Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 30, 1859, Image 1

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At AI.50 per tear, aluayn In Adiance.
THE UN ION E.STAi;i.i.-nn. 1 b 1 1- Vi'iii-i.e No... 2,1102.
CIIRON'(:r,E-TTALn ;ii;:is lSl:l-Vr(j.E No., S20.
With Xo. 8-20, this Week. ! HT'm Lelil r1 w'rmed lifiL,-e,L
3 , It should be made so cosy and attractive,
closes the lime ..fqinir a number of our subs-' ,!iat tlj0 boys shall bave no teuiutatioa to
critters. 1 lie bt-sftii n 111-4 vl a year is a cunve- , . . . t . r
uient lime 10 Mibsrnhc. , -T01"1 ,he,r evening abroad,
t whoe piy lia then run um (unless J The ruio of many a youth begins in tbe
IT-we know they .le-ire our paper aid will , want 0f Bllch room in the fanner's home.
The "Christian Israelite" Society.
I (orreit'toadclice of the Star t Chronicle.
Tbe attention of tbe religious world has
r !.., , . ...o i.., f,..,...ii 1..
, . . , . , , . silliug-room, where the little girl
iuc iui "u uuiuist.. ui . it .3 m u tuiuiavt . , , .
leaniug tier lurcueaa against me winuow-
panc, and gazing out into tbcevening sky.
Oil, nothing much, papa," said Lilian,
A Fairy at Home.
"What is my Lily tbiuking of, so in-
: tently ?" asked Mr. V., as he euturud tbe
solved that she would practice lying a riL- ! EillCt VJ. SllDWerS. j
bon around a block for one buur every day, The above is the c-.t Hon of a suit which
nntil she was perfect in tbe art ! The ; was d owu oti the trial ii-t f r tl.is tirm of
neck-tie was arrauged even to Willie's sat-1 the Comniin Pleas Court. At.
Christianity. It is not the case, however, i
a c.i.-k
j je : as many suppose, that tbey renounce Ju-
, ..... i ... 1 r,... or in the fact that it is never used,
I f-ihem. We Eive tin Mi.m-Iv lif . is too parsimonious to afford fire and lights ! dais,u at lia,, Bot with tUose wbo lc
. , 1 1. . 1 l-",.l...l.1111.1t' ("IIHIU" II
I V n .pini mat every rea.ier wtti couipnniem , . -Lilllr,,n nml ,. rarIv frm ; long 10 me sect caneu ey i;ie aoove line 1 . . - ,
i 1 llt-il : ' ..... 1 1 r , uwik. vi .
isfaction, and tbo stray books were all 1 itoni9 in the Plaintiff's lull was
found aud put in the satchel. Tbe father I of IrMi wbi-ki y, c mtaining t. a gai.
tbcu appeared. An unusual expression of 1 ani a half, wl.itli was sold to the d-f
ThiJ. Stevens m Congrers.
The scenes of the first week at Wash
iiit .a wire cf the ui st tsctting kind.
O 1 Taesliy afternjon, af;er tbe ii,2aa;i.
t'rj a'il disunion di in'iD-truti -cs from
Iv.-itt, MilNc-n, LtLe, Uurnett, CriaifurJ,
and olberyiVt--jft r of tbe .Sou's, Stevi
tV-vear. Be.les the News, I njure a,l b.bit of f pending their evenings at tbe -a cowbining tbe principal features of
IVKun. ihe I'resi.ieniMl Klection ol 'lid , nei"'hborinr villas, iu tbe cro slinn. or . Juda''n wltu something ot CbnsUunity,
"phe lull t mierl. ami we inieml 1.1 ,!o our -,!.. r ,a ...., v, i.;i 1 i they have produced a sect at once curious
and interesting. 1 be following particu-
l i?l'uil sinre on our Mile anj shuw lair play
t'm ihe oilier.
l"?iti lllilliv M'MliSorhoo.ls in t'nii n county
r'(a!i koioe 0111 't 11 1 wf niilil easilj h;ne
l.Vmany mire rea r.-r. wnh very little eit'in.
IVeuher in cluU of 10 tor 'Shi,' 4 tor ". or
rV'l copy for yl.-So cjivh always a:hai.c'.
fyTltY IT, reader! and see hi.w many you
t"?'can raise !
H-ill tnd VHOSI't.f'ri Stn ay ,Lt!ri- it,
hut U U lUUiyrthr r wwt. r--.J : y A"f--tf f-.i'H- n. ilt'orrt
trust him oin "'ix.iii.' ui-mhIi i" t;t nt r tiviU'l
f.'i fHfrr will t "ri'N'-i " t't'i'H-iu. Mr la.r J'itin: ur
i'st'ltl StAmjit at tt'il at ' it'i.
some place of vicious resort.
ilien have social natures, and if we d uot '
provide entertainment for them at home, 1 . fc- ';""""u""" mouient if you cau not recall the train of
they will setk .t alroad. Ihe expenses " - t.- , mhlcU l ifltl!rruptej.
of such a living room need not be large 1 ,cl " """"b ."u'( Sfc WM of
after it is once Cited up. Hut were it ten ! curing wuere sue can oo.am a room or
limes what is nccenury, it would bo far j an au'iicncp. "" ""'"S pamphlets con
nm ,,Mn,;,.l tl. .n ;.. laimcg their doetriues and tcrmous.
startiug from her reverie, and Inking up a
airy tales that had fallen upon
the carpet.
