Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 03, 1860, Image 5

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JLe iristtir, i'a.
Frid.vt Morning, Fkb.
,.nt. M-rhnii
nr. l-uMi.her
- V.r,,w,..r..
Public .tOrm in -" " ...-,', ir,h.
.11 who wih to h.iT or
olumiK of th Wf'rf
fnr.micif. whir-ll b.s . l.rce
L"Vr.ru uf TO..-, sol-ell pr.lar,co!un..r,
.J .-n. m r H"'
rxT-Sce c Adverllsoinciitii.
ttB-XEXT WEEK is appointed for j
Cvart in L'm'un County a convenient
time to send in subscriptions for the Stab
A Ciibomcle. Until the end of tub.
Court, additions to Clubs may still be
made, at 51 each. Alter that, .i,u for ,
II nim-le subscriptions. Now is the time
. :. I ....... ;n
Lonzress is o,gu ...-.., ....
oo, and the coming year every msn in the
county will want its host newspaper j
.v -w j
jej-lly the nighty mail, via ,atta-
wissa and Milton ti NVilliauispnrt, and the
Binruing mails from U'llliauispnrt d wn,
half a davs earlier news is bad in Lewis-
t.'. ii.;t,.L.l!.i ..) V, . York, i
o '
. -
(The pratracted meeting of the Lew-;
isburi: Lutheran cburca closed on Mon-
daveveninc last There have been 08 ad-
uayeveou j,
ditions totbercburcu duringthe.r revival
embracing pctsons Uoa 11 to U ycats of .
ioT'Attcntion is requested tu be ad-
vertisemeot of Mr. K. Anthony of New
York, whose Instantaneous Stereoscopic
Views and Stcreoscoiic Instruments arc,
said to be un.ualleJ. Mr. A. has bright
the. art to such perfceHon, that views ean
be taken in a fractiou ef a seeuud of liie
Iq.1l uiii uns ( .su - -
the Nebraska Uegi!.iure, anu is arlo ,
by Gov. Hlack, appointing a Convention
to frame a StatcCoititction. We siiould
rjot wonder to sec the Iei!iocroy Irving
to bring in Nebraska with aot fcaif ibe :
population of Kansas before, or perhaps j
t the same time, as Kansas.
jBj.The Lectures o Agricaltre, com :
tnencinv to-day at New Uaven, Ct., cover
the week-davs from 1st to 25th, and in-'
, . . ... , ,,. .,:
olud. itr-sir lectures from twentv-nine
- j . . . i
enucuieu. t. " ut.
treat for those who can attcud, and the i
results in book Oim we anticipate for
the benefit of those who are absent.
JWTbe L'uioa Seminary, New Berlin,
re-commenced ite Course of Lectures,
Tuesday evening of this week. Notwitb-;
standing tbe oow and cold of ibe eve-
nine, (heir Chapel was two-t birds full of
ttudcotfl and others to listen to a discourse ;
T- . TL. : I .:
the Evangelical church A Sab. School
toiiectt wi5l be held, 4th icst. in the I'res-
bjteriao bouse admission, 10 cents.
3rThe Evangelical Association (some
times called "Albright Methodists") now
c '
Btmiber40,OOOmcmberS,aceordiuStotbeir;u:,ulo""ulu' 6"J""" "- I
AWyero! the 2C,b nl, The paper.lso j Whiten s'e.'ecte'd 'we I
' t tl. . 1 t T l.n C.kn.l
comaius uuiicc ui mc i.io vuuu wjiiui, propnate to tue ccti(,nal principles 01 his
far twenty years an estimable Bishop of ; party.
tha church, who died last uiootb. He was i Xbe N. Y. Li lqienJaU says that three
born in Lancaster county, in 1701. His preachers sent out by Ihe American .Miss
first ministry was on the Union circuit, ! ionary Society, have been expelled from
.., he bad manv friends. He never Jatk'uU c"UD,y CK-V ') shaved beads
married died on the field of toil and
left $5,000 lo two Societies of the Associ-
tion, and various bequests to other parties.
Wben be united with tbe denomination,
it numbered but 42G members, served by
5 itinerant preachers. j
JE-We are informed that tbe Ucaver j
Furnace, near Middle-burg iu Snyder coun-1
ty, is about to suspend operations for a gen- ;
eral settlement.
Mrs. LTannab Jordau's town property j
Iras struck off to Mr. John Walls at JlbOO. '
Sbarp I'ractick rendiuj: tbe dis-
cussicn of a bill rauiiiig a divorce iu Ibe
Nebraska Legislature, one of tbe mem
bcrs related an instance of sharp prac
tice of a couple resident in that Territory.
Tbey applied to the Legislature and ob
tained a divorce, and iuimedia'e'y tbe
man and wife pre-empted one hundred
and sixty acres of lands apiece, aud hav
ing proved their title thereto, were mar
ried tbe next day, after securing one hun
dred and sixty acres of land by the opera
tion ...,.. I
V.LEVELASB, uaio, Jan. .3. i nestea J
tner A. V. lyler, witn a cargo ol tUV tons,
from Cincinnati, bound to New Orleans,
souk yesterday, in thirteen feet ef water, :
Dear Cincinnati. The vessel was Valued !
at $25,000 and insured for 15,000. The j
loss on Ibe cargo was heavy. j
Baltimobe, Jan. 28 The State Sen-
, , , . f .. , ,, !
ate to-day passed all ot tbe Ualiimnre pc-
.. r . . ,
lice bills. Tbeir passage in the House
wUUoubtless be consummaltd early next j
Hard Case Tbe free uegroes recent- i
ly expelled from Arkansas, have published
n appeal to tbe Christian world to pro- j
teet ibem. They say Iadiana shuts her
doors upon them. Illinois denies prairie !
homes to tbem. Oregon will not receive i
them, and Minnesota is debating whether
or not she shall admit them. '1 hey com
plain of being forced into a cold climate
suddenly from a warm one, and present a
cad picture of the distress tint they suffer.
Charlesto.v,Jas.9. Francis Mitch,
ell, tbe porter of the steamship Warrior,
was yesterday sentenced to be bung on
the 2d of March, for assisting a slave in
n attempt to leave tbe Stale on board tbe
A bill has been introduced into the Tex
M Legislature lo imprison all Northern
l-ccucrs, teachers and "drummers"
found in the State. Gov. Houston's Mess -I
ge dissents completely from tbe semi-
men,, expressed in tbe resolutions of tbe ,
-o'o Carolina Legislature.
aliarh Deposits. The Dew Tress
I,. r 1 - "
' h',e ' M'nDti in taking
possession of that denartment. fonnl ti....'
"'"O'hree-cent pieces, and $1,014 io bills
of broken .n 1.i.i ' . T ' , i . .
Democrat;, ..7 ' "U J U" :
Albany, Jan. JT.Uor. Morgan has!
i pent a communication 10 me state Legis
ISHO. lature, suggesting an invitatiou to the
- - - State Legislature of Kentucky and Tea-
nessec, (then viiiiinp the Capital of Ohio)
. . ... ,e... ,
to Visit Albany. A resolution in iwix.r.l.
nee with this suggestion passed both
Houses, and the iuvitalion will be trans
mitted to the Legislatures of Kentucky
aud Tennessee forthwith.
Ar.nANY. N. V. Jan ".1 Jnciin-i T?
Giddiocs passed thronsh here to niizbt ca
mule for Washiugton, to testify before the
Harper's rcrry Committee
Albany, Jan. 31. The Republican
State Convention will meet at Syracuse on
the 10th of April, to choose Delegate to
the Xaiionai Couvcutiou.
