Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 30, 1859, Image 3

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ff'Vf'fft f M if I
' ,
"UnuvtNi- IH'C "id IS.i'l
.iliiiliw.-iv., i.w...
tiy 111 Hi' I'lHte.
t i i own i rop.-rn.-s,, nu-r
.i!, are artvn ti"il m our c'luinii lif'iav.
T '- iV s app fur Muvt al Lind
trait-?1, C'jurt II iium', &e , iu N w Kd lin.
I?'The a:ii!i- r 'f P.ny re.-i-ivp.l In
nrJl 1M us h.ivc ihc tc;il uau.c..... K. !i. U'n-
flS'illll t'tl i4l. I
m '
, ,,vK.sfl.'-M.. Mree..... Mm..,.. : cuJ lit",rjl i "!! PiUj be made, : 1 "".'P. downward. ,, V Wavtf.tr . wrf ; N T; "'-,.'
;l i-a,,:- .iffl-.-r, ... .'n. ..i - tr. rui u-i.-rs- di jt inci v iucl uditi the Pcnrde's Fin t v i n ' eager, Centre llali, Centra -''".- "--- .
- - V' '-'-r:"'',;V"::",!".:-j:'!;r ; ... IT" -1 1 . y - cnu,.ty, , t s,n seventeen i- p ' are 'ry ,nvued ' l,e ; ab-ia.
i ;om.i' "i - i"o --wiil, iuu vrpp -isiuou iu .sow jersey, ., ., ,., . . ,'"'. . ,., . pr-scia atn participate, a.. ullibeMi
.,,1 in.-t.ntiii' .-ir.-ul-.ti..,, in., ..mmui.lt. liniu . .. '. ." . . .. - niOUtu bid. wliicll l.tlul V Welrfll 10. - . will t't-
l.rir ,-r..-rti-.n -i .-t...-. -if-ut .r,Jatsr., . -.um auJ 1.1 iiIIhts, huwt,r fiHtitlious as tn ,.,i. , ' ' , " . ,." . , ... the suhscnl.er, at
niJ-:.. ) ti..- m.... u. ...... ..... Pouu1--- ' ."r.r"i-iM'l'"r.IW? Mr-t.whrre he ,
Ir-Another year of our paper is ended, week. Our columns are open to any (cm- The IMii'.ad. Lnlj'-r favi, tint "the
We h,ities?ly thiuk it hii been worth nine perate, e-andid diseu.tou if :he proper IVote.staiit church uf the N Tth, has Li
llian it c.t, and you, reader: M (live Candidates for the twu tliBees to be tided. c"m's Pf'T'K"' ut sentiui -ntn, sub-
us your hand for an .iher ver...-jt Sli,.'u!.l We h .ve no ovetrtil.ti- personal cUoico- ' xct ",iko "' "'" 'l'1' ",'" C""-
. . . . ' , ,, , , tional coverimietit. the Lalj, r li an
any of our filinds part company with us a.l we want is the best and Mronest man. j,,,;,,!, i(j,,n j.-ipor
here, wc c rdially wish tlietn well, and lie who has the firmest hold of the hearts j j, t0vi,r ri,f.cntly clec'i 1
tlia'l be bappy to renew our iuti-ruour.se at of the people, should be placed iu their pi.triet Attorney for Centre e unity, has
atiy tiuie.
llnroit tMiio s,.uie of ,-ur w-erl.-infti are
taking time hv the for l-i'li. and p ..pose e.,n
trarts for the Bui .1 tig t'am jiai'ii of lsoo.
iSee Advertisenieni.)
t"?Any one -i!i!ii2 to t'luh with t'ie Srau
& CimMxu lii, the Mli-ilic .1 .'. or the .
rfj,'. li.mk, lor -SJ. will pl.a-c send Ml I II.S
WEKK, that we may .-end u tit a; t ii r all at
IV'As we make no duns? f. r lio- delivery
in the U, r, u-h ol i to p.ipcis l.t oui t:.uuini.
We trust no t ne will ler;. ! in pier lum s.nne
token of kiu-lne-s i.,i t.. say ju-tiee) when
he presents li.t-in w nti h.s aeini il t on..'.-, lay.
next Monday. Fifty -t vi-its pciyur, aie
wonh soiiiethn..
t"?' hen a is re .-iienr-eie 1 iliat we have
to vernor, ('..r.wtes:nen, l ie-o !--rr. a1 ,1 Vn-e
l'rei.h-nt. to elect next year, n w.i; he r.o e
tuerati .n to say to K.-patdiraii. tit.-t a is n.7
impitrintt t.i zt p'ljurs J' tr ttut ttnttjiiut i
firry 'i.,mr,W.. A w- in i.'ie U inter, wii.-it
pe,.p'e have tune to rea 1, is the most tavoia
hie moment t.. la-iti. Will on. an I an 1
l.iv look ab. til to iiav, an ! - M ineltntii! I .
wards t;.v,n our hunil-.e 1 hi j.-i -naov . I
y, u sav) ustljl j inrii..1 a Wider eliance lo ,!
gv i d I tjive u a .w Year's h:i!
tf S, ,me people say ihey v. ant , ur pa; - r
t ut Joii't know l.,.w lo e. t a. Y.ni have
Iv to eucl e the loonev or Mair.j1-, la a elo,-.
eale'l lel'.'-r, or send 1-v .-ni. ne .-Jil.or. and
T.su can hav it. V t,e p. . iu. e ,-: iio.l
kiti,l at ea-h price-. What ..ie ila--cents
a week t-, y. n wii- have :a nt .-'s t Y.-u ho!
h-tter pay -'t' cell's r lo, ar per w, ek. -iian
let y. ur ch.ldien zr. w i:j w.tti. ul (lie . i-lv. m
la'es wlii.-li y ur iie.lil i-r'.-. r:o'. ireu liav--,
an 1 which arc r.seuiial to il,e;r lair stai. l.t.
in tli.s moviuv, itnpr-.vi-.-z world.
txiTOa Ti'i-.-tiAV next, Jan. ol lo!,
the Lewishuro; Acad-tity, and the d.ff-rent
Iepartmciits of the Fnivcrsity at Lewis-
lurg will resume their cessions. The Pu
fils have had a Tery loug week's playspell,
and should re-ctuiiDieuce iheir studies with
inercand alacrity and vigor.
JeayTbc Christian Church in our Ii r
cugh have just el ,cd a series of meetings,
resultit.g iu 10 additions to their nutubtr.
Fid. McPaniel baptiz d eleven persons iu
the Susquehanna on Sunday afternoon.
Kev. Mr. Fink, of the Lewishurg Lu
theran church, has closed an iuteres' iu
meeting with bis Center charge, and is
now holding eveuin meetings iu thi.-
. I.--
' i . o- 1 1 .1
About persons couneclcd llieui-
lelves with the Methodist church, Lewis-
burg, during the recent protracted meeting
HyMr. Killing, r sends us the timely,
Bcatuiug rpeech of Mr. llK'KMAS iu reply
to the attack upou him by the ISuchauau
organ. ..We copy the calm, conclusive re
marks of Mr. M'iUKIS of Plaladclphia,
thowing upou whom the bUnie of not or
ganising reals. Mr. Morris is not a rcpub
Lean, but be is an honest and sensible op- ,
roneut of Locofocoism Mr. tjrow of
thisSi.te.Faruewortbol Ul..( Ib publicaiis.)
lv.hcridge of Tcun., Anderson of Ky., and
iliil of Ua , (Americans) have made able
Speeches charging home upon the Admin-
istration their Disunion sentiments, or de
fending the Opposition from the responsi
bility of sectional agitation and the sus
pension of the wheels of legislation.
CIIIKT WKHk-f ..nrlcdrd,
The case stated of liillinycr vs. Frec
lurger, resulted in . verdict for Icft.
Comt'h vs. George Gill, f-r larceny
(while under the influence of i,..r- of
v, , .... , , ,
a buffalo robe in New Columbia found
guilty. Sentence to $5 line, coals, and
, j '
SIX montDS in ual
Ihe Supervisors of Lewis, Hartley auu
West Kuffaioe townships, were each lined
' '
S10 and costs for not making the M Call
The parties in the assault and battery
Case were ordered to pay a fat-c of -70 and
Five True Kills were found, and four
A. K. Krun lag", Esq , of L iz-m", was
admitted lo practice iu the Courts of L'nion
Willian Christie and Jacob Kerlet was
dmitud to full citiz-uship.
