i I I Articles crowded oat Last Week. Labob Pahther, boot. Abraham Kivliog, of Jancsville, and Amis Smith, Jr., of Beecaria Mills, went recently to the Moabanoon woods ta bant panther. Thej toon (track the trail of a ? erj large one, which the; followed for four suceeas ive days, camping at Bights by a large fire, wiihoot abetter of an; kind, during werj cold weather. On the fourth day, 27th Dee. the animal caught a rabbit, af ter devouring which, it proceeded about 200 yards and laid down. Here the dog found it, when it took lo a tree, ascend ing to the height of about 70 feet. Niv liog raised bis gun and brought it down the first fire, the ball entering the nostril, nd, after traversing the neck, lodged in the breast. The "varmint" measured 12 feet 6 inches, from end of nose to tip of tail. The oldest inhabitant of Berks eonnty is Mrs. Catharine Levengood, who baa at tained the patriarchal age of 102 years. As Henry Herlacher was crossing the noontaina between Brush and Nittany walleye one day last week, be saw two large catamounts sitting in the middle of the road. He drove closely np to them, but the animals merely kept eying him. Mr. Herlacher then stopped, as t bey seemed to have complete possession of the road. At last, urging his borse forward, the ani mals parted just sufficient to let bim pus. An Irishman, whose name we did not learn, was killed in the neighborhood of toguao Centre, ou Monday week, lie Was engaged in piling saw-log, when bis foot slipping, be fell, and a log rolled on bim, killiog him instantly, lie is said to have been a very respectable man. It U lianuport Prut. Last week, a young lad fell from the upper part of Mr. V. Reed's barn in liaines township, Centre couuty, upon the threshing floor, and has died of the inju ries received by the fall. Death or a Veteran. Died in Fsy tte Tp., Juniata Co., Pa., lSih ult., Sam UEL Vasormer, Sr., in the 9Gtb year of bis age. lie here an enviable character for honesty and integrity. He was mar ried twice, (perhaps three times,) bad 18 children, 78 grand-children, and b9 great grand children making in all a progeny of 283 persons. On the 3d November, 1850, he voted for Coi. Fremont for Pres ident; on that occasion, be said that be bad east bis first vote for George Wash ington when be was first elected Presi dent, and that be thought he was carrying out the great principles taught him in the days that tried men's souls, by casting bis last vote for Col. Fremont. The Woolen Factory of Joseph Steven on, in Briarcreek township, Columbia connty, was burned down on Thursday week. It is said that be bad no insurance. One day last week, as Emanuel Heck man, of Gregg township, was sleighirj01 bis borse became unmanageable, and the leigb upsetting be fell violently against a tree, lie was very seriously injured. His left arm was broken in two places, bis skull fractured, and one of bis eyes almost entirely out. He died in conse quence of theinjuriesreceived. His mind seemed entirely lost from the moment of bis sad misfortune. A stranger, name unknown, was on Thursday morning week, found dead nd shockingly burned on the top of a lime kiln near Fisberville, Dauphin Co. One side of bis body was badly burned nd bis face was burned to a crisp. It is supposed be bad lain down for the pur pose of keeping warm and had been buITj cited by the carbonio acid gas arising from tbe kilo. Distressing. A bouse near Mont gomery station, to Clinton township, Ly coming county, belonging to John Kin acy, Iq , and occupied by John Murpby, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday af ternoon of last week, and two children of tbe latter perished jn tbe flames. It ip- Kars that in the absence of Mr. Murpby, rs. Murpby left ber three children alone in tbe bouse while she went to ber moth er's, ahort distance off, and it is suppos ed the eldest, boy of four yeara, set fire to tbe window curtain with a match, and then made bis esespe from the house the two younger ones perished. Tbe Cameron Club of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland couniy, is said to number 265 members. In 1856, tbe Opposition polled 223 votes for President in that township. A horse of Henry Doak, near Berwick, was severely injured and disfigured by harp cuts with a knife or some other in strument, from some scamp unknown. Tbe doors and windows of tbe school boose, near, were broken in on New Years' sight. A reward is tffered for tbe detec tion of those guilty of the deed. Thieves have been operating along tbe Juniata, by calling and leaving circulars for books or other things, "to be kept until called for." If tbty "find" anything, eo- isg after tbeir circulars, they take it along, bat two of them were taken np in Lewis town and sent to tbe jug. Tbe Democrats of Dauphin county de clared for Jaeob Fry for Governor, aud voted down a resolution for Breckeuridge for President, almost unanimously. On Thursday the 26:h ult., George Bo dsn, resident of Howard, Centre couoty, instantly eipired in a wagon, on tbe road leadtog to Beeeh Creek, near tbe residence sf Mr. Andrew White. He bad been walking behind tbo wagon and upon get ting in he fell dead. He is reported as be ing very respectable young man. Henry C. drey, the distinguished political economist, being invited to allow she use of bis name at tbe Philadelphia Union meeting, wrote his belief that the aeettFg wowld augment rather than dimin ish) She present danger. In bis opinion, tboee who now tee error on one side only, are efficient agents of dissolution, and will admit themselves to have been such before atany year. Tbe dwelling of John Wolf, on Nichols' Run, Porter township, was destroyed by ire on Monday night. Nearly everything in the bouse was des'royed; the loss is a serious one to tbe family. PlTTSktuao, Jan. 11. Steamers are ar riving and departing. Tbe llepublieans have elected their candidates for Mayor nd Councils in Allegheny City, nd tbeir borough officers in Manchester, Birmiog mm Md Dnjucsue, by large uij.riti.