Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 06, 1860, Image 2

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I numinmm flrm Th LcwiSBuaa CaBOMCLI, I
irruUtioa nf iit Nriptpr In Union Coantv.
Freedom, national; Slavery, sectionai!
lid aealber Inrb of Mavr Territory fcj EUcasloa,
Purchase, or tuaitacat.
Thaalvwa r. an. wltl be the two la-tlnz Prioelr-leB
befnr. tha enuntrY, until thi-y ara virtorious: an.l
Bail then tn our mart liea-1. there to flout until thuy
war in triumph BbrTithi National Capitol at Waah
infftoa - -Pfttsviil JtfiWrs' .iKrW.
9-The Opposition Slate t'oilTeatlna. to nominate a
anditlat. for Uovcraor. a--- t at-iKead-,! to asat-nti-ie al
HiaauKU) oa WEDNESDAY tbe til Fcuctai, 15o0.
jt9DHiOCmATK S?TI COVT KziMMl, Fia. t!3.
ajCmaLCSToi I)nt CosTas-nos, Monday, Aran. 23.
tXtTioiou. Rx. Cost., Caicaao, Wed., Jem IX
Pennsylvania Legislature.
This body convened od Tuesday, when
(the Democracy being of a better stripe
than their brethren uown eoutn; me up-
position promptly organized both branches
by electing their Uflieers, as follows:
aVnaftf. cpeaater- m. .u. x'raucis, ut (
f . . r. i tt- r r
Lawrence eonnty, an estimable man, late
preacher io the Presbyterian church.
Clerk Uussel Errett.'l'ittsburg Gazette.
House. Speaker Wm.C.A.Lawrenee,
Clerk E II Baucb, Man.Chu. Gazette.
Assistant John Hall, of Washington.
Thirty-Sixth Congress.-.lst Session.
mjm.r,na.e ..a.mt,lo Tnocrlir
.evera. Democrat, ahset.but those present j
renewed the faetious, disorganizing course :
of last month, and prevented any voting ,
for Speaker. I
The President s extreme Southern views ;
ah th culiioct nf Congressional interven-
tion for tbe establishment and protection i
of Slavery in all the U. S. Territories, has
widened the breach between him aod the
Tlnnolaa nartv. Mr. Morris. 01 III., most
severely denounced that part of the Speech
I -
ia tbe Congressional debating-house.
Pennsylvania Politics.
Our Member of Congress, Hon. JOHN
W. Killingeb, got the floor one day last
week, and for the time withdrew attention
from Helper's Book and the Negro to tbe
wants of tbe Pennsylvania laborers. lis
said it was not the Slavery issue aloco
which elected 22 out of 25 Members from 1
that State the Protection issue was quite
s operative. No party could carry 1 enn a anteed by me Consiitution, I shall defend
unless it were true to that principle. LTa whenever r.iey are assailed. Very respect.
t . fullv yours, lunsin A. brniw.
hoped tbe President s recommendation on -i0 H;in L 0-B Branch.
the Tariff would be adopted, and aked of . . . , ... .,
, , . r . r .- -i Bv thrse who are acqiiainteil wnh the pen
the South to do us that act of justice it - ,, , .,lis ,;. wulch ro, attention
would be nauea as an ouve-urancu oi
peace. jNouc but a 1 roicctive laru man
could get the Electoral vote of Pennsylva
nia. The llepuhlioans must take up as a
candidate a man sound cn that plaif inn,
or lose the Sta:o. Pcnnsylvatia Las btr
own candidate, but wo'H sustain Mr.Scw-
raorany otucruomiucov.i.usea ou
that issue was satisfac
3' 1
Thia short but pithy apeca crcttted a
lively time. Messrs. Florence asd Mont
gemery attempted to play Tariff men by
attacking some vote of Mr. Shertrtaa cn a
running, confused contest somo years ago,
but were effectually silenced by Messrs.
Covode and James ll.Campbeil, who dem
onstrated that Mr. Skjraian or.peratju
with the true Tariff men of Pennsylvania.
Judge Hale a!; participated. Iu f:sct,tho
Pennsylvania Members sought the fljorsa
numerously aui so importunately that the
House was convulsed with laughter by the
remark of an Ohio Member that the Penn
eylvania furnace seemed to be all in full
blast 1
Attempted Bullying !
Mr. Crew, Challeaeed Hts Xuble B.ply.
It will be remembered, that, last year,
tbe Democratic U. S- Senate foisted into j
tbe Post cCce Appropriation Bill, a sec-j
ti in ncarty JouUinj the rat s of Litter and I
Xcatpopcr Puitaje'. When it is remem
i j . i . . l, - . r, m , l. n stuo i
" t. ui ;
Statea never pay their expenses, it will be
EeC U aw uuco Ois, iuia was cjjci.ii
and direct tax upon the Free States, and
therefore onerous and tj.njcst. But it
more than that it was ciearly L'N-
constitutional, as it was a revenue
measure, aod the Constitution expressly
provides that all such measures must or
iginate only with tbe peoplo's branch, the
House. Coming back to tbe House, that
body promptly struck out the invidious
nd illegal section, on motion of Mr. Groa,
sustained by all the Republicans and about
30 Northern Democrats. The House then
passed, immediately, another bill covering
tbe same appropriations precisely, but
omitting tbe section raising the rates oft
-., r, ,, , i
Senate, refused to pass this latter Bill
bat declared their bill should pass, or
there should be no appropriation. For
once, the House adhered to their rights
stood firm to tbe interests of the people
refused to be driven into an uufair and
unconstitutional measure by the bullying
attitude of the majority of the Senate, (in
which the Republicans stood by tbe Hoose)
and the lull fell ; there was no appro-
priatioo to carry oo the mail service, j
which bat been kept up balance of former j
appropriations, aod oo trust. j
ror tbis act, Mr. enow and bis col-
leagues of both parlies bave tbe thanks of
11 Freemen. They prevented a gross and
grave infraetioo of one of tbe best bulwarks
of oar Constitution. Uut for tbem,
reader 1 yoa would bave to pay nearly
DOUBLE postage tax oo every letter
nd paper yoa receive. All honor to
those men I
When Congress met, aod the South
by their violeuce had kept tbe House
three weeks from orgaoixing, Mr. Grow
among others urged ao organization for
tbe purpose of furnishing aid to tbe mail
eon tractors, who, as well as tbe Govern
ment, must suffer great losses if payment
was delayed beyond the New Year.. .There
upon, Mr. Branch, a member from North !