Our rase OMlg was takeu upon the pub
lished Trial List Palmer, in,)., vs. Laser
judgment taken without cou'es.
James M. Myers, the horse thief, was
sentenced to pay a Cue of SO and costs,
restore the. r.ron.-rtr ,,! h. .,ke -i.hin
twenty days to the Eastern Peoilculiary, at
there to undergo an iu,pr.s,ument of two
jears and nine mouths a', labor.
Saturday, the Argument list was taken
U'. 1... I.. .S..I-'-. :,
-r .. c uUs.. o,.u. - "
to tie held iu l'tbruiry,
, , rs !
Great Fire in New Yoiik
es'crday morning, a fire brok
i.eekman street, New York, which consu- !
tted several valuable warehouses and other :
..a.l:. -..
.ug, ana was sun in progress at iu
clock, A. M. bu' stoppa.J abeut noon
IVPersons wishint: the Pamphlet Law. -!
ti rr".is:cr; to n icr hr- Cf.,n,f T,f
si ue aiKitmi lie publican eouvon-
tion, is flx.-'J at Chicago, Wednesday, l-'Ml
i ,.,
jun(, 1 he cull, it) our opinion, is us wide
wounai,tt4ilj D u...ut,
ll( lUc rice j ra.io avc rowi-r ruling ua-
der the name of Iem.iency. The honest
iiiissia we are fure will rally undtr the
l.ariu.r thus thr.iwn forth, and we trust.
atid have Ktr in-' Iat!h to belieyo that they
r '
wi.l he uii.-k-.i or UecvtvcJ hy no adver.se
ii.fl -lenee. We shall copy the Call, titit
tii'"llelpi r's Inijiin inj Ci in's i f '
SiulU which the Deiuucracy cnutiuuu to '
a lveriise, iti Cttngre and the New-pap-rs
is f .rsale iu town, as will beseeu iu our
a IverhNiio c-jIuiiius. It is a book by a
fou'berner, dedieited to bis uou-slave-
holdiiio brethren of the Slave States, lie
; .... i. I..; .: . . u ii- c
"7. , -.---P-. o e
ol his language and views neither we nor
, . .
any U -pubiican approved, 1 ut as an ulii-.
bition of cpiuions from the hot-bed of'
Slavery as a compilation of iinp .rtant
....... , ... i
IA is it commands general attention,
e '
au 1 uliou.d be read by all interested, and .
judged by i's merits. In like mai.ii, r, we
have published I'i reo's aul IJiiclianairt
pr-'-slavery Messages, ami other puMic-i-
tins on that tide t:f the question, and
asked the in to be read without approval:: '
I hem. Helper an 1 Il-K-li itlan sho.v the
lirn strm-s in the Slavery issu-; the
ii, publicans occupying the true eoiisei va
five or.. mi. i. Wbeti eat ii ,iit, or whiti
wc read h,.. ks we can r. c -ive . ::ly what
we ch-,n-e. an 1 r-j ct what we disapprove
or di lad want, lk'n-r is one of the
'; o ,r whites" t f the S,,u:h ha 1 I
w lithi -1 u:.d. r the ctir-e of Slaved.
1:1 a 1. i
sr-eakte fl'.-ttl kl.owl.de. 1. .f this
cati-ai of bis view-, the author is pr.
a I, and dare not return to xi-it the
f ublt-.-.-ril-home
,! n:s y oath : hat a
tl:i 1 "I! ill C-.aaiihi 1
tree cjut.try 1-
fclV-J. Kiciiard li it If, the Kulishman
wh inaseh. -fen pii),.-r Secretary of Jlronrn's
cr zy Canaii
la Fiovi-iunul ioveiimieiit, it
is sail lias "turned up'' ii. Texas, where
be ,Jocatf Pro-Slavery d-xtriues,
was preparing f r the Methodist Ministry
II u has ben Catliolio and Protestant
Auti and Pro-Slavery '-Fvirythin,; by
turns, and nothing l-mg" Although
very gifted iu talents, his whimsical,
changing; career will throw much discredit
up"n the testimony he may give before
the Senate C, .mil. iltee to ''investigate" the
Harper's Ferry raid. Hal the Adminis
tration Contemplate Ending in lain a rich
placer indeed, he and '-Oil Frown's
a.ise will rrobaluy In use Siguor
IliUis's bag something from which the
holders can draw anything whatever that
they may like! Frown and his friends
'thought Kealf had died, while a New V-ik
pajier says ue is oneu seen waihiug ou
liroalway ' It is questioned whether thin
Texas Healf is not a bogus.
pJ?Nxt Saturday is the united Fuion
meeting, at Middleburg, f ir Snyder coun
ty a eouuty wherein nut a Pisuuionist
can be found! Had not the Leeompton-
itcs (who started it ) better hold a meeting
where the D.suniouists are say in Kiel-
mond or Charleston?
tifirNo answer to the Fnigma in our
last. We did not expect all the boys and
girls would "stick," the second week.
They must get some of the bid folks to
help them out.
JoJ-Tbe year's end is a good time to
gather up your Magazines and other serials,
and give the Book Kinder a j ,b or two to
uia'ie him and his merry.
We have a communication from the
f f , v ,
t:1 ,ittiii i, tet. ut itidu,iiiiii. ot inu ( alum
Fire Compauy, of Lewisburg, denying the
bl conduct -ar:buted to them iu the
M,l,.m;an during their recent visit to this
i ii- , i. u .i- i
place. Me are glad to hear this, and are
wiling to make the nmrmle honorable.
Some persons must have been woiking on
Valiant bovsl Mitt.mian.
,. )& ,hun? t Harris burg, on
l..,.l.., -..I fiif t fa ft. iirilor of i, wif..
TUy Wl.re'bolll druIlk al lL 0 tiulu c inJ
fiieted the fatal blows.
Charles Woiiver, of Ttirbut township,
had the flesh toin nil bis hand, on Monday
w.-ik, by being caught in a threshing ma
cliitio which he was feeding at the tune.
TltAVKl.lNO Phuuius. Wo have heard
of s ane of these gentry entering liou-es of
S'Ulie Ol (.UT CltlZ"llS, lllSOlCllliy lorcing -
- .ii, r
their goods upon the servants, in the ah- ,
senec of the heads of the taiuily. Ihey
should he handed over to justice as laipus- ,
ters. SiihLui y A mciinan.
F !in II. Little, E-l , District Attor-
ney, has removed Iroui iicrwick to uiooius- ..
Mrs. Grecnley, a colored woman died iu
St. MarCs alley, Harrisburj, Sunday last,
,to "Pttd age of ouo hundred and i
jlatki p wl)i, ofthenppor end of:
Dauphin county, member of tl.e Legisla-
,urc Uft yc9r anj Member elect this
- - .i:.J..t. u o .!..
year, uieu ai uis uoiue on caimu.j ia.. j
Charles II. Hale and Adam Hoy hare -
f a 1 IVrtnershin '
iiiiiua unm rouij . ,
Wm. K. Putler, teacher of the Illgb j
appointed ,
Supi.riulen(ient f Common Scl,
Montour connty, in place tf A
.i.t. r,,-
All..,. 1!. I
rutnam, rcsignco.