"Such a quiet time f T thinking should
j hardiy be wasted upou 'nothing much,' "
"l!ut try f r a
content uient was upon bis couutenance as : ant, cue of the prprieiers of tbe Key- j r-se with Uignity, in Lis plaee, iu btblf
of ibe free N r:!i. Toe noted champions
( f tie SuU'.li pr sv.-t toward dim witb
el-ccciJ C.-is and ominous search witU
tfcir riglit basils in tlir Loniiiif. In aa
itii ui; t, tbty bad before them face to face,
c!us:riitg ciese around tbe "old man elr.
f('ienr," ' foca.en wortby of their stttl,"
Ii"re. in this cheerful, well furni
- - - - :.nar'n...i.l. t,l r.rent. .n.l ehiUren .tber rLU,re 01 1 Hey have sjna-
IS&'iiWn b? Il3A'iyj7i;jilJ2 ' for social cjoyment and cultivation, i 6S--- "c Jew. of old, but, ii.st.ad
1 J J . e .1... 1 ,.f M . ,.. .1 1
1 be origin of the new sect, was iu Knjr- ,
...I Ia0tl- iQ 11,19 Country. t-w loik la the i . .
nifbea ( Ji 1 be m (airy.
.i.Jfifiitre of opuratiaui. 1 hex have Hvna ' , .... .
Hi J. G. W HITTin:- .Vw l'orf; Ind-fXHdtnU
Jni5 Hn'i of t-w .1. inie
Skt n in Jvii.itu .
I will n t h.-.v.-, t. r-nriv- my mjuI,
(ri"t in l.it-r'
But. It-t p- tu- ('r l'in- ni "ilitT,
Wtioin 1 nf Mfn ti i irif.
W illi liT rln:. in-ii tn.iii tl-fallows tlkir
1'ut up a pr j f r 1-ir tit-:
John I'.mwn itit-xw.-tti nit-,
Tli- U-d titui .mt i. ii. :
Ati I ): m r hUii'-iiiMitii-r
Uittt Ut rhtii.. ,liii j r. --i oitfl.;
Tlin tin- I. i.iu- -v. r. b r,
Ani tit uiil. Jiar-'i ln-t- urf nuM,
A lit- ttij.(.l rn-lwt u ih j'T'iig rati La
Auii Uita tt.t tifru :
sliaiiowii ! llii -toimy I.f-'
1 hat tii'itivnt !-!) iti'rt :
i:h-ut, tl..- r'h h ti l Jv lmul ;
WttJ.iu, n. It-iiii. I rr .
Itiat kiK III ui nli it u 1 1 1 iiiciiiis
Ki'ln Uf l till Ci" J ! lit.
Aul ruun I tli.-i:ril Ii -rhi-r's bair
llic m;irtr'ii aur.- t-nt :
lVrMi m icli liitn the f .ily
TUl w. lt-.. ttmxilt Til. e' l,
lAJUfi lVf Hit Jll-lil-ll Up J lirfl,-t-
I Lt.'sTMlU' 1 Mlili llllt.--il i.i. i..;
N" tti ril I' ii; flit i 1. 1 t- rn-r,
Hut thr thii'lit (.:!. tin UiVh n ;
Nut tl- iKImh h -ri.iu "I .t.ir.iij;,
Bji t-tiritun's Tin.
Oh" hitt may yon .Uw rmgJ hills
Th NtTtl.:n rati. h-:.r.
Nor pn thf !uta'l t lnj.uz n.'lU'l
r'lafh u tli- .-jr.V -(.nt.
I'.'ki 1- t the tic-- auir I, Truth,
Thfir tiuanlfi) m-! s
T" t-ai h th.it riizht i iiHTf tlmD UiiLt,
Aud jufUcc ui'ru thau mail:
?n Thinlr h.ll Virginia fet
I1T tMttlf iu artHV.
la -iin her tramlniiT jiiilrouB kueal
llif wilittT ii-. Mitit i-lay. '
hh- mav Mriki- th- i-nim-inir fajl-t
Jlut iUr ii-t h irtu tti- i-'Vt- ;
Ant fi-ry satf ltr lai to llatif
Minll q KiiJv t h !
tii , t. ii i.r i t . .t ' I 'f lt; I Moftcs. tbt'V Lave a com-
hat can bo more utiiirhtrul tuau this ! ' 3
c i . 1 -..It .J iiTI.. 1 1
tamilv fathcrim? when tbe toils of the ruuuui eantu - iue j.aw icsninony,
day are over ? Here is oue spot consccru-
! containing extracts, from tbe Old and
be sat down to a comfortable Lreaiituat, ; stone liaue, cl th:s city, i be liijuor, in
but whether be attributed anything to const (j'leceo of its being irt.p'irc an 1 adul
fairy inlluer.ee Lilian never knew, hhe I lerated, was never Usui by tbs 1. f n lati',
rather hoped not. It was soplcasant (-be J but was allowed to retrain in bis war-
thought) to woik unsuspected ! I bouse, ever since hst March, untuujlied.
A fier her father bad gone, Lilian put I During the sittirg of tbe t.'-iw', and before
i .t . .. i i- :. . .! i. ... . ., . it i r . . .
Your book 1 ' iuncoeon iu iitte s uiuncr-uasKt i tue case was eaneti up lur irui, ueo. .