It is m:itel thnt Ktillior Phininnir anil
. ... ... I
about o.tinraa 0r lls congregation have
associated with the O. S. I'l esbyterians and
the remaining third with the liaptists.
t,v )f Xclson, of the First I'resbvte-
rial cUur(.U) s;t ouifl) )o preat.ue(j oll
Thanksgiving Day, an able aud eltiiuebt
seruiou iu behalf of emancipation iu that
State. He also bad the manliness to say
f wefJ ficncrous humanity, in be-
half ,,f th filavei us heinir tniiii:in lii.infa
e c i
QJ having souls to be saved.
The Uoston .tcrrnrf states that it Las
tllc ""B5""' IuaJe S
tbirfty Mrs. Joilo in regard lo the l'otta-
nJ bt ju u gbe
not eVl.n tKtllt , ijrowu ;u ,, manner
: couuected wi;u the uilur I
(n one of the counti ci of Georgia, as
many as two buudred aud seveuty-tive
lashes upon tho bare back have been ad- this place, yesterday afternoon, frnai Cin
miotstered to persons charged with enter-; cinnati. and interred in Mount Kaliuia
' lairiinif niiiuious hjstilu to slaverv.
1osr 0mcE 1oBBEIl s:Emexced.
Joseph Swelixr, convicted oi rubbiug the
I'ost Oflice at Delaware city, Del., has
hteri M'Utcncrd to tiiree Ti-arV itnririson.
uicnt, at nara labor.
,he 1(Jfi of , nmvhew anip
in New Yolk, last week, a bouse was tired
This is auuther warning that should deter
ever) body agaiust Using this daugerous
Dr. Livingstone writes from Afiicathat
be "has discovered a real highland rei'ion.
' where the iubabitabts cultivate cottou verv
extensively," aud that every one spins
auJ weaves it.
Uosto.N, Jan. IS.-lbe birthday of
Frank iu was commetuorated last eveuuig
by the rraLliiiQ J vpographical fcociety.
sjr .Vt;.ri;t
rett's addie.-s i p. ued with a beau-
,ltu aU( f,
celing allusion lo the Lawrence'
disaster, and also to the death of Macaulay.
Tho New York 7" i'iMt (Greeley,) and
New York Jiiil,j,rin!ti,t (Ditcher.) arc in-
creasing their subscription lists by the
thousaad this moutb. Ibis is no small
i1j,caiiun of the swell of tbe rot ular wave
agaiusl Slavery Extension.
cl.llk jj. Cochrane, M. C. (a relative of
Gurrit mitb) has been taken to ibe Asy
1.,... n I lw.. in. it ill f.ii'mu,! lliul
P""up' treatment has prevented bis in-
Tho Opposition members of theTennes-
see Legislature have nominated John Dell,
as a Candidate for the I'rcsidcLCy. i
Senator inason appears in me senate '
ni i.i.t.j:.. - . f I i
., . !
and tarred faces. Their names are, Kev's.
(eo. Gaudec, Wm. Keudiick, and Kobcrt
On the 8 ;b Oft. last, the American ship
Flra Te jile, ol l...!iiin i vru wnc'ied
iu the China Hi a, ami i. i.it..' I i relate!
fc50 Chinese aini lb il-r. eans were
ielt (tv tbe Ca lit a in and a lew men iu
boat-,) and undoubtedly perished.
K...T. Jir. Hubert J. breektnridgc has
addressed a letter to bis uepbeir, tbe Vice
1'resideut, iu which be days the slavery ;
fpiestion can never divide this Union.
The Oiuci i Evyui'rvr says that if
Douglas is lo be killed cfT for entertaining
such views as be does, ibe entire North- !
ern Democracy must, for entertaining the
8ame viewSi be kilcli ff t00. Un- weli
we arc not going to distress ourselves to
death about that. LoituciHe Journal.
Hon. Oliver C. Comstock, M. D., while 1 " 1 " " " i VI 1 lii-l U X lJ 1 X J.
serving as a Member of Congress in Wash-! ! ' .x o- i , I He Ladies of the MelLoillSt E.
inoton City, abotit If 20, was converted, and' Oa the 10th of January, Simon heck, rhnrch in lhis Broah purpose holding a
united with the baptist church, in which of Snydertown, INittany a ley, was enga- - (Jrand Festival, in Ihe large Store Room ad
be was an able preacher aud pastor until 8cd ,D ,Uirci5U,"f?1 f;)r 1'aD,cl ,,ei,l1er Lof lhe ' i"'"'"1- h"rli ' s'""; " their new
his death, last month, at the good old age se t' M "'' ngged-un- building, corner of J,f.h and Market streets.
uf 70 Years 1
Yankee Clockmakers. The clock
. , .
previously transacted by Chaun-
ome & Co., is now done b, the
ce, Jerome
Xuw Hen cvclL Comranv. In 1S57.
,ue coa:pany began
Tbcn it w,9 thought
,PJ , 7.'i finfl el,..
to make castmes.
wonderful that it
' lnrn.it nut 7.T flflfl pluck In lSfl!) tho
cglupany ,urned out 1.50,000 complete
176 m C.ied movements.
' . ..' ,
ryAnswer lo last dramatical Entyma
..,,,, , -., ,i u i , . -A i
Uttert of I lie Awnabit. Aus d by A.
a., BtifTaloe.
t am composed of 30 letters.
My 7 21 2 12 7 are worn by men and women.
4 5 20 21, pari of an animal
I 8 17 !5 7 24, a vegetable.
3 13 6 19 2 23, an animal.
10 12 17 15 22, the name of a tree.
3 12 21 22, a kind or drink.
I I 1.1 1C, a public place.
H 12 9, are lo be seen in every town.
14 1 1 18 12, is just passing away.
27 9 3(1, is a boy in Europe.
20 8 18, is a boys name.
8 18, the name ol an animal.
15 17 so 25 10 II 2s G. a rule in Arithmetic
My whole is the title of a book
Neluk and jF.tiwu.
OTATEMENToftheE.c-11 ihburcDink
t J as required by Ihe second section ol lhe
Act ol Ueneral Assembly of lhis Common
wealih, approved the laih OcL A.D. 1857.
Speri. In Dank n.l "jcm, tunj. inThilmda.
I.u. tmra otlirr liauij
liiiii dijcunusl
lii Unit St
2-9.il.! 62
aoo,M3 23 '
175.0:0 00
4s,iJ6 11 I
lii.si T? i
.M.AnHii. .... j u.r ... i T
. t, i,V'l,UII J .f'JIC.ICU VCIU1C IUC, AllUICW 1
Kennedy, ..PM David Reber, Cashier of the !
above named Bank, who beine dulv sworn ;
ccordinR to "r lhe above is correct to i
the besl ol his knowledge Feb. 1. 1S60. ! .
Asraiw Kr.9Ki.ijT, V
trv FutliC.
Xcu)3 Jicais from li)cr Counties
The now M. E. Church in Rhaoiokiu is
to be dedicated on Sunday Dcxt.
The Scarlet Fever continues to desolate
the bonus of people iu various sections of!
. r 1 l
too olate. In one township ot J tursou
county, twenty-five children have died
within a period of two mouths, su'l the
disease, iustead of abating appears to be
increasing, whole families of children be-
i t 1 '.I
tng prostrated witn it.
The l'ottery establishment of John
Hieks iu liloomsbur ' has been d-stroved
by fire.
Dr. J
lr. Juhn . Hboaus has oponcd a L'rug
Store ou Mill street in Djuvillc.
lo a large audieuee in liarrisburg.