The sale of the Montcur Iron Works, ;
Danville, was ordered to bo set atdda by 1
Juice lieid, ol Philadelphia
8s1rTl1eN4ii.n1.il Kepublie.n Con veil-t Jatut F. Kiddie has op. li d las La.v
. . - .',.,.. ....... ..
t James r. Kiddie has op, la .1 las I.ti.v
! OlEcc.io IlclUfoute, with J. II. Stowr K m.
j Laucrs artesian wo.l, in Leading, id now
lUltU AnI.!..mn. r.f M -nfonr rnlv.
hun' hliiulf at Lis rc.-id.-tiee, on Friday
' nilit a wei-k. The deed wa
l'.v 'J'S1 liandkerehii-f t.i th
;.. i
. . ,
a1"1 Pur(l' usPt,di,,i? hu ". dy by th,;
. , , , , r i , . . , . ,.
tale I, and life hud H J belnri ho was uts-
Jangle I'ujl" whiaky aa the
l ccouie Associate K lilur of the lleiel'onte
'.-s in eounccti hi with J.Ceore k'nru
The 1'icm is stroiio and hopeful for An.
drew G. Curtiu for li.ivernor. Mr. St-.v.-r
is an able man, and his Inaugural 1-
Joseph Schlatter, the Wrr beer keeper
who was cammitted to thu iil.aui4.xirt
J1'1 f"r v,'r- t a'!!' s,l'1'i,ft tH0
catted from jiil one Utijlit Ias-t w.-k.
FAIIister,ll:,leA Curtiu Lave
. ' . ., ' . ..
i-iiiiiiu a i li.l, ; iiaiihin nun--.-.
..Vicc .'resident ISrcekenrid las
tt"' ' niak.- a speeeh, wherein Ii.-
takes utr-itijl ground in lavnr nf C itiiirci's-
, ,, . ..- . ...
louil rr.itecu in t i Nav, ry in the I. tritu
r:cs ....j,.,. th.. o.-,, t J LM-i,,n.
Vidr HUj,.,, f Franee, bolls John
Ilr.nvn to be a martyr, and his execution
the worst ..lima of the ae. The. id ire
I'aik. r writes home in a fiaalar stiaiu.
The Sioux ( V ' K'.t.-ter blasts that
lh--re are one iaindied au 1 two children
iu the S-,i,'s- of that etiy. In Fenns; I
vai.ia, iio re !.. roughs h ive hundreds and
th. ii-an is ol chii iieii in school.
Tl:. mas Ii t.J line, v, the iioi, , o.-iuiu ca-!-.r,
ui.-i UL-ialy in Finland, ag. .1 71
y. ars. An txttavidiuuty genius, hut di
ed so-. ! ulv.
I, r
t the I -.ppi.'S 111 a pir.lie
lo r appt. bition t-f the
s li'in. -tils viiot the d-, lib. eh actuated
her b - : f wt: tn ua- hliti, aliolbcr
e.-captd, and li.e oati,r she is tr ititai to
l ive mail an I I .1.- t . i an I t.i l . ln.ltit . I
t!i in I to!.- as I .und wi ll limn.
Tl. i I 'cm-. era's id" Dr. ,n divid-'d in
ti.cir State t'ouveuti-.ti. Tlie in . j irit y de
e'o.r. -l f.,r I i -ii. ,L,s. i li I. -me f..r I'n-id.-tit,
and a;;i int.J hiiii.-eif and fii-iii l'vle-
j''" Charleston Convootion.
Sine - the it.:. Flection, nnt: Pjui -crat-i:'
p.p rs I: iie capiicl 111 loaa. ' Ull
ilre-.vii" c -uldn't keep lilt-Ill going.
A.N 1 1: 1-11 M A v. of daik complexion, was
recently aires'cd in Chicago, charged With
Icing a fugitive sl..ve. At la-t accounts,
his lii- i.ds had a wiit of h .h- a. c rpus to
get him out of the hands of the slave
c. lelors. The trouble, these days, js)
that li.e slaves are getting so touch white
bloo-l in them, lhal it is becoming i:f:L-u!t
tojolge between he black aud the pure
M, NT II MAT., T'ee. 17. A special train,
consisting ,d" three locom-.tives and t.-n
cars tia-s. d ov, r the Victoria bridif tl.
morning. In its return, a c-dd collation
was servet at tlie u irltiern abutment ot
the bridge, which was covered iu f t the
I'M'.uit S ime of t!if booksolh rs ate
e-jiiiplain.iig n t'oiigrcsn f .r spending to
much time advertising Mr. Helper's work :
they think they have some Wo.ks just as
go-, d as h.s, and j 1st as Hoi tiiy ol l-i ing
adventst d at the expense tf S'j,UU0 or
;'s.,UIiJ a day.
M,- M W....1 iw..oi'i,n.,.,.r
N.' V.',' was found Ir'z-.u to death on In'
jjV morning last.
",,., fr.,m lmVt3M givr. ,lie ?(atc to
ll-uglas at the Cbailcston Cotiventiuu.
Ki tneniber that riches, like manure,
do no good until they are spread.
Kldridg" C Page, author oft!
sermons of "Pow, Jr.," last month com
mitted suicide, iu ati Fratie sc, by takitig
arsenic. He was a native ol I ouueeticut,
a printer by trade, about d.'i years of age,
well educated, but lived and died iu a mis
erable room.
The Postmaster Oenrral recently dici-
ded that w hen a husband had separated
from wife, he has no right to receive let-
i 11 I i lo.
ma uu'i.s.-t- s. ... ... ..
x" Trarlu-r- ii! m-.
, T1,e Te:,chcrs ,"f, ',I V" ;
m m,roit-ii of ilartleton tn Saturday, Jan.
7, i-r,n, at 1 o'clock, i'.M , for ihe purp.se of,
orttmazaa: a Teachers" Institute. Llaeetors,
paieias, and all oihers uaeresied, are invaed
u, attend. The object of the Institute is ihe
.,nuIua, nrove,e, of teachers, and a free
i..,u-l.s.-n.. r,l tt.,.,-,,,. ri-rttii-f Ii, thfir
vocation, tneret.y neiter Iitiniit uietn lor a sat
isfactory discharge of the numerous, weighty
,;uiies ib'vnlvini: upon them."
Uy order of a prelaninarv mectinheld at
tiie new school-house 111 Lewis, life. 2H.I M.VJ.
KillJLKI" Flls'l Lit. Pres.
j. t; noYiin. sec
i . nu . n. i, , t , Tins ironical root ha. a
reputation iv.de as the world lr nun,,; one
,,.s ... ii... ,l,srders thai aiHtct mankind a
-nutation toa which it deserves as Ihe hs
1 ,, ,,e WP possess for Scrofulous complaints,
j;.,, i,c brought alio use. n-virtues musi !,
concentrated and combined with oiher medic-
ines that increase Ms power, feme rename
d of lias character is much needed in
tins community. Krati ine auvcrasf meni
. sar-aoartlla in our columns, and
we know it needs no encomium lrom us t
give our citizen, coinni- nif in
'' - 'r - S; -
what the Dr.
v.. 1
, ,
r 7-p,ev Alexande. Clark.Kd.iorof ihe
- W'e have had ample opportunities to know
that ihe entire faculty . f ihe Iron City Col-1
1" ci.mpo.e-l d competent ami faiiliti.l ,
insiriir tors, that every indiicemenl announced
he wllll.v .larased advertisements of this
institution, is promnily earned out. in the
d-tir-e of study and discipline hy which this .
alr"t h is won its present reputation."
. 1
. ... T,., t.,.m., 1) 1 Ci.,t Inn ' ol
llllIL - ldUie 'kin i.-.uuin ii.ai. .Jittiioii. .
nvpress (mailt no
rlghl 4 Accommodation
Freicht i Accommodation
Express (net) pas-es Ltwis-turg
IJinsallon.--1 ne i-nrisnan .anircii m
''" I'1" ' roninnplate makins ; their annual
Donation Vimi lo their Pastor, bid. S. V M -
j),,,,,. , a. his residence on Sooiii Fourth st..
'.ii. i. nt. ii. 't.t i- ('itr th mi Wi-nith. 1 'n I"
it .it(.t :) Ik- b-ti- r tl'S II ilttrKK Hi
an, I whfii y ii have pot n, it is hitter to save
at,- httvins your Boot and Mines o I
.lailt. ri-jhl opposile the Hank, where money
m.iy he saved lo the nine ol -." per cent , and
no mistake. Call and be ronviio-t-l.
HoliJiy Presents.
The follovvau', amonsr fnimerous oiher nrli
cles appropriate for I'lirtMinas and Aew
Year's Pre en's, may t.e had at the IWr O. m i ;
1 I. a li's liol-l Watch, I
1 tient's do 1
J sells Jewelry and fine (odd Kings, !