.tl f .. I t-l.l 1'ISl IS . rt t . ... i .
sort which stimulates the wllu " r " n ""S0''! auu "aw uer truiue . u r.iroj i.-tj , no n.aue a succes-iai : nauy to meet liiem wi;u arjunientt ol aty
I would like to know what ' ,ur,eil fur ethool, then crept softly to bcr chemical eip ose of the barrel of cJ J rye kind tbey niigl.; be pleised to use. Mill-
mothcr s room to see what fcbo could do whi.-tey sold by X eiler i i-.llis to Henry waid, I. ngU'.eker, r ..mswirib, tbe l ash
j for tbe comfort of the invalid. She dust-i 8. Schenck, and whic h was tried e'.ui-' ' bun.es, Ljvt j y, thj stalivjrt l'otter, an I
imaiuiiio how i should like to ! e " arranj;e.u uie mom iu me crier j nuie since aii'j reporau iu i.iprttt, ; uurc iltan a soreot utber., lo.-med an im-
n " j that best suited her mother's taste, moving was engaged by the Ief.'tid'int ; and the i rcgnab-'a wail around the l'ennsy Iranian.
all the time with such a gentle, fairy-like j Plaintiff, heariLg of tbe faef, ai.d fearful .'! -v by bis side, with sleeve partially
tread, that the lightest slumber need not
I .1 1 ei . 1 ! . I :. 1. I : . t I . L r
i.r.-i... . :.. ... nave ueeii uieturucu. cue uotu"ui wait r i auu s.aneu w nu uts ii.:i ui'.v-y aja o
-wiv, you know, papa, just as well as t c I -
r i 1 :. , r I ,i . . I to bathe the aching bead, then closed the fjr the city cf rbilauelpbia. Mr. M'KI-
sec. was ol a
way its infl'ience tends."
"lou will tuiok me very foolish, p
"What is a fairy V inquired tbo fath
er, innocently.
, or a similar exposure, winurew Ms c.uiui roi!. J w, stood !:!:! I.i. M i herson. a
I rave as a lion, with a land in bis Ireas',
ted to rest, where tbe eares of tbe world ! Xew Testaments, favorable to their views
I mantles made of tulip leaves, and that cur,ii"3 ,0 ,he riLl JeSrw of Ati'' , '"-. buweTor' u"inif V'-'-y "cured a :
i t - rn - .
do uot invade bis rcace. Here the wife i auu Lla"lis- lue ""P con.is.a
and mother reigns supreme, diffusing her Jewa vla Lavc livn eonvcrtcd to Christ
ownoeatnc8S,cbecrfultteM,ao-J j-y,tbrugb ! w UKU ' lr",e-saot c,,r",t'M8 sro
the family group. Here the farmer puis ' ad'i,,'J. 'f 'heir belief that
s i ride iu snail-shell coaches drawn by dra- j arJ Uh Ltr lbcr ,0 tcr ,uoruiBS fcutlle ful1 of if' 6ai"'1 if t0 ,Le "
of j nna jjj , Ily this time, A.ly hadbecotne wearied at : ical tests, and found it tj bj a vi.iaic-.us
! "Would you really like to be so very
small ?"
"Oh, that would be rather cunning,
tff his cowhide boots and working Carb. oc Iour noons ot mioses ana tne lour , , , , f . . . ,
and forgets the labors of the fieid in the , 's "e f?1" inspiration ot uou. , . Bon,,.rful ; fectly sati-tactory to the small employer,
..c, ; f ...i. i . . , " I who valued the Uiuet elaborate structure
"Do they, iudeed?" said Mr. 1'., iu
serio comic tone.
'-There now. nar-a. vou ara lauohiitp at
i i j e c j r n i
...... .. litltv npr'iinuitl in attiii.tn
me. Aow you know 1 don t believe all ' ' 1
lender assiduities of tbe husband and tbe 1 "e S',W,"S " a' '"" eUorts
father. Here be cr.joys bis manhood and ) ,bc Pillar tf aro wLil:U lwdi tI'roui,'
citizenship as be reads the news of the day, ' a "l niodera sectology-is the great
or studies the science of his calling. j M,!!-'"u". h, '7 '-'cve, is now
I. .1.. ,..;r;t... f , approacbtug. At that time, Christ will
wake bis borne tbe center of attraction
bis household, a nursery not only to tbe
I bodies of his children, but of all those gra- true.
! ee, aud virtues that adorn our humanity. Me6ioS ,bat as "f as uf Jewfclpi- ,., sbouM Mt Uw ,Le s,. Lft oljec
It beeomes us to remember, as we reach , - k.iB.ud, j ,;on ,0 bL.licving ia fairilSj jf lcre sccmt: j
i another laudmark in our pilgrimage, the ; "ua ,u ,',,-'- "j ""j r, :ola an nceJ of tbcm
to "M'roacbiug. At that time, Christ
. 1 return and reign with bis people which :.,. , , . ,
, , , ,, . i this: only the stories say so, and I al
ii.. ' People shall consist of the 141,000 Jews ... . ., . ,
the ' , i i i aJ3 "l0 10 'inng'oe that such stories an
as every pvm S'lpps- d, armed nilh a
rev !v:-r, aiut ist unl-.r the nose of Craw,
f tr 1 r f (J orgii, the le;der of tbe attack.
A:.i'.i.t the whole St.'cn-t which was on-j
his efforts as Self amusement, ar.i must compound cf poisonous suhstaDcts. The ef t..; rau-t ex.-i-iegever wi nessed iu thti
have some assistance. Lilian built bou ! steel spatula, after having been iutrod'jj- ' liou-o, ' Uli Thud." fii m'y maintained his
ses, bridges, and towers, all on the most ; ed iuio it f..r the space of Cf ten minutes, ! groan-J, as c.'ui aa if he w-.ri the cynosurj
wonderful models of architecture, but jir- : turned the li.j'ior a gretni.-h b.'aek came ' of a buy's drawin; roeni, instead of thj
out oxouiz d, and when dried exhibited a f.-.-j of an cxeite.1 m b. When the tu
heavy depo.-it of sulphate of c-pper at;J nio't b.J subsided, he Sail he did not sup-
only for the noise it made ia tuuiMitg other poisonous substance. K.li.-t kit p '. ? i wjs preinedita'e !. but remarked t
down. I in the early train, fearful of a t rosecuh -n hisfriea ls a-! ! "Thai's the way they
All day long, bis little attendant was
him, and she
had time only to put the sitting room
undir the Uuckulew law, having Lis Hi
bernian ag'-nt to close up th. matter wi-.U
the Defendant.