KILLED. A man named Jesse Glatfel-
ler, residing near York, ou the liueuf the
T ? . - tl I . I . " f
Northern Central Kailroad, was recently
kicked by a bor?e on the head, about the
temple, aud immediately killed.
Chilpken 1LUNED In M ffli coun
ty, the house of Michael Uarritz was
i loirneil with nil ita ronU'iits. and twnchil-
dren perished in thetliuies. Two other
. children, a little boy aud girl, made their
i escf UT"S 'T ,L" SeCU
j wiudow to the ground.
J R curn yf MimAmff 8nJ
A. C. Touncr have bceu admitted to the
UJf 0f Center couuty.
j HARtiisnutto, Jan. 28 The remains
i of 1'rof. James 1'. Espy were brought to
: i 11 u-, . l.r..l,i. ,.f. 1 V.
j py, Es., , and was formerly a icnideut of
, llarrisburg.
j The Fullmer church in Turbut town-
' cl.;n .... il... '.in l t.l 1., .... .T. .1.
icated ou Suuday the 22d uit
Oa the lTili ult., as Wilson Irvin, bis
wile, and three children, were riding
arouud the bend of tLc pike, cast if tbu
borough ot L uionvule, by some Uiisuap
the vehicle iu which they were seated
. was turned over the bank, and one child
! instantly killed bv bavin" its head cru-bed,
: Mrs. Irviu seriously injured, aud one of
j the horses badly bruised. Tho bereaved
family can only be condoled by the Giver
; o. every gooa ua jeruci gu., ou, w. :.,
receive tue sympaiuy ui
CUt rOUS Cum -
; munny
t l II- ril l. I 1 - t 1 :
A nepubltcan Club hai been formed in
MidJleburg, Snyder coutty. (Ahead of
j L'niou couuty this time!)
i Yaliable Patent Oar townsmen
! -Messrs Win. Paltuo and Win. Moyer,
! have obtained a patent f. r an Improved
vir-iignc stopper, lor i reserve jar.-,
' which is the best thiug of Ihe kind ever
j yet invented. Ly the use of t..is article
"," u,,,ucu"'." u.v""":0 V V" J. .
the housewives iu keeping fresh and sweet
me various iruiis, ai.: . .viaieu. ji is a
most valuable invention, and must, from
its simplicity and intrinsic nieri', come
ntn cipnoral mi ! r Mnvpr it ibp nri.
..,:. r ,h -ob.hr.id Sinnr. W.-ire M
ufactorJ 0f tujs pliice) wuga warcs have
o!reajj. acriuireJ a wide reputatiou. lUr-
rUbing & ntiacl.
Owen Fiulan is in prison f.T breaking!
tU " 1V I
t U U1.
The people of Yil!iamsport have been '
t - . i
f moving m public lur tbe pruiuoliou ol tbe
cuuse 01 icmperaucc.
1 he whole amount of coal sent from the
two regions of Northumberland county, in
1S59, was as follows :
fc'haiiiokia 1?0,7")3
Tn'al in tons,
Increase since 1858
Woods M'Guire, E-oj , late of M'Kwens
ville, has settled in Chicago, to practice
1'i'fa.ilk .' Kvatis' Gift book adver
tisements. We have inserted a il z 'n. at
least iu tho stove and shall serve all
similar farnn in the same way. Ilulli
liybnrg tStuHil'iril.
Pun in a! i vi-PirTrrtvRS Thp eTci.
,." " i , , ., '
ning Lspress, a paper published iu tbe
city of Savannah, Georgia, asserts that,
during tne present winter, a locomotive
building of Philadelphia has obtained or
ders in tbe South to tbe exteut of fifty-six !
UL'13 IU llltl euum w mc C.UUIUI UUJ-SIA :
Ioriunaie n,uu upser vuu mat iuc irup was :
Blinnini riff ftiA 1MI Hot? finrl tl 1 H a n it. '
siippinir on ine puiiey anu maue en at- .
, itJht
, wi antl Drlwn around the puilcy)
!. . . mutilatiD the foreirm in i
f. ,-..,,, :,. ... ,,..i i
r . - j ,;i.,;. . ,t. c... ;
fracturing and mutilating tbe fore arm in
& , . . , , . :
a mosr, suocaiug mauuer, iuo uoueo oeiog ,j-wnlhat persons visilinit said Hall durinp
broken in such a manner as to pass through the Exhibition will come prepared lo asist
bis garments. It was fuuud necessary to ' them in the charitable object they hare in
amputate the liaib. j contemplation.
' . , , I Ovsters and Hot Conee every eveninj :
Two men were taken np m Muncy, and , ,;.)kei ,.,ei iceCream and ether Kefreshments
sent to tho Jail in Sunbury, on the charge u-h"never called for.
of stealing jewelry and clothing from a ' Persons friendly lo the enterprise are re
man stopping at lteynolds' hotel in Tur- j spectfully invited. Feb. 3. HT.(itj
A party of hunters a few days since Cheaper than the Cheapest!
shot two wild cats in bulliVan county.
One weighed 45 and the other oS pounds.
, . , , , . ,. ,1
uu tue morning pi iuc .isi uit., a coal i
train near Goldaborough met an accideut
by the breaking of a car, by which the i
kP..i.A.nn Lmna AfnfA nf I i . 1 r ; n. o
viuinu, a.u-.a i-iuvtv '-""
He had been six !
, if t- 1
weeks married, and once we believe lived ,
near Sunbury.
A child of Mr. Cowden, of West liar-
risburj, ajed fonr years, died last week of '
1.. J--i...i.:. I. k. i k r.;,... .1 ...
iuu.ojjuoum. lb UU LVLU UlltkU IIIUUI
nine weeks previously.
( On Saturday morning 21st ult., as two
I young men were coniing up the Narrows
j below Sunbury, in a Lug gey d'.-.wn by a
j $100 borse, they met a train uf cars. In
1 spite of the efforts of both men to hold
j him, the horse threw himself across tbe
! track the engine struck tbe horse dead,
but the men happily escaped injury, altho'
Dt stl" dung to tbe borse wben struck.
New York, Jan. 27. A despatch from
Cbattanooea savs that the eat) in tbe Mis-
t?;T, l l'l 1. .. 1 .nA tn
...Blflfl U.II1IMU Wilt VD UUiiiUUU tVIMV.1-
row, and Ihe connection through to New
lrl..n. ;n i ,.,!.. ti,
betw n N Vork and New Or-!
Dclween. ew ior .aDa .'ew. yr" I
le"1" 0Tcr 111,8 rtu,e ,u bc 0U,X "'J " !'
f'jur houre.
t i? Her. VV. W. Howard, ol Jersey Khnre, 1
is crpected to preach for the Lewisburg
! 1 v,er,an ch:,rc1' Sul"'av
I . t vMJetr.OcorpeLandon.of Brarirord conn.y.
! is txpecied to preach for tne Meihudi-,1 church.
Lewisbur;, d Sundae. Feb. 5. I
IcTrti: .ee hv Ihe Litiwl Armt. published
!, i ,....,., p, ,i,,r r rr.,n,i ., v
j c. vLaut, (Pate ol Factoryv.lle.) has located
! in that place, where he has associated him-1
j self with Dr. backhouse in the practice of)
mc""; We have '' n ' 'Y !
have ollen met him at Ihe tiedide of the
sick and have ever found him to be an iu-1
' tellisreni and successful physician, eivin his ;
' nh"lf ai'ention to the u-ellare ot Ins patients,
He is, withal, a pond operator. We hope he
may succeed in ins new neia. e learn tne
per, pie f FacTnryville very much regret bis
removal. S.-rantnn (P.i ) H'ruld Jan. -0.