Carolina, launched out in bitter invec
tive against Mr. Grow, accusing him of
th loss of the Kill and of tbe sufferings
at lit ostrMtors, sad tht be defeated ;
th Senato Clli ou purpose that there
night be Hj appropriation, and that the
President might te compelled to call an
extra session, before some of the Demo
cratic States bold their election, and thus
the Republican, gam the organization
tbe Ilouse...ini. gross persona, a. tc,
Mr. Grow was prevented from replying tu
at the time.
On Ti.,.Ja. last. Mr. Grow cot the
fl jor. sod detailed the history of the loss
of the l'ost Office b,ll showing ounelj.-
bivcly that the House bad done every -
.hing they could to get a bill passed, and
thatroouibs of Ga. and other Senators
bad killed it. Ia reply to Mr. Branch,
ue saiu mat ui cuargu was a
all gentlemanly and parliamentary courtesy
ia a deliberative assembly, fur no member
. ... ,. V .,; ti.;.
can unptach the motives uj another. Ibis
he said that hi charge was "a violation
ii rri
noait;n ho maintain. ,v rood argument
and references.. .Mr. Branch demanded
an explanation, and a deuial of the impu -
tation of nngentlemanly conduct...Mr.
r' It- ,. I ..
j p,ain Koglish he bad nothing to retract
j an j there they should stand, lie then
finished his argument.
The result of this denial of the untrue,
uncnurteous and unparliamentary attack
made upon Mr. Grow by Mr. Branch, is
given to the public by Mr. Branch bim-
I self, in the following Card :
Wa.msGTns Citt, Dec !9, 1819.
Sir. Will you please name a lime and
place, outside ihe Disirici of Columbia, ai
which you will receive trom me a communi-
10 r'"ns !
' H'- "!urha A. Grow.
nfflS V. ti
yurk, a reply of which the following is a copy:
;, Citt, Dec. sn, ts:.9 7 P, M.
SSia Vour note of iheSUihinstant. was pla-
ced in my han.ls by your friend, (iovernor
w.nslo.v, at 12 o'clock M. to day. I know of
nothing that nukes it necessary for me t. ,
name a lime and place, ouiside ihe District of
: ('olumbia. lo receive from vou a communica-
' tion in writing. Your note was doutiless
i as noihin? else has occurred between us-
i based upon remarks made by me in debate in
.i.. n .. . i . ,.,,-,o,r
llie iiuusc ui iu itvanjiot., i. . i",
: speech impugning my motives, and ihe integ.
ruy to my acis as kkimjihi. mui
ston, 1 usej no language in vioiaiton oi par-
hamentarv law and not warranted by your
. If
; rmart-c lhi,e ininn.nili tnV r.onnilCt.
vur ute is to he considered of a hostile
character, then I have this to reply : L-'g
ing all duelling as at variance with th? pre
cepts of the 1,'hristian religion and ihe senii-m-nis
of a C'hri.-uan people, and it being pro
hibited and declared a crime by ihe laws en
acted by the body of which we are members.
I can not recognize it as a justifiable mode nl
settling diificulties among men, even iu cases
of unwarrantable provocation ; but my per
sonal rights, and th- freedom of debate guar-
is drawn be .Mr. t.row in this letter, it witl be
is left i
readi'v understood that i,o other course
me than u publish ibis narraiioit, and leave
the w hole matter lo the impartial judgment of
honorable men of aii sections cf the countrv.
I., ti l!. Uaascu.'
Washington City, Jan. 3, 1-tGO.
In the mean time, Mr. Branch was
, , . , - . f
S'.fiilii tn Lnen the neara tit bin virtual
challenge (in which, it is fatd, Kcitt, of
S. 0 , v.a9 bis adviser) Subsequently,
Mr. Grow was held in tha same sum, on
thjoat'uff some one, who bad heard a
I ct;b driver say he was to take Mr. Grow
j somowherc, at three in the morniug hut
the cab-driver states that it was nut true,
and he tad only sai 1 so in j ike. Mr.
j Grow had not, and had not intended to
j violate any law, and Lis arrest is grossly
1 unjust, ai,d should be exposed. -A rmnor
i prevailed tLat Branch would attack Grow
j in ihe street, but the latter has gone
' about bis business 2 usual. Mr. Branch
having made the personal attack and then
sent the challenge, js generally condemned
by the public. Many think it was a
scheme to kill off Grow, whoso fearless
vigilance is a perpetual torment to the
Slave power.
All Eonor ta Tlr. Grow !
The reply of Hon. Galusba A. Grow,
to the challenge of an insolent Carolinian,
on account of words spoken in debate in
defence of the Constitution and of the
rights of the people, thrills the hearts of
, I, , . I n-i.. v ,
I i & '
ern Member of Congress instead of
weakly yielding (as did Ciilcy and Brod
criek) to a supposed galling necessity to
commit a crime stamped with the condem
nation of the bumao and divine law
takes the patriotic, courageous, manly,
and religious view of the custom which
Mr. Grow has, it indicates progress io the
riht direction. We think Mr. Grow is
not a church member, but it is evident
that be has not forgotten bis childhood's crea 10 "' g1"" i'r nuumg ; pernicious doctrines. But here he sadly miss
. . . ; i be 'average daiiy attendance of pupils ed ihe mark. W hat right had he a Locofo-
p.ous .usiruc.ious, am. mat vuristiau j
influences have a permanent hold upon :
Ifta r 1 r- i I minlitli.in r.f I Vl i ! -i IT.
, ,". ,.".. ,
of his own State, aud of tbe body of
bich be is a Member, also show the ster
ling integrity and honesty of tbe man.
Iu this event, be has displayed high mural
couraye. a noble aud better quality than
mete animal fearlessness a quality, too,
much needed io our day aud lime. Mr.