again iu order, and bring her father's j It is but a fw weeks si.icc a jary ef
study-gown aud slippers, when his night- Lancaster county condemned a barn I ef
key was heard at the door. Lilian placed , these spurious compounds, and alijwed ut
herself demurely iu her old seat bv the of thde rhiladelt hia hrms i-otbisj fjr
u-.'d ' s .-in: toe
at.d re-tiTiie' l Lis
Speak-, r was the
l-V.-e State Members,"
irg i.u nt that voting for
Grst and on'y business)
labors, and sufferings, toward the welfare
of the "chosen race," 60, at bis fecond
' think all the good and mo
race better, to brio" in a higher style of,
1 manhood, with a fuller social developc- .
fTU C' ! i ment, and a more generous mental culture
VLljC eMHl UUU VLVlOHIUr. upon the farm. Make the fireside what it
ought to be, and we shall suffer no loss in
Ihe departure of tbe genial skies of Sum-
m:w year, that the farm exists for tbe
sake of the family, that manhood and wc- u '"u " u,a fu! works attributed to them, can be just
manhood are its noblest products, tbe true 1 conilnf? lc w"' lakc 8C0-rctgners, those, ( as vM tfft.ctcJ haai3a 0eEcit.s T(.,j
aim of all its industries. We do not ful- no. lf Dot bthren, are at least of the , vqM .f
fill the end of our existence in making tbe : ,3,ne Dat,onal famlIy- But 33 wouIJ I a fairy T
soil better, in stocking it with a better fiuJ eou,e difficulty in this very comforting a ,; Io ,be
race of animals ; we want to make our own
a but real! I 1 tt'au'-T and wus lJ;,hing out with a some- ; their whiskey; aud we had h 'pLd that a
st of the beauti 1 W'illt more uarry ac 'ts3 absfracttd cx- ! salutary lessen bad been taught them by
pression than on the previous ni'Lt. i that verdiet. Hut it seems that the
"Some good fairy has been at wo:k, I is stiil goiDg on, nor will it protabiy Le
gui'ss," said Mr. t, as he took the d m- ' arrested, until the example ef our sister
fortable ea.-y chair and glanced at the t State, Ohi.i, is followed, aud the I'euileu-
pr -p.iiy bef .re thein. rennsyivania eow
ered herself with glory that day Ta !.
fail ly won "the ! . i. isiii;. of the Iliuse."
Loo'i After the Creeling Animals.
The cjws are dried eiF, at-i there is ne
more iuitnediate f r Si t. from them. Si mo
are sj short sij;liti 1, aj to stint their cows
when they case to give ciiik. They are.
oficn exposed Io the wcatLcr at the stack
hope in the shameful rejection of Cbriit fi . . . . ,
, F . J , , Erst place, you need not go down town any
by the former Jews, I was told that on . ., . , .in- r .
. more to that dinrv old tniec: for, when-
1.-. lt.,1 1. .. -.1 ...... .1 . V..... .... b '
luae ueeasiou otJU uuoieueu iuiii ucaitsset , . , . . ,
, ,. ... , ever you wanted money, I could tap with
that they could not believe in htm as the : , , ,, . ,
. , , , ... mS wand, and up would come heaps of
Messiah. Another article in their belief,' ,, . ., , .
' gold aud silver. Then, you know, 1
is, (hat there is no eternal bell, each soul , mi . , , , ,
' .... .... ' would make mamma well, and keep her
. .I ;r !.,.., i .... e i
it 4 11 I . - . . it- i . t Jtu, to, t. itour: j, ail; i.a upou ttC JIlli
i ttjit-itlt. nui.ff Itttlt .I!v. ul:tl 4 tittw titrv ntlu Tl: fn.-n t lit! r. ? . 1 nmn Pn.ti t... - I
deeply ansorneu 10 ri.y s uvorue portuuo . are CDgigeu iu mis low an l dishonorable
, of engravings. j trade. Ilew any man can have the into!-
! "Uh, no, ppa," replid LiliaD, as she crable imp udenee to claim payment for a
: threw herself over the side of the chair in- vile compound of poisonous acids, which
to his arms; "no one in tbe world but be has the uieauness to rerrc-cnt as the
MOMMV, DEC. 26, lS--..
.... -. . tu. itprari nr. tu iiih irpiiiu. hkipii ui .-tuiu-
- r --- e , ....,. i .1 .i.,. :.
rr We do not ihiuic any persons-yonng ,. We cau welcome tbe cbill bre.zes . u "" " lu"u;-""1 "u I"-"""- ; i wouij j0 ;,.
or old, male or female, rich or poor can n( ;!, it. howlinir storms, its bititiL' teu 10 b"1 UP u,cn-r-
expend Five or Twenty Dollars yearly to f jf . nake our bcarU war!Bur our
your little K.uhv at Home."
bein? hell after death in durance Tartare-' ,., , . . . ... !
o. mere a uu cuu iu euu iroou luniks p.., .. ,v. n rtrru-a
v 1.I.31JI.S LUU V.Ui3.
i fTl bnril fop linmnn roittiri. tn .n.titn
Wonltt if. nrtt JiA fottfrr tnv .itr titltr. ' .. l.. . ..... . . c
The time when this blissful cpteb will 1 . , , ... , ,!s,;" 10 PaluIul or "'curable in-
e..-, ... -" ut iijii y . uui a-'i iu i: i ui. ia suuiliicn i
better advan:age than in Periodical Literal-
4nm ..r imir 1.tintv n:iners. ii Ihev ' - ivn i icwrt ...1. i ti ftmi i ...