; Tim,-Tab!e-I.eWislurS K.lt. Station.
I -M'MAt, SUllll.
1 I'jpre-s (' ) do 10:10 AM
j Freight & Ai coinmoJalion 6:10 V .1
' Freishl A Ac conmiodati
C:.r,0 A M
4: : FM
Kxpress (niil) pas
fcuvuswjura laavUct.
Vurrreltii Weekly
Wheat $1,25 to 1,30 Eggs..
Tallow ...
Corn '.
Bacon ...
Dried Apples
1G tolS
Clovcrseed4 to4,f.O
1'otatois oo
rn Fnnt.niT. Wth "It . ''V H' A J. IIT. JOIIX sntP
M N mxl MikS UAItUAUA SMiiKIt, bolboi Lomvt Au-
'n l-.'tli u!t., by Rnlwrt Thnmrwm. t:.. WM. E SNV
UKR, of Snyder c uiity. n l Miss SAK.kli sriCilKK, uf
IVntt. V.iliev, IVutre fouuty.
on-JIOi tilt . in Niri'U'i-e Twn.. Iiy Ust. J. II Prli-r.
3. II. A rsoX uf lltlm., Ark .luJ JiU tUKAlllii It
Ou I-.: ti .i,t,v RcT II. L. Dnolittlp. AIUFWriRKr,n,
Jr . of Il,Ha. l iiilri-fo . ami Mi-. AI:V J., l iusi.t.r
if l'n. .I'.hn suo l!i. ol CI Oitotit ill. I'Outfin l'o.
In Mdlnn. f.'tli uit.. I.t l I" . He-mrl. Alll'II WJt.
M:.ll.!.Lalii SAKAil Sll.tll. .11 f Uilton.
mi Hiriviii uit. h l:-.s i, lihk.ti. smi-;'I. T V
I'l l; an.l Mii I.LULCCA L. SCHLol MA.V.Uilu uf
Hu In.- rtlitilt . l.y I)tH S; ittrr. K,-..fKTFU PKFI.,
n.i vii-s m i:oa::i.i ' oi.ifc i- tiici ..- Herim. ai-.i
i:rii::-.tMS n : 11.1XM ui JU saiiaii alkk':'.
l. lit "f I Hum 1
on t!n 16: l nil. by Iter. r. fl. ErT-nmever. I.PVI
I. II K muJ MAI.V CAUIAI.INE liAKti:,U,lliOi 2cl:uf-
' t'"-.
' "''Jj?.' 3I' la"' J"3Er" KT ErKNrR'
' iu Turimmiiiv-cth uit., fi;edei:ics ivx, ired s;
- , K,,..K r..
Ill .lllhln.t.'lKOItOECI.INlltv
' E-""! ':,t" ot 1 iii" '-. !' in tin. T-l le-ir nt lii. aT--
i ., '.r llitii oi..l.iliir. 1'Ji .LTlli ult.. Ke. JAIMBSHIVE-
LV, In l.i-stub y,nr. 111. .. III" lir.t -i-n d liiriu in
me .hem h resli.a loan nl trst ttll''mt.'nl at
in .ljirtMn T.p.. Snvilprto sl alt, t'Ll Kit . t.l
M . :. J l.o,,t 7.; Vr.ir.
In IHin.- Twp.. IVntreCo.. tsth ntt.. FRANKLIN
M'ti.. in Mi ?!th yenr. Iu Urt Twp., Ut ult,
OKolnii: lii .M.KI.. in ld C.-tb i,r.
In Mini.i.ry, Slt ult., Hl.lNl Is A. HCC1IEB, oged
lib ut .'l'l yi :.r-.
I ''OR R5:.T.--The two storey --,
' Dwrllins corner Souih Third andjlLi
t - 'Le .;,,,., Ft.b i (-, JO. BUOWX.
w. . v . ....... isnn..: ,.c
Du. W. II. Hn moh nr.. 1). x. c. Peaur.
vl !ll & l( KI)0i SE
" K.sPKI.'TFl'LI.Y rfler their services to
the citizens of I.ewisburg aud the sur
ioitn:lm! cotintry.
J'ailicuiar attention paid to SL'RfiERY.
Empure opposite the l.miieraii Church, or
at the residence ef Mrs.Piar!;house. lan.lnti'J
i -
AOmiaiMi atoi Xolltr.
J0TICE Is hereby given, that Letters
i r Vi . . " Vu
II of A'lniinls'ra'ion on the Kstate of
JOsF-PH KLF.CKNi:!;. Imeof Hartley town -
ui"- . . i l l. a, .
'! TV. T ." Rran,eu 10
1 r c .l r
ci 111 11m.--1.1111 in i.i.i , mrit:iiTr,iiii iirrxins III-
dVble. to said e-tate are requested to m.ilce !
immediate payment, and those having any just '
; claims are aho requested to present them le-
! gaily aulhenlicated tor settlement. I
Hartley Tp, Cnion Co, Jan. :tll, ln.
fllK Stockholder of tbe I.tiriburs r.mt i
Mtlhn'iur Turnpike Utmpnm; are here- !
by noiitied thai an ejection wiil be h!d at the I
public house c f 'iidcon liiehl, in Ea-t Ilutla-
loe Township on M. nlay ihe Sth if March'
next, at 111 o'clock A. M., for the purpose cf !
electing a President, Tre-isnrerand four Man-;
aj'-:i to conduct the atl.iiis cf the Cmrpaiiy
for the i iisnni'.' year. tL F. MILLER, Pies.
I.ewisburg, Feb. 2, 1SUO.
I v X. II. Persons wi-hin? to take VEAR-1
l. C'DXTKACTS on said Tnrnpike, are re
M. , y R w.i.J. i-..n-...
on r,. B. Walter. ( ollector. I
at t,e East Toll itc, between the Sib and i;
i:tth of March, who is authorized togiveCer- i
zip l -T 1 T IT "'OfP T f j"
vuiuuicuviug uuuuay uvc g) f cu. iv,
a-irl wilt ...: naA .Inrinn tU mnt.1 nf llio
ana win oe continued uu
A great variety of Ma
fy.--oods. Kotions. S
Manufaolurcd Articles,
r ancy noons, -sonons, tweeimrais, etc. c,
.;,;.:,: ' ., ,..,.'. -, .
wiil be on exhibition and lor sale, ana it is
ri'HE undersisncd havins made'
1 arrangements to close his bu-
uness, here by lhe 1st of April
nott, ,,3-,rs his eulire .,0,i. of j,0ll.s & S(ll,
n-bich is the larsest in the county AT
COST. No mistake. His stock, ihe preaier i
Dart, is II nine in atJe. ?ot UD under his ourn su
' . , .. ' , . - ...
fi"u,, b" j uV. " . Bl"
iirtiinuu. ilia iMii-ca naa 1 u i utcn luuii
lfd ,Wj bllt ; hf wl se al ,,,,, !B per
cent lower than ever, which you will find
from the following prices :
Men's Homemade Calf Boots for $3.75 to 6,00
do do Kin do 2.50to 3,75
do City Calf do 2 23 lo 2,75
do do Kip do 1,511 lo 2.50
Boys' Boots of all sizes front 50 to 1,37
Women's Homemade Boots 1,25 to 1,12
do do JelVersons 87 lo 1,1
do do Slippers 75 to 1,00
do dn Gaiters 1,75 lo 2,00
Lar-e lot Child's Shoes homemade 37 to 62
When work is. made to order, of the besl
quality, prices wiil be as follows!
w vi. a..,.. 4. 4
do Calf do ' 6 0ft !
