Iff mm lit IjllfiiSllJWl BY 0. WOKDEN AND J. E. C0KXEL1US. At S.1.50 per Year, altvas In Advance. "THE U.NiOX," esiulli-hfj in 1U Wlw!c No., 2,393. 4 "UIRONiTLi:," cs!aHi.-.lied in l?.3-V."bo.fXo, 82G. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, FED. 10, 18G0. 4 I'nluat'otinfy tour! Proclamation t "IITIIEKIMS. ihe II. ii. AB M S.N II.NON, W 1'reM.leui J ti t?r for the Sttih Judicial Divtnrt of IVmi'.vlvniiia, compose.! of the counties of I'lnou, Mtllin and SMiy.ler. and Pmur Hi hl and Jnh V Siotos Kmjs., Asmi ciate Ju.l:;s in l.'uion county, have i-sueil their precept, bearing ilate th tilth c!av of iec. and t. nie directed, for ihe hoi lint? olau Orphans' I'ourt, Court of Common i'leas'tyer and Terminer, and t.eueral Quarter fes-ions at I.EW'IsHl'IMi. lor ihe roumv of I'NION, on the sreonl MU.MiAV of f Lli'V (Teinq the 1:1 h davl 1""'. itn-1 t" continue one week, .Vtitce i theret..re hereby civen to the Cor oner. Justice of the I'eace and C'oiiMables in and for ihe county of t'nion.to appear in their 0n proper persons w:th their records, iioiui sition,eia.iiinaiioiis and othr retnemlirances to do iho-e limits which of their oMiees and in their liehalf appertain to he done; and ail tt'it nesses an lotlier persons prosecuting in hch.iif of the Commonwealth asaiiist any person or persons, are reipnred to !e then and there a:ten l:n::, and not depart u iihoiit leave at lii.-ir peril. J.irors are requested to he punctual in Iheir atten.iatice at lhe appointed tune agreea ble to notice. iien under mv hiad and seal at the her itt'i Otlice :n I.eil'ufe', ihe ltlth day ..f Ja liaary, in ihe vear of our Lord o.ie thousand riirhl hundred and sirfc an.l ihe piohtv-fourth yarof ihe Ind-peudence ot the Tinted Urates cf America. o.l snve the Commonwealth ! jtiii ci;o-m;i;)m;. shriii Graml Jurors, lYIiruary Trrm, MU lswi'turi James li Caldwell, U hi .Moore, A E leormandie. Same I Hiler lUvl It "ffnbif John li'lill It'irtl'trm H-'tiry II Char'.es. Christ jan lale Hiirtl-y Charles hiuciy, John C (..ami, rsaiiiuft Charles It'Ai'fr l'rrr l-ral Cuyer sicis William I it w ; it Lim'tt itfi.ic b s lively, Lewis Pell man. John slunk!.'. ' re'" (Jioss UV HugM 'I h i- V llarbeson Mijjtiabiirg Jacob licckard, JUS Gasr, Thomas Cri-niniller Hujfnhr lleur; I'.entrler. Hman'l JVntius A'J.'y l'hllip staid, J. -eph Ke.ly Traverse Jumfs, lVliruiin Term. 1C0. While Ihrr Hand li.nn-ev. Aaron C H's-h. La Sieiumu'er, J ll.t Se!iJ?r;er. I. V Albright Ltwm Jacob pi2eiinver, Ueuoen .Meiich, J.ihn bnvder, Josepii ajulers Letribur lieo s.-hochalinon I) MnnM.it. John Chaitaut, l'eter Hur-li. Joseph M Kaddm, A M l.awshe, Samuel S ll.irion, Jonathan Wolfe, James Sott, John Miller, llenj.nmn fessier. JJanielchrack.Joel Z"iitin,-r.J lines Hutchison. Jame- C M't'Wre, Henry Prick ll'ft llujFtlr K 1 1 in Meixell, lavid I.Vain HirtUif James t;;over, J. hn Frederick. Ja cob Smith, Orlando lln."aniau, Solomon Mil ler, John Smith Fro onotary's rJttice. "rOlI(,r is hereby riven to all persons in teres'.ed, that the following Assignee Ac- utiu have been liled in the l'rotlionotary's anJ uo one ptnuitttd ta tatcr except (be tau' erJ "ilu uu uusiialj Uii to master and uiistres of tbo bouse, and an ' huLt out the ""S " re- older Anurici'.ti buarder, who agisted ; tuuve it from the plate wituuut u.-in ike bauds. hen thete are heavily bearded ( thee at Lewishnn, Cnion county, and that decorating tbe tree, aud putting in order '. yeTSL,us engaged in this game, it is one of : the same a. counts will be pre-ented to the tbe giftswhicb tbe"g0ud Cbrist-kilidcbeu" , Ihe umst laukaLle tbius iiu:.iuaUe. ! otirt of Common 1'ie.is of sai l county, on , . ,t . , i , i, .1 . ' , e. , 1 Friday, the li.h .lav of Februiry nexi, for Ld brou8!t- As for ,be cli'Artu, tbey, ; Daring these amusenicuts, a bol ol punch Public tclicols in Pccncyivania, Imprisoned ia a Vault, 18 Years. li.MUilniLi;';, J 1:1. ol. I A Ltw.-napi r jubltshed at Coiema, Mux The Annual Pu-port of the i-'uptriutea- ieo, on tLu '2l:h of Oetobcr, bUtcs fait on an acre, because au acre eontaii.s that deat of (.'ot.'imOQ t-'ebocls, was j rofent.d Li.b lieu. i'ueLIita CLtorcJ tbo town of L'seiti. Tahle. L'uuuting plants one foot apart eaeb way, we eball have forty- three thousand five hundred and sixty it; - chat, we awaited the inclining of the New i together with two Americans tbe oue );..... . ... ..11.. .., r , , , . , , Jiw. Ihnufih this is ly m means the w, c.-.ui5 . -u, . b(Js way of jg sucu an evoui n myself, were confiued to my etudy until , is ,ue iji.rma,, way; and while rur com seveu o'clock. Then tbe liuklina of abelJ pan? n-.s encase 1 as above de.-cribid. the I auuouuced that everything wa? ready, aud an thing, or si-mcthing similar, was go away we all rau to the festal room wo ou iu "early every bouse. All alui.g, : 1 -, ,1 .