are respectab,e-a Kel,,.ous paper, an A8n- arge Ju.le, ofllfe. Jews ,,, Davc bt,D c!itd togJlllcr from , n"
cultnral paper, and a tnonililv Majazine all . , . ' "All the power 1 have is precious little,
. u hi -,.r,. (nmt't. .,r' " 1 here it one tliw I icottll lc ?atl lo the four quarters of tbe earth, and shail 1 . .
these, at least, should be in every latntiy ot .' . . , you Know, papa.
moderate circumstances. Better -skimp ' Ihe ft more xireuu unarmana, namy, m. receive uniue eomiuissiou 10 mahe uewers
beads wiser, aud fit us the better to dis- ,..,-. power you bave, instead of spending these , for the burden. Kveu when the rid
icule or hcartkssn. ss of our fellow-nicu
adds tltarptie-s to the stroke of 1'iov
ideuee, the heart that stays itself on (loi
in i. tin cr... .. ol.,.. rt'.il Tl... f
eij ueeious, uenaiuiy, itui utii so
. . . .. . ... . . - i.f 1 11 r ..
atomach and Hie back than tne mind ana inr irien meif tprmi mowi juitiwuni iu tm- ui oou uu ulaei ui waier ui mi nou- ; j;t(e ag u suppose. Vour father
coul. In this connection we heariiiy couinietid j,roce unj aduru the house, ami ihe jround elected mankind these Geutilcs; of course, WJU,j ymeh rather have bis own little
the following timely extracts from the Amen- ar0ltt,l i ihru are ia tff'Ct vniiii'i th:ir to be those Christians who are now raising , ,i ... . , , ,- .
. . ,, . , . ., ,unn. i j j a daughter here to welcome bun homo at
can Agnculturut for Jan , isr,u . children a premium to day at home, as on every hill top the sound of praise and ; tLan to M ,he ,j auJ
T O A Ia Ta PA It I" NTS, muJ as possible, toevjnjil ; Lul thai uhut rejoicing to the same heavenly Master j T(T ,hat failje3 Wfre (vcr Mvi tQ
kU i-EilUAJ0 iaiimkhs. fJll.Hd money Hfcirily iu fine Wo- the descendants of those departed ftaiuts Jjcp AoJ (U(. tle kt i'1;flIJCIl(.tf' bf
The fireside is ouo of the happy acci- ihinj ami j.K,lry lor th.ir children, they who for 1800 years have sealed with mar- 1 , . , Lusi..nl,j .,.,
dents, that has molded the character of tbe are pying tlum a premium to
domestic life, wbicb mark tho race, are abuudance of animal food worms, grass-1
traceable to tbe fireside. The children are hoppers, bugs, and other insects. In the
kept longer and more immediately under Winter, these supplies are cut off. Try
the iriflueuce of their parents, and domes- feeding them daily with bits of refuse
tic enjoyments become more a necessity meat, and see how eagerly they will de
and a study for both parent and child. i vour tbcm. Some kiud of animal food is
These bleak, cheerless days -naturally I almost indispensable for laying bens
1 their tyr's blood their allegiance and faith in ,,, i ,i .i .i
J a more to your dear, sick mother, than the
i'm i ut' tr ill s uiuou lueir aiicxijuce auu saiiu iu i .. ,i .i .i
J a more to vour dear, sick mother, than the
. o n. -i. -t. M-:- i i..t ...,. tl.. .n.. v..,. . ...n.,i;nn .1,.;.
o caxon race, me lun. .. nme.., .iie .-cr- ..i,,,.ii,..,5,u.o, touch of a fairy s wr.nd upon her brow.
k. ilrimn them into this retreat, and n t where, then ran attrurt the most attention, claims, is the divine reward for uisobcdi- .. . -. .
, , - j . ueneuu upon ii, mv -j.;ar cunu. Uoii tias ,
.. 1 :. a. ....... f..m . I ant I . 1.. tl... .7.-... .I..I. n .. .1 r.lt..l.I..ii.i.. T... lln.nl... l.m. 'it.il I
mem unuer r .uiiaeueo .o. umi m..e ,z ..i,r:j. i oi.., .u r..;- .i. Wen t(J nl a wurk BUk.j weI) ac(.onJ. i . "
mnnih. i.f th tuir Um love of : - n . i f-inhfii service. "Oh: the MtV of it. .
" . ,. i ' . ' pusueu, win no moie ijcautiiul in its re-
h ir,m riisinn for land unon i way uon i tne xiens itij i ilaso. the totv of such delusion and mis-: .... , , . ... i
, H r - - , , - - o suns iuau any romance oi lairv laou.
. -ii . l l .t.- r I . . e - w r..i.. ... nn ....i..j r. . i' ...n t.-,. - -
10 OUUU a UOIue, auu mu Vlliueo ui ,u mv uuiiiiuti, me lowis uu.anieu uu . uiui ei .oiij. t.itntti. .... - - i
.. f, r, to-ft I ...nt... u.oi.iiia m tuu ue
Dnuphia Co., Dec. 1850.
"Subjects upon a!rh Ihe nrinwrary ran (orillally
The Washington Males enumerates a
number of subjects upon which it says
they "cordially agree," among which may
be fouod the following
itig beautiful incident related i f a poor de
formed girl is au il.ustratiou :
She hud wandered alone to one of the
publie squares in 1 , and was lost iu
reverie, gizing at the fountain Sending up
its playful waters. Presently a party of
young ladies eame by, and one thoughtless
ly exclaimed,
"Do look at that little wretch's lack 1"
All turned, and wit Ii curious eyes gized
upon bcr. I was seated on an orpesitc
ich ; and, as they passed on, marked the
tears as they oveifl iwed tho eyes of the
sensitive child. Aprroacbina her, I en-
genuine article, is to us a mystery aad a
Thcro Joes seem to be some difr- rence
of opinion, iu regard to the u.-e of intoxi
cating liquor, when pure", but, when it is
impure and adulterated, there em bo lj
difference if opinion in reference tj it.