Women's Gaiters I,7 to 2,25
do Boots 1,50 to 1,75
He feels thankful to his frirnds and the
public lor past favors, and cordially invites
all to come and provide themselves wilh a
full supply al the above prices. Call in, and
if lh pri"8 m" r'jm ,,he borr'"e
not charse anylhing for showins eoods.
Lewisbnrg, Jan. 27, i9P0.
Son. 3ihij:c((tii & !.,
Nos. l"r an t 1.1" North Fourth street, above
Arch street, PHILADELPHIA.
PRAXIUi;s, Y.'ir.os nnl (
.ins lm-
p"rt.il iliri-rt unit ttstr.iil.l l'l :
i iruiL'i.tani ii.-t.-i h....i,ru !, i.i."-i,-in-.
.l. E'SM
1 uinn;eM v.ins: k. ,.rr..t ... -u ii. njii.-ni.i-ia
""!,il-iiJ-J'i1n,i,i,.:aSo.J,h wid,-,. l-:u.s;i
ExPrrW,' Tln'ire
XTJIIEUEAS, leiiers testamentary on the
esiate vl William M'C!ure,!ate of the
j liorouh ot Lew il arg, dec A., have been is
. sued, ami. granted lo the subscriber, in due
lorm i t law, n.itiee is hereby given lo ail per
sons knowing lh'.'irelves in !e imHtfj tu
sail estate, l make iin-iifii'ite paytiitui;
an ith.iie liivnnr claims against l he same.
will present Hit iu iluiy amheiiiiraied for set
tlement. M M. JUKS Eieculor.
l.eiburr, Jan. 27, lStuutl
Spccial Uotice.
A.X" rti'lectors and Tax I'avers of T'nion
coiiulv n il! trear in mind that we are
much 111 in e l ct'fnu.N to meet curree.lexpen
scs, and ii -(! ti, .; 1-v' Fe'.iruary ('oiri thev
w ill ral.::, a :ron til'uit to supply an eihau
led Trea-.ri v.
KUUEK T 11. LA!I!D, Treasurer.
TAMLS SIOTT is stllins Fire Calf-
tj skin lL intn:ade Hoots, sewed, fur .5,0u
t.'alf-skiii ltoots, home made, pi g;ed 4,5.1
Kip Boots, home-made, lined
3.00 to 3,50
1,7.1 to 3.U0
I. I'll to 2.00
I ..111 to 1.7.1
l.-.'3 10 SCO
1,13 10 I..1U
do do
Calfskin Boon, City-made
Kip lioots, t.'iiv-ma le
tinys' and Youih's C.'ots
Ladies' shoes, heels
do Gaiters, he-!s
do do springs
do Overshoes
do Sandals
do Mn.ihck Overshoes
Mises and Children's Shoes
4 I to I, (Ml
Persons wisbins lo e-t Boots and Shi es ai
the above prices must of course pay Cash,
Indeed, in a I cases, as we intend lo set! very
low and make it a cah business then ue
can buy nvht and sell ribt.
Marinf'dcitirnis anvl Kepurinj d.me at short
notice by the best U'oikmen such as J. C
' helty, L. .isiark, 1. Lloiiaebv. A. I tnninini;.,
j Maiket s-jnare, Letvisbur?, Jan.t, IsbO
Made a' I'osiSoJl,
1 it K I! - t and Cheapest in the wurid. now
on exluhili on althe Ii'ijf tin llaust. Please
all and see. Melinfeons 1,'epaned.
Address JilMli A O.sTKlUIOL'T, Ag't.
I.ewisburg, Pa., Jan. id, 1-itiO
Vpeneral n-.eet.ni i f ihe members nf the !
I nion county Agricultural Socteiv will !
he heid al the cilice ol J. A. Mertz in the l!or
onsii of I.ewisburg. on Tuesday the 11th day
i f February nexr. between the h .nrs of 1 and
4 o'clock in Ihe afternoon, for the purpose tf
electing oliiccrs fi r ihe ensMi-. year.
J. A. MLRTZ, Rec. Sec.
Jan. 16, ISfO.
T!in partnership heretofore existinj be
tween Jis. K. LomiiitL and (iio. K. I. if-
i.kLnitm. trading as Jas. K. I.otdcil A Co..
. . , .. , -
! s .yJ'.Z'," 7. .
iiiiit"' in iiitr i.iiir ui ui n i.i ciitr.t i'
ieu. E. Kau.leusiaarvln. al.ne is auihouzed
(u Use nan." ! taf itnn in sfti.emeiiL,
js. k. T.or.Dn.i..
White Deer Mills, I'liioti Co.,l'a.,Jan.5,lMnO
The undersigned intends lo carry on busi
ness, at the old stiind, and solicits a share i-f
the public palroiioe.
bS-'S!3 ti. E. I.At'DEXSLAfiEI!.
WAR ! !
"IAKMERS, Mechanics, an l all othcr, in
Tt'irn and t'ouniri-.c-'t votirolj mils
lv. Virginia is already surroundeil bv
soldiers there was never uch aa excitement
since the battle c f Hunker 11:11, as there was
when ZiMitasiAV A. Zslt.kiis ot their nexti
I'airnl (Jan i:tui!CTsi.
They can be used in private houses, church
and school rooms, Ac. This is the cheapest
lishl ever introduced half a pint, costing 4
to 5 cents will hum 12 hours only three-
eichths ol a cent per hour. It can be made
toburn as bnliianily as ihe sas in Lewisbure.
and is perfectly sate to haudie no danger ot
..nl.l, Ti-.... II,,,.,!. I,r -ln k, Z '
South Third -.reel. j
FIa-,.1-. TTiAti rtlntlilwi.
t8dd-Uaae IdOialng I
Always-on hand, on Souih Third street. Lew- i
isburs a seneral assortment, al Philadelnhia :
prices lower profits than were ever helore
sold in Lewisbur1'. Call and examine
yourselves. ZIMMERMAN & ZELLEKS.
Lewisburs, Jan. 10, 1SC0
Executor's Notice.
"VOTICE is hereby given that letters testa-
meiitary on the last will and testament
of JOICN Kl-illrJI., late ot uutlalce
township. Union couniy. deceased, have been
granted lo the subscriber, by Ihe Resisler ol"
Cmon couniv, in due form of law,lhcrc!ore.a!l
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them
properly authenticated lor set'.ieiaeni lo me :
.subscriber without delav. I
JOHX .sCHRACK, Exeeutcr.
East BnfTaloe. January 6. 160.
Dissolution of rartncrsliip.
1IIE Partnership heretofore existinj; under
lhe rirm of J. I Vfjendirjrr, ot ;
.. ..: L. .1 li .1 i
nulla oe low nsnip.nas ueri. 11.1& uay uisuivru 1
Lv in ui ual cinent,
All persons indebted to
the said Firm will pVae call anil settle their ;
accounts, and those h.ivini; claims aennt the
" . ' .. . 1 .
ment to Jacob UicieniJ..'
N.B. After the 15th
of Januarv.lsfiO.I wilt
leave the Books of said Firm wnh Saml Ew-
ing Esq. for settlement and collection.