-s. A whiskey-shop iu tbe village of Jeffer son, Michigan, was completely cleaned out by a party of females, recently. A young man named Dalamater was in tbe babit of lounging around tbe "grocery," against the wishes of bis parents, and one day last week the liquor seller sent the young man borne with tbe delirium tremens, where upon his mother immediately raised a num ber of ber friends and neighbors, and pro ceeded to demolish the establishment The 'Irrepressible' Alarmer! Tbe last Savannah (Gs.) Republican says that report reached Milledgeville announcing tbe belief tbat a squad of Brown's emiss aries were concealed in the neighborhood of Pine Mountains in Merriweather coun ty, and tbat an express bad been sent to Talboton for a force lo scour tbat region and capture the miscreants ! The Freeport (111.) Journal says tbe thermometer was 32s below aero, in that city, morning of 2d inst. A Divided Party. There is an "irre pressible conflict" in tbe ranks of the De mocracy of Illinois. Tbe Douglas State Committee have issued a call for a Con vention to meet at Springfield, 4tb of Jau- uary, to appoint Delegates to tbe Charles ton Convention. The regular Democrats bad previously called a Convention lor the same purpose, to meet at Springfield, lllb of January. Some of tbe Anti-Lecompton Democrats in Congress, bave distributed 100,000 copies each of their Speeches. Tbe Charleston Mercury very frankly ays "tbe Democratic party mutt be a Sou thern party, or no party. It can not serve slaveholders, and also freesoilers, with tbeir arrogant and ruinous pretentions." Tbe Atlanta (Ga.) InteUiaencer says, "Demo cracy it the South." Tbat is what we have been telling tbe people, all along. Gov. Blacks.vake, tbe "old Indian," died at his residence on the Alleghany Reservation, eight miles from Eist Ran dolph, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., Dec. 2G, at the advanced age of 123 years. He was, probably, before bis death, tbe oldest Indian living. He was iu tbe French War, previous to the Revolution ; also in the Revolutionary War, and sided with tbe Americans. He was a great aid to Wash ington, acting in the capacity of a runner and bearer of despatches. . Jacob Strawo, the great Pennsylvania farmer in Illinois, sold 2,500 bead of cat tle this fall, yielding bim 75,000. They. were all fattened on bis 3,000 acre farm in La Salle county. The Charleston Mercury propescs tbat only those States shall be represented in tbe Democratic Convention which threw tbeir electoral votes in behalf of James Buchanan. Tbis would be a virtual dis franchisement of every Northern State ex cept four, and would give tbe Convention uomistakeahly into the hands of the fire caters. Some of the Kansas Democratic papers propose for President, tbe very S. Arnold D. who opened tbe floodgates of blood npon Kansas, and who "don't care whether they vote Slavery op or down." Yet those papers profess hostility to Slavery t Cassius M. Clay spoke at Covington, Ky., on the Virginia rebellion, attributing tbe outbreak to tbe invasion of Kansas by tbe Pro-Slavery men. He did not justify Brown's action, but censured the attempt to deprive bim of the liberty of speech. One hundred and eighty Protestant no blemen and gentlemen in Hungary bave been arrested by the despots of Austria. Trouble seems to threaten in that quarter. Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, bas a higher opiuiuu of the ever blessed Union than any other man living. In bis late Message, be takes the ground tbat tbe American Union is the ouly hope of free men, in time and in eternity. We bad in dulged a faint hope, that, "on the other side of Jordan," wo should bs delivered from Kansas Nebraska bills, Leeomptou Constitutions, and tbe whole family of politicians. Alas, however, for human hopes ! We are actually to have Mr. Bu chanan and tbe "irrepressible conflict" in tbe other world! The Democrats of Kentncky endorse tbe Dred Scott decision and go for Guthrie for President. The Kaosas Legislature bave split on tbe question of tbe State Capital a large majority having gone to Lawrence, and ths remainder atayiog at Leconipton. Tbis local issue we fear may greatly dam- ago tbe Republican cause iu tbe embryo state, i bey had over two to one in each branch before dividing, but, tbe Governor takiug sides with tbe minority, we suppose nothing cao now be done. During tbe month of Dee. 1859, the New York Tribuoe received 57,100 sub scribers, including 756 from Slave States, and 648 from Slave Territories. Benj D. Peck, tbe State Treasurer of Maine, used some of tbe money in bis care in speculations, and was turned out of office iu default of some $10,000, which