Grow's life is not bis own. He owes it to
bis widowed mother to bis generous and !
con&ding constituents to bis native and i
adopted States and above ail to the great
cause of Free Soil, Free Labor and Free
Homes. Let bim aod all others maintain
the sound and honorable position be has
taken, and the horrid barbarism of dueling
will soon become extinct, and tbe duelist
will be executed like any other assassin.
Mr. It-ranch having violated the law
against dueling, should be proceeded against
aud be made an example of. We have
bad enough of this bullying and overbear
ing exhibition of tbe plantation manners
so v'vidly described by President Jefferson.
Qi'EBT. Would tbe Southerners have
done ao much to bring Helper's book into
a good market, if he had not beeo one of
themselves just as spunky and as ultra
as tbey are J Do they not design to prove
to the world for the first time that
Southerner can write a "Sensation" book?
His is tbe first book ever issued by a oa
live of the South, which baa commanded
a large sale.
Wliosa Fault 13 it ?
Another Term of Court has passed, and
of the 75 or 80 published cases on the
Trial List, only one was brought before a
Jury. Others, as usual, were settled, but
of, i- -
, -----J '
i added.
How long can suitor,, witnesses, and
,1,. .., ,i., ihu 7 Thev bave
! .nrno ., .. . . . ... beinnlD!j
j 8eriou,ly, that something
: ' ' . .. 1
; be done to remedy this wrong and
j to have our legal business consummattd.
In the epirit of the maxim that "a delay
of; 0f justica js a denial of justice," the Law
: 0l justice is a denial
jre. tbal e ,
i .... . . ,
opportunity for trial
. , ,, ,
suit shall have a fair
I'lMfUl tuuii V tur ttiai uh itasi wt
! jear alter it snail bave been commenceu.
I Vet suitors are now bafll.d, Court after
, Court and year after year, adding cost tn
cost 8nxietv to anxiety .and harassing all
' -
concerned. Beforo it is reached, many
litigants die, remove, or become bankrupt
with half finished, expensive suits on their
. ..
bands, and lawyers, witnesses and clients
are put to Very much trouble With Very
little profit. These delays occasion much
. . , , ...... .1 .
SufTcimg, aed WOlk rank injustice to the
poor especially. But they are not the only
. .rr,.,.(eii Tnnoceut nersons even
. . .. .
ta.r-p.yer in ir.c coumy tuous.uus .u Uv
wise interested or responeible, are compell-
ed In nv llieheavv Lills of exuense arisin"
cd to pay the heavy Lil.s ol expense ansio0
fic-m this inefficient aud moMawogly oner-
ous admiuUtralian of our courts.
Ti ... fl.; . r.! a.,rl not overdrawn
- i
statement, we submit to all our lellow
citizens. The complaint is universal, and
not confined to localities or parties. O.her
counties of our size do net suCcr thus.
Montour and Columbia rarely have a full
week of Court. Their people aro no more
peaceable than car?, and their business
affairs quite as extensive. Why ihit Jif-
. . .... ... - ,. -
ijcrcncc .- tt acre is I JO tau.l I
j 11113 is a very in'poriaut uiaiicr.
i , ... r. :,, ,r
I tBe tMia S0oJ' nJ fdr tto Sfctlon of .
i o 1
j our tax-payers, we invite an expression of i
.i c e i. . i i j I
r10" - 8' In ,le fjr.m fchjrtcanJ'J aDd
unbiased communications in onr paper. i
anti-slavery extending, but, (scid he,) where
ix rm arm a auoxicu. lnf e,,.;,,,,,,,, anr jhe decision of ihe Su-
T0 SC&OOl Teacher3---An Inquiry. premeCourt allows slavery, Ihere, for God's
We Cod on our Blank Teachers' Month-' "kr. lei it go. (As ihe Dred scon decision
, . i is said to ruie it everywhere. I hope ihe Sou ih
ly I.oporis, tho following : en inaMeri wln be SatMed with his ortho-
"To get the average daily attendance of I di xy ) Me said many oilier wonderful ihings
pupils, add up that part of the Column of i how lhai one John Brown had invaded ihe
Totals' which is opposite the names ofl .a.e of Virgiuny and had well niyh
., , i- -i i i ii i tinsel the whole patriarchal nation.
pupne,and diviJs by the whole number. 'A ra, ,.as now made lor Mr. Htieher of
of pupils." J Xevv llerlin, L'niofI county, who patriotically
Now. teachen, if you wish to make out came forward, and stated that he had iioi
. . . , , ,. . ,. come there expecting lo speak, but lo iisirn
your reports correetly, instead of dividing I fsmae irC()riM;!frule person wondered how he
,'ie number of pupils, you will divide
by tbe number of dayi taujit. if -4 ;
days make the mouth, divide by 24, and j
yoa will be right. If you divide by the j
n'imbrr of pupils, you will diaw all the I
scholars in your school each day, and ;
thereby find how many days it would make j
io the month with the whole school, aud :
not tbe number of scholars. 1
I give this bint ia kindness, Icing a ;
friend cf cducilion myself, lo uae, 1 j
like to SCO enough of education to make j
,, ,,, .,
out a correct monthly report, losay the j
least of it, it is an unwise model, and needs j
amendments, for the convenience of Teach-!
ers and Directors.
Lv II. Wf.IREL, Teacher.
White Deer, Union Co., Dec. 0, 1S53
teiUWc publish the above, because we I
are glad to see our Teachers investigating ;
matters of this kind, and not taking every- j
, . , . i i, . a
thing for granted. But j
1st. Superintendent IliCKOK, we un-i
dcrstand, while at the Teachers' Institute j
' , , , !
in Mifb.nburg, last month, corrected the ,
error Mr. WEIKEL notices. If Mr. Wei- i
kel had attended the Institute, he would
have found he was not the original pro
claimer of tbe fact.
2d. The mistake was noticed by Mr.
Ilickok io a Circular issued io November. !