Dee. 23, A D I85'J
NOTICE 18(50.
rpHE Film of r-r, Ltnhart .Ir ll.hrahnch
in the niitklaslnfr IH;sliieii.
ate ready lo cox-rujirT lor all kinds of work
in their line, aud are well satisfied il would
be In the interest of such as purpose erecuni
rood bnildiuss to give us a call before con- i
trading wilh others. e have put up some I
of lhe best houses and stores in Lewisburg. i
and are assured their owners will testify that .
llieir buildings were put up by sood and ener-;
Se,ic woraruen, and iu quick time, (which is
a verv imporiant matter lo builders.)
lirfcrtntt thamberlin Bro'sj I.. Palmer,
architect; Dr. I. Brutrier; Bvers Ammons;
Lewis Asheufelter. ISA AC WALTER.
Lewisbnrg, Dec. 27. 1859
CAUtETa-a fiiie assortment by
llurtb Si GoodmaD ,
The "Union cra.-.t be Saved !"
:!VS -a-lipfUfiS.' ; t'rlSi'
the Ir.ju'.,
wrm n rv a
,.iiv. Ii I r
ii lh.lt is tu i!c:t.
it in t 'I'l.'irt-.-
.It . U IU 111,
10 bis br. tlier ')
X'.-.tes is the l 1
ralii-led eiciviiH'
in il"
. ti y nun
should rem! it. I'm-,- s,i,c:.- .p I n n ".
Single copies ''f eoher eil :ioti sent br ma.i
post-paid on receipt of ret.nl price. A liress
l.sAAU WALTii, I.ewislMir?,
Dec SO I ni' U Co.
itlorc ittCAi.
H. tfi TtTI.' XtrTTllV VPI1.
iippiieii to !he huncry pmplrbv ,
Lc will be sll
ihe sui.sr ri! i r. at bis shop on . oih Filth
street. wtoT'' he c-irries on top l!'!triiertii?
bnsjuer.s, an I wiil -uriplv all i.1.1 i.f M.n
in its sea. on. Iln tdiicsi!ay a?,d iip.it lav
morning, be u-iil tie f und a: M.irli.-i in ir.oii
id .M'Fa Idin's Hardware S ore." ' at b w rales
for Cash exeiusively. Calves vvanied lb-eves i
and Sheep purchased as usual. Fry the iw ,
Uaichir. 1
c!i!:isTo?nr:n cemberm-n;:.
I.eai-biir.'. A us. is. ls.':9y I
at Miiwrj's Sky-LiLl (i.iilery, i
MAKKiir street, Lewishurs. Hivinj'
jul received a lar.L'e aoitiru'ut -i't
plain and lUtiev l.'aes, I am prepared to '.iLe
I'lCtttres at reduced prices, f. r lh" llolidiys. i
All wishing any kind of Pictures caa sa. t I
money by itti:i; liiein sonn.
X. B. Pi 'tures taken in cinti'Ty weather
l'OIt SALE 011 LU'IlA.NtJE.
Vfi;c:)M) HAM) VL'CCL'Y' and a
TiiClIK WAtiON forsa'ei-rnchaiige
lor Hay cri'orn. Inquire at this l)l!ice
T TAVE just received (in addition to their
1 1 Inr.-e si..,-k) a fresh sU(.p y ,. r ILL
UIXTEIt VlHtliS, and be leave
i pecilully to nib rm tiie l.a lies and lieniieiiit n
i ol iowii and Lotimv. Uiat inev can suit l)
in anythir.j in tbt ir line, ..f irade, style, ! ual-
uy aud price.
Tor the I,:!J:c, I
r.r.iu, I-;.tin t -1 ru-if. I'.iui'!- lit 1 1
'iat.!s Mi.i.ir . t-. Ji iu--r.il ik r
ii:rt-. At. ii ir. ; f-i iu t- i'i c ut. mi:
ln;n-ll,.'iich"i:il.il P.:.' 1 rint.-, - J J-! r ri.i "1 :t ;
iT. ' a it :. :i 11 t, i i. t 1. --' .'Li1m.: ul t -jM ric'i n-. j
t- nr 't all kiiti-. W;-j,w. II ,.-..rv. :n 1 W Int ail
kii.'lft l.ujljiu;nirs, au'i L-tunBij: hmx9 ot tnrj' tlt--tiij
fur flic Criit2cn.en,
tlin licst ttti 1 l:irv-t itnt'tDi- nl io t wn. fiiifr'-irt the
rnii-t ta-!lHJl:t -l vim tt ' rlotli-. ('h'iti r--. . - Ii:i--.
t J4-n'ntiii-. nuti it" 1 arui-fiiu .!.; U i.iii' r.illv,
K(4i ai.iiti tiotiim, HaL aaJCi'-.I-r VI u
Al'o'al Kin Ts nf (;KO(TIIirs, HAIID
VL AS I KK. ac.
r'iMI in 4. i and j bMs.
LtAL. A lare iti:iutuy of Sloi-? Coa!.
which we Oflil.T lo nitv (-rtit if tctiii t,n il,rt u.
t:rv, at low a fuurt it." the --ami- I'lnlry ot tti.il $t Ir
ri.i-uit J any w hiTt !!- in t' u. -Vi.. n-'ltr' u; L.i.u.-t.t
I.iailurmti Co I. I'lUtt wJ tkvu tu ia-Laut Ui
I "j1 'Cash raid f. r aIHim!s cf (.t!A!N
ratcnt Pocket CCin EZTECTCPi,
1 o:u aj s:l;i r tv.
It H adm!tt.-'! I-t !1 to :(;e Uio.-i pcrtW'l tliiu f li'.s
ki- 'l f t T f'l. nl T" ttf I'tlVI.r.
It mj miiU ihit it caa fc; carticl Id tte r--t-t
without any iiiccun-uieart.
iUxry Mrc'f)i' .'tn-'-t h.ir if!
it.r .'-l r-p. r . . .- V .vf It
tt-.rf .V tK-v'-! I, :r- it?
Lr-.-j .V.;;. iu La ni
It 3 'tcrtat tt.f -iiiii- nt i!'i, nt -tit
t-.-i.t, li 'i::i a II i f Imsi.- ;.i :i U..!'.'ir i
; ! in u;- tu . . It t r i.-n
llft ji n'n.-kljr -n, mrli'.ul th.- -(
It fiiai .t;f eutii.Li.' y Ufi.'ul, Iur.iM
. .--, .ri '.ft n:
' 7 -. tl'i knt-SB I
ii -ivi-r. mi 1 Ir :n
i 1 si, I Si.,-, r. nt: 1
.-i-tuni I :i iiiT.i.
', ejjuuaiical and
rm-'K or p-.r.r in.
r.:?:-rM. !' any .irt f cLl- L m: t Statti.
rsv.": H7.i f i in; im-i:::s s. y:
The pi--.;on t : it l a j rt 1 1 LU-irm;t,- atiDt b
i. t.t;.oo i- i ir t .in. iiifCal -(t- J.t-. ,..-rr.
i uiZo
A It. ml luu with t: !! i.i-. r-j-.--: m.-v 1 ;.l .?..
t rctirttiRce it w:i!ifi:t In
th.m: -.f its Utaj trwr i if- r- J
a (?.? mr.-i p..
f hi1);;-:. l'.r,n
lo V.
life- il. an-! rorili:i!!j- ri-comciccj i: to ruV:io f iri r
-..-:,7.ji .t .-ii,-.
tt'Evrs b mi:;.
.n A;, nt wnnt, .i m , i. r, i -ui ii m lh -t'liiti.-; -Si,;.-.,
to wli.-ni . Ii.-;,vv .i.r..iint ".ill I' tn n!. s -.-ut.
Willi lriii, , t i.' -i' y. , n f'i.- r. .-.ii.t ..f it..:,r.
Aurt.-.-ali i r t. i. I" IX.'I.A V Hi" KM:!.).--.