- .1 l iore was to. re or less noise iu tLe street. Americans little as eutLusiastie as the, . . , r 1 -.., , , , , . 1 such a the bnu of pistol. i!cj. , clnidren. Uu opening tbe door, tbe first M ,,ie gruat hM cf (hu Uij,y GLos( j ol jeet that met cur ryes was the tree, I church etruek tbe hour of midnight, all : stauding at one end of the apartment, i uurcompany exclaimed "1'ta-st tu Ji.li!" .71. c-t ri...:l ; ablaze with tinsel and wax tapers to tbe ""d fur au hour or two throughout the (ii;c !ar quo iHjroniaf. Vl.rj op. ti.c t was ad : f ruiJ le LcarJ ,lue ss - - - i 11 r 1 l-i hundreds of persons passedalong thestreets WO.ill. I I It. (1, lMiO. 1 1 greelui2 every one whom thev saw. Alter Continuation and allowance, to wit The account of Joel Riehl. Assignee of I... lWrr, ol Limestone township. The account ol tieor-e Dreihach, Esq., AsMnee of 'er. of Mitllniburs. The account of David Shaffer. Assisnee of ihnrif onr. ol We-t 1'tiiialoe township. The account of (ieore llmsbarli, Eq., Assignee t f I'aviJ iticer, of Buffaloe town ship. 'Jhe account of flen. IMiilip tJross. commit tee 1 f Abraimm I'.ti'r. of Tiiioii n.wnship now decM. SAMI'EL IIDLSlJ, 1'rolh'y. I.ewisbnrs. Jan. l.K nuaibcr of superficial feet. Take the fig. to the Legislature to-day. t'in .-etLe pub ure iu the Erst cjlumn iu tbe following ta- lie schools of the State b:;ve l.cn util. r brought iu. Thus with games and : Lie as ihe distance apart, end an acre will the direction of a soprutc I'eptrtmeut, the contain tbe cumber of plants ia tbe sec ond column : Ao, ia September last, te exacted forced Inn fr"tii the people, and a sljaro U :t '.- up .u the curate of the place. II a reports of tbe s'uptrit.tci.J.ut arc Io-..2:sJ tu , aotvJ as if he would piy, but, as he did 1 feet 10.r,G0 12 feet ?,K 1 do lU.MMI 15 do '." 2 J do 0.!ii".'i l. do l:i I a do 4. ' tO do ICS 3 do u.'io'J 23 do Ml 4 do '2. 75 25 do CS 5 do 1.712 30 do 4i 0 do 1,200 35 do 35 8 do C$0 40 do 27 10 do 435 45 do 21 To Fur the Sttr & CLrouicle. 1. M. C. Foml tii' tin tv fft r-!ls 'I tie M-i-ius uf Join; wt"! V h.n 1 !.i tiii i.-i'.- j .M.- ;u:il incocfico Ucrc t.:it iniic.-s l ki.w. Kuitln'iirt hi.J ht-HTl I'-u'-tlnir, ur -ititl.iul -)'iv 1 n-wtl y; I'll" . :t. all f.ur IltoUuTilH i Dftg! Tin' luiurc, rau.-cJ in Mh. Our liijjun wTf lik- the sutt-liine nti :i l.ru-ht ttt.d 1 lou.l !.!-.. .I.iy, iSul, iikt lljt- tti.ners ul uuiiui-r. Hi. y I. o J.avt- jidi-M-d way. children iu tbo most uuuiistakeble terms, WB haJ hui wisLcJ 0UB aUut!R.r a ia. presents, carefully wrapped up in paper, 1 aud addressed ; and, besides, a utsh of : Avf. w." 11 In. uu li.o- )..u ,t Ait.l .ittl r. i.t 11 WI..T.- Kf m. . Oi.- l...nj..s liio tuitti vrr.Utht 1 1 lot. 1 .,.1.'. H NO' .ill tl. - Q. s tl !ta?i- str.-ii. -Im:.!-. kin i ait.l trii.'. w 1... nit. a ... I. niii-.l 1 .r LIi5, T ... 1.. nol.ii ati-1 uiinl v lor pu 11 m h.tM us IVt.f h. s.. j. ul. .us ' f our jo . A I j r..... I.. .1 w.tli -i i. ..I In ftj, Ai .1 l.o.l :i . . LI :.!. ! i- l.ai.a I l-.ll 1..S V .UlMul l.rllJ. A o.i "111. r fr:..i I- of I y 'oi.e Jst? li. .,!! l..-:.r I! -ltl.1, 'i 1.. .. . hi.U. r ;i. .1 .li-:.i.! lsii-1," At.t "St,-.; !: ! J.UJ.'' K l 1-t... I C .rrf.; fn Iri.ee of the Stnr k e'lin.ni.tp From a Siudcct in Lurne .No. Sl.ltrs. Alat atria At Uansas for thev daueed. and clamed their bands. ; V.o.r und -l.:.L-..n lumli u ,.r,. i t-'aliiornia ana lairiy suoutea in excess ol glee. Je- ' we were caiieu togemer, anu ouriam.aay, ueath the tree, on a table, lav the various : wu0 is 8 Catholic, read a beautiful and appropriate prayer, j ueu uii retircu. Uu the alteinoun of tbe next day, f.vun- dav tluro ftu4 ilaliee.mil-ie in :ill tlo- sweetuieats, fruits, &e , for each. After j neighboring village?, and also in lleidel tbe tree bad been suCie'eutly admired, tbe j berg, aud hundreds of the lower class of youngest child, a Ld of .-is summtrs, was : inhabitants attended, and danced through told to pick out bis prescuts, which be did ! thu afternoon and grcaterpartof the night, ia a sort cf instinctive manner that was Ul"'bra ,,h,,, u here considered not at all ., ,. , , , ,, i out of the nay, fcuuday being the great really comical. A Dumber of toys fell to ! j ' c bis share, among other things a soldier- j Thus commenced tbe N'ew Year in Ilei cap, drum, aud shoulder bands, all of , deilerg a ) ear that prvtuis s to be reg whieb be immediately dunned, aud march- ; uaut with great eveuts iu Kuro e. There ...1 nronii.l ih.. room irul. -.11 il r ri.l.. . f ' prevails au uueasiuess ainoni; must of the , -, . .1 militia colonel. Afterwards, the rest ' S"- ' l si, ..t.,. . e i :. i, ... . opcueu Luc gu.s, some o. .uici. wire -June war..rm brewing, whi.h may involve costly and beautiful. Then, after due a part if not the u hu.e of tjcriuniy. There thanks to one another for presents receiv- is no such thin;; as unravelino