3d. Io the Pennsylvania Teachers
Journal for December last, the State Su-'
perintendent corrected tbe mistake 'jnciut-
ly. If Mr. Weikel like other good Teach- j
ers takes that excellent Journal, he will j
Gud, from tbe bead of the Department,
the following Notice to Teachers, p. 1G3 : ;
"Average Attendance. Since the blanks j
for the new style of Teacher's Monthly ;
Reports bave been distributed to most of
the counties, a misprint has been discov
J'j.a.chera. will govern themselves, hereaf- j
... n iliisnoim he ihe f,,!loin rule rt, . I
- , .. ..- , , i ine suppression oi me iruin gazging oi ine
loget Ihe average daily attendance of j press'.and ,he destn.y.ne of the libeny of
Male Pupils, add np that part of the speech! That dirty work belongs to theoih
column of 'TOTALS" which is opposite j er side exclusively. The speaker here re
tbc names of the male pupils, aud di- i marked lhat ihe audience was becoming rest-
vide hv th whnlffl nnmher of .lira thnt
the school bis been open during the
mouth. Tbe same process applied to
the list of Females, will give the aver
age daily attendance of Female Pupils."
We believe the forms used io this State
are generally considered tbe best of any,
but if any experienced Teacher can offer
better, oo doubt the State Superintendent
will be glad to receive them, lie bas de
voted himself, enthusiastically and unre
servedly, to the interests of the Common
Schools, and in bis visits to nearly if not
quite every county, has woe much credit
for his zeal and success.
f-John S. Bowen, Esq., formerly cf
Chester Co., Pa., we see it stated is a
member of tbe Nebraska Territorial Leg
islature. In it are pending a proposition
to abolish Slavery, and to apply for ad
mission as a State. The former is against
Buck's view of the Dred Scott decision. As
to the latter, Nebraska bas not half tbe pop
ulation of Kansas, which tbe Slaveocracy
threaten to keep out, and which Buchanan
does not mention in his Message, although
be bas tbe Constitution and the request
for admission, in bis own possession ! See
if they do not try to get io Democratic
aeorasKa wiib bait (be population of Re
pablican Kansas 1
& MIWhSBUMr :ill!0li:i.i:---.IAY. 0.
fjTA geutlciuiu prescut, gives us the
auncxed sketch of the Union meeting ut
Middleburg last week. We learn that
there were but few present except Selins-
grove politicians, aud somo of the Uppos;
, .joB . the neigIlborhood.. who dropped in
aoa took just enough part in it toprevent
J t ,-hrme
Us being perverted into a part, scheme.
i "Old INer ' aou others oi uts goou .t
1 wtre observers of the performance,
bad too muoh of the "old fox" to be caught
by 6uch small bait as Buchanan's Naval
Storekeeper io I'hilad. bad prepared. It
will be seen that three geutlemeu from
this county performed the speaking portion
of the task before them which was very
kind to the people of that county, (just as
if thev could n't save the Union without
going to I'hilad. and New Berlin !)
For the ltar A Chronicle.
Atr.iu. PntTimi : Perhaps it would be a
comfort to your numerous readers to know
thai the Lnion is sale, at least lor anoinrrsn
miintlis which happy and desirable reMilt
was accomplished ou ihe aisl ult.. al Middle-
I burs. Snyder Co. Pa. It was not known that
I .. - " ., i ..cnl K.t.
i ere one " "
j Naval si'rekceper divcovered, from Ihe re-
! turns of ihe late election, lhai there was trea-
son rank amone the people, when, with his
J paPrio;,s,n. he haslen, lo
the rescue, and a Union Meetin is got up,
wuhoul regard to par:y, ol course, in one
House bell
l lliue, ine uay iiuory, ' 1
( proclalniv4 ,he criM!
and rei.ple, ( more
particularly the Democracy) rushed in by
d'ens unlil Ihe Court Koom was nearly half'
. fei,npsi(n was calle.i lo the chair,
j a(1j a e.uiiniiiee called fortudraw up resolu- j
I tt 'tn expressive of ihe sense ol ihe meeting. .
Tne c'""r announced a sound Democratic j
committee, wi'.h the mover. s. Aiieman, L.sti
as chairman, and a slight sprinkling of Ite
publicaus, all good men, but in a decide I mi
nority. The committee withdrew to peil'orm
Iheir awfully important and fearfully respon
sible dutv: aud now. while lliey are, (as we
hope) with prayerful hears and upiified eyes
raking their brains to draw some possible
way of savin; Ihe Union, lei us return to the
Court Iloom.
I;aac tslenker E"j. of Sew Berlin, Union
coutirv, has taken ihe lloor; is going on lo
tell the astonished multitude that our nation
at one lime only numbered Ihirleen States.
and that it had increased to thirty-three, all
"'" " . ' '
of tth,ch haJ independent govcrnmenls f
"""' e -
their own, eicepung such powers as ihey had
delegated lo the Federal fiuvcnnnrnl; he
further stated that he was a Democrat and had
aiwavs been, and wassiill; he was decidedly
happened to have his manuscripl along with
him ) He gavea beauiilul pirjn lo ihe Union,
and almost shed tears over the awlul conse
quences id sectional hate, but had nol a word
lo sy to Southern Diunionists.
The I'ommitiee came in wuh an airof con
filence depicted upon their countenances,
which sem a thrtd of joy throughout ihe
whole meeting. Thy reported a series of
resolutions, with a long preamble lull of pin
lenng generalities, iinpuling all the excite
ment and trouble u the Harper's Ferry raid,
(which, however, is not correct, for .that was
only one of the fruits of ihe seed sown by ihe
p, j.iaveiv party in Kansas, which the com
minee mu-t have forgotten.) The resolutions
denounced ihe Xonhern lanalics and Souih-
rrn ,ir..eale,s ake. which was very fair;
but thev did not say one word about the
llirpi,ts ':'a' are daily made in Congress
seven resolutions were taiten
in one
I dose without any trouble,
j L'ut now came the lug of war. The eighth
; resolution was objected to by Ihe minoriiy of
1 the committee, noon ihe eround of its beins
partisan which put theMiemocracy into
terrible llurrv, aud no wonder, lor it was HIE
resolution iipon it hung all ihe law and ihe
propheis. It was verv ingeniously coi.tnced
t ' endorse Pres. Uuchanan, and :u pun u..v.
ut lheir ?rM pronipIn(.S!S an,i lle,rl.
ly in putting down the tremenduous insurrec-
""a John Brown and his score of men.