It would be all bile to say, that those
pjisoned and adulterated 'tq-ir-rs are r.et a
most proliCe" sjtiree ef misery, crime and
wretehedue-s. L- fere their iutrodneti -u
into s)ciety, there were, cntpira ivcly
speaking, but few fears in the solitary
homestead on.l few children who were
crying fr bread. Althe-ugli inteti.p r-'
ancc even then was an evil of great mag
nitude, it was regarded by m any as a mere
harmless fancy, which passed away ni b
the day's excite incut, and was f r.- itteu iu
the hurry of bu-iucs. Hat these c iui-'
pounds have wrought a change in the ev-ery-day
affairs of life. The man who
diinks now to cxces, is not only intoxica
ted, but maddened. His high sense of
moral and legal responsibility, becomes
paraiized. His home is alanijneJ, his
jroperty ?qund.rcJ, and bis wife and
T! is is inis-.rable manage
ment, whether We !- k at the future prof
it from the cw or from her progeny. It
thrall Lot be fatten, that the co at
this season usually eats lor uaore than one.
Her Vaiue as a milker next Summer, dc
peods upon her tr. a'ment u iring the Win
ter. Sue waa's aii the I iad she cau digest,
and jj v.d c imforta'.-Ie q nrters. lf olo
corre out in 7 d il.-h, thj fit pastures of
June w".!l be turtit ! into miik at-l butter
for the b-.nel'i. ef lo.r owner. If oho coaio
out l.an, it t-ke half the Summer to
re. over il.-h, and to g-t iuto condition to
give a full Cjiv ef milk. If the calf is t i
be ra sed f r stock, it is stiil nitre impor
tant that the e iw sh -ut i be well fed. In
fu'are g-iJ q-ialities will be very much
aHevtcl ly itsta'al life, llret-iing sheep,
swin", acJ al! d-mcstie animals, sbouij
have the own.r's eye every day. Well
fed J tins will, oidiuarily, produce strong,
h.al.Ly eff-pting. repaying tx'r pails
f. ur-f id. .! oi- r i.i .1 jtii u 'fur it'.
Store Fuel for Summer, ISott.
No labor pays better at this .-oason, lhaa
cuttii-g wo- 1 for the Summer tire. Kvery
farmer should s- ek to have a y.ar's stock
cf wool ou hand. It is a well a-eertainci
fact that the dryer you cm make wood
the m re heat you get from it, for warming
the bjuse. I' usis up a certain por'ion of
avored to speak consoling words. Wiib
deepening twilight, andthen the summons 1 a slight caress of her little hand, and
to tea prevented auy further conversation, j eyes blinded with tears, she looked to me
I..1. . .. . : l .... :.l .
aue uri -uougu. mat enterea ner ne.il . j cUiUren become burdens upon the public, the fuel t drive eff the moisture. Three
the next morning was, "V le a fairy to- "Thank you, ma am, for being so kind. : or wa.tcw Leart-broken d indents ur-' cords of well seasoned fuel will farther
wty. uui mu wiuut air was cniiiy, " 3 ulJ ; oa trivata cliaiitv
j uuu, vy me gray ai(-rDiiig i-u x.iliau
And ti t thfl fTiiiif-e , thaa Imr c rd at irrei-n. it 14 t-i-nnnmir
has been placed upon my back ; but, O ! ' aulburjJ of ,bi- IuijC hav ,,;c L SJ , ,Ucn f fuu, ,uJ f ; , k .
i, mi I. ... ...? t i-TJI . tt..i- .
1 -i- i aft -11 1 1 1 1 .: i i lie Lvmw rut u c tunnut" wrrc trim lair wnrs sermeti not CiUliG bO eav auu : faiuu liiuyi wutu ljlti.ho iuua uimu ui'j u fr.nt.-P- t um. t . 1 in!.AT.a.nt...i
turn our thoughts wnhiu, to home cnj.y- 1 Muk, or milk curd.-, make a good subMi- i . ; , 1 3 Jt . , ' ' ; ironterj to come k-rward aad claim pay- aiwajs oo Laud.
Pt. .ntI .luti. There a nl.asurc 111 tut. Srrans or meat Cake. csii. obtain- 1 7 V. " 'V " "! , CVCDIBS "TG J urc
, , . tzcuoy uie. is'jntitiuitonu ute cfiita oiuits.
tbe contrast between Summer aud Winter, j ed in large quantity and cheaply from tbe D(I a?0 .