1 1. tdy's tine tJol I 1 11 nn,
J Lockets as-ort.d aues, !
i La ly's Dressing tase, i
I (lein's J i !
:t line Wrilini! Desks
Papier Much.'- and l or. Mor. Port Folios, i
I La l.' Trmkei II, ..x, j
I lllsket Wax Pi nil, '
i doz. I.a.h's litif (i-.!d Pen. nml Pencils,
A ,1. z Lady's Peat! I'ar.l t'ases.
u aions and li .l ! Speciacles,
' Perfumery and Toi'et Snaps.
"W-" l-S "
, i-,,,,,-,-!,'.,,..,.-.. li.iis.uiM. Nnts.
T..ys an I 1). ILs'of various cuts
' A-soro-d Kriiu 1. r t'hrisimas I ters,
' Halloons, h,ei. hoys wd, please,
Tin I'liaiiots Horse-, !).,; and V. h.p-.
Truuipets end lirumiiiers b-r boiit -Iiee lip.-, .
A spleu.!..l Oxilie to please the V'-unV. !
Passen-er Car, ae.l sivan necked Piu.,
line Mete. -scope lliale-tii'l I.e feat
Pi- dealers up .-r inn tl'Wii slice! !
Cradles. Chairs. Tubs and a srrat variety of
II .nsehooi Furniture t. tedtousi , uieniiou
l r The new B iptisi nieetiiar house in Se-I:ti--rove
w.ll lie .l-do-ated lo tlie worship of
ltto bli- Hod. Mill lay, Jan. 1. I sCO. erinon
a; Mi o'clock, A.M., by K-v. Pr .l C'uriis, au I
bv i.ilo-r ininisiers .luring the day. A coi J.a!
innialion Is given for all to atien '.
A. J. II Y, Pas'. r
The Quarterly Cnf-rence of ihr .onii
iluiber.'d Association wi'l mt et :il S-iin-rrove
li.e M I Ian. al " o'clock, P .M. Full ulien lain -e
,s ,!,--, re I. II AY, Sec
Iti:r-I is- ti ry tiii mi T y .1 An ' -r- n l.
, I ll-s" 1 '
An !, r- i K
... li I' Tii -' , i
.'. . V. .-t
1 iv:
a M i
V:,r.,r..l HoHj
Col II
Pl i-d A pp
I'.utt, r....
Si lo V.-S ?
. T' Tail-e.y
. T.i l.arl
.T-l ll.leou
? V,
. 2, Id Ham
. 1,."0 Shou:
.10 lo I s Cloi ersr i d-i '
.... 0 Pota.-tts
In l..- ;.1'rj. V-il iu-t.. 1-v K ! .mu.'l M'f'iinifl,
Al'AI I' A 'HI- -ii I .WJ.:K i: h l FMIAN. i-ti.
'I villi. 11. iN .rti.'-l 1 " PM" r- ; i.:i n.-.v j
At Uf r 1- tl' - 1 I I. li in-,:t , f - ; . - td in-t
J i lltv. n. H Hi 1. I.I "! II'. t-;.i:;l if .m M
M ii.tK 'I -ML l;in.-!i'.T el -I ;.n 1 F ! t ....!. h r
m -r'.v I - ail t W.-l t 1.1 ri. l-wa
V.x'lw. li K. !., -r. I m, .-.-I . ..KI"! VII.! hit
t.-r I. L'.t(M: i'... it .1 - ti III H.-iii It .-I -il .t.r. T;..
Hv i:.v A 1. 1.1.1 !- MVIIim' K I;!: ! W.-t
t,.M-(.r t. I MtvAi: til r. " l KK!: t I T: N v
i;..mi:i. iti; a 1 . ; I i.i n i at l Vi-s n kti V ! M
MHiMW : N- li.rlni A MA UM .-; KK.ii "
l i., .., T(. m.l Mi-- M 11 V P'M !I ,F, !;-. ij.
V.-v -j .I-tllN I' I. ! I 1. 11 ',. a til .Ml-.- MA!;. I:.
i.i.;l.Ml ' i i; 1 1 1 i-iiriiiii 'I ;
In Il.nrilt.-. -.'I ti i-t . in IT. r 7 -I v. :,r. I-s. !.YIM
K ll l l 11 t N - ; rim rl lir- ll 1 1.- -N. . i K- . , i ; . on
ll.ni l.v. .t..- toui. a. t tl, I.- v, . , .-I.,-:, i r
.At ll..lit--w,i. IU.,:--I'-.-r li- itll, i,.-t , ii- slKAll
M il'-- -.: I., -1, i l lliii..,, ii, In r 1 s; 1, y. r.
Ill s-iii:.jrt,v,-, -l-t it,.., , .JoliN SI 1:1:. iu bis tilth
in lo- T
i P.
I.I..--- 1:
l ll-m.-r Tj-. -Hi hot.. sIMoN KK! .-niTIKIt. ,
I o:.r
,,ill... I -th -.1-1.. RV S Ifl.T. a.-. .1 W l.-r
i- . lulu, .-n ioi 1 lien., n !-!! t I-- iii-oirn )i--r I-
Wew Year's Presents.
JI'ST received aline I. t of ..,,. sjltcr
l ltitiilili si. sjoi-j t. (;. i;i;ili;.
The 'i'iiiuti i:mt In' Siucl !'"
Hr.i.ri:if s-iiiix iiiiiiu- i isis"
ilie book, wrat-n bv a Sotabern i::an.
t-, Ins br-.tber nun-slaveholders in the Slave
Jsiaifs is ihe book that is uiak.nj Mir-h unpa
rallelel exeo.enient in Congress. Lvt-ry man
should read a. Price S-l, cheap edition ",or.
Single c.-j-ies of either edition sent bv mad
posl-puid on receipt of retail price. Address
If A AC WALT Lii, Lew i-bnru'.
I'-c SO I'nion Co. Pa
Dissolution of 1'urlnrrsliip.
rPlIi: Iirlnrrh;Ii hrr.'t,.f.,re .-XiMing un.W
I til ' t urn ol J. V . .V Ih' In ,l rj r. of
Unliable loivnship,has been this day diss,. lvr-1
by mutual consent. All persons ind-bied to
Ibe said Firm will D'ea-e call an 1 settle lhpir
accounts, and those having claims ii.ur.st ihe
same are re.iiesie,l lo present llieui for setile-
,np'",'" f iietenderb r.
. a- .-taer uif iatn oi January. is,.o, n-t
X I!.
leave ihe Hooks of said Firm with Saml lin
ing F.,p lor settlement and collection.
Jacob iii:fk.M)Li;it:i.
Dee. 211, A 1) I Soil put
The lioai l of Auditors of the
Id Urisadf H.h Ilivtsion Pa. Mil.,
will meet at the house (-f Charles
Crotzer, in Miillinbtir?. on Wed
nesday, the lih ef January next.
al 10 o'clock, A M. !
lir The Tax Collectors r,f this
roui.iy are invaed i meet the
ileard to seltle I'.x.-neratlons. i
Capl.ti.M'.FOlillllT, CC.
IW. li... Is J
XOT1CK- lsiiO.
ri Mir. r rm o. ,n,.r. ,..,,.-- ...r.wnr:
I in the Krirklailllft ISUMim'Nsl. ,
reailv lo ,..s ru., r lor ull kinds ,0 u-,,r--
are reaoy 10 ro thai r lor an hunts oi mr.
in their line, and aie well satisfied it would
be to Ilie imerest ol surli as pin pse ereenns
S"on nun anis iu (.-ne us a can oeiore eon- ,
o - n t" K "' ' im.r rui ur mm. ;
oi me oesi nouses aim smrt-s m i.ewi-ouip. ,
I ... 1 il,.!. i.wn.,.. ... ill .... ,.r.. .1...