Here followed a scene worthy of the pencil,
The ,, wa, a?ai? , rer,i. you coui,
almost see ihe Naval Storehouse dissolving.
and Jack holding on with both hands and
I calling for his friends, al the lop of his lungs
to come lo the rescue. Uut the pill would
not go down; an amendment was onereit,
providing that nothing therein be construed
as endorsing the administration of Buchanan
or Wise which was a lire-brand to the al
ready almost distracted meeting, and, ii being
apparent that the amendment would pass, l he
resolution was hastily withdrawn, and thus
Cumtnings accomplished all except the very
Ihing he wanted !
Robert Swiueford, of Xew Berlin, Union
county, applicant for Marshall, was called oui.
He implored the people to carry lheir resohi-1
lion into effect, ti. e. to vote for Africanized j
Democracy.) He further advised Ihem, lhat I
if any hired preacher came among ihem prop
agating bad doctrines they should rotlen-egg !
him at once. He further lectured al! good '
llpmnerms. vea and lientihlirane Ictn tit hum !
all such nev.'.snaners that hold these fro himl !
co ollice seeker 10 dictate what we shall
read V What have Republicans to do wuh
'ess, (but in fact had nearly all left;) he
would close, promising to give them a talk
in about six months hence. Adjourned, sine
die. Em Witsiss.
About 3 o'clock in tbe morning of Ihe
SOth Dec, the north half of tbe Troy (N.
Y.) Union Railroad Depot, fell in, with a
noise like that of ao earthquake. Tbe de
pot was of brick, 400 feet long and with
an iron roof having a span of 150 feet.
It is said to be tbe second largest depot
in the world. There were about six iuch
es of snow oo the roof, which, with the
cold, it is supposed broke iron girders sus
taining tbe roof. Happily, there was do
one auder the roof at the time.
Samuel Casey, Treasurer of tbe United
States, died recently, much lamented, at
bis home io Kentucky, aged about 71
years. That officer requiring bail to the
amount of 150,000 on 3000 salary, is
not as much sought after as many.
Kentucky bas taken tbe lead io appoint,
ing Delegates to tbe Republican National
Convention. Cussius M. Clay and Dr.
Blakely are tbe Seuatorial Delegates, ap.
pointed at publio meeting. Several Dis
trict Delegates will be chosen, also.
A bill bas beeo introduced into tho Le
islature of Texan, and has passed the
House, authorising a reward of $10,000
for tbe capture of Cortinas, or any other
of the leaders of the Mexican brigands on
I the ltio Grande.
L'uuiur i5c;ud was rt'Ceivud ut
Yoik, last week, with lirio- ..f puns and
every evidence of respect from all parties.
At his public recvptiuu hy the Mayor, he
made no partisau alluions. He said 25
v.,r. .in-,. Ltd fr,.., rin ,n
r. r "
Europe; altbougu be saw muiu improve
ment there, in social and political uia'ter-, I
yet the visit ouly end. arc l him the more j
to bis own ian.i. His health is good. ;
HerpeutNew Year's at AuLurn with his'
faniilv. cooular di monstrations crceiinir I
hi in at every stopping place.
While the Sou'bcrn Democratic Gover
nors generally are "dissolving the L'uion,"
Gov. Magufliii, of Kvutucky, is satitli. dto
stay in the L'uion aud tight fur Lncofoco
ism. lie is far iiinrenm: than hi hrothfrs
1 S we are paying particular attention lo
x the priuciton of
I IHarkorrrj. Ita.plirrry.anil Kirawhrrrj riant.
our sloclt for the priii? of lrtfiu will not only
ne very iari;e, oui 01 oie uoi (jua.iiy. wuicn
we shall oiler at greatly reduced prices.
y,,,,. ;,... ur Jylu-;on li!,l;lrrr
: ' aMI KlOWllia 1"
is still growing in favor, and llie demand for
' plants promises lo be unusually lar-e.
! WUaorTa Albany Seedling Sl-awberry
j " undoubtedly the im.st universally popular
varieiy in Ihe country. lis enraoidmary
size, wonderful productiveness, and . Iher
' g"od qualities have placed it al the very head
! oi oic nsi, .unrai u nas oteu km, especi-
i ally for market purposes. Ilavin" been
j among ihe em lies! lo procure t!ns vanrtv, and
j haviniculiivaied it more especially for plaiits.
we shall be ab.e to o!!-r I. r sa e, in I Still,
Th.t. rlao,. .r Lno- rutin ai-n tn tl.c
m,t care manner, and one of tl.cm ill he
Wlr,u , ,hatl a (lll,e., f sllcil aw are t.arr.
lesly grown among grass ai.d wetds. We
cordia.ly invite pi-tnis wishing to purchase
lo visit our grounds and ciainine our int de of
producing plants.
WE SUM. I. l;r.nVCF.he price of plants
tn ihe Spring of 1611 so as lo plareihem n i'.h
in ihe reach of all. We have experimented
largely as to the bet time of planting the
strawberry, and unhesitatingly recommend
the Spring.
Our selection embrace OVER ONE IMIX
D It Ell VARIETIES including all Ihe tiauve
and foreign kinds, of ai.y repu'f.
Catalogues sent on application, enclosing a
stamp. J. KNOX,
1 s:2l Box 473, Piltburth, Pa.
jMc.it Market,
Arrnniemrnts for the i'mr.
TACOU . LROW.N. hnvina supplied
f Lewisbuig Mm ket for itie pasis.x months,
has made the Icliuunig arraiigeuieuis lor the
coming year
The best of Beef, Million. Veal and Pork
ran lie had on Wednesday and Simnlay mor
nings of each we. k, al Itie Murkct If use. on
Market street between tfchallle's and U i lie's,
Lewisburt!, Pa.
His mono is " Quirk Sales for Cisli, and
Small Profi's." Kxamine his menu
Ap. 15, 'o9. I. s. KTKK.NEIi, Agent.
New Hotel in riiiaictnrg.