Lur neati tfOH-rnurs if flairs for s;y, (i.,f rw.rs. J'".'iV.f. A II. Moore D-ii.ocrm E. N. Conway Ktiii .frat M. S. I.a'li un llemocral er uudi lined Wm. Iluc'dnham Iitpubliean Win llurton liemoerat M. s. SVrry Iieinuerai J. 11. llrowa Lleiai ciat Win. II. Hissfl lleptiblican A. 1". Willard 1). no.crat S. J. Kii!:uood R' publican ileriah MasolMn Democrat T. 1 Moore liemoerat L. M. Morrill Republican '' II. HieUs Amerieau M.i-aehusel's N. P- Ilatil:s Il-f.ulo'icau Mieho'aii Moses Wisr.er l;''p'ib!iea!i Mississippi i. J IVuus liemoerat Missouri R. M. Stuart liemoerat Minnesota Aleian liT II:i:i.r.ey R -pu1. l. -.iu Hampshire leh. t'oe.lwin Il-pul .tcan 'uv Jersey Chas. S. Olden Ri p-.ii.li -an .V York Ed. 1. Morgan fit- puWican -sorih Caro lina John . Lihs nnecticut Dataware Kloridi lle.iria Illinois Indiana Iowa Kenfieky Louisiana Mainf Man land j with antiua'ly increasing interest. The present one has been jr. pared with great can', aud txbi'iits fa'iy the conditijn of the Common Schou's. Tie rtatit'ies a'iDW the m:.gi.i:u je of our syst.m. As I'fcila de'phia is uod:r a separata ljcal goiru mcuf, the ttattttient does Lot iuL-!ude all its statistics. The number cf schools in , the State, outside of 1'hilicipUia, i i ll,l?3. The- average leng'h of time du ! rit.g which the sob-iuls Lave b.-ea k.-pt ' open during the vearj is r- p'.ri.d at live months and Line days. Tl- whole Lum ber of tcach'.rs in the S-:ate, iticlaiiog Philadelphia, is ll. 'Tl, of wLLh b,-i31 are males, and 5 f. males. Thj avcr og mrcth!y sil.ry if tya!c test-hcrs is 21 30. and of L-malo leaders C17 70. Whulo num'.'tr of up'.Is in the c-'Ta:.: n seliools, csc'uding l'ii:Ld":;Lij, i7.:-i7; iueluJitij PLilriuphia, the is.il i.- OCl. 051. Amount expend..! f r tuiti' n, fj-1 and coLtiBseteies, exclu-ive cT VL'.L l ! p!.ia, was 1,571,850; iuctuitsg 1'hi'a ueiLi:'., the turn eseded was ?2,C;!7, O'j 1. A ll to this the em.iuat is: cLdtd not muke his arpearance at the point des ignated f r pymenl, Gen. l'ueblita or dered biia to be arrested. A party of men wen: to L:s dwci;iog, and knocked at thedior; there was no aa3wcr, and they : broke iu. They f uadnooneio the bouse, asd ih.r were atoat leaving it, when they heard a frightful noise prciierd'og from ' the ground, saying, "I am hungry." The . e!" j'r in command went back to (jell. Pu ehlita a:.d to'.l bira about the voice. The ijcLcral appointed a commission to exam ine the curate's duelling. They found a movable sIjec in the lljor, and under tbia a stairway leading djwa to tbe vault, v.hich was eotir'y dark, and bad no CoO ncctiju rith the air, save by the stair i case and a small bole that served as a Ten ! tiiator. la this vault, were some books, I . .? articles of furniture, and a woman who i had Lceu shut up there forvig'iteen years ! J'he was taken to Pueliita's quarters, i When brought into the light, where she. saw a Lumue of per?. she fainted. . t 11 -inocrat ier.lll. building 6. oli-es ciallt:. the fll.i.. V. II, n, ...... Ir 1 auu u is g'-ucrauy luougui inai auoiuer iin.wn John V. hHea, er II. i.l . er.lt l'eiinvlvaiiia Win. K. I'acl.er 1 -1:1 c.-at 6. IIldliLi.iitli'i, Jan. 3, 1S00. in ealing, drinking, smokiug, and Convtr Py your leave, 1 will in Ibis aud sue- I satiun the hours passed merrily until tbe ceeditig letters, endeavor to relate some- clock struck twelve, when ail shook bands thing of (jcTtuau borne and student cus- aud retired. toms as they prevail in lleidelburg. No j A week previous to that night, I had a'tcmpt will be made at describing this i the pleasure of attending the Christmas Wrrt H-tffali Charles Moll, !nneville C place, further than to say that in beauty festival of oue of the stud.ut Verbindungs Relsh, Samuel Youna. Ilavid Kleckner :,,:. ;, :c if..,:, , r., ,.. i , ,i ;r v .,::, i i i,..t.i .i.... AVw Hrrlin Kobt Svvinefoid, Josej h Winter , 3 I.l b iu iiermanv : mat, iu tue summer season, . cariv iu truer to auuw muss wno wisuea costly ana Dcautilul. Jhen, alter tlue a part if not the u hu.e of Germany. There l.h-de l-'ar . utli t aro , . .. .. I ...It: k... ' ...rs-rc : ca lor each oue got something ail sat p.ura iut idcui umc,ui ni,n.s .1.1 l'ei-, 1 down to a table covered with uieats,wiucs, ' iil be the programme for this year of our Vermont , i i . c , i ii Lord liOO. Hoping that whatever changes Virmii and Uaiuties of various kinds, aud there , . i . . ,e . way oeeui may uu lutoiauic iu iuc cause " .'it.-.ii of civil and religious liberty, 17 lours very ttu.y, T.C 1 T. II. Turner Rput.:iran .na Wm. II JiHt l'-inocrat I. i. Harris Dein. crat Sain. Houston ltd'. Democrat Hoand II. ill Ken-.ib i.