each giving increasing zest to tb2 other, j lard or tallow triers, are very good for ,ne D,,mocrary can cordially cjree
We bave now cold instead of beat, a man-fowl. (In New York it is sold at a low ; tjiat (jui t KOuld be a valuable aeijuifition
tie of virgin white instead of the univer-1 price, in large cakes, tbe size of a barrel j to the 1'nited Slates; that it ouyht to be
sal oreen. aud rest instead of activity. ; head, and eight to twelve mcbes thick purcitamt t,y ttie. uoiernment at any cost,
Following tbe bint of the season, how shall sometimes in square form.) The price
we make the most ofthis in-door life? It is usually about S20 per tun one cent
should Dot be wasted, aud become a seasou , per pound. Let tbe fowls bave meat in
of mental inactivity. j some form. In Summer, tbey get green
A great deal depends upon tbe surroun-1 vegetables. In Winter, let tbem bave
ding, of our domestic life, the place in ! cabbage leaves, turnip (ops, or potatoes or
which the family spends these Winter eve- j turnips boiled. Corn is passably good for
Dings. We are creatures of association j fattening, but not to make egs out of
and habit, and social and mental cultiva-! alone. Oats contain more egg material,
tion can not go on equally well in all pla- i To lay tceW tbey should bave warm quar
ces. Too many farmers live in the kitcb- j tcrs, where water will scarcely freeze,
en, so that tbe associations of their daily '. Let tbem alw.ya bave plenty of uncbilled
toil aTe never, for a moment, removed from ' water; snow is a poor substitute. They
their waking hours. If man were a brute, 1 waut a scratching place, or, at least, access
and bad no other office in life than muscular , to gravel ; and without lime they can not
labor, this arrangement would be good make egg-shells. Finely-powdered bones
enough. But be has a spiritual nature, ! or oyster shells, or old mortar, supply
and other aims in life than the daily in- j lime, wbicb tbey must have io some form,
dustriea by which he gains bis bread, aud Tbey bave constitutional objections to lay-
it is meet that he bould bave time and ' ing rggs without shells. An ash heap to
place for tbe cultivation of bis mind and roll in, is good to keep off insects. Ac
beart. cess to tbe sun on warm days, tbey will
Nothing but tbe stern necessities of; plainly show you is a treat tbey enjoy,
poverty should force tbe farmer and bis j In short, give tbem meat or milk for ani
family to live io tbe same room wbere the ' mal food, witb some soft vegetables ; lime
cooking and domcstio drudgery of tbe ! to make shells of ; plenty of water to drink
household are done. There should be a j and supply the liquid part of tbe egg; as
much mixed grain as they like to eat, and
gravel to grind it with ; clean, warm hou-
! ses and nests, with air and sunlight, to
keep tbem healthy, and you will unseal
tbe egg fountains. Tbe nearer tbeir W in
ter food and habits can approach to those
' of Summer, tbe nearer will tbe supply of
prouuty, ana me ooys can me ugiy names, meDt fuf their lonJ c L1 j
light. At this
beard littlo Ally's
quite wide awake
.i.-L- miill.nr .;);.m AltrtnJ Q..fil 1 pr tuL-A mv lrilK4 awrtv ?"
evening nclorc ny Urc- j pmuuiy, aue. me ooys .at, me ugty names, ffieDt fuf their lonJ c UuoJ ear , jn tLc wilL.n ,he
moment, however, she and the girls won't let me play with them, ' cestIv topc ,hlfj af.cr tha clpi,ricIiCe-! z,n, many ol 'the wood lot
's voice in tbe next room, I then I feel so badly, and 1 can not help ' tUeJ tave ,,aJ io our Court ,tc nii!j.k,.. tUat caa n3t bc OF.,roacl
e, and sure to disturb bis i crying. Do tell me, lady, will Jesus nev- . 1h:a ii,,,,,,, Jca!t.rg will profit by Ihe hint ' In the season ef crops, it ,
In the winter,when the swamps are frj-
s are accessible,
pproached in Summer.
will be found ex-
thrown out by a New York paper, aitd ceeJiiig'y iiicinveaieni to q lit mowing or
uot exceeding 120,000,000
But tbe lnnsylcanian says :
"It is evident that tho Opposition in
tends to continue, in Pennsylvania, their
game of deception in relation to tbe Tariff.
j The cry that the Democratic party oj ' the , hcarig di8tance from hig molhcr
know to le falic."
Will wonders never cease ? Which is
the true Democracy ?
the room, and persuaded Ally to come and j Years passed by, and onco more at my ! hcreiflr sc!l the liquor aud poison iu scp-1 hoeing, u draw a load cf green wood ti
oe uressea Py uer, ana, as tne little leliow uoaru.ug-uouse x ut.t mecu.iu, now grown arate packages., inciter Lspre. the door. It will be likely to make seol
ding ic-doors, aud without. A good far.
living room, away from the steams of ov
ens and tbe sights of pots and kettles, con
secrated to rest, to social enjoyment, and
mental cultivation. Let it be fitted up in
the most comfortable and tasteful style
that tbe farmer's me.ns admit of. Let it
he painted and papered, and carpeted, and
furnished with a mirror aad bookcase, and j eggs be equalled. American A-jricul
Rural Annual and riortlrullural Dlrrcltirj Tor f-ftO.
The publisher of the Genesee farmer
gets out each year a handsome little vol
ume of 120 pages, expressly designed as a
hand-book for tbe farmer and fruit-grower.
We bave received the volume for 18G0.
It is filled to overflowing with useful and
interesting information just such matter
as tbe farmer and gardener needs. It is
illustrated with one hundred and seven pic
tures of fruit, evergreen and deciduous
trees, insects, pigeons, ka. Tbe publish
er will send it, prepaid by return mail, on
tbe receipt of twenty-five cents in postago
stamps. Address Joseph Harris, pub
lisher Genesee Farmer, Rochester N. Y.
Boys and Girls! a word for you.
Get out of bed early in the morning
sing, danco and jump till your eyes are
fairly open ; do up your chores and morn
ing work with a will, and then hie off to
school with a light heart and a clear bead,
and you will be happy all day. Tbe ac
tive boy makes the aetive man : the slow,
moping, listless, hry man, was once tbe
boy wbo grumbled when be had a lesson
had no objection to a. ehanr-e nf atfpinlunt ' to womanhood. Her countenance wast I
.. . -i . .i ..it i .:r..i i... . l . .:ti l Ot'F.ltR. The ohirelion t.i Sh.-rmnn
me nursery rouet was very quickly com-1 spin.ua.iy utauiuu,, uu sue si... oore , - , , - ,7 , , , ! mer is known by the aspect of bis wood
pleted. Then she carried bm to the , ... burden of her childhood Being to-, The latter should
DreaKiasi-room, that be niigut be out ol i gemer ior some wceiis, au jouuiacj sprang - . r
i ...i j - irtutiLiuu ui luii.ut'u Ciiriii-it m a piininpr.
up ueiwceu us, auu one uay, as wo ant ; j: , ' " "r ; r - , . .. ... ... ,a
uium.or "lite llllltem ilia Lrisi t,l Hie o .i
i - r
Bridget bad just completed the break
fast arrangements to her own satisfaction,
doubtless, but, as Lilian knew, to the
conversing, she alluded toour first meeting.