; " . "'" '
their minimis were put up nj goo,t ami ener-,
Kr..c o,a.,.e,., a,o. . y ,t ... .r. ,.o.ia is ,
a very important man.-r ... on. tiers.; -
U'trrcnce Lhamuf run Uro s 1.. Palmer. I
architeci ; Dr. I. Ilruszer ; livers A mtnons ;
, t . .- i,. k . . ie . 1 '.-rn
Lewi Asuciilelier. 1AAC MALI Lit. ,
I.ewisbnri:, Dec. 17. 1S5D
Auditor's notice,
TN the Orphans' Court of l'nion connty I u,
I Esiaie of F...,c Wra.Rt. deceased, j
The undersigned, appointed by Ihe Court lo ,
audit, settle and adjust Ihe account of Jtihn U. I
.jnn. Administrator of Frederick Welker.late !
the borough ot Ivi it.liutiurgjdecease'l, anil to
, distribution of the balance in the hand i
lOBallon. The Christian Church in
.1 , - I.... ....., lh.tr n.nl
' of acconntant.will meet the parties interested,
10:411 AM f,,r ihe purpose of las appointment, on Tues
5:30 PM dav. thfJIth day of January. ISGO.at lOo'clock
i A M uf said day, al his Oilier in Lewisbtirj.
fl:S0 M ISAMIEL JI. 0RW1G, Aud;tor
4. iPM Pec. 50, 1S53
IIUIMI it Uknjiu 1.1
IJS iUarc iHcat.
pplied lo the hungry (:rt.j.l bv
his shop n .V-nh i imi
carries mi the IJ.it.-ti'-r.tr
! iimiit.s an I will Mlp!y all kiu.K .,t M.-.il
in iis vaon. t)n 'edi.e-..Iav .'i-.-i Stinr i.i;
nirn, , will he found at Mar.fl in li
t .M'ta-Min's Hardware Stuie: IT at low r
I,. r t'ash exeliisivt ly. Culves wan'-d IJ e
an 1 Sheep puii-hjseJ as usual, 'l'ry the .Ne,
CUnisTOPiinil nEMEIlKLLM.-.
Lewi-bur?. Attn. IS. ta.'iiy
at Moivrj's Sky-Li'slil fJallrry,
AKKKP ureet, Leiiisbur. Having
I Uin uim! litncy ("as-s, I ati. prfjiarf-l t- t,ik;
lc:ii.(s at f lttretl Hu es, fr the II !.(! tvs.
All w iihui any Kif.d el I'lflurfs can .tve
i:j"U' v I V Z : t i itr lilrJll Minn,
.. li. Pi '!uis ;aiven in clntn.v weaibcr
'V'OTII.'i: is hereby iveii lo the Piocklod-
ders tl ihe Leu isburs Urid: - (.'., ton
a-i 111,-,-tiofi in:l be held at :he oiliee of W il
liaui raio.-r.oi. K-, . in ibe lloroiiL'a ,d Lew
isbur. on M.,i.d,iv, the id day of January,
1 Hi:l. for ihe pulp. e of i-Ieclai? one Pres:.
dent, six ManaLtei Treasil'i r and tlleik lo
conduct ihe concerns of said t'ompanv lor
one y.-.ir. WILLI AM C M il K ' X.
I.e-.ti-biirff, bee. 1). Pie-i te:.t.
husical instPlUctio: :
I.scnber inf.-rms Ihe c;:;ens of
.vr-lmr that he has remriieil to ;hi.
-. w to re iie has been well known as a
ner. lie alwavs has civen satisfaeitou
- i-iioils, and i! es nni ,l,-,nnl he shall i.e
' t-
, 1.1 thuc iviio wi.l favor him iv.tii
.r p
Hi' Ttiiiis are to rn ihis day on, f r ono
p'jpil, --i, Wher1 iht-re arc iw i ir hj.-il- pj-jt:i-
t:i cup ht'.:e. 7. l.r -1 l--i ti-.
hav.- im l'j;i:ii). ran le a- caiai J;rc l in
I'-ni' ari.l prafiirf at Li r"-i !ti( t.
II-- ha-. :t!-st a vMp-u,r ri',w 7 i-cmvt Vir ;
f.-r --air, tu- iaiihilly f nca''ii, aini ttt a !ri:..,i.;:
.hi t t ia.' ic it'iica, at a iea-t."iiabt; pi it.
I'.ca-t. Lail a. i'i
( H K Usril.
i-.,r.-r ' X rf. 7 it' .v..f. ...t. Mr. O-ivl i.'.Vi
I. ".VI-!"It Ir C. It.
10:: sale (Hi i:rnMii;
VMlfn.M) II
Till K WA
llNi) l!l'iiti;;v at. I a
for -a ,-, r exe.liui.'e
al 1,i:s llf.i.re
lot I I.i V
JOU t ll.t.S .s. o.
HAY!! j-i-i i.-cf :v-1 ,ai ad. l.tn oi to ih-r
I .i" si.., j.) a Ul..v f I M.l.
.!M llil.;,'l,tJOlai,.ih-j leave res.
p-.-lloliv to : ii .riu tlie La lies and ti -li..emt-:i
... i'.-u n and Con. iv. lh.it luev can sua l,-:n
:n i.ui liia.L' la tiiea late, i-f iraie, -si'-.v, .jdai
ill and price.
I'or tlie l.:iili.'4,
.,1 ti a-, --ii: m, I I'..., -y sill.-, r.'ii -k .sii'ss. Fr.-n-ti
r 1,- on -, I a-!.,,,--, . -. I'me .1... Ii. v . t. Iu-,.:
I1...I-. 11 a. .or HI. Iii,li.i. r;.l s-:rt-. s , .;..,,.
.-,ot-..l-- I'i in,-, t m ... - r,, 1 ,..:-. I Ih -: it n
i-oi i . I - I, .,, I 1 oi. o-i. l-rl,.:-. ii.r l. l. r ., 1 I, ,
1,-r. ' it lo - - ,-', - In n ,1 l.ieli- -' sii.tw 1-. t . I rii n-,
I"- it..! k ... --. II ,- it.. ,.l 111 it- f,-..l-. .,
l-o. 1- lliiii.ioilt-rit, knd I'emi ttl: gmas vt .t-.y uu
sen, te u.
I'or llii .-tit Iciiii'ii,
tlie 1 . - t -ii I l.irire.-t a-n-r:ini nt in ti s i,. ,-nil,r..-in the
ni l li.-l... t-.-. t..,. -t, i.- i : , 1,. 1,-. I a--o r, . -ta,.--,
ir.--. rm i ,i nt-' I ,iri.i-i.i:i.' e 1- ne i. -: , : .
-s- 1-. !;,n,, in...!- t ii.'l,,,:, ll.it- :i,iJi,ii-,i r M i,
Mi. 1 11
a:-., aii i-in 's .-r i;i:oci:i:iKs, h Aini
waki:. nrKF...-jvAKi:, salt, .nailsJ
PL M'i;il, Ac.
F.sll in . i and j bids.
C-'AL A larce ipianttty of 'mvp Cal, '
nli.,-:, , mi; ,1. r ,.. :,.- ,.;t f ..,i .l,,.,i ,. ..
tr. . . ut .- I ... ., I..- ,r 1 - -.uri- io'v . t . ,. .1 . . is.
I nr. I n'o u I., i- in t.m ii. I ... l :, r-: ' , :- :
I I,;. I iitin n vl in. I'lin- It a t..l.t-n in . n. ;.ji.j- t. r
: 7" Ca-h paid f r all kinds of CHAIN'
Patent Pocket COIM EETECT03,
I,-.;; li .-i I no i hi: ai.i-,i s mm.s .,k
i.iimi u -im i: (iiiss;
. I! i .let:. I 'l i.
kl-el . ..T ...I- P o Li tt...
tie- lili-ft J ,-ll. ,1 iLm 1 1 it.
iii be carri. 1 iu lUf rw-k-1
1 ,
, - 1
l.r ,1, .V.i
It I. t-rt-nt li . ...in..
-ft. !r ,i, it II i I i'lii.- t
. '. .t,v i.' .'
I.i 1-lj--- -.ml
-r. roi 1 Ir. rn
1 Si.v r. ,r 1
; I.I !-i:1i -
rt 1'. lli.r i -
J nr.
al. aiir..M', t-i'oli ui.tal ttli'l
rni' i: oi: t n.t.Ait.