bis bail will bave to make up. Hon. Jeremiah Clemens, onee TJ. S. Senator from Alabama, now an Editor in Memphis, says he bas seen Congress in much worse temper than now. He was as much mortified as amused, riding from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, in hearing the jukes of tbe Lancaster county girls upon tbe scared Virginians. Members of Congress, who denounce Sherman for recommending that a revised compendium of Helper's book be publish ed, are quite as apt to take bis arm for a chat and a promenade, as that of any other Member of Congress. They do not fear or mistrust bim ; but they do fear tbe facts in tbe book, and tbey make their gassy speeches for borne consumption. Tbe Mormons are ssid to be decreasing in Utah, but increasing elsewhere. It was trnly predicted none would greet Mr. Seward more heartily in Washington than Senators Toombs, Douglas, Davis, Slidell, and Benjamin, and Senator Mason will be among the first to call npon bim. Bring Him Forward. Each Repub lican Member of Congress has received a cireu'iar dated Trenton, N. J., Dee. 9, and nrdby a committee of twelve gentlemen, appointed by the friends of W m. L. Day ton, urging tbat gentleman's elaim to the Preaideoey. One argument employed is i that Mr. Dayton could carry the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. UNION COUNTY STAB & LEWISBUBG CKRONICLE-JAW. 20, 1860. "STAR & CHRONICLE" CALENDAR. rr A o o Jalr 2 31 S 10 4 b S 7 .o 111 13 14 l 18 19 10 1' Wl'il X7i a as wlsi Mill Fefcr., 61 S Tl S 10! 12 13 14 IS IC-JU il 12 1011 Hilt 26X7 38 2 Mar- vt! Si S alio 2 3 lo el 7i 13)14 lie! 17 2UI21 tJ24 27 28, 130 i April; Oft. s s 41 i 10 11 1 71. 21 3 iei: i i 3.24 24 1617 "I 1 221 Mai- 2 3 41 t tno 11112 16ll7 IS IU 2!24.2S;2t , Sere. 1 2 S 8 IO 61 S 12 13 IV'20 21l22i2324 26 27 2S.2V,'! Jase ere. II1 SI 8 7 S 12 1.1 14 16 19 2U21 22 26 27 2 2D 2 3 3 4 5 7 Villi 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1 17 ;t;l 2U'21!22I23 23124: ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. rrO all whom ibis may concern : On ihe sixth day of December, A. D. 1859, JO SEPH M'FADDIN, of the borough of Lewis burg and county of Union, having made a vol untary assignment lo Win. Jones, of said bo rough, for ihe benefit of creditors. Therefore, all persons knowing themselves lo be indebt ed on nole. book aceount or otherwise, will please call and settle the same, as no further indulgence will be given. And also, all per sons having claims against said Joseph M -Faddin, will present the same for settlement. WM. JONES, Assignee. Lewisburg, Dee. 13, 1859 rpiIE Great London Preacher, -L Rev. Charles II. Spurgeon SICCAID AS A REGULAR CONTRIBUTOR TO TUB CDBISTIAS WATTDHIX A CEFLECTOB, Bofltaa Mass. the oldest Baptist paper in tbe wor 1. His many friends in this country who jave read his Sermons with profit, will hail with pleasure this opportunity fur holding more intimate communication wilb him. These Letters to commence with the first paper in January, I860. (Sample copies of the paper sent between this and January, 1860, to persons who may order them for examination. UPHAM.FORD A OLMSTEAD, Publishers, Boston, Mass (Swat (Bxrifeiiifnt! A. ID STILL CREATES REMTT10 IX rtitCSt riIHE undersigned.finding times rather hard I and money scarce, offers bis EN'an. TIRE STOC K of BOOTS ASD SHOESMWl now on band (which is the largest in the B County) at COST PRICES FOR CASH ! C"?.No mistake call and ejamino for your selves either Wkvlemlt or Retail. Store keepers and others engaged in ihe Shoe Irade will find it to their advantage to call and look at bis stock and save at least 25 per cent. ! Manufacturing; of all kinds done at very moderate prices and REPAIRING at the shortest notice. Cr"Dnn't forget the place next door to J. 4 J. Wall' Store, LEWISBL'RO. May 9, 1S59 WILLIAM JOHNSON NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. ffm.Bronn Jr. & Cbs. C. Dankle, Having formed a Partnership, at the old stand of Wra.4 J.H. Brown, Market St.above 4th, Lewisburg, ARE offering a laree assortment o' Fall nnd WISTER Cioods, ounsisting uf Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Casiineres, Coatings, Veslings, Carpelings, Bleached and Brown Linens, Drillings, Shir tings, 4c. Also a large variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, sach as Calicoes, Challies, Lawns Detains, Barages, Silks, Ginghamshawls.&c Also all kinds of Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Cedarware, Queens and Glassware Fish, Salt, Tobacco. Also all kind of Urlck for building pur poses. Call and examine for yonf selves. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. BROWN & Dl.NKLE. Lewisburg, Oct 20, 1859 Just opened, opposite tbe Riviere House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I N G,snch as Overcoats, Dress Coats, Busi ness Coats, and Coats of every style anc pat tern; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also, a large variety oi under Clothing, such as Drawers, Shirts, &c. Also.a fine assortment of Boys Clothing of the latest styles. Also, HaTS and CAPS eqnal lo any offered in this country. In fact, I have everything necessary in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a very small advance tor cash. PHILIP GOODMAN. As'L tAII kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange lor Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. Ntw Arrangements--New Good! T0SEPH L. HAWN having taken the O well known SP YKER HA T STOKE, has refilled it, and filled in an extensive variety ol Uatt, Cap, Gentlemen' i Clothing, dx. Also a large and splendid stuck of CLOTHS CASSlMERE3,&c, which he will make up to order, s he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. IS". B. Cutting and Repairing, done to order. Lewisburg, April 10, 1857 Fall and Winter Goods. Hush fc Qo)&ni!UllMt:rchant,LeicilHrrj HAVE received and opened a CHOICE assortment of all the latest styles of FALL and Winter Goods. The particular attention of the Ladies is called to their stock of Brilliants Dress Silks Prints Delaines Shawls Fig.Fr.Merinos Collars Ducal Sleeves Ginghams Inserting Fonlards Edging Chintzes Gloves,4c ALSO Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Jeans, Tweeds, Veslings, Muslins, Drill ings, Tickings, Flannels, Boots aad tw"8boes, Hals and Caps.jrj together with a complete assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cedarware, Qneensware, &e all of which will be disposed of on as favora ble terms as tbe same articles can be purch ased anywhere. Ci'rt ui c call t rrw, FU" FUES! Hat and Caps. AN entire NEW STOCK just received at GIBSON'S Hat Manufactory, Lewis burg latest styles, cheaper than ever for cash. Call in,' Ladies and Gents, and exam ine for yoorselves, and don't stop at places where the stock has been lying around for half a dozen years. FURS repaired or exchanged for new ones. DKE88 HATS made lo order at short no tice snd repaired without charge when they need it. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. THE Fall Term, of 11 Weeks, will open on Thursday morning, 8epi. 22. COLLEGE Tuition per Term - - $10.00 Room rent and fuel - 4-80 Library care repairs ACADEMT Tuition - From $4 U;$7.00 Care and repaira . - - 45 FEM. INSTITUTE Tuition,from J7to 10.00 Repairs - - - - 20 J. R. LOOMIS, President Lewisburg. Aoc. 18, 1859 S40.00 PATS for a full course in the Iron Cit. College, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the Uni led 8taies. Fonr Larpe TJalls For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book Keeping and Lectures. Usual time lo complete a fnll course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, npon gradua ting, is guaranteed lo be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from SSOO to f IOOO. Students enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. iiVsf Picmiumt for Bett Writing awarded this Institution. The best and grea test variety ol Penmanship in any one Hall of the I nion, is lound here. f.w"Ministers' Sons received at half price. For Circular ai.d Specimens cf Writing, and Embellished View of the College, inclose five letter stamps, and address 782 F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburgh. Pa. LEWISBURG ACADEMY. rp HE Fall Selon of this Institution will J commence Mosday, Sept 19, 1 659, lo con tinue 13 weeks ; lo be succeeded immediately by tbe winter Kesnlon or the same length. A short Vacation will be given during the Holidays. All the Branches of a thorough Academic Course are taught, and young men desirous of qualifying themselves for Teaching. for en tering Colleee, or for general business, will find it to iheir advantage to enter this school. The Bible is a Text Book. A large Class of Young Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks,including contingenl expenses. PRIMARY Reading, Writing. tKSner, Arithmtle. lion., uran. ana U-. innury. f n AHVANCKIl ENUL1S1I ll not included bo?e SO LAMiL'AliKS, 7 SO No additional charges ; also, no deductions except for protracted sickness. Tuition pay able immediately upon the close of ihe ses sion. JOHN RANDOLPH, August 26, 18S9. Principal. ggBook Bindery! rilHB subscriber having rented the entire I Book Binding establishment of Worden 4t Cornelius aud added to it his own tools, is now prepared to BIND OR RE -BIND Books, Magazines, Pamphlets, Music, Catalopo.es, Newspapers, &c. either Fnll or Half-Bonnd, in various kinds of Leather or of Menus, and lined with Marble Paper of different figures. Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. (rj Blank Books. Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Bonks, Albums, Diaries. &, Lettered with Gold in legible and durable characters, to order. ML'SIC PORTFOLIOS, Ac, made to suit customers. r?A good Bindery has long been desired in this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully solicit Ihe public patronage, trusting that my exnerience and attention to business will give satisfaction. I intend to charge moderate and uniform prices, on the Live and Let Live" principle and hope lo make it a permanent business. Prmluce md Store Gooth talen in pay. IVRent and slock requiring money, I expect PA Y OK DELI YER Y of all work, jrj Bindery in Beaver's wooden block, N Third street, four doors from Market sireet.r.esr the Chronicle office. CHA'S J. 8TAHL. Lewisburg, April 1, 1859 LUMBElt! LUMBER !! riHE subscribers haveforsale X (in lots lo suupurcnasers; a large slock of fiV BOARDS Panel Stuff Plank. 4c. Also ,00 i"iA RAILS. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber fur Buildings s Which are offered low for cash, at our Mills on South Branch of the While Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of uur Road. F"A Diploma lor a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing les, were awarded ns at the last Union Co.Ag. Fair. JOHN M'CALL BRO'S, ly773 Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa BUFFALO HOUSE, LEWISBURG, VKIOX CO, PA. ' I D. BREWER, Proprietor. THIS House is tbe largest and most spacious in Lewisburg. and situated op posite ihe Court House, on the most elevated and pleasant part of the town. The proprie tor, who has recently purchased of the lale firm of Lawshe & Set-old, has spared neither pains nor expense in refitting and refurnish ing the House. 15-Please give him a call and judge for yourselves. July 1, 1858 OR. I. BRUGGER, IIOM4EOPATHIC FIIYSICIAX, In W.Brown't Aew Block, Market St, 73S (IntWMa riftta glitfc.) LIWISBLRQ. VARIETY OF VARIETIES ! A large and well selected slock of new Goods in the Notion and Variety line, has just been received and opened at the Post Office, and for sale cheap tor cash. Administrator's Kotlcc. "NTOTICE Is hereby given, that Letters It of Administration on the Estate of ABRAHAM EVER, late of Union township. Union eonnty, deed, have been granted to the undersigned by tbe Register of Union county in due form of (aw : therefore, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme.liate payment,and those having any just claims are also requested to present them le gally authenticated Tor settlement. CHR1STIANNA WALTER imeatone Tp, Union Co. Hot 17, 1859 rpo all aaliB(brwat-fla afCSlitttMBt X UmMWKU- x ae& Uwda. . . "av i SASH and DOORS, Blinds and Shutters, Flooring, Siding, Framing, kc. tar stla t tin Brut Stir, rf . S.CALHWILL. Lvistar-,Oet2S CO-rARTNEESHIP. The undersigned hare as sociated themselves into copart nership for the purpose of carry ing on the Lumbering, Planing, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the f ctoiobnrg Steam planing iflills, where they intend to keep a slock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shuiters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Sliding, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted lo give satisfaction, both in rice and workmanship. J. D. DIEFFEXPERFER, MARTIN PRF.ISBACH, BEYERS AMMON8. . hmMmr Planing Mllli, April I, 1 $3,000 Wanted! IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, ihe Commissioners of Union county desire to Borrow money lo Ihe above amount, in sums not less lhan $100, the interest to be paid annnally. and the principal within three years. Inquire of H. P. SHELLER. Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa., May 26, IC58. NOTARY PUBLIC. William Jones, ATTORNEY at Law. Collections promptly attended to. Office on Market street, opposite the Presbvtertan chinch. 69U LEW1SBCHG.PA. 1?rntt and Arnamantal Traea. M&if. ' ' &st'i SxijiiliJiJiSjii flflj flebwring 'flqi)is. gSj The subscriber has on hand a splendid collection of both Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Ac. Ac embracing the very best varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nec ariiies,Grapes,Gonse berries. Raspberries. Ci mats, Strawberries. Lrge Horse Chestnut, European Monntain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, and a splendid collection of IJulbous and other Flowering Plants. tyNursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within balf a mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive strict attention. LP J'erm inrnrinbly CASH. WILSON I. LINN. Lewisburg, July 7, 1858. CABINET WARE ROOM NORTH 4lh Street. The subscriber most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinitv, thai he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot of I'l R.MTI KE, for the Spring trade, comprising Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sec retaries and Book Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Diuing and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot ttiire and other Bedsteads, Stands. Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. C G F F I N S made to order or short notice. The public are cordially invited lo examine his work, as be is sure lhai they will be satis lied with his slock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON l'OL'NO Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 18.r6 ABR'H E. BOWER, "V ,e-v atthmaktr jVaad Jeweler, Ll tW. secoud door above Third, iRviT U5A'"5 on Market street Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Uold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of (Sold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of Ihe latest style Hold and Cameo Earrings Ac, which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty HourCLOCA'i'and Time pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. Tbe greatest care will be taken in Repai ring; and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble to show bis Walcbes and Jewelrv- July 31. 13 Clocks.lv at Ch en, and Jewelry, 4th door west of Hank, Also, particular attention paid to KE PAIRING of all kinds. I bare also the agency for ihe sale of the celebrated Coal Oil Lamps, which will recommend themselves to every one. Call and see. Sept. 9. 