-an John I. tcher A. . K uidall iiepubiican Dem., II R'-p., 1 Ind.Dein., 1 Am. total ad. Lll of p?a!.frs. since Ihe l't:M (unrevH, liurlklun Michael Wolie J.rsi'7MC--Josepli Cha infers MjRinhuriz (leorr Ilr.ost.aeh, John flast Kniy Ilavid U Wagoner, l'eter Uuyer, David Leihv, John Mover t'nion John I'hilips lsue l.M lor Pic. lt-rni, lj!t. Bank ol Jianville vs Lav.dS eriz& Wife 1, F Alhriol.t vs A lam seiireck A.C Jljinel Handler i' John Lapp Levi K Mioeu, dee.l's a.inus vs J Y'rer J .nn hessl.-r vs viedies. Marsh A i'o AOrain and John Auiand vs Chas r' Schallle (ieore Meixel vs l.eib & J.eib John Mover A wife same Isaac K Uunkle vs Il jnrv Ruble Daniel Ketmler Jr vs t haniberlin A Stout Keber A Musser vs Corporation Luivers.ty H M Whitmer vs Jacob hioss Bamuel H Orwia vs Henry IV Creizer s L Beck vs Heitro k A s'iieckltr Chas s Critz vs t in II stumer ISauil L Ileek vs Chail-s S;ces Jonn Marly vs John liaiiiy same vs 4 others Thos ii Orwig l..r si Oral? vs J M C Rand: (scots I'resby'ii Church vs John V Call Jacob Swartz vs t'oiira l Hl.nJ and wile M'Carty J'ate vs K ft llrol.si Thos Kaser's A-hur's vs Amnions A Rawn Wm Krick A Co vs Wui W ...te Cyrus Kalon vs S F A W liogenreif David (iiick -s Satnl s Barber i'hilip Kuhl rs t iancis VVuson Hamuel B l'awlinif vs Samuel showers et al Middlcswarth Kerns A Co vs Chs H snrn.er Frederick Worman vs Jacob Smith John Wertz vs l'eter Nevius el al Kamuel VV Snodgra-s vs Wm Yoiu f? Jr L'lsh for liuieiius' Admrs vs l.eo Dieisbach Abraham B.aek vs Aiotrew spit.er Oeore Bartidoll vs II W Croizer T Cnurch A C"o vs m H Kleckner Kobt D Cuiumings vs Satul Henderson et al, J A J Young vs I'hos ii Oru .e, Charles Stee- vs Sauil L lleek fenbner A Perkins vs Aloert Wynn Wm Trice Jr vs Kobi M Mu-ser I Norih. C'hase A North vs Joel Ilursh John Sankey vs Andrew t.utelius Joseph Christine vs Beaver, 1'e.ldes M A Co Dr in F Seeoold vs Saml C Wilt Lansun Burrows vs Chas D Muwrer High lor Deniler vs A Messinser with notice rVeniuger A Rauch vs Black A Fisher John Cawley vs Wm H Kleckner oua Maibias Siuler vs A -Nickel with no. Reuben Keller vs Mathew Morton K U Bowes for IStee: vs John Locke Levi Cromley vs Wm Brown Jr el al Ralph Duty vs Henry Mason Hart Cumuiings Ac vs II W Crotrer Matilda Knck vs Martin D Reed r K llauui for Peacock el al vs Jno M Baum Peacock el al ind. ofs R U vs do same vs do Jowph l.ynn ft J.ibo I'atd GMirfr b A NaDry Jr.lnn V. J'.ho Miller A lVO HuOTr N-t.it tb John l'ut John U -wer r kot-rt .iid-T Kl H ut f.r Jacob Klin.- A.luir- Tfl Andrew Gutrliu? WtliianKnrk iliilunr . Frirk (rh Kua .l.h v. Ji'ii.iti.n N..-t it. Admrs ttrmh Itnlrr f nr. e .... Hi .11. lr A W te Ar.iue Olsrk'a A.lmrs . t turrb M Michael The Rsaction, Eesinnliig. The Georgia papers do Lot like the Dis union speech of tbe Hon. Mr. (jartrcll, one; of tbe It preseutatives of that State. The (irifin A.mriain Vitiun holds toward Mr. Grtrell the following sharp language : "We see from the report of the proceed ings iu Congress, that Mr. (Jartrell has made a speech ou sccessiou, and contended rmany with its hil.s covered wilb foliage, its swift to do so to go to their homes to pass the little river, and glorious old castle from , holidays. Uu that occasiuu, the tree was whose garden terraces and towersold "Pa- , very large, and the presents much more that a State has the right peaceably tose ther libiue" is distinctly visible it is a varied. Kuch member was required to ( cede from tbe L'uion. .Now, all we have Ti. rfoot r,rii.l'i. : ami tint n. nin (tin tor ! brinff ones "idTioiai" r.respnt these In b 10 i ls ,l"s: 11 "jarlrell wants t wheu the Liils are bare or covered with distribuied by a sort of lottery and any saow, it presents no trifling attractions. . one was permitted to make as many special The climate is much like that of Central ; presents as he choose. After all had been Pennsylvania not marked, perhaps, by , distributed, the evening was spent iu the the tame extremes; but here, as there, the usual Kucipe exercises becrdrinking weather is subject to the most sudden and singing varied by a burle.-iiue per changes, and no oracle can predict, iu the formanee, the bestowing of an bouorupou ' secede fre-iu the Union, be is perfectly evening, whether it will be cold or warm an exira worthy member, iu which parch- wclcome tj pack up aud be off as soon as he picases, aud we hope that in bis pereg rinations be may cume up with some form . ol government lhat suits him better than this.' Our Country would expericuea a happy deliverance if Mr. (jartrell, and all other Disutiionists like him, would qait and be off as soon as possible. Their pla ces mioht then be tilled with Statesmen tbe morning. A week or two ago, ments, red seals, and bad Latiu were freely and patriots, who would carry on the Gov- ornnicut as it should be done. The rea son that Congress can not orgauize aud proceed to the discharge of the denies re quired of them is that there are too many iauatical sin.plctons there. They know how to keep up a ro.v, but have uo capa city lor business." Col. Hampton and Muj. Perry, "ho are winter was here in its sterner form tbe used. sides of the Gaisherg aud Ileiiigeuberg Uctwccn Christmas and New Year's day, were white wilh snow, the Necker was ', tue Iowa exhibited a good deal of gaiety, nearly frozen over, and all navigation sue- ! tut BOt as mut!l a3 would have been ex pended. Then the river preseuted some peettd had Ihe weather been more favor iively scenes, for, despite the cold wiuds Mc- A vacation of a week or two was that came whistling down the narrow val- givcn LJ mott) if Bot :1 of ,lie Professors I e, .. , . ... tn tt.n I r.iir..r-!tt. 1 ... rl, . 