Tf TH E subscriber would lespectlully in
I.form liie Traveiin? Public eeervwiiere.
ihat he has taken and fined up the premises
ol (Icorge schoch, in ihe ci litre of
where he is prepared tn acre inmodate strane-
ers aud travelers men and
in the
best manner, with Eoatd
Please etve me a calt.
Ap I .'fill CHARLES
and Li
er otz:
COAL COA I. coir.
TI1HE subscriber kieps constantly on band
J a large as-orimeni of the veiy best s.hj.
niokin and Wilkes- Uarre Ci . I., for liuie ai d
stove purposes.uh'Ch he will sell al the very
lowesl prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Also, l!lacknuiths Cm, V.'.ircnJ .Wr.
Wish it distinctly undersloi d. that I will nol
be undersold ly any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will te given.
Coal Yard near Weiii."r.sauls h tel.
(;i:oi;;e hoi.steix.
Itewishurff, M.iy ?7,'fjV.
1 hroiualic !'i inSInp.
AVIXtl purchased the right lo use Itoii-
bf.k s process lor Priming wuh Drv
Colors, for Cnion Co. Pa., we are prepared lo
execule orders for
CARDS, Show-Bills, Ike.
in irf, lirrrn. i.ut. lliov.n. .Move. t)mtnit.d. or Ort
colors, in good style, !T"ai the Oi!e of ti.
Siar & Chronicle," Lewtsbnrg.
Jrs. ls.'.S WilKOEN .t n UNKI.H'A.
Heal Estate
BY viruie of an order from the Orphans"
Coun of l'uion county. I will expose lo
sale, on tbe premises, on JtATHKllAY, the
28th day of JAXL'ARV, 1SIHI, al 11 o'clock
in ihe forenoon.
All lhai Half I.ol of (-Iroiiml. situ
ate on Market street, in the borough of Lew- '
isburg. Cnion county, numbered on ihe Town i
Phil, No. 33, bounded on Ihe east by lol of Jas. j
K. Linn, south by Pine alley, wesi by Thos.
llowanj.anj norm by Mai kel street aloresaid,
contains 33 feet from, on which is erected a
two-storey 1"
Frame Swelling Rouse, 1 2
aStable, Well, Cistern, Out Kiichen.&c, Willi
the appurlenances now occupied by Joseph
Green, opposite Ihe new Presbyterian church.
Terms Ten per cent, to be paid on Ihe day
of sale ; one hall Ihe balance on the 1st April,
lHfiO; and the remauo er on the 1st of April,
1861, with interest from 1st April, IShO ihe
purchase money to be secured to ihe satisfac
tion of the Executor, on laktnt: p session of
the property, on the 1st April. Irfill.
JAMES C. M'CLI RE, Executor.
l.ewisburg, Dec. 29. 18 j'J.
Adjourned Sheriff's Sale.
On MONDAY the 10th day of Ja
nuary next, at Ihe public house of William
Wolfe, in ihe borough of Harileion, at 1 1 o'
clock A M, by virtue of an order from ihe
Court, two certain valuable tracts of TIM
BER LAND will be exposed to public sale in
lots lo suit purchasers, situate in Hartley Tp.
and county of Union, lo wit :
One tract called "Ross's Kanry." contain
ing 154 acres more or less, described as fol
lows: adjoining Mortica Linton on one side
and Whitman's land and the mountain on the
other sides.
No. a tract contains 211 acres more or
less, described as follows: beginning at a
stone heap on the line of land cl Henry Miller
and on the south side of William A Lloyd and
north tn a stone heap and thence to a pine
and land of Patrick Hayes and land of Abra
ham Winner, Wagner and Montelius
Which two tracis are now bounded on the
south by lands of Daniel Strouse and Jacob
Caldron, on Ihe west by land now owned by
John Hoffman, on ihe north by land of Pat
rick Hayes, and on Ihe east by lands of Luke
Bird, Jesse Zimmerman and others. A small
portion of the above described land is clear
ed, whereon are erected a log house, a log
barn and outbuilding", wah the appurtenances.
As ihe properly of John A. Luyd aud Lcuua
H. House.
The above land will he sold on reasonable
terms. JOHN CROSSGKUV B, Hhrrilf.
Sheriff O.Ticv.Ltwisbarg.Dec. It, 159
SharilF'S alC.
, TY rinuenfa writof l,lf.Lev.Fa.UuMout
: ol ilieCuuriol Cm. .on I'jras f Union
county, and me drrccird, uill be rxprd io
'.ua"c '7.a,e ,r ""fry. at the public h. u, l
" t.at U.ltU'oe ir
( o. on c:lni-mlu,f. He ,h ,ay v j
leir.O. at 10 o'cli ck in ihe f..nii. n.
All lh.ll rertam ihreenorey Frame f;r!l
.1111 silnaie in Ka-i Uuil'aioe aforesaid, near
ihe moutli of TiinleUreefc.conlaininz in front
filly feel and in depth fortv leeu and ihe !oi or
piece of ground and cumlace appunenant lo
said Mill, with Ihe appurtenances as ihe
properly of AlfrrH i',,
JOIIX (Rossf;iinVE si..,;ir
Hl-rlfT n,:;. i .. . ..... ,.
House and Buildiug Lot,
OX s .nth From stieel, 1011 SALE. The
House is a U-.-storey Fianie, on a half
lot with a SuMe, and other ouiloiildinss. and
some Ftuit. An unimproved halt h i adjoins.
Will be sold i, geiher, or separate!, lo sun
purchasers. JOaEl'H KKF.U.
Leui.sbur?, Di e. 17. p.i;w
l;'OK SAI.K On ltl'NT.
m l'llE subscriber will i .ther SELL or
UEXT his IL,ue an.i Lor. situated on
South Thir l street, opposite ihe Lu'hiran
church, l.ewisburg. Possession given on Ihe
first of October. For particulars, inquire of
Ueaver.Kreiner v M Liurr.r.r Johnson Wa,
Hepl. Hi, lMiJ EI.IiSllA S'l KAl'U,
rrw . 'i he subscriber. ..Tt rstn sell ihe
kjwwo!2 '.he W aierooin. Oil'
lllHre, and iht
.viacinnery attached ln a large amount i f
Pall, rns lor Patent liiphis lor .;nculiural
Machinery. S:oves, &c. Ii is regar-teil a one
..1 ,U b.i lti.nu.iH, i.., a V'-.m! . ate business
The Proprietor's time is u holly eijgio.srl in
anoiher employment, uiiich is the rrnv n hr
desires lo dispose of ihts Foundry. F
further particulars, a.idiess
i-r any
WILLIAM Fi:it.K, I.ewivbnr,.