18881 A E J'fcNUHMAiS 1HK Aaclloa ail teaiatssloa Bouse Is Lewisburg. UlimSI Legal Auctioneer! F.A.DonebOWer having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.re, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town and country. commission sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for ihe reception, and ihe sale at slated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can deposit it wilh me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per centage for t.ie same Feb. SB, I89 F A DONEHOWER HONEY WANTED! THE undersigned wants One Thou sand Dollars out of his Book Ac counts to pay on" his debts. He owes, and is unpleasantly urged for payment. Those, therefore, who are in arrears lo him for six months and over, will please settle accounts immediately; and those in arrears, under six months, will receive a reasonable discount on Iheir accounts for payment made within thai time. Better settle whilst you may, and before being cnmpelled.r Also N. B All persons, hereafter, employing the professional services of the subscriber, will be called upon to settle their bills punc tually at six months aiier attendance given. CHARGES MODERATE, and a reasonable amount of charity practice expected to be giv en where persons bave the disposition, but not Ihe means, lo pay. Others, in iheir prac tice, may extend on unlimited credit; but, for himself, he has, for the future, fixed on the six Hurras Ttaw, which will be strictly adhered to in ail cases. 5j Strict attention given to business as for merly. WM. LEISER, M. 1). Lewisburg, July 28, lH59m8 FARM Utida fbrsale, 25 nllei from Phlladelpbia, by Kail road, in tbe Plate of New Jertt-y. toil among the beet tor AcrkaltwraJ parpoaer, beiuc a cood loaaa anil, with a clay bottoaa. Tbe laod ia a larre traet, di- aidad into ibmII finns, aod handredii froaa all parta of uw rrtumry ara aow reiiiiBa; ana DaHtiinft. tb eropa pradtieed ara lanre and eaa be ar-ta growing. Tba eli Biato ia ftvitathtfur, and aeeure fron fropta. Terma .raa tla to i2u pr acre, payable within four yeara by faaUr- aTCdLii. To Ttoit tbe pi are Leave Vina btrrt Wharf at PhUadsitpbtm al 7 A. M., by ftaiiroad fr lUrainontcn, araddre- R J. Bjrnca, by letter, IlaBiAvaton Poat (ri fle, Atlantic enemty. hew Jmj. foil Uftytkt BfAl 1 aAttatx aciotiB. Insurance. GET IN SLUED! West Snarl. lwnrt fMpur HON. C. G. HARVEY, Pre-ident, i. W. CHAPM N, Secretary. This company, on entering upon Ihe filth year of Iheir business, submit Ihe following statement of tbeir assets and business lo tbe public Whole amount of Risks f 3,800,000 Assets. Boada and wwicafu amine bj ant Uaa ftoo.MO Cub on band In band, by Arrti 4,000 Note matted for Frralawi oolong terms And In fcrca tnO,O0O Total (130,600 Loeana paid daring taut ynr SS.OUO raid dividenda and communions Soo This Company continues to insure every description of property, such as buildings, good, merchandize, &c, against loss or dam age of Fire, and for any time limited or per petual. We would call the particular atteniion o owners of valuable stock, to ihe depa'lmen: of Lite Stock liuuranee. Horses, Cattle and Mules Insured against loss by death, from either natural or accidental causes. Also Insurance on Ihe Health of Ind.vidualt for the term of one year, at modes rte rales. JAMES B. HAMLIN, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct 20, 1859. American Life Insurance & Trust Co., (Capital Stock $51)0,000) COMPANY'S Buildings.Walnul street, S E corner of Fourth Philadtlphia. C7 Lives insured at ihe usnal Mutual rates or at Joint Stock rates about -0 per cent, less or at Total Abstinence rates ihe lowest in the world. A. WHILLU1N, President Job C. Siwa, See. 747 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisburg AT A BARGAIN! The subscriber has on hand for sale Two Sew Rtipgies, which he oiler at a bargain lor Cash or will Exchange for a good liURsE. Call soon or ton will miss it. B. F. HL RSH, At rturab A Oiwrflman'a St..re, or if absent, inquire ol W. H.Ritter, at Wm. Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewisburg. Feb. 15 NOTICE. TO the Citizens of Lewisbnrg and vicinity C E.. Ilines has removed his Barber Shop from the Kiviere House lo Market street, basement of Widow Anions' building, one door above the Post Office. Thankful for all p ast favors, be hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronsge. ' N. H. T alt who UtTT here tillthir Ivanla rrrw tfrf To t a plfNUftnl ihMv. ipmxJ as taubt-r rvvr r J ut rat) on IIi.hu at hi a!ooD. tuj mnm.coraoc-nf Towels clean, raaora sharp and Kiur kro. Lewisburg April 1, 1659. . U HINES. THE subscriber con L linoes to carry on ihe Liver? Rusiness a me uia siana on oouiu Third street, near Market, and respectfullj ,L- n .;c fWomts nnt ihf I It. I la nit xiuu.f v. ..id ...... public generally. CHAKI.ES F.HESS. Lewisburg. May 22, 1850 C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drug and Chemical Emporium Market Street - . - Lewisburg. Pa. James B. Hamlin, A TTOK.NEY at LAW, I V. Office on Second St. west side,2no door south of Market, Lew Isiburs;, Sm593 L'nion Co. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! Aeor Ilarllelon, Union Co., Pa, THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, thai he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolen Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeua, Sattinetts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. His machinery being of the hest kind in nse, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sale in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the country. A good sup ply of the above goods kepi constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best mannerand on tbe shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. - Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. THOSIAS 6. CRIER, (ancerfaor to J.L.Tonsi.) W at comaker and Jeweller, Located two doors eaat of the .land rrrrnllj occupied b air. Vodet LCWlclil'ItU, fa. Clocks, Watches, &c repaired on shot! notice and warranted lo give satistartion. CifAn excellent assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cn hand Cnrap fur Cash. GILT FRAMES of all sizes made lo order Lewisburg, April 29, 1S53 TIIE NEW-YORK TRIBUTE. rrrftrc for the 6rtal Poliilral famfali of IMiO XjTISDVCEMEA T9 TO CLUB8.jt) KOW 13 THE 11 MB TO SUBSCBIUK. Thb Tsuaraa now more than eighteen yeara old, and havina; oer a quarter of a niitiiou nubsvriU-ra, or eon- atant purrhavrra, dinuard tlirouKB rvery Mate astl IV r ritory of our Uuion will eentioue in raarorc wbat it haa be n tbe earuetehampion of Lilserty, Proffrests, and of whatever will conduce to our national txrowtu in irtua. ludustrr. Knowledge, and I'nwperity. THE EH-IOHK DAiLY TR1BVXE la aiitited on a lartte impfrtal abet-t, and pubti-bed every moraine: and evening (e'uiHla' exeepUtU. It contains ! JCditorials on tbetopierof tha tiiwa, ompluyinit a taraa j mrp of the but newnpaper writers of tbe day ; Dometi tie and Poretgn Corrvrpondeaoe ; Prncerdmirt vf Cvn- j frtewa ; Keportai of Lecturri; City Nrw; Cattie. llorae, j aod Produce Market; KVviewa of Bucks; Literary In- i trlllfcenoe: Paper on Meghan an-l thr An, Cciktry, Ac, Ac. We atrivo to make TUB TKIMI NK a errr- prr to meet tbe wanta of tb- pubttc ita lalf grajibjc uewi aioiM oaatiDg over U,XH per annum I 1ERMS; TF1R DAILY TRIBUNE ia mailed to eupetrribera at $6 per annum, in advance ; for nix month. THE hEW'YQNK &E3JI WEEKLY TRIBTrSE la published every Tcwmi and Puiuar, and f o tains all tba Editorial of tbe Daily, with tbe tattle IIkiw, and General Marketa, reliably reporUlexpreasly for IheTHl bL'.NK. ISotlrva of New Invention, forviarn aal Uoma tic Correepondence. Article on Cookrry ; and during tbe aaraion ot Con)trea it contain a summary of l tn:rva krnal dotnea. with the more import ant speerliee- He hall, aa heretofore, make tbe Sisr-w UKLT Taiai'Ki a Literary, aa wt-U as a potiliral newspaper, and we a r de termined that U abaii reuaio in the frout rani of lanu ly pa para. TERMS; One Copy, one year, (3 00 I r'iveCop1eff.oneyar, SU 25 TwoCopiaa, one year, 6 UU Ten. do fftatidrrm OO Any person Bending ns a elnb of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an extra copy, for a Cinb uf forty, wa will end Tbe Daily Tribune one year. TUB SEW YORK WEEKLY TRtBT'XK, a large eizht-eage paper fnr the eon n try. is puMlhed eaery Saturday, and ooataina KiJitorlala oatbeimpor. tant topiea of the time, tbe newa of tbe week, inteiv. Ing eorreypoodenoa from all parts of tbe world, tba .New York Cattle, llorae and Prod are Market. interatina; and reliable Political. Mechanical, and Agricultural ar ticles, papers on Cookery, A, Ae. We shall, during this year, a hitherto, constantly la bor ta Improve Lbe quality of the instructive entertain ment afforded by TUB WKLKLY TKlbUNli, wbicb we intend, sb ail eon tin ua to be tha bant family Meekly Newspaper published la tha World. We consider the Cattle Market Keports atone riohly worth to caUie raia ara a year's suhacripUoa price. TARMS: One Copy, one year, ti 1 r ive Copies, one year. t Thraa Copiaa,one year, a Ten Copiaa, osm year, ii Twantv Copiea, at aae aefaVua, Twenty Copiaa, fa addrt$$ of each nbpcribrr, 34 Any person sendine. as a elnb of Twenty, or more, will ha vnlifled to an extra onnv. For a club of forty, wa w I send TIIK 8KMI-WKKKI.Y ThIHI NK: and for a dab of Ooa Uaodrad Til It DAILT TbUUl'MC wiU ha sent gratia. BuberiptioBa may commence at anv time. Trrms alwav CTavrh ia admnee. All letters to be atriree4 to I H0bAC wattLXLLY A Co , TriSaae Buildlnc. Cw!1b a&au iC, .Nw Vcxk ASWAjaSj Philadelphia. PIIEAP EXPRESS J Rettocllos. of Baletd MERCHANTS and all persons engaged is shipping Goods to and from Philadelphia- consult yocr own interests ! Goods shipped from 10 to 13 per ceu, less per 100 lbs. ihan by any other Lines. WALLOWKK'S LINE of DAILY CARS are carrying freight to and from that point at ihe following Great! Reduced Rales i 1st Class 85 cts. per 100 pounds S do 31 do 3 do 37 do 4 t'o 24 do Special 19 do tyilepolin Philadelphia Peacock, Zejt af Hinchman. t!08 & 810 Market Si Persons should be careful to have their Goods marked in care of the above Line, tat prevent imposition from other Lines Nov 13 JNO WALLOW ER SOX Evani k Witinat'a ;-54a naLAtf avskr airami . ' .. HUM I'W..-. . a. rhiiadtipkh ANOTHER mtVWPBi lj.iuiLtf iu, fept. Sf, 1M. T trta rraWQt of tnv Tnt agncmstarra! t rWty Ti kubrtriLw-rs, your euevaiittM u axaata UieuDtBUofa SataBaavUr 0a ft?, of Masai Waaaafj. aftrr brian rjOot-ti lo a sHixog fir om tba fair Bmaal aWt!fbt hi-nra, lpcrtfuMjr ftfrtvut Tl a.1 alter ara coiti at oak wood acrl thraa af fimm bawl brea rouunis-4 around tba hafw.it vaa opafjasJ b lh jr-nce f Mm romaj.lt. aaxl tba Oataa.w tafcam tVut. a little varmr'l. but sot " rrorrbcit. tft-Trral friiTt-r Uedslf bentofrra rwcaivttf by tba aaaa ufarturrra. akd a iarica quabtitj of 4ocuaaiit atj bb tha J, anil cat dm ul rnttroJj aaaajurHL Ths. iiiB-i.t MtMts-ej aa of tba caparit"; of hM cftbtakmd to protect abalaata fiua aay baa ta vbialt tjiit" may bo eX(ei. Jam CuiBBUltawj arda4 ft D iptesi a4 Mlaw Wabal. tiu. W. WooaaAJkJk. J m W tiiaT, 1 KfctTnurosav 4 AuxutB. Giua. STILL ASOIHLB. WawnrcT", LVl cp. 17, latf. Jfcaara. Iran t Wma. 1'biiaJs-lfLia. Irtntttmtn .