1 1. to a. i ..rt . I ll:i- l int. .1 S.,.M.
s.-; i. ..i 7 ;;.- r.xi't .-.- .s i r:
Tin- e-i --i n .lo i- a j-:: t -iir,-.nit.,- nrruiii.-t l
Il-i'll- Ill, J, U Itll -i,r; ul- - in-
li-:. rliiiii i- -nr.-. ',-1 turn, iir-yit I- If t-.rr. ..'.it-r.
t li.iM-l Ulritl Willi nlie in )il- -- i -- rin IllilV t-l, J. ft.
'-. ila- ::in.-t.-' .iitui ,-,uii!, il. ie r oi tin- siuv.- ,.
ll .. n I.., ,,,,-- it nit ii-ui li.--i: oi. n tii" m.t p.-rt-' t
i. ' f it- Kilt I ,t. r ...I. t-il I-- the I'Ut-Iir. -. i.,i. .-i-
, r'ir'ltll' r.--n.m. miit to PuKic ..r.
I.KNT- W TH. t
An A r'-nt -.vnntr i in rv ' .n i;. ;i th- - Tnif'-I ait.
to m Ir ui n 1h-.it y .li-i- itnt Hill I" III lit''. ? I It!,' it'." 'l t.
w:: 1; ins of .-ifiii . i. Hi - r- . tj't - fi- ) ' l.-ir. t
A l-lr.-.-s. ail or i. r I- I Ml. Y .V liK KM 1.1. I
Tl,.- l:.1..r!erlee.l...;. i..r ' lr.y .-.r tlo-,";,.t,at
; .'F u i-i r. ru n t. ',.,,,. r
fr-Vra :
1 i on ii.i' 1 -11 1 ni im. n i Ht'i '-T in in- w irl-t. ii' .I j
l..iili; 111 XV llF'"rl!'iT- than .ill otlirr-i rcnili.tn-.l. i. .
I I '..i-li -il 1 11 111. l.-t an i li-lU ct ia utii, t tltv tvl-
I lvi'- l-ri'--:
I M ..mlilv. 1 Copy, me ytiT. 1 0.)
I .'ii m 1 lily . I I ' '. ,ii rnT, i;
'vein li:u will, out fIi c!i ir- a cjf.y of th: I". 111 H'
(tit- U .;!. 1. fi.i, t.i ntU-z a lir .'rr tii:i'i;. r of iiin-jimi.'.'..l 1 v '
I j.hi-tt nt- I K;f .'-itiiiif imiT'--i"ii-i of ih fi.ri' ti- i. '
I i;i-r nml o'lo r C'Itm ot nil u.ttion-. Il:tn cm ! I'-m...l 1
in r.t.V 1 ll.1T K'-Ili. ati'l lti-1. till! U I-U;tl-1 I'olU Ilo !
t1Li.1T t- .an-t t' :itn 1' v 1 f ni. MT . 1
Alir-i JMl.AV i:l'KFU?.
, "m-t'i Jhih': .W' .'!". Or. I'.'n'ni.'pH.i.IU. I
era a.m u .iNM)iMitii.r:
r. t:st ..i. s. . .1,.- or ate
CoMKOpnlilan 4r tso iatiotl.
.,,,,rr.r, ,,, ,hi,
1 , r,.,.r rl li,-:i'.ri:i,-n. -ii,i it, il--IMS y.:.,; r.r-
l - i"- i.,-lv,--l in n.liu uiiurn.Klt-l Willi Hull t-I nay
1 An) pirsua ran hrntntr a llrinnt'rbTsubsrrlIiln;$'.
J Mllllll tllt.L lllltU IU
I 1 r 7"..- I..r,l,','nl V,, ktiyrax.ny. ".s 'tul..'j tttrt a,., ,u
i'.-, ., '
'' - "f
r'J '
,'.'v ifwrfr it-il A tJtnt it"., v-nr.
" " '"" ""' '
in a.Miti..ii to l.ieli....-r ..r .,.,-.fa mummm
ef in r,-..,. 1 1--u. -.-m, ,s it nou,.. ,. n,; n-r.
t-lii':--,. r:,i. i tit, e- u'i ar-s. , ,uu iue-, ".j. tut ,i,rt
Aiiieri.-.tli itii-i Inr iti Artot
h fTrrj.,iKe:lh, tiltrf-
i i
--n ,t t.t,.r. .
. nl 1 .-iitr, t,r to ct-iiniii,r,iti, ,1 I'lfs-rire una .ato-
fartt - n. s , wrk i.t.-.in,i r,i-.,-,. r b.i, r-.!r,,.-
ni,iu n . i, , rn.e n i-i-at n, ii rnr,. ti,, -.Km-
;""',;;:. -',;, XCLXn,
'',.. f, lhr..i. .,,.i,-ri .f i,i,rr. ,.,ri..r...r..m.f.
n ,-, i, ,ru: t., iij inn ,.i tt-,,.ui.try.i, u.n.l. ua
at - ty.i.. !',; r -. I m a r)h,. i-r.. 1- .t.-. -1-4. .
Uritii. ,.l tl ! s,i.-ti a wt.rk. .l-nver,"J rr-f ,. rbcrf,
i, j, ,u,Jf. , , ,.,..ir r, r .i.,r,i
r M HSC'll I' il'o. "ill rif.-H'J uniil th t"iiii
j ofTu .Li, tli .Hst ft .l:iuiiry. lnt. .tt which litnt H.
lK" ks wiil i-it'-ratiJ tin I'rriuium bi. n to-iil-n.-nm.
) n t"oii i- rtttri."ifil t. t miil.I ulnfripti"ti. Th "?M
; rvinitilhif t.' Jiiv rlilitifit lo -ix m.'Ui.irr.liipx.
j .-uii.-.'iiiiii'iii!' troiu t'alifi.rt.i.t. th. l'mtiiia!i, anj nil
Kori irfit rmil)'",f. mut im ; . oidaicsu ui c , 10 urutrr 10
., ftnr i-nttmr... e.
.tu,,m ""'
luR iH'-utif,tlij llln.tr.tM Art .ieurn.1. iriiinp full
p,ri,fui.r,wiii 1 fnten n-'fir' , fl f-1.1.. in .urop
' c. l J.KRM. - .". a m.
SuMrriritinnit .lnp-ffivfii I..J. MKi.uiLLLlNN. t'.en
ii,.o..s.. - ir:u..rtursnJ.f - init.. lm-ii
William VanGezer,
ii i.
,ch Irlturs, l'nion Co., pa.
UiEce eppot-Uf Kaae' Hotel ?
1A1.PE-TS a liue assortment by
I , II... I. t. it- .
Furs lU3...t ancy t LIS .
I . ..it-., . V....
r l.i lj UM;rilll' 11. l f .lir, i m'
l '..r s.iV til-; I -.us;.,!- Mil Mjnuf-
rv - rli-jp r tlei-i h is ever been !! -red in
lii.s e.-:
Iu call .
y. I. i-l..-s a n- tc
ei-iiiii:.,: l!i- ('i.i
i.Ujl.y iiivited
(;n;so, Ast.
Hist. littiiiiuii Jnl;iiis Ctatr.
OI'll.'i: i, ii-i-. I..- Eivn tint Letters i
'l -ta-u. n'ai v "-ti to- .-s;,,'.' of llau.ial. .
J .1 1 in, l i e .,! si.-lM;a ... Uiup'll'l
e oio'., o- l-f 1. 1. .'.' l.el. r-eilr! ly the
I.' -.s-. r 1 l: .1 :. -. I ' ' V t , i . - - rib'r.
e.T.,:e -.v;0
h-.ii,.- i
ma .
I i
.! l '
jrz. 1' c -. ;
t:. .M'i-'
liusu-iLiw.ttitiMK iwn'-r.i . i.iiini
at tiv T.tM'
:rj I , -vt-. -1 -j
au l n i ' -! rtp--ci!til:v .':. . rh- pair;
llie r.itniT.iin ify. 'pm f y ;t Trie! a-
t;:init-, lii riifii' a li.-r- i ;!., i;jtlt;.
