corner of w, Phil" adejihia. HOWAKD WOKRELl- t V Purchasers w ill find it greatly lo their interest both in quality and price tu boy the I poi lis. .mi u iir ai I all iru .3 irpimrnim.i" ! forlcited. A irial is solicited. 779 1 James F. Linn. J. Elerrill Linn. J.F- & J. M. LIXN, J .llvrnrjH ut Lair, .siiLitt;. L'nion County, Penn'a. -I J. Ki r.l'.lll Ci axtK-iosri frr th. ?Ute or I' ith .r to t.k D.iiniliun. koowlvilg.. I d. i.r.is imi..-tii-r, KCIIIia'T anJ I.l 1 1. DIR. I f. ll ISBI KG. Pi A L? OlEce in the I'aiviis.ij BuildiBf W it