-'lb ealananJrr Fira-Ptwf Safe af Jf4 Btanufat-turv, faurrbaM.il I-j a frtan yur AgaBt F atria' A tiarrttt.fif uurciiy, aoaia a me Bionlba ago, a aa Ttrelj tried by Lutglan (at Saturday aifbt. aa aJ tbu;b ihry iiad a wlrcev bamsuer, nld ebel, drills' ao-i guiapoadcr, tb-y did aot nue-rrad im af-ealDsj ia lMfe. 1U9 Unit Utti one f"HalJa CaUat Povder- l-Toot," tbe etjttld aot prt the powder into it, but drill eJ a bolej in the loaer pan-) aLO lortvd ia a lara cbaryos abirb wa ignited, and ailboocb tba door, tend sa4 out, -lifwrd tbe rxj'ltiMt ti ant to baft brea a itnall obOa it aa not f read opn. Wr sof poac tbay vera tbafiaa trr part of tbv ni(.bl at work on it. V are much Maa iftvd at tbe irult of tbe atu aaLt to eater K. and if tbel 1 ateofe factf axa of any arrtirr. ara at liberty (a) asf BAT SARD 4 JONU. great riRf:rJxoTtEs 7 til mm If hf XTiLL, Troa Muck 13, lftft. Mf-Kni. EVANS t HA1MI.N, 1 biiasJeli bta : Gcntteviin It afiordi- ma itrrat o.eaur ta aary ta yavj that tbe ralauiaiLait-r tafr. a birb 1 purrbaat-d of yoa ia February, le."a, jtruvrd to be a bat you ivmasaaradird It a Mire rvtvrtu is frcm fire. My atorebouaa, trftbwr wilh aaaaral otbrrr. waa bnrned to tbe Kronnd la Xaeaa) la-U Ma Safr fell through into tba cellar, aad waaex poastl to Intebr-ebeat for ix cr right boura, and wbeaj. it wn taken fri m tba ruiD aod orud, ail ita aaatanta were foutid to be ia a prrtett tale, tba books aad tba paper act bt-iaz ii'jurtd aoy wbateeer. I eaa cbeerf Ur ) reroaimrn'1 yur SalVf to tbe rotomaDity. belieTif a 1 du, tbat tlf y are a near trt-pr.f u it la pwaibi lur any Pare to be made. TiluMAS J- K KLI. t"A lanre afirtmenr of tbe abnva SAVh-i always on bnd. t3U. ( heatout Street, 0a Su lb fear lb bt., r-biladelphia. J. EOMW00LY & BR0. T70RWARD1,G and COMMISSION L MFRCIIA.NTS for the sale of Flour, train, SerK aae Procure geaerallj. Csf W arehouse, Central Block, No. 14 Broad St. below Kace Philadelphia Oel.3na J rri C0RRECTI0W. r? 0,wd shipped froas PhiladelpSt it. bv W.iLLOWER'S Line are iVOT "re- shipped at llarnsturg." (as would appear by i i o- i r Vf pAit.hsr c Ai!vfiriis.iiTiairit hnt ttn. ikrnnsk "r fw wuhou: delay to their dpsiiDation on the Sus quehanna or trie? A Vest U ranch. July 20, C. G. FRICK, Agent CARPETS at Eldridge's Cheap Stare. IEI.NG in a lye-street, where lbe store ex ) peases are very light, Ihe subscriber is euabled to sell at the Very Lowest Prices. Persons visiung Philadelphia, aod wishiac to buy CarptLs, nil Cloths, Maltioes, 4c, will do welt lo examine tbe large assortment of. Tapestry Biusseis, 1 Imperial 3-ply. CARPETS. Ingrain and lenitian, ) and Oii Cloths of all widths in great variety. Also, Canicn and Cotton Mattings of all kinds, wilh a lare assortment of low-priced Irmrain Carpets, and Entry and Stair Carpets, Kugs, Mats, Lroggeis. Stair Kods.Kag Carpets, Cottun Carpels, AiC, 4cc. H. H. ELDRIDCR, No. 43 Strawberry sL, Id dm r ab Chrsinut, PlllLAUELfHIA. CfS'rawberry is ihe first street west of Secrnd.j 80Sm3 The Wonder of the Age ! ROB It l DIUV EUEIM0R WAH16 UtrSlSI IS guaranteed in do any ordinary washing iu cne brur's lime and with 50 percent, less injury to cli thes than by lbe old nethod. Couniy rights fr sale id Ihe Stale of Peon' sylvama, and also Machines for sale Whole sale and Retail by Messrs. PLOWMAN M'BRIDE. 7d lm3 13 So. Third St. Philadelphia PEIPHErVS LINE rpo A.D FKO.M PHILADELPHIA, X KEDICTIO Or FISEIGHT. 1.t CtaAA As c&U pr 1C0 poviMlA. (io 40 lo do id do 33 do do 4'h do 27 do do hftcial ' do do neat, R; and Corn, 13 ceata per SuAbaL Pbilad. Depot with Freed, Ward 4 Freed, 811 Market St. Thankful for Ihe liberal patronage givea sa we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of ihe same. . THO'S PE1PBER For further ioforma'ion apply lo lyVJS C R M'UIXLY, Atnt, Lewisbarf KOTICE TC SHIPPERS. rERSOXS shipping Goods to Philad.w:II please be particular and Hark them in care of Feipher'i Line ; otherwise, they will be re-shipped at Birr bur?. hicii will be attended with ielsv. kay 6, THUS. PEII HER. SPICES! SPICES ! SPICES! rL KE and No. I (iiound Pepper. Gin per. Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves. American and English Mustard. Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. Sup. Cara. Soda, Saltpetre, Saierataav -Cara ay and Coriander Seed. 8al Si da, Indigo. Ashinn Dairy and Ground Bait, Ac, For Sale at the Eagle Mills No.24tnj S46 North Frtnt street, corner of New, Phil adelphia. HOWARD WORRELL. I IT Purchasers will find it greatly lo their interest both i j quality and price lo buy ihess goods, which arc warranted as represenledr forfeited. A trial is solicited. James F. Linn. J. HerrUI Linia T F. & J. M. 1LN, J Atform-js at Law. LEM'ISCL'KU, 674 Union County, Penn'a. J. MERRIU UX?I Coiisiasiosis lur th Slat of '". with por to UA. PcpoiHona,aekiHiledl rotfcAA. LCWIS rAI..lER, A KCH1TECT and BlILDEB, i.EwisiiiRG, r CF Office in the I'niveistj B'ldiof 'lisvi M I Uai n t rr