1. .. t f . f ley, scores oi iu,iy sKaiers u.sporicu tuem- - -j. r 1-" . ,,(, ,he most influential and respecta- selves each day ou the ice. Ladies shared the students availed themselves of this ()f ,le M Mm , is. iu tbe amusement, being pushed about on j opportunity of visiting their homes. I f comfortable armchairs made for tbe pur- j I . ,he "Is,( sc" f M rebukiDg tbe Ml, foe-eating spirit pro pose. On the Sunday preceding Christ-! Wls ht!J ,a tLe olJ Jc'ait church' l the ( ':;;,, in ,L, ,ate nni that reirt of til. stream m,n..l;,!.,l CBd Ot Whlt'U tliO IclJeUUl Was SUng. J he i beyoud the Carl's Thor, at the upper eud whu!e bjd" of lbe im,u I'sc building was of tbe city, was covered with hundreds of ClltJ W''U worshipers aud listeners, aud as skaters, and tbe bank lined with lookers-on tho UlJ uf Prais0 befc'aa in tua of every grade, from tbe bumble peasantry cLuir al,uvc h was ,uken UP lJ Perljal'S a up to the titled aristocracy. The asseui- thousand voices below, which, together blage on the ice was equally miscellaneous witn the or8aB' ECDt such a flood of melody mechauics, shop-boys, students, and roiliug tLroub tbe -hea tbat " aeeiucd ..t:..n...n of raolr aninsin. ti,n.ir ! " 'he wans mustuurst irom tne volume. j We nlj.iii, f.r ll.e ii.t riiiari n ft our r-al-a 1M ' (I aticr- ... it..- 11. u-' -.1 It. ; ri.nt jt.ic? a. act ILl- ' Ol '.i-:'1-"1' ' f the O'or: rtlll. tit 1 ! 1-1 euii'-re-s, 1'r- il. I. Miilili tit r, Pa. i J1 Oo J 'I'.li.all I ! .ilul.'li.. I . till. :. do lr. 1. A t it.Vi.tn.r. 1-a. 4lli ! Ji.i.'.i.ji. I'o. : U..N. J. ; .'ill do .lo .1. j nil c Tl. ...nT s...tjw:c's. 1 OH. Till Nall.aiovi M ..' u, X. 0. I hi i. a.. ii. a, toll d.l .1. I :ii au Joecj li 11. V&ruum, Uu!. inn d. a.. ,1., I l:ti do IJcnry Claj, ly. i l-lb do 1st e-., d . d'. . '-.1 Be. , Lanj U.D Cbcs S. C. ' 5-i se , d d.i I 14!h do lleurj e lT. t;y. , 1 . ilk ilo do iv ltilli ttu lt ..'., d" il l id sis.-., J. I.l. W T.ivt r. X. Y. lTih do n,;o,. . H irboiir, a. lMii do 1I. H; ! .r... lo, t. '.'i .!. I.ntt . 1 )i, r. X. V. :ti do Au t-.-w T .oi.u, Va. -I.l do uo dj ---1 do do do HvJ. do l.t ice., do do ii se..., .1' I'll IVtt. T- lin. '.Nth do Jaic.. li. I"c.k, Tuna. I'. 'ii .to .t . il.. -'to do II tr! M.T Hunter, Va. -'.'Ill do J l.ii W'.il-. kv -ili do J. l.n W. J,.ne.i Va. ll'lh .10 J. loi VV. li.:,.. Ii,.t. t.' th do I: i-r! 1'. U iiiti.n-p, MC53. -:-t do 11 ...; i i.i . ou. .'..d do lo. mi 11. v.l, Ky. 1. .1 do do .to , i'tlh d . Xvhi.nl I V. ilanka, as. ' ll. d J on. - 1. l:r. s. 1'. II ill do VI ui. l-.-u::int-n, X. J. I i.-v.i.iiian I M-i-.a.-h'-ii. li... l..iv- l.U 4 c:.;-li : New ; J. r-v, K lilu-'.- c, T. line ar.! s'oulh Cir-.Iina. i eacli 1 e'. i.t.i !;, ut. N. W Vu.k, I'nt:. tfauia, Ouor-ii., . Nurlii C.""t'!i.i, at.! I:id. ma. 1 eii.h. j I T pure'm-iug grout, houses, Si;.t the t tal ycir ata'.ust-vl to 5-'."T" ' .'. This a; ; ears to b' a wry large surj, yet iu thj gre.t c::.j rity if e..i -s the c .ai pe&sUtLu oi 'tea.'h.rs i.-eutiioly iaa ! iitutc to Ihe trying fatiguing Jj rs they are compelled to perljrin. I'unng the past Democrat yoar, u.tithsianditig tbe pressure of the times, the average pay of teachers has slightly increased. The advances made iu our corcrr.oa 'D3, After she- h .d returned to her senses, a it -&s4Ll 'I'J stijKS were askwd of her, ta whi.h she repiivJ only that she bail been buried ia that vault lor eighteen years, witluu: p.-ing out f. r one moment; that she bad beeu married, and had children by? Iitr b-js'-ai-J, but she knew nothios of their fate; that, while imprisoned iu tho vault, she hadch.idreu by !hccurate,bu!sha knew LoiLiug of what hal becjmeof tlesa children: and, after saying this much, became olstiuatuly silent. Vi'hilo this was passing, a S.rgeant of tio Pueb'.iu Prigade, theu present, discovered that school system, are very apparent, when the j woman was his m.dher, and she reo faets set forth in this report are contrast- i p-'"'2-il Liia as her sen, and embraced him. ed with tho C"t-.Jition of the schools ten j 1 then ran for bis father, who cama years ago, lef-re the ad pti jo of the CvUn- i D'1 recgti::.d bis wif.?. The husband, ty School SuptrinteLdincy, aud the en- i hi'-eea years ag, was imprisoned tbrea largtment of the Central Department J"tars uaJcr &vgi of having mariczcif Now, there is something like government j b's W''1', 'tis woman. and uniformity. Tbe standard of teachers jjfca fhcealx in tie Ladles' Car. has been raise 1. Their average compen- i'!.,r",ix, the inimitable wit, .bus tells fation is grea'er. The time of k.vpir.g an ineidetit c- nnccied with a ride on tba schojls rp cn in c.un'ry di-'ricts, is gri 1-! ew Voik l.'eatnl Pii'r.'ad. lie relates U illy etilargiog. Normal S.heoli Live i iu 3 K t,"-r IJ the A'.r .