1 am
ii.:it.Ttii!ii -t l.t r t I!, Iit t.'a ii
th" b rt Ar'r V j.,r .'..: M !;,
b- th f r '! an. I .!::ra:-.::y. a. lar n i.'cfi.
js, i 1 hi y i, 'i tl 'l iitU ir, r XC.t f t tii' M .' C
Ki'.l ami Kf.-ti-Ii, el v.!.:- h I l.a-.-e
ihe it! in ii.ii . My fn 'J'ii i.u.c, a
; tk u.'iric ! ir. n.y "h"p, iiiiU.'i.! a:.! '' -J
rju-'1' a- t' Cii.r.it'tnifii.
..!il,?i ar.-t inrrs ulu may iU" r r vr.
tit waitcl tfli li-r nifa"iirrs at lhir rri I'-ncf
..rat :y ! r-:u?t i.car ;fie hi'; ty Mi.J
r j It T. iav rctrmfi.
, r.iifrn tr fir ki l
j;e. I it I cat
rt'!j-.;i ii Willi K.i"-.iu ui-rk la pne-'s, an f ,
liirm-li a !--I!it ;in:c!c. I. Kiel. 1 utn i!fir-
iinn.'-l to s-.-il !,.iv
laari .mv (
I mv V.. Iv
onprt o r.
a: ea-h p
ol-j-ft!- t-.l
atol Manufai
':i..se ...h,
but jr. at 'y I
;n::- a.l '..vl.
try tat? will fi: 1 :his nn )i".-u a.
t il.- vh!u cf ihe.-r ii-'.r."V.
.;( am! -tiTk dti; t m;;'- ria; y.
fill t
an a ivar;..-' ! ( ri; :h- m t- ; ;' a: .
a:i v-'-ir-c'' w 1 rii.i ' tii'-'ii tn ! -Tin-
It j:i t Pr.ce J ir 1J i ta L aia u
1 -;i.lit I- I -T 'r at ai!
ii laiii; u n..5 i;.J a' I. w p
Cabinet and Chiir Ware-FkOoni,
Ti:l Tl IIM(i s II l I".
N'tiLl'il it. tn 1 i'i t.::. Th-s-.:'o-c, ' r
ut i.-.i-r !.:; y inf. ::n- the c t.-i.s
,1 L-iri-bar,; ai.-l -u: t . i.-l :u. r ..anliy lb a
b- h ,s on hand t r sa'e ih- 1 ne-'-l. t e-! and
cheipe-i a- : ! -ri.-i.t of I'lll lllflll C eit r
ever ole-ir l I., til- :!.! C-tuplis. I'i
- i liur-a i-. I'.in. v a-. I t'.-u.ti.. n P. '-
""T s,,-a I., Jet,,:-,- l.i'nt. IMi-e -tl ;
:ite i-,d C.-nm i.-Tai.'es. IVm-r. far1.
I'o'i, Ll:iiin. H.-.-a..'J-I an I C. .uiin.oi Uai
stant-, r.-o.tje aslisUti.U, and coii.in i.
S:,i, ds ,,f ,-.li k-n I-,
lL.ir. CI. oh. an !
I'lMl sll T hair, of all
II'IHSL' r-li. i: I'i, ors a: V. h, .-.,.
C -mnion an 1 K ekinii Ct.aas -an
I a little . ' evervtii.tii in Fiitii.tiire line.
Mr-'illi,- Ca-e. -,. 1 W.n, leu C ll'o.s rah-r
on ha:id i r made to or-b r. and l'L.NLKLsi
alien led to iiroua-by as u-ual.
Item? pr.-i'i led with Circular and r"cr- 11
Satt s dnien Iv sleain potvei, 1 cm li.'ni-h
a'l kinds ,f I a! ,i TURNING -" ,;e
P. --is and llaiausieis and Hand Knil.tins ..n
iiat, t , r Turf.e 1 cr Sa-.ve-J to order, cat, rent
-.es and panern.
I'liriiitiire to order. Pepairin as u-ual.
ZZ Cheap, r man Ever lor K-a.lv l'av. ,5-
Tiia:i,,tul lor nearly thirtv years of liiorai
public pa:ronai;e, I r-'specilo lv ask a c,.nlai
oaiice t-i ihe same, and b ne t,. deserve i.
I.ewi.I.iirtr. Sri. ?. ta-j'l
Sll 4 llHill V!'.5t I;itiu(:. liircri
A i: i ' I r ai. riis Ceme'ery H .mi.':- to
nil. r. Ae. Hi! is pr. mp- v a I-.:!..!
Tills ::i:Il lias i - en lotti; .'.'.,!. I,-:, - i. a': 1
can l: i v e iii-.ii, ..iii-lari. ti ii-i-i.-u-.-. We
Cain- L. Pa ui- r .v Co. at Lewi-oore;.
Persons ,.-i I,:,-.- lanb-r ail, r naii. n r any
ivuti: iu ear line -.nil p'.-ase a biress t,s at
FJ. Muh l .Si, II ,,-Murj, Vl.
July 1. is VI rd-ii-.i
JtNah Daker & Co.
1 1 Lv
Ml Hiiiili' nmnironirnts Mi;h II.
. Licke v (',. tn liirni-h i-t r lchi.
AI.(( ii i,
lv lii' nit', an I ll-tl: Ii l ,n clie.iji a :I ra
he tS.'WU'hl in I'iiii.ui 'lj ;:a.
Tiuv have aUo jii-i receive.! a crr.erA! as
I'aliit anil Oii.i;;:-s ami I'utl.
p.i:rsii:s am. pkim fmfi.v.
cr ,". ;.v ); , . mm; i i. i a,
1' I II Oil, llll I'llblllar Taltllt Ml'.! if ill' S,
Lii'iors.Tii!.iiiTO. Snull. Inks. s.!a
Ash, Wlii'd (ireiisf, &c. S.r.
All ihe above nrhcles eii'er.-d VKKY
CIU'.AP FOil Cnll. Call before buying
elsewhere. Our Mono is
"Mnall I'roliOi A. ifiiKK SalcC
Lcu-isbur?. May 111, I s.',:i.
Dress (ioods, at Cost
ilel-Tfna.t d to si
KlinMHR A M I L' Hi:
II i ti' their
Summer EiPts and Dress Goods,
17 AT (IhT IOI. i.H!,r
If you wi-h I., purchase, call and eiamiue ,
st ek. U., K. A. M.
Lea. s!-;r-. July lo, s.,0.
i.r. isin ui;,
It. II i: IV III.. I'rop'r.
rilHIS Holtl is located 111 the center of the
f town. one square from ihe Coun House.
Persons atieiultio Court. or havtnz other bo-
si.icss in itie inn., will finl this a pleasant .
1 comfortable home. Charges moderate. 1
'- t
The Ilcs.1 Work ami l.at. t Stj.c
thankful for pa-t favors
would -true that he has rr
reived ihe FALL A M inter
Fashions, and is pr- pared to
CI T. M AKi:. and I.KI'AIK
sarments as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, to
execute his wcr'; satisfacto
rily to all. Le wisbiirc. Oct lnl
f Ml tltl.LSi .ll"l'Ki:;K carries on w.
(y the above business m Fnck's Prick .
- ' r. ... 1 .t '
clr, -Aorth I hint street, luums .n,
kin" in rood style according lo the br-t Fash
ions. Cue ns chatire, and see if we ran
not "fin" vou. C. MACU.
Lfwiiturg, .Nov. 1. l9
If II 1 u
(Cjainlifrlia Jra.'s tart.
M'i; 'invy ti-l'-d ila- merit"? of a
cs.l, '.i.i'i t . ..ar , ,,,. sti-fsr:..,,,, rJ Br fully
a I.-II.S.U--I II- t I-. Ii-H.U ff-.Bi 11. I.ur IbX-k l BvM
. 1 ne
j. L:; t te tlisn rrr. bh4 we sr. pr.
:.r -o r n. ..iLr.,-, -Ji.n in '.or lit.
1- --t ;.li.(- I.,r i;lr,r ra tl hlstf
:n. Out-, e io.r... X brl.-v, 1 mmtlhf
i ..4:...s, Im,-..!!, L.ller, Laid,
I. :
o ' ii.-Jj ,f l'rr..!i;.
jOU till; 1
I i initr:i:i:i.ix BR.va.
i't 1 l -.lie ty
I M I. Mll'll
niid III v :ilt Ilprrtnf
o i i-tn l.fv KU-eS.