"My misfortune," said she, "was long
a source of grievous nnhappincss ; but,
great discomfort of her father; for every ! thank God! there at last came to me an
particular article stood corncrwisc to its , answer to my oft-asked question : 'Shall
neighbor, aud tbe whole effect was as if a
rushing wind had brought cloth, service,
and eatables, and deposited tbem on tbe
table according to its own sweet wiil. As
soon as she had established Ally witb bis
building blocks in tbo corner, Lilian neat
ly aud quietly re-arranged everything up
on tho table, so that an artist's eye could
hardly bave suggested an improvement.
"Mother always did this," said Lilian
to herself. "How careless I have been
not to tbink of it before!"
At this moment. Willie hurst into the
"I wish mother wasn't sick," he ex
claimed. "There's no one to tie my neck
cloth, or put up my dinner for school, or
find my books, or help me with my lessons."
"Perhaps I can fix your neck-tie. Come
here," said Lilian, "and let me try."
"Ob, you don't know how. You never
did it in your life."
"I can learn, though. You shall see,"
1 never cease to bear this cross ?' " And
going to ber portfolio, she banded me tbe
following lines, observing, "That last line
has been my consolation."
The tcnrwill full, 0 Fatherl
bi-D 1 M-e
Tbasp curiou. gtanccs
'jX-tl on mr.
ffnw long this cru. my Sa.ior, matt I bi-mr I
- LittU Unlit tyt no mure can thru" a U ar."
Ihe Ouih will ri.-F, 0 F.thirl
W htfQ I ht-.r
ThoM- rutlt. insultioK urdb
Tint biurr ji-r.
flow Ion?, O Loril t niu.t 1 with trembling ft.rt
T tii thvu IAcjc nwany tevrdt no Mere cuiul hearf
Sul in mj thtOKhts, 0 father I
Well I knot,
Ofttitue. nt-.li.rui an mint
tor tbu Out-p wot.
Flow Ion-, kind Parent! nituit 1 chet-k mrb aribt
"t'ilii Uiy heart no more avilA jiutn can throb."
Then, all mj lift, O Father!
Tt aeb tne how
BeDeaLu Ihe galling erou
To humbly bow.
Ot .hall I DeTer ceaM to lis-l thy rod t
"Ml trmtU ceoM w Acann, at huvu Kith Cod."
W. H. Ilooe, a Postmaster io Virginia,
publishes that two hundred dollars of tbe
be stuffed to its utuics! capacity, while tho
snow makes hauling easy, at
i .,,ivi..i.M. r. i i oi con-raratr.e leisure lasts.
i-.i..... ..-..mi w. ..iiuiia, loruiei iy a ... .. ... . . .
Member of Congress, now Governor elect I Some one, "peaking of the hurrying pro
of tbo Old Domiuion, recommended in ' fensities of the Americans, says : If a big;
1S47, by bis signature, an "A lren to ' mortar could be constructed, which would
the People of IIV-, Virginia, thoteiu.j that throw an immense bomb-shell, containing
ISlaceru u inmritiut to the Public 'rare ' rr. r t-. t . t
. ,.J , . J ' , ' ' ' J , hlteen pascngers, from St. Louts to Bos
aml that it may be aradual'i AbiltJicd, i . . ', . . , , ,
without ,te ;,nent to Ihe Rljhtt and l,t. f. t toD' m fire Uliuu,ei' W1,u an bi0,n,e ccr"
e-ts of Slaveholder. By a S'an&oldero, ,a,s,,J ,nat f,,ur t;c0 W0U'J he killed by
M'ett Virginia. Lex'nujijn, la; Prinlt d ' 'he ex losion, tick- ts for scats by the L'x-
ly 1'. V. Ae. 1S47." That work cou-i press Bomb Sbdl Line, would at once be
tains just as good "treason" as any that ; it a premium, each passenger being anx.
can be found in Helper's book. Iu what ' ions for the chance to prove himself tha
respect, then, is John Sherman a greater ; ltiety fifteenth.
traitor than John Letcher? If the for- A GoCD W-C w7se propose,
mer is unfit to be elccud Speaker of the ! ,Lat the Great Virginia ovstcr fumium,
House of Bepresentativcs, is not the latter vhkx is leing ;n,frprette-d for theunwise,
unfit to be inaugurated Governor of "the j cvstL.r tjs ihM bo miie to p,, for tll9
Mother of States?" It is to be sincerely j cipcn;es which tLc State has lately in.
hoped that our dear sister, Virginia, may ; currcd. c;00j. ye of n,-,h
suffer no violation of ber honor from any
of the doings of this designing L-khtr.
Let him be looked after.
A breeder of fowls saya one of bis shan
ghais, when eating corn, takes one ee.'; at
agree to buy and t at nice Virginia oysters
as long as Virginia will keep her senses.
Let us compromise and settle the matter
on this basis. Providence Jmrnal.
William Hood, was robbed near Corinth,
a time. mats nothing, -r. tx-j A!a rcceDt!y. The Corinth paper say.
cuange; we nave an oia sow mat, wiicu , that the name of the highwayman is un.
pnblie funds are missing from his office,
and he atks "nho has got the money V ! eating swill, takea a hjihewl full at a ' known, but there is lj d juU that h
to learn. WaKc up, then, aad off to school. a-J e 6ir,j an(1 6u0 secretly rc- Possibly echo may ansKtr icct I5UT- I alio thin' Hood.