-o-,,.. r Jhja becn estahlish-.d. Teachers- Institutes are : a"J l'lts.il ou rtcjrJ ' sc"e - I tl'.Il tO flllerO l'.llil..:inl rr.. .ra II.. .....--.1 ; in op.r:r:oa, to cie.te ciiiula'i .a and pro- .so.j ducc improve men! ; aud there is a contra! t ol "vu ' " tlia power, directing the system, aud givio2 it C""' ( "' CM fre,lueot' in lha unity and ideiency. " ?eDer-'1 fcramL!l-'' " car was defended The term of the ..resent Superintendent ! fr0ul tls iS:':t l' a man expires during this session. He has la- j Wlrt 1', who, deaf to menaces, bored faithfully and iatcliitently to rer-1 "CCJ luhot nja'ct:"J tis post ; !..r tue benett of the ".eddies." 'Leddies' car, sir, ev you please, forrcj forI A Kr.l..m of Clh'..il ir.":r..rlin..inl ..1 t..l. bad to cne-ouut-.T many difficulties atid ol- j j 'ctions, and it is hop. d that bis successor ! and competent. fe'1' to.'eth Col. Hampton denounced the excite ment throughout the South, on "North ern aggression," the John Iirown raid, aud slavery generally, as notbiug more I than shrieks for the approaching loss of ' power. He says, that, since the day of ; Jefferson, the South has bad possession of the Government; and now, the North, ' feeling its strength, and conscious of this monopoly for half a century, de- itiv.i; muiioNs. The evening of the election of tbe Spea ker, an im:uec;c crowd, with music, re paired to tis boarding place, when Sena tor Cameron introduced Mr. Pennington to the audience. He was enthusiastically cheered, both before and alter a modest ritiUJi'l-h;., L"; r. Mrs !:: rr.esNr Kipe-nr. We sre indebted; to Ulmu C. IIkok, K-q , State Superintendent of Common Seliools, for a c py of his nanuttl rep;rt for 159. It is a ducurr.eut of great value, able, clear, and full, from Wz commciitte mcat of the report to the last page (171) ef interesting matter. Ve think that we i .?. : .t .. e . .. . and patriotic speech. Me.-srs. Sherman, are wl'u,a ,ae bI ru!a 'K" we say- Grow and Hickman were next called upon, that it is by far the most able and inter and each responded briefly but patriotical- I that has been issued by the ly. Tbey rejoiced over tho election of a j lPartmcnl-m these respects exceeding man national, and not devoted to one sec- ' au' Mr. Hiekok's form.r reports as tional interest ; they ridiculed the idea of j wAl " tho3e of 'uU rccsors. '-ricre is tbe dissolution of tbo Union on account of, oul. 0DC tblu3 -t:Jcs the reported negligence ot directors :n several elistricts which we reitret to see: and that is the i closing paragraph, iu which the Superin tendent alludes to bis separation froiu the I the legal election of any one; declared : while rretty misses of bicb fam- I 1De a',ar auJ cholT wcre """'tiy illu- ; ,,",, fr hnIf . ,,. ,, they would prove to the soutu tuai tne ilyand great expectations were pushed ' "itb tapew and gas lights, but , q polilicapower , u'hi,e j Kepuhiiean power was not hostile to any side ty side witU tneruajy-checkeU belles, ,-,-u,,a' t'u,l'"u 'uc,'u"',-u "",','u'-: he would resort to any means to maintain mlu' ur i'"i ""c" ( ffi fa ci ,c flf tIie aUujj T,ar ; of the beer-houses. At present, tbe sun ' p'ively dark, aud above, among the ! ,i,e rights of this section, ho has no fears all, by keeping our free territories from j . tas la or"d more shines brithtly. tbe river is comDletelv ari-,le'S, all wassbadow. Notwithstanding of dissolution, or that there will be any i Ihe curse of bondage. The best spirit pre- ' " ... c. J I i J : . - .... .... . i . o ... I n ti I v far rti P-ili'.. !ilit i 1 n i i f tit ; .M : . ' ii t.ir fhp Walter vs Noah Walter with no. unbound, the snow has left tbe mountain. ! thesenseless mummeries of the priests, this just cause to aelopt tills Dnal resort. vailed, and a few attempts r.t disturbance ; " . ' . f i -1 - . . i . and the air has all the mildness of early sjriug. The Christmas holidays passed very j success of the ComiUoU School system than IIenuyO. HlCKeiK ni man under- ! young. For weeks before its arrival, pre i parations were going on in almost every REGISTER'S NOTICE. ' bouse, presents were being arranged, aud "NOTICE is hrrt'liy siCD. tO all COG- Christmas was almost tbe sole topic of i cernej.that the io!ioin nameil per-ons conversation. As the time approached, have setiled their account id the Ke 'istei's , , . . , , tl.Iice at Lewisburs. l iuon com.iv, ami that !he sbuPs b'gan 10 be fi,led wlth tbe mo3t ihe said accounts will be pre. uieit lorconiir- surprising variety of toys and fancy articles; W:, 'windows of the book-stores presented service, held at sucb a time and ia such I Maj. Perry was scarcclj less emnhatic j wcre gurrTesse I...