0" i !( '( ) '-l"- Ci.i.titry CumlBa.
U..-.1.. . I i,. II. m. It $
il I MCI I UN lioj 4.
wiim; :-iai:.sii llme,
"3 1 1 i- 1 i S'.tjlil l!o-: kiln. f,)f sale by
1 I tl XO :i.l; I N MK.i'j,
I . r.i;.'.S. K;is...i't H.-rrlng just
t ' r. c !. in.-- , 1 -!
t a . i;ci:f;i.i fi:,,..
' v i i -. , i. iti i fk
. i i- . 1 t ..i K , ... -.t f P.-r IV
Hi l i K!i til i (iFFEK!
' I -. -1 - ai .. t I - I'- 't-t Hti'J crtoiiil
' w '-:n.i.u hi i)i
c ,l i li.t:ia.l. Blio-S-
CVKl'i's: Mtii
l ' - l 1 tl u .
j m.iki-i.j w:.;
s.i:s: svnur.S!
-. . l - r I l- t fa
'. .; I'n M l l I I'.., s.
I'l l-:. !-, nml (,oal,
i o vrvnUN nuo'S.
CI I'.Ni:-i:i:.t:r..:!i-! Alum. Marshall
i i RROi.
VIA ti ll.
! i-..li-!:,':t sllpt.Iv of VC3-
a -
l I'
? F nr.. II '.. :. ,,: 1 . - li ,-ti-Flout.
l a tV:,M:i i HU f rt.
pni.X. V.y. (i::i- I.,, a!l LitiJsof
vy ii- r- .-1. rt
a ttiitna. - ttBo-a.
Fori;. ( :oi.i)s tv.ink.
FFI.I, rr
. L I.I:.-. lo ! I-.
tit of liny Rnjip,
lir... m T. it,,-. '-l Tin,
at oi-.Ktu.is n:: '3.
t HKl'SL
i IAVAVS on Liiti.!.
-s 1 I'ii.tjrncr.Lts my
risn nsii-Fisn!
J0O LT.I.S. F.. -!i Jiiukei-cUn as-
- - ' - - ,' .1 1 U. i(i S. ... I.".
-1-1 1l;p.iiiIUr
1. Il.-rriii.-. ao
I i-l.1V l:l.o .
'F ot-t a ian:.!i!y siitiidv. firsll
11 If ,-, tt.e 11. t :,, I.i -1 i,,..,.
i 11 1 "la la. i.N la..
LL kiii.N rf SjiU-r Drii'il Apples,
If it ! V' a- 1 - i'rrr t-.t'iirrar t. linncJC
itai-ins.i kn.s S .isms. r!,...-
r I "in (in,CiTH
;.lrcil. Parma, l-ie Ki. ...r. I'lav, ra.e Ei-
trie'-, (i. O.I. s-ap s-a-,, thrt-s,-, lined
lb-el. i'. ai i f.'r. i.ii-lf ;"ec, Alamatiiine
t'ando-s. 'I'a'l, iv ('.:, 'ie-. five ro-ap. Rosin
-at'. 1'. 'i r-if- S a;,. 'P. a ei i ap, Castile
r- -;.p II i.,e:'s I ';.. .-, ;..-.e. Ua' er's Cocoa, Ba
kit. -4 si. la. .-s.:l . ,:a. S..,la Ah, Wajron
tiiea-e. V,.t i- t. Pads. !'::!. Chtirns hits
"and. le -'i 'l - i- C-Mcrii. Cab i-.eil Piaster
It. an-. Pr.-, it,-, ili ii-bes. A I.. rite a-..runent
ti IiIi:i it it tl M.;:irti. Ar. Ac
F-r --.! I y i H A M 1! I1!1LI. l!KU'8.
Leu,-: -a.' Aim.; tin 1, ja.
i T. G. EVANS &, Co.,
,,i.N 1.11. 11. !!: ILl ll- IN
TEA. I'i !'!' EE. MMJ.AS.-ES,
i CAir. i ll EE.-E. FISH,
FI; l' l i s. .v.-. .v.-.
3fi.fr i 'f;e,,-v ..- j:,,; ojlt-e,
l.i'v. islitur. I'a.
'I1 C. E. A Ca. laivo ju-t recoived
I tr.-l ii :.i I! .-.': irr. it ,r-ri. ir 1. slts-h nf
t 1 or- .- - - ' . i. ry k ii.l. hl.oi.i: In. h
IVut stii.l 1 )Iii:ilo-t,
Hii',,1 Aii!.-' IViiilii-. Pii.ii.-s. Cur
rim:-, Pu -- iit ir "i t n Eig?,
l;iH's.K.i:-i:is -in!, i f.j ia 1-t
tts. t ft II'.. Pi.-kit s of
cli iK'si.'lij'liiitls,
I'iiit J.i ia Ol'I'lli:. eronnit,
i,n i ; a u ; oi a - -M I , r. f. r :;.mi:. nff.
a - " -" '"' -r v.i c, r.ur.t.. shad,
Cti.t i-f.sf. -.'..'. 7. A'.'. I V, IIAVlty, tVe.
A l-,i-r..l i.- .itliuriil .if
M iliow ati.I ..lar "vl tiro. f;lass
w a i i'. (J u i iiMi arc Ila rl Ik u-
Kill.', !iOl', til III!', JS( .
FUh ('!. ""''. o;r, (,.-,..., OmiUa
Olid .on II o T't-'t , I. ft, tfc.
."'oaps of all kit, iis. Wheel II roast?, etc.
tobacco aiii. Saiitro, it c!;circ imrictn.
Flt'iir. ('ta n Meal. Pulalnt s, Corn,
live. Oiils. Ai'., always nu Iiaiul.
I.'iiat.'i ,-,'e,rt, t'nr " lU :ra'- .'j wtonttrM
rtr'tl,'"i,' tl ii'nl ,''l' ff-iri,::-.-'-.
- T ir:-fi- t I" , ii t,-, - ,ti- :,'! !!-,- p-:; -I . tt h rh w
Irr-t- ...r srt.e' -' "ll I-' n-i ' ;-' le. I' , -1 -l.-et-
f.ilii i, ..if tl.e I ..! '.-1- r,l. ..-! - -r F:u.-t,
,1 in. i-r. -s VI ...r-i- i,:.-- ,: i-oil' s I, i
rt.-u;. ra- a,, y -r. 1.- l ,i rlit II ,- - -r- , I I I i..'! li Int.
W .- W..11! I , ..rli, u.r'; ua. m.try tii. ua- ti-jiii
u.- do ; ! r .
II'. i iii.oi--' ii "' na.'.'w.r if yVooicf,
as 1
i-Lty f ,.n, t. !v
u-a. Mro - . 1- '. T tl El AN. C.
j ' Industry lriist Thrive:"
' TI N" a n.l S 1 1 K ! :T I K M !.i Mish rr.fi! f .
.1 Just opeta f.
.-iiiuare, S.I d". r ab
have a; times a
llebt r'- il'id.'n.e. Markn
r :be ILin k. here 1 will
.1 a-.-.a.ii.ci.'. 1 1
Till Man-. s-t.io I'lpe,
COM. HI A V S v'" ' y w " '" I will
a'-,, make to rtder. on shor; notice. Tin Cut
lers, fp. "iiifig a any kind if wcix in m j lina
,1 fusiness.
I Men lir," an ! J I Mrr tr'nera'trprcTiiplly
aar.n-'.-d to. ' Jos. A. KKEAVKR
LeuisI iu'. Oct '-0, I-.:,!
I II TIA-W t''H nfi f.'-ertrr
."p. rir
W.rf . u,lT-.-;iia ert-fr.,,.f hrttl . sff I .n.
- u., .1- -. r .-i...
n.".-h la-
Ir. n. L-. II-- l-i !- a r -.ta
. r. f.t1 .11 :) y
J.is A. Kl l AMKR
1 for Jii-'ic-s ana
Jl IVO Con-lii'iles.!." '
or I'tt.iled lo orsitr.it! tht C!.t'.'.e.