Feb. IP'S In ion Co. 1
jLll8ES and l ots, each sntinble f"iiii
two lamiltes one on North Foui'h Mreei and
one on t"t. John treer, for Sale, fiallofeath
of Ihe above Houses are for Pent.
I? Mso, for sale, four HoiHiti? Lots on
.North Filih :ree. JO!X I10LUH10N.
l.ewisburg, Jan. zft. Is.'.'J. Ag-nt
"o 1
rpII K snl sprihi r r fT. rs for sale several i
I it KICK IUll'i:s. and oih-r Bui! -i
dia?s, situate in ihe Boroiich id Lewi-burt;.
Persons wishing lo purchase, u ill pirase
call on Mr. Jonaihan Wolfe, who i!l give
ihem such intoiutalton as they n::iv de-ire. u
July S, lf.'J (J. M'liX Alll.i:.
South Filth street, a
a properie
.1111 House A
consisting of a "oi,-l 1
, on a half l.oi nl
1 io !i
treuiiil. Terms n-v. App:y
I I A H tlllOK
rpiIC well known l aiei n Sl;iml-A
at Liie ea-t ecd of liie l.ewisbuiei. I 2.
Bridge, tu 1 hi llisijunq ue loutiship. Xoita'd
t'o. It Will be sold on r'aoi:il.!e terms.
l.ewislurg. PfC. 17. 1S..H.
rpili: T INIOllS occupied at pre.
1 sent by Washington Hutehmsi n as a
Satnnn. They are suitable for
F r Terms at'p:y to
Jan S7. I'.-.S. JOIIX
ltvl fnnt by Uuk dff. Kn'j'iirr t.f
Bfavrr, Krenier 5: V .ure.
mto m; r
i-jLi'I hirii tiecr. ,
-The corner honiir.)rth
rrupird by Dr. Mf!t-u
;.tl ii-h Mani;f.rt"rir in it w
A kikI thru iii if 'Ii'-f m'.it
TtlM niflit C.l tile llntillt:"
ft rHU ITlftll.
AKi: CII!f i:.An esce letn Sri-
ver Li:i:ii WATCH lor sale at a
uargain must so. Ii ijioie ol
ar P I C - N I C.-W
"Wr'Il jump into Ihe n, ai.tl all take a riJe.'
handsome CT'
1 anil verv conilorta
- ifl'is-v-fX
l.e WA f.O has been
fitted up lor ihe special accommodation ol"
Pic-Xtc and oilier similar excursions. T-rms
m detate. Apply to Ji IS. M. HOl'St'L.
Lewishurg. June 3. 1SS9.
John B. Lien,
his house ou X. Market M. bet. 1st & Vol I
S I.iii isLui g, I'a.
slIlIX II. OHM 14..
AKoriioy at Law.
FFICE on South Second near Market Si.
All Professional Ilusioess entrusted to
his tare will be faithfully and promptly atlen
tied i.i Stipi. 1 1. H'i7
THT received a iarc and varied j
J assortment i.f (KKIUN adapted to ihe I
sea. n and wants ol the community, which I
will be si Id verv low. Call and see. I
Spt. I I, 5! j
AMlier Chance fur ( heap rictnres. ,
VHnr.OTVPEM will be taken at MOW-'
K VSSUy-Light ti.illery, al reduced rates
for limned lime. Prices ranging Iroin 50 '
cent upwards. This reduction is made to
presare for Ihe introduction of eiunsive hn-:
proiemeHls. The reduced prices will not be
coiituued long, therelore all desiring cheap '
pirures should call immediately.
l.ewisburg, Sept. 11, IS.i'J.
1 Tlios. .imi:k
nAS just received a splendid assortment j
of ihe very hesi, cheapest and mosi
lashunable Jewelry in ihe market. His '
stock comprises
IlresiMt rim,
Lar ItiiigrN,
Fin-rer flirt?,
lira 'l'l.
Sleet e Itufton,
whrh will be sold extremely low for C". :
H respectfully asks the paironace i f all
histld customers; anrl also invites new ones
lo ave him a call before niakma lheir pur- j
chies. Call at the sign of the Big M atch,
Mafiet street, east of Second. Dec. 2l.'5d i
11 liood Hals and Caps
j " tiheap Hals noi Caps
I A very large slock of Hals and Caps
Young Gent's styles H-its and Cap,
I Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps
New ready and for sale by GIBSON, the on'y
Hater in l.ewisburg
imkTrIL(o a SIXTH ANM'Ab S0l.VtT
Ufi, ' al biuiiaut oil.rf, la .u. -. e-luoia.
1'ost orrici:.
1 LAKGKjuppljofBooks.StatioBerT,
j IVrlnmery, Jfrwrliy, Ivy. C.i,reiiUB.
eries, lfa, p.ces, fruit, Aon. Baskeis,
I'n litres, and a variety of Ml'K .NAtKS for
sale r lic:il al ihe
1 Ll'lll A.l l'l.E Oil. can be had al ihe
i ,,,-,. i j .. '
- " A hJ,a -or Lad.ev and Cents ea
-1 "had
at the
'LVlJItAL sens rl C.A.MLOa and uiher
Hrrasi pins aiid Lar limes ran be bad
veiy cheap ai ihe Fl)T OFFICE
1 ) ITT Kit. t'ics. Lard and Poultry lakes ia
e for (juoiis at the
es of Kaisins
Figs, Dam and
I'riu.e 1
unes for sa'e al ihe
OlillLli lr Hooka or Cords orkiTd
prompllj atimdid to al the
IAIilEScan find ihe larcesi and h, antdrt.
I mert of Lelier and A"te PAPER. Enval.