-oI. Forney was aleJ & r.lfo hntl n.i lift! aitraptiwpiif t in a letter aJdreusctl ta his cansti(uent. ,...,. 1 t,a ni -J t frnr V f!.p- 1 In the evening, about eight o'clock, the ' He retires from public life with the con- j tion. Tbose who acted with Col. Porney, j s,aaJl " thoroughly iu al! its machine- rleasantlv in Heideiber". and havinrr had ' sc company tbat had spent Christmas ' viction that political excitement is little i in 1S5S and 1S59, contributed largely to rJ ana wermngs no man Las Uoue hail ..rr i ... i i . 7 .. . ! eve tnr-elher. met. b invitation, at our 1 more than folly aud bitterness. lie says. ; ,!, of k ll,.,,,limn.. and it is i " mucU ,0 Place " tQ " Prcitot 'MW euujxiL'UL iuuuiji:uu, auu uaicu iuc i a lieu j o 1 j r ( t j goose and boundless sweetmeats, the peo- 1 hoarding House, and sat ilown witn tbe me nine oi me legislature nas oeen was ple are ouce more settling down to busi-: family loan cxcclleut supper.during which ted in foolish diatribes against the Uuion, ness and study. The celebration of this : a11 drauk ber- Afterwards, cards were and Quixotic arrangements with other . i i i i-ii i i l.ronoht and ill from oldest to vonooest I States lor the establishment of a Southern festival is here universal, and is looked h ought, and al from o dost to y8et. , forward to with equal interest by old and ; pUjed " game that is here ca led -Waek h?xatB ha9 bc?n neMeeted. I'..t..t " .iila human i M-.i.la" llv. u car f. r gititlemen without Icdiies." IVd I say tha: this car was the most comf .rtalie i f the traiu? and with tbe stera resolve which ever distinguished mo in the discharge of my duty toward myself, I determined to get into it. So, when wo changed cars at Utica, I rushed forth, and seeing a nice youcg person aud a pretty face, boauct and shawl, and a large port manteau, urging Le-r way throuib tho crowd, I stepped up to her side, and with my native grace and gallantry, offered my arm and assistance. They were graceful ly ace pted, aud, proud of my success, I urged my fair charge upon the platform of the ladi.s' car. 31y old enemy was hol ding the door. "Isthisyoar Icddy, sir V With an inward apology ta Mrs. PLce nix for the great injustice done to her charms, 1 replied "yes." Judge of my horror when this low employee of tbe mo nopolizing company said, with the tono and manner of an old acquaintance: "V.'t-II, Sal, I guess you've done well, but I don't think bis family will think much of the match !" Union, on the third rnday ul I'CBKI AKV extraordinary attractions, in the way of nen.bin the 11;h day of said iiioi.th, viz : line eni2ravin"3 aud eleirautly bound vol- 1. The Account of KJward Wilson and ever held the odd card, tbe "Knave of Spades," when all the rest had been matched, received a "Scbmur-bari" (mous tache,) or other mark upon the face, made by means of burnt cork. It was most amusing to see our landlady and her old est daughter, a Miss of fifteen, with mous taches that would have become Italian bandits and some of the rest with great . lines on the checks, across the forehead, or Piev. Dr. Hubert J. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, has written a powerful and fearless letter to his nephew, the Vice President of tbe United Slates, in which be takes the strongest Uuion ground ; de clares that secession is a revolutionary right only; that the election of a man to the Presidency, according to the forms of the Constitution, would not justify any at tempt to interfere with tbe stability of .. . . i r .i t .i i linns on f hi. fM.iolia nprncs Ihp tonhp:iil. or ...... Charles Wilson, A Jminisiraiors of ihe estate .uu , or more inau a wees, tne mar- - the Union: and tbat Ihe Idea is absurd of Samufl ll, Ablate of me JJorou-b cf .New kct place resembled a young grove, sonu-i uown tue nugeot iue nose.auer tue im-n- , CoDSthution carritg 8iaTcrj int0 "V'ThV account of Thomas Haves ,;aaruian ' ""' "Crc tLe "Christmas trees" expos- j f the Fejees The person last mark-! tbe Tef rUorief. 1Ie il:DM that the Cot. of W J? ah i: "ddeo a m" At that time, it was really a ! d tad tbe privilege of paiutmg the next any groau(j3 of eompaiut . nor child ol Mrs. Elizabtih I'nce, lateol Lew-; treat to walk thro' tbe long Ilauptstrusse : unfortunate. Another gamo was intrudu- i tbe .uffercra from ,he loss of Account of E.,ward Rand and 8.