Jln,:. .V. ,, i;.p r'.r, i',.ia. -j. :ti. I'.t.
Tht ri'l-orttT h.,. i . n f-.r tin; ty T. ::rrt t!;.-.tmit
.nl n c .-iiry i i'i'i- tM .n .-f l'.,- r-;.ii r. 1-r l..:i:.
i !fik. I rii l-r. 1 - 1' -': - an t l,. I. I ..71 il.- ,.;.!
1 -t 011 11. i- r.-nrin i.f. nn t 1!. .1! ' .-t in ill,, u .1 . 1.
li'Vi-ii: Or r.' Ml' r : -l'l ;.!l ....,- .-. -in I -. 1; 1- , j.
t iil.-'i-l.t ii .111 tin- 1m kiiJ I .'.li vt tach Wjn'.b, ai tin- i-.l-luwi:
1 T-r i. i-:
1 iniiir. 1 e-ry, i-n y f: ro
s--11. ultil, . 1 " ' .; y. uiii. r-ar, r 11 1
hn'Ul li:i r fcitVi.t rr., rii.T;. ;i irnf tl-.p e.-ill nf
t1'.- Hit' I. c. p. :h iniiir s It...t r.uml..-r .-I iii'ii-Tiiii ilv
i. lii-ti-.it-! I ii-.-'in. i- 11111 r-11. f iln, vuri"i- 1 1..1 i.
siii.-r iotd i.lln-r l.'..iii. .11 n .ti-.ii. lii ,11 r.m 1H- r.'jti.l
i.- iiiiii I u-r H..r'..ni..l .1 i- !i ti-ii I.- t ..li.'utii lr.ux U"
'Iiitr swttii;.' I'V ni,v .o,-il il.iv 1 t ::it-.iii..
a tin , 1 'ii.-i v iu--:;i:i.t:s.
-3S!.i .'in.'.- .V.iV ;,;.., t. r, i" .,' i-;- ,v,..i. l'l.
lil.l .f.MIL .tW.;EM,ir!
C. STlMt II S1CI1--S3 Or T.tS
MU01IUiliail Til .-Jl J illJSJ ii .
-IVtmi .:! -rlbm. of tin- o un-rr. nl--rih''rs trt ll.i.
f.opnlr Ait lli.tltill.ni,. (u.iit i'i it. -nih T"irl nr.-
r. . i-i.. l a mm uui.aia.Itltd ila thai el .u, ,
Au "n brr' m MoVrT saS-r-lblir; 3
union w:ll lmitij: to
1st Tht twinl fv.t Li'yrtxti'nji "Shxl.sfiiTt and hi
wf '
2,7 A mff 'tt't'rf. n y i''v'rxit- if Art Jr.-rnil rTlt '.raf.
aaAjrr' NlS i-ti f.4 ' niltrirt.i- - tifm:''.rny.
In a l.ittion to V,'xi T Jtr !,uu-i,ru xu ti lt U r
cf Art ut ,'!' to ul'frrVn-rs 5 t'nm:um-', oiiiLiritui.'
fli.ii-- raiuIinjK. St'uh'litrvi, Jutlto'--, ., i-y ILv Hr.-t
AiHTiinn ni Fon-iu A it i-t. 4.
Tils m Trnt KN .r. ivr.-:, L.i h vrry nl r-rV t will iv
tccife iinmfliif 7y on r'fi;.t tf u,-rl:'twTl. fntttlcj
?!ikf.NPKt;!E ,tin ivs r;rr9s-
if of a rliriit ter to z.r. uiitiu.i'.li-J j p.u:irc nd wti
fitrti -u. N. work ol i- 1 il i--.f ws cT: r b fi-rt; :Ijivd
itlmnahcrtl.j 1 :. t ,u-h riw. T he ;n.-m-!
Tmv H.I t.rv laru- U-m? vtiixlv ill h :-aty bi-.tr I
fnirr. '.' by a tnrlic-'. ni.Ai: ir m; rl-ori. fM.-nt
u:t till- for ttirwxiNi ffiil.i r t .r .jlirrv. ii.irl"i . iV i.
It run (wilt to iir i.art ! tiioct-'intrv. I.r umil, mtb
Mf-ly,l',iiiS paoUi J iti m - hn-JT., p .- piiU.
Trunkal it: f m-n a irnrk. il iiufl trt i-.i cbar;;t
,n,i ,i, ...(,, j. .,,,, ,.P -,.r r-r ri
M.LsCli!l'lHs t,. r.c-i..,l on
1 ilv vTiTiinir
of Tue-.i-v t'.e -ii-t of J.trunrv, I at wf i.-li time the
bm.kK wiiirtowmi'l t !n i'n ninni- b- ;iT n t- u ': ri' o.
No fUTM-n 1,-irt.ftri' tfil t- -t.cl.' tub--rr. t(..u. Xliow
naii'iM l are .1,'i.Ie I to -is smubei .. 1
Milcriiii irum t'li("r.'ia. tl.e ran. !;,, mj all
J.Vi.iuVr.iVru.'c!ub,iil .prtyfcr.clreaU, !
olimi.i- '
T..- If.OTr ll'n. Inlal I t-l....lli
- . - " " - "" ,
l". '
ui 1 1 a: -.it r.- tif t ! tvtttn. iu I iiuls
A iJii'r U. hVXHY. -Vtujirv t. A A.
S;ii;ii;i,1 Hr-Kt'l vnv. Ni k V.trk.
S 11 Krrl pt'n tin nNM-enr! .t J. Mf.l.UiXL LIN N. K-q
Ilou.ec. for Lt'wintjur-aini tiiinity. lu,li
William VanGczer,
i V bc tubnrsr. I nlon Co,
Cf Oitice opposite Kline', flolel
, Pa.
IBPIcat llarkct.i
Arrantjemenf for the Ytar.
JACOB G. BKOWX. havins supplied the j
Lewisburs Market lor the past six months,
has made the following arrangements for the
coming year
The best of Beef, Mntton. Veal and Pork
can be had on Wednesday and Saturday mcr-1
nin;s of each week, al lhe .M ir':; ft House, on i
Market street, between fcchaille's aud Wolfe's, I
Lewisbur", Pa.
His motto is ! Quick Sales for Cash, and
Small Profits." Examine his meat.
Ap. 15,'59. I. K. TER.Elt, Aient.
Er. C. n!NEAL,
HAVING resumed lhe practice of MEDI
CINE, lenders his professional services
to ihe citizens of Lewisburz and vicinity
Odice and residence wri'u Jaines P. !! ,n
South Fcunh stieei llaue
(i:ij:n:lcrliapr03 (Cart.
Vci:'tve tc.-tcd t he merits of &
eh . a-itii". tt nr rr.lJr iatl-t.cti.o, mod mrm fall
4 trtMtU' J B--t to ite fr..Bi it. Of i
iif,tr. ntorf nniji!' Ii tn w.r. rl w r ft
p irnl li. f irn-h ur ation will ;ryihittif Ii r lift
t: : uriur.-a. t tii-'!c-l fri lr CiJi.i r it .s.Lmm0t
tr W b -A., I': C- ru. t,ii-.. tly r" U "&rlj. Tlaiti0
Si-.i, tAK Sf'i, rn;, Umuu, Viitur, Lud, cp
l'o.ilxr. ?( it.
. xkw nnxi: wheat floitr
i I'll!? l.
J.'UlJ salclj
rinnwi:Rf.r tiam.