'("' Ac. at ihe
A nether let at 'Johnson's
Cheap I3oet & hoe lore.
, ' j .tans M. rr, i.ewtiborp.
artsl slcrlr ir
i i.eie.i in iius ptaee.r o miiake. Call and ex.
sr.i.i.c : r y ur-ilves and save at least 5
per cn. I.
.v. o B.-oi, fr,, t 0 ?J
I'l.. Irer's. Von.h A Ei ys'fron. 1 to
u rn's ii,i,,s Horn Su io 75 cis
''''s ' o 87c to H
and evervtmng in onr line cheat er llian the
clif npest.
AM ko.ds of Boots. Shoes A Cai'rrs MADE
1 o OHIilli;. i f ihe best material, and war
riT.ied. A large s. k of home-made work
kepi alu-ai, ,.a hand, which will be sold
verv low.
KI'PAini.Vf; done al ihe shortest police,
by ihe suhscri! er. v M. JOH.N'sjO.N.
I.' ibui l'. Oct. a. ls.'.g.
OVF.Ii J... M'Fad.len's Hardware Siore,
I .ni.erlv llouthlou's Slllie SLrr )ailg
: street. Leu il ins. Pa.
AM::ny:s, mklaixotites,
sV.c. in :l e usual scperior style, in addition
I il,re p rttiti s, I am now j if paud to lake
l liolcgl ;i':s. idiL-e ci so.all, equal lo
ti e lesi i,o.,te an ml., te. Also, HAtl.O
I 1 I l-. 'l i.rse pa tuns aienlorfO to rep-re.-'i.i
l.fe. an.i me si.peiMi io an oil painting.
I a n g thai lideli-v ol xpress-i-n and leatnrea
that c..n beprMiucid oi ly by ihe Camera.
J hee pinnies are patented, and 1 have lb
es. l.isne rght f r t u.on c. uii'v. Call an
examine specimens. April SI. 1MSI.
.cv GcciMur jhc Million.'
semtevkn & sera
T I.WKju-i rttuvrii iheir e neral MifpTy
I I .1 : U i thf FAI L AM) WLNTER
.I :.VJ. Ti.tir suck ri-iiMsi sr. pan ci h
Iair-i a i . 1 ti, st i. In on t t :t !f s rf
sui ti as i.:. ., M.ii.ii, s. Ltrrges, 'I
mks. de Li.ii es. On -jhams. Pniiis of all
l'""e. iii'-bons. 1 ares. E. m en,
li. nt. rl Tiiiin.tiig, Hosiery,
l.loies. Hai.itkerehiefs, vc.
roi rm: ;i.nti.kmkx
lacy have a heavi lis, rt'on.l ot Cloths, Cas
Miuen . Cotionets. ti its. Ha:i Hose,
Cravats, and all other de- eriptn rs of
ii.a ruline n iitry." almh cao
no' te h, aien in tbisregirn.
f7"C:!l an.! li.ke a iook ai onr assortment,
and you u ol be ci iivince.l thai vou can't do
lener aiiuhereel.se. IT Country Produce
laken us u-ii it. J. jsCiiuLYLK i SOX.
Jos. i
J .J.
I.. Ptl HI R tL Co.,
Lew ibur; J'laiiirg Mill,
p coiist.ii ilv on hand and
"" lo'e io ordtr 1 lovritiz. Mttlng,
Doors.. siali. Miullers. lliiKU,
.HottlclliigN ol an patteius,
and all oiln r descnplions ol W ood W oik used
in ItutMii .
Orders resrecifully solicted and promptly
filled. All wi ik warran led to sive sansfaciien
I f An extensive loi of I.uillbrr of all
desciiptic ns i n hard lor sale.
Fiitti.ru un .WrA Hieund itrcet,Ltwiturg,ra
April ii, ln.'vu.
VS-IO 4 lli.;irlip nf lhe"roi Cty
iiimii'ieiU (iVfgr." Address Bex 167.
Lmisl urg P. (.(. May 27, 1S59.
IN THE Hi ll t-HOP! The subscriber
respectfully annoinee n, the rilizens o
Lea'isburg anu vicinity thai ihey have formad
a Parn.eiship in ihe
Tailoring Business,
at ihe well-known siand nf James Criswell oa
Market srreet. where ihey are prepared to
CLT AJ) XAkt I'ioiriler in ihe very
best stile, Men's and Pots' ( lotblnK f
every description on slit rl nonce. We aslf
a share ol il.e putiic rain-nape
Lew isburg, April 1, leiitf
riAKE NOTICE! The undersigned are
appointed Agents lor the sale uf
lloursi, ItliiulM &. Window Saab
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. Is? Made by L.U.SPROVT,
iliisthcsvilie, Pa. and for sr.le by
.:: r CAI.U WELL, Lewisburg
1"OK MAI E, CHEAP A Lay Frets nd
7rimiig An', a convenient article for
Piiniers to mm pamphleis. A.c.
May 27, 'SU. C.J.STAtiL.Bock Binder.
No Giindstones,GiGceiies, ot Qajnkey
II IT hundreds of Hals and Caps of the
) latest slyies.a lillle cheaper lhan can b
lound elsewhere. Call and see ihem at
GiUou's Hat J.lanvfutvry, Lttti'lurg,ra
WE received ihe ir i-LCO. v Attm an
.rsnnnoaml Suiiniier Goods, Ladies
ljies Goi-its. Mammas, ana a write
... - , r.
lot of
Ladies' foliar and Sleeves from aneuon.
Also a general assortment rf Men's Wear,
Trimmings. Ci.ilor.ades, Cassimers & Cloths,
which will be sold cheap.
May !". -
l'0(ke IlooUjtar.doiherariiclee
l ihal kii-d on hand i r lo order by ihe
Le-isbura Hook' nder. CH: ST HI
II. .i:itll KT, VEM1ST,
Market street, next door lo Brown ft
Killer's Store LEW IfeBl KU, PA.
l,l'Kjiw!-bis'"hai.lrlaiaM IO ararK.
I dr-ai ... . -bet. tu. el mat. ailia aa. aj.
. aae tbr cvluica
lit. a