-! &t ,Le b-Ut'ful I t ,T l WU'J lC tl' rah (Juodlander. Kiernior. of ih, Issi u-,il with which the show-wiudows were crow- I sume "uUr ""o autl ,Le fljUr then , , ,,; Marlin,l K'en. , . i...i...i,..;..i.i.iI..i ;i...i..n. ' v - o ou D r in-iiry. Missouri, and Virginia:) and be anj trstamrnt of JW VuvHundtr late hue lien- Twn., Att'i. of ded. .1 1 a' 1.'. 1.1 ..!..! 4. The Account of Helen C. Haves. A l.nia I 10 our owu u 'u 010 i ou '""'" " u " u , l'euD9ylvania, Ohio, Illinois, ivra'or of liavul Hayes. rie-M . .h as ont long been bosy preparing presents, the in-; lbe plato was then passed around, and , uuite wUh tneir inimedi- of vrf:Vu.,Hal'":ivV:7eev' "' disl";D5able as in da tine hoZhi ! ch one re1uirtJ t0 cut tho Wnmii of ate neighbor's, of all tbe most deeply in- The Account of Sa-mii s. iiarher. Ex- auJ bought borne, and the children were ( flour through with a knife taking off a t(:restej in tbe present trouble, to rally to 'r'.it.T ot ihe la.t will i.il ipoam.hi ..f v.,.... rtrt ilr .... nlih rTrp..i(i.iii At Inst. llii laroe or aniall sliftfl lis pach rhnse. ho- ' .1.., IT. Mil .?nwn all attrnir.tH to mralzah late of the II !..t! h of M ffli nburr. .r .!.. .. i.i. r In il,;. l..Vi..l .1 o n il,a ' al.i,,,), n,.r r,..!ii nmsneritv. and hanr.i- l.t'Oitlil' .iri'rill J' CVCUlUg Ol UIO .U UlUC. .Ill eiflUM nei, ... vu..iu, sua.. uunu M.d.u. v vv.. t -t , - - l j i f I r-soihc-'Ltui.Vrj'jIa'Til'Tsa'. : Lwurs, oac cf the rooms was kept lacked, ' column of 2;ur whi.h -A ccurss saun be- ' ncaa. CcrmaitbKn Tilyrofk. riUt acd hooonMe to recoguize their sup-1 luu " ' . . , . . . . , cr I C3Uii uo as luuch to a-Iraucc its lutcrtatji poll VY UlVlUg liatii i , which he has filled before tounivcrsal .ut-1 la h fa,nro- II u ,k"tfurc ,,J decf isfaction...The harmony wilh which the , J "S tl:at r''toa t Anti-Puehanan forces are working, cbab fjt tls reparation from the l. partmct.., lenses tbe admiration, the wonder, anJ ! at a momeLt wh-n his experience, indtis .l,Bf..,r of the- Free Trade. Pro-Slaverv I "S BnJ Ml'y are C"'re "'i men. Thus may our friends coutiuue to act, and the 4th of March 1S01, will sec the General Government in their hands. A Justice's Court. Justice. Witness, you must be sworn ; here, take tbe Piblc. Witness. Wat Pible yon cj.ll him 1 Justice. It's an English Bible. Wit. I don't schicitre on him; I want one Dutch Uible when I schware. Jus. Well, here is a Puteh Bible. Wit. Well, I schware on dat. Jus. You do swear that tbe evidence yon shall give in this case, shall be tbe truth, tbo whole truth, and nothiog but the truth. ever before. We owe this tribute lo Mr. Iliekok, who, besides being a most amia ble .and exemplary geutl. iuan, has been a faithful aud efficient officer. If our wi.-h could prevail, bo would remain where he is, for at least another term, to serve the commouweahh in advancing her schools to a higher decree of excellence than they have yet attaiued. llArrinlur-j :ntiutL The difficulties iu the Cabinet at Wash ington were fir.-l, with Po-tmster General Holt, who refuses to bold office unless lib erty is given hi:u to remove Isaac Cook from the Chicago Post Ola; second, with the Secretary of War, who in.ists on orderiog off to Florida, Montgomery C. Meit", now engaged on the arjue Juci iu Washington. Jefferson i'avis aud Sena- Ladies! Ou and after the 29th of February, ladies will be fully authorized to commence making love lo gentlemen they may deem worthy cf their hands, hearts and fortunes. Thu year is called leap year, beeat's; it is the lady's privil ege to ''leap" into the arms of tbe man she fancies. To prove this, we quota from au old work, printed in 1GC0, enti tled '-Courtship, Ljve and Mutrimonie." In the chapter entitled " tt'hra $e yi'ltt ...ci7 tjijr'; ye numu" the learned author thus speaks : "Albeit, it is mwo a part of ye Com mon l.awe in regard to ye social relations of lif', that as olteo as every besextileyear doth return, ye ladies have ye sole privil ege duricg the whole time it centiuueih, of making love unto ye men, which they may do either by words or looks, as unt them it seemeth proper; and morover, not man will be entitled to ye bene tit of cler gy who doth refuso to accept ye offer of ft iaJyc, or 4iO doth in any wise treat her proposal with slight or contumely." Thercfjr:', ladies, you must eomplynith the law, an J, Ir.nging your captives np to the altar, allow them tbe benetit of ilcc'rl. K-g.ate Wit Yaw. Jittig, now eogigca uu ut j sicigy. Jus. Lid yon see blank shoot the dog? i " asaingtoa. jeii. w i- o e. - Judge Keut says : 'a'bere are verj Wit No lor Tl,omb5 .'."i tll'-,e 'f iJ-I', ! foW evils to which . man is fubjert which ' takts nart with them. Mr. Hovd, howev- ..... .. Jn. Well, what do you know about it? j sJmi r(.suWeJ tJ Liive Lis own way I l tui' aT0!j- lf be tfui.d cTf"9 Wit. O, BOiiDg. Ijushtseea deguuj .nj both theso Southerners bad their . wi h his wife, and take her advice." Ihe go looje. 1 cwo way, aul iuh u them 1 j JaJge is a .Ciialblc itaa. nr v