.-..key.ajsurnJ s!ava
I (
KH;s A.iiU and
fur s::le by
ritiKfERMM acoa,
I J It I MK Sliatl anl lu-v Halt Iferrlnjj
1 ( U U ) I.HS. CnnnJrr Curod B
- VVt v,u sirlcs. sii. u-ier-. t.a itn. fua
7i:iIi l.ciu i!,3 kiln, for ?al by
rii Aiii) ,'i :n H1..1-S,
i:;is!'it t IIi?rrii!jy jm
-1'iaiilJ . ! i-'ienp.
CllAV.I;l:RI.IM BK(Vt.
rt.- d.
! ; T I' A ! TKAS ! TEA? ! W
1 r- - I..-.I . n,r--. let of uprk.r aaalit
! , -,- '"" '-! iv. ir. a X.- iik.
i A ifwil ..-lit , er luting lli.nn fit .'--1 r pr In.
ii ini:i,i'i i;K.ya
; lorn:-: r coffi:e roFFEE. .
iL'f! A IIS!
. k:n',
BUfrrior vin'.f. n'l .t r-bMii-.b'
l li.lMill.lli.IN WilCa.
, ,-.,.,.. .,, . , -..., .77
i w iKi,r.-: jii iij..-.-i..-: i ul l a
i 11 ' A rli- i -.- :,-rl!on vt .-n.l .,) M. .t S
I li IVhi.l.l.lN i Kl.
1 IX K arnl AVLitC lM.lstor. am Coal,
l)f.r..',it ihmi:k!:!1M nun-a.
GEN I-SKH.f Iionn.l Alum, Mar.ba
anl l.ry zlt. ( r I t
YTF. koopa rnnslant siipr.lv of
? f t.ro While Wiivat l'l 'iiri .v.. ti .'pi.itir PI
'Plvitir PI..A
I'll Mi!H;t i n;:,e a
pOKX, Rye, Oat? ami all kinds a
VV tin.j, jt.itr.'t
.iiDt-r on I in-l.
I ll M!!K!tr. X PHOl.
r.oi'i;, cor.Ds & twinp;.
VI l LL n--ortn:ont of Hay Ropa
T,.. I ii --. Btsl l-..rij, !!,, T.inr. N TwSaZ
O'lt l.-n . I ..fc 1,'n-.. -. ( f HIlKill. BKO "a.
1 00 VtcA Mackerel, in i
i tinu-tia;)) f a.- ti.ia
t'i(!.'hl.r i - ,y
.. D. A t-n. sl,.i. n.rriili.
W: !-r''t a niotithly supply, fresh
I V f...i,. an Dal rj, of ii,. !. ,, ,' ;,,, b .
m.,1, l m rlU'lfUlUX BUoT
A IL hir.Js of Sj itcf Dried Apples
il. Pried Pcacb"s Prunes.Curraiits.Uunch
Raisins.f.'oofci,l R iisii;v. cheap l itrrn.Cortt
Starch, Farina, liiee Flour, Flaveriri(r Ex
tracts. Olive Oil. Sap Sa2o Cheese. Driad
Leef. R.asrrd ami Orour.d f, tree. Adamaniinw
Candles. Tallow Candles. Olive Soap. Roaia
Soap. l)fl,-rstv. Kt-n T..1I-. c :,
I . : -"i . .-u.f, asiii
: . af,-b,t Chocolate. liaker's Cocoa, Ba
.io., .--.ii rv.iu. ?,u Asb. Waeoa
lease. Wooden Pails. TuM, f hurr.s Wbil
s-anl, R.xendale Cement, fHlcirt I 1'iistsr
He.ms. Erooir.s, Urushes. A laree asii rtmaB
I ToSiacro and se:t r. Ac. Ae.
lor sale by CIlAMi) EKLi.X BRO'S.
Lcwisburg. April 29, ls.'j'...
Family foceTTi
T. G. EVANS &, Co.,
i::m.i:.u, biiim s in
Km' r.-.r,i,jn-ryr:irl, ecu uriiti'ttiriri!..farbw
FtlAR. ( HKESi:, FIU,
FIIF1T.-:. Ae. ic. ac,
llrh' thr.t, i.l-'rr lhe Post OjKc
l.t'uKJ.ur?, Pi.
rI' O. V.. A- Co. liave just rccoived
I ft, -h fn pi 1 :i:ia... lvlii t--Tii-ndr,ii9 tterk f
.. .1 ?,' i, J Gr. is ri, s i.f n.ry kiJ, .ci"i .l.iLb tu.
Pr;;t!:es nlirt Toi;ilcca,
fit up io U,u.. .iiU .;DU-d yarta .oU hv?b.
DiieJ Apple?, IVaclcs Prmic Cut
rant.-, JVcervin Citrons, Fiijs,
Duttjs.nuipiitd Iroia 01 to l?i
ct?. per H.t Pickios of
all description.?,
Pure Jaia Oi rEK.proUn
oJ pat up id lir-li-hl CanK,-S r tv fc retail aw.
.1 ItrzeMvJ .-vprnnr MA Ch t'F.fCL, SH.ift
COO I'lUlL Hi'URl Vf. IIV filflV A.
i . t t tIAM, tiAL l . J
A ll.-nrral n!t rtui.nt of
Willow and !:; r ft:irC.C:ia-i
ware, tMiefiisnare, Hart hen
Marc, Ho?, lliinc, A.C.
Fth 0.7, itu;j,r;( on, dnik, (mju
ami I.'irt'p Wick, T.iit' tc. L.irJ, iSc.
s?. , r ti 1. :.. .1 . it -1 t r. .
"'li'i 'in isilius, liCl'I Vilfase, CIC.
Q" aUnr' nn firi-iiT-: rt rl-flire n.lrietn
1 lw:r- -0m Jlcal, 1 OtatOC?, torn.
ITve Oat" AC. alwnv-J on LilPiI
T ' 7
rrsi'M't w.iMn the IScrvu.S.
Tu attempt to ctiMU'Tftti' n!l thr aFtiflc hlrh w
h-iTi f r .lv WcilM V- irrv-r.'p. W r -atoiiltt WMf
fl I V tuTitf th I lit'I.C K.-t; llliil -rOKII.inr V UT fMTtBHB
of ttrcrrriv-l. Hf rr PTl'-Irsit if I-ru aT..v fn atfll m
rhfp n tln j riD b- U t'lilit iLi of fhi.Ktlv-lf-ltlal.
Mill .' 1 p-utii-uUrl,)- ei.hinttiur country frkoU tcgit .
tt ft ml); U-r
UV furihati all hwimit of ProIuCi
L.-tii-tor-. Ainl i-i. T. O. FVASS COL
''Industry r&zi Thrive!
I Just opened, in lleber's Hmldinc. Market
'l"". 'r ak,waere 1 wiU
have at all times a lull assortment of
T!n IViirc ,tme PId.
COAL HI CKF.TS, Z.rit. 4c. e. I wf!t
a;sn make to order, rn short notice. Tin Got',
Spouting or any kind of woi. in u,y Ubji
, tusiness.
TlMendin''aBt5Jobbin!r eenprallrprrwirtlf
attended to. JOS. A. KUEA.MER
Lewisbnrs, Oct 20. 19' a
vnFrti K.nr.,?fiisi'''n'"i'fii"' "
W..l.Wwl..'ur-i fnr eliilif.-D, Liil. fmnrhr. orwlia.
ftljD rt-ccii iMfciuf FkOii, &e. VAI L A.i SFB
JitS. A. KH
J:V 1 IV O Con-iBble-. for ulv
or j im'.t J to oru r.